path: root/apps/user_ldap
diff options
authorJenkins for ownCloud <>2015-04-19 01:54:41 -0400
committerJenkins for ownCloud <>2015-04-19 01:54:41 -0400
commitfd3c1484ad19f3fa59fe7c1f53d365b9d61ca4e9 (patch)
treeff8002c304833cff0c9e74e5ed80d9ca62948064 /apps/user_ldap
parentcdf82909b8225a885fbf92b78208fb1fe258853e (diff)
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/user_ldap')
8 files changed, 130 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/cs_CZ.js b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/cs_CZ.js
index 1b0daba6559..98c3312f665 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/cs_CZ.js
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/cs_CZ.js
@@ -10,14 +10,26 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"No configuration specified" : "Neurčena žádná konfigurace",
"No data specified" : "Neurčena žádná data",
" Could not set configuration %s" : "Nelze nastavit konfiguraci %s",
+ "Action does not exist" : "Tato akce neexistuje",
"Configuration incorrect" : "Nesprávná konfigurace",
"Configuration incomplete" : "Nekompletní konfigurace",
"Configuration OK" : "Konfigurace v pořádku",
"Select groups" : "Vyberte skupiny",
"Select object classes" : "Vyberte objektové třídy",
+ "Please check the credentials, they seem to be wrong." : "Ověřte své přihlašovací údaje, zdají se být neplatné.",
+ "Please specify the port, it could not be auto-detected." : "Uveďte prosím port, nelze ho automaticky detekovat.",
+ "Base DN could not be auto-detected, please revise credentials, host and port." : "Base DN nelze automaticky detekovat, ověřte prosím přihlašovací údaje, host a port.",
+ "Could not detect Base DN, please enter it manually." : "Nelze automaticky detekovat Base DN, zadejte prosím ručně.",
"{nthServer}. Server" : "{nthServer}. Server",
+ "No object found in the given Base DN. Please revise." : "V zadané Base DN nebyl objekt nalezen. Ověřte.",
+ "More then 1.000 directory entries available." : "Je dostupných více než 1000 adresářových záznamů.",
+ " entries available within the provided Base DN" : "záznamů dostupných v zadané Base DN",
+ "An error occurred. Please check the Base DN, as well as connection settings and credentials." : "Došlo k chybě. Ověře prosím Base DN společně s nastavením připojení a přihlašovacími údaji.",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" : "Opravdu si přejete smazat současné nastavení serveru?",
"Confirm Deletion" : "Potvrdit smazání",
+ "Mappings cleared successfully!" : "Mapování úspěšně vyčištěno!",
+ "Error while clearing the mappings." : "Chyba při čištění mapování.",
+ "Saving failed. Please make sure the database is in Operation. Reload before continuing." : "Ukládání selhalo. Ujistěte se, že databáze funguje. Načtěte znovu, než budete pokračovat.",
"Select attributes" : "Vyberte atributy",
"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["nalezena %s skupina","nalezeny %s skupiny","nalezeno %s skupin"],
"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["nalezen %s uživatel","nalezeni %s uživatelé","nalezeno %s uživatelů"],
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/cs_CZ.json b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/cs_CZ.json
index 44f27988475..be8caeb0c08 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/cs_CZ.json
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/cs_CZ.json
@@ -8,14 +8,26 @@
"No configuration specified" : "Neurčena žádná konfigurace",
"No data specified" : "Neurčena žádná data",
" Could not set configuration %s" : "Nelze nastavit konfiguraci %s",
+ "Action does not exist" : "Tato akce neexistuje",
"Configuration incorrect" : "Nesprávná konfigurace",
"Configuration incomplete" : "Nekompletní konfigurace",
"Configuration OK" : "Konfigurace v pořádku",
"Select groups" : "Vyberte skupiny",
"Select object classes" : "Vyberte objektové třídy",
+ "Please check the credentials, they seem to be wrong." : "Ověřte své přihlašovací údaje, zdají se být neplatné.",
+ "Please specify the port, it could not be auto-detected." : "Uveďte prosím port, nelze ho automaticky detekovat.",
+ "Base DN could not be auto-detected, please revise credentials, host and port." : "Base DN nelze automaticky detekovat, ověřte prosím přihlašovací údaje, host a port.",
+ "Could not detect Base DN, please enter it manually." : "Nelze automaticky detekovat Base DN, zadejte prosím ručně.",
"{nthServer}. Server" : "{nthServer}. Server",
+ "No object found in the given Base DN. Please revise." : "V zadané Base DN nebyl objekt nalezen. Ověřte.",
+ "More then 1.000 directory entries available." : "Je dostupných více než 1000 adresářových záznamů.",
+ " entries available within the provided Base DN" : "záznamů dostupných v zadané Base DN",
+ "An error occurred. Please check the Base DN, as well as connection settings and credentials." : "Došlo k chybě. Ověře prosím Base DN společně s nastavením připojení a přihlašovacími údaji.",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" : "Opravdu si přejete smazat současné nastavení serveru?",
"Confirm Deletion" : "Potvrdit smazání",
