path: root/apps/files_sharing/tests/js
diff options
authorJohn Molakvoæ (skjnldsv) <>2019-10-30 17:26:53 +0100
committerJohn Molakvoæ (skjnldsv) <>2019-11-06 00:53:59 +0100
commit5d2c89ca6c1e99d38fd12d5fddaa7370d863750c (patch)
treefb11bcbb09a09bd86ee18f860d195c794081d16e /apps/files_sharing/tests/js
parenteebcf890917ca17f9e3bd00a792b89f841c824da (diff)
Fix sharing breadcrumbs
Signed-off-by: John Molakvoæ (skjnldsv) <>
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files_sharing/tests/js')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 1024 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/tests/js/sharedbreadcrumviewSpec.js b/apps/files_sharing/tests/js/sharedbreadcrumviewSpec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2386a037013..00000000000
--- a/apps/files_sharing/tests/js/sharedbreadcrumviewSpec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
- * @copyright 2016, Roeland Jago Douma <>
- *
- * @author Roeland Jago Douma <>
- *
- * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <>.
- *
- */
-describe('OCA.Sharing.ShareBreadCrumbView tests', function() {
- var BreadCrumb = OCA.Files.BreadCrumb;
- var SharedBreadCrum = OCA.Sharing.ShareBreadCrumbView;
- describe('Rendering', function() {
- var bc;
- var sbc;
- var shareTab;
- beforeEach(function() {
- bc = new BreadCrumb({
- getCrumbUrl: function(part, index) {
- // for testing purposes
- return part.dir + '#' + index;
- }
- });
- shareTab = new OCA.Sharing.ShareTabView();
- sbc = new SharedBreadCrum({
- shareTab: shareTab
- });
- bc.addDetailView(sbc);
- });
- afterEach(function() {
- bc = null;
- sbc = null;
- shareModel = null;
- });
- it('Do not render in root', function() {
- var dirInfo = new OC.Files.FileInfo({
- id: 42,
- path: '/',
- type: 'dir',
- name: ''
- });
- bc.setDirectoryInfo(dirInfo);
- bc.setDirectory('');
- bc.render();
- expect(bc.$el.hasClass('breadcrumb')).toEqual(true);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-shared').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.shared').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-public').length).toEqual(0);
- });
- it('Render in dir', function() {
- var dirInfo = new OC.Files.FileInfo({
- id: 42,
- path: '/foo',
- type: 'dir'
- });
- bc.setDirectoryInfo(dirInfo);
- bc.setDirectory('/foo');
- bc.render();
- expect(bc.$el.hasClass('breadcrumb')).toEqual(true);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-shared').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.shared').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-public').length).toEqual(0);
- });
- it('Render shared if dir is shared with user', function() {
- var dirInfo = new OC.Files.FileInfo({
- id: 42,
- path: '/foo',
- type: 'dir',
- shareTypes: [OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER]
- });
- bc.setDirectoryInfo(dirInfo);
- bc.setDirectory('/foo');
- bc.render();
- expect(bc.$el.hasClass('breadcrumb')).toEqual(true);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-shared').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.shared').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-public').length).toEqual(0);
- });
- it('Render shared if dir is shared with group', function() {
- var dirInfo = new OC.Files.FileInfo({
- id: 42,
- path: '/foo',
- type: 'dir',
- shareTypes: [OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_GROUP]
- });
- bc.setDirectoryInfo(dirInfo);
- bc.setDirectory('/foo');
- bc.render();
- expect(bc.$el.hasClass('breadcrumb')).toEqual(true);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-shared').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.shared').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-public').length).toEqual(0);
- });
- it('Render shared if dir is shared by link', function() {
- var dirInfo = new OC.Files.FileInfo({
- id: 42,
- path: '/foo',
- type: 'dir',
- shareTypes: [OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_LINK]
- });
- bc.setDirectoryInfo(dirInfo);
- bc.setDirectory('/foo');
- bc.render();
- expect(bc.$el.hasClass('breadcrumb')).toEqual(true);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-shared').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.shared').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-public').length).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('Render shared if dir is shared by circle', function() {
- var dirInfo = new OC.Files.FileInfo({
- id: 42,
- path: '/foo',
- type: 'dir',
- shareTypes: [OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_CIRCLE]
- });
- bc.setDirectoryInfo(dirInfo);
- bc.setDirectory('/foo');
- bc.render();
- expect(bc.$el.hasClass('breadcrumb')).toEqual(true);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-shared').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.shared').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-public').length).toEqual(0);
- });
- it('Render shared if dir is shared with remote', function() {
- var dirInfo = new OC.Files.FileInfo({
- id: 42,
- path: '/foo',
- type: 'dir',
- shareTypes: [OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_REMOTE]
- });
- bc.setDirectoryInfo(dirInfo);
- bc.setDirectory('/foo');
- bc.render();
- expect(bc.$el.hasClass('breadcrumb')).toEqual(true);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-shared').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.shared').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-public').length).toEqual(0);
- });
- it('Render link shared if at least one is a link share', function() {
- var dirInfo = new OC.Files.FileInfo({
- id: 42,
- path: '/foo',
- type: 'dir',
- shareTypes: [
- ]
- });
- bc.setDirectoryInfo(dirInfo);
- bc.setDirectory('/foo');
- bc.render();
- expect(bc.$el.hasClass('breadcrumb')).toEqual(true);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-shared').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.shared').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-public').length).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('Remove shared status from user share', function() {
- var dirInfo = new OC.Files.FileInfo({
- id: 42,
- path: '/foo',
- type: 'dir',
- shareTypes: [OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER]
- });
- bc.setDirectory('/foo');
- bc.setDirectoryInfo(dirInfo);
- bc.render();
- var mock = sinon.createStubInstance(OCA.Files.FileList);
- mock.showDetailsView = function() { };
- OCA.Files.App.fileList = mock;
- var spy = sinon.spy(mock, 'showDetailsView');
- bc.$el.find('.icon-shared').click();
- expect(spy.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- var model = sinon.createStubInstance(OC.Share.ShareItemModel);
- model.getSharesWithCurrentItem = function() { return [] };
- model.hasLinkShares = function() { return false; };
- shareTab.trigger('sharesChanged', model);
- expect(bc.$el.hasClass('breadcrumb')).toEqual(true);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-shared').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.shared').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-public').length).toEqual(0);
- });
- it('Add link share to user share', function() {
- var dirInfo = new OC.Files.FileInfo({
- id: 42,
- path: '/foo',
- type: 'dir',
- shareTypes: [OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER]
- });
- bc.setDirectory('/foo');
- bc.setDirectoryInfo(dirInfo);
- bc.render();
- var mock = sinon.createStubInstance(OCA.Files.FileList);
- mock.showDetailsView = function() { };
- OCA.Files.App.fileList = mock;
- var spy = sinon.spy(mock, 'showDetailsView');
- bc.$el.find('.icon-shared').click();
- expect(spy.calledOnce).toEqual(true);
- var model = sinon.createStubInstance(OC.Share.ShareItemModel);
- model.getSharesWithCurrentItem = function() { return [
- {share_type: OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER}
- ] };
- model.hasLinkShares = function() { return true; };
- shareTab.trigger('sharesChanged', model);
- expect(bc.$el.hasClass('breadcrumb')).toEqual(true);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-shared').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.shared').length).toEqual(1);
- expect(bc.$el.find('.icon-public').length).toEqual(1);
- });
- });
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/tests/js/sharedfilelistSpec.js b/apps/files_sharing/tests/js/sharedfilelistSpec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b0b7c1b9b99..00000000000
--- a/apps/files_sharing/tests/js/sharedfilelistSpec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,784 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2014 Vincent Petry <>
- *
- * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3
- * or later.
- *
- * See the COPYING-README file.
