path: root/apps
diff options
authorThomas Tanghus <>2012-02-17 09:35:18 +0100
committerThomas Tanghus <>2012-02-18 11:49:31 +0100
commit96612c506e08ce6b2fb39425c73f0a8d81a4cad8 (patch)
tree09816959d6913a8105d914347a29d00eae21e5dc /apps
parent71aa36c3f16942cd35f550253b892f5be4116784 (diff)
Removed obsolete commented code and made minor speed improvements.
Added stub function for loading categories.
Diffstat (limited to 'apps')
2 files changed, 17 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/apps/contacts/js/contacts.js b/apps/contacts/js/contacts.js
index 30793625746..c9d1dc30f03 100644
--- a/apps/contacts/js/contacts.js
+++ b/apps/contacts/js/contacts.js
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ Contacts={
messageBox:function(title, msg) {
- if(msg.toLowerCase().indexOf('auth') > 0) {
+ if(msg.toLowerCase().indexOf('auth') != -1) {
// fugly hack, I know
@@ -335,17 +335,6 @@ Contacts={
// Load first in list.
if($('#contacts li').length > 0) {
- /*
- var firstid = $('#contacts li:first-child').data('id');
- console.log('trying to load: ' + firstid);
- $.getJSON(OC.filePath('contacts', 'ajax', 'contactdetails.php'),{'id':firstid},function(jsondata){
- if(jsondata.status == 'success'){
- Contacts.UI.Card.loadContact(;
- }
- else{
- Contacts.UI.messageBox(t('contacts', 'Error'),;
- }
- });*/
} else {
// load intro page
@@ -374,6 +363,7 @@ Contacts={
//console.log('loaded: ' +[0]['value']);
+ this.loadCategories();
@@ -455,9 +445,6 @@ Contacts={
this.fullname += ', ' + this.honsuf;
- //$('.jecEditableOption').attr('title', 'Custom');
- //$('.jecEditableOption').text(this.fn);
- //$('.jecEditableOption').attr('value', 0);
$('#fn_select option').remove();
$('#fn_select').combobox('value', this.fn);
var names = [this.fullname, this.givname + ' ' + this.famname, this.famname + ' ' + this.givname, this.famname + ', ' + this.givname];
@@ -466,17 +453,16 @@ Contacts={
- /*$('#full').text(this.fullname);
- $('#short').text(this.givname + ' ' + this.famname);
- $('#reverse').text(this.famname + ' ' + this.givname);
- $('#reverse_comma').text(this.famname + ', ' + this.givname);*/
+ loadCategories:function(){
+ if( {
+ //
+ }
+ },
editNew:function(){ // add a new contact
- //Contacts.UI.notImplemented();
- //return false; = ''; this.fn = ''; this.fullname = ''; this.givname = ''; this.famname = ''; this.addname = ''; this.honpre = ''; this.honsuf = '';
if(jsondata.status == 'success'){
@@ -713,12 +699,6 @@ Contacts={
- /*$('#short').text(n[1] + ' ' + n[0]);
- $('#full').text(this.fullname);
- $('#reverse').text(n[0] + ' ' + n[1]);
- $('#reverse_comma').text(n[0] + ', ' + n[1]);*/
- //$('#n').html(full);
- //$('#fn').val(0);
if( == '') {
var aid = $(dlg).find('#aid').val();
Contacts.UI.Card.add(n.join(';'), $('#short').text(), aid);
@@ -889,21 +869,22 @@ Contacts={
if( {
+ $.getJSON('ajax/loadphoto.php',{'id'},function(jsondata){
+ if(jsondata.status == 'success'){
+ //alert(;
+ $('#contacts_details_photo_wrapper').html(;
+ }
+ else{
+ Contacts.UI.messageBox(;
+ }
+ });
$('#contacts_propertymenu a[data-type="PHOTO"]').parent().hide();
} else {
+ $('#contacts_details_photo_wrapper').empty();
$('#contacts_propertymenu a[data-type="PHOTO"]').parent().show();
- $.getJSON('ajax/loadphoto.php',{'id'},function(jsondata){
- if(jsondata.status == 'success'){
- //alert(;
- $('#contacts_details_photo_wrapper').html(;
- }
- else{
- Contacts.UI.messageBox(;
- }
- });
editPhoto:function(id, tmp_path){
//alert('editPhoto: ' + tmp_path);
@@ -1143,13 +1124,6 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
return false;
- /**
- * Open blank form to add new contact.
- * FIXME: Load the same page but only show name data and popup the name edit dialog.
- * On save load the page again with an id and show all fields.
