diff options
author | Sam Tuke <samtuke@owncloud.com> | 2013-02-06 15:08:53 +0000 |
committer | Sam Tuke <samtuke@owncloud.com> | 2013-02-06 15:08:53 +0000 |
commit | a3289d3991d9d7cc1b765163c832fa792fb3a146 (patch) | |
tree | ddc2d5911cd58b4db3fd7ae75e55a7d619df16ed /apps | |
parent | 6870add18f92d94ec520671dfa94021b340d7a4f (diff) | |
parent | efdaea45576fb975f61c9ec4baa0421d4b832170 (diff) | |
download | nextcloud-server-a3289d3991d9d7cc1b765163c832fa792fb3a146.tar.gz nextcloud-server-a3289d3991d9d7cc1b765163c832fa792fb3a146.zip |
Merge branch 'master' into files_encryption
Diffstat (limited to 'apps')
60 files changed, 79 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es.php b/apps/files/l10n/es.php index bc5046767c6..201e731179a 100644 --- a/apps/files/l10n/es.php +++ b/apps/files/l10n/es.php @@ -20,9 +20,12 @@ "replaced {new_name}" => "reemplazado {new_name}", "undo" => "deshacer", "replaced {new_name} with {old_name}" => "reemplazado {new_name} con {old_name}", +"perform delete operation" => "Eliminar", "'.' is an invalid file name." => "'.' es un nombre de archivo inválido.", "File name cannot be empty." => "El nombre de archivo no puede estar vacío.", "Invalid name, '\\', '/', '<', '>', ':', '\"', '|', '?' and '*' are not allowed." => "Nombre Invalido, \"\\\", \"/\", \"<\", \">\", \":\", \"\", \"|\" \"?\" y \"*\" no están permitidos ", +"Your storage is full, files can not be updated or synced anymore!" => "Su almacenamiento esta lleno, los archivos no pueden ser mas actualizados o sincronizados!", +"Your storage is almost full ({usedSpacePercent}%)" => "Su almacenamiento esta lleno en un ({usedSpacePercent}%)", "Your download is being prepared. This might take some time if the files are big." => "Tu descarga esta siendo preparada. Esto puede tardar algun tiempo si los archivos son muy grandes.", "Unable to upload your file as it is a directory or has 0 bytes" => "No ha sido posible subir tu archivo porque es un directorio o tiene 0 bytes", "Upload Error" => "Error al subir el archivo", @@ -54,11 +57,13 @@ "Text file" => "Archivo de texto", "Folder" => "Carpeta", "From link" => "Desde el enlace", +"Trash" => "Basura", "Cancel upload" => "Cancelar subida", "Nothing in here. Upload something!" => "Aquí no hay nada. ¡Sube algo!", "Download" => "Descargar", "Upload too large" => "El archivo es demasiado grande", "The files you are trying to upload exceed the maximum size for file uploads on this server." => "Los archivos que estás intentando subir sobrepasan el tamaño máximo permitido por este servidor.", "Files are being scanned, please wait." => "Se están escaneando los archivos, por favor espere.", -"Current scanning" => "Ahora escaneando" +"Current scanning" => "Ahora escaneando", +"Upgrading filesystem cache..." => "Actualizando cache de archivos de sistema" ); diff --git a/apps/files/templates/part.breadcrumb.php b/apps/files/templates/part.breadcrumb.php index e506ba31f6a..8778915be84 100644 --- a/apps/files/templates/part.breadcrumb.php +++ b/apps/files/templates/part.breadcrumb.php @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ <?php if(count($_["breadcrumb"])):?> <div class="crumb"> - <a href="<?php echo $_['baseURL'].urlencode($crumb['dir']); ?>"> + <a href="<?php echo $_['baseURL']; ?>"> <img src="<?php echo OCP\image_path('core','places/home.svg');?>" /> </a> </div> diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ar.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ar.php index f08585e485f..375fbd9a9a6 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ar.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ar.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "التشفير", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "استبعد أنواع الملفات التالية من التشفير", "None" => "لا شيء" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/bg_BG.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/bg_BG.php index 4ceee127af1..07a97f5f8a6 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/bg_BG.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/bg_BG.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "Криптиране", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Изключване на следните файлови типове от криптирането", "None" => "Няма" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/bn_BD.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/bn_BD.php index 29c486b8ca0..43767d56518 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/bn_BD.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/bn_BD.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "সংকেতায়ন", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "সংকেতায়ন থেকে নিম্নোক্ত ধরণসমূহ বাদ দাও", "None" => "কোনটিই নয়" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ca.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ca.php index 56c81e747f7..815cf1af003 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ca.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ca.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Canvia la contrasenya d'encriptació per la d'accés", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Comproveu les contrasenyes i proveu-ho de nou.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "No s'ha pogut canviar la contrasenya d'encriptació de fitxers per la d'accés", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Escolliu el mode d'encriptació:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Encriptació per part del client (més segura però fa impossible l'accés a les dades des de la interfície web)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Encriptació per part del servidor (permet accedir als fitxers des de la interfície web i des del client d'escriptori)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Cap (sense encriptació)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Important: quan seleccioneu un mode d'encriptació no hi ha manera de canviar-lo de nou", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Específic per usuari (permet que l'usuari ho decideixi)", "Encryption" => "Encriptatge", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Exclou els tipus de fitxers següents de l'encriptatge", "None" => "Cap" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.php index 5948a9b82e8..27d2ae544b5 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/cs_CZ.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Změnit šifrovací heslo na přihlašovací", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Zkontrolujte, prosím, své heslo a zkuste to znovu.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Nelze změnit šifrovací heslo na přihlašovací.", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Vyberte režim šifrování:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Šifrování na straně klienta (nejbezpečnější ale neumožňuje vám přistupovat k souborům z webového rozhraní)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Šifrování na straně serveru (umožňuje vám přistupovat k souborům pomocí webového rozhraní i aplikací)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Žádný (vůbec žádné šifrování)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Důležité: jak si jednou vyberete režim šifrování nelze jej opětovně změnit", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Definován uživatelem (umožní uživateli si vybrat)", "Encryption" => "Šifrování", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Při šifrování vynechat následující typy souborů", "None" => "Žádné" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/da.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/da.php index d65963f46b2..c9255759cb8 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/da.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/da.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Udskift krypteringskode til login-adgangskode", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Check adgangskoder og forsøg igen.