- *
- */
-describe('OCA.Sharing.FileList tests', function() {
- var testFiles, alertStub, notificationStub, fileList;
- beforeEach(function() {
- alertStub = sinon.stub(OC.dialogs, 'alert');
- notificationStub = sinon.stub(OC.Notification, 'show');
- // init parameters and test table elements
- $('#testArea').append(
- '<div id="app-content-container">' +
- // init horrible parameters
- '<input type="hidden" id="dir" value="/"></input>' +
- '<input type="hidden" id="permissions" value="31"></input>' +
- // dummy controls
- '<div id="controls">' +
- ' <div class="actions creatable"></div>' +
- ' <div class="notCreatable"></div>' +
- '</div>' +
- // dummy table
- // TODO: at some point this will be rendered by the fileList class itself!
- '<table id="filestable" class="list-container view-grid">' +
- '<thead><tr>' +
- '<th id="headerName" class="hidden column-name">' +
- '<input type="checkbox" id="select_all_files" class="select-all">' +
- '<a class="name columntitle" data-sort="name"><span>Name</span><span class="sort-indicator"></span></a>' +
- '<span class="selectedActions hidden">' +
- '</th>' +
- '<th class="hidden column-mtime">' +
- '<a class="columntitle" data-sort="mtime"><span class="sort-indicator"></span></a>' +
- '</th>' +
- '<th class="column-expiration">' +
- '<a class="columntitle"><span>Expiration date</span></a>' +
- '</th>' +
- '</tr></thead>' +
- '<tbody id="fileList"></tbody>' +
- '<tfoot></tfoot>' +
- '</table>' +
- '<div id="emptycontent">Empty content message</div>' +
- '</div>'
- );
- OC.Plugins.register('OCA.Files.FileList', OCA.Files.TagsPlugin);
- });
- afterEach(function() {
- testFiles = undefined;
- fileList.destroy();
- fileList = undefined;
- notificationStub.restore();
- alertStub.restore();
- });
- describe('loading file list for incoming shares', function() {
- var ocsResponse;
- var ocsResponseRemote;
- beforeEach(function() {
- fileList = new OCA.Sharing.FileList(
- $('#app-content-container'), {
- sharedWithUser: true
- }
- );
- OCA.Sharing.Util.attach(fileList);
- fileList.reload();
- /* jshint camelcase: false */
- ocsResponse = {
- ocs: {
- meta: {
- status: 'ok',
- statuscode: 100,
- message: null
- },
- data: [{
- id: 7,
- item_type: 'file',
- item_source: 49,
- item_target: '/49',
- file_source: 49,
- file_target: '/local path/local name.txt',
- path: 'files/something shared.txt',
- permissions: 31,
- stime: 11111,
- share_type: OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER,
- share_with: 'user1',
- share_with_displayname: 'User One',
- tags: [OC.TAG_FAVORITE],
- mimetype: 'text/plain',
- uid_owner: 'user2',
- displayname_owner: 'User Two'
- }]
- }
- };
- /* jshint camelcase: false */
- ocsResponseRemote = {
- ocs: {
- meta: {
- status: 'ok',
- statuscode: 100,
- message: null
- },
- data: [{
- id: 8,
- remote: '',
- remote_id: 42,
- share_token: 'abc',
- name: '/a.txt',
- owner: 'user3',
- user: 'user1',
- mountpoint: '/b.txt',
- mountpoint_hash: 'def',
- accepted: 1,
- mimetype: 'text/plain',
- mtime: 22222,
- permissions: 31,
- type: 'file',
- file_id: 1337
- }]
- }
- };
- });
- it('render file shares', function() {
- expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(2);
- expect(fakeServer.requests[0].url).toEqual(
- OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1') +
- 'shares?format=json&shared_with_me=true&include_tags=true'
- );
- expect(fakeServer.requests[1].url).toEqual(
- OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1') +
- 'remote_shares?format=json&include_tags=true'
- );
- fakeServer.requests[0].respond(
- 200,
- { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
- JSON.stringify(ocsResponse)
- );
- fakeServer.requests[1].respond(
- 200,
- { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
- JSON.stringify(ocsResponseRemote)
- );
- var $rows = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr');
- expect($rows.length).toEqual(2);
- var $tr = $rows.eq(0);
- expect($tr.attr('data-id')).toEqual('49');
- expect($tr.attr('data-type')).toEqual('file');
- expect($tr.attr('data-file')).toEqual('local name.txt');
