path: root/apps/files_encryption
diff options
authorThomas Müller <>2013-05-24 02:21:19 -0700
committerThomas Müller <>2013-05-24 02:21:19 -0700
commit4911305887840e21452b77f594cdf7e14ed967bf (patch)
tree7e7fd7e90cb76b8159828303150b2c6b6ee56541 /apps/files_encryption
parent3fbfe3c06a46f442c588daf037c997da658d3526 (diff)
parent6c8de5ae6d11886d498e810808484a2bdfeaef12 (diff)
Merge pull request #3416 from owncloud/files_encryption
New files encryption app
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files_encryption')
-rw-r--r--apps/files_encryption/test/legacy-encrypted-text.txtbin3360 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/files_encryption/tests/binary (renamed from apps/files_encryption/test/binary)bin9734 -> 9734 bytes
-rw-r--r--apps/files_encryption/tests/proxy.php (renamed from apps/files_encryption/test/proxy.php)2
-rw-r--r--apps/files_encryption/tests/zeros (renamed from apps/files_encryption/test/zeros)bin10238 -> 10238 bytes
55 files changed, 7131 insertions, 2644 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/3rdparty/Crypt_Blowfish/Blowfish.php b/apps/files_encryption/3rdparty/Crypt_Blowfish/Blowfish.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4ccacb963e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/3rdparty/Crypt_Blowfish/Blowfish.php
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
+ * Crypt_Blowfish allows for encryption and decryption on the fly using
+ * the Blowfish algorithm. Crypt_Blowfish does not require the mcrypt
+ * PHP extension, it uses only PHP.
+ * Crypt_Blowfish support encryption/decryption with or without a secret key.
+ *
+ *
+ * PHP versions 4 and 5
+ *
+ * LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
+ * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
+ * If you did not receive a copy of
+ * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
+ * send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
+ *
+ * @category Encryption
+ * @package Crypt_Blowfish
+ * @author Matthew Fonda <>
+ * @copyright 2005 Matthew Fonda
+ * @license PHP License 3.0
+ * @version CVS: $Id: Blowfish.php,v 1.81 2005/05/30 18:40:36 mfonda Exp $
+ * @link
+ */
+require_once 'PEAR.php';
+ *
+ * Example usage:
+ * $bf = new Crypt_Blowfish('some secret key!');
+ * $encrypted = $bf->encrypt('this is some example plain text');
+ * $plaintext = $bf->decrypt($encrypted);
+ * echo "plain text: $plaintext";
+ *
+ *
+ * @category Encryption
+ * @package Crypt_Blowfish
+ * @author Matthew Fonda <>
+ * @copyright 2005 Matthew Fonda
+ * @license PHP License 3.0
+ * @link
+ * @version @package_version@
+ * @access public
+ */
+class Crypt_Blowfish
+ /**
+ * P-Array contains 18 32-bit subkeys
+ *
+ * @var array
+ * @access private
+ */
+ var $_P = array();
+ /**
+ * Array of four S-Blocks each containing 256 32-bit entries
+ *
+ * @var array
+ * @access private
+ */
+ var $_S = array();
+ /**
+ * Mcrypt td resource
+ *
+ * @var resource
+ * @access private
+ */
+ var $_td = null;
+ /**
+ * Initialization vector
+ *
+ * @var string
+ * @access private
+ */
+ var $_iv = null;
+ /**
+ * Crypt_Blowfish Constructor
+ * Initializes the Crypt_Blowfish object, and gives a sets
+ * the secret key
+ *
+ * @param string $key
+ * @access public
+ */
+ function Crypt_Blowfish($key)
+ {
+ if (extension_loaded('mcrypt')) {
+ $this->_td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_BLOWFISH, '', 'ecb', '');
+ $this->_iv = mcrypt_create_iv(8, MCRYPT_RAND);
+ }
+ $this->setKey($key);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deprecated isReady method
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ * @access public
+ * @deprecated
+ */
+ function isReady()
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deprecated init method - init is now a private
+ * method and has been replaced with _init
+ *
+ * @return bool
+ * @access public
+ * @deprecated
+ * @see Crypt_Blowfish::_init()
+ */
+ function init()
+ {
+ $this->_init();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initializes the Crypt_Blowfish object
+ *
+ * @access private
+ */
+ function _init()
+ {
+ $defaults = new Crypt_Blowfish_DefaultKey();
+ $this->_P = $defaults->P;
+ $this->_S = $defaults->S;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enciphers a single 64 bit block
+ *
+ * @param int &$Xl
+ * @param int &$Xr
+ * @access private
+ */
+ function _encipher(&$Xl, &$Xr)
+ {
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) {
+ $temp = $Xl ^ $this->_P[$i];
+ $Xl = ((($this->_S[0][($temp>>24) & 255] +
+ $this->_S[1][($temp>>16) & 255]) ^
+ $this->_S[2][($temp>>8) & 255]) +
+ $this->_S[3][$temp & 255]) ^ $Xr;
+ $Xr = $temp;
+ }
+ $Xr = $Xl ^ $this->_P[16];
+ $Xl = $temp ^ $this->_P[17];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deciphers a single 64 bit block
+ *
+ * @param int &$Xl
+ * @param int &$Xr
+ * @access private
+ */
+ function _decipher(&$Xl, &$Xr)
+ {
+ for ($i = 17; $i > 1; $i--) {
+ $temp = $Xl ^ $this->_P[$i];
+ $Xl = ((($this->_S[0][($temp>>24) & 255] +
+ $this->_S[1][($temp>>16) & 255]) ^
+ $this->_S[2][($temp>>8) & 255]) +
+ $this->_S[3][$temp & 255]) ^ $Xr;
+ $Xr = $temp;
+ }
+ $Xr = $Xl ^ $this->_P[1];
+ $Xl = $temp ^ $this->_P[0];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Encrypts a string
+ *
+ * @param string $plainText
+ * @return string Returns cipher text on success, PEAR_Error on failure
+ * @access public
+ */
+ function encrypt($plainText)
+ {
+ if (!is_string($plainText)) {
+ PEAR::raiseError('Plain text must be a string', 0, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
+ }
+ if (extension_loaded('mcrypt')) {
+ return mcrypt_generic($this->_td, $plainText);
+ }
+ $cipherText = '';
+ $len = strlen($plainText);
+ $plainText .= str_repeat(chr(0),(8 - ($len%8))%8);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i += 8) {
+ list(,$Xl,$Xr) = unpack("N2",substr($plainText,$i,8));
+ $this->_encipher($Xl, $Xr);
+ $cipherText .= pack("N2", $Xl, $Xr);
+ }
+ return $cipherText;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Decrypts an encrypted string
+ *
+ * @param string $cipherText
+ * @return string Returns plain text on success, PEAR_Error on failure
+ * @access public
+ */
+ function decrypt($cipherText)
+ {
+ if (!is_string($cipherText)) {
+ PEAR::raiseError('Cipher text must be a string', 1, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
+ }
+ if (extension_loaded('mcrypt')) {
+ return mdecrypt_generic($this->_td, $cipherText);
+ }
+ $plainText = '';
+ $len = strlen($cipherText);
+ $cipherText .= str_repeat(chr(0),(8 - ($len%8))%8);
+ for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i += 8) {
+ list(,$Xl,$Xr) = unpack("N2",substr($cipherText,$i,8));
+ $this->_decipher($Xl, $Xr);
+ $plainText .= pack("N2", $Xl, $Xr);
+ }
+ return $plainText;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the secret key
+ * The key must be non-zero, and less than or equal to
+ * 56 characters in length.
+ *
+ * @param string $key
+ * @return bool Returns true on success, PEAR_Error on failure
+ * @access public
+ */
+ function setKey($key)
+ {
+ if (!is_string($key)) {
+ PEAR::raiseError('Key must be a string', 2, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
+ }
+ $len = strlen($key);
+ if ($len > 56 || $len == 0) {
+ PEAR::raiseError('Key must be less than 56 characters and non-zero. Supplied key length: ' . $len, 3, PEAR_ERROR_DIE);
+ }
+ if (extension_loaded('mcrypt')) {
+ mcrypt_generic_init($this->_td, $key, $this->_iv);
+ return true;
+ }
+ require_once 'Blowfish/DefaultKey.php';
+ $this->_init();
+ $k = 0;
+ $data = 0;
+ $datal = 0;
+ $datar = 0;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 18; $i++) {
+ $data = 0;
+ for ($j = 4; $j > 0; $j--) {
+ $data = $data << 8 | ord($key{$k});
+ $k = ($k+1) % $len;
+ }
+ $this->_P[$i] ^= $data;
+ }
+ for ($i = 0; $i <= 16; $i += 2) {
+ $this->_encipher($datal, $datar);
+ $this->_P[$i] = $datal;
+ $this->_P[$i+1] = $datar;
+ }
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i += 2) {
+ $this->_encipher($datal, $datar);
+ $this->_S[0][$i] = $datal;
+ $this->_S[0][$i+1] = $datar;
+ }
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i += 2) {
+ $this->_encipher($datal, $datar);
+ $this->_S[1][$i] = $datal;
+ $this->_S[1][$i+1] = $datar;
+ }
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i += 2) {
+ $this->_encipher($datal, $datar);
+ $this->_S[2][$i] = $datal;
+ $this->_S[2][$i+1] = $datar;
+ }
+ for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i += 2) {
+ $this->_encipher($datal, $datar);
+ $this->_S[3][$i] = $datal;
+ $this->_S[3][$i+1] = $datar;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/3rdparty/Crypt_Blowfish/Blowfish/DefaultKey.php b/apps/files_encryption/3rdparty/Crypt_Blowfish/Blowfish/DefaultKey.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2ff8ac788a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/3rdparty/Crypt_Blowfish/Blowfish/DefaultKey.php
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
+ * Crypt_Blowfish allows for encryption and decryption on the fly using
+ * the Blowfish algorithm. Crypt_Blowfish does not require the mcrypt
+ * PHP extension, it uses only PHP.
+ * Crypt_Blowfish support encryption/decryption with or without a secret key.
+ *
+ *
+ * PHP versions 4 and 5
+ *
+ * LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
+ * that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
+ * If you did not receive a copy of
+ * the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
+ * send a note to so we can mail you a copy immediately.
+ *
+ * @category Encryption
+ * @package Crypt_Blowfish
+ * @author Matthew Fonda <>
+ * @copyright 2005 Matthew Fonda
+ * @license PHP License 3.0
+ * @version CVS: $Id: DefaultKey.php,v 1.81 2005/05/30 18:40:37 mfonda Exp $
+ * @link
+ */
+ * Class containing default key
+ *
+ * @category Encryption
+ * @package Crypt_Blowfish
+ * @author Matthew Fonda <>
+ * @copyright 2005 Matthew Fonda
+ * @license PHP License 3.0
+ * @link
+ * @version @package_version@
+ * @access public
+ */
+class Crypt_Blowfish_DefaultKey
+ var $P = array();
+ var $S = array();
+ function Crypt_Blowfish_DefaultKey()
+ {
+ $this->P = array(
+ 0x243F6A88, 0x85A308D3, 0x13198A2E, 0x03707344,
+ 0xA4093822, 0x299F31D0, 0x082EFA98, 0xEC4E6C89,
+ 0x452821E6, 0x38D01377, 0xBE5466CF, 0x34E90C6C,
+ 0xC0AC29B7, 0xC97C50DD, 0x3F84D5B5, 0xB5470917,
+ 0x9216D5D9, 0x8979FB1B
+ );
+ $this->S = array(
+ array(
+ 0xD1310BA6, 0x98DFB5AC, 0x2FFD72DB, 0xD01ADFB7,
+ 0xB8E1AFED, 0x6A267E96, 0xBA7C9045, 0xF12C7F99,
+ 0x24A19947, 0xB3916CF7, 0x0801F2E2, 0x858EFC16,
+ 0x636920D8, 0x71574E69, 0xA458FEA3, 0xF4933D7E,
+ 0x0D95748F, 0x728EB658, 0x718BCD58, 0x82154AEE,
+ 0x7B54A41D, 0xC25A59B5, 0x9C30D539, 0x2AF26013,
+ 0xC5D1B023, 0x286085F0, 0xCA417918, 0xB8DB38EF,
+ 0x8E79DCB0, 0x603A180E, 0x6C9E0E8B, 0xB01E8A3E,
+ 0xD71577C1, 0xBD314B27, 0x78AF2FDA, 0x55605C60,
+ 0xE65525F3, 0xAA55AB94, 0x57489862, 0x63E81440,
+ 0x55CA396A, 0x2AAB10B6, 0xB4CC5C34, 0x1141E8CE,
+ 0xA15486AF, 0x7C72E993, 0xB3EE1411, 0x636FBC2A,
+ 0x2BA9C55D, 0x741831F6, 0xCE5C3E16, 0x9B87931E,
+ 0xAFD6BA33, 0x6C24CF5C, 0x7A325381, 0x28958677,
+ 0x3B8F4898, 0x6B4BB9AF, 0xC4BFE81B, 0x66282193,
+ 0x61D809CC, 0xFB21A991, 0x487CAC60, 0x5DEC8032,
+ 0xEF845D5D, 0xE98575B1, 0xDC262302, 0xEB651B88,
+ 0x23893E81, 0xD396ACC5, 0x0F6D6FF3, 0x83F44239,
+ 0x2E0B4482, 0xA4842004, 0x69C8F04A, 0x9E1F9B5E,
+ 0x21C66842, 0xF6E96C9A, 0x670C9C61, 0xABD388F0,
+ 0x6A51A0D2, 0xD8542F68, 0x960FA728, 0xAB5133A3,
+ 0x6EEF0B6C, 0x137A3BE4, 0xBA3BF050, 0x7EFB2A98,
+ 0xA1F1651D, 0x39AF0176, 0x66CA593E, 0x82430E88,
+ 0x8CEE8619, 0x456F9FB4, 0x7D84A5C3, 0x3B8B5EBE,
+ 0xE06F75D8, 0x85C12073, 0x401A449F, 0x56C16AA6,
+ 0x4ED3AA62, 0x363F7706, 0x1BFEDF72, 0x429B023D,
+ 0x37D0D724, 0xD00A1248, 0xDB0FEAD3, 0x49F1C09B,
+ 0x075372C9, 0x80991B7B, 0x25D479D8, 0xF6E8DEF7,
+ 0xE3FE501A, 0xB6794C3B, 0x976CE0BD, 0x04C006BA,
+ 0xC1A94FB6, 0x409F60C4, 0x5E5C9EC2, 0x196A2463,
+ 0x68FB6FAF, 0x3E6C53B5, 0x1339B2EB, 0x3B52EC6F,
+ 0x6DFC511F, 0x9B30952C, 0xCC814544, 0xAF5EBD09,
+ 0xBEE3D004, 0xDE334AFD, 0x660F2807, 0x192E4BB3,
+ 0xC0CBA857, 0x45C8740F, 0xD20B5F39, 0xB9D3FBDB,
+ 0x5579C0BD, 0x1A60320A, 0xD6A100C6, 0x402C7279,
+ 0x679F25FE, 0xFB1FA3CC, 0x8EA5E9F8, 0xDB3222F8,
+ 0x3C7516DF, 0xFD616B15, 0x2F501EC8, 0xAD0552AB,
+ 0x323DB5FA, 0xFD238760, 0x53317B48, 0x3E00DF82,
+ 0x9E5C57BB, 0xCA6F8CA0, 0x1A87562E, 0xDF1769DB,
+ 0xD542A8F6, 0x287EFFC3, 0xAC6732C6, 0x8C4F5573,
+ 0x695B27B0, 0xBBCA58C8, 0xE1FFA35D, 0xB8F011A0,
+ 0x10FA3D98, 0xFD2183B8, 0x4AFCB56C, 0x2DD1D35B,
+ 0x9A53E479, 0xB6F84565, 0xD28E49BC, 0x4BFB9790,
+ 0xE1DDF2DA, 0xA4CB7E33, 0x62FB1341, 0xCEE4C6E8,
+ 0xEF20CADA, 0x36774C01, 0xD07E9EFE, 0x2BF11FB4,
+ 0x95DBDA4D, 0xAE909198, 0xEAAD8E71, 0x6B93D5A0,
+ 0xD08ED1D0, 0xAFC725E0, 0x8E3C5B2F, 0x8E7594B7,
+ 0x8FF6E2FB, 0xF2122B64, 0x8888B812, 0x900DF01C,
+ 0x4FAD5EA0, 0x688FC31C, 0xD1CFF191, 0xB3A8C1AD,
+ 0x2F2F2218, 0xBE0E1777, 0xEA752DFE, 0x8B021FA1,
+ 0xE5A0CC0F, 0xB56F74E8, 0x18ACF3D6, 0xCE89E299,
+ 0xB4A84FE0, 0xFD13E0B7, 0x7CC43B81, 0xD2ADA8D9,
+ 0x165FA266, 0x80957705, 0x93CC7314, 0x211A1477,
+ 0xE6AD2065, 0x77B5FA86, 0xC75442F5, 0xFB9D35CF,
+ 0xEBCDAF0C, 0x7B3E89A0, 0xD6411BD3, 0xAE1E7E49,
+ 0x00250E2D, 0x2071B35E, 0x226800BB, 0x57B8E0AF,
+ 0x2464369B, 0xF009B91E, 0x5563911D, 0x59DFA6AA,
+ 0x78C14389, 0xD95A537F, 0x207D5BA2, 0x02E5B9C5,
+ 0x83260376, 0x6295CFA9, 0x11C81968, 0x4E734A41,
+ 0xB3472DCA, 0x7B14A94A, 0x1B510052, 0x9A532915,
+ 0xD60F573F, 0xBC9BC6E4, 0x2B60A476, 0x81E67400,
+ 0x08BA6FB5, 0x571BE91F, 0xF296EC6B, 0x2A0DD915,
+ 0xB6636521, 0xE7B9F9B6, 0xFF34052E, 0xC5855664,
+ 0x53B02D5D, 0xA99F8FA1, 0x08BA4799, 0x6E85076A
+ ),
+ array(
+ 0x4B7A70E9, 0xB5B32944, 0xDB75092E, 0xC4192623,
+ 0xAD6EA6B0, 0x49A7DF7D, 0x9CEE60B8, 0x8FEDB266,
+ 0xECAA8C71, 0x699A17FF, 0x5664526C, 0xC2B19EE1,
+ 0x193602A5, 0x75094C29, 0xA0591340, 0xE4183A3E,
+ 0x3F54989A, 0x5B429D65, 0x6B8FE4D6, 0x99F73FD6,
+ 0xA1D29C07, 0xEFE830F5, 0x4D2D38E6, 0xF0255DC1,
+ 0x4CDD2086, 0x8470EB26, 0x6382E9C6, 0x021ECC5E,
+ 0x09686B3F, 0x3EBAEFC9, 0x3C971814, 0x6B6A70A1,
+ 0x687F3584, 0x52A0E286, 0xB79C5305, 0xAA500737,
+ 0x3E07841C, 0x7FDEAE5C, 0x8E7D44EC, 0x5716F2B8,
+ 0xB03ADA37, 0xF0500C0D, 0xF01C1F04, 0x0200B3FF,
+ 0xAE0CF51A, 0x3CB574B2, 0x25837A58, 0xDC0921BD,
+ 0xD19113F9, 0x7CA92FF6, 0x94324773, 0x22F54701,
+ 0x3AE5E581, 0x37C2DADC, 0xC8B57634, 0x9AF3DDA7,
+ 0xA9446146, 0x0FD0030E, 0xECC8C73E, 0xA4751E41,
+ 0xE238CD99, 0x3BEA0E2F, 0x3280BBA1, 0x183EB331,
+ 0x4E548B38, 0x4F6DB908, 0x6F420D03, 0xF60A04BF,
+ 0x2CB81290, 0x24977C79, 0x5679B072, 0xBCAF89AF,
+ 0xDE9A771F, 0xD9930810, 0xB38BAE12, 0xDCCF3F2E,
+ 0x5512721F, 0x2E6B7124, 0x501ADDE6, 0x9F84CD87,
+ 0x7A584718, 0x7408DA17, 0xBC9F9ABC, 0xE94B7D8C,
+ 0xEC7AEC3A, 0xDB851DFA, 0x63094366, 0xC464C3D2,
+ 0xEF1C1847, 0x3215D908, 0xDD433B37, 0x24C2BA16,
+ 0x12A14D43, 0x2A65C451, 0x50940002, 0x133AE4DD,
+ 0x71DFF89E, 0x10314E55, 0x81AC77D6, 0x5F11199B,
+ 0x043556F1, 0xD7A3C76B, 0x3C11183B, 0x5924A509,
+ 0xF28FE6ED, 0x97F1FBFA, 0x9EBABF2C, 0x1E153C6E,
+ 0x86E34570, 0xEAE96FB1, 0x860E5E0A, 0x5A3E2AB3,
+ 0x771FE71C, 0x4E3D06FA, 0x2965DCB9, 0x99E71D0F,
+ 0x803E89D6, 0x5266C825, 0x2E4CC978, 0x9C10B36A,
+ 0xC6150EBA, 0x94E2EA78, 0xA5FC3C53, 0x1E0A2DF4,
+ 0xF2F74EA7, 0x361D2B3D, 0x1939260F, 0x19C27960,
+ 0x5223A708, 0xF71312B6, 0xEBADFE6E, 0xEAC31F66,
+ 0xE3BC4595, 0xA67BC883, 0xB17F37D1, 0x018CFF28,
+ 0xC332DDEF, 0xBE6C5AA5, 0x65582185, 0x68AB9802,
+ 0xEECEA50F, 0xDB2F953B, 0x2AEF7DAD, 0x5B6E2F84,
+ 0x1521B628, 0x29076170, 0xECDD4775, 0x619F1510,
+ 0x13CCA830, 0xEB61BD96, 0x0334FE1E, 0xAA0363CF,
+ 0xB5735C90, 0x4C70A239, 0xD59E9E0B, 0xCBAADE14,
+ 0xEECC86BC, 0x60622CA7, 0x9CAB5CAB, 0xB2F3846E,
+ 0x648B1EAF, 0x19BDF0CA, 0xA02369B9, 0x655ABB50,
+ 0x40685A32, 0x3C2AB4B3, 0x319EE9D5, 0xC021B8F7,
+ 0x9B540B19, 0x875FA099, 0x95F7997E, 0x623D7DA8,
+ 0xF837889A, 0x97E32D77, 0x11ED935F, 0x16681281,
+ 0x0E358829, 0xC7E61FD6, 0x96DEDFA1, 0x7858BA99,
+ 0x57F584A5, 0x1B227263, 0x9B83C3FF, 0x1AC24696,
+ 0xCDB30AEB, 0x532E3054, 0x8FD948E4, 0x6DBC3128,
+ 0x58EBF2EF, 0x34C6FFEA, 0xFE28ED61, 0xEE7C3C73,
+ 0x5D4A14D9, 0xE864B7E3, 0x42105D14, 0x203E13E0,
+ 0x45EEE2B6, 0xA3AAABEA, 0xDB6C4F15, 0xFACB4FD0,
+ 0xC742F442, 0xEF6ABBB5, 0x654F3B1D, 0x41CD2105,
+ 0xD81E799E, 0x86854DC7, 0xE44B476A, 0x3D816250,
+ 0xCF62A1F2, 0x5B8D2646, 0xFC8883A0, 0xC1C7B6A3,
+ 0x7F1524C3, 0x69CB7492, 0x47848A0B, 0x5692B285,
+ 0x095BBF00, 0xAD19489D, 0x1462B174, 0x23820E00,
+ 0x58428D2A, 0x0C55F5EA, 0x1DADF43E, 0x233F7061,
+ 0x3372F092, 0x8D937E41, 0xD65FECF1, 0x6C223BDB,
+ 0x7CDE3759, 0xCBEE7460, 0x4085F2A7, 0xCE77326E,
+ 0xA6078084, 0x19F8509E, 0xE8EFD855, 0x61D99735,
+ 0xA969A7AA, 0xC50C06C2, 0x5A04ABFC, 0x800BCADC,
+ 0x9E447A2E, 0xC3453484, 0xFDD56705, 0x0E1E9EC9,
+ 0xDB73DBD3, 0x105588CD, 0x675FDA79, 0xE3674340,
+ 0xC5C43465, 0x713E38D8, 0x3D28F89E, 0xF16DFF20,
+ 0x153E21E7, 0x8FB03D4A, 0xE6E39F2B, 0xDB83ADF7
+ ),
+ array(
+ 0xE93D5A68, 0x948140F7, 0xF64C261C, 0x94692934,
+ 0x411520F7, 0x7602D4F7, 0xBCF46B2E, 0xD4A20068,
+ 0xD4082471, 0x3320F46A, 0x43B7D4B7, 0x500061AF,
+ 0x1E39F62E, 0x97244546, 0x14214F74, 0xBF8B8840,
+ 0x4D95FC1D, 0x96B591AF, 0x70F4DDD3, 0x66A02F45,
+ 0xBFBC09EC, 0x03BD9785, 0x7FAC6DD0, 0x31CB8504,
+ 0x96EB27B3, 0x55FD3941, 0xDA2547E6, 0xABCA0A9A,
+ 0x28507825, 0x530429F4, 0x0A2C86DA, 0xE9B66DFB,
+ 0x68DC1462, 0xD7486900, 0x680EC0A4, 0x27A18DEE,
+ 0x4F3FFEA2, 0xE887AD8C, 0xB58CE006, 0x7AF4D6B6,
+ 0xAACE1E7C, 0xD3375FEC, 0xCE78A399, 0x406B2A42,
+ 0x20FE9E35, 0xD9F385B9, 0xEE39D7AB, 0x3B124E8B,
+ 0x1DC9FAF7, 0x4B6D1856, 0x26A36631, 0xEAE397B2,
+ 0x3A6EFA74, 0xDD5B4332, 0x6841E7F7, 0xCA7820FB,
+ 0xFB0AF54E, 0xD8FEB397, 0x454056AC, 0xBA489527,
+ 0x55533A3A, 0x20838D87, 0xFE6BA9B7, 0xD096954B,
+ 0x55A867BC, 0xA1159A58, 0xCCA92963, 0x99E1DB33,
+ 0xA62A4A56, 0x3F3125F9, 0x5EF47E1C, 0x9029317C,
+ 0xFDF8E802, 0x04272F70, 0x80BB155C, 0x05282CE3,
+ 0x95C11548, 0xE4C66D22, 0x48C1133F, 0xC70F86DC,
+ 0x07F9C9EE, 0x41041F0F, 0x404779A4, 0x5D886E17,
+ 0x325F51EB, 0xD59BC0D1, 0xF2BCC18F, 0x41113564,
+ 0x257B7834, 0x602A9C60, 0xDFF8E8A3, 0x1F636C1B,
+ 0x0E12B4C2, 0x02E1329E, 0xAF664FD1, 0xCAD18115,
+ 0x6B2395E0, 0x333E92E1, 0x3B240B62, 0xEEBEB922,
+ 0x85B2A20E, 0xE6BA0D99, 0xDE720C8C, 0x2DA2F728,
+ 0xD0127845, 0x95B794FD, 0x647D0862, 0xE7CCF5F0,
+ 0x5449A36F, 0x877D48FA, 0xC39DFD27, 0xF33E8D1E,
+ 0x0A476341, 0x992EFF74, 0x3A6F6EAB, 0xF4F8FD37,
+ 0xA812DC60, 0xA1EBDDF8, 0x991BE14C, 0xDB6E6B0D,
+ 0xC67B5510, 0x6D672C37, 0x2765D43B, 0xDCD0E804,
+ 0xF1290DC7, 0xCC00FFA3, 0xB5390F92, 0x690FED0B,
+ 0x667B9FFB, 0xCEDB7D9C, 0xA091CF0B, 0xD9155EA3,
+ 0xBB132F88, 0x515BAD24, 0x7B9479BF, 0x763BD6EB,
+ 0x37392EB3, 0xCC115979, 0x8026E297, 0xF42E312D,
+ 0x6842ADA7, 0xC66A2B3B, 0x12754CCC, 0x782EF11C,
+ 0x6A124237, 0xB79251E7, 0x06A1BBE6, 0x4BFB6350,
+ 0x1A6B1018, 0x11CAEDFA, 0x3D25BDD8, 0xE2E1C3C9,
+ 0x44421659, 0x0A121386, 0xD90CEC6E, 0xD5ABEA2A,
+ 0x64AF674E, 0xDA86A85F, 0xBEBFE988, 0x64E4C3FE,
+ 0x9DBC8057, 0xF0F7C086, 0x60787BF8, 0x6003604D,
+ 0xD1FD8346, 0xF6381FB0, 0x7745AE04, 0xD736FCCC,
+ 0x83426B33, 0xF01EAB71, 0xB0804187, 0x3C005E5F,
+ 0x77A057BE, 0xBDE8AE24, 0x55464299, 0xBF582E61,
+ 0x4E58F48F, 0xF2DDFDA2, 0xF474EF38, 0x8789BDC2,
+ 0x5366F9C3, 0xC8B38E74, 0xB475F255, 0x46FCD9B9,
+ 0x7AEB2661, 0x8B1DDF84, 0x846A0E79, 0x915F95E2,
+ 0x466E598E, 0x20B45770, 0x8CD55591, 0xC902DE4C,
+ 0xB90BACE1, 0xBB8205D0, 0x11A86248, 0x7574A99E,
+ 0xB77F19B6, 0xE0A9DC09, 0x662D09A1, 0xC4324633,
+ 0xE85A1F02, 0x09F0BE8C, 0x4A99A025, 0x1D6EFE10,
+ 0x1AB93D1D, 0x0BA5A4DF, 0xA186F20F, 0x2868F169,
+ 0xDCB7DA83, 0x573906FE, 0xA1E2CE9B, 0x4FCD7F52,
+ 0x50115E01, 0xA70683FA, 0xA002B5C4, 0x0DE6D027,
+ 0x9AF88C27, 0x773F8641, 0xC3604C06, 0x61A806B5,
+ 0xF0177A28, 0xC0F586E0, 0x006058AA, 0x30DC7D62,
+ 0x11E69ED7, 0x2338EA63, 0x53C2DD94, 0xC2C21634,
+ 0xBBCBEE56, 0x90BCB6DE, 0xEBFC7DA1, 0xCE591D76,
+ 0x6F05E409, 0x4B7C0188, 0x39720A3D, 0x7C927C24,
+ 0x86E3725F, 0x724D9DB9, 0x1AC15BB4, 0xD39EB8FC,
+ 0xED545578, 0x08FCA5B5, 0xD83D7CD3, 0x4DAD0FC4,
+ 0x1E50EF5E, 0xB161E6F8, 0xA28514D9, 0x6C51133C,
+ 0x6FD5C7E7, 0x56E14EC4, 0x362ABFCE, 0xDDC6C837,
+ 0xD79A3234, 0x92638212, 0x670EFA8E, 0x406000E0
+ ),
+ array(
+ 0x3A39CE37, 0xD3FAF5CF, 0xABC27737, 0x5AC52D1B,
+ 0x5CB0679E, 0x4FA33742, 0xD3822740, 0x99BC9BBE,
+ 0xD5118E9D, 0xBF0F7315, 0xD62D1C7E, 0xC700C47B,
+ 0xB78C1B6B, 0x21A19045, 0xB26EB1BE, 0x6A366EB4,
+ 0x5748AB2F, 0xBC946E79, 0xC6A376D2, 0x6549C2C8,
+ 0x530FF8EE, 0x468DDE7D, 0xD5730A1D, 0x4CD04DC6,
+ 0x2939BBDB, 0xA9BA4650, 0xAC9526E8, 0xBE5EE304,
+ 0xA1FAD5F0, 0x6A2D519A, 0x63EF8CE2, 0x9A86EE22,
+ 0xC089C2B8, 0x43242EF6, 0xA51E03AA, 0x9CF2D0A4,
+ 0x83C061BA, 0x9BE96A4D, 0x8FE51550, 0xBA645BD6,
+ 0x2826A2F9, 0xA73A3AE1, 0x4BA99586, 0xEF5562E9,
+ 0xC72FEFD3, 0xF752F7DA, 0x3F046F69, 0x77FA0A59,
+ 0x80E4A915, 0x87B08601, 0x9B09E6AD, 0x3B3EE593,
+ 0xE990FD5A, 0x9E34D797, 0x2CF0B7D9, 0x022B8B51,
+ 0x96D5AC3A, 0x017DA67D, 0xD1CF3ED6, 0x7C7D2D28,
+ 0x1F9F25CF, 0xADF2B89B, 0x5AD6B472, 0x5A88F54C,
+ 0xE029AC71, 0xE019A5E6, 0x47B0ACFD, 0xED93FA9B,
+ 0xE8D3C48D, 0x283B57CC, 0xF8D56629, 0x79132E28,
+ 0x785F0191, 0xED756055, 0xF7960E44, 0xE3D35E8C,
+ 0x15056DD4, 0x88F46DBA, 0x03A16125, 0x0564F0BD,
+ 0xC3EB9E15, 0x3C9057A2, 0x97271AEC, 0xA93A072A,
+ 0x1B3F6D9B, 0x1E6321F5, 0xF59C66FB, 0x26DCF319,
+ 0x7533D928, 0xB155FDF5, 0x03563482, 0x8ABA3CBB,
+ 0x28517711, 0xC20AD9F8, 0xABCC5167, 0xCCAD925F,
+ 0x4DE81751, 0x3830DC8E, 0x379D5862, 0x9320F991,
+ 0xEA7A90C2, 0xFB3E7BCE, 0x5121CE64, 0x774FBE32,
+ 0xA8B6E37E, 0xC3293D46, 0x48DE5369, 0x6413E680,
+ 0xA2AE0810, 0xDD6DB224, 0x69852DFD, 0x09072166,
+ 0xB39A460A, 0x6445C0DD, 0x586CDECF, 0x1C20C8AE,
+ 0x5BBEF7DD, 0x1B588D40, 0xCCD2017F, 0x6BB4E3BB,
+ 0xDDA26A7E, 0x3A59FF45, 0x3E350A44, 0xBCB4CDD5,
+ 0x72EACEA8, 0xFA6484BB, 0x8D6612AE, 0xBF3C6F47,
+ 0xD29BE463, 0x542F5D9E, 0xAEC2771B, 0xF64E6370,
+ 0x740E0D8D, 0xE75B1357, 0xF8721671, 0xAF537D5D,
+ 0x4040CB08, 0x4EB4E2CC, 0x34D2466A, 0x0115AF84,
+ 0xE1B00428, 0x95983A1D, 0x06B89FB4, 0xCE6EA048,
+ 0x6F3F3B82, 0x3520AB82, 0x011A1D4B, 0x277227F8,
+ 0x611560B1, 0xE7933FDC, 0xBB3A792B, 0x344525BD,
+ 0xA08839E1, 0x51CE794B, 0x2F32C9B7, 0xA01FBAC9,
+ 0xE01CC87E, 0xBCC7D1F6, 0xCF0111C3, 0xA1E8AAC7,
+ 0x1A908749, 0xD44FBD9A, 0xD0DADECB, 0xD50ADA38,
+ 0x0339C32A, 0xC6913667, 0x8DF9317C, 0xE0B12B4F,
+ 0xF79E59B7, 0x43F5BB3A, 0xF2D519FF, 0x27D9459C,
+ 0xBF97222C, 0x15E6FC2A, 0x0F91FC71, 0x9B941525,
+ 0xFAE59361, 0xCEB69CEB, 0xC2A86459, 0x12BAA8D1,
+ 0xB6C1075E, 0xE3056A0C, 0x10D25065, 0xCB03A442,
+ 0xE0EC6E0E, 0x1698DB3B, 0x4C98A0BE, 0x3278E964,
+ 0x9F1F9532, 0xE0D392DF, 0xD3A0342B, 0x8971F21E,
+ 0x1B0A7441, 0x4BA3348C, 0xC5BE7120, 0xC37632D8,
+ 0xDF359F8D, 0x9B992F2E, 0xE60B6F47, 0x0FE3F11D,
+ 0xE54CDA54, 0x1EDAD891, 0xCE6279CF, 0xCD3E7E6F,
+ 0x1618B166, 0xFD2C1D05, 0x848FD2C5, 0xF6FB2299,
+ 0xF523F357, 0xA6327623, 0x93A83531, 0x56CCCD02,
+ 0xACF08162, 0x5A75EBB5, 0x6E163697, 0x88D273CC,
+ 0xDE966292, 0x81B949D0, 0x4C50901B, 0x71C65614,
+ 0xE6C6C7BD, 0x327A140A, 0x45E1D006, 0xC3F27B9A,
+ 0xC9AA53FD, 0x62A80F00, 0xBB25BFE2, 0x35BDD2F6,
+ 0x71126905, 0xB2040222, 0xB6CBCF7C, 0xCD769C2B,
+ 0x53113EC0, 0x1640E3D3, 0x38ABBD60, 0x2547ADF0,
+ 0xBA38209C, 0xF746CE76, 0x77AFA1C5, 0x20756060,
+ 0x85CBFE4E, 0x8AE88DD8, 0x7AAAF9B0, 0x4CF9AA7E,
+ 0x1948C25C, 0x02FB8A8C, 0x01C36AE4, 0xD6EBE1F9,
+ 0x90D4F869, 0xA65CDEA0, 0x3F09252D, 0xC208E69F,
+ 0xB74E6132, 0xCE77E25B, 0x578FDFE3, 0x3AC372E6
+ )
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/ajax/adminrecovery.php b/apps/files_encryption/ajax/adminrecovery.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6d7953b5639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/ajax/adminrecovery.php
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, Sam Tuke <>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ *
+ * @brief Script to handle admin settings for encrypted key recovery
+ */
+use OCA\Encryption;
+$return = false;
+// Enable recoveryAdmin
+$recoveryKeyId = OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'recoveryKeyId');
+if (isset($_POST['adminEnableRecovery']) && $_POST['adminEnableRecovery'] == 1){
+ $return = \OCA\Encryption\Helper::adminEnableRecovery($recoveryKeyId, $_POST['recoveryPassword']);
+ $action = "enable";
+// Disable recoveryAdmin
+} elseif (
+ isset($_POST['adminEnableRecovery'])
+ && 0 == $_POST['adminEnableRecovery']
+) {
+ $return = \OCA\Encryption\Helper::adminDisableRecovery($_POST['recoveryPassword']);
+ $action = "disable";
+// Return success or failure
+if ($return) {
+ \OCP\JSON::success(array("data" => array( "message" => $l->t('Recovery key successfully ' . $action.'d'))));
+} else {
+ \OCP\JSON::error(array("data" => array( "message" => $l->t('Could not '.$action.' recovery key. Please check your recovery key password!'))));
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/ajax/changeRecoveryPassword.php b/apps/files_encryption/ajax/changeRecoveryPassword.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d990796a4fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/ajax/changeRecoveryPassword.php
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, Bjoern Schiessle <>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ *
+ * @brief Script to change recovery key password
+ *
+ */
+use OCA\Encryption;
+$return = false;
+$oldPassword = $_POST['oldPassword'];
+$newPassword = $_POST['newPassword'];
+$util = new \OCA\Encryption\Util(new \OC_FilesystemView('/'), \OCP\User::getUser());
+$result = $util->checkRecoveryPassword($oldPassword);
+if ($result) {
+ $keyId = $util->getRecoveryKeyId();
+ $keyPath = '/owncloud_private_key/' . $keyId . ".private.key";
+ $view = new \OC\Files\View('/');
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $encryptedRecoveryKey = $view->file_get_contents($keyPath);
+ $decryptedRecoveryKey = \OCA\Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($encryptedRecoveryKey, $oldPassword);
+ $encryptedRecoveryKey = \OCA\Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent($decryptedRecoveryKey, $newPassword);
+ $view->file_put_contents($keyPath, $encryptedRecoveryKey);
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ $return = true;
+// success or failure
+if ($return) {
+ \OCP\JSON::success(array("data" => array( "message" => $l->t('Password successfully changed.'))));
+} else {
+ \OCP\JSON::error(array("data" => array( "message" => $l->t('Could not change the password. Maybe the old password was not correct.'))));
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/ajax/userrecovery.php b/apps/files_encryption/ajax/userrecovery.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1f42b376e42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/ajax/userrecovery.php
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, Sam Tuke <>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ *
+ * @brief Script to handle admin settings for encrypted key recovery
+ */
+use OCA\Encryption;
+\OCP\JSON::checkAppEnabled( 'files_encryption' );
+if (
+ isset( $_POST['userEnableRecovery'] )
+ && ( 0 == $_POST['userEnableRecovery'] || 1 == $_POST['userEnableRecovery'] )
+) {
+ $userId = \OCP\USER::getUser();
+ $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+ $util = new \OCA\Encryption\Util( $view, $userId );
+ // Save recovery preference to DB
+ $return = $util->setRecoveryForUser( $_POST['userEnableRecovery'] );
+ if ($_POST['userEnableRecovery'] == "1") {
+ $util->addRecoveryKeys();
+ } else {
+ $util->removeRecoveryKeys();
+ }
+} else {
+ $return = false;
+// Return success or failure
+( $return ) ? \OCP\JSON::success() : \OCP\JSON::error(); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/appinfo/app.php b/apps/files_encryption/appinfo/app.php
index bf16fec3aea..7d01696e08a 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/appinfo/app.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/appinfo/app.php
@@ -8,42 +8,44 @@ OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\Encryption\Stream'] = 'files_encryption/lib/stream.php';
OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\Encryption\Proxy'] = 'files_encryption/lib/proxy.php';
OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\Encryption\Session'] = 'files_encryption/lib/session.php';
OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\Encryption\Capabilities'] = 'files_encryption/lib/capabilities.php';
+OC::$CLASSPATH['OCA\Encryption\Helper'] = 'files_encryption/lib/helper.php';
OC_FileProxy::register( new OCA\Encryption\Proxy() );
-// User-related hooks
-OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User', 'post_login', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'login' );
-OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User', 'pre_setPassword', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'setPassphrase' );
+// User related hooks
-// Sharing-related hooks
-OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OCP\Share', 'post_shared', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postShared' );
-OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OCP\Share', 'pre_unshare', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'preUnshare' );
-OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OCP\Share', 'pre_unshareAll', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'preUnshareAll' );
+// Sharing related hooks
-// Webdav-related hooks
-OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_Webdav_Properties', 'update', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'updateKeyfile' );
+// Filesystem related hooks
stream_wrapper_register( 'crypt', 'OCA\Encryption\Stream' );
-$session = new OCA\Encryption\Session();
+// check if we are logged in
+if (OCP\User::isLoggedIn()) {
+ $view = new OC_FilesystemView('/');
+ $session = new \OCA\Encryption\Session($view);
-if (
- ! $session->getPrivateKey( \OCP\USER::getUser() )
- && OCP\User::isLoggedIn()
- && OCA\Encryption\Crypt::mode() == 'server'
-) {
+ // check if user has a private key
+ if (
+ !$session->getPrivateKey(\OCP\USER::getUser())
+ && OCA\Encryption\Crypt::mode() === 'server'
+ ) {
- // Force the user to log-in again if the encryption key isn't unlocked
- // (happens when a user is logged in before the encryption app is
- // enabled)
- OCP\User::logout();
- header( "Location: " . OC::$WEBROOT.'/' );
- exit();
+ // Force the user to log-in again if the encryption key isn't unlocked
+ // (happens when a user is logged in before the encryption app is
+ // enabled)
+ OCP\User::logout();
+ header("Location: " . OC::$WEBROOT . '/');
+ exit();
+ }
// Register settings scripts
-OCP\App::registerAdmin( 'files_encryption', 'settings' );
+OCP\App::registerAdmin( 'files_encryption', 'settings-admin' );
OCP\App::registerPersonal( 'files_encryption', 'settings-personal' );
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/appinfo/database.xml b/apps/files_encryption/appinfo/database.xml
index d294c35d63d..4587930da0a 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/appinfo/database.xml
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/appinfo/database.xml
@@ -18,6 +18,21 @@
+ <comments>What client-side / server-side configuration is used</comments>
+ </field>
+ <field>
+ <name>recovery_enabled</name>
+ <type>integer</type>
+ <notnull>true</notnull>
+ <default>0</default>
+ <comments>Whether encryption key recovery is enabled</comments>
+ </field>
+ <field>
+ <name>migration_status</name>
+ <type>integer</type>
+ <notnull>true</notnull>
+ <default>0</default>
+ <comments>Whether encryption migration has been performed</comments>
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/appinfo/info.xml b/apps/files_encryption/appinfo/info.xml
index 39ea155488f..9de2798dd7c 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/appinfo/info.xml
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/appinfo/info.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<description>Server side encryption of files. Warning: You will lose your data if you enable this App and forget your password. Encryption is not yet compatible with LDAP.</description>
- <author>Sam Tuke</author>
+ <author>Sam Tuke, Bjoern Schiessle, Florin Peter</author>
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/appinfo/spec.txt b/apps/files_encryption/appinfo/spec.txt
index 2d22dffe08d..ddd3983a9eb 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/appinfo/spec.txt
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/appinfo/spec.txt
@@ -9,6 +9,57 @@ Encrypted files
[encrypted data string][delimiter][IV][padding]
[anhAAjAmcGXqj1X9g==][00iv00][MSHU5N5gECP7aAg7][xx] (square braces added)
+- Directory structure:
+ - Encrypted user data (catfiles) are stored in the usual /data/user/files dir
+ - Keyfiles are stored in /data/user/files_encryption/keyfiles
+ - Sharekey are stored in /data/user/files_encryption/share-files
+- File extensions:
+ - Catfiles have to keep the file extension of the original file, pre-encryption
+ - Keyfiles use .keyfile
+ - Sharekeys have .shareKey
+Shared files
+Shared files have a centrally stored catfile and keyfile, and one sharekey for
+each user that shares it.
