path: root/apps/files_trashbin/tests
diff options
authorJohn Molakvoæ <skjnldsv@protonmail.com>2023-01-13 17:32:57 +0100
committerJohn Molakvoæ <skjnldsv@protonmail.com>2023-04-06 14:49:29 +0200
commit29a7f7f6efd2a9791fdcfb9f9f7e862bafd8da82 (patch)
tree720d2c59461777dd8a4a4d57d06738ce55066f22 /apps/files_trashbin/tests
parent8eb95052945c478a71d910090c7b1105f9256a4e (diff)
feat(files_trashbin): migrate to vue
Signed-off-by: John Molakvoæ <skjnldsv@protonmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/files_trashbin/tests')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 467 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files_trashbin/tests/js/appSpec.js b/apps/files_trashbin/tests/js/appSpec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 281e7bbc2ba..00000000000
--- a/apps/files_trashbin/tests/js/appSpec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-* @copyright 2014 Vincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com>
- *
- * @author Vincent Petry <vincent@nextcloud.com>
- *
- * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- */
-describe('OCA.Trashbin.App tests', function() {
- var App = OCA.Trashbin.App;
- beforeEach(function() {
- $('#testArea').append(
- '<div id="app-navigation">' +
- '<ul><li data-id="files"><a>Files</a></li>' +
- '<li data-id="trashbin"><a>Trashbin</a></li>' +
- '</div>' +
- '<div id="app-content">' +
- '<div id="app-content-files" class="hidden">' +
- '</div>' +
- '<div id="app-content-trashbin" class="hidden">' +
- '</div>' +
- '</div>' +
- '</div>'
- );
- App.initialize($('#app-content-trashbin'));
- });
- afterEach(function() {
- App._initialized = false;
- App.fileList = null;
- });
- describe('initialization', function() {
- it('creates a custom filelist instance', function() {
- App.initialize();
- expect(App.fileList).toBeDefined();
- expect(App.fileList.$el.is('#app-content-trashbin')).toEqual(true);
- });
- it('registers custom file actions', function() {
- var fileActions;
- App.initialize();
- fileActions = App.fileList.fileActions;
- expect(fileActions.actions.all).toBeDefined();
- expect(fileActions.actions.all.Restore).toBeDefined();
- expect(fileActions.actions.all.Delete).toBeDefined();
- expect(fileActions.actions.all.Rename).not.toBeDefined();
- expect(fileActions.actions.all.Download).not.toBeDefined();
- expect(fileActions.defaults.dir).toEqual('Open');
- });
- });
diff --git a/apps/files_trashbin/tests/js/filelistSpec.js b/apps/files_trashbin/tests/js/filelistSpec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e27188efb8..00000000000
--- a/apps/files_trashbin/tests/js/filelistSpec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
- * @copyright 2014 Vincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com>
- *
- * @author Abijeet <abijeetpatro@gmail.com>
- * @author Christoph Wurst <christoph@winzerhof-wurst.at>
- * @author Jan C. Borchardt <hey@jancborchardt.net>
- * @author Jan-Christoph Borchardt <hey@jancborchardt.net>
- * @author John Molakvoæ <skjnldsv@protonmail.com>
- * @author Robin Appelman <robin@icewind.nl>
- * @author Vincent Petry <vincent@nextcloud.com>
- *
- * @license AGPL-3.0-or-later
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
- * License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- */
-describe('OCA.Trashbin.FileList tests', function () {
- var testFiles, alertStub, notificationStub, fileList, client;
- beforeEach(function () {
- alertStub = sinon.stub(OC.dialogs, 'alert');
- notificationStub = sinon.stub(OC.Notification, 'show');
- client = new OC.Files.Client({
- host: 'localhost',
- port: 80,
- root: '/remote.php/dav/trashbin/user',
- useHTTPS: OC.getProtocol() === 'https'
- });
- // init parameters and test table elements
- $('#testArea').append(
- '<div id="app-content">' +
- // set this but it shouldn't be used (could be the one from the
- // files app)
- '<input type="hidden" id="permissions" value="31"></input>' +
- // dummy controls
- '<div class="files-controls">' +
- ' <div class="actions creatable"></div>' +
- ' <div class="notCreatable"></div>' +
- '</div>' +
- // dummy table
- // TODO: at some point this will be rendered by the fileList class itself!
