path: root/core/l10n/uz.js
diff options
authorNextcloud bot <>2018-02-13 10:48:56 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <>2018-02-13 10:48:56 +0000
commit7d1c9eef8dcc020c12595500cf3569d96c2a6c11 (patch)
tree7d6be211432f31aca051005c206db7e6e691394f /core/l10n/uz.js
parent57e39000951f6a075f0464ca53f9faca88ecbdab (diff)
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'core/l10n/uz.js')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/l10n/uz.js b/core/l10n/uz.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fc96444cd3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/l10n/uz.js
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+ "core",
+ {
+ "Please select a file." : "Iltimos, faylni tanlang.",
+ "File is too big" : "Fayl juda katta",
+ "The selected file is not an image." : "Tanlangan fayl tasvir emas.",
+ "The selected file cannot be read." : "Tanlangan faylni o'qib bo'lmaydi.",
+ "Invalid file provided" : "Berilgan fayl noto'g'ri",
+ "No image or file provided" : "Hech qanday rasm yoki fayl taqdim etilmagan",
+ "Unknown filetype" : "Noma'lum filetype",
+ "Invalid image" : "Tasdiqlanmagan tasvir",
+ "An error occurred. Please contact your admin." : "Xatolik yuz berdi. Iltimos, administratoringizga murojaat qiling.",
+ "No temporary profile picture available, try again" : "Vaqtinchalik profil tasviri mavjud emas, qayta urinib ko'ring",
+ "No crop data provided" : "Mahsulot ma'lumotlari yo'q",
+ "No valid crop data provided" : "Yaroqli ekin ma'lumotlari mavjud emas",
+ "Crop is not square" : "O'simlik kvadrat emas",
+ "Password reset is disabled" : "Parolni qayta tiklash o'chirilgan",
+ "Couldn't reset password because the token is invalid" : "Parolni qayta tiklab bo'lmadi, chunki token noto'g'ri",
+ "Couldn't reset password because the token is expired" : "Parolni o'chirish uchun parolni tiklab bo'lmadi",
+ "Could not send reset email because there is no email address for this username. Please contact your administrator." : "Ushbu foydalanuvchi nomiga e-pochta manzili yo'qligi sababli, asl holatini tiklash uchun elektron pochta xabarini yuborib bo'lmadi. Administrator bilan bog'laning.",
+ "%s password reset" : "%s parolni tiklash ",
+ "Password reset" : "Parolni tiklash",
+ "Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Parolni tiklash uchun quyidagi tugmani bosing. Parolni tiklashni talab qilmagan bo'lsangiz, ushbu e-pochtani e'tiborsiz qoldiring.",
+ "Click the following link to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Parolni tiklash uchun quyidagi havolani bosing. Parolni tiklashni talab qilmagan bo'lsangiz, ushbu e-pochtani e'tiborsiz qoldiring.",
+ "Couldn't send reset email. Please contact your administrator." : "Nolga o'rnatish elektron pochta manzili yuborilmadi. Administrator bilan bog'laning.",
+ "Couldn't send reset email. Please make sure your username is correct." : "Nolga o'rnatish elektron pochta manzili yuborilmadi. Foydalanuvchi nomingiz to'g'ri ekanligiga ishonch hosil qiling.",
+ "Preparing update" : "Yangilashni tayyorlash",
+ "[%d / %d]: %s" : "[%d / %d]: %s",
+ "Repair warning: " : "Ta'mirlash haqida ogohlantirish:",
+ "Repair error: " : "Ta'mirlash xatosi:",
+ "Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Iltimos, buyruq satri updater-dan foydalaning, chunki config.php da avtomatik yangilanish o'chirib qo'yilgan.",
+ "[%d / %d]: Checking table %s" : "[%d / %d]: Jadvalni tekshirish %s",
+ "Turned on maintenance mode" : "Ta'minot rejimida yoqilgan",
+ "Turned off maintenance mode" : "Xizmat rejimi o'chirilgan",
