path: root/settings/css/settings.scss
diff options
authorChristoph Wurst <>2019-09-17 16:33:27 +0200
committernpmbuildbot[bot] <npmbuildbot[bot]>2019-09-28 09:39:28 +0000
commitde6940352a2f708376219a89ec84a8e6d25ca59e (patch)
tree459bacfc183b24d611be1877fbe22bbcd4efb1d6 /settings/css/settings.scss
parentc8cd607681ac128228f57114ce14dd67ab05de04 (diff)
Move settings to an app
Signed-off-by: Christoph Wurst <> Signed-off-by: npmbuildbot[bot] <npmbuildbot[bot]>
Diffstat (limited to 'settings/css/settings.scss')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1557 deletions
diff --git a/settings/css/settings.scss b/settings/css/settings.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 02c85b5a34f..00000000000
--- a/settings/css/settings.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1557 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2011, Jan-Christoph Borchardt,
- This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later.
- See the COPYING-README file. */
-input {
- &#openid, &#webdav {
- width: 20em;
- }
-.clear {
- clear: both;
-/* icons for sidebar */
-.nav-icon-personal-settings {
- @include icon-color('personal', 'settings', $color-black);
-.nav-icon-security {
- @include icon-color('toggle-filelist', 'settings', $color-black);
-.nav-icon-clientsbox {
- @include icon-color('change', 'settings', $color-black);
-.nav-icon-federated-cloud {
- @include icon-color('share', 'settings', $color-black);
-.nav-icon-second-factor-backup-codes, .nav-icon-ssl-root-certificate {
- @include icon-color('password', 'settings', $color-black);
-#avatarform {
- .avatardiv {
- margin: 10px auto;
- }
- .warning {
- width: 100%;
- }
- .jcrop-keymgr {
- display: none !important;
- }
-#displayavatar {
- text-align: center;
-#uploadavatarbutton, #selectavatar, #removeavatar {
- padding: 21px;
-.jcrop-holder {
- z-index: 500;
-#cropper {
- float: left;
- z-index: 500;
- /* float cropper above settings page to prevent unexpected flowing from dynamically sized element */
- position: fixed;
- background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
- box-sizing: border-box;
- top: 45px;
- left: 0;
- width: 100%;
- height: calc(100% - 45px);
- .inner-container {
- z-index: 2001;
- /* above the top bar if needed */
- position: absolute;
- top: 50%;
- left: 50%;
- transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
- background: #fff;
- color: #333;
- border-radius: var(--border-radius-large);
- box-shadow: 0 0 10px var(--color-box-shadow);
- padding: 15px;
- .jcrop-holder,
- .jcrop-holder img,
- img.jcrop-preview {
- border-radius: var(--border-radius);
- }
- .button {
- margin-top: 15px;
- }
- .primary {
- float: right;
- }
- }
-#personal-settings-avatar-container {
- display: inline-grid;
- grid-template-columns: 1fr;
- grid-template-rows: 2fr 1fr;
- vertical-align: top;
-.profile-settings-container {
- display: inline-grid;
- grid-template-columns: 1fr;
- grid-template-rows: 1fr 2fr 1fr;
-.personal-show-container {
- width: 100%;
-.personal-settings-setting-box input {
- &[type='text'], &[type='email'], &[type='tel'], &[type='url'] {
- width: 100%;
- }
-select {
- &#timezone,
- &#languageinput,
- &#localeinput {
- width: 100%;
- }
-#personal-settings {
- display: grid;
- padding: 20px;
- max-width: 1500px;
- grid-template-columns:1fr 2fr 1fr;
- .section {
- padding: 10px 10px;
- border: 0;
- h2 {
- margin-bottom: 12px;
- }
- }
- .personal-info {
- margin-right: 10%;
- margin-bottom: 12px;
- margin-top: 12px;
- }
- .personal-info[class^='icon-'], .personal-info[class*=' icon-'] {
- background-position: 0px 2px;
- padding-left: 30px;
- opacity: 0.7;
- }
-@media (min-width: 1200px) and (max-width: 1400px) {
- #personal-settings {
- display: grid;
- grid-template-columns: 1fr 2fr;
- #personal-settings-avatar-container {
- grid-template-columns: 1fr;
- grid-template-rows: 1fr;
- }
- .personal-settings-container {
- grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
- grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
- }
- .profile-settings-container {
- grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
- grid-template-rows: 1fr;
- grid-column: 2;
- }
- }
-@media (max-width: 1200px) {
- #personal-settings {
- display: grid;
- grid-template-columns: 1fr;
- #personal-settings-avatar-container {
- grid-template-rows: 1fr;
- }
- .personal-settings-container {
- grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
- grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
- }
- .profile-settings-container {
- grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
- grid-template-rows: 1fr;
- }
- }
-@media (max-width: 560px) {
- #personal-settings {
- display: grid;
- grid-template-columns: 1fr;
- #personal-settings-avatar-container {
- grid-template-rows: 1fr;
- }
- .personal-settings-container {
- grid-template-columns: 1fr;
- grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
- }
- .profile-settings-container {
- grid-template-columns: 1fr;
- grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr;
- }
- }
-.personal-settings-container {
- display: inline-grid;
- grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
- grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr 2fr;
- &:after {
- clear: both;
- }
- > div {
- h3 {
- position: relative;
- display: inline-flex;
- flex-wrap: nowrap;
- justify-content: flex-start;
- width: 100%;
- > label {
- white-space: nowrap;
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- overflow: hidden;
- }
- }
- > form span {
- &[class^='icon-checkmark'], &[class^='icon-error'] {
- position: relative;
- right: 8px;
- top: -28px;
- pointer-events: none;
- float: right;
- }
- }
- }
- .verify {
- position: relative;
- left: 100%;
- top: 0;
- height: 0;
- img {
- padding: 12px 7px 6px;
- }
- }
- .verify-action {
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- input:disabled {
- background-color: white;
- color: black;
- border: none;
- opacity: 100;
- }
-#body-settings #quota {
- cursor: default;
- position: relative;
- progress {
- height: 6px;
- &::-moz-progress-bar {
- border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px;
- }
- &::-webkit-progress-value {
- border-radius: 3px 0 0 3px;
- }
- }
- div {
- font-weight: normal;
- white-space: nowrap;
- }
-/* verify accounts */
-/* only show pointer cursor when popup will be there */
-.verification-dialog {
- display: none;
- right: -9px;
- top: 40px;
- width: 275px;
- p {
- padding: 10px;
- }
- .verificationCode {
- font-family: monospace;
- display: block;
- overflow-wrap: break-word;
- }
-.federation-menu {
- position: relative;
- cursor: pointer;
- margin-left: 10px;
- &:focus {
- .icon-federation-menu {
- opacity: 0.7;
- }
- }
- .icon-federation-menu {
- padding-left: 16px;
- background-size: 16px;
- background-position: left center;
- opacity: .3;
- cursor: inherit;
- .icon-triangle-s {
- display: inline-block;
- vertical-align: middle;
- cursor: inherit;
- }
- }
- .federationScopeMenu {
- top: 44px;
- &.popovermenu {
- .menuitem {
- // override h3 heading font size
- font-size: 12.8px;
- line-height: 1.6em;
- .menuitem-text-detail {
- opacity: .75;
- }
- &.active {
