path: root/core/img/actions
diff options
authorMarin Treselj <marin@pixelipo.com>2017-11-15 14:27:16 +0100
committerMarin Treselj <marin@pixelipo.com>2017-11-15 14:27:16 +0100
commit2d069339cc90ee000782524881efe4f0b308b531 (patch)
treeae8585c8edc72baa53e88287958ed28e14f13fe2 /core/img/actions
parentc5afb25714d0a0f7abee3e6785e5e8bd5c7623fb (diff)
Re-optimize places and files icons
Signed-off-by: Marin Treselj <marin@pixelipo.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'core/img/actions')
4 files changed, 4 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/core/img/actions/settings-dark.svg b/core/img/actions/settings-dark.svg
index eab6923b40f..0db6804a923 100644
--- a/core/img/actions/settings-dark.svg
+++ b/core/img/actions/settings-dark.svg
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index 81f6ada1e44..ba8d925d8a4 100644
--- a/core/img/actions/settings-white.svg
+++ b/core/img/actions/settings-white.svg
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--- a/core/img/actions/settings.svg
+++ b/core/img/actions/settings.svg
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