path: root/apps/files_sharing/tests/external/managertest.php
diff options
authorJoas Schilling <>2016-05-17 11:42:03 +0200
committerJoas Schilling <>2016-05-25 15:00:00 +0200
commit3f0b2d148d875a2a4961a5b27309d379b9de1329 (patch)
tree8f28fbc44579568bef4c429d6422a87a5c45c8ca /apps/files_sharing/tests/external/managertest.php
parentb72706b450dd483bc25b0fd95266a8ac6c635ae6 (diff)
Move tests to PSR-4
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files_sharing/tests/external/managertest.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 253 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/tests/external/managertest.php b/apps/files_sharing/tests/external/managertest.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 48a9098ae1d..00000000000
--- a/apps/files_sharing/tests/external/managertest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
- * @author Joas Schilling <>
- * @author Lukas Reschke <>
- * @author Robin Appelman <>
- * @author Thomas Müller <>
- *
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, ownCloud, Inc.
- * @license AGPL-3.0
- *
- * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
- * along with this program. If not, see <>
- *
- */
-namespace OCA\Files_Sharing\Tests\External;
-use OC\Files\Storage\StorageFactory;
-use OCA\FederatedFileSharing\DiscoveryManager;
-use OCA\Files_Sharing\External\Manager;
-use OCA\Files_Sharing\External\MountProvider;
-use OCA\Files_Sharing\Tests\TestCase;
-use Test\Traits\UserTrait;
- * Class ManagerTest
- *
- * @group DB
- *
- * @package OCA\Files_Sharing\Tests\External
- */
-class ManagerTest extends TestCase {
- use UserTrait;
- /** @var Manager **/
- private $manager;
- /** @var \OC\Files\Mount\Manager */
- private $mountManager;
- /** @var \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */
- private $httpHelper;
- private $uid;
- /**
- * @var \OCP\IUser
- */
- private $user;
- private $mountProvider;
- protected function setUp() {
- parent::setUp();
- $this->uid = $this->getUniqueID('user');
- $this->createUser($this->uid, '');
- $this->user = \OC::$server->getUserManager()->get($this->uid);
- $this->mountManager = new \OC\Files\Mount\Manager();
- $this->httpHelper = $httpHelper = $this->getMockBuilder('\OC\HTTPHelper')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
- $discoveryManager = new DiscoveryManager(
- \OC::$server->getMemCacheFactory(),
- \OC::$server->getHTTPClientService()
- );
- /** @var \OC\HTTPHelper $httpHelper */
- $this->manager = new Manager(
- \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection(),
- $this->mountManager,
- new StorageFactory(),
- $httpHelper,
- \OC::$server->getNotificationManager(),
- $discoveryManager,
- $this->uid
- );
- $this->mountProvider = new MountProvider(\OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection(), function() {
- return $this->manager;
- });
- }
- private function setupMounts() {
- $mounts = $this->mountProvider->getMountsForUser($this->user, new StorageFactory());
- foreach ($mounts as $mount) {
- $this->mountManager->addMount($mount);
- }
- }
- public function testAddShare() {
- $shareData1 = [
- 'remote' => 'http://localhost',
- 'token' => 'token1',
- 'password' => '',
- 'name' => '/SharedFolder',
- 'owner' => 'foobar',
- 'accepted' => false,
- 'user' => $this->uid,
- ];
- $shareData2 = $shareData1;
- $shareData2['token'] = 'token2';
- $shareData3 = $shareData1;
- $shareData3['token'] = 'token3';
- // Add a share for "user"
- $this->assertSame(null, call_user_func_array([$this->manager, 'addShare'], $shareData1));
- $openShares = $this->manager->getOpenShares();
- $this->assertCount(1, $openShares);
- $this->assertExternalShareEntry($shareData1, $openShares[0], 1, '{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData1['name'] . '}}');
- $this->setupMounts();
- $this->assertNotMount('SharedFolder');
- $this->assertNotMount('{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData1['name'] . '}}');
- // Add a second share for "user" with the same name
- $this->assertSame(null, call_user_func_array([$this->manager, 'addShare'], $shareData2));
- $openShares = $this->manager->getOpenShares();
- $this->assertCount(2, $openShares);
- $this->assertExternalShareEntry($shareData1, $openShares[0], 1, '{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData1['name'] . '}}');
- // New share falls back to "-1" appendix, because the name is already taken
- $this->assertExternalShareEntry($shareData2, $openShares[1], 2, '{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData2['name'] . '}}-1');
- $this->setupMounts();
- $this->assertNotMount('SharedFolder');
- $this->assertNotMount('{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData1['name'] . '}}');
- $this->assertNotMount('{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData1['name'] . '}}-1');
- $this->httpHelper->expects($this->at(0))
- ->method('post')
- ->with($this->stringStartsWith('http://localhost/ocs/v1.php/cloud/shares/' . $openShares[0]['remote_id']), $this->anything());
- // Accept the first share
- $this->manager->acceptShare($openShares[0]['id']);
- // Check remaining shares - Accepted
- $acceptedShares = self::invokePrivate($this->manager, 'getShares', [true]);
- $this->assertCount(1, $acceptedShares);
- $shareData1['accepted'] = true;
- $this->assertExternalShareEntry($shareData1, $acceptedShares[0], 1, $shareData1['name']);
- // Check remaining shares - Open
- $openShares = $this->manager->getOpenShares();
- $this->assertCount(1, $openShares);
