path: root/core
diff options
authorLukas Reschke <>2016-08-15 21:55:09 +0200
committerLukas Reschke <>2016-08-15 21:55:09 +0200
commit6c6338b81072ba58b662d2f03cab6cfdbfdf4a18 (patch)
tree7e5bf139a601f03dc7c458d7ef84881e63b5ee20 /core
parent7ffb7b0d846241c8cc6b45a3c85b2374c6d026ae (diff)
parent2061d40ba292d2b906132dfcd261e4c631d9854b (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into implement_712
Diffstat (limited to 'core')
19 files changed, 197 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/core/Controller/LoginController.php b/core/Controller/LoginController.php
index ffbcea0fedd..dbc1f3157fd 100644
--- a/core/Controller/LoginController.php
+++ b/core/Controller/LoginController.php
@@ -172,8 +172,25 @@ class LoginController extends Controller {
+ * @param string $redirectUrl
+ * @return RedirectResponse
+ */
+ private function generateRedirect($redirectUrl) {
+ if (!is_null($redirectUrl) && $this->userSession->isLoggedIn()) {
+ $location = $this->urlGenerator->getAbsoluteURL(urldecode($redirectUrl));
+ // Deny the redirect if the URL contains a @
+ // This prevents unvalidated redirects like ?
+ if (strpos($location, '@') === false) {
+ return new RedirectResponse($location);
+ }
+ }
+ return new RedirectResponse(OC_Util::getDefaultPageUrl());
+ }
+ /**
* @PublicPage
* @UseSession
+ * @NoCSRFRequired
* @param string $user
* @param string $password
@@ -184,6 +201,13 @@ class LoginController extends Controller {
$currentDelay = $this->throttler->getDelay($this->request->getRemoteAddress());
+ // If the user is already logged in and the CSRF check does not pass then
+ // simply redirect the user to the correct page as required. This is the
+ // case when an user has already logged-in, in another tab.
+ if(!$this->request->passesCSRFCheck()) {
+ return $this->generateRedirect($redirect_url);
+ }
$originalUser = $user;
// TODO: Add all the insane error handling
/* @var $loginResult IUser */
@@ -223,15 +247,7 @@ class LoginController extends Controller {
return new RedirectResponse($this->urlGenerator->linkToRoute('core.TwoFactorChallenge.selectChallenge'));
- if (!is_null($redirect_url) && $this->userSession->isLoggedIn()) {
- $location = $this->urlGenerator->getAbsoluteURL(urldecode($redirect_url));
- // Deny the redirect if the URL contains a @
- // This prevents unvalidated redirects like ?
- if (strpos($location, '@') === false) {
- return new RedirectResponse($location);
- }
- }
- return new RedirectResponse(OC_Util::getDefaultPageUrl());
+ return $this->generateRedirect($redirect_url);
diff --git a/core/Middleware/TwoFactorMiddleware.php b/core/Middleware/TwoFactorMiddleware.php
index c87058d11fa..9b930edd57d 100644
--- a/core/Middleware/TwoFactorMiddleware.php
+++ b/core/Middleware/TwoFactorMiddleware.php
@@ -129,6 +129,8 @@ class TwoFactorMiddleware extends Middleware {
if ($exception instanceof UserAlreadyLoggedInException) {
return new RedirectResponse($this->urlGenerator->linkToRoute('files.view.index'));
+ throw $exception;
diff --git a/core/img/facebook.svg b/core/img/facebook.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4de4ccf3002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/img/facebook.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN' ''>
+<svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" height="512px" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="512px" version="1.1" enable-background="new 0 0 512 512"><g clip-rule="evenodd" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="m256.23 512c140.58 0 255.77-115.19 255.77-255.77 0-141.05-115.19-256.23-255.77-256.23-141.05 0-256.23 115.18-256.23 256.23 0 140.58 115.18 255.77 256.23 255.77z" fill="#3A5BA2"/><path d="m224.02 160.08c0-35.372 28.575-63.946 63.938-63.946h48.072v63.946h-32.199c-8.608 0-15.873 7.257-15.873 15.873v32.192h48.072v63.938h-48.072v144.22h-63.938v-144.22h-48.065v-63.93h48.065v-48.07z" fill="#fff"/></g></svg>
diff --git a/core/img/googleplus.svg b/core/img/googleplus.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8a443e4b6da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/img/googleplus.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN' ''>
+<svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" height="128px" viewBox="0 0 128 128" width="128px" version="1.1" enable-background="new 0 0 128 128"><circle cy="64" cx="64" r="64" fill="#D95032"/><path d="m49.424 97.875c-19.018 0-34.491-15.193-34.491-33.874 0-18.68 15.473-33.875 34.491-33.875 8.318 0 16.354 2.952 22.624 8.309l-8.771 9.899c-3.838-3.279-8.758-5.086-13.853-5.086-11.652 0-21.13 9.31-21.13 20.752 0 11.441 9.479 20.75 21.13 20.75 9.858 0 16.311-4.723 18.407-13.197h-18.244v-13.121h32.347v6.562c0 19.665-13.065 32.881-32.51 32.881z" fill="#fff"/><polygon points="117.93 58.438 107.93 58.438 107.93 48.438 99.934 48.438 99.934 58.438 89.934 58.438 89.934 66.438 99.934 66.438 99.934 76.438 107.93 76.438 107.93 66.438 117.93 66.438" fill="#fff"/></svg>
diff --git a/core/img/mail.svg b/core/img/mail.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..21991dbf3ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/img/mail.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<svg xmlns="" height="150.24mm" width="150.24mm" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 532.35042 532.35042">
+ <g transform="translate(-101.02 -213.94)">
+ <rect fill-rule="evenodd" ry="266.18" height="532.35" width="532.35" y="213.94" x="101.02" fill="#5cb85c"/>
+ <g fill="#fff">
+ <path style="" d="m530.17 434.64c-5.4569 6.0026-11.641 11.278-18.19 15.825-30.377 20.554-60.936 41.291-90.585 62.755-15.279 11.278-34.197 25.102-54.023 25.102h-0.1819-0.1819c-19.827 0-38.744-13.824-54.023-25.102-29.649-21.646-60.208-42.2-90.403-62.755-6.7302-4.5474-12.915-9.8224-18.372-15.825v144.43c0 16.007 13.097 29.104 29.104 29.104h267.75c16.007 0 29.104-13.097 29.104-29.104v-144.43zm0-53.478c0-16.007-13.278-29.104-29.104-29.104h-267.75c-19.463 0-29.104 15.279-29.104 33.105 0 16.553 18.372 37.107 31.286 45.838 28.194 19.645 56.752 39.29 84.946 59.117 11.823 8.1854 31.832 24.92 46.566 24.92h0.1819 0.1819c14.734 0 34.742-16.735 46.566-24.92 28.194-19.827 56.752-39.472 85.128-59.117 16.007-11.096 31.104-29.467 31.104-49.84z"/>
+ </g>
+ </g>
diff --git a/core/img/rss.svg b/core/img/rss.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8126a97acd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/img/rss.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<svg xmlns="" version="1.1" xml:space="preserve" enable-background="new 0 0 32 32" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="m16 0c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16 0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16s16-7.164 16-16c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16z" fill="#F8991D"/><path d="m21.705 22.647h2.942c0-8.434-6.861-15.3-15.294-15.3v2.934c6.81 0 12.352 5.548 12.352 12.366zm-10.315 0.005c1.128 0 2.039-0.906 2.039-2.029 0-1.117-0.911-2.033-2.039-2.033-1.123 0-2.036 0.916-2.036 2.033-0.001 1.123 0.912 2.029 2.036 2.029zm5.116-0.004h2.945c0-5.57-4.531-10.101-10.099-10.101v2.933c1.91 0 3.705 0.746 5.057 2.1 1.352 1.349 2.097 3.152 2.097 5.068z" fill="#fff"/><defs><path id="a" d="m50.696-47.198c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16 0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16s16-7.164 16-16c0-8.836-7.163-16-16-16z"/></defs><clipPath><use overflow="visible" xlink:href="#a"/></clipPath></svg>
