path: root/tests/lib/LegacyHelperTest.php
diff options
authorJoas Schilling <>2016-05-19 09:38:52 +0200
committerJoas Schilling <>2016-05-19 09:38:52 +0200
commit9a4253ef7c34f9dc71a6a9f7828a10df769f0c32 (patch)
treefebe8415af243c7f69867d095a3f281c65071d40 /tests/lib/LegacyHelperTest.php
parent55fc6536d33bd044a72437ac61d3c5ade09111cb (diff)
Fix lib/
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/lib/LegacyHelperTest.php')
1 files changed, 301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/lib/LegacyHelperTest.php b/tests/lib/LegacyHelperTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d8b1a82c271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lib/LegacyHelperTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2012 Lukas Reschke <>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ */
+namespace Test;
+use OC_Helper;
+class LegacyHelperTest extends \Test\TestCase {
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider humanFileSizeProvider
+ */
+ public function testHumanFileSize($expected, $input)
+ {
+ $result = OC_Helper::humanFileSize($input);
+ $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
+ }
+ public function humanFileSizeProvider()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('0 B', 0),
+ array('1 KB', 1024),
+ array('9.5 MB', 10000000),
+ array('1.3 GB', 1395864371),
+ array('465.7 GB', 500000000000),
+ array('454.7 TB', 500000000000000),
+ array('444.1 PB', 500000000000000000),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider phpFileSizeProvider
+ */
+ public function testPhpFileSize($expected, $input)
+ {
+ $result = OC_Helper::phpFileSize($input);
+ $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
+ }
+ public function phpFileSizeProvider()
+ {
+ return array(
+ array('0B', 0),
+ array('1K', 1024),
+ array('9.5M', 10000000),
+ array('1.3G', 1395864371),
+ array('465.7G', 500000000000),
+ array('465661.3G', 500000000000000),
+ array('465661287.3G', 500000000000000000),
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider providesComputerFileSize
+ */
+ function testComputerFileSize($expected, $input) {
+ $result = OC_Helper::computerFileSize($input);
+ $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
+ }
+ function providesComputerFileSize(){
+ return [
+ [0.0, "0 B"],
+ [1024.0, "1 KB"],
+ [1395864371.0, '1.3 GB'],
+ [9961472.0, "9.5 MB"],
+ [500041567437.0, "465.7 GB"],
+ [false, "12 GB etfrhzui"]
+ ];
+ }
+ function testIsSubDirectory() {
+ $result = OC_Helper::isSubDirectory("./data/", "/anotherDirectory/");
+ $this->assertFalse($result);
+ $result = OC_Helper::isSubDirectory("./data/", "./data/");
+ $this->assertTrue($result);
+ mkdir("data/TestSubdirectory", 0777);
+ $result = OC_Helper::isSubDirectory("data/TestSubdirectory/", "data");
+ rmdir("data/TestSubdirectory");
+ $this->assertTrue($result);
+ }
+ function testMb_array_change_key_case() {
+ $arrayStart = array(
+ "Foo" => "bar",
+ "Bar" => "foo",
+ );
+ $arrayResult = array(
+ "foo" => "bar",
+ "bar" => "foo",
+ );
+ $result = OC_Helper::mb_array_change_key_case($arrayStart);
+ $expected = $arrayResult;
+ $this->assertEquals($result, $expected);
+ $arrayStart = array(
+ "foo" => "bar",
+ "bar" => "foo",
+ );
+ $arrayResult = array(
+ "FOO" => "bar",
+ "BAR" => "foo",
+ );
+ $result = OC_Helper::mb_array_change_key_case($arrayStart, MB_CASE_UPPER);
+ $expected = $arrayResult;
+ $this->assertEquals($result, $expected);
+ }
+ function testRecursiveArraySearch() {
+ $haystack = array(
+ "Foo" => "own",
+ "Bar" => "Cloud",
+ );
+ $result = OC_Helper::recursiveArraySearch($haystack, "own");
+ $expected = "Foo";
+ $this->assertEquals($result, $expected);