- expect($tr.attr('data-path')).toEqual('/local path');
- expect($tr.attr('data-size')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-permissions')).toEqual('31'); // read and delete
- expect($tr.attr('data-mime')).toEqual('text/plain');
- expect($tr.attr('data-mtime')).toEqual('11111000');
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-owner')).toEqual('User Two');
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-id')).toEqual('7');
- expect($tr.attr('data-favorite')).toEqual('true');
- expect($tr.attr('data-tags')).toEqual(OC.TAG_FAVORITE);
- expect($tr.find('').attr('href')).toEqual(
- OC.getRootPath() +
- '/remote.php/webdav/local%20path/local%20name.txt'
- );
- expect($tr.find('.nametext').text().trim()).toEqual('local name.txt');
- $tr = $rows.eq(1);
- expect($tr.attr('data-id')).toEqual('1337');
- expect($tr.attr('data-type')).toEqual('file');
- expect($tr.attr('data-file')).toEqual('b.txt');
- expect($tr.attr('data-path')).toEqual('');
- expect($tr.attr('data-size')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect(parseInt($tr.attr('data-permissions'), 10))
- .toEqual(OC.PERMISSION_ALL); // read and delete
- expect($tr.attr('data-mime')).toEqual('text/plain');
- expect($tr.attr('data-mtime')).toEqual('22222000');
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-owner')).toEqual('');
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-id')).toEqual('8');
- expect($tr.attr('data-favorite')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-tags')).toEqual('');
- expect($tr.find('').attr('href')).toEqual(
- OC.getRootPath() +
- '/remote.php/webdav/b.txt'
- );
- expect($tr.find('.nametext').text().trim()).toEqual('b.txt');
- });
- it('render folder shares', function() {
- /* jshint camelcase: false */
-[0] = _.extend([0], {
- item_type: 'folder',
- file_target: '/local path/local name',
- path: 'files/something shared',
- });
-[0] = _.extend([0], {
- type: 'dir',
- mimetype: 'httpd/unix-directory',
- name: '/a',
- mountpoint: '/b'
- });
- expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(2);
- expect(fakeServer.requests[0].url).toEqual(
- OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1') +
- 'shares?format=json&shared_with_me=true&include_tags=true'
- );
- expect(fakeServer.requests[1].url).toEqual(
- OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1') +
- 'remote_shares?format=json&include_tags=true'
- );
- fakeServer.requests[0].respond(
- 200,
- { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
- JSON.stringify(ocsResponse)
- );
- fakeServer.requests[1].respond(
- 200,
- { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
- JSON.stringify(ocsResponseRemote)
- );
- var $rows = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr');
- expect($rows.length).toEqual(2);
- var $tr = $rows.eq(0);
- expect($tr.attr('data-id')).toEqual('49');
- expect($tr.attr('data-type')).toEqual('dir');
- expect($tr.attr('data-file')).toEqual('local name');
- expect($tr.attr('data-path')).toEqual('/local path');
- expect($tr.attr('data-size')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-permissions')).toEqual('31'); // read and delete
- expect($tr.attr('data-mime')).toEqual('httpd/unix-directory');
- expect($tr.attr('data-mtime')).toEqual('11111000');
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-owner')).toEqual('User Two');
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-id')).toEqual('7');
- expect($tr.attr('data-favorite')).toEqual('true');
- expect($tr.attr('data-tags')).toEqual(OC.TAG_FAVORITE);
- expect($tr.find('').attr('href')).toEqual(
- OC.getRootPath() +
- '/index.php/apps/files' +
- '?dir=/local%20path/local%20name'
- );
- expect($tr.find('.nametext').text().trim()).toEqual('local name');
- $tr = $rows.eq(1);
- expect($tr.attr('data-id')).toEqual('1337');
- expect($tr.attr('data-type')).toEqual('dir');
- expect($tr.attr('data-file')).toEqual('b');
- expect($tr.attr('data-path')).toEqual('');
- expect($tr.attr('data-size')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect(parseInt($tr.attr('data-permissions'), 10))
- .toEqual(OC.PERMISSION_ALL); // read and delete
