path: root/tests
diff options
authorGeorg Ehrke <>2013-08-29 10:50:55 +0200
committerGeorg Ehrke <>2013-08-29 10:50:55 +0200
commitb7758d0f8d52b2f9653cfee549558327c00c8e01 (patch)
tree309fb713ed25f35f746c59c668521bf9023bc331 /tests
parent70b6e2161ec654f7049027bf6dc5072c1eda4d5e (diff)
parentea6e74ca9546ca95b3a6372c6106cd8ab2ea2ee9 (diff)
Merge master into oc_preview
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
3 files changed, 238 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/tests/lib/appconfig.php b/tests/lib/appconfig.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4d82cd5ba7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lib/appconfig.php
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 Christopher Schäpers <>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ */
+class Test_Appconfig extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO `*PREFIX*appconfig` VALUES (?, ?, ?)');
+ $query->execute(array('testapp', 'enabled', 'true'));
+ $query->execute(array('testapp', 'installed_version', '1.2.3'));
+ $query->execute(array('testapp', 'depends_on', 'someapp'));
+ $query->execute(array('testapp', 'deletethis', 'deletethis'));
+ $query->execute(array('testapp', 'key', 'value'));
+ $query->execute(array('someapp', 'key', 'value'));
+ $query->execute(array('someapp', 'otherkey', 'othervalue'));
+ $query->execute(array('123456', 'key', 'value'));
+ $query->execute(array('123456', 'enabled', 'false'));
+ $query->execute(array('anotherapp', 'key', 'value'));
+ $query->execute(array('anotherapp', 'enabled', 'false'));
+ }
+ public static function tearDownAfterClass() {
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM `*PREFIX*appconfig` WHERE `appid` = ?');
+ $query->execute(array('testapp'));
+ $query->execute(array('someapp'));
+ $query->execute(array('123456'));
+ $query->execute(array('anotherapp'));
+ }
+ public function testGetApps() {
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT DISTINCT `appid` FROM `*PREFIX*appconfig`');
+ $result = $query->execute();
+ $expected = array();
+ while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
+ $expected[] = $row['appid'];
+ }
+ $apps = \OC_Appconfig::getApps();
+ $this->assertEquals($expected, $apps);
+ }
+ public function testGetKeys() {
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configkey` FROM `*PREFIX*appconfig` WHERE `appid` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('testapp'));
+ $expected = array();
+ while($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
+ $expected[] = $row["configkey"];
+ }
+ $keys = \OC_Appconfig::getKeys('testapp');
+ $this->assertEquals($expected, $keys);
+ }
+ public function testGetValue() {
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*appconfig` WHERE `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('testapp', 'installed_version'));
+ $expected = $result->fetchRow();
+ $value = \OC_Appconfig::getValue('testapp', 'installed_version');
+ $this->assertEquals($expected['configvalue'], $value);
+ $value = \OC_Appconfig::getValue('testapp', 'nonexistant');
+ $this->assertNull($value);
+ $value = \OC_Appconfig::getValue('testapp', 'nonexistant', 'default');
+ $this->assertEquals('default', $value);
+ }
+ public function testHasKey() {
+ $value = \OC_Appconfig::hasKey('testapp', 'installed_version');
+ $this->assertTrue($value);
+ $value = \OC_Appconfig::hasKey('nonexistant', 'nonexistant');
+ $this->assertFalse($value);
+ }
+ public function testSetValue() {
+ \OC_Appconfig::setValue('testapp', 'installed_version', '1.33.7');
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*appconfig` WHERE `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('testapp', 'installed_version'));
+ $value = $result->fetchRow();
+ $this->assertEquals('1.33.7', $value['configvalue']);
+ \OC_Appconfig::setValue('someapp', 'somekey', 'somevalue');
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*appconfig` WHERE `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
+ $result = $query->execute(array('someapp', 'somekey'));
+ $value = $result->fetchRow();
+ $this->assertEquals('somevalue', $value['configvalue']);
+ }
+ public function testDeleteKey() {
+ \OC_Appconfig::deleteKey('testapp', 'deletethis');
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*appconfig` WHERE `appid` = ? AND `configkey` = ?');
+ $query->execute(array('testapp', 'deletethis'));
+ $result = (bool)$query->fetchRow();
+ $this->assertFalse($result);
+ }
+ public function testDeleteApp() {
+ \OC_Appconfig::deleteApp('someapp');
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configkey` FROM `*PREFIX*appconfig` WHERE `appid` = ?');
+ $query->execute(array('someapp'));
+ $result = (bool)$query->fetchRow();
+ $this->assertFalse($result);
+ }
+ public function testGetValues() {
+ $this->assertFalse(\OC_Appconfig::getValues('testapp', 'enabled'));
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `configkey`, `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*appconfig` WHERE `appid` = ?');
+ $query->execute(array('testapp'));
+ $expected = array();
+ while ($row = $query->fetchRow()) {
+ $expected[$row['configkey']] = $row['configvalue'];
+ }
+ $values = \OