path: root/lib/public
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authorLukas Reschke <>2015-02-20 20:15:22 +0100
committerLukas Reschke <>2015-02-20 20:15:22 +0100
commitfcc5f5a4f498d41f806607c06ac1a3e4a0997702 (patch)
tree5bdf228f48b140d47dcd2e98bbf7f9caab367edb /lib/public
parent3a6b11d018e693b61cf201232bf5566f1a540b77 (diff)
parent84a47645b9d6eef678be6a33eafff2e290e4a782 (diff)
Merge pull request #13777 from owncloud/close-cursor
Close cursor for appframework and manipulation queries if applicable
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/public')
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/lib/public/appframework/db/mapper.php b/lib/public/appframework/db/mapper.php
index 03f0fe3aa75..fd3dc9b747c 100644
--- a/lib/public/appframework/db/mapper.php
+++ b/lib/public/appframework/db/mapper.php
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ abstract class Mapper {
* @param IDb $db Instance of the Db abstraction layer
- * @param string $tableName the name of the table. set this to allow entity
+ * @param string $tableName the name of the table. set this to allow entity
* @param string $entityClass the name of the entity that the sql should be
* mapped to queries without using sql
@@ -70,10 +70,12 @@ abstract class Mapper {
* Deletes an entity from the table
* @param Entity $entity the entity that should be deleted
+ * @return Entity the deleted entity
public function delete(Entity $entity){
$sql = 'DELETE FROM `' . $this->tableName . '` WHERE `id` = ?';
- $this->execute($sql, array($entity->getId()));
+ $this->execute($sql, [$entity->getId()]);
+ return $entity;
@@ -88,14 +90,14 @@ abstract class Mapper {
$properties = $entity->getUpdatedFields();
$values = '';
$columns = '';
- $params = array();
+ $params = [];
// build the fields
$i = 0;
foreach($properties as $property => $updated) {
$column = $entity->propertyToColumn($property);
$getter = 'get' . ucfirst($property);
$columns .= '`' . $column . '`';
$values .= '?';
@@ -112,10 +114,11 @@ abstract class Mapper {
$sql = 'INSERT INTO `' . $this->tableName . '`(' .
$columns . ') VALUES(' . $values . ')';
$this->execute($sql, $params);
$entity->setId((int) $this->db->getInsertId($this->tableName));
return $entity;
@@ -147,7 +150,7 @@ abstract class Mapper {
$columns = '';
- $params = array();
+ $params = [];
// build the fields
$i = 0;
@@ -155,7 +158,7 @@ abstract class Mapper {
$column = $entity->propertyToColumn($property);
$getter = 'get' . ucfirst($property);
$columns .= '`' . $column . '` = ?';
// only append colon if there are more entries
@@ -167,7 +170,7 @@ abstract class Mapper {
- $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $this->tableName . '` SET ' .
+ $sql = 'UPDATE `' . $this->tableName . '` SET ' .
$columns . ' WHERE `id` = ?';
array_push($params, $id);
@@ -185,7 +188,7 @@ abstract class Mapper {
* @param int $offset from which row we want to start
* @return \PDOStatement the database query result
- protected function execute($sql, array $params=array(), $limit=null, $offset=null){
+ protected function execute($sql, array $params=[], $limit=null, $offset=null){
$query = $this->db->prepareQuery($sql, $limit, $offset);
$index = 1; // bindParam is 1 indexed
@@ -199,12 +202,12 @@ abstract class Mapper {
case 'boolean':
$pdoConstant = \PDO::PARAM_BOOL;
$pdoConstant = \PDO::PARAM_STR;
$query->bindValue($index, $param, $pdoConstant);
@@ -226,14 +229,16 @@ abstract class Mapper {
* @throws MultipleObjectsReturnedException if more than one item exist
* @return array the result as row
- protected function findOneQuery($sql, array $params=array(), $limit=null, $offset=null){
- $result = $this->execute($sql, $params, $limit, $offset);
- $row = $result->fetch();
+ protected function findOneQuery($sql, array $params=[], $limit=null, $offset=null){
+ $stmt = $this->execute($sql, $params, $limit, $offset);
+ $row = $stmt->fetch();
if($row === false || $row === null){
+ $stmt->closeCursor();
throw new DoesNotExistException('No matching entry found');
- $row2 = $result->fetch();
+ $row2 = $stmt->fetch();
+ $stmt->closeCursor();
//MDB2 returns null, PDO and doctrine false when no row is available
if( ! ($row2 === false || $row2 === null )) {
throw new MultipleObjectsReturnedException('More than one result');
@@ -262,15 +267,17 @@ abstract class Mapper {
* @param int $offset from which row we want to start
* @return array all fetched entities
- protected function findEntities($sql, array $params=array(), $limit=null, $offset=null) {
- $result = $this->execute($sql, $params, $limit, $offset);
+ protected function findEntities($sql, array $params=[], $limit=null, $offset=null) {
+ $stmt = $this->execute($sql, $params, $limit, $offset);
- $entities = array();
- while($row = $result->fetch()){
+ $entities = [];
+ while($row = $stmt->fetch()){
$entities[] = $this->mapRowToEntity($row);
+ $stmt->closeCursor();
return $entities;
@@ -286,7 +293,7 @@ abstract class Mapper {
* @throws MultipleObjectsReturnedException if more than one item exist
* @return Entity the entity
- protected function findEntity($sql, array $params=array(), $limit=null, $offset=null){
+ protected function findEntity($sql, array $params=[], $limit=null, $offset=null){
return $this->mapRowToEntity($this->findOneQuery($sql, $params, $limit, $offset));