path: root/apps/files_sharing
diff options
authorVincent Petry <>2021-07-05 16:07:02 +0200
committerVincent Petry <>2021-07-27 12:19:26 +0200
commit15f41a6b727ba437536fc727778cc41ca710d0d5 (patch)
tree00e29e357b98b4f28a9798b5086fadf46b8c93a7 /apps/files_sharing
parentc1563215e6916b7e44afa464adbbe60ad3af2755 (diff)
Fix remote group share API interactions
Accepting and declining can now be done repeatedly on both the parent group share and sub-share with the same effects. Added unit tests to cover these cases, and also when the same operation is repeated. Signed-off-by: Vincent Petry <>
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files_sharing')
2 files changed, 199 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/lib/External/Manager.php b/apps/files_sharing/lib/External/Manager.php
index b67ca675c31..082e1adef8a 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/lib/External/Manager.php
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/lib/External/Manager.php
@@ -238,6 +238,20 @@ class Manager {
return $share;
+ private function fetchUserShare($parentId, $uid) {
+ $getShare = $this->connection->prepare('
+ SELECT `id`, `remote`, `remote_id`, `share_token`, `name`, `owner`, `user`, `mountpoint`, `accepted`, `parent`, `share_type`, `password`, `mountpoint_hash`
+ FROM `*PREFIX*share_external`
+ WHERE `parent` = ? AND `user` = ?');
+ $result = $getShare->execute([$parentId, $uid]);
+ $share = $result->fetch();
+ $result->closeCursor();
+ if ($share !== false) {
+ return $share;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
* get share
@@ -311,9 +325,15 @@ class Manager {
} else {
$parentId = (int)$share['parent'];
if ($parentId !== -1) {
- // this is the sub-share, simply update it to re-accept
+ // this is the sub-share
+ $subshare = $share;
+ } else {
+ $subshare = $this->fetchUserShare($id, $this->uid);
+ }
+ if ($subshare !== null) {
try {
- $this->updateAccepted((int)$share['id'], true);
+ $this->updateAccepted((int)$subshare['id'], true);
$result = true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
@@ -372,13 +392,17 @@ class Manager {
$result = true;
} elseif ($share && (int)$share['share_type'] === IShare::TYPE_GROUP) {
- $parent = (int)$share['parent'];
- // can only decline an already accepted/mounted group share,
- // check if this is the sub-share entry
- if ($parent !== -1) {
+ $parentId = (int)$share['parent'];
+ if ($parentId !== -1) {
+ // this is the sub-share
+ $subshare = $share;
+ } else {
+ $subshare = $this->fetchUserShare($id, $this->uid);
+ }
+ if ($subshare !== null) {
try {
- // this is the sub-share, simply update it to decline
- $this->updateAccepted((int)$share['id'], false);
+ $this->updateAccepted((int)$subshare['id'], false);
$result = true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
@@ -566,6 +590,10 @@ class Manager {
public function removeShare($mountPoint): bool {
$mountPointObj = $this->mountManager->find($mountPoint);
+ if ($mountPointObj === null) {
+ $this->logger->error('Mount point to remove share not found', ['mountPoint' => $mountPoint]);
+ return false;
+ }
$id = $mountPointObj->getStorage()->getCache()->getId('');
$mountPoint = $this->stripPath($mountPoint);
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/tests/External/ManagerTest.php b/apps/files_sharing/tests/External/ManagerTest.php
index 1b8b3e1cf4b..6dc9ced87a7 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/tests/External/ManagerTest.php
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/tests/External/ManagerTest.php
@@ -114,6 +114,9 @@ class ManagerTest extends TestCase {
+ $logger = $this->createMock(ILogger::class);
+ $logger->expects($this->never())->method('logException');
$this->manager = $this->getMockBuilder(Manager::class)
@@ -129,7 +132,7 @@ class ManagerTest extends TestCase {
- $this->createMock(ILogger::class),
+ $logger,
@@ -156,6 +159,7 @@ class ManagerTest extends TestCase {
private function setupMounts() {
+ $this->mountManager->clear();
$mounts = $this->testMountProvider->getMountsForUser($this->user, new StorageFactory());
foreach ($mounts as $mount) {
@@ -248,7 +252,7 @@ class ManagerTest extends TestCase {
// Accept the first share
- $this->manager->acceptShare($openShares[0]['id']);
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->acceptShare($openShares[0]['id']));
// Check remaining shares - Accepted
$acceptedShares = self::invokePrivate($this->manager, 'getShares', [true]);
@@ -304,7 +308,7 @@ class ManagerTest extends TestCase {
// Decline the third share
- $this->manager->declineShare($openShares[1]['id']);
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->declineShare($openShares[1]['id']));
@@ -380,6 +384,162 @@ class ManagerTest extends TestCase {
$this->assertNotMount('{{TemporaryMountPointName#' . $shareData1['name'] . '}}-1');
+ private function verifyAcceptedGroupShare($shareData) {
+ $openShares = $this->manager->getOpenShares();
+ $this->assertCount(0, $openShares);
+ $acceptedShares = self::invokePrivate($this->manager, 'getShares', [true]);
+ $this->assertCount(1, $acceptedShares);
+ $shareData['accepted'] = true;
+ $this->assertExternalShareEntry($shareData, $acceptedShares[0], 0, $shareData['name'], $this->uid);
+ $this->setupMounts();
+ $this->assertMount($shareData['name']);
+ }
+ private function verifyDeclinedGroupShare($shareData, $tempMount = null) {
+ if ($tempMount === null) {
+ $tempMount = '{{TemporaryMountPointName#/SharedFolder}}';
+ }
+ $openShares = $this->manager->getOpenShares();
+ $this->assertCount(1, $openShares);