- box-shadow: inset 2px 0 var(--color-primary);
- .menuitem-text {
- font-weight: bold;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-#groups-groups {
- padding-top: 5px;
-.clientsbox img {
- height: 60px;
-#sslCertificate {
- tr.expired {
- background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);
- }
- td {
- padding: 5px;
- }
-#displaynamechanged {
- display: none;
-input#identity {
- width: 20em;
-#showWizard {
- display: inline-block;
-.msg {
- &.success {
- color: #fff;
- background-color: #47a447;
- padding: 3px;
- }
- &.error {
- color: #fff;
- background-color: #d2322d;
- padding: 3px;
- }
-table.nostyle {
- label {
- margin-right: 2em;
- }
- td {
- padding: 0.2em 0;
- }
-#security-password {
- #passwordform {
- display: flex;
- flex-wrap: wrap;
- #pass1, .personal-show-container, #passwordbutton {
- flex-shrink: 1;
- width: 200px;
- min-width: 150px;
- }
- #pass2 {
- width: 100%;
- }
- .password-state {
- display: inline-block;
- }
- .strengthify-wrapper {
- position: absolute;
- left: 0;
- width: 100%;
- border-radius: 0 0 2px 2px;
- margin-top: -6px;
- overflow: hidden;
- height: 3px;
- }
- }
-/* Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) */
-#two-factor-auth {
- h3 {
- margin-top: 24px;
- }
- li > div {
- margin-left: 20px;
- }
- .two-factor-provider-settings-icon {
- width: 16px;
- height: 16px;
- vertical-align: sub;
- }
- {
- padding-left: 0 !important;
- margin-left: -10px;
- img {
- padding: 10px;
- }
-/* USERS */
-.isgroup {
- .groupname {
- width: 85%;
- display: block;
- overflow: hidden;
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- }
- &.active .groupname {
- width: 65%;
- }
- {
- .delete,
- .rename {
- display: block;
- }
- {
- .delete,
- .rename {
- display: none;
- }
-#usersearchform {
- position: absolute;
- top: 2px;
- right: 0;
- input {
- width: 150px;
- }
- label {
- font-weight: bold;
- }
-/* display table at full width */
-table.grid {
- width: 100%;
- th {
- height: 2em;
- color: #999;
- border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-border);
- padding: 0 .5em;
- padding-left: .8em;
- text-align: left;
- font-weight: normal;
- }
- td {
- border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-border);
- padding: 0 .5em;
- padding-left: .8em;
- text-align: left;
- font-weight: normal;
- }
-td, th {
- &.name {
- padding-left: .8em;
- min-width: 5em;
- max-width: 12em;
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- overflow: hidden;
- }
- &.password {
- padding-left: .8em;
- > img {
- visibility: hidden;
- }
- }
- &.displayName > img {
- visibility: hidden;
- }
- &.password,
- &.displayName,
- &.mailAddress {
- min-width: 5em;
- max-width: 12em;
- cursor: pointer;
- span {
- width: 90%;
- display: inline-block;
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- overflow: hidden;
- }
- }
- &.mailAddress {
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- &.password > span {
- margin-right: 1.2em;
- color: #C7C7C7;
- }
-span.usersLastLoginTooltip {
- white-space: nowrap;
-/* dropdowns will be relative to this element */
-#userlist {
- position: relative;
- .storageLocation, .userBackend, .lastLogin {
- display: none;
- }
- {
- color: #000;
- }
- tr {
- height: 50px;
- }
- .mailAddress .loading-small {
- width: 16px;
- height: 16px;
- margin-left: -26px;
- position: relative;
- top: 3px;
- }
- .groupsListContainer.hidden {
- display: none;
- }
- thead th,
- thead tr {
- z-index: 100;
- background-color: var(--color-main-background);
- @include position('sticky');
- // positional attribute is required for position to take affect.