+ "Maintenance mode is kept active" : "Xizmat holati faol holda saqlanadi",
+ "Updating database schema" : "Ma'lumotlar bazasi sxemasini yangilash",
+ "Updated database" : "Yangilangan ma'lumotlar bazasi",
+ "Checking whether the database schema can be updated (this can take a long time depending on the database size)" : "Ma'lumotlar bazasi sxemasining yangilanishi mumkinligini tekshirish (bu ma'lumotlar bazasi hajmiga qarab uzoq vaqt talab qilishi mumkin)",
+ "Checked database schema update" : "Ma'lumotlar bazasi diagrammasi yangilandi",
+ "Checking updates of apps" : "Ilovalarning yangilanishlarini tekshirish",
+ "Checked database schema update for apps" : "Ilovalar uchun ma'lumotlar bazasi sxemasi yangilandi",
+ "Starting code integrity check" : "Kod butunligini tekshirishni boshlash",
+ "Finished code integrity check" : "To'ldirilgan kod yaxlitligini tekshirish",
+ "Already up to date" : "Hozirgacha",
+ "Search contacts …" : "Kontaktlarni qidirish ...",
+ "No contacts found" : "Kontaktlar topilmadi",
+ "Show all contacts …" : "Barcha kontaktlarni ko'rsatish ...",
+ "Loading your contacts …" : "Kontaktlaringiz yuklanmoqda ...",
+ "No action available" : "Hech qanday harakat mavjud emas",
+ "Error fetching contact actions" : "Kontakt harakatlarini olishda xato",
+ "Settings" : "Sozlamalar",
+ "Connection to server lost" : "Serverga ulanish yo'qoldi",
+ "Saving..." : "Saqlanmoqda...",
+ "Dismiss" : "Tashlab qo'ymang",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Bu amal sizning parolingizni tasdiqlashingizni talab qiladi",
+ "Authentication required" : "Tasdiqlanishi talab qilinadi",
+ "Password" : "Parol",
+ "Cancel" : "Bekor qilish",
+ "Confirm" : "Tasdiqlash",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Haqiqiylikni tekshirib bo'lmadi, qayta urinib ko'ring",
+ "seconds ago" : "soniya oldin",
+ "Logging in …" : "Kirish ...",
+ "I know what I'm doing" : "Men nima qilayotganimni bilaman",
+ "Password can not be changed. Please contact your administrator." : "Parolni o'zgartirib bo'lmaydi. Administrator bilan bog'laning.",
+ "No" : "Yo'q",
+ "Yes" : "Ha",
+ "No files in here" : "Bu erda hech qanday fayl yo'q",
+ "Choose" : "Tanlang",
+ "Copy" : "Nusxalash",
+ "Move" : "Ko'chiring",
+ "Error loading file picker template: {error}" : "Fayl topuvchi shablonini yuklashda xatolik: {error}",
+ "OK" : "OK",
+ "Error loading message template: {error}" : "Xabar shablonini yuklashda xato: {error}",
+ "read-only" : "faqat o'qish",
+ "One file conflict" : "Bir fayl nizoli",
+ "New Files" : "Yangi fayllar",
+ "Already existing files" : "Mavjud fayllar",
+ "Which files do you want to keep?" : "Siz qaysi fayllarni saqlamoqchisiz?",
+ "If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name." : "Ikkala versiyani tanlasangiz, kopyalanan faylda uning nomi qo'shilgan raqamga ega bo'ladi.",
+ "Continue" : "Davom etish",
+ "(all selected)" : "(barcha tanlangan)",
+ "Error loading file exists template" : "Faylni yuklashda xatolik shablonni mavjud",
+ "Pending" : "Kutilmoqda",
+ "Copy to {folder}" : "{Folder} -ga nusxa olish",
+ "Very weak password" : "Juda zaif parol",
+ "Weak password" : "Zaif parol",
+ "Good password" : "Yaxshi parol",
+ "Strong password" : "Kuchli parol",
+ "Error occurred while checking server setup" : "Server sozlamalarini tekshirishda xatolik yuz berdi",
+ "Shared" : "Birgalikda",
+ "Error setting expiration date" : "Muddati tugash sanasini belgilashda xato",
+ "The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Jamoat havolasi tugaganidan keyin {days} kundan keyin tugaydi",
+ "Set expiration date" : "Muddati tugashini belgilash",
