path: root/core
diff options
authorJenkins for ownCloud <thomas.mueller@tmit.eu>2013-03-27 00:11:05 +0100
committerJenkins for ownCloud <thomas.mueller@tmit.eu>2013-03-27 00:11:05 +0100
commit0c666cb7640c062ecfb89c4f341dfc99f4c98875 (patch)
tree7eafa764e72f8c9b0d937cb988dbd18bae74d6af /core
parent4158a417e7bc77bebe3bd01b7c8b7b467a1da5f0 (diff)
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'core')
11 files changed, 75 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/l10n/ar.php b/core/l10n/ar.php
index d3fa6552a83..f75d8071709 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ar.php
+++ b/core/l10n/ar.php
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@
"Edit categories" => "عدل الفئات",
"Add" => "أدخل",
"Security Warning" => "تحذير أمان",
+"Your PHP version is vulnerable to the NULL Byte attack (CVE-2006-7243)" => "Your PHP version is vulnerable to the NULL Byte attack (CVE-2006-7243)",
+"Please update your PHP installation to use ownCloud securely." => "Please update your PHP installation to use ownCloud securely.",
"No secure random number generator is available, please enable the PHP OpenSSL extension." => "لا يوجد مولّد أرقام عشوائية ، الرجاء تفعيل الـ PHP OpenSSL extension.",
"Without a secure random number generator an attacker may be able to predict password reset tokens and take over your account." => "بدون وجود مولد أرقام عشوائية آمن قد يتمكن المهاجم من التنبؤ بكلمات اعادة ضبط كلمة المرور والتمكن من السيطرة على حسابك",
"Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work." => "مجلدات البيانات والملفات الخاصة قد تكون قابلة للوصول اليها عن طريق شبكة الانترنت وذلك بسبب ان ملف .htaccess لا يعمل بشكل صحيح.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/bg_BG.php b/core/l10n/bg_BG.php
index f2320f1340e..dadb570d93e 100644
--- a/core/l10n/bg_BG.php
+++ b/core/l10n/bg_BG.php
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
"last month" => "последният месец",
"last year" => "последната година",
"years ago" => "последните години",
+"Cancel" => "Отказ",
"Error" => "Грешка",
"Share" => "Споделяне",
"Password" => "Парола",
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_AR.php b/core/l10n/es_AR.php
index dcbae5c1e94..f17a6d9baf1 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_AR.php
+++ b/core/l10n/es_AR.php
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@
"Edit categories" => "Editar categorías",
"Add" => "Agregar",
"Security Warning" => "Advertencia de seguridad",
+"Your PHP version is vulnerable to the NULL Byte attack (CVE-2006-7243)" => "La versión de PHP que tenés, es vulnerable al ataque de byte NULL (CVE-2006-7243)",
+"Please update your PHP installation to use ownCloud securely." => "Actualizá tu instalación de PHP para usar ownCloud de manera segura.",
"No secure random number generator is available, please enable the PHP OpenSSL extension." => "No hay disponible ningún generador de números aleatorios seguro. Por favor habilitá la extensión OpenSSL de PHP.",
"Without a secure random number generator an attacker may be able to predict password reset tokens and take over your account." => "Sin un generador de números aleatorios seguro un atacante podría predecir los tokens de reinicio de tu contraseña y tomar control de tu cuenta.",
"Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work." => "Tu directorio de datos y tus archivos probablemente son accesibles a través de internet, ya que el archivo .htaccess no está funcionando.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/fi_FI.php b/core/l10n/fi_FI.php
index 1b412510e0a..e9386cad431 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fi_FI.php
+++ b/core/l10n/fi_FI.php
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@
"User %s shared a folder with you" => "Käyttäjä %s jakoi kansion kanssasi",
"User %s shared the file \"%s\" with you. It is available for download here: %s" => "Käyttäjä %s jakoi tiedoston \"%s\" kanssasi. Se on ladattavissa täältä: %s",
