path: root/core/js
diff options
authorBart Visscher <>2013-04-09 13:24:04 -0700
committerBart Visscher <>2013-04-09 13:24:04 -0700
commit51e07a90b7c49641ef93ccc475eed7802fa75b8a (patch)
treec367024eee0eb7807d4d7e6d6f7f03a56e7b92ff /core/js
parent0c395e9aa4cadcc6e58dcadcd9d555a96cb7f3e3 (diff)
parente44cc8ea578aea01bae337e17ef3f9458af41b2d (diff)
Merge pull request #2758 from Kondou-ger/refactor_OCdialogs
Refactor OCdialogs.
Diffstat (limited to 'core/js')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 150 deletions
diff --git a/core/js/oc-dialogs.js b/core/js/oc-dialogs.js
index cfbca2833c7..990c3f8bf38 100644
--- a/core/js/oc-dialogs.js
+++ b/core/js/oc-dialogs.js
@@ -27,75 +27,79 @@ var OCdialogs = {
* displays alert dialog
* @param text content of dialog
* @param title dialog title
- * @param callback which will be triggered when user press OK
+ * @param callback which will be triggered when user presses OK
+ * @param modal make the dialog modal
alert:function(text, title, callback, modal) {
- var content = '<p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert"></span>'+text+'</p>';
+ var content = '<p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-alert"></span>' + escapeHTML(text) + '</p>';
OCdialogs.message(content, title, OCdialogs.ALERT_DIALOG, OCdialogs.OK_BUTTON, callback, modal);
* displays info dialog
* @param text content of dialog
* @param title dialog title
- * @param callback which will be triggered when user press OK
+ * @param callback which will be triggered when user presses OK
+ * @param modal make the dialog modal
info:function(text, title, callback, modal) {
- var content = '<p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info"></span>'+text+'</p>';
+ var content = '<p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info"></span>' + escapeHTML(text) + '</p>';
OCdialogs.message(content, title, OCdialogs.ALERT_DIALOG, OCdialogs.OK_BUTTON, callback, modal);
* displays confirmation dialog
* @param text content of dialog
* @param title dialog title
- * @param callback which will be triggered when user press YES or NO (true or false would be passed to callback respectively)
+ * @param callback which will be triggered when user presses YES or NO (true or false would be passed to callback respectively)
+ * @param modal make the dialog modal
confirm:function(text, title, callback, modal) {
- var content = '<p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-notice"></span>'+text+'</p>';
+ var content = '<p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-notice"></span>' + escapeHTML(text) + '</p>';
OCdialogs.message(content, title, OCdialogs.ALERT_DIALOG, OCdialogs.YES_NO_BUTTONS, callback, modal);
* prompt for user input
* @param text content of dialog
* @param title dialog title
- * @param callback which will be triggered when user press OK (input text will be passed to callback)
+ * @param callback which will be triggered when user presses OK (input text will be passed to callback)
+ * @param modal make the dialog modal
prompt:function(text, title, default_value, callback, modal) {
- var content = '<p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-pencil"></span>'+text+':<br/><input type="text" id="oc-dialog-prompt-input" value="'+default_value+'" style="width:90%"></p>';
- OCdialogs.message(content, title, OCdialogs.PROMPT_DIALOG, OCdialogs.OK_CANCEL_BUTTONS, callback, modal);
+ var input = '<input type="text" id="oc-dialog-prompt-input" value="' + escapeHTML(default_value) + '" style="width:90%">';
+ var content = '<p><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-pencil"></span>' + escapeHTML(text) + ':<br/>' + input + '</p>';
+ OCdialogs.message(content, title, OCdialogs.PROMPT_DIALOG, OCdialogs.OK_BUTTON, callback, modal);
* prompt user for input with custom form
- * fields should be passed in following format: [{text:'prompt text', name:'return name', type:'input type', value: 'dafault value'},...]
- * select example var fields=[{text:'Test', name:'test', type:'select', options:[{text:'hallo',value:1},{text:'hallo1',value:2}] }];
+ * fields should be passed in following format: [{text:'prompt text', name:'return name', type:'input type', value: 'default value'},...]