- '<table class="files-filestable list-container view-grid">' +
- '<thead><tr><th class="hidden column-name">' +
- '<input type="checkbox" id="select_all_trash" class="select-all">' +
- '<span class="name">Name</span>' +
- '<span class="selectedActions hidden">' +
- '<a href="" class="actions-selected"><span class="icon icon-more"></span><span>Actions</span>' +
- '</span>' +
- '</th></tr></thead>' +
- '<tbody class="files-fileList"></tbody>' +
- '<tfoot></tfoot>' +
- '</table>' +
- '<div class="emptyfilelist emptycontent">Empty content message</div>' +
- '</div>'
- );
- testFiles = [{
- id: 1,
- type: 'file',
- name: 'One.txt.d11111',
- displayName: 'One.txt',
- mtime: 11111000,
- mimetype: 'text/plain',
- etag: 'abc'
- }, {
- id: 2,
- type: 'file',
- name: 'Two.jpg.d22222',
- displayName: 'Two.jpg',
- mtime: 22222000,
- mimetype: 'image/jpeg',
- etag: 'def',
- }, {
- id: 3,
- type: 'file',
- name: 'Three.pdf.d33333',
- displayName: 'Three.pdf',
- mtime: 33333000,
- mimetype: 'application/pdf',
- etag: '123',
- }, {
- id: 4,
- type: 'dir',
- mtime: 99999000,
- name: 'somedir.d99999',
- displayName: 'somedir',
- mimetype: 'httpd/unix-directory',
- etag: '456'
- }];
- // register file actions like the trashbin App does
- var fileActions = OCA.Trashbin.App._createFileActions(fileList);
- fileList = new OCA.Trashbin.FileList(
- $('#app-content'), {
- fileActions: fileActions,
- multiSelectMenu: [{
- name: 'restore',
- displayName: t('files', 'Restore'),
- iconClass: 'icon-history',
- },
- {
- name: 'delete',
- displayName: t('files', 'Delete'),
- iconClass: 'icon-delete',
- }
- ],
- client: client
- }
- );
- });
- afterEach(function () {
- testFiles = undefined;
- fileList.destroy();
- fileList = undefined;
- notificationStub.restore();
- alertStub.restore();
- });
- describe('Initialization', function () {
- it('Sorts by mtime by default', function () {
- expect(fileList._sort).toEqual('mtime');
- expect(fileList._sortDirection).toEqual('desc');
- });
- it('Always returns read and delete permission', function () {
- expect(fileList.getDirectoryPermissions()).toEqual(OC.PERMISSION_READ | OC.PERMISSION_DELETE);
- });
- });
- describe('Breadcrumbs', function () {
- beforeEach(function () {
- var data = {
- status: 'success',
- data: {
- files: testFiles,
- permissions: 1
- }
- };
- fakeServer.respondWith(/\/index\.php\/apps\/files_trashbin\/ajax\/list.php\?dir=%2Fsubdir/, [
- 200, {
- "Content-Type": "application/json"
- },
- JSON.stringify(data)
- ]);
- });
- it('links the breadcrumb to the trashbin view', function () {
- fileList.changeDirectory('/subdir', false, true);
- fakeServer.respond();
- var $crumbs = fileList.$el.find('.files-controls .crumb');
- expect($crumbs.length).toEqual(3);
- expect($crumbs.eq(1).find('a').text()).toEqual('Home');
- expect($crumbs.eq(1).find('a').attr('href'))
- .toEqual(OC.getRootPath() + '/index.php/apps/files?view=trashbin&dir=/');
- expect($crumbs.eq(2).find('a').text()).toEqual('subdir');
- expect($crumbs.eq(2).find('a').attr('href'))
- .toEqual(OC.getRootPath() + '/index.php/apps/files?view=trashbin&dir=/subdir');
- });
- });
- describe('Rendering rows', function () {
- it('renders rows with the correct data when in root', function () {
- // dir listing is false when in root
- fileList.setFiles(testFiles);
- var $rows = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr');
- var $tr = $rows.eq(0);
- expect($rows.length).toEqual(4);
- expect($tr.attr('data-id')).toEqual('1');
- expect($tr.attr('data-type')).toEqual('file');
- expect($tr.attr('data-file')).toEqual('One.txt.d11111');
- expect($tr.attr('data-size')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-etag')).toEqual('abc');
- expect($tr.attr('data-permissions')).toEqual('9'); // read and delete
- expect($tr.attr('data-mime')).toEqual('text/plain');
- expect($tr.attr('data-mtime')).toEqual('11111000');
- expect($tr.find('a.name').attr('href')).toEqual('#');
- expect($tr.find('.nametext').text().trim()).toEqual('One.txt');
- expect(fileList.findFileEl('One.txt.d11111')[0]).toEqual($tr[0]);
- });
