path: root/tests
diff options
authorRobin Appelman <icewind@owncloud.com>2014-03-11 13:04:20 +0100
committerRobin Appelman <icewind@owncloud.com>2014-03-11 13:04:20 +0100
commitd55c7223a96e259543d28f53474a17525fdac25f (patch)
treec2acd009ea815b0df04d608235a785990cea3f4d /tests
parent06c6163265bf10e7aa84c2621d58323b3ad94963 (diff)
parentc1cb9ee9b0b19e17ddde046642fa01d52cda63bf (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into foldersize-reuse
Conflicts: lib/private/files/cache/homecache.php
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
3 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/lib/files/storage/wrapper/quota.php b/tests/lib/files/storage/wrapper/quota.php
index 43eae78415d..bd2c69a7396 100644
--- a/tests/lib/files/storage/wrapper/quota.php
+++ b/tests/lib/files/storage/wrapper/quota.php
@@ -53,6 +53,22 @@ class Quota extends \Test\Files\Storage\Storage {
$this->assertEquals(9, $instance->free_space(''));
+ public function testFreeSpaceWithUsedSpace() {
+ $instance = $this->getLimitedStorage(9);
+ $instance->getCache()->put(
+ '', array('size' => 3, 'unencrypted_size' => 0)
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(6, $instance->free_space(''));
+ }
+ public function testFreeSpaceWithUsedSpaceAndEncryption() {
+ $instance = $this->getLimitedStorage(9);
+ $instance->getCache()->put(
+ '', array('size' => 7, 'unencrypted_size' => 3)
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(6, $instance->free_space(''));
+ }
public function testFWriteNotEnoughSpace() {
$instance = $this->getLimitedStorage(9);
$stream = $instance->fopen('foo', 'w+');
diff --git a/tests/lib/helperstorage.php b/tests/lib/helperstorage.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..010a54e3bb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lib/helperstorage.php
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2014 Vincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ */
+ * Test the storage functions of OC_Helper
+ */
+class Test_Helper_Storage extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ private $user;
+ private $storageMock;
+ public function setUp() {
+ $this->user = 'user_' . uniqid();
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::init($this->user, '/' . $this->user . '/files');
+ $this->storageMock = $this->getMock(
+ '\OC\Files\Storage\Temporary',
+ array('free_space'),
+ array('')
+ );
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::clearMounts();
+ $this->storageMock->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('free_space')
+ ->will($this->returnValue(12));
+ }
+ public function tearDown() {
+ $this->user = null;
+ $this->storageMock->getCache()->clear();
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::tearDown();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test getting the storage info
+ */
+ function testGetStorageInfo() {
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($this->storageMock, array(), '/' . $this->user . '/files');
+ $this->storageMock->file_put_contents('test.txt', '01234');
+ $storageInfo = \OC_Helper::getStorageInfo('');
+ $this->assertEquals(12, $storageInfo['free']);
+ $this->assertEquals(5, $storageInfo['used']);
+ $this->assertEquals(17, $storageInfo['total']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test getting the storage info with quota enabled
+ */
+ function testGetStorageInfoWithQuota() {
+ $this->storageMock->file_put_contents('test.txt', '01234');
+ $this->storageMock = new \OC\Files\Storage\Wrapper\Quota(
+ array(
+ 'storage' => $this->storageMock,
+ 'quota' => 7
+ )
+ );
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($this->storageMock, array(), '/' . $this->user . '/files');
+ $storageInfo = \OC_Helper::getStorageInfo('');
+ $this->assertEquals(2, $storageInfo['free']);
+ $this->assertEquals(5, $storageInfo['used']);
+ $this->assertEquals(7, $storageInfo['total']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test getting the storage info when data exceeds quota
+ */
+ function testGetStorageInfoWhenSizeExceedsQuota() {
+ $this->storageMock->file_put_contents('test.txt', '0123456789');
+ $this->storageMock = new \OC\Files\Storage\Wrapper\Quota(
+ array(
+ 'storage' => $this->storageMock,
+ 'quota' => 7
+ )
+ );
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($this->storageMock, array(), '/' . $this->user . '/files');
+ $storageInfo = \OC_Helper::getStorageInfo('');
+ $this->assertEquals(0, $storageInfo['free']);
+ $this->assertEquals(10, $storageInfo['used']);
+ // total = quota
+ $this->assertEquals(7, $storageInfo['total']);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test getting the storage info when the remaining
+ * free storage space is less than the quota
+ */
+ function testGetStorageInfoWhenFreeSpaceLessThanQuota() {
+ $this->storageMock->file_put_contents('test.txt', '01234');
+ $this->storageMock = new \OC\Files\Storage\Wrapper\Quota(
+ array(
+ 'storage' => $this->storageMock,
+ 'quota' => 18
+ )
+ );
+ \OC\Files\Filesystem::mount($this->storageMock, array(), '/' . $this->user . '/files');
+ $storageInfo = \OC_Helper::getStorageInfo('');
+ $this->assertEquals(12, $storageInfo['free']);
+ $this->assertEquals(5, $storageInfo['used']);