"User %s shared the folder \"%s\" with you. It is available for download here: %s" => "Käyttäjä %s jakoi kansion \"%s\" kanssasi. Se on ladattavissa täältä: %s",
+"Category type not provided." => "Luokan tyyppiä ei määritelty.",
"No category to add?" => "Ei lisättävää luokkaa?",
+"This category already exists: %s" => "Luokka on jo olemassa: %s",
"Error adding %s to favorites." => "Virhe lisätessä kohdetta %s suosikkeihin.",
"No categories selected for deletion." => "Luokkia ei valittu poistettavaksi.",
"Error removing %s from favorites." => "Virhe poistaessa kohdetta %s suosikeista.",
@@ -48,6 +50,7 @@
"Error" => "Virhe",
"The app name is not specified." => "Sovelluksen nimeä ei ole määritelty.",
"The required file {file} is not installed!" => "Vaadittua tiedostoa {file} ei ole asennettu!",
+"Shared" => "Jaettu",
"Share" => "Jaa",
"Error while sharing" => "Virhe jaettaessa",
"Error while unsharing" => "Virhe jakoa peruttaessa",
@@ -100,6 +103,8 @@
"Edit categories" => "Muokkaa luokkia",
"Add" => "Lisää",
"Security Warning" => "Turvallisuusvaroitus",
+"Your PHP version is vulnerable to the NULL Byte attack (CVE-2006-7243)" => "PHP-asennuksesi on haavoittuvainen NULL Byte -hyökkäykselle (CVE-2006-7243)",
+"Please update your PHP installation to use ownCloud securely." => "Päivitä PHP-asennuksesi käyttääksesi ownCloudia turvallisesti.",
"Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work." => "Datakansiosi ja tiedostosi ovat mitä luultavimmin muiden saavutettavissa internetistä, koska .htaccess-tiedosto ei toimi.",
"For information how to properly configure your server, please see the <a href=\"http://doc.owncloud.org/server/5.0/admin_manual/installation.html\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a>." => "Katso palvelimen asetuksien määrittämiseen liittyvät ohjeet <a href=\"http://doc.owncloud.org/server/5.0/admin_manual/installation.html\" target=\"_blank\">dokumentaatiosta</a>.",
"Create an <strong>admin account</strong>" => "Luo <strong>ylläpitäjän tunnus</strong>",
@@ -121,6 +126,7 @@
"Lost your password?" => "Unohditko salasanasi?",
"remember" => "muista",
"Log in" => "Kirjaudu sisään",
+"Alternative Logins" => "Vaihtoehtoiset kirjautumiset",
"prev" => "edellinen",
"next" => "seuraava",
"Updating ownCloud to version %s, this may take a while." => "Päivitetään ownCloud versioon %s, tämä saattaa kestää hetken."
diff --git a/core/l10n/fr.php b/core/l10n/fr.php
index f6ad077d268..84c4c0abdf4 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fr.php
+++ b/core/l10n/fr.php
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@
"Edit categories" => "Modifier les catégories",
"Add" => "Ajouter",
"Security Warning" => "Avertissement de sécurité",
+"Your PHP version is vulnerable to the NULL Byte attack (CVE-2006-7243)" => "Votre version de PHP est vulnérable à l'attaque par caractère NULL (CVE-2006-7243)",
+"Please update your PHP installation to use ownCloud securely." => "Veuillez mettre à jour votre installation PHP pour utiliser ownCloud de façon sécurisée.",
"No secure random number generator is available, please enable the PHP OpenSSL extension." => "Aucun générateur de nombre aléatoire sécurisé n'est disponible, veuillez activer l'extension PHP OpenSSL",
"Without a secure random number generator an attacker may be able to predict password reset tokens and take over your account." => "Sans générateur de nombre aléatoire sécurisé, un attaquant peut être en mesure de prédire les jetons de réinitialisation du mot de passe, et ainsi prendre le contrôle de votre compte utilisateur.",
"Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work." => "Votre répertoire data est certainement accessible depuis l'internet car le fichier .htaccess ne semble pas fonctionner",
diff --git a/core/l10n/hu_HU.php b/core/l10n/hu_HU.php
index e8fcdeeca11..0f110bfc4c7 100644
--- a/core/l10n/hu_HU.php
+++ b/core/l10n/hu_HU.php
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@