+ "Mappings cleared successfully!" : "Mapování úspěšně vyčištěno!",
+ "Error while clearing the mappings." : "Chyba při čištění mapování.",
+ "Saving failed. Please make sure the database is in Operation. Reload before continuing." : "Ukládání selhalo. Ujistěte se, že databáze funguje. Načtěte znovu, než budete pokračovat.",
"Select attributes" : "Vyberte atributy",
"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["nalezena %s skupina","nalezeny %s skupiny","nalezeno %s skupin"],
"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["nalezen %s uživatel","nalezeni %s uživatelé","nalezeno %s uživatelů"],
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/it.js b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/it.js
index 1b05a903b32..6b381f72e76 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/it.js
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/it.js
@@ -18,13 +18,28 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Select object classes" : "Seleziona le classi di oggetti",
"Please check the credentials, they seem to be wrong." : "Controlla le credenziali, sembrano essere errate.",
"Please specify the port, it could not be auto-detected." : "Specifica la porta, potrebbe non essere rilevata automaticamente.",
+ "Base DN could not be auto-detected, please revise credentials, host and port." : "Il DN base non può essere rilevato automaticamente, controlla le credenziali, l'host e la porta.",
"Could not detect Base DN, please enter it manually." : "Impossibile rilevare il DN base, digitalo manualmente.",
"{nthServer}. Server" : "{nthServer}. server",
+ "No object found in the given Base DN. Please revise." : "Nessun oggetto trovato nel DN base specificato. Controlla.",
"More then 1.000 directory entries available." : "Più di 1.000 cartelle disponibili.",
+ " entries available within the provided Base DN" : "voci disponibili all'interno del DN base",
+ "An error occurred. Please check the Base DN, as well as connection settings and credentials." : "Si è verificato un errore. Controlla il DN base, così come le impostazioni di connessione e le credenziali.",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" : "Vuoi davvero eliminare la configurazione attuale del server?",
"Confirm Deletion" : "Conferma l'eliminazione",
+ "Saving failed. Please make sure the database is in Operation. Reload before continuing." : "Salvataggio non riuscito. Assicurati che il database sia operativo. Ricarica prima di continuare.",
+ "Switching the mode will enable automatic LDAP queries. Depending on your LDAP size they may take a while. Do you still want to switch the mode?" : "Il cambio di modalità abiliterà le query LDAP automatiche. In base alla dimensione di LDAP, potrebbero richiedere del tempo. Vuoi ancora cambiare modalità?",
+ "Mode switch" : "Cambio modalità",
"Select attributes" : "Seleziona gli attributi",
+ "User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command line validation): <br/>" : "Utente non trovato. Controlla i tuoi attributi di accesso e il nome utente.\nFiltro effettivo (copiare e incollare per la convalida della riga di comando):<br/>",
"User found and settings verified." : "Utente trovato e impostazioni verificate.",
+ "Settings verified, but one user found. Only the first will be able to login. Consider a more narrow filter." : "Le impostazioni sono state verificate, ma è stato trovato un utente. Solo il primo sarà in grado di accedere. Considera un filtro più restrittivo.",
+ "An unspecified error occurred. Please check the settings and the log." : "Si è non specificato un errore sconosciuto. Controlla le impostazioni e il file di log.",
+ "The search filter is invalid, probably due to syntax issues like uneven number of opened and closed brackets. Please revise." : "Il filtro di ricerca non è valido, probabilmente a causa di problemi di sintassi come un numero dispari di parentesi aperte e chiuse. Controlla.",
+ "A connection error to LDAP / AD occurred, please check host, port and credentials." : "Si è verificato un errore di connessione a LDAP / AD, controlla l'host, la porta e le credenziali.",
+ "The %uid placeholder is missing. It will be replaced with the login name when querying LDAP / AD." : "Manca il segnaposto %uid. Sarà sostituito con il nome di accesso nelle query a LDAP / AD.",
+ "Please provide a login name to test against" : "Fornisci un nome di accesso da provare",
+ "The group box was disabled, because the LDAP / AD server does not support memberOf." : "La casella dei gruppi è stata disabilitata, poiché il server LDAP / AD non supporta memberOf.",
"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["%s gruppo trovato","%s gruppi trovati"],
"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s utente trovato","%s utenti trovati"],
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced ldap settings." : "Impossibile rilevare l'attributo nome visualizzato dell'utente. Specificalo nelle impostazioni avanzate di ldap.",
@@ -47,10 +62,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." : "Il filtro specifica quali gruppi LDAP devono avere accesso all'istanza %s.",
