path: root/apps
diff options
authorNextcloud bot <>2020-11-05 02:19:16 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <>2020-11-05 02:19:16 +0000
commitb69c44916e6f490290a3b9a03e80020b527eed79 (patch)
treeb88451af8001220cb563a4b62597ac000b06ca2f /apps
parentafb599171208ed713ce243ea908d644c83612a00 (diff)
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'apps')
14 files changed, 26 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/de.js b/apps/settings/l10n/de.js
index f73cbbc8c31..78c9b0c7ec6 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/de.js
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reshare" : "Weiterteilen",
"Unlimited" : "Unbegrenzt",
"Verifying" : "Überprüfe",
+ "A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Eine Hintergrundaufgabe, die nach vom Benutzer importierten SSL-Zertifikaten sucht, läuft noch. Bitte später erneut versuchen.",
+ "There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Es sind einige vom Benutzer importierte SSL-Zertifikate vorhanden, die von Nextcloud 21 nicht mehr verwendet werden. Sie können über den Befehl \"occ security:certificates:import\" in der Befehlszeile importiert werden. Ihre Pfade innerhalb des Datenverzeichnisses werden unten angezeigt.",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "Das alte serverseitige Verschlüsselungsformat ist aktiviert. Wir empfehlen, es zu deaktivieren.",
"Nextcloud settings" : "Nextcloud-Einstellungen",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all users and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung kann für alle Benutzer und Gruppen erzwungen werden. Dann können Benutzer für die keine Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung eingerichtet ist, sich nicht am System anmelden.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/de.json b/apps/settings/l10n/de.json
index e669823fb01..abe9e7e1a57 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/de.json
@@ -117,6 +117,8 @@
"Reshare" : "Weiterteilen",
"Unlimited" : "Unbegrenzt",
"Verifying" : "Überprüfe",
+ "A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Eine Hintergrundaufgabe, die nach vom Benutzer importierten SSL-Zertifikaten sucht, läuft noch. Bitte später erneut versuchen.",
+ "There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Es sind einige vom Benutzer importierte SSL-Zertifikate vorhanden, die von Nextcloud 21 nicht mehr verwendet werden. Sie können über den Befehl \"occ security:certificates:import\" in der Befehlszeile importiert werden. Ihre Pfade innerhalb des Datenverzeichnisses werden unten angezeigt.",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "Das alte serverseitige Verschlüsselungsformat ist aktiviert. Wir empfehlen, es zu deaktivieren.",
"Nextcloud settings" : "Nextcloud-Einstellungen",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all users and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung kann für alle Benutzer und Gruppen erzwungen werden. Dann können Benutzer für die keine Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung eingerichtet ist, sich nicht am System anmelden.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.js
index a8f45eed4a8..5174f887b81 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reshare" : "Weiterteilen",
"Unlimited" : "Unbegrenzt",
"Verifying" : "Überprüfe",
+ "A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Eine Hintergrundaufgabe, die nach vom Benutzer importierten SSL-Zertifikaten sucht, läuft noch. Bitte später erneut versuchen.",
+ "There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Es sind einige vom Benutzer importierte SSL-Zertifikate vorhanden, die von Nextcloud 21 nicht mehr verwendet werden. Sie können über den Befehl \"occ security:certificates:import\" in der Befehlszeile importiert werden. Ihre Pfade innerhalb des Datenverzeichnisses werden unten angezeigt.",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "Das alte serverseitige Verschlüsselungsformat ist aktiviert. Wir empfehlen, es zu deaktivieren.",
"Nextcloud settings" : "Nextcloud-Einstellungen",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all users and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung kann für alle Benutzer und Gruppen erzwungen werden. Dann können Benutzer für die keine Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung eingerichtet ist, sich nicht am System anmelden.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.json
index b737fa41753..96eb5d895fc 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -117,6 +117,8 @@
"Reshare" : "Weiterteilen",
"Unlimited" : "Unbegrenzt",
"Verifying" : "Überprüfe",
+ "A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Eine Hintergrundaufgabe, die nach vom Benutzer importierten SSL-Zertifikaten sucht, läuft noch. Bitte später erneut versuchen.",