diff --git a/core/img/twitter.svg b/core/img/twitter.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8d96565ca27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/img/twitter.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
+<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN' ''>
+<svg xmlns="" xml:space="preserve" height="512px" viewBox="0 0 512 512" width="512px" version="1.1" enable-background="new 0 0 512 512"><g clip-rule="evenodd" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="m256.23 512c140.58 0 255.77-115.19 255.77-255.77 0-141.05-115.19-256.23-255.77-256.23-141.05 0-256.23 115.18-256.23 256.23 0 140.58 115.18 255.77 256.23 255.77z" fill="#1EBEF0"/><path d="m276.64 137.41c-9.077 6.351-15.873 15.42-20.865 25.396l-2.265 5.898c-1.359 4.077-2.273 8.163-2.726 12.241-0.453 2.265-0.453 4.085-0.906 5.898v3.625l0.453 5.898 0.906 7.71h-4.985c-22.224-0.453-43.987-5.445-63.04-14.061l-11.334-5.437c-2.265-0.914-4.078-2.273-6.351-3.632-12.694-7.257-24.028-16.78-34.012-27.208-6.343-6.804-12.241-14.061-17.232-21.771-5.438 10.437-8.616 22.677-8.616 35.379 0 4.531 0.453 9.069 1.359 13.6 0 2.265 0.453 4.085 0.914 5.898 4.078 13.6 11.334 25.849 21.31 34.918l4.992 4.539-6.351-1.367c-8.163-2.266-16.326-4.984-24.036-8.164 0.906 16.327 7.257 31.293 17.232 43.089 9.522 11.327 22.224 19.951 36.73 24.028l-16.779 0.906-14.054-0.453c10.429 25.403 34.465 43.995 63.033 46.261-26.302 19.498-58.955 30.388-93.873 30.388 25.849 15.873 55.33 25.841 87.521 27.653h20.865c99.31-5.438 177.77-87.522 177.77-188.2v-9.522c3.625-3.171 7.25-6.343 10.89-9.975 8.608-7.71 16.326-16.78 22.67-26.302-10.437 6.804-22.67 10.429-36.277 10.429h-0.906 0.453c12.232-8.163 21.763-20.404 26.747-34.465-9.515 4.992-20.404 8.616-31.294 11.796l-1.359 0.453-8.155 1.812c-11.795-12.702-28.575-20.865-47.167-20.865h-1.358c-4.984 0-9.983 0.453-14.968 1.367-7.249 1.812-14.514 4.984-20.404 8.616l-4.54 3.58z" fill="#fff"/></g></svg>
diff --git a/core/l10n/de.js b/core/l10n/de.js
index 35aa6c7cb20..a0dc6f7002b 100644
--- a/core/l10n/de.js
+++ b/core/l10n/de.js
@@ -323,6 +323,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Please use the command line updater because you have a big instance." : "Da Du eine grosse Instanz nutzt, wird die Benutzung des Aktualisierungsprogrammes über die Kommandozeile empfohlen.",
"For help, see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation</a>." : "Für weitere Hilfen, schaue bitte in die <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">Dokumentation</a>.",
"This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "Diese %s-Instanz befindet sich gerade im Wartungsmodus, was eine Weile dauern kann.",
- "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Diese Seite aktualisiert sich automatisch, wenn die %s-Instanz wieder verfügbar ist."
+ "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Diese Seite aktualisiert sich automatisch, wenn die %s-Instanz wieder verfügbar ist.",
+ "This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "Dieser Server hat keine funktionierende Internetverbindung. Dies bedeutet, dass einige Funktionen wie das Einhängen externen Speicherplatzes, Update-Benachrichtigungen oder die Installation von Drittanbieter-Apps nicht funktionieren werden. Der Fernzugriff auf Dateien und der Versand von E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen kann ebenfalls nicht funktionieren. Es wird empfohlen, die Internetverbindung dieses Servers zu aktivieren, wenn du alle Funktionen nutzen möchtest.",
+ "The upgrade is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Das Update läuft gerade. Das Verlassen dieser Seite könnte den Update Prozess in einigen Umgebungen unterbrechen.",
+ "Updating to {version}" : "Aktualisierung auf {version}",
+ "The update was successful. There were warnings." : "Das Update war erfolgreich. Warnungen wurden ausgegeben.",
+ "Your web server is not set up properly to resolve \"{url}\". Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Dein Web-Server ist nicht richtig eingerichtet um die folgende URL richtig aufzulösen \"{url}\". Weitere Informationen findest du in unserer <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">Dokumentation</a>.",
+ "Some files have not passed the integrity check. Further information on how to resolve this issue can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>. (<a href=\"{codeIntegrityDownloadEndpoint}\">List of invalid files…</a> / <a href=\"{rescanEndpoint}\">Rescan…</a>)" : "Einige Dateien haben die Integritätsprüfung nicht bestanden. Weiterführende Information zum Lösen des Problems findest du in unserer <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">Dokumentation</a>. (<a href=\"{codeIntegrityDownloadEndpoint}\">Liste der ungültigen Dateien ...</a> / <a href=\"{rescanEndpoint}\">Erneut analysieren…</a>)",
+ "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to at least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security we recommend enabling HSTS as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "Der \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP-Header ist nicht auf mindestens \"{seconds}\" Sekunden eingestellt. Um die Sicherheit zu erhöhen, empfehlen wir das Aktivieren von HSTS, wie es in den <a href=\"{docUrl}\">Sicherheitshinweisen</a> beschrieben ist.",
+ "An error occured. Please try again" : "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal",
+ "not assignable" : "nicht zuweisbar",
+ "Updating {productName} to version {version}, this may take a while." : "Aktualisiere {productName} auf Version {version}, dies kann eine Weile dauern.",
+ "For information how to properly configure your server, please see the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a>." : "Informationen zum richtigen Konfigurieren deines Servers kannst du der <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Dokumentation</a> entnehmen.",
+ "An internal error occured." : "Es ist ein interner Fehler aufgetreten."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/core/l10n/de.json b/core/l10n/de.json
index d50dac88d09..11d7e0fb9e7 100644
--- a/core/l10n/de.json
+++ b/core/l10n/de.json
@@ -321,6 +321,18 @@
"Please use the command line updater because you have a big instance." : "Da Du eine grosse Instanz nutzt, wird die Benutzung des Aktualisierungsprogrammes über die Kommandozeile empfohlen.",
"For help, see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation</a>." : "Für weitere Hilfen, schaue bitte in die <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">Dokumentation</a>.",
"This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "Diese %s-Instanz befindet sich gerade im Wartungsmodus, was eine Weile dauern kann.",
- "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Diese Seite aktualisiert sich automatisch, wenn die %s-Instanz wieder verfügbar ist."