"Test Filter" : "Prova filtro",
"Verify settings and count groups" : "Verifica le impostazioni e conta i gruppi",
+ "When logging in, %s will find the user based on the following attributes:" : "Quando accedi, %s troverà l'utente sulla base dei seguenti attributi:",
"LDAP / AD Username:" : "Nome utente LDAP / AD:",
+ "Allows login against the LDAP / AD username, which is either uid or samaccountname and will be detected." : "Consente l'accesso tramite il nome utente LDAP / AD, può essere sia uid o samaccountname e sarà rilevato.",
"LDAP / AD Email Address:" : "Indirizzo email LDAP / AD:",
+ "Allows login against an email attribute. Mail and mailPrimaryAddress will be allowed." : "Consente l'accesso tramite l'attributo email. Mail e mailPrimaryAddress saranno consentiti.",
"Other Attributes:" : "Altri attributi:",
"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: \"uid=%%uid\"" : "Specifica quale filtro utilizzare quando si tenta l'accesso. %%uid sostituisce il nome utente all'atto dell'accesso. Esempio: \"uid=%%uid\"",
+ "Test Loginname" : "Prova nome di accesso",
"Verify settings" : "Verifica impostazioni",
"1. Server" : "1. server",
"%s. Server:" : "%s. server:",
@@ -64,10 +83,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." : "Per l'accesso anonimo, lasciare vuoti i campi DN e Password",
"One Base DN per line" : "Un DN base per riga",
"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" : "Puoi specificare una DN base per gli utenti ed i gruppi nella scheda Avanzate",
+ "Detect Base DN" : "Rileva DN base",
"Test Base DN" : "Rileva DN base",
"Avoids automatic LDAP requests. Better for bigger setups, but requires some LDAP knowledge." : "Impedisce le richieste LDAP automatiche. Meglio per installazioni più grandi, ma richiede una certa conoscenza di LDAP.",
"Manually enter LDAP filters (recommended for large directories)" : "Digita manualmente i filtri LDAP (consigliato per directory grandi)",
"Limit %s access to users meeting these criteria:" : "Limita l'accesso a %s ai gruppi che verificano questi criteri:",
+ "The most common object classes for users are organizationalPerson, person, user, and inetOrgPerson. If you are not sure which object class to select, please consult your directory admin." : "Le classi di oggetti più comuni per gli utenti sono organizationalPerson, person, user, e inetOrgPerson. Se non sei sicuro su quale classe di oggetti selezionare, consulta l'amministratore della tua directory.",
"The filter specifies which LDAP users shall have access to the %s instance." : "Il filtro specifica quali utenti LDAP devono avere accesso all'istanza %s.",
"Verify settings and count users" : "Verifica le impostazioni e conta gli utenti",
"Saving" : "Salvataggio",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/it.json b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/it.json
index 495275a438d..534c60a50a8 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/it.json
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/it.json
@@ -16,13 +16,28 @@
"Select object classes" : "Seleziona le classi di oggetti",
"Please check the credentials, they seem to be wrong." : "Controlla le credenziali, sembrano essere errate.",
"Please specify the port, it could not be auto-detected." : "Specifica la porta, potrebbe non essere rilevata automaticamente.",
+ "Base DN could not be auto-detected, please revise credentials, host and port." : "Il DN base non può essere rilevato automaticamente, controlla le credenziali, l'host e la porta.",
"Could not detect Base DN, please enter it manually." : "Impossibile rilevare il DN base, digitalo manualmente.",
"{nthServer}. Server" : "{nthServer}. server",
+ "No object found in the given Base DN. Please revise." : "Nessun oggetto trovato nel DN base specificato. Controlla.",
"More then 1.000 directory entries available." : "Più di 1.000 cartelle disponibili.",
+ " entries available within the provided Base DN" : "voci disponibili all'interno del DN base",
+ "An error occurred. Please check the Base DN, as well as connection settings and credentials." : "Si è verificato un errore. Controlla il DN base, così come le impostazioni di connessione e le credenziali.",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" : "Vuoi davvero eliminare la configurazione attuale del server?",
"Confirm Deletion" : "Conferma l'eliminazione",
+ "Saving failed. Please make sure the database is in Operation. Reload before continuing." : "Salvataggio non riuscito. Assicurati che il database sia operativo. Ricarica prima di continuare.",
+ "Switching the mode will enable automatic LDAP queries. Depending on your LDAP size they may take a while. Do you still want to switch the mode?" : "Il cambio di modalità abiliterà le query LDAP automatiche. In base alla dimensione di LDAP, potrebbero richiedere del tempo. Vuoi ancora cambiare modalità?",
+ "Mode switch" : "Cambio modalità",
"Select attributes" : "Seleziona gli attributi",
+ "User not found. Please check your login attributes and username. Effective filter (to copy-and-paste for command line validation): <br/>" : "Utente non trovato. Controlla i tuoi attributi di accesso e il nome utente.\nFiltro effettivo (copiare e incollare per la convalida della riga di comando):<br/>",