"Edit categories" => "Kategóriák szerkesztése",
"Add" => "Hozzáadás",
"Security Warning" => "Biztonsági figyelmeztetés",
+"Your PHP version is vulnerable to the NULL Byte attack (CVE-2006-7243)" => "Az Ön PHP verziója sebezhető a NULL bájtos támadással szemben (CVE-2006-7243)",
+"Please update your PHP installation to use ownCloud securely." => "Kérjük frissítse a telepített PHP csomagjait, hogy biztonságos legyen az ownCloud szolgáltatása.",
"No secure random number generator is available, please enable the PHP OpenSSL extension." => "Nem érhető el megfelelő véletlenszám-generátor, telepíteni kellene a PHP OpenSSL kiegészítését.",
"Without a secure random number generator an attacker may be able to predict password reset tokens and take over your account." => "Megfelelő véletlenszám-generátor hiányában egy támadó szándékú idegen képes lehet megjósolni a jelszóvisszaállító tokent, és Ön helyett belépni.",
"Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work." => "Az adatkönyvtár és a benne levő állományok valószínűleg közvetlenül is elérhetők az internetről, mert a .htaccess állomány nem érvényesül.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/ru.php b/core/l10n/ru.php
index 2ca4eeb4777..2f90c5c5df3 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ru.php
+++ b/core/l10n/ru.php
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@
"Edit categories" => "Редактировать категории",
"Add" => "Добавить",
"Security Warning" => "Предупреждение безопасности",
+"Your PHP version is vulnerable to the NULL Byte attack (CVE-2006-7243)" => "Ваша версия PHP уязвима к атаке NULL Byte (CVE-2006-7243)",
+"Please update your PHP installation to use ownCloud securely." => "Пожалуйста обновите Ваш PHP чтобы использовать ownCloud безопасно.",
"No secure random number generator is available, please enable the PHP OpenSSL extension." => "Нет доступного защищенного генератора случайных чисел, пожалуйста, включите расширение PHP OpenSSL.",
"Without a secure random number generator an attacker may be able to predict password reset tokens and take over your account." => "Без защищенного генератора случайных чисел злоумышленник может предугадать токены сброса пароля и завладеть Вашей учетной записью.",
"Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work." => "Ваша папка с данными и файлы возможно доступны из интернета потому что файл .htaccess не работает.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/sk_SK.php b/core/l10n/sk_SK.php
index 7e32dac57e4..9b0bd45fce3 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sk_SK.php
+++ b/core/l10n/sk_SK.php
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@
"Edit categories" => "Úprava kategórií",
"Add" => "Pridať",
"Security Warning" => "Bezpečnostné varovanie",
+"Your PHP version is vulnerable to the NULL Byte attack (CVE-2006-7243)" => "Verzia Vášho PHP je napadnuteľná pomocou techniky \"NULL Byte\" (CVE-2006-7243)",
+"Please update your PHP installation to use ownCloud securely." => "Aktualizujte prosím Vašu inštanciu PHP pre bezpečné používanie ownCloud.",
"No secure random number generator is available, please enable the PHP OpenSSL extension." => "Nie je dostupný žiadny bezpečný generátor náhodných čísel, prosím, povoľte rozšírenie OpenSSL v PHP.",
"Without a secure random number generator an attacker may be able to predict password reset tokens and take over your account." => "Bez bezpečného generátora náhodných čísel môže útočník predpovedať token pre obnovu hesla a prevziať kontrolu nad vaším kontom.",
"Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work." => "Váš priečinok s dátami a súbormi je dostupný z internetu, lebo súbor .htaccess nefunguje.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/sl.php b/core/l10n/sl.php
index 502a37cb31e..df86a608bbd 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sl.php
+++ b/core/l10n/sl.php
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@
"Edit categories" => "Uredi kategorije",