- it('renders rows with the correct data when in root after calling setFiles with the same data set', function () {
- // dir listing is false when in root
- fileList.setFiles(testFiles);
- fileList.setFiles(fileList.files);
- var $rows = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr');
- var $tr = $rows.eq(0);
- expect($rows.length).toEqual(4);
- expect($tr.attr('data-id')).toEqual('1');
- expect($tr.attr('data-type')).toEqual('file');
- expect($tr.attr('data-file')).toEqual('One.txt.d11111');
- expect($tr.attr('data-size')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-etag')).toEqual('abc');
- expect($tr.attr('data-permissions')).toEqual('9'); // read and delete
- expect($tr.attr('data-mime')).toEqual('text/plain');
- expect($tr.attr('data-mtime')).toEqual('11111000');
- expect($tr.find('a.name').attr('href')).toEqual('#');
- expect($tr.find('.nametext').text().trim()).toEqual('One.txt');
- expect(fileList.findFileEl('One.txt.d11111')[0]).toEqual($tr[0]);
- });
- it('renders rows with the correct data when in subdirectory', function () {
- fileList.setFiles(testFiles.map(function (file) {
- file.name = file.displayName;
- return file;
- }));
- var $rows = fileList.$el.find('tbody tr');
- var $tr = $rows.eq(0);
- expect($rows.length).toEqual(4);
- expect($tr.attr('data-id')).toEqual('1');
- expect($tr.attr('data-type')).toEqual('file');
- expect($tr.attr('data-file')).toEqual('One.txt');
- expect($tr.attr('data-size')).not.toBeDefined();
- expect($tr.attr('data-etag')).toEqual('abc');
- expect($tr.attr('data-permissions')).toEqual('9'); // read and delete
- expect($tr.attr('data-mime')).toEqual('text/plain');
- expect($tr.attr('data-mtime')).toEqual('11111000');
- expect($tr.find('a.name').attr('href')).toEqual('#');
- expect($tr.find('.nametext').text().trim()).toEqual('One.txt');
- expect(fileList.findFileEl('One.txt')[0]).toEqual($tr[0]);
- });
- it('does not render a size column', function () {
- expect(fileList.$el.find('tbody tr .filesize').length).toEqual(0);
- });
- });
- describe('File actions', function () {
- describe('Deleting single files', function () {
- // TODO: checks ajax call
- // TODO: checks spinner
- // TODO: remove item after delete
- // TODO: bring back item if delete failed
- });
- describe('Restoring single files', function () {
- // TODO: checks ajax call
- // TODO: checks spinner
- // TODO: remove item after restore
- // TODO: bring back item if restore failed
- });
- });
- describe('file previews', function () {
- // TODO: check that preview URL is going through files_trashbin
- });
- describe('loading file list', function () {
- // TODO: check that ajax URL is going through files_trashbin
- });
- describe('breadcrumbs', function () {
- // TODO: test label + URL
- });
- describe('elementToFile', function () {
- var $tr;
- beforeEach(function () {
- fileList.setFiles(testFiles);
- $tr = fileList.findFileEl('One.txt.d11111');
- });
- it('converts data attributes to file info structure', function () {
- var fileInfo = fileList.elementToFile($tr);
- expect(fileInfo.id).toEqual(1);
- expect(fileInfo.name).toEqual('One.txt.d11111');
- expect(fileInfo.displayName).toEqual('One.txt');
- expect(fileInfo.mtime).toEqual(11111000);
- expect(fileInfo.etag).toEqual('abc');
- expect(fileInfo.permissions).toEqual(OC.PERMISSION_READ | OC.PERMISSION_DELETE);
- expect(fileInfo.mimetype).toEqual('text/plain');
- expect(fileInfo.type).toEqual('file');
- });
- });
- describe('Global Actions', function () {
- beforeEach(function () {
- fileList.setFiles(testFiles);
- fileList.findFileEl('One.txt.d11111').find('input:checkbox').click();
- fileList.findFileEl('Three.pdf.d33333').find('input:checkbox').click();
- fileList.findFileEl('somedir.d99999').find('input:checkbox').click();
- fileList.$el.find('.actions-selected').click();
- });
- afterEach(function () {
- fileList.$el.find('.actions-selected').click();
- });
- describe('Delete', function () {
- it('Shows trashbin actions', function () {
- // visible because a few files were selected
- expect($('.selectedActions').is(':visible')).toEqual(true);
