path: root/apps
diff options
authorFerdinand Thiessen <opensource@fthiessen.de>2024-06-10 23:04:59 +0200
committerFerdinand Thiessen <opensource@fthiessen.de>2024-08-27 14:59:05 +0200
commit0c77417bc4bfe05964b9b5786b52e86c5aae1e77 (patch)
tree323af85f3685d76c2bc97885d2f600c508643d1a /apps
parent57b81d8ec51d8dddd172b0064bfc61c6a1bbc4b2 (diff)
refactor(files): Migrate `favorites` view to `@nextcloud/files` functions and make it cancelable
Also this fixes the view being writeable Signed-off-by: Ferdinand Thiessen <opensource@fthiessen.de>
Diffstat (limited to 'apps')
3 files changed, 45 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files/src/services/Favorites.ts b/apps/files/src/services/Favorites.ts
index 83577f9a75e..18ecb04cc3c 100644
--- a/apps/files/src/services/Favorites.ts
+++ b/apps/files/src/services/Favorites.ts
@@ -20,44 +20,38 @@
import type { ContentsWithRoot } from '@nextcloud/files'
-import type { FileStat, ResponseDataDetailed } from 'webdav'
-import { Folder, davGetDefaultPropfind, davGetFavoritesReport } from '@nextcloud/files'
+import { getCurrentUser } from '@nextcloud/auth'
+import { Folder, Permission, davRemoteURL, davRootPath, getFavoriteNodes } from '@nextcloud/files'
+import { CancelablePromise } from 'cancelable-promise'
+import { getContents as filesContents } from './Files.ts'
+import { client } from './WebdavClient.ts'
-import { getClient } from './WebdavClient'
-import { resultToNode } from './Files'
-const client = getClient()
-export const getContents = async (path = '/'): Promise<ContentsWithRoot> => {
- const propfindPayload = davGetDefaultPropfind()
- const reportPayload = davGetFavoritesReport()
- // Get root folder
- let rootResponse
- if (path === '/') {
- rootResponse = await client.stat(path, {
- details: true,
- data: propfindPayload,
- }) as ResponseDataDetailed<FileStat>
+export const getContents = (path = '/'): CancelablePromise<ContentsWithRoot> | Promise<ContentsWithRoot> => {
+ // We only filter root files for favorites, for subfolders we can simply reuse the files contents
+ if (path !== '/') {
+ return filesContents(path)
- const contentsResponse = await client.getDirectoryContents(path, {
- details: true,
- // Only filter favorites if we're at the root
- data: path === '/' ? reportPayload : propfindPayload,
- headers: {
- // Patched in WebdavClient.ts
- method: path === '/' ? 'REPORT' : 'PROPFIND',
- },
- includeSelf: true,
- }) as ResponseDataDetailed<FileStat[]>
- const root = rootResponse?.data || contentsResponse.data[0]
- const contents = contentsResponse.data.filter(node => node.filename !== path)
- return {
- folder: resultToNode(root) as Folder,
- contents: contents.map(resultToNode),
- }
+ return new CancelablePromise((resolve, reject, cancel) => {
+ const promise = getFavoriteNodes(client)
+ .catch(reject)
+ .then((contents) => {
+ if (!contents) {
+ reject()
+ return
+ }
+ resolve({
+ contents,
+ folder: new Folder({
+ id: 0,
+ source: `${davRemoteURL}${davRootPath}`,
+ root: davRootPath,
+ owner: getCurrentUser()?.uid || null,
+ permissions: Permission.READ,
+ }),
+ })
+ })
+ cancel(() => promise.cancel())
+ })
diff --git a/apps/files/src/services/WebdavClient.ts b/apps/files/src/services/WebdavClient.ts
index 6c98b299703..e404010e204 100644
--- a/apps/files/src/services/WebdavClient.ts
+++ b/apps/files/src/services/WebdavClient.ts
@@ -20,47 +20,16 @@
-import { createClient, getPatcher } from 'webdav'
import { generateRemoteUrl } from '@nextcloud/router'
import { getCurrentUser, getRequestToken, onRequestTokenUpdate } from '@nextcloud/auth'
+import { davGetClient } from '@nextcloud/files'
export const rootPath = `/files/${getCurrentUser()?.uid}`
export const defaultRootUrl = generateRemoteUrl('dav' + rootPath)
-export const getClient = (rootUrl = defaultRootUrl) => {
- const client = createClient(rootUrl)
- // set CSRF token header
- const setHeaders = (token: string | null) => {
- client?.setHeaders({
- // Add this so the server knows it is an request from the browser
- 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
- // Inject user auth
- requesttoken: token ?? '',
- });
- }
- // refresh headers when request token changes
- onRequestTokenUpdate(setHeaders)
- setHeaders(getRequestToken())
- /**
- * Allow to override the METHOD to support dav REPORT
- *
- * @see https://github.com/perry-mitchell/webdav-client/blob/8d9694613c978ce7404e26a401c39a41f125f87f/source/request.ts
- */
- const patcher = getPatcher()
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
- // @ts-ignore
- // https://github.com/perry-mitchell/hot-patcher/issues/6
