path: root/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
diff options
authorNextcloud bot <>2024-06-05 09:56:05 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <>2024-06-05 09:56:05 +0000
commit94bc020d073011eec8e1f084e9521356574e42f7 (patch)
treed762a8d08a6e0cd2a338f4b32c49b45498654259 /apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
parent90a9191fc96d77811779a8b79339143211cae0c0 (diff)
Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <>
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
index 727e158385c..d2130b1875f 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your remote address could not be determined." : "無法確定您的遠端位址。",
"Your remote address was identified as \"%s\" and is brute-force throttled at the moment slowing down the performance of various requests. If the remote address is not your address this can be an indication that a proxy is not configured correctly." : "您的遠端地址被識別為「%s」,且目前正受到強力限制,導致降低了各種請求的效能。若遠端地址不是您的地址,可能代表代理伺服器設定不正確。",
"Your remote address \"%s\" is not brute-force throttled." : "您的遠端位址「%s」並未受到暴力攻擊限制。",
- "To allow this check to run you have to make sure that your webserver can connect to itself. Therefor it must be able to resolve and connect to at least one its `trusted_domains` or the `overwrite.cli.url`." : "要執行此檢查,您必須確保您的網路伺服器可以連線到其自身。因此,其必須至少能解析並連線至 `trusted_domains` 或 `overwrite.cli.url` 其中一個。",
"Old administration imported certificates" : "舊的管理員匯入憑證",
"A background job is pending that checks for administration imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "背景作業正在檢查管理員匯入的 SSL 憑證。請稍後再檢查。",
"There are some administration imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "有一些管理員匯入的 SSL 憑證,這些在 Nextcloud 21 不再能運作。它們可以透過命令列執行「occ security:certificates:import」命令來匯入。它們在資料目錄中的路徑如下所示。",
@@ -151,8 +150,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Missing optional column \"%s\" in table \"%s\"." : "缺少選擇性欄位「%s」於資料表「%s」中。",
"The database is missing some optional columns. Due to the fact that adding columns on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically when they can be optional. By running \"occ db:add-missing-columns\" those missing columns could be added manually while the instance keeps running. Once the columns are added some features might improve responsiveness or usability." : "資料庫遺失了一些欄位,然而新增欄位這個動作將在龐大的表中花費許多時間,因此它們並不會被自動新增。藉由執行 \"occ db:add-missing-columns\" 手動新增欄位將能在系統持續運作時修復這個問題。新增這些欄位將提高系統回應速度和可用性。",
"Database missing indices" : "資料庫缺少索引",
- "Missing optional index \"%s\" in table \"%s\"." : "缺少選擇性索引「%s」於資料表「%s」中。",
- "The database is missing some indexes. Due to the fact that adding indexes on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically. By running \"occ db:add-missing-indices\" those missing indexes could be added manually while the instance keeps running. Once the indexes are added queries to those tables are usually much faster." : "資料庫缺少了某些索引值。由於在一個龐大的表中新增索引需要一些時間,因此它們並不會被自動新增。您可執行 \"occ db:add-missing-indices\" 來手動新增那些缺少的索引值。當索引值新增完成後,查詢的速度通常會變得快許多",
"Database missing primary keys" : "資料庫缺少主鍵",
"Missing primary key on table \"%s\"." : "資料表「%s」缺少主鍵。",
"The database is missing some primary keys. Due to the fact that adding primary keys on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically. By running \"occ db:add-missing-primary-keys\" those missing primary keys could be added manually while the instance keeps running." : "資料庫缺少了一些主鍵,然而新增主鍵這個動作將在龐大的表中花費許多時間,因此它們並不會被自動新增。藉由執行 \"occ db:add-missing-primary-keys\" 手動新增主鍵將能在系統持續運作時修復這個問題。",
@@ -178,13 +175,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"HTTPS access and URLs" : "HTTPS 存取與 URL",