+ * example:
+ * var fields=[{text:'Test', name:'test', type:'select', options:[{text:'hello1',value:1},{text:'hello2',value:2}] }];
* @param fields to display
* @param title dialog title
- * @param callback which will be triggered when user press OK (user answers will be passed to callback in following format: [{name:'return name', value: 'user value'},...])
+ * @param callback which will be triggered when user presses OK (user answers will be passed to callback in following format: [{name:'return name', value: 'user value'},...])
+ * @param modal make the dialog modal
form:function(fields, title, callback, modal) {
var content = '<table>';
- $.each(fields, function(index, val){
- content += '<tr><td>'+val.text+'</td><td>';
- var type=val.type;
+ $.each(fields, function(index, field){
+ content += '<tr><td>' + escapeHTML(field.text) + '</td><td>';
+ var type = field.type;
- if (type == 'text' || type == 'checkbox' || type == 'password') {
- content += '<input type="'+type+'" name="''"';
- if (type == 'checkbox') {
- if (val.value != undefined && val.value == true) {
- content += ' checked="checked">';
- } else {
- content += '>';
- }
- } else if (type == 'text' || type == 'password' && val.value) {
- content += ' value="'+val.value+'">';
+ if (type === 'text' || type === 'checkbox' || type === 'password') {
+ content += '<input type="' + type + '" name="' + + '"';
+ if (type === 'checkbox' && field.value === true) {
+ content += ' checked="checked"';
+ } else if (type === 'text' || type === 'password' && val.value) {
+ content += ' value="' + escapeHTML(field.value) + '"';
- } else if (type == 'select') {
- content += '<select name="''"';
- if (val.value != undefined) {
- content += ' value="'+val.value+'"';
+ content += '>';
+ } else if (type === 'select') {
+ content += '<select name="' + escapeHTML( + '"';
+ if (field.value !== undefined) {
+ content += ' value="' + escapeHTML(field.value) + '"';
content += '>';
- $.each(val.options, function(index, valo){
- content += '<option value="'+valo.value+'">'+valo.text+'</option>';
+ $.each(field.options, function(index, field_option){
+ content += '<option value="' + escapeHTML(field_option.value) + '">' + escapeHTML(field_option.text) + '</option>';
content += '</select>';
@@ -103,168 +107,320 @@ var OCdialogs = {
content += '</table>';
- OCdialogs.message(content, title, OCdialogs.FORM_DIALOG, OCdialogs.OK_CANCEL_BUTTONS, callback, modal);
+ var dialog_name = 'oc-dialog-' + OCdialogs.dialogs_counter + '-content';
+ var dialog_id = '#' + dialog_name;
+ var dialog_div = '<div id="' + dialog_name + '" title="' + escapeHTML(title) + '">' + content + '</div>';
+ if (modal === undefined) { modal = false };
+ $('body').append(dialog_div);
+ var buttonlist = [{
+ text: t('core', 'Ok'),
+ click: function(){ OCdialogs.form_ok_handler(callback, dialog_id); }
+ },
+ {
+ text: t('core', 'Cancel'),
+ click: function(){ $(dialog_id).dialog('close'); }
+ }];
+ var dialog_height = ( $('tr', dialog_div).length + 1 ) * 30 + 120;
+ $(dialog_id).dialog({
+ width: (4/9) * $(document).width(),
+ height: dialog_height,
+ modal: modal,
+ buttons: buttonlist
+ });
+ OCdialogs.dialogs_counter++;
+ /**
+ * show a file picker to pick a file from
+ * @param title dialog title
+ * @param callback which will be triggered when user presses Choose
+ * @param multiselect whether it should be possible to select multiple files
+ * @param mimetype_filter mimetype to filter by
+ * @param modal make the dialog modal
+ */
filepicker:function(title, callback, multiselect, mimetype_filter, modal) {
- var c_name = 'oc-dialog-'+OCdialogs.dialogs_counter+'-content';
- var c_id = '#'+c_name;
- var d = '<div id="'+c_name+'" title="'+title+'"><select id="dirtree"><option value="0">'+OC.currentUser+'</option></select><div id="filelist"></div><div class="filepicker_loader"><img src="'+OC.filePath('gallery','img','loading.gif')+'"></div></div>';
- if (!modal) modal = false; // Huh..
