path: root/apps/files_trashbin/lib
diff options
authorFlorin Peter <>2013-05-01 01:38:06 +0200
committerFlorin Peter <>2013-05-01 01:38:06 +0200
commit3c100af1329c1c101f38f23f2d74710954387fdf (patch)
tree9b8dff5ea23da3ca6ed6984f8cec741143e42833 /apps/files_trashbin/lib
parent5deba29bdfedc3ee2babece9eafff0bb709cd90c (diff)
revert changes to fbbc76f281f50afa3072d99e4e0d413df835b3d3 because master is very unstable right now
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files_trashbin/lib')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 309 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files_trashbin/lib/trash.php b/apps/files_trashbin/lib/trash.php
index 88c71a75ab0..f0b56eef014 100644
--- a/apps/files_trashbin/lib/trash.php
+++ b/apps/files_trashbin/lib/trash.php
@@ -39,15 +39,14 @@ class Trashbin {
$view = new \OC\Files\View('/'. $user);
if (!$view->is_dir('files_trashbin')) {
- $view->mkdir('files_trashbin/files');
- $view->mkdir('files_trashbin/versions');
- $view->mkdir('files_trashbin/keyfiles');
- $view->mkdir('files_trashbin/share-keys');
+ $view->mkdir("files_trashbin/files");
+ $view->mkdir("files_trashbin/versions");
+ $view->mkdir("files_trashbin/keyfiles");
$path_parts = pathinfo($file_path);
- $filename = $path_parts['basename'];
+ $deleted = $path_parts['basename'];
$location = $path_parts['dirname'];
$timestamp = time();
$mime = $view->getMimeType('files'.$file_path);
@@ -63,24 +62,45 @@ class Trashbin {
$trashbinSize = self::calculateSize(new \OC\Files\View('/'. $user.'/files_trashbin'));
- $sizeOfAddedFiles = self::copy_recursive($file_path, 'files_trashbin/files/'.$filename.'.d'.$timestamp, $view);
- if ( $view->file_exists('files_trashbin/files/'.$filename.'.d'.$timestamp) ) {
+ $sizeOfAddedFiles = self::copy_recursive($file_path, 'files_trashbin/files/'.$deleted.'.d'.$timestamp, $view);
+ if ( $view->file_exists('files_trashbin/files/'.$deleted.'.d'.$timestamp) ) {
$trashbinSize += $sizeOfAddedFiles;
$query = \OC_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*files_trash` (`id`,`timestamp`,`location`,`type`,`mime`,`user`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)");
- $result = $query->execute(array($filename, $timestamp, $location, $type, $mime, $user));
+ $result = $query->execute(array($deleted, $timestamp, $location, $type, $mime, $user));
if ( !$result ) { // if file couldn't be added to the database than also don't store it in the trash bin.