+ "Expiration" : "Muddati",
+ "Choose a password for the public link" : "Umumiy havola uchun parolni tanlang",
+ "Choose a password for the public link or press the \"Enter\" key" : "Umumiy havola uchun parolni tanlang yoki \"Enter\" tugmasini bosing",
+ "Copied!" : "Nusxa olindi!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Qo'llab-quvvatlanmaydi!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "Ko'chirib olish uchun ⌘-C tugmasini bosing.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Nusxalash uchun Ctrl-C tugmalarini bosing.",
+ "Resharing is not allowed" : "Resharingga ruxsat berilmaydi",
+ "Share link" : "Ulanishni ulashing",
+ "Link" : "Ulanish",
+ "Password protect" : "Parol himoyalangan",
+ "Allow editing" : "Tahrirlashga ruxsat bering",
+ "Email link to person" : "Shaxsga elektron pochta manzili",
+ "Send" : "Yuborish",
+ "Allow upload and editing" : "Yuklash va tahrirlashga ruxsat berish",
+ "Read only" : "Faqat o'qish",
+ "File drop (upload only)" : "Faylni ochish (faqat yuklash)",
+ "Choose a password for the mail share" : "Pochta almashuvi uchun parolni tanlang",
+ "group" : "guruh",
+ "remote" : "masofadan turib",
+ "email" : "elektron pochta",
+ "Unshare" : "Ajablanmaslik",
+ "Can reshare" : "Qayta tiklash mumkin",
+ "Can edit" : "Tahrirlashi mumkin",
+ "Can create" : "Yaratish mumkin",
+ "Can change" : "O'zgarishi mumkin",
+ "Can delete" : "O'chirib yuborishi mumkin",
+ "Access control" : "Kirishni boshqarish",
+ "Could not unshare" : "Almashtirilmadi",
+ "Error while sharing" : "Almashish paytida xatolik yuz berdi",
+ "Share details could not be loaded for this item." : "Ushbu ma'lumot uchun almashish tafsilotlari yuklanmadi.",
+ "An error occurred. Please try again" : "Xatolik yuz berdi. Iltimos, yana bir bor urinib ko'ring",
+ "Share with other people by entering a user or group or an email address." : "Biror foydalanuvchi yoki guruh yoki elektron pochta manzilini kiritish orqali boshqa odamlar bilan bo'lishing.",
+ "Name or email address..." : "Ism yoki elektron pochta manzili...",
+ "Name or federated cloud ID..." : "Nom yoki biriktirilgan bulut identifikatori...",
+ "Name, federated cloud ID or email address..." : "Nomi, federation bulut identifikatori yoki elektron pochta manzili...",
+ "Name..." : "Ism...",
+ "Error" : "Xato",
+ "Error removing share" : "Ishtirokni olib tashlashda xatolik yuz berdi",
+ "restricted" : "cheklangan",
+ "invisible" : "ko'rinmas",
+ "Delete" : "O'chir",
+ "Rename" : "Nomni o'zgartiring",
+ "Collaborative tags" : "Hamkorlik teglari",
+ "No tags found" : "Hech qanday teg topilmadi",
+ "unknown text" : "noma'lum matn",
+ "Hello world!" : "Salom Dunyo!",
+ "sunny" : "quyoshli",
+ "new" : "yangi",
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Yangilash davom etmoqda va ushbu sahifa ba'zi muhitlarda jarayonni to'xtatishi mumkin.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "{version} ga yangilash",
+ "An error occurred." : "Xatolik yuz berdi.",
+ "Please reload the page." : "Iltimos, sahifani qayta yuklang.",
+ "Searching other places" : "Boshqa joylarni qidirish",
+ "Personal" : "Shaxsiy",
+ "Users" : "Foydalanuvchilar",
+ "Apps" : "Ilovalar",
+ "Admin" : "Admin",
+ "Help" : "Yordam",
+ "Access forbidden" : "Kirish taqiqlangan",
+ "File not found" : "Fayl topilmadi",
+ "The specified document has not been found on the server." : "Belgilangan hujjat serverda topilmadi.",
+ "You can click here to return to %s." : "%s ga qaytish uchun bu yerga bosing.",
+ "Internal Server Error" : "Serverdagi ichki xatolik",