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Kunne ikke udskifte krypteringskode med login-adgangskode", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Vælg krypteringsform:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Kryptering på klientsiden (mere sikker, men udelukker adgang til dataene fra webinterfacet)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Kryptering på serversiden (gør det muligt at tilgå filer fra webinterfacet såvel som desktopklienten)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Ingen (ingen kryptering)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Vigtigt: Når der er valgt krypteringsform, kan det ikke ændres tilbage igen.", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Brugerspecifik (lad brugeren bestemme)", "Encryption" => "Kryptering", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Ekskluder følgende filtyper fra kryptering", "None" => "Ingen" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de.php index e187f72ab50..c3c69e09007 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Ändern des Verschlüsselungspasswortes zum Anmeldepasswort", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Bitte überprüfen sie Ihr Passwort und versuchen Sie es erneut.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Ihr Verschlüsselungspasswort konnte nicht als Anmeldepasswort gesetzt werden.", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Wählen Sie die Verschlüsselungsart:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Clientseitige Verschlüsselung (am sichersten, aber macht es unmöglich auf ihre Daten über das Webinterface zuzugreifen)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Serverseitige Verschlüsselung (erlaubt es ihnen auf ihre Daten über das Webinterface und den Desktop-Client zuzugreifen)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Keine (ohne Verschlüsselung)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Wichtig: Sobald sie eine Verschlüsselungsmethode gewählt haben, können Sie diese nicht ändern!", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Benutzerspezifisch (der Benutzer kann entscheiden)", "Encryption" => "Verschlüsselung", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Die folgenden Dateitypen von der Verschlüsselung ausnehmen", "None" => "Keine" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de_DE.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de_DE.php index be4369ebf09..c3c69e09007 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de_DE.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/de_DE.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Ändern des Verschlüsselungspasswortes zum Anmeldepasswort", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Bitte überprüfen sie Ihr Passwort und versuchen Sie es erneut.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Ihr Verschlüsselungspasswort konnte nicht als Anmeldepasswort gesetzt werden.", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Wählen Sie die Verschlüsselungsmethode:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Clientseitige Verschlüsselung (am sichersten, aber macht es unmöglich auf ihre Daten über das Webinterface zuzugreifen)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Serverseitige Verschlüsselung (erlaubt es ihnen auf ihre Daten über das Webinterface und den Desktop-Client zuzugreifen)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Keine (ohne Verschlüsselung)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Wichtig: Sobald sie eine Verschlüsselungsmethode gewählt haben, können Sie diese nicht ändern!", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Benutzerspezifisch (der Benutzer kann entscheiden)", "Encryption" => "Verschlüsselung", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Die folgenden Dateitypen von der Verschlüsselung ausnehmen", "None" => "Keine" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/el.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/el.php index 50b812c82df..94bb68bcbca 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/el.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/el.php @@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Αλλαγή συνθηματικού κρυπτογράφησης στο συνθηματικό εισόδου ", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Παρακαλώ ελέγξτε το συνθηματικό σας και προσπαθήστε ξανά.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Αδυναμία αλλαγής συνθηματικού κρυπτογράφησης αρχείων στο συνθηματικό εισόδου σας", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Επιλογή κατάστασης κρυπτογράφησης:", "Encryption" => "Κρυπτογράφηση", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Εξαίρεση των παρακάτω τύπων αρχείων από την κρυπτογράφηση", "None" => "Καμία" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/eo.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/eo.php index c6f82dcb8a0..50847062c3b 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/eo.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/eo.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "Ĉifrado", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Malinkluzivigi la jenajn dosiertipojn el ĉifrado", "None" => "Nenio" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/es.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/es.php index 2c6b650960a..87f984c2c10 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/es.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/es.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Cambie la clave de cifrado para su contraseña de inicio de sesión", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Por favor revise su contraseña e intentelo de nuevo.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "No se pudo cambiar la contraseña de cifrado de archivos de su contraseña de inicio de sesión", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Elegir el modo de cifrado:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Cifrado del lado del Cliente ( es el más seguro, pero hace que sea imposible acceder a sus datos desde la interfaz web)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Cifrado del lado del Servidor (le permite acceder a sus archivos desde la interfaz web y el cliente de escritorio)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Ninguno (ningún cifrado en absoluto)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Importante: Una vez que haya seleccionado un modo de cifrado no existe forma de cambiarlo de nuevo", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Específico del usuario (dejar que el usuario decida)", "Encryption" => "Cifrado", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Excluir del cifrado los siguientes tipos de archivo", "None" => "Ninguno" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/es_AR.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/es_AR.php index 5cf0b8e4adc..8160db10df6 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/es_AR.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/es_AR.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Cambiá la clave de encriptado para tu contraseña de inicio de sesión", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Por favor, revisá tu contraseña e intentalo de nuevo.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "No se pudo cambiar la contraseña de encriptación de archivos de tu contraseña de inicio de sesión", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Elegir el modo de encriptación:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Encriptación por parte del cliente (es el modo más seguro, pero hace que sea imposible acceder a tus datos desde la interfaz web)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Encriptación por parte del servidor (te permite acceder a tus archivos desde la interfaz web y desde el cliente de escritorio)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Ninguno (ninguna encriptación en absoluto)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Importante: Una vez que haya seleccionado un modo de encriptación, no existe forma de cambiarlo nuevamente", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Específico por usuario (deja que el usuario decida)", "Encryption" => "Encriptación", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Exceptuar de la encriptación los siguientes tipos de archivo", "None" => "Ninguno" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/et_EE.