+When sharing is used, a different encryption method is used to encrypt the
+keyfile (openssl_seal). Although shared files have a keyfile, its contents
+use a different format therefore.
+Each time a shared file is edited or deleted, all sharekeys for users sharing
+that file must have their sharekeys changed also. The keyfile and catfile
+however need only changing in the owners files, as there is only one copy of
+Publicly shared files (public links)
+Files shared via public links use a separate system user account called 'ownCloud'. All public files are shared to that user's public key, and the private key is used to access the files when the public link is used in browser.
+This means that files shared via public links are accessible only to users who know the shared URL, or to admins who know the 'ownCloud' user password.
+Lost password recovery
+In order to enable users to read their encrypted files in the event of a password loss/reset scenario, administrators can choose to enable a 'recoveryAdmin' account. This is a user that all user files will automatically be shared to of the option is enabled. This allows the recoveryAdmin user to generate new keyfiles for the user. By default the UID of the recoveryAdmin is 'recoveryAdmin'.
+files_encryption deals extensively with paths and the filesystem. In order to minimise bugs, it makes calls to filesystem methods in a consistent way: OC_FilesystemView{} objects always use '/' as their root, and specify paths each time particular methods are called. e.g. do this:
+$view->file_exists( 'path/to/file' );
+$view->chroot( 'path/to' );
+$view->file_exists( 'file' );
+Using this convention means that $view objects are more predictable and less likely to break. Problems with paths are the #1 cause of bugs in this app, and consistent $view handling is an important way to prevent them.
@@ -16,4 +67,11 @@ Notes
- The user passphrase is required in order to set up or upgrade the app. New
keypair generation, and the re-encryption of legacy encrypted files requires
it. Therefore an appinfo/update.php script cannot be used, and upgrade logic
- is handled in the login hook listener. \ No newline at end of file
+ is handled in the login hook listener. Therefore each time the user logs in
+ their files are scanned to detect unencrypted and legacy encrypted files, and
+ they are (re)encrypted as necessary. This may present a performance issue; we
+ need to monitor this.
+- When files are saved to ownCloud via WebDAV, a .part file extension is used so
+ that the file isn't cached before the upload has been completed. .part files
+ are not compatible with files_encrytion's key management system however, so
+ we have to always sanitise such paths manually before using them. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/css/settings-personal.css b/apps/files_encryption/css/settings-personal.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4ee0acc9768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/css/settings-personal.css
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2013, Sam Tuke, <>
+ This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.
+ See the COPYING-README file. */
+, #encryptAllSuccess
+, #recoveryEnabledError
+, #recoveryEnabledSuccess {
+ display: none;
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/hooks/hooks.php b/apps/files_encryption/hooks/hooks.php
index 2731d5a92f7..2066300a163 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/hooks/hooks.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/hooks/hooks.php
@@ -23,10 +23,11 @@
namespace OCA\Encryption;
+use OC\Files\Filesystem;
* Class for hook specific logic
class Hooks {
// TODO: use passphrase for encrypting private key that is separate to
@@ -40,152 +41,471 @@ class Hooks {
// Manually initialise Filesystem{} singleton with correct
// fake root path, in order to avoid fatal webdav errors
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::init( $params['uid'], $params['uid'] . '/' . 'files' . '/' );
+ // NOTE: disabled because this give errors on webdav!
+ //\OC\Files\Filesystem::init( $params['uid'], '/' . 'files' . '/' );
$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
$util = new Util( $view, $params['uid'] );
- // Check files_encryption infrastructure is ready for action
- if ( ! $util->ready() ) {
- \OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'User account "' . $params['uid'] . '" is not ready for encryption; configuration started', \OC_Log::DEBUG );
- return $util->setupServerSide( $params['password'] );
- }
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // setup user, if user not ready force relogin
+ if(Helper::setupUser($util, $params['password']) === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
$encryptedKey = Keymanager::getPrivateKey( $view, $params['uid'] );
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
$privateKey = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $encryptedKey, $params['password'] );
- $session = new Session();
+ $session = new Session( $view );
$session->setPrivateKey( $privateKey, $params['uid'] );
- $view1 = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' . $params['uid'] );
+ // Check if first-run file migration has already been performed
+ $migrationCompleted = $util->getMigrationStatus();
- // Set legacy encryption key if it exists, to support
- // depreciated encryption system
- if (
- $view1->file_exists( 'encryption.key' )
- && $encLegacyKey = $view1->file_get_contents( 'encryption.key' )
- ) {
+ // If migration not yet done
+ if ( ! $migrationCompleted ) {
- $plainLegacyKey = Crypt::legacyDecrypt( $encLegacyKey, $params['password'] );
+ $userView = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' . $params['uid'] );
- $session->setLegacyKey( $plainLegacyKey );
- }
- $publicKey = Keymanager::getPublicKey( $view, $params['uid'] );
- // Encrypt existing user files:
- // This serves to upgrade old versions of the encryption
- // app (see appinfo/spec.txt)
- if (
- $util->encryptAll( $publicKey, '/' . $params['uid'] . '/' . 'files', $session->getLegacyKey(), $params['password'] )
- ) {
+ // Set legacy encryption key if it exists, to support
+ // depreciated encryption system
+ if (
+ $userView->file_exists( 'encryption.key' )
+ && $encLegacyKey = $userView->file_get_contents( 'encryption.key' )
+ ) {
+ $plainLegacyKey = Crypt::legacyDecrypt( $encLegacyKey, $params['password'] );
+ $session->setLegacyKey( $plainLegacyKey );
+ }
+ $publicKey = Keymanager::getPublicKey( $view, $params['uid'] );
+ // Encrypt existing user files:
+ // This serves to upgrade old versions of the encryption
+ // app (see appinfo/spec.txt)
+ if (
+ $util->encryptAll( '/' . $params['uid'] . '/' . 'files', $session->getLegacyKey(), $params['password'] )
+ ) {
+ \OC_Log::write(
+ 'Encryption library', 'Encryption of existing files belonging to "' . $params['uid'] . '" completed'
+ , \OC_Log::INFO
+ );
- \OC_Log::write(
- 'Encryption library', 'Encryption of existing files belonging to "' . $params['uid'] . '" started at login'
- , \OC_Log::INFO
- );
+ }
+ // Register successful migration in DB
+ $util->setMigrationStatus( 1 );
return true;
- /**
+ /**
+ * @brief setup encryption backend upon user created
+ * @note This method should never be called for users using client side encryption
+ */
+ public static function postCreateUser( $params ) {
+ $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+ $util = new Util( $view, $params['uid'] );
+ Helper::setupUser($util, $params['password']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief cleanup encryption backend upon user deleted
+ * @note This method should never be called for users using client side encryption
+ */
+ public static function postDeleteUser( $params ) {
+ $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+ // cleanup public key
+ $publicKey = '/public-keys/' . $params['uid'] . '.public.key';
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $view->unlink($publicKey);
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ }
+ /**
* @brief Change a user's encryption passphrase
* @param array $params keys: uid, password
- public static function setPassphrase( $params ) {
+ public static function setPassphrase($params) {
// Only attempt to change passphrase if server-side encryption
// is in use (client-side encryption does not have access to
// the necessary keys)
- if ( Crypt::mode() == 'server' ) {
- $session = new Session();
- // Get existing decrypted private key
- $privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey();
- // Encrypt private key with new user pwd as passphrase
- $encryptedPrivateKey = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $privateKey, $params['password'] );
- // Save private key
- Keymanager::setPrivateKey( $encryptedPrivateKey );
- // NOTE: Session does not need to be updated as the
- // private key has not changed, only the passphrase
- // used to decrypt it has changed
- }
- }
- /**
- * @brief update the encryption key of the file uploaded by the client
- */
- public static function updateKeyfile( $params ) {
- if ( Crypt::mode() == 'client' ) {
+ if (Crypt::mode() == 'server') {
+ if ($params['uid'] == \OCP\User::getUser()) {
+ $view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+ $session = new Session($view);
+ // Get existing decrypted private key
+ $privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey();
+ // Encrypt private key with new user pwd as passphrase
+ $encryptedPrivateKey = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent($privateKey, $params['password']);
+ // Save private key
+ Keymanager::setPrivateKey($encryptedPrivateKey);
+ // NOTE: Session does not need to be updated as the
+ // private key has not changed, only the passphrase
+ // used to decrypt it has changed
- if ( isset( $params['properties']['key'] ) ) {
- $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
- $userId = \OCP\User::getUser();
+ } else { // admin changed the password for a different user, create new keys and reencrypt file keys
- Keymanager::setFileKey( $view, $params['path'], $userId, $params['properties']['key'] );
- } else {
- \OC_Log::write(
- 'Encryption library', "Client side encryption is enabled but the client doesn't provide a encryption key for the file!"
- , \OC_Log::ERROR
- );
- error_log( "Client side encryption is enabled but the client doesn't provide an encryption key for the file!" );
+ $user = $params['uid'];
+ $recoveryPassword = $params['recoveryPassword'];
+ $newUserPassword = $params['password'];
+ $view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+ // make sure that the users home is mounted
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::initMountPoints($user);
+ $keypair = Crypt::createKeypair();
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // Save public key
+ $view->file_put_contents( '/public-keys/'.$user.'.public.key', $keypair['publicKey'] );
+ // Encrypt private key empty passphrase
+ $encryptedPrivateKey = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $keypair['privateKey'], $newUserPassword );
+ // Save private key
+ $view->file_put_contents( '/'.$user.'/files_encryption/'.$user.'.private.key', $encryptedPrivateKey );
+ if ( $recoveryPassword ) { // if recovery key is set we can re-encrypt the key files
+ $util = new Util($view, $user);
+ $util->recoverUsersFiles($recoveryPassword);
+ }
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ /*
+ * @brief check if files can be encrypted to every user.
+ */
- * @brief
+ * @param $params
- public static function postShared( $params ) {
+ public static function preShared($params) {
+ $users = array();
+ $view = new \OC\Files\View('/public-keys/');
+ switch ($params['shareType']) {
+ case \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER:
+ $users[] = $params['shareWith'];
+ break;
+ case \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP:
+ $users = \OC_Group::usersInGroup($params['shareWith']);
+ break;
+ }
+ $error = false;
+ foreach ($users as $user) {
+ if (!$view->file_exists($user . '.public.key')) {
+ $error = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if($error)
+ // Set flag var 'run' to notify emitting
+ // script that hook execution failed
+ $params['run']->run = false;
+ // TODO: Make sure files_sharing provides user
+ // feedback on failed share
* @brief
- public static function preUnshare( $params ) {
- // Delete existing catfile
- // Generate new catfile and env keys
- // Save env keys to user folders
+ public static function postShared($params) {
+ // NOTE: $params has keys:
+ // [itemType] => file
+ // itemSource -> int, filecache file ID
+ // [parent] =>
+ // [itemTarget] => /13
+ // shareWith -> string, uid of user being shared to
+ // fileTarget -> path of file being shared
+ // uidOwner -> owner of the original file being shared
+ // [shareType] => 0
+ // [shareWith] => test1
+ // [uidOwner] => admin
+ // [permissions] => 17
+ // [fileSource] => 13
+ // [fileTarget] => /test8
+ // [id] => 10
+ // [token] =>
+ // [run] => whether emitting script should continue to run
+ // TODO: Should other kinds of item be encrypted too?
+ if ($params['itemType'] === 'file' || $params['itemType'] === 'folder') {
+ $view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+ $session = new Session($view);
+ $userId = \OCP\User::getUser();
+ $util = new Util($view, $userId);
+ $path = $util->fileIdToPath($params['itemSource']);
+ $share = $util->getParentFromShare($params['id']);
+ //if parent is set, then this is a re-share action
+ if ($share['parent'] != null) {
+ // get the parent from current share
+ $parent = $util->getShareParent($params['parent']);
+ // if parent is file the it is an 1:1 share
+ if ($parent['item_type'] === 'file') {
+ // prefix path with Shared
+ $path = '/Shared' . $parent['file_target'];
+ } else {
+ // NOTE: parent is folder but shared was a file!
+ // we try to rebuild the missing path
+ // some examples we face here
+ // user1 share folder1 with user2 folder1 has
+ // the following structure
+ // /folder1/subfolder1/subsubfolder1/somefile.txt
+ // user2 re-share subfolder2 with user3
+ // user3 re-share somefile.txt user4
+ // so our path should be
+ // /Shared/subfolder1/subsubfolder1/somefile.txt
+ // while user3 is sharing
+ if ($params['itemType'] === 'file') {
+ // get target path
+ $targetPath = $util->fileIdToPath($params['fileSource']);
+ $targetPathSplit = array_reverse(explode('/', $targetPath));
+ // init values
+ $path = '';
+ $sharedPart = ltrim($parent['file_target'], '/');
+ // rebuild path
+ foreach ($targetPathSplit as $pathPart) {
+ if ($pathPart !== $sharedPart) {
+ $path = '/' . $pathPart . $path;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // prefix path with Shared
+ $path = '/Shared' . $parent['file_target'] . $path;
+ } else {
+ // prefix path with Shared
+ $path = '/Shared' . $parent['file_target'] . $params['fileTarget'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();
+ // if a folder was shared, get a list of all (sub-)folders
+ if ($params['itemType'] === 'folder') {
+ $allFiles = $util->getAllFiles($path);
+ } else {
+ $allFiles = array($path);
+ }
+ foreach ($allFiles as $path) {
+ $usersSharing = $util->getSharingUsersArray($sharingEnabled, $path);
+ $util->setSharedFileKeyfiles( $session, $usersSharing, $path );
+ }
+ }
* @brief
- public static function preUnshareAll( $params ) {
- trigger_error( "preUnshareAll" );
+ public static function postUnshare( $params ) {
+ // NOTE: $params has keys:
+ // [itemType] => file
+ // [itemSource] => 13
+ // [shareType] => 0
+ // [shareWith] => test1
+ // [itemParent] =>
+ if ( $params['itemType'] === 'file' || $params['itemType'] === 'folder' ) {
+ $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+ $userId = \OCP\User::getUser();
+ $util = new Util( $view, $userId);
+ $path = $util->fileIdToPath( $params['itemSource'] );
+ // check if this is a re-share
+ if ( $params['itemParent'] ) {
+ // get the parent from current share
+ $parent = $util->getShareParent( $params['itemParent'] );
+ // get target path
+ $targetPath = $util->fileIdToPath( $params['itemSource'] );
+ $targetPathSplit = array_reverse( explode( '/', $targetPath ) );
+ // init values
+ $path = '';
+ $sharedPart = ltrim( $parent['file_target'], '/' );
+ // rebuild path
+ foreach ( $targetPathSplit as $pathPart ) {
+ if ( $pathPart !== $sharedPart ) {
+ $path = '/' . $pathPart . $path;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // prefix path with Shared
+ $path = '/Shared' . $parent['file_target'] . $path;
+ }
+ // for group shares get a list of the group members
+ if ( $params['shareType'] == \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP ) {
+ $userIds = \OC_Group::usersInGroup($params['shareWith']);
+ } else if ( $params['shareType'] == \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK ){
+ $userIds = array( $util->getPublicShareKeyId() );
+ } else {
+ $userIds = array( $params['shareWith'] );
+ }
+ // if we unshare a folder we need a list of all (sub-)files
+ if ( $params['itemType'] === 'folder' ) {
+ $allFiles = $util->getAllFiles( $path );
+ } else {
+ $allFiles = array( $path );
+ }
+ foreach ( $allFiles as $path ) {
+ // check if the user still has access to the file, otherwise delete share key
+ $sharingUsers = $util->getSharingUsersArray( true, $path );
+ // Unshare every user who no longer has access to the file
+ $delUsers = array_diff( $userIds, $sharingUsers);
+ // delete share key
+ Keymanager::delShareKey( $view, $delUsers, $path );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief after a file is renamed, rename its keyfile and share-keys also fix the file size and fix also the sharing
+ * @param array with oldpath and newpath
+ *
+ * This function is connected to the rename signal of OC_Filesystem and adjust the name and location
+ * of the stored versions along the actual file
+ */
+ public static function postRename($params) {
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+ $session = new Session($view);
+ $userId = \OCP\User::getUser();
+ $util = new Util( $view, $userId );
+ // Format paths to be relative to user files dir
+ $oldKeyfilePath = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath($userId . '/' . 'files_encryption' . '/' . 'keyfiles' . '/' . $params['oldpath']);
+ $newKeyfilePath = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath($userId . '/' . 'files_encryption' . '/' . 'keyfiles' . '/' . $params['newpath']);
+ // add key ext if this is not an folder
+ if (!$view->is_dir($oldKeyfilePath)) {
+ $oldKeyfilePath .= '.key';
+ $newKeyfilePath .= '.key';
+ // handle share-keys
+ $localKeyPath = $view->getLocalFile($userId.'/files_encryption/share-keys/'.$params['oldpath']);
+ $matches = glob(preg_quote($localKeyPath).'*.shareKey');
+ foreach ($matches as $src) {
+ $dst = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath(str_replace($params['oldpath'], $params['newpath'], $src));
+ // create destination folder if not exists
+ if(!file_exists(dirname($dst))) {
+ mkdir(dirname($dst), 0750, true);
+ }
+ rename($src, $dst);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // handle share-keys folders
+ $oldShareKeyfilePath = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath($userId . '/' . 'files_encryption' . '/' . 'share-keys' . '/' . $params['oldpath']);
+ $newShareKeyfilePath = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath($userId . '/' . 'files_encryption' . '/' . 'share-keys' . '/' . $params['newpath']);
+ // create destination folder if not exists
+ if(!$view->file_exists(dirname($newShareKeyfilePath))) {
+ $view->mkdir(dirname($newShareKeyfilePath), 0750, true);
+ }
+ $view->rename($oldShareKeyfilePath, $newShareKeyfilePath);
+ }
+ // Rename keyfile so it isn't orphaned
+ if($view->file_exists($oldKeyfilePath)) {
+ // create destination folder if not exists
+ if(!$view->file_exists(dirname($newKeyfilePath))) {
+ $view->mkdir(dirname($newKeyfilePath), 0750, true);
+ }
+ $view->rename($oldKeyfilePath, $newKeyfilePath);
+ }
+ // build the path to the file
+ $newPath = '/' . $userId . '/files' .$params['newpath'];
+ $newPathRelative = $params['newpath'];
+ if($util->fixFileSize($newPath)) {
+ // get sharing app state
+ $sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();
+ // get users
+ $usersSharing = $util->getSharingUsersArray($sharingEnabled, $newPathRelative);
+ // update sharing-keys
+ $util->setSharedFileKeyfiles($session, $usersSharing, $newPathRelative);
+ }
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ }
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/js/settings-admin.js b/apps/files_encryption/js/settings-admin.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7c1866445ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/js/settings-admin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, Sam Tuke <>, Robin Appelman
+ * <>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ */
+ startSaving:function(selector){
+ $(selector)
+ .html( t('settings', 'Saving...') )
+ .removeClass('success')
+ .removeClass('error')
+ .stop(true, true)
+ .show();
+ },
+ finishedSaving:function(selector, data){
+ if( data.status === "success" ){
+ $(selector).html( )
+ .addClass('success')
+ .stop(true, true)
+ .delay(3000)
+ .fadeOut(900);
+ }else{
+ $(selector).html( ).addClass('error');
+ }
+ }
+ // Trigger ajax on recoveryAdmin status change
+ var enabledStatus = $('#adminEnableRecovery').val();
+ $('input:password[name="recoveryPassword"]').keyup(function(event) {
+ var recoveryPassword = $( '#recoveryPassword' ).val();
+ var checkedButton = $('input:radio[name="adminEnableRecovery"]:checked').val();
+ var uncheckedValue = (1+parseInt(checkedButton)) % 2;
+ if (recoveryPassword != '' ) {
+ $('input:radio[name="adminEnableRecovery"][value="'+uncheckedValue.toString()+'"]').removeAttr("disabled");
+ } else {
+ $('input:radio[name="adminEnableRecovery"][value="'+uncheckedValue.toString()+'"]').attr("disabled", "true");
+ }
+ });
+ $( 'input:radio[name="adminEnableRecovery"]' ).change(
+ function() {
+ var recoveryStatus = $( this ).val();
+ var oldStatus = (1+parseInt(recoveryStatus)) % 2;
+ var recoveryPassword = $( '#recoveryPassword' ).val();
+ $.post(
+ OC.filePath( 'files_encryption', 'ajax', 'adminrecovery.php' )
+ , { adminEnableRecovery: recoveryStatus, recoveryPassword: recoveryPassword }
+ , function( result ) {
+ if (result.status === "error") {
+ $('input:radio[name="adminEnableRecovery"][value="'+oldStatus.toString()+'"]').attr("checked", "true");
+ } else {
+ OC.Notification.hide();
+ if (recoveryStatus === "0") {
+ $('button:button[name="submitChangeRecoveryKey"]').attr("disabled", "true");
+ $('input:password[name="changeRecoveryPassword"]').attr("disabled", "true");
+ $('input:password[name="changeRecoveryPassword"]').val("");
+ } else {
+ $('input:password[name="changeRecoveryPassword"]').removeAttr("disabled");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ // change recovery password
+ $('input:password[name="changeRecoveryPassword"]').keyup(function(event) {
+ var oldRecoveryPassword = $('input:password[id="oldRecoveryPassword"]').val();
+ var newRecoveryPassword = $('input:password[id="newRecoveryPassword"]').val();
+ if (newRecoveryPassword != '' && oldRecoveryPassword != '' ) {
+ $('button:button[name="submitChangeRecoveryKey"]').removeAttr("disabled");
+ } else {
+ $('button:button[name="submitChangeRecoveryKey"]').attr("disabled", "true");
+ }
+ });
+ $('button:button[name="submitChangeRecoveryKey"]').click(function() {
+ var oldRecoveryPassword = $('input:password[id="oldRecoveryPassword"]').val();
+ var newRecoveryPassword = $('input:password[id="newRecoveryPassword"]').val();
+ OC.msg.startSaving('#encryption .msg');
+ $.post(
+ OC.filePath( 'files_encryption', 'ajax', 'changeRecoveryPassword.php' )
+ , { oldPassword: oldRecoveryPassword, newPassword: newRecoveryPassword }
+ , function( data ) {
+ if (data.status == "error") {
+ OC.msg.finishedSaving('#encryption .msg', data);
+ } else {
+ OC.msg.finishedSaving('#encryption .msg', data);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ });
+}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/js/settings-personal.js b/apps/files_encryption/js/settings-personal.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..312b672ad46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/js/settings-personal.js
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, Sam Tuke <>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ */
+ // Trigger ajax on recoveryAdmin status change
+ $( 'input:radio[name="userEnableRecovery"]' ).change(
+ function() {
+ // Hide feedback messages in case they're already visible
+ $('#recoveryEnabledSuccess').hide();
+ $('#recoveryEnabledError').hide();
+ var recoveryStatus = $( this ).val();
+ $.post(
+ OC.filePath( 'files_encryption', 'ajax', 'userrecovery.php' )
+ , { userEnableRecovery: recoveryStatus }
+ , function( data ) {
+ if ( data.status == "success" ) {
+ $('#recoveryEnabledSuccess').show();
+ } else {
+ $('#recoveryEnabledError').show();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ // Ensure page is not reloaded on form submit
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+ $("#encryptAll").click(
+ function(){
+ // Hide feedback messages in case they're already visible
+ $('#encryptAllSuccess').hide();
+ $('#encryptAllError').hide();
+ var userPassword = $( '#userPassword' ).val();
+ var encryptAll = $( '#encryptAll' ).val();
+ $.post(
+ OC.filePath( 'files_encryption', 'ajax', 'encryptall.php' )
+ , { encryptAll: encryptAll, userPassword: userPassword }
+ , function( data ) {
+ if ( data.status == "success" ) {
+ $('#encryptAllSuccess').show();
+ } else {
+ $('#encryptAllError').show();
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ // Ensure page is not reloaded on form submit
+ return false;
+ }
+ );
+}); \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/js/settings.js b/apps/files_encryption/js/settings.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0be857bb73e..00000000000
--- a/apps/files_encryption/js/settings.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011, Robin Appelman <>
- * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.
- * See the COPYING-README file.
- */
- $('#encryption_blacklist').multiSelect({
- oncheck:blackListChange,
- onuncheck:blackListChange,
- createText:'...'