- * NOTE: Or: Load the full page and popup name dialog modal. On success set the newly aquired ID, on
- * Cancel or failure give appropriate message and show ... something else :-P
- */
@@ -1175,9 +1149,6 @@ $(document).ready(function(){
return false;
- /**
- * Delete currently selected contact TODO: and clear page
- */
diff --git a/apps/contacts/templates/ b/apps/contacts/templates/
index 408b595dc95..5be20964f4b 100644
--- a/apps/contacts/templates/
+++ b/apps/contacts/templates/
@@ -70,14 +70,6 @@ $id = isset($_['id']) ? $_['id'] : '';
<input type="checkbox" class="contacts_property" name="parameters[TYPE][]" value="PREF" title="<?php echo $l->t('Preferred'); ?>" />
<input type="email" required="required" class="nonempty contacts_property" style="width:15em;" name="value" value="" x-moz-errormessage="<?php echo $l->t('Please specify a valid email address.'); ?>" placeholder="<?php echo $l->t('Enter email address'); ?>" /><span class="listactions"><a onclick="Contacts.UI.mailTo(this)" class="mail" title="<?php echo $l->t('Mail to address'); ?>"></a>
<a class="delete" onclick="$(this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.deleteProperty(this, 'list');" title="<?php echo $l->t('Delete email address'); ?>"></a></span></li>
- <?php
- if(0) { /*foreach($card['EMAIL'] as $email) {*/
- ?>
- <li class="propertycontainer" style="white-space: nowrap;" data-checksum="<?php echo $email['checksum'] ?>" data-element="EMAIL">
- <input type="checkbox" class="contacts_property" name="parameters[TYPE][]" value="PREF" title="<?php echo $l->t('Preferred'); ?>" <?php echo (isset($email['parameters']['PREF'])?'checked="checked"':''); ?> />
- <input type="email" required="required" class="nonempty contacts_property" style="width:15em;" name="value" value="<?php echo $email['value'] ?>" placeholder="<?php echo $l->t('Enter email address'); ?>" /><span class="listactions"><a onclick="Contacts.UI.mailTo(this)" class="mail" title="<?php echo $l->t('Mail to address'); ?>"></a>
- <a class="delete" onclick="$(this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.deleteProperty(this, 'list');" title="<?php echo $l->t('Delete email address'); ?>"></a></span></li>
- <?php } ?>
</ul><!-- a id="add_email" class="add" title="<?php echo $l->t('Add email address'); ?>"></a -->
</div> <!-- email addresses-->
@@ -93,17 +85,6 @@ $id = isset($_['id']) ? $_['id'] : '';
<?php echo html_select_options($_['phone_types'], array()) ?>
<a class="delete" onclick="$(this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.deleteProperty(this, 'list');" title="<?php echo $l->t('Delete phone number'); ?>"></a></li>
- <?php
- if(0) { /*foreach($card['TEL'] as $phone) {*/
- ?>
- <li class="propertycontainer" style="white-space: nowrap;" data-checksum="<?php echo $phone['checksum'] ?>" data-element="TEL">
- <input type="checkbox" class="contacts_property" name="parameters[TYPE][]" value="PREF" title="<?php echo $l->t('Preferred'); ?>" <?php echo (isset($phone['parameters']['PREF'])?'checked="checked"':''); ?> />
- <input type="text" required="required" class="nonempty contacts_property" style="width:8em; border: 0px;" name="value" value="<?php echo $phone['value'] ?>" placeholder="<?php echo $l->t('Enter phone number'); ?>" />
- <select class="contacts_property" multiple="multiple" name="parameters[TYPE][]">
- <?php echo html_select_options($_['phone_types'], isset($phone['parameters']['TYPE'])?$phone['parameters']['TYPE']:array()) ?>
- </select>
- <a class="delete" onclick="$(this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.deleteProperty(this, 'list');" title="<?php echo $l->t('Delete phone number'); ?>"></a></li>
- <?php } ?>
</ul><!-- a id="add_phone" class="add" title="<?php echo $l->t('Add phone number'); ?>"></a -->
</div> <!-- Phone numbers -->
@@ -118,40 +99,6 @@ $id = isset($_['id']) ? $_['id'] : '';
<span class="adr_type_label"></span><a class="globe" style="float:right;" onclick="$(this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.searchOSM(this);" title="<?php echo $l->t('View on map'); ?>"></a><a class="edit" style="float:right;" onclick="$(this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.editAddress(this, false);" title="<?php echo $l->t('Edit address details'); ?>"></a><a class="delete" style="float:right;" onclick="$(this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.deleteProperty(this, 'list');" title="Delete address"></a>
</dt><dd><ul class="addresslist"></ul></dd></dl>
- <?php if(0) { /*foreach($card['ADR'] as $address) {*/ ?>
- <dl class="addresscard propertycontainer" data-checksum="<?php echo $address['checksum']; ?>" data-element="ADR">
- <dt>
- <input class="adr contacts_property" name="value" type="hidden" value="<?php echo implode(';',$address['value']); ?>" />
- <input type="hidden" class="adr_type contacts_property" name="parameters[TYPE][]" value="<?php echo strtoupper(implode(',',$address['parameters'])); ?>" />
- <span class="adr_type_label">
- <?php
- if(count($address['parameters']) > 0) {
- //array_walk($address['parameters'], ) Nah, this wont work...
- $translated = array();
- foreach($address['parameters'] as $type) {
- $translated[] = $l->t(ucwords(strtolower($type)));
- }
- echo implode('/', $translated);
- }
- ?></span><a class="globe" style="float:right;" onclick="$(this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.searchOSM(this);" title="<?php echo $l->t('View on map'); ?>"></a><a class="edit" style="float:right;" onclick="$(this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.editAddress(this, false);" title="<?php echo $l->t('Edit address details'); ?>"></a><a class="delete" style="float:right;" onclick="$(this).tipsy('hide');Contacts.UI.Card.deleteProperty(this, 'list');" title="Delete address"></a>
- </dt>
- <dd>
- <ul class="addresslist">
- <?php
- $adr = $address['value'];
- $tmp = ($adr[0]?'<li>'.$adr[0].'</li>':'');
- $tmp .= ($adr[1]?'<li>'.$adr[1].'</li>':'');
- $tmp .= ($adr[2]?'<li>'.$adr[2].'</li>':'');
- $tmp .= ($adr[3]||$adr[5]?'<li>'.$adr[5].' '.$adr[3].'</li>':'');
- $tmp .= ($adr[4]?'<li>'.$adr[4].'</li>':'');
- $tmp .= ($adr[6]?'<li>'.$adr[6].'</li>':'');
- echo $tmp;
- ?>
- </ul>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <?php } ?>
</div> <!-- Addresses -->