- expect($('.selectedActions .item-delete').is(':visible')).toEqual(true);
- expect($('.selectedActions .item-restore').is(':visible')).toEqual(true);
- // check
- fileList.$el.find('.select-all').click();
- // stays visible
- expect($('.selectedActions').is(':visible')).toEqual(true);
- expect($('.selectedActions .item-delete').is(':visible')).toEqual(true);
- expect($('.selectedActions .item-restore').is(':visible')).toEqual(true);
- // uncheck
- fileList.$el.find('.select-all').click();
- // becomes hidden now
- expect($('.selectedActions').is(':visible')).toEqual(false);
- expect($('.selectedActions .item-delete').is(':visible')).toEqual(false);
- expect($('.selectedActions .item-restore').is(':visible')).toEqual(false);
- });
- it('Deletes selected files when "Delete" clicked', function (done) {
- var request;
- var promise = fileList._onClickDeleteSelected({
- preventDefault: function () {
- }
- });
- var files = ["One.txt.d11111", "Three.pdf.d33333", "somedir.d99999"];
- expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(files.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
- request = fakeServer.requests[i];
- expect(request.url).toEqual(OC.getRootPath() + '/remote.php/dav/trashbin/user/trash/' + files[i]);
- request.respond(200);
- }
- return promise.then(function () {
- expect(fileList.findFileEl('One.txt.d11111').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(fileList.findFileEl('Three.pdf.d33333').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(fileList.findFileEl('somedir.d99999').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(fileList.findFileEl('Two.jpg.d22222').length).toEqual(1);
- }).then(done, done);
- });
- it('Deletes all files when all selected when "Delete" clicked', function (done) {
- var request;
- $('.select-all').click();
- var promise = fileList._onClickDeleteSelected({
- preventDefault: function () {
- }
- });
- expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(1);
- request = fakeServer.requests[0];
- expect(request.url).toEqual(OC.getRootPath() + '/remote.php/dav/trashbin/user/trash');
- request.respond(200);
- return promise.then(function () {
- expect(fileList.isEmpty).toEqual(true);
- }).then(done, done);
- });
- });
- describe('Restore', function () {
- it('Restores selected files when "Restore" clicked', function (done) {
- var request;
- var promise = fileList._onClickRestoreSelected({
- preventDefault: function () {
- }
- });
- var files = ["One.txt.d11111", "Three.pdf.d33333", "somedir.d99999"];
- expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(files.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
- request = fakeServer.requests[i];
- expect(request.url).toEqual(OC.getRootPath() + '/remote.php/dav/trashbin/user/trash/' + files[i]);
- expect(request.requestHeaders.Destination).toEqual(OC.getRootPath() + '/remote.php/dav/trashbin/user/restore/' + files[i]);
- request.respond(200);
- }
- return promise.then(function() {
- expect(fileList.findFileEl('One.txt.d11111').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(fileList.findFileEl('Three.pdf.d33333').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(fileList.findFileEl('somedir.d99999').length).toEqual(0);
- expect(fileList.findFileEl('Two.jpg.d22222').length).toEqual(1);
- }).then(done, done);
- });
- it('Restores all files when all selected when "Restore" clicked', function (done) {
- var request;
- $('.select-all').click();
- var promise = fileList._onClickRestoreSelected({
- preventDefault: function () {
- }
- });
- var files = ["One.txt.d11111", "Two.jpg.d22222", "Three.pdf.d33333", "somedir.d99999"];
- expect(fakeServer.requests.length).toEqual(files.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
- request = fakeServer.requests[i];
- expect(request.url).toEqual(OC.getRootPath() + '/remote.php/dav/trashbin/user/trash/' + files[i]);
- expect(request.requestHeaders.Destination).toEqual(OC.getRootPath() + '/remote.php/dav/trashbin/user/restore/' + files[i]);
- request.respond(200);
- }
- return promise.then(function() {
- expect(fileList.isEmpty).toEqual(true);
- }).then(done, done);
- });
- });
- });