path: root/apps/files
diff options
authorBart Visscher <>2012-11-30 04:10:31 -0800
committerBart Visscher <>2012-11-30 04:10:31 -0800
commit8aba5874db5049a69ade3c740b05f7462a589ef9 (patch)
tree1f3e01ae8831e04cf3ac514b9c9afbcd94423854 /apps/files
parentf820596825883828d4f45a10a9f3a9317af3de1d (diff)
parent3b83fe153062508d4a4d70958ad1a5281eaab81e (diff)
Merge pull request #644 from butonic/checkstyle_fixes
fix checkstyle for files app
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files')
10 files changed, 152 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files/admin.php b/apps/files/admin.php
index 76616bc4373..80fd4f4e4a5 100644
--- a/apps/files/admin.php
+++ b/apps/files/admin.php
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ if($_POST && OC_Util::isCallRegistered()) {
OCP\Config::setSystemValue('allowZipDownload', isset($_POST['allowZipDownload']));
-$maxZipInputSize = OCP\Util::humanFileSize(OCP\Config::getSystemValue('maxZipInputSize', OCP\Util::computerFileSize('800 MB')));
+$maxZipInputSizeDefault = OCP\Util::computerFileSize('800 MB');
+$maxZipInputSize = OCP\Util::humanFileSize(OCP\Config::getSystemValue('maxZipInputSize', $maxZipInputSizeDefault));
$allowZipDownload = intval(OCP\Config::getSystemValue('allowZipDownload', true));
OCP\App::setActiveNavigationEntry( "files_administration" );
diff --git a/apps/files/ajax/upload.php b/apps/files/ajax/upload.php
index c3d3199a003..e7823bc4ffb 100644
--- a/apps/files/ajax/upload.php
+++ b/apps/files/ajax/upload.php
@@ -10,22 +10,24 @@ OCP\JSON::checkLoggedIn();
if (!isset($_FILES['files'])) {
- OCP\JSON::error(array("data" => array( "message" => "No file was uploaded. Unknown error" )));
+ OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array( 'message' => 'No file was uploaded. Unknown error' )));
foreach ($_FILES['files']['error'] as $error) {
if ($error != 0) {
$errors = array(
- UPLOAD_ERR_OK=>$l->t("There is no error, the file uploaded with success"),
- UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE=>$l->t("The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini").ini_get('upload_max_filesize'),
- UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE=>$l->t("The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form"),
- UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL=>$l->t("The uploaded file was only partially uploaded"),
- UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE=>$l->t("No file was uploaded"),
- UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR=>$l->t("Missing a temporary folder"),
+ UPLOAD_ERR_OK=>$l->t('There is no error, the file uploaded with success'),
+ UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE=>$l->t('The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini: ')
+ .ini_get('upload_max_filesize'),
+ UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE=>$l->t('The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified'
+ .' in the HTML form'),
+ UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL=>$l->t('The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'),
+ UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE=>$l->t('No file was uploaded'),
+ UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR=>$l->t('Missing a temporary folder'),
UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE=>$l->t('Failed to write to disk'),
- OCP\JSON::error(array("data" => array( "message" => $errors[$error] )));
+ OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array( 'message' => $errors[$error] )));
@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ foreach($files['size'] as $size) {
if($totalSize>OC_Filesystem::free_space($dir)) {
- OCP\JSON::error(array("data" => array( "message" => "Not enough space available" )));
+ OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array( 'message' => 'Not enough space available' )));
@@ -47,13 +49,17 @@ $result=array();
if(strpos($dir, '..') === false) {
for($i=0;$i<$fileCount;$i++) {
- $target = OCP\Files::buildNotExistingFileName(stripslashes($dir), $files['name'][$i]);
+ $target = OCP\Files::buildNotExistingFileName(stripslashes($dir), $files['name'][$i]);
// $path needs to be normalized - this failed within drag'n'drop upload to a sub-folder
$target = OC_Filesystem::normalizePath($target);
if(is_uploaded_file($files['tmp_name'][$i]) and OC_Filesystem::fromTmpFile($files['tmp_name'][$i], $target)) {
$meta = OC_FileCache::get($target);
$id = OC_FileCache::getId($target);
