path: root/settings/l10n
diff options
authorJenkins for ownCloud <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>2014-08-18 01:56:30 -0400
committerJenkins for ownCloud <owncloud-bot@tmit.eu>2014-08-18 01:56:30 -0400
commit4dd07f572ca726c7e62204170c3fdbf5c6c6cfbd (patch)
treec9df0ef9cc680bb2a233c33526ce47da1d4cc511 /settings/l10n
parentddeb301ad63d464c7d16416a2e056a0225f0a61e (diff)
[tx-robot] updated from transifex
Diffstat (limited to 'settings/l10n')
7 files changed, 13 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/settings/l10n/bn_IN.php b/settings/l10n/bn_IN.php
index 27bbb3d6617..9e3ce7f906b 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/bn_IN.php
+++ b/settings/l10n/bn_IN.php
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
+"Saved" => "সংরক্ষিত",
"Error" => "ভুল",
"Delete" => "মুছে ফেলা",
"Get the apps to sync your files" => "আপনার ফাইল সিঙ্ক করার অ্যাপ পান",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/eu.php b/settings/l10n/eu.php
index bf14a269fdc..5d6c5530935 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/eu.php
+++ b/settings/l10n/eu.php
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Your PHP version is outdated" => "Zure PHP bertsioa zaharkituta dago",
"Your PHP version is outdated. We strongly recommend to update to 5.3.8 or newer because older versions are known to be broken. It is possible that this installation is not working correctly." => "Zure PHP bertsioa zaharkituta dago. Gure aholkua 5.3.8 edo bertsio berriago batera eguneratzea da, bertsio zaharragoak arazoak ematen baitituzte. Posible da instalazio honek ez funtzionatzea ongi.",
"PHP charset is not set to UTF-8" => "PHP charset ez da UTF-8 gisa ezartzen",
+"PHP charset is not set to UTF-8. This can cause major issues with non-ASCII characters in file names. We highly recommend to change the value of 'default_charset' php.ini to 'UTF-8'." => "PHP charset ez da UTF-8 gisa ezartzen. Honek arazo larriak sor ditzake fitxategien izenetan ascii ez diren karaktereekin. Gomendatzen dizugu php.ini-ko 'default_charset'-en ordez 'UTF-8' ezartzea.",
"Locale not working" => "Lokala ez dabil",
"System locale can not be set to a one which supports UTF-8." => "Eskualdeko ezarpena ezin da UTF-8 onartzen duen batera ezarri.",
"This means that there might be problems with certain characters in file names." => "Honek esan nahi du fitxategien izenetako karaktere batzuekin arazoak egon daitezkeela.",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/fr.php b/settings/l10n/fr.php
index 9fea1d61543..c6716c7a13c 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/fr.php
+++ b/settings/l10n/fr.php
@@ -108,6 +108,8 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"The PHP module 'fileinfo' is missing. We strongly recommend to enable this module to get best results with mime-type detection." => "Le module PHP 'fileinfo' est manquant. Il est vivement recommandé de l'activer afin d'obtenir de meilleurs résultats pour la détection des types de fichiers.",
"Your PHP version is outdated" => "Votre version de PHP est trop ancienne",
"Your PHP version is outdated. We strongly recommend to update to 5.3.8 or newer because older versions are known to be broken. It is possible that this installation is not working correctly." => "Votre version de PHP est trop ancienne. Nous vous recommandons fortement de migrer vers une version 5.3.8 ou plus récente encore, car les versions antérieures sont réputées problématiques. Il est possible que cette installation ne fonctionne pas correctement.",
+"PHP charset is not set to UTF-8" => "Le jeu de caractères PHP n'est pas réglé sur UTF-8",
+"PHP charset is not set to UTF-8. This can cause major issues with non-ASCII characters in file names. We highly recommend to change the value of 'default_charset' php.ini to 'UTF-8'." => "Le jeu de caractères PHP n'est pas réglé sur UTF-8. Ceci peut entraîner des problèmes majeurs avec les noms de fichiers contenant des caractère non-ASCII. Nous recommandons fortement de changer la valeur de 'default_charset' dans php.ini par 'UTF-8'.",
"Locale not working" => "Localisation non fonctionnelle",
"System locale can not be set to a one which supports UTF-8." => "Les paramètres régionaux ne peuvent pas être configurés avec un qui supporte UTF-8.",
"This means that there might be problems with certain characters in file names." => "Cela signifie qu'il pourrait y avoir des problèmes avec certains caractères dans les noms de fichier.",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/gl.php b/settings/l10n/gl.php
