path: root/apps/files_external/tests
diff options
authorRobin McCorkell <>2015-08-12 09:21:09 +0100
committerRobin McCorkell <>2015-08-19 10:08:14 +0100
commit97dbc79c16ba9d4d6c361d6f397908ef7893954d (patch)
tree50f5c1bff61dd5985158f9ffcbba81b85e669605 /apps/files_external/tests
parentc572631087e2b56aa48c87ac753447e709248234 (diff)
Compatibility shims for OC_Mount_Config
The following functions have been removed: - addMountPoint() - removeMountPoint() - movePersonalMountPoint() registerBackend() has been rewritten as a shim around BackendService, allowing legacy code to interact with the new API seamlessly addMountPoint() was already disconnected from all production code, so this commit completes the job and removes the function itself, along with disconnecting and removing related functions. Unit tests have likewise been removed. getAbsoluteMountPoints(), getSystemMountPoints() and getPersonalMountPoints() have been rewritten to use the StoragesServices
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files_external/tests')
2 files changed, 2 insertions, 1159 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files_external/tests/backend/legacybackendtest.php b/apps/files_external/tests/backend/legacybackendtest.php
index ceedede1302..44cb16a4986 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/tests/backend/legacybackendtest.php
+++ b/apps/files_external/tests/backend/legacybackendtest.php
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ use \OCA\Files_External\Lib\DefinitionParameter;
class LegacyBackendTest extends \Test\TestCase {
public function testConstructor() {
- $auth = $this->getMockBuilder('\OCA\Files_External\Lib\Auth\NullMechanism')
+ $auth = $this->getMockBuilder('\OCA\Files_External\Lib\Auth\Builtin')
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class LegacyBackendTest extends \Test\TestCase {
$this->assertEquals(123, $backend->getPriority());
$this->assertEquals('foo/bar.js', $backend->getCustomJs());
$this->assertEquals(true, $backend->hasDependencies());
- $this->assertArrayHasKey('null', $backend->getAuthSchemes());
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('builtin', $backend->getAuthSchemes());
$this->assertEquals($auth, $backend->getLegacyAuthMechanism());
$parameters = $backend->getParameters();
diff --git a/apps/files_external/tests/mountconfig.php b/apps/files_external/tests/mountconfig.php
deleted file mode 100644
index b76ba0a39a6..00000000000
--- a/apps/files_external/tests/mountconfig.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1157 +0,0 @@
- * @author Björn Schießle <>
- * @author Joas Schilling <>
- * @author Morris Jobke <>
- * @author Robin Appelman <>
- * @author Robin McCorkell <>
- * @author Vincent Petry <>
- *
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, ownCloud, Inc.
- * @license AGPL-3.0
- *
- * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
- * along with this program. If not, see <>
- *
- */
-class Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage extends \OC\Files\Storage\Common {
- public function __construct($params) {
- if (isset($params['simulateFail']) && $params['simulateFail'] == true) {
- throw new \Exception('Simulated config validation fail');
- }
- }
- public function getId() {
- return 'dummy_storage';
- }
- public function mkdir($path) {
- return false;
- }
- public function rmdir($path) {
- return false;
- }
- public function opendir($path) {
- return false;
- }
- public function filetype($path) {
- return false;
- }
- public function file_exists($path) {
- return false;
- }
- public function unlink($path) {
- return false;
- }
- public function fopen($path, $mode) {
- return false;
- }
- public function touch($path, $mtime = null) {
- return false;
- }
- public function stat($path) {
- return false;
- }
- public function test() {
- return true;
- }
-class Test_Mount_Config_Storage_No_Personal extends Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage {
-class Test_Mount_Config_Hook_Test {
- static $signal;
- static $params;
- public static function setUpHooks() {
- self::clear();
- \OCP\Util::connectHook(
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::CLASSNAME,
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::signal_create_mount,
- '\Test_Mount_Config_Hook_Test', 'createHookCallback');
- \OCP\Util::connectHook(
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::CLASSNAME,
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::signal_delete_mount,
- '\Test_Mount_Config_Hook_Test', 'deleteHookCallback');
- }
- public static function clear() {
- self::$signal = null;
- self::$params = null;
- }
- public static function createHookCallback($params) {