- $this->assertExternalShareEntry($shareData2, $openShares[0], 2, '{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData2['name'] . '}}-1');
- $this->setupMounts();
- $this->assertMount($shareData1['name']);
- $this->assertNotMount('{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData1['name'] . '}}');
- $this->assertNotMount('{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData1['name'] . '}}-1');
- // Add another share for "user" with the same name
- $this->assertSame(null, call_user_func_array([$this->manager, 'addShare'], $shareData3));
- $openShares = $this->manager->getOpenShares();
- $this->assertCount(2, $openShares);
- $this->assertExternalShareEntry($shareData2, $openShares[0], 2, '{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData2['name'] . '}}-1');
- // New share falls back to the original name (no "-\d", because the name is not taken)
- $this->assertExternalShareEntry($shareData3, $openShares[1], 3, '{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData3['name'] . '}}');
- $this->setupMounts();
- $this->assertMount($shareData1['name']);
- $this->assertNotMount('{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData1['name'] . '}}');
- $this->assertNotMount('{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData1['name'] . '}}-1');
- $this->httpHelper->expects($this->at(0))
- ->method('post')
- ->with($this->stringStartsWith('http://localhost/ocs/v1.php/cloud/shares/' . $openShares[1]['remote_id'] . '/decline'), $this->anything());
- // Decline the third share
- $this->manager->declineShare($openShares[1]['id']);
- $this->setupMounts();
- $this->assertMount($shareData1['name']);
- $this->assertNotMount('{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData1['name'] . '}}');
- $this->assertNotMount('{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData1['name'] . '}}-1');
- // Check remaining shares - Accepted
- $acceptedShares = self::invokePrivate($this->manager, 'getShares', [true]);
- $this->assertCount(1, $acceptedShares);
- $shareData1['accepted'] = true;
- $this->assertExternalShareEntry($shareData1, $acceptedShares[0], 1, $shareData1['name']);
- // Check remaining shares - Open
- $openShares = $this->manager->getOpenShares();
- $this->assertCount(1, $openShares);
- $this->assertExternalShareEntry($shareData2, $openShares[0], 2, '{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData2['name'] . '}}-1');
- $this->setupMounts();
- $this->assertMount($shareData1['name']);
- $this->assertNotMount('{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData1['name'] . '}}');
- $this->assertNotMount('{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData1['name'] . '}}-1');
- $this->httpHelper->expects($this->at(0))
- ->method('post')
- ->with($this->stringStartsWith('http://localhost/ocs/v1.php/cloud/shares/' . $openShares[0]['remote_id'] . '/decline'), $this->anything());
- $this->httpHelper->expects($this->at(1))
- ->method('post')
- ->with($this->stringStartsWith('http://localhost/ocs/v1.php/cloud/shares/' . $acceptedShares[0]['remote_id'] . '/decline'), $this->anything());
- $this->manager->removeUserShares($this->uid);
- $this->assertEmpty(self::invokePrivate($this->manager, 'getShares', [null]), 'Asserting all shares for the user have been deleted');
- $this->mountManager->clear();
- self::invokePrivate($this->manager, 'setupMounts');
- $this->assertNotMount($shareData1['name']);
- $this->assertNotMount('{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData1['name'] . '}}');
- $this->assertNotMount('{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData1['name'] . '}}-1');
- }
- /**
- * @param array $expected
- * @param array $actual
- * @param int $share
- * @param string $mountPoint
- */
- protected function assertExternalShareEntry($expected, $actual, $share, $mountPoint) {
- $this->assertEquals($expected['remote'], $actual['remote'], 'Asserting remote of a share #' . $share);
- $this->assertEquals($expected['token'], $actual['share_token'], 'Asserting token of a share #' . $share);
- $this->assertEquals($expected['name'], $actual['name'], 'Asserting name of a share #' . $share);
- $this->assertEquals($expected['owner'], $actual['owner'], 'Asserting owner of a share #' . $share);
- $this->assertEquals($expected['accepted'], (int) $actual['accepted'], 'Asserting accept of a share #' . $share);
- $this->assertEquals($expected['user'], $actual['user'], 'Asserting user of a share #' . $share);
- $this->assertEquals($mountPoint, $actual['mountpoint'], 'Asserting mountpoint of a share #' . $share);
- }
- private function assertMount($mountPoint) {
- $mountPoint = rtrim($mountPoint, '/');
- $mount = $this->mountManager->find($this->getFullPath($mountPoint));
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\OCA\Files_Sharing\External\Mount', $mount);
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\OCP\Files\Mount\IMountPoint', $mount);
- $this->assertEquals($this->getFullPath($mountPoint), rtrim($mount->getMountPoint(), '/'));
- $storage = $mount->getStorage();
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\OCA\Files_Sharing\External\Storage', $storage);
- }
- private function assertNotMount($mountPoint) {
- $mountPoint = rtrim($mountPoint, '/');
- $mount = $this->mountManager->find($this->getFullPath($mountPoint));
- if ($mount) {
- $this->assertInstanceOf('\OCP\Files\Mount\IMountPoint', $mount);
- $this->assertNotEquals($this->getFullPath($mountPoint), rtrim($mount->getMountPoint(), '/'));
- } else {
- $this->assertNull($mount);
- }
- }
- private function getFullPath($path) {
- return '/' . $this->uid . '/files' . $path;
- }