+ "There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Es sind einige vom Benutzer importierte SSL-Zertifikate vorhanden, die von Nextcloud 21 nicht mehr verwendet werden. Sie können über den Befehl \"occ security:certificates:import\" in der Befehlszeile importiert werden. Ihre Pfade innerhalb des Datenverzeichnisses werden unten angezeigt.",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "Das alte serverseitige Verschlüsselungsformat ist aktiviert. Wir empfehlen, es zu deaktivieren.",
"Nextcloud settings" : "Nextcloud-Einstellungen",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all users and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung kann für alle Benutzer und Gruppen erzwungen werden. Dann können Benutzer für die keine Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung eingerichtet ist, sich nicht am System anmelden.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/es.js b/apps/settings/l10n/es.js
index b1b329acf55..8043805686d 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/es.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/es.js
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reshare" : "Volver a compartir",
"Unlimited" : "Ilimitado",
"Verifying" : "Verificar",
+ "A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Está pendiente una tarea en segundo plano que comprueba por el usuario los certificados SSL importados. Por favor, revisalo más tarde.",
+ "There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Hay algunos certificados SSL importados por el usuario que ya no se utilizan con Nextcloud 21. Pueden ser importados con la línea de comandos a través del comando \"occ security:certificates:import\". Sus rutas dentro del directorio de datos se muestran a continuación.",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "El antiguo formato de cifrado en el lado del servidor está activado. Recomendamos deshabilitar esto.",
"Nextcloud settings" : "Ajustes de Nextcloud",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all users and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "La verificación en dos pasos se puede aplicar para todos los usuarios y grupos específicos. Si no tienen configurado un proveedor de dos pasos, no podrán iniciar sesión en el sistema.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/es.json b/apps/settings/l10n/es.json
index 08a74c88d34..f3fe662cd5e 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/es.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/es.json
@@ -117,6 +117,8 @@
"Reshare" : "Volver a compartir",
"Unlimited" : "Ilimitado",
"Verifying" : "Verificar",
+ "A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Está pendiente una tarea en segundo plano que comprueba por el usuario los certificados SSL importados. Por favor, revisalo más tarde.",
+ "There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Hay algunos certificados SSL importados por el usuario que ya no se utilizan con Nextcloud 21. Pueden ser importados con la línea de comandos a través del comando \"occ security:certificates:import\". Sus rutas dentro del directorio de datos se muestran a continuación.",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "El antiguo formato de cifrado en el lado del servidor está activado. Recomendamos deshabilitar esto.",
"Nextcloud settings" : "Ajustes de Nextcloud",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all users and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "La verificación en dos pasos se puede aplicar para todos los usuarios y grupos específicos. Si no tienen configurado un proveedor de dos pasos, no podrán iniciar sesión en el sistema.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/gl.js b/apps/settings/l10n/gl.js
index 6e7fe2f37f1..54692cc4393 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/gl.js
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reshare" : "Volver compartir",
"Unlimited" : "Sen límites",
"Verifying" : "Verificando",
+ "A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Está pendente un traballo en segundo plano que comprobe os certificados SSL importados polo usuario. Volva comprobar máis adiante.",
+ "There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Hai algúns certificados SSL importados polo usuario, que xa non se usan con Nextcloud 21. Pódense importar coa liña de ordes mediante a orde «occ security:certificates:import». As súas rutas dentro do directorio de datos amosanse deseguido.",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "O antigo formato de cifrado de lado do servidor está activado. Recomendámoslle desactivalo.",
