path: root/apps
diff options
authorNextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>2024-01-28 00:19:08 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>2024-01-28 00:19:08 +0000
commitf36a9d09f28123a692f9bad14087d9d0cfea0bad (patch)
tree82a4030435e486530b8dde7bd08ffac8941bff81 /apps
parent5eaac6d59cfc075e69327745c3c9a3e1d3041d9c (diff)
Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'apps')
118 files changed, 106 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ar.js b/apps/files/l10n/ar.js
index d4da67a60c5..5e86cac3563 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ar.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ar.js
@@ -261,8 +261,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "إنشاء ملف",
"Blank" : "فارغ",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "تعذر إنشاء الملف الجديد من القالب",
- "Delete and unshare" : "إحذِف و الغٍ المشاركات ",
- "Unshare" : "إلغاء المُشارَكة",
"Delete permanently" : "حذف بشكل دائم",
"Destination is not a folder" : "المَقصَد ليس مُجلّداً",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "هذا الملف/المجلد موجود سلفاً في ذلك المجلد",
@@ -276,6 +274,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copy to {target}" : "أُنسُخ إلى {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "أُنقُل إلى {target}",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : ".عملية النسخ أو النقل تمّ إلغاؤها",
+ "Move or copy operation failed" : "عملية النسخ أو النقل أخفقت",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "إفتح المجلد {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "إفتَح في \"الملفات\"",
"Open details" : "افتح التفاصيل",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ar.json b/apps/files/l10n/ar.json
index 46ad5b8b4d3..2c49af5498b 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ar.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ar.json
@@ -259,8 +259,6 @@
"Creating file" : "إنشاء ملف",
"Blank" : "فارغ",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "تعذر إنشاء الملف الجديد من القالب",
- "Delete and unshare" : "إحذِف و الغٍ المشاركات ",
- "Unshare" : "إلغاء المُشارَكة",
"Delete permanently" : "حذف بشكل دائم",
"Destination is not a folder" : "المَقصَد ليس مُجلّداً",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "هذا الملف/المجلد موجود سلفاً في ذلك المجلد",
@@ -274,6 +272,7 @@
"Copy to {target}" : "أُنسُخ إلى {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "أُنقُل إلى {target}",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : ".عملية النسخ أو النقل تمّ إلغاؤها",
+ "Move or copy operation failed" : "عملية النسخ أو النقل أخفقت",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "إفتح المجلد {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "إفتَح في \"الملفات\"",
"Open details" : "افتح التفاصيل",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/bg.js b/apps/files/l10n/bg.js
index 04976f9e18a..0d37a73a406 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/bg.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/bg.js
@@ -227,7 +227,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Създаване на файл ",
"Blank" : "Празен",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Не може да се създаде нов файл от шаблон",
- "Unshare" : "Прекратяване на споделянето",
"Delete permanently" : "Изтрий завинаги",
"Open details" : "Отваряне на подробности",
"Create new templates folder" : "Създаване на нова папка за шаблони",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/bg.json b/apps/files/l10n/bg.json
index 0ae118906cb..d1d03f3a5f0 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/bg.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/bg.json
@@ -225,7 +225,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Създаване на файл ",
"Blank" : "Празен",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Не може да се създаде нов файл от шаблон",
- "Unshare" : "Прекратяване на споделянето",
"Delete permanently" : "Изтрий завинаги",
"Open details" : "Отваряне на подробности",
"Create new templates folder" : "Създаване на нова папка за шаблони",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/br.js b/apps/files/l10n/br.js
index acca9ddd1c8..58afb1b1e93 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/br.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/br.js
@@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to change the favourite state of the file" : "Dibosupl eo cheñch stad pennroll ar restr",
"Error while loading the file data" : "Ur fazi zo bet en ur gargañ roadennoùar restr",
"Create" : "Krouiñ",
- "Unshare" : "Na eskemm ken",
"Delete permanently" : "Lamet da viken",
"No favorites yet" : "Pennroll ebet evit ar poent",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Ar restroù ha teuliadoù ouzhpennet en ho pennrolloù a vo diskwelet amañ",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/br.json b/apps/files/l10n/br.json
index df89ccc5932..3ef5fb554b2 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/br.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/br.json
@@ -161,7 +161,6 @@
"Unable to change the favourite state of the file" : "Dibosupl eo cheñch stad pennroll ar restr",
"Error while loading the file data" : "Ur fazi zo bet en ur gargañ roadennoùar restr",
"Create" : "Krouiñ",
- "Unshare" : "Na eskemm ken",
"Delete permanently" : "Lamet da viken",
"No favorites yet" : "Pennroll ebet evit ar poent",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Ar restroù ha teuliadoù ouzhpennet en ho pennrolloù a vo diskwelet amañ",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ca.js b/apps/files/l10n/ca.js
index b136602a40e..a6ffac4575c 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ca.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ca.js
@@ -261,8 +261,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "S'està creant el fitxer",
"Blank" : "En blanc",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "No s'ha pogut crear el fitxer a partir de la plantilla",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Suprimeix i deixa de compartir",
- "Unshare" : "Deixa de compartir",
"Delete permanently" : "Suprimeix permanentment",
"Destination is not a folder" : "La destinació no és una carpeta",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Aquest fitxer o carpeta ja existeix en aquesta carpeta",
@@ -276,6 +274,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copy to {target}" : "Copia a {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "Mou a {target}",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : "S'ha cancel·lat l'operació de desplaçament o còpia",
+ "Move or copy operation failed" : "Error en l'operació de desplaçament o còpia",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Obre la carpeta {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Obre a Fitxers",
"Open details" : "Obre els detalls",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ca.json b/apps/files/l10n/ca.json
index 9b9392d94a3..1f2528d4bf4 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ca.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ca.json
@@ -259,8 +259,6 @@
"Creating file" : "S'està creant el fitxer",
"Blank" : "En blanc",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "No s'ha pogut crear el fitxer a partir de la plantilla",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Suprimeix i deixa de compartir",
- "Unshare" : "Deixa de compartir",
"Delete permanently" : "Suprimeix permanentment",
"Destination is not a folder" : "La destinació no és una carpeta",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Aquest fitxer o carpeta ja existeix en aquesta carpeta",
@@ -274,6 +272,7 @@
"Copy to {target}" : "Copia a {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "Mou a {target}",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : "S'ha cancel·lat l'operació de desplaçament o còpia",
+ "Move or copy operation failed" : "Error en l'operació de desplaçament o còpia",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Obre la carpeta {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Obre a Fitxers",
"Open details" : "Obre els detalls",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/cs.js b/apps/files/l10n/cs.js
index ce4c044ca43..cb6cca10dd2 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/cs.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/cs.js
@@ -258,8 +258,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Vytváření souboru",
"Blank" : "Prázdný",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nedaří se vytvořit soubor ze šablony",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Smazat a zrušit sdílení",
- "Unshare" : "Přestat sdílet",
"Delete permanently" : "Nevratně smazat",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Cíl není složka",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "V oné složce se už daný soubor/složka nachází",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/cs.json b/apps/files/l10n/cs.json
index 451441c4559..89dec4db723 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/cs.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/cs.json
@@ -256,8 +256,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Vytváření souboru",
"Blank" : "Prázdný",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nedaří se vytvořit soubor ze šablony",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Smazat a zrušit sdílení",
- "Unshare" : "Přestat sdílet",
"Delete permanently" : "Nevratně smazat",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Cíl není složka",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "V oné složce se už daný soubor/složka nachází",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/da.js b/apps/files/l10n/da.js
index cc634f6449d..989cb891b55 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/da.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/da.js
@@ -250,7 +250,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Opretter fil",
"Blank" : "Tom",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kan ikke oprette ny fil fra skabelonen",
- "Unshare" : "Fjern deling",
"Delete permanently" : "Slet permanent",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Destinationen er ikke en mappe",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Filen/mappen er allerede i denne mappe",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/da.json b/apps/files/l10n/da.json
index 1fd5359c661..7e0795a5a5c 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/da.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/da.json
@@ -248,7 +248,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Opretter fil",
"Blank" : "Tom",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kan ikke oprette ny fil fra skabelonen",
- "Unshare" : "Fjern deling",
"Delete permanently" : "Slet permanent",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Destinationen er ikke en mappe",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Filen/mappen er allerede i denne mappe",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/de.js b/apps/files/l10n/de.js
index 5a6d5bb0dab..78d32b7496d 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/de.js
@@ -256,7 +256,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Datei erstellen",
"Blank" : "Leer",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Neue Datei konnte nicht aus Vorlage erstellt werden",
- "Unshare" : "Freigabe aufheben",
"Delete permanently" : "Endgültig löschen",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ziel ist kein Ordner",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Diese Datei oder Ordner ist bereits in diesem Verzeichnis vorhanden",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/de.json b/apps/files/l10n/de.json
index cb700728022..b50fbf585e9 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/de.json
@@ -254,7 +254,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Datei erstellen",
"Blank" : "Leer",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Neue Datei konnte nicht aus Vorlage erstellt werden",
- "Unshare" : "Freigabe aufheben",
"Delete permanently" : "Endgültig löschen",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ziel ist kein Ordner",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Diese Datei oder Ordner ist bereits in diesem Verzeichnis vorhanden",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.js
index df51dca5649..a691b246cf8 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -261,8 +261,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Datei erstellen",
"Blank" : "Leer",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Neue Datei kann nicht aus Vorlage erstellt werden",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Löschen und nicht mehr teilen",
- "Unshare" : "Freigabe aufheben",
"Delete permanently" : "Endgültig löschen",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ziel ist kein Ordner",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Diese Datei oder Ordner ist bereits in diesem Verzeichnis vorhanden",
@@ -276,6 +274,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copy to {target}" : "Nach {target} kopieren",
"Move to {target}" : "Nach {target} verschieben",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : "Verschieben oder kopieren abgebrochen",
+ "Move or copy operation failed" : "Verschiebe- oder Kopieroperation ist fehlgeschlagen.",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Ordner {displayName} öffnen",
"Open in Files" : "In Dateien öffnen",
"Open details" : "Details öffnen",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.json
index c52e744225a..2fbb8bca205 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -259,8 +259,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Datei erstellen",
"Blank" : "Leer",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Neue Datei kann nicht aus Vorlage erstellt werden",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Löschen und nicht mehr teilen",
- "Unshare" : "Freigabe aufheben",
"Delete permanently" : "Endgültig löschen",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ziel ist kein Ordner",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Diese Datei oder Ordner ist bereits in diesem Verzeichnis vorhanden",
@@ -274,6 +272,7 @@
"Copy to {target}" : "Nach {target} kopieren",
"Move to {target}" : "Nach {target} verschieben",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : "Verschieben oder kopieren abgebrochen",
+ "Move or copy operation failed" : "Verschiebe- oder Kopieroperation ist fehlgeschlagen.",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Ordner {displayName} öffnen",
"Open in Files" : "In Dateien öffnen",
"Open details" : "Details öffnen",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/el.js b/apps/files/l10n/el.js
index f6e0296329d..2a98aeb7b0f 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/el.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/el.js
@@ -255,7 +255,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Δημιουργία αρχείου",
"Blank" : "Κενό",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η δημιουργία νέου αρχείου από το πρότυπο",
- "Unshare" : "Αναίρεση διαμοιρασμού",
"Delete permanently" : "Διαγραφή οριστικά",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ο προορισμός δεν είναι φάκελος",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Αυτό το αρχείο/φάκελος βρίσκεται ήδη σε αυτόν τον κατάλογο",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/el.json b/apps/files/l10n/el.json
index 85c67e01b3c..de464bdba46 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/el.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/el.json
@@ -253,7 +253,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Δημιουργία αρχείου",