+ "The server was unable to complete your request." : "Server so'rovingizni bajarib bo'lmadi.",
+ "If this happens again, please send the technical details below to the server administrator." : "Agar shunday bo'lsa, iltimos, quyidagi texnik ma'lumotlarni quyidagi server administratoriga yuboring.",
+ "More details can be found in the server log." : "Batafsil ma'lumotni server jurnallaridan topishingiz mumkin.",
+ "Technical details" : "Texnik ma'lumotlar",
+ "Remote Address: %s" : "Masofali manzil: %s",
+ "Request ID: %s" : "ID so'rovi: %s",
+ "Type: %s" : "ID so'rovi: %s",
+ "Code: %s" : "Kod: %s",
+ "Message: %s" : "Xabar: %s",
+ "File: %s" : "Fayl: %s",
+ "Line: %s" : "Qator: %s",
+ "Trace" : "Iz",
+ "Security warning" : "Xavfsizlik bo'yicha ogohlantirish",
+ "Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work." : ".htaccess fayli ishlamayapti, chunki ma'lumotlar katalogingiz va fayllaringiz Internetdan foydalanish mumkin.",
+ "Username" : "Foydalanuvchi nomi",
+ "Storage & database" : "Saqlash va ma'lumotlar bazasi",
+ "Data folder" : "Ma'lumotlar jildi",
+ "Configure the database" : "Ma'lumotlar bazasini sozlang",
+ "Only %s is available." : "Faqat %s mavjud.",
+ "Install and activate additional PHP modules to choose other database types." : "Boshqa ma'lumotlar bazasi turlarini tanlash uchun qo'shimcha PHP modullarini o'rnating va ishga tushiring.",
+ "For more details check out the documentation." : "Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun hujjatlarni ko'rib chiqing.",
+ "Database user" : "Ma'lumotlar bazasi foydalanuvchisi",
+ "Database password" : "Ma'lumotlar bazasi paroli",
+ "Database name" : "Ma'lumotlar bazasi nomi",
+ "Database tablespace" : "Ma'lumotlar bazasi jadvali",
+ "Database host" : "Ma'lumotlar bazasi hosti",
+ "Please specify the port number along with the host name (e.g., localhost:5432)." : "Iltimos, uy egasi nomi bilan birga port raqamini ko'rsating (m-n, localhost: 5432).",
+ "Performance warning" : "Ishlash haqida ogohlantirish",
+ "SQLite will be used as database." : "SQLite ma'lumotlar bazasi sifatida ishlatiladi.",
+ "For larger installations we recommend to choose a different database backend." : "Katta hajmdagi o'rnatish uchun biz boshqa ma'lumotlar bazasi ordinatorini tanlashni tavsiya etamiz.",
+ "Especially when using the desktop client for file syncing the use of SQLite is discouraged." : "Ayniqsa, ish stoli mijozidan faylni sinxronlashtirish uchun SQLite-dan foydalanish tushkunlikka tushgan.",
+ "Finish setup" : "O'rnatishni tugating",
+ "Need help?" : "Yordam kerak?",
+ "See the documentation" : "Hujjatlarga qarang",
+ "This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Ushbu dastur to'g'ri ishlashi uchun JavaScript-ni talab qiladi. Iltimos, {linkstart} JavaScript-ni faollashtirish {linkend} va sahifani qayta yuklang.",
+ "More apps" : "Ko'proq ilovalar",
+ "Search" : "Qidirmoq",
+ "Reset search" : "Qidiruvni tiklash",
+ "Confirm your password" : "Parolingizni tasdiqlang",
+ "Server side authentication failed!" : "Server tomoni autentifikatsiyasi bajarilmadi!",
+ "Please contact your administrator." : "Administrator bilan bog'laning.",
+ "An internal error occurred." : "Ichki xato ro'y berdi.",
+ "Please try again or contact your administrator." : "Qaytadan urinib ko'ring yoki administrator bilan bog'laning.",
+ "Username or email" : "Foydalanuvchi nomi yoki elektron pochta",
+ "Log in" : "Kirish",
+ "Wrong password." : "Noto'g'ri parol.",
+ "Stay logged in" : "Kirishni unutmang",
+ "Alternative Logins" : "Shu bilan bir qatorda kirishlar",
+ "Account access" : "Hisobga kirish"
+"nplurals=1; plural=0;");