+ $acceptedShares = self::invokePrivate($this->manager, 'getShares', [true]);
+ $this->assertCount(0, $acceptedShares);
+ $this->assertExternalShareEntry($shareData, $openShares[0], 0, $tempMount, $this->uid);
+ $this->setupMounts();
+ $this->assertNotMount($shareData['name']);
+ $this->assertNotMount($tempMount);
+ }
+ private function createTestGroupShare() {
+ $shareData = [
+ 'remote' => 'http://localhost',
+ 'token' => 'token1',
+ 'password' => '',
+ 'name' => '/SharedFolder',
+ 'owner' => 'foobar',
+ 'shareType' => IShare::TYPE_GROUP,
+ 'accepted' => false,
+ 'user' => 'group1',
+ 'remoteId' => '2342'
+ ];
+ $this->assertSame(null, call_user_func_array([$this->manager, 'addShare'], $shareData));
+ $allShares = self::invokePrivate($this->manager, 'getShares', [null]);
+ $this->assertCount(1, $allShares);
+ // this will hold the main group entry
+ $groupShare = $allShares[0];
+ return [$shareData, $groupShare];
+ }
+ public function testAcceptOriginalGroupShare() {
+ [$shareData, $groupShare] = $this->createTestGroupShare();
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->acceptShare($groupShare['id']));
+ $this->verifyAcceptedGroupShare($shareData);
+ // a second time
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->acceptShare($groupShare['id']));
+ $this->verifyAcceptedGroupShare($shareData);
+ }
+ public function testAcceptGroupShareAgainThroughGroupShare() {
+ [$shareData, $groupShare] = $this->createTestGroupShare();
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->acceptShare($groupShare['id']));
+ $this->verifyAcceptedGroupShare($shareData);
+ // decline again, this keeps the sub-share
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->declineShare($groupShare['id']));
+ $this->verifyDeclinedGroupShare($shareData, '/SharedFolder');
+ // this will return sub-entries
+ $openShares = $this->manager->getOpenShares();
+ // accept through sub-share
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->acceptShare($groupShare['id']));
+ $this->verifyAcceptedGroupShare($shareData, '/SharedFolder');
+ // accept a second time
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->acceptShare($groupShare['id']));
+ $this->verifyAcceptedGroupShare($shareData, '/SharedFolder');
+ }
+ public function testAcceptGroupShareAgainThroughSubShare() {
+ [$shareData, $groupShare] = $this->createTestGroupShare();
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->acceptShare($groupShare['id']));
+ $this->verifyAcceptedGroupShare($shareData);
+ // decline again, this keeps the sub-share
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->declineShare($groupShare['id']));
+ $this->verifyDeclinedGroupShare($shareData, '/SharedFolder');
+ // this will return sub-entries
+ $openShares = $this->manager->getOpenShares();
+ // accept through sub-share
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->acceptShare($openShares[0]['id']));
+ $this->verifyAcceptedGroupShare($shareData);
+ // accept a second time
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->acceptShare($openShares[0]['id']));
+ $this->verifyAcceptedGroupShare($shareData);
+ }
+ public function testDeclineOriginalGroupShare() {
+ [$shareData, $groupShare] = $this->createTestGroupShare();
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->declineShare($groupShare['id']));
+ $this->verifyDeclinedGroupShare($shareData);
+ // a second time
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->declineShare($groupShare['id']));
+ $this->verifyDeclinedGroupShare($shareData);
+ }
+ public function testDeclineGroupShareAgainThroughGroupShare() {
+ [$shareData, $groupShare] = $this->createTestGroupShare();
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->acceptShare($groupShare['id']));
+ $this->verifyAcceptedGroupShare($shareData);
+ // decline again, this keeps the sub-share
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->declineShare($groupShare['id']));
+ $this->verifyDeclinedGroupShare($shareData, '/SharedFolder');
+ // a second time
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->declineShare($groupShare['id']));
+ $this->verifyDeclinedGroupShare($shareData, '/SharedFolder');
+ }
+ public function testDeclineGroupShareAgainThroughSubshare() {
+ [$shareData, $groupShare] = $this->createTestGroupShare();
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->acceptShare($groupShare['id']));
+ $this->verifyAcceptedGroupShare($shareData);
+ // this will return sub-entries
+ $allShares = self::invokePrivate($this->manager, 'getShares', [null]);
+ $this->assertCount(1, $allShares);
+ // decline again through sub-share
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->declineShare($allShares[0]['id']));
+ $this->verifyDeclinedGroupShare($shareData, '/SharedFolder');
+ // a second time
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->declineShare($allShares[0]['id']));
+ $this->verifyDeclinedGroupShare($shareData, '/SharedFolder');
+ }
+ public function testDeclineGroupShareAgainThroughMountPoint() {
+ [$shareData, $groupShare] = $this->createTestGroupShare();
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->acceptShare($groupShare['id']));
+ $this->verifyAcceptedGroupShare($shareData);
+ // decline through mount point name
+ $this->assertTrue($this->manager->removeShare($this->uid . '/files/' . $shareData['name']));
+ $this->verifyDeclinedGroupShare($shareData, '/SharedFolder');
+ // second time must fail as the mount point is gone
+ $this->assertFalse($this->manager->removeShare($this->uid . '/files/' . $shareData['name']));
+ }
* @param array $expected
* @param array $actual