path: root/apps/files_encryption/l10n
diff options
authorJenkins for ownCloud <>2013-06-05 02:01:42 +0200
committerJenkins for ownCloud <>2013-06-05 02:01:42 +0200
commit666a5c1cc7ed21f2b2e72c038e6fc6b1849a82a1 (patch)
tree32d6ae5cde17122febc4142b97c758cd7c984112 /apps/files_encryption/l10n
parentc59ee99d932eb9a5d7df8fdfb6c318abfdef88b7 (diff)
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files_encryption/l10n')
6 files changed, 109 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ca.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ca.php
index 46e91d1f070..5db1d7e58c5 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ca.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ca.php
@@ -1,4 +1,22 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Recovery key successfully enabled" => "La clau de recuperació s'ha activat",
+"Could not enable recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!" => "No s'ha pogut activar la clau de recuperació. Comproveu contrasenya de la clau de recuperació!",
+"Recovery key successfully disabled" => "La clau de recuperació s'ha descativat",
+"Could not disable recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!" => "No s'ha pogut desactivar la calu de recuperació. Comproveu la contrasenya de la clau de recuperació!",
+"Password successfully changed." => "La contrasenya s'ha canviat.",
+"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "No s'ha pogut canviar la contrasenya. Potser la contrasenya anterior no era correcta.",
"Saving..." => "Desant...",
-"Encryption" => "Xifrat"
+"Encryption" => "Xifrat",
+"Enable encryption passwords recovery key (allow sharing to recovery key):" => "Activa la clau de recuperació de contrasenya (permet compartir la clau de recuperació):",
+"Recovery account password" => "Contrasenya de recuperació del compte",
+"Enabled" => "Activat",
+"Disabled" => "Desactivat",
+"Change encryption passwords recovery key:" => "Canvia la clau de recuperació de la contrasenya:",
+"Old Recovery account password" => "Contrasenya de recuperació anterior",
+"New Recovery account password" => "Nova contrasenya de recuperació de compte",
+"Change Password" => "Canvia la contrasenya",
+"Enable password recovery by sharing all files with your administrator:" => "Activa la recuperació de contrasenya compartint tots els fitxers amb l'administrador:",
+"Enabling this option will allow you to reobtain access to your encrypted files if your password is lost" => "Activant aquesta opció us permetrà obtenir de nou accés als fitxers encriptats si perdeu la contrasenya",
+"File recovery settings updated" => "S'han actualitzat els arranjaments de recuperació de fitxers",
+"Could not update file recovery" => "No s'ha pogut actualitzar la recuperació de fitxers"
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.php
index f9b2dd06b6f..ba223cff8df 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.php
@@ -1,4 +1,22 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Recovery key successfully enabled" => "Záchranný klíč byl úspěšně povolen",
+"Could not enable recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!" => "Nepodařilo se povolit záchranný klíč. Zkontrolujte prosím vaše heslo záchranného klíče!",
+"Recovery key successfully disabled" => "Záchranný klíč byl úspěšně zakázán",
+"Could not disable recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!" => "Nepodařilo se zakázat záchranný klíč. Zkontrolujte prosím vaše heslo záchranného klíče!",
+"Password successfully changed." => "Heslo bylo úspěšně změněno.",
+"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Heslo se nepodařilo změnit. Pravděpodobně nebylo stávající heslo zadáno správně.",
"Saving..." => "Ukládám...",
-"Encryption" => "Šifrování"
+"Encryption" => "Šifrování",
+"Enable encryption passwords recovery key (allow sharing to recovery key):" => "Povolit šifrování hesel záchranným klíčem (povolí sdílený záchranný klíč):",
+"Recovery account password" => "Heslo pro obnovu účtu",
+"Enabled" => "Povolit",
+"Disabled" => "Zakázat",
+"Change encryption passwords recovery key:" => "Změnit šifrovací hesla záchranného klíče",
+"Old Recovery account password" => "Stávající heslo pro obnovu účtu",
+"New Recovery account password" => "Nové heslo pro obnovu účtu",
+"Change Password" => "Změnit heslo",
+"Enable password recovery by sharing all files with your administrator:" => "Povolit obnovu hesla sdílením všech souborů s vaším administrátorem:",