"Accessing site insecurely via HTTP. You are strongly advised to set up your server to require HTTPS instead. Without it some important web functionality like \"copy to clipboard\" or \"service workers\" will not work!" : "您正在透過不安全的 HTTP 存取網站,強烈建議您設定您的伺服器啟用 HTTPS。若不將伺服器設定為以 HTTPS 運作,部份重要的網站功能,如「複製到剪貼簿」或「Service Worker」將無法運作!",
"Accessing site insecurely via HTTP." : "透過 HTTP 不安全地存取網站。",
- "You are accessing your instance over a secure connection, however your instance is generating insecure URLs. This most likely means that you are behind a reverse proxy and the overwrite config variables are not set correctly." : "您正在透過安全連線存取您的站台,但您的站台卻產生了不安全的 URL。這很有可能是因為您使用了反向代理伺服器,但其覆寫設定變數並未正確設定。",
"You are accessing your instance over a secure connection, and your instance is generating secure URLs." : "您正在透過安全連線存取您的站台,且您的站台正在產生安全的 URL。",
"Internet connectivity" : "網際網路連線",
"Internet connectivity is disabled in configuration file." : "已在設定檔中停用網際網路連線。",
"This server has no working internet connection: Multiple endpoints could not be reached. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. Establish a connection from this server to the internet to enjoy all features." : "此伺服器沒有網際網路連線(無法與多個端點取得聯繫),有些功能,像是外部儲存、應用程式更新版通知將無法運作。從遠端存取資料或是寄送電子郵件通知可能也無法運作。建議您設定好網際網路連線以使用所有功能。",
"JavaScript modules support" : "JavaScript 模組支援",
- "Could not check for JavaScript support via any of your `trusted_domains` nor `overwrite.cli.url`. This may be the result of a server-side DNS mismatch or outbound firewall rule. Please check manually if your webserver serves `.mjs` files using the JavaScript MIME type." : "無法透過您的任何「trusted_domains」或「overwrite.cli.url」檢查 JavaScript 支援。這可能是伺服器端 DNS 不符或連出防火牆規則造成的。請手動檢查您的網頁伺服器是否使用 JavaScript MIME 類型提供「.mjs」檔案。",
"Your webserver does not serve `.mjs` files using the JavaScript MIME type. This will break some apps by preventing browsers from executing the JavaScript files. You should configure your webserver to serve `.mjs` files with either the `text/javascript` or `application/javascript` MIME type." : "您的網頁伺服器並未使用 JavaScript MIME 類型來提供 `.mjs` 檔案。這將會阻止瀏覽器執行 JavaScript 檔案,因而破壞某些應用程式。您應該設定您的網頁伺服器,以使用 `text/javascript` 或 `application/javascript` 來提供 `.mjs` 檔案。",
"JavaScript source map support" : "JavaScript source map 支援",
"Your webserver is not set up to serve `` files. Without these files, JavaScript Source Maps won't function properly, making it more challenging to troubleshoot and debug any issues that may arise." : "您的網路伺服器未設定好提供 `` 檔案。沒已這些檔案,JavaScript Source Map 將無法正常運作,從而使排除與除錯任何可能出現的問題變得較為困難。",
@@ -195,8 +190,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Server has no maintenance window start time configured. This means resource intensive daily background jobs will also be executed during your main usage time. We recommend to set it to a time of low usage, so users are less impacted by the load caused from these heavy tasks." : "伺服器未設定維護時段的開始時間。這代表了每天耗費大量資源的背景作業也會在您主要使用的時間內執行。我們建議將其設定為低使用率的時間,以減少使用者受到這些繁重任務帶來的負載影響。",
"Maintenance window to execute heavy background jobs is between {start}:00 UTC and {end}:00 UTC" : "維護時段以執行繁重的背景作業是在 {start}:00 UTC 至 {end}:00 UTC 間",
"Memcache" : "記憶體快取",
- "Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module \"memcache\" is installed. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached only supports \"memcached\" and not \"memcache\"." : "您已經設定 Memcached 為分散式快取,但是您安裝了錯誤的 PHP 模組「memcache」,Nextcloud 的 \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached 元件不支援「memcache」模組,僅支援「memcached」模組。",
- "Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the PHP module \"memcached\" is not installed." : "您已經設定 Memcached 為分散式快取,但 PHP 模組「memcached」未安裝。",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available." : "未設定記憶體快取。要強化效能,請設定記憶體快取(若可用)。",
"Configured" : "已設定",
"MySQL Unicode support" : "MySQL Unicode 支援",
