path: root/lib/l10n/eu.json
diff options
authorNextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>2021-01-12 02:19:49 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>2021-01-12 02:19:49 +0000
commitc8cbb73c05714f035eb63fe91873fc43e0557f1c (patch)
tree286f3f3b3b513104f31008a3ee939213cd43799e /lib/l10n/eu.json
parent7cdc7adf59a053407f06ccf3a3d0d94e667c833b (diff)
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/l10n/eu.json')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/l10n/eu.json b/lib/l10n/eu.json
index 71c3666418b..2b99c5c01e5 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/eu.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/eu.json
@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@
"Sharing backend %s must implement the interface OCP\\Share_Backend" : "%s elkarbanaketa motorra OCP\\Share_Backend interfazea inplementatu behar du ",
"Sharing backend %s not found" : "Ez da %s elkarbanaketa motorra aurkitu",
"Sharing backend for %s not found" : "Ez da %srako elkarbanaketa motorrik aurkitu",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add:" : "%1$serabiltzaileak »%2$s« partekatu du zurekin eta hau gehitu nahi du:",
+ "%1$s shared »%2$s« with you and wants to add" : "%1$serabiltzaileak »%2$s« partekatu du zurekin eta hau gehitu nahi du",
+ "»%s« added a note to a file shared with you" : "»%s« erabiltzaileak nota bat gehitu dio partekatu dizun fitxategi batean",
"Open »%s«" : "Ireki »%s«",
"%1$s via %2$s" : "%2$s bidez, %1$s",
"You are not allowed to share %s" : "Ez zadue %s elkarbanatzeko baimendua",