- expect($tr.attr('data-mime')).toEqual('httpd/unix-directory');
- expect($tr.attr('data-mtime')).toEqual('22222000');
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-owner')).toEqual('');
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-id')).toEqual('8');
- expect($tr.attr('data-favorite')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-tags')).toEqual('');
- expect($tr.find('').attr('href')).toEqual(
- OC.getRootPath() +
- '/index.php/apps/files' +
- '?dir=/b'
- );
- expect($tr.find('.nametext').text().trim()).toEqual('b');
- });
- });
- describe('loading file list for outgoing shares', function() {
- var ocsResponse;
- beforeEach(function() {
- fileList = new OCA.Sharing.FileList(
- $('#app-content-container'), {
- sharedWithUser: false
- }
- );
- OCA.Sharing.Util.attach(fileList);
- fileList.reload();
- /* jshint camelcase: false */
- ocsResponse = {
- ocs: {
- meta: {
- status: 'ok',
- statuscode: 100,
- message: null
- },
- data: [{
- id: 7,
- item_type: 'file',
- item_source: 49,
- file_source: 49,
- path: '/local path/local name.txt',
- permissions: 27,
- stime: 11111,
- share_type: OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER,
- share_with: 'user2',
- share_with_displayname: 'User Two',
- tags: [OC.TAG_FAVORITE],
- mimetype: 'text/plain',
- uid_owner: 'user1',
- displayname_owner: 'User One'
- }]
- }
- };
- });
- it('render file shares', function() {
- var request;
- expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(1);
- request = fakeServer.requests[0];
- expect(request.url).toEqual(
- OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1') +
- 'shares?format=json&shared_with_me=false&include_tags=true'
- );
- fakeServer.requests[0].respond(
- 200,
- { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
- JSON.stringify(ocsResponse)
- );
- var $rows = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr');
- var $tr = $rows.eq(0);
- expect($rows.length).toEqual(1);
- expect($tr.attr('data-id')).toEqual('49');
- expect($tr.attr('data-type')).toEqual('file');
- expect($tr.attr('data-file')).toEqual('local name.txt');
- expect($tr.attr('data-path')).toEqual('/local path');
- expect($tr.attr('data-size')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-permissions')).toEqual('31'); // read and delete
- expect($tr.attr('data-mime')).toEqual('text/plain');
- expect($tr.attr('data-mtime')).toEqual('11111000');
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-owner')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-id')).toEqual('7');
- expect($tr.attr('data-favorite')).toEqual('true');
- expect($tr.attr('data-tags')).toEqual(OC.TAG_FAVORITE);
- expect($tr.find('').attr('href')).toEqual(
- OC.getRootPath() +
- '/remote.php/webdav/local%20path/local%20name.txt'
- );
- expect($tr.find('.nametext').text().trim()).toEqual('local name.txt');
- });
- it('render folder shares', function() {
- var request;
- /* jshint camelcase: false */
-[0] = _.extend([0], {
- item_type: 'folder',
- path: '/local path/local name',
- });
- expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(1);
- request = fakeServer.requests[0];
- expect(request.url).toEqual(
- OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1') +
- 'shares?format=json&shared_with_me=false&include_tags=true'
- );
- fakeServer.requests[0].respond(
- 200,
- { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
- JSON.stringify(ocsResponse)
- );
- var $rows = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr');
- var $tr = $rows.eq(0);
- expect($rows.length).toEqual(1);
- expect($tr.attr('data-id')).toEqual('49');
- expect($tr.attr('data-type')).toEqual('dir');
- expect($tr.attr('data-file')).toEqual('local name');
- expect($tr.attr('data-path')).toEqual('/local path');
- expect($tr.attr('data-size')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-permissions')).toEqual('31'); // read and delete
- expect($tr.attr('data-mime')).toEqual('httpd/unix-directory');
- expect($tr.attr('data-mtime')).toEqual('11111000');