"Blank" : "Κενό",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η δημιουργία νέου αρχείου από το πρότυπο",
- "Unshare" : "Αναίρεση διαμοιρασμού",
"Delete permanently" : "Διαγραφή οριστικά",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ο προορισμός δεν είναι φάκελος",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Αυτό το αρχείο/φάκελος βρίσκεται ήδη σε αυτόν τον κατάλογο",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.js b/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.js
index 246e5b6413f..5efafeeb61a 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.js
@@ -261,8 +261,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Creating file",
"Blank" : "Blank",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Unable to create new file from template",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Delete and unshare",
- "Unshare" : "Unshare",
"Delete permanently" : "Delete permanently",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Destination is not a folder",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "This file/folder is already in that directory",
@@ -276,6 +274,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copy to {target}" : "Copy to {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "Move to {target}",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : "Cancelled move or copy operation",
+ "Move or copy operation failed" : "Move or copy operation failed",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Open folder {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Open in Files",
"Open details" : "Open details",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.json b/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.json
index 79ac4e6ffe8..072b6607949 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.json
@@ -259,8 +259,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Creating file",
"Blank" : "Blank",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Unable to create new file from template",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Delete and unshare",
- "Unshare" : "Unshare",
"Delete permanently" : "Delete permanently",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Destination is not a folder",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "This file/folder is already in that directory",
@@ -274,6 +272,7 @@
"Copy to {target}" : "Copy to {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "Move to {target}",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : "Cancelled move or copy operation",
+ "Move or copy operation failed" : "Move or copy operation failed",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Open folder {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Open in Files",
"Open details" : "Open details",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/eo.js b/apps/files/l10n/eo.js
index 5ac99f05e0d..85a9bba840c 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/eo.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/eo.js
@@ -150,7 +150,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error while loading the file data" : "Eraro dum ŝargo de la dosierdatumoj",
"Create" : "Krei",
"Creating file" : "Kreante dosieron",
- "Unshare" : "Malkunhavigi",
"Delete permanently" : "Forigi por ĉiam",
"Open details" : "Montri detalojn",
"Templates" : "Ŝablonoj",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/eo.json b/apps/files/l10n/eo.json
index 64c4401a69f..c4bccb837af 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/eo.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/eo.json
@@ -148,7 +148,6 @@
"Error while loading the file data" : "Eraro dum ŝargo de la dosierdatumoj",
"Create" : "Krei",
"Creating file" : "Kreante dosieron",
- "Unshare" : "Malkunhavigi",
"Delete permanently" : "Forigi por ĉiam",
"Open details" : "Montri detalojn",
"Templates" : "Ŝablonoj",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es.js b/apps/files/l10n/es.js
index af760741703..3e7d5de344c 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es.js
@@ -261,8 +261,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Creando el archivo",
"Blank" : "Vacío",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "No se ha podido crear un nuevo archivo desde la plantilla",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Eliminar y dejar de compartir",
- "Unshare" : "Dejar de compartir",
"Delete permanently" : "Eliminar de forma permanente",
"Destination is not a folder" : "El destino no es una carpeta",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Este archivo/carpeta ya está en ese directorio",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es.json b/apps/files/l10n/es.json
index 45604139fe8..6d54008f52e 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es.json
@@ -259,8 +259,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Creando el archivo",
"Blank" : "Vacío",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "No se ha podido crear un nuevo archivo desde la plantilla",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Eliminar y dejar de compartir",
- "Unshare" : "Dejar de compartir",
"Delete permanently" : "Eliminar de forma permanente",
"Destination is not a folder" : "El destino no es una carpeta",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Este archivo/carpeta ya está en ese directorio",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.js b/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.js
index e3190e569a6..e0b1e9a086a 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.js
@@ -234,7 +234,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Creando archivo.",
"Blank" : "En blanco",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "No se pudo crear un nuevo archivo a partir de la plantilla.",
- "Unshare" : "Dejar de compartir",
"Delete permanently" : "Borrar permanentemente",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Abrir carpeta {displayName}.",
"Open details" : "Abrir detalles.",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.json b/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.json
index 84ad12e99e9..6248abf8aa4 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.json
@@ -232,7 +232,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Creando archivo.",
"Blank" : "En blanco",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "No se pudo crear un nuevo archivo a partir de la plantilla.",
- "Unshare" : "Dejar de compartir",
"Delete permanently" : "Borrar permanentemente",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Abrir carpeta {displayName}.",
"Open details" : "Abrir detalles.",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es_MX.js b/apps/files/l10n/es_MX.js
index f1eedd3e0a4..cc329b5fbe2 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es_MX.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es_MX.js
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Creando el archivo",
"Blank" : "Vacío",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "No se ha podido crear un nuevo archivo desde la plantilla",
- "Unshare" : "Dejar de compartir",
"Delete permanently" : "Borrar permanentemente",
"Templates" : "Plantillas",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "No se ha podido iniciar la carpeta de plantillas",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es_MX.json b/apps/files/l10n/es_MX.json
index efcd69e4bd9..897f822b81f 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es_MX.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es_MX.json
@@ -207,7 +207,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Creando el archivo",
"Blank" : "Vacío",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "No se ha podido crear un nuevo archivo desde la plantilla",
- "Unshare" : "Dejar de compartir",
"Delete permanently" : "Borrar permanentemente",
"Templates" : "Plantillas",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "No se ha podido iniciar la carpeta de plantillas",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.js b/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.js
index 055e54b402a..645038f7da2 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.js
@@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Create" : "Loo",
"Blank" : "Tühi",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Faili loomine mallist ebaõnnestus",
- "Unshare" : "Lõpeta jagamine",
"Delete permanently" : "Kustuta jäädavalt",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Ava kaust {displayName}",
"Create new templates folder" : "Loo uus mallide kaust",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.json b/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.json
index 6c0c203c920..68a231a6e03 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.json
@@ -174,7 +174,6 @@
"Create" : "Loo",
"Blank" : "Tühi",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Faili loomine mallist ebaõnnestus",
- "Unshare" : "Lõpeta jagamine",
"Delete permanently" : "Kustuta jäädavalt",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Ava kaust {displayName}",
"Create new templates folder" : "Loo uus mallide kaust",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/eu.js b/apps/files/l10n/eu.js
index 835005b1733..df08f5c4f92 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/eu.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/eu.js
@@ -248,7 +248,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Fitxategia sortzen",
"Blank" : "Hutsik",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Ezin da fitxategi berria sortu txantiloitik",
- "Unshare" : "Ez partekatu",
"Delete permanently" : "Ezabatu betirako",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Helburua ez da karpeta bat",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Fitxategi/karpeta hau dagoeneko karpeta horretan dago",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/eu.json b/apps/files/l10n/eu.json
index ec7776984d6..834c1a7b58d 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/eu.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/eu.json
@@ -246,7 +246,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Fitxategia sortzen",
"Blank" : "Hutsik",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Ezin da fitxategi berria sortu txantiloitik",
- "Unshare" : "Ez partekatu",
"Delete permanently" : "Ezabatu betirako",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Helburua ez da karpeta bat",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Fitxategi/karpeta hau dagoeneko karpeta horretan dago",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fa.js b/apps/files/l10n/fa.js
index 1b33b48b426..ffa507f11ec 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/fa.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/fa.js
@@ -245,7 +245,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "ایجاد فایل",
"Blank" : "جای خالی",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "امکان ایجاد فایل جدید از الگو وجود ندارد",
- "Unshare" : "لغو اشتراک‌گذاری",
"Delete permanently" : "حذف قطعی",
"Copy to {target}" : "رونوشت به {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "جابجایی به {target}",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fa.json b/apps/files/l10n/fa.json
index d6b2c42e4a6..ff4a6d4e535 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/fa.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/fa.json
@@ -243,7 +243,6 @@
"Creating file" : "ایجاد فایل",
"Blank" : "جای خالی",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "امکان ایجاد فایل جدید از الگو وجود ندارد",
- "Unshare" : "لغو اشتراک‌گذاری",
"Delete permanently" : "حذف قطعی",
"Copy to {target}" : "رونوشت به {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "جابجایی به {target}",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fi.js b/apps/files/l10n/fi.js
index cf8e60795d8..1ab882c12b0 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/fi.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/fi.js
@@ -248,7 +248,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Luodaan tiedostoa",
"Blank" : "Tyhjä",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Uutta tiedostoa mallipohjasta ei voi luoda",
- "Unshare" : "Poista jako",
"Delete permanently" : "Poista pysyvästi",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Kohde ei ole kansio",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Tämä tiedosto/kansio on jo kyseisessä kansiossa",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fi.json b/apps/files/l10n/fi.json
index 94c5317754e..bce2d4ee7ea 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/fi.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/fi.json
@@ -246,7 +246,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Luodaan tiedostoa",
"Blank" : "Tyhjä",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Uutta tiedostoa mallipohjasta ei voi luoda",
- "Unshare" : "Poista jako",
"Delete permanently" : "Poista pysyvästi",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Kohde ei ole kansio",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Tämä tiedosto/kansio on jo kyseisessä kansiossa",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fr.js b/apps/files/l10n/fr.js
index 57a717196bb..d235413da13 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/fr.js
@@ -261,8 +261,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Créer un fichier",
"Blank" : "Vide",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Impossible de créer un nouveau fichier à partir du modèle",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Supprimer et ne plus partager",
- "Unshare" : "Ne plus partager",
"Delete permanently" : "Supprimer définitivement",
"Destination is not a folder" : "La destination n'est pas un dossier",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Ce fichier/dossier se trouve déjà dans ce dossier",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fr.json b/apps/files/l10n/fr.json
index e875b928b03..f1fa1eea9d1 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/fr.json
@@ -259,8 +259,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Créer un fichier",
"Blank" : "Vide",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Impossible de créer un nouveau fichier à partir du modèle",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Supprimer et ne plus partager",
- "Unshare" : "Ne plus partager",
"Delete permanently" : "Supprimer définitivement",
"Destination is not a folder" : "La destination n'est pas un dossier",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Ce fichier/dossier se trouve déjà dans ce dossier",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/gl.js b/apps/files/l10n/gl.js
index 300e01b8e8f..83bfe5a1575 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/gl.js
@@ -256,7 +256,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Creando o ficheiro",
"Blank" : "Baleiro",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Non é posíbel crear un novo ficheiro a partir do modelo",
- "Unshare" : "Deixar de compartir",
"Delete permanently" : "Eliminar definitivamente",
"Destination is not a folder" : "O destino non é un cartafol",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Este ficheiro/cartafol xa está nese directorio",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/gl.json b/apps/files/l10n/gl.json
index 2c48d898c30..601a6e70b00 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/gl.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/gl.json
@@ -254,7 +254,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Creando o ficheiro",
"Blank" : "Baleiro",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Non é posíbel crear un novo ficheiro a partir do modelo",