- self::$signal = \OC\Files\Filesystem::signal_create_mount;
- self::$params = $params;
- }
- public static function deleteHookCallback($params) {
- self::$signal = \OC\Files\Filesystem::signal_delete_mount;
- self::$params = $params;
- }
- public static function getLastCall() {
- return array(self::$signal, self::$params);
- }
- * Class Test_Mount_Config
- */
-class Test_Mount_Config extends \Test\TestCase {
- private $dataDir;
- private $userHome;
- private $oldAllowedBackends;
- const TEST_USER1 = 'user1';
- const TEST_USER2 = 'user2';
- const TEST_GROUP1 = 'group1';
- const TEST_GROUP1B = 'group1b';
- const TEST_GROUP2 = 'group2';
- const TEST_GROUP2B = 'group2b';
- protected function setUp() {
- parent::setUp();
- OC_Mount_Config::registerBackend('Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage', array(
- 'backend' => 'dummy',
- 'priority' => 150,
- 'configuration' => array()
- )
- );
- OC_Mount_Config::registerBackend('Test_Mount_Config_Storage_No_Personal', array(
- 'backend' => 'dummy no personal',
- 'priority' => 150,
- 'configuration' => array()
- )
- );
- \OC_User::createUser(self::TEST_USER1, self::TEST_USER1);
- \OC_User::createUser(self::TEST_USER2, self::TEST_USER2);
- \OC_Group::createGroup(self::TEST_GROUP1);
- \OC_Group::createGroup(self::TEST_GROUP1B);
- \OC_Group::addToGroup(self::TEST_USER1, self::TEST_GROUP1);
- \OC_Group::addToGroup(self::TEST_USER1, self::TEST_GROUP1B);
- \OC_Group::createGroup(self::TEST_GROUP2);
- \OC_Group::createGroup(self::TEST_GROUP2B);
- \OC_Group::addToGroup(self::TEST_USER2, self::TEST_GROUP2);
- \OC_Group::addToGroup(self::TEST_USER2, self::TEST_GROUP2B);
- \OC_User::setUserId(self::TEST_USER1);
- $this->userHome = \OC_User::getHome(self::TEST_USER1);
- @mkdir($this->userHome);
- $this->dataDir = \OC_Config::getValue(
- 'datadirectory',
- \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/data/'
- );
- $this->oldAllowedBackends = OCP\Config::getAppValue(
- 'files_external',
- 'user_mounting_backends',
- ''
- );
- OCP\Config::setAppValue(
- 'files_external',
- 'user_mounting_backends',
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage'
- );
- OC_Mount_Config::$skipTest = true;
- Test_Mount_Config_Hook_Test::setupHooks();
- }
- protected function tearDown() {
- Test_Mount_Config_Hook_Test::clear();
- OC_Mount_Config::$skipTest = false;
- \OC_User::deleteUser(self::TEST_USER2);
- \OC_User::deleteUser(self::TEST_USER1);
- \OC_Group::deleteGroup(self::TEST_GROUP1);
- \OC_Group::deleteGroup(self::TEST_GROUP1B);
- \OC_Group::deleteGroup(self::TEST_GROUP2);
- \OC_Group::deleteGroup(self::TEST_GROUP2B);
- @unlink($this->dataDir . '/mount.json');
- OCP\Config::setAppValue(
- 'files_external',
- 'user_mounting_backends',
- $this->oldAllowedBackends
- );
- parent::tearDown();
- }
- /**
- * Reads the global config, for checking
- */
- private function readGlobalConfig() {
- $configFile = $this->dataDir . '/mount.json';
- return json_decode(file_get_contents($configFile), true);
- }
- private function writeGlobalConfig($config) {
- $configFile = $this->dataDir . '/mount.json';
- file_put_contents($configFile, json_encode($config));
- }
- /**
- * Reads the user config, for checking
- */
- private function readUserConfig() {
- $configFile = $this->userHome . '/mount.json';
- return json_decode(file_get_contents($configFile), true);
- }
- /**
- * Write the user config, to simulate existing files
- */
- private function writeUserConfig($config) {
- $configFile = $this->userHome . '/mount.json';
- file_put_contents($configFile, json_encode($config));
- }
- /**
- * Test mount point validation
- */
- public function testAddMountPointValidation() {
- $storageClass = 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage';
- $mountType = 'user';
- $applicable = 'all';
- $isPersonal = false;
- $this->assertFalse(OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint('', $storageClass, array(), $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal));
- $this->assertFalse(OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint('/', $storageClass, array(), $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal));
- }
- /**
- * Test adding a global mount point
- */
- public function testAddGlobalMountPoint() {
- $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER;
- $applicable = 'all';
- $isPersonal = false;
- $storageOptions = array(
- 'host' => 'localhost',
- 'user' => 'testuser',
- 'password' => '12345',
- );
- $this->assertEquals(0, OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint('/ext', 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage', $storageOptions, $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal));