- if (!multiselect) multiselect = false;
- $('body').append(d);
- $(c_id + ' #dirtree').focus(function() {
- var t = $(this);
-'oldval', t.val())
- }).change({dcid: c_id}, OC.dialogs.handleTreeListSelect);
- $(c_id).ready(function(){
- $.getJSON(OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'), {mimetype: mimetype_filter} ,function(r) {
- OC.dialogs.fillFilePicker(r, c_id, callback)
+ var dialog_name = 'oc-dialog-' + OCdialogs.dialogs_counter + '-content';
+ var dialog_id = '#' + dialog_name;
+ var dialog_content = '<button id="dirup">↑</button><select id="dirtree"></select><div id="filelist"></div>';
+ var dialog_loader = '<div class="filepicker_loader"><img src="' + OC.filePath('gallery','img','loading.gif') + '"></div>';
+ var dialog_div = '<div id="' + dialog_name + '" title="' + escapeHTML(title) + '">' + dialog_content + dialog_loader + '</div>';
+ if (modal === undefined) { modal = false };
+ if (multiselect === undefined) { multiselect = false };
+ if (mimetype_filter === undefined) { mimetype_filter = '' };
+ $('body').append(dialog_div);
+ $(dialog_id).data('path', '/');
+ $(dialog_id + ' #dirtree').focus().change( {dcid: dialog_id}, OCdialogs.handleTreeListSelect );
+ $(dialog_id + ' #dirup').click( {dcid: dialog_id}, OCdialogs.filepickerDirUp );
+ $(dialog_id).ready(function(){
+ $.getJSON(OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'), { mimetype: mimetype_filter } ,function(request) {
+ OCdialogs.fillFilePicker(request, dialog_id);
+ });
+ $.getJSON(OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'), { mimetype: "httpd/unix-directory" }, function(request) {
+ OCdialogs.fillTreeList(request, dialog_id);
}).data('multiselect', multiselect).data('mimetype',mimetype_filter);
// build buttons
- var b = [{
- text: t('core', 'Choose'),
- click: function(){
- if (callback != undefined) {
- var p;
- if ($(c_id).data('multiselect') == true) {
- p = [];
- $(c_id+' .filepicker_element_selected .filename').each(function(i, elem) {
- p.push(($(c_id).data('path')?$(c_id).data('path'):'')+'/'+$(elem).text());
- });
- } else {
- var p = $(c_id).data('path');
- if (p == undefined) p = '';
- p = p+'/'+$(c_id+' .filepicker_element_selected .filename').text()
- }
- callback(p);
- $(c_id).dialog('close');
+ var functionToCall = function() {
+ if (callback !== undefined) {
+ var datapath;
+ if (multiselect === true) {
+ datapath = [];
+ $(dialog_id + ' .filepicker_element_selected .filename').each(function(index, element) {
+ datapath.push( $(dialog_id).data('path') + $(element).text() );
+ });
+ } else {
+ var datapath = $(dialog_id).data('path');
+ datapath += $(dialog_id+' .filepicker_element_selected .filename').text();
+ callback(datapath);
+ $(dialog_id).dialog('close');
- },
- {
+ };
+ var buttonlist = [{
+ text: t('core', 'Choose'),
+ click: functionToCall
+ },
+ {
text: t('core', 'Cancel'),
- click: function(){$(c_id).dialog('close'); }}
- ];
- $(c_id).dialog({width: ((4*$('body').width())/9), height: 400, modal: modal, buttons: b});
+ click: function(){$(dialog_id).dialog('close'); }
+ }];
+ $(dialog_id).dialog({
+ width: (4/9)*$(document).width(),
+ height: 420,
+ modal: modal,
+ buttons: buttonlist
+ });
- // guts, dont use, dont touch
+ /**
+ * Displays raw dialog
+ * You better use a wrapper instead ...
+ */
message:function(content, title, dialog_type, buttons, callback, modal) {
- var c_name = 'oc-dialog-'+OCdialogs.dialogs_counter+'-content';
- var c_id = '#'+c_name;
- var d = '<div id="'+c_name+'" title="'+title+'">'+content+'</div>';
- if (modal == undefined) modal = false;
- $('body').append(d);
- var b = [];
+ var dialog_name = 'oc-dialog-' + OCdialogs.dialogs_counter + '-content';
+ var dialog_id = '#' + dialog_name;
+ var dialog_div = '<div id="' + dialog_name + '" title="' + escapeHTML(title) + '">' + content + '</div>';
+ if (modal === undefined) { modal = false };
+ $('body').append(dialog_div);
+ var buttonlist = [];
switch (buttons) {
case OCdialogs.YES_NO_BUTTONS:
- b[1] = {text: t('core', 'No'), click: function(){ if (callback != undefined) callback(false); $(c_id).dialog('close'); }};
- b[0] = {text: t('core', 'Yes'), click: function(){ if (callback != undefined) callback(true); $(c_id).dialog('close');}};
+ buttonlist = [{
+ text: t('core', 'Yes'),
+ click: function(){
+ if (callback !== undefined) { callback(true) };
+ $(dialog_id).dialog('close');
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ text: t('core', 'No'),
+ click: function(){
+ if (callback !== undefined) { callback(false) };
+ $(dialog_id).dialog('close');
+ }
+ }];
- case OCdialogs.OK_CANCEL_BUTTONS:
- b[1] = {text: t('core', 'Cancel'), click: function(){$(c_id).dialog('close'); }};
- case OCdialogs.OK_BUTTON: // fallthrough
- var f;
+ case OCdialogs.OK_BUTTON:
+ var functionToCall;
switch(dialog_type) {
case OCdialogs.ALERT_DIALOG:
- f = function(){$(c_id).dialog('close'); if(callback) callback();};
+ functionToCall = function() {
+ $(dialog_id).dialog('close');
+ if(callback !== undefined) { callback() };
+ };
case OCdialogs.PROMPT_DIALOG:
- f = function(){OCdialogs.prompt_ok_handler(callback, c_id)};
- break;
- case OCdialogs.FORM_DIALOG:
- f = function(){OCdialogs.form_ok_handler(callback, c_id)};
+ buttonlist[1] = {
+ text: t('core', 'Cancel'),
+ click: function() { $(dialog_id).dialog('close'); }
+ };
+ functionToCall = function() { OCdialogs.prompt_ok_handler(callback, dialog_id); };
- b[0] = {text: t('core', 'Ok'), click: f};
+ buttonlist[0] = {
+ text: t('core', 'Ok'),
+ click: functionToCall
+ };
- }
- var possible_height = ($('tr', d).size()+1)*30;
- $(c_id).dialog({width: 4*$(document).width()/9, height: possible_height + 120, modal: modal, buttons: b});
+ };
+ $(dialog_id).dialog({
+ width: (4/9) * $(document).width(),
+ height: 180,
+ modal: modal,
+ buttons: buttonlist
+ });
- // dialogs buttons types
+ // dialog button types
// dialogs types
+ // used to name each dialog
dialogs_counter: 0,
determineValue: function(element) {
- switch ($(element).attr('type')) {
- case 'checkbox': return element.checked;
+ if ( $(element).attr('type') === 'checkbox' ) {
+ return element.checked;
+ } else {
+ return $(element).val();
- return $(element).val();
- prompt_ok_handler: function(callback, c_id) { $(c_id).dialog('close'); if (callback != undefined) callback($(c_id + " input#oc-dialog-prompt-input").val()); },
- form_ok_handler: function(callback, c_id) {
- if (callback != undefined) {
- var r = [];
- var c = 0;
- $(c_id + ' input, '+c_id+' select').each(function(i, elem) {
- r[c] = {name: $(elem).attr('name'), value: OCdialogs.determineValue(elem)};
- c++;
+ prompt_ok_handler: function(callback, dialog_id) {
+ $(dialog_id).dialog('close');
+ if (callback !== undefined) { callback($(dialog_id + " input#oc-dialog-prompt-input").val()) };