- top: 0;
- }
-#newuser {
- .groupsListContainer.hidden {
- display: none;
- }
- .multiselect {
- min-width: 150px !important;
- position: relative;
- top: -1px;
- }
- input {
- &:not([type='submit']),
- &:not([type='reset']) {
- width: 100%;
- }
- }
- .userActions input {
- width: 44px;
- height: 44px;
- &.icon-close {
- border: none;
- background-color: initial;
- opacity: .5;
- }
- &:hover {
- opacity: 1;
- }
- }
-/* used to highlight a user row in red */
-#userlist tr.row-warning {
- background-color: #FDD;
-/* APPS */
-#app-content > {
- float: left;
- height: 0;
- width: 0;
-#app-category-app-bundles {
- margin-bottom: 20px;
-.appinfo {
- margin: 1em 40px;
-#app-navigation {
- /* Navigation icons */
- img {
- margin-bottom: -3px;
- margin-right: 6px;
- width: 16px;
- }
- li {
- padding-left: 32px;
- }
- ul > span.utils {
- .delete, .rename {
- display: block;
- }
- }
- .appwarning {
- background: #fcc;
- }
- &.appwarning:hover {
- background: #fbb;
- }
- .app-external {
- color: var(--color-text-maxcontrast);
- }
-span.version {
- margin-left: 1em;
- margin-right: 1em;
- color: var(--color-text-maxcontrast);
- {
- color: var(--color-text-maxcontrast);
- {
- margin-top: 8px;
- span {
- color: var(--color-text-maxcontrast);
- background-color: transparent;
- border: 1px solid var(--color-text-maxcontrast);
- border-radius: var(--border-radius);
- padding: 3px 6px;
- }
- a {
- padding: 10px;
- margin: -6px;
- white-space: nowrap;
- }
- .official {
- background-position: left center;
- background-position: 5px center;
- padding-left: 25px;
- }
- .supported {
- border-color: var(--color-success);
- background-position: left center;
- background-position: 5px center;
- padding-left: 25px;
- color: var(--color-success) ;
- }
- {
- position: relative;
- top: 4px;
- opacity: .5;
- {
- #searchresults {
- display: none;
- }
-} {
- .section {
- border: 0;
- }
- .app-name {
- display: block;
- margin: 5px 0;
- }
- .app-name, .app-image * {
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- .app-summary {
- opacity: .7;
- }
- .app-image-icon .icon-settings-dark {
- width: 100%;
- height: 150px;
- background-size: 45px;
- opacity: 0.5;
- }
- .app-score-image {
- height: 14px;
- }
- .actions {
- margin-top: 10px;
- }
-#app-sidebar #app-details-view {
- h2 {
- .icon-settings-dark,
- svg {
- display: inline-block;
- width: 16px;
- height: 16px;
- margin-right: 10px;
- opacity: .7;
- }
- }
- .app-level {
- clear: right;
- width: 100%;
- .supported,
- .official {
- vertical-align: top;
- }
- .app-score-image {
- float: right;
- }
- }
- .app-author, .app-licence {
- color: var(--color-text-maxcontrast);
- }
- .app-dependencies {
- margin: 10px 0;
- }
- .app-description p {
- margin: 10px 0;
- }
- .close {
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- right: 0;
- padding: 14px;
- opacity: 0.5;
- z-index: 1;
- width: 44px;
- height: 44px;
- }
- .actions {
- display: flex;
- align-items: center;
- .app-groups{
- padding: 5px;
- }
- }
- .appslink {
- text-decoration: underline;
- margin-right: 5px;
- }
- .app-level,
- .actions,
- .documentation,
- .app-dependencies,
- .app-description {
- margin: 20px 0;
- }
-@media only screen and (min-width: 1601px) {
- .store .section {
- width: 25%;
- }
- .with-app-sidebar .store .section {
- width: 33%;
- }
-@media only screen and (max-width: 1600px) {
- .store .section {
- width: 25%;
- }
- .with-app-sidebar .store .section {
- width: 33%;
- }
-@media only screen and (max-width: 1400px) {
- .store .section {
- width: 33%;
- }
- .with-app-sidebar .store .section {
- width: 50%;
- }
-@media only screen and (max-width: 900px) {
- .store .section {
- width: 50%;
- }
- .with-app-sidebar .store .section {
- width: 100%;
- }
-@media only screen and (max-width: $breakpoint-mobile) {
- .store .section {
- width: 50%;
- }
-@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {
- .store .section {
- width: 100%;
- }
-/* hide app version and level on narrower screens */
-@media only screen and (max-width: 900px) {
- .apps-list.installed {
- .app-version, .app-level {
- display: none !important;
- }
- }
-@media only screen and (max-width: 500px) {
- .apps-list.installed .app-groups {
- display: none !important;
- }
-#version.section {
- border-bottom: none;
-.section {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- /* section divider lines, none needed for last one */
- &:not(:last-child) {
- border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-border);
- }
- /* correctly display help icons next to headings */
- h2 {
- margin-bottom: 22px;
- .icon-info {
- padding: 6px 20px;
- vertical-align: text-bottom;
- display: inline-block;
- }
- }
-.personal-settings-setting-box .section {
- padding: 10px 30px;
-.followupsection {
- display: block;
- padding: 0 30px 30px 30px;
- color: #555;
- {
- position: relative;
- height: 150px;
- opacity: 1;
- overflow: hidden;
-, .app-version, .app-score, .app-level {
- display: inline-block;
-, .app-description-toggle-hide {
- clear: both;
- padding: 7px 0;
- cursor: pointer;
- opacity: .5;
- {
- clear: both;
- position: relative;
- top: 7px;
- {
- clear: both;
-#app-category-1 {
- margin-bottom: 18px;
-/* capitalize 'Other' category */
-#app-category-925 {
- text-transform: capitalize;
- {
- color: #ce3702;
-.missing-dependencies {
- list-style: initial;
- list-style-type: initial;
- list-style-position: inside;
-.apps-list {
- .section {
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- .app-list-move {
- transition: transform 1s;
- }
- &.installed {
- .apps-list-container {
- display: table;
- width: 100%;
- height: auto;
- }
- margin-bottom: 100px;
- .section {
- display: table-row;
- padding: 0;
- margin: 0;
- > * {
- display: table-cell;
- height: initial;
- vertical-align: middle;
- float: none;
- border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-border);
- padding: 6px;
- box-sizing: border-box;
- }
- &.selected {
- background-color: var(--color-background-dark);
- }
- }
- .groups-enable {
- margin-top: 0;
- label {
- margin-right: 3px;
- }
- }
- .app-image {
- width: 44px;
- height: auto;
- text-align: right;
- }
- .app-image-icon svg,
- .app-image-icon .icon-settings-dark {
- margin-top: 5px;
- width: 20px;
- height: 20px;
- opacity: .5;
- background-size: cover;
- display: inline-block;
- }
- .actions {
- text-align: right;
- .icon-loading-small {
- display: inline-block;
- top: 4px;
- margin-right: 10px;
- }
- }
- }
- &:not(.installed) .app-image-icon svg {
- position: absolute;
- bottom: 43px;
- /* position halfway vertically */
- width: 64px;
- height: 64px;
- opacity: .1;
- }
- display: flex;
- flex-wrap: wrap;
- align-content: flex-start;
- &.hidden {
- display: none;
- }
- .section {
- position: relative;
- flex: 0 0 auto;
- {
- display: block;
- margin: 8px 0;
- }
- &:hover {
- background-color: var(--color-background-dark);
- }
- }
- .app-description {
- p {
- margin: 10px 0;
- }
- ul {
- list-style: disc;
- }
- ol {
- list-style: decimal;
- ol, ul {
- padding-left: 15px;
- }
- }
- > {
- ul, ol {
- margin-left: 19px;
- }
- }
- ul {
- ol, ul {
- padding-left: 15px;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Bundle header */
- .apps-header {
- display: table-row;
- position: relative;
- div {
- display: table-cell;
- height: 70px;
- }
- h2 {
- display: table-cell;
- position: absolute;
- padding-left: 6px;
- padding-top: 15px;
- .enable {
- position: relative;
- top: -1px;
- margin-left: 12px;
- }
- + .section {
- margin-top: 50px;
- }
- }
- }
-#apps-list-search {
- .section {
- h2 {
- margin-bottom: 0;
- }
- }
-/* LOG */
-#log {
- white-space: normal;
- margin-bottom: 14px;
-#lessLog {
- display: none;
-table.grid {
- white-space: nowrap;
-#log-section p {