+ "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Diese Seite aktualisiert sich automatisch, wenn die %s-Instanz wieder verfügbar ist.",
+ "This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "Dieser Server hat keine funktionierende Internetverbindung. Dies bedeutet, dass einige Funktionen wie das Einhängen externen Speicherplatzes, Update-Benachrichtigungen oder die Installation von Drittanbieter-Apps nicht funktionieren werden. Der Fernzugriff auf Dateien und der Versand von E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen kann ebenfalls nicht funktionieren. Es wird empfohlen, die Internetverbindung dieses Servers zu aktivieren, wenn du alle Funktionen nutzen möchtest.",
+ "The upgrade is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Das Update läuft gerade. Das Verlassen dieser Seite könnte den Update Prozess in einigen Umgebungen unterbrechen.",
+ "Updating to {version}" : "Aktualisierung auf {version}",
+ "The update was successful. There were warnings." : "Das Update war erfolgreich. Warnungen wurden ausgegeben.",
+ "Your web server is not set up properly to resolve \"{url}\". Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Dein Web-Server ist nicht richtig eingerichtet um die folgende URL richtig aufzulösen \"{url}\". Weitere Informationen findest du in unserer <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">Dokumentation</a>.",
+ "Some files have not passed the integrity check. Further information on how to resolve this issue can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>. (<a href=\"{codeIntegrityDownloadEndpoint}\">List of invalid files…</a> / <a href=\"{rescanEndpoint}\">Rescan…</a>)" : "Einige Dateien haben die Integritätsprüfung nicht bestanden. Weiterführende Information zum Lösen des Problems findest du in unserer <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">Dokumentation</a>. (<a href=\"{codeIntegrityDownloadEndpoint}\">Liste der ungültigen Dateien ...</a> / <a href=\"{rescanEndpoint}\">Erneut analysieren…</a>)",
+ "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to at least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security we recommend enabling HSTS as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "Der \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP-Header ist nicht auf mindestens \"{seconds}\" Sekunden eingestellt. Um die Sicherheit zu erhöhen, empfehlen wir das Aktivieren von HSTS, wie es in den <a href=\"{docUrl}\">Sicherheitshinweisen</a> beschrieben ist.",
+ "An error occured. Please try again" : "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal",
+ "not assignable" : "nicht zuweisbar",
+ "Updating {productName} to version {version}, this may take a while." : "Aktualisiere {productName} auf Version {version}, dies kann eine Weile dauern.",
+ "For information how to properly configure your server, please see the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a>." : "Informationen zum richtigen Konfigurieren deines Servers kannst du der <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Dokumentation</a> entnehmen.",
+ "An internal error occured." : "Es ist ein interner Fehler aufgetreten."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/l10n/de_DE.js b/core/l10n/de_DE.js
index e69e4ea8046..c5ce24b7caf 100644
--- a/core/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/core/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -323,6 +323,20 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Please use the command line updater because you have a big instance." : "Da Sie eine große Instanz von Nextcloud besitzen, wird die Benutzung des Aktualisierungsprogrammes über die Kommandozeile empfohlen.",
"For help, see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation</a>." : "Für weitere Hilfen, schauen Sie bitte in die <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">Dokumentation</a>.",
"This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "Diese %s-Instanz befindet sich gerade im Wartungsmodus, was eine Weile dauern kann.",
- "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Diese Seite aktualisiert sich automatisch, wenn die %s-Instanz wieder verfügbar ist."
+ "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Diese Seite aktualisiert sich automatisch, wenn die %s-Instanz wieder verfügbar ist.",
+ "This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "Dieser Server hat keine funktionierende Internetverbindung. Dies bedeutet, dass einige Funktionen wie das Einhängen externen Speicherplatzes, Update-Benachrichtigungen oder die Installation von Drittanbieter-Apps nicht funktionieren werden. Der Fernzugriff auf Dateien und der Versand von E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen kann ebenfalls nicht funktionieren. Es wird empfohlen, die Internetverbindung dieses Servers zu aktivieren, wenn Sie alle Funktionen nutzen möchten.",
+ "The upgrade is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Die Aktualisierung wird durchgeführt, wenn Sie diese Seite verlassen, kann dies den Aktualisierungsprozess in manchen Umgebungen unterbrechen.",
+ "Updating to {version}" : "Aktualisiere auf {version}",
+ "The update was successful. There were warnings." : "Das Update war erfolgreich. Es wurden Warnungen ausgegeben.",
+ "Your web server is not set up properly to resolve \"{url}\". Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Ihr Webserver ist nicht richtig konfiguriert um \"{url}\" aufzulösen. Weitere Informationen hierzu finden Sie in unserer <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"[docLink}\">Dokumentation</a>.",
+ "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Es wurde kein PHP Memory Cache konfiguriert. Konfigurieren Sie zur Erhöhung der Leistungsfähigkeit, soweit verfügbar, einen Memory Cache. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">Dokumentation</a>.",
+ "/dev/urandom is not readable by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "/dev/urandom ist von PHP nicht lesbar, wovon aus Sicherheitsgründen dringend abgeraten wird. Weitere Informationen hierzu finden Sie in unserer <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">Dokumentation</a>.",
+ "You are currently running PHP {version}. We encourage you to upgrade your PHP version to take advantage of <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{phpLink}\">performance and security updates provided by the PHP Group</a> as soon as your distribution supports it." : "Sie verwenden im Moment PHP {version}. Wir empfehlen ein Upgrade ihrer PHP Version, um die <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{phpLink}\">Geschwindigkeits- und Sicherheitsupdates zu nutzen, welche von der PHP Gruppe bereitgestellt werden</a>, sobald ihre Distribution diese unterstützt.",
+ "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to at least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security we recommend enabling HSTS as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "Der „Strict-Transport-Security“-HTTP-Header ist nicht auf mindestens „{seconds}“ Sekunden eingestellt. Für mehr Sicherheit wird das Aktivieren von HSTS empfohlen, wie es in unseren <a href=\"{docUrl}\" >Sicherheitshinweisen</a> erläutert ist.",
+ "An error occured. Please try again" : "Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte erneut versuchen",
+ "not assignable" : "nicht zuweisbar",
+ "Updating {productName} to version {version}, this may take a while." : "Aktualisiere {productName} auf Version {version}, dies kann etwas dauern.",
+ "For information how to properly configure your server, please see the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a>." : "Informationen zum richtigen Konfigurieren Ihres Servers können Sie der <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Dokumentation</a> entnehmen.",
+ "An internal error occured." : "Es ist ein interner Fehler aufgetreten."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/core/l10n/de_DE.json b/core/l10n/de_DE.json
index 793659d6e07..6ed4bb678a3 100644
--- a/core/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/core/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -321,6 +321,20 @@
"Please use the command line updater because you have a big instance." : "Da Sie eine große Instanz von Nextcloud besitzen, wird die Benutzung des Aktualisierungsprogrammes über die Kommandozeile empfohlen.",
"For help, see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation</a>." : "Für weitere Hilfen, schauen Sie bitte in die <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">Dokumentation</a>.",
"This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "Diese %s-Instanz befindet sich gerade im Wartungsmodus, was eine Weile dauern kann.",
- "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Diese Seite aktualisiert sich automatisch, wenn die %s-Instanz wieder verfügbar ist."