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-owner')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-id')).toEqual('7');
- expect($tr.attr('data-favorite')).toEqual('true');
- expect($tr.attr('data-tags')).toEqual(OC.TAG_FAVORITE);
- expect($tr.find('').attr('href')).toEqual(
- OC.getRootPath() +
- '/index.php/apps/files' +
- '?dir=/local%20path/local%20name'
- );
- expect($tr.find('.nametext').text().trim()).toEqual('local name');
- });
- it('render link shares', function() {
- /* jshint camelcase: false */
- var request;
-[0] = {
- id: 7,
- item_type: 'file',
- item_source: 49,
- file_source: 49,
- path: '/local path/local name.txt',
- permissions: 1,
- stime: 11111,
- share_type: OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_LINK,
- share_with: null,
- token: 'abc',
- mimetype: 'text/plain',
- uid_owner: 'user1',
- displayname_owner: 'User One',
- };
- expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(1);
- request = fakeServer.requests[0];
- expect(request.url).toEqual(
- OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1') +
- 'shares?format=json&shared_with_me=false&include_tags=true'
- );
- fakeServer.requests[0].respond(
- 200,
- { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
- JSON.stringify(ocsResponse)
- );
- var $rows = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr');
- var $tr = $rows.eq(0);
- expect($rows.length).toEqual(1);
- expect($tr.attr('data-id')).toEqual('49');
- expect($tr.attr('data-type')).toEqual('file');
- expect($tr.attr('data-file')).toEqual('local name.txt');
- expect($tr.attr('data-path')).toEqual('/local path');
- expect($tr.attr('data-size')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-permissions')).toEqual('31'); // read and delete
- expect($tr.attr('data-mime')).toEqual('text/plain');
- expect($tr.attr('data-mtime')).toEqual('11111000');
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-owner')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-id')).toEqual('7');
- expect($tr.attr('data-favorite')).toEqual('true');
- expect($tr.attr('data-tags')).toEqual(OC.TAG_FAVORITE);
- expect($tr.find('').attr('href')).toEqual(
- OC.getRootPath() + '/remote.php/webdav/local%20path/local%20name.txt'
- );
- expect($tr.find('.nametext').text().trim()).toEqual('local name.txt');
- });
- it('groups link shares with regular shares', function() {
- /* jshint camelcase: false */
- var request;
- // link share
- id: 8,
- item_type: 'file',
- item_source: 49,
- file_source: 49,
- path: '/local path/local name.txt',
- permissions: 1,
- stime: 11111,
- share_type: OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_LINK,
- share_with: null,
- token: 'abc',
- mimetype: 'text/plain',
- uid_owner: 'user1',
- displayname_owner: 'User One',
- tags: [OC.TAG_FAVORITE],
- });
- // another share of the same file
- id: 9,
- item_type: 'file',
- item_source: 49,
- file_source: 49,
- path: '/local path/local name.txt',
- permissions: 27,
- stime: 22222,
- share_type: OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER,
- share_with: 'user3',
- share_with_displayname: 'User Three',
- mimetype: 'text/plain',
- uid_owner: 'user1',
- displayname_owner: 'User One'
- });
- expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(1);
- request = fakeServer.requests[0];
- expect(request.url).toEqual(
- OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1') +
- 'shares?format=json&shared_with_me=false&include_tags=true'
- );
- fakeServer.requests[0].respond(
- 200,
- { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
- JSON.stringify(ocsResponse)
- );
- var $rows = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr');
- var $tr = $rows.eq(0);
- expect($rows.length).toEqual(1);
- expect($tr.attr('data-id')).toEqual('49');
- expect($tr.attr('data-type')).toEqual('file');
- expect($tr.attr('data-file')).toEqual('local name.txt');
- expect($tr.attr('data-path')).toEqual('/local path');
- expect($tr.attr('data-size')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-permissions')).toEqual('31'); // read and delete
- expect($tr.attr('data-mime')).toEqual('text/plain');
- // always use the most recent stime