@@ -270,9 +263,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not check that your web server serves security headers correctly, unable to query `%s`" : "無法檢查您的網路伺服器是否正確提供安全性標頭,無法查詢 `%s`",
"Your server is correctly configured to send security headers." : "您的伺服器正確設定了傳送安全性標頭。",
"Database version" : "資料庫版本",
- "MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "正在使用 MariaDB 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 或更新版本不支援此版本,並需要 MariaDB 10.2 或更新版本。",
- "MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "正在使用 MySQL 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 或更新版本不支援此版本,並需要 MySQL 8.0 或 MariaDB 10.2 或更新版本。",
- "PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "正在使用 PostgreSQL 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 或更新版本不支援此版本,並需要 PostgreSQL 9.6 或更新版本。",
"SQLite is currently being used as the backend database. For larger installations we recommend that you switch to a different database backend. This is particularly recommended when using the desktop client for file synchronisation. To migrate to another database use the command line tool: \"occ db:convert-type\"." : "目前使用 SQLite 作為後端資料庫。對於較大型的站台,我們建議您切換到其他資料庫後端。當使用桌面客戶端進行檔案同步時,我們更強烈建議您這麼做。若要遷移到其他資料庫,請使用命令列工具:「occ db:convert-type」。",
"Unknown database platform" : "未知資料庫平台",
"Architecture" : "架構",
@@ -344,10 +334,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Set default expiration date for shares via link or mail" : "設定透過連結或郵件分享的預設過期日",
"Default expiration time of shares in days" : "分享預設到期時間(天)",
"Privacy settings for sharing" : "分享的隱私設定",
- "Allow username autocompletion in share dialog and allow access to the system address book" : "允許在分享對話方塊中自動補齊使用者名稱並允許存取系統通訊錄",
"If autocompletion \"same group\" and \"phone number integration\" are enabled a match in either is enough to show the user." : "若同時啟用「同一個群組」與「電話號碼整合」的自動完成,則符合其中一項條件就會顯示使用者。",
- "Allow username autocompletion to users within the same groups and limit system address books to users in the same groups" : "允許同一個群組內的使用者自動完成使用者名稱,並將系統通訊錄限制為同一個群組內的使用者",
- "Allow username autocompletion to users based on phone number integration" : "允許以電話號碼整合為基礎的使用者名稱自動完成",
"Allow autocompletion when entering the full name or email address (ignoring missing phonebook match and being in the same group)" : "輸入全名或電子郵件地址時,允許自動完成(忽略缺少的通訊錄相符,以及在同一個群組中的)",
"Show disclaimer text on the public link upload page (only shown when the file list is hidden)" : "在公開的檔案連結和上傳頁面顯示免責聲明(僅在檔案列表隱藏的時候才會顯示)",
"Disclaimer text" : "免責聲明文字",
@@ -578,44 +565,32 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Common languages" : "常用語言",
"Other languages" : "其他語言",
"Password change is disabled because the master key is disabled" : "已停用密碼變更,因為主控金鑰已停用",
- "New user" : "新使用者",
+ "New account" : "新帳號",
"Display name" : "顯示名稱",
"Either password or email is required" : "需要密碼或電子郵件地址",
"Password (required)" : "密碼(必填)",
"Email (required)" : "電子郵件(必填)",
"Email" : "信箱",
"Groups (required)" : "群組(必填)",
- "Set user groups" : "設定使用者群組",
"Administered groups" : "管理群組",
- "Set user as admin for …" : "將使用者設定為以下群組的管理員……",
"Quota" : "容量限制",
- "Set user quota" : "設定使用者配額",
"Language" : "語言",
"Set default language" : "設定預設語言",
"Manager" : "管理者",
- "Add new user" : "新增使用者",
- "Set user manager" : "設定使用者管理者",
- "Username will be autogenerated" : "使用者名稱將會自動產生",
- "Username (required)" : "使用者名稱(必填)",
"Total rows summary" : "總列摘要",
- "Loading users …" : "正在載入使用者……",
"Scroll to load more rows" : "捲動以載入更多列",
- "_{userCount} user …_::_{userCount} users …_" : ["{userCount} 個使用者……"],
- "_{userCount} user_::_{userCount} users_" : ["{userCount} 個使用者"],
"Avatar" : "大頭照",
- "Username" : "使用者名稱",
+ "Account name" : "帳號名稱",
"Group admin for" : "群組管理員",
- "User backend" : "使用者資料後端",
"Storage location" : "儲存位址",
"Last login" : "最後登入",
- "User actions" : "使用者動作",