+ "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Diese Seite aktualisiert sich automatisch, wenn die %s-Instanz wieder verfügbar ist.",
+ "This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "Dieser Server hat keine funktionierende Internetverbindung. Dies bedeutet, dass einige Funktionen wie das Einhängen externen Speicherplatzes, Update-Benachrichtigungen oder die Installation von Drittanbieter-Apps nicht funktionieren werden. Der Fernzugriff auf Dateien und der Versand von E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen kann ebenfalls nicht funktionieren. Es wird empfohlen, die Internetverbindung dieses Servers zu aktivieren, wenn Sie alle Funktionen nutzen möchten.",
+ "The upgrade is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Die Aktualisierung wird durchgeführt, wenn Sie diese Seite verlassen, kann dies den Aktualisierungsprozess in manchen Umgebungen unterbrechen.",
+ "Updating to {version}" : "Aktualisiere auf {version}",
+ "The update was successful. There were warnings." : "Das Update war erfolgreich. Es wurden Warnungen ausgegeben.",
+ "Your web server is not set up properly to resolve \"{url}\". Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Ihr Webserver ist nicht richtig konfiguriert um \"{url}\" aufzulösen. Weitere Informationen hierzu finden Sie in unserer <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"[docLink}\">Dokumentation</a>.",
+ "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Es wurde kein PHP Memory Cache konfiguriert. Konfigurieren Sie zur Erhöhung der Leistungsfähigkeit, soweit verfügbar, einen Memory Cache. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in unserer <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">Dokumentation</a>.",
+ "/dev/urandom is not readable by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "/dev/urandom ist von PHP nicht lesbar, wovon aus Sicherheitsgründen dringend abgeraten wird. Weitere Informationen hierzu finden Sie in unserer <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">Dokumentation</a>.",
+ "You are currently running PHP {version}. We encourage you to upgrade your PHP version to take advantage of <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{phpLink}\">performance and security updates provided by the PHP Group</a> as soon as your distribution supports it." : "Sie verwenden im Moment PHP {version}. Wir empfehlen ein Upgrade ihrer PHP Version, um die <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{phpLink}\">Geschwindigkeits- und Sicherheitsupdates zu nutzen, welche von der PHP Gruppe bereitgestellt werden</a>, sobald ihre Distribution diese unterstützt.",
+ "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to at least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security we recommend enabling HSTS as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "Der „Strict-Transport-Security“-HTTP-Header ist nicht auf mindestens „{seconds}“ Sekunden eingestellt. Für mehr Sicherheit wird das Aktivieren von HSTS empfohlen, wie es in unseren <a href=\"{docUrl}\" >Sicherheitshinweisen</a> erläutert ist.",
+ "An error occured. Please try again" : "Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte erneut versuchen",
+ "not assignable" : "nicht zuweisbar",
+ "Updating {productName} to version {version}, this may take a while." : "Aktualisiere {productName} auf Version {version}, dies kann etwas dauern.",
+ "For information how to properly configure your server, please see the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a>." : "Informationen zum richtigen Konfigurieren Ihres Servers können Sie der <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Dokumentation</a> entnehmen.",
+ "An internal error occured." : "Es ist ein interner Fehler aufgetreten."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/l10n/fi_FI.js b/core/l10n/fi_FI.js
index 9de205fe01f..00704902469 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fi_FI.js
+++ b/core/l10n/fi_FI.js
@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Password protect" : "Suojaa salasanalla",
"Password" : "Salasana",
"Allow editing" : "Salli muokkaus",
+ "Hide file listing" : "Piilota tiedostolistaus",
"Email link to person" : "Lähetä linkki sähköpostitse",
"Send" : "Lähetä",
"Sending ..." : "Lähetetään...",
diff --git a/core/l10n/fi_FI.json b/core/l10n/fi_FI.json
index c53c4973621..ff5d234d418 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fi_FI.json
+++ b/core/l10n/fi_FI.json
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@
"Password protect" : "Suojaa salasanalla",
"Password" : "Salasana",
"Allow editing" : "Salli muokkaus",
+ "Hide file listing" : "Piilota tiedostolistaus",
"Email link to person" : "Lähetä linkki sähköpostitse",
"Send" : "Lähetä",
"Sending ..." : "Lähetetään...",
diff --git a/core/l10n/id.js b/core/l10n/id.js
index 782a958cc7f..cdba9c43ccb 100644
--- a/core/l10n/id.js
+++ b/core/l10n/id.js
@@ -219,10 +219,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hello {name}" : "Halo {name}",
"new" : "baru",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["unduh %n berkas"],
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Pembaruan sedang dalam proses, meninggalkan halaman ini mungkin dapat mengganggu proses di beberapa lingkungan.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Perbarui ke {version}",
"An error occurred." : "Terjadi kesalahan.",
"Please reload the page." : "Silakan muat ulang halaman.",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "Pembaruan gagal. Untuk informasi berikutnya <a href=\"{url}\">cek posting di forum</a> yang mencakup masalah kami.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Pembaruan gagal. Laporkan masalah ini ke <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">komunitas Nextcloud</a>.",
+ "Continue to Nextcloud" : "Lanjutkan ke Nextcloud",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to Nextcloud now." : "Pembaruan berhasil. Mengarahkan Anda ke Nextcloud.",
"Searching other places" : "Mencari tempat lainnya",
"No search results in other folders" : "Tidak ada hasil penelusuran didalam folder yang lain",
@@ -320,6 +323,23 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Please use the command line updater because you have a big instance." : "Gunakan pembaruan command-line karena Anda mempunyai instansi yang besar.",
"For help, see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation</a>." : "Untuk bantuan, lihat <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">dokumentasi</a>.",
"This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "Instansi %s ini sedang dalam modus pemeliharaan, mungkin memerlukan beberapa saat.",
- "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Halaman ini akan disegarkan dengan sendiri saat instansi %s tersebut tersedia kembali."