index 55fe7b060ee..6cb78104cff 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/gl.php
+++ b/settings/l10n/gl.php
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Your PHP version is outdated" => "A versión de PHP está desactualizada",
"Your PHP version is outdated. We strongly recommend to update to 5.3.8 or newer because older versions are known to be broken. It is possible that this installation is not working correctly." => "A versión de PHP está desactualizada. Recomendámoslle que a actualice á versión 5.3.8 ou posterior xa que as versións anteriores son coñecidas por estragarse. É probábel que esta instalación no estea a funcionar correctamente.",
"PHP charset is not set to UTF-8" => "O xogo de caracteres de PHP non está estabelecido a UTF-8",
+"PHP charset is not set to UTF-8. This can cause major issues with non-ASCII characters in file names. We highly recommend to change the value of 'default_charset' php.ini to 'UTF-8'." => "O xogo de caracteres de PHP non está estabelecido a UTF-8. Isto pode causar problemas importantes con caracteres non-ASCII nos nomes de ficheiro. Recomendámoslle que cambie o valor de php.ini «default_charset» a «UTF-8».",
"Locale not working" => "A configuración rexional non funciona",
"System locale can not be set to a one which supports UTF-8." => "Non é posíbel estabelecer a configuración rexional do sistema a unha que admita UTF-8.",
"This means that there might be problems with certain characters in file names." => "Isto significa que pode haber problemas con certos caracteres en nomes de ficheiro.",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/hi.php b/settings/l10n/hi.php
index 67463ef7bd4..c19ac7e1018 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/hi.php
+++ b/settings/l10n/hi.php
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Error" => "त्रुटि",
"Update" => "अद्यतन",
"Security Warning" => "सुरक्षा चेतावनी ",
+"More" => "और अधिक",
"Password" => "पासवर्ड",
"New password" => "नया पासवर्ड",
+"Cancel" => "रद्द करें ",
"Username" => "प्रयोक्ता का नाम"
$PLURAL_FORMS = "nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);";
diff --git a/settings/l10n/nl.php b/settings/l10n/nl.php
index 1b6efcd18fb..51d2e922a3e 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/nl.php
+++ b/settings/l10n/nl.php
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Your PHP version is outdated" => "Uw PHP versie is verouderd",
"Your PHP version is outdated. We strongly recommend to update to 5.3.8 or newer because older versions are known to be broken. It is possible that this installation is not working correctly." => "Uw PHP versie is verouderd. We adviseren met klem om bij te werken naar versie 5.3.8 of later, omdat oudere versies corrupt kunnen zijn. Het is mogelijk dat deze installatie niet goed werkt.",
"PHP charset is not set to UTF-8" => "PHP characterset is niet ingesteld op UTF-8",
+"PHP charset is not set to UTF-8. This can cause major issues with non-ASCII characters in file names. We highly recommend to change the value of 'default_charset' php.ini to 'UTF-8'." => "PHP characterset is niet ingesteld op UTF-8. Dit kan flinke problemen opleveren met niet-ASCII tekens in bestandsnamen. We adviseren om de waarde van 'default_charset' in php.ini te wijzigen in 'UTF-8'.",
"Locale not working" => "Taalbestand werkt niet",
"System locale can not be set to a one which supports UTF-8." => "De systeemtaal kan niet worden ingesteld op een taal die UTF-8 ondersteunt.",
"This means that there might be problems with certain characters in file names." => "Dat betekent dat er problemen kunnen optreden met bepaalde tekens in bestandsnamen.",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/sr@latin.php b/settings/l10n/sr@latin.php
index 3e26ecdc423..0cc10142c9e 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/sr@latin.php
+++ b/settings/l10n/sr@latin.php
@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Language changed" => "Jezik je izmenjen",
"Invalid request" => "Neispravan zahtev",
"Error" => "Greška",
+"Very weak password" => "Veoma slaba lozinka",
+"Weak password" => "Slaba lozinka",
+"So-so password" => "Osrednja lozinka",
+"Good password" => "Dobra lozinka",
+"Strong password" => "Jaka lozinka",
"Groups" => "Grupe",
"Delete" => "Obriši",
"Security Warning" => "Bezbednosno upozorenje",