+ // total = free + used (because quota > total)
+ $this->assertEquals(17, $storageInfo['total']);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/lib/request.php b/tests/lib/request.php
index 1d77acc70ae..bff84e1b03f 100644
--- a/tests/lib/request.php
+++ b/tests/lib/request.php
@@ -135,4 +135,141 @@ class Test_Request extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ public function testInsecureServerHost() {
+ unset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
+ unset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
+ $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] = 'from.server.name:8080';
+ $host = OC_Request::insecureServerHost();
+ $this->assertEquals('from.server.name:8080', $host);
+ $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'from.host.header:8080';
+ $host = OC_Request::insecureServerHost();
+ $this->assertEquals('from.host.header:8080', $host);
+ $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] = 'from.forwarded.host:8080';
+ $host = OC_Request::insecureServerHost();
+ $this->assertEquals('from.forwarded.host:8080', $host);
+ $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] = 'from.forwarded.host2:8080,another.one:9000';
+ $host = OC_Request::insecureServerHost();
+ $this->assertEquals('from.forwarded.host2:8080', $host);
+ // clean up
+ unset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
+ unset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
+ }
+ public function testGetOverwriteHost() {
+ unset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
+ OC_Config::deleteKey('overwritecondaddr');
+ OC_Config::deleteKey('overwritehost');
+ $host = OC_Request::getOverwriteHost();
+ $this->assertNull($host);
+ OC_Config::setValue('overwritehost', '');
+ $host = OC_Request::getOverwriteHost();
+ $this->assertNull($host);
+ OC_Config::setValue('overwritehost', 'host.one.test:8080');
+ $host = OC_Request::getOverwriteHost();
+ $this->assertEquals('host.one.test:8080', $host);
+ $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = 'somehost.test:8080';
+ OC_Config::setValue('overwritecondaddr', '^somehost\..*$');
+ $host = OC_Request::getOverwriteHost();
+ $this->assertEquals('host.one.test:8080', $host);
+ OC_Config::setValue('overwritecondaddr', '^somethingelse.*$');
+ $host = OC_Request::getOverwriteHost();
+ $this->assertNull($host);
+ // clean up
+ unset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
+ OC_Config::deleteKey('overwritecondaddr');
+ OC_Config::deleteKey('overwritehost');
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider trustedDomainDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testIsTrustedDomain($trustedDomains, $testDomain, $result) {
+ OC_Config::deleteKey('trusted_domains');
+ if ($trustedDomains !== null) {
+ OC_Config::setValue('trusted_domains', $trustedDomains);
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals($result, OC_Request::isTrustedDomain($testDomain));
+ // clean up
+ OC_Config::deleteKey('trusted_domains');
+ }
+ public function trustedDomainDataProvider() {
+ $trustedHostTestList = array('host.one.test:8080', 'host.two.test:8080');
+ return array(
+ // empty defaults to true
+ array(null, 'host.one.test:8080', true),
+ array('', 'host.one.test:8080', true),
+ array(array(), 'host.one.test:8080', true),
+ // trust list when defined
+ array($trustedHostTestList, 'host.two.test:8080', true),
+ array($trustedHostTestList, 'host.two.test:9999', false),
+ array($trustedHostTestList, 'host.three.test:8080', false),
+ // trust localhost regardless of trust list
+ array($trustedHostTestList, 'localhost', true),
+ array($trustedHostTestList, 'localhost:8080', true),
+ array($trustedHostTestList, '', true),
+ array($trustedHostTestList, '', true),
+ // do not trust invalid localhosts
+ array($trustedHostTestList, 'localhost:1:2', false),
+ array($trustedHostTestList, 'localhost: evil.host', false),
+ );
+ }
+ public function testServerHost() {
+ OC_Config::deleteKey('overwritecondaddr');
+ OC_Config::setValue('overwritehost', 'overwritten.host:8080');
+ OC_Config::setValue(
+ 'trusted_domains',
+ array(
+ 'trusted.host:8080',
+ 'second.trusted.host:8080'
+ )
+ );
+ $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'trusted.host:8080';
+ // CLI always gives localhost
+ $oldCLI = OC::$CLI;
+ OC::$CLI = true;
+ $host = OC_Request::serverHost();
+ $this->assertEquals('localhost', $host);
+ OC::$CLI = false;
+ // overwritehost overrides trusted domain
+ $host = OC_Request::serverHost();
+ $this->assertEquals('overwritten.host:8080', $host);
+ // trusted domain returned when used
+ OC_Config::deleteKey('overwritehost');
+ $host = OC_Request::serverHost();
+ $this->assertEquals('trusted.host:8080', $host);
+ // trusted domain returned when untrusted one in header
+ $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'untrusted.host:8080';
+ OC_Config::deleteKey('overwritehost');
+ $host = OC_Request::serverHost();
+ $this->assertEquals('trusted.host:8080', $host);
+ // clean up
+ OC_Config::deleteKey('overwritecondaddr');
+ OC_Config::deleteKey('overwritehost');
+ unset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
+ OC::$CLI = $oldCLI;
+ }