- "Unshare" : "Deixar de compartir",
"Delete permanently" : "Eliminar definitivamente",
"Destination is not a folder" : "O destino non é un cartafol",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Este ficheiro/cartafol xa está nese directorio",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/he.js b/apps/files/l10n/he.js
index 1fa238fec84..0a0707a0186 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/he.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/he.js
@@ -176,7 +176,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to change the favourite state of the file" : "לא ניתן לשנות את מצב ההעדפה של הקובץ",
"Error while loading the file data" : "שגיאה בטעינת נתוני הקובץ",
"Create" : "יצירה",
- "Unshare" : "ביטול שיתוף",
"Delete permanently" : "מחיקה לצמיתות",
"Open details" : "פתיחת פרטים",
"No favorites yet" : "אין מועדפים עדיין",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/he.json b/apps/files/l10n/he.json
index 7810cef2c3e..eb528a0526f 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/he.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/he.json
@@ -174,7 +174,6 @@
"Unable to change the favourite state of the file" : "לא ניתן לשנות את מצב ההעדפה של הקובץ",
"Error while loading the file data" : "שגיאה בטעינת נתוני הקובץ",
"Create" : "יצירה",
- "Unshare" : "ביטול שיתוף",
"Delete permanently" : "מחיקה לצמיתות",
"Open details" : "פתיחת פרטים",
"No favorites yet" : "אין מועדפים עדיין",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/hr.js b/apps/files/l10n/hr.js
index 472a2e95647..7dff362054f 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/hr.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/hr.js
@@ -191,7 +191,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Stvaranje datoteke",
"Blank" : "Prazno",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nije moguće stvoriti novu datoteku iz predloška",
- "Unshare" : "Prestani dijeliti",
"Delete permanently" : "Trajno izbrišite",
"Open details" : "Otvori pojedinosti",
"Templates" : "Predlošci",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/hr.json b/apps/files/l10n/hr.json
index 33f9b92af37..9fc1af5f268 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/hr.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/hr.json
@@ -189,7 +189,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Stvaranje datoteke",
"Blank" : "Prazno",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nije moguće stvoriti novu datoteku iz predloška",
- "Unshare" : "Prestani dijeliti",
"Delete permanently" : "Trajno izbrišite",
"Open details" : "Otvori pojedinosti",
"Templates" : "Predlošci",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/hu.js b/apps/files/l10n/hu.js
index 280114b5ac7..cab614af5b6 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/hu.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/hu.js
@@ -256,7 +256,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Fájl létrehozása",
"Blank" : "Üres",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nem lehet új fájlt létrehozni a sablonból",
- "Unshare" : "Megosztás visszavonása",
"Delete permanently" : "Végleges törlés",
"Destination is not a folder" : "A cél nem mappa",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Ez a fájl/mappa már létezik a mappában",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/hu.json b/apps/files/l10n/hu.json
index 20498e6fc3b..f6c800f34d7 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/hu.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/hu.json
@@ -254,7 +254,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Fájl létrehozása",
"Blank" : "Üres",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nem lehet új fájlt létrehozni a sablonból",
- "Unshare" : "Megosztás visszavonása",
"Delete permanently" : "Végleges törlés",
"Destination is not a folder" : "A cél nem mappa",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Ez a fájl/mappa már létezik a mappában",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/id.js b/apps/files/l10n/id.js
index 01d4b850dc3..4134ec822b4 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/id.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/id.js
@@ -213,7 +213,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Membuat berkas",
"Blank" : "Kosong",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Tidak dapat membuat berkas baru dari templat",
- "Unshare" : "Batalkan berbagi",
"Delete permanently" : "Hapus secara permanen",
"Templates" : "Templat",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Tidak dapat membuat direktori templat",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/id.json b/apps/files/l10n/id.json
index 0e1570067d4..e1c740823c6 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/id.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/id.json
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Membuat berkas",
"Blank" : "Kosong",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Tidak dapat membuat berkas baru dari templat",
- "Unshare" : "Batalkan berbagi",
"Delete permanently" : "Hapus secara permanen",
"Templates" : "Templat",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Tidak dapat membuat direktori templat",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/is.js b/apps/files/l10n/is.js
index 9a8c4b77ae2..caa0ede496e 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/is.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/is.js
@@ -256,7 +256,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Bý til skrá",
"Blank" : "Tóm",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Tekst ekki að búa til nýja skrá út frá sniðmáti",
- "Unshare" : "Hætta deilingu",
"Delete permanently" : "Eyða varanlega",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Áfangastaðurinn er ekki mappa",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Þessi skrá/mappa er þegar í þessari möppu",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/is.json b/apps/files/l10n/is.json
index 4c237a18963..af2b02483d9 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/is.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/is.json
@@ -254,7 +254,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Bý til skrá",
"Blank" : "Tóm",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Tekst ekki að búa til nýja skrá út frá sniðmáti",
- "Unshare" : "Hætta deilingu",
"Delete permanently" : "Eyða varanlega",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Áfangastaðurinn er ekki mappa",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Þessi skrá/mappa er þegar í þessari möppu",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/it.js b/apps/files/l10n/it.js
index 78a21ab5383..ef3dbac69ee 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/it.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/it.js
@@ -258,8 +258,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Creazione del file",
"Blank" : "Vuoto",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Impossibile creare un nuovo file dal modello",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Elimina e annulla la condivisione",
- "Unshare" : "Rimuovi condivisione",
"Delete permanently" : "Elimina permanentemente",
"Destination is not a folder" : "La destinazione non è una cartella",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Questo file/cartella è già in quella cartella",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/it.json b/apps/files/l10n/it.json
index 9596cd94004..3e86faf74ac 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/it.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/it.json
@@ -256,8 +256,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Creazione del file",
"Blank" : "Vuoto",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Impossibile creare un nuovo file dal modello",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Elimina e annulla la condivisione",
- "Unshare" : "Rimuovi condivisione",
"Delete permanently" : "Elimina permanentemente",
"Destination is not a folder" : "La destinazione non è una cartella",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Questo file/cartella è già in quella cartella",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ja.js b/apps/files/l10n/ja.js
index efca75b9ea8..0be6f145540 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ja.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ja.js
@@ -261,8 +261,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "ファイル作成",
"Blank" : "ブランク",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "テンプレートから新しいファイルを作成できません",
- "Delete and unshare" : "削除して共有を解除",
- "Unshare" : "共有の解除",
"Delete permanently" : "永久に削除",
"Destination is not a folder" : "宛先がフォルダではありません",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "このファイル/フォルダはすでにそのディレクトリにあります",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ja.json b/apps/files/l10n/ja.json
index 4ba37d085e5..d7022639b51 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ja.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ja.json
@@ -259,8 +259,6 @@
"Creating file" : "ファイル作成",
"Blank" : "ブランク",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "テンプレートから新しいファイルを作成できません",
- "Delete and unshare" : "削除して共有を解除",
- "Unshare" : "共有の解除",
"Delete permanently" : "永久に削除",
"Destination is not a folder" : "宛先がフォルダではありません",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "このファイル/フォルダはすでにそのディレクトリにあります",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ka.js b/apps/files/l10n/ka.js
index 19e2a9a5762..6866e28d414 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ka.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ka.js
@@ -257,7 +257,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Creating file",
"Blank" : "Blank",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Unable to create new file from template",
- "Unshare" : "Unshare",
"Delete permanently" : "Delete permanently",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Destination is not a folder",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "This file/folder is already in that directory",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ka.json b/apps/files/l10n/ka.json
index 4df5623118f..944f5a55299 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ka.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ka.json
@@ -255,7 +255,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Creating file",
"Blank" : "Blank",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Unable to create new file from template",
- "Unshare" : "Unshare",
"Delete permanently" : "Delete permanently",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Destination is not a folder",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "This file/folder is already in that directory",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ko.js b/apps/files/l10n/ko.js
index 94ae6d69eef..260fb2f3028 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ko.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ko.js
@@ -178,6 +178,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Upload successful" : "업로드 성공",
"\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" 작업을 성공적으로 실행함",
"\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" 작업을 실패함",
+ "Toggle selection for file \"{displayName}\"" : "파일 \"{displayName}\" 선택/선택해제",
+ "Toggle selection for folder \"{displayName}\"" : "폴더 \"{displayName}\" 선택/선택해제",
"Rename file" : "파일 이름 바꾸기",
"File name" : "파일 이름",
"Folder name" : "폴더 이름",
@@ -195,6 +197,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "{file}(을)를 복사할 수 없음. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "{file}(을)를 이동할 수 없음. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "총 행 요약",
+ "Toggle selection for all files and folders" : "모든 파일 선택/선택해제",
"\"{displayName}\" failed on some elements " : "\"{displayName}\" 이 일부 요소들에서 실패함",
"\"{displayName}\" batch action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" 일괄 작업을 성공적으로 실행함",
"List of files and folders." : "파일과 폴더의 목록",
@@ -258,12 +261,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "파일 만들기",
"Blank" : "여백",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "템플릿으로 새 파일을 만들 수 없음",
- "Delete and unshare" : "삭제 및 공유 해제",
- "Unshare" : "공유 해제",
"Delete permanently" : "영구히 삭제",
"Destination is not a folder" : "대상이 폴더가 아닙니다.",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "이 파일/폴더가 이미 그 경로에 있습니다.",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "파일/폴더를 그 안이나 그 안의 폴더로 이동할 수 없습니다.",
+ "(copy)" : "(복사)",
+ "(copy %n)" : "(%n 복사)",
"A file or folder with that name already exists in this folder" : "같은 이름을 사용하는 파일 또는 폴더가 이미 이 폴더에 있습니다.",
"The files is locked" : "이 파일은 잠겼습니다.",
"The file does not exist anymore" : "파일이 더이상 존재하지 않습니다.",
@@ -271,6 +274,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copy to {target}" : "{target}에 복사",
"Move to {target}" : "{target}에 이동",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : "이동 또는 복사 작업을 취소함",
+ "Move or copy operation failed" : "이동 또는 복사 작업에 실패함",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "{displayName} 폴더 열기",
"Open in Files" : "파일에서 열기",
"Open details" : "자세한 정보 열기",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ko.json b/apps/files/l10n/ko.json
index f90cbd66ec4..54b48296003 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ko.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ko.json
@@ -176,6 +176,8 @@
"Upload successful" : "업로드 성공",
"\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" 작업을 성공적으로 실행함",
"\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" 작업을 실패함",
+ "Toggle selection for file \"{displayName}\"" : "파일 \"{displayName}\" 선택/선택해제",
+ "Toggle selection for folder \"{displayName}\"" : "폴더 \"{displayName}\" 선택/선택해제",
"Rename file" : "파일 이름 바꾸기",
"File name" : "파일 이름",
"Folder name" : "폴더 이름",
@@ -193,6 +195,7 @@
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "{file}(을)를 복사할 수 없음. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "{file}(을)를 이동할 수 없음. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "총 행 요약",
+ "Toggle selection for all files and folders" : "모든 파일 선택/선택해제",
"\"{displayName}\" failed on some elements " : "\"{displayName}\" 이 일부 요소들에서 실패함",
"\"{displayName}\" batch action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" 일괄 작업을 성공적으로 실행함",
"List of files and folders." : "파일과 폴더의 목록",
@@ -256,12 +259,12 @@
"Creating file" : "파일 만들기",
"Blank" : "여백",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "템플릿으로 새 파일을 만들 수 없음",
- "Delete and unshare" : "삭제 및 공유 해제",
- "Unshare" : "공유 해제",
"Delete permanently" : "영구히 삭제",
"Destination is not a folder" : "대상이 폴더가 아닙니다.",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "이 파일/폴더가 이미 그 경로에 있습니다.",
"You cannot move a file/folder onto itself or into a subfolder of itself" : "파일/폴더를 그 안이나 그 안의 폴더로 이동할 수 없습니다.",
+ "(copy)" : "(복사)",
+ "(copy %n)" : "(%n 복사)",
"A file or folder with that name already exists in this folder" : "같은 이름을 사용하는 파일 또는 폴더가 이미 이 폴더에 있습니다.",
"The files is locked" : "이 파일은 잠겼습니다.",
"The file does not exist anymore" : "파일이 더이상 존재하지 않습니다.",
@@ -269,6 +272,7 @@
"Copy to {target}" : "{target}에 복사",
"Move to {target}" : "{target}에 이동",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : "이동 또는 복사 작업을 취소함",
+ "Move or copy operation failed" : "이동 또는 복사 작업에 실패함",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "{displayName} 폴더 열기",
"Open in Files" : "파일에서 열기",
"Open details" : "자세한 정보 열기",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/lt_LT.js b/apps/files/l10n/lt_LT.js
index e653272f95b..ca255e875b6 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/lt_LT.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/lt_LT.js