- margin-top: 20px;
-#security-warning-state-loading {
- span {
- vertical-align: middle;
- &.message {
- padding: 12px;
- }
- &.icon {
- width: 32px;
- height: 32px;
- background-position: center center;
- display: inline-block;
- border-radius: 50%;
- }
- &.icon-checkmark-white {
- background-color: var(--color-success);
- }
- &.icon-error-white {
- background-color: var(--color-warning);
- }
- &.icon-close-white {
- background-color: var(--color-error);
- }
- }
-#shareAPI {
- p {
- padding-bottom: 0.8em;
- }
- input#shareapiExpireAfterNDays {
- width: 40px;
- }
- .indent {
- padding-left: 28px;
- }
- .double-indent {
- padding-left: 56px;
- }
- .nocheckbox {
- padding-left: 20px;
- }
-#shareApiDefaultPermissionsSection label {
- margin-right: 20px;
-#fileSharingSettings h3 {
- display: inline-block;
-#publicShareDisclaimerText {
- width: calc(100% - 23px);
- /* 20 px left margin, 3 px right margin */
- max-width: 600px;
- height: 150px;
- margin-left: 20px;
- box-sizing: border-box;
-/* correctly display help icons next to headings */
-.icon-info {
- padding: 11px 20px;
- vertical-align: text-bottom;
- opacity: .5;
-#two-factor-auth h2,
-#shareAPI h2,
-#encryptionAPI h2,
-#mail_general_settings h2 {
- display: inline-block;
-#encryptionAPI li {
- list-style-type: initial;
- margin-left: 20px;
- padding: 5px 0;
-.mail_settings p {
- label:first-child {
- display: inline-block;
- width: 300px;
- text-align: right;
- }
- select:nth-child(2),
- input:not([type='button']) {
- width: 143px;
- }
-#mail_smtpport {
- width: 40px;
-.cronlog {
- margin-left: 10px;
-.status {
- display: inline-block;
- height: 16px;
- width: 16px;
- vertical-align: text-bottom;
- &.success {
- border-radius: 50%;
- }
-#selectGroups select {
- box-sizing: border-box;
- display: inline-block;
- height: 36px;
- padding: 7px 10px;
-#log .log-message {
- word-break: break-all;
- min-width: 180px;
-span {
- &.success {
- background-color: var(--color-success);
- border-radius: var(--border-radius);
- }
- &.error {
- background-color: var(--color-error);
- }
- &.indeterminate {
- background-color: var(--color-warning);
- border-radius: 40% 0;
- }
-/* OPERA hack for strengthify*/
-doesnotexist:-o-prefocus, .strengthify-wrapper {
- left: 185px;
- width: 129px;
-.trusted-domain-warning {
- color: #fff;
- padding: 5px;
- background: #ce3702;
- border-radius: 5px;
- font-family: Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', Menlo, Courier, monospace;
-/* HELP */ {
- overflow: hidden !important;
- {
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0;
- border: 0;
- overflow: auto;
-#postsetupchecks {
- ul {
- margin-left: 44px;
- list-style: disc;
- li {
- margin: 10px 0;
- }
- ul {
- list-style: circle;
- }
- }
- .loading {
- height: 50px;
- background-position: left center;
- }
- .errors, .errors a {
- color: var(--color-error);
- }
- .warnings, .warnings a {
- color: var(--color-warning);
- }
- .hint {
- margin: 20px 0;
- }
-#security-warning {
- a {
- text-decoration: underline;
- }
- .extra-top-margin {
- margin-top: 12px;
- }
-#admin-tips li {
- list-style: initial;
- a {
- display: inline-block;
- padding: 3px 0;
- }
-#selectEncryptionModules {
- margin-left: 30px;
- padding: 10px;
-#encryptionModules {
- padding: 10px;
-#warning {
- color: red;
-.settings-hint {
- margin-top: -12px;
- margin-bottom: 12px;
- opacity: .7;
-/* USERS LIST -------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#body-settings {
- $grid-row-height: 46px;
- $grid-col-min-width: 120px;
- #app-content.user-list-grid {
- display: grid;
- grid-auto-columns: 1fr;
- grid-auto-rows: $grid-row-height;
- grid-column-gap: 20px;
- .row {
- // TODO replace with css4 subgrid when available
- // fallback for ie11 no grid
- display: flex;
- display: grid;
- grid-row-start: span 1;
- grid-gap: 3px;
- align-items: center;
- /* let's define the column until storage path,