- $result[]=array( "status" => "success", 'mime'=>$meta['mimetype'], 'size'=>$meta['size'], 'id'=>$id, 'name'=>basename($target));
+ $result[]=array( 'status' => 'success',
+ 'mime'=>$meta['mimetype'],
+ 'size'=>$meta['size'],
+ 'id'=>$id,
+ 'name'=>basename($target));
@@ -62,4 +68,4 @@ if(strpos($dir, '..') === false) {
$error='invalid dir';
-OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array('error' => $error, "file" => $fileName)));
+OCP\JSON::error(array('data' => array('error' => $error, 'file' => $fileName)));
diff --git a/apps/files/appinfo/app.php b/apps/files/appinfo/app.php
index b431ddfec02..108f02930e2 100644
--- a/apps/files/appinfo/app.php
+++ b/apps/files/appinfo/app.php
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ $l=OC_L10N::get('files');
OCP\App::registerAdmin('files', 'admin');
-OCP\App::addNavigationEntry( array( "id" => "files_index", "order" => 0, "href" => OCP\Util::linkTo( "files", "index.php" ), "icon" => OCP\Util::imagePath( "core", "places/home.svg" ), "name" => $l->t("Files") ));
+OCP\App::addNavigationEntry( array( "id" => "files_index",
+ "order" => 0,
+ "href" => OCP\Util::linkTo( "files", "index.php" ),
+ "icon" => OCP\Util::imagePath( "core", "places/home.svg" ),
+ "name" => $l->t("Files") ));
diff --git a/apps/files/appinfo/filesync.php b/apps/files/appinfo/filesync.php
index 0e368cb0f42..cbed56a6de5 100644
--- a/apps/files/appinfo/filesync.php
+++ b/apps/files/appinfo/filesync.php
@@ -24,16 +24,16 @@
$RUNTIME_APPTYPES=array('filesystem', 'authentication', 'logging');
if(!OC_User::isLoggedIn()) {
- if(!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
- header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="ownCloud Server"');
- header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
- echo 'Valid credentials must be supplied';
- exit();
- } else {
- if(!OC_User::login($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"], $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"])) {
- exit();
- }
- }
+ if(!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
+ header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="ownCloud Server"');
+ header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
+ echo 'Valid credentials must be supplied';
+ exit();
+ } else {
+ if(!OC_User::login($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"], $_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"])) {
+ exit();
+ }
+ }
list($type, $file) = explode('/', substr($path_info, 1+strlen($service)+1), 2);
diff --git a/apps/files/appinfo/routes.php b/apps/files/appinfo/routes.php
index e1ab560803d..043782a9c04 100644
--- a/apps/files/appinfo/routes.php
+++ b/apps/files/appinfo/routes.php
@@ -8,5 +8,4 @@
$this->create('download', 'download{file}')
->requirements(array('file' => '.*'))
- ->actionInclude('files/download.php');
+ ->actionInclude('files/download.php'); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files/appinfo/update.php b/apps/files/appinfo/update.php
index 29782ec643e..3503678e7c7 100644
--- a/apps/files/appinfo/update.php
+++ b/apps/files/appinfo/update.php
@@ -3,12 +3,15 @@
// fix webdav properties,add namespace in front of the property, update for OC4.5
$installedVersion=OCP\Config::getAppValue('files', 'installed_version');
if (version_compare($installedVersion, '1.1.6', '<')) {
- $query = OC_DB::prepare( "SELECT `propertyname`, `propertypath`, `userid` FROM `*PREFIX*properties`" );
+ $query = OC_DB::prepare( 'SELECT `propertyname`, `propertypath`, `userid` FROM `*PREFIX*properties`' );
$result = $query->execute();
- $updateQuery = OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*properties` SET `propertyname` = ? WHERE `userid` = ? AND `propertypath` = ?');
+ $updateQuery = OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE `*PREFIX*properties`'
+ .' SET `propertyname` = ?'
+ .' WHERE `userid` = ?'
+ .' AND `propertypath` = ?');
while( $row = $result->fetchRow()) {
- if ( $row["propertyname"][0] != '{' ) {
- $updateQuery->execute(array('{DAV:}' + $row["propertyname"], $row["userid"], $row["propertypath"]));
+ if ( $row['propertyname'][0] != '{' ) {
+ $updateQuery->execute(array('{DAV:}' + $row['propertyname'], $row['userid'], $row['propertypath']));
@@ -36,10 +39,11 @@ foreach($filesToRemove as $file) {
if(!file_exists($filepath)) {
- $success = OCP\Files::rmdirr($filepath);
- if($success === false) {
+ $success = OCP\Files::rmdirr($filepath);
+ if($success === false) {
//probably not sufficient privileges, give up and give a message.
- OCP\Util::writeLog('files', 'Could not clean /files/ directory. Please remove everything except webdav.php from ' . OC::$SERVERROOT . '/files/', OCP\Util::ERROR);
+ OCP\Util::writeLog('files', 'Could not clean /files/ directory.'
+ .' Please remove everything except webdav.php from ' . OC::$SERVERROOT . '/files/', OCP\Util::ERROR);
- }
+ }
diff --git a/apps/files/templates/admin.php b/apps/files/templates/admin.php
index a60a1cebaf9..66fec4cd536 100644
--- a/apps/files/templates/admin.php
+++ b/apps/files/templates/admin.php
@@ -4,14 +4,22 @@
<fieldset class="personalblock">
<legend><strong><?php echo $l->t('File handling');?></strong></legend>
<?php if($_['uploadChangable']):?>
- <label for="maxUploadSize"><?php echo $l->t( 'Maximum upload size' ); ?> </label><input name='maxUploadSize' id="maxUploadSize" value='<?php echo $_['uploadMaxFilesize'] ?>'/>(<?php echo $l->t('max. possible: '); echo $_['maxPossibleUploadSize'] ?>)<br/>
+ <label for="maxUploadSize"><?php echo $l->t( 'Maximum upload size' ); ?> </label>
+ <input name='maxUploadSize' id="maxUploadSize" value='<?php echo $_['uploadMaxFilesize'] ?>'/>
+ (<?php echo $l->t('max. possible: '); echo $_['maxPossibleUploadSize'] ?>)<br/>
<?php endif;?>
- <input type="checkbox" name="allowZipDownload" id="allowZipDownload" value="1" title="<?php echo $l->t( 'Needed for multi-file and folder downloads.' ); ?>"<?php if ($_['allowZipDownload']) echo ' checked="checked"'; ?> /> <label for="allowZipDownload"><?php echo $l->t( 'Enable ZIP-download' ); ?></label> <br/>
+ <input type="checkbox" name="allowZipDownload" id="allowZipDownload" value="1"
+ title="<?php echo $l->t( 'Needed for multi-file and folder downloads.' ); ?>"
+ <?php if ($_['allowZipDownload']): ?> checked="checked"<?php endif; ?> />
+ <label for="allowZipDownload"><?php echo $l->t( 'Enable ZIP-download' ); ?></label><br/>
- <input name="maxZipInputSize" id="maxZipInputSize" style="width:180px;" value='<?php echo $_['maxZipInputSize'] ?>' title="<?php echo $l->t( '0 is unlimited' ); ?>"<?php if (!$_['allowZipDownload']) echo ' disabled="disabled"'; ?> />
- <label for="maxZipInputSize"><?php echo $l->t( 'Maximum input size for ZIP files' ); ?> </label><br />
+ <input name="maxZipInputSize" id="maxZipInputSize" style="width:180px;" value='<?php echo $_['maxZipInputSize'] ?>'
+ title="<?php echo $l->t( '0 is unlimited' ); ?>"
+ <?php if (!$_['allowZipDownload']): ?> disabled="disabled"<?php endif; ?> />
+ <label for="maxZipInputSize"><?php echo $l->t( 'Maximum input size for ZIP files' ); ?> </label><br />
<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $_['requesttoken']; ?>" name="requesttoken" />
- <input type="submit" name="submitFilesAdminSettings" id="submitFilesAdminSettings" value="<?php echo $l->t( 'Save' ); ?>"/>
+ <input type="submit" name="submitFilesAdminSettings" id="submitFilesAdminSettings"
+ value="<?php echo $l->t( 'Save' ); ?>"/>
+</form> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files/templates/index.php b/apps/files/templates/index.php
index 725390d4505..de440a6f79c 100644
--- a/apps/files/templates/index.php
+++ b/apps/files/templates/index.php
@@ -6,27 +6,42 @@
<div id='new' class='button'>
<a><?php echo $l->t('New');?></a>
<ul class="popup popupTop">
- <li style="background-image:url('<?php echo OCP\mimetype_icon('text/plain') ?>')" data-type='file'><p><?php echo $l->t('Text file');?></p></li>
- <li style="background-image:url('<?php echo OCP\mimetype_icon('dir') ?>')" data-type='folder'><p><?php echo $l->t('Folder');?></p></li>