"Add" => "Dodaj",
"Security Warning" => "Varnostno opozorilo",
+"Your PHP version is vulnerable to the NULL Byte attack (CVE-2006-7243)" => "Uporabljena različica PHP je ranljiva za napad NULL Byte (CVE-2006-7243)",
+"Please update your PHP installation to use ownCloud securely." => "Priporočeno je posodobiti namestitev PHP in varno uporabljati oblak ownCloud",
"No secure random number generator is available, please enable the PHP OpenSSL extension." => "Na voljo ni nobenega varnega ustvarjalnika naključnih števil. Omogočiti je treba razširitev PHP OpenSSL.",
"Without a secure random number generator an attacker may be able to predict password reset tokens and take over your account." => "Brez varnega ustvarjalnika naključnih števil je mogoče napovedati žetone za ponastavitev gesla, s čimer je mogoče prevzeti nadzor nad računom.",
"Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work." => "Podatkovna mapa in datoteke so najverjetneje javno dostopni preko interneta, saj datoteka .htaccess ni ustrezno nastavljena.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/te.php b/core/l10n/te.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a18af79ab17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/l10n/te.php
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"This category already exists: %s" => "ఈ వర్గం ఇప్పటికే ఉంది: %s",
+"Sunday" => "ఆదివారం",
+"Monday" => "సోమవారం",
+"Tuesday" => "మంగళవారం",
+"Wednesday" => "బుధవారం",
+"Thursday" => "గురువారం",
+"Friday" => "శుక్రవారం",
+"Saturday" => "శనివారం",
+"January" => "జనవరి",
+"February" => "ఫిబ్రవరి",
+"March" => "మార్చి",
+"April" => "ఏప్రిల్",
+"May" => "మే",
+"June" => "జూన్",
+"July" => "జూలై",
+"August" => "ఆగస్ట్",
+"September" => "సెప్టెంబర్",
+"October" => "అక్టోబర్",
+"November" => "నవంబర్",
+"December" => "డిసెంబర్",
+"Settings" => "అమరికలు",
+"seconds ago" => "క్షణాల క్రితం",
+"1 minute ago" => "1 నిమిషం క్రితం",
+"{minutes} minutes ago" => "{minutes} నిమిషాల క్రితం",
+"1 hour ago" => "1 గంట క్రితం",
+"{hours} hours ago" => "{hours} గంటల క్రితం",
+"today" => "ఈరోజు",
+"yesterday" => "నిన్న",
+"{days} days ago" => "{days} రోజుల క్రితం",
+"last month" => "పోయిన నెల",
+"{months} months ago" => "{months} నెలల క్రితం",
+"months ago" => "నెలల క్రితం",
+"last year" => "పోయిన సంవత్సరం",
+"years ago" => "సంవత్సరాల క్రితం",
+"Cancel" => "రద్దుచేయి",
+"No" => "కాదు",
+"Yes" => "అవును",
+"Ok" => "సరే",
+"Error" => "పొరపాటు",
+"Password" => "సంకేతపదం",
+"Send" => "పంపించు",
+"Expiration date" => "కాలం చెల్లు తేదీ",
+"delete" => "తొలగించు",
+"Username" => "వాడుకరి పేరు",
+"New password" => "కొత్త సంకేతపదం",
+"Users" => "వాడుకరులు",
+"Help" => "సహాయం",
+"Add" => "చేర్చు",
+"Log out" => "నిష్క్రమించు",
+"Lost your password?" => "మీ సంకేతపదం పోయిందా?"
diff --git a/core/l10n/tr.php b/core/l10n/tr.php
index 9d9ff0e7eba..342a010da0a 100644
--- a/core/l10n/tr.php
+++ b/core/l10n/tr.php
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@
"Edit categories" => "Kategorileri düzenle",
"Add" => "Ekle",
"Security Warning" => "Güvenlik Uyarisi",
+"Your PHP version is vulnerable to the NULL Byte attack (CVE-2006-7243)" => "PHP sürümünüz NULL Byte saldırısına açık (CVE-2006-7243)",
+"Please update your PHP installation to use ownCloud securely." => "ownCloud'u güvenli olarak kullanmak için, lütfen PHP kurulumunuzu güncelleyin.",
"No secure random number generator is available, please enable the PHP OpenSSL extension." => "Güvenli rasgele sayı üreticisi bulunamadı. Lütfen PHP OpenSSL eklentisini etkinleştirin.",
"Without a secure random number generator an attacker may be able to predict password reset tokens and take over your account." => "Güvenli rasgele sayı üreticisi olmadan saldırganlar parola sıfırlama simgelerini tahmin edip hesabınızı ele geçirebilir.",
"Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work." => "Veri klasörünüz ve dosyalarınız .htaccess dosyası çalışmadığı için internet'ten erişime açık.",