@@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Create a new file with the selected template" : "Sukurti naują failą naudojant pasirinktą šabloną",
"Creating file" : "Sukuriamas failas",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nepavyko sukurti naujo failo iš šablono",
- "Unshare" : "Nustoti bendrinti",
"Delete permanently" : "Ištrinti negrįžtamai",
"The file does not exist anymore" : "Failo daugiau nebėra",
"Copy to {target}" : "Kopijuoti į {target}",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/lt_LT.json b/apps/files/l10n/lt_LT.json
index 8e3a96b77cd..9fff8a52656 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/lt_LT.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/lt_LT.json
@@ -205,7 +205,6 @@
"Create a new file with the selected template" : "Sukurti naują failą naudojant pasirinktą šabloną",
"Creating file" : "Sukuriamas failas",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nepavyko sukurti naujo failo iš šablono",
- "Unshare" : "Nustoti bendrinti",
"Delete permanently" : "Ištrinti negrįžtamai",
"The file does not exist anymore" : "Failo daugiau nebėra",
"Copy to {target}" : "Kopijuoti į {target}",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/mk.js b/apps/files/l10n/mk.js
index 121b3015e1e..ba8cb53e0ac 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/mk.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/mk.js
@@ -257,7 +257,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Креирање на датотека",
"Blank" : "Празно",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Неможе да се креира датотека од шаблон",
- "Unshare" : "Отстрани споделување",
"Delete permanently" : "Избриши",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Дестинацијата не е папка",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Оваа папка/датотека се наоѓа веќе во таа папка",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/mk.json b/apps/files/l10n/mk.json
index 990bed092a5..6d539cb6fa2 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/mk.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/mk.json
@@ -255,7 +255,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Креирање на датотека",
"Blank" : "Празно",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Неможе да се креира датотека од шаблон",
- "Unshare" : "Отстрани споделување",
"Delete permanently" : "Избриши",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Дестинацијата не е папка",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Оваа папка/датотека се наоѓа веќе во таа папка",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/nb.js b/apps/files/l10n/nb.js
index 47f80bede60..e8fc8aaf8ae 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/nb.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/nb.js
@@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Oppretter fil",
"Blank" : "Tom",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kan ikke opprette ny fil fra malen",
- "Unshare" : "Opphev deling",
"Delete permanently" : "Slett for godt",
"Open details" : "Åpne detaljer",
"Templates" : "Maler",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/nb.json b/apps/files/l10n/nb.json
index 7db54e44330..93fd84f1a99 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/nb.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/nb.json
@@ -210,7 +210,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Oppretter fil",
"Blank" : "Tom",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kan ikke opprette ny fil fra malen",
- "Unshare" : "Opphev deling",
"Delete permanently" : "Slett for godt",
"Open details" : "Åpne detaljer",
"Templates" : "Maler",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/nl.js b/apps/files/l10n/nl.js
index 6592c7d3b61..1c621b3ece0 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/nl.js
@@ -210,7 +210,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Maken bestand",
"Blank" : "Blanco",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kan geen nieuw bestand maken vanuit het sjabloon",
- "Unshare" : "Delen opheffen",
"Delete permanently" : "Permanent verwijderen",
"Copy to {target}" : "Kopieer naar {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "Verplaats naar {target}",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/nl.json b/apps/files/l10n/nl.json
index 5cf821230a4..f488df4f934 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/nl.json
@@ -208,7 +208,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Maken bestand",
"Blank" : "Blanco",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kan geen nieuw bestand maken vanuit het sjabloon",
- "Unshare" : "Delen opheffen",
"Delete permanently" : "Permanent verwijderen",
"Copy to {target}" : "Kopieer naar {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "Verplaats naar {target}",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pl.js b/apps/files/l10n/pl.js
index 245a3d0c481..81310f85209 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/pl.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/pl.js
@@ -250,7 +250,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Tworzenie pliku",
"Blank" : "Pusty",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nie można utworzyć nowego pliku z szablonu",
- "Unshare" : "Zatrzymaj udostępnianie",
"Delete permanently" : "Usuń bezpowrotnie",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Miejsce docelowe nie jest katalogiem",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Ten plik/katalog znajduje się już w tym katalogu",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pl.json b/apps/files/l10n/pl.json
index 3a7f6b20278..13c15a96c10 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/pl.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/pl.json
@@ -248,7 +248,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Tworzenie pliku",
"Blank" : "Pusty",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nie można utworzyć nowego pliku z szablonu",
- "Unshare" : "Zatrzymaj udostępnianie",
"Delete permanently" : "Usuń bezpowrotnie",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Miejsce docelowe nie jest katalogiem",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Ten plik/katalog znajduje się już w tym katalogu",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 52c41ae418d..4f8aed6a925 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -257,7 +257,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Criando arquivo",
"Blank" : "Em branco",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Incapaz de criar novo arquivo a partir do modelo",
- "Unshare" : "Descompartilhar",
"Delete permanently" : "Remover permanentemente",
"Destination is not a folder" : "O destino não é uma pasta",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Este arquivo/pasta já está nesse diretório",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.json
index fd11fdba47a..a9c92f3b29b 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -255,7 +255,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Criando arquivo",
"Blank" : "Em branco",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Incapaz de criar novo arquivo a partir do modelo",
- "Unshare" : "Descompartilhar",
"Delete permanently" : "Remover permanentemente",
"Destination is not a folder" : "O destino não é uma pasta",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Este arquivo/pasta já está nesse diretório",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pt_PT.js b/apps/files/l10n/pt_PT.js
index 13adf39e844..3db424c146d 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/pt_PT.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/pt_PT.js
@@ -159,7 +159,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"WebDAV" : "WebDAV",
"Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar para área de transferência",
"Create" : "Criar",
- "Unshare" : "Cancelar partilha",
"Delete permanently" : "Eliminar permanentemente",
"Templates" : "Modelos",
"No favorites yet" : "Sem favoritos",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pt_PT.json b/apps/files/l10n/pt_PT.json
index 0ff164c9d40..f582b792f32 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/pt_PT.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/pt_PT.json
@@ -157,7 +157,6 @@
"WebDAV" : "WebDAV",
"Copy to clipboard" : "Copiar para área de transferência",
"Create" : "Criar",
- "Unshare" : "Cancelar partilha",
"Delete permanently" : "Eliminar permanentemente",
"Templates" : "Modelos",
"No favorites yet" : "Sem favoritos",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ro.js b/apps/files/l10n/ro.js
index 1aabb2114b2..f5d0aebcde1 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ro.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ro.js
@@ -248,7 +248,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Se crează fișierul",
"Blank" : "Gol",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nu s-a putut creea un fisier nou pentru acest șablon",
- "Unshare" : "Oprește partajarea",
"Delete permanently" : "Șterge permanent",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Destinația nu este un folder",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Acest fișier/folder există în acel dosar",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ro.json b/apps/files/l10n/ro.json
index f8125360be8..0266a063996 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ro.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ro.json
@@ -246,7 +246,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Se crează fișierul",
"Blank" : "Gol",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nu s-a putut creea un fisier nou pentru acest șablon",
- "Unshare" : "Oprește partajarea",
"Delete permanently" : "Șterge permanent",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Destinația nu este un folder",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Acest fișier/folder există în acel dosar",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ru.js b/apps/files/l10n/ru.js
index 5a5d2861bce..6ee48b5ccbf 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ru.js
@@ -257,7 +257,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Создание файла",
"Blank" : "Пустой",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Не удалось создать файл на основе шаблона",
- "Unshare" : "Отозвать общий доступ",
"Delete permanently" : "Удалить навсегда",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Указанное назначение не является папкой",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Файл или папка уже расположены в этой папке",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ru.json b/apps/files/l10n/ru.json
index a3aff77cfe5..565c0a7a7cb 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ru.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ru.json
@@ -255,7 +255,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Создание файла",
"Blank" : "Пустой",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Не удалось создать файл на основе шаблона",
- "Unshare" : "Отозвать общий доступ",
"Delete permanently" : "Удалить навсегда",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Указанное назначение не является папкой",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Файл или папка уже расположены в этой папке",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sc.js b/apps/files/l10n/sc.js
index 21852cc3bb0..f252dd6d234 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sc.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sc.js
@@ -242,7 +242,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Creende s'archìviu",
"Blank" : "Isbòidu",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Non faghet a creare un'archìviu nou dae su modellu",
- "Unshare" : "Annulla sa cumpartzidura",
"Delete permanently" : "Cantzella in manera definitiva",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Sa destinatzione no est una cartella",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Custu archìviu o cartella est giai in cussu diretòriu",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sc.json b/apps/files/l10n/sc.json
index ccd8c3b5858..a1088cf8962 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sc.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sc.json
@@ -240,7 +240,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Creende s'archìviu",
"Blank" : "Isbòidu",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Non faghet a creare un'archìviu nou dae su modellu",
- "Unshare" : "Annulla sa cumpartzidura",
"Delete permanently" : "Cantzella in manera definitiva",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Sa destinatzione no est una cartella",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Custu archìviu o cartella est giai in cussu diretòriu",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sk.js b/apps/files/l10n/sk.js
index d2ddad1d2cf..e7880085600 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sk.js
@@ -254,7 +254,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Vytvára sa súbor",
"Blank" : "Prázdne",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nemôžem vytvoriť nový súbor zo šablóny",
- "Unshare" : "Zrušiť zdieľanie",
"Delete permanently" : "Zmazať natrvalo",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Cieľ nie je priečinok",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Tento súbor/priečinok sa už v danom adresári nachádza",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sk.json b/apps/files/l10n/sk.json
index 7c87382871a..2e442b16ee2 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sk.json
@@ -252,7 +252,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Vytvára sa súbor",
"Blank" : "Prázdne",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nemôžem vytvoriť nový súbor zo šablóny",
- "Unshare" : "Zrušiť zdieľanie",
"Delete permanently" : "Zmazať natrvalo",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Cieľ nie je priečinok",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Tento súbor/priečinok sa už v danom adresári nachádza",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sl.js b/apps/files/l10n/sl.js
index 65c574b071b..cb9257aa2d6 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sl.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sl.js
@@ -250,7 +250,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Poteka ustvarjanje datoteke",
"Blank" : "Prazno",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nove datoteke iz predloge ni mogoče ustvariti",
- "Unshare" : "Odstrani povezavo",
"Delete permanently" : "Trajno izbriši",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ciljno mesto ni mapa",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Ta datoteka oziroma mapa je že v določeni mapi",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sl.json b/apps/files/l10n/sl.json
index 7dd6f0a8980..7e183a83f12 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sl.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sl.json
@@ -248,7 +248,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Poteka ustvarjanje datoteke",
"Blank" : "Prazno",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nove datoteke iz predloge ni mogoče ustvariti",
- "Unshare" : "Odstrani povezavo",
"Delete permanently" : "Trajno izbriši",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Ciljno mesto ni mapa",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Ta datoteka oziroma mapa je že v določeni mapi",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sr.js b/apps/files/l10n/sr.js
index c1aa88623e5..cd33252c4bb 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sr.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sr.js
@@ -261,8 +261,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Креирање фајла",