"User found and settings verified." : "Utente trovato e impostazioni verificate.",
+ "Settings verified, but one user found. Only the first will be able to login. Consider a more narrow filter." : "Le impostazioni sono state verificate, ma è stato trovato un utente. Solo il primo sarà in grado di accedere. Considera un filtro più restrittivo.",
+ "An unspecified error occurred. Please check the settings and the log." : "Si è non specificato un errore sconosciuto. Controlla le impostazioni e il file di log.",
+ "The search filter is invalid, probably due to syntax issues like uneven number of opened and closed brackets. Please revise." : "Il filtro di ricerca non è valido, probabilmente a causa di problemi di sintassi come un numero dispari di parentesi aperte e chiuse. Controlla.",
+ "A connection error to LDAP / AD occurred, please check host, port and credentials." : "Si è verificato un errore di connessione a LDAP / AD, controlla l'host, la porta e le credenziali.",
+ "The %uid placeholder is missing. It will be replaced with the login name when querying LDAP / AD." : "Manca il segnaposto %uid. Sarà sostituito con il nome di accesso nelle query a LDAP / AD.",
+ "Please provide a login name to test against" : "Fornisci un nome di accesso da provare",
+ "The group box was disabled, because the LDAP / AD server does not support memberOf." : "La casella dei gruppi è stata disabilitata, poiché il server LDAP / AD non supporta memberOf.",
"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : ["%s gruppo trovato","%s gruppi trovati"],
"_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s utente trovato","%s utenti trovati"],
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced ldap settings." : "Impossibile rilevare l'attributo nome visualizzato dell'utente. Specificalo nelle impostazioni avanzate di ldap.",
@@ -45,10 +60,14 @@
"The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." : "Il filtro specifica quali gruppi LDAP devono avere accesso all'istanza %s.",
"Test Filter" : "Prova filtro",
"Verify settings and count groups" : "Verifica le impostazioni e conta i gruppi",
+ "When logging in, %s will find the user based on the following attributes:" : "Quando accedi, %s troverà l'utente sulla base dei seguenti attributi:",
"LDAP / AD Username:" : "Nome utente LDAP / AD:",
+ "Allows login against the LDAP / AD username, which is either uid or samaccountname and will be detected." : "Consente l'accesso tramite il nome utente LDAP / AD, può essere sia uid o samaccountname e sarà rilevato.",
"LDAP / AD Email Address:" : "Indirizzo email LDAP / AD:",
+ "Allows login against an email attribute. Mail and mailPrimaryAddress will be allowed." : "Consente l'accesso tramite l'attributo email. Mail e mailPrimaryAddress saranno consentiti.",
"Other Attributes:" : "Altri attributi:",
"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: \"uid=%%uid\"" : "Specifica quale filtro utilizzare quando si tenta l'accesso. %%uid sostituisce il nome utente all'atto dell'accesso. Esempio: \"uid=%%uid\"",
+ "Test Loginname" : "Prova nome di accesso",
"Verify settings" : "Verifica impostazioni",
"1. Server" : "1. server",
"%s. Server:" : "%s. server:",
@@ -62,10 +81,12 @@
"For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." : "Per l'accesso anonimo, lasciare vuoti i campi DN e Password",
"One Base DN per line" : "Un DN base per riga",
"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" : "Puoi specificare una DN base per gli utenti ed i gruppi nella scheda Avanzate",
+ "Detect Base DN" : "Rileva DN base",
"Test Base DN" : "Rileva DN base",
"Avoids automatic LDAP requests. Better for bigger setups, but requires some LDAP knowledge." : "Impedisce le richieste LDAP automatiche. Meglio per installazioni più grandi, ma richiede una certa conoscenza di LDAP.",
"Manually enter LDAP filters (recommended for large directories)" : "Digita manualmente i filtri LDAP (consigliato per directory grandi)",
"Limit %s access to users meeting these criteria:" : "Limita l'accesso a %s ai gruppi che verificano questi criteri:",
+ "The most common object classes for users are organizationalPerson, person, user, and inetOrgPerson. If you are not sure which object class to select, please consult your directory admin." : "Le classi di oggetti più comuni per gli utenti sono organizationalPerson, person, user, e inetOrgPerson. Se non sei sicuro su quale classe di oggetti selezionare, consulta l'amministratore della tua directory.",
"The filter specifies which LDAP users shall have access to the %s instance." : "Il filtro specifica quali utenti LDAP devono avere accesso all'istanza %s.",
"Verify settings and count users" : "Verifica le impostazioni e conta gli utenti",
"Saving" : "Salvataggio",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nl.js b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nl.js
index 12fead8651a..6c96d618f4d 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nl.js