- $config = $this->readGlobalConfig();
- $this->assertEquals(1, count($config));
- $this->assertTrue(isset($config[$mountType]));
- $this->assertTrue(isset($config[$mountType][$applicable]));
- $this->assertTrue(isset($config[$mountType][$applicable]['/$user/files/ext']));
- $this->assertEquals(
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $config[$mountType][$applicable]['/$user/files/ext']['class']
- );
- }
- /**
- * Test adding a personal mount point
- */
- public function testAddMountPointSingleUser() {
- $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER;
- $applicable = self::TEST_USER1;
- $isPersonal = true;
- $storageOptions = array(
- 'host' => 'localhost',
- 'user' => 'testuser',
- 'password' => '12345',
- );
- $this->assertEquals(0, OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint('/ext', 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage', $storageOptions, $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal));
- $config = $this->readUserConfig();
- $this->assertEquals(1, count($config));
- $this->assertTrue(isset($config[$mountType]));
- $this->assertTrue(isset($config[$mountType][$applicable]));
- $this->assertTrue(isset($config[$mountType][$applicable]['/' . self::TEST_USER1 . '/files/ext']));
- $this->assertEquals(
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $config[$mountType][$applicable]['/' . self::TEST_USER1 . '/files/ext']['class']
- );
- }
- /**
- * Test adding a personal mount point using disallowed backend
- */
- public function testAddDisallowedBackendMountPointSingleUser() {
- $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER;
- $applicable = self::TEST_USER1;
- $isPersonal = true;
- // local
- $this->assertFalse(OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint('/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\Local', array(), $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal));
- $storageOptions = array(
- 'host' => 'localhost',
- 'user' => 'testuser',
- 'password' => '12345',
- );
- // non-local but forbidden
- $this->assertFalse(OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint('/ext', 'Test_Mount_Config_Storage_No_Personal', $storageOptions, $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal));
- $this->assertFalse(file_exists($this->userHome . '/mount.json'));
- }
- /**
- * Test adding a mount point with an non-existant backend
- */
- public function testAddMountPointUnexistClass() {
- $storageClass = 'Unexist_Storage';
- $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER;
- $applicable = self::TEST_USER1;
- $isPersonal = false;
- $this->assertFalse(OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint('/ext', $storageClass, array(), $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal));
- }
- /**
- * Provider for testing configurations with different
- * "applicable" values (all, user, groups)
- */
- public function applicableConfigProvider() {
- return array(
- // applicable to "all"
- array(
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER,
- 'all',
- array(
- 'users' => array('all'),
- 'groups' => array()
- )
- ),
- // applicable to single user
- array(
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER,
- self::TEST_USER1,
- array(
- 'users' => array(self::TEST_USER1),
- 'groups' => array()
- )
- ),
- // applicable to single group
- array(
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_GROUP,
- self::TEST_GROUP1,
- array(
- 'users' => array(),
- 'groups' => array(self::TEST_GROUP1)
- )
- ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * Test reading and writing global config
- *
- * @dataProvider applicableConfigProvider
- */
- public function testReadWriteGlobalConfig($mountType, $applicable, $expectApplicableArray) {
- $mountType = $mountType;
- $applicable = $applicable;
- $isPersonal = false;
- $options = array(
- 'host' => 'smbhost',
- 'user' => 'smbuser',
- 'password' => 'smbpassword',
- 'share' => 'smbshare',
- 'root' => 'smbroot'
- );
- // write config
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- '/ext',
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $options,
- $mountType,
- $applicable,
- $isPersonal
- )
- );
- // re-read config
- $config = OC_Mount_Config::getSystemMountPoints();
- $this->assertEquals(1, count($config));
- $this->assertEquals('Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage', $config[0]['class']);
- $this->assertEquals('ext', $config[0]['mountpoint']);
- $this->assertEquals($expectApplicableArray, $config[0]['applicable']);
- $savedOptions = $config[0]['options'];
- $this->assertEquals($options, $savedOptions);
- // key order needs to be preserved for the UI...
