path: root/core
diff options
authorJenkins for ownCloud <>2015-06-15 01:54:58 -0400
committerJenkins for ownCloud <>2015-06-15 01:54:58 -0400
commit2806c9476c1d3daff5c97772cba1a43df4df7936 (patch)
tree89f06cc87e8cc3d7116aa0cd10300fbf5f326152 /core
parentfe9b28a800514315eba17ac5da84b8b93abd9ffc (diff)
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'core')
2 files changed, 412 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/core/l10n/oc.js b/core/l10n/oc.js
index 2b70040af5f..c88591d3e66 100644
--- a/core/l10n/oc.js
+++ b/core/l10n/oc.js
@@ -1,10 +1,29 @@
+ "Couldn't send mail to following users: %s " : "Impossible de mandar un corrièl als utilizaires seguents : %s",
+ "Turned on maintenance mode" : "Mòde de mantenença activat",
+ "Turned off maintenance mode" : "Mòde de mantenença desactivat",
+ "Updated database" : "Banca de donadas mesa a jorn",
+ "Checked database schema update" : "Mesa a jorn de l'esquèma de la banca de donadas verificada",
+ "Checked database schema update for apps" : "Mesa a jorn de l'esquèma de la banca de donadas per las aplicacions verificada",
+ "Updated \"%s\" to %s" : "Mesa a jorn de « %s » cap a %s",
+ "Repair warning: " : "Avertiment de reparacion :",
+ "Repair error: " : "Error de reparacion :",
+ "Following incompatible apps have been disabled: %s" : "Las aplicacions incompatiblas seguentas son estadas desactivadas : %s",
+ "Following 3rd party apps have been disabled: %s" : "Las aplicacions tèrças partidas seguentas son estadas desactivadas : %s",
+ "Invalid file provided" : "Fichièr invalid",
+ "No image or file provided" : "Cap de fichièr pas provesit",
+ "Unknown filetype" : "Tipe de fichièr desconegut",
+ "Invalid image" : "Imatge pas valable",
+ "No temporary profile picture available, try again" : "Cap d'imatge temporari pas disponible pel profil. Ensajatz tornamai.",
+ "No crop data provided" : "Cap de donada de requadratge pas provesida",
+ "No valid crop data provided" : "Donadas de requadratge invalidas",
+ "Crop is not square" : "Lo requadratge es pas carrat",
"Sunday" : "Dimenge",
"Monday" : "Diluns",
- "Tuesday" : "Dimarç",
- "Wednesday" : "Dimecres",
+ "Tuesday" : "Dimars",
+ "Wednesday" : "Dimècres",
"Thursday" : "Dijòus",
"Friday" : "Divendres",
"Saturday" : "Dissabte",
@@ -16,69 +35,204 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"June" : "junh",
"July" : "julhet",
"August" : "agost",
- "September" : "septembre",
+ "September" : "setembre",
"October" : "octobre",
- "November" : "Novembre",
- "December" : "Decembre",
- "Settings" : "Configuracion",
- "Saving..." : "Enregistra...",
+ "November" : "novembre",
+ "December" : "decembre",
+ "Settings" : "Paramètres",
+ "Saving..." : "Enregistrament…",
+ "Couldn't send reset email. Please contact your administrator." : "Impossible de mandar lo corrièl de reïnicializacion. Contactatz vòstre administrator.",
+ "The link to reset your password has been sent to your email. If you do not receive it within a reasonable amount of time, check your spam/junk folders.<br>If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "Lo ligam que permet de reïnicializar vòstre senhal ven d'èsser mandat a vòstra adreça de corrièl.<br>Se o recebètz pas dins un relambi rasonable, contactatz vòstre administrator.<br>Doblidetz pas de verificar dins vòstre dorsièr corrièr indesirable / spam!",
+ "Your files are encrypted. If you haven't enabled the recovery key, there will be no way to get your data back after your password is reset.<br />If you are not sure what to do, please contact your administrator before you continue. <br />Do you really want to continue?" : "Vòstres fichièrs son chifrats. Se avètz pas activat la clau de recuperacion, i aurà pas cap de mejan de recuperar vòstras donadas un còp lo senhal reïnicializat.<br />Se sètz pas segur(a) de çò que fasètz, contactatz vòstre administrator abans de contunhar. <br />Sètz segur que volètz contunhar ?",
+ "I know what I'm doing" : "Sabi çò que fau",
+ "Password can not be changed. Please contact your administrator." : "Lo senhal pòt pas èsser modificat. Contactatz vòstre administrator.",
"No" : "Non",
"Yes" : "Òc",
- "Choose" : "Causís",
- "Ok" : "D'accòrdi",
- "Cancel" : "Annula",
- "Very weak password" : "Senhal de fòrt febla seguretat",
- "Weak password" : "Senhal de febla seguretat",
- "So-so password" : "Senhal de seguretat tot bèl juste acceptable",
+ "Choose" : "Causir",
+ "Error loading file picker template: {error}" : "Error al moment del cargament del modèl del selector de fichièrs : {error}",
+ "Ok" : "D'acòrdi",
+ "Error loading message template: {error}" : "Error de cargament del modèl de messatge : {error}",
+ "read-only" : "Lectura sola",
+ "_{count} file conflict_::_{count} file conflicts_" : ["{count} fichièr en conflicte","{count} fichièrs en conflicte"],
+ "One file conflict" : "Un conflicte de fichièr",
+ "New Files" : "Fichièrs novèls",
+ "Already existing files" : "Fichièrs ja existents",
+ "Which files do you want to keep?" : "Quines fichièrs volètz gardar ?",
+ "If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name." : "Se seleccionatz las doas versions, un nombre serà apondut al nom del fichièr copiat.",
+ "Cancel" : "Anullar",
+ "Continue" : "Contunhar",
+ "(all selected)" : "(totes seleccionats)",
+ "({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionat(s))",
+ "Error loading file exists template" : "Error de cargament del modèl de fichièr existent",
+ "Very weak password" : "Senhal fòrt feble",
+ "Weak password" : "Senhal feble",
+ "So-so password" : "Senhal tot bèl juste acceptable",
"Good password" : "Senhal de seguretat sufisenta",
- "Strong password" : "Senhal de fòrta seguretat",
- "Share" : "Parteja",
+ "Strong password" : "Senhal fòrt",
+ "Your web server is not yet set up properly to allow file synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "Vòstre servidor web es pas corrèctament configurat per la sincronizacion de fichièrs : sembla que l'interfàcia WebDAV fonciona pas.",