- <li style="background-image:url('<?php echo OCP\image_path('core', 'actions/public.png') ?>')" data-type='web'><p><?php echo $l->t('From link');?></p></li>
+ <li style="background-image:url('<?php echo OCP\mimetype_icon('text/plain') ?>')"
+ data-type='file'><p><?php echo $l->t('Text file');?></p></li>
+ <li style="background-image:url('<?php echo OCP\mimetype_icon('dir') ?>')"
+ data-type='folder'><p><?php echo $l->t('Folder');?></p></li>
+ <li style="background-image:url('<?php echo OCP\image_path('core', 'actions/public.png') ?>')"
+ data-type='web'><p><?php echo $l->t('From link');?></p></li>
<div class="file_upload_wrapper svg">
- <form data-upload-id='1' id="data-upload-form" class="file_upload_form" action="<?php echo OCP\Util::linkTo('files', 'ajax/upload.php'); ?>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="file_upload_target_1">
- <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?php echo $_['uploadMaxFilesize'] ?>" id="max_upload">
- <!-- Send the requesttoken, this is needed for older IE versions because they don't send the CSRF token via HTTP header in this case -->
+ <form data-upload-id='1'
+ id="data-upload-form"
+ class="file_upload_form"
+ action="<?php echo OCP\Util::linkTo('files', 'ajax/upload.php'); ?>"
+ method="post"
+ enctype="multipart/form-data"
+ target="file_upload_target_1">
+ <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" id="max_upload"
+ value="<?php echo $_['uploadMaxFilesize'] ?>">
+ <!-- Send the requesttoken, this is needed for older IE versions
+ because they don't send the CSRF token via HTTP header in this case -->
<input type="hidden" name="requesttoken" value="<?php echo $_['requesttoken'] ?>" id="requesttoken">
- <input type="hidden" class="max_human_file_size" value="(max <?php echo $_['uploadMaxHumanFilesize']; ?>)">
+ <input type="hidden" class="max_human_file_size"
+ value="(max <?php echo $_['uploadMaxHumanFilesize']; ?>)">
<input type="hidden" name="dir" value="<?php echo $_['dir'] ?>" id="dir">
<input class="file_upload_start" type="file" name='files[]'/>
- <a href="#" class="file_upload_button_wrapper" onclick="return false;" title="<?php echo $l->t('Upload'); echo ' max. '.$_['uploadMaxHumanFilesize'] ?>"></a>
+ <a href="#" class="file_upload_button_wrapper" onclick="return false;"
+ title="<?php echo $l->t('Upload'); echo ' max. '.$_['uploadMaxHumanFilesize'] ?>"></a>
<button class="file_upload_filename"></button>
<iframe name="file_upload_target_1" class='file_upload_target' src=""></iframe>
<div id="upload">
<div id="uploadprogressbar"></div>
- <input type="button" class="stop" style="display:none" value="<?php echo $l->t('Cancel upload');?>" onclick="javascript:Files.cancelUploads();" />
+ <input type="button" class="stop" style="display:none"
+ value="<?php echo $l->t('Cancel upload');?>"
+ onclick="javascript:Files.cancelUploads();" />
@@ -49,9 +64,12 @@
<input type="checkbox" id="select_all" />
<span class='name'><?php echo $l->t( 'Name' ); ?></span>
<span class='selectedActions'>
-<!-- <a href="" class="share"><img class='svg' alt="Share" src="<?php echo OCP\image_path("core", "actions/share.svg"); ?>" /> <?php echo $l->t('Share')?></a> -->
<?php if($_['allowZipDownload']) : ?>
- <a href="" class="download"><img class='svg' alt="Download" src="<?php echo OCP\image_path("core", "actions/download.svg"); ?>" /> <?php echo $l->t('Download')?></a>
+ <a href="" class="download">
+ <img class="svg" alt="Download"
+ src="<?php echo OCP\image_path("core", "actions/download.svg"); ?>" />
+ <?php echo $l->t('Download')?>
+ </a>
<?php endif; ?>
@@ -61,9 +79,17 @@
<?php if ($_['permissions'] & OCP\PERMISSION_DELETE): ?>