- $view->deleteAll('files_trashbin/files/'.$filename.'.d'.$timestamp);
+ $view->deleteAll('files_trashbin/files/'.$deleted.'.d'.$timestamp);
\OC_Log::write('files_trashbin', 'trash bin database couldn\'t be updated', \OC_log::ERROR);
\OCP\Util::emitHook('\OCA\Files_Trashbin\Trashbin', 'post_moveToTrash',
array('filePath' => \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath($file_path),
- 'trashPath' => \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath($filename.'.d'.$timestamp)));
- $trashbinSize += self::retainVersions($view, $file_path, $filename, $timestamp);
- $trashbinSize += self::retainEncryptionKeys($view, $file_path, $filename, $timestamp);
+ 'trashPath' => \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath($deleted.'.d'.$timestamp)));
+ // Take care of file versions
+ if ( \OCP\App::isEnabled('files_versions') ) {
+ if ( $view->is_dir('files_versions/'.$file_path) ) {
+ $trashbinSize += self::calculateSize(new \OC\Files\View('/'. $user.'/files_versions/'.$file_path));
+ $view->rename('files_versions/'.$file_path, 'files_trashbin/versions'. $deleted.'.d'.$timestamp);
+ } else if ( $versions = \OCA\Files_Versions\Storage::getVersions($user, $file_path) ) {
+ foreach ($versions as $v) {
+ $trashbinSize += $view->filesize('files_versions'.$v['path'].'.v'.$v['version']);
+ $view->rename('files_versions'.$v['path'].'.v'.$v['version'], 'files_trashbin/versions/'. $deleted.'.v'.$v['version'].'.d'.$timestamp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Take care of encryption keys
+ $keyfile = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('files_encryption/keyfiles/'.$file_path);
+ if ( \OCP\App::isEnabled('files_encryption') && $view->file_exists($keyfile.'.key') ) {
+ if ( $view->is_dir('files'.$file_path) ) {
+ $trashbinSize += self::calculateSize(new \OC\Files\View('/'.$user.'/'.$keyfile));
+ $view->rename($keyfile, 'files_trashbin/keyfiles/'. $deleted.'.d'.$timestamp);
+ } else {
+ $trashbinSize += $view->filesize($keyfile.'.key');
+ $view->rename($keyfile.'.key', 'files_trashbin/keyfiles/'. $deleted.'.key.d'.$timestamp);
+ }
+ }
} else {
\OC_Log::write('files_trashbin', 'Couldn\'t move '.$file_path.' to the trash bin', \OC_log::ERROR);
@@ -91,134 +111,15 @@ class Trashbin {
- /**
- * Move file versions to trash so that they can be restored later
- *
- * @param \OC\Files\View $view
- * @param $file_path path to original file
- * @param $filename of deleted file
- * @param $timestamp when the file was deleted
- *
- * @return size of stored versions
- */
- private static function retainVersions($view, $file_path, $filename, $timestamp) {
- $size = 0;
- if (\OCP\App::isEnabled('files_versions')) {
- // disable proxy to prevent recursive calls
- $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
- $user = \OCP\User::getUser();
- if ($view->is_dir('files_versions/' . $file_path)) {
- $size += self::calculateSize(new \OC\Files\View('/' . $user . '/files_versions/' . $file_path));
- $view->rename('files_versions/' . $file_path, 'files_trashbin/versions/' . $filename . '.d' . $timestamp);
- } else if ($versions = \OCA\Files_Versions\Storage::getVersions($user, $file_path)) {
- foreach ($versions as $v) {
- $size += $view->filesize('files_versions' . $v['path'] . '.v' . $v['version']);
- $view->rename('files_versions' . $v['path'] . '.v' . $v['version'], 'files_trashbin/versions/' . $filename . '.v' . $v['version'] . '.d' . $timestamp);
- }
- }
- // enable proxy
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
- }
- return $size;
- }
- /**
- * Move encryption keys to trash so that they can be restored later
- *
- * @param \OC\Files\View $view
- * @param $file_path path to original file
- * @param $filename of deleted file
- * @param $timestamp when the file was deleted
- *
- * @return size of encryption keys
- */
- private static function retainEncryptionKeys($view, $file_path, $filename, $timestamp) {
- $size = 0;
- if (\OCP\App::isEnabled('files_encryption')) {
- $user = \OCP\User::getUser();
- // disable proxy to prevent recursive calls
- $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
- // retain key files
- $keyfile = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $file_path);
- if ($view->is_dir($keyfile) || $view->file_exists($keyfile . '.key')) {
- $user = \OCP\User::getUser();
- // move keyfiles
- if ($view->is_dir($keyfile)) {
- $size += self::calculateSize(new \OC\Files\View('/' . $user . '/' . $keyfile));