@@ -10,12 +10,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"No configuration specified" : "Geen configuratie opgegeven",
"No data specified" : "Geen gegevens verstrekt",
" Could not set configuration %s" : "Kon configuratie %s niet instellen",
+ "Action does not exist" : "Actie bestaat niet",
"Configuration incorrect" : "Configuratie onjuist",
"Configuration incomplete" : "Configuratie incompleet",
"Configuration OK" : "Configuratie OK",
"Select groups" : "Selecteer groepen",
"Select object classes" : "Selecteer objectklasse",
+ "Please check the credentials, they seem to be wrong." : "Controleer de inloggegevens, ze lijken onjuist.",
+ "Please specify the port, it could not be auto-detected." : "Geef de poort op, die kon niet automatisch worden vastgesteld.",
+ "Base DN could not be auto-detected, please revise credentials, host and port." : "Basis DN kon niet automatisch worden vastgesteld, herstel inloggegevens, server en poort.",
+ "Could not detect Base DN, please enter it manually." : "Kon basis DN niet vaststellen, voer de gegevens handmatig in.",
"{nthServer}. Server" : "{nthServer}. Server",
+ "No object found in the given Base DN. Please revise." : "Geen object gevonden in de basis DN. Review instellingen.",
+ "More then 1.000 directory entries available." : "Meer dan 1.000 directoryobjecten beschikbaar.",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" : "Wilt u werkelijk de huidige Serverconfiguratie verwijderen?",
"Confirm Deletion" : "Bevestig verwijderen",
"Select attributes" : "Selecteer attributen",
@@ -26,29 +33,45 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Invalid Host" : "Ongeldige server",
"Server" : "Server",
"Users" : "Gebruikers",
+ "Login Attributes" : "Inlogattributen",
"Groups" : "Groepen",
"Test Configuration" : "Test configuratie",
"Help" : "Help",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Groepsafspraken die voldoen aan deze criteria zijn beschikbaar in %s:",
+ "Only these object classes:" : "Alleen deze objectklassen:",
+ "Only from these groups:" : "Alleen van deze groepen:",
+ "Search groups" : "Zoeken groepen",
+ "Available groups" : "Beschikbare groepen",
+ "Selected groups" : "Geselecteerde groepen",
+ "Edit LDAP Query" : "Bewerken LDAP bevraging",
+ "LDAP Filter:" : "LDAP Filter:",
"The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." : "Dit filter geeft aan welke LDAP groepen toegang hebben tot %s.",
"Test Filter" : "Testfilter",
+ "LDAP / AD Username:" : "LDAP / AD gebruikersnaam:",
+ "LDAP / AD Email Address:" : "LDAP / AD e-mailadres:",
"Other Attributes:" : "Overige attributen:",
"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: \"uid=%%uid\"" : "Definiëert het toe te passen filter als er geprobeerd wordt in te loggen. %%uid vervangt de gebruikersnaam bij het inloggen. Bijvoorbeeld: \"uid=%%uid\"",
+ "Test Loginname" : "Test inlognaam",
+ "Verify settings" : "Verifiëren instellingen",
"1. Server" : "1. Server",
"%s. Server:" : "%s. Server:",
"Host" : "Host",
"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" : "Je kunt het protocol weglaten, tenzij je SSL vereist. Start in dat geval met ldaps://",
"Port" : "Poort",
+ "Detect Port" : "Detecteer poort",
"User DN" : "User DN",
"The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." : "De DN van de client gebruiker waarmee de verbinding zal worden gemaakt, bijv. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. Voor anonieme toegang laat je het DN en het wachtwoord leeg.",
"Password" : "Wachtwoord",
"For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." : "Voor anonieme toegang, laat de DN en het wachtwoord leeg.",
"One Base DN per line" : "Een Base DN per regel",
"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" : "Je kunt het Base DN voor gebruikers en groepen specificeren in het tab Geavanceerd.",
+ "Detect Base DN" : "Detecteren basis DN",
+ "Test Base DN" : "Testen basis DN",
"Avoids automatic LDAP requests. Better for bigger setups, but requires some LDAP knowledge." : "Voorkom automatische LDAP opvragingen. Weliswaar beter voor grote installaties, maar vergt LDAP kennis.",
"Manually enter LDAP filters (recommended for large directories)" : "Handmatig invoeren LDAP filters (aanbevolen voor grote directories)",
"Limit %s access to users meeting these criteria:" : "Beperk %s toegang tot gebruikers die voldoen aan deze criteria:",
"The filter specifies which LDAP users shall have access to the %s instance." : "Dit filter geeft aan welke LDAP gebruikers toegang hebben tot %s.",
+ "Verify settings and count users" : "Verifiëren instellingen en tellen gebruikers",
"Saving" : "Opslaan",
"Back" : "Terug",
"Continue" : "Verder",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nl.json b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nl.json
index 5aa26c02386..6fa5f9ee391 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/nl.json
@@ -8,12 +8,19 @@
"No configuration specified" : "Geen configuratie opgegeven",
"No data specified" : "Geen gegevens verstrekt",
" Could not set configuration %s" : "Kon configuratie %s niet instellen",
+ "Action does not exist" : "Actie bestaat niet",