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/et_EE.php index 0c0ef231145..07f1a48fb0b 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/et_EE.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/et_EE.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "Krüpteerimine", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Järgnevaid failitüüpe ära krüpteeri", "None" => "Pole" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/eu.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/eu.php index e7372937e4a..a2368816f52 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/eu.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/eu.php @@ -1,9 +1,5 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Mesedez egiaztatu zure pasahitza eta saia zaitez berriro:", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Hautatu enkriptazio modua:", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Bat ere ez (enkriptaziorik gabe)", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Erabiltzaileak zehaztuta (utzi erabiltzaileari hautatzen)", "Encryption" => "Enkriptazioa", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Ez enkriptatu hurrengo fitxategi motak", "None" => "Bat ere ez" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/fa.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/fa.php index 0cdee74f5a9..2186c9025b4 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/fa.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/fa.php @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( +"Please check your passwords and try again." => "لطفا گذرواژه خود را بررسی کنید و دوباره امتحان کنید.", "Encryption" => "رمزگذاری", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "نادیده گرفتن فایل های زیر برای رمز گذاری", "None" => "هیچکدام" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/fi_FI.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/fi_FI.php index 33756c2831f..8a9dd30e670 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/fi_FI.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/fi_FI.php @@ -1,9 +1,5 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Tarkista salasanasi ja yritä uudelleen.", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Choose encryption mode:", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Ei mitään (ei lainkaan salausta)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Tärkeä huomautus: Kun olet valinnut salaustatavan, sitä ei ole mahdollista vaihtaa", "Encryption" => "Salaus", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Jätä seuraavat tiedostotyypit salaamatta", "None" => "Ei mitään" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/fr.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/fr.php index 41e37134d4e..608778b2ec8 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/fr.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/fr.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Convertir le mot de passe de chiffrement en mot de passe de connexion", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Veuillez vérifier vos mots de passe et réessayer.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Impossible de convertir votre mot de passe de chiffrement en mot de passe de connexion", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Choix du type de chiffrement :", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Chiffrement côté client (plus sécurisé, mais ne permet pas l'accès à vos données depuis l'interface web)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Chiffrement côté serveur (vous permet d'accéder à vos fichiers depuis l'interface web et depuis le client de synchronisation)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Aucun (pas de chiffrement)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Important : Une fois le mode de chiffrement choisi, il est impossible de revenir en arrière", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Propre à l'utilisateur (laisse le choix à l'utilisateur)", "Encryption" => "Chiffrement", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Ne pas chiffrer les fichiers dont les types sont les suivants", "None" => "Aucun" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/gl.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/gl.php index 42fcfce1cc0..b240990f3d5 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/gl.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/gl.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "Cifrado", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Excluír os seguintes tipos de ficheiro do cifrado", "None" => "Nada" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/he.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/he.php index 9adb6d2b92a..cbb74bfee9a 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/he.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/he.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "הצפנה", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "הוצא את סוגי הקבצים הבאים מהצפנה", "None" => "כלום" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/hu_HU.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/hu_HU.php index e32de01f973..fa62ae75fb6 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/hu_HU.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/hu_HU.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Titkosítási jelszó módosítása a bejelentkezési jelszóra", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Kérjük, ellenőrizze a jelszavait, és próbálja meg újra.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Nem módosíthatja a fájltitkosítási jelszavát a bejelentkezési jelszavára", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Válassza ki a titkosítási módot:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Kliens oldali titkosítás (biztonságosabb, de lehetetlenné teszi a fájlok elérését a böngészőből)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Kiszolgáló oldali titkosítás (lehetővé teszi a fájlok elérését úgy böngészőből mint az asztali kliensből)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Semmi (semmilyen titkosítás)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Fontos: Ha egyszer kiválasztotta a titkosítás módját, többé már nem lehet megváltoztatni", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Felhasználó specifikus (a felhasználó választhat)", "Encryption" => "Titkosítás", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "A következő fájltípusok kizárása a titkosításból", "None" => "Egyik sem" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/id.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/id.php index 20f33b87829..3f9a6c7d07f 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/id.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/id.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "enkripsi", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "pengecualian untuk tipe file berikut dari enkripsi", "None" => "tidak ada" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/is.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/is.php index a2559cf2b76..bd964185c45 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/is.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/is.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "Dulkóðun", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Undanskilja eftirfarandi skráartegundir frá dulkóðun", "None" => "Ekkert" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/it.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/it.php index 0c394564e0f..86e1a66c458 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/it.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/it.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Converti la password di cifratura nella password di accesso", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Controlla la password e prova ancora.