- expect($tr.attr('data-mtime')).toEqual('22222000');
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-owner')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-id')).toEqual('7,8,9');
- expect($tr.attr('data-favorite')).toEqual('true');
- expect($tr.attr('data-tags')).toEqual(OC.TAG_FAVORITE);
- expect($tr.find('').attr('href')).toEqual(
- OC.getRootPath() + '/remote.php/webdav/local%20path/local%20name.txt'
- );
- expect($tr.find('.nametext').text().trim()).toEqual('local name.txt');
- });
- });
- describe('loading file list for link shares', function() {
- var ocsResponse;
- beforeEach(function() {
- fileList = new OCA.Sharing.FileList(
- $('#app-content-container'), {
- linksOnly: true
- }
- );
- OCA.Sharing.Util.attach(fileList);
- fileList.reload();
- var expirationDateInADay = moment()
- .add(1, 'days').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
- /* jshint camelcase: false */
- ocsResponse = {
- ocs: {
- meta: {
- status: 'ok',
- statuscode: 100,
- message: null
- },
- data: [{
- id: 7,
- item_type: 'file',
- item_source: 49,
- file_source: 49,
- path: '/local path/local name.txt',
- permissions: 1,
- stime: 11111,
- expiration: null,
- share_type: OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_LINK,
- share_with: null,
- token: 'abc',
- mimetype: 'text/plain',
- uid_owner: 'user1',
- displayname_owner: 'User One',
- },{
- id: 8,
- item_type: 'file',
- item_source: 50,
- file_source: 50,
- path: '/local path2/local name2.txt',
- permissions: 1,
- stime: 11112,
- expiration: expirationDateInADay,
- share_type: OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_LINK,
- share_with: null,
- token: 'abcd',
- mimetype: 'text/plain2',
- uid_owner: 'user2',
- displayname_owner: 'User One2'
- }]
- }
- };
- });
- it('render only link shares', function() {
- /* jshint camelcase: false */
- var request;
- // non-link share
- id: 8,
- item_type: 'file',
- item_source: 49,
- file_source: 49,
- path: '/local path/local name.txt',
- permissions: 27,
- stime: 11111,
- share_type: OC.Share.SHARE_TYPE_USER,
- share_with: 'user2',
- share_with_displayname: 'User Two',
- mimetype: 'text/plain',
- uid_owner: 'user1',
- displayname_owner: 'User One',
- });
- expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(1);
- request = fakeServer.requests[0];
- expect(request.url).toEqual(
- OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1') +
- 'shares?format=json&shared_with_me=false&include_tags=true'
- );
- fakeServer.requests[0].respond(
- 200,
- { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
- JSON.stringify(ocsResponse)
- );
- // only renders the link share entries
- var $rows = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr');
- var $tr = $rows.eq(0);
- expect($rows.length).toEqual(2);
- expect($tr.attr('data-id')).toEqual('49');
- expect($tr.attr('data-type')).toEqual('file');
- expect($tr.attr('data-file')).toEqual('local name.txt');
- expect($tr.attr('data-path')).toEqual('/local path');
- expect($tr.attr('data-size')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-permissions')).toEqual('31'); // read and delete
- expect($tr.attr('data-mime')).toEqual('text/plain');
- expect($tr.attr('data-mtime')).toEqual('11111000');
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-recipient-data')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-owner')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-id')).toEqual('7');
- expect($tr.attr('data-favorite')).toEqual('true');
- expect($tr.attr('data-tags')).toEqual(OC.TAG_FAVORITE);
- expect($tr.find('').attr('href')).toEqual(
- OC.getRootPath() + '/remote.php/webdav/local%20path/local%20name.txt'
- );
- expect($tr.attr('data-expiration')).toEqual('0');
- expect($tr.find('td:last-child span').text()).toEqual('');
- expect($tr.find('.nametext').text().trim()).toEqual('local name.txt');
- // change to next row
- $tr = $rows.eq(1);
- expect($tr.attr('data-id')).toEqual('50');
- expect($tr.attr('data-file')).toEqual('local name2.txt');
- expect($tr.attr('data-expiration')).not.toEqual('0');