+ "This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "Aqueste servidor se pòt pas connectar a internet. Aquò significa que certanas foncionalitats, talas coma lo montatge de supòrts d'emmagazinatge distants, las notificacions de mesas a jorn o l'installacion d'aplicacions tèrças foncionaràn pas. L'accès als fichièrs a distància, e tanben las notificacions per mail pòdon tanben èsser indisponiblas. Es recomandat d'activar la connexion internet per aqueste servidor se volètz dispausar de l'ensemble de las foncionalitats ofèrtas.",
+ "Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the Internet. The .htaccess file is not working. We strongly suggest that you configure your web server in a way that the data directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the web server document root." : "Vòstre dorsièr de donadas e vòstres fichièrs son probablament accessibles dempuèi internet. Lo fichièr .htaccess fonciona pas. Vos recomandam bravament de configurar vòstre servidor web de manièra qu'aqueste dorsièr de donadas siá pas mai accessible, o de lo desplaçar en defòra de la raiç del servidor web.",
+ "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available. Further information can be found in our <a href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Cap d'escondedor de la memòria es pas configurat. Se possible, configuratz un \"memcache\" per aumentar las performàncias. Per mai d'information consultatz la <a href=\"{docLink}\">documentacion</a>.",
+ "/dev/urandom is not readable by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in our <a href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "/dev/urandom es pas legible per PHP, aquò es bravament desconselhat per de rasons de seguretat. Mai d'informacions pòdon èsser trobadas dins nòstra <a href=\"{docLink}\">documentacion</a>.",
+ "Error occurred while checking server setup" : "Una error s'es produsida al moment de la verificacion de la configuracion del servidor",
+ "The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not configured to equal to \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "L'entèsta HTTP \"{header}\" es pas configurada per èsser egala a \"{expected}\" en creant potencialament un risc religat a la seguretat e a la vida privada. Es doncas recomandat d'ajustar aqueste paramètre.",
+ "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to least \"2,678,400\" seconds. This is a potential security risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "L'entèsta HTTP \"Strict-Transport-Security\" es pas configurada a \"2,678,400\" segondas. Es un risc de seguretat potencial e es doncas recomandat d'ajustar aqueste paramètre.",
+ "You are accessing this site via HTTP. We strongly suggest you configure your server to require using HTTPS instead." : "Accedissètz a aqueste site via HTTP. Vos recomandam bravament de configurar vòstre servidor per forçar l'utilizacion de HTTPS.",
+ "Shared" : "Partejat",
+ "Shared with {recipients}" : "Partejat amb {recipients}",
+ "Share" : "Partejar",
"Error" : "Error",
- "Error while sharing" : "Error al partejar",
- "Error while unsharing" : "Error al non partejar",
- "Error while changing permissions" : "Error al cambiar permissions",
- "Password protect" : "Parat per senhal",
+ "Error while sharing" : "Error al moment de la mesa en partiment",
+ "Error while unsharing" : "Error al moment de l'anullacion del partiment",
+ "Error while changing permissions" : "Error al moment del cambiament de las permissions",
+ "Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Partejat amb vos e lo grop {group} per {owner}",
+ "Shared with you by {owner}" : "Partejat amb vos per {owner}",
+ "Share with users or groups …" : "Partejar amb d'utilizaires o gropes...",
+ "Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Partejar amb d'utilizaires, gropes, o utilizaires distants",
+ "Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Partejatz amb de personas sus d'autres ownClouds en utilizant la sintaxi",
+ "Share link" : "Partejar per ligam public",
+ "The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Aqueste ligam public expirarà al mai tard {days} jorns aprèp sa creacion.",
+ "Link" : "Ligam",
+ "Password protect" : "Protegir per un senhal",
"Password" : "Senhal",
- "Set expiration date" : "Met la data d'expiracion",
+ "Choose a password for the public link" : "Causissètz un senhal pel ligam public",
+ "Allow editing" : "Permetre la modificacion",
+ "Email link to person" : "Mandar lo ligam per corrièl",
+ "Send" : "Mandar",
+ "Set expiration date" : "Especificar una data d'expiracion",
+ "Expiration" : "Expiracion",
"Expiration date" : "Data d'expiracion",
+ "An error occured. Please try again" : "Una error s'es produsida. Mercé d'ensajar tornamai",
+ "Adding user..." : "Apondon de l'utilizaire...",
"group" : "grop",
- "Resharing is not allowed" : "Tornar partejar es pas permis",
- "Unshare" : "Pas partejador",
+ "remote" : "distant",
+ "Resharing is not allowed" : "Lo repartiment es pas autorizat",
+ "Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Partejat dins {item} amb {user}",
+ "Unshare" : "Partejar pas mai",
+ "notify by email" : "notificar per corrièl",
+ "can share" : "pòt partejar",
"can edit" : "pòt modificar",
- "access control" : "Contraròtle d'acces",
- "create" : "crea",
- "delete" : "escafa",
- "Password protected" : "Parat per senhal",
- "Error unsetting expiration date" : "Error al metre de la data d'expiracion",
- "Error setting expiration date" : "Error setting expiration date",
- "Email sent" : "Email mandat",
+ "access control" : "contraròtle d'accès",
+ "create" : "crear",
+ "change" : "modificacion",
+ "delete" : "suprimir",
+ "Password protected" : "Protegit per senhal",
+ "Error unsetting expiration date" : "Error al moment de la supression de la data d'expiracion",