+ },
+ form_ok_handler: function(callback, dialog_id) {
+ if (callback !== undefined) {
+ var valuelist = [];
+ $(dialog_id + ' input, ' + dialog_id + ' select').each(function(index, element) {
+ valuelist[index] = { name: $(element).attr('name'), value: OCdialogs.determineValue(element) };
- $(c_id).dialog('close');
- callback(r);
+ $(dialog_id).dialog('close');
+ callback(valuelist);
} else {
- $(c_id).dialog('close');
+ $(dialog_id).dialog('close');
- fillFilePicker:function(r, dialog_content_id) {
- var entry_template = '<div data-entryname="*ENTRYNAME*" data-dcid="'+dialog_content_id+'" data="*ENTRYTYPE*"><img src="*MIMETYPEICON*" style="margin-right:1em;"><span class="filename">*NAME*</span><div style="float:right;margin-right:1em;">*LASTMODDATE*</div></div>';
- var names = '';
- $.each(, function(index, a) {
- names += entry_template.replace('*LASTMODDATE*', OC.mtime2date(a.mtime)).replace('*NAME*','*MIMETYPEICON*', a.mimetype_icon).replace('*ENTRYNAME*','*ENTRYTYPE*', a.type);
+ /**
+ * fills the filepicker with files
+ */
+ fillFilePicker:function(request, dialog_content_id) {
+ var template_content = '<img src="*MIMETYPEICON*" style="margin: 2px 1em 0 4px;"><span class="filename">*NAME*</span><div style="float:right;margin-right:1em;">*LASTMODDATE*</div>';
+ var template = '<div data-entryname="*ENTRYNAME*" data-dcid="' + escapeHTML(dialog_content_id) + '" data="*ENTRYTYPE*">*CONTENT*</div>';
+ var files = '';
+ var dirs = [];
+ var others = [];
+ $.each(, function(index, file) {
+ if (file.type === 'dir') {
+ dirs.push(file);
+ } else {
+ others.push(file);
+ }
- $(dialog_content_id + ' #filelist').html(names).on('click', '[data="file"]', function() {
- OC.dialogs.handlePickerClick(this, $(this).data('entryname'), $(this).data('dcid'));
+ var sorted = dirs.concat(others);
+ for (var i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++) {
+ files_content = template_content.replace('*LASTMODDATE*', OC.mtime2date(sorted[i].mtime)).replace('*NAME*', escapeHTML(sorted[i].name)).replace('*MIMETYPEICON*', sorted[i].mimetype_icon);
+ files += template.replace('*ENTRYNAME*', escapeHTML(sorted[i].name)).replace('*ENTRYTYPE*', escapeHTML(sorted[i].type)).replace('*CONTENT*', files_content);
+ }
+ $(dialog_content_id + ' #filelist').html(files);
+ $('#filelist div').click(function() {
+ OCdialogs.handlePickerClick($(this), $(this).data('entryname'), dialog_content_id);
$(dialog_content_id + ' .filepicker_loader').css('visibility', 'hidden');
+ /**
+ * fills the tree list with directories
+ */
+ fillTreeList: function(request, dialog_id) {
+ var template = '<option value="*COUNT*">*NAME*</option>';
+ var paths = '<option value="0">' + escapeHTML($(dialog_id).data('path')) + '</option>';
+ $.each(, function(index, file) {
+ paths += template.replace('*COUNT*', index).replace('*NAME*', escapeHTML(;
+ });
+ $(dialog_id + ' #dirtree').html(paths);
+ },
+ /**
+ * handle selection made in the tree list
+ */
handleTreeListSelect:function(event) {
- var newval = parseInt($(this).val());
- var oldval = parseInt($(this).data('oldval'));
- while (newval != oldval && oldval > 0) {
- $('option:last', this).remove();
- $('option:last', this).attr('selected','selected');
- oldval--;
+ if ($("option:selected", this).html().indexOf('/') !== -1) { // if there's a slash in the selected path, don't append it
+ $('path', $("option:selected", this).html());
+ } else {
+ $('path', $('path') + $("option:selected", this).html() + '/');