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Impossibile convertire la password di cifratura nella password di accesso", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Scegli la modalità di cifratura.", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Cifratura lato client (più sicura ma rende impossibile accedere ai propri dati dall'interfaccia web)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Cifratura lato server (ti consente di accedere ai tuoi file dall'interfaccia web e dal client desktop)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Nessuna (senza alcuna cifratura)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Importante: una volta selezionata la modalità di cifratura non sarà possibile tornare indietro", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Specificato dall'utente (lascia decidere all'utente)", "Encryption" => "Cifratura", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Escludi i seguenti tipi di file dalla cifratura", "None" => "Nessuna" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ja_JP.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ja_JP.php index 4100908e00c..8d3df1f06ae 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ja_JP.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ja_JP.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "暗号化パスワードをログインパスワードに変更", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "パスワードを確認してもう一度行なってください。", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "ファイル暗号化パスワードをログインパスワードに変更できませんでした。", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "暗号化モードを選択:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "クライアントサイドの暗号化(最もセキュアですが、WEBインターフェースからデータにアクセスできなくなります)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "サーバサイド暗号化(WEBインターフェースおよびデスクトップクライアントからファイルにアクセスすることができます)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "暗号化無し(何も暗号化しません)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "重要: 一度暗号化を選択してしまうと、もとに戻す方法はありません", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "ユーザ指定(ユーザが選べるようにする)", "Encryption" => "暗号化", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "暗号化から除外するファイルタイプ", "None" => "なし" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ko.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ko.php index 901c41e12ec..625906d89d6 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ko.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ko.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "암호화 암호를 로그인 암호로 변경", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "암호를 확인한 다음 다시 시도하십시오.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "암호화 암호를 로그인 암호로 변경할 수 없습니다", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "암호화 모드 선택:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "클라이언트 암호화 (안전하지만 웹에서 데이터에 접근할 수 없음)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "서버 암호화 (웹 및 데스크톱 클라이언트에서 데이터에 접근할 수 있음)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "없음 (암호화하지 않음)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "알림: 암호화 모드를 선택하면 다른 것으로 변경할 수 없습니다", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "사용자 지정 (사용자별 설정)", "Encryption" => "암호화", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "다음 파일 형식은 암호화하지 않음", "None" => "없음" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ku_IQ.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ku_IQ.php index 06bb9b93251..02c030014fa 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ku_IQ.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ku_IQ.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "نهێنیکردن", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "بهربهست کردنی ئهم جۆره پهڕگانه له نهێنیکردن", "None" => "هیچ" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/lt_LT.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/lt_LT.php index 22cbe7a4ffa..67769c8f365 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/lt_LT.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/lt_LT.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "Šifravimas", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Nešifruoti pasirinkto tipo failų", "None" => "Nieko" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/lv.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/lv.php index 7eb21037bb0..7b94bb99e1a 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/lv.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/lv.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Mainīt šifrēšanas paroli uz ierakstīšanās paroli", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Lūdzu, pārbaudiet savas paroles un mēģiniet vēlreiz.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Nevarēja mainīt datņu šifrēšanas paroli uz ierakstīšanās paroli", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Izvēlieties šifrēšanas režīmu:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Klienta puses šifrēšana (visdrošākā, bet nav iespējams piekļūt saviem datiem no tīmekļa saskarnes)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Servera puses šifrēšana (ļauj piekļūt datnēm ar tīmekļa saskarni un ar darbvirsmas klientu)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Nav (nekādas šifrēšanas)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Svarīgi — kad esat izvēlējies šifrēšanas režīmu, to nekādi nevar mainīt atpakaļ", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Lietotājam specifiski (ļauj lietotājam izlemt)", "Encryption" => "Šifrēšana", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Sekojošos datņu tipus nešifrēt", "None" => "Nav" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/mk.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/mk.php index 7ccf8ac2d5b..513606fadc3 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/mk.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/mk.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "Енкрипција", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Исклучи ги следните типови на датотеки од енкрипција", "None" => "Ништо" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/nb_NO.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/nb_NO.php index 2ec6670e928..e52ecb868af 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/nb_NO.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/nb_NO.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "Kryptering", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Ekskluder følgende filer fra kryptering", "None" => "Ingen" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/nl.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/nl.php index 02cb0d970f2..fc8a7954a9e 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/nl.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/nl.php @@ -3,10 +3,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Verander encryptie wachtwoord naar login wachtwoord", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Controleer uw wachtwoorden en probeer het opnieuw.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Kon het bestandsencryptie wachtwoord niet veranderen naar het login wachtwoord", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Kies encryptie mode:", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Geen (zonder encryptie)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Belangrijk: Zodra er voor een encryptie mode is gekozen kan deze niet meer worden gewijzigd.", "Encryption" => "Versleuteling", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Versleutel de volgende bestand types niet", "None" => "Geen" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pl.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pl.php index 896086108ec..505e8659f08 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pl.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pl.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "Szyfrowanie", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Wyłącz następujące typy plików z szyfrowania", "None" => "Brak" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pt_BR.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pt_BR.php index 8bd6492a8f7..356419e0e7f 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pt_BR.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pt_BR.