- });
- function blackListChange(){
- var blackList=$('#encryption_blacklist').val().join(',');
- OC.AppConfig.setValue('files_encryption','type_blacklist',blackList);
- }
-}) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de.php
index bcf0ca5ad63..cdcd8a40b23 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de.php
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
"File encryption is enabled." => "Dateiverschlüsselung ist aktiviert",
"The following file types will not be encrypted:" => "Die folgenden Dateitypen werden nicht verschlüsselt:",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption:" => "Schließe die folgenden Dateitypen von der Verschlüsselung aus:",
-"None" => "Nichts"
+"None" => "Keine"
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de_DE.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de_DE.php
index 71fd7d96711..4f08b98eb29 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de_DE.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de_DE.php
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
"File encryption is enabled." => "Datei-Verschlüsselung ist aktiviert",
"The following file types will not be encrypted:" => "Die folgenden Dateitypen werden nicht verschlüsselt:",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption:" => "Die folgenden Dateitypen von der Verschlüsselung ausnehmen:",
-"None" => "Nichts"
+"None" => "Keine"
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/el.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/el.php
index 82a4c92ec28..0031a731944 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/el.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/el.php
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
"File encryption is enabled." => "Η κÏυπτογÏάφηση αÏχείων είναι ενεÏγή.",
"The following file types will not be encrypted:" => "Οι παÏακάτω Ï„Ïποι αÏχείων δεν θα κÏυπτογÏαφηθοÏν:",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption:" => "ΕξαίÏεση των παÏακάτω Ï„Ïπων αÏχείων από την κÏυπτογÏάφηση:",
-"None" => "Τίποτα"
+"None" => "Καμία"
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/eu.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/eu.php
index 7e3b7611ff2..5a22b65728e 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/eu.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/eu.php
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
"File encryption is enabled." => "Fitxategien enkriptazioa gaituta dago.",
"The following file types will not be encrypted:" => "Hurrengo fitxategi motak ez dira enkriptatuko:",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption:" => "Baztertu hurrengo fitxategi motak enkriptatzetik:",
-"None" => "Ezer"
+"None" => "Bat ere ez"
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/it.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/it.php
index c7171345269..9ab9bc492a0 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/it.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/it.php
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
"File encryption is enabled." => "La cifratura dei file è abilitata.",
"The following file types will not be encrypted:" => "I seguenti tipi di file non saranno cifrati:",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption:" => "Escludi i seguenti tipi di file dalla cifratura:",
-"None" => "Nessuno"
+"None" => "Nessuna"
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pl.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pl.php
index 836f5453596..2fa86f454f9 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pl.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pl.php
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
"File encryption is enabled." => "Szyfrowanie plików jest włączone",
"The following file types will not be encrypted:" => "Poniższe typy plików nie będą szyfrowane:",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption:" => "Wyłącz poniższe typy plików z szyfrowania:",
-"None" => "Nic"
+"None" => "Brak"
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pt_BR.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pt_BR.php
index b41c6ed3153..28807db72ce 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pt_BR.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pt_BR.php
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
"File encryption is enabled." => "A criptografia de arquivos está ativada.",
"The following file types will not be encrypted:" => "Os seguintes tipos de arquivo não serão criptografados:",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption:" => "Excluir os seguintes tipos de arquivo da criptografia:",
-"None" => "Nada"
+"None" => "Nenhuma"
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ru.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ru.php
index f07dec621d7..22c1e3da374 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ru.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ru.php
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
"File encryption is enabled." => "Шифрование файла включено.",
"The following file types will not be encrypted:" => "Следующие типы файлов не будут зашифрованы:",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption:" => "ИÑключить Ñледующие типы файлов из шифрованных:",
-"None" => "Ðет новоÑтей"
+"None" => "Ðичего"
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sk_SK.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sk_SK.php
index aaea9da21b4..bebb6234710 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sk_SK.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sk_SK.php
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
"File encryption is enabled." => "Šifrovanie súborov nastavené.",
"The following file types will not be encrypted:" => "Uvedené typy súborov nebudú šifrované:",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption:" => "Nešifrovať uvedené typy súborov",
-"None" => "Žiadny"
+"None" => "Žiadne"
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/th_TH.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/th_TH.php
index 30c0324a988..e46d2491186 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/th_TH.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/th_TH.php
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Encryption" => "à¸à¸²à¸£à¹€à¸‚้ารหัส",
-"None" => "ไม่มี"
+"None" => "ไม่ต้อง"
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/vi.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/vi.php
index 40d4b1d0fec..0a88d1b2db6 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/vi.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/vi.php
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
"File encryption is enabled." => "Mã hóa file đã mở",
"The following file types will not be encrypted:" => "Loại file sau sẽ không được mã hóa",
"Exclude the following file types from encryption:" => "Việc mã hóa không bao gồm loại file sau",
-"None" => "Không gì cả"
+"None" => "Không có gì hết"
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/lib/crypt.php b/apps/files_encryption/lib/crypt.php
index 437a18669e5..f5b7a8a0a40 100755
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/crypt.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/crypt.php
@@ -25,23 +25,19 @@
namespace OCA\Encryption;
-require_once 'Crypt_Blowfish/Blowfish.php';
-// Todo:
-// - Add a setting "Don´t encrypt files larger than xx because of performance"
-// - Don't use a password directly as encryption key. but a key which is
-// stored on the server and encrypted with the user password. -> change pass
-// faster
+//require_once '../3rdparty/Crypt_Blowfish/Blowfish.php';
+require_once realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../3rdparty/Crypt_Blowfish/Blowfish.php' );
* Class for common cryptography functionality
-class Crypt {
+class Crypt
* @brief return encryption mode client or server side encryption
- * @param string user name (use system wide setting if name=null)
+ * @param string $user name (use system wide setting if name=null)
* @return string 'client' or 'server'
public static function mode( $user = null ) {
@@ -56,7 +52,7 @@ class Crypt {
public static function createKeypair() {
- $res = openssl_pkey_new();
+ $res = openssl_pkey_new( array( 'private_key_bits' => 4096 ) );
// Get private key
openssl_pkey_export( $res, $privateKey );
@@ -66,14 +62,14 @@ class Crypt {
$publicKey = $publicKey['key'];
- return( array( 'publicKey' => $publicKey, 'privateKey' => $privateKey ) );
+ return ( array( 'publicKey' => $publicKey, 'privateKey' => $privateKey ) );
* @brief Add arbitrary padding to encrypted data
* @param string $data data to be padded
- * @return padded data
+ * @return string padded data
* @note In order to end up with data exactly 8192 bytes long we must
* add two letters. It is impossible to achieve exactly 8192 length
* blocks with encryption alone, hence padding is added to achieve the
@@ -90,7 +86,7 @@ class Crypt {
* @brief Remove arbitrary padding to encrypted data
* @param string $padded padded data to remove padding from
- * @return unpadded data on success, false on error
+ * @return string unpadded data on success, false on error
public static function removePadding( $padded ) {
@@ -111,10 +107,11 @@ class Crypt {
* @brief Check if a file's contents contains an IV and is symmetrically encrypted
- * @return true / false
+ * @param $content
+ * @return boolean
* @note see also OCA\Encryption\Util->isEncryptedPath()
- public static function isCatfile( $content ) {
+ public static function isCatfileContent( $content ) {
if ( !$content ) {
@@ -133,7 +130,7 @@ class Crypt {
// Fetch identifier from start of metadata
$identifier = substr( $meta, 0, 6 );
- if ( $identifier == '00iv00') {
+ if ( $identifier == '00iv00' ) {
return true;
@@ -155,7 +152,7 @@ class Crypt {
// TODO: Use DI to get \OC\Files\Filesystem out of here
// Fetch all file metadata from DB
- $metadata = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo( $path, '' );
+ $metadata = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo( $path );
// Return encryption status
return isset( $metadata['encrypted'] ) and ( bool )$metadata['encrypted'];
@@ -164,9 +161,10 @@ class Crypt {
* @brief Check if a file is encrypted via legacy system
+ * @param $data
* @param string $relPath The path of the file, relative to user/data;
* e.g. filename or /Docs/filename, NOT admin/files/filename
- * @return true / false
+ * @return boolean
public static function isLegacyEncryptedContent( $data, $relPath ) {
@@ -179,7 +177,7 @@ class Crypt {
if (
isset( $metadata['encrypted'] )
and $metadata['encrypted'] === true
- and ! self::isCatfile( $data )
+ and !self::isCatfileContent( $data )
) {
return true;
@@ -194,7 +192,10 @@ class Crypt {
* @brief Symmetrically encrypt a string
- * @returns encrypted file
+ * @param $plainContent
+ * @param $iv
+ * @param string $passphrase
+ * @return string encrypted file content
public static function encrypt( $plainContent, $iv, $passphrase = '' ) {
@@ -214,7 +215,11 @@ class Crypt {
* @brief Symmetrically decrypt a string
- * @returns decrypted file
+ * @param $encryptedContent
+ * @param $iv
+ * @param $passphrase
+ * @throws \Exception
+ * @return string decrypted file content
public static function decrypt( $encryptedContent, $iv, $passphrase ) {
@@ -222,7 +227,6 @@ class Crypt {
return $plainContent;
} else {
throw new \Exception( 'Encryption library: Decryption (symmetric) of content failed' );
@@ -237,7 +241,7 @@ class Crypt {
* @param string $iv IV to be concatenated
* @returns string concatenated content
- public static function concatIv ( $content, $iv ) {
+ public static function concatIv( $content, $iv ) {
$combined = $content . '00iv00' . $iv;
@@ -250,7 +254,7 @@ class Crypt {
* @param string $catFile concatenated data to be split
* @returns array keys: encrypted, iv
- public static function splitIv ( $catFile ) {
+ public static function splitIv( $catFile ) {
// Fetch encryption metadata from end of file
$meta = substr( $catFile, -22 );
@@ -272,8 +276,10 @@ class Crypt {
* @brief Symmetrically encrypts a string and returns keyfile content
- * @param $plainContent content to be encrypted in keyfile
- * @returns encrypted content combined with IV
+ * @param string $plainContent content to be encrypted in keyfile
+ * @param string $passphrase
+ * @return bool|string
+ * @return string encrypted content combined with IV
* @note IV need not be specified, as it will be stored in the returned keyfile
* and remain accessible therein.
@@ -309,10 +315,14 @@ class Crypt {
* @brief Symmetrically decrypts keyfile content
- * @param string $source
- * @param string $target
- * @param string $key the decryption key
- * @returns decrypted content
+ * @param $keyfileContent
+ * @param string $passphrase
+ * @throws \Exception
+ * @return bool|string
+ * @internal param string $source
+ * @internal param string $target
+ * @internal param string $key the decryption key
+ * @returns string decrypted content
* This function decrypts a file
@@ -334,6 +344,8 @@ class Crypt {
return $plainContent;
+ } else {
+ return false;
@@ -350,11 +362,11 @@ class Crypt {
$key = self::generateKey();
- if( $encryptedContent = self::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $plainContent, $key ) ) {
+ if ( $encryptedContent = self::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $plainContent, $key ) ) {
return array(
- 'key' => $key
- , 'encrypted' => $encryptedContent
+ 'key' => $key,
+ 'encrypted' => $encryptedContent
} else {
@@ -368,22 +380,41 @@ class Crypt {
* @brief Create asymmetrically encrypted keyfile content using a generated key
* @param string $plainContent content to be encrypted
- * @returns array keys: key, encrypted
- * @note symmetricDecryptFileContent() can be used to decrypt files created using this method
- *
- * This function decrypts a file
+ * @param array $publicKeys array keys must be the userId of corresponding user
+ * @returns array keys: keys (array, key = userId), data
+ * @note symmetricDecryptFileContent() can decrypt files created using this method
public static function multiKeyEncrypt( $plainContent, array $publicKeys ) {
+ // openssl_seal returns false without errors if $plainContent
+ // is empty, so trigger our own error
+ if ( empty( $plainContent ) ) {
+ throw new \Exception( 'Cannot mutliKeyEncrypt empty plain content' );
+ }
// Set empty vars to be set by openssl by reference
$sealed = '';
- $envKeys = array();
+ $shareKeys = array();
+ $mappedShareKeys = array();
+ if ( openssl_seal( $plainContent, $sealed, $shareKeys, $publicKeys ) ) {
+ $i = 0;
- if( openssl_seal( $plainContent, $sealed, $envKeys, $publicKeys ) ) {
+ // Ensure each shareKey is labelled with its
+ // corresponding userId
+ foreach ( $publicKeys as $userId => $publicKey ) {
+ $mappedShareKeys[$userId] = $shareKeys[$i];
+ $i++;
+ }
return array(
- 'keys' => $envKeys
- , 'encrypted' => $sealed
+ 'keys' => $mappedShareKeys,
+ 'data' => $sealed
} else {
@@ -396,13 +427,17 @@ class Crypt {
* @brief Asymmetrically encrypt a file using multiple public keys
- * @param string $plainContent content to be encrypted
+ * @param $encryptedContent
+ * @param $shareKey
+ * @param $privateKey
+ * @return bool
+ * @internal param string $plainContent content to be encrypted
* @returns string $plainContent decrypted string
* @note symmetricDecryptFileContent() can be used to decrypt files created using this method
* This function decrypts a file
- public static function multiKeyDecrypt( $encryptedContent, $envKey, $privateKey ) {
+ public static function multiKeyDecrypt( $encryptedContent, $shareKey, $privateKey ) {
if ( !$encryptedContent ) {
@@ -410,7 +445,7 @@ class Crypt {
- if ( openssl_open( $encryptedContent, $plainContent, $envKey, $privateKey ) ) {
+ if ( openssl_open( $encryptedContent, $plainContent, $shareKey, $privateKey ) ) {
return $plainContent;
@@ -425,8 +460,8 @@ class Crypt {
- * @brief Asymmetrically encrypt a string using a public key
- * @returns encrypted file
+ * @brief Asymetrically encrypt a string using a public key
+ * @return string encrypted file
public static function keyEncrypt( $plainContent, $publicKey ) {
@@ -438,110 +473,17 @@ class Crypt {
* @brief Asymetrically decrypt a file using a private key
- * @returns decrypted file
+ * @return string decrypted file
public static function keyDecrypt( $encryptedContent, $privatekey ) {
- openssl_private_decrypt( $encryptedContent, $plainContent, $privatekey );
- return $plainContent;
- }
- /**
- * @brief Encrypts content symmetrically and generates keyfile asymmetrically
- * @returns array containing catfile and new keyfile.
- * keys: data, key
- * @note this method is a wrapper for combining other crypt class methods
- */
- public static function keyEncryptKeyfile( $plainContent, $publicKey ) {
- // Encrypt plain data, generate keyfile & encrypted file
- $cryptedData = self::symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile( $plainContent );
- // Encrypt keyfile
- $cryptedKey = self::keyEncrypt( $cryptedData['key'], $publicKey );
- return array( 'data' => $cryptedData['encrypted'], 'key' => $cryptedKey );
- }
- /**
- * @brief Takes catfile, keyfile, and private key, and
- * performs decryption
- * @returns decrypted content
- * @note this method is a wrapper for combining other crypt class methods
- */
- public static function keyDecryptKeyfile( $catfile, $keyfile, $privateKey ) {
- // Decrypt the keyfile with the user's private key
- $decryptedKeyfile = self::keyDecrypt( $keyfile, $privateKey );
- // Decrypt the catfile symmetrically using the decrypted keyfile
- $decryptedData = self::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $catfile, $decryptedKeyfile );
- return $decryptedData;
- }
- /**
- * @brief Symmetrically encrypt a file by combining encrypted component data blocks
- */
- public static function symmetricBlockEncryptFileContent( $plainContent, $key ) {
- $crypted = '';
- $remaining = $plainContent;
- $testarray = array();
- while( strlen( $remaining ) ) {
- //echo "\n\n\$block = ".substr( $remaining, 0, 6126 );
- // Encrypt a chunk of unencrypted data and add it to the rest
- $block = self::symmetricEncryptFileContent( substr( $remaining, 0, 6126 ), $key );
- $padded = self::addPadding( $block );
- $crypted .= $block;
- $testarray[] = $block;
- // Remove the data already encrypted from remaining unencrypted data
- $remaining = substr( $remaining, 6126 );
- }
- return $crypted;
- }
- /**
- * @brief Symmetrically decrypt a file by combining encrypted component data blocks
- */
- public static function symmetricBlockDecryptFileContent( $crypted, $key ) {
- $decrypted = '';
- $remaining = $crypted;
- $testarray = array();
- while( strlen( $remaining ) ) {
- $testarray[] = substr( $remaining, 0, 8192 );
- // Decrypt a chunk of unencrypted data and add it to the rest
- $decrypted .= self::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $remaining, $key );
- // Remove the data already encrypted from remaining unencrypted data
- $remaining = substr( $remaining, 8192 );
+ $result = @openssl_private_decrypt( $encryptedContent, $plainContent, $privatekey );
+ if ( $result ) {
+ return $plainContent;
- return $decrypted;
+ return $result;
@@ -586,7 +528,7 @@ class Crypt {
if ( !$strong ) {
// If OpenSSL indicates randomness is insecure, log error
- throw new \Exception ( 'Encryption library, Insecure symmetric key was generated using openssl_random_pseudo_bytes()' );
+ throw new \Exception( 'Encryption library, Insecure symmetric key was generated using openssl_random_pseudo_bytes()' );
@@ -621,6 +563,10 @@ class Crypt {
+ /**
+ * @param $passphrase
+ * @return mixed
+ */
public static function legacyCreateKey( $passphrase ) {
// Generate a random integer
@@ -635,9 +581,11 @@ class Crypt {
* @brief encrypts content using legacy blowfish system
- * @param $content the cleartext message you want to encrypt
- * @param $key the encryption key (optional)
- * @returns encrypted content
+ * @param string $content the cleartext message you want to encrypt
+ * @param string $passphrase
+ * @return
+ * @internal param \OCA\Encryption\the $key encryption key (optional)
+ * @returns string encrypted content
* This function encrypts an content
@@ -651,9 +599,11 @@ class Crypt {
* @brief decrypts content using legacy blowfish system
- * @param $content the cleartext message you want to decrypt
- * @param $key the encryption key (optional)
- * @returns cleartext content
+ * @param string $content the cleartext message you want to decrypt
+ * @param string $passphrase
+ * @return string
+ * @internal param \OCA\Encryption\the $key encryption key (optional)
+ * @return string cleartext content
* This function decrypts an content
@@ -663,33 +613,49 @@ class Crypt {
$decrypted = $bf->decrypt( $content );
- $trimmed = rtrim( $decrypted, "\0" );
- return $trimmed;
+ return rtrim( $decrypted, "\0" );;
- public static function legacyKeyRecryptKeyfile( $legacyEncryptedContent, $legacyPassphrase, $publicKey, $newPassphrase ) {
- $decrypted = self::legacyDecrypt( $legacyEncryptedContent, $legacyPassphrase );
- $recrypted = self::keyEncryptKeyfile( $decrypted, $publicKey );
- return $recrypted;
+ /**
+ * @param $data
+ * @param string $key
+ * @param int $maxLength
+ * @return string
+ */
+ private static function legacyBlockDecrypt( $data, $key = '', $maxLength = 0 ) {
+ $result = '';
+ while ( strlen( $data ) ) {
+ $result .= self::legacyDecrypt( substr( $data, 0, 8192 ), $key );
+ $data = substr( $data, 8192 );
+ }
+ if ( $maxLength > 0 ) {
+ return substr( $result, 0, $maxLength );
+ } else {
+ return rtrim( $result, "\0" );
+ }
- * @brief Re-encryptes a legacy blowfish encrypted file using AES with integrated IV
- * @param $legacyContent the legacy encrypted content to re-encrypt
- * @returns cleartext content
- *
- * This function decrypts an content
+ * @param $legacyEncryptedContent
+ * @param $legacyPassphrase
+ * @param $publicKeys
+ * @param $newPassphrase
+ * @param $path
+ * @return array
- public static function legacyRecrypt( $legacyContent, $legacyPassphrase, $newPassphrase ) {
+ public static function legacyKeyRecryptKeyfile( $legacyEncryptedContent, $legacyPassphrase, $publicKeys, $newPassphrase, $path ) {
+ $decrypted = self::legacyBlockDecrypt( $legacyEncryptedContent, $legacyPassphrase );
+ // Encrypt plain data, generate keyfile & encrypted file
+ $cryptedData = self::symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile( $decrypted );
+ // Encrypt plain keyfile to multiple sharefiles
+ $multiEncrypted = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt( $cryptedData['key'], $publicKeys );
- // TODO: write me
+ return array( 'data' => $cryptedData['encrypted'], 'filekey' => $multiEncrypted['data'], 'sharekeys' => $multiEncrypted['keys'] );
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php b/apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..43f573c16b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/helper.php
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ * ownCloud
+ *
+ * @author Florin Peter
+ * @copyright 2013 Florin Peter <>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+ * License along with this library. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ */
+namespace OCA\Encryption;
+ /**
+ * @brief Class to manage registration of hooks an various helper methods
+ */
+ * Class Helper
+ * @package OCA\Encryption
+ */
+class Helper
+ /**
+ * @brief register share related hooks
+ *
+ */
+ public static function registerShareHooks() {
+ \OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OCP\Share', 'pre_shared', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'preShared' );
+ \OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OCP\Share', 'post_shared', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postShared' );
+ \OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OCP\Share', 'post_unshare', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postUnshare' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief register user related hooks
+ *
+ */
+ public static function registerUserHooks() {
+ \OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User', 'post_login', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'login' );
+ \OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User', 'post_setPassword', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'setPassphrase' );
+ \OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User', 'post_createUser', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postCreateUser' );
+ \OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_User', 'post_deleteUser', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postDeleteUser' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief register filesystem related hooks
+ *
+ */
+ public static function registerFilesystemHooks() {
+ \OCP\Util::connectHook( 'OC_Filesystem', 'post_rename', 'OCA\Encryption\Hooks', 'postRename' );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief setup user for files_encryption
+ *
+ * @param Util $util
+ * @param string $password
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public static function setupUser( $util, $password ) {
+ // Check files_encryption infrastructure is ready for action
+ if ( !$util->ready() ) {
+ \OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'User account "' . $util->getUserId() . '" is not ready for encryption; configuration started', \OC_Log::DEBUG );
+ if ( !$util->setupServerSide( $password ) ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief enable recovery
+ *
+ * @param $recoveryKeyId
+ * @param $recoveryPassword
+ * @internal param \OCA\Encryption\Util $util
+ * @internal param string $password
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public static function adminEnableRecovery( $recoveryKeyId, $recoveryPassword ) {
+ $view = new \OC\Files\View( '/' );
+ if ( $recoveryKeyId === null ) {
+ $recoveryKeyId = 'recovery_' . substr( md5( time() ), 0, 8 );
+ \OC_Appconfig::setValue( 'files_encryption', 'recoveryKeyId', $recoveryKeyId );
+ }
+ if ( !$view->is_dir( '/owncloud_private_key' ) ) {
+ $view->mkdir( '/owncloud_private_key' );
+ }
+ if (
+ ( !$view->file_exists( "/public-keys/" . $recoveryKeyId . ".public.key" )
+ || !$view->file_exists( "/owncloud_private_key/" . $recoveryKeyId . ".private.key" ) )
+ ) {
+ $keypair = \OCA\Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // Save public key
+ if ( !$view->is_dir( '/public-keys' ) ) {
+ $view->mkdir( '/public-keys' );
+ }
+ $view->file_put_contents( '/public-keys/' . $recoveryKeyId . '.public.key', $keypair['publicKey'] );
+ // Encrypt private key empthy passphrase
+ $encryptedPrivateKey = \OCA\Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $keypair['privateKey'], $recoveryPassword );
+ // Save private key
+ $view->file_put_contents( '/owncloud_private_key/' . $recoveryKeyId . '.private.key', $encryptedPrivateKey );
+ // create control file which let us check later on if the entered password was correct.
+ $encryptedControlData = \OCA\Encryption\Crypt::keyEncrypt( "ownCloud", $keypair['publicKey'] );
+ if ( !$view->is_dir( '/control-file' ) ) {
+ $view->mkdir( '/control-file' );
+ }
+ $view->file_put_contents( '/control-file/controlfile.enc', $encryptedControlData );
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
+ // Set recoveryAdmin as enabled
+ \OC_Appconfig::setValue( 'files_encryption', 'recoveryAdminEnabled', 1 );
+ $return = true;
+ } else { // get recovery key and check the password
+ $util = new \OCA\Encryption\Util( new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' ), \OCP\User::getUser() );
+ $return = $util->checkRecoveryPassword( $_POST['recoveryPassword'] );
+ if ( $return ) {
+ \OC_Appconfig::setValue( 'files_encryption', 'recoveryAdminEnabled', 1 );
+ }
+ }
+ return $return;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief disable recovery
+ *
+ * @param $recoveryPassword
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public static function adminDisableRecovery( $recoveryPassword ) {
+ $util = new Util( new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' ), \OCP\User::getUser() );
+ $return = $util->checkRecoveryPassword( $recoveryPassword );
+ if ( $return ) {
+ // Set recoveryAdmin as disabled
+ \OC_Appconfig::setValue( 'files_encryption', 'recoveryAdminEnabled', 0 );
+ }
+ return $return;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/lib/keymanager.php b/apps/files_encryption/lib/keymanager.php
index 95587797154..aaa2e4ba1b5 100755
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/keymanager.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/keymanager.php
@@ -27,20 +27,28 @@ namespace OCA\Encryption;
* @brief Class to manage storage and retrieval of encryption keys
* @note Where a method requires a view object, it's root must be '/'
-class Keymanager {
+class Keymanager
* @brief retrieve the ENCRYPTED private key from a user
- *
- * @return string private key or false
+ *
+ * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
+ * @param string $user
+ * @return string private key or false (hopefully)
* @note the key returned by this method must be decrypted before use
public static function getPrivateKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $user ) {
- $path = '/' . $user . '/' . 'files_encryption' . '/' . $user.'.private.key';
+ $path = '/' . $user . '/' . 'files_encryption' . '/' . $user . '.private.key';
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
$key = $view->file_get_contents( $path );
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
return $key;
@@ -51,101 +59,150 @@ class Keymanager {
* @return string public key or false
public static function getPublicKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId ) {
- return $view->file_get_contents( '/public-keys/' . '/' . $userId . '.public.key' );
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $result = $view->file_get_contents( '/public-keys/' . $userId . '.public.key' );
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ return $result;
- * @brief retrieve both keys from a user (private and public)
+ * @brief Retrieve a user's public and private key
* @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
* @param $userId
* @return array keys: privateKey, publicKey
public static function getUserKeys( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId ) {
return array(
'publicKey' => self::getPublicKey( $view, $userId )
- , 'privateKey' => self::getPrivateKey( $view, $userId )
+ , 'privateKey' => self::getPrivateKey( $view, $userId )
- * @brief Retrieve public keys of all users with access to a file
- * @param string $path Path to file
- * @return array of public keys for the given file
- * @note Checks that the sharing app is enabled should be performed
- * by client code, that isn't checked here
+ * @brief Retrieve public keys for given users
+ * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
+ * @param array $userIds
+ * @return array of public keys for the specified users
- public static function getPublicKeys( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId, $filePath ) {
- $path = ltrim( $path, '/' );
- $filepath = '/' . $userId . '/files/' . $filePath;
- // Check if sharing is enabled
- if ( OC_App::isEnabled( 'files_sharing' ) ) {
- } else {
- // check if it is a file owned by the user and not shared at all
- $userview = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/'.$userId.'/files/' );
- if ( $userview->file_exists( $path ) ) {
- $users[] = $userId;
- }
- }
- $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/public-keys/' );
- $keylist = array();
- $count = 0;
- foreach ( $users as $user ) {
- $keylist['key'.++$count] = $view->file_get_contents( $user.'.public.key' );
+ public static function getPublicKeys( \OC_FilesystemView $view, array $userIds ) {
+ $keys = array();
+ foreach ( $userIds as $userId ) {
+ $keys[$userId] = self::getPublicKey( $view, $userId );
- return $keylist;
+ return $keys;
* @brief store file encryption key
+ * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
* @param string $path relative path of the file, including filename
- * @param string $key
+ * @param $userId
+ * @param $catfile
+ * @internal param string $key
* @return bool true/false
- * @note The keyfile is not encrypted here. Client code must
+ * @note The keyfile is not encrypted here. Client code must
* asymmetrically encrypt the keyfile before passing it to this method
public static function setFileKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $path, $userId, $catfile ) {
- $basePath = '/' . $userId . '/files_encryption/keyfiles';
- $targetPath = self::keySetPreparation( $view, $path, $basePath, $userId );
- if ( $view->is_dir( $basePath . '/' . $targetPath ) ) {
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ //here we need the currently logged in user, while userId can be a different user
+ $util = new Util( $view, \OCP\User::getUser() );
+ list( $owner, $filename ) = $util->getUidAndFilename( $path );
+ $basePath = '/' . $owner . '/files_encryption/keyfiles';
+ $targetPath = self::keySetPreparation( $view, $filename, $basePath, $owner );
+ if ( !$view->is_dir( $basePath . '/' . $targetPath ) ) {
+ // create all parent folders
+ $info = pathinfo( $basePath . '/' . $targetPath );
+ $keyfileFolderName = $view->getLocalFolder( $info['dirname'] );
+ if ( !file_exists( $keyfileFolderName ) ) {
+ mkdir( $keyfileFolderName, 0750, true );
+ }
+ }
+ // try reusing key file if part file
+ if ( self::isPartialFilePath( $targetPath ) ) {
+ $result = $view->file_put_contents( $basePath . '/' . self::fixPartialFilePath( $targetPath ) . '.key', $catfile );
} else {
- // Save the keyfile in parallel directory
- return $view->file_put_contents( $basePath . '/' . $targetPath . '.key', $catfile );
+ $result = $view->file_put_contents( $basePath . '/' . $targetPath . '.key', $catfile );
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ return $result;
+ /**
+ * @brief Remove .path extension from a file path
+ * @param string $path Path that may identify a .part file
+ * @return string File path without .part extension
+ * @note this is needed for reusing keys
+ */
+ public static function fixPartialFilePath( $path ) {
+ if ( preg_match( '/\.part$/', $path ) ) {
+ $newLength = strlen( $path ) - 5;
+ $fPath = substr( $path, 0, $newLength );
+ return $fPath;
+ } else {
+ return $path;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Check if a path is a .part file
+ * @param string $path Path that may identify a .part file
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public static function isPartialFilePath( $path ) {
+ if ( preg_match( '/\.part$/', $path ) ) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
* @brief retrieve keyfile for an encrypted file
* @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
@@ -157,27 +214,50 @@ class Keymanager {
* of the keyfile must be performed by client code
public static function getFileKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId, $filePath ) {
- $filePath_f = ltrim( $filePath, '/' );
- $catfilePath = '/' . $userId . '/files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $filePath_f . '.key';
- if ( $view->file_exists( $catfilePath ) ) {
- return $view->file_get_contents( $catfilePath );
+ // try reusing key file if part file
+ if ( self::isPartialFilePath( $filePath ) ) {
+ $result = self::getFileKey( $view, $userId, self::fixPartialFilePath( $filePath ) );
+ if ( $result ) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ }
+ $util = new Util( $view, \OCP\User::getUser() );
+ list( $owner, $filename ) = $util->getUidAndFilename( $filePath );
+ $filePath_f = ltrim( $filename, '/' );
+ $keyfilePath = '/' . $owner . '/files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $filePath_f . '.key';
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ if ( $view->file_exists( $keyfilePath ) ) {
+ $result = $view->file_get_contents( $keyfilePath );
} else {
- return false;
+ $result = false;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ return $result;
* @brief Delete a keyfile
- * @param OC_FilesystemView $view
+ * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
* @param string $userId username
* @param string $path path of the file the key belongs to
* @return bool Outcome of unlink operation
@@ -185,139 +265,299 @@ class Keymanager {
* /data/admin/files/mydoc.txt
public static function deleteFileKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId, $path ) {
$trimmed = ltrim( $path, '/' );
- $keyPath = '/' . $userId . '/files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $trimmed . '.key';
- // Unlink doesn't tell us if file was deleted (not found returns
- // true), so we perform our own test
- if ( $view->file_exists( $keyPath ) ) {
- return $view->unlink( $keyPath );
- } else {
+ $keyPath = '/' . $userId . '/files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $trimmed;
+ $result = false;
+ if ( $view->is_dir( $keyPath ) ) {
+ $result = $view->unlink( $keyPath );
+ } else if ( $view->file_exists( $keyPath . '.key' ) ) {
+ $result = $view->unlink( $keyPath . '.key' );
+ }
+ if ( !$result ) {
\OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'Could not delete keyfile; does not exist: "' . $keyPath, \OC_Log::ERROR );
- return false;
+ return $result;
* @brief store private key from the user
- * @param string key
+ * @param string $key
* @return bool
* @note Encryption of the private key must be performed by client code
* as no encryption takes place here
public static function setPrivateKey( $key ) {
$user = \OCP\User::getUser();
$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' . $user . '/files_encryption' );
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
if ( !$view->file_exists( '' ) )
$view->mkdir( '' );
- return $view->file_put_contents( $user . '.private.key', $key );
+ $result = $view->file_put_contents( $user . '.private.key', $key );
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ return $result;
- * @brief store private keys from the user
+ * @brief store share key
- * @param string privatekey
- * @param string publickey
+ * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
+ * @param string $path relative path of the file, including filename
+ * @param $userId
+ * @param $shareKey
+ * @internal param string $key
+ * @internal param string $dbClassName
* @return bool true/false
+ * @note The keyfile is not encrypted here. Client code must
+ * asymmetrically encrypt the keyfile before passing it to this method
- public static function setUserKeys($privatekey, $publickey) {
- return ( self::setPrivateKey( $privatekey ) && self::setPublicKey( $publickey ) );
+ public static function setShareKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $path, $userId, $shareKey ) {
+ // Here we need the currently logged in user, while userId can be a different user
+ $util = new Util( $view, \OCP\User::getUser() );
+ list( $owner, $filename ) = $util->getUidAndFilename( $path );
+ $basePath = '/' . $owner . '/files_encryption/share-keys';
+ $shareKeyPath = self::keySetPreparation( $view, $filename, $basePath, $owner );
+ // try reusing key file if part file
+ if ( self::isPartialFilePath( $shareKeyPath ) ) {
+ $writePath = $basePath . '/' . self::fixPartialFilePath( $shareKeyPath ) . '.' . $userId . '.shareKey';
+ } else {
+ $writePath = $basePath . '/' . $shareKeyPath . '.' . $userId . '.shareKey';
+ }
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $result = $view->file_put_contents( $writePath, $shareKey );
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ if (
+ is_int( $result )
+ && $result > 0
+ ) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
- * @brief store public key of the user
- *
- * @param string key
- * @return bool true/false
+ * @brief store multiple share keys for a single file
+ * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
+ * @param $path
+ * @param array $shareKeys
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public static function setShareKeys( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $path, array $shareKeys ) {
+ // $shareKeys must be an array with the following format:
+ // [userId] => [encrypted key]
+ $result = true;
+ foreach ( $shareKeys as $userId => $shareKey ) {
+ if ( !self::setShareKey( $view, $path, $userId, $shareKey ) ) {
+ // If any of the keys are not set, flag false
+ $result = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Returns false if any of the keys weren't set
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief retrieve shareKey for an encrypted file
+ * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
+ * @param string $userId
+ * @param string $filePath
+ * @internal param \OCA\Encryption\file $string name
+ * @return string file key or false
+ * @note The sharekey returned is encrypted. Decryption
+ * of the keyfile must be performed by client code
- public static function setPublicKey( $key ) {
- $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/public-keys' );
+ public static function getShareKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId, $filePath ) {
+ // try reusing key file if part file
+ if ( self::isPartialFilePath( $filePath ) ) {
+ $result = self::getShareKey( $view, $userId, self::fixPartialFilePath( $filePath ) );
+ if ( $result ) {
+ return $result;
+ }
+ }
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
- if ( !$view->file_exists( '' ) )
- $view->mkdir( '' );
- return $view->file_put_contents( \OCP\User::getUser() . '.public.key', $key );
+ //here we need the currently logged in user, while userId can be a different user
+ $util = new Util( $view, \OCP\User::getUser() );
+ list( $owner, $filename ) = $util->getUidAndFilename( $filePath );
+ $shareKeyPath = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath( '/' . $owner . '/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $filename . '.' . $userId . '.shareKey' );
+ if ( $view->file_exists( $shareKeyPath ) ) {
+ $result = $view->file_get_contents( $shareKeyPath );
+ } else {
+ $result = false;
+ }
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ return $result;
- * @brief store file encryption key
+ * @brief delete all share keys of a given file
+ * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
+ * @param string $userId owner of the file
+ * @param string $filePath path to the file, relative to the owners file dir
+ */
+ public static function delAllShareKeys( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId, $filePath ) {
+ if ( $view->is_dir( $userId . '/files/' . $filePath ) ) {
+ $view->unlink( $userId . '/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $filePath );
+ } else {
+ $localKeyPath = $view->getLocalFile( $userId . '/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $filePath );
+ $matches = glob( preg_quote( $localKeyPath ) . '*.shareKey' );
+ foreach ( $matches as $ma ) {
+ $result = unlink( $ma );
+ if ( !$result ) {
+ \OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'Keyfile or shareKey could not be deleted for file "' . $filePath . '"', \OC_Log::ERROR );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Delete a single user's shareKey for a single file
+ */
+ public static function delShareKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $userIds, $filePath ) {
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ //here we need the currently logged in user, while userId can be a different user
+ $util = new Util( $view, \OCP\User::getUser() );
+ list( $owner, $filename ) = $util->getUidAndFilename( $filePath );
+ $shareKeyPath = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath( '/' . $owner . '/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $filename );
+ if ( $view->is_dir( $shareKeyPath ) ) {
+ $localPath = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath( $view->getLocalFolder( $shareKeyPath ) );
+ self::recursiveDelShareKeys( $localPath, $userIds );
+ } else {
+ foreach ( $userIds as $userId ) {
+ if ( !$view->unlink( $shareKeyPath . '.' . $userId . '.shareKey' ) ) {
+ \OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'Could not delete shareKey; does not exist: "' . $shareKeyPath . '.' . $userId . '.shareKey"', \OC_Log::ERROR );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief recursively delete share keys from given users
- * @param string $path relative path of the file, including filename
- * @param string $key
- * @param null $view
- * @param string $dbClassName
- * @return bool true/false
- * @note The keyfile is not encrypted here. Client code must
- * asymmetrically encrypt the keyfile before passing it to this method
+ * @param string $dir directory
+ * @param array $userIds user ids for which the share keys should be deleted
- public static function setShareKey( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $path, $userId, $shareKey ) {
- $basePath = '/' . $userId . '/files_encryption/share-keys';
- $shareKeyPath = self::keySetPreparation( $view, $path, $basePath, $userId );
- return $view->file_put_contents( $basePath . '/' . $shareKeyPath . '.shareKey', $shareKey );
+ private static function recursiveDelShareKeys( $dir, $userIds ) {
+ foreach ( $userIds as $userId ) {
+ $matches = glob( preg_quote( $dir ) . '/*' . preg_quote( '.' . $userId . '.shareKey' ) );
+ }
+ /** @var $matches array */
+ foreach ( $matches as $ma ) {
+ if ( !unlink( $ma ) ) {
+ \OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'Could not delete shareKey; does not exist: "' . $ma . '"', \OC_Log::ERROR );
+ }
+ }
+ $subdirs = $directories = glob( preg_quote( $dir ) . '/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR );
+ foreach ( $subdirs as $subdir ) {
+ self::recursiveDelShareKeys( $subdir, $userIds );
+ }
* @brief Make preparations to vars and filesystem for saving a keyfile
public static function keySetPreparation( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $path, $basePath, $userId ) {
$targetPath = ltrim( $path, '/' );
$path_parts = pathinfo( $targetPath );
// If the file resides within a subdirectory, create it
- if (
- isset( $path_parts['dirname'] )
- && ! $view->file_exists( $basePath . '/' . $path_parts['dirname'] )
+ if (
+ isset( $path_parts['dirname'] )
+ && !$view->file_exists( $basePath . '/' . $path_parts['dirname'] )
) {
- $view->mkdir( $basePath . '/' . $path_parts['dirname'] );
+ $sub_dirs = explode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $basePath . '/' . $path_parts['dirname'] );
+ $dir = '';
+ foreach ( $sub_dirs as $sub_dir ) {
+ $dir .= '/' . $sub_dir;
+ if ( !$view->is_dir( $dir ) ) {
+ $view->mkdir( $dir );
+ }
+ }
return $targetPath;
- }
- /**
- * @brief Fetch the legacy encryption key from user files
- * @param string $login used to locate the legacy key
- * @param string $passphrase used to decrypt the legacy key
- * @return true / false
- *
- * if the key is left out, the default handler will be used
- */
- public function getLegacyKey() {
- $user = \OCP\User::getUser();
- $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' . $user );
- return $view->file_get_contents( 'encryption.key' );
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/lib/proxy.php b/apps/files_encryption/lib/proxy.php
index 55cddf2bec8..eaaeae9b619 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/proxy.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/proxy.php
@@ -1,41 +1,46 @@
-* ownCloud
-* @author Sam Tuke, Robin Appelman
-* @copyright 2012 Sam Tuke, Robin Appelman
-* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
-* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-* version 3 of the License, or any later version.
-* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
-* License along with this library. If not, see <>.
+ * ownCloud
+ *
+ * @author Sam Tuke, Robin Appelman
+ * @copyright 2012 Sam Tuke, Robin Appelman
+ *
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+ * License along with this library. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ */
-* @brief Encryption proxy which handles filesystem operations before and after
-* execution and encrypts, and handles keyfiles accordingly. Used for
-* webui.
+ * @brief Encryption proxy which handles filesystem operations before and after
+ * execution and encrypts, and handles keyfiles accordingly. Used for
+ * webui.
+ */
namespace OCA\Encryption;
-class Proxy extends \OC_FileProxy {
+ * Class Proxy
+ * @package OCA\Encryption
+ */
+class Proxy extends \OC_FileProxy
private static $blackList = null; //mimetypes blacklisted from encryption
private static $enableEncryption = null;
* Check if a file requires encryption
* @param string $path
@@ -44,346 +49,417 @@ class Proxy extends \OC_FileProxy {
* Tests if server side encryption is enabled, and file is allowed by blacklists
private static function shouldEncrypt( $path ) {
if ( is_null( self::$enableEncryption ) ) {
- if (
- \OCP\Config::getAppValue( 'files_encryption', 'enable_encryption', 'true' ) == 'true'
- && Crypt::mode() == 'server'
+ if (
+ \OCP\Config::getAppValue( 'files_encryption', 'enable_encryption', 'true' ) == 'true'
+ && Crypt::mode() == 'server'
) {
self::$enableEncryption = true;
} else {
self::$enableEncryption = false;
if ( !self::$enableEncryption ) {
return false;
- if ( is_null(self::$blackList ) ) {
- self::$blackList = explode(',', \OCP\Config::getAppValue( 'files_encryption', 'type_blacklist', 'jpg,png,jpeg,avi,mpg,mpeg,mkv,mp3,oga,ogv,ogg' ) );
+ if ( is_null( self::$blackList ) ) {
+ self::$blackList = explode( ',', \OCP\Config::getAppValue( 'files_encryption', 'type_blacklist', '' ) );
- if ( Crypt::isCatfile( $path ) ) {
+ if ( Crypt::isCatfileContent( $path ) ) {
return true;
- $extension = substr( $path, strrpos( $path, '.' ) +1 );
+ $extension = substr( $path, strrpos( $path, '.' ) + 1 );
if ( array_search( $extension, self::$blackList ) === false ) {
return true;
return false;
+ /**
+ * @param $path
+ * @param $data
+ * @return bool
+ */
public function preFile_put_contents( $path, &$data ) {
if ( self::shouldEncrypt( $path ) ) {
- if ( !is_resource( $data ) ) { //stream put contents should have been converted to fopen
+ // Stream put contents should have been converted to fopen
+ if ( !is_resource( $data ) ) {
$userId = \OCP\USER::getUser();
- $rootView = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+ $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+ $util = new Util( $view, $userId );
+ $session = new Session( $view );
+ $privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey();
+ $filePath = $util->stripUserFilesPath( $path );
// Set the filesize for userland, before encrypting
$size = strlen( $data );
// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
- // TODO: Check if file is shared, if so, use multiKeyEncrypt
- // Encrypt plain data and fetch key
- $encrypted = Crypt::keyEncryptKeyfile( $data, Keymanager::getPublicKey( $rootView, $userId ) );
- // Replace plain content with encrypted content by reference
- $data = $encrypted['data'];
- $filePath = explode( '/', $path );
- $filePath = array_slice( $filePath, 3 );
- $filePath = '/' . implode( '/', $filePath );
- // TODO: make keyfile dir dynamic from app config
- $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+ // Check if there is an existing key we can reuse
+ if ( $encKeyfile = Keymanager::getFileKey( $view, $userId, $filePath ) ) {
+ // Fetch shareKey
+ $shareKey = Keymanager::getShareKey( $view, $userId, $filePath );
+ // Decrypt the keyfile
+ $plainKey = Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt( $encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey );
+ } else {
+ // Make a new key
+ $plainKey = Crypt::generateKey();
+ }
+ // Encrypt data
+ $encData = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $data, $plainKey );
+ $sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();
+ // if file exists try to get sharing users
+ if ( $view->file_exists( $path ) ) {
+ $uniqueUserIds = $util->getSharingUsersArray( $sharingEnabled, $filePath, $userId );
+ } else {
+ $uniqueUserIds[] = $userId;
+ }
+ // Fetch public keys for all users who will share the file
+ $publicKeys = Keymanager::getPublicKeys( $view, $uniqueUserIds );
+ // Encrypt plain keyfile to multiple sharefiles
+ $multiEncrypted = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt( $plainKey, $publicKeys );
+ // Save sharekeys to user folders
+ Keymanager::setShareKeys( $view, $filePath, $multiEncrypted['keys'] );
+ // Set encrypted keyfile as common varname
+ $encKey = $multiEncrypted['data'];
// Save keyfile for newly encrypted file in parallel directory tree
- Keymanager::setFileKey( $view, $filePath, $userId, $encrypted['key'] );
+ Keymanager::setFileKey( $view, $filePath, $userId, $encKey );
+ // Replace plain content with encrypted content by reference
+ $data = $encData;
// Update the file cache with file info
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::putFileInfo( $path, array( 'encrypted'=>true, 'size' => $size ), '' );
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::putFileInfo( $filePath, array( 'encrypted' => true, 'size' => strlen( $data ), 'unencrypted_size' => $size ), '' );
// Re-enable proxy - our work is done
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ return true;
* @param string $path Path of file from which has been read
* @param string $data Data that has been read from file
public function postFile_get_contents( $path, $data ) {
- // TODO: Use dependency injection to add required args for view and user etc. to this method
+ $userId = \OCP\USER::getUser();
+ $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+ $util = new Util( $view, $userId );
+ $relPath = $util->stripUserFilesPath( $path );
// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // init session
+ $session = new Session( $view );
// If data is a catfile
- if (
- Crypt::mode() == 'server'
- && Crypt::isCatfile( $data )
+ if (
+ Crypt::mode() == 'server'
+ && Crypt::isCatfileContent( $data )
) {
- $split = explode( '/', $path );
- $filePath = array_slice( $split, 3 );
- $filePath = '/' . implode( '/', $filePath );
- //$cached = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo( $path, '' );
- $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '' );
- $userId = \OCP\USER::getUser();
- // TODO: Check if file is shared, if so, use multiKeyDecrypt
- $encryptedKeyfile = Keymanager::getFileKey( $view, $userId, $filePath );
- $session = new Session();
- $decrypted = Crypt::keyDecryptKeyfile( $data, $encryptedKeyfile, $session->getPrivateKey( $split[1] ) );
+ $privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey( $userId );
+ // Get the encrypted keyfile
+ $encKeyfile = Keymanager::getFileKey( $view, $userId, $relPath );
+ // Attempt to fetch the user's shareKey
+ $shareKey = Keymanager::getShareKey( $view, $userId, $relPath );
+ // Decrypt keyfile with shareKey
+ $plainKeyfile = Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt( $encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey );
+ $plainData = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $data, $plainKeyfile );
} elseif (
- Crypt::mode() == 'server'
- && isset( $_SESSION['legacyenckey'] )
- && Crypt::isEncryptedMeta( $path )
+ Crypt::mode() == 'server'
+ && isset( $_SESSION['legacyenckey'] )
+ && Crypt::isEncryptedMeta( $path )
) {
- $decrypted = Crypt::legacyDecrypt( $data, $_SESSION['legacyenckey'] );
+ $plainData = Crypt::legacyDecrypt( $data, $session->getLegacyKey() );
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
- if ( ! isset( $decrypted ) ) {
- $decrypted = $data;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ if ( !isset( $plainData ) ) {
+ $plainData = $data;
- return $decrypted;
+ return $plainData;
* @brief When a file is deleted, remove its keyfile also
public function preUnlink( $path ) {
+ // let the trashbin handle this
+ if ( \OCP\App::isEnabled( 'files_trashbin' ) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
$userId = \OCP\USER::getUser();
+ $util = new Util( $view, $userId );
// Format path to be relative to user files dir
- $trimmed = ltrim( $path, '/' );
- $split = explode( '/', $trimmed );
- $sliced = array_slice( $split, 2 );
- $relPath = implode( '/', $sliced );
- if ( $view->is_dir( $path ) ) {
- // Dirs must be handled separately as deleteFileKey
- // doesn't handle them
- $view->unlink( $userId . '/' . 'files_encryption' . '/' . 'keyfiles' . '/'. $relPath );
- } else {
- // Delete keyfile so it isn't orphaned
- $result = Keymanager::deleteFileKey( $view, $userId, $relPath );
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
- return $result;
+ $relPath = $util->stripUserFilesPath( $path );
+ list( $owner, $ownerPath ) = $util->getUidAndFilename( $relPath );
+ // Delete keyfile & shareKey so it isn't orphaned
+ if ( !Keymanager::deleteFileKey( $view, $owner, $ownerPath ) ) {
+ \OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'Keyfile or shareKey could not be deleted for file "' . $ownerPath . '"', \OC_Log::ERROR );
+ Keymanager::delAllShareKeys( $view, $owner, $ownerPath );
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ // If we don't return true then file delete will fail; better
+ // to leave orphaned keyfiles than to disallow file deletion
+ return true;
- * @brief When a file is renamed, rename its keyfile also
- * @return bool Result of rename()
- * @note This is pre rather than post because using post didn't work
+ * @param $path
+ * @return bool
- public function preRename( $oldPath, $newPath ) {
- // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
- $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
- $userId = \OCP\USER::getUser();
- // Format paths to be relative to user files dir
- $oldTrimmed = ltrim( $oldPath, '/' );
- $oldSplit = explode( '/', $oldTrimmed );
- $oldSliced = array_slice( $oldSplit, 2 );
- $oldRelPath = implode( '/', $oldSliced );
- $oldKeyfilePath = $userId . '/' . 'files_encryption' . '/' . 'keyfiles' . '/' . $oldRelPath . '.key';
- $newTrimmed = ltrim( $newPath, '/' );
- $newSplit = explode( '/', $newTrimmed );
- $newSliced = array_slice( $newSplit, 2 );
- $newRelPath = implode( '/', $newSliced );
- $newKeyfilePath = $userId . '/' . 'files_encryption' . '/' . 'keyfiles' . '/' . $newRelPath . '.key';
- // Rename keyfile so it isn't orphaned
- $result = $view->rename( $oldKeyfilePath, $newKeyfilePath );
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
- return $result;
+ public function postTouch( $path ) {
+ $this->handleFile( $path );
+ return true;
- public function postFopen( $path, &$result ){
+ /**
+ * @param $path
+ * @param $result
+ * @return resource
+ */
+ public function postFopen( $path, &$result ) {
if ( !$result ) {
return $result;
// Reformat path for use with OC_FSV
$path_split = explode( '/', $path );
- $path_f = implode( array_slice( $path_split, 3 ) );
+ $path_f = implode( '/', array_slice( $path_split, 3 ) );
+ // FIXME: handling for /userId/cache used by webdav for chunking. The cache chunks are NOT encrypted
+ if ( count($path_split) >= 2 && $path_split[2] == 'cache' ) {
+ return $result;
+ }
// Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
$meta = stream_get_meta_data( $result );
$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '' );
- $util = new Util( $view, \OCP\USER::getUser());
+ $util = new Util( $view, \OCP\USER::getUser() );
// If file is already encrypted, decrypt using crypto protocol
- if (
- Crypt::mode() == 'server'
- && $util->isEncryptedPath( $path )
+ if (
+ Crypt::mode() == 'server'
+ && $util->isEncryptedPath( $path )
) {
// Close the original encrypted file
fclose( $result );
// Open the file using the crypto stream wrapper
// protocol and let it do the decryption work instead
$result = fopen( 'crypt://' . $path_f, $meta['mode'] );
- } elseif (
- self::shouldEncrypt( $path )
- and $meta ['mode'] != 'r'
- and $meta['mode'] != 'rb'
+ } elseif (
+ self::shouldEncrypt( $path )
+ and $meta ['mode'] != 'r'
+ and $meta['mode'] != 'rb'
) {
- // If the file is not yet encrypted, but should be
- // encrypted when it's saved (it's not read only)
- // NOTE: this is the case for new files saved via WebDAV
- if (
- $view->file_exists( $path )
- and $view->filesize( $path ) > 0
- ) {
- $x = $view->file_get_contents( $path );
- $tmp = tmpfile();
-// // Make a temporary copy of the original file
-// \OCP\Files::streamCopy( $result, $tmp );
-// // Close the original stream, we'll return another one
-// fclose( $result );
-// $view->file_put_contents( $path_f, $tmp );
-// fclose( $tmp );
- }
- $result = fopen( 'crypt://'.$path_f, $meta['mode'] );
+ $result = fopen( 'crypt://' . $path_f, $meta['mode'] );
// Re-enable the proxy
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
return $result;
- }
- public function postGetMimeType( $path, $mime ) {
- if ( Crypt::isCatfile( $path ) ) {
- $mime = \OCP\Files::getMimeType( 'crypt://' . $path, 'w' );
- }
- return $mime;
- public function postStat( $path, $data ) {
- if ( Crypt::isCatfile( $path ) ) {
- $cached = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo( $path, '' );
- $data['size'] = $cached['size'];
+ /**
+ * @param $path
+ * @param $data
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function postGetFileInfo( $path, $data ) {
+ // if path is a folder do nothing
+ if ( is_array( $data ) && array_key_exists( 'size', $data ) ) {
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // get file size
+ $data['size'] = self::postFileSize( $path, $data['size'] );
+ // Re-enable the proxy
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
return $data;
+ /**
+ * @param $path
+ * @param $size
+ * @return bool
+ */
public function postFileSize( $path, $size ) {
- if ( Crypt::isCatfile( $path ) ) {
- $cached = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getFileInfo( $path, '' );
- return $cached['size'];
- } else {
+ $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+ // if path is a folder do nothing
+ if ( $view->is_dir( $path ) ) {
+ return $size;
+ }
+ // Reformat path for use with OC_FSV
+ $path_split = explode( '/', $path );
+ $path_f = implode( '/', array_slice( $path_split, 3 ) );
+ // if path is empty we cannot resolve anything
+ if ( empty( $path_f ) ) {
return $size;
+ $fileInfo = false;
+ // get file info from database/cache if not .part file
+ if ( !Keymanager::isPartialFilePath( $path ) ) {
+ $fileInfo = $view->getFileInfo( $path );
+ }
+ // if file is encrypted return real file size
+ if ( is_array( $fileInfo ) && $fileInfo['encrypted'] === true ) {
+ $size = $fileInfo['unencrypted_size'];
+ } else {
+ // self healing if file was removed from file cache
+ if ( !is_array( $fileInfo ) ) {
+ $fileInfo = array();
+ }
+ $userId = \OCP\User::getUser();
+ $util = new Util( $view, $userId );
+ $fixSize = $util->getFileSize( $path );
+ if ( $fixSize > 0 ) {
+ $size = $fixSize;
+ $fileInfo['encrypted'] = true;
+ $fileInfo['unencrypted_size'] = $size;
+ // put file info if not .part file
+ if ( !Keymanager::isPartialFilePath( $path_f ) ) {
+ $view->putFileInfo( $path, $fileInfo );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $size;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param $path
+ */
+ public function handleFile( $path ) {
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+ $session = new Session( $view );
+ $userId = \OCP\User::getUser();
+ $util = new Util( $view, $userId );
+ // Reformat path for use with OC_FSV
+ $path_split = explode( '/', $path );
+ $path_f = implode( '/', array_slice( $path_split, 3 ) );
+ // only if file is on 'files' folder fix file size and sharing
+ if ( count($path_split) >= 2 && $path_split[2] == 'files' && $util->fixFileSize( $path ) ) {
+ // get sharing app state
+ $sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();
+ // get users
+ $usersSharing = $util->getSharingUsersArray( $sharingEnabled, $path_f );
+ // update sharing-keys
+ $util->setSharedFileKeyfiles( $session, $usersSharing, $path_f );
+ }
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/lib/session.php b/apps/files_encryption/lib/session.php
index 769a40b359f..2ddad0a15da 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/session.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/session.php
@@ -26,78 +26,146 @@ namespace OCA\Encryption;
* Class for handling encryption related session data
-class Session {
+class Session
+ private $view;
+ /**
+ * @brief if session is started, check if ownCloud key pair is set up, if not create it
+ * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
+ *
+ * @note The ownCloud key pair is used to allow public link sharing even if encryption is enabled
+ */
+ public function __construct( $view ) {
+ $this->view = $view;
+ if ( !$this->view->is_dir( 'owncloud_private_key' ) ) {
+ $this->view->mkdir( 'owncloud_private_key' );
+ }
+ $publicShareKeyId = \OC_Appconfig::getValue( 'files_encryption', 'publicShareKeyId' );
+ if ( $publicShareKeyId === null ) {
+ $publicShareKeyId = 'pubShare_' . substr( md5( time() ), 0, 8 );
+ \OC_Appconfig::setValue( 'files_encryption', 'publicShareKeyId', $publicShareKeyId );
+ }
+ if (
+ !$this->view->file_exists( "/public-keys/" . $publicShareKeyId . ".public.key" )
+ || !$this->view->file_exists( "/owncloud_private_key/" . $publicShareKeyId . ".private.key" )
+ ) {
+ $keypair = Crypt::createKeypair();
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // Save public key
+ if ( !$view->is_dir( '/public-keys' ) ) {
+ $view->mkdir( '/public-keys' );
+ }
+ $this->view->file_put_contents( '/public-keys/' . $publicShareKeyId . '.public.key', $keypair['publicKey'] );
+ // Encrypt private key empty passphrase
+ $encryptedPrivateKey = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $keypair['privateKey'], '' );
+ // Save private key
+ $this->view->file_put_contents( '/owncloud_private_key/' . $publicShareKeyId . '.private.key', $encryptedPrivateKey );
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ }
+ if ( \OCP\USER::getUser() === false ||
+ ( isset( $_GET['service'] ) && $_GET['service'] == 'files' &&
+ isset( $_GET['t'] ) )
+ ) {
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $encryptedKey = $this->view->file_get_contents( '/owncloud_private_key/' . $publicShareKeyId . '.private.key' );
+ $privateKey = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $encryptedKey, '' );
+ $this->setPrivateKey( $privateKey );
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ }
+ }
* @brief Sets user private key to session
+ * @param string $privateKey
* @return bool
- *
public function setPrivateKey( $privateKey ) {
$_SESSION['privateKey'] = $privateKey;
return true;
* @brief Gets user private key from session
* @returns string $privateKey The user's plaintext private key
public function getPrivateKey() {
- if (
+ if (
isset( $_SESSION['privateKey'] )
&& !empty( $_SESSION['privateKey'] )
) {
return $_SESSION['privateKey'];
} else {
return false;
* @brief Sets user legacy key to session
+ * @param $legacyKey
* @return bool
- *
public function setLegacyKey( $legacyKey ) {
- if ( $_SESSION['legacyKey'] = $legacyKey ) {
- return true;
- }
+ $_SESSION['legacyKey'] = $legacyKey;
+ return true;
* @brief Gets user legacy key from session
* @returns string $legacyKey The user's plaintext legacy key
public function getLegacyKey() {
- if (
+ if (
isset( $_SESSION['legacyKey'] )
&& !empty( $_SESSION['legacyKey'] )
) {
return $_SESSION['legacyKey'];
} else {
return false;
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/lib/stream.php b/apps/files_encryption/lib/stream.php
index 65d7d57a05a..fa9df02f085 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/stream.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/stream.php
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* ownCloud
* @author Robin Appelman
- * @copyright 2012 Sam Tuke <>, 2011 Robin Appelman
+ * @copyright 2012 Sam Tuke <>, 2011 Robin Appelman
* <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -32,27 +32,29 @@ namespace OCA\Encryption;
* @brief Provides 'crypt://' stream wrapper protocol.
- * @note We use a stream wrapper because it is the most secure way to handle
+ * @note We use a stream wrapper because it is the most secure way to handle
* decrypted content transfers. There is no safe way to decrypt the entire file
* somewhere on the server, so we have to encrypt and decrypt blocks on the fly.
* @note Paths used with this protocol MUST BE RELATIVE. Use URLs like:
- * crypt://filename, or crypt://subdirectory/filename, NOT
- * crypt:///home/user/owncloud/data. Otherwise keyfiles will be put in
- * [owncloud]/data/user/files_encryption/keyfiles/home/user/owncloud/data and
+ * crypt://filename, or crypt://subdirectory/filename, NOT
+ * crypt:///home/user/owncloud/data. Otherwise keyfiles will be put in
+ * [owncloud]/data/user/files_encryption/keyfiles/home/user/owncloud/data and
* will not be accessible to other methods.
- * @note Data read and written must always be 8192 bytes long, as this is the
- * buffer size used internally by PHP. The encryption process makes the input
- * data longer, and input is chunked into smaller pieces in order to result in
+ * @note Data read and written must always be 8192 bytes long, as this is the
+ * buffer size used internally by PHP. The encryption process makes the input
+ * data longer, and input is chunked into smaller pieces in order to result in
* a 8192 encrypted block size.
+ * @note When files are deleted via webdav, or when they are updated and the
+ * previous version deleted, this is handled by OC\Files\View, and thus the
+ * encryption proxies are used and keyfiles deleted.
-class Stream {
+class Stream
+ private $plainKey;
+ private $encKeyfiles;
- public static $sourceStreams = array();
- // TODO: make all below properties private again once unit testing is
- // configured correctly
- public $rawPath; // The raw path received by stream_open
- public $path_f; // The raw path formatted to include username and data dir
+ private $rawPath; // The raw path relative to the data dir
+ private $relPath; // rel path to users file dir
private $userId;
private $handle; // Resource returned by fopen
private $path;
@@ -60,117 +62,99 @@ class Stream {
private $meta = array(); // Header / meta for source stream
private $count;
private $writeCache;
- public $size;
+ private $size;
+ private $unencryptedSize;
private $publicKey;
private $keyfile;
private $encKeyfile;
private static $view; // a fsview object set to user dir
private $rootView; // a fsview object set to '/'
+ /**
+ * @param $path
+ * @param $mode
+ * @param $options
+ * @param $opened_path
+ * @return bool
+ */
public function stream_open( $path, $mode, $options, &$opened_path ) {
- // Get access to filesystem via filesystemview object
- if ( !self::$view ) {
- self::$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( $this->userId . '/' );
+ if ( !isset( $this->rootView ) ) {
+ $this->rootView = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
- // Set rootview object if necessary
- if ( ! $this->rootView ) {
- $this->rootView = new \OC_FilesystemView( $this->userId . '/' );
+ $util = new Util( $this->rootView, \OCP\USER::getUser() );
- }
- $this->userId = \OCP\User::getUser();
- // Get the bare file path
- $path = str_replace( 'crypt://', '', $path );
- $this->rawPath = $path;
- $this->path_f = $this->userId . '/files/' . $path;
- if (
- dirname( $path ) == 'streams'
- and isset( self::$sourceStreams[basename( $path )] )
- ) {
- // Is this just for unit testing purposes?
- $this->handle = self::$sourceStreams[basename( $path )]['stream'];
+ $this->userId = $util->getUserId();
- $this->path = self::$sourceStreams[basename( $path )]['path'];
+ // Strip identifier text from path, this gives us the path relative to data/<user>/files
+ $this->relPath = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath( str_replace( 'crypt://', '', $path ) );
- $this->size = self::$sourceStreams[basename( $path )]['size'];
+ // rawPath is relative to the data directory
+ $this->rawPath = $util->getUserFilesDir() . $this->relPath;
- } else {
+ // Disable fileproxies so we can get the file size and open the source file without recursive encryption
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
- if (
- $mode == 'w'
- or $mode == 'w+'
- or $mode == 'wb'
- or $mode == 'wb+'
- ) {
+ if (
+ $mode == 'w'
+ or $mode == 'w+'
+ or $mode == 'wb'
+ or $mode == 'wb+'
+ ) {
- $this->size = 0;
+ // We're writing a new file so start write counter with 0 bytes
+ $this->size = 0;
+ $this->unencryptedSize = 0;
- } else {
- $this->size = self::$view->filesize( $this->path_f, $mode );
- //$this->size = filesize( $path );
- }
+ } else {
- // Disable fileproxies so we can open the source file without recursive encryption
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $this->size = $this->rootView->filesize( $this->rawPath, $mode );
+ }
- //$this->handle = fopen( $path, $mode );
- $this->handle = self::$view->fopen( $this->path_f, $mode );
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
+ $this->handle = $this->rootView->fopen( $this->rawPath, $mode );
- if ( !is_resource( $this->handle ) ) {
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
- \OCP\Util::writeLog( 'files_encryption', 'failed to open '.$path, \OCP\Util::ERROR );
+ if ( !is_resource( $this->handle ) ) {
- }
+ \OCP\Util::writeLog( 'files_encryption', 'failed to open file "' . $this->rawPath . '"', \OCP\Util::ERROR );
- }
- if ( is_resource( $this->handle ) ) {
+ } else {
$this->meta = stream_get_meta_data( $this->handle );
return is_resource( $this->handle );
+ /**
+ * @param $offset
+ * @param int $whence
+ */
public function stream_seek( $offset, $whence = SEEK_SET ) {
fseek( $this->handle, $offset, $whence );
- }
- public function stream_tell() {
- return ftell($this->handle);
+ /**
+ * @param $count
+ * @return bool|string
+ * @throws \Exception
+ */
public function stream_read( $count ) {
$this->writeCache = '';
if ( $count != 8192 ) {
// $count will always be 8192
// This makes this function a lot simpler, but will break this class if the above 'bug' gets 'fixed'
\OCP\Util::writeLog( 'files_encryption', 'PHP "bug" 21641 no longer holds, decryption system requires refactoring', \OCP\Util::FATAL );
@@ -179,107 +163,89 @@ class Stream {
-// $pos = ftell( $this->handle );
// Get the data from the file handle
$data = fread( $this->handle, 8192 );
+ $result = '';
if ( strlen( $data ) ) {
- $this->getKey();
- $result = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $data, $this->keyfile );
- } else {
- $result = '';
+ if ( !$this->getKey() ) {
- }
+ // Error! We don't have a key to decrypt the file with
+ throw new \Exception( 'Encryption key not found for "' . $this->rawPath . '" during attempted read via stream' );
-// $length = $this->size - $pos;
-// if ( $length < 8192 ) {
-// $result = substr( $result, 0, $length );
-// }
+ }
+ // Decrypt data
+ $result = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $data, $this->plainKey );
+ }
return $result;
* @brief Encrypt and pad data ready for writing to disk
* @param string $plainData data to be encrypted
* @param string $key key to use for encryption
- * @return encrypted data on success, false on failure
+ * @return string encrypted data on success, false on failure
public function preWriteEncrypt( $plainData, $key ) {
// Encrypt data to 'catfile', which includes IV
if ( $encrypted = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $plainData, $key ) ) {
- return $encrypted;
+ return $encrypted;
} else {
return false;
- * @brief Get the keyfile for the current file, generate one if necessary
- * @param bool $generate if true, a new key will be generated if none can be found
+ * @brief Fetch the plain encryption key for the file and set it as plainKey property
+ * @internal param bool $generate if true, a new key will be generated if none can be found
* @return bool true on key found and set, false on key not found and new key generated and set
public function getKey() {
- // If a keyfile already exists for a file named identically to
- // file to be written
- if ( self::$view->file_exists( $this->userId . '/'. 'files_encryption' . '/' . 'keyfiles' . '/' . $this->rawPath . '.key' ) ) {
- // TODO: add error handling for when file exists but no
- // keyfile
- // Fetch existing keyfile
- $this->encKeyfile = Keymanager::getFileKey( $this->rootView, $this->userId, $this->rawPath );
- $this->getUser();
- $session = new Session();
+ // Check if key is already set
+ if ( isset( $this->plainKey ) && isset( $this->encKeyfile ) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Fetch and decrypt keyfile
+ // Fetch existing keyfile
+ $this->encKeyfile = Keymanager::getFileKey( $this->rootView, $this->userId, $this->relPath );
+ // If a keyfile already exists
+ if ( $this->encKeyfile ) {
+ $session = new Session( $this->rootView );
$privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey( $this->userId );
- $this->keyfile = Crypt::keyDecrypt( $this->encKeyfile, $privateKey );
+ $shareKey = Keymanager::getShareKey( $this->rootView, $this->userId, $this->relPath );
+ $this->plainKey = Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt( $this->encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey );
return true;
} else {
return false;
- }
- }
- public function getuser() {
- // Only get the user again if it isn't already set
- if ( empty( $this->userId ) ) {
- // TODO: Move this user call out of here - it belongs
- // elsewhere
- $this->userId = \OCP\User::getUser();
- // TODO: Add a method for getting the user in case OCP\User::
- // getUser() doesn't work (can that scenario ever occur?)
* @brief Handle plain data from the stream, and write it in 8192 byte blocks
* @param string $data data to be written to disk
@@ -290,98 +256,54 @@ class Stream {
* @note PHP automatically updates the file pointer after writing data to reflect it's length. There is generally no need to update the poitner manually using fseek
public function stream_write( $data ) {
// Disable the file proxies so that encryption is not
// automatically attempted when the file is written to disk -
// we are handling that separately here and we don't want to
// get into an infinite loop
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
// Get the length of the unencrypted data that we are handling
$length = strlen( $data );
- // So far this round, no data has been written
- $written = 0;
- // Find out where we are up to in the writing of data to the
+ // Find out where we are up to in the writing of data to the
// file
$pointer = ftell( $this->handle );
- // Make sure the userId is set
- $this->getuser();
- // TODO: Check if file is shared, if so, use multiKeyEncrypt and
- // save shareKeys in necessary user directories
// Get / generate the keyfile for the file we're handling
// If we're writing a new file (not overwriting an existing
// one), save the newly generated keyfile
- if ( ! $this->getKey() ) {
- $this->keyfile = Crypt::generateKey();
- $this->publicKey = Keymanager::getPublicKey( $this->rootView, $this->userId );
- $this->encKeyfile = Crypt::keyEncrypt( $this->keyfile, $this->publicKey );
- $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
- $userId = \OCP\User::getUser();
- // Save the new encrypted file key
- Keymanager::setFileKey( $view, $this->rawPath, $userId, $this->encKeyfile );
+ if ( !$this->getKey() ) {
+ $this->plainKey = Crypt::generateKey();
// If extra data is left over from the last round, make sure it
// is integrated into the next 6126 / 8192 block
if ( $this->writeCache ) {
// Concat writeCache to start of $data
$data = $this->writeCache . $data;
- // Clear the write cache, ready for resuse - it has been
+ // Clear the write cache, ready for reuse - it has been
// flushed and its old contents processed
$this->writeCache = '';
-// // Make sure we always start on a block start
- if ( 0 != ( $pointer % 8192 ) ) {
- // if the current position of
- // file indicator is not aligned to a 8192 byte block, fix it
- // so that it is
-// fseek( $this->handle, - ( $pointer % 8192 ), SEEK_CUR );
-// $pointer = ftell( $this->handle );
-// $unencryptedNewBlock = fread( $this->handle, 8192 );
-// fseek( $this->handle, - ( $currentPos % 8192 ), SEEK_CUR );
-// $block = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $unencryptedNewBlock, $this->keyfile );
-// $x = substr( $block, 0, $currentPos % 8192 );
-// $data = $x . $data;
-// fseek( $this->handle, - ( $currentPos % 8192 ), SEEK_CUR );
- }
-// $currentPos = ftell( $this->handle );
-// // While there still remains somed data to be processed & written
- while( strlen( $data ) > 0 ) {
-// // Remaining length for this iteration, not of the
-// // entire file (may be greater than 8192 bytes)
-// $remainingLength = strlen( $data );
-// // If data remaining to be written is less than the
-// // size of 1 6126 byte block
- if ( strlen( $data ) < 6126 ) {
+ // While there still remains some data to be processed & written
+ while ( strlen( $data ) > 0 ) {
+ // Remaining length for this iteration, not of the
+ // entire file (may be greater than 8192 bytes)
+ $remainingLength = strlen( $data );
+ // If data remaining to be written is less than the
+ // size of 1 6126 byte block
+ if ( $remainingLength < 6126 ) {
// Set writeCache to contents of $data
// The writeCache will be carried over to the
// next write round, and added to the start of
@@ -394,98 +316,164 @@ class Stream {
// Clear $data ready for next round
$data = '';
} else {
// Read the chunk from the start of $data
$chunk = substr( $data, 0, 6126 );
- $encrypted = $this->preWriteEncrypt( $chunk, $this->keyfile );
+ $encrypted = $this->preWriteEncrypt( $chunk, $this->plainKey );
// Write the data chunk to disk. This will be
// attended to the last data chunk if the file
// being handled totals more than 6126 bytes
fwrite( $this->handle, $encrypted );
- $writtenLen = strlen( $encrypted );
- //fseek( $this->handle, $writtenLen, SEEK_CUR );
- // Remove the chunk we just processed from
+ // Remove the chunk we just processed from
// $data, leaving only unprocessed data in $data
// var, for handling on the next round
$data = substr( $data, 6126 );
$this->size = max( $this->size, $pointer + $length );
+ $this->unencryptedSize += $length;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
return $length;
+ /**
+ * @param $option
+ * @param $arg1
+ * @param $arg2
+ */
public function stream_set_option( $option, $arg1, $arg2 ) {
- switch($option) {
+ $return = false;
+ switch ( $option ) {
- stream_set_blocking( $this->handle, $arg1 );
+ $return = stream_set_blocking( $this->handle, $arg1 );
- stream_set_timeout( $this->handle, $arg1, $arg2 );
+ $return = stream_set_timeout( $this->handle, $arg1, $arg2 );
- stream_set_write_buffer( $this->handle, $arg1, $arg2 );
+ $return = stream_set_write_buffer( $this->handle, $arg1 );
+ return $return;
+ /**
+ * @return array
+ */
public function stream_stat() {
- return fstat($this->handle);
+ return fstat( $this->handle );
+ /**
+ * @param $mode
+ */
public function stream_lock( $mode ) {
- flock( $this->handle, $mode );
+ return flock( $this->handle, $mode );
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ */
public function stream_flush() {
- return fflush( $this->handle );
+ return fflush( $this->handle );
// Not a typo:
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ */
public function stream_eof() {
- return feof($this->handle);
+ return feof( $this->handle );
private function flush() {
if ( $this->writeCache ) {
// Set keyfile property for file in question
- $encrypted = $this->preWriteEncrypt( $this->writeCache, $this->keyfile );
+ $encrypted = $this->preWriteEncrypt( $this->writeCache, $this->plainKey );
fwrite( $this->handle, $encrypted );
$this->writeCache = '';
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ */
public function stream_close() {
- if (
- $this->meta['mode']!='r'
- and $this->meta['mode']!='rb'
+ if (
+ $this->meta['mode'] != 'r'
+ and $this->meta['mode'] != 'rb'
+ and $this->size > 0
) {
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // Fetch user's public key
+ $this->publicKey = Keymanager::getPublicKey( $this->rootView, $this->userId );
+ // Check if OC sharing api is enabled
+ $sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();
+ $util = new Util( $this->rootView, $this->userId );
+ // Get all users sharing the file includes current user
+ $uniqueUserIds = $util->getSharingUsersArray( $sharingEnabled, $this->relPath, $this->userId );
+ // Fetch public keys for all sharing users
+ $publicKeys = Keymanager::getPublicKeys( $this->rootView, $uniqueUserIds );
+ // Encrypt enc key for all sharing users
+ $this->encKeyfiles = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt( $this->plainKey, $publicKeys );
+ $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+ // Save the new encrypted file key
+ Keymanager::setFileKey( $this->rootView, $this->relPath, $this->userId, $this->encKeyfiles['data'] );
+ // Save the sharekeys
+ Keymanager::setShareKeys( $view, $this->relPath, $this->encKeyfiles['keys'] );
+ // get file info
+ $fileInfo = $view->getFileInfo( $this->rawPath );
+ if ( !is_array( $fileInfo ) ) {
+ $fileInfo = array();
+ }
+ // Re-enable proxy - our work is done
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::putFileInfo( $this->path, array( 'encrypted' => true, 'size' => $this->size ), '' );
+ // set encryption data
+ $fileInfo['encrypted'] = true;
+ $fileInfo['size'] = $this->size;
+ $fileInfo['unencrypted_size'] = $this->unencryptedSize;
+ // set fileinfo
+ $view->putFileInfo( $this->rawPath, $fileInfo );
return fclose( $this->handle );
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/lib/util.php b/apps/files_encryption/lib/util.php
index 52bc74db27a..2980aa94e0c 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/lib/util.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/lib/util.php
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
* ownCloud
* @author Sam Tuke, Frank Karlitschek
- * @copyright 2012 Sam Tuke,
- * Frank Karlitschek
+ * @copyright 2012 Sam Tuke <>,
+ * Frank Karlitschek <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
@@ -21,17 +21,29 @@
-// Todo:
+# Bugs
+# ----
+# Sharing a file to a user without encryption set up will not provide them with access but won't notify the sharer
+# Sharing all files to admin for recovery purposes still in progress
+# Possibly public links are broken (not tested since last merge of master)
+# Missing features
+# ----------------
+# Make sure user knows if large files weren't encrypted
+# Test
+# ----
+# Test that writing files works when recovery is enabled, and sharing API is disabled
+# Test trashbin support
+// Old Todo:
// - Crypt/decrypt button in the userinterface
// - Setting if crypto should be on by default
// - Add a setting "Don´t encrypt files larger than xx because of performance
// reasons"
-// - Transparent decrypt/encrypt in filesystem.php. Autodetect if a file is
-// encrypted (.encrypted extension)
-// - Don't use a password directly as encryption key. but a key which is
-// stored on the server and encrypted with the user password. -> password
-// change faster
-// - IMPORTANT! Check if the block lenght of the encrypted data stays the same
namespace OCA\Encryption;
@@ -43,56 +55,49 @@ namespace OCA\Encryption;
* unused, likely to become obsolete shortly
-class Util {
+class Util
// Web UI:
//// DONE: files created via web ui are encrypted
//// DONE: file created & encrypted via web ui are readable in web ui
//// DONE: file created & encrypted via web ui are readable via webdav
// WebDAV:
//// DONE: new data filled files added via webdav get encrypted
//// DONE: new data filled files added via webdav are readable via webdav
//// DONE: reading unencrypted files when encryption is enabled works via
//// webdav
//// DONE: files created & encrypted via web ui are readable via webdav
// Legacy support:
//// DONE: add method to check if file is encrypted using new system
//// DONE: add method to check if file is encrypted using old system
//// DONE: add method to fetch legacy key
//// DONE: add method to decrypt legacy encrypted data
// Admin UI:
//// DONE: changing user password also changes encryption passphrase
//// TODO: add support for optional recovery in case of lost passphrase / keys
//// TODO: add admin optional required long passphrase for users
- //// TODO: add UI buttons for encrypt / decrypt everything
//// TODO: implement flag system to allow user to specify encryption by folder, subfolder, etc.