- patcher.patch('fetch', (url: string, options: RequestInit): Promise<Response> => {
- const headers = options.headers as Record<string, string>
- if (headers?.method) {
- options.method = headers.method
- delete headers.method
- }
- return fetch(url, options)
- })
+ * @deprecated use `davGetClient` from `@nextcloud/files`
+ */
+export const getClient = (rootUrl = defaultRootUrl) => davGetClient(rootUrl)
- return client;
+export const client = davGetClient() \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files/src/views/favorites.spec.ts b/apps/files/src/views/favorites.spec.ts
index 4832f640d28..b14869a0589 100644
--- a/apps/files/src/views/favorites.spec.ts
+++ b/apps/files/src/views/favorites.spec.ts
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
import { basename } from 'path'
import { expect } from '@jest/globals'
import { Folder, Navigation, getNavigation } from '@nextcloud/files'
-import eventBus, { emit } from '@nextcloud/event-bus'
+import { CancelablePromise } from 'cancelable-promise'
+import eventBus from '@nextcloud/event-bus'
import * as initialState from '@nextcloud/initial-state'
import { action } from '../actions/favoriteAction'
@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ describe('Favorites view definition', () => {
test('Default empty favorite view', () => {
jest.spyOn(eventBus, 'subscribe')
- jest.spyOn(favoritesService, 'getContents').mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve({ folder: {} as Folder, contents: [] }))
+ jest.spyOn(favoritesService, 'getContents').mockReturnValue(CancelablePromise.resolve({ folder: {} as Folder, contents: [] }))
const favoritesView = Navigation.views.find(view => view.id === 'favorites')
@@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ describe('Favorites view definition', () => {
{ fileid: 3, path: '/foo/bar' },
jest.spyOn(initialState, 'loadState').mockReturnValue(favoriteFolders)
- jest.spyOn(favoritesService, 'getContents').mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve({ folder: {} as Folder, contents: [] }))
+ jest.spyOn(favoritesService, 'getContents').mockReturnValue(CancelablePromise.resolve({ folder: {} as Folder, contents: [] }))
const favoritesView = Navigation.views.find(view => view.id === 'favorites')
@@ -132,7 +133,7 @@ describe('Dynamic update of favourite folders', () => {
test('Add a favorite folder creates a new entry in the navigation', async () => {
jest.spyOn(eventBus, 'emit')
jest.spyOn(initialState, 'loadState').mockReturnValue([])
- jest.spyOn(favoritesService, 'getContents').mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve({ folder: {} as Folder, contents: [] }))
+ jest.spyOn(favoritesService, 'getContents').mockReturnValue(CancelablePromise.resolve({ folder: {} as Folder, contents: [] }))
const favoritesView = Navigation.views.find(view => view.id === 'favorites')
@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@ describe('Dynamic update of favourite folders', () => {
jest.spyOn(eventBus, 'emit')
jest.spyOn(eventBus, 'subscribe')
jest.spyOn(initialState, 'loadState').mockReturnValue([{ fileid: 42, path: '/Foo/Bar' }])
- jest.spyOn(favoritesService, 'getContents').mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve({ folder: {} as Folder, contents: [] }))
+ jest.spyOn(favoritesService, 'getContents').mockReturnValue(CancelablePromise.resolve({ folder: {} as Folder, contents: [] }))
let favoritesView = Navigation.views.find(view => view.id === 'favorites')
@@ -201,7 +202,8 @@ describe('Dynamic update of favourite folders', () => {
test('Renaming a favorite folder updates the navigation', async () => {
jest.spyOn(eventBus, 'emit')
jest.spyOn(initialState, 'loadState').mockReturnValue([])
- jest.spyOn(favoritesService, 'getContents').mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve({ folder: {} as Folder, contents: [] }))
+ jest.spyOn(favoritesService, 'getContents')
+ .mockReturnValue(CancelablePromise.resolve({ folder: {} as Folder, contents: [] }))
const favoritesView = Navigation.views.find(view => view.id === 'favorites')
@@ -212,8 +214,6 @@ describe('Dynamic update of favourite folders', () => {
- // expect(eventBus.emit).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2)
// Create new folder to favorite
const folder = new Folder({
id: 1,
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ describe('Dynamic update of favourite folders', () => {
// Exec the rename action
- emit('files:node:renamed', renamedFolder)
+ eventBus.emit('files:node:renamed', renamedFolder)
expect(eventBus.emit).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, 'files:node:renamed', renamedFolder)