- $this->assertEquals(array_keys($options), array_keys($savedOptions));
- }
- /**
- * Test reading and writing config
- */
- public function testReadWritePersonalConfig() {
- $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER;
- $applicable = self::TEST_USER1;
- $isPersonal = true;
- $options = array(
- 'host' => 'smbhost',
- 'user' => 'smbuser',
- 'password' => 'smbpassword',
- 'share' => 'smbshare',
- 'root' => 'smbroot'
- );
- // write config
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- '/ext',
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $options,
- $mountType,
- $applicable,
- $isPersonal
- )
- );
- // re-read config
- $config = OC_Mount_Config::getPersonalMountPoints();
- $this->assertEquals(1, count($config));
- $this->assertEquals('Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage', $config[0]['class']);
- $this->assertEquals('ext', $config[0]['mountpoint']);
- $savedOptions = $config[0]['options'];
- $this->assertEquals($options, $savedOptions);
- // key order needs to be preserved for the UI...
- $this->assertEquals(array_keys($options), array_keys($savedOptions));
- }
- public function testHooks() {
- $mountPoint = '/test';
- $mountType = 'user';
- $applicable = 'all';
- $isPersonal = false;
- $mountConfig = array(
- 'host' => 'smbhost',
- 'user' => 'smbuser',
- 'password' => 'smbpassword',
- 'share' => 'smbshare',
- 'root' => 'smbroot'
- );
- // write config
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- $mountPoint,
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $mountConfig,
- $mountType,
- $applicable,
- $isPersonal
- )
- );
- list($hookName, $params) = Test_Mount_Config_Hook_Test::getLastCall();
- $this->assertEquals(
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::signal_create_mount,
- $hookName
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- $mountPoint,
- $params[\OC\Files\Filesystem::signal_param_path]
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- $mountType,
- $params[\OC\Files\Filesystem::signal_param_mount_type]
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- $applicable,
- $params[\OC\Files\Filesystem::signal_param_users]
- );
- Test_Mount_Config_Hook_Test::clear();
- // edit
- $mountConfig['host'] = 'anothersmbhost';
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- $mountPoint,
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $mountConfig,
- $mountType,
- $applicable,
- $isPersonal
- )
- );
- // hook must not be called on edit
- list($hookName, $params) = Test_Mount_Config_Hook_Test::getLastCall();
- $this->assertEquals(
- null,
- $hookName
- );
- Test_Mount_Config_Hook_Test::clear();
- $this->assertTrue(
- OC_Mount_Config::removeMountPoint(
- $mountPoint,
- $mountType,
- $applicable,
- $isPersonal
- )
- );
- list($hookName, $params) = Test_Mount_Config_Hook_Test::getLastCall();
- $this->assertEquals(
- \OC\Files\Filesystem::signal_delete_mount,
- $hookName
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- $mountPoint,
- $params[\OC\Files\Filesystem::signal_param_path]
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- $mountType,
- $params[\OC\Files\Filesystem::signal_param_mount_type]
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- $applicable,
- $params[\OC\Files\Filesystem::signal_param_users]
- );
- }
- /**
- * Test password obfuscation
- */
- public function testPasswordObfuscation() {
- $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER;
- $applicable = self::TEST_USER1;
- $isPersonal = true;
- $mountConfig = array(
- 'host' => 'smbhost',
- 'user' => 'smbuser',
- 'password' => 'smbpassword',
- 'share' => 'smbshare',
- 'root' => 'smbroot'
- );
- // write config
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- '/ext',
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $mountConfig,
- $mountType,
- $applicable,
- $isPersonal
- )
- );
- // note: password re-reading is covered by testReadWritePersonalConfig
- // check that password inside the file is NOT in plain text
- $config = $this->readUserConfig();
- $savedConfig = $config[$mountType][$applicable]['/' . self::TEST_USER1 . '/files/ext']['options'];
- // no more clear text password in file (kept because of key order)
- $this->assertEquals('', $savedConfig['password']);
- // encrypted password is present
- $this->assertNotEquals($mountConfig['password'], $savedConfig['password_encrypted']);
- }
- /**
- * Test read legacy passwords
- */
- public function testReadLegacyPassword() {
- $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER;
- $applicable = self::TEST_USER1;
- $isPersonal = true;
- $mountConfig = array(
- 'host' => 'smbhost',
- 'user' => 'smbuser',
- 'password' => 'smbpassword',
- 'share' => 'smbshare',
- 'root' => 'smbroot'
- );
- // write config
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- '/ext',
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $mountConfig,