+"Enabling this option will allow you to reobtain access to your encrypted files if your password is lost" => "Povolení této volby vám umožní získat přístup k vašim zašifrovaným souborům pokud ztratíte heslo",
+"File recovery settings updated" => "Možnosti obnovy souboru upraveny",
+"Could not update file recovery" => "Nepodařilo se změnit možnosti obnovy souboru"
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de.php
index 2ab77f480cf..18fe7df6487 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de.php
@@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Recovery key successfully enabled" => "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel wurde erfolgreich aktiviert",
+"Could not enable recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!" => "Der Wiederherstellungsschlüssel konnte nicht aktiviert werden. Überprüfen Sie Ihr Wiederherstellungspasswort!",
+"Recovery key successfully disabled" => "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel deaktiviert.",
+"Could not disable recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!" => "Der Wiederherstellungsschlüssel konnte nicht deaktiviert werden. Überprüfen Sie Ihr Wiederherstellungspasswort!",
+"Password successfully changed." => "Dein Passwort wurde geändert.",
+"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Das Passwort konnte nicht geändert werden. Vielleicht war das alte Passwort falsch.",
"Saving..." => "Speichern...",
-"Encryption" => "Verschlüsselung"
+"Encryption" => "Verschlüsselung",
+"Recovery account password" => "Password zurücksetzen",
+"Enabled" => "Aktiviert",
+"Disabled" => "Deaktiviert",
+"Change encryption passwords recovery key:" => "Wiederherstellungsschlüssel für Passwörter ändern:",
+"Change Password" => "Passwort ändern",
+"Enabling this option will allow you to reobtain access to your encrypted files if your password is lost" => "Wenn Sie diese Einstellung aktivieren, können Sie auch im Falle des Verlustes Ihres Passworts auf verschlüsselte Dateien zugreifen",
+"File recovery settings updated" => "Einstellungen zur Wiederherstellung von Dateien wurden aktualisiert"
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/fr.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/fr.php
index 98fb70691df..af4fd1a893f 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/fr.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/fr.php
@@ -1,4 +1,22 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Recovery key successfully enabled" => "Clé de récupération activée avec succès",
+"Could not enable recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!" => "Ne peut pas activer la clé de récupération. s'il vous plait vérifiez votre mot de passe de clé de récupération!",
+"Recovery key successfully disabled" => "Clé de récupération désactivée avc succès",
+"Could not disable recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!" => "Ne peut pas désactiver la clé de récupération. S'il vous plait vérifiez votre mot de passe de clé de récupération!",
+"Password successfully changed." => "Mot de passe changé avec succès ",
+"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Ne peut pas changer le mot de passe. L'ancien mot de passe est peut-être incorrect.",
"Saving..." => "Enregistrement...",
-"Encryption" => "Chiffrement"
+"Encryption" => "Chiffrement",
+"Enable encryption passwords recovery key (allow sharing to recovery key):" => "Activer la clé de récupération par mots de passe de cryptage (autoriser le partage de la clé de récupération) ",
+"Recovery account password" => "Rétablissement du compte mot de passe ",
+"Enabled" => "Activer",
+"Disabled" => "Désactiver",
+"Change encryption passwords recovery key:" => "Changer les mots de passe de cryptage par la clé de récupération",
+"Old Recovery account password" => "Ancien compte de récupération de mots de passe",
+"New Recovery account password" => "Nouveau compte de récupération de mots de passe",
+"Change Password" => "Changer de mot de passe",
+"Enable password recovery by sharing all files with your administrator:" => "Activer la récupération des mots de passe en partageant les fichiers avec votre administrateur:",
+"Enabling this option will allow you to reobtain access to your encrypted files if your password is lost" => "En activant cette option cela vous autorisera à récupérer votre accès aux fichiers cryptés si votre mot de passe est perdu",
+"File recovery settings updated" => "Mise à jour des paramètres de récupération de fichiers ",
+"Could not update file recovery" => "Ne peut pas remettre à jour les fichiers de récupération"
