path: root/core/js
diff options
authorJörn Friedrich Dreyer <>2013-08-22 14:29:00 +0200
committerJörn Friedrich Dreyer <>2013-08-22 14:29:00 +0200
commit7c9d9992432839f2265b8f6b0f43ed15bfca9ff1 (patch)
treee286efb0aedb2c0227e8bac2e30e8c74327832d2 /core/js
parentbf04daff82758fe9913c706eef07aed30c9b35ea (diff)
reduced complexity, added listing conflicts to dialog
Diffstat (limited to 'core/js')
1 files changed, 189 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/core/js/oc-dialogs.js b/core/js/oc-dialogs.js
index ea03ef21455..a101cce9d1f 100644
--- a/core/js/oc-dialogs.js
+++ b/core/js/oc-dialogs.js
@@ -200,148 +200,221 @@ var OCdialogs = {
alert(t('core', 'Error loading message template'));
+ _fileexistsshown: false,
* Displays file exists dialog
- * @param {object} original a file with name, size and mtime
- * @param {object} replacement a file with name, size and mtime
- * @param {object} controller a controller with onCancel, onSkip, onReplace and onRename methods
+ * @param {object} data upload object
+ * @param {object} original file with name, size and mtime
+ * @param {object} replacement file with name, size and mtime
+ * @param {object} controller with onCancel, onSkip, onReplace and onRename methods
fileexists:function(data, original, replacement, controller) {
+ var self = this;
var selection = controller.getSelection(data.originalFiles);
if (selection.defaultAction) {
} else {
- $.when(this._getFileExistsTemplate()).then(function($tmpl) {
- var dialog_name = 'oc-dialog-fileexists-' + OCdialogs.dialogs_counter + '-content';
- var dialog_id = '#' + dialog_name;
- var title = t('files','Replace »{filename}«?',{filename:});
- var original_size= t('files','Size: {size}',{size: original.size});
- var original_mtime = t('files','Last changed: {mtime}',{mtime: original.mtime});
- var replacement_size= t('files','Size: {size}',{size: replacement.size});
- var replacement_mtime = t('files','Last changed: {mtime}',{mtime: replacement.mtime});
- var $dlg = $tmpl.octemplate({
- dialog_name: dialog_name,
- title: title,
- type: 'fileexists',
- why: t('files','Another file with the same name already exists in "{dir}".',{dir:'somedir'}),
- what: t('files','Replacing it will overwrite it\'s contents.'),
- original_heading: t('files','Original file'),
- original_size: original_size,
- original_mtime: original_mtime,
- replacement_heading: t('files','Replace with'),
- replacement_size: replacement_size,
- replacement_mtime: replacement_mtime,
- new_name_label: t('files','Choose a new name for the target.'),
- all_files_label: t('files','Use this action for all files.')
- });
- $('body').append($dlg);
+ var dialog_name = 'oc-dialog-fileexists-content';
+ var dialog_id = '#' + dialog_name;
+ if (this._fileexistsshown) {
+ // add row
+ var conflict = $(dialog_id+ ' .conflict').last().clone();
+ conflict.find('.name').text(;
+ conflict.find('.original .size').text(humanFileSize(original.size));
+ conflict.find('.original .mtime').text(formatDate(original.mtime*1000));
+ conflict.find('.replacement .size').text(humanFileSize(replacement.size));
+ conflict.find('.replacement .mtime').text(formatDate(replacement.lastModifiedDate));
- $(dialog_id + ' .original .icon').css('background-image','url('+path+')');
+ conflict.find('.original .icon').css('background-image','url('+path+')');
- $(dialog_id + ' .replacement .icon').css('background-image','url('+path+')');
+ conflict.find('.replacement .icon').css('background-image','url('+path+')');
- $(dialog_id + ' #newname').val(;
+ $(dialog_id+' .conflict').last().after(conflict);
+ $(dialog_id).parent().children('.oc-dialog-title').text(t('files','{count} file conflicts',{count:$(dialog_id+ ' .conflict').length}));
+ //set more recent mtime bold
+ if (replacement.lastModifiedDate.getTime() > original.mtime*1000) {
+ conflict.find('.replacement .mtime').css('font-weight', 'bold');
+ } else if (replacement.lastModifiedDate.getTime() < original.mtime*1000) {
+ conflict.find('.original .mtime').css('font-weight', 'bold');
+ } else {
+ //TODO add to same mtime colletion?
+ }
+ // set bigger size bold
+ if (replacement.size > original.size) {
+ conflict.find('.replacement .size').css('font-weight','bold');
+ } else if (replacement.size < original.size) {
+ conflict.find('.original .size').css('font-weight','bold');
+ } else {
+ //TODO add to same size colletion?