- // Sharing:
- //// TODO: add support for encrypting to multiple public keys
- //// TODO: add support for decrypting to multiple private keys
// Integration testing:
//// TODO: test new encryption with versioning
- //// TODO: test new encryption with sharing
+ //// DONE: test new encryption with sharing
//// TODO: test new encryption with proxies
private $view; // OC_FilesystemView object for filesystem operations
private $userId; // ID of the currently logged-in user
private $pwd; // User Password
@@ -103,166 +108,303 @@ class Util {
private $shareKeysPath; // Dir containing env keys for shared files
private $publicKeyPath; // Path to user's public key
private $privateKeyPath; // Path to user's private key
+ private $publicShareKeyId;
+ private $recoveryKeyId;
+ private $isPublic;
+ /**
+ * @param \OC_FilesystemView $view
+ * @param $userId
+ * @param bool $client
+ */
public function __construct( \OC_FilesystemView $view, $userId, $client = false ) {
$this->view = $view;
$this->userId = $userId;
$this->client = $client;
- $this->userDir = '/' . $this->userId;
- $this->userFilesDir = '/' . $this->userId . '/' . 'files';
- $this->publicKeyDir = '/' . 'public-keys';
- $this->encryptionDir = '/' . $this->userId . '/' . 'files_encryption';
- $this->keyfilesPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'keyfiles';
- $this->shareKeysPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'share-keys';
- $this->publicKeyPath = $this->publicKeyDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.public.key'; // e.g. data/public-keys/admin.public.key
- $this->privateKeyPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.private.key'; // e.g. data/admin/admin.private.key
- }
+ $this->isPublic = false;
+ $this->publicShareKeyId = \OC_Appconfig::getValue( 'files_encryption', 'publicShareKeyId' );
+ $this->recoveryKeyId = \OC_Appconfig::getValue( 'files_encryption', 'recoveryKeyId' );
+ // if we are anonymous/public
+ if ( $this->userId === false ||
+ ( isset( $_GET['service'] ) && $_GET['service'] == 'files' &&
+ isset( $_GET['t'] ) )
+ ) {
+ $this->userId = $this->publicShareKeyId;
+ // only handle for files_sharing app
+ if ( $GLOBALS['app'] === 'files_sharing' ) {
+ $this->userDir = '/' . $GLOBALS['fileOwner'];
+ $this->fileFolderName = 'files';
+ $this->userFilesDir = '/' . $GLOBALS['fileOwner'] . '/' . $this->fileFolderName; // TODO: Does this need to be user configurable?
+ $this->publicKeyDir = '/' . 'public-keys';
+ $this->encryptionDir = '/' . $GLOBALS['fileOwner'] . '/' . 'files_encryption';
+ $this->keyfilesPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'keyfiles';
+ $this->shareKeysPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'share-keys';
+ $this->publicKeyPath = $this->publicKeyDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.public.key'; // e.g. data/public-keys/admin.public.key
+ $this->privateKeyPath = '/owncloud_private_key/' . $this->userId . '.private.key'; // e.g. data/admin/admin.private.key
+ $this->isPublic = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $this->userDir = '/' . $this->userId;
+ $this->fileFolderName = 'files';
+ $this->userFilesDir = '/' . $this->userId . '/' . $this->fileFolderName; // TODO: Does this need to be user configurable?
+ $this->publicKeyDir = '/' . 'public-keys';
+ $this->encryptionDir = '/' . $this->userId . '/' . 'files_encryption';
+ $this->keyfilesPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'keyfiles';
+ $this->shareKeysPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'share-keys';
+ $this->publicKeyPath = $this->publicKeyDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.public.key'; // e.g. data/public-keys/admin.public.key
+ $this->privateKeyPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.private.key'; // e.g. data/admin/admin.private.key
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return bool
+ */
public function ready() {
- if(
- !$this->view->file_exists( $this->encryptionDir )
- or !$this->view->file_exists( $this->keyfilesPath )
- or !$this->view->file_exists( $this->shareKeysPath )
- or !$this->view->file_exists( $this->publicKeyPath )
- or !$this->view->file_exists( $this->privateKeyPath )
+ if (
+ !$this->view->file_exists( $this->encryptionDir )
+ or !$this->view->file_exists( $this->keyfilesPath )
+ or !$this->view->file_exists( $this->shareKeysPath )
+ or !$this->view->file_exists( $this->publicKeyPath )
+ or !$this->view->file_exists( $this->privateKeyPath )
) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
- /**
- * @brief Sets up user folders and keys for serverside encryption
- * @param $passphrase passphrase to encrypt server-stored private key with
- */
+ /**
+ * @brief Sets up user folders and keys for serverside encryption
+ * @param string $passphrase passphrase to encrypt server-stored private key with
+ */
public function setupServerSide( $passphrase = null ) {
- // Create user dir
- if( !$this->view->file_exists( $this->userDir ) ) {
- $this->view->mkdir( $this->userDir );
- }
- // Create user files dir
- if( !$this->view->file_exists( $this->userFilesDir ) ) {
- $this->view->mkdir( $this->userFilesDir );
- }
- // Create shared public key directory
- if( !$this->view->file_exists( $this->publicKeyDir ) ) {
- $this->view->mkdir( $this->publicKeyDir );
- }
- // Create encryption app directory
- if( !$this->view->file_exists( $this->encryptionDir ) ) {
- $this->view->mkdir( $this->encryptionDir );
- }
- // Create mirrored keyfile directory
- if( !$this->view->file_exists( $this->keyfilesPath ) ) {
- $this->view->mkdir( $this->keyfilesPath );
- }
- // Create mirrored share env keys directory
- if( !$this->view->file_exists( $this->shareKeysPath ) ) {
- $this->view->mkdir( $this->shareKeysPath );
- }
+ // Set directories to check / create
+ $setUpDirs = array(
+ $this->userDir
+ , $this->userFilesDir
+ , $this->publicKeyDir
+ , $this->encryptionDir
+ , $this->keyfilesPath
+ , $this->shareKeysPath
+ );
+ // Check / create all necessary dirs
+ foreach ( $setUpDirs as $dirPath ) {
+ if ( !$this->view->file_exists( $dirPath ) ) {
+ $this->view->mkdir( $dirPath );
+ }
+ }
// Create user keypair
- if (
- ! $this->view->file_exists( $this->publicKeyPath )
- or ! $this->view->file_exists( $this->privateKeyPath )
+ // we should never override a keyfile
+ if (
+ !$this->view->file_exists( $this->publicKeyPath )
+ && !$this->view->file_exists( $this->privateKeyPath )
) {
// Generate keypair
$keypair = Crypt::createKeypair();
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
// Save public key
$this->view->file_put_contents( $this->publicKeyPath, $keypair['publicKey'] );
// Encrypt private key with user pwd as passphrase
$encryptedPrivateKey = Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $keypair['privateKey'], $passphrase );
// Save private key
$this->view->file_put_contents( $this->privateKeyPath, $encryptedPrivateKey );
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
+ } else {
+ // check if public-key exists but private-key is missing
+ if ( $this->view->file_exists( $this->publicKeyPath ) && !$this->view->file_exists( $this->privateKeyPath ) ) {
+ \OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'public key exists but private key is missing for "' . $this->userId . '"', \OC_Log::FATAL );
+ return false;
+ } else if ( !$this->view->file_exists( $this->publicKeyPath ) && $this->view->file_exists( $this->privateKeyPath ) ) {
+ \OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'private key exists but public key is missing for "' . $this->userId . '"', \OC_Log::FATAL );
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If there's no record for this user's encryption preferences
+ if ( false === $this->recoveryEnabledForUser() ) {
+ // create database configuration
+ $sql = 'INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*encryption` (`uid`,`mode`,`recovery_enabled`) VALUES (?,?,?)';
+ $args = array( $this->userId, 'server-side', 0 );
+ $query = \OCP\DB::prepare( $sql );
+ $query->execute( $args );
+ }
return true;
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getPublicShareKeyId() {
+ return $this->publicShareKeyId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Check whether pwd recovery is enabled for a given user
+ * @return bool 1 = yes, 0 = no, false = no record
+ *
+ * @note If records are not being returned, check for a hidden space
+ * at the start of the uid in db
+ */
+ public function recoveryEnabledForUser() {
+ $sql = 'SELECT
+ recovery_enabled
+ `*PREFIX*encryption`
+ uid = ?';
+ $args = array( $this->userId );
+ $query = \OCP\DB::prepare( $sql );
+ $result = $query->execute( $args );
+ $recoveryEnabled = array();
+ while ( $row = $result->fetchRow() ) {
+ $recoveryEnabled[] = $row['recovery_enabled'];
+ }
+ // If no record is found
+ if ( empty( $recoveryEnabled ) ) {
+ return false;
+ // If a record is found
+ } else {
+ return $recoveryEnabled[0];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Enable / disable pwd recovery for a given user
+ * @param bool $enabled Whether to enable or disable recovery
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function setRecoveryForUser( $enabled ) {
+ $recoveryStatus = $this->recoveryEnabledForUser();
+ // If a record for this user already exists, update it
+ if ( false === $recoveryStatus ) {
+ $sql = 'INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*encryption`
+ (`uid`,`mode`,`recovery_enabled`)
+ VALUES (?,?,?)';
+ $args = array( $this->userId, 'server-side', $enabled );
+ // Create a new record instead
+ } else {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE
+ *PREFIX*encryption
+ recovery_enabled = ?
+ uid = ?';
+ $args = array( $enabled, $this->userId );
+ }
+ $query = \OCP\DB::prepare( $sql );
+ if ( $query->execute( $args ) ) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
* @brief Find all files and their encryption status within a directory
* @param string $directory The path of the parent directory to search
* @return mixed false if 0 found, array on success. Keys: name, path
* @note $directory needs to be a path relative to OC data dir. e.g.
* /admin/files NOT /backup OR /home/www/oc/data/admin/files
- public function findFiles( $directory ) {
+ public function findEncFiles( $directory, &$found = false ) {
// Disable proxy - we don't want files to be decrypted before
// we handle them
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
- $found = array( 'plain' => array(), 'encrypted' => array(), 'legacy' => array() );
- if (
- $this->view->is_dir( $directory )
- && $handle = $this->view->opendir( $directory )
+ if ( $found == false ) {
+ $found = array( 'plain' => array(), 'encrypted' => array(), 'legacy' => array() );
+ }
+ if (
+ $this->view->is_dir( $directory )
+ && $handle = $this->view->opendir( $directory )
) {
while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $handle ) ) ) {
if (
- $file != "."
- && $file != ".."
+ $file != "."
+ && $file != ".."
) {
$filePath = $directory . '/' . $this->view->getRelativePath( '/' . $file );
$relPath = $this->stripUserFilesPath( $filePath );
// If the path is a directory, search
// its contents
- if ( $this->view->is_dir( $filePath ) ) {
- $this->findFiles( $filePath );
- // If the path is a file, determine
- // its encryption status
+ if ( $this->view->is_dir( $filePath ) ) {
+ $this->findEncFiles( $filePath, $found );
+ // If the path is a file, determine
+ // its encryption status
} elseif ( $this->view->is_file( $filePath ) ) {
// Disable proxies again, some-
// where they got re-enabled :/
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
$data = $this->view->file_get_contents( $filePath );
// If the file is encrypted
// NOTE: If the userId is
// empty or not set, file will
@@ -270,207 +412,1049 @@ class Util {
// NOTE: This is inefficient;
// scanning every file like this
// will eat server resources :(
- if (
- Keymanager::getFileKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $file )
- && Crypt::isCatfile( $data )
+ if (
+ Keymanager::getFileKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $relPath )
+ && Crypt::isCatfileContent( $data )
) {
$found['encrypted'][] = array( 'name' => $file, 'path' => $filePath );
- // If the file uses old
- // encryption system
- } elseif ( Crypt::isLegacyEncryptedContent( $this->view->file_get_contents( $filePath ), $relPath ) ) {
+ // If the file uses old
+ // encryption system
+ } elseif ( Crypt::isLegacyEncryptedContent( $this->tail( $filePath, 3 ), $relPath ) ) {
$found['legacy'][] = array( 'name' => $file, 'path' => $filePath );
- // If the file is not encrypted
+ // If the file is not encrypted
} else {
- $found['plain'][] = array( 'name' => $file, 'path' => $filePath );
+ $found['plain'][] = array( 'name' => $file, 'path' => $relPath );
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
if ( empty( $found ) ) {
return false;
} else {
return $found;
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
return false;
- /**
- * @brief Check if a given path identifies an encrypted file
- * @return true / false
- */
+ /**
+ * @brief Fetch the last lines of a file efficiently
+ * @note Safe to use on large files; does not read entire file to memory
+ * @note Derivative of
+ */
+ public function tail( $filename, $numLines ) {
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $text = '';
+ $pos = -1;
+ $handle = $this->view->fopen( $filename, 'r' );
+ while ( $numLines > 0 ) {
+ --$pos;
+ if ( fseek( $handle, $pos, SEEK_END ) !== 0 ) {
+ rewind( $handle );
+ $numLines = 0;
+ } elseif ( fgetc( $handle ) === "\n" ) {
+ --$numLines;
+ }
+ $block_size = ( -$pos ) % 8192;
+ if ( $block_size === 0 || $numLines === 0 ) {
+ $text = fread( $handle, ( $block_size === 0 ? 8192 : $block_size ) ) . $text;
+ }
+ }
+ fclose( $handle );
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
+ return $text;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Check if a given path identifies an encrypted file
+ * @param $path
+ * @return boolean
+ */
public function isEncryptedPath( $path ) {
- // Disable encryption proxy so data retreived is in its
+ // Disable encryption proxy so data retrieved is in its
// original form
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
- $data = $this->view->file_get_contents( $path );
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
- return Crypt::isCatfile( $data );
+ // we only need 24 byte from the last chunk
+ $data = '';
+ $handle = $this->view->fopen( $path, 'r' );
+ if ( !fseek( $handle, -24, SEEK_END ) ) {
+ $data = fgets( $handle );
+ }
+ // re-enable proxy
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ return Crypt::isCatfileContent( $data );
+ /**
+ * @brief get the file size of the unencrypted file
+ * @param string $path absolute path
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function getFileSize( $path ) {
+ $result = 0;
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // Reformat path for use with OC_FSV
+ $pathSplit = explode( '/', $path );
+ $pathRelative = implode( '/', array_slice( $pathSplit, 3 ) );
+ if ( $pathSplit[2] == 'files' && $this->view->file_exists( $path ) && $this->isEncryptedPath( $path ) ) {
+ // get the size from filesystem
+ $fullPath = $this->view->getLocalFile( $path );
+ $size = filesize( $fullPath );
+ // calculate last chunk nr
+ $lastChunkNr = floor( $size / 8192 );
+ // open stream
+ $stream = fopen( 'crypt://' . $pathRelative, "r" );
+ if ( is_resource( $stream ) ) {
+ // calculate last chunk position
+ $lastChunckPos = ( $lastChunkNr * 8192 );
+ // seek to end
+ fseek( $stream, $lastChunckPos );
+ // get the content of the last chunk
+ $lastChunkContent = fread( $stream, 8192 );
+ // calc the real file size with the size of the last chunk
+ $realSize = ( ( $lastChunkNr * 6126 ) + strlen( $lastChunkContent ) );
+ // store file size
+ $result = $realSize;
+ }
+ }
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief fix the file size of the encrypted file
+ * @param $path absolute path
+ * @return true / false if file is encrypted
+ */
+ public function fixFileSize( $path ) {
+ $result = false;
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $realSize = $this->getFileSize( $path );
+ if ( $realSize > 0 ) {
+ $cached = $this->view->getFileInfo( $path );
+ $cached['encrypted'] = true;
+ // set the size
+ $cached['unencrypted_size'] = $realSize;
+ // put file info
+ $this->view->putFileInfo( $path, $cached );
+ $result = true;
+ }
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ return $result;
+ }
* @brief Format a path to be relative to the /user/files/ directory
+ * @note e.g. turns '/admin/files/test.txt' into 'test.txt'
public function stripUserFilesPath( $path ) {
$trimmed = ltrim( $path, '/' );
$split = explode( '/', $trimmed );
$sliced = array_slice( $split, 2 );
$relPath = implode( '/', $sliced );
return $relPath;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param $path
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function isSharedPath( $path ) {
+ $trimmed = ltrim( $path, '/' );
+ $split = explode( '/', $trimmed );
+ if ( $split[2] == "Shared" ) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
* @brief Encrypt all files in a directory
- * @param string $publicKey the public key to encrypt files with
* @param string $dirPath the directory whose files will be encrypted
+ * @param null $legacyPassphrase
+ * @param null $newPassphrase
+ * @return bool
* @note Encryption is recursive
- public function encryptAll( $publicKey, $dirPath, $legacyPassphrase = null, $newPassphrase = null ) {
- if ( $found = $this->findFiles( $dirPath ) ) {
+ public function encryptAll( $dirPath, $legacyPassphrase = null, $newPassphrase = null ) {
+ if ( $found = $this->findEncFiles( $dirPath ) ) {
// Disable proxy to prevent file being encrypted twice
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
// Encrypt unencrypted files
foreach ( $found['plain'] as $plainFile ) {
- // Fetch data from file
- $plainData = $this->view->file_get_contents( $plainFile['path'] );
- // Encrypt data, generate catfile
- $encrypted = Crypt::keyEncryptKeyfile( $plainData, $publicKey );
- $relPath = $this->stripUserFilesPath( $plainFile['path'] );
- // Save keyfile
- Keymanager::setFileKey( $this->view, $relPath, $this->userId, $encrypted['key'] );
- // Overwrite the existing file with the encrypted one
- $this->view->file_put_contents( $plainFile['path'], $encrypted['data'] );
- $size = strlen( $encrypted['data'] );
+ //relative to data/<user>/file
+ $relPath = $plainFile['path'];
+ //relative to /data
+ $rawPath = $this->userId . '/files/' . $plainFile['path'];
+ // Open plain file handle for binary reading
+ $plainHandle1 = $this->view->fopen( $rawPath, 'rb' );
+ // 2nd handle for moving plain file - view->rename() doesn't work, this is a workaround
+ $plainHandle2 = $this->view->fopen( $rawPath . '.plaintmp', 'wb' );
+ // Move plain file to a temporary location
+ stream_copy_to_stream( $plainHandle1, $plainHandle2 );
+ // Close access to original file
+ // $this->view->fclose( $plainHandle1 ); // not implemented in view{}
+ // Delete original plain file so we can rename enc file later
+ $this->view->unlink( $rawPath );
+ // Open enc file handle for binary writing, with same filename as original plain file
+ $encHandle = fopen( 'crypt://' . $relPath, 'wb' );
+ // Save data from plain stream to new encrypted file via enc stream
+ // NOTE: Stream{} will be invoked for handling
+ // the encryption, and should handle all keys
+ // and their generation etc. automatically
+ stream_copy_to_stream( $plainHandle2, $encHandle );
+ // get file size
+ $size = $this->view->filesize( $rawPath . '.plaintmp' );
+ // Delete temporary plain copy of file
+ $this->view->unlink( $rawPath . '.plaintmp' );
// Add the file to the cache
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::putFileInfo( $plainFile['path'], array( 'encrypted'=>true, 'size' => $size ), '' );
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::putFileInfo( $plainFile['path'], array( 'encrypted' => true, 'size' => $size, 'unencrypted_size' => $size ) );
// Encrypt legacy encrypted files
- if (
- ! empty( $legacyPassphrase )
- && ! empty( $newPassphrase )
+ if (
+ !empty( $legacyPassphrase )
+ && !empty( $newPassphrase )
) {
foreach ( $found['legacy'] as $legacyFile ) {
// Fetch data from file
$legacyData = $this->view->file_get_contents( $legacyFile['path'] );
+ $sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();
+ // if file exists try to get sharing users
+ if ( $this->view->file_exists( $legacyFile['path'] ) ) {
+ $uniqueUserIds = $this->getSharingUsersArray( $sharingEnabled, $legacyFile['path'], $this->userId );
+ } else {
+ $uniqueUserIds[] = $this->userId;
+ }
+ // Fetch public keys for all users who will share the file
+ $publicKeys = Keymanager::getPublicKeys( $this->view, $uniqueUserIds );
// Recrypt data, generate catfile
- $recrypted = Crypt::legacyKeyRecryptKeyfile( $legacyData, $legacyPassphrase, $publicKey, $newPassphrase );
- $relPath = $this->stripUserFilesPath( $legacyFile['path'] );
+ $recrypted = Crypt::legacyKeyRecryptKeyfile( $legacyData, $legacyPassphrase, $publicKeys, $newPassphrase, $legacyFile['path'] );
+ $rawPath = $legacyFile['path'];
+ $relPath = $this->stripUserFilesPath( $rawPath );
// Save keyfile
- Keymanager::setFileKey( $this->view, $relPath, $this->userId, $recrypted['key'] );
+ Keymanager::setFileKey( $this->view, $relPath, $this->userId, $recrypted['filekey'] );
+ // Save sharekeys to user folders
+ Keymanager::setShareKeys( $this->view, $relPath, $recrypted['sharekeys'] );
// Overwrite the existing file with the encrypted one
- $this->view->file_put_contents( $legacyFile['path'], $recrypted['data'] );
+ $this->view->file_put_contents( $rawPath, $recrypted['data'] );
$size = strlen( $recrypted['data'] );
// Add the file to the cache
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::putFileInfo( $legacyFile['path'], array( 'encrypted'=>true, 'size' => $size ), '' );
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::putFileInfo( $rawPath, array( 'encrypted' => true, 'size' => $size ), '' );
\OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
// If files were found, return true
return true;
} else {
// If no files were found, return false
return false;
* @brief Return important encryption related paths
* @param string $pathName Name of the directory to return the path of
* @return string path
public function getPath( $pathName ) {
switch ( $pathName ) {
case 'publicKeyDir':
return $this->publicKeyDir;
case 'encryptionDir':
return $this->encryptionDir;
case 'keyfilesPath':
return $this->keyfilesPath;
case 'publicKeyPath':
return $this->publicKeyPath;
case 'privateKeyPath':
return $this->privateKeyPath;
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief get path of a file.
+ * @param int $fileId id of the file
+ * @return string path of the file
+ */
+ public static function fileIdToPath( $fileId ) {
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare( 'SELECT `path`'
+ . ' FROM `*PREFIX*filecache`'
+ . ' WHERE `fileid` = ?' );
+ $result = $query->execute( array( $fileId ) );
+ $row = $result->fetchRow();
+ return substr( $row['path'], 5 );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Filter an array of UIDs to return only ones ready for sharing
+ * @param array $unfilteredUsers users to be checked for sharing readiness
+ * @return multi-dimensional array. keys: ready, unready
+ */
+ public function filterShareReadyUsers( $unfilteredUsers ) {
+ // This array will collect the filtered IDs
+ $readyIds = $unreadyIds = array();
+ // Loop through users and create array of UIDs that need new keyfiles
+ foreach ( $unfilteredUsers as $user ) {
+ $util = new Util( $this->view, $user );
+ // Check that the user is encryption capable, or is the
+ // public system user 'ownCloud' (for public shares)
+ if (
+ $user == $this->publicShareKeyId
+ or $user == $this->recoveryKeyId
+ or $util->ready()
+ ) {
+ // Construct array of ready UIDs for Keymanager{}
+ $readyIds[] = $user;
+ } else {
+ // Construct array of unready UIDs for Keymanager{}
+ $unreadyIds[] = $user;
+ // Log warning; we can't do necessary setup here
+ // because we don't have the user passphrase
+ \OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', '"' . $user . '" is not setup for encryption', \OC_Log::WARN );
+ }
+ }
+ return array(
+ 'ready' => $readyIds,
+ 'unready' => $unreadyIds
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Decrypt a keyfile without knowing how it was encrypted
+ * @param string $filePath
+ * @param string $fileOwner
+ * @param string $privateKey
+ * @note Checks whether file was encrypted with openssl_seal or
+ * openssl_encrypt, and decrypts accrdingly
+ * @note This was used when 2 types of encryption for keyfiles was used,
+ * but now we've switched to exclusively using openssl_seal()
+ */
+ public function decryptUnknownKeyfile( $filePath, $fileOwner, $privateKey ) {
+ // Get the encrypted keyfile
+ // NOTE: the keyfile format depends on how it was encrypted! At
+ // this stage we don't know how it was encrypted
+ $encKeyfile = Keymanager::getFileKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $filePath );
+ // We need to decrypt the keyfile
+ // Has the file been shared yet?
+ if (
+ $this->userId == $fileOwner
+ && !Keymanager::getShareKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $filePath ) // NOTE: we can't use isShared() here because it's a post share hook so it always returns true
+ ) {
+ // The file has no shareKey, and its keyfile must be
+ // decrypted conventionally
+ $plainKeyfile = Crypt::keyDecrypt( $encKeyfile, $privateKey );
+ } else {
+ // The file has a shareKey and must use it for decryption
+ $shareKey = Keymanager::getShareKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $filePath );
+ $plainKeyfile = Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt( $encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey );
+ }
+ return $plainKeyfile;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Encrypt keyfile to multiple users
+ * @param Session $session
+ * @param array $users list of users which should be able to access the file
+ * @param string $filePath path of the file to be shared
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function setSharedFileKeyfiles( Session $session, array $users, $filePath ) {
+ // Make sure users are capable of sharing
+ $filteredUids = $this->filterShareReadyUsers( $users );
+ // If we're attempting to share to unready users
+ if ( !empty( $filteredUids['unready'] ) ) {
+ \OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'Sharing to these user(s) failed as they are unready for encryption:"' . print_r( $filteredUids['unready'], 1 ), \OC_Log::WARN );
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Get public keys for each user, ready for generating sharekeys
+ $userPubKeys = Keymanager::getPublicKeys( $this->view, $filteredUids['ready'] );
+ // Note proxy status then disable it
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // Get the current users's private key for decrypting existing keyfile
+ $privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey();
+ $fileOwner = \OC\Files\Filesystem::getOwner( $filePath );
+ // Decrypt keyfile
+ $plainKeyfile = $this->decryptUnknownKeyfile( $filePath, $fileOwner, $privateKey );
+ // Re-enc keyfile to (additional) sharekeys
+ $multiEncKey = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt( $plainKeyfile, $userPubKeys );
+ // Save the recrypted key to it's owner's keyfiles directory
+ // Save new sharekeys to all necessary user directory
+ if (
+ !Keymanager::setFileKey( $this->view, $filePath, $fileOwner, $multiEncKey['data'] )
+ || !Keymanager::setShareKeys( $this->view, $filePath, $multiEncKey['keys'] )
+ ) {
+ \OC_Log::write( 'Encryption library', 'Keyfiles could not be saved for users sharing ' . $filePath, \OC_Log::ERROR );
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Return proxy to original status
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Find, sanitise and format users sharing a file
+ * @note This wraps other methods into a portable bundle
+ */
+ public function getSharingUsersArray( $sharingEnabled, $filePath, $currentUserId = false ) {
+ // Check if key recovery is enabled
+ if (
+ \OC_Appconfig::getValue( 'files_encryption', 'recoveryAdminEnabled' )
+ && $this->recoveryEnabledForUser()
+ ) {
+ $recoveryEnabled = true;
+ } else {
+ $recoveryEnabled = false;
+ }
+ // Make sure that a share key is generated for the owner too
+ list( $owner, $ownerPath ) = $this->getUidAndFilename( $filePath );
+ $userIds = array();
+ if ( $sharingEnabled ) {
+ // Find out who, if anyone, is sharing the file
+ $result = \OCP\Share::getUsersSharingFile( $ownerPath, $owner, true, true, true );
+ $userIds = $result['users'];
+ if ( $result['public'] ) {
+ $userIds[] = $this->publicShareKeyId;
+ }
+ }
+ // If recovery is enabled, add the
+ // Admin UID to list of users to share to
+ if ( $recoveryEnabled ) {
+ // Find recoveryAdmin user ID
+ $recoveryKeyId = \OC_Appconfig::getValue( 'files_encryption', 'recoveryKeyId' );
+ // Add recoveryAdmin to list of users sharing
+ $userIds[] = $recoveryKeyId;
+ }
+ // add current user if given
+ if ( $currentUserId != false ) {
+ $userIds[] = $currentUserId;
+ }
+ // Remove duplicate UIDs
+ $uniqueUserIds = array_unique( $userIds );
+ return $uniqueUserIds;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Set file migration status for user
+ * @param $status
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function setMigrationStatus( $status ) {
+ $sql = 'UPDATE
+ *PREFIX*encryption
+ migration_status = ?
+ uid = ?';
+ $args = array( $status, $this->userId );
+ $query = \OCP\DB::prepare( $sql );
+ if ( $query->execute( $args ) ) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Check whether pwd recovery is enabled for a given user
+ * @return bool 1 = yes, 0 = no, false = no record
+ * @note If records are not being returned, check for a hidden space
+ * at the start of the uid in db
+ */
+ public function getMigrationStatus() {
+ $sql = 'SELECT
+ migration_status
+ `*PREFIX*encryption`
+ uid = ?';
+ $args = array( $this->userId );
+ $query = \OCP\DB::prepare( $sql );
+ $result = $query->execute( $args );
+ $migrationStatus = array();
+ $row = $result->fetchRow();
+ if($row) {
+ $migrationStatus[] = $row['migration_status'];
+ }
+ // If no record is found
+ if ( empty( $migrationStatus ) ) {
+ return false;
+ // If a record is found
+ } else {
+ return $migrationStatus[0];
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief get uid of the owners of the file and the path to the file
+ * @param string $path Path of the file to check
+ * @note $shareFilePath must be relative to data/UID/files. Files
+ * relative to /Shared are also acceptable
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function getUidAndFilename( $path ) {
+ $view = new \OC\Files\View( $this->userFilesDir );
+ $fileOwnerUid = $view->getOwner( $path );
+ // handle public access
+ if ( $this->isPublic ) {
+ $filename = $path;
+ $fileOwnerUid = $GLOBALS['fileOwner'];
+ return array( $fileOwnerUid, $filename );
+ } else {
+ // Check that UID is valid
+ if ( !\OCP\User::userExists( $fileOwnerUid ) ) {
+ throw new \Exception( 'Could not find owner (UID = "' . var_export( $fileOwnerUid, 1 ) . '") of file "' . $path . '"' );
+ }
+ // NOTE: Bah, this dependency should be elsewhere
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::initMountPoints( $fileOwnerUid );
+ // If the file owner is the currently logged in user
+ if ( $fileOwnerUid == $this->userId ) {
+ // Assume the path supplied is correct
+ $filename = $path;
+ } else {
+ $info = $view->getFileInfo( $path );
+ $ownerView = new \OC\Files\View( '/' . $fileOwnerUid . '/files' );
+ // Fetch real file path from DB
+ $filename = $ownerView->getPath( $info['fileid'] ); // TODO: Check that this returns a path without including the user data dir
+ }
+ return array( $fileOwnerUid, $filename );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief go recursively through a dir and collect all files and sub files.
+ * @param string $dir relative to the users files folder
+ * @return array with list of files relative to the users files folder
+ */
+ public function getAllFiles( $dir ) {
+ $result = array();
+ $content = $this->view->getDirectoryContent( $this->userFilesDir . $dir );
+ // handling for re shared folders
+ $path_split = explode( '/', $dir );
+ foreach ( $content as $c ) {
+ $sharedPart = $path_split[sizeof( $path_split ) - 1];
+ $targetPathSplit = array_reverse( explode( '/', $c['path'] ) );
+ $path = '';
+ // rebuild path
+ foreach ( $targetPathSplit as $pathPart ) {
+ if ( $pathPart !== $sharedPart ) {
+ $path = '/' . $pathPart . $path;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $path = $dir . $path;
+ if ( $c['type'] === "dir" ) {
+ $result = array_merge( $result, $this->getAllFiles( $path ) );
+ } else {
+ $result[] = $path;
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief get shares parent.
+ * @param int $id of the current share
+ * @return array of the parent
+ */
+ public static function getShareParent( $id ) {
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare( 'SELECT `file_target`, `item_type`'
+ . ' FROM `*PREFIX*share`'
+ . ' WHERE `id` = ?' );
+ $result = $query->execute( array( $id ) );
+ $row = $result->fetchRow();
+ return $row;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief get shares parent.
+ * @param int $id of the current share
+ * @return array of the parent
+ */
+ public static function getParentFromShare( $id ) {
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare( 'SELECT `parent`'
+ . ' FROM `*PREFIX*share`'
+ . ' WHERE `id` = ?' );
+ $result = $query->execute( array( $id ) );
+ $row = $result->fetchRow();
+ return $row;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief get owner of the shared files.