"Nextcloud settings" : "Axustes do Nextcloud",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all users and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "A autenticación de dous factores pode ser aplicada para todos os usuarios e grupos específicos. Se non tiveran configurado un provedor de dous factores, non podería acceder ao sistema.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/gl.json b/apps/settings/l10n/gl.json
index 9a3c80f46cb..1970bc45ef2 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/gl.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/gl.json
@@ -117,6 +117,8 @@
"Reshare" : "Volver compartir",
"Unlimited" : "Sen límites",
"Verifying" : "Verificando",
+ "A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Está pendente un traballo en segundo plano que comprobe os certificados SSL importados polo usuario. Volva comprobar máis adiante.",
+ "There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Hai algúns certificados SSL importados polo usuario, que xa non se usan con Nextcloud 21. Pódense importar coa liña de ordes mediante a orde «occ security:certificates:import». As súas rutas dentro do directorio de datos amosanse deseguido.",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "O antigo formato de cifrado de lado do servidor está activado. Recomendámoslle desactivalo.",
"Nextcloud settings" : "Axustes do Nextcloud",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all users and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "A autenticación de dous factores pode ser aplicada para todos os usuarios e grupos específicos. Se non tiveran configurado un provedor de dous factores, non podería acceder ao sistema.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/it.js b/apps/settings/l10n/it.js
index df09b9db36d..523cb9fcd9c 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/it.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/it.js
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reshare" : "Ri-condividi",
"Unlimited" : "Illimitata",
"Verifying" : "Verifica",
+ "A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "È in sospeso un processo in background che controlla i certificati SSL importati dall'utente. Controlla più tardi.",
+ "There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Sono presenti alcuni certificati SSL importati dagli utenti, che non vengono più utilizzati con Nextcloud 21. Possono essere importati dalla riga di comando tramite il comando \"occ security:certificates:import\". I loro percorsi all'interno della cartella dei dati sono mostrati di seguito.",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "Il vecchio formato di cifratura lato server è abilitato. Ti consigliamo di disabilitarlo.",
"Nextcloud settings" : "Impostazioni di Nextcloud",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all users and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "L'autenticazione a due fattori può essere imposta per tutti gli utenti e gruppi specifici. Se non hanno un fornitore a due fattori configurato, non saranno in grado di accedere al sistema.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/it.json b/apps/settings/l10n/it.json
index 7528d4dc325..b8bd45f244b 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/it.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/it.json
@@ -117,6 +117,8 @@
"Reshare" : "Ri-condividi",
"Unlimited" : "Illimitata",
"Verifying" : "Verifica",
+ "A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "È in sospeso un processo in background che controlla i certificati SSL importati dall'utente. Controlla più tardi.",
+ "There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Sono presenti alcuni certificati SSL importati dagli utenti, che non vengono più utilizzati con Nextcloud 21. Possono essere importati dalla riga di comando tramite il comando \"occ security:certificates:import\". I loro percorsi all'interno della cartella dei dati sono mostrati di seguito.",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "Il vecchio formato di cifratura lato server è abilitato. Ti consigliamo di disabilitarlo.",
"Nextcloud settings" : "Impostazioni di Nextcloud",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all users and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "L'autenticazione a due fattori può essere imposta per tutti gli utenti e gruppi specifici. Se non hanno un fornitore a due fattori configurato, non saranno in grado di accedere al sistema.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/lt_LT.js b/apps/settings/l10n/lt_LT.js
index d458d4f5506..39687ffd28e 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/lt_LT.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/lt_LT.js
@@ -367,6 +367,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Restrict username autocompletion to users within the same groups" : "Apriboti naudotojo vardo automatinį užbaigimą kitiems tų pačių grupių naudotojams",
