path: root/apps/files_external/tests/js
diff options
authorVincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com>2014-10-31 11:41:07 +0100
committerVincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com>2015-03-12 18:51:02 +0100
commitce94a998dd5a5801beef7874dd13752095e35de0 (patch)
tree8d91631f709549c40555dcb74e9976519f895ae2 /apps/files_external/tests/js
parent23cc3cc5f2f42166c37fbe03fa62d3dd1dbfe5ed (diff)
Use storage id + appframework for ext storage CRUD
- Added StorageConfig class to replace ugly arrays - Implemented StorageService and StorageController for Global and User storages - Async status checking for storages (from Xenopathic) - Auto-generate id for external storage configs (not the same as storage_id) - Refactor JS classes for external storage settings, this mostly moves/encapsulated existing global event handlers into the MountConfigListView class. - Added some JS unit tests for the external storage UI
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files_external/tests/js')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files_external/tests/js/settingsSpec.js b/apps/files_external/tests/js/settingsSpec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..350840e542c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/files_external/tests/js/settingsSpec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Vincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com>
+ *
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3
+ * or later.
+ *
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ *
+ */
+describe('OCA.External.Settings tests', function() {
+ var clock;
+ var select2Stub;
+ var select2ApplicableUsers;
+ beforeEach(function() {
+ clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
+ select2Stub = sinon.stub($.fn, 'select2', function(args) {
+ if (args === 'val') {
+ return select2ApplicableUsers;
+ }
+ return {
+ on: function() {}
+ };
+ });
+ // view still requires an existing DOM table
+ $('#testArea').append(
+ '<table id="externalStorage" data-admin="true">' +
+ '<thead></thead>' +
+ '<tbody>' +
+ '<tr id="addMountPoint" data-id="">' +
+ '<td class="status"></td>' +
+ '<td class="mountPoint"><input type="text" name="mountPoint"/></td>' +
+ '<td class="backend">' +
+ '<select class="selectBackend">' +
+ '<option disable selected>Add storage</option>' +
+ '<option value="\\OC\\TestBackend">Test Backend</option>' +
+ '<option value="\\OC\\AnotherTestBackend">Another Test Backend</option>' +
+ '</select>' +
+ '</td>' +
+ '<td class="configuration"></td>' +
+ '<td class="applicable">' +
+ '<input type="hidden" class="applicableUsers">' +
+ '</td>' +
+ '<td><img alt="Delete" title="Delete" class="svg action"/></td>' +
+ '</tr>' +
+ '</tbody>' +
+ '</table>'
+ );
+ // these are usually appended into the data attribute
+ // within the DOM by the server template
+ $('#externalStorage .selectBackend:first').data('configurations', {
+ '\\OC\\TestBackend': {
+ 'backend': 'Test Backend Name',
+ 'configuration': {
+ 'field1': 'Display Name 1',
+ 'field2': '&Display Name 2'
+ }
+ },
+ '\\OC\\AnotherTestBackend': {
+ 'backend': 'Another Test Backend Name',
+ 'configuration': {
+ 'field1': 'Display Name 1',
+ 'field2': '&Display Name 2'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ afterEach(function() {
+ select2Stub.restore();
+ clock.restore();
+ });
+ describe('storage configuration', function() {
+ var view;
+ function selectBackend(backendName) {
+ view.$el.find('.selectBackend:first').val('\\OC\\TestBackend').trigger('change');
+ }
+ beforeEach(function() {
+ var $el = $('#externalStorage');
+ view = new OCA.External.Settings.MountConfigListView($el);
+ });
+ afterEach(function() {
+ view = null;
+ });
+ describe('selecting backend', function() {
+ it('populates the row and creates a new empty one', function() {
+ var $firstRow = view.$el.find('tr:first');
+ selectBackend('\\OC\\TestBackend');
+ expect($firstRow.find('.backend').text()).toEqual('Test Backend');
+ expect($firstRow.find('.selectBackend').length).toEqual(0);
+ // TODO: check "remove" button visibility
+ // the suggested mount point name
+ expect($firstRow.find('[name=mountPoint]').val()).toEqual('TestBackend');
+ // TODO: check that the options have been created
+ // TODO: check select2 call on the ".applicableUsers" element
+ var $emptyRow = $firstRow.next('tr');
+ expect($emptyRow.length).toEqual(1);
+ expect($emptyRow.find('.selectBackend').length).toEqual(1);
+ expect($emptyRow.find('.applicable select').length).toEqual(0);
+ // TODO: check "remove" button visibility
+ });
+ // TODO: test with personal mounts (no applicable fields)
+ // TODO: test suggested mount point logic
+ });
+ describe('saving storages', function() {
+ it('saves storage after editing config', function() {
+ var $tr = view.$el.find('tr:first');
+ selectBackend('\\OC\\TestBackend');
+ var $field1 = $tr.find('input[data-parameter=field1]');
+ expect($field1.length).toEqual(1);
+ $field1.val('test');
+ $field1.trigger(new $.Event('keyup', {keyCode: 97}));
+ clock.tick(4000);
+ expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(1);
+ var request = fakeServer.requests[0];
+ expect(request.url).toEqual(OC.webroot + '/index.php/apps/files_external/globalstorages');
+ expect(OC.parseQueryString(request.requestBody)).toEqual({
+ backendClass: '\\OC\\TestBackend',
+ 'backendOptions[field1]': 'test',
+ 'backendOptions[field2]': '',
+ mountPoint: 'TestBackend'
+ });
+ // TODO: respond and check data-id
+ });
+ // TODO: tests with "applicableUsers" and "applicableGroups"
+ // TODO: test with non-optional config parameters
+ // TODO: test with missing mount point value
+ // TODO: test with personal mounts (no applicable fields)
+ // TODO: test save triggers: paste, keyup, checkbox
+ // TODO: test "custom" field with addScript
+ // TODO: status indicator
+ });
+ describe('update storage', function() {
+ // TODO
+ });
+ describe('delete storage', function() {
+ // TODO
+ });
+ describe('recheck storages', function() {
+ // TODO
+ });
+ });
+ describe('applicable user list', function() {
+ // TODO: test select2 retrieval logic
+ });
+ describe('allow user mounts section', function() {
+ // TODO: test allowUserMounting section
+ });