"Configuration incorrect" : "Configuratie onjuist",
"Configuration incomplete" : "Configuratie incompleet",
"Configuration OK" : "Configuratie OK",
"Select groups" : "Selecteer groepen",
"Select object classes" : "Selecteer objectklasse",
+ "Please check the credentials, they seem to be wrong." : "Controleer de inloggegevens, ze lijken onjuist.",
+ "Please specify the port, it could not be auto-detected." : "Geef de poort op, die kon niet automatisch worden vastgesteld.",
+ "Base DN could not be auto-detected, please revise credentials, host and port." : "Basis DN kon niet automatisch worden vastgesteld, herstel inloggegevens, server en poort.",
+ "Could not detect Base DN, please enter it manually." : "Kon basis DN niet vaststellen, voer de gegevens handmatig in.",
"{nthServer}. Server" : "{nthServer}. Server",
+ "No object found in the given Base DN. Please revise." : "Geen object gevonden in de basis DN. Review instellingen.",
+ "More then 1.000 directory entries available." : "Meer dan 1.000 directoryobjecten beschikbaar.",
"Do you really want to delete the current Server Configuration?" : "Wilt u werkelijk de huidige Serverconfiguratie verwijderen?",
"Confirm Deletion" : "Bevestig verwijderen",
"Select attributes" : "Selecteer attributen",
@@ -24,29 +31,45 @@
"Invalid Host" : "Ongeldige server",
"Server" : "Server",
"Users" : "Gebruikers",
+ "Login Attributes" : "Inlogattributen",
"Groups" : "Groepen",
"Test Configuration" : "Test configuratie",
"Help" : "Help",
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Groepsafspraken die voldoen aan deze criteria zijn beschikbaar in %s:",
+ "Only these object classes:" : "Alleen deze objectklassen:",
+ "Only from these groups:" : "Alleen van deze groepen:",
+ "Search groups" : "Zoeken groepen",
+ "Available groups" : "Beschikbare groepen",
+ "Selected groups" : "Geselecteerde groepen",
+ "Edit LDAP Query" : "Bewerken LDAP bevraging",
+ "LDAP Filter:" : "LDAP Filter:",
"The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." : "Dit filter geeft aan welke LDAP groepen toegang hebben tot %s.",
"Test Filter" : "Testfilter",
+ "LDAP / AD Username:" : "LDAP / AD gebruikersnaam:",
+ "LDAP / AD Email Address:" : "LDAP / AD e-mailadres:",
"Other Attributes:" : "Overige attributen:",
"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: \"uid=%%uid\"" : "Definiëert het toe te passen filter als er geprobeerd wordt in te loggen. %%uid vervangt de gebruikersnaam bij het inloggen. Bijvoorbeeld: \"uid=%%uid\"",
+ "Test Loginname" : "Test inlognaam",
+ "Verify settings" : "Verifiëren instellingen",
"1. Server" : "1. Server",
"%s. Server:" : "%s. Server:",
"Host" : "Host",
"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" : "Je kunt het protocol weglaten, tenzij je SSL vereist. Start in dat geval met ldaps://",
"Port" : "Poort",
+ "Detect Port" : "Detecteer poort",
"User DN" : "User DN",
"The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." : "De DN van de client gebruiker waarmee de verbinding zal worden gemaakt, bijv. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. Voor anonieme toegang laat je het DN en het wachtwoord leeg.",
"Password" : "Wachtwoord",
"For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." : "Voor anonieme toegang, laat de DN en het wachtwoord leeg.",
"One Base DN per line" : "Een Base DN per regel",
"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" : "Je kunt het Base DN voor gebruikers en groepen specificeren in het tab Geavanceerd.",
+ "Detect Base DN" : "Detecteren basis DN",
+ "Test Base DN" : "Testen basis DN",
"Avoids automatic LDAP requests. Better for bigger setups, but requires some LDAP knowledge." : "Voorkom automatische LDAP opvragingen. Weliswaar beter voor grote installaties, maar vergt LDAP kennis.",
"Manually enter LDAP filters (recommended for large directories)" : "Handmatig invoeren LDAP filters (aanbevolen voor grote directories)",
"Limit %s access to users meeting these criteria:" : "Beperk %s toegang tot gebruikers die voldoen aan deze criteria:",
"The filter specifies which LDAP users shall have access to the %s instance." : "Dit filter geeft aan welke LDAP gebruikers toegang hebben tot %s.",
+ "Verify settings and count users" : "Verifiëren instellingen en tellen gebruikers",
"Saving" : "Opslaan",
"Back" : "Terug",
"Continue" : "Verder",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/uk.js b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/uk.js
index 5aa7c217c60..40941e3479f 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/uk.js
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/uk.js
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Confirm Deletion" : "Підтвердіть Видалення",
"Select attributes" : "Виберіть атрибути",
"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : [" %s група знайдена "," %s груп знайдено ","%s груп знайдено "],
- "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s користувач знайден","%s користувачів знайдено","%s користувачів знайдено"],
+ "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s користувача знайдено","%s користувачів знайдено","%s користувачів знайдено"],