+ * @param $id
+ * @internal param int $Id of a share
+ * @return string owner
+ */
+ public function getOwnerFromSharedFile( $id ) {
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare( 'SELECT `parent`, `uid_owner` FROM `*PREFIX*share` WHERE `id` = ?', 1 );
+ $source = $query->execute( array( $id ) )->fetchRow();
+ $fileOwner = false;
+ if ( isset( $source['parent'] ) ) {
+ $parent = $source['parent'];
+ while ( isset( $parent ) ) {
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare( 'SELECT `parent`, `uid_owner` FROM `*PREFIX*share` WHERE `id` = ?', 1 );
+ $item = $query->execute( array( $parent ) )->fetchRow();
+ if ( isset( $item['parent'] ) ) {
+ $parent = $item['parent'];
+ } else {
+ $fileOwner = $item['uid_owner'];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $fileOwner = $source['uid_owner'];
+ }
+ return $fileOwner;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getUserId() {
+ return $this->userId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getUserFilesDir() {
+ return $this->userFilesDir;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param $password
+ * @return bool
+ */
+ public function checkRecoveryPassword( $password ) {
+ $pathKey = '/owncloud_private_key/' . $this->recoveryKeyId . ".private.key";
+ $pathControlData = '/control-file/controlfile.enc';
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $recoveryKey = $this->view->file_get_contents( $pathKey );
+ $decryptedRecoveryKey = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $recoveryKey, $password );
+ $controlData = $this->view->file_get_contents( $pathControlData );
+ $decryptedControlData = Crypt::keyDecrypt( $controlData, $decryptedRecoveryKey );
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ if ( $decryptedControlData === 'ownCloud' ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function getRecoveryKeyId() {
+ return $this->recoveryKeyId;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief add recovery key to all encrypted files
+ */
+ public function addRecoveryKeys( $path = '/' ) {
+ $dirContent = $this->view->getDirectoryContent( $this->keyfilesPath . $path );
+ foreach ( $dirContent as $item ) {
+ // get relative path from files_encryption/keyfiles/
+ $filePath = substr( $item['path'], strlen('files_encryption/keyfiles') );
+ if ( $item['type'] == 'dir' ) {
+ $this->addRecoveryKeys( $filePath . '/' );
+ } else {
+ $session = new Session( new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' ) );
+ $sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();
+ $file = substr( $filePath, 0, -4 );
+ $usersSharing = $this->getSharingUsersArray( $sharingEnabled, $file );
+ $this->setSharedFileKeyfiles( $session, $usersSharing, $file );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief remove recovery key to all encrypted files
+ */
+ public function removeRecoveryKeys( $path = '/' ) {
+ $dirContent = $this->view->getDirectoryContent( $this->keyfilesPath . $path );
+ foreach ( $dirContent as $item ) {
+ // get relative path from files_encryption/keyfiles
+ $filePath = substr( $item['path'], strlen('files_encryption/keyfiles') );
+ if ( $item['type'] == 'dir' ) {
+ $this->removeRecoveryKeys( $filePath . '/' );
+ } else {
+ $file = substr( $filePath, 0, -4 );
+ $this->view->unlink( $this->shareKeysPath . '/' . $file . '.' . $this->recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey' );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief decrypt given file with recovery key and encrypt it again to the owner and his new key
+ * @param string $file
+ * @param string $privateKey recovery key to decrypt the file
+ */
+ private function recoverFile( $file, $privateKey ) {
+ $sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();
+ // Find out who, if anyone, is sharing the file
+ if ( $sharingEnabled ) {
+ $result = \OCP\Share::getUsersSharingFile( $file, $this->userId, true, true, true );
+ $userIds = $result['users'];
+ $userIds[] = $this->recoveryKeyId;
+ if ( $result['public'] ) {
+ $userIds[] = $this->publicShareKeyId;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $userIds = array( $this->userId, $this->recoveryKeyId );
+ }
+ $filteredUids = $this->filterShareReadyUsers( $userIds );
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ //decrypt file key
+ $encKeyfile = $this->view->file_get_contents( $this->keyfilesPath . $file . ".key" );
+ $shareKey = $this->view->file_get_contents( $this->shareKeysPath . $file . "." . $this->recoveryKeyId . ".shareKey" );
+ $plainKeyfile = Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt( $encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey );
+ // encrypt file key again to all users, this time with the new public key for the recovered use
+ $userPubKeys = Keymanager::getPublicKeys( $this->view, $filteredUids['ready'] );
+ $multiEncKey = Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt( $plainKeyfile, $userPubKeys );
+ // write new keys to filesystem TDOO!
+ $this->view->file_put_contents( $this->keyfilesPath . $file . '.key', $multiEncKey['data'] );
+ foreach ( $multiEncKey['keys'] as $userId => $shareKey ) {
+ $shareKeyPath = $this->shareKeysPath . $file . '.' . $userId . '.shareKey';
+ $this->view->file_put_contents( $shareKeyPath, $shareKey );
+ }
+ // Return proxy to original status
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief collect all files and recover them one by one
+ * @param string $path to look for files keys
+ * @param string $privateKey private recovery key which is used to decrypt the files
+ */
+ private function recoverAllFiles( $path, $privateKey ) {
+ $dirContent = $this->view->getDirectoryContent( $this->keyfilesPath . $path );
+ foreach ( $dirContent as $item ) {
+ $filePath = substr( $item['path'], 25 );
+ if ( $item['type'] == 'dir' ) {
+ $this->recoverAllFiles( $filePath . '/', $privateKey );
+ } else {
+ $file = substr( $filePath, 0, -4 );
+ $this->recoverFile( $file, $privateKey );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief recover users files in case of password lost
+ * @param string $recoveryPassword
+ */
+ public function recoverUsersFiles( $recoveryPassword ) {
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $encryptedKey = $this->view->file_get_contents( '/owncloud_private_key/' . $this->recoveryKeyId . '.private.key' );
+ $privateKey = Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $encryptedKey, $recoveryPassword );
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ $this->recoverAllFiles( '/', $privateKey );
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/settings-admin.php b/apps/files_encryption/settings-admin.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6cc5b997fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/settings-admin.php
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 Robin Appelman <>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ */
+$tmpl = new OCP\Template( 'files_encryption', 'settings-admin' );
+// Check if an adminRecovery account is enabled for recovering files after lost pwd
+$view = new OC_FilesystemView( '' );
+$recoveryAdminEnabled = OC_Appconfig::getValue( 'files_encryption', 'recoveryAdminEnabled' );
+$tmpl->assign( 'recoveryEnabled', $recoveryAdminEnabled );
+\OCP\Util::addscript( 'files_encryption', 'settings-admin' );
+\OCP\Util::addscript( 'core', 'multiselect' );
+return $tmpl->fetchPage();
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/settings-personal.php b/apps/files_encryption/settings-personal.php
index af0273cfdc4..57f7f584523 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/settings-personal.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/settings-personal.php
@@ -6,12 +6,23 @@
* See the COPYING-README file.
+// Add CSS stylesheet
+\OC_Util::addStyle( 'files_encryption', 'settings-personal' );
$tmpl = new OCP\Template( 'files_encryption', 'settings-personal');
-$blackList = explode( ',', \OCP\Config::getAppValue( 'files_encryption', 'type_blacklist', 'jpg,png,jpeg,avi,mpg,mpeg,mkv,mp3,oga,ogv,ogg' ) );
+$user = \OCP\USER::getUser();
+$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
+$util = new \OCA\Encryption\Util( $view, $user );
-$tmpl->assign( 'blacklist', $blackList );
+$recoveryAdminEnabled = OC_Appconfig::getValue( 'files_encryption', 'recoveryAdminEnabled' );
+$recoveryEnabledForUser = $util->recoveryEnabledForUser();
+\OCP\Util::addscript( 'files_encryption', 'settings-personal' );
+\OCP\Util::addScript( 'settings', 'personal' );
+$tmpl->assign( 'recoveryEnabled', $recoveryAdminEnabled );
+$tmpl->assign( 'recoveryEnabledForUser', $recoveryEnabledForUser );
return $tmpl->fetchPage();
-return null;
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/settings.php b/apps/files_encryption/settings.php
deleted file mode 100644
index d1260f44e9f..00000000000
--- a/apps/files_encryption/settings.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011 Robin Appelman <>
- * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
- * later.
- * See the COPYING-README file.
- */
-$tmpl = new OCP\Template( 'files_encryption', 'settings' );
-$blackList = explode( ',', \OCP\Config::getAppValue( 'files_encryption', 'type_blacklist', 'jpg,png,jpeg,avi,mpg,mpeg,mkv,mp3,oga,ogv,ogg' ) );
-$tmpl->assign( 'blacklist', $blackList );
-$tmpl->assign( 'encryption_mode', \OC_Appconfig::getValue( 'files_encryption', 'mode', 'none' ) );
-\OCP\Util::addscript( 'files_encryption', 'settings' );
-\OCP\Util::addscript( 'core', 'multiselect' );
-return $tmpl->fetchPage();
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/templates/settings-admin.php b/apps/files_encryption/templates/settings-admin.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..18fea1845f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/templates/settings-admin.php
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+<form id="encryption">
+ <fieldset class="personalblock">
+ <p>
+ <strong><?php p($l->t( 'Encryption' )); ?></strong>
+ <br />
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <?php p($l->t( "Enable encryption passwords recovery key (allow sharing to recovery key):" )); ?>
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ <input type="password" name="recoveryPassword" id="recoveryPassword" />
+ <label for="recoveryPassword"><?php p($l->t( "Recovery account password" )); ?></label>
+ <br />
+ <input
+ type='radio'
+ name='adminEnableRecovery'
+ value='1'
+ <?php echo ( $_["recoveryEnabled"] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : 'disabled' ); ?> />
+ <?php p($l->t( "Enabled" )); ?>
+ <br />
+ <input
+ type='radio'
+ name='adminEnableRecovery'
+ value='0'
+ <?php echo ( $_["recoveryEnabled"] == 0 ? 'checked="checked"' : 'disabled' ); ?> />
+ <?php p($l->t( "Disabled" )); ?>
+ </p>
+ <br /><br />
+ <p>
+ <strong><?php p($l->t( "Change encryption passwords recovery key:" )); ?></strong>
+ <br /><br />
+ <input
+ type="password"
+ name="changeRecoveryPassword"
+ id="oldRecoveryPassword"
+ <?php echo ( $_["recoveryEnabled"] == 0 ? 'disabled' : '' ); ?> />
+ <label for="oldRecoveryPassword"><?php p($l->t( "Old Recovery account password" )); ?></label>
+ <br />
+ <input
+ type="password"
+ name="changeRecoveryPassword"
+ id="newRecoveryPassword"
+ <?php echo ( $_["recoveryEnabled"] == 0 ? 'disabled' : '' ); ?> />
+ <label for="newRecoveryPassword"><?php p($l->t( "New Recovery account password" )); ?></label>
+ <br />
+ <button
+ type="button"
+ name="submitChangeRecoveryKey"
+ disabled><?php p($l->t( "Change Password" )); ?>
+ </button>
+ <span class="msg"></span>
+ </p>
+ </fieldset>
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/templates/settings-personal.php b/apps/files_encryption/templates/settings-personal.php
index 5f0accaed5f..04d6e79179e 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/templates/settings-personal.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/templates/settings-personal.php
@@ -1,22 +1,33 @@
<form id="encryption">
<fieldset class="personalblock">
- <?php p($l->t( 'Encryption' )); ?>
+ <?php p( $l->t( 'Encryption' ) ); ?>
- <p>
- <?php p($l->t( 'File encryption is enabled.' )); ?>
- </p>
- <?php if ( ! empty( $_["blacklist"] ) ): ?>
- <p>
- <?php p($l->t( 'The following file types will not be encrypted:' )); ?>
- </p>
- <ul>
- <?php foreach( $_["blacklist"] as $type ): ?>
- <li>
- <?php p($type); ?>
- </li>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- </ul>
+ <?php if ( $_["recoveryEnabled"] ): ?>
+ <p>
+ <label for="userEnableRecovery"><?php p( $l->t( "Enable password recovery by sharing all files with your administrator:" ) ); ?></label>
+ <br />
+ <em><?php p( $l->t( "Enabling this option will allow you to reobtain access to your encrypted files if your password is lost" ) ); ?></em>
+ <br />
+ <input
+ type='radio'
+ name='userEnableRecovery'
+ value='1'
+ <?php echo ( $_["recoveryEnabledForUser"] == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ); ?> />
+ <?php p( $l->t( "Enabled" ) ); ?>
+ <br />
+ <input
+ type='radio'
+ name='userEnableRecovery'
+ value='0'
+ <?php echo ( $_["recoveryEnabledForUser"] == 0 ? 'checked="checked"' : '' ); ?> />
+ <?php p( $l->t( "Disabled" ) ); ?>
+ <div id="recoveryEnabledSuccess"><?php p( $l->t( 'File recovery settings updated' ) ); ?></div>
+ <div id="recoveryEnabledError"><?php p( $l->t( 'Could not update file recovery' ) ); ?></div>
+ </p>
<?php endif; ?>
+ <br />
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/templates/settings.php b/apps/files_encryption/templates/settings.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b873d7f5aaf..00000000000
--- a/apps/files_encryption/templates/settings.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<form id="encryption">
- <fieldset class="personalblock">
- <p>
- <strong><?php p($l->t( 'Encryption' )); ?></strong>
- <?php p($l->t( "Exclude the following file types from encryption:" )); ?>
- <br />
- <select
- id='encryption_blacklist'
- title="<?php p($l->t( 'None' ))?>"
- multiple="multiple">
- <?php foreach($_["blacklist"] as $type): ?>
- <option selected="selected" value="<?php p($type); ?>"> <?php p($type); ?> </option>
- <?php endforeach;?>
- </select>
- </p>
- </fieldset>
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/test/crypt.php b/apps/files_encryption/test/crypt.php
deleted file mode 100755
index aa87ec32821..00000000000
--- a/apps/files_encryption/test/crypt.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,667 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012 Sam Tuke <>, and
- * Robin Appelman <>
- * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
- * later.
- * See the COPYING-README file.
- */
-//require_once "PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php";
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../3rdparty/Crypt_Blowfish/Blowfish.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../lib/base.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/keymanager.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/proxy.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/stream.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/util.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../appinfo/app.php' );
-use OCA\Encryption;
-// This has to go here because otherwise session errors arise, and the private
-// encryption key needs to be saved in the session
-\OC_User::login( 'admin', 'admin' );
- * @note It would be better to use Mockery here for mocking out the session
- * handling process, and isolate calls to session class and data from the unit
- * tests relating to them (stream etc.). However getting mockery to work and
- * overload classes whilst also using the OC autoloader is difficult due to
- * load order Pear errors.
- */
-class Test_Crypt extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- function setUp() {
- // set content for encrypting / decrypting in tests
- $this->dataLong = file_get_contents( realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' ) );
- $this->dataShort = 'hats';
- $this->dataUrl = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' );
- $this->legacyData = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/legacy-text.txt' );
- $this->legacyEncryptedData = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/legacy-encrypted-text.txt' );
- $this->randomKey = Encryption\Crypt::generateKey();
- $keypair = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
- $this->genPublicKey = $keypair['publicKey'];
- $this->genPrivateKey = $keypair['privateKey'];
- $this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
- \OC_User::setUserId( 'admin' );
- $this->userId = 'admin';
- $this->pass = 'admin';
- \OC_Filesystem::init( '/' );
- \OC_Filesystem::mount( 'OC_Filestorage_Local', array('datadir' => \OC_User::getHome($this->userId)), '/' );
- }
- function tearDown() {
- }
- function testGenerateKey() {
- # TODO: use more accurate (larger) string length for test confirmation
- $key = Encryption\Crypt::generateKey();
- $this->assertTrue( strlen( $key ) > 16 );
- }
- function testGenerateIv() {
- $iv = Encryption\Crypt::generateIv();
- $this->assertEquals( 16, strlen( $iv ) );
- return $iv;
- }
- /**
- * @depends testGenerateIv
- */
- function testConcatIv( $iv ) {
- $catFile = Encryption\Crypt::concatIv( $this->dataLong, $iv );
- // Fetch encryption metadata from end of file
- $meta = substr( $catFile, -22 );
- $identifier = substr( $meta, 0, 6);
- // Fetch IV from end of file
- $foundIv = substr( $meta, 6 );
- $this->assertEquals( '00iv00', $identifier );
- $this->assertEquals( $iv, $foundIv );
- // Remove IV and IV identifier text to expose encrypted content
- $data = substr( $catFile, 0, -22 );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $data );
- return array(
- 'iv' => $iv
- , 'catfile' => $catFile
- );
- }
- /**
- * @depends testConcatIv
- */
- function testSplitIv( $testConcatIv ) {
- // Split catfile into components
- $splitCatfile = Encryption\Crypt::splitIv( $testConcatIv['catfile'] );
- // Check that original IV and split IV match
- $this->assertEquals( $testConcatIv['iv'], $splitCatfile['iv'] );
- // Check that original data and split data match
- $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $splitCatfile['encrypted'] );
- }
- function testAddPadding() {
- $padded = Encryption\Crypt::addPadding( $this->dataLong );
- $padding = substr( $padded, -2 );
- $this->assertEquals( 'xx' , $padding );
- return $padded;
- }
- /**
- * @depends testAddPadding
- */
- function testRemovePadding( $padded ) {
- $noPadding = Encryption\Crypt::RemovePadding( $padded );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $noPadding );
- }
- function testEncrypt() {
- $random = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( 13 );
- $iv = substr( base64_encode( $random ), 0, -4 ); // i.e. E5IG033j+mRNKrht
- $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::encrypt( $this->dataUrl, $iv, 'hat' );
- $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataUrl, $crypted );
- }
- function testDecrypt() {
- $random = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( 13 );
- $iv = substr( base64_encode( $random ), 0, -4 ); // i.e. E5IG033j+mRNKrht
- $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::encrypt( $this->dataUrl, $iv, 'hat' );
- $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::decrypt( $crypted, $iv, 'hat' );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->dataUrl, $decrypt );
- }
- function testSymmetricEncryptFileContent() {
- # TODO: search in keyfile for actual content as IV will ensure this test always passes
- $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $this->dataShort, 'hat' );
- $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataShort, $crypted );
- $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $crypted, 'hat' );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $decrypt );
- }
- // These aren't used for now
-// function testSymmetricBlockEncryptShortFileContent() {
-// $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricBlockEncryptFileContent( $this->dataShort, $this->randomKey );
-// $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataShort, $crypted );
-// $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricBlockDecryptFileContent( $crypted, $this->randomKey );
-// $this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $decrypt );
-// }
-// function testSymmetricBlockEncryptLongFileContent() {
-// $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricBlockEncryptFileContent( $this->dataLong, $this->randomKey );
-// $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataLong, $crypted );
-// $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricBlockDecryptFileContent( $crypted, $this->randomKey );
-// $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $decrypt );
-// }
- function testSymmetricStreamEncryptShortFileContent() {
- $filename = 'tmp-'.time();
- $cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataShort );
- // Test that data was successfully written
- $this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
- // Get file contents without using any wrapper to get it's actual contents on disk
- $retreivedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents( $this->userId . '/files/' . $filename );
- // Check that the file was encrypted before being written to disk
- $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataShort, $retreivedCryptedFile );
- // Get private key
- $encryptedPrivateKey = Encryption\Keymanager::getPrivateKey( $this->view, $this->userId );
- $decryptedPrivateKey = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $encryptedPrivateKey, $this->pass );
- // Get keyfile
- $encryptedKeyfile = Encryption\Keymanager::getFileKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $filename );
- $decryptedKeyfile = Encryption\Crypt::keyDecrypt( $encryptedKeyfile, $decryptedPrivateKey );
- // Manually decrypt
- $manualDecrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricBlockDecryptFileContent( $retreivedCryptedFile, $decryptedKeyfile );
- // Check that decrypted data matches
- $this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $manualDecrypt );
- }
- /**
- * @brief Test that data that is written by the crypto stream wrapper
- * @note Encrypted data is manually prepared and decrypted here to avoid dependency on success of stream_read
- * @note If this test fails with truncate content, check that enough array slices are being rejoined to form $e, as the crypt.php file may have gotten longer and broken the manual
- * reassembly of its data
- */
- function testSymmetricStreamEncryptLongFileContent() {
- // Generate a a random filename
- $filename = 'tmp-'.time();
- // Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
- $cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong.$this->dataLong );
- // Test that data was successfully written
- $this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
- // Get file contents without using any wrapper to get it's actual contents on disk
- $retreivedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents( $this->userId . '/files/' . $filename );
-// echo "\n\n\$retreivedCryptedFile = $retreivedCryptedFile\n\n";
- // Check that the file was encrypted before being written to disk
- $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataLong.$this->dataLong, $retreivedCryptedFile );
- // Manuallly split saved file into separate IVs and encrypted chunks
- $r = preg_split('/(00iv00.{16,18})/', $retreivedCryptedFile, NULL, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
- //print_r($r);
- // Join IVs and their respective data chunks
- $e = array( $r[0].$r[1], $r[2].$r[3], $r[4].$r[5], $r[6].$r[7], $r[8].$r[9], $r[10].$r[11], $r[12].$r[13] );//.$r[11], $r[12].$r[13], $r[14] );
- //print_r($e);
- // Get private key
- $encryptedPrivateKey = Encryption\Keymanager::getPrivateKey( $this->view, $this->userId );
- $decryptedPrivateKey = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $encryptedPrivateKey, $this->pass );
- // Get keyfile
- $encryptedKeyfile = Encryption\Keymanager::getFileKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $filename );
- $decryptedKeyfile = Encryption\Crypt::keyDecrypt( $encryptedKeyfile, $decryptedPrivateKey );
- // Set var for reassembling decrypted content
- $decrypt = '';
- // Manually decrypt chunk
- foreach ($e as $e) {
-// echo "\n\$e = $e";
- $chunkDecrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $e, $decryptedKeyfile );
- // Assemble decrypted chunks
- $decrypt .= $chunkDecrypt;
-// echo "\n\$chunkDecrypt = $chunkDecrypt";
- }
-// echo "\n\$decrypt = $decrypt";
- $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong.$this->dataLong, $decrypt );
- // Teardown
- $this->view->unlink( $filename );
- Encryption\Keymanager::deleteFileKey( $filename );
- }
- /**
- * @brief Test that data that is read by the crypto stream wrapper
- */
- function testSymmetricStreamDecryptShortFileContent() {
- $filename = 'tmp-'.time();
- // Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
- $cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataShort );
- // Test that data was successfully written
- $this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
- // Get file contents without using any wrapper to get it's actual contents on disk
- $retreivedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents( $this->userId . '/files/' . $filename );
- $decrypt = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $decrypt );
- }
- function testSymmetricStreamDecryptLongFileContent() {
- $filename = 'tmp-'.time();
- // Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
- $cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong );
- // Test that data was successfully written
- $this->assertTrue( is_int( $cryptedFile ) );
- // Get file contents without using any wrapper to get it's actual contents on disk
- $retreivedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents( $this->userId . '/files/' . $filename );
- $decrypt = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . $filename );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $decrypt );
- }
- // Is this test still necessary?
-// function testSymmetricBlockStreamDecryptFileContent() {
-// \OC_User::setUserId( 'admin' );
-// // Disable encryption proxy to prevent unwanted en/decryption
-// \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-// $cryptedFile = file_put_contents( 'crypt://' . '/blockEncrypt', $this->dataUrl );
-// // Disable encryption proxy to prevent unwanted en/decryption
-// \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-// echo "\n\n\$cryptedFile = " . $this->view->file_get_contents( '/blockEncrypt' );
-// $retreivedCryptedFile = file_get_contents( 'crypt://' . '/blockEncrypt' );
-// $this->assertEquals( $this->dataUrl, $retreivedCryptedFile );
-// \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
-// }
- function testSymmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile() {
- # TODO: search in keyfile for actual content as IV will ensure this test always passes
- $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile( $this->dataUrl );
- $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataUrl, $crypted['encrypted'] );
- $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $crypted['encrypted'], $crypted['key'] );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->dataUrl, $decrypt );
- }
- function testIsEncryptedContent() {
- $this->assertFalse( Encryption\Crypt::isCatfile( $this->dataUrl ) );
- $this->assertFalse( Encryption\Crypt::isCatfile( $this->legacyEncryptedData ) );
- $keyfileContent = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $this->dataUrl, 'hat' );
- $this->assertTrue( Encryption\Crypt::isCatfile( $keyfileContent ) );
- }
- function testMultiKeyEncrypt() {
- # TODO: search in keyfile for actual content as IV will ensure this test always passes
- $pair1 = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
- $this->assertEquals( 2, count( $pair1 ) );
- $this->assertTrue( strlen( $pair1['publicKey'] ) > 1 );
- $this->assertTrue( strlen( $pair1['privateKey'] ) > 1 );
- $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt( $this->dataUrl, array( $pair1['publicKey'] ) );
- $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataUrl, $crypted['encrypted'] );
- $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt( $crypted['encrypted'], $crypted['keys'][0], $pair1['privateKey'] );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->dataUrl, $decrypt );
- }
- function testKeyEncrypt() {
- // Generate keypair
- $pair1 = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
- // Encrypt data
- $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::keyEncrypt( $this->dataUrl, $pair1['publicKey'] );
- $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataUrl, $crypted );
- // Decrypt data
- $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::keyDecrypt( $crypted, $pair1['privateKey'] );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->dataUrl, $decrypt );
- }
- // What is the point of this test? It doesn't use keyEncryptKeyfile()
- function testKeyEncryptKeyfile() {
- # TODO: Don't repeat encryption from previous tests, use PHPUnit test interdependency instead
- // Generate keypair
- $pair1 = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
- // Encrypt plain data, generate keyfile & encrypted file
- $cryptedData = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile( $this->dataUrl );
- // Encrypt keyfile
- $cryptedKey = Encryption\Crypt::keyEncrypt( $cryptedData['key'], $pair1['publicKey'] );
- // Decrypt keyfile
- $decryptKey = Encryption\Crypt::keyDecrypt( $cryptedKey, $pair1['privateKey'] );
- // Decrypt encrypted file
- $decryptData = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $cryptedData['encrypted'], $decryptKey );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->dataUrl, $decryptData );
- }
- /**
- * @brief test functionality of keyEncryptKeyfile() and
- * keyDecryptKeyfile()
- */
- function testKeyDecryptKeyfile() {
- $encrypted = Encryption\Crypt::keyEncryptKeyfile( $this->dataShort, $this->genPublicKey );
- $this->assertNotEquals( $encrypted['data'], $this->dataShort );
- $decrypted = Encryption\Crypt::keyDecryptKeyfile( $encrypted['data'], $encrypted['key'], $this->genPrivateKey );
- $this->assertEquals( $decrypted, $this->dataShort );
- }
- /**
- * @brief test encryption using legacy blowfish method
- */
- function testLegacyEncryptShort() {
- $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::legacyEncrypt( $this->dataShort, $this->pass );
- $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataShort, $crypted );
- # TODO: search inencrypted text for actual content to ensure it
- # genuine transformation
- return $crypted;
- }
- /**
- * @brief test decryption using legacy blowfish method
- * @depends testLegacyEncryptShort
- */
- function testLegacyDecryptShort( $crypted ) {
- $decrypted = Encryption\Crypt::legacyDecrypt( $crypted, $this->pass );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->dataShort, $decrypted );
- }
- /**
- * @brief test encryption using legacy blowfish method
- */
- function testLegacyEncryptLong() {
- $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::legacyEncrypt( $this->dataLong, $this->pass );
- $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataLong, $crypted );
- # TODO: search inencrypted text for actual content to ensure it
- # genuine transformation
- return $crypted;
- }
- /**
- * @brief test decryption using legacy blowfish method
- * @depends testLegacyEncryptLong
- */
- function testLegacyDecryptLong( $crypted ) {
- $decrypted = Encryption\Crypt::legacyDecrypt( $crypted, $this->pass );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $decrypted );
- }
- /**
- * @brief test generation of legacy encryption key
- * @depends testLegacyDecryptShort
- */
- function testLegacyCreateKey() {
- // Create encrypted key
- $encKey = Encryption\Crypt::legacyCreateKey( $this->pass );
- // Decrypt key
- $key = Encryption\Crypt::legacyDecrypt( $encKey, $this->pass );
- $this->assertTrue( is_numeric( $key ) );
- // Check that key is correct length
- $this->assertEquals( 20, strlen( $key ) );
- }
- /**
- * @brief test decryption using legacy blowfish method
- * @depends testLegacyEncryptLong
- */
- function testLegacyKeyRecryptKeyfileEncrypt( $crypted ) {
- $recrypted = Encryption\Crypt::LegacyKeyRecryptKeyfile( $crypted, $this->pass, $this->genPublicKey, $this->pass );
- $this->assertNotEquals( $this->dataLong, $recrypted['data'] );
- return $recrypted;
- # TODO: search inencrypted text for actual content to ensure it
- # genuine transformation
- }
-// function testEncryption(){
-// $key=uniqid();
-// $file=OC::$SERVERROOT.'/3rdparty/MDB2.php';
-// $source=file_get_contents($file); //nice large text file
-// $encrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::encrypt($source,$key);
-// $decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::decrypt($encrypted,$key);
-// $decrypted=rtrim($decrypted, "\0");
-// $this->assertNotEquals($encrypted,$source);
-// $this->assertEquals($decrypted,$source);
-// $chunk=substr($source,0,8192);
-// $encrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::encrypt($chunk,$key);
-// $this->assertEquals(strlen($chunk),strlen($encrypted));
-// $decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::decrypt($encrypted,$key);
-// $decrypted=rtrim($decrypted, "\0");
-// $this->assertEquals($decrypted,$chunk);
-// $encrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::blockEncrypt($source,$key);
-// $decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::blockDecrypt($encrypted,$key);
-// $this->assertNotEquals($encrypted,$source);
-// $this->assertEquals($decrypted,$source);
-// $tmpFileEncrypted=OCP\Files::tmpFile();
-// OC_Encryption\Crypt::encryptfile($file,$tmpFileEncrypted,$key);
-// $encrypted=file_get_contents($tmpFileEncrypted);
-// $decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::blockDecrypt($encrypted,$key);
-// $this->assertNotEquals($encrypted,$source);
-// $this->assertEquals($decrypted,$source);
-// $tmpFileDecrypted=OCP\Files::tmpFile();
-// OC_Encryption\Crypt::decryptfile($tmpFileEncrypted,$tmpFileDecrypted,$key);
-// $decrypted=file_get_contents($tmpFileDecrypted);
-// $this->assertEquals($decrypted,$source);
-// $file=OC::$SERVERROOT.'/core/img/weather-clear.png';
-// $source=file_get_contents($file); //binary file
-// $encrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::encrypt($source,$key);
-// $decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::decrypt($encrypted,$key);
-// $decrypted=rtrim($decrypted, "\0");
-// $this->assertEquals($decrypted,$source);
-// $encrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::blockEncrypt($source,$key);
-// $decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::blockDecrypt($encrypted,$key);
-// $this->assertEquals($decrypted,$source);
-// }
-// function testBinary(){
-// $key=uniqid();
-// $file=__DIR__.'/binary';
-// $source=file_get_contents($file); //binary file
-// $encrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::encrypt($source,$key);
-// $decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::decrypt($encrypted,$key);
-// $decrypted=rtrim($decrypted, "\0");
-// $this->assertEquals($decrypted,$source);
-// $encrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::blockEncrypt($source,$key);
-// $decrypted=OC_Encryption\Crypt::blockDecrypt($encrypted,$key,strlen($source));
-// $this->assertEquals($decrypted,$source);
-// }
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/test/keymanager.php b/apps/files_encryption/test/keymanager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index bf453fe3163..00000000000
--- a/apps/files_encryption/test/keymanager.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012 Sam Tuke <>
- * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
- * later.
- * See the COPYING-README file.
- */
-//require_once "PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php";
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../lib/base.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/keymanager.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/proxy.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/stream.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/util.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../appinfo/app.php' );
-use OCA\Encryption;
-// This has to go here because otherwise session errors arise, and the private
-// encryption key needs to be saved in the session
-\OC_User::login( 'admin', 'admin' );
-class Test_Keymanager extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- function setUp() {
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
- // set content for encrypting / decrypting in tests
- $this->dataLong = file_get_contents( realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' ) );
- $this->dataShort = 'hats';
- $this->dataUrl = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' );
- $this->legacyData = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/legacy-text.txt' );
- $this->legacyEncryptedData = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/legacy-encrypted-text.txt' );
- $this->randomKey = Encryption\Crypt::generateKey();
- $keypair = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
- $this->genPublicKey = $keypair['publicKey'];
- $this->genPrivateKey = $keypair['privateKey'];
- $this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
- \OC_User::setUserId( 'admin' );
- $this->userId = 'admin';
- $this->pass = 'admin';
- \OC_Filesystem::init( '/' );
- \OC_Filesystem::mount( 'OC_Filestorage_Local', array('datadir' => \OC_User::getHome($this->userId)), '/' );
- }
- function tearDown(){
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
- }
- function testGetPrivateKey() {
- $key = Encryption\Keymanager::getPrivateKey( $this->view, $this->userId );
- // Will this length vary? Perhaps we should use a range instead
- $this->assertEquals( 2296, strlen( $key ) );
- }
- function testGetPublicKey() {
- $key = Encryption\Keymanager::getPublicKey( $this->view, $this->userId );
- $this->assertEquals( 451, strlen( $key ) );
- $this->assertEquals( '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----', substr( $key, 0, 26 ) );
- }
- function testSetFileKey() {
- # NOTE: This cannot be tested until we are able to break out
- # of the FileSystemView data directory root
- $key = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile( $this->randomKey, 'hat' );
- $path = 'unittest-'.time().'txt';
- //$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' . $this->userId . '/files_encryption/keyfiles' );
- Encryption\Keymanager::setFileKey( $this->view, $path, $this->userId, $key['key'] );
- }
-// /**
-// * @depends testGetPrivateKey
-// */
-// function testGetPrivateKey_decrypt() {
-// $key = Encryption\Keymanager::getPrivateKey( $this->view, $this->userId );
-// # TODO: replace call to Crypt with a mock object?
-// $decrypted = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent( $key, $this->passphrase );
-// $this->assertEquals( 1704, strlen( $decrypted ) );
-// $this->assertEquals( '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----', substr( $decrypted, 0, 27 ) );
-// }
- function testGetUserKeys() {
- $keys = Encryption\Keymanager::getUserKeys( $this->view, $this->userId );
- $this->assertEquals( 451, strlen( $keys['publicKey'] ) );
- $this->assertEquals( '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----', substr( $keys['publicKey'], 0, 26 ) );
- $this->assertEquals( 2296, strlen( $keys['privateKey'] ) );
- }
- function testGetPublicKeys() {
- # TODO: write me
- }
- function testGetFileKey() {
-// Encryption\Keymanager::getFileKey( $this->view, $this->userId, $this->filePath );
- }
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/test/legacy-encrypted-text.txt b/apps/files_encryption/test/legacy-encrypted-text.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cb5bf50550d..00000000000
--- a/apps/files_encryption/test/legacy-encrypted-text.txt
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/test/stream.php b/apps/files_encryption/test/stream.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ba82ac80eab..00000000000
--- a/apps/files_encryption/test/stream.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-// <?php
-// /**
-// * Copyright (c) 2012 Robin Appelman <>
-// * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
-// * later.
-// * See the COPYING-README file.
-// */
-// namespace OCA\Encryption;
-// class Test_Stream extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
-// function setUp() {
-// \OC_Filesystem::mount( 'OC_Filestorage_Local', array(), '/' );
-// $this->empty = '';
-// $this->stream = new Stream();
-// $this->dataLong = file_get_contents( realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' ) );
-// $this->dataShort = 'hats';
-// $this->emptyTmpFilePath = \OCP\Files::tmpFile();
-// $this->dataTmpFilePath = \OCP\Files::tmpFile();
-// file_put_contents( $this->dataTmpFilePath, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a diam lectus. Sed sit amet ipsum mauris. Maecenas congue ligula ac quam viverra nec consectetur ante hendrerit. Donec et mollis dolor. Praesent et diam eget libero egestas mattis sit amet vitae augue. Nam tincidunt congue enim, ut porta lorem lacinia consectetur. Donec ut libero sed arcu vehicula ultricies a non tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ut gravida lorem. Ut turpis felis, pulvinar a semper sed, adipiscing id dolor. Pellentesque auctor nisi id magna consequat sagittis. Curabitur dapibus enim sit amet elit pharetra tincidunt feugiat nisl imperdiet. Ut convallis libero in urna ultrices accumsan. Donec sed odio eros. Donec viverra mi quis quam pulvinar at malesuada arcu rhoncus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In rutrum accumsan ultricies. Mauris vitae nisi at sem facilisis semper ac in est." );
-// }
-// function testStreamOpen() {
-// $stream1 = new Stream();
-// $handle1 = $stream1->stream_open( $this->emptyTmpFilePath, 'wb', array(), $this->empty );
-// // Test that resource was returned successfully
-// $this->assertTrue( $handle1 );
-// // Test that file has correct size
-// $this->assertEquals( 0, $stream1->size );
-// // Test that path is correct
-// $this->assertEquals( $this->emptyTmpFilePath, $stream1->rawPath );
-// $stream2 = new Stream();
-// $handle2 = $stream2->stream_open( 'crypt://' . $this->emptyTmpFilePath, 'wb', array(), $this->empty );
-// // Test that protocol identifier is removed from path
-// $this->assertEquals( $this->emptyTmpFilePath, $stream2->rawPath );
-// // "Stat failed error" prevents this test from executing
-// // $stream3 = new Stream();
-// //
-// // $handle3 = $stream3->stream_open( $this->dataTmpFilePath, 'r', array(), $this->empty );
-// //
-// // $this->assertEquals( 0, $stream3->size );
-// }
-// function testStreamWrite() {
-// $stream1 = new Stream();
-// $handle1 = $stream1->stream_open( $this->emptyTmpFilePath, 'r+b', array(), $this->empty );
-// # what about the keymanager? there is no key for the newly created temporary file!