+ "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Halaman ini akan disegarkan dengan sendiri saat instansi %s tersebut tersedia kembali.",
+ "This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "Server ini tidak tersambung ke internet. Ini berarti beberapa fitur seperti me-mount penyimpanan eksternal, notifikasi pembaruan atau instalasi aplikasi pihak ketiga tidak akan bekerja. Mengakses berkas secara remote dan mengirim notifikasi email juga tidak bekerja. Kami menyarankan untuk mengaktifkan koneksi internet untuk server ini jika Anda ingin memiliki fitur ini.",
+ "The upgrade is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Pembaruan sedang dalam proses, meninggalkan halaman ini mungkin dapat mengganggu proses di beberapa lingkungan.",
+ "Updating to {version}" : "Memperbarui ke {version}",
+ "The update was successful. There were warnings." : "Pembaruan telah berhasil. Terdapat peringatan.",
+ "Your web server is not set up properly to resolve \"{url}\". Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Server web Anda tidak diatur secara baik untuk menyelesaikan \"{url}\". Informasi selanjutnya bisa ditemukan di <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentasi</a> kami.",
+ "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Tidak ada memory cache telah dikonfigurasi. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja, mohon mengkonfigurasi memcache jika tersedia. Informasi selanjutnya bisa ditemukan di <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentasi</a> kami.",
+ "/dev/urandom is not readable by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "/dev/urandom tidak bisa dibaca oleh PHP dan sangat tidak disarankan untuk alasan keamanan. Informasi selanjutnya bisa ditemukan di <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentasi</a> kami.",
+ "You are currently running PHP {version}. We encourage you to upgrade your PHP version to take advantage of <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{phpLink}\">performance and security updates provided by the PHP Group</a> as soon as your distribution supports it." : "Anda sekarang menjalankan PHP {version}. Kami menyarankan Anda untuk perbarui versi PHP Anda untuk memanfaatkan <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{phpLink}\">performa dan pembaruan keamanan yang disediakan oleh PHP Group</a> saat distribusi Anda mendukungnya.",
+ "The reverse proxy headers configuration is incorrect, or you are accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy. If you are not accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy, this is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to Nextcloud. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Konfigurasi proxy header terbalik salah, atau Anda mengakses Nextcloud dari proxy terpercaya. Apabila Anda tidak mengakses Nextcloud dari proxy terpercaya, ini adalah masalah keamanan dan penyerang dapat memalsukan alamat IP mereka ke Nextcloud. Informasi selanjutnya bisa ditemukan di <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentasi</a> kami.",
+ "Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module \"memcache\" is installed. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached only supports \"memcached\" and not \"memcache\". See the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{wikiLink}\">memcached wiki about both modules</a>." : "Memcached terkonfigurasi sebagai cache terdistribusi, tetapi modul PHP \"memcache\" yang salah terpasang. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached hanya mendukung \"memcached\" dan bukan \"memcache\". Lihat <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{wikiLink}\">wiki memcached tentang kedua modul</a>.",
+ "Some files have not passed the integrity check. Further information on how to resolve this issue can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>. (<a href=\"{codeIntegrityDownloadEndpoint}\">List of invalid files…</a> / <a href=\"{rescanEndpoint}\">Rescan…</a>)" : "Beberapa berkas tidak lulus cek integritas. Informasi lebih lanjut tentang cara mengatasi masalah ini dapat ditemukan di <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentasi</a> kami. (<a href=\"{codeIntegrityDownloadEndpoint}\">Daftar berkas yang tidak valid…</a> / <a href=\"{rescanEndpoint}\">Pindai ulang…</a>)",
+ "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to at least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security we recommend enabling HSTS as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "Header \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP tidak terkonfigurasi ke setidaknya \"{seconds}\" detik. Untuk meningkatkan kemanan kami merekomendasikan mengaktifkan HSTS seperti yang dijelaskan di <a href=\"{docUrl}\">saran keamanan</a> kami.",
+ "An error occured. Please try again" : "Terjadi kesalahan. Silakan coba lagi",
+ "not assignable" : "tidak dapat disematkan",
+ "Updating {productName} to version {version}, this may take a while." : "Memperbarui {productName} ke versi {version}, ini dapat memakan waktu.",
+ "For information how to properly configure your server, please see the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a>." : "Untuk informasi bagaimana menkonfigurasi server Anda dengan benar, silakan lihat <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">dokumentasi</a>.",
+ "An internal error occured." : "Terjadi kesalahan internal."
"nplurals=1; plural=0;");
diff --git a/core/l10n/id.json b/core/l10n/id.json
index 093ea64c99c..9ff11883de9 100644
--- a/core/l10n/id.json
+++ b/core/l10n/id.json
@@ -217,10 +217,13 @@
"Hello {name}" : "Halo {name}",
"new" : "baru",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["unduh %n berkas"],
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Pembaruan sedang dalam proses, meninggalkan halaman ini mungkin dapat mengganggu proses di beberapa lingkungan.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Perbarui ke {version}",
"An error occurred." : "Terjadi kesalahan.",
"Please reload the page." : "Silakan muat ulang halaman.",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "Pembaruan gagal. Untuk informasi berikutnya <a href=\"{url}\">cek posting di forum</a> yang mencakup masalah kami.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Pembaruan gagal. Laporkan masalah ini ke <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">komunitas Nextcloud</a>.",
+ "Continue to Nextcloud" : "Lanjutkan ke Nextcloud",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to Nextcloud now." : "Pembaruan berhasil. Mengarahkan Anda ke Nextcloud.",
"Searching other places" : "Mencari tempat lainnya",
"No search results in other folders" : "Tidak ada hasil penelusuran didalam folder yang lain",
@@ -318,6 +321,23 @@
"Please use the command line updater because you have a big instance." : "Gunakan pembaruan command-line karena Anda mempunyai instansi yang besar.",
"For help, see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation</a>." : "Untuk bantuan, lihat <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">dokumentasi</a>.",
"This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "Instansi %s ini sedang dalam modus pemeliharaan, mungkin memerlukan beberapa saat.",
- "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Halaman ini akan disegarkan dengan sendiri saat instansi %s tersebut tersedia kembali."