+ }
+ //add checkbox toggling actions
+ conflict.find('.replacement,.original').on('click', function(){
+ var checkbox = $(this).find('input[type="checkbox"]');
+ checkbox.prop('checkbox', !checkbox.prop('checkbox'));
+ }).find('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checkbox',false);
+ //TODO show skip action for files with same size and mtime
+ $(window).trigger('resize');
+ } else {
+ //create dialog
+ this._fileexistsshown = true;
+ $.when(this._getFileExistsTemplate()).then(function($tmpl) {
+ var title = t('files','One file conflict');
+ var original_size = humanFileSize(original.size);
+ var original_mtime = formatDate(original.mtime*1000);
+ var replacement_size= humanFileSize(replacement.size);
+ var replacement_mtime = formatDate(replacement.lastModifiedDate);
+ var $dlg = $tmpl.octemplate({
+ dialog_name: dialog_name,
+ title: title,
+ type: 'fileexists',
+ why: t('files','Which files do you want to keep?'),
+ what: t('files','If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name.'),
+ filename:,
+ original_size: original_size,
+ original_mtime: original_mtime,
- $(dialog_id + ' #newname').on('keyup', function(e){
- if ($(dialog_id + ' #newname').val() === {
- $(dialog_id + ' + div .rename').removeClass('primary').hide();
- $(dialog_id + ' + div .replace').addClass('primary').show();
- } else {
- $(dialog_id + ' + div .rename').addClass('primary').show();
- $(dialog_id + ' + div .replace').removeClass('primary').hide();
- }
- });
+ replacement_size: replacement_size,
+ replacement_mtime: replacement_mtime
+ });
+ $('body').append($dlg);
- buttonlist = [{
- text: t('core', 'Cancel'),
- classes: 'cancel',
- click: function(){
- if ( typeof controller.onCancel !== 'undefined') {
- controller.onCancel(data);
- }
- $(dialog_id).ocdialog('close');
- }
- },
- {
- text: t('core', 'Skip'),
- classes: 'skip',
- click: function(){
- if ( typeof controller.onSkip !== 'undefined') {
- if($(dialog_id + ' #allfiles').prop('checked')){
- selection.defaultAction = 'onSkip';
- /*selection.defaultAction = function(){
- controller.onSkip(data);
- };*/
- }
- controller.onSkip(data);
- }
- // trigger fileupload done with status skip
- //data.result[0].status = 'skip';
- //fileupload._trigger('done', data.e, data);
- $(dialog_id).ocdialog('close');
+ getMimeIcon(original.type,function(path){
+ $(dialog_id + ' .original .icon').css('background-image','url('+path+')');
+ });
+ getMimeIcon(replacement.type,function(path){
+ $(dialog_id + ' .replacement .icon').css('background-image','url('+path+')');
+ });
+ $(dialog_id + ' #newname').val(;
+ $(dialog_id + ' #newname').on('keyup', function(e){
+ if ($(dialog_id + ' #newname').val() === {
+ $(dialog_id + ' + div .rename').removeClass('primary').hide();
+ $(dialog_id + ' + div .replace').addClass('primary').show();
+ } else {
+ $(dialog_id + ' + div .rename').addClass('primary').show();
+ $(dialog_id + ' + div .replace').removeClass('primary').hide();
- },
- {
- text: t('core', 'Replace'),
- classes: 'replace',
- click: function(){
- if ( typeof controller.onReplace !== 'undefined') {
- if($(dialog_id + ' #allfiles').prop('checked')){
- selection.defaultAction = 'onReplace';
- /*selection.defaultAction = function(){
- controller.onReplace(data);
- };*/
+ });
+ buttonlist = [{
+ text: t('core', 'Cancel'),
+ classes: 'cancel',
+ click: function(){
+ self._fileexistsshown = false;
+ if ( typeof controller.onCancel !== 'undefined') {
+ controller.onCancel(data);
- controller.onReplace(data);
+ $(dialog_id).ocdialog('close');
- $(dialog_id).ocdialog('close');
- defaultButton: true
- },
- {
- text: t('core', 'Rename'),
- classes: 'rename',
- click: function(){
- if ( typeof controller.onRename !== 'undefined') {
- //TODO use autorename when repeat is checked
- controller.onRename(data, $(dialog_id + ' #newname').val());
+ {
+ text: t('core', 'Continue'),
+ classes: 'continue',
+ click: function(){
+ self._fileexistsshown = false;
+ if ( typeof controller.onRename !== 'undefined') {
+ //TODO use autorename when repeat is checked