"This text will be shown on the public link upload page when the file list is hidden." : "Šis tekstas bus rodomas viešų nuorodų įkėlimo puslapyje, kai failų sąrašas bus paslėptas.",
"Default share permissions" : "Numatytieji viešinių leidimai",
+ "Reasons to use Nextcloud in your organization" : "Priežastys, kodėl turėtumėte naudoti Nextcloud savo organizacijoje",
"Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Sukurta {communityopen}Nextcloud bendruomenės{linkclose}, {githubopen}pirminis kodas{linkclose} yra licencijuotas pagal {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}.",
"Like our Facebook page" : "Spauskite \"Patinka\" mūsų Facebook puslapyje",
"Follow us on Twitter" : "Sekite mus Twitter",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/lt_LT.json b/apps/settings/l10n/lt_LT.json
index aa0f24c5a3d..1b1d5ecbe5f 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/lt_LT.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/lt_LT.json
@@ -365,6 +365,7 @@
"Restrict username autocompletion to users within the same groups" : "Apriboti naudotojo vardo automatinį užbaigimą kitiems tų pačių grupių naudotojams",
"This text will be shown on the public link upload page when the file list is hidden." : "Šis tekstas bus rodomas viešų nuorodų įkėlimo puslapyje, kai failų sąrašas bus paslėptas.",
"Default share permissions" : "Numatytieji viešinių leidimai",
+ "Reasons to use Nextcloud in your organization" : "Priežastys, kodėl turėtumėte naudoti Nextcloud savo organizacijoje",
"Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Sukurta {communityopen}Nextcloud bendruomenės{linkclose}, {githubopen}pirminis kodas{linkclose} yra licencijuotas pagal {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}.",
"Like our Facebook page" : "Spauskite \"Patinka\" mūsų Facebook puslapyje",
"Follow us on Twitter" : "Sekite mus Twitter",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/tr.js b/apps/settings/l10n/tr.js
index 83f166f0256..5a625992e48 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/tr.js
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reshare" : "Yeniden paylaş",
"Unlimited" : "Sınırsız",
"Verifying" : "Doğrulanıyor",
+ "A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Kullanıcı tarafından içe aktarılmış SSL sertifikalarını denetleyen bir arka plan görevi bekliyor. Lütfen daha sonra yeniden denetleyin.",
+ "There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Kullanıcı tarafından içe aktarılmış ancak artık Nextcloud 21 ile kullanılmayan bazı SSL sertifikaları var. Bunlar, komut satırından \"occ security:certificates:import\" komutu ile içe aktarılabilir. Veri klasörü içindeki yollarını aşağıda görebilirsiniz.",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "Eski sunucu tarafı şifreleme biçimi etkinleştirilmiş. Bu seçeneği devre dışı bırakmanız önerilir.",
"Nextcloud settings" : "Nextcloud ayarları",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all users and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "Tüm kullanıcılar ve belirli gruplar için iki aşamalı kimlik doğrulama kullanılır. Yapılandırılmış bir iki aşamalı kimlik doğrulama hizmeti sağlayıcısı olmayan kullanıcılar oturum açamaz.",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/tr.json b/apps/settings/l10n/tr.json
index 23ce7d1e9aa..8dd9b881d68 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/tr.json
@@ -117,6 +117,8 @@
"Reshare" : "Yeniden paylaş",
"Unlimited" : "Sınırsız",
"Verifying" : "Doğrulanıyor",
+ "A background job is pending that checks for user imported SSL certificates. Please check back later." : "Kullanıcı tarafından içe aktarılmış SSL sertifikalarını denetleyen bir arka plan görevi bekliyor. Lütfen daha sonra yeniden denetleyin.",
+ "There are some user imported SSL certificates present, that are not used anymore with Nextcloud 21. They can be imported on the command line via \"occ security:certificates:import\" command. Their paths inside the data directory are shown below." : "Kullanıcı tarafından içe aktarılmış ancak artık Nextcloud 21 ile kullanılmayan bazı SSL sertifikaları var. Bunlar, komut satırından \"occ security:certificates:import\" komutu ile içe aktarılabilir. Veri klasörü içindeki yollarını aşağıda görebilirsiniz.",
"The old server-side-encryption format is enabled. We recommend disabling this." : "Eski sunucu tarafı şifreleme biçimi etkinleştirilmiş. Bu seçeneği devre dışı bırakmanız önerilir.",
"Nextcloud settings" : "Nextcloud ayarları",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all users and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "Tüm kullanıcılar ve belirli gruplar için iki aşamalı kimlik doğrulama kullanılır. Yapılandırılmış bir iki aşamalı kimlik doğrulama hizmeti sağlayıcısı olmayan kullanıcılar oturum açamaz.",