+ "Error setting expiration date" : "Error al moment de l'especificacion de la data d'expiracion",
+ "Sending ..." : "Mandadís…",
+ "Email sent" : "Corrièl mandat",
"Warning" : "Atencion",
- "Delete" : "Escafa",
- "Add" : "Ajusta",
- "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" : "Utiliza lo ligam seguent per tornar botar lo senhal : {link}",
+ "The object type is not specified." : "Lo tipe d'objècte es pas especificat.",
+ "Enter new" : "Picar un novèl",
+ "Delete" : "Suprimir",
+ "Add" : "Apondre",
+ "Edit tags" : "Modificar las etiquetas",
+ "Error loading dialog template: {error}" : "Error al moment del cargament del modèl de dialòg : {error}",
+ "No tags selected for deletion." : "Cap d'etiqueta pas seleccionada per la supression.",
+ "unknown text" : "tèxte desconegut",
+ "Hello world!" : "Hello world!",
+ "sunny" : "ensolelhat",
+ "Hello {name}, the weather is {weather}" : "Bonjorn {name}, lo temps es {weather}",
+ "Hello {name}" : "Adiu {name}",
+ "_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["Telecargar %n fichièr","Telecargar %n fichièrs"],
+ "{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "La version {version} es disponibla. Obtenètz mai d'informacions a prepaus d'aquesta mesa a jorn.",
+ "Updating {productName} to version {version}, this may take a while." : "La mesa a jorn de {productName} cap a la version {version} es en cors. Aquò pòt prene un certan temps.",
+ "Please reload the page." : "Recargatz la pagina.",
+ "The update was unsuccessful. " : "La mesa a jorn a fracassat.",
+ "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." : "La mesa a jorn a capitat. Ara sètz redirigit cap a ownCloud.",
+ "Couldn't reset password because the token is invalid" : "Impossible de reïnicializar lo senhal perque lo geton es pas valable.",
+ "Couldn't send reset email. Please make sure your username is correct." : "Impossible de mandar lo corrièl de reïnicializacion. Verificatz que vòstre nom d'utilizaire es corrècte.",
+ "Couldn't send reset email because there is no email address for this username. Please contact your administrator." : "Impossible de mandar lo corrièl de reïnicializacion perque i a pas cap d'adreça de corrièl per aqueste utilizaire. Contactatz vòstre administrator.",
+ "%s password reset" : "Reïnicializacion de vòstre senhal %s",
+ "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" : "Utilizatz lo ligam seguent per reïnicializar vòstre senhal : {link}",
"New password" : "Senhal novèl",
- "Reset password" : "Senhal tornat botar",
+ "New Password" : "Senhal novèl",
+ "Reset password" : "Reïnicializar lo senhal",
+ "Searching other places" : "Recèrca en cors dins d'autres emplaçaments",
+ "_{count} search result in other places_::_{count} search results in other places_" : ["{count} resultat dins d'autres emplaçaments","{count} resultats dins d'autres emplaçaments"],
"Personal" : "Personal",
- "Users" : "Usancièrs",
- "Apps" : "Apps",
- "Admin" : "Admin",
+ "Users" : "Utilizaires",
+ "Apps" : "Aplicacions",
+ "Admin" : "Administracion",
"Help" : "Ajuda",
- "Access forbidden" : "Acces enebit",
+ "Error loading tags" : "Error al moment del cargament de las etiquetas",
+ "Tag already exists" : "L'etiqueta existís ja.",
+ "Error deleting tag(s)" : "Error de supression d'etiqueta(s)",
+ "Error tagging" : "Error al moment de l'etiquetatge",
+ "Error untagging" : "Error al moment del desetiquetatge",
+ "Error favoriting" : "Error al moment de la mesa en favorit",
+ "Error unfavoriting" : "Error al moment de la supression dels favorits",
+ "Access forbidden" : "Accès interdich",
+ "File not found" : "Fichièr pas trobat",
+ "The specified document has not been found on the server." : "Impossible de trobar lo document especificat sul servidor.",
+ "You can click here to return to %s." : "Podètz clicar aicí per tornar a %s.",
+ "Hey there,\n\njust letting you know that %s shared %s with you.\nView it: %s\n\n" : "Bonjorn,\n\nVos informam que %s a partejat \"%s\" amb vos.\nI podètz accedir a l'adreça seguenta : %s\n",
+ "The share will expire on %s." : "Lo partiment expirarà lo %s.",
"Cheers!" : "A lèu !",
- "Create an <strong>admin account</strong>" : "Crea un <strong>compte admin</strong>",
- "Username" : "Non d'usancièr",
- "Data folder" : "Dorsièr de donadas",
- "Configure the database" : "Configura la basa de donadas",
- "Database user" : "Usancièr de la basa de donadas",
- "Database password" : "Senhal de la basa de donadas",
- "Database name" : "Nom de la basa de donadas",
- "Database tablespace" : "Espandi de taula de basa de donadas",
- "Database host" : "Òste de basa de donadas",
- "Especially when using the desktop client for file syncing the use of SQLite is discouraged." : "L'utilizacion de SQLite es particularament desconselhada se utilizatz lo client de burèu per sincronizar vòstras donadas.",
- "Finish setup" : "Configuracion acabada",
- "Log out" : "Sortida",
- "Search" : "Cèrca",
- "remember" : "bremba-te",
- "Log in" : "Dintrada"
+ "Internal Server Error" : "Error intèrna del servidor",
+ "The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request." : "Lo servidor a rencontrat una error intèrna e es incapable d'executar vòstra requèsta.",
+ "Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report." : "Contactatz l'administrator del servidor se aquesta error apareis mantun còp. Jonhètz los detalhs tecnics a vòstre rapòrt.",
+ "More details can be found in the server log." : "Lo fichièr jornal del servidor pòt provesir mai d'entresenhas.",
+ "Technical details" : "Enstresenhas tecnicas",
+ "Remote Address: %s" : "Adreça distanta : %s",
+ "Request ID: %s" : "ID de la demanda : %s",
+ "Type: %s" : "Tipe : %s",
+ "Code: %s" : "Còde : %s",
+ "Message: %s" : "Messatge : %s",
+ "File: %s" : "Fichièr : %s",
+ "Line: %s" : "Linha : %s",
+ "Trace" : "Traça",
+ "Security warning" : "Avertiment de seguretat",