- $view->rename($keyfile, 'files_trashbin/keyfiles/' . $filename . '.d' . $timestamp);
- } else {
- $size += $view->filesize($keyfile . '.key');
- $view->rename($keyfile . '.key', 'files_trashbin/keyfiles/' . $filename . '.key.d' . $timestamp);
- }
- }
- // retain share keys
- $sharekeys = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('files_encryption/share-keys/' . $file_path);
- if ($view->is_dir($sharekeys)) {
- $size += self::calculateSize(new \OC\Files\View('/' . $user . '/' . $sharekeys));
- $view->rename($sharekeys, 'files_trashbin/share-keys/' . $filename . '.d' . $timestamp);
- } else {
- // get local path to share-keys
- $localShareKeysPath = $view->getLocalFile($sharekeys);
- // handle share-keys
- $matches = glob(preg_quote($localShareKeysPath).'*.shareKey');
- foreach ($matches as $src) {
- // get source file parts
- $pathinfo = pathinfo($src);
- // we only want to keep the owners key so we can access the private key
- $ownerShareKey = $filename . '.' . $user. '.shareKey';
- // if we found the share-key for the owner, we need to move it to files_trashbin
- if($pathinfo['basename'] == $ownerShareKey) {
- // calculate size
- $size += $view->filesize($sharekeys. '.' . $user. '.shareKey');
- // move file
- $view->rename($sharekeys. '.' . $user. '.shareKey', 'files_trashbin/share-keys/' . $ownerShareKey . '.d' . $timestamp);
- } else {
- // calculate size
- $size += filesize($src);
- // don't keep other share-keys
- unlink($src);
- }
- }
- }
- // enable proxy
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
- }
- return $size;
- }
* restore files from trash bin
* @param $file path to the deleted file
* @param $filename name of the file
* @param $timestamp time when the file was deleted
- *
- * @return bool
- */
+ */
public static function restore($file, $filename, $timestamp) {
- $user = \OCP\User::getUser();
+ $user = \OCP\User::getUser();
$view = new \OC\Files\View('/'.$user);
$trashbinSize = self::getTrashbinSize($user);
@@ -256,17 +157,8 @@ class Trashbin {
// we need a extension in case a file/dir with the same name already exists
$ext = self::getUniqueExtension($location, $filename, $view);
$mtime = $view->filemtime($source);
- // disable proxy to prevent recursive calls
- $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
- // restore file
- $restoreResult = $view->rename($source, $target.$ext);
- // handle the restore result
- if( $restoreResult ) {
- $view->touch($target.$ext, $mtime);
+ if( $view->rename($source, $target.$ext) ) {
+ $view->touch($target.$ext, $mtime);
\OCP\Util::emitHook('\OCA\Files_Trashbin\Trashbin', 'post_restore',
array('filePath' => \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('/'.$location.'/'.$filename.$ext),
'trashPath' => \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath($file)));
@@ -275,183 +167,68 @@ class Trashbin {
} else {
$trashbinSize -= $view->filesize($target.$ext);
- $trashbinSize -= self::restoreVersions($view, $file, $filename, $ext, $location, $timestamp);
- $trashbinSize -= self::restoreEncryptionKeys($view, $file, $filename, $ext, $location, $timestamp);
+ // if versioning app is enabled, copy versions from the trash bin back to the original location
+ if ( \OCP\App::isEnabled('files_versions') ) {
+ if ($timestamp ) {
+ $versionedFile = $filename;
+ } else {
+ $versionedFile = $file;
+ }
+ if ( $result[0]['type'] === 'dir' ) {
+ $trashbinSize -= self::calculateSize(new \OC\Files\View('/'.$user.'/'.'files_trashbin/versions/'. $file));
+ $view->rename(\OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('files_trashbin/versions/'. $file), \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('files_versions/'.$location.'/'.$filename.$ext));
+ } else if ( $versions = self::getVersionsFromTrash($versionedFile, $timestamp) ) {
+ foreach ($versions as $v) {
+ if ($timestamp ) {
+ $trashbinSize -= $view->filesize('files_trashbin/versions/'.$versionedFile.'.v'.$v.'.d'.$timestamp);
+ $view->rename('files_trashbin/versions/'.$versionedFile.'.v'.$v.'.d'.$timestamp, 'files_versions/'.$location.'/'.$filename.$ext.'.v'.$v);
+ } else {
+ $trashbinSize -= $view->filesize('files_trashbin/versions/'.$versionedFile.'.v'.$v);
+ $view->rename('files_trashbin/versions/'.$versionedFile.'.v'.$v, 'files_versions/'.$location.'/'.$filename.$ext.'.v'.$v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Take care of encryption keys TODO! Get '.key' in file between file name and delete date (also for permanent delete!)
+ $parts = pathinfo($file);
+ if ( $result[0]['type'] === 'dir' ) {
+ $keyfile = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('files_trashbin/keyfiles/'.$parts['dirname'].'/'.$filename);
+ } else {
+ $keyfile = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('files_trashbin/keyfiles/'.$parts['dirname'].'/'.$filename.'.key');
+ }
+ if ($timestamp) {
+ $keyfile .= '.d'.$timestamp;
+ }
+ if ( \OCP\App::isEnabled('files_encryption') && $view->file_exists($keyfile) ) {
+ if ( $result[0]['type'] === 'dir' ) {
+ $trashbinSize -= self::calculateSize(new \OC\Files\View('/'.$user.'/'.$keyfile));
+ $view->rename($keyfile, 'files_encryption/keyfiles/'. $location.'/'.$filename);
+ } else {
+ $trashbinSize -= $view->filesize($keyfile);
+ $view->rename($keyfile, 'files_encryption/keyfiles/'. $location.'/'.$filename.'.key');
+ }
+ }
if ( $timestamp ) {
$query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*files_trash` WHERE `user`=? AND `id`=? AND `timestamp`=?');
self::setTrashbinSize($user, $trashbinSize);
- // enable proxy
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
return true;
+ } else {
+ \OC_Log::write('files_trashbin', 'Couldn\'t restore file from trash bin, '.$filename, \OC_log::ERROR);
- // enable proxy
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
return false;
- /**
- * @brief restore versions from trash bin
- *
- * @param \OC\Files\View $view file view
- * @param $file complete path to file
- * @param $filename name of file
- * @param $ext file extension in case a file with the same $filename already exists
- * @param $location location if file
- * @param $timestamp deleteion time
- *
- * @return size of restored versions
- */
- private static function restoreVersions($view, $file, $filename, $ext, $location, $timestamp) {
- $size = 0;
- if (\OCP\App::isEnabled('files_versions')) {
- // disable proxy to prevent recursive calls
- $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
- $user = \OCP\User::getUser();
- if ($timestamp) {
- $versionedFile = $filename;
- } else {
- $versionedFile = $file;
- }
- if ($view->is_dir('/files_trashbin/versions/'.$file)) {
- $size += self::calculateSize(new \OC\Files\View('/' . $user . '/' . 'files_trashbin/versions/' . $file));
- $view->rename(\OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('files_trashbin/versions/' . $file), \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('files_versions/' . $location . '/' . $filename . $ext));
- } else if ($versions = self::getVersionsFromTrash($versionedFile, $timestamp)) {
- foreach ($versions as $v) {
- if ($timestamp) {
- $size += $view->filesize('files_trashbin/versions/' . $versionedFile . '.v' . $v . '.d' . $timestamp);
- $view->rename('files_trashbin/versions/' . $versionedFile . '.v' . $v . '.d' . $timestamp, 'files_versions/' . $location . '/' . $filename . $ext . '.v' . $v);
- } else {
- $size += $view->filesize('files_trashbin/versions/' . $versionedFile . '.v' . $v);
- $view->rename('files_trashbin/versions/' . $versionedFile . '.v' . $v, 'files_versions/' . $location . '/' . $filename . $ext . '.v' . $v);
- }
- }
- }
- // enable proxy
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
- }
- return $size;
- }
- /**
- * @brief restore encryption keys from trash bin
- *
- * @param \OC\Files\View $view
- * @param $file complete path to file
- * @param $filename name of file
- * @param $ext file extension in case a file with the same $filename already exists
- * @param $location location if file
- * @param $timestamp deleteion time
- *
- * @return size of restored encrypted file
- */
- private static function restoreEncryptionKeys($view, $file, $filename, $ext, $location, $timestamp) {
- // Take care of encryption keys TODO! Get '.key' in file between file name and delete date (also for permanent delete!)