<!-- NOTE: Temporary fix to allow unsharing of files in root of Shared folder -->
<?php if ($_['dir'] == '/Shared'): ?>
- <span class="selectedActions"><a href="" class="delete"><?php echo $l->t('Unshare')?> <img class="svg" alt="<?php echo $l->t('Unshare')?>" src="<?php echo OCP\image_path("core", "actions/delete.svg"); ?>" /></a></span>
+ <span class="selectedActions"><a href="" class="delete">
+ <?php echo $l->t('Unshare')?>
+ <img class="svg" alt="<?php echo $l->t('Unshare')?>"
+ src="<?php echo OCP\image_path("core", "actions/delete.svg"); ?>" />
+ </a></span>
<?php else: ?>
- <span class="selectedActions"><a href="" class="delete"><?php echo $l->t('Delete')?> <img class="svg" alt="<?php echo $l->t('Delete')?>" src="<?php echo OCP\image_path("core", "actions/delete.svg"); ?>" /></a></span>
+ <span class="selectedActions"><a href="" class="delete">
+ <?php echo $l->t('Delete')?>
+ <img class="svg" alt="<?php echo $l->t('Delete')?>"
+ src="<?php echo OCP\image_path("core", "actions/delete.svg"); ?>" />
+ </a></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
@@ -76,7 +102,7 @@
<div id="editor"></div>
<div id="uploadsize-message" title="<?php echo $l->t('Upload too large')?>">
- <?php echo $l->t('The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server.');?>
+ <?php echo $l->t('The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server.');?>
<div id="scanning-message">
diff --git a/apps/files/templates/part.breadcrumb.php b/apps/files/templates/part.breadcrumb.php
index ba1432c1b8f..f7b1a6076d8 100644
--- a/apps/files/templates/part.breadcrumb.php
+++ b/apps/files/templates/part.breadcrumb.php
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
<?php for($i=0; $i<count($_["breadcrumb"]); $i++):
$crumb = $_["breadcrumb"][$i];
- $dir = str_replace('+','%20', urlencode($crumb["dir"])); ?>
- <div class="crumb <?php if($i == count($_["breadcrumb"])-1) echo 'last';?> svg" data-dir='<?php echo $dir;?>' style='background-image:url("<?php echo OCP\image_path('core', 'breadcrumb.png');?>")'>
+ $dir = str_replace('+', '%20', urlencode($crumb["dir"])); ?>
+ <div class="crumb <?php if($i == count($_["breadcrumb"])-1) echo 'last';?> svg"
+ data-dir='<?php echo $dir;?>'
+ style='background-image:url("<?php echo OCP\image_path('core', 'breadcrumb.png');?>")'>
<a href="<?php echo $_['baseURL'].$dir; ?>"><?php echo OCP\Util::sanitizeHTML($crumb["name"]); ?></a>
- <?php endfor;?>
+ <?php endfor; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files/templates/part.list.php b/apps/files/templates/part.list.php
index 4b5ac325672..4c765adb7af 100644
--- a/apps/files/templates/part.list.php
+++ b/apps/files/templates/part.list.php
@@ -1,32 +1,49 @@
<script type="text/javascript">
- <?php if ( array_key_exists('publicListView', $_) && $_['publicListView'] == true ) {
- echo "var publicListView = true;";
- } else {
- echo "var publicListView = false;";
- }
- ?>
+ <?php if ( array_key_exists('publicListView', $_) && $_['publicListView'] == true ) :?>
+ var publicListView = true;
+ <?php else: ?>
+ var publicListView = false;
+ <?php endif; ?>
<?php foreach($_['files'] as $file):
$simple_file_size = OCP\simple_file_size($file['size']);
- $simple_size_color = intval(200-$file['size']/(1024*1024)*2); // the bigger the file, the darker the shade of grey; megabytes*2
+ // the bigger the file, the darker the shade of grey; megabytes*2
+ $simple_size_color = intval(200-$file['size']/(1024*1024)*2);
if($simple_size_color<0) $simple_size_color = 0;
$relative_modified_date = OCP\relative_modified_date($file['mtime']);