- what follows will be manually defined */
- grid-template-columns: 44px minmax($grid-col-min-width + 30px, 1fr) repeat(auto-fit, minmax($grid-col-min-width, 1fr));
- border-bottom: var(--color-border) 1px solid;
- &.disabled {
- opacity: .5;
- }
- /* grid col width */
- .name,
- .displayName,
- .password,
- .mailAddress,
- .languages,
- .storageLocation,
- .userBackend,
- .lastLogin {
- min-width: $grid-col-min-width;
- }
- .groups,
- .subadmins,
- .quota {
- .multiselect {
- min-width: $grid-col-min-width;
- }
- }
- .obfuscated {
- width: 400px;
- opacity: .7;
- }
- .userActions {
- min-width: 44px;
- }
- /* various */
- &#grid-header,
- &#new-user {
- @include position('sticky');
- align-self: normal;
- background-color: var(--color-main-background);
- z-index: 55; /* above multiselect */
- top: $header-height;
- &.sticky {
- box-shadow: 0 -2px 10px 1px var(--color-box-shadow);
- }
- /* fake input for groups validation */
- input#newgroups {
- position: absolute;
- opacity: 0;
- width: 80% !important;
- margin: 0 10%;
- z-index: 0;
- }
- }
- // separate prop to set initial value to top: 50px
- &#new-user {
- top: $header-height + $grid-row-height;
- }
- &#grid-header {
- color: var(--color-text-maxcontrast);
- z-index: 60; /* above new-user */
- #headerDisplayName,
- #headerPassword,
- #headerAddress,
- #headerGroups,
- #headerSubAdmins,
- #headerQuota,
- #headerLanguages {
- /* Line up header text with column content for when there’s inputs */
- padding-left: 7px;
- }
- }
- &:hover {
- input:not([type='submit']):not(:focus):not(:active) {
- border-color: var(--color-border) !important;
- }
- &:not(#grid-header) {
- box-shadow: 5px 0 0 var(--color-primary-element) inset;
- }
- }
- > div,
- > form {
- grid-row: 1;
- display: inline-flex;
- align-items: center;
- color: var(--color-text);
- position: relative;
- > input:not(:focus):not(:active) {
- border-color: transparent;
- cursor: pointer;
- }
- > input:focus, >input:active {
- + .icon-confirm {
- display: block !important;
- }
- }
- /* inputs like mail, username, password */
- &:not(.userActions) > input:not([type='submit']) {
- width: 100%;
- min-width: 0;
- }
- &.name {
- word-break: break-all;
- }
- &.displayName,
- &.mailAddress {
- > input {
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- }
- }
- &.name,
- &.storageLocation {
- /* better multi-line visual */
- line-height: 1.3em;
- max-height: 100%;
- overflow : hidden;
- /* not supported by all browsers
- so we keep the overflow hidden
- as a fallback */
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- display: -webkit-box;
- -webkit-line-clamp: 2;
- -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
- }
- &.quota {
- .multiselect--active + progress {
- display: none;
- }
- progress {
- position: absolute;
- width: calc(100% - 4px); /* minus left and right */
- left: 2px;
- bottom: 2px;
- height: 3px;
- z-index: 5; /* above multiselect */
- }
- }
- .icon-confirm {
- flex: 0 0 auto;
- cursor: pointer;
- &:not(:active) {
- display: none;
- }
- }
- &.avatar {
- height: 32px;
- width: 32px;
- margin: 6px;
- img {
- display: block;
- }
- }
- &.userActions {
- #newsubmit {
- width: 100%;
- }
- .toggleUserActions {
- position: relative;
- .icon-more {
- width: 44px;
- height: 44px;
- opacity: .5;
- cursor: pointer;
- &:hover {
- opacity: .7;
- }
- }
- }
- .feedback {
- display: flex;
- align-items: center;
- white-space: nowrap;
- transition: opacity 200ms ease-in-out;
- .icon-checkmark {
- opacity: .5;
- margin-right: 5px;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Fill the grid cell */
- .multiselect.multiselect-vue {
- width: 100%;
- }
- }
- }
- .infinite-loading-container {
- display: flex;
- align-items: center;
- justify-content: center;
- grid-row-start: span 4;
- }
- .users-list-end {
- opacity: .5;
- user-select: none;
- }
- }