+ "Account actions" : "帳戶動作",
"Password or insufficient permissions message" : "密碼或權限不足訊息",
"Loading account …" : "正在載入帳號……",
"Change display name" : "變更顯示名稱",
"Set new password" : "設定新密碼",
"You do not have permissions to see the details of this account" : "您沒有檢視此帳號詳細資料的權限",
"Set new email address" : "設定新電子郵件地址",
- "Add user to group" : "新增使用者到群組",
"Add account to group" : "新增帳號至群組",
"Set account as admin for" : "將帳號設定為管理員",
"Select account quota" : "選取帳號容量限制",
@@ -681,7 +656,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Disabled accounts" : "已停用帳號",
"Account group: {group}" : "帳號群組:{group}",
"Account management" : "帳號管理",
- "New account" : "新帳號",
"Creating group…" : "正在建立群組……",
"Create group" : "建立群組",
"Group name" : "群組名稱",
@@ -800,6 +774,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "有一些使用者匯入的 SSL 證書,這些在 Nextcloud 21 不再能運作。它們可以透過命令列執行 \"occ security:certificates:import\" 指令來匯入。它們在資料目錄中的路徑如下所示。",
"Invalid UUIDs of LDAP users or groups have been found. Please review your \"Override UUID detection\" settings in the Expert part of the LDAP configuration and use \"occ ldap:update-uuid\" to update them." : "找到無效的 LDAP 使用者或群組 UUID。請審閱您在 LDAP 專家設定中的「覆寫 UUID 偵測」設定,並使用「occ ldap:update-uuid」來更新它們。",
"The DAV system address book sync has not run yet as your instance has more than 1000 users or because an error occured. Please run it manually by calling occ dav:sync-system-addressbook." : "DAV 系統通訊錄同步尚未執行,因為您的站台有超過 1000 個使用者,或是因為遇到錯誤。請透過呼叫 occ dav:sync-system-addressbook 手動執行。",
+ "MariaDB version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "正在使用 MariaDB 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 或更新版本不支援此版本,並需要 MariaDB 10.2 或更新版本。",
+ "MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "正在使用 MySQL 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 或更新版本不支援此版本,並需要 MySQL 8.0 或 MariaDB 10.2 或更新版本。",
+ "PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "正在使用 PostgreSQL 版本「%s」。Nextcloud 21 或更新版本不支援此版本,並需要 PostgreSQL 9.6 或更新版本。",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all users and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "可對所有使用者與特定群組強制啟用雙因素驗證。如果他們沒有設定雙因素驗證提供者,那麼他們就會無法登入系統。",
"When groups are selected/excluded, they use the following logic to determine if a user has 2FA enforced: If no groups are selected, 2FA is enabled for everyone except members of the excluded groups. If groups are selected, 2FA is enabled for all members of these. If a user is both in a selected and excluded group, the selected takes precedence and 2FA is enforced." : "選取/排除群組時,其使用以下邏輯來確定使用者是否強制啟用雙因素驗證:如果沒有選取群組,雙因素驗證對所有除了排除群組以外的成員啟用。若選取了群組,則雙因素驗證會對所有該群組的成員啟用。如果某個使用者同時位在選取與排除的群組,則被選取的群組優先程度較高,因此會強制啟用雙因素驗證。",
"Enable all" : "全部啟用",
@@ -814,6 +791,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while deleting the token" : "刪除權杖時發生錯誤",
"Use the credentials below to configure your app or device." : "請使用下方的登入資訊來設定您的應用程式或是裝置",
"For security reasons this password will only be shown once." : "基於安全性考量,這個密碼只會顯示一次",
+ "Username" : "使用者名稱",
"Copied!" : "已複製!",
"Copy" : "複製",
"Execute one task with each page loaded. Use case: Single user instance." : "每個頁面載入時執行一次任務。使用情境:單使用者站台。",
@@ -833,6 +811,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Edit display name" : "編輯顯示名稱",
"Add new password" : "新增密碼",
"Add new email address" : "新增電子郵件",
+ "Add user to group" : "新增使用者到群組",
"Set user as admin for" : "將使用者設定為管理員",
"Select user quota" : "選取使用者配額",
"Select manager" : "選取管理者",
@@ -843,9 +822,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enable user" : "啟用使用者",
"Edit User" : "編輯使用者",
"User's table" : "使用者的表格",
+ "New user" : "新使用者",
"Will be autogenerated" : "將自動生成",
"Select user manager" : "選取使用者管理者",
"Add a new user" : "新增使用者",
+ "User backend" : "使用者資料後端",