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/lt_LT.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/lt_LT.php
index 6bc80ff44ab..8e9d02c3b13 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/lt_LT.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/lt_LT.php
@@ -1,4 +1,22 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Recovery key successfully enabled" => "Atkūrimo raktas sėkmingai įjungtas",
+"Could not enable recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!" => "Neišėjo įjungti jūsų atkūrimo rakto. Prašome jį patikrinti!",
+"Recovery key successfully disabled" => "Atkūrimo raktas sėkmingai išjungtas",
+"Could not disable recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!" => "Neišėjo išjungti jūsų atkūrimo rakto. Prašome jį patikrinti!",
+"Password successfully changed." => "Slaptažodis sėkmingai pakeistas",
+"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Slaptažodis nebuvo pakeistas. Gali būti, kad buvo neteisingai suvestas senasis.",
"Saving..." => "Saugoma...",
-"Encryption" => "Šifravimas"
+"Encryption" => "Šifravimas",
+"Enable encryption passwords recovery key (allow sharing to recovery key):" => "Įjungti šifravimo slaptažodžio atstatymo raktą (leidžia dalintis su atstatymo raktu):",
+"Recovery account password" => "Atstatymo vartotojo slaptažodis",
+"Enabled" => "Įjungta",
+"Disabled" => "Išjungta",
+"Change encryption passwords recovery key:" => "Pakeisti šifravimo slaptažodžio atstatymo raktą:",
+"Old Recovery account password" => "Seno atstatymo vartotojo slaptažodis",
+"New Recovery account password" => "naujo atstatymo vartotojo slaptažodis",
+"Change Password" => "Pakeisti slaptažodį",
+"Enable password recovery by sharing all files with your administrator:" => "Įjungti slaptažodžio atkūrimą dalinantis visais failas su administratoriumi:",
+"Enabling this option will allow you to reobtain access to your encrypted files if your password is lost" => "Įjungus šią funkciją jums bus suteiktas priėjimas prie šifruotos informacijos ir pamiršus slaptažodį.",
+"File recovery settings updated" => "Failų atstatymo nustatymai pakeisti",
+"Could not update file recovery" => "Neišėjo atnaujinti failų atkūrimo"
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sv.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sv.php
index 966963b5549..efcfc105073 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sv.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sv.php
@@ -1,4 +1,22 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Recovery key successfully enabled" => "Återställningsnyckeln har framgångsrikt aktiverats",
+"Could not enable recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!" => "Kunde inte aktivera återställningsnyckeln. Vänligen kontrollera ditt lösenord för återställningsnyckeln!",
+"Recovery key successfully disabled" => "Återställningsnyckeln har framgångsrikt inaktiverats",
+"Could not disable recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!" => "Kunde inte inaktivera återställningsnyckeln. Vänligen kontrollera ditt lösenord för återställningsnyckeln!",
+"Password successfully changed." => "Ändringen av lösenordet lyckades.",
+"Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct." => "Kunde inte ändra lösenordet. Kanske det gamla lösenordet inte var rätt.",
"Saving..." => "Sparar...",
-"Encryption" => "Kryptering"
+"Encryption" => "Kryptering",
+"Enable encryption passwords recovery key (allow sharing to recovery key):" => "Aktivera återställningsnyckel för krypterade lösenord. (tillåt delning till återställningsnyckeln):",
+"Recovery account password" => "Återställning av kontolösenord",
+"Enabled" => "Aktiverad",
+"Disabled" => "Inaktiverad",
+"Change encryption passwords recovery key:" => "Ändra återställningsnyckeln för krypterade lösenord:",
+"Old Recovery account password" => "Gamla lösenordet för återställningskontot",
+"New Recovery account password" => "Nytt återställningslösenord för kontot",
+"Change Password" => "Byt lösenord",
+"Enable password recovery by sharing all files with your administrator:" => "Aktivera lösenordsåterställning genom att dela alla filer med din administratör:",
+"Enabling this option will allow you to reobtain access to your encrypted files if your password is lost" => "Aktivera det här alternativet för att kunna återfå tillgång till dina krypterade filer om du skulle förlora/glömma ditt lösenord",
+"File recovery settings updated" => "Inställningarna för filåterställning har uppdaterats",
+"Could not update file recovery" => "Kunde inte uppdatera filåterställning"