+ "Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work." : "Vòstre repertòri de donadas es segurament accessible dempuèi l'internet perque lo fichièr .htaccess fonciona pas.",
+ "For information how to properly configure your server, please see the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a>." : "Per las informacions de configuracion de vòstre servidor, legissètz la <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentacion</a>.",
+ "Create an <strong>admin account</strong>" : "Crear un <strong>compte administrator</strong>",
+ "Username" : "Nom d'utilizaire",
+ "Storage & database" : "Emmagazinatge & banca de donadas",
+ "Data folder" : "Repertòri de las donadas",
+ "Configure the database" : "Configurar la banca de donadas",
+ "Only %s is available." : "%s solament es disponible.",
+ "Install and activate additional PHP modules to choose other database types." : "Installatz e activatz los moduls PHP addicionals adeqüats per causir d'autres tipes de banca de donadas.",
+ "For more details check out the documentation." : "Consultatz la documentacion per mai de detalhs.",
+ "Database user" : "Utilizaire de la banca de donadas",
+ "Database password" : "Senhal de la banca de donadas",
+ "Database name" : "Nom de la banca de donadas",
+ "Database tablespace" : "Tablespace de la banca de donadas",
+ "Database host" : "Òste de la banca de donadas",
+ "Performance warning" : "Avertiment de performància",
+ "SQLite will be used as database." : "SQLite serà utilizat coma gestionari de banca de donadas.",
+ "For larger installations we recommend to choose a different database backend." : "Per d'installacions mai voluminosas, vos conselham d'utilizar un autre gestionari de banca de donadas.",
+ "Especially when using the desktop client for file syncing the use of SQLite is discouraged." : "En particular se utilizatz lo client de burèu per sincronizar vòstras donadas : l'utilizacion de SQLite es alara desconselhada.",
+ "Finish setup" : "Acabar l'installacion",
+ "Finishing …" : "Finalizacion …",
+ "Need help?" : "Besonh d'ajuda ?",
+ "See the documentation" : "Legir la documentacion",
+ "This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Aquesta aplicacion requerís JavaScript per foncionar corrèctament. {linkstart}Activatz JavaScript{linkend} e recargatz la pagina.",
+ "Log out" : "Se desconnectar",
+ "Search" : "Recercar",
+ "Server side authentication failed!" : "L'autentificacion sul servidor a fracassat !",
+ "Please contact your administrator." : "Contactatz vòstre administrator.",
+ "An internal error occured." : "Una error intèrna s'es produsida.",
+ "Please try again or contact your administrator." : "Reensajatz o contactatz vòstre administrator.",
+ "Forgot your password? Reset it!" : "Senhal doblidat ? Reïnicializatz-lo !",
+ "remember" : "se remembrar de ieu",
+ "Log in" : "Connexion",
+ "Alternative Logins" : "Identificants alternatius",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>just letting you know that %s shared <strong>%s</strong> with you.<br><a href=\"%s\">View it!</a><br><br>" : "Bonjorn,<br><br>Vos informam que %s a partejat <strong>%s</strong> amb vos.<br><a href=\"%s\">Clicatz aicí per i accedir !</a><br><br>",
+ "This ownCloud instance is currently in single user mode." : "Aquesta instància de ownCloud es actualament en mòde utilizaire unic.",
+ "This means only administrators can use the instance." : "Aquò significa que sols los administrators pòdon utilizar l'instància.",
+ "Contact your system administrator if this message persists or appeared unexpectedly." : "Contactatz vòstre administrator sistèma se aqueste messatge persistís o apareis de faiçon imprevista.",
+ "Thank you for your patience." : "Mercé de vòstra paciéncia.",
+ "You are accessing the server from an untrusted domain." : "Accedissètz al servidor a partir d'un domeni pas aprovat.",
+ "Please contact your administrator. If you are an administrator of this instance, configure the \"trusted_domain\" setting in config/config.php. An example configuration is provided in config/config.sample.php." : "Contactatz vòstre administrator. Se sètz administrator d'aquesta instància, configuratz lo paramètre « trusted_domain » dins lo fichièr config/config.php. Un exemple de configuracion es provesit dins lo fichièr config/config.sample.php.",
+ "Depending on your configuration, as an administrator you might also be able to use the button below to trust this domain." : "En foncion de vòstra configuracion, en tant qu'administrator podètz tanben utilizar lo boton çaijós per aprovar aqueste domeni.",
+ "Add \"%s\" as trusted domain" : "Apondre \"%s\" a la lista dels domenis aprovats",
+ "%s will be updated to version %s." : "%s serà mes a jorn cap a la version %s.",
+ "The following apps will be disabled:" : "Las aplicacions seguentas seràn desactivadas :",
+ "The theme %s has been disabled." : "Lo tèma %s es estat desactivat.",
+ "Please make sure that the database, the config folder and the data folder have been backed up before proceeding." : "Asseguratz-vos qu'una còpia de salvament de la banca de donadas, del dorsièr de configuracion (config) e del dorsièr de donadas (data) es estat realizada abans de començar.",
+ "Start update" : "Aviar la mesa a jorn",
+ "To avoid timeouts with larger installations, you can instead run the following command from your installation directory:" : "Per fin d'evitar los timeouts amb las installacions de volum consequent, podètz executar la comanda seguenta dempuèi lo repertòri d'installacion :",
+ "This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "Aquesta instància de %s es en cors de mantenença, aquò pòt prene de temps.",
+ "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Aquesta pagina se refrescarà d'ela-meteissa quand l'instància %s serà disponibla tornamai."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);");
diff --git a/core/l10n/oc.json b/core/l10n/oc.json