- $mountType,
- $applicable,
- $isPersonal
- )
- );
- $config = $this->readUserConfig();
- // simulate non-encrypted password situation
- $config[$mountType][$applicable]['/' . self::TEST_USER1 . '/files/ext']['options']['password'] = 'smbpasswd';
- $this->writeUserConfig($config);
- // re-read config, password was read correctly
- $config = OC_Mount_Config::getPersonalMountPoints();
- $savedMountConfig = $config[0]['options'];
- $this->assertEquals($mountConfig, $savedMountConfig);
- }
- public function testVariableSubstitution() {
- $legacyBackendOptions = [
- 'user' => 'someuser',
- 'password' => 'somepassword',
- 'replacethis' => '$user',
- ];
- $legacyBackendOptions = \OC_Mount_Config::encryptPasswords($legacyBackendOptions);
- $legacyConfig = [
- 'class' => '\OC\Files\Storage\SMB',
- 'options' => $legacyBackendOptions,
- 'mountOptions' => ['preview' => false, 'int' => 1],
- ];
- // different mount options
- $legacyConfig2 = [
- 'class' => '\OC\Files\Storage\SMB',
- 'options' => $legacyBackendOptions,
- 'mountOptions' => ['preview' => true, 'string' => 'abc'],
- ];
- $json = [
- 'user' => [
- self::TEST_USER1 => [
- '/$user/files/somemount' => $legacyConfig,
- '/$user/files/anothermount' => $legacyConfig2,
- ],
- ],
- ];
- $this->writeGlobalConfig($json);
- // re-read config, password was read correctly
- $config = OC_Mount_Config::getAbsoluteMountPoints(self::TEST_USER1);
- $config1 = $config['/' . self::TEST_USER1 . '/files/somemount'];
- $config2 = $config['/' . self::TEST_USER1 . '/files/anothermount'];
- $this->assertSame(self::TEST_USER1, $config1['options']['replacethis']);
- $this->assertSame(self::TEST_USER1, $config1['options']['replacethis']);
- $this->assertSame(1, $config1['mountOptions']['int']);
- $this->assertSame(true, $config2['mountOptions']['preview']);
- $this->assertSame('abc', $config2['mountOptions']['string']);
- }
- public function mountDataProvider() {
- return array(
- // Tests for visible mount points
- // system mount point for all users
- array(
- false,
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER,
- 'all',
- self::TEST_USER1,
- true,
- ),
- // system mount point for a specific user
- array(
- false,
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER,
- self::TEST_USER1,
- self::TEST_USER1,
- true,
- ),
- // system mount point for a specific group
- array(
- false,
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_GROUP,
- self::TEST_GROUP1,
- self::TEST_USER1,
- true,
- ),
- // user mount point
- array(
- true,
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER,
- self::TEST_USER1,
- self::TEST_USER1,
- true,
- ),
- // Tests for non-visible mount points
- // system mount point for another user
- array(
- false,
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER,
- self::TEST_USER2,
- self::TEST_USER1,
- false,
- ),
- // system mount point for a specific group
- array(
- false,
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_GROUP,
- self::TEST_GROUP2,
- self::TEST_USER1,
- false,
- ),
- // user mount point
- array(
- true,
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER,
- self::TEST_USER1,
- self::TEST_USER2,
- false,
- ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * Test mount points used at mount time, making sure
- * the configuration is prepared properly.
- *
- * @dataProvider mountDataProvider
- * @param bool $isPersonal true for personal mount point, false for system mount point
- * @param string $mountType mount type
- * @param string $applicable target user/group or "all"
- * @param string $testUser user for which to retrieve the mount points
- * @param bool $expectVisible whether to expect the mount point to be visible for $testUser
- */
- public function testMount($isPersonal, $mountType, $applicable, $testUser, $expectVisible) {
- $mountConfig = array(
- 'host' => 'someost',
- 'user' => 'someuser',
- 'password' => 'somepassword',
- 'root' => 'someroot',
- 'share' => '',
- );
- // add mount point as "test" user
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- '/ext',
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $mountConfig,
- $mountType,
- $applicable,
- $isPersonal
- )
- );
- // check mount points in the perspective of user $testUser
- \OC_User::setUserId($testUser);
- $mountPoints = OC_Mount_Config::getAbsoluteMountPoints($testUser);
- if ($expectVisible) {
- $this->assertEquals(1, count($mountPoints));
- $this->assertTrue(isset($mountPoints['/' . self::TEST_USER1 . '/files/ext']));
- $this->assertEquals('Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage', $mountPoints['/' . self::TEST_USER1 . '/files/ext']['class']);
- $this->assertEquals($mountConfig, $mountPoints['/' . self::TEST_USER1 . '/files/ext']['options']);
- }
- else {
- $this->assertEquals(0, count($mountPoints));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Test the same config for multiple users.
