diff options
author | Jenkins for ownCloud <thomas.mueller@tmit.eu> | 2013-07-19 02:03:14 -0400 |
committer | Jenkins for ownCloud <thomas.mueller@tmit.eu> | 2013-07-19 02:03:14 -0400 |
commit | ae82f7fd1736d3db36222a97684d98fe6db20dea (patch) | |
tree | 1e751feb204597b77bba5338afd177c7b2799f63 /core/l10n | |
parent | 2c38c2a70e632bfc5ccefb010c35afadb9b95580 (diff) | |
download | nextcloud-server-ae82f7fd1736d3db36222a97684d98fe6db20dea.tar.gz nextcloud-server-ae82f7fd1736d3db36222a97684d98fe6db20dea.zip |
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'core/l10n')
-rw-r--r-- | core/l10n/eu.php | 10 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | core/l10n/pt_PT.php | 1 |
2 files changed, 11 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/l10n/eu.php b/core/l10n/eu.php index 4242d975f3b..d17c9f2c4a5 100644 --- a/core/l10n/eu.php +++ b/core/l10n/eu.php @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ <?php $TRANSLATIONS = array( +"%s shared »%s« with you" => "%s-ek »%s« zurekin partekatu du", "Category type not provided." => "Kategoria mota ez da zehaztu.", "No category to add?" => "Ez dago gehitzeko kategoriarik?", "This category already exists: %s" => "Kategoria hau dagoeneko existitzen da: %s", @@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ "years ago" => "urte", "Choose" => "Aukeratu", "Cancel" => "Ezeztatu", +"Error loading file picker template" => "Errorea fitxategi hautatzaile txantiloiak kargatzerakoan", "Yes" => "Bai", "No" => "Ez", "Ok" => "Ados", @@ -60,6 +62,7 @@ "Share with link" => "Elkarbanatu lotura batekin", "Password protect" => "Babestu pasahitzarekin", "Password" => "Pasahitza", +"Allow Public Upload" => "Gaitu igotze publikoa", "Email link to person" => "Postaz bidali lotura ", "Send" => "Bidali", "Set expiration date" => "Ezarri muga data", @@ -84,8 +87,12 @@ "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." => "Eguneraketa ongi egin da. Orain zure ownClouderea berbideratua izango zara.", "ownCloud password reset" => "ownCloud-en pasahitza berrezarri", "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" => "Eribili hurrengo lotura zure pasahitza berrezartzeko: {link}", +"The link to reset your password has been sent to your email.<br>If you do not receive it within a reasonable amount of time, check your spam/junk folders.<br>If it is not there ask your local administrator ." => "Zure pasahitza berrezartzeko lotura zure postara bidalia izan da.<br>Ez baduzu arrazoizko denbora \nepe batean jasotzen begiratu zure zabor-posta karpetan.<br>Hor ere ez badago kudeatzailearekin harremanetan ipini.", +"Request failed!<br>Did you make sure your email/username was right?" => "Eskaerak huts egin du!<br>Ziur zaude posta/pasahitza zuzenak direla?", "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." => "Zure pashitza berrezartzeko lotura bat jasoko duzu Epostaren bidez.", "Username" => "Erabiltzaile izena", +"Your files are encrypted. If you haven't enabled the recovery key, there will be no way to get your data back after your password is reset. If you are not sure what to do, please contact your administrator before you continue. Do you really want to continue?" => "Zure fitxategiak enkriptaturik daude. Ez baduzu berreskuratze gakoa gaitzen pasahitza berrabiaraztean ez da zure fitxategiak berreskuratzeko modurik egongo. Zer egin ziur ez bazaude kudeatzailearekin harremanetan ipini jarraitu aurretik. Ziur zaude aurrera jarraitu nahi duzula?", +"Yes, I really want to reset my password now" => "Bai, nire pasahitza orain berrabiarazi nahi dut", "Request reset" => "Eskaera berrezarri da", "Your password was reset" => "Zure pasahitza berrezarri da", "To login page" => "Sarrera orrira", @@ -98,6 +105,7 @@ "Help" => "Laguntza", "Access forbidden" => "Sarrera debekatuta", "Cloud not found" => "Ez da hodeia aurkitu", +"Hey there,\n\njust letting you know that %s shared %s with you.\nView it: %s\n\nCheers!" => "Kaixo\n\n%s-ek %s zurekin partekatu duela jakin dezazun.\nIkusi ezazu: %s\n\nOngi jarraitu!", "Edit categories" => "Editatu kategoriak", "Add" => "Gehitu", "Security Warning" => "Segurtasun abisua", @@ -118,6 +126,7 @@ "Database tablespace" => "Datu basearen taula-lekua", "Database host" => "Datubasearen hostalaria", "Finish setup" => "Bukatu konfigurazioa", +"%s is available. Get more information on how to update." => "%s erabilgarri dago. Eguneratzeaz argibide gehiago eskuratu.", "Log out" => "Saioa bukatu", "Automatic logon rejected!" => "Saio hasiera automatikoa ez onartuta!", "If you did not change your password recently, your account may be compromised!" => "Zure pasahitza orain dela gutxi ez baduzu aldatu, zure kontua arriskuan egon daiteke!", @@ -126,6 +135,7 @@ "remember" => "gogoratu", "Log in" => "Hasi saioa", "Alternative Logins" => "Beste erabiltzaile izenak", +"Hey there,<br><br>just letting you know that %s shared »%s« with you.<br><a href=\"%s\">View it!</a><br><br>Cheers!" => "Kaixo<br><br>%s-ek %s zurekin partekatu duela jakin dezazun.<br><a href=\"%s\">\nIkusi ezazu</a><br><br>Ongi jarraitu!", "prev" => "aurrekoa", "next" => "hurrengoa", "Updating ownCloud to version %s, this may take a while." => "ownCloud %s bertsiora eguneratzen, denbora har dezake." diff --git a/core/l10n/pt_PT.php b/core/l10n/pt_PT.php index fd88b70ed4e..20208233105 100644 --- a/core/l10n/pt_PT.php +++ b/core/l10n/pt_PT.php @@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ "Request failed!<br>Did you make sure your email/username was right?" => "O pedido falhou! <br> Tem a certeza que introduziu o seu email/username correcto?", "You will receive a link to reset your password via Email." => "Vai receber um endereço para repor a sua password", "Username" => "Nome de utilizador", +"Your files are encrypted. If you haven't enabled the recovery key, there will be no way to get your data back after your password is reset. If you are not sure what to do, please contact your administrator before you continue. Do you really want to continue?" => "Os seus ficheiros estão encriptados. Se não activou a chave de recuperação, não vai ser possível recuperar os seus dados no caso da sua password ser reinicializada. Se não tem a certeza do que precisa de fazer, por favor contacte o seu administrador antes de continuar. Tem a certeza que quer continuar?", "Yes, I really want to reset my password now" => "Sim, tenho a certeza que pretendo redefinir a minha palavra-passe agora.", "Request reset" => "Pedir reposição", "Your password was reset" => "A sua password foi reposta", |