- $relative_date_color = round((time()-$file['mtime'])/60/60/24*14); // the older the file, the brighter the shade of grey; days*14
+ // the older the file, the brighter the shade of grey; days*14
+ $relative_date_color = round((time()-$file['mtime'])/60/60/24*14);
if($relative_date_color>200) $relative_date_color = 200;
$name = str_replace('+', '%20', urlencode($file['name']));
$name = str_replace('%2F', '/', $name);
$directory = str_replace('+', '%20', urlencode($file['directory']));
$directory = str_replace('%2F', '/', $directory); ?>
- <tr data-id="<?php echo $file['id']; ?>" data-file="<?php echo $name;?>" data-type="<?php echo ($file['type'] == 'dir')?'dir':'file'?>" data-mime="<?php echo $file['mimetype']?>" data-size='<?php echo $file['size'];?>' data-permissions='<?php echo $file['permissions']; ?>'>
- <td class="filename svg" style="background-image:url(<?php if($file['type'] == 'dir') echo OCP\mimetype_icon('dir'); else echo OCP\mimetype_icon($file['mimetype']); ?>)">
- <?php if(!isset($_['readonly']) || !$_['readonly']) { ?><input type="checkbox" /><?php } ?>
- <a class="name" href="<?php if($file['type'] == 'dir') echo $_['baseURL'].$directory.'/'.$name; else echo $_['downloadURL'].$directory.'/'.$name; ?>" title="">
+ <tr data-id="<?php echo $file['id']; ?>"
+ data-file="<?php echo $name;?>"
+ data-type="<?php echo ($file['type'] == 'dir')?'dir':'file'?>"
+ data-mime="<?php echo $file['mimetype']?>"
+ data-size='<?php echo $file['size'];?>'
+ data-permissions='<?php echo $file['permissions']; ?>'>
+ <td class="filename svg"
+ <?php if($file['type'] == 'dir'): ?>
+ style="background-image:url(<?php echo OCP\mimetype_icon('dir'); ?>)"
+ <?php else: ?>
+ style="background-image:url(<?php echo OCP\mimetype_icon($file['mimetype']); ?>)"
+ <?php endif; ?>
+ >
+ <?php if(!isset($_['readonly']) || !$_['readonly']): ?><input type="checkbox" /><?php endif; ?>
+ <?php if($file['type'] == 'dir'): ?>
+ <a class="name" href="<?php $_['baseURL'].$directory.'/'.$name; ?>)" title="">
+ <?php else: ?>
+ <a class="name" href="<?php echo $_['downloadURL'].$directory.'/'.$name; ?>" title="">
+ <?php endif; ?>
<span class="nametext">
<?php if($file['type'] == 'dir'):?>
<?php echo htmlspecialchars($file['name']);?>
<?php else:?>
- <?php echo htmlspecialchars($file['basename']);?><span class='extension'><?php echo $file['extension'];?></span>
+ <?php echo htmlspecialchars($file['basename']);?><span
+ class='extension'><?php echo $file['extension'];?></span>
<?php endif;?>
<?php if($file['type'] == 'dir'):?>
@@ -35,7 +52,19 @@
<?php endif;?>
- <td class="filesize" title="<?php echo OCP\human_file_size($file['size']); ?>" style="color:rgb(<?php echo $simple_size_color.','.$simple_size_color.','.$simple_size_color ?>)"><?php echo $simple_file_size; ?></td>
- <td class="date"><span class="modified" title="<?php echo $file['date']; ?>" style="color:rgb(<?php echo $relative_date_color.','.$relative_date_color.','.$relative_date_color ?>)"><?php echo $relative_modified_date; ?></span></td>
+ <td class="filesize"
+ title="<?php echo OCP\human_file_size($file['size']); ?>"
+ style="color:rgb(<?php echo $simple_size_color.','.$simple_size_color.','.$simple_size_color ?>)">
+ <?php echo $simple_file_size; ?>
+ </td>
+ <td class="date">
+ <span class="modified"
+ title="<?php echo $file['date']; ?>"
+ style="color:rgb(<?php echo $relative_date_color.','
+ .$relative_date_color.','
+ .$relative_date_color ?>)">
+ <?php echo $relative_modified_date; ?>
+ </span>
+ </td>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
+ <?php endforeach; \ No newline at end of file