path: root/lib/l10n/he.json
diff options
authorNextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>2023-01-14 02:26:37 +0000
committerNextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>2023-01-14 02:26:37 +0000
commit5866418098c95619df2765ea7f52b6a32e1f6f7d (patch)
treef52df3c3ebd34a30c2e2c4ead38082a10eaa845b /lib/l10n/he.json
parent72fa2497789dd4c9ab77f18d1ae379d10f1429d0 (diff)
Fix(l10n): 馃敔 Update translations from Transifex
Signed-off-by: Nextcloud bot <bot@nextcloud.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/l10n/he.json')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/l10n/he.json b/lib/l10n/he.json
index 1f942b0fc4f..da0245ed084 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/he.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/he.json
@@ -144,7 +144,6 @@
"A valid password must be provided" : "讬砖 诇住驻拽 住住诪讛 转拽谞讬转",
"The username is already being used" : "讛砖诐 诪砖转诪砖 讻讘专 讘砖讬诪讜砖",
"Could not create user" : "诇讗 谞讬转谉 诇讬爪讜专 诪砖转诪砖",
- "Only the following characters are allowed in a username: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", and \"_.@-'\"" : "专拽 讛转讜讜讬诐 讛讘讗讬诐 诪讗讜砖专讬诐 诇砖诐 诪砖转诪砖: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", 讜讙诐 \"_.@-'\"",
"A valid username must be provided" : "讬砖 诇住驻拽 砖诐 诪砖转诪砖 转拽谞讬",
"Username contains whitespace at the beginning or at the end" : "砖诐 讛诪砖转诪砖 诪讻讬诇 专讜讜讞 讘转讞讬诇转讜 讗讜 讘住讜驻讜",
"Username must not consist of dots only" : "砖诐 讛诪砖转诪砖 诇讗 讬讻讜诇 诇讛讬讜转 诪讜专讻讘 诪谞拽讜讚讜转 讘诇讘讚",
@@ -184,6 +183,7 @@
"%s enter the database name." : "%s 谞讻谞住 诇诪住讚 谞转讜谞讬 讛砖诪讜转.",
"%s you may not use dots in the database name" : "%s 诇讗 谞讬转谉 诇讛砖转诪砖 讘谞拽讜讚讜转 讘砖诐 诪住讚 讛谞转讜谞讬诐",
"It seems that this %s instance is running on a 32-bit PHP environment and the open_basedir has been configured in php.ini. This will lead to problems with files over 4 GB and is highly discouraged." : "谞专讗讛 砖- %s 注讜讘讚 注诇 讘住讬住 住讘讬讘转 32-bit PHP 讜砖讛- open_basedir 讛讜讙讚专 讘拽讜讘抓 php.ini. 诪爪讘 讝讛 讬讜讘讬诇 诇讘注讬讜转 注诐 拽讘爪讬诐 讛讙讚讜诇讬诐 诪- 4 GB 讜讗讬谞讜 诪讜诪诇抓 诇讞诇讜讟讬谉.",
- "Please remove the open_basedir setting within your php.ini or switch to 64-bit PHP." : "讬砖 诇讛住讬专 讗转 讛讙讚专转 open_basedir 诪转讜讱 拽讜讘抓 php.ini 讗讜 诇讛讞诇讬祝 诇住讘讬讘转 64-bit PHP."
+ "Please remove the open_basedir setting within your php.ini or switch to 64-bit PHP." : "讬砖 诇讛住讬专 讗转 讛讙讚专转 open_basedir 诪转讜讱 拽讜讘抓 php.ini 讗讜 诇讛讞诇讬祝 诇住讘讬讘转 64-bit PHP.",
+ "Only the following characters are allowed in a username: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", and \"_.@-'\"" : "专拽 讛转讜讜讬诐 讛讘讗讬诐 诪讗讜砖专讬诐 诇砖诐 诪砖转诪砖: \"a-z\", \"A-Z\", \"0-9\", 讜讙诐 \"_.@-'\""
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n == 2 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 10 == 0 && n % 1 == 0 && n > 10) ? 2 : 3;"
} \ No newline at end of file