+ $result = OC_Helper::recursiveArraySearch($haystack, "NotFound");
+ $this->assertFalse($result);
+ }
+ function testBuildNotExistingFileNameForView() {
+ $viewMock = $this->getMock('\OC\Files\View', array(), array(), '', false);
+ $this->assertEquals('/filename', OC_Helper::buildNotExistingFileNameForView('/', 'filename', $viewMock));
+ $this->assertEquals('dir/filename.ext', OC_Helper::buildNotExistingFileNameForView('dir', 'filename.ext', $viewMock));
+ $viewMock->expects($this->at(0))
+ ->method('file_exists')
+ ->will($this->returnValue(true)); // filename.ext exists
+ $this->assertEquals('dir/filename (2).ext', OC_Helper::buildNotExistingFileNameForView('dir', 'filename.ext', $viewMock));
+ $viewMock->expects($this->at(0))
+ ->method('file_exists')
+ ->will($this->returnValue(true)); // filename.ext exists
+ $viewMock->expects($this->at(1))
+ ->method('file_exists')
+ ->will($this->returnValue(true)); // filename (2).ext exists
+ $this->assertEquals('dir/filename (3).ext', OC_Helper::buildNotExistingFileNameForView('dir', 'filename.ext', $viewMock));
+ $viewMock->expects($this->at(0))
+ ->method('file_exists')
+ ->will($this->returnValue(true)); // filename (1).ext exists
+ $this->assertEquals('dir/filename (2).ext', OC_Helper::buildNotExistingFileNameForView('dir', 'filename (1).ext', $viewMock));
+ $viewMock->expects($this->at(0))
+ ->method('file_exists')
+ ->will($this->returnValue(true)); // filename (2).ext exists
+ $this->assertEquals('dir/filename (3).ext', OC_Helper::buildNotExistingFileNameForView('dir', 'filename (2).ext', $viewMock));
+ $viewMock->expects($this->at(0))
+ ->method('file_exists')
+ ->will($this->returnValue(true)); // filename (2).ext exists
+ $viewMock->expects($this->at(1))
+ ->method('file_exists')
+ ->will($this->returnValue(true)); // filename (3).ext exists
+ $this->assertEquals('dir/filename (4).ext', OC_Helper::buildNotExistingFileNameForView('dir', 'filename (2).ext', $viewMock));
+ $viewMock->expects($this->at(0))
+ ->method('file_exists')
+ ->will($this->returnValue(true)); // filename(1).ext exists
+ $this->assertEquals('dir/filename(2).ext', OC_Helper::buildNotExistingFileNameForView('dir', 'filename(1).ext', $viewMock));
+ $viewMock->expects($this->at(0))
+ ->method('file_exists')
+ ->will($this->returnValue(true)); // filename(1) (1).ext exists
+ $this->assertEquals('dir/filename(1) (2).ext', OC_Helper::buildNotExistingFileNameForView('dir', 'filename(1) (1).ext', $viewMock));
+ $viewMock->expects($this->at(0))
+ ->method('file_exists')
+ ->will($this->returnValue(true)); // filename(1) (1).ext exists
+ $viewMock->expects($this->at(1))
+ ->method('file_exists')
+ ->will($this->returnValue(true)); // filename(1) (2).ext exists
+ $this->assertEquals('dir/filename(1) (3).ext', OC_Helper::buildNotExistingFileNameForView('dir', 'filename(1) (1).ext', $viewMock));
+ $viewMock->expects($this->at(0))
+ ->method('file_exists')
+ ->will($this->returnValue(true)); // filename(1) (2) (3).ext exists
+ $this->assertEquals('dir/filename(1) (2) (4).ext', OC_Helper::buildNotExistingFileNameForView('dir', 'filename(1) (2) (3).ext', $viewMock));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider streamCopyDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testStreamCopy($expectedCount, $expectedResult, $source, $target) {
+ if (is_string($source)) {
+ $source = fopen($source, 'r');
+ }
+ if (is_string($target)) {
+ $target = fopen($target, 'w');
+ }
+ list($count, $result) = \OC_Helper::streamCopy($source, $target);
+ if (is_resource($source)) {
+ fclose($source);
+ }
+ if (is_resource($target)) {
+ fclose($target);
+ }
+ $this->assertSame($expectedCount, $count);
+ $this->assertSame($expectedResult, $result);