+ controller.onRename(data, $(dialog_id + ' #newname').val());
+ }
+ $(dialog_id).ocdialog('close');
- $(dialog_id).ocdialog('close');
+ }];
+ $(dialog_id).ocdialog({
+ width: 500,
+ closeOnEscape: true,
+ modal: true,
+ buttons: buttonlist,
+ closeButton: null
+ });
+ $(dialog_id + ' + div .rename').hide();
+ $(dialog_id + ' #newname').hide();
+ $(dialog_id + ' #newnamecb').on('change', function(){
+ if ($(dialog_id + ' #newnamecb').prop('checked')) {
+ $(dialog_id + ' #newname').fadeIn();
+ } else {
+ $(dialog_id + ' #newname').fadeOut();
+ $(dialog_id + ' #newname').val(;
- }];
+ });
+ $(dialog_id).css('height','auto');
- $(dialog_id).ocdialog({
- width: 500,
- closeOnEscape: true,
- modal: true,
- buttons: buttonlist,
- closeButton: null
- });
- OCdialogs.dialogs_counter++;
+ var conflict = $(dialog_id + ' .conflict').last();
+ //set more recent mtime bold
+ if (replacement.lastModifiedDate.getTime() > original.mtime*1000) {
+ conflict.find('.replacement .mtime').css('font-weight','bold');
+ } else if (replacement.lastModifiedDate.getTime() < original.mtime*1000) {
+ conflict.find('.original .mtime').css('font-weight','bold');
+ } else {
+ //TODO add to same mtime colletion?
+ }
- $(dialog_id + ' + div .rename').hide();
- $(dialog_id + ' #newname').hide();
- $(dialog_id + ' #newnamecb').on('change', function(){
- if ($(dialog_id + ' #newnamecb').prop('checked')) {
- $(dialog_id + ' #newname').fadeIn();
+ // set bigger size bold
+ if (replacement.size > original.size) {
+ conflict.find('.replacement .size').css('font-weight','bold');
+ } else if (replacement.size < original.size) {
+ conflict.find('.original .size').css('font-weight','bold');
} else {
- $(dialog_id + ' #newname').fadeOut();
- $(dialog_id + ' #newname').val(;
+ //TODO add to same size colletion?
- });
- })
- .fail(function() {
- alert(t('core', 'Error loading file exists template'));
- });
+ //add checkbox toggling actions
+ //add checkbox toggling actions
+ $(dialog_id).find('.allnewfiles').on('click', function(){
+ var checkboxes = $(dialog_id).find('.replacement input[type="checkbox"]');
+ checkboxes.prop('checked', $(this).prop('checked'));
+ });
+ $(dialog_id).find('.allexistingfiles').on('click', function(){
+ var checkboxes = $(dialog_id).find('.original input[type="checkbox"]');
+ checkboxes.prop('checked', $(this).prop('checked'));
+ });
+ conflict.find('.replacement,.original').on('click', function(){
+ var checkbox = $(this).find('input[type="checkbox"]');
+ checkbox.prop('checked', !checkbox.prop('checked'));
+ });
+ //update counters
+ $(dialog_id).on('click', '.replacement,.allnewfiles', function(){
+ var count = $(dialog_id).find('.replacement input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length;
+ if (count === $(dialog_id+ ' .conflict').length) {
+ $(dialog_id).find('.allnewfiles').prop('checked', true);
+ $(dialog_id).find('.allnewfiles + .count').text(t('files','(all selected)'));
+ } else if (count > 0) {
+ $(dialog_id).find('.allnewfiles').prop('checked', false);
+ $(dialog_id).find('.allnewfiles + .count').text(t('files','({count} selected)',{count:count}));
+ } else {
+ $(dialog_id).find('.allnewfiles').prop('checked', false);
+ $(dialog_id).find('.allnewfiles + .count').text('');
+ }
+ });
+ $(dialog_id).on('click', '.original,.allexistingfiles', function(){
+ var count = $(dialog_id).find('.original input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length;
+ if (count === $(dialog_id+ ' .conflict').length) {
+ $(dialog_id).find('.allexistingfiles').prop('checked', true);
+ $(dialog_id).find('.allexistingfiles + .count').text(t('files','(all selected)'));
+ } else if (count > 0) {
+ $(dialog_id).find('.allexistingfiles').prop('checked', false);
+ $(dialog_id).find('.allexistingfiles + .count').text(t('files','({count} selected)',{count:count}));
+ } else {
+ $(dialog_id).find('.allexistingfiles').prop('checked', false);
+ $(dialog_id).find('.allexistingfiles + .count').text('');
+ }
+ });
+ })
+ .fail(function() {
+ alert(t('core', 'Error loading file exists template'));
+ });
+ }
_getFilePickerTemplate: function() {