index 8cbcda9ce9d..93711145687 100644
--- a/core/l10n/oc.json
+++ b/core/l10n/oc.json
@@ -1,8 +1,27 @@
{ "translations": {
+ "Couldn't send mail to following users: %s " : "Impossible de mandar un corrièl als utilizaires seguents : %s",
+ "Turned on maintenance mode" : "Mòde de mantenença activat",
+ "Turned off maintenance mode" : "Mòde de mantenença desactivat",
+ "Updated database" : "Banca de donadas mesa a jorn",
+ "Checked database schema update" : "Mesa a jorn de l'esquèma de la banca de donadas verificada",
+ "Checked database schema update for apps" : "Mesa a jorn de l'esquèma de la banca de donadas per las aplicacions verificada",
+ "Updated \"%s\" to %s" : "Mesa a jorn de « %s » cap a %s",
+ "Repair warning: " : "Avertiment de reparacion :",
+ "Repair error: " : "Error de reparacion :",
+ "Following incompatible apps have been disabled: %s" : "Las aplicacions incompatiblas seguentas son estadas desactivadas : %s",
+ "Following 3rd party apps have been disabled: %s" : "Las aplicacions tèrças partidas seguentas son estadas desactivadas : %s",
+ "Invalid file provided" : "Fichièr invalid",
+ "No image or file provided" : "Cap de fichièr pas provesit",
+ "Unknown filetype" : "Tipe de fichièr desconegut",
+ "Invalid image" : "Imatge pas valable",
+ "No temporary profile picture available, try again" : "Cap d'imatge temporari pas disponible pel profil. Ensajatz tornamai.",
+ "No crop data provided" : "Cap de donada de requadratge pas provesida",
+ "No valid crop data provided" : "Donadas de requadratge invalidas",
+ "Crop is not square" : "Lo requadratge es pas carrat",
"Sunday" : "Dimenge",
"Monday" : "Diluns",
- "Tuesday" : "Dimarç",
- "Wednesday" : "Dimecres",
+ "Tuesday" : "Dimars",
+ "Wednesday" : "Dimècres",
"Thursday" : "Dijòus",
"Friday" : "Divendres",
"Saturday" : "Dissabte",
@@ -14,69 +33,204 @@
"June" : "junh",
"July" : "julhet",
"August" : "agost",
- "September" : "septembre",
+ "September" : "setembre",
"October" : "octobre",
- "November" : "Novembre",
- "December" : "Decembre",
- "Settings" : "Configuracion",
- "Saving..." : "Enregistra...",
+ "November" : "novembre",
+ "December" : "decembre",
+ "Settings" : "Paramètres",
+ "Saving..." : "Enregistrament…",
+ "Couldn't send reset email. Please contact your administrator." : "Impossible de mandar lo corrièl de reïnicializacion. Contactatz vòstre administrator.",
+ "The link to reset your password has been sent to your email. If you do not receive it within a reasonable amount of time, check your spam/junk folders.<br>If it is not there ask your local administrator." : "Lo ligam que permet de reïnicializar vòstre senhal ven d'èsser mandat a vòstra adreça de corrièl.<br>Se o recebètz pas dins un relambi rasonable, contactatz vòstre administrator.<br>Doblidetz pas de verificar dins vòstre dorsièr corrièr indesirable / spam!",
+ "Your files are encrypted. If you haven't enabled the recovery key, there will be no way to get your data back after your password is reset.<br />If you are not sure what to do, please contact your administrator before you continue. <br />Do you really want to continue?" : "Vòstres fichièrs son chifrats. Se avètz pas activat la clau de recuperacion, i aurà pas cap de mejan de recuperar vòstras donadas un còp lo senhal reïnicializat.<br />Se sètz pas segur(a) de çò que fasètz, contactatz vòstre administrator abans de contunhar. <br />Sètz segur que volètz contunhar ?",
+ "I know what I'm doing" : "Sabi çò que fau",
+ "Password can not be changed. Please contact your administrator." : "Lo senhal pòt pas èsser modificat. Contactatz vòstre administrator.",
"No" : "Non",
"Yes" : "Òc",
- "Choose" : "Causís",
- "Ok" : "D'accòrdi",
- "Cancel" : "Annula",
- "Very weak password" : "Senhal de fòrt febla seguretat",
- "Weak password" : "Senhal de febla seguretat",
- "So-so password" : "Senhal de seguretat tot bèl juste acceptable",
+ "Choose" : "Causir",
+ "Error loading file picker template: {error}" : "Error al moment del cargament del modèl del selector de fichièrs : {error}",
+ "Ok" : "D'acòrdi",
+ "Error loading message template: {error}" : "Error de cargament del modèl de messatge : {error}",
+ "read-only" : "Lectura sola",
+ "_{count} file conflict_::_{count} file conflicts_" : ["{count} fichièr en conflicte","{count} fichièrs en conflicte"],
+ "One file conflict" : "Un conflicte de fichièr",
+ "New Files" : "Fichièrs novèls",
+ "Already existing files" : "Fichièrs ja existents",
+ "Which files do you want to keep?" : "Quines fichièrs volètz gardar ?",
+ "If you select both versions, the copied file will have a number added to its name." : "Se seleccionatz las doas versions, un nombre serà apondut al nom del fichièr copiat.",
+ "Cancel" : "Anullar",
+ "Continue" : "Contunhar",
+ "(all selected)" : "(totes seleccionats)",
+ "({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionat(s))",
+ "Error loading file exists template" : "Error de cargament del modèl de fichièr existent",
+ "Very weak password" : "Senhal fòrt feble",
+ "Weak password" : "Senhal feble",
+ "So-so password" : "Senhal tot bèl juste acceptable",
"Good password" : "Senhal de seguretat sufisenta",
- "Strong password" : "Senhal de fòrta seguretat",
- "Share" : "Parteja",
+ "Strong password" : "Senhal fòrt",
+ "Your web server is not yet set up properly to allow file synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." : "Vòstre servidor web es pas corrèctament configurat per la sincronizacion de fichièrs : sembla que l'interfàcia WebDAV fonciona pas.",