+ "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Halaman ini akan disegarkan dengan sendiri saat instansi %s tersebut tersedia kembali.",
+ "This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "Server ini tidak tersambung ke internet. Ini berarti beberapa fitur seperti me-mount penyimpanan eksternal, notifikasi pembaruan atau instalasi aplikasi pihak ketiga tidak akan bekerja. Mengakses berkas secara remote dan mengirim notifikasi email juga tidak bekerja. Kami menyarankan untuk mengaktifkan koneksi internet untuk server ini jika Anda ingin memiliki fitur ini.",
+ "The upgrade is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Pembaruan sedang dalam proses, meninggalkan halaman ini mungkin dapat mengganggu proses di beberapa lingkungan.",
+ "Updating to {version}" : "Memperbarui ke {version}",
+ "The update was successful. There were warnings." : "Pembaruan telah berhasil. Terdapat peringatan.",
+ "Your web server is not set up properly to resolve \"{url}\". Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Server web Anda tidak diatur secara baik untuk menyelesaikan \"{url}\". Informasi selanjutnya bisa ditemukan di <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentasi</a> kami.",
+ "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Tidak ada memory cache telah dikonfigurasi. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja, mohon mengkonfigurasi memcache jika tersedia. Informasi selanjutnya bisa ditemukan di <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentasi</a> kami.",
+ "/dev/urandom is not readable by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "/dev/urandom tidak bisa dibaca oleh PHP dan sangat tidak disarankan untuk alasan keamanan. Informasi selanjutnya bisa ditemukan di <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentasi</a> kami.",
+ "You are currently running PHP {version}. We encourage you to upgrade your PHP version to take advantage of <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{phpLink}\">performance and security updates provided by the PHP Group</a> as soon as your distribution supports it." : "Anda sekarang menjalankan PHP {version}. Kami menyarankan Anda untuk perbarui versi PHP Anda untuk memanfaatkan <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{phpLink}\">performa dan pembaruan keamanan yang disediakan oleh PHP Group</a> saat distribusi Anda mendukungnya.",
+ "The reverse proxy headers configuration is incorrect, or you are accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy. If you are not accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy, this is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to Nextcloud. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Konfigurasi proxy header terbalik salah, atau Anda mengakses Nextcloud dari proxy terpercaya. Apabila Anda tidak mengakses Nextcloud dari proxy terpercaya, ini adalah masalah keamanan dan penyerang dapat memalsukan alamat IP mereka ke Nextcloud. Informasi selanjutnya bisa ditemukan di <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentasi</a> kami.",
+ "Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module \"memcache\" is installed. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached only supports \"memcached\" and not \"memcache\". See the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{wikiLink}\">memcached wiki about both modules</a>." : "Memcached terkonfigurasi sebagai cache terdistribusi, tetapi modul PHP \"memcache\" yang salah terpasang. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached hanya mendukung \"memcached\" dan bukan \"memcache\". Lihat <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{wikiLink}\">wiki memcached tentang kedua modul</a>.",
+ "Some files have not passed the integrity check. Further information on how to resolve this issue can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>. (<a href=\"{codeIntegrityDownloadEndpoint}\">List of invalid files…</a> / <a href=\"{rescanEndpoint}\">Rescan…</a>)" : "Beberapa berkas tidak lulus cek integritas. Informasi lebih lanjut tentang cara mengatasi masalah ini dapat ditemukan di <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">dokumentasi</a> kami. (<a href=\"{codeIntegrityDownloadEndpoint}\">Daftar berkas yang tidak valid…</a> / <a href=\"{rescanEndpoint}\">Pindai ulang…</a>)",
+ "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to at least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security we recommend enabling HSTS as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "Header \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP tidak terkonfigurasi ke setidaknya \"{seconds}\" detik. Untuk meningkatkan kemanan kami merekomendasikan mengaktifkan HSTS seperti yang dijelaskan di <a href=\"{docUrl}\">saran keamanan</a> kami.",
+ "An error occured. Please try again" : "Terjadi kesalahan. Silakan coba lagi",
+ "not assignable" : "tidak dapat disematkan",
+ "Updating {productName} to version {version}, this may take a while." : "Memperbarui {productName} ke versi {version}, ini dapat memakan waktu.",
+ "For information how to properly configure your server, please see the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a>." : "Untuk informasi bagaimana menkonfigurasi server Anda dengan benar, silakan lihat <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">dokumentasi</a>.",
+ "An internal error occured." : "Terjadi kesalahan internal."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=1; plural=0;"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/l10n/is.js b/core/l10n/is.js
index d1fc61a3ce5..c503a2a3eb7 100644
--- a/core/l10n/is.js
+++ b/core/l10n/is.js
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"[%d / %d]: %s" : "[%d / %d]: %s",
"Repair warning: " : "Viðvörun vegna viðgerðar: ",
"Repair error: " : "Villa í viðgerð:",
+ "Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Endilega notaðu uppfærslutólið af skipanalínu, því sjálfvirkar uppfærslur eru gerðar óvirkar í config.php.",
"[%d / %d]: Checking table %s" : "[%d / %d]: Athuga töflu %s",
"Turned on maintenance mode" : "Kveikt á viðhaldsham",
"Turned off maintenance mode" : "Slökkt á viðhaldsham",
@@ -301,7 +302,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Contact your system administrator if this message persists or appeared unexpectedly." : "Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra ef þessi skilaboð eru viðvarandi eða birtust óvænt.",
"Thank you for your patience." : "Þakka þér fyrir biðlundina.",
"Two-step verification" : "Tveggja þrepa sannvottun",
+ "Enhanced security has been enabled for your account. Please authenticate using a second factor." : "Aukið öryggi var virkjað fyrir aðganginn þinn. Auðkenndu þig með aukaþrepi.",
"Cancel login" : "Hætta við innskráningu",
+ "Please authenticate using the selected factor." : "Auðkenndu þig með völdu þrepi.",
+ "An error occured while verifying the token" : "Villa kom upp við að sannreyna teiknið",
"You are accessing the server from an untrusted domain." : "Þú ert að tengjast þjóninum frá ótreystu léni.",
"Please contact your administrator. If you are an administrator of this instance, configure the \"trusted_domains\" setting in config/config.php. An example configuration is provided in config/config.sample.php." : "Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra. Ef þú ert stjórnandi á þessu tilviki, stilltu \"trusted_domains\" setninguna í config/config.php. Dæmi um stillingar má sjá í config/config.sample.php.",
"Depending on your configuration, as an administrator you might also be able to use the button below to trust this domain." : "Það fer eftir stillingum þínum, sem stjórnandi þá gætir þú einnig notað hnappinn hér fyrir neðan til að treysta þessu léni.",
@@ -316,8 +320,26 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"To avoid timeouts with larger installations, you can instead run the following command from your installation directory:" : "Til að forðast að falla á tímamörkum með stærri uppsetningar, getur þú í staðinn keyrt eftirfarandi skipun úr uppsetningarmöppunni:",
"Detailed logs" : "Ítarlegir annálar",
"Update needed" : "Þarfnast uppfærslu",
+ "Please use the command line updater because you have a big instance." : "Endilega notaðu uppfærslutólið af skipanalínu, því þú ert með mjög stóra uppsetningu.",
"For help, see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation</a>." : "Til að fá hjálp er best að skoða fyrst <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">hjálparskjölin</a>.",
"This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "Þessi %s er nú í viðhaldsham, sem getur tekið smá stund.",
- "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Þessi síða mun uppfæra sig þegar %s er í boði á ný."