"Blank" : "Празно",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Из шаблона није могао да се креира нови фајл",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Обриши и прекини дељење",
- "Unshare" : "Укини дељење",
"Delete permanently" : "Обриши заувек",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Одредиште није фолдер",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Овај фајл/фолдер се већ налази у том директоријуму",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sr.json b/apps/files/l10n/sr.json
index 2d28abef92d..64238de7167 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sr.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sr.json
@@ -259,8 +259,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Креирање фајла",
"Blank" : "Празно",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Из шаблона није могао да се креира нови фајл",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Обриши и прекини дељење",
- "Unshare" : "Укини дељење",
"Delete permanently" : "Обриши заувек",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Одредиште није фолдер",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Овај фајл/фолдер се већ налази у том директоријуму",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sv.js b/apps/files/l10n/sv.js
index 3171645e747..ea6fa693a95 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sv.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sv.js
@@ -261,8 +261,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Skapar fil",
"Blank" : "Tom",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kunde inte skapa fil från mall",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Radera och sluta dela",
- "Unshare" : "Sluta dela",
"Delete permanently" : "Ta bort permanent",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Destinationen är inte en mapp",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Den här filen/mappen finns redan i den katalogen",
@@ -276,6 +274,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copy to {target}" : "Kopiera till {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "Flytta till {target}",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : "Flytta eller kopiera avbröts",
+ "Move or copy operation failed" : "Flytta eller kopiera misslyckades",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Öppna mappen {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Öppna i Filer",
"Open details" : "Öppna detaljer",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sv.json b/apps/files/l10n/sv.json
index 2ba9101dc74..079a312f09a 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sv.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sv.json
@@ -259,8 +259,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Skapar fil",
"Blank" : "Tom",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kunde inte skapa fil från mall",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Radera och sluta dela",
- "Unshare" : "Sluta dela",
"Delete permanently" : "Ta bort permanent",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Destinationen är inte en mapp",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Den här filen/mappen finns redan i den katalogen",
@@ -274,6 +272,7 @@
"Copy to {target}" : "Kopiera till {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "Flytta till {target}",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : "Flytta eller kopiera avbröts",
+ "Move or copy operation failed" : "Flytta eller kopiera misslyckades",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Öppna mappen {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Öppna i Filer",
"Open details" : "Öppna detaljer",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/tr.js b/apps/files/l10n/tr.js
index 9258bc0b3b7..7ea5707705a 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/tr.js
@@ -261,8 +261,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Dosya ekleniyor",
"Blank" : "Boş",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kalıptan yeni dosya eklenemedi",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Sil ve paylaşımdan kaldır",
- "Unshare" : "Paylaşımdan kaldır",
"Delete permanently" : "Kalıcı olarak sil",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Hedef bir klasör değil",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Dosya ya da klasör bu klasörde zaten var",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/tr.json b/apps/files/l10n/tr.json
index d64819af717..690e9ab9f34 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/tr.json
@@ -259,8 +259,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Dosya ekleniyor",
"Blank" : "Boş",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kalıptan yeni dosya eklenemedi",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Sil ve paylaşımdan kaldır",
- "Unshare" : "Paylaşımdan kaldır",
"Delete permanently" : "Kalıcı olarak sil",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Hedef bir klasör değil",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Dosya ya da klasör bu klasörde zaten var",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/uk.js b/apps/files/l10n/uk.js
index 651ec97dd9c..f31bf25127d 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/uk.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/uk.js
@@ -261,8 +261,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "Створення файлу",
"Blank" : "Порожньо",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Неможливо створити новий файл з шаблону",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Вилучити та прибрати спільний доступ",
- "Unshare" : "Закрити доступ",
"Delete permanently" : "Вилучити назавжди",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Місце призначення не є каталогом",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Такий файл чи каталог вже присутні в цьому каталозі",
@@ -276,6 +274,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copy to {target}" : "Копіювати до {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "Перемістити до {target}",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : "Переміщення або копіювання скасовано",
+ "Move or copy operation failed" : "Не вдалося скопіювати або перемістити",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Відкрити каталог {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Відкрити у Файлах",
"Open details" : "Показати деталі",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/uk.json b/apps/files/l10n/uk.json
index 2e8220ee32f..c330a883150 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/uk.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/uk.json
@@ -259,8 +259,6 @@
"Creating file" : "Створення файлу",
"Blank" : "Порожньо",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Неможливо створити новий файл з шаблону",
- "Delete and unshare" : "Вилучити та прибрати спільний доступ",
- "Unshare" : "Закрити доступ",
"Delete permanently" : "Вилучити назавжди",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Місце призначення не є каталогом",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Такий файл чи каталог вже присутні в цьому каталозі",
@@ -274,6 +272,7 @@
"Copy to {target}" : "Копіювати до {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "Перемістити до {target}",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : "Переміщення або копіювання скасовано",
+ "Move or copy operation failed" : "Не вдалося скопіювати або перемістити",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Відкрити каталог {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Відкрити у Файлах",
"Open details" : "Показати деталі",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/vi.js b/apps/files/l10n/vi.js
index c97299eef07..f195db087ff 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/vi.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/vi.js
@@ -250,7 +250,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "‎Tạo tệp‎",
"Blank" : "‎Trống‎",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "‎Không thể tạo tệp mới từ mẫu‎",
- "Unshare" : "Bỏ chia sẻ",
"Delete permanently" : "Xoá vĩnh viễn",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Đích đến không phải là một thư mục",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Tệp/thư mục này đã có trong thư mục đó",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/vi.json b/apps/files/l10n/vi.json
index 3dc4f0ed8fd..66d9b02a781 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/vi.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/vi.json
@@ -248,7 +248,6 @@
"Creating file" : "‎Tạo tệp‎",
"Blank" : "‎Trống‎",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "‎Không thể tạo tệp mới từ mẫu‎",
- "Unshare" : "Bỏ chia sẻ",
"Delete permanently" : "Xoá vĩnh viễn",
"Destination is not a folder" : "Đích đến không phải là một thư mục",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "Tệp/thư mục này đã có trong thư mục đó",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.js b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.js
index 00d0303c6f9..2862f25c4ef 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.js
@@ -252,7 +252,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "正在创建文件",
"Blank" : "空白",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "无法从模板创建新文件",
- "Unshare" : "取消分享",
"Delete permanently" : "彻底删除",
"Destination is not a folder" : "目标不是一个文件夹",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "该文件/文件夹已经存在与该目录中",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.json b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.json
index 4d9c94c356c..7ca663c98e6 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.json
@@ -250,7 +250,6 @@
"Creating file" : "正在创建文件",
"Blank" : "空白",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "无法从模板创建新文件",
- "Unshare" : "取消分享",
"Delete permanently" : "彻底删除",
"Destination is not a folder" : "目标不是一个文件夹",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "该文件/文件夹已经存在与该目录中",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.js b/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.js
index 23ec4facabf..fdfab8b2596 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -261,8 +261,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "創建檔案中",
"Blank" : "空白",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "無法從模板創建新檔案",
- "Delete and unshare" : "刪除並取消分享",
- "Unshare" : "取消共享",
"Delete permanently" : "永久刪除",
"Destination is not a folder" : "目標地不是資料夾",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "此檔案/資料夾已在該目錄中",
@@ -276,6 +274,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Copy to {target}" : "複製到 {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "移動到 {target}",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : "已取消移動或複製操作",
+ "Move or copy operation failed" : "移動或複製操作失敗",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "打開資料夾 {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "在「檔案」應用程式中打開",
"Open details" : "開啟細節",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.json b/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.json
index 0a34d47ff13..82aa455561b 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -259,8 +259,6 @@
"Creating file" : "創建檔案中",
"Blank" : "空白",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "無法從模板創建新檔案",
- "Delete and unshare" : "刪除並取消分享",
- "Unshare" : "取消共享",
"Delete permanently" : "永久刪除",
"Destination is not a folder" : "目標地不是資料夾",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "此檔案/資料夾已在該目錄中",
@@ -274,6 +272,7 @@
"Copy to {target}" : "複製到 {target}",
"Move to {target}" : "移動到 {target}",
"Cancelled move or copy operation" : "已取消移動或複製操作",
+ "Move or copy operation failed" : "移動或複製操作失敗",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "打開資料夾 {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "在「檔案」應用程式中打開",
"Open details" : "開啟細節",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js b/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js
index bbf9d3ee221..6b3f80a5009 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -261,8 +261,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Creating file" : "正在建立檔案",
"Blank" : "空白",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "無法從範本建立新檔案",
- "Delete and unshare" : "刪除並取消分享",
- "Unshare" : "取消分享",
"Delete permanently" : "永久刪除",
"Destination is not a folder" : "目的地不是資料夾",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "此檔案/資料夾已在該目錄中",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json b/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json
index 6c3224ba72b..e2b2a293f0e 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -259,8 +259,6 @@
"Creating file" : "正在建立檔案",
"Blank" : "空白",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "無法從範本建立新檔案",
- "Delete and unshare" : "刪除並取消分享",
- "Unshare" : "取消分享",
"Delete permanently" : "永久刪除",
"Destination is not a folder" : "目的地不是資料夾",
"This file/folder is already in that directory" : "此檔案/資料夾已在該目錄中",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/ko.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/ko.js
index a461d37cc2c..014414ee6c2 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/ko.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/ko.js
@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hostname" : "호스트 이름",
"Port" : "포트",
"Region" : "지역",
+ "Storage Class" : "저장소 클래스",
"Enable SSL" : "SSL 사용",
"Enable Path Style" : "경로 스타일 사용",
"Legacy (v2) authentication" : "레거시(v2) 인증",
@@ -89,8 +90,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"SFTP" : "SFTP",
"Root" : "루트",
"SFTP with secret key login" : "비밀 키 로그인을 사용하는 SFTP",
"Share" : "공유",
"Show hidden files" : "숨김 파일 표시",
+ "Case sensitive file system" : "대소문자를 구별하는 파일 시스템",
+ "Disabling it will allow to use a case insensitive file system, but comes with a performance penalty" : "비활성화할 경우 파일 시스템이 대소문자를 구분하도록 할 수 있으나, 일부 성능 제약이 발생할 수 있습니다",
+ "Verify ACL access when listing files" : "파일 목록을 표시할 때 접근 권한 검증",
+ "Check the ACL's of each file or folder inside a directory to filter out items where the user has no read permissions, comes with a performance penalty" : "경로 내 각 파일과 폴더의 접근 권한을 확인하여 사용자에게 읽기 권한이 없는 파일을 솎아내며, 일부 성능 제약이 발생할 수 있습니다",
"Timeout" : "시간 초과",
"SMB/CIFS using OC login" : "OC 로그인을 사용하는 SMB/CIFS",
"Username as share" : "사용자 이름으로 공유",
@@ -146,6 +152,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Credentials saved" : "인증 정보 저장됨",
"Credentials saving failed" : "인증 정보를 저장할 수 없음",
"Credentials required" : "인증 정보 필요함",
+ "Disabling it will allow to use a case insentive file system, but comes with a performance penalty" : "비활성화할 경우 파일 시스템이 대소문자를 구분하도록 할 수 있으나, 일부 성능 제약이 발생할 수 있습니다",
"Name" : "이름"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/ko.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/ko.json
index ce78c581f83..9729810b607 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/ko.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/ko.json
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
"Hostname" : "호스트 이름",
"Port" : "포트",
"Region" : "지역",
+ "Storage Class" : "저장소 클래스",
"Enable SSL" : "SSL 사용",
"Enable Path Style" : "경로 스타일 사용",
"Legacy (v2) authentication" : "레거시(v2) 인증",
@@ -87,8 +88,13 @@
"SFTP" : "SFTP",
"Root" : "루트",
"SFTP with secret key login" : "비밀 키 로그인을 사용하는 SFTP",
"Share" : "공유",
"Show hidden files" : "숨김 파일 표시",
+ "Case sensitive file system" : "대소문자를 구별하는 파일 시스템",
+ "Disabling it will allow to use a case insensitive file system, but comes with a performance penalty" : "비활성화할 경우 파일 시스템이 대소문자를 구분하도록 할 수 있으나, 일부 성능 제약이 발생할 수 있습니다",
+ "Verify ACL access when listing files" : "파일 목록을 표시할 때 접근 권한 검증",