+ "This server has no working Internet connection. This means that some of the features like mounting external storage, notifications about updates or installation of third-party apps will not work. Accessing files remotely and sending of notification emails might not work, either. We suggest to enable Internet connection for this server if you want to have all features." : "Aqueste servidor se pòt pas connectar a internet. Aquò significa que certanas foncionalitats, talas coma lo montatge de supòrts d'emmagazinatge distants, las notificacions de mesas a jorn o l'installacion d'aplicacions tèrças foncionaràn pas. L'accès als fichièrs a distància, e tanben las notificacions per mail pòdon tanben èsser indisponiblas. Es recomandat d'activar la connexion internet per aqueste servidor se volètz dispausar de l'ensemble de las foncionalitats ofèrtas.",
+ "Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the Internet. The .htaccess file is not working. We strongly suggest that you configure your web server in a way that the data directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the web server document root." : "Vòstre dorsièr de donadas e vòstres fichièrs son probablament accessibles dempuèi internet. Lo fichièr .htaccess fonciona pas. Vos recomandam bravament de configurar vòstre servidor web de manièra qu'aqueste dorsièr de donadas siá pas mai accessible, o de lo desplaçar en defòra de la raiç del servidor web.",
+ "No memory cache has been configured. To enhance your performance please configure a memcache if available. Further information can be found in our <a href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "Cap d'escondedor de la memòria es pas configurat. Se possible, configuratz un \"memcache\" per aumentar las performàncias. Per mai d'information consultatz la <a href=\"{docLink}\">documentacion</a>.",
+ "/dev/urandom is not readable by PHP which is highly discouraged for security reasons. Further information can be found in our <a href=\"{docLink}\">documentation</a>." : "/dev/urandom es pas legible per PHP, aquò es bravament desconselhat per de rasons de seguretat. Mai d'informacions pòdon èsser trobadas dins nòstra <a href=\"{docLink}\">documentacion</a>.",
+ "Error occurred while checking server setup" : "Una error s'es produsida al moment de la verificacion de la configuracion del servidor",
+ "The \"{header}\" HTTP header is not configured to equal to \"{expected}\". This is a potential security or privacy risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "L'entèsta HTTP \"{header}\" es pas configurada per èsser egala a \"{expected}\" en creant potencialament un risc religat a la seguretat e a la vida privada. Es doncas recomandat d'ajustar aqueste paramètre.",
+ "The \"Strict-Transport-Security\" HTTP header is not configured to least \"2,678,400\" seconds. This is a potential security risk and we recommend adjusting this setting." : "L'entèsta HTTP \"Strict-Transport-Security\" es pas configurada a \"2,678,400\" segondas. Es un risc de seguretat potencial e es doncas recomandat d'ajustar aqueste paramètre.",
+ "You are accessing this site via HTTP. We strongly suggest you configure your server to require using HTTPS instead." : "Accedissètz a aqueste site via HTTP. Vos recomandam bravament de configurar vòstre servidor per forçar l'utilizacion de HTTPS.",
+ "Shared" : "Partejat",
+ "Shared with {recipients}" : "Partejat amb {recipients}",
+ "Share" : "Partejar",
"Error" : "Error",
- "Error while sharing" : "Error al partejar",
- "Error while unsharing" : "Error al non partejar",
- "Error while changing permissions" : "Error al cambiar permissions",
- "Password protect" : "Parat per senhal",
+ "Error while sharing" : "Error al moment de la mesa en partiment",
+ "Error while unsharing" : "Error al moment de l'anullacion del partiment",
+ "Error while changing permissions" : "Error al moment del cambiament de las permissions",
+ "Shared with you and the group {group} by {owner}" : "Partejat amb vos e lo grop {group} per {owner}",
+ "Shared with you by {owner}" : "Partejat amb vos per {owner}",
+ "Share with users or groups …" : "Partejar amb d'utilizaires o gropes...",
+ "Share with users, groups or remote users …" : "Partejar amb d'utilizaires, gropes, o utilizaires distants",
+ "Share with people on other ownClouds using the syntax" : "Partejatz amb de personas sus d'autres ownClouds en utilizant la sintaxi",
+ "Share link" : "Partejar per ligam public",
+ "The public link will expire no later than {days} days after it is created" : "Aqueste ligam public expirarà al mai tard {days} jorns aprèp sa creacion.",
+ "Link" : "Ligam",
+ "Password protect" : "Protegir per un senhal",
"Password" : "Senhal",
- "Set expiration date" : "Met la data d'expiracion",
+ "Choose a password for the public link" : "Causissètz un senhal pel ligam public",
+ "Allow editing" : "Permetre la modificacion",
+ "Email link to person" : "Mandar lo ligam per corrièl",
+ "Send" : "Mandar",
+ "Set expiration date" : "Especificar una data d'expiracion",
+ "Expiration" : "Expiracion",
"Expiration date" : "Data d'expiracion",
+ "An error occured. Please try again" : "Una error s'es produsida. Mercé d'ensajar tornamai",
+ "Adding user..." : "Apondon de l'utilizaire...",
"group" : "grop",
- "Resharing is not allowed" : "Tornar partejar es pas permis",
- "Unshare" : "Pas partejador",
+ "remote" : "distant",
+ "Resharing is not allowed" : "Lo repartiment es pas autorizat",
+ "Shared in {item} with {user}" : "Partejat dins {item} amb {user}",
+ "Unshare" : "Partejar pas mai",
+ "notify by email" : "notificar per corrièl",
+ "can share" : "pòt partejar",
"can edit" : "pòt modificar",
- "access control" : "Contraròtle d'acces",
- "create" : "crea",
- "delete" : "escafa",
- "Password protected" : "Parat per senhal",
- "Error unsetting expiration date" : "Error al metre de la data d'expiracion",
- "Error setting expiration date" : "Error setting expiration date",
- "Email sent" : "Email mandat",
+ "access control" : "contraròtle d'accès",
+ "create" : "crear",
+ "change" : "modificacion",
+ "delete" : "suprimir",
+ "Password protected" : "Protegit per senhal",
+ "Error unsetting expiration date" : "Error al moment de la supression de la data d'expiracion",