+ "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Þessi síða mun uppfæra sig þegar %s er í boði á ný.",
+ "This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "Þessi þjónn er ekki með virka nettengingu. Þetta þýðir að sumir eiginleikar eins og að virkja ytri gagnageymslu, tilkynningar um uppfærslur eða uppsetningu á forritum þriðja aðila, mun ekki virka. Fjartengdur aðgangur að skrám og sending tilkynninga í tölvupósti virka líklega ekki heldur. Við leggjum til að internettenging sé virkjuð fyrir þennan vefþjón ef þú vilt hafa alla eiginleika tiltæka.",
+ "The upgrade is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Uppfærslan er í gangi, ef farið er af þessari síðu gæti það truflað ferlið á sumum kerfum.",
+ "Updating to {version}" : "Uppfæri í {version}",
+ "The update was successful. There were warnings." : "Uppfærslan tókst. Það voru viðvaranir.",
+ "Your web server is not set up properly to resolve \"{url}\". Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Vefþjónninn þinn er ekki uppsettur þannig að hann geti leyst \"{url}\". Frekari upplýsingar er að finna í <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">hjálparskjölum</a> okkar.",
+ "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Ekkert skyndiminni (cache) hefur verið stillt. Til að auka afköst ættirðu að setja upp skyndiminni (með memcache) ef það er tiltækt. Hægt er að finna nánari upplýsingar um þetta í <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">hjálparskjölum</a> okkar.",
+ "/dev/urandom is not readable by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "/dev/urandom er ekki lesanlegt af PHP sem er mjög óráðlegt af öryggisástæðum. Hægt er að finna nánari upplýsingar um þetta í <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">hjálparskjölum</a> okkar.",
+ "You are currently running PHP {version}. We encourage you to upgrade your PHP version to take advantage of <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{phpLink}\">performance and security updates provided by the PHP Group</a> as soon as your distribution supports it." : "Þú ert að keyra PHP {version}. Við hvetjum þig til að uppfæra PHP útgáfuna til að njóta <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{phpLink}\">afkastaaukningar og öryggisuppfærslna frá PHP Group</a> um leið og dreifingin þín styður það.",
+ "The reverse proxy headers configuration is incorrect, or you are accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy. If you are not accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy, this is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to Nextcloud. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Uppsetning gagnstæðs milliþjónshauss (reverse proxy header) er röng, eða að þú ert að tengjast Nextcloud frá treystum milliþjóni Ef þú ert ekki að tengjast Nextcloud frá treystum milliþjóni, þá er þetta er öryggisvandamál og getur leyft árásaraðilum að dulbúa IP-vistfang þeirra sem sýnilegt Nextcloud. Nánari upplýsingar má finna í <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">hjálparskjölum</a> okkar.",
+ "Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module \"memcache\" is installed. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached only supports \"memcached\" and not \"memcache\". See the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{wikiLink}\">memcached wiki about both modules</a>." : "Memcached er sett upp sem dreift skyndiminni, en hinsvegar er ranga PHP-einingin \"memcache\" uppsett. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached styður einungis \"memcached\" en ekki \"memcache\". Skoðaðu <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{wikiLink}\">memcached wiki-síðurnar um báðar einingarnar</a>.",
+ "Some files have not passed the integrity check. Further information on how to resolve this issue can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>. (<a href=\"{codeIntegrityDownloadEndpoint}\">List of invalid files…</a> / <a href=\"{rescanEndpoint}\">Rescan…</a>)" : "Sumar skrár hafa ekki staðist áreiðanleikaprófun. Hægt er að finna nánari upplýsingar um þetta í <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">hjálparskjölum</a> okkar. (<a href=\"{codeIntegrityDownloadEndpoint}\">Listi yfir ógildar skrár…</a> / <a href=\"{rescanEndpoint}\">Endurskanna…</a>)",
+ "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to at least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security we recommend enabling HSTS as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "\"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP-hausinn er ekki stilltur á að minnsa kosti \"{seconds}\" sekúndur. Fyrir aukið öryggi mælum við með því að virkja HSTS eins og lýst er í <a href=\"{docUrl}\">öryggisleiðbeiningum</a>.",
+ "An error occured. Please try again" : "Villa kom upp. Endilega reyndu aftur",
+ "not assignable" : "ekki úthlutanlegt",
+ "Updating {productName} to version {version}, this may take a while." : "Uppfæri {productName} í útgáfu {version}, þetta getur tekið smá stund.",
+ "For information how to properly configure your server, please see the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a>." : "Til að fá upplýsingar hvernig á að stilla miðlara almennilega, skaltu skoða <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">hjálparskjölin</a>.",
+ "An internal error occured." : "Innri villa kom upp."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);");
diff --git a/core/l10n/is.json b/core/l10n/is.json
index 5236bb0faa5..287bc14d17b 100644
--- a/core/l10n/is.json
+++ b/core/l10n/is.json
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
"[%d / %d]: %s" : "[%d / %d]: %s",
"Repair warning: " : "Viðvörun vegna viðgerðar: ",
"Repair error: " : "Villa í viðgerð:",
+ "Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Endilega notaðu uppfærslutólið af skipanalínu, því sjálfvirkar uppfærslur eru gerðar óvirkar í config.php.",
"[%d / %d]: Checking table %s" : "[%d / %d]: Athuga töflu %s",
"Turned on maintenance mode" : "Kveikt á viðhaldsham",
"Turned off maintenance mode" : "Slökkt á viðhaldsham",
@@ -299,7 +300,10 @@
"Contact your system administrator if this message persists or appeared unexpectedly." : "Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra ef þessi skilaboð eru viðvarandi eða birtust óvænt.",
"Thank you for your patience." : "Þakka þér fyrir biðlundina.",
"Two-step verification" : "Tveggja þrepa sannvottun",
+ "Enhanced security has been enabled for your account. Please authenticate using a second factor." : "Aukið öryggi var virkjað fyrir aðganginn þinn. Auðkenndu þig með aukaþrepi.",
"Cancel login" : "Hætta við innskráningu",
+ "Please authenticate using the selected factor." : "Auðkenndu þig með völdu þrepi.",
+ "An error occured while verifying the token" : "Villa kom upp við að sannreyna teiknið",
"You are accessing the server from an untrusted domain." : "Þú ert að tengjast þjóninum frá ótreystu léni.",
"Please contact your administrator. If you are an administrator of this instance, configure the \"trusted_domains\" setting in config/config.php. An example configuration is provided in config/config.sample.php." : "Hafðu samband við kerfisstjóra. Ef þú ert stjórnandi á þessu tilviki, stilltu \"trusted_domains\" setninguna í config/config.php. Dæmi um stillingar má sjá í config/config.sample.php.",
"Depending on your configuration, as an administrator you might also be able to use the button below to trust this domain." : "Það fer eftir stillingum þínum, sem stjórnandi þá gætir þú einnig notað hnappinn hér fyrir neðan til að treysta þessu léni.",
@@ -314,8 +318,26 @@
"To avoid timeouts with larger installations, you can instead run the following command from your installation directory:" : "Til að forðast að falla á tímamörkum með stærri uppsetningar, getur þú í staðinn keyrt eftirfarandi skipun úr uppsetningarmöppunni:",
"Detailed logs" : "Ítarlegir annálar",
"Update needed" : "Þarfnast uppfærslu",
+ "Please use the command line updater because you have a big instance." : "Endilega notaðu uppfærslutólið af skipanalínu, því þú ert með mjög stóra uppsetningu.",
"For help, see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation</a>." : "Til að fá hjálp er best að skoða fyrst <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">hjálparskjölin</a>.",
"This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "Þessi %s er nú í viðhaldsham, sem getur tekið smá stund.",
- "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Þessi síða mun uppfæra sig þegar %s er í boði á ný."
+ "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Þessi síða mun uppfæra sig þegar %s er í boði á ný.",
+ "This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "Þessi þjónn er ekki með virka nettengingu. Þetta þýðir að sumir eiginleikar eins og að virkja ytri gagnageymslu, tilkynningar um uppfærslur eða uppsetningu á forritum þriðja aðila, mun ekki virka. Fjartengdur aðgangur að skrám og sending tilkynninga í tölvupósti virka líklega ekki heldur. Við leggjum til að internettenging sé virkjuð fyrir þennan vefþjón ef þú vilt hafa alla eiginleika tiltæka.",
+ "The upgrade is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Uppfærslan er í gangi, ef farið er af þessari síðu gæti það truflað ferlið á sumum kerfum.",
+ "Updating to {version}" : "Uppfæri í {version}",
+ "The update was successful. There were warnings." : "Uppfærslan tókst. Það voru viðvaranir.",
+ "Your web server is not set up properly to resolve \"{url}\". Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Vefþjónninn þinn er ekki uppsettur þannig að hann geti leyst \"{url}\". Frekari upplýsingar er að finna í <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">hjálparskjölum</a> okkar.",
+ "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Ekkert skyndiminni (cache) hefur verið stillt. Til að auka afköst ættirðu að setja upp skyndiminni (með memcache) ef það er tiltækt. Hægt er að finna nánari upplýsingar um þetta í <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">hjálparskjölum</a> okkar.",
+ "/dev/urandom is not readable by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "/dev/urandom er ekki lesanlegt af PHP sem er mjög óráðlegt af öryggisástæðum. Hægt er að finna nánari upplýsingar um þetta í <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">hjálparskjölum</a> okkar.",
+ "You are currently running PHP {version}. We encourage you to upgrade your PHP version to take advantage of <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{phpLink}\">performance and security updates provided by the PHP Group</a> as soon as your distribution supports it." : "Þú ert að keyra PHP {version}. Við hvetjum þig til að uppfæra PHP útgáfuna til að njóta <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{phpLink}\">afkastaaukningar og öryggisuppfærslna frá PHP Group</a> um leið og dreifingin þín styður það.",
+ "The reverse proxy headers configuration is incorrect, or you are accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy. If you are not accessing Nextcloud from a trusted proxy, this is a security issue and can allow an attacker to spoof their IP address as visible to Nextcloud. Further information can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Uppsetning gagnstæðs milliþjónshauss (reverse proxy header) er röng, eða að þú ert að tengjast Nextcloud frá treystum milliþjóni Ef þú ert ekki að tengjast Nextcloud frá treystum milliþjóni, þá er þetta er öryggisvandamál og getur leyft árásaraðilum að dulbúa IP-vistfang þeirra sem sýnilegt Nextcloud. Nánari upplýsingar má finna í <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">hjálparskjölum</a> okkar.",
+ "Memcached is configured as distributed cache, but the wrong PHP module \"memcache\" is installed. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached only supports \"memcached\" and not \"memcache\". See the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{wikiLink}\">memcached wiki about both modules</a>." : "Memcached er sett upp sem dreift skyndiminni, en hinsvegar er ranga PHP-einingin \"memcache\" uppsett. \\OC\\Memcache\\Memcached styður einungis \"memcached\" en ekki \"memcache\". Skoðaðu <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{wikiLink}\">memcached wiki-síðurnar um báðar einingarnar</a>.",
+ "Some files have not passed the integrity check. Further information on how to resolve this issue can be found in our <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>. (<a href=\"{codeIntegrityDownloadEndpoint}\">List of invalid files…</a> / <a href=\"{rescanEndpoint}\">Rescan…</a>)" : "Sumar skrár hafa ekki staðist áreiðanleikaprófun. Hægt er að finna nánari upplýsingar um þetta í <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{docLink}\">hjálparskjölum</a> okkar. (<a href=\"{codeIntegrityDownloadEndpoint}\">Listi yfir ógildar skrár…</a> / <a href=\"{rescanEndpoint}\">Endurskanna…</a>)",
+ "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to at least \"{seconds}\" seconds. For enhanced security we recommend enabling HSTS as described in our <a href=\"{docUrl}\">security tips</a>." : "\"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP-hausinn er ekki stilltur á að minnsa kosti \"{seconds}\" sekúndur. Fyrir aukið öryggi mælum við með því að virkja HSTS eins og lýst er í <a href=\"{docUrl}\">öryggisleiðbeiningum</a>.",
+ "An error occured. Please try again" : "Villa kom upp. Endilega reyndu aftur",
+ "not assignable" : "ekki úthlutanlegt",
+ "Updating {productName} to version {version}, this may take a while." : "Uppfæri {productName} í útgáfu {version}, þetta getur tekið smá stund.",
+ "For information how to properly configure your server, please see the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a>." : "Til að fá upplýsingar hvernig á að stilla miðlara almennilega, skaltu skoða <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">hjálparskjölin</a>.",
+ "An internal error occured." : "Innri villa kom upp."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/core/l10n/pt_BR.js b/core/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 2fc8c4c266f..813e6f80672 100644
--- a/core/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/core/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -323,6 +323,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Please use the command line updater because you have a big instance." : "Por favor, use a atualização de linha de comando, porque você tem um grande exemplo.",
"For help, see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation</a>." : "Para obter ajuda, consulte a <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentação</a>.",
"This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "Esta instância %s está em modo de manutenção, o que pode demorar um pouco.",
- "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Esta página será atualizada automaticamente quando esta instância %s estiver disponível novamente."
+ "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Esta página será atualizada automaticamente quando esta instância %s estiver disponível novamente.",
+ "An internal error occured." : "Ocorreu um erro interno."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);");
diff --git a/core/l10n/pt_BR.json b/core/l10n/pt_BR.json
index dc8dd37a8f4..2ec2ba5d978 100644
--- a/core/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/core/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -321,6 +321,7 @@
"Please use the command line updater because you have a big instance." : "Por favor, use a atualização de linha de comando, porque você tem um grande exemplo.",
"For help, see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation</a>." : "Para obter ajuda, consulte a <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentação</a>.",
"This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "Esta instância %s está em modo de manutenção, o que pode demorar um pouco.",
- "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Esta página será atualizada automaticamente quando esta instância %s estiver disponível novamente."
+ "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Esta página será atualizada automaticamente quando esta instância %s estiver disponível novamente.",
+ "An internal error occured." : "Ocorreu um erro interno."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file