+ "Check the ACL's of each file or folder inside a directory to filter out items where the user has no read permissions, comes with a performance penalty" : "경로 내 각 파일과 폴더의 접근 권한을 확인하여 사용자에게 읽기 권한이 없는 파일을 솎아내며, 일부 성능 제약이 발생할 수 있습니다",
"Timeout" : "시간 초과",
"SMB/CIFS using OC login" : "OC 로그인을 사용하는 SMB/CIFS",
"Username as share" : "사용자 이름으로 공유",
@@ -144,6 +150,7 @@
"Credentials saved" : "인증 정보 저장됨",
"Credentials saving failed" : "인증 정보를 저장할 수 없음",
"Credentials required" : "인증 정보 필요함",
+ "Disabling it will allow to use a case insentive file system, but comes with a performance penalty" : "비활성화할 경우 파일 시스템이 대소문자를 구분하도록 할 수 있으나, 일부 성능 제약이 발생할 수 있습니다",
"Name" : "이름"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ko.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ko.js
index e41b9dc31ec..b6deb921f8e 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ko.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ko.js
@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share in conversation" : "대화방과 공유",
"Share with remote" : "원격지에 공유",
"Share with remote group" : "원격 그룹과 공유",
+ "Share with guest" : "손님과 공유",
"Share with" : "다음과 공유",
"Save share" : "공유 저장",
"Update share" : "공유 업데이트",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ko.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ko.json
index 77563b105f8..6dc5660c635 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ko.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ko.json
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@
"Share in conversation" : "대화방과 공유",
"Share with remote" : "원격지에 공유",
"Share with remote group" : "원격 그룹과 공유",
+ "Share with guest" : "손님과 공유",
"Share with" : "다음과 공유",
"Save share" : "공유 저장",
"Update share" : "공유 업데이트",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nb.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nb.js
index 759b725ff10..6d908d219ca 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nb.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nb.js
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enter a note for the share recipient" : "Skriv inn en beskjed til mottaker av deling",
"Create" : "Opprett",
"Share" : "Del",
+ "Delete share" : "Slett delt ressurs",
"Others with access" : "Andre med tilgang",
"No other users with access found" : "Ingen andre brukere med tilgang funnet",
"Toggle list of others with access to this directory" : "Endre liste over andre brukere med tilgang til denne mappen",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nb.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nb.json
index 4fbaba0c328..bf528a77c05 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nb.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nb.json
@@ -201,6 +201,7 @@
"Enter a note for the share recipient" : "Skriv inn en beskjed til mottaker av deling",
"Create" : "Opprett",
"Share" : "Del",
+ "Delete share" : "Slett delt ressurs",
"Others with access" : "Andre med tilgang",
"No other users with access found" : "Ingen andre brukere med tilgang funnet",
"Toggle list of others with access to this directory" : "Endre liste over andre brukere med tilgang til denne mappen",
diff --git a/apps/files_versions/l10n/ar.js b/apps/files_versions/l10n/ar.js
index 1154b113a2d..a3bc42ebd4e 100644
--- a/apps/files_versions/l10n/ar.js
+++ b/apps/files_versions/l10n/ar.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- "Versions" : "الإصدارات",
+ "Versions" : "النُّسَخ",
"This application automatically maintains older versions of files that are changed." : "هذا التطبيق يقوم بحفظ النسخ الأقدم من الملفات التي يتم تعديلها.",
"This application automatically maintains older versions of files that are changed. When enabled, a hidden versions folder is provisioned in every user's directory and is used to store old file versions. A user can revert to an older version through the web interface at any time, with the replaced file becoming a version. The app automatically manages the versions folder to ensure the user does not run out of Quota because of versions.\n\t\tIn addition to the expiry of versions, the versions app makes certain never to use more than 50% of the user's currently available free space. If stored versions exceed this limit, the app will delete the oldest versions first until it meets this limit. More information is available in the Versions documentation." : "هذا التطبيق يقوم بحفظ النسخ الأقدم من الملفات التي يتم تعديلها. عند تفعيله، يتم توفير مُجلد مخفي في دليل المستخدم لحفظ النسخ الأقدم للملفات. و يمكن للمستخدم العودة لأي نسخة قديمة من الملف من خلال الشاشة في أي لحظة. و حينها يتم نقل النسخة الأقدم المحفوظة لتصبح هي النسخة العامة و بالمقابل يتم نسخ النسخة العاملة لتصبح ضمن النُّسخ الأقدم. \nلا يسمح النظام بأن تتجاوز مساحة تخزين النُّسخ الأقدم 50% من حصة المستخدم المُتاحة. عند تضاؤل مساحة التخزين المُتاحة من حصة المستخدم، يقوم النظام بحذف النُّسخ الأقدم فالأقدم بحيث لا تقل حصة لا تشغل النُّسخ الأقدم أكثر من 50% من حصة المستخدم في جميع الأحوال. للمزيد؛ أنظر توثيق النُّسخ Version documenation.",
"Name this version" : "أعط اسماً لهذه النسخة",
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Restore version" : "استعادة النسخة",
"Download version" : "تنزيل النسخة",
"Delete version" : "حذف النسخة",
- "Current version" : "الإصدار الحالي",
+ "Current version" : "النسخة الحالية",
"Initial version" : "النسخة الأساسية",
"Version name" : "اسم النسخة",
"Named versions are persisted, and excluded from automatic cleanups when your storage quota is full." : "النُّسخ المُسمّاة محفوظة و مُستثناة من التنظيف التلقائي عند تضاؤل المٌتاح من الحصة التخزينية.",
@@ -18,9 +18,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Save version name" : "إحفظ اسم النسخة",
"Initial version restored" : "استعادة النسخة الأساسية",
"Version restored" : "تمّت استعادة النسخة",
- "Could not restore version" : "لم يُمكن استعادة النسخة",
- "Could not delete version" : "لم يُمكن حذف النسخة",
- "${version.label} restored" : "${version.label} تمّت استعادتها",
- "Could not set version name" : "لم يُمكن تعيين اسم للنسخة"
+ "Could not restore version" : "تعذّرت استعادة النسخة",
+ "Could not set version label" : "تعذّر تعيين تسمية للنسخة",
+ "Could not delete version" : "تعذّر حذف النسخة",
+ "${version.label} restored" : "تمّت استعادة ${version.label} ",
+ "Could not set version name" : "تعذّر تعيين اسم للنسخة"
"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;");
diff --git a/apps/files_versions/l10n/ar.json b/apps/files_versions/l10n/ar.json
index 081c3e29b12..8e107db3c28 100644
--- a/apps/files_versions/l10n/ar.json
+++ b/apps/files_versions/l10n/ar.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ "translations": {
- "Versions" : "الإصدارات",
+ "Versions" : "النُّسَخ",
"This application automatically maintains older versions of files that are changed." : "هذا التطبيق يقوم بحفظ النسخ الأقدم من الملفات التي يتم تعديلها.",
"This application automatically maintains older versions of files that are changed. When enabled, a hidden versions folder is provisioned in every user's directory and is used to store old file versions. A user can revert to an older version through the web interface at any time, with the replaced file becoming a version. The app automatically manages the versions folder to ensure the user does not run out of Quota because of versions.\n\t\tIn addition to the expiry of versions, the versions app makes certain never to use more than 50% of the user's currently available free space. If stored versions exceed this limit, the app will delete the oldest versions first until it meets this limit. More information is available in the Versions documentation." : "هذا التطبيق يقوم بحفظ النسخ الأقدم من الملفات التي يتم تعديلها. عند تفعيله، يتم توفير مُجلد مخفي في دليل المستخدم لحفظ النسخ الأقدم للملفات. و يمكن للمستخدم العودة لأي نسخة قديمة من الملف من خلال الشاشة في أي لحظة. و حينها يتم نقل النسخة الأقدم المحفوظة لتصبح هي النسخة العامة و بالمقابل يتم نسخ النسخة العاملة لتصبح ضمن النُّسخ الأقدم. \nلا يسمح النظام بأن تتجاوز مساحة تخزين النُّسخ الأقدم 50% من حصة المستخدم المُتاحة. عند تضاؤل مساحة التخزين المُتاحة من حصة المستخدم، يقوم النظام بحذف النُّسخ الأقدم فالأقدم بحيث لا تقل حصة لا تشغل النُّسخ الأقدم أكثر من 50% من حصة المستخدم في جميع الأحوال. للمزيد؛ أنظر توثيق النُّسخ Version documenation.",
"Name this version" : "أعط اسماً لهذه النسخة",
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"Restore version" : "استعادة النسخة",
"Download version" : "تنزيل النسخة",
"Delete version" : "حذف النسخة",
- "Current version" : "الإصدار الحالي",
+ "Current version" : "النسخة الحالية",
"Initial version" : "النسخة الأساسية",
"Version name" : "اسم النسخة",
"Named versions are persisted, and excluded from automatic cleanups when your storage quota is full." : "النُّسخ المُسمّاة محفوظة و مُستثناة من التنظيف التلقائي عند تضاؤل المٌتاح من الحصة التخزينية.",
@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@
"Save version name" : "إحفظ اسم النسخة",
"Initial version restored" : "استعادة النسخة الأساسية",
"Version restored" : "تمّت استعادة النسخة",
- "Could not restore version" : "لم يُمكن استعادة النسخة",
- "Could not delete version" : "لم يُمكن حذف النسخة",
- "${version.label} restored" : "${version.label} تمّت استعادتها",
- "Could not set version name" : "لم يُمكن تعيين اسم للنسخة"
+ "Could not restore version" : "تعذّرت استعادة النسخة",
+ "Could not set version label" : "تعذّر تعيين تسمية للنسخة",
+ "Could not delete version" : "تعذّر حذف النسخة",
+ "${version.label} restored" : "تمّت استعادة ${version.label} ",
+ "Could not set version name" : "تعذّر تعيين اسم للنسخة"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=6; plural=n==0 ? 0 : n==1 ? 1 : n==2 ? 2 : n%100>=3 && n%100<=10 ? 3 : n%100>=11 && n%100<=99 ? 4 : 5;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_versions/l10n/ca.js b/apps/files_versions/l10n/ca.js
index 6ed4f60d8e4..c80e7b308e7 100644
--- a/apps/files_versions/l10n/ca.js
+++ b/apps/files_versions/l10n/ca.js
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Initial version restored" : "S'ha recuperat la versió inicial",
"Version restored" : "S'ha recuperat la versió",
"Could not restore version" : "No s'ha pogut recuperar la versió",
+ "Could not set version label" : "No s'ha pogut definir l'etiqueta de la versió",
"Could not delete version" : "No s'ha pogut suprimir la versió",
"${version.label} restored" : "S'ha recuperat la versió ${version.label}",
"Could not set version name" : "No s'ha pogut definir el nom de la versió"
diff --git a/apps/files_versions/l10n/ca.json b/apps/files_versions/l10n/ca.json
index 8d85c169ac2..c1ce5c8f885 100644
--- a/apps/files_versions/l10n/ca.json
+++ b/apps/files_versions/l10n/ca.json
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
"Initial version restored" : "S'ha recuperat la versió inicial",
"Version restored" : "S'ha recuperat la versió",
"Could not restore version" : "No s'ha pogut recuperar la versió",
+ "Could not set version label" : "No s'ha pogut definir l'etiqueta de la versió",
"Could not delete version" : "No s'ha pogut suprimir la versió",
"${version.label} restored" : "S'ha recuperat la versió ${version.label}",
"Could not set version name" : "No s'ha pogut definir el nom de la versió"
diff --git a/apps/files_versions/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/files_versions/l10n/de_DE.js
index 889ede32ce0..b2722228afd 100644
--- a/apps/files_versions/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/files_versions/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Initial version restored" : "Ursprüngliche Version wiederhergestellt",
"Version restored" : "Version wiederhergestellt",
"Could not restore version" : "Version konnte nicht wiederhergestellt werden",
+ "Could not set version label" : "Der Versionsname konnte nicht festgelegt werden",
"Could not delete version" : "Version konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"${version.label} restored" : "${version.label} wiederhergestellt",
"Could not set version name" : "Der Versionsname konnte nicht festgelegt werden"
diff --git a/apps/files_versions/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/files_versions/l10n/de_DE.json
index 60442b40bb1..9049ea52b6b 100644
--- a/apps/files_versions/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/files_versions/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
"Initial version restored" : "Ursprüngliche Version wiederhergestellt",
"Version restored" : "Version wiederhergestellt",
"Could not restore version" : "Version konnte nicht wiederhergestellt werden",
+ "Could not set version label" : "Der Versionsname konnte nicht festgelegt werden",
"Could not delete version" : "Version konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"${version.label} restored" : "${version.label} wiederhergestellt",
"Could not set version name" : "Der Versionsname konnte nicht festgelegt werden"
diff --git a/apps/files_versions/l10n/en_GB.js b/apps/files_versions/l10n/en_GB.js
index d8b1e77fc50..a496ad7c9d0 100644
--- a/apps/files_versions/l10n/en_GB.js
+++ b/apps/files_versions/l10n/en_GB.js
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Initial version restored" : "Initial version restored",
"Version restored" : "Version restored",
"Could not restore version" : "Could not restore version",
+ "Could not set version label" : "Could not set version label",
"Could not delete version" : "Could not delete version",
"${version.label} restored" : "${version.label} restored",
"Could not set version name" : "Could not set version name"
diff --git a/apps/files_versions/l10n/en_GB.json b/apps/files_versions/l10n/en_GB.json
index d1f84e00b98..8c9088ceb78 100644
--- a/apps/files_versions/l10n/en_GB.json
+++ b/apps/files_versions/l10n/en_GB.json
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
"Initial version restored" : "Initial version restored",
"Version restored" : "Version restored",
"Could not restore version" : "Could not restore version",
+ "Could not set version label" : "Could not set version label",
"Could not delete version" : "Could not delete version",
"${version.label} restored" : "${version.label} restored",
"Could not set version name" : "Could not set version name"
diff --git a/apps/files_versions/l10n/sv.js b/apps/files_versions/l10n/sv.js
index fb8dfceba39..37ad0634004 100644
--- a/apps/files_versions/l10n/sv.js
+++ b/apps/files_versions/l10n/sv.js
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Initial version restored" : "Ursprunglig version återställd",
"Version restored" : "Version återställd",
"Could not restore version" : "Kunde inte återställa versionen",
+ "Could not set version label" : "Det gick inte att ange versionsetikett",
"Could not delete version" : "Det gick inte att ta bort versionen",
"${version.label} restored" : "${version.label} återställd",
"Could not set version name" : "Det gick inte att ange versionsnamn"
diff --git a/apps/files_versions/l10n/sv.json b/apps/files_versions/l10n/sv.json
index 0a64f50f60a..2088aae6d98 100644
--- a/apps/files_versions/l10n/sv.json
+++ b/apps/files_versions/l10n/sv.json
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
"Initial version restored" : "Ursprunglig version återställd",
"Version restored" : "Version återställd",
"Could not restore version" : "Kunde inte återställa versionen",
+ "Could not set version label" : "Det gick inte att ange versionsetikett",
"Could not delete version" : "Det gick inte att ta bort versionen",
"${version.label} restored" : "${version.label} återställd",
"Could not set version name" : "Det gick inte att ange versionsnamn"
diff --git a/apps/files_versions/l10n/zh_HK.js b/apps/files_versions/l10n/zh_HK.js
index 90f276eed72..af047865ecc 100644
--- a/apps/files_versions/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/apps/files_versions/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Initial version restored" : "初始版本已還原",