+ "Error setting expiration date" : "Error al moment de l'especificacion de la data d'expiracion",
+ "Sending ..." : "Mandadís…",
+ "Email sent" : "Corrièl mandat",
"Warning" : "Atencion",
- "Delete" : "Escafa",
- "Add" : "Ajusta",
- "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" : "Utiliza lo ligam seguent per tornar botar lo senhal : {link}",
+ "The object type is not specified." : "Lo tipe d'objècte es pas especificat.",
+ "Enter new" : "Picar un novèl",
+ "Delete" : "Suprimir",
+ "Add" : "Apondre",
+ "Edit tags" : "Modificar las etiquetas",
+ "Error loading dialog template: {error}" : "Error al moment del cargament del modèl de dialòg : {error}",
+ "No tags selected for deletion." : "Cap d'etiqueta pas seleccionada per la supression.",
+ "unknown text" : "tèxte desconegut",
+ "Hello world!" : "Hello world!",
+ "sunny" : "ensolelhat",
+ "Hello {name}, the weather is {weather}" : "Bonjorn {name}, lo temps es {weather}",
+ "Hello {name}" : "Adiu {name}",
+ "_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["Telecargar %n fichièr","Telecargar %n fichièrs"],
+ "{version} is available. Get more information on how to update." : "La version {version} es disponibla. Obtenètz mai d'informacions a prepaus d'aquesta mesa a jorn.",
+ "Updating {productName} to version {version}, this may take a while." : "La mesa a jorn de {productName} cap a la version {version} es en cors. Aquò pòt prene un certan temps.",
+ "Please reload the page." : "Recargatz la pagina.",
+ "The update was unsuccessful. " : "La mesa a jorn a fracassat.",
+ "The update was successful. Redirecting you to ownCloud now." : "La mesa a jorn a capitat. Ara sètz redirigit cap a ownCloud.",
+ "Couldn't reset password because the token is invalid" : "Impossible de reïnicializar lo senhal perque lo geton es pas valable.",
+ "Couldn't send reset email. Please make sure your username is correct." : "Impossible de mandar lo corrièl de reïnicializacion. Verificatz que vòstre nom d'utilizaire es corrècte.",
+ "Couldn't send reset email because there is no email address for this username. Please contact your administrator." : "Impossible de mandar lo corrièl de reïnicializacion perque i a pas cap d'adreça de corrièl per aqueste utilizaire. Contactatz vòstre administrator.",
+ "%s password reset" : "Reïnicializacion de vòstre senhal %s",
+ "Use the following link to reset your password: {link}" : "Utilizatz lo ligam seguent per reïnicializar vòstre senhal : {link}",
"New password" : "Senhal novèl",
- "Reset password" : "Senhal tornat botar",
+ "New Password" : "Senhal novèl",
+ "Reset password" : "Reïnicializar lo senhal",
+ "Searching other places" : "Recèrca en cors dins d'autres emplaçaments",
+ "_{count} search result in other places_::_{count} search results in other places_" : ["{count} resultat dins d'autres emplaçaments","{count} resultats dins d'autres emplaçaments"],
"Personal" : "Personal",
- "Users" : "Usancièrs",
- "Apps" : "Apps",
- "Admin" : "Admin",
+ "Users" : "Utilizaires",
+ "Apps" : "Aplicacions",
+ "Admin" : "Administracion",
"Help" : "Ajuda",
- "Access forbidden" : "Acces enebit",
+ "Error loading tags" : "Error al moment del cargament de las etiquetas",
+ "Tag already exists" : "L'etiqueta existís ja.",
+ "Error deleting tag(s)" : "Error de supression d'etiqueta(s)",
+ "Error tagging" : "Error al moment de l'etiquetatge",
+ "Error untagging" : "Error al moment del desetiquetatge",
+ "Error favoriting" : "Error al moment de la mesa en favorit",
+ "Error unfavoriting" : "Error al moment de la supression dels favorits",
+ "Access forbidden" : "Accès interdich",
+ "File not found" : "Fichièr pas trobat",
+ "The specified document has not been found on the server." : "Impossible de trobar lo document especificat sul servidor.",
+ "You can click here to return to %s." : "Podètz clicar aicí per tornar a %s.",
+ "Hey there,\n\njust letting you know that %s shared %s with you.\nView it: %s\n\n" : "Bonjorn,\n\nVos informam que %s a partejat \"%s\" amb vos.\nI podètz accedir a l'adreça seguenta : %s\n",
+ "The share will expire on %s." : "Lo partiment expirarà lo %s.",
"Cheers!" : "A lèu !",
- "Create an <strong>admin account</strong>" : "Crea un <strong>compte admin</strong>",
- "Username" : "Non d'usancièr",
- "Data folder" : "Dorsièr de donadas",
- "Configure the database" : "Configura la basa de donadas",
- "Database user" : "Usancièr de la basa de donadas",
- "Database password" : "Senhal de la basa de donadas",
- "Database name" : "Nom de la basa de donadas",
- "Database tablespace" : "Espandi de taula de basa de donadas",
- "Database host" : "Òste de basa de donadas",
- "Especially when using the desktop client for file syncing the use of SQLite is discouraged." : "L'utilizacion de SQLite es particularament desconselhada se utilizatz lo client de burèu per sincronizar vòstras donadas.",
- "Finish setup" : "Configuracion acabada",
- "Log out" : "Sortida",
- "Search" : "Cèrca",
- "remember" : "bremba-te",
- "Log in" : "Dintrada"
+ "Internal Server Error" : "Error intèrna del servidor",
+ "The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request." : "Lo servidor a rencontrat una error intèrna e es incapable d'executar vòstra requèsta.",
+ "Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report." : "Contactatz l'administrator del servidor se aquesta error apareis mantun còp. Jonhètz los detalhs tecnics a vòstre rapòrt.",
+ "More details can be found in the server log." : "Lo fichièr jornal del servidor pòt provesir mai d'entresenhas.",
+ "Technical details" : "Enstresenhas tecnicas",
+ "Remote Address: %s" : "Adreça distanta : %s",
+ "Request ID: %s" : "ID de la demanda : %s",
+ "Type: %s" : "Tipe : %s",
+ "Code: %s" : "Còde : %s",
+ "Message: %s" : "Messatge : %s",
+ "File: %s" : "Fichièr : %s",
+ "Line: %s" : "Linha : %s",
+ "Trace" : "Traça",
+ "Security warning" : "Avertiment de seguretat",
+ "Your data directory and files are probably accessible from the internet because the .htaccess file does not work." : "Vòstre repertòri de donadas es segurament accessible dempuèi l'internet perque lo fichièr .htaccess fonciona pas.",
+ "For information how to properly configure your server, please see the <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentation</a>." : "Per las informacions de configuracion de vòstre servidor, legissètz la <a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">documentacion</a>.",
+ "Create an <strong>admin account</strong>" : "Crear un <strong>compte administrator</strong>",
+ "Username" : "Nom d'utilizaire",
+ "Storage & database" : "Emmagazinatge & banca de donadas",
+ "Data folder" : "Repertòri de las donadas",
+ "Configure the database" : "Configurar la banca de donadas",
+ "Only %s is available." : "%s solament es disponible.",
+ "Install and activate additional PHP modules to choose other database types." : "Installatz e activatz los moduls PHP addicionals adeqüats per causir d'autres tipes de banca de donadas.",
+ "For more details check out the documentation." : "Consultatz la documentacion per mai de detalhs.",
+ "Database user" : "Utilizaire de la banca de donadas",
+ "Database password" : "Senhal de la banca de donadas",
+ "Database name" : "Nom de la banca de donadas",
+ "Database tablespace" : "Tablespace de la banca de donadas",
+ "Database host" : "Òste de la banca de donadas",
+ "Performance warning" : "Avertiment de performància",
+ "SQLite will be used as database." : "SQLite serà utilizat coma gestionari de banca de donadas.",
+ "For larger installations we recommend to choose a different database backend." : "Per d'installacions mai voluminosas, vos conselham d'utilizar un autre gestionari de banca de donadas.",
+ "Especially when using the desktop client for file syncing the use of SQLite is discouraged." : "En particular se utilizatz lo client de burèu per sincronizar vòstras donadas : l'utilizacion de SQLite es alara desconselhada.",
+ "Finish setup" : "Acabar l'installacion",
+ "Finishing …" : "Finalizacion …",
+ "Need help?" : "Besonh d'ajuda ?",
+ "See the documentation" : "Legir la documentacion",
+ "This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Aquesta aplicacion requerís JavaScript per foncionar corrèctament. {linkstart}Activatz JavaScript{linkend} e recargatz la pagina.",
+ "Log out" : "Se desconnectar",
+ "Search" : "Recercar",
+ "Server side authentication failed!" : "L'autentificacion sul servidor a fracassat !",
+ "Please contact your administrator." : "Contactatz vòstre administrator.",
+ "An internal error occured." : "Una error intèrna s'es produsida.",
+ "Please try again or contact your administrator." : "Reensajatz o contactatz vòstre administrator.",
+ "Forgot your password? Reset it!" : "Senhal doblidat ? Reïnicializatz-lo !",
+ "remember" : "se remembrar de ieu",
+ "Log in" : "Connexion",
+ "Alternative Logins" : "Identificants alternatius",
+ "Hey there,<br><br>just letting you know that %s shared <strong>%s</strong> with you.<br><a href=\"%s\">View it!</a><br><br>" : "Bonjorn,<br><br>Vos informam que %s a partejat <strong>%s</strong> amb vos.<br><a href=\"%s\">Clicatz aicí per i accedir !</a><br><br>",
+ "This ownCloud instance is currently in single user mode." : "Aquesta instància de ownCloud es actualament en mòde utilizaire unic.",
+ "This means only administrators can use the instance." : "Aquò significa que sols los administrators pòdon utilizar l'instància.",
+ "Contact your system administrator if this message persists or appeared unexpectedly." : "Contactatz vòstre administrator sistèma se aqueste messatge persistís o apareis de faiçon imprevista.",
+ "Thank you for your patience." : "Mercé de vòstra paciéncia.",
+ "You are accessing the server from an untrusted domain." : "Accedissètz al servidor a partir d'un domeni pas aprovat.",
+ "Please contact your administrator. If you are an administrator of this instance, configure the \"trusted_domain\" setting in config/config.php. An example configuration is provided in config/config.sample.php." : "Contactatz vòstre administrator. Se sètz administrator d'aquesta instància, configuratz lo paramètre « trusted_domain » dins lo fichièr config/config.php. Un exemple de configuracion es provesit dins lo fichièr config/config.sample.php.",
+ "Depending on your configuration, as an administrator you might also be able to use the button below to trust this domain." : "En foncion de vòstra configuracion, en tant qu'administrator podètz tanben utilizar lo boton çaijós per aprovar aqueste domeni.",
+ "Add \"%s\" as trusted domain" : "Apondre \"%s\" a la lista dels domenis aprovats",
+ "%s will be updated to version %s." : "%s serà mes a jorn cap a la version %s.",
+ "The following apps will be disabled:" : "Las aplicacions seguentas seràn desactivadas :",
+ "The theme %s has been disabled." : "Lo tèma %s es estat desactivat.",
+ "Please make sure that the database, the config folder and the data folder have been backed up before proceeding." : "Asseguratz-vos qu'una còpia de salvament de la banca de donadas, del dorsièr de configuracion (config) e del dorsièr de donadas (data) es estat realizada abans de començar.",
+ "Start update" : "Aviar la mesa a jorn",
+ "To avoid timeouts with larger installations, you can instead run the following command from your installation directory:" : "Per fin d'evitar los timeouts amb las installacions de volum consequent, podètz executar la comanda seguenta dempuèi lo repertòri d'installacion :",
+ "This %s instance is currently in maintenance mode, which may take a while." : "Aquesta instància de %s es en cors de mantenença, aquò pòt prene de temps.",
+ "This page will refresh itself when the %s instance is available again." : "Aquesta pagina se refrescarà d'ela-meteissa quand l'instància %s serà disponibla tornamai."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file