+ }
+ function streamCopyDataProvider() {
+ return array(
+ array(0, false, false, false),
+ array(0, false, \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/lorem.txt', false),
+ array(filesize(\OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/lorem.txt'), true, \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/lorem.txt', \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/lorem-copy.txt'),
+ array(3670, true, \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/testimage.png', \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/testimage-copy.png'),
+ );
+ }
+ // Url generator methods
+ /**
+ * @small
+ * test linkToPublic URL construction
+ */
+ public function testLinkToPublic() {
+ \OC::$WEBROOT = '';
+ $result = \OC_Helper::linkToPublic('files');
+ $this->assertEquals('http://localhost/s', $result);
+ $result = \OC_Helper::linkToPublic('files', false);
+ $this->assertEquals('http://localhost/s', $result);
+ $result = \OC_Helper::linkToPublic('files', true);
+ $this->assertEquals('http://localhost/s/', $result);
+ $result = \OC_Helper::linkToPublic('other');
+ $this->assertEquals('http://localhost/public.php?service=other', $result);
+ $result = \OC_Helper::linkToPublic('other', false);
+ $this->assertEquals('http://localhost/public.php?service=other', $result);
+ $result = \OC_Helper::linkToPublic('other', true);
+ $this->assertEquals('http://localhost/public.php?service=other/', $result);
+ \OC::$WEBROOT = '/owncloud';
+ $result = \OC_Helper::linkToPublic('files');
+ $this->assertEquals('http://localhost/owncloud/s', $result);
+ $result = \OC_Helper::linkToPublic('files', false);
+ $this->assertEquals('http://localhost/owncloud/s', $result);
+ $result = \OC_Helper::linkToPublic('files', true);
+ $this->assertEquals('http://localhost/owncloud/s/', $result);
+ $result = \OC_Helper::linkToPublic('other');
+ $this->assertEquals('http://localhost/owncloud/public.php?service=other', $result);
+ $result = \OC_Helper::linkToPublic('other', false);
+ $this->assertEquals('http://localhost/owncloud/public.php?service=other', $result);
+ $result = \OC_Helper::linkToPublic('other', true);
+ $this->assertEquals('http://localhost/owncloud/public.php?service=other/', $result);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Tests recursive folder deletion with rmdirr()
+ */
+ public function testRecursiveFolderDeletion() {
+ $baseDir = \OC::$server->getTempManager()->getTemporaryFolder() . '/';
+ mkdir($baseDir . 'a/b/c/d/e', 0777, true);
+ mkdir($baseDir . 'a/b/c1/d/e', 0777, true);
+ mkdir($baseDir . 'a/b/c2/d/e', 0777, true);
+ mkdir($baseDir . 'a/b1/c1/d/e', 0777, true);
+ mkdir($baseDir . 'a/b2/c1/d/e', 0777, true);
+ mkdir($baseDir . 'a/b3/c1/d/e', 0777, true);
+ mkdir($baseDir . 'a1/b', 0777, true);
+ mkdir($baseDir . 'a1/c', 0777, true);
+ file_put_contents($baseDir . 'a/test.txt', 'Hello file!');
+ file_put_contents($baseDir . 'a/b1/c1/test one.txt', 'Hello file one!');
+ file_put_contents($baseDir . 'a1/b/test two.txt', 'Hello file two!');
+ \OC_Helper::rmdirr($baseDir . 'a');
+ $this->assertFalse(file_exists($baseDir . 'a'));
+ $this->assertTrue(file_exists($baseDir . 'a1'));
+ \OC_Helper::rmdirr($baseDir);
+ $this->assertFalse(file_exists($baseDir));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Allows us to test private methods/properties
+ *
+ * @param $object
+ * @param $methodName
+ * @param array $parameters
+ * @return mixed
+ * @deprecated Please extend \Test\TestCase and use self::invokePrivate() then
+ */
+ public static function invokePrivate($object, $methodName, array $parameters = array()) {
+ return parent::invokePrivate($object, $methodName, $parameters);
+ }