- * The config will be merged by getSystemMountPoints().
- */
- public function testConfigMerging() {
- $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER;
- $isPersonal = false;
- $options = array(
- 'host' => 'smbhost',
- 'user' => 'smbuser',
- 'password' => 'smbpassword',
- 'share' => 'smbshare',
- 'root' => 'smbroot'
- );
- // write config
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- '/ext',
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $options,
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER,
- self::TEST_USER1,
- $isPersonal
- )
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- '/ext',
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $options,
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER,
- self::TEST_USER2,
- $isPersonal
- )
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- '/ext',
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $options,
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_GROUP,
- self::TEST_GROUP2,
- $isPersonal
- )
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- '/ext',
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $options,
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_GROUP,
- self::TEST_GROUP1,
- $isPersonal
- )
- );
- // re-read config
- $config = OC_Mount_Config::getSystemMountPoints();
- $this->assertEquals(1, count($config));
- $this->assertEquals('Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage', $config[0]['class']);
- $this->assertEquals('ext', $config[0]['mountpoint']);
- $this->assertEquals($options, $config[0]['options']);
- $this->assertEquals(array(self::TEST_USER1, self::TEST_USER2), $config[0]['applicable']['users']);
- $this->assertEquals(array(self::TEST_GROUP2, self::TEST_GROUP1), $config[0]['applicable']['groups']);
- }
- /**
- * Create then re-read mount points configs where the mount points
- * have the same path, the config must NOT be merged.
- */
- public function testRereadMountpointWithSamePath() {
- $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER;
- $isPersonal = false;
- $options1 = array(
- 'host' => 'smbhost',
- 'user' => 'smbuser',
- 'password' => 'smbpassword',
- 'share' => 'smbshare',
- 'root' => 'smbroot'
- );
- // write config
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- '/ext',
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $options1,
- $mountType,
- self::TEST_USER1,
- $isPersonal
- )
- );
- $options2 = array(
- 'host' => 'anothersmbhost',
- 'user' => 'anothersmbuser',
- 'password' => 'anothersmbpassword',
- 'share' => 'anothersmbshare',
- 'root' => 'anothersmbroot'
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- '/ext',
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $options2,
- $mountType,
- self::TEST_USER2,
- $isPersonal
- )
- );
- // re-read config
- $config = OC_Mount_Config::getSystemMountPoints();
- $this->assertEquals(2, count($config));
- $this->assertEquals('Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage', $config[0]['class']);
- $this->assertEquals('ext', $config[0]['mountpoint']);
- $this->assertEquals($options1, $config[0]['options']);
- $this->assertEquals('Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage', $config[1]['class']);
- $this->assertEquals('ext', $config[1]['mountpoint']);
- $this->assertEquals($options2, $config[1]['options']);
- }
- public function priorityDataProvider() {
- return array(
- // test 1 - group vs group
- array(
- array(
- array(
- 'isPersonal' => false,
- 'mountType' => OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_GROUP,
- 'applicable' => self::TEST_GROUP1,
- 'priority' => 50
- ),
- array(
- 'isPersonal' => false,
- 'mountType' => OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_GROUP,
- 'applicable' => self::TEST_GROUP1B,
- 'priority' => 60
- )
- ),
- 1
- ),
- // test 2 - user vs personal
- array(
- array(
- array(
- 'isPersonal' => false,
- 'mountType' => OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER,
- 'applicable' => self::TEST_USER1,
- 'priority' => 2000
- ),
- array(
- 'isPersonal' => true,
- 'mountType' => OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER,
- 'applicable' => self::TEST_USER1,
- 'priority' => null
- )
- ),
- 1
- ),
- // test 3 - all vs group vs user
- array(
- array(
- array(
- 'isPersonal' => false,
- 'mountType' => OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER,
- 'applicable' => 'all',
- 'priority' => 70
- ),
- array(
- 'isPersonal' => false,
- 'mountType' => OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_GROUP,