-// $stream1->stream_write( $this->dataShort );
-// }
-// // function getStream( $id, $mode, $size ) {
-// //
-// // if ( $id === '' ) {
-// //
-// // $id = uniqid();
-// // }
-// //
-// //
-// // if ( !isset( $this->tmpFiles[$id] ) ) {
-// //
-// // // If tempfile with given name does not already exist, create it
-// //
-// // $file = OCP\Files::tmpFile();
-// //
-// // $this->tmpFiles[$id] = $file;
-// //
-// // } else {
-// //
-// // $file = $this->tmpFiles[$id];
-// //
-// // }
-// //
-// // $stream = fopen( $file, $mode );
-// //
-// // Stream::$sourceStreams[$id] = array( 'path' => 'dummy' . $id, 'stream' => $stream, 'size' => $size );
-// //
-// // return fopen( 'crypt://streams/'.$id, $mode );
-// //
-// // }
-// //
-// // function testStream( ){
-// //
-// // $stream = $this->getStream( 'test1', 'w', strlen( 'foobar' ) );
-// //
-// // fwrite( $stream, 'foobar' );
-// //
-// // fclose( $stream );
-// //
-// //
-// // $stream = $this->getStream( 'test1', 'r', strlen( 'foobar' ) );
-// //
-// // $data = fread( $stream, 6 );
-// //
-// // fclose( $stream );
-// //
-// // $this->assertEquals( 'foobar', $data );
-// //
-// //
-// // $file = OC::$SERVERROOT.'/3rdparty/MDB2.php';
-// //
-// // $source = fopen( $file, 'r' );
-// //
-// // $target = $this->getStream( 'test2', 'w', 0 );
-// //
-// // OCP\Files::streamCopy( $source, $target );
-// //
-// // fclose( $target );
-// //
-// // fclose( $source );
-// //
-// //
-// // $stream = $this->getStream( 'test2', 'r', filesize( $file ) );
-// //
-// // $data = stream_get_contents( $stream );
-// //
-// // $original = file_get_contents( $file );
-// //
-// // $this->assertEquals( strlen( $original ), strlen( $data ) );
-// //
-// // $this->assertEquals( $original, $data );
-// //
-// // }
-// }
-// // class Test_CryptStream extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
-// // private $tmpFiles=array();
-// //
-// // function testStream(){
-// // $stream=$this->getStream('test1','w',strlen('foobar'));
-// // fwrite($stream,'foobar');
-// // fclose($stream);
-// //
-// // $stream=$this->getStream('test1','r',strlen('foobar'));
-// // $data=fread($stream,6);
-// // fclose($stream);
-// // $this->assertEquals('foobar',$data);
-// //
-// // $file=OC::$SERVERROOT.'/3rdparty/MDB2.php';
-// // $source=fopen($file,'r');
-// // $target=$this->getStream('test2','w',0);
-// // OCP\Files::streamCopy($source,$target);
-// // fclose($target);
-// // fclose($source);
-// //
-// // $stream=$this->getStream('test2','r',filesize($file));
-// // $data=stream_get_contents($stream);
-// // $original=file_get_contents($file);
-// // $this->assertEquals(strlen($original),strlen($data));
-// // $this->assertEquals($original,$data);
-// // }
-// //
-// // /**
-// // * get a cryptstream to a temporary file
-// // * @param string $id
-// // * @param string $mode
-// // * @param int size
-// // * @return resource
-// // */
-// // function getStream($id,$mode,$size){
-// // if($id===''){
-// // $id=uniqid();
-// // }
-// // if(!isset($this->tmpFiles[$id])){
-// // $file=OCP\Files::tmpFile();
-// // $this->tmpFiles[$id]=$file;
-// // }else{
-// // $file=$this->tmpFiles[$id];
-// // }
-// // $stream=fopen($file,$mode);
-// // OC_CryptStream::$sourceStreams[$id]=array('path'=>'dummy'.$id,'stream'=>$stream,'size'=>$size);
-// // return fopen('crypt://streams/'.$id,$mode);
-// // }
-// //
-// // function testBinary(){
-// // $file=__DIR__.'/binary';
-// // $source=file_get_contents($file);
-// //
-// // $stream=$this->getStream('test','w',strlen($source));
-// // fwrite($stream,$source);
-// // fclose($stream);
-// //
-// // $stream=$this->getStream('test','r',strlen($source));
-// // $data=stream_get_contents($stream);
-// // fclose($stream);
-// // $this->assertEquals(strlen($data),strlen($source));
-// // $this->assertEquals($source,$data);
-// //
-// // $file=__DIR__.'/zeros';
-// // $source=file_get_contents($file);
-// //
-// // $stream=$this->getStream('test2','w',strlen($source));
-// // fwrite($stream,$source);
-// // fclose($stream);
-// //
-// // $stream=$this->getStream('test2','r',strlen($source));
-// // $data=stream_get_contents($stream);
-// // fclose($stream);
-// // $this->assertEquals(strlen($data),strlen($source));
-// // $this->assertEquals($source,$data);
-// // }
-// // }
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/test/util.php b/apps/files_encryption/test/util.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 1cdeff8008d..00000000000
--- a/apps/files_encryption/test/util.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2012 Sam Tuke <>
- * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
- * later.
- * See the COPYING-README file.
- */
-//require_once "PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php";
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../lib/base.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/keymanager.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/proxy.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/stream.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/util.php' );
-require_once realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../appinfo/app.php' );
-// Load mockery files
-require_once 'Mockery/Loader.php';
-require_once 'Hamcrest/Hamcrest.php';
-$loader = new \Mockery\Loader;
-use \Mockery as m;
-use OCA\Encryption;
-class Test_Enc_Util extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
- function setUp() {
- \OC_Filesystem::mount( 'OC_Filestorage_Local', array(), '/' );
- // set content for encrypting / decrypting in tests
- $this->dataUrl = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' );
- $this->dataShort = 'hats';
- $this->dataLong = file_get_contents( realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/../lib/crypt.php' ) );
- $this->legacyData = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/legacy-text.txt' );
- $this->legacyEncryptedData = realpath( dirname(__FILE__).'/legacy-encrypted-text.txt' );
- $this->userId = 'admin';
- $this->pass = 'admin';
- $keypair = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
- $this->genPublicKey = $keypair['publicKey'];
- $this->genPrivateKey = $keypair['privateKey'];
- $this->publicKeyDir = '/' . 'public-keys';
- $this->encryptionDir = '/' . $this->userId . '/' . 'files_encryption';
- $this->keyfilesPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'keyfiles';
- $this->publicKeyPath = $this->publicKeyDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.public.key'; // e.g. data/public-keys/admin.public.key
- $this->privateKeyPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.private.key'; // e.g. data/admin/admin.private.key
- $this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' );
- $this->mockView = m::mock('OC_FilesystemView');
- $this->util = new Encryption\Util( $this->mockView, $this->userId );
- }
- function tearDown(){
- m::close();
- }
- /**
- * @brief test that paths set during User construction are correct
- */
- function testKeyPaths() {
- $mockView = m::mock('OC_FilesystemView');
- $util = new Encryption\Util( $mockView, $this->userId );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->publicKeyDir, $util->getPath( 'publicKeyDir' ) );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->encryptionDir, $util->getPath( 'encryptionDir' ) );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->keyfilesPath, $util->getPath( 'keyfilesPath' ) );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->publicKeyPath, $util->getPath( 'publicKeyPath' ) );
- $this->assertEquals( $this->privateKeyPath, $util->getPath( 'privateKeyPath' ) );
- }
- /**
- * @brief test setup of encryption directories when they don't yet exist
- */
- function testSetupServerSideNotSetup() {
- $mockView = m::mock('OC_FilesystemView');
- $mockView->shouldReceive( 'file_exists' )->times(5)->andReturn( false );
- $mockView->shouldReceive( 'mkdir' )->times(4)->andReturn( true );
- $mockView->shouldReceive( 'file_put_contents' )->withAnyArgs();
- $util = new Encryption\Util( $mockView, $this->userId );
- $this->assertEquals( true, $util->setupServerSide( $this->pass ) );
- }
- /**
- * @brief test setup of encryption directories when they already exist
- */
- function testSetupServerSideIsSetup() {
- $mockView = m::mock('OC_FilesystemView');
- $mockView->shouldReceive( 'file_exists' )->times(6)->andReturn( true );
- $mockView->shouldReceive( 'file_put_contents' )->withAnyArgs();
- $util = new Encryption\Util( $mockView, $this->userId );
- $this->assertEquals( true, $util->setupServerSide( $this->pass ) );
- }
- /**
- * @brief test checking whether account is ready for encryption, when it isn't ready
- */
- function testReadyNotReady() {
- $mockView = m::mock('OC_FilesystemView');
- $mockView->shouldReceive( 'file_exists' )->times(1)->andReturn( false );
- $util = new Encryption\Util( $mockView, $this->userId );
- $this->assertEquals( false, $util->ready() );
- # TODO: Add more tests here to check that if any of the dirs are
- # then false will be returned. Use strict ordering?
- }
- /**
- * @brief test checking whether account is ready for encryption, when it is ready
- */
- function testReadyIsReady() {
- $mockView = m::mock('OC_FilesystemView');
- $mockView->shouldReceive( 'file_exists' )->times(3)->andReturn( true );
- $util = new Encryption\Util( $mockView, $this->userId );
- $this->assertEquals( true, $util->ready() );
- # TODO: Add more tests here to check that if any of the dirs are
- # then false will be returned. Use strict ordering?
- }
- function testFindFiles() {
-// $this->view->chroot( "/data/{$this->userId}/files" );
- $util = new Encryption\Util( $this->view, $this->userId );
- $files = $util->findFiles( '/', 'encrypted' );
- var_dump( $files );
- # TODO: Add more tests here to check that if any of the dirs are
- # then false will be returned. Use strict ordering?
- }
-// /**
-// * @brief test decryption using legacy blowfish method
-// * @depends testLegacyEncryptLong
-// */
-// function testLegacyKeyRecryptKeyfileDecrypt( $recrypted ) {
-// $decrypted = Encryption\Crypt::keyDecryptKeyfile( $recrypted['data'], $recrypted['key'], $this->genPrivateKey );
-// $this->assertEquals( $this->dataLong, $decrypted );
-// }
-// // Cannot use this test for now due to hidden dependencies in OC_FileCache
-// function testIsLegacyEncryptedContent() {
-// $keyfileContent = OCA\Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent( $this->legacyEncryptedData, 'hat' );
-// $this->assertFalse( OCA\Encryption\Crypt::isLegacyEncryptedContent( $keyfileContent, '/files/admin/test.txt' ) );
-// OC_FileCache::put( '/admin/files/legacy-encrypted-test.txt', $this->legacyEncryptedData );
-// $this->assertTrue( OCA\Encryption\Crypt::isLegacyEncryptedContent( $this->legacyEncryptedData, '/files/admin/test.txt' ) );
-// }
-// // Cannot use this test for now due to need for different root in OC_Filesystem_view class
-// function testGetLegacyKey() {
-// $c = new \OCA\Encryption\Util( $view, false );
-// $bool = $c->getLegacyKey( 'admin' );
-// $this->assertTrue( $bool );
-// $this->assertTrue( $c->legacyKey );
-// $this->assertTrue( is_int( $c->legacyKey ) );
-// $this->assertTrue( strlen( $c->legacyKey ) == 20 );
-// }
-// // Cannot use this test for now due to need for different root in OC_Filesystem_view class
-// function testLegacyDecrypt() {
-// $c = new OCA\Encryption\Util( $this->view, false );
-// $bool = $c->getLegacyKey( 'admin' );
-// $encrypted = $c->legacyEncrypt( $this->data, $c->legacyKey );
-// $decrypted = $c->legacyDecrypt( $encrypted, $c->legacyKey );
-// $this->assertEquals( $decrypted, $this->data );
-// }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/test/binary b/apps/files_encryption/tests/binary
index 79bc99479da..79bc99479da 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/test/binary
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/binary
Binary files differ
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/tests/crypt.php b/apps/files_encryption/tests/crypt.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..621941c52a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/crypt.php
@@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012 Sam Tuke <>, and
+ * Robin Appelman <>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ */
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../3rdparty/Crypt_Blowfish/Blowfish.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/base.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/keymanager.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/proxy.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/stream.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/util.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/helper.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../appinfo/app.php');
+use OCA\Encryption;
+ * Class Test_Encryption_Crypt
+ */
+class Test_Encryption_Crypt extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+ public $userId;
+ public $pass;
+ public $stateFilesTrashbin;
+ public $dataLong;
+ public $dataUrl;
+ public $dataShort;
+ /**
+ * @var OC_FilesystemView
+ */
+ public $view;
+ public $legacyEncryptedData;
+ public $genPrivateKey;
+ public $genPublicKey;
+ function setUp()
+ {
+ // reset backend
+ \OC_User::clearBackends();
+ \OC_User::useBackend('database');
+ // set content for encrypting / decrypting in tests
+ $this->dataLong = file_get_contents(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php'));
+ $this->dataShort = 'hats';
+ $this->dataUrl = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php');
+ $this->legacyData = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/legacy-text.txt');
+ $this->legacyEncryptedData = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/legacy-encrypted-text.txt');
+ $this->legacyEncryptedDataKey = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/encryption.key');
+ $this->randomKey = Encryption\Crypt::generateKey();
+ $keypair = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
+ $this->genPublicKey = $keypair['publicKey'];
+ $this->genPrivateKey = $keypair['privateKey'];
+ $this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+ \OC_User::setUserId('admin');
+ $this->userId = 'admin';
+ $this->pass = 'admin';
+ $userHome = \OC_User::getHome($this->userId);
+ $this->dataDir = str_replace('/' . $this->userId, '', $userHome);
+ // Filesystem related hooks
+ \OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerFilesystemHooks();
+ // Filesystem related hooks
+ \OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerUserHooks();
+ \OC_FileProxy::register(new OCA\Encryption\Proxy());
+ // remember files_trashbin state
+ $this->stateFilesTrashbin = OC_App::isEnabled('files_trashbin');
+ // we don't want to tests with app files_trashbin enabled
+ \OC_App::disable('files_trashbin');
+ \OC_Util::tearDownFS();
+ \OC_User::setUserId('');
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
+ \OC_Util::setupFS($this->userId);
+ \OC_User::setUserId($this->userId);
+ $params['uid'] = $this->userId;
+ $params['password'] = $this->pass;
+ OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params);
+ }
+ function tearDown()
+ {
+ \OC_FileProxy::clearProxies();
+ // reset app files_trashbin
+ if ($this->stateFilesTrashbin) {
+ OC_App::enable('files_trashbin');
+ } else {
+ OC_App::disable('files_trashbin');
+ }
+ }
+ function testGenerateKey()
+ {
+ # TODO: use more accurate (larger) string length for test confirmation
+ $key = Encryption\Crypt::generateKey();
+ $this->assertTrue(strlen($key) > 16);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return String
+ */
+ function testGenerateIv()
+ {
+ $iv = Encryption\Crypt::generateIv();
+ $this->assertEquals(16, strlen($iv));
+ return $iv;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @depends testGenerateIv
+ */
+ function testConcatIv($iv)
+ {
+ $catFile = Encryption\Crypt::concatIv($this->dataLong, $iv);
+ // Fetch encryption metadata from end of file
+ $meta = substr($catFile, -22);
+ $identifier = substr($meta, 0, 6);
+ // Fetch IV from end of file
+ $foundIv = substr($meta, 6);
+ $this->assertEquals('00iv00', $identifier);
+ $this->assertEquals($iv, $foundIv);
+ // Remove IV and IV identifier text to expose encrypted content
+ $data = substr($catFile, 0, -22);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $data);
+ return array(
+ 'iv' => $iv
+ , 'catfile' => $catFile
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @depends testConcatIv
+ */
+ function testSplitIv($testConcatIv)
+ {
+ // Split catfile into components
+ $splitCatfile = Encryption\Crypt::splitIv($testConcatIv['catfile']);
+ // Check that original IV and split IV match
+ $this->assertEquals($testConcatIv['iv'], $splitCatfile['iv']);
+ // Check that original data and split data match
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $splitCatfile['encrypted']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return string padded
+ */
+ function testAddPadding()
+ {
+ $padded = Encryption\Crypt::addPadding($this->dataLong);
+ $padding = substr($padded, -2);
+ $this->assertEquals('xx', $padding);
+ return $padded;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @depends testAddPadding
+ */
+ function testRemovePadding($padded)
+ {
+ $noPadding = Encryption\Crypt::RemovePadding($padded);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $noPadding);
+ }
+ function testEncrypt()
+ {
+ $random = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(13);
+ $iv = substr(base64_encode($random), 0, -4); // i.e. E5IG033j+mRNKrht
+ $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::encrypt($this->dataUrl, $iv, 'hat');
+ $this->assertNotEquals($this->dataUrl, $crypted);
+ }
+ function testDecrypt()
+ {
+ $random = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(13);
+ $iv = substr(base64_encode($random), 0, -4); // i.e. E5IG033j+mRNKrht
+ $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::encrypt($this->dataUrl, $iv, 'hat');
+ $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::decrypt($crypted, $iv, 'hat');
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataUrl, $decrypt);
+ }
+ function testSymmetricEncryptFileContent()
+ {
+ # TODO: search in keyfile for actual content as IV will ensure this test always passes
+ $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent($this->dataShort, 'hat');
+ $this->assertNotEquals($this->dataShort, $crypted);
+ $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($crypted, 'hat');
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypt);
+ }
+ function testSymmetricStreamEncryptShortFileContent()
+ {
+ $filename = 'tmp-' . time() . '.test';
+ $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // Get file contents without using any wrapper to get it's actual contents on disk
+ $retreivedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename);
+ // Re-enable proxy - our work is done
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ // Check that the file was encrypted before being written to disk
+ $this->assertNotEquals($this->dataShort, $retreivedCryptedFile);
+ // Get the encrypted keyfile
+ $encKeyfile = Encryption\Keymanager::getFileKey($this->view, $this->userId, $filename);
+ // Attempt to fetch the user's shareKey
+ $shareKey = Encryption\Keymanager::getShareKey($this->view, $this->userId, $filename);
+ // get session
+ $session = new Encryption\Session($this->view);
+ // get private key
+ $privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey($this->userId);
+ // Decrypt keyfile with shareKey
+ $plainKeyfile = Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt($encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey);
+ // Manually decrypt
+ $manualDecrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($retreivedCryptedFile, $plainKeyfile);
+ // Check that decrypted data matches
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $manualDecrypt);
+ // Teardown
+ $this->view->unlink($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename);
+ Encryption\Keymanager::deleteFileKey($this->view, $this->userId, $filename);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Test that data that is written by the crypto stream wrapper
+ * @note Encrypted data is manually prepared and decrypted here to avoid dependency on success of stream_read
+ * @note If this test fails with truncate content, check that enough array slices are being rejoined to form $e, as the crypt.php file may have gotten longer and broken the manual
+ * reassembly of its data
+ */
+ function testSymmetricStreamEncryptLongFileContent()
+ {
+ // Generate a a random filename
+ $filename = 'tmp-' . time() . '.test';
+ // Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+ $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong . $this->dataLong);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // Get file contents without using any wrapper to get it's actual contents on disk
+ $retreivedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename);
+ // Re-enable proxy - our work is done
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ // Check that the file was encrypted before being written to disk
+ $this->assertNotEquals($this->dataLong . $this->dataLong, $retreivedCryptedFile);
+ // Manuallly split saved file into separate IVs and encrypted chunks
+ $r = preg_split('/(00iv00.{16,18})/', $retreivedCryptedFile, NULL, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
+ //print_r($r);
+ // Join IVs and their respective data chunks
+ $e = array($r[0] . $r[1], $r[2] . $r[3], $r[4] . $r[5], $r[6] . $r[7], $r[8] . $r[9], $r[10] . $r[11]); //.$r[11], $r[12].$r[13], $r[14] );
+ //print_r($e);
+ // Get the encrypted keyfile
+ $encKeyfile = Encryption\Keymanager::getFileKey($this->view, $this->userId, $filename);
+ // Attempt to fetch the user's shareKey
+ $shareKey = Encryption\Keymanager::getShareKey($this->view, $this->userId, $filename);
+ // get session
+ $session = new Encryption\Session($this->view);
+ // get private key
+ $privateKey = $session->getPrivateKey($this->userId);
+ // Decrypt keyfile with shareKey
+ $plainKeyfile = Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt($encKeyfile, $shareKey, $privateKey);
+ // Set var for reassembling decrypted content
+ $decrypt = '';
+ // Manually decrypt chunk
+ foreach ($e as $chunk) {
+ $chunkDecrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($chunk, $plainKeyfile);
+ // Assemble decrypted chunks
+ $decrypt .= $chunkDecrypt;
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataLong . $this->dataLong, $decrypt);
+ // Teardown
+ $this->view->unlink($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename);
+ Encryption\Keymanager::deleteFileKey($this->view, $this->userId, $filename);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Test that data that is read by the crypto stream wrapper
+ */
+ function testSymmetricStreamDecryptShortFileContent()
+ {
+ $filename = 'tmp-' . time();
+ // Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+ $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $this->assertTrue(Encryption\Crypt::isEncryptedMeta($filename));
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ // Get file decrypted contents
+ $decrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $filename);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypt);
+ // tear down
+ $this->view->unlink($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename);
+ }
+ function testSymmetricStreamDecryptLongFileContent()
+ {
+ $filename = 'tmp-' . time();
+ // Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+ $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // Get file decrypted contents
+ $decrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $filename);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $decrypt);
+ // tear down
+ $this->view->unlink($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename);
+ }
+ function testSymmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile()
+ {
+ # TODO: search in keyfile for actual content as IV will ensure this test always passes
+ $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile($this->dataUrl);
+ $this->assertNotEquals($this->dataUrl, $crypted['encrypted']);
+ $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($crypted['encrypted'], $crypted['key']);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataUrl, $decrypt);
+ }
+ function testIsEncryptedContent()
+ {
+ $this->assertFalse(Encryption\Crypt::isCatfileContent($this->dataUrl));
+ $this->assertFalse(Encryption\Crypt::isCatfileContent($this->legacyEncryptedData));
+ $keyfileContent = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContent($this->dataUrl, 'hat');
+ $this->assertTrue(Encryption\Crypt::isCatfileContent($keyfileContent));
+ }
+ function testMultiKeyEncrypt()
+ {
+ # TODO: search in keyfile for actual content as IV will ensure this test always passes
+ $pair1 = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
+ $this->assertEquals(2, count($pair1));
+ $this->assertTrue(strlen($pair1['publicKey']) > 1);
+ $this->assertTrue(strlen($pair1['privateKey']) > 1);
+ $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyEncrypt($this->dataShort, array($pair1['publicKey']));
+ $this->assertNotEquals($this->dataShort, $crypted['data']);
+ $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::multiKeyDecrypt($crypted['data'], $crypted['keys'][0], $pair1['privateKey']);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypt);
+ }
+ function testKeyEncrypt()
+ {
+ // Generate keypair
+ $pair1 = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
+ // Encrypt data
+ $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::keyEncrypt($this->dataUrl, $pair1['publicKey']);
+ $this->assertNotEquals($this->dataUrl, $crypted);
+ // Decrypt data
+ $decrypt = Encryption\Crypt::keyDecrypt($crypted, $pair1['privateKey']);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataUrl, $decrypt);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test encryption using legacy blowfish method
+ */
+ function testLegacyEncryptShort()
+ {
+ $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::legacyEncrypt($this->dataShort, $this->pass);
+ $this->assertNotEquals($this->dataShort, $crypted);
+ # TODO: search inencrypted text for actual content to ensure it
+ # genuine transformation
+ return $crypted;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test decryption using legacy blowfish method
+ * @depends testLegacyEncryptShort
+ */
+ function testLegacyDecryptShort($crypted)
+ {
+ $decrypted = Encryption\Crypt::legacyDecrypt($crypted, $this->pass);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypted);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test encryption using legacy blowfish method
+ */
+ function testLegacyEncryptLong()
+ {
+ $crypted = Encryption\Crypt::legacyEncrypt($this->dataLong, $this->pass);
+ $this->assertNotEquals($this->dataLong, $crypted);
+ # TODO: search inencrypted text for actual content to ensure it
+ # genuine transformation
+ return $crypted;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test decryption using legacy blowfish method
+ * @depends testLegacyEncryptLong
+ */
+ function testLegacyDecryptLong($crypted)
+ {
+ $decrypted = Encryption\Crypt::legacyDecrypt($crypted, $this->pass);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $decrypted);
+ $this->assertFalse(Encryption\Crypt::getBlowfish(''));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test generation of legacy encryption key
+ * @depends testLegacyDecryptShort
+ */
+ function testLegacyCreateKey()
+ {
+ // Create encrypted key
+ $encKey = Encryption\Crypt::legacyCreateKey($this->pass);
+ // Decrypt key
+ $key = Encryption\Crypt::legacyDecrypt($encKey, $this->pass);
+ $this->assertTrue(is_numeric($key));
+ // Check that key is correct length
+ $this->assertEquals(20, strlen($key));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test decryption using legacy blowfish method
+ * @depends testLegacyEncryptLong
+ */
+ function testLegacyKeyRecryptKeyfileEncrypt($crypted)
+ {
+ $recrypted = Encryption\Crypt::LegacyKeyRecryptKeyfile($crypted, $this->pass, array($this->genPublicKey), $this->pass, '');
+ $this->assertNotEquals($this->dataLong, $recrypted['data']);
+ return $recrypted;
+ # TODO: search inencrypted text for actual content to ensure it
+ # genuine transformation
+ }
+ function testRenameFile()
+ {
+ $filename = 'tmp-' . time();
+ // Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+ $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // Get file decrypted contents
+ $decrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $filename);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $decrypt);
+ $newFilename = 'tmp-new-' . time();
+ $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
+ $view->rename($filename, $newFilename);
+ // Get file decrypted contents
+ $newDecrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $newFilename);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $newDecrypt);
+ // tear down
+ $view->unlink($newFilename);
+ }
+ function testMoveFileIntoFolder()
+ {
+ $filename = 'tmp-' . time();
+ // Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+ $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // Get file decrypted contents
+ $decrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $filename);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $decrypt);
+ $newFolder = '/newfolder' . time();
+ $newFilename = 'tmp-new-' . time();
+ $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
+ $view->mkdir($newFolder);
+ $view->rename($filename, $newFolder . '/' . $newFilename);
+ // Get file decrypted contents
+ $newDecrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $newFolder . '/' . $newFilename);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $newDecrypt);
+ // tear down
+ $view->unlink($newFolder);
+ }
+ function testMoveFolder()
+ {
+ $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
+ $filename = '/tmp-' . time();
+ $folder = '/folder' . time();
+ $view->mkdir($folder);
+ // Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+ $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $folder . $filename, $this->dataLong);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // Get file decrypted contents
+ $decrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $folder . $filename);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $decrypt);
+ $newFolder = '/newfolder/subfolder' . time();
+ $view->mkdir('/newfolder');
+ $view->rename($folder, $newFolder);
+ // Get file decrypted contents
+ $newDecrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $newFolder . $filename);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $newDecrypt);
+ // tear down
+ $view->unlink($newFolder);
+ }
+ function testChangePassphrase()
+ {
+ $filename = 'tmp-' . time();
+ // Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+ $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $filename, $this->dataLong);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // Get file decrypted contents
+ $decrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $filename);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $decrypt);
+ // change password
+ \OC_User::setPassword($this->userId, 'test', null);
+ // relogin
+ $params['uid'] = $this->userId;
+ $params['password'] = 'test';
+ OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params);
+ // Get file decrypted contents
+ $newDecrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $filename);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $newDecrypt);
+ // tear down
+ // change password back
+ \OC_User::setPassword($this->userId, $this->pass);
+ $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
+ $view->unlink($filename);
+ }
+ function testViewFilePutAndGetContents()
+ {
+ $filename = '/tmp-' . time();
+ $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
+ // Save short data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+ $cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents($filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // Get file decrypted contents
+ $decrypt = $view->file_get_contents($filename);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypt);
+ // Save long data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+ $cryptedFileLong = $view->file_put_contents($filename, $this->dataLong);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFileLong));
+ // Get file decrypted contents
+ $decryptLong = $view->file_get_contents($filename);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataLong, $decryptLong);
+ // tear down
+ $view->unlink($filename);
+ }
+ function testTouchExistingFile()
+ {
+ $filename = '/tmp-' . time();
+ $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
+ // Save short data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+ $cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents($filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ $view->touch($filename);
+ // Get file decrypted contents
+ $decrypt = $view->file_get_contents($filename);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypt);
+ // tear down
+ $view->unlink($filename);
+ }
+ function testTouchFile()
+ {
+ $filename = '/tmp-' . time();
+ $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
+ $view->touch($filename);
+ // Save short data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+ $cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents($filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // Get file decrypted contents
+ $decrypt = $view->file_get_contents($filename);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypt);
+ // tear down
+ $view->unlink($filename);
+ }
+ function testFopenFile()
+ {
+ $filename = '/tmp-' . time();
+ $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
+ // Save short data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+ $cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents($filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ $handle = $view->fopen($filename, 'r');
+ // Get file decrypted contents
+ $decrypt = fgets($handle);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypt);
+ // tear down
+ $view->unlink($filename);
+ }
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/tests/encryption.key b/apps/files_encryption/tests/encryption.key
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4495cee78e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/encryption.key
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ÍÜä°E_cPï6HþV»sßàÊž \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/tests/keymanager.php b/apps/files_encryption/tests/keymanager.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b1bae673e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/keymanager.php
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012 Sam Tuke <>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ */
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/base.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/keymanager.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/proxy.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/stream.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/util.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/helper.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../appinfo/app.php');
+use OCA\Encryption;
+ * Class Test_Encryption_Keymanager
+ */
+class Test_Encryption_Keymanager extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+ public $userId;
+ public $pass;
+ public $stateFilesTrashbin;
+ /**
+ * @var OC_FilesystemView
+ */
+ public $view;
+ public $randomKey;
+ public $dataShort;
+ function setUp()
+ {
+ // reset backend
+ \OC_User::clearBackends();
+ \OC_User::useBackend('database');
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // set content for encrypting / decrypting in tests
+ $this->dataLong = file_get_contents(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php'));
+ $this->dataShort = 'hats';
+ $this->dataUrl = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php');
+ $this->legacyData = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/legacy-text.txt');
+ $this->legacyEncryptedData = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/legacy-encrypted-text.txt');
+ $this->randomKey = Encryption\Crypt::generateKey();
+ $keypair = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
+ $this->genPublicKey = $keypair['publicKey'];
+ $this->genPrivateKey = $keypair['privateKey'];
+ $this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+ \OC_User::setUserId('admin');
+ $this->userId = 'admin';
+ $this->pass = 'admin';
+ $userHome = \OC_User::getHome($this->userId);
+ $this->dataDir = str_replace('/' . $this->userId, '', $userHome);
+ // Filesystem related hooks
+ \OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerFilesystemHooks();
+ \OC_FileProxy::register(new OCA\Encryption\Proxy());
+ // remember files_trashbin state
+ $this->stateFilesTrashbin = OC_App::isEnabled('files_trashbin');
+ // we don't want to tests with app files_trashbin enabled
+ \OC_App::disable('files_trashbin');
+ \OC_Util::tearDownFS();
+ \OC_User::setUserId('');
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
+ \OC_Util::setupFS($this->userId);
+ \OC_User::setUserId($this->userId);
+ $params['uid'] = $this->userId;
+ $params['password'] = $this->pass;
+ OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params);
+ }
+ function tearDown()
+ {
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
+ \OC_FileProxy::clearProxies();
+ // reset app files_trashbin
+ if ($this->stateFilesTrashbin) {
+ OC_App::enable('files_trashbin');
+ } else {
+ OC_App::disable('files_trashbin');
+ }
+ }
+ function testGetPrivateKey()
+ {
+ $key = Encryption\Keymanager::getPrivateKey($this->view, $this->userId);
+ $privateKey = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($key, $this->pass);
+ $res = openssl_pkey_get_private($privateKey);
+ $this->assertTrue(is_resource($res));
+ $sslInfo = openssl_pkey_get_details($res);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('key', $sslInfo);
+ }
+ function testGetPublicKey()
+ {
+ $publiceKey = Encryption\Keymanager::getPublicKey($this->view, $this->userId);
+ $res = openssl_pkey_get_public($publiceKey);
+ $this->assertTrue(is_resource($res));
+ $sslInfo = openssl_pkey_get_details($res);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('key', $sslInfo);
+ }
+ function testSetFileKey()
+ {
+ # NOTE: This cannot be tested until we are able to break out
+ # of the FileSystemView data directory root
+ $key = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricEncryptFileContentKeyfile($this->randomKey, 'hat');
+ $file = 'unittest-' . time() . '.txt';
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $this->view->file_put_contents($this->userId . '/files/' . $file, $key['encrypted']);
+ // Re-enable proxy - our work is done
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ //$view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' . $this->userId . '/files_encryption/keyfiles' );
+ Encryption\Keymanager::setFileKey($this->view, $file, $this->userId, $key['key']);
+ // enable encryption proxy
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
+ // cleanup
+ $this->view->unlink('/' . $this->userId . '/files/' . $file);
+ // change encryption proxy to previous state
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ }
+ function testGetUserKeys()
+ {
+ $keys = Encryption\Keymanager::getUserKeys($this->view, $this->userId);
+ $resPublic = openssl_pkey_get_public($keys['publicKey']);
+ $this->assertTrue(is_resource($resPublic));
+ $sslInfoPublic = openssl_pkey_get_details($resPublic);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('key', $sslInfoPublic);
+ $privateKey = Encryption\Crypt::symmetricDecryptFileContent($keys['privateKey'], $this->pass);
+ $resPrivate = openssl_pkey_get_private($privateKey);
+ $this->assertTrue(is_resource($resPrivate));
+ $sslInfoPrivate = openssl_pkey_get_details($resPrivate);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('key', $sslInfoPrivate);
+ }
+ function testFixPartialFilePath()
+ {
+ $partFilename = 'testfile.txt.part';
+ $filename = 'testfile.txt';
+ $this->assertTrue(Encryption\Keymanager::isPartialFilePath($partFilename));
+ $this->assertEquals('testfile.txt', Encryption\Keymanager::fixPartialFilePath($partFilename));
+ $this->assertFalse(Encryption\Keymanager::isPartialFilePath($filename));
+ $this->assertEquals('testfile.txt', Encryption\Keymanager::fixPartialFilePath($filename));
+ }
+ function testRecursiveDelShareKeys()
+ {
+ // generate filename
+ $filename = '/tmp-' . time() . '.txt';
+ // create folder structure
+ $this->view->mkdir('/admin/files/folder1');
+ $this->view->mkdir('/admin/files/folder1/subfolder');
+ $this->view->mkdir('/admin/files/folder1/subfolder/subsubfolder');
+ // enable encryption proxy
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
+ // save file with content
+ $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt:///folder1/subfolder/subsubfolder/' . $filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // change encryption proxy to previous state
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ // recursive delete keys
+ Encryption\Keymanager::delShareKey($this->view, array('admin'), '/folder1/');
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/folder1/subfolder/subsubfolder/' . $filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+ // enable encryption proxy
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = true;
+ // cleanup
+ $this->view->unlink('/admin/files/folder1');
+ // change encryption proxy to previous state
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ }
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/tests/legacy-encrypted-text.txt b/apps/files_encryption/tests/legacy-encrypted-text.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d38cb7d1b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/legacy-encrypted-text.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ «ß• ’tÕ.µ¤—dS@t9 øQJ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/test/proxy.php b/apps/files_encryption/tests/proxy.php
index 709730f7609..5a2d851ff7c 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/test/proxy.php
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/proxy.php
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
// $this->userId = 'admin';
// $this->pass = 'admin';
-// $this->session = new Encryption\Session();
+// $this->session = new Encryption\Session( $view ); // FIXME: Provide a $view object for use here
// $this->session->setPrivateKey(
// '-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/tests/share.php b/apps/files_encryption/tests/share.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..1d0cbfbc1de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/share.php
@@ -0,0 +1,790 @@
+ * ownCloud
+ *
+ * @author Florin Peter
+ * @copyright 2013 Florin Peter <>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+ * License along with this library. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ */
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../3rdparty/Crypt_Blowfish/Blowfish.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/base.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/keymanager.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/proxy.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/stream.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/util.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/helper.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../appinfo/app.php');
+use OCA\Encryption;
+ * Class Test_Encryption_Share
+ */
+class Test_Encryption_Share extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+ public $stateFilesTrashbin;
+ public $filename;
+ public $dataShort;
+ /**
+ * @var OC_FilesystemView
+ */
+ public $view;
+ public $folder1;
+ public $subfolder;
+ public $subsubfolder;
+ function setUp()
+ {
+ // reset backend
+ \OC_User::clearBackends();
+ \OC_User::useBackend('database');
+ $this->dataShort = 'hats';
+ $this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+ $userHome = \OC_User::getHome('admin');
+ $this->dataDir = str_replace('/admin', '', $userHome);
+ $this->folder1 = '/folder1';
+ $this->subfolder = '/subfolder1';
+ $this->subsubfolder = '/subsubfolder1';
+ $this->filename = 'share-tmp.test';
+ // enable resharing
+ \OC_Appconfig::setValue('core', 'shareapi_allow_resharing', 'yes');
+ // clear share hooks
+ \OC_Hook::clear('OCP\\Share');
+ \OC::registerShareHooks();
+ \OCP\Util::connectHook('OC_Filesystem', 'setup', '\OC\Files\Storage\Shared', 'setup');
+ // Sharing related hooks
+ \OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerShareHooks();
+ // Filesystem related hooks
+ \OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerFilesystemHooks();
+ \OC_FileProxy::register(new OCA\Encryption\Proxy());
+ // remember files_trashbin state
+ $this->stateFilesTrashbin = OC_App::isEnabled('files_trashbin');
+ // we don't want to tests with app files_trashbin enabled
+ \OC_App::disable('files_trashbin');
+ // create users
+ $this->loginHelper('user1', true);
+ $this->loginHelper('user2', true);
+ $this->loginHelper('user3', true);
+ // create group and assign users
+ \OC_Group::createGroup('group1');
+ \OC_Group::addToGroup('user2', 'group1');
+ \OC_Group::addToGroup('user3', 'group1');
+ }
+ function tearDown()
+ {
+ // reset app files_trashbin
+ if ($this->stateFilesTrashbin) {
+ OC_App::enable('files_trashbin');
+ } else {
+ OC_App::disable('files_trashbin');
+ }
+ // clean group
+ \OC_Group::deleteGroup('group1');
+ // cleanup users
+ \OC_User::deleteUser('user1');
+ \OC_User::deleteUser('user2');
+ \OC_User::deleteUser('user3');
+ \OC_FileProxy::clearProxies();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param bool $withTeardown
+ */
+ function testShareFile($withTeardown = true)
+ {
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // save file with content
+ $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // get the file info from previous created file