- $size = 0;
- if (\OCP\App::isEnabled('files_encryption')) {
- $user = \OCP\User::getUser();
- $path_parts = pathinfo($file);
- $source_location = $path_parts['dirname'];
- if ($view->is_dir('/files_trashbin/keyfiles/'.$file)) {
- if($source_location != '.') {
- $keyfile = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('files_trashbin/keyfiles/' . $source_location . '/' . $filename);
- $sharekey = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('files_trashbin/share-keys/' . $source_location . '/' . $filename);
- } else {
- $keyfile = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('files_trashbin/keyfiles/' . $filename);
- $sharekey = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('files_trashbin/share-keys/' . $filename);
- }
- } else {
- $keyfile = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('files_trashbin/keyfiles/' . $source_location . '/' . $filename . '.key');
- }
- if ($timestamp) {
- $keyfile .= '.d' . $timestamp;
- }
- // disable proxy to prevent recursive calls
- $proxyStatus = \OC_FileProxy::$enabled;
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = false;
- if ($view->file_exists($keyfile)) {
- // handle directory
- if ($view->is_dir($keyfile)) {
- // handle keyfiles
- $size += self::calculateSize(new \OC\Files\View('/' . $user . '/' . $keyfile));
- $view->rename($keyfile, 'files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $location . '/' . $filename . $ext);
- // handle share-keys
- if ($timestamp) {
- $sharekey .= '.d' . $timestamp;
- }
- $view->rename($sharekey, 'files_encryption/share-keys/' . $location . '/' . $filename . $ext);
- } else {
- // handle keyfiles
- $size += $view->filesize($keyfile);
- $view->rename($keyfile, 'files_encryption/keyfiles/' . $location . '/' . $filename . $ext . '.key');
- // handle share-keys
- $ownerShareKey = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('files_trashbin/share-keys/' . $source_location . '/' . $filename . '.' . $user. '.shareKey');
- if ($timestamp) {
- $ownerShareKey .= '.d' . $timestamp;
- }
- $size += $view->filesize($ownerShareKey);
- // move only owners key
- $view->rename($ownerShareKey, 'files_encryption/share-keys/' . $location . '/' . $filename . $ext . '.' . $user. '.shareKey');
- // try to re-share if file is shared
- $filesystemView = new \OC_FilesystemView('/');
- $session = new \OCA\Encryption\Session($filesystemView);
- $util = new \OCA\Encryption\Util($filesystemView, $user);
- // fix the file size
- $absolutePath = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath('/' . $user . '/files/'. $location. '/' .$filename);
- $util->fixFileSize($absolutePath);
- // get current sharing state
- $sharingEnabled = \OCP\Share::isEnabled();
- // get the final filename
- $target = \OC\Files\Filesystem::normalizePath($location.'/'.$filename);
- // get users sharing this file
- $usersSharing = $util->getSharingUsersArray($sharingEnabled, $target.$ext, $user);
- // Attempt to set shareKey
- $util->setSharedFileKeyfiles($session, $usersSharing, $target.$ext);
- }
- }
- // enable proxy
- \OC_FileProxy::$enabled = $proxyStatus;
- }
- return $size;
- }
- * @brief delete file from trash bin permanently
- *
+ * delete file from trash bin permanently
* @param $filename path to the file
* @param $timestamp of deletion time
- *
* @return size of deleted files
public static function delete($filename, $timestamp=null) {