path: root/apps/files
diff options
authorJenkins for ownCloud <>2012-09-22 01:18:31 +0200
committerJenkins for ownCloud <>2012-09-22 01:18:31 +0200
commit01160d0fb488820c41a311e576797ed323023a06 (patch)
tree3d73a11881dd9fc560eb2725ba2b550a53931bfd /apps/files
parentd5055639b2d3269e02ecb378f4db6b7a6fa88473 (diff)
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files')
4 files changed, 22 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ca.php b/apps/files/l10n/ca.php
index 26c6ad4de6f..97eccd5ee4c 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ca.php
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ca.php
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"Upload cancelled." => "La pujada s'ha cancel·lat.",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Hi ha una pujada en curs. Si abandoneu la pàgina la pujada es cancel·larà.",
"Invalid name, '/' is not allowed." => "El nom no és vàlid, no es permet '/'.",
+"files scanned" => "arxius escanejats",
+"error while scanning" => "error durant l'escaneig",
"Size" => "Mida",
"Modified" => "Modificat",
"folder" => "carpeta",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es.php b/apps/files/l10n/es.php
index d07149d8595..5c2a0e74f49 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es.php
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es.php
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"Failed to write to disk" => "La escritura en disco ha fallado",
"Files" => "Archivos",
"Unshare" => "Dejar de compartir",
-"Delete" => "Eliminado",
+"Delete" => "Eliminar",
"already exists" => "ya existe",
"replace" => "reemplazar",
"suggest name" => "sugerir nombre",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sk_SK.php b/apps/files/l10n/sk_SK.php
index 8a31c550320..915303205cd 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sk_SK.php
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sk_SK.php
@@ -7,13 +7,26 @@
"Missing a temporary folder" => "Chýbajúci dočasný priečinok",
"Failed to write to disk" => "Zápis na disk sa nepodaril",
"Files" => "Súbory",
+"Unshare" => "Nezdielať",
"Delete" => "Odstrániť",
+"already exists" => "už existuje",
+"replace" => "nahradiť",
+"suggest name" => "pomôcť s menom",
+"cancel" => "zrušiť",
+"replaced" => "zmenené",
+"undo" => "vrátiť",
+"with" => "s",
+"unshared" => "zdielané",
+"deleted" => "zmazané",
"generating ZIP-file, it may take some time." => "generujem ZIP-súbor, môže to chvíľu trvať.",
"Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "Nemôžem nahrať súbor lebo je to priečinok alebo má 0 bajtov.",
"Upload Error" => "Chyba nahrávania",
"Pending" => "Čaká sa",
"Upload cancelled." => "Nahrávanie zrušené",
+"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "Opustenie stránky zruší práve prebiehajúce odosielanie súboru.",
"Invalid name, '/' is not allowed." => "Chybný názov, \"/\" nie je povolené",
+"files scanned" => "skontrolovaných súborov",
+"error while scanning" => "chyba počas kontroly",
"Size" => "Veľkosť",
"Modified" => "Upravené",
"folder" => "priečinok",
@@ -21,23 +34,24 @@
"file" => "súbor",
"files" => "súbory",
"File handling" => "Nastavenie správanie k súborom",
-"Maximum upload size" => "Maximálna veľkosť nahratia",
+"Maximum upload size" => "Maximálna veľkosť odosielaného súboru",
"max. possible: " => "najväčšie možné:",
"Needed for multi-file and folder downloads." => "Vyžadované pre sťahovanie viacerých súborov a adresárov.",
"Enable ZIP-download" => "Povoliť sťahovanie ZIP súborov",
"0 is unlimited" => "0 znamená neobmedzené",
"Maximum input size for ZIP files" => "Najväčšia veľkosť ZIP súborov",
+"Save" => "Uložiť",
"New" => "Nový",
"Text file" => "Textový súbor",
"Folder" => "Priečinok",
"From url" => "Z url",
"Upload" => "Nahrať",
"Cancel upload" => "Zrušiť odosielanie",
-"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Nič tu nie je. Nahrajte niečo!",
+"Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Žiadny súbor. Nahrajte niečo!",
"Name" => "Meno",
"Share" => "Zdielať",
"Download" => "Stiahnuť",
-"Upload too large" => "Nahrávanie príliš veľké",
+"Upload too large" => "Odosielaný súbor je príliš veľký",
"The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server." => "Súbory ktoré sa snažíte nahrať presahujú maximálnu veľkosť pre nahratie súborov na tento server.",
"Files are being scanned, please wait." => "Súbory sa práve prehľadávajú, prosím čakajte.",
"Current scanning" => "Práve prehliadané"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312.php b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312.php
index 846f4234de1..9e4b39b8566 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312.php
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312.php
@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
"Upload cancelled." => "上传取消了",
"File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload." => "文件正在上传。关闭页面会取消上传。",
"Invalid name, '/' is not allowed." => "非法文件名,\"/\"是不被许可的",
+"files scanned" => "文件已扫描",
+"error while scanning" => "扫描出错",
"Size" => "大小",
"Modified" => "修改日期",
"folder" => "文件夹",