path: root/apps
diff options
authorThomas Müller <>2014-08-14 15:48:38 +0200
committerThomas Müller <>2014-10-15 15:21:40 +0200
commitb091394a90a22767ec08259eb19a2b0d0294c25d (patch)
tree8621831f140a8126a933203e14edf213fd58e628 /apps
parent6824a5ce7f5752c2a3ebbe9e2f3a85eb3aafa05b (diff)
introduce new app page layout
filter installed and not-installed apps properly kill unneeded file load category 'Installed' on page load adding documentation links new apps mgmt: first style adjustment apps mgmt: only show license and preview if they exist adding buttons new apps mgmt: fix for mobile use app icon if available new apps mgmt: position enable/disable toggle to the right new apps mgmt: proper display of icons or previews new apps mgmt: fix loading spinner reenable group selection for apps new apps mgmt: position enable button normally again new apps mgmt: clarify wording from 'Installed' to 'Enabled' reintroduce enable/disable Move rating image path generation to client-side Move expression outside of l10n fix group handling add buttons for 'More apps' and 'Add your app' again disable changed date of app for now adding recommended label style 'Recommended' app tag fixing php warning sort by rating adding meta-category 'Recommended' Only show existing documentation links lacy loading of screenshots making group based app activation work again adding support to get the app icon not only by the app name but also simply by the fixed name 'app.svg' adding app.svg for all core apps query string '?installed' is not longer needed update and uninstall is back + error feedback remove unneeded parameter fix alignment of 'recommended' label
Diffstat (limited to 'apps')
7 files changed, 596 insertions, 0 deletions
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