+ $fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if we have a valid file info
+ $this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfo));
+ // check if the unencrypted file size is stored
+ $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $fileInfo['unencrypted_size']);
+ // re-enable the file proxy
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ // share the file
+ \OCP\Share::shareItem('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // check if share key for user1 exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+ // login as user1
+ $this->loginHelper('user1');
+ // get file contents
+ $retrievedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents('/user1/files/Shared/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if data is the same as we previously written
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
+ // cleanup
+ if ($withTeardown) {
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // unshare the file
+ \OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1');
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+ // cleanup
+ $this->view->unlink('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param bool $withTeardown
+ */
+ function testReShareFile($withTeardown = true)
+ {
+ $this->testShareFile(false);
+ // login as user1
+ $this->loginHelper('user1');
+ // get the file info
+ $fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/user1/files/Shared/' . $this->filename);
+ // share the file with user2
+ \OCP\Share::shareItem('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user2', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // check if share key for user2 exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey'));
+ // login as user2
+ $this->loginHelper('user2');
+ // get file contents
+ $retrievedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents('/user2/files/Shared/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if data is the same as previously written
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
+ // cleanup
+ if ($withTeardown) {
+ // login as user1
+ $this->loginHelper('user1');
+ // unshare the file with user2
+ \OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user2');
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey'));
+ // unshare the file with user1
+ \OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1');
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+ // cleanup
+ $this->view->unlink('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param bool $withTeardown
+ * @return array
+ */
+ function testShareFolder($withTeardown = true)
+ {
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // create folder structure
+ $this->view->mkdir('/admin/files' . $this->folder1);
+ $this->view->mkdir('/admin/files' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder);
+ $this->view->mkdir('/admin/files' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder);
+ // save file with content
+ $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // get the file info from previous created folder
+ $fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/admin/files' . $this->folder1);
+ // check if we have a valid file info
+ $this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfo));
+ // re-enable the file proxy
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ // share the folder with user1
+ \OCP\Share::shareItem('folder', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // check if share key for user1 exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+ // login as user1
+ $this->loginHelper('user1');
+ // get file contents
+ $retrievedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents('/user1/files/Shared' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if data is the same
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
+ // cleanup
+ if ($withTeardown) {
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // unshare the folder with user1
+ \OCP\Share::unshare('folder', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1');
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+ // cleanup
+ $this->view->unlink('/admin/files' . $this->folder1);
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+ }
+ return $fileInfo;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param bool $withTeardown
+ */
+ function testReShareFolder($withTeardown = true)
+ {
+ $fileInfoFolder1 = $this->testShareFolder(false);
+ // login as user1
+ $this->loginHelper('user1');
+ // disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // get the file info from previous created folder
+ $fileInfoSubFolder = $this->view->getFileInfo('/user1/files/Shared' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder);
+ // check if we have a valid file info
+ $this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfoSubFolder));
+ // re-enable the file proxy
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ // share the file with user2
+ \OCP\Share::shareItem('folder', $fileInfoSubFolder['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user2', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // check if share key for user2 exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey'));
+ // login as user2
+ $this->loginHelper('user2');
+ // get file contents
+ $retrievedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents('/user2/files/Shared' . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if data is the same
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
+ // get the file info
+ $fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/user2/files/Shared' . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if we have fileInfos
+ $this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfo));
+ // share the file with user3
+ \OCP\Share::shareItem('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user3', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // check if share key for user3 exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user3.shareKey'));
+ // login as user3
+ $this->loginHelper('user3');
+ // get file contents
+ $retrievedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents('/user3/files/Shared/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if data is the same
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
+ // cleanup
+ if ($withTeardown) {
+ // login as user2
+ $this->loginHelper('user2');
+ // unshare the file with user3
+ \OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user3');
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user3.shareKey'));
+ // login as user1
+ $this->loginHelper('user1');
+ // unshare the folder with user2
+ \OCP\Share::unshare('folder', $fileInfoSubFolder['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user2');
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey'));
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // unshare the folder1 with user1
+ \OCP\Share::unshare('folder', $fileInfoFolder1['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_USER, 'user1');
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+ // cleanup
+ $this->view->unlink('/admin/files' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+ }
+ }
+ function testPublicShareFile()
+ {
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // save file with content
+ $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // get the file info from previous created file
+ $fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if we have a valid file info
+ $this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfo));
+ // check if the unencrypted file size is stored
+ $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $fileInfo['unencrypted_size']);
+ // re-enable the file proxy
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ // share the file
+ \OCP\Share::shareItem('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK, false, OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ $publicShareKeyId = \OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'publicShareKeyId');
+ // check if share key for public exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $publicShareKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+ // some hacking to simulate public link
+ $GLOBALS['app'] = 'files_sharing';
+ $GLOBALS['fileOwner'] = 'admin';
+ \OC_User::setUserId('');
+ // get file contents
+ $retrievedCryptedFile = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename);
+ // check if data is the same as we previously written
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
+ // tear down
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // unshare the file
+ \OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK, null);
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $publicShareKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+ // cleanup
+ $this->view->unlink('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+ }
+ function testShareFileWithGroup()
+ {
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // save file with content
+ $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // get the file info from previous created file
+ $fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if we have a valid file info
+ $this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfo));
+ // check if the unencrypted file size is stored
+ $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $fileInfo['unencrypted_size']);
+ // re-enable the file proxy
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ // share the file
+ \OCP\Share::shareItem('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, 'group1', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // check if share key for user2 and user3 exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey'));
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user3.shareKey'));
+ // login as user1
+ $this->loginHelper('user2');
+ // get file contents
+ $retrievedCryptedFile = $this->view->file_get_contents('/user2/files/Shared/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if data is the same as we previously written
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile);
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // unshare the file
+ \OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, 'group1');
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey'));
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user3.shareKey'));
+ // cleanup
+ $this->view->unlink('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+ }
+ function testRecoveryFile()
+ {
+ \OCA\Encryption\Helper::adminEnableRecovery(null, 'test123');
+ $recoveryKeyId = OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'recoveryKeyId');
+ // check if control file created
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/control-file/controlfile.enc'));
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ $util = new \OCA\Encryption\Util(new \OC_FilesystemView('/'), 'admin');
+ // check if recovery password match
+ $this->assertTrue($util->checkRecoveryPassword('test123'));
+ // enable recovery for admin
+ $this->assertTrue($util->setRecoveryForUser(1));
+ // create folder structure
+ $this->view->mkdir('/admin/files' . $this->folder1);
+ $this->view->mkdir('/admin/files' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder);
+ $this->view->mkdir('/admin/files' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder);
+ // save file with content
+ $cryptedFile1 = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
+ $cryptedFile2 = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile1));
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile2));
+ // check if share key for admin and recovery exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+ // disable recovery for admin
+ $this->assertTrue($util->setRecoveryForUser(0));
+ // remove all recovery keys
+ $util->removeRecoveryKeys('/');
+ // check if share key for recovery not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+ // enable recovery for admin
+ $this->assertTrue($util->setRecoveryForUser(1));
+ // remove all recovery keys
+ $util->addRecoveryKeys('/');
+ // check if share key for admin and recovery exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+ // cleanup
+ $this->view->unlink('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
+ $this->view->unlink('/admin/files/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if share key for recovery not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+ $this->assertTrue(\OCA\Encryption\Helper::adminEnableRecovery(null, 'test123'));
+ $this->assertTrue(\OCA\Encryption\Helper::adminDisableRecovery('test123'));
+ $this->assertEquals(0, \OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'recoveryAdminEnabled'));
+ }
+ function testRecoveryForUser()
+ {
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ \OCA\Encryption\Helper::adminEnableRecovery(null, 'test123');
+ $recoveryKeyId = OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'recoveryKeyId');
+ // check if control file created
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/control-file/controlfile.enc'));
+ // login as user1
+ $this->loginHelper('user1');
+ $util = new \OCA\Encryption\Util(new \OC_FilesystemView('/'), 'user1');
+ // enable recovery for admin
+ $this->assertTrue($util->setRecoveryForUser(1));
+ // create folder structure
+ $this->view->mkdir('/user1/files' . $this->folder1);
+ $this->view->mkdir('/user1/files' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder);
+ $this->view->mkdir('/user1/files' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder);
+ // save file with content
+ $cryptedFile1 = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
+ $cryptedFile2 = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile1));
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile2));
+ // check if share key for user and recovery exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // change password
+ \OC_User::setPassword('user1', 'test', 'test123');
+ // login as user1
+ $this->loginHelper('user1', false, 'test');
+ // get file contents
+ $retrievedCryptedFile1 = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename);
+ $retrievedCryptedFile2 = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if data is the same as we previously written
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile1);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $retrievedCryptedFile2);
+ // cleanup
+ $this->view->unlink('/user1/files' . $this->folder1);
+ $this->view->unlink('/user1/files' . $this->filename);
+ // check if share key for user and recovery exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.user1.shareKey'));
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/user1/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->folder1 . $this->subfolder . $this->subsubfolder . '/' . $this->filename . '.' . $recoveryKeyId . '.shareKey'));
+ // enable recovery for admin
+ $this->assertTrue($util->setRecoveryForUser(0));
+ \OCA\Encryption\Helper::adminDisableRecovery('test123');
+ $this->assertEquals(0, \OC_Appconfig::getValue('files_encryption', 'recoveryAdminEnabled'));
+ }
+ function testFailShareFile()
+ {
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // save file with content
+ $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt://' . $this->filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // get the file info from previous created file
+ $fileInfo = $this->view->getFileInfo('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
+ // check if we have a valid file info
+ $this->assertTrue(is_array($fileInfo));
+ // check if the unencrypted file size is stored
+ $this->assertGreaterThan(0, $fileInfo['unencrypted_size']);
+ // break users public key
+ $this->view->rename('/public-keys/user2.public.key', '/public-keys/user2.public.key_backup');
+ // re-enable the file proxy
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ // share the file
+ \OCP\Share::shareItem('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, 'group1', OCP\PERMISSION_ALL);
+ // login as admin
+ $this->loginHelper('admin');
+ // check if share key for user1 not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey'));
+ // disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // break user1 public key
+ $this->view->rename('/public-keys/user2.public.key_backup', '/public-keys/user2.public.key');
+ // remove share file
+ $this->view->unlink('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey');
+ // re-enable the file proxy
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ // unshare the file with user1
+ \OCP\Share::unshare('file', $fileInfo['fileid'], \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, 'group1');
+ // check if share key not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $this->filename . '.user2.shareKey'));
+ // cleanup
+ $this->view->unlink('/admin/files/' . $this->filename);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param $user
+ * @param bool $create
+ * @param bool $password
+ */
+ function loginHelper($user, $create = false, $password = false)
+ {
+ if ($create) {
+ \OC_User::createUser($user, $user);
+ }
+ if ($password === false) {
+ $password = $user;
+ }
+ \OC_Util::tearDownFS();
+ \OC_User::setUserId('');
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
+ \OC_Util::setupFS($user);
+ \OC_User::setUserId($user);
+ $params['uid'] = $user;
+ $params['password'] = $password;
+ OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params);
+ }
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/tests/stream.php b/apps/files_encryption/tests/stream.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3765d986e12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/stream.php
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+ * ownCloud
+ *
+ * @author Florin Peter
+ * @copyright 2013 Florin Peter <>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+ * License along with this library. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ */
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/base.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/keymanager.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/proxy.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/stream.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/util.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../appinfo/app.php');
+use OCA\Encryption;
+ * Class Test_Encryption_Stream
+ * @brief this class provide basic stream tests
+ */
+class Test_Encryption_Stream extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+ public $userId;
+ public $pass;
+ /**
+ * @var \OC_FilesystemView
+ */
+ public $view;
+ public $dataShort;
+ public $stateFilesTrashbin;
+ function setUp()
+ {
+ // reset backend
+ \OC_User::useBackend('database');
+ // set user id
+ \OC_User::setUserId('admin');
+ $this->userId = 'admin';
+ $this->pass = 'admin';
+ // init filesystem view
+ $this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+ // init short data
+ $this->dataShort = 'hats';
+ // init filesystem related hooks
+ \OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerFilesystemHooks();
+ // register encryption file proxy
+ \OC_FileProxy::register(new OCA\Encryption\Proxy());
+ // remember files_trashbin state
+ $this->stateFilesTrashbin = OC_App::isEnabled('files_trashbin');
+ // we don't want to tests with app files_trashbin enabled
+ \OC_App::disable('files_trashbin');
+ // init filesystem for user
+ \OC_Util::tearDownFS();
+ \OC_User::setUserId('');
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
+ \OC_Util::setupFS($this->userId);
+ \OC_User::setUserId($this->userId);
+ // login user
+ $params['uid'] = $this->userId;
+ $params['password'] = $this->pass;
+ OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params);
+ }
+ function tearDown()
+ {
+ // reset app files_trashbin
+ if ($this->stateFilesTrashbin) {
+ OC_App::enable('files_trashbin');
+ } else {
+ OC_App::disable('files_trashbin');
+ }
+ // clear all proxies
+ \OC_FileProxy::clearProxies();
+ }
+ function testStreamOptions() {
+ $filename = '/tmp-' . time();
+ $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
+ // Save short data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+ $cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents($filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ $handle = $view->fopen($filename, 'r');
+ // check if stream is at position zero
+ $this->assertEquals(0,ftell($handle));
+ // set stream options
+ $this->assertTrue(flock($handle, LOCK_SH));
+ $this->assertTrue(flock($handle, LOCK_UN));
+ // tear down
+ $view->unlink($filename);
+ }
+ function testStreamSetBlocking() {
+ $filename = '/tmp-' . time();
+ $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
+ // Save short data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+ $cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents($filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ $handle = $view->fopen($filename, 'r');
+ // set stream options
+ $this->assertTrue(stream_set_blocking($handle,1));
+ // tear down
+ $view->unlink($filename);
+ }
+ function testStreamSetTimeout() {
+ $filename = '/tmp-' . time();
+ $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
+ // Save short data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+ $cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents($filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ $handle = $view->fopen($filename, 'r');
+ // set stream options
+ $this->assertFalse(stream_set_timeout($handle,1));
+ // tear down
+ $view->unlink($filename);
+ }
+ function testStreamSetWriteBuffer() {
+ $filename = '/tmp-' . time();
+ $view = new \OC\Files\View('/' . $this->userId . '/files');
+ // Save short data as encrypted file using stream wrapper
+ $cryptedFile = $view->file_put_contents($filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // Test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ $handle = $view->fopen($filename, 'r');
+ // set stream options
+ $this->assertEquals(0, stream_set_write_buffer($handle,1024));
+ // tear down
+ $view->unlink($filename);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/tests/trashbin.php b/apps/files_encryption/tests/trashbin.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..b62041a6d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/trashbin.php
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+ * ownCloud
+ *
+ * @author Florin Peter
+ * @copyright 2013 Florin Peter <>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+ * License along with this library. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ */
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/base.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/keymanager.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/proxy.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/stream.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/util.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../appinfo/app.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../files_trashbin/appinfo/app.php');
+use OCA\Encryption;
+ * Class Test_Encryption_Trashbin
+ * @brief this class provide basic trashbin app tests
+ */
+class Test_Encryption_Trashbin extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+ public $userId;
+ public $pass;
+ /**
+ * @var \OC_FilesystemView
+ */
+ public $view;
+ public $dataShort;
+ public $stateFilesTrashbin;
+ public $folder1;
+ public $subfolder;
+ public $subsubfolder;
+ function setUp()
+ {
+ // reset backend
+ \OC_User::useBackend('database');
+ // set user id
+ \OC_User::setUserId('admin');
+ $this->userId = 'admin';
+ $this->pass = 'admin';
+ // init filesystem view
+ $this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+ // init short data
+ $this->dataShort = 'hats';
+ $this->folder1 = '/folder1';
+ $this->subfolder = '/subfolder1';
+ $this->subsubfolder = '/subsubfolder1';
+ \OC_Hook::clear('OC_Filesystem');
+ \OC_Hook::clear('OC_User');
+ // init filesystem related hooks
+ \OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerFilesystemHooks();
+ // register encryption file proxy
+ \OC_FileProxy::register(new OCA\Encryption\Proxy());
+ // trashbin hooks
+ \OCA\Files_Trashbin\Trashbin::registerHooks();
+ // remember files_trashbin state
+ $this->stateFilesTrashbin = OC_App::isEnabled('files_trashbin');
+ // we don't want to tests with app files_trashbin enabled
+ \OC_App::enable('files_trashbin');
+ // init filesystem for user
+ \OC_Util::tearDownFS();
+ \OC_User::setUserId('');
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
+ \OC_Util::setupFS($this->userId);
+ \OC_User::setUserId($this->userId);
+ // login user
+ $params['uid'] = $this->userId;
+ $params['password'] = $this->pass;
+ OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params);
+ }
+ function tearDown()
+ {
+ // reset app files_trashbin
+ if ($this->stateFilesTrashbin) {
+ OC_App::enable('files_trashbin');
+ } else {
+ OC_App::disable('files_trashbin');
+ }
+ // clear all proxies
+ \OC_FileProxy::clearProxies();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test delete file
+ */
+ function testDeleteFile() {
+ // generate filename
+ $filename = 'tmp-' . time() . '.txt';
+ // save file with content
+ $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt:///' . $filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // check if key for admin exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $filename . '.key'));
+ // check if share key for admin exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+ // delete file
+ \OC\FIles\Filesystem::unlink($filename);
+ // check if file not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files/' . $filename));
+ // check if key for admin not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $filename . '.key'));
+ // check if share key for admin not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+ // get files
+ $trashFiles = $this->view->getDirectoryContent('/admin/files_trashbin/files/');
+ $trashFileSuffix = null;
+ // find created file with timestamp
+ foreach($trashFiles as $file) {
+ if(strncmp($file['path'], $filename, strlen($filename))) {
+ $path_parts = pathinfo($file['name']);
+ $trashFileSuffix = $path_parts['extension'];
+ }
+ }
+ // check if we found the file we created
+ $this->assertNotNull($trashFileSuffix);
+ // check if key for admin not exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_trashbin/keyfiles/' . $filename . '.key.' . $trashFileSuffix));
+ // check if share key for admin not exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_trashbin/share-keys/' . $filename . '.admin.shareKey.' . $trashFileSuffix));
+ // return filename for next test
+ return $filename . '.' . $trashFileSuffix;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test restore file
+ *
+ * @depends testDeleteFile
+ */
+ function testRestoreFile($filename) {
+ // prepare file information
+ $path_parts = pathinfo($filename);
+ $trashFileSuffix = $path_parts['extension'];
+ $timestamp = str_replace('d', '', $trashFileSuffix);
+ $fileNameWithoutSuffix = str_replace('.'.$trashFileSuffix, '', $filename);
+ // restore file
+ $this->assertTrue(\OCA\Files_Trashbin\Trashbin::restore($filename, $fileNameWithoutSuffix, $timestamp));
+ // check if file exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files/' . $fileNameWithoutSuffix));
+ // check if key for admin exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $fileNameWithoutSuffix . '.key'));
+ // check if share key for admin exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $fileNameWithoutSuffix . '.admin.shareKey'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test delete file forever
+ */
+ function testPermanentDeleteFile() {
+ // generate filename
+ $filename = 'tmp-' . time() . '.txt';
+ // save file with content
+ $cryptedFile = file_put_contents('crypt:///' . $filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // test that data was successfully written
+ $this->assertTrue(is_int($cryptedFile));
+ // check if key for admin exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $filename . '.key'));
+ // check if share key for admin exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+ // delete file
+ \OC\FIles\Filesystem::unlink($filename);
+ // check if file not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files/' . $filename));
+ // check if key for admin not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $filename . '.key'));
+ // check if share key for admin not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $filename . '.admin.shareKey'));
+ // get files
+ $trashFiles = $this->view->getDirectoryContent('/admin/files_trashbin/files/');
+ $trashFileSuffix = null;
+ // find created file with timestamp
+ foreach($trashFiles as $file) {
+ if(strncmp($file['path'], $filename, strlen($filename))) {
+ $path_parts = pathinfo($file['name']);
+ $trashFileSuffix = $path_parts['extension'];
+ }
+ }
+ // check if we found the file we created
+ $this->assertNotNull($trashFileSuffix);
+ // check if key for admin exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_trashbin/keyfiles/' . $filename . '.key.' . $trashFileSuffix));
+ // check if share key for admin exists
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_trashbin/share-keys/' . $filename . '.admin.shareKey.' . $trashFileSuffix));
+ // get timestamp from file
+ $timestamp = str_replace('d', '', $trashFileSuffix);
+ // delete file forever
+ $this->assertGreaterThan(0, \OCA\Files_Trashbin\Trashbin::delete($filename, $timestamp));
+ // check if key for admin not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_trashbin/files/' . $filename . '.' . $trashFileSuffix));
+ // check if key for admin not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_trashbin/keyfiles/' . $filename . '.key.' . $trashFileSuffix));
+ // check if share key for admin not exists
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/admin/files_trashbin/share-keys/' . $filename . '.admin.shareKey.' . $trashFileSuffix));
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/tests/util.php b/apps/files_encryption/tests/util.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..a2be8a40417
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/util.php
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012 Sam Tuke <>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ */
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/base.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/keymanager.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/proxy.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/stream.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/util.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../appinfo/app.php');
+use OCA\Encryption;
+ * Class Test_Encryption_Util
+ */
+class Test_Encryption_Util extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+ public $userId;
+ public $encryptionDir;
+ public $publicKeyDir;
+ public $pass;
+ /**
+ * @var OC_FilesystemView
+ */
+ public $view;
+ public $keyfilesPath;
+ public $publicKeyPath;
+ public $privateKeyPath;
+ /**
+ * @var \OCA\Encryption\Util
+ */
+ public $util;
+ public $dataShort;
+ public $legacyEncryptedData;
+ public $legacyEncryptedDataKey;
+ public $lagacyKey;
+ function setUp()
+ {
+ // reset backend
+ \OC_User::useBackend('database');
+ \OC_User::setUserId('admin');
+ $this->userId = 'admin';
+ $this->pass = 'admin';
+ // set content for encrypting / decrypting in tests
+ $this->dataUrl = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php');
+ $this->dataShort = 'hats';
+ $this->dataLong = file_get_contents(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php'));
+ $this->legacyData = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/legacy-text.txt');
+ $this->legacyEncryptedData = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/legacy-encrypted-text.txt');
+ $this->legacyEncryptedDataKey = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/encryption.key');
+ $this->lagacyKey = '62829813025828180801';
+ $keypair = Encryption\Crypt::createKeypair();
+ $this->genPublicKey = $keypair['publicKey'];
+ $this->genPrivateKey = $keypair['privateKey'];
+ $this->publicKeyDir = '/' . 'public-keys';
+ $this->encryptionDir = '/' . $this->userId . '/' . 'files_encryption';
+ $this->keyfilesPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . 'keyfiles';
+ $this->publicKeyPath = $this->publicKeyDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.public.key'; // e.g. data/public-keys/admin.public.key
+ $this->privateKeyPath = $this->encryptionDir . '/' . $this->userId . '.private.key'; // e.g. data/admin/admin.private.key
+ $this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+ $userHome = \OC_User::getHome($this->userId);
+ $this->dataDir = str_replace('/' . $this->userId, '', $userHome);
+ // Filesystem related hooks
+ \OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerFilesystemHooks();
+ \OC_FileProxy::register(new OCA\Encryption\Proxy());
+ \OC_Util::tearDownFS();
+ \OC_User::setUserId('');
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
+ \OC_Util::setupFS($this->userId);
+ \OC_User::setUserId($this->userId);
+ $params['uid'] = $this->userId;
+ $params['password'] = $this->pass;
+ OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params);
+ $this->util = new Encryption\Util($this->view, $this->userId);
+ }
+ function tearDown()
+ {
+ \OC_FileProxy::clearProxies();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test that paths set during User construction are correct
+ */
+ function testKeyPaths()
+ {
+ $util = new Encryption\Util($this->view, $this->userId);
+ $this->assertEquals($this->publicKeyDir, $util->getPath('publicKeyDir'));
+ $this->assertEquals($this->encryptionDir, $util->getPath('encryptionDir'));
+ $this->assertEquals($this->keyfilesPath, $util->getPath('keyfilesPath'));
+ $this->assertEquals($this->publicKeyPath, $util->getPath('publicKeyPath'));
+ $this->assertEquals($this->privateKeyPath, $util->getPath('privateKeyPath'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test setup of encryption directories
+ */
+ function testSetupServerSide()
+ {
+ $this->assertEquals(true, $this->util->setupServerSide($this->pass));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test checking whether account is ready for encryption,
+ */
+ function testUserIsReady()
+ {
+ $this->assertEquals(true, $this->util->ready());
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test checking whether account is not ready for encryption,
+ */
+ function testUserIsNotReady()
+ {
+ $this->view->unlink($this->publicKeyDir);
+ $params['uid'] = $this->userId;
+ $params['password'] = $this->pass;
+ $this->assertFalse(OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params));
+ $this->view->unlink($this->privateKeyPath);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test checking whether account is not ready for encryption,
+ */
+ function testIsLagacyUser()
+ {
+ $userView = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' . $this->userId );
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $encryptionKeyContent = file_get_contents($this->legacyEncryptedDataKey);
+ $userView->file_put_contents('/encryption.key', $encryptionKeyContent);
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ $params['uid'] = $this->userId;
+ $params['password'] = $this->pass;
+ $util = new Encryption\Util($this->view, $this->userId);
+ $util->setMigrationStatus(0);
+ $this->assertTrue(OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params));
+ $this->assertEquals($this->lagacyKey, $_SESSION['legacyKey']);
+ }
+ function testRecoveryEnabledForUser()
+ {
+ $util = new Encryption\Util($this->view, $this->userId);
+ // Record the value so we can return it to it's original state later
+ $enabled = $util->recoveryEnabledForUser();
+ $this->assertTrue($util->setRecoveryForUser(1));
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $util->recoveryEnabledForUser());
+ $this->assertTrue($util->setRecoveryForUser(0));
+ $this->assertEquals(0, $util->recoveryEnabledForUser());
+ // Return the setting to it's previous state
+ $this->assertTrue($util->setRecoveryForUser($enabled));
+ }
+ function testGetUidAndFilename()
+ {
+ \OC_User::setUserId('admin');
+ $filename = 'tmp-' . time() . '.test';
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $this->view->file_put_contents($this->userId . '/files/' . $filename, $this->dataShort);
+ // Re-enable proxy - our work is done
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ $util = new Encryption\Util($this->view, $this->userId);
+ list($fileOwnerUid, $file) = $util->getUidAndFilename($filename);
+ $this->assertEquals('admin', $fileOwnerUid);
+ $this->assertEquals($file, $filename);
+ }
+ function testIsSharedPath() {
+ $sharedPath = '/user1/files/Shared/test';
+ $path = '/user1/files/test';
+ $this->assertTrue($this->util->isSharedPath($sharedPath));
+ $this->assertFalse($this->util->isSharedPath($path));
+ }
+ function testEncryptLagacyFiles()
+ {
+ $userView = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' . $this->userId);
+ $view = new \OC_FilesystemView( '/' . $this->userId . '/files' );
+ // Disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ $encryptionKeyContent = file_get_contents($this->legacyEncryptedDataKey);
+ $userView->file_put_contents('/encryption.key', $encryptionKeyContent);
+ $legacyEncryptedData = file_get_contents($this->legacyEncryptedData);
+ $view->mkdir('/test/');
+ $view->mkdir('/test/subtest/');
+ $view->file_put_contents('/test/subtest/legacy-encrypted-text.txt', $legacyEncryptedData);
+ $fileInfo = $view->getFileInfo('/test/subtest/legacy-encrypted-text.txt');
+ $fileInfo['encrypted'] = true;
+ $view->putFileInfo('/test/subtest/legacy-encrypted-text.txt', $fileInfo);
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ $params['uid'] = $this->userId;
+ $params['password'] = $this->pass;
+ $util = new Encryption\Util($this->view, $this->userId);
+ $util->setMigrationStatus(0);
+ $this->assertTrue(OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params));
+ $this->assertEquals($this->lagacyKey, $_SESSION['legacyKey']);
+ $files = $util->findEncFiles('/' . $this->userId . '/files/');
+ $this->assertTrue(is_array($files));
+ $found = false;
+ foreach($files['encrypted'] as $encryptedFile) {
+ if($encryptedFile['name'] === 'legacy-encrypted-text.txt') {
+ $found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->assertTrue($found);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/tests/webdav.php b/apps/files_encryption/tests/webdav.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..4b453d0c9d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/webdav.php
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+ * ownCloud
+ *
+ * @author Florin Peter
+ * @copyright 2013 Florin Peter <>
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 3 of the License, or any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
+ * License along with this library. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ */
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../lib/base.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/crypt.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/keymanager.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/proxy.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/stream.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/util.php');
+require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../appinfo/app.php');
+use OCA\Encryption;
+ * Class Test_Encryption_Webdav
+ * @brief this class provide basic webdav tests for PUT,GET and DELETE
+ */
+class Test_Encryption_Webdav extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
+ public $userId;
+ public $pass;
+ /**
+ * @var \OC_FilesystemView
+ */
+ public $view;
+ public $dataShort;
+ public $stateFilesTrashbin;
+ function setUp()
+ {
+ // reset backend
+ \OC_User::useBackend('database');
+ // set user id
+ \OC_User::setUserId('admin');
+ $this->userId = 'admin';
+ $this->pass = 'admin';
+ // init filesystem view
+ $this->view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
+ // init short data
+ $this->dataShort = 'hats';
+ // init filesystem related hooks
+ \OCA\Encryption\Helper::registerFilesystemHooks();
+ // register encryption file proxy
+ \OC_FileProxy::register(new OCA\Encryption\Proxy());
+ // remember files_trashbin state
+ $this->stateFilesTrashbin = OC_App::isEnabled('files_trashbin');
+ // we don't want to tests with app files_trashbin enabled
+ \OC_App::disable('files_trashbin');
+ // init filesystem for user
+ \OC_Util::tearDownFS();
+ \OC_User::setUserId('');
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
+ \OC_Util::setupFS($this->userId);
+ \OC_User::setUserId($this->userId);
+ // login user
+ $params['uid'] = $this->userId;
+ $params['password'] = $this->pass;
+ OCA\Encryption\Hooks::login($params);
+ }
+ function tearDown()
+ {
+ // reset app files_trashbin
+ if ($this->stateFilesTrashbin) {
+ OC_App::enable('files_trashbin');
+ } else {
+ OC_App::disable('files_trashbin');
+ }
+ // clear all proxies
+ \OC_FileProxy::clearProxies();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test webdav put random file
+ */
+ function testWebdavPUT() {
+ // generate filename
+ $filename = '/tmp-' . time() . '.txt';
+ // set server vars
+ $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/remote.php/webdav' . $filename;
+ $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] = 'application/octet-stream';
+ $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = '/webdav' . $filename;
+ $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = strlen($this->dataShort);
+ // handle webdav request
+ $this->handleWebdavRequest($this->dataShort);
+ // check if file was created
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/' . $this->userId . '/files' . $filename));
+ // check if key-file was created
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/' . $this->userId . '/files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $filename . '.key'));
+ // check if shareKey-file was created
+ $this->assertTrue($this->view->file_exists('/' . $this->userId . '/files_encryption/share-keys/' . $filename . '.' . $this->userId . '.shareKey'));
+ // disable encryption proxy to prevent recursive calls
+ $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
+ // get encrypted file content
+ $encryptedContent = $this->view->file_get_contents('/' . $this->userId . '/files' . $filename);
+ // restore proxy state
+ \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
+ // check if encrypted content is valid
+ $this->assertTrue(Encryption\Crypt::isCatfileContent($encryptedContent));
+ // get decrypted file contents
+ $decrypt = file_get_contents('crypt://' . $filename);
+ // check if file content match with the written content
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $decrypt);
+ // return filename for next test
+ return $filename;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test webdav get random file
+ *
+ * @depends testWebdavPUT
+ */
+ function testWebdavGET($filename) {
+ // set server vars
+ $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/remote.php/webdav' . $filename;
+ $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = '/webdav' . $filename;
+ // handle webdav request
+ $content = $this->handleWebdavRequest();
+ // check if file content match with the written content
+ $this->assertEquals($this->dataShort, $content);
+ // return filename for next test
+ return $filename;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief test webdav delete random file
+ * @depends testWebdavGET
+ */
+ function testWebdavDELETE($filename) {
+ // set server vars
+ $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/remote.php/webdav' . $filename;
+ $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = '/webdav' . $filename;
+ // handle webdav request
+ $content = $this->handleWebdavRequest();
+ // check if file was removed
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/' . $this->userId . '/files' . $filename));
+ // check if key-file was removed
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/' . $this->userId . '/files_encryption/keyfiles' . $filename . '.key'));
+ // check if shareKey-file was removed
+ $this->assertFalse($this->view->file_exists('/' . $this->userId . '/files_encryption/share-keys' . $filename . '.' . $this->userId . '.shareKey'));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief handle webdav request
+ *
+ * @param bool $body
+ *
+ * @note this init procedure is copied from /apps/files/remote.php
+ */
+ function handleWebdavRequest($body = false) {
+ // Backends
+ $authBackend = new OC_Connector_Sabre_Auth();
+ $lockBackend = new OC_Connector_Sabre_Locks();
+ $requestBackend = new OC_Connector_Sabre_Request();
+ // Create ownCloud Dir
+ $publicDir = new OC_Connector_Sabre_Directory('');
+ // Fire up server
+ $server = new Sabre_DAV_Server($publicDir);
+ $server->httpRequest = $requestBackend;
+ $server->setBaseUri('/remote.php/webdav/');
+ // Load plugins
+ $server->addPlugin(new Sabre_DAV_Auth_Plugin($authBackend, 'ownCloud'));
+ $server->addPlugin(new Sabre_DAV_Locks_Plugin($lockBackend));
+ $server->addPlugin(new Sabre_DAV_Browser_Plugin(false)); // Show something in the Browser, but no upload
+ $server->addPlugin(new OC_Connector_Sabre_QuotaPlugin());
+ $server->addPlugin(new OC_Connector_Sabre_MaintenancePlugin());
+ // And off we go!
+ if($body) {
+ $server->httpRequest->setBody($body);
+ }
+ // turn on output buffering
+ ob_start();
+ // handle request
+ $server->exec();
+ // file content is written in the output buffer
+ $content = ob_get_contents();
+ // flush the output buffer and turn off output buffering
+ ob_end_clean();
+ // return captured content
+ return $content;
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/test/zeros b/apps/files_encryption/tests/zeros
index ff982acf423..ff982acf423 100644
--- a/apps/files_encryption/test/zeros
+++ b/apps/files_encryption/tests/zeros
Binary files differ