"Version restored" : "版本已還原",
"Could not restore version" : "無法還原版本",
+ "Could not set version label" : "無法設置版本標籤",
"Could not delete version" : "無法刪除版本",
"${version.label} restored" : "已還原˙ ${version.label}",
"Could not set version name" : "無法設定版本名稱"
diff --git a/apps/files_versions/l10n/zh_HK.json b/apps/files_versions/l10n/zh_HK.json
index fb64d70ec5e..afbede1fa53 100644
--- a/apps/files_versions/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/apps/files_versions/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
"Initial version restored" : "初始版本已還原",
"Version restored" : "版本已還原",
"Could not restore version" : "無法還原版本",
+ "Could not set version label" : "無法設置版本標籤",
"Could not delete version" : "無法刪除版本",
"${version.label} restored" : "已還原˙ ${version.label}",
"Could not set version name" : "無法設定版本名稱"
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ko.js b/apps/settings/l10n/ko.js
index 545c8465caa..0517f51951c 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ko.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ko.js
@@ -126,7 +126,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"App directories owner" : "앱 디렉토리 소유자",
"Some app directories are owned by a different user than the web server one. This may be the case if apps have been installed manually. Check the permissions of the following app directories:\n%s" : "일부 앱 디렉토리를 웹 서버가 아닌 다른 사용자가 소유하고 있습니다. 앱을 수동으로 설치한 경우에 발생할 수 있습니다. 다음 앱 디렉토리의 사용 권한을 확인하십시오: %s",
"App directories have the correct owner \"%s\"" : "앱 디렉토리가 소유자 \"%s\"이(가) 올바릅니다",
+ "Brute-force Throttle" : "무차별 대입 공격 쓰로틀링",
"Your remote address could not be determined." : "원격 주소가 지정되지 않았습니다",
+ "Your remote address was identified as \"%s\" and is brute-force throttled at the moment slowing down the performance of various requests. If the remote address is not your address this can be an indication that a proxy is not configured correctly." : "당신의 원격지 주소는 \"%s\"(으)로 식별되며, 현재 무차별 대입 공격 방어를 위해 여러 요청의 성능을 저하시켰습니다. 위 원격지 주소가 당신의 주소가 아니라면, 프록시 설정이 제대로 되지 않았음을 나타냅니다.",
+ "Your remote address \"%s\" is not brute-force throttled." : "원격지 주소 \"%s\"은(는) 무차별 대입 공격 쓰로틀링이 작동되지 않았습니다.",
"Old user imported certificates" : "과거 사용자가 인증서를 가져왔습니다",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "사용자가 불러온 SSL 인증서를 확인하는 백그라운드 작업이 진행중입니다. 나중에 다시 확인하십시오.",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "현재 사용자가 불러온 SSL 인증서 중 Nextcloud 21과 함께 사용할 수 없는 것이 있습니다. 이러한 인증서는 커맨드라인 명령어 \"occ security:certificates:import\"로 불러올 수 있습니다. 데이터 디렉토리 내부에 있는 해당 인증서의 경로가 아래에 표시됩니다.",
@@ -137,6 +140,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"It was not possible to execute the cron job via CLI. The following technical errors have appeared:\n%s" : "CLI를 통한 Cron 작업을 수행할 수 없습니다. 다음의 오류가 발생하였습니다: %s",
"The last cron job ran without errors." : "마지막 Cron 작업이 정상적으로 수행되었습니다.",
"Cron last run" : "마지막 Cron 작업",
+ "Last background job execution ran %s. Something seems wrong. {link}." : "마지막 작업이 %s에 실행된 것 같습니다. 문제를 확인하십시오. {link}",
+ "Last background job execution ran %s." : "마지막 백그라운드 작업이 %s에 수행되었습니다. ",
"Database missing columns" : "데이터베이스의 행이 사라졌습니다",
"Missing optional column \"%s\" in table \"%s\"." : "표 \"%s\"의 optional column \"%s\"이(가) 사라졌습니다",
"The database is missing some optional columns. Due to the fact that adding columns on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically when they can be optional. By running \"occ db:add-missing-columns\" those missing columns could be added manually while the instance keeps running. Once the columns are added some features might improve responsiveness or usability." : "데이터베이스에 일부 선택적 열이 누락되었습니다. 큰 테이블에 열을 추가하는 데 시간이 걸릴 수 있기 때문에 선택 사항일 수 있는 열이 자동으로 추가되지 않았습니다. 명령행에서 \"occ db:add-missing-columns\"를 실행하면 누락된 열을 인스턴스를 실행되는 동안 수동으로 추가할 수 있습니다. 열이 추가되면 일부 기능의 응답성이나 사용성이 향상될 수 있습니다.",
@@ -146,6 +151,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Database missing primary keys" : "데이터베이스의 기본 키가 사라졌습니다",
"Missing primary key on table \"%s\"." : "표 \"%s\"의 기본키가 사라졌습니다",
"The database is missing some primary keys. Due to the fact that adding primary keys on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically. By running \"occ db:add-missing-primary-keys\" those missing primary keys could be added manually while the instance keeps running." : "데이터베이스에 일부 기본 키가 누락되었습니다. 큰 테이블에 기본 키를 추가하는 데 시간이 걸릴 수 있기 때문에 자동으로 추가되지 않았습니다. 명령행에서 \"occ db:add-missing-primary-keys\"를 실행하면 인스턴스가 계속 실행되는 동안 누락된 기본 키를 수동으로 추가할 수 있습니다.",
+ "Some columns in the database are missing a conversion to big int. Due to the fact that changing column types on big tables could take some time they were not changed automatically. By running \"occ db:convert-filecache-bigint\" those pending changes could be applied manually. This operation needs to be made while the instance is offline." : "일부 데이터베이스 열이 big int로 변환되지 않았습니다. 큰 테이블의 열 형식을 변환하는 데 시간이 걸리기 때문에 자동으로 변환하지 않았습니다. 명령행에서 \"occ db:convert-filecache-bigint\" 명령을 실행하여 변경 사항을 직접 적용할 수 있습니다. 이 작업은 인스턴스를 오프라인으로 전환하고 실행해야 합니다. 더 많은 정보를 보려면 {linkstart}이에 관한 문서 페이지 ↗{linkend} 를 참조하십시오.",
"Default phone region" : "기본 국가 번호",
"Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file." : "기본 국가 번호가 설정되지 않았습니다. 기본 국가 번호를 설정하면 프로필에서 국가 번호를 생략하고 전화번호를 입력할 수 있습니다. ISO 3166-1 코드를 참조하여 설정 파일에 \"default_phone_region\"을 추가하십시오.",
"Email test" : "이메일 시험",
@@ -171,6 +177,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Maintenance window start" : "유지 보수 창 시작",
"Server has no maintenance window start time configured. This means resource intensive daily background jobs will also be executed during your main usage time. We recommend to set it to a time of low usage, so users are less impacted by the load caused from these heavy tasks." : "서버 유지관리 창의 시작 시간이 설정되지 않았습니다. 자원 집약적인 배경 작업이 사용자의 주된 사용 시간에 시작할 수 있습니다. 부하가 큰 작업에 의해 사용자가 불편을 겪지 않도록, 사용량이 적은 시간대로 이를 지정하십시오.",
"Maintenance window to execute heavy background jobs is between {start}:00 UTC and {end}:00 UTC" : "유지 보수 창이 부하가 큰 백그라운드 작업을 수행하기 위해 {start}:00 UTC에서 {end}:00 UTC에 동작합니다",
+ "Memcache" : "Memcache",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module \"memcache\" is installed. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached only supports \"memcached\" and not \"memcache\"." : "Memcached가 분산 캐시로 구성되어 있지만 잘못된 PHP 모듈 \"memcache\"가 설치되어 있습니다. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached는 \"memcached\"만 지원하고 \"memcache\"는 지원하지 않습니다.",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the PHP module \"memcached\" is not installed." : "Memcached가 분산 캐시로 구성되어 있지만 PHP 모듈 \"memcached\"가 설치되지 않았습니다.",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available." : "메모리 캐시가 설정되지 않았습니다. 성능 향상을 위해, 가능한 경우 memcache를 설정하십시오.",
@@ -179,11 +186,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You are not using MySQL" : "MySQL을 사용하고 있지 않습니다",
"MySQL is used as database and does support 4-byte characters" : "MySQL이 데이터베이스로 사용되고 있으며 4바이트 문자를 지원합니다",
"MySQL is used as database but does not support 4-byte characters. To be able to handle 4-byte characters (like emojis) without issues in filenames or comments for example it is recommended to enable the 4-byte support in MySQL." : "MySQL이 데이터베이스로 사용되고 있으나 4바이트 문자를 지원하지 않고 있습니다. 파일 이름이나 댓글 등에 Emoji와 같은 4바이트 문자를 문제 없이 사용하기 위해, MySQL에서 4바이트 문자 지원을 활성화하길 권장합니다.",
+ "Overwrite CLI URL" : "CLI URL 덮어쓰기",
"The \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php is correctly set to \"%s\"." : "\"overwrite.cli.url\" 옵션이 config.php에서 \"%s\"(으)로 바르게 설정되어 있습니다.",
"The \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php is set to \"%s\" which is a correct URL. Suggested URL is \"%s\"." : "\"overwrite.cli.url\" 옵션이 config.php에서 \"%s\"(으)로 바르게 설정되어 있습니다. 권장 URL은 \"%s\" 입니다.",
"Please make sure to set the \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php file to the URL that your users mainly use to access this Nextcloud. Suggestion: \"%s\". Otherwise there might be problems with the URL generation via cron. (It is possible though that the suggested URL is not the URL that your users mainly use to access this Nextcloud. Best is to double check this in any case.)" : "주로 사용할 URL이 config.php 파일의 \"overwrite.cli.url\" 옵션에 올바르게 설정되어 있는지 확인하십시오. 제안: \"%s\". 설정이 잘못되었을 경우 cron을 통한 URL 생성에 문제가 생길 수 있습니다. (제안된 URL이 이 Nextcloud에 접근하는 주된 URL이 아닐 수 있습니다. 따라서, 해당 사항을 직접 재확인하는 것이 좋습니다.)",
"PHP default charset" : "PHP 기본 문자셋",
"PHP configuration option \"default_charset\" should be UTF-8" : "PHP 설정 \"default_charset\"이 UTF-8이어야 합니다",
+ "PHP set_time_limit" : "PHP set_time_limit",
"The function is available." : "기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.",
"The PHP function \"set_time_limit\" is not available. This could result in scripts being halted mid-execution, breaking your installation. Enabling this function is strongly recommended." : "PHP 함수 \"set_time_limit\"을 사용할 수 없습니다. 스크립트가 실행 중간에 중지되어 설치를 깨트릴 수도 있습니다. 이 함수를 활성화하는 것을 추천합니다.",
"Supported" : "지원됨",
@@ -243,7 +252,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Temporary directory is correctly configured:\n%s" : "임시 디렉토리가 바르게 설정됨:\n%s",
"This instance uses an S3 based object store as primary storage, and has enough space in the temporary directory.\n%s" : "이 인스턴스는 S3 기반 객체 스토리지를 주 저장소로 사용하고 있으며, 임시 디렉토리의 여유 공간이 충분합니다.\n%s",
"This instance uses an S3 based object store as primary storage. The uploaded files are stored temporarily on the server and thus it is recommended to have 50 GiB of free space available in the temp directory of PHP. To improve this please change the temporary directory in the php.ini or make more space available in that path. \nChecking the available space in the temporary path resulted in %.1f GiB instead of the recommended 50 GiB. Path: %s" : "이 인스턴스는 S3 기반 객체 스토리지를 주 저장소로 사용하고 있습니다. 업로드된 파일은 임시로 서버에 저장되므로, 임시 디렉토리에 50GiB 이상의 여유 공간이 있는 것이 좋습니다. php.ini 파일에서 임시 디렉토리를 변경하거나, 임시 디렉토리에 더 많은 여유 공간을 확보하십시오.\n임시 디렉토리의 여유공간이 %.1f GiB로 확인됩니다. 권장값은 50GiB입니다. 경로: %s",
+ "Database transaction isolation level" : "데이터베이스 트랜잭션 격리 수준",
"Your database does not run with \"READ COMMITTED\" transaction isolation level. This can cause problems when multiple actions are executed in parallel." : "데이터베이스가 \"READ COMMITTED\" 트랜잭션 격리 수준에서 실행되고 있지 않습니다. 여러 작업이 동시에 실행될 때 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다.",
+ "Was not able to get transaction isolation level: %s" : "트랜잭션 격리 수준 %s을(를) 취하지 못했습니다",
"Profile information" : "프로필 정보",
"Profile picture, full name, email, phone number, address, website, Twitter, organisation, role, headline, biography, and whether your profile is enabled" : "프로필 사진, 전체 이름, 이메일, 전화번호, 주소, 웹사이트, 트위터, 조직, 직책, 표제, 소개문구 및 프로필 활성화 여부",
"Nextcloud settings" : "Nextcloud 환경설정",
@@ -379,7 +390,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Last job execution ran {time}. Something seems wrong." : "마지막 작업이 {time}에 실행되었습니다. 무언가 잘못된 것 같습니다.",
"Last job ran {relativeTime}." : "마지막 작업이 {relativeTime}에 실행되었음",
"Background job did not run yet!" : "백그라운드 작업이 아직 실행되지 않았습니다!",
+ "AJAX" : "AJAX",
"Execute one task with each page loaded. Use case: Single user instance." : "페이지를 로드할 때마다 작업을 실행합니다. 사용자가 한 명인 인스턴스에 적합합니다.",
+ "Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php를 webcron 서비스에 등록하여 매 5분마다 HTTP 상에서 실행합니다. 사용자가 1~5명인 소규모 인스턴스에 적합합니다.",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (권장됨)",
"Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "시스템 cron 서비스를 통해 5분마다 cron.php 파일을 실행합니다.",
@@ -539,6 +552,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password was successfully changed" : "암호를 성공적으로 변경함",
"Email was successfully changed" : "이메일을 성공적으로 변경함",
"Welcome mail sent!" : "환영 메일을 보냈습니다!",
+ "Toggle user actions menu" : "사용자 동작 메뉴 켜고 끄기",
"Done" : "완료",
"Edit" : "편집",
"User management settings" : "사용자 관리 설정",
@@ -569,6 +583,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"You need to enable the File sharing App." : "파일 공유 앱을 활성화해야 합니다.",
"{license}-licensed" : "{license} 라이선스",
"Changelog" : "변경 기록",
+ "by {author}\n{license}" : "{author} 님이 작성\n{license}",
"User management" : "사용자 관리",
"Active users" : "활성 사용자",
"Admins" : "관리자",
@@ -596,6 +611,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Profile visibility" : "프로필 표시 여부",
"Locale" : "지역",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "이 설정은 파일 공유, 달력 초대 등 핵심 기능에 필요하므로 비울 수 없습니다",
+ "Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "계정에서 연합이 비활성화되어 현재 사용할 수 없는 상태입니다. 시스템 관리자에게 문의하십시오.",
"Your apps" : "내 앱",
"Active apps" : "활성화된 앱",
"Disabled apps" : "비활성화된 앱",
@@ -627,6 +643,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Administration documentation" : "관리 문서",
"General documentation" : "일반 문서",
"Login" : "로그인",
+ "None/STARTTLS" : "없음/STARTTLS",
"SSL" : "SSL",
"Open documentation" : "문서 열기",
"It is important to set up this server to be able to send emails, like for password reset and notifications." : "암호 초기화 및 알림 이메일을 보내려면 이메일 서버를 설정해야 합니다.",
@@ -668,6 +685,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"OPcache is configured to remove code comments. With OPcache enabled, <code>opcache.save_comments=1</code> must be set for Nextcloud to function." : "OPcache가 code comment를 삭제하도록 설정되어 있습니다. Nextcloud의 원활한 작동을 위해 OPcahce 활성화 시 <code>opcache.save_comments=1</code>을 설정해야 합니다.",
"Nextcloud is not allowed to use the OPcache API. With OPcache enabled, it is highly recommended to include all Nextcloud directories with <code>opcache.restrict_api</code> or unset this setting to disable OPcache API restrictions, to prevent errors during Nextcloud core or app upgrades." : "Nextcloud가 OPcache API를 사용하도록 허용되지 않았습니다. Nextcloud core나 앱 업그레이드 중 에러 발생을 방지하기 위해, OPcache 활성화 시 모든 Nextcloud 디렉토리를 <code>opcahce.restrict_api</code>에 포함하거나 해당 설정을 해제하여 OPcahce API 제한을 비활성화 하는 것을 권장합니다.",
"Nextcloud is not allowed to use the OPcache API. It is highly recommended to include all Nextcloud directories with <code>opcache.restrict_api</code> or unset this setting to disable OPcache API restrictions, to prevent errors during Nextcloud core or app upgrades." : "Nextcloud가 OPcache API를 사용하도록 허용되지 않았습니다. Nextcloud core나 앱 업그레이드 중 에러 발생을 방지하기 위해, OPcache 활성화 시 모든 Nextcloud 디렉토리를 <code>opcahce.restrict_api</code>에 포함하거나 해당 설정을 해제하여 OPcahce API 제한을 비활성화 하는 것을 권장합니다.",
+ "The shared memory based OPcache is disabled. For better performance, it is recommended to apply <code>opcache.file_cache_only=0</code> to your PHP configuration and use the file cache as second level cache only." : "공유 메모리 기반 OPcahce가 비활성화되었습니다. 성능 향상을 위해 PHP 설정에 <code>opcache.file_cache_only=0</code>을 적용하고, 파일 캐시를 2단계 캐시 전용으로 사용하십시오.",
"The maximum number of OPcache keys is nearly exceeded. To assure that all scripts can be kept in the cache, it is recommended to apply <code>opcache.max_accelerated_files</code> to your PHP configuration with a value higher than <code>%s</code>." : "곧 OPcache key가 최대치를 초과할 것으로 보입니다. 모든 스크립트가 캐시에 유지될 수 있도록, PHP 설정에서 <code>opcache.max_accelerated_files</code> 값을 <code>%s</code> 보다 크게 적용하시길 권장합니다. ",
"The OPcache buffer is nearly full. To assure that all scripts can be hold in cache, it is recommended to apply <code>opcache.memory_consumption</code> to your PHP configuration with a value higher than <code>%s</code>." : "곧 OPcache 버퍼가 가득 찰 것으로 보입니다. 모든 스크립트가 캐시에 보관될 수 있도록, PHP 설정에서 <code>opcache.memory_consumption</code> 값을 <code>%s</code> 보다 크게 적용하시길 권장합니다. ",
"The OPcache interned strings buffer is nearly full. To assure that repeating strings can be effectively cached, it is recommended to apply <code>opcache.interned_strings_buffer</code> to your PHP configuration with a value higher than <code>%s</code>." : "곧 OPcache interned buffer가 가득 찰 것으로 보입니다. 반복 문자열이 효율적으로 캐싱될 수 있도록, PHP 설정에서 <code>opcache.interned_strings_buffer</code> 값을 <code>%s</code> 보다 크게 적용하시길 권장합니다. ",