- expect($tr.attr('data-favorite')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-tags')).toEqual('');
- expect($tr.find('td:last-child span').text()).toEqual('in a day');
- });
- it('does not show virtual token recipient as recipient when password was set', function() {
- /* jshint camelcase: false */
- var request;
- // when a password is set, share_with contains an auth token
-[0].share_with = 'abc01234/01234abc';
-[0].share_with_displayname = 'abc01234/01234abc';
- expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(1);
- request = fakeServer.requests[0];
- expect(request.url).toEqual(
- OC.linkToOCS('apps/files_sharing/api/v1') +
- 'shares?format=json&shared_with_me=false&include_tags=true'
- );
- fakeServer.requests[0].respond(
- 200,
- { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
- JSON.stringify(ocsResponse)
- );
- // only renders the link share entry
- var $rows = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr');
- var $tr = $rows.eq(0);
- expect($rows.length).toEqual(2);
- expect($tr.attr('data-id')).toEqual('49');
- expect($tr.attr('data-type')).toEqual('file');
- expect($tr.attr('data-file')).toEqual('local name.txt');
- expect($tr.attr('data-path')).toEqual('/local path');
- expect($tr.attr('data-size')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-permissions')).toEqual('31'); // read and delete
- expect($tr.attr('data-mime')).toEqual('text/plain');
- expect($tr.attr('data-mtime')).toEqual('11111000');
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-recipient-data')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-owner')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-share-id')).toEqual('7');
- expect($tr.attr('data-favorite')).toEqual('true');
- expect($tr.attr('data-tags')).toEqual(OC.TAG_FAVORITE);
- expect($tr.find('').attr('href')).toEqual(
- OC.getRootPath() +
- '/remote.php/webdav/local%20path/local%20name.txt');
- expect($tr.find('.nametext').text().trim()).toEqual('local name.txt');
- });
- });
- describe('setting share permissions for files', function () {
- beforeEach(function () {
- var $content = $('<div id="content"></div>');
- $('#testArea').append($content);
- // dummy file list
- var $div = $(
- '<div>' +
- '<table id="filestable" class="list-container view-grid">' +
- '<thead></thead>' +
- '<tbody id="fileList"></tbody>' +
- '</table>' +
- '</div>');
- $('#content').append($div);
- fileList = new OCA.Files.FileList($div);
- OCA.Sharing.Util.attach(fileList);
- });
- it('external storage root folder', function () {
- var $tr;
- OC.Share.statuses = {1: {link: false, path: '/subdir'}};
- fileList.setFiles([{
- id: 1,
- type: 'dir',
- name: 'One.txt',
- path: '/subdir',
- mimetype: 'text/plain',
- size: 12,
- permissions: OC.PERMISSION_READ,
- sharePermissions: OC.PERMISSION_READ,
- etag: 'abc',
- shareOwner: 'User One',
- recipients: 'User Two',
- mountType: 'external-root',
- sharePermissions: OC.PERMISSION_READ,
- }]);
- $tr = fileList.$el.find('tr:first');
- expect(parseInt($tr.attr('data-share-permissions'), 10)).toEqual(OC.PERMISSION_READ);
- });
- it('external storage root folder reshare', function () {
- var $tr;
- OC.Share.statuses = {1: {link: false, path: '/subdir'}};
- fileList.setFiles([{
- id: 1,
- type: 'dir',
- name: 'One.txt',
- path: '/subdir',
- mimetype: 'text/plain',
- size: 12,
- etag: 'abc',
- shareOwner: 'User One',
- recipients: 'User Two',
- mountType: 'external-root',
- }]);
- $tr = fileList.$el.find('tr:first');
- expect(parseInt($tr.attr('data-share-permissions'), 10)).toEqual(OC.PERMISSION_READ + OC.PERMISSION_SHARE);
- });
- it('external storage root folder file', function () {
- var $tr;
- OC.Share.statuses = {1: {link: false, path: '/subdir'}};
- fileList.setFiles([{
- id: 1,
- type: 'file',
- name: 'One.txt',
- path: '/subdir',
- mimetype: 'text/plain',
- size: 12,
- permissions: OC.PERMISSION_READ,
- sharePermissions: OC.PERMISSION_READ,
- etag: 'abc',
- shareOwner: 'User One',
- recipients: 'User Two',
- mountType: 'external-root'
- }]);
- $tr = fileList.$el.find('tr:first');
- expect(parseInt($tr.attr('data-share-permissions'), 10))
- });
- });