- 'applicable' => self::TEST_GROUP1,
- 'priority' => 60
- ),
- array(
- 'isPersonal' => false,
- 'mountType' => OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER,
- 'applicable' => self::TEST_USER1,
- 'priority' => 50
- )
- ),
- 2
- )
- );
- }
- /**
- * Ensure priorities are being respected
- * Test user is self::TEST_USER1
- *
- * @dataProvider priorityDataProvider
- * @param array[] $mounts array of associative array of mount parameters:
- * bool $isPersonal
- * string $mountType
- * string $applicable
- * int|null $priority null for personal
- * @param int $expected index of expected visible mount
- */
- public function testPriority($mounts, $expected) {
- $mountConfig = array(
- 'host' => 'somehost',
- 'user' => 'someuser',
- 'password' => 'somepassword',
- 'root' => 'someroot',
- 'share' => '',
- );
- // Add mount points
- foreach($mounts as $i => $mount) {
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- '/ext',
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $mountConfig + array('id' => $i),
- $mount['mountType'],
- $mount['applicable'],
- $mount['isPersonal'],
- $mount['priority']
- )
- );
- }
- // Get mount points for user
- $mountPoints = OC_Mount_Config::getAbsoluteMountPoints(self::TEST_USER1);
- $this->assertEquals(1, count($mountPoints));
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $mountPoints['/'.self::TEST_USER1.'/files/ext']['options']['id']);
- }
- /**
- * Test for persistence of priority when changing mount options
- */
- public function testPriorityPersistence() {
- $class = 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage';
- $priority = 123;
- $mountConfig = array(
- 'host' => 'somehost',
- 'user' => 'someuser',
- 'password' => 'somepassword',
- 'root' => 'someroot',
- 'share' => '',
- );
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- '/ext',
- $class,
- $mountConfig,
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER,
- self::TEST_USER1,
- false,
- $priority
- )
- );
- // Check for correct priority
- $mountPoints = OC_Mount_Config::getAbsoluteMountPoints(self::TEST_USER1);
- $this->assertEquals($priority,
- $mountPoints['/'.self::TEST_USER1.'/files/ext']['priority']);
- // Simulate changed mount options (without priority set)
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- '/ext',
- $class,
- $mountConfig,
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER,
- self::TEST_USER1,
- false
- )
- );
- // Check for correct priority
- $mountPoints = OC_Mount_Config::getAbsoluteMountPoints(self::TEST_USER1);
- $this->assertEquals($priority,
- $mountPoints['/'.self::TEST_USER1.'/files/ext']['priority']);
- }
- /*
- * Test for correct personal configuration loading in file sharing scenarios
- */
- public function testMultiUserPersonalConfigLoading() {
- $mountConfig = array(
- 'host' => 'somehost',
- 'user' => 'someuser',
- 'password' => 'somepassword',
- 'root' => 'someroot',
- 'share' => '',
- );
- // Create personal mount point
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- '/ext',
- 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $mountConfig,
- OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER,
- self::TEST_USER1,
- true
- )
- );
- // Ensure other user can read mount points
- \OC_User::setUserId(self::TEST_USER2);
- $mountPointsMe = OC_Mount_Config::getAbsoluteMountPoints(self::TEST_USER2);
- $mountPointsOther = OC_Mount_Config::getAbsoluteMountPoints(self::TEST_USER1);
- $this->assertEquals(0, count($mountPointsMe));
- $this->assertEquals(1, count($mountPointsOther));
- $this->assertTrue(isset($mountPointsOther['/'.self::TEST_USER1.'/files/ext']));
- $this->assertEquals('Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage',
- $mountPointsOther['/'.self::TEST_USER1.'/files/ext']['class']);
- $this->assertEquals($mountConfig,
- $mountPointsOther['/'.self::TEST_USER1.'/files/ext']['options']);
- }
- public function testAllowWritingIncompleteConfigIfStorageContructorFails() {
- $storageClass = 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage';
- $mountType = 'user';
- $applicable = 'all';
- $isPersonal = false;
- $this->assertEquals(
- 0,
- OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint(
- '/ext',
- $storageClass,
- array('simulateFail' => true),
- $mountType,
- $applicable,
- $isPersonal
- )
- );
- // config can be retrieved afterwards
- $mounts = OC_Mount_Config::getSystemMountPoints();
- $this->assertEquals(1, count($mounts));
- // no storage id was set
- $this->assertFalse(isset($mounts[0]['storage_id']));
- }