"No users in here" : "這裡沒有使用者",
"Name your device" : "請為您的裝置命名",
"Server error while trying to add WebAuthn device" : "嘗試新增 WebAuthn 裝置時發生伺服器錯誤",
@@ -873,7 +854,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Exclude groups from creating link shares:" : "禁止特定群組建立分享連結:",
"Exclude groups from sharing" : "禁止特定群組分享檔案",
"These groups will still be able to receive shares, but not to initiate them." : "這些群組仍然能接受其他人的分享,但是沒有辦法發起分享。",
+ "Allow username autocompletion in share dialog and allow access to the system address book" : "允許在分享對話方塊中自動補齊使用者名稱並允許存取系統通訊錄",
+ "Allow username autocompletion to users within the same groups and limit system address books to users in the same groups" : "允許同一個群組內的使用者自動完成使用者名稱,並將系統通訊錄限制為同一個群組內的使用者",
+ "Allow username autocompletion to users based on phone number integration" : "允許以電話號碼整合為基礎的使用者名稱自動完成",
"Old user imported certificates" : "舊的使用者匯入憑證",
+ "Missing optional index \"%s\" in table \"%s\"." : "缺少選擇性索引「%s」於資料表「%s」中。",
+ "The database is missing some indexes. Due to the fact that adding indexes on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically. By running \"occ db:add-missing-indices\" those missing indexes could be added manually while the instance keeps running. Once the indexes are added queries to those tables are usually much faster." : "資料庫缺少了某些索引值。由於在一個龐大的表中新增索引需要一些時間,因此它們並不會被自動新增。您可執行 \"occ db:add-missing-indices\" 來手動新增那些缺少的索引值。當索引值新增完成後,查詢的速度通常會變得快許多",
"Could not check for JavaScript support. Please check manually if your webserver serves `.mjs` files using the JavaScript MIME type." : "無法檢查 JavaScript 支援。請手動檢查您的網頁伺服器是否使用 JavaScript MIME 類型提供「.mjs」檔案。",
"MySQL unicode support" : "MySQL Unicode 支援",
"Overwrite cli URL" : "覆寫 CLI URL",
@@ -881,7 +867,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Rating: {score}/10" : "評分:{score}/10",
"You are about to remove the group \"{group}\". The users will NOT be deleted." : "您將要移除群組「{group}」。使用者將不會被刪除。",
"No users" : "無使用者",
+ "Loading users …" : "正在載入使用者……",
"List of users. This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The users will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "使用者清單。出於效能考量,此清單未完全呈現。使用者將在您瀏覽清單時呈現。",
+ "Set user groups" : "設定使用者群組",
+ "Set user as admin for …" : "將使用者設定為以下群組的管理員……",
+ "Set user quota" : "設定使用者配額",
+ "Add new user" : "新增使用者",
+ "Set user manager" : "設定使用者管理者",
+ "Username will be autogenerated" : "使用者名稱將會自動產生",
+ "Username (required)" : "使用者名稱(必填)",
+ "_{userCount} user …_::_{userCount} users …_" : ["{userCount} 個使用者……"],
+ "_{userCount} user_::_{userCount} users_" : ["{userCount} 個使用者"],
+ "User actions" : "使用者動作",
"Loading user …" : "正在載入使用者……",
"Failed to update user manager" : "更新使用者管理員失敗",
"User management settings" : "使用者管理設定",
@@ -889,6 +886,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"User management" : "使用者管理",
"Creating group …" : "正在建立群組……",
"User group: {group}" : "使用者群組:{group}",
- "Nextcloud help resources" : "Nextcloud 說明資源"
+ "Nextcloud help resources" : "Nextcloud 說明資源",
+ "To allow this check to run you have to make sure that your webserver can connect to itself. Therefor it must be able to resolve and connect to at least one its `trusted_domains` or the `overwrite.cli.url`." : "要執行此檢查,您必須確保您的網路伺服器可以連線到其自身。因此,其必須至少能解析並連線至 `trusted_domains` 或 `overwrite.cli.url` 其中一個。",
+ "Could not check for JavaScript support via any of your `trusted_domains` nor `overwrite.cli.url`. This may be the result of a server-side DNS mismatch or outbound firewall rule. Please check manually if your webserver serves `.mjs` files using the JavaScript MIME type." : "無法透過您的任何「trusted_domains」或「overwrite.cli.url」檢查 JavaScript 支援。這可能是伺服器端 DNS 不符或連出防火牆規則造成的。請手動檢查您的網頁伺服器是否使用 JavaScript MIME 類型提供「.mjs」檔案。"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");