- var skip_first = true;
- var path = '';
- $(this).children().each(function(i, element) {
- if (skip_first) {
- skip_first = false;
- return;
- }
- path += '/'+$(element).text();
- });
- $('path', path);
$( + ' .filepicker_loader').css('visibility', 'visible');
- $.getJSON(OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'), {dir: path, mimetype: $('mimetype')}, function(r){OC.dialogs.fillFilePicker(r,});
+ $.getJSON(
+ OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'),
+ {
+ dir: $('path'),
+ mimetype: $('mimetype')
+ },
+ function(request) { OCdialogs.fillFilePicker(request, }
+ );
+ $.getJSON(
+ OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'),
+ {
+ dir: $('path'),
+ mimetype: "httpd/unix-directory"
+ },
+ function(request) { OCdialogs.fillTreeList(request, }
+ );
- // this function is in early development state, please dont use it unlsess you know what you are doing
- handlePickerClick:function(element, name, dcid) {
- var p = $(dcid).data('path');
- if (p == undefined) p = '';
- p = p+'/'+name;
- if ($(element).attr('data') == 'file'){
- if ($(dcid).data('multiselect') != true) {
- $(dcid+' .filepicker_element_selected').removeClass('filepicker_element_selected');
+ /**
+ * go one directory up
+ */
+ filepickerDirUp:function(event) {
+ var old_path = $('path');
+ if ( old_path !== "/") {
+ var splitted_path = old_path.split("/");
+ var new_path = ""
+ for (var i = 0; i < splitted_path.length - 2; i++) {
+ new_path += splitted_path[i] + "/"
+ }
+ $('path', new_path);
+ $.getJSON(
+ OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'),
+ {
+ dir: $('path'),
+ mimetype: $('mimetype')
+ },
+ function(request) { OCdialogs.fillFilePicker(request, }
+ );
+ $.getJSON(
+ OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'),
+ {
+ dir: $('path'),
+ mimetype: "httpd/unix-directory"
+ },
+ function(request) { OCdialogs.fillTreeList(request, }
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * handle clicks made in the filepicker
+ */
+ handlePickerClick:function(element, name, dialog_content_id) {
+ if ( $(element).attr('data') === 'file' ){
+ if ( $(dialog_content_id).data('multiselect') !== true) {
+ $(dialog_content_id + ' .filepicker_element_selected').removeClass('filepicker_element_selected');
+ } else if ( $(element).attr('data') === 'dir' ) {
+ var datapath = escapeHTML( $(dialog_content_id).data('path') + name + '/' );
+ $(dialog_content_id).data('path', datapath);
+ $(dialog_content_id + ' .filepicker_loader').css('visibility', 'visible');
+ $.getJSON(
+ OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'),
+ {
+ dir: datapath,
+ mimetype: $(dialog_content_id).data('mimetype')
+ },
+ function(request){ OCdialogs.fillFilePicker(request, dialog_content_id) }
+ );
+ $.getJSON(
+ OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'),
+ {
+ dir: datapath,
+ mimetype: "httpd/unix-directory"
+ },
+ function(request) { OCdialogs.fillTreeList(request, dialog_content_id) }
+ );
- $(dcid).data('path', p);
- $(dcid + ' #dirtree option:last').removeAttr('selected');
- var newval = parseInt($(dcid + ' #dirtree option:last').val())+1;
- $(dcid + ' #dirtree').append('<option selected="selected" value="'+newval+'">'+name+'</option>');
- $(dcid + ' .filepicker_loader').css('visibility', 'visible');
- $.getJSON(OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'rawlist.php'), {dir: p, mimetype: $(dcid).data('mimetype')}, function(r){OC.dialogs.fillFilePicker(r, dcid)});