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced ldap settings." : "Не вдалося виявити ім'я користувача. Будь ласка, сформулюйте самі в розширених налаштуваннях LDAP.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Не вдалося знайти потрібну функцію",
"Invalid Host" : "Невірний Host",
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Групи, що відповідають цим критеріям доступні в %s:",
"The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." : "Фільтр визначає, які LDAP групи повинні мати доступ до %s примірника.",
"Test Filter" : "Тест Фільтр",
- "Other Attributes:" : "Інші Атрібути:",
+ "Other Attributes:" : "Інші Атрибути:",
"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: \"uid=%%uid\"" : "Визначає фільтр, який слід застосовувати при спробі входу.\n%%uid замінює ім'я користувача при вході в систему. Приклад: \"uid=%%uid\"",
"1. Server" : "1. Сервер",
"%s. Server:" : "%s. Сервер:",
@@ -43,12 +43,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." : "DN клієнтського користувача для прив'язки, наприклад: uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. Для анонімного доступу, залиште DN і Пароль порожніми.",
"Password" : "Пароль",
"For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." : "Для анонімного доступу, залиште DN і Пароль порожніми.",
- "One Base DN per line" : "Один Base DN на одній строчці",
+ "One Base DN per line" : "Один Base DN на рядок",
"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" : "Ви можете задати Базовий DN для користувачів і груп на вкладинці Додатково",
"Avoids automatic LDAP requests. Better for bigger setups, but requires some LDAP knowledge." : "Уникати автоматичні запити LDAP. Краще для великих установок, але вимагає деякого LDAP знання.",
"Manually enter LDAP filters (recommended for large directories)" : "Вручну введіть LDAP фільтри (рекомендується для великих каталогів)",
"Limit %s access to users meeting these criteria:" : "Обмежити %s доступ до користувачів, що відповідають цим критеріям:",
- "The filter specifies which LDAP users shall have access to the %s instance." : "Фільтр визначає, які користувачі LDAP повині мати доступ до примірника %s.",
+ "The filter specifies which LDAP users shall have access to the %s instance." : "Фільтр визначає, які користувачі LDAP повинні мати доступ до примірника %s.",
"Saving" : "Збереження",
"Back" : "Назад",
"Continue" : "Продовжити",
@@ -70,17 +70,17 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Not recommended, use it for testing only! If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your %s server." : "Не рекомендується, використовувати його тільки для тестування!\nЯкщо з'єднання працює лише з цією опцією, імпортуйте SSL сертифікат LDAP сервера у ваший %s сервер.",
"Cache Time-To-Live" : "Час актуальності Кеша",
"in seconds. A change empties the cache." : "в секундах. Зміна очищує кеш.",
- "Directory Settings" : "Налаштування Каталога",
+ "Directory Settings" : "Налаштування Каталогу",
"User Display Name Field" : "Поле, яке відображає Ім'я Користувача",
"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the user's display name." : "Атрибут LDAP, який використовується для генерації імен користувачів.",
"Base User Tree" : "Основне Дерево Користувачів",
- "One User Base DN per line" : "Один Користувач Base DN на одній строчці",
+ "One User Base DN per line" : "Один Користувач Base DN на рядок",
"User Search Attributes" : "Пошукові Атрибути Користувача",
- "Optional; one attribute per line" : "Додатково; один атрибут на строчку",
+ "Optional; one attribute per line" : "Додатково; один атрибут на рядок",
"Group Display Name Field" : "Поле, яке відображає Ім'я Групи",
"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the groups's display name." : "Атрибут LDAP, який використовується для генерації імен груп.",
"Base Group Tree" : "Основне Дерево Груп",
- "One Group Base DN per line" : "Одна Група Base DN на одній строчці",
+ "One Group Base DN per line" : "Одна Група Base DN на рядок",
"Group Search Attributes" : "Пошукові Атрибути Групи",
"Group-Member association" : "Асоціація Група-Член",
"Nested Groups" : "Вкладені Групи",
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Quota Field" : "Поле Квоти",
"Quota Default" : "Квота за замовчанням",
"in bytes" : "в байтах",
- "Email Field" : "Поле Ел. пошти",
+ "Email Field" : "Поле E-mail",
"User Home Folder Naming Rule" : "Правило іменування домашньої теки користувача",
"Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." : "Залиште порожнім для імені користувача (за замовчанням). Інакше, вкажіть атрибут LDAP/AD.",
"Internal Username" : "Внутрішня Ім'я користувача",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/uk.json b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/uk.json
index 16fd5b66343..daa03c128d3 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/uk.json
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/uk.json
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"Confirm Deletion" : "Підтвердіть Видалення",
"Select attributes" : "Виберіть атрибути",