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Mudar senha de criptografia para senha de login", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Por favor, verifique suas senhas e tente novamente.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Não foi possível mudar sua senha de criptografia de arquivos para sua senha de login", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Escolha o modo de criptografia:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Criptografia por parte do cliente (mais segura, mas torna impossível acessar seus dados a partir da interface web)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Criptografia por parte do servidor (permite que você acesse seus arquivos da interface web e do cliente desktop)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Nenhuma (sem qualquer criptografia)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Importante: Uma vez que tiver escolhido um modo de criptografia, não há um meio de voltar atrás", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Específico por usuário (deixa o usuário decidir)", "Encryption" => "Criptografia", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Excluir os seguintes tipos de arquivo da criptografia", "None" => "Nenhuma" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pt_PT.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pt_PT.php index b6eedcdc509..4dac4d2273b 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pt_PT.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/pt_PT.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Alterar a password de encriptação para a password de login", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Por favor verifique as suas paswords e tente de novo.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Não foi possível alterar a password de encriptação de ficheiros para a sua password de login", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Escolha o método de encriptação", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Encriptação do lado do cliente (mais seguro mas torna possível o acesso aos dados através do interface web)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Encriptação do lado do servidor (permite o acesso aos seus ficheiros através do interface web e do cliente de sincronização)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Nenhuma (sem encriptação)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Importante: Uma vez escolhido o modo de encriptação, não existe maneira de o alterar!", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Escolhido pelo utilizador", "Encryption" => "Encriptação", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Excluir da encriptação os seguintes tipo de ficheiros", "None" => "Nenhum" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ro.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ro.php index f958692dd8d..9a3acc18dd3 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ro.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ro.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Schimbă parola de ecriptare în parolă de acces", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Verifică te rog parolele și înceracă din nou.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Nu s-a putut schimba parola de encripție a fișierelor ca parolă de acces", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Alege tipul de ecripție", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Encripție locală (cea mai sigură, dar face ca datele să nu mai fie accesibile din interfața web)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Encripție pe server (permite să accesezi datele tale din interfața web și din clientul pentru calculator)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Fără (nici un fel de ecriptare)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Important: Din moment ce ai setat un mod de encriptare, nu mai există metode de a-l schimba înapoi", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Spefic fiecărui utilizator (lasă utilizatorul să decidă)", "Encryption" => "Încriptare", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Exclude următoarele tipuri de fișiere de la încriptare", "None" => "Niciuna" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ru.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ru.php index 14115c12683..c11cf74ecfb 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ru.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ru.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "Шифрование", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Исключить шифрование следующих типов файлов", "None" => "Ничего" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ru_RU.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ru_RU.php index 1149ac64f3e..dbbb22ed9cf 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ru_RU.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ru_RU.php @@ -2,13 +2,6 @@ "Please switch to your ownCloud client and change your encryption password to complete the conversion." => "Пожалуйста, переключитесь на ownCloud-клиент и измените Ваш пароль шифрования для завершения конвертации.", "switched to client side encryption" => "переключено на шифрование на клиентской стороне", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Пожалуйста, проверьте Ваш пароль и попробуйте снова", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Выберите способ шифрования:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Шифрование на стороне клиента (наиболее безопасно, но делает невозможным получение доступа к Вашим данным по вэб-интерфейсу)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Шифрование на стороне сервера (позволяет Вам получить доступ к Вашим файлам по вэб-интерфейсу и десктопному клиенту)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Нет (шифрование полностью отсутствует)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Важно: Невозможно будет изменить выбранный способ шифрования", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Специфика пользователя (позволено решить пользователю)", "Encryption" => "Шифрование", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Исключите следующие типы файлов из шифрования", "None" => "Ни один" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/si_LK.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/si_LK.php index 2d61bec45b8..d9cec4b7220 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/si_LK.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/si_LK.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "ගුප්ත කේතනය", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "මෙම ගොනු වර්ග ගුප්ත කේතනය කිරීමෙන් බැහැරව තබන්න", "None" => "කිසිවක් නැත" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sk_SK.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sk_SK.php index 355b45a4ce2..3a1e4c7e194 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sk_SK.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sk_SK.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Zmeniť šifrovacie heslo na prihlasovacie", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Skontrolujte si heslo a skúste to znovu.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Nie je možné zmeniť šifrovacie heslo na prihlasovacie", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Vyberte režim šifrovania:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Šifrovanie prostredníctvom klienta (najbezpečnejšia voľba, neumožňuje však prístup k súborom z webového rozhrania)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Šifrovanie na serveri (umožňuje pristupovať k súborom z webového rozhrania a desktopového klienta)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Žiadne (žiadne šifrovanie)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Dôležité: ak si zvolíte režim šifrovania, nie je možné ho znovu zrušiť", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Definovaný používateľom (umožňuje používateľovi vybrať si)", "Encryption" => "Šifrovanie", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Vynechať nasledujúce súbory pri šifrovaní", "None" => "Žiadne" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sl.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sl.php index db963ef2f8d..45272f1ee06 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sl.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sl.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "Šifriranje", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Navedene vrste datotek naj ne bodo šifrirane", "None" => "Brez" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sr.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sr.php index 198bcc94ef9..91f7fc62a90 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sr.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sr.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "Шифровање", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Не шифруј следеће типове датотека", "None" => "Ништа" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sv.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sv.php index 9b6ce141782..c3f92dc66eb 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sv.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/sv.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "Ändra krypteringslösenord till loginlösenord", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "Kontrollera dina lösenord och försök igen.", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "Kunde inte ändra ditt filkrypteringslösenord till ditt loginlösenord", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "Välj krypteringsläge:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "Kryptering på klientsidan (säkraste men gör det omöjligt att komma åt dina filer med en webbläsare)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "Kryptering på serversidan (kan komma åt dina filer från webbläsare och datorklient)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "Ingen (ingen kryptering alls)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "Viktigt: När du har valt ett krypteringsläge finns det inget sätt att ändra tillbaka", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "Användarspecifik (låter användaren bestämma)", "Encryption" => "Kryptering", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Exkludera följande filtyper från kryptering", "None" => "Ingen" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ta_LK.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ta_LK.php index aab628b5519..152e631d0fc 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ta_LK.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/ta_LK.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "மறைக்குறியீடு", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "மறைக்குறியாக்கலில் பின்வரும் கோப்பு வகைகளை நீக்கவும்", "None" => "ஒன்றுமில்லை" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/th_TH.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/th_TH.php index f8c19456ab3..28d9e30864f 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/th_TH.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/th_TH.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "เปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านสำหรับเข้ารหัสไปเป็นรหัสผ่านสำหรับการเข้าสู่ระบบ", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "กรุณาตรวจสอบรหัสผ่านของคุณแล้วลองใหม่อีกครั้ง", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "ไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนรหัสผ่านสำหรับการเข้ารหัสไฟล์ของคุณไปเป็นรหัสผ่านสำหรับการเข้าสู่ระบบของคุณได้", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "เลือกรูปแบบการเข้ารหัส:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "การเข้ารหัสด้วยโปรแกรมไคลเอนต์ (ปลอดภัยที่สุด แต่จะทำให้คุณไม่สามารถเข้าถึงข้อมูลต่างๆจากหน้าจอเว็บไซต์ได้)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "การเข้ารหัสจากทางฝั่งเซิร์ฟเวอร์ (อนุญาตให้คุณเข้าถึงไฟล์ของคุณจากหน้าจอเว็บไซต์ และโปรแกรมไคลเอนต์จากเครื่องเดสก์ท็อปได้)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "ไม่ต้อง (ไม่มีการเข้ารหัสเลย)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "ข้อความสำคัญ: หลังจากที่คุณได้เลือกรูปแบบการเข้ารหัสแล้ว จะไม่สามารถเปลี่ยนกลับมาใหม่ได้อีก", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "ให้ผู้ใช้งานเลือกเอง (ปล่อยให้ผู้ใช้งานตัดสินใจเอง)", "Encryption" => "การเข้ารหัส", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "ไม่ต้องรวมชนิดของไฟล์ดังต่อไปนี้จากการเข้ารหัส", "None" => "ไม่ต้อง" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/tr.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/tr.php index 07f78d148c8..0868d0a6905 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/tr.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/tr.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "Şifreleme", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Aşağıdaki dosya tiplerini şifrelemeye dahil etme", "None" => "Hiçbiri" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/uk.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/uk.php index e3589215658..8236c5afefd 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/uk.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/uk.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "Шифрування", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Не шифрувати файли наступних типів", "None" => "Жоден" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/vi.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/vi.php index 218285b675a..b86cd839783 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/vi.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/vi.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "Mã hóa", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "Loại trừ các loại tập tin sau đây từ mã hóa", "None" => "Không có gì hết" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312.php index 31a3d3b49b8..12d903e6567 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/zh_CN.GB2312.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "加密", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "从加密中排除如下文件类型", "None" => "无" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/zh_CN.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/zh_CN.php index aa4817b590c..867d000f2ed 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/zh_CN.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/zh_CN.php @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Encryption" => "加密", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "从加密中排除列出的文件类型", "None" => "None" ); diff --git a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/zh_TW.php b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/zh_TW.php index 146724def08..bd8257ed602 100644 --- a/apps/files_encryption/l10n/zh_TW.php +++ b/apps/files_encryption/l10n/zh_TW.php @@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ "Change encryption password to login password" => "將加密密碼修改為登入密碼", "Please check your passwords and try again." => "請檢查您的密碼並再試一次。", "Could not change your file encryption password to your login password" => "無法變更您的檔案加密密碼為登入密碼", -"Choose encryption mode:" => "選擇加密模式:", -"Client side encryption (most secure but makes it impossible to access your data from the web interface)" => "客戶端加密 (最安全但是會使您無法從網頁界面存取您的檔案)", -"Server side encryption (allows you to access your files from the web interface and the desktop client)" => "伺服器端加密 (您可以從網頁界面及客戶端程式存取您的檔案)", -"None (no encryption at all)" => "無 (不加密)", -"Important: Once you selected an encryption mode there is no way to change it back" => "重要:一旦您選擇了加密就無法再改回來", -"User specific (let the user decide)" => "使用者自訂 (讓使用者自己決定)", "Encryption" => "加密", -"Exclude the following file types from encryption" => "下列的檔案類型不加密", "None" => "無" ); diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.php b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.php index 7a922b89002..2eb61a738e3 100644 --- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.php +++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sr.php @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( +"Password" => "Лозинка", "Submit" => "Пошаљи" ); diff --git a/apps/files_trashbin/l10n/es.php b/apps/files_trashbin/l10n/es.php index 798322cab24..b191ffc4246 100644 --- a/apps/files_trashbin/l10n/es.php +++ b/apps/files_trashbin/l10n/es.php @@ -1,8 +1,11 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( +"perform restore operation" => "Restaurar", "Name" => "Nombre", +"Deleted" => "Eliminado", "1 folder" => "1 carpeta", "{count} folders" => "{count} carpetas", "1 file" => "1 archivo", "{count} files" => "{count} archivos", +"Nothing in here. Your trash bin is empty!" => "Nada aqui. La papelera esta vacia!", "Restore" => "Recuperar" ); diff --git a/apps/files_versions/lib/versions.php b/apps/files_versions/lib/versions.php index 003d548d2b2..5063ef3e21c 100644 --- a/apps/files_versions/lib/versions.php +++ b/apps/files_versions/lib/versions.php @@ -333,7 +333,8 @@ class Storage { } // calculate available space for version history - $rootInfo = \OC_FileCache::get('', '/'. $uid . '/files'); + $files_view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/'.$uid.'/files'); + $rootInfo = $files_view->getFileInfo('/'); $free = $quota-$rootInfo['size']; // remaining free space for user if ( $free > 0 ) { $availableSpace = ($free * self::DEFAULTMAXSIZE / 100) - $versionsSize; // how much space can be used for versions diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/es.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/es.php index a6d1d9d260d..3740d13e224 100644 --- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/es.php +++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/es.php @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ "The configuration is valid, but the Bind failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." => "La configuración es válida, pero falló el Enlace. Por favor, compruebe la configuración del servidor y las credenciales.", "The configuration is invalid. Please look in the ownCloud log for further details." => "La configuración no es válida. Por favor, busque en el log de ownCloud para más detalles.", "Deletion failed" => "Falló el borrado", +"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "Hacerse cargo de los ajustes de configuración del servidor reciente?", "Keep settings?" => "Mantener la configuración?", "Cannot add server configuration" => "No se puede añadir la configuración del servidor", "Connection test succeeded" => "La prueba de conexión fue exitosa", @@ -13,6 +14,7 @@ "<b>Warning:</b> Apps user_ldap and user_webdavauth are incompatible. You may experience unexpected behaviour. Please ask your system administrator to disable one of them." => "<b>Advertencia:</b> Los Apps user_ldap y user_webdavauth son incompatibles. Puede que experimente un comportamiento inesperado. Pregunte al administrador del sistema para desactivar uno de ellos.", "<b>Warning:</b> The PHP LDAP module is not installed, the backend will not work. Please ask your system administrator to install it." => "<b>Advertencia:</b> El módulo LDAP de PHP no está instalado, el sistema no funcionará. Por favor consulte al administrador del sistema para instalarlo.", "Server configuration" => "Configuración del Servidor", +"Add Server Configuration" => "Agregar configuracion del servidor", "Host" => "Máquina", "You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" => "Puede omitir el protocolo, excepto si requiere SSL. En ese caso, empiece con ldaps://", "Base DN" => "DN base", @@ -31,7 +33,15 @@ "Group Filter" => "Filtro de grupo", "Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving groups." => "Define el filtro a aplicar, cuando se obtienen grupos.", "without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=posixGroup\"." => "Con cualquier placeholder, ej: \"objectClass=posixGroup\".", +"Connection Settings" => "Configuracion de coneccion", +"Configuration Active" => "Configuracion activa", +"When unchecked, this configuration will be skipped." => "Cuando deseleccione, esta configuracion sera omitida.", "Port" => "Puerto", +"Backup (Replica) Host" => "Host para backup (Replica)", +"Give an optional backup host. It must be a replica of the main LDAP/AD server." => "Dar un host de copia de seguridad opcional. Debe ser una réplica del servidor principal LDAP / AD.", +"Backup (Replica) Port" => "Puerto para backup (Replica)", +"Disable Main Server" => "Deshabilitar servidor principal", +"When switched on, ownCloud will only connect to the replica server." => "Cuando se inicie, ownCloud unicamente estara conectado al servidor replica", "Use TLS" => "Usar TLS", "Do not use it for SSL connections, it will fail." => "No usarlo para SSL, habrá error.", "Case insensitve LDAP server (Windows)" => "Servidor de LDAP sensible a mayúsculas/minúsculas (Windows)", @@ -39,15 +49,20 @@ "If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your ownCloud server." => "Si la conexión sólo funciona con esta opción, importe el certificado SSL del servidor LDAP en su servidor ownCloud.", "Not recommended, use for testing only." => "No recomendado, sólo para pruebas.", "in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "en segundos. Un cambio vacía la cache.", +"Directory Settings" => "Configuracion de directorio", "User Display Name Field" => "Campo de nombre de usuario a mostrar", "The LDAP attribute to use to generate the user`s ownCloud name." => "El atributo LDAP a usar para generar el nombre de usuario de ownCloud.", "Base User Tree" => "Árbol base de usuario", "One User Base DN per line" => "Un DN Base de Usuario por línea", +"User Search Attributes" => "Atributos de la busqueda de usuario", +"Optional; one attribute per line" => "Opcional; un atributo por linea", "Group Display Name Field" => "Campo de nombre de grupo a mostrar", "The LDAP attribute to use to generate the groups`s ownCloud name." => "El atributo LDAP a usar para generar el nombre de los grupos de ownCloud.", "Base Group Tree" => "Árbol base de grupo", "One Group Base DN per line" => "Un DN Base de Grupo por línea", +"Group Search Attributes" => "Atributos de busqueda de grupo", "Group-Member association" => "Asociación Grupo-Miembro", +"Special Attributes" => "Atributos especiales", "in bytes" => "en bytes", "Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." => "Vacío para el nombre de usuario (por defecto). En otro caso, especifique un atributo LDAP/AD.", "Help" => "Ayuda" diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/fa.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/fa.php index e3955d3f32d..7ddd7dad5c3 100644 --- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/fa.php +++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/fa.php @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Deletion failed" => "حذف کردن انجام نشد", +"Keep settings?" => "آیا تنظیمات ذخیره شود ؟", "Host" => "میزبانی", "Password" => "رمز عبور", "Port" => "درگاه", diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/fr.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/fr.php index a2879b4fa03..9bb350ea23c 100644 --- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/fr.php +++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/fr.php @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ "Group Filter" => "Filtre de groupes", "Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving groups." => "Définit le filtre à appliquer lors de la récupération des groupes.", "without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=posixGroup\"." => "sans élément de substitution, par exemple \"objectClass=posixGroup\".", +"Connection Settings" => "Paramètres de connexion", "Configuration Active" => "Configuration active", "When unchecked, this configuration will be skipped." => "Lorsque non cochée, la configuration sera ignorée.", "Port" => "Port", @@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ "If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your ownCloud server." => "Si la connexion ne fonctionne qu'avec cette option, importez le certificat SSL du serveur LDAP dans le serveur ownCloud.", "Not recommended, use for testing only." => "Non recommandé, utilisation pour tests uniquement.", "in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "en secondes. Tout changement vide le cache.", +"Directory Settings" => "Paramètres du répertoire", "User Display Name Field" => "Champ \"nom d'affichage\" de l'utilisateur", "The LDAP attribute to use to generate the user`s ownCloud name." => "L'attribut LDAP utilisé pour générer les noms d'utilisateurs d'ownCloud.", "Base User Tree" => "DN racine de l'arbre utilisateurs", @@ -60,6 +62,7 @@ "One Group Base DN per line" => "Un DN racine groupe par ligne", "Group Search Attributes" => "Recherche des attributs du groupe", "Group-Member association" => "Association groupe-membre", +"Special Attributes" => "Attributs spéciaux", "in bytes" => "en octets", "Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." => "Laisser vide ", "Help" => "Aide" diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sr.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sr.php index f16e59273cd..418d94afca5 100644 --- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sr.php +++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sr.php @@ -1,4 +1,36 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Deletion failed" => "Брисање није успело", +"Host" => "Домаћин", +"You can omit the protocol, except you require SSL. Then start with ldaps://" => "Можете да изоставите протокол, осим ако захтевате SSL. У том случају почните са ldaps://.", +"Base DN" => "База DN", +"User DN" => "Корисник DN", +"The DN of the client user with which the bind shall be done, e.g. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "DN корисника клијента са којим треба да се успостави веза, нпр. uid=agent,dc=example,dc=com. За анониман приступ, оставите поља DN и лозинка празним.", +"Password" => "Лозинка", +"For anonymous access, leave DN and Password empty." => "За анониман приступ, оставите поља DN и лозинка празним.", +"User Login Filter" => "Филтер за пријаву корисника", +"Defines the filter to apply, when login is attempted. %%uid replaces the username in the login action." => "Одређује филтер за примењивање при покушају пријаве. %%uid замењује корисничко име.", +"use %%uid placeholder, e.g. \"uid=%%uid\"" => "користите чувар места %%uid, нпр. „uid=%%uid\"", +"User List Filter" => "Филтер за списак корисника", +"Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving users." => "Одређује филтер за примењивање при прибављању корисника.", +"without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=person\"." => "без икаквог чувара места, нпр. „objectClass=person“.", +"Group Filter" => "Филтер групе", +"Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving groups." => "Одређује филтер за примењивање при прибављању група.", +"without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=posixGroup\"." => "без икаквог чувара места, нпр. „objectClass=posixGroup“.", +"Port" => "Порт", +"Use TLS" => "Користи TLS", +"Do not use it for SSL connections, it will fail." => "Не користите за SSL везе јер неће радити.", +"Case insensitve LDAP server (Windows)" => "LDAP сервер осетљив на велика и мала слова (Windows)", +"Turn off SSL certificate validation." => "Искључите потврду SSL сертификата.", +"If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your ownCloud server." => "Увезите SSL сертификат LDAP сервера у свој ownCloud ако веза ради само са овом опцијом.", +"Not recommended, use for testing only." => "Не препоручује се; користите само за тестирање.", +"in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "у секундама. Промена испражњава кеш меморију.", +"User Display Name Field" => "Име приказа корисника", +"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the user`s ownCloud name." => "LDAP атрибут за стварање имена ownCloud-а корисника.", +"Base User Tree" => "Основно стабло корисника", +"Group Display Name Field" => "Име приказа групе", +"The LDAP attribute to use to generate the groups`s ownCloud name." => "LDAP атрибут за стварање имена ownCloud-а групе.", +"Base Group Tree" => "Основна стабло група", +"Group-Member association" => "Придруживање чланова у групу", +"in bytes" => "у бајтовима", "Help" => "Помоћ" ); diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sv.php b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sv.php index b1da09ad3e1..509906934cb 100644 --- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sv.php +++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sv.php @@ -1,8 +1,10 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( "Failed to delete the server configuration" => "Misslyckades med att radera serverinställningen", "The configuration is valid and the connection could be established!" => "Inställningen är giltig och anslutningen kunde upprättas!", +"The configuration is valid, but the Bind failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." => "Konfigurationen är riktig, men Bind felade. Var vänlig och kontrollera serverinställningar och logininformation.", "The configuration is invalid. Please look in the ownCloud log for further details." => "Inställningen är ogiltig. Vänligen se ownCloud-loggen för fler detaljer.", "Deletion failed" => "Raderingen misslyckades", +"Take over settings from recent server configuration?" => "Ta över inställningar från tidigare serverkonfiguration?", "Keep settings?" => "Behåll inställningarna?", "Cannot add server configuration" => "Kunde inte lägga till serverinställning", "Connection test succeeded" => "Anslutningstestet lyckades", @@ -31,8 +33,15 @@ "Group Filter" => "Gruppfilter", "Defines the filter to apply, when retrieving groups." => "Definierar filter att tillämpa vid listning av grupper.", "without any placeholder, e.g. \"objectClass=posixGroup\"." => "utan platshållare, t.ex. \"objectClass=posixGroup\".", +"Connection Settings" => "Uppkopplingsinställningar", +"Configuration Active" => "Konfiguration aktiv", +"When unchecked, this configuration will be skipped." => "Ifall denna är avbockad så kommer konfigurationen att skippas.", "Port" => "Port", +"Backup (Replica) Host" => "Säkerhetskopierings-värd (Replika)", +"Give an optional backup host. It must be a replica of the main LDAP/AD server." => "Ange en valfri värd för säkerhetskopiering. Den måste vara en replika av den huvudsakliga LDAP/AD-servern", +"Backup (Replica) Port" => "Säkerhetskopierins-port (Replika)", "Disable Main Server" => "Inaktivera huvudserver", +"When switched on, ownCloud will only connect to the replica server." => "När denna är påkopplad kommer ownCloud att koppla upp till replika-servern, endast.", "Use TLS" => "Använd TLS", "Do not use it for SSL connections, it will fail." => "Använd inte för SSL-anslutningar, det kommer inte att fungera.", "Case insensitve LDAP server (Windows)" => "LDAP-servern är okänslig för gemener och versaler (Windows)", @@ -40,15 +49,20 @@ "If connection only works with this option, import the LDAP server's SSL certificate in your ownCloud server." => "Om anslutningen bara fungerar med det här alternativet, importera LDAP-serverns SSL-certifikat i din ownCloud-server.", "Not recommended, use for testing only." => "Rekommenderas inte, använd bara för test. ", "in seconds. A change empties the cache." => "i sekunder. En förändring tömmer cache.", +"Directory Settings" => "Mappinställningar", "User Display Name Field" => "Attribut för användarnamn", "The LDAP attribute to use to generate the user`s ownCloud name." => "Attribut som används för att generera användarnamn i ownCloud.", "Base User Tree" => "Bas för användare i katalogtjänst", "One User Base DN per line" => "En Användare start DN per rad", +"User Search Attributes" => "Användarsökningsattribut", +"Optional; one attribute per line" => "Valfritt; ett attribut per rad", "Group Display Name Field" => "Attribut för gruppnamn", "The LDAP attribute to use to generate the groups`s ownCloud name." => "Attribut som används för att generera gruppnamn i ownCloud.", "Base Group Tree" => "Bas för grupper i katalogtjänst", "One Group Base DN per line" => "En Grupp start DN per rad", +"Group Search Attributes" => "Gruppsökningsattribut", "Group-Member association" => "Attribut för gruppmedlemmar", +"Special Attributes" => "Specialattribut", "in bytes" => "i bytes", "Leave empty for user name (default). Otherwise, specify an LDAP/AD attribute." => "Lämnas tomt för användarnamn (standard). Ange annars ett LDAP/AD-attribut.", "Help" => "Hjälp" |