@@ -720,6 +738,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Edit display name" : "표시 이름 수정",
"Select manager" : "담당 관리자 지정",
"Select user manager" : "사용자 담당 관리자 지정",
+ "Overwrite cli URL" : "CLI URL 덮어쓰기",
"This instance is missing some recommended PHP modules. For improved performance and better compatibility it is highly recommended to install them: %s." : "이 인스턴스에 권장 PHP 모듈 중 일부가 존재하지 않습니다. 성능 향상과 호환성을 위하여 다음 PHP 모듈을 설치하는 것이 좋습니다: %s"
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/ko.json b/apps/settings/l10n/ko.json
index fd5fd6828cb..714cd3cad7d 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/ko.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/ko.json
@@ -124,7 +124,10 @@
"App directories owner" : "앱 디렉토리 소유자",
"Some app directories are owned by a different user than the web server one. This may be the case if apps have been installed manually. Check the permissions of the following app directories:\n%s" : "일부 앱 디렉토리를 웹 서버가 아닌 다른 사용자가 소유하고 있습니다. 앱을 수동으로 설치한 경우에 발생할 수 있습니다. 다음 앱 디렉토리의 사용 권한을 확인하십시오: %s",
"App directories have the correct owner \"%s\"" : "앱 디렉토리가 소유자 \"%s\"이(가) 올바릅니다",
+ "Brute-force Throttle" : "무차별 대입 공격 쓰로틀링",
"Your remote address could not be determined." : "원격 주소가 지정되지 않았습니다",
+ "Your remote address was identified as \"%s\" and is brute-force throttled at the moment slowing down the performance of various requests. If the remote address is not your address this can be an indication that a proxy is not configured correctly." : "당신의 원격지 주소는 \"%s\"(으)로 식별되며, 현재 무차별 대입 공격 방어를 위해 여러 요청의 성능을 저하시켰습니다. 위 원격지 주소가 당신의 주소가 아니라면, 프록시 설정이 제대로 되지 않았음을 나타냅니다.",
+ "Your remote address \"%s\" is not brute-force throttled." : "원격지 주소 \"%s\"은(는) 무차별 대입 공격 쓰로틀링이 작동되지 않았습니다.",
"Old user imported certificates" : "과거 사용자가 인증서를 가져왔습니다",
"A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "사용자가 불러온 SSL 인증서를 확인하는 백그라운드 작업이 진행중입니다. 나중에 다시 확인하십시오.",
"There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "현재 사용자가 불러온 SSL 인증서 중 Nextcloud 21과 함께 사용할 수 없는 것이 있습니다. 이러한 인증서는 커맨드라인 명령어 \"occ security:certificates:import\"로 불러올 수 있습니다. 데이터 디렉토리 내부에 있는 해당 인증서의 경로가 아래에 표시됩니다.",
@@ -135,6 +138,8 @@
"It was not possible to execute the cron job via CLI. The following technical errors have appeared:\n%s" : "CLI를 통한 Cron 작업을 수행할 수 없습니다. 다음의 오류가 발생하였습니다: %s",
"The last cron job ran without errors." : "마지막 Cron 작업이 정상적으로 수행되었습니다.",
"Cron last run" : "마지막 Cron 작업",
+ "Last background job execution ran %s. Something seems wrong. {link}." : "마지막 작업이 %s에 실행된 것 같습니다. 문제를 확인하십시오. {link}",
+ "Last background job execution ran %s." : "마지막 백그라운드 작업이 %s에 수행되었습니다. ",
"Database missing columns" : "데이터베이스의 행이 사라졌습니다",
"Missing optional column \"%s\" in table \"%s\"." : "표 \"%s\"의 optional column \"%s\"이(가) 사라졌습니다",
"The database is missing some optional columns. Due to the fact that adding columns on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically when they can be optional. By running \"occ db:add-missing-columns\" those missing columns could be added manually while the instance keeps running. Once the columns are added some features might improve responsiveness or usability." : "데이터베이스에 일부 선택적 열이 누락되었습니다. 큰 테이블에 열을 추가하는 데 시간이 걸릴 수 있기 때문에 선택 사항일 수 있는 열이 자동으로 추가되지 않았습니다. 명령행에서 \"occ db:add-missing-columns\"를 실행하면 누락된 열을 인스턴스를 실행되는 동안 수동으로 추가할 수 있습니다. 열이 추가되면 일부 기능의 응답성이나 사용성이 향상될 수 있습니다.",
@@ -144,6 +149,7 @@
"Database missing primary keys" : "데이터베이스의 기본 키가 사라졌습니다",
"Missing primary key on table \"%s\"." : "표 \"%s\"의 기본키가 사라졌습니다",
"The database is missing some primary keys. Due to the fact that adding primary keys on big tables could take some time they were not added automatically. By running \"occ db:add-missing-primary-keys\" those missing primary keys could be added manually while the instance keeps running." : "데이터베이스에 일부 기본 키가 누락되었습니다. 큰 테이블에 기본 키를 추가하는 데 시간이 걸릴 수 있기 때문에 자동으로 추가되지 않았습니다. 명령행에서 \"occ db:add-missing-primary-keys\"를 실행하면 인스턴스가 계속 실행되는 동안 누락된 기본 키를 수동으로 추가할 수 있습니다.",
+ "Some columns in the database are missing a conversion to big int. Due to the fact that changing column types on big tables could take some time they were not changed automatically. By running \"occ db:convert-filecache-bigint\" those pending changes could be applied manually. This operation needs to be made while the instance is offline." : "일부 데이터베이스 열이 big int로 변환되지 않았습니다. 큰 테이블의 열 형식을 변환하는 데 시간이 걸리기 때문에 자동으로 변환하지 않았습니다. 명령행에서 \"occ db:convert-filecache-bigint\" 명령을 실행하여 변경 사항을 직접 적용할 수 있습니다. 이 작업은 인스턴스를 오프라인으로 전환하고 실행해야 합니다. 더 많은 정보를 보려면 {linkstart}이에 관한 문서 페이지 ↗{linkend} 를 참조하십시오.",
"Default phone region" : "기본 국가 번호",
"Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective ISO 3166-1 code of the region to your config file." : "기본 국가 번호가 설정되지 않았습니다. 기본 국가 번호를 설정하면 프로필에서 국가 번호를 생략하고 전화번호를 입력할 수 있습니다. ISO 3166-1 코드를 참조하여 설정 파일에 \"default_phone_region\"을 추가하십시오.",
"Email test" : "이메일 시험",
@@ -169,6 +175,7 @@
"Maintenance window start" : "유지 보수 창 시작",
"Server has no maintenance window start time configured. This means resource intensive daily background jobs will also be executed during your main usage time. We recommend to set it to a time of low usage, so users are less impacted by the load caused from these heavy tasks." : "서버 유지관리 창의 시작 시간이 설정되지 않았습니다. 자원 집약적인 배경 작업이 사용자의 주된 사용 시간에 시작할 수 있습니다. 부하가 큰 작업에 의해 사용자가 불편을 겪지 않도록, 사용량이 적은 시간대로 이를 지정하십시오.",
"Maintenance window to execute heavy background jobs is between {start}:00 UTC and {end}:00 UTC" : "유지 보수 창이 부하가 큰 백그라운드 작업을 수행하기 위해 {start}:00 UTC에서 {end}:00 UTC에 동작합니다",
+ "Memcache" : "Memcache",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module \"memcache\" is installed. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached only supports \"memcached\" and not \"memcache\"." : "Memcached가 분산 캐시로 구성되어 있지만 잘못된 PHP 모듈 \"memcache\"가 설치되어 있습니다. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached는 \"memcached\"만 지원하고 \"memcache\"는 지원하지 않습니다.",
"Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the PHP module \"memcached\" is not installed." : "Memcached가 분산 캐시로 구성되어 있지만 PHP 모듈 \"memcached\"가 설치되지 않았습니다.",
"No memory cache has been configured. To enhance performance, please configure a memcache, if available." : "메모리 캐시가 설정되지 않았습니다. 성능 향상을 위해, 가능한 경우 memcache를 설정하십시오.",
@@ -177,11 +184,13 @@
"You are not using MySQL" : "MySQL을 사용하고 있지 않습니다",
"MySQL is used as database and does support 4-byte characters" : "MySQL이 데이터베이스로 사용되고 있으며 4바이트 문자를 지원합니다",
"MySQL is used as database but does not support 4-byte characters. To be able to handle 4-byte characters (like emojis) without issues in filenames or comments for example it is recommended to enable the 4-byte support in MySQL." : "MySQL이 데이터베이스로 사용되고 있으나 4바이트 문자를 지원하지 않고 있습니다. 파일 이름이나 댓글 등에 Emoji와 같은 4바이트 문자를 문제 없이 사용하기 위해, MySQL에서 4바이트 문자 지원을 활성화하길 권장합니다.",
+ "Overwrite CLI URL" : "CLI URL 덮어쓰기",
"The \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php is correctly set to \"%s\"." : "\"overwrite.cli.url\" 옵션이 config.php에서 \"%s\"(으)로 바르게 설정되어 있습니다.",
"The \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php is set to \"%s\" which is a correct URL. Suggested URL is \"%s\"." : "\"overwrite.cli.url\" 옵션이 config.php에서 \"%s\"(으)로 바르게 설정되어 있습니다. 권장 URL은 \"%s\" 입니다.",
"Please make sure to set the \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php file to the URL that your users mainly use to access this Nextcloud. Suggestion: \"%s\". Otherwise there might be problems with the URL generation via cron. (It is possible though that the suggested URL is not the URL that your users mainly use to access this Nextcloud. Best is to double check this in any case.)" : "주로 사용할 URL이 config.php 파일의 \"overwrite.cli.url\" 옵션에 올바르게 설정되어 있는지 확인하십시오. 제안: \"%s\". 설정이 잘못되었을 경우 cron을 통한 URL 생성에 문제가 생길 수 있습니다. (제안된 URL이 이 Nextcloud에 접근하는 주된 URL이 아닐 수 있습니다. 따라서, 해당 사항을 직접 재확인하는 것이 좋습니다.)",
"PHP default charset" : "PHP 기본 문자셋",
"PHP configuration option \"default_charset\" should be UTF-8" : "PHP 설정 \"default_charset\"이 UTF-8이어야 합니다",
+ "PHP set_time_limit" : "PHP set_time_limit",
"The function is available." : "기능을 사용할 수 있습니다.",
"The PHP function \"set_time_limit\" is not available. This could result in scripts being halted mid-execution, breaking your installation. Enabling this function is strongly recommended." : "PHP 함수 \"set_time_limit\"을 사용할 수 없습니다. 스크립트가 실행 중간에 중지되어 설치를 깨트릴 수도 있습니다. 이 함수를 활성화하는 것을 추천합니다.",
"Supported" : "지원됨",
@@ -241,7 +250,9 @@
"Temporary directory is correctly configured:\n%s" : "임시 디렉토리가 바르게 설정됨:\n%s",
"This instance uses an S3 based object store as primary storage, and has enough space in the temporary directory.\n%s" : "이 인스턴스는 S3 기반 객체 스토리지를 주 저장소로 사용하고 있으며, 임시 디렉토리의 여유 공간이 충분합니다.\n%s",
"This instance uses an S3 based object store as primary storage. The uploaded files are stored temporarily on the server and thus it is recommended to have 50 GiB of free space available in the temp directory of PHP. To improve this please change the temporary directory in the php.ini or make more space available in that path. \nChecking the available space in the temporary path resulted in %.1f GiB instead of the recommended 50 GiB. Path: %s" : "이 인스턴스는 S3 기반 객체 스토리지를 주 저장소로 사용하고 있습니다. 업로드된 파일은 임시로 서버에 저장되므로, 임시 디렉토리에 50GiB 이상의 여유 공간이 있는 것이 좋습니다. php.ini 파일에서 임시 디렉토리를 변경하거나, 임시 디렉토리에 더 많은 여유 공간을 확보하십시오.\n임시 디렉토리의 여유공간이 %.1f GiB로 확인됩니다. 권장값은 50GiB입니다. 경로: %s",
+ "Database transaction isolation level" : "데이터베이스 트랜잭션 격리 수준",
"Your database does not run with \"READ COMMITTED\" transaction isolation level. This can cause problems when multiple actions are executed in parallel." : "데이터베이스가 \"READ COMMITTED\" 트랜잭션 격리 수준에서 실행되고 있지 않습니다. 여러 작업이 동시에 실행될 때 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다.",
+ "Was not able to get transaction isolation level: %s" : "트랜잭션 격리 수준 %s을(를) 취하지 못했습니다",
"Profile information" : "프로필 정보",
"Profile picture, full name, email, phone number, address, website, Twitter, organisation, role, headline, biography, and whether your profile is enabled" : "프로필 사진, 전체 이름, 이메일, 전화번호, 주소, 웹사이트, 트위터, 조직, 직책, 표제, 소개문구 및 프로필 활성화 여부",
"Nextcloud settings" : "Nextcloud 환경설정",
@@ -377,7 +388,9 @@
"Last job execution ran {time}. Something seems wrong." : "마지막 작업이 {time}에 실행되었습니다. 무언가 잘못된 것 같습니다.",
"Last job ran {relativeTime}." : "마지막 작업이 {relativeTime}에 실행되었음",
"Background job did not run yet!" : "백그라운드 작업이 아직 실행되지 않았습니다!",
+ "AJAX" : "AJAX",
"Execute one task with each page loaded. Use case: Single user instance." : "페이지를 로드할 때마다 작업을 실행합니다. 사용자가 한 명인 인스턴스에 적합합니다.",
+ "Webcron" : "Webcron",
"cron.php is registered at a webcron service to call cron.php every 5 minutes over HTTP. Use case: Very small instance (1–5 users depending on the usage)." : "cron.php를 webcron 서비스에 등록하여 매 5분마다 HTTP 상에서 실행합니다. 사용자가 1~5명인 소규모 인스턴스에 적합합니다.",
"Cron (Recommended)" : "Cron (권장됨)",
"Use system cron service to call the cron.php file every 5 minutes." : "시스템 cron 서비스를 통해 5분마다 cron.php 파일을 실행합니다.",
@@ -537,6 +550,7 @@
"Password was successfully changed" : "암호를 성공적으로 변경함",
"Email was successfully changed" : "이메일을 성공적으로 변경함",
"Welcome mail sent!" : "환영 메일을 보냈습니다!",
+ "Toggle user actions menu" : "사용자 동작 메뉴 켜고 끄기",
"Done" : "완료",
"Edit" : "편집",
"User management settings" : "사용자 관리 설정",
@@ -567,6 +581,7 @@
"You need to enable the File sharing App." : "파일 공유 앱을 활성화해야 합니다.",
"{license}-licensed" : "{license} 라이선스",
"Changelog" : "변경 기록",
+ "by {author}\n{license}" : "{author} 님이 작성\n{license}",
"User management" : "사용자 관리",
"Active users" : "활성 사용자",
"Admins" : "관리자",
@@ -594,6 +609,7 @@
"Profile visibility" : "프로필 표시 여부",
"Locale" : "지역",
"Not available as this property is required for core functionality including file sharing and calendar invitations" : "이 설정은 파일 공유, 달력 초대 등 핵심 기능에 필요하므로 비울 수 없습니다",
+ "Not available as federation has been disabled for your account, contact your system administrator if you have any questions" : "계정에서 연합이 비활성화되어 현재 사용할 수 없는 상태입니다. 시스템 관리자에게 문의하십시오.",
"Your apps" : "내 앱",
"Active apps" : "활성화된 앱",
"Disabled apps" : "비활성화된 앱",
@@ -625,6 +641,7 @@
"Administration documentation" : "관리 문서",
"General documentation" : "일반 문서",
"Login" : "로그인",
+ "None/STARTTLS" : "없음/STARTTLS",
"SSL" : "SSL",
"Open documentation" : "문서 열기",
"It is important to set up this server to be able to send emails, like for password reset and notifications." : "암호 초기화 및 알림 이메일을 보내려면 이메일 서버를 설정해야 합니다.",
@@ -666,6 +683,7 @@
"OPcache is configured to remove code comments. With OPcache enabled, <code>opcache.save_comments=1</code> must be set for Nextcloud to function." : "OPcache가 code comment를 삭제하도록 설정되어 있습니다. Nextcloud의 원활한 작동을 위해 OPcahce 활성화 시 <code>opcache.save_comments=1</code>을 설정해야 합니다.",
"Nextcloud is not allowed to use the OPcache API. With OPcache enabled, it is highly recommended to include all Nextcloud directories with <code>opcache.restrict_api</code> or unset this setting to disable OPcache API restrictions, to prevent errors during Nextcloud core or app upgrades." : "Nextcloud가 OPcache API를 사용하도록 허용되지 않았습니다. Nextcloud core나 앱 업그레이드 중 에러 발생을 방지하기 위해, OPcache 활성화 시 모든 Nextcloud 디렉토리를 <code>opcahce.restrict_api</code>에 포함하거나 해당 설정을 해제하여 OPcahce API 제한을 비활성화 하는 것을 권장합니다.",
"Nextcloud is not allowed to use the OPcache API. It is highly recommended to include all Nextcloud directories with <code>opcache.restrict_api</code> or unset this setting to disable OPcache API restrictions, to prevent errors during Nextcloud core or app upgrades." : "Nextcloud가 OPcache API를 사용하도록 허용되지 않았습니다. Nextcloud core나 앱 업그레이드 중 에러 발생을 방지하기 위해, OPcache 활성화 시 모든 Nextcloud 디렉토리를 <code>opcahce.restrict_api</code>에 포함하거나 해당 설정을 해제하여 OPcahce API 제한을 비활성화 하는 것을 권장합니다.",
+ "The shared memory based OPcache is disabled. For better performance, it is recommended to apply <code>opcache.file_cache_only=0</code> to your PHP configuration and use the file cache as second level cache only." : "공유 메모리 기반 OPcahce가 비활성화되었습니다. 성능 향상을 위해 PHP 설정에 <code>opcache.file_cache_only=0</code>을 적용하고, 파일 캐시를 2단계 캐시 전용으로 사용하십시오.",
"The maximum number of OPcache keys is nearly exceeded. To assure that all scripts can be kept in the cache, it is recommended to apply <code>opcache.max_accelerated_files</code> to your PHP configuration with a value higher than <code>%s</code>." : "곧 OPcache key가 최대치를 초과할 것으로 보입니다. 모든 스크립트가 캐시에 유지될 수 있도록, PHP 설정에서 <code>opcache.max_accelerated_files</code> 값을 <code>%s</code> 보다 크게 적용하시길 권장합니다. ",
"The OPcache buffer is nearly full. To assure that all scripts can be hold in cache, it is recommended to apply <code>opcache.memory_consumption</code> to your PHP configuration with a value higher than <code>%s</code>." : "곧 OPcache 버퍼가 가득 찰 것으로 보입니다. 모든 스크립트가 캐시에 보관될 수 있도록, PHP 설정에서 <code>opcache.memory_consumption</code> 값을 <code>%s</code> 보다 크게 적용하시길 권장합니다. ",
"The OPcache interned strings buffer is nearly full. To assure that repeating strings can be effectively cached, it is recommended to apply <code>opcache.interned_strings_buffer</code> to your PHP configuration with a value higher than <code>%s</code>." : "곧 OPcache interned buffer가 가득 찰 것으로 보입니다. 반복 문자열이 효율적으로 캐싱될 수 있도록, PHP 설정에서 <code>opcache.interned_strings_buffer</code> 값을 <code>%s</code> 보다 크게 적용하시길 권장합니다. ",
@@ -718,6 +736,7 @@
"Edit display name" : "표시 이름 수정",
"Select manager" : "담당 관리자 지정",
"Select user manager" : "사용자 담당 관리자 지정",
+ "Overwrite cli URL" : "CLI URL 덮어쓰기",
"This instance is missing some recommended PHP modules. For improved performance and better compatibility it is highly recommended to install them: %s." : "이 인스턴스에 권장 PHP 모듈 중 일부가 존재하지 않습니다. 성능 향상과 호환성을 위하여 다음 PHP 모듈을 설치하는 것이 좋습니다: %s"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file