"_%s group found_::_%s groups found_" : [" %s група знайдена "," %s груп знайдено ","%s груп знайдено "],
- "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s користувач знайден","%s користувачів знайдено","%s користувачів знайдено"],
+ "_%s user found_::_%s users found_" : ["%s користувача знайдено","%s користувачів знайдено","%s користувачів знайдено"],
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced ldap settings." : "Не вдалося виявити ім'я користувача. Будь ласка, сформулюйте самі в розширених налаштуваннях LDAP.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Не вдалося знайти потрібну функцію",
"Invalid Host" : "Невірний Host",
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"Groups meeting these criteria are available in %s:" : "Групи, що відповідають цим критеріям доступні в %s:",
"The filter specifies which LDAP groups shall have access to the %s instance." : "Фільтр визначає, які LDAP групи повинні мати доступ до %s примірника.",
"Test Filter" : "Тест Фільтр",
- "Other Attributes:" : "Інші Атрібути:",
+ "Other Attributes:" : "Інші Атрибути:",
"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action. Example: \"uid=%%uid\"" : "Визначає фільтр, який слід застосовувати при спробі входу.\n%%uid замінює ім'я користувача при вході в систему. Приклад: \"uid=%%uid\"",
"1. Server" : "1. Сервер",
"%s. Server:" : "%s. Сервер:",
@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@
"The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." : "DN клієнтського користувача для прив'язки, наприклад: uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. Для анонімного доступу, залиште DN і Пароль порожніми.",
"Password" : "Пароль",
"For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." : "Для анонімного доступу, залиште DN і Пароль порожніми.",
- "One Base DN per line" : "Один Base DN на одній строчці",
+ "One Base DN per line" : "Один Base DN на рядок",
"You can specify Base DN for users and groups in the Advanced tab" : "Ви можете задати Базовий DN для користувачів і груп на вкладинці Додатково",
"Avoids automatic LDAP requests. Better for bigger setups, but requires some LDAP knowledge." : "Уникати автоматичні запити LDAP. Краще для великих установок, але вимагає деякого LDAP знання.",
"Manually enter LDAP filters (recommended for large directories)" : "Вручну введіть LDAP фільтри (рекомендується для великих каталогів)",
"Limit %s access to users meeting these criteria:" : "Обмежити %s доступ до користувачів, що відповідають цим критеріям:",
- "The filter specifies which LDAP users shall have access to the %s instance." : "Фільтр визначає, які користувачі LDAP повині мати доступ до примірника %s.",
+ "The filter specifies which LDAP users shall have access to the %s instance." : "Фільтр визначає, які користувачі LDAP повинні мати доступ до примірника %s.",
"Saving" : "Збереження",
"Back" : "Назад",
"Continue" : "Продовжити",
@@ -68,17 +68,17 @@
"Not recommended, use it for testing only! If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your %s server." : "Не рекомендується, використовувати його тільки для тестування!\nЯкщо з'єднання працює лише з цією опцією, імпортуйте SSL сертифікат LDAP сервера у ваший %s сервер.",
"Cache Time-To-Live" : "Час актуальності Кеша",
"in seconds. A change empties the cache." : "в секундах. Зміна очищує кеш.",
- "Directory Settings" : "Налаштування Каталога",
+ "Directory Settings" : "Налаштування Каталогу",
"User Display Name Field" : "Поле, яке відображає Ім'я Користувача",
"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the user's display name." : "Атрибут LDAP, який використовується для генерації імен користувачів.",
"Base User Tree" : "Основне Дерево Користувачів",
- "One User Base DN per line" : "Один Користувач Base DN на одній строчці",
+ "One User Base DN per line" : "Один Користувач Base DN на рядок",
"User Search Attributes" : "Пошукові Атрибути Користувача",
- "Optional; one attribute per line" : "Додатково; один атрибут на строчку",
+ "Optional; one attribute per line" : "Додатково; один атрибут на рядок",
"Group Display Name Field" : "Поле, яке відображає Ім'я Групи",
"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the groups's display name." : "Атрибут LDAP, який використовується для генерації імен груп.",
"Base Group Tree" : "Основне Дерево Груп",
- "One Group Base DN per line" : "Одна Група Base DN на одній строчці",
+ "One Group Base DN per line" : "Одна Група Base DN на рядок",
"Group Search Attributes" : "Пошукові Атрибути Групи",
"Group-Member association" : "Асоціація Група-Член",
"Nested Groups" : "Вкладені Групи",
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
"Quota Field" : "Поле Квоти",
"Quota Default" : "Квота за замовчанням",
"in bytes" : "в байтах",
- "Email Field" : "Поле Ел. пошти",
+ "Email Field" : "Поле E-mail",
"User Home Folder Naming Rule" : "Правило іменування домашньої теки користувача",
"Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." : "Залиште порожнім для імені користувача (за замовчанням). Інакше, вкажіть атрибут LDAP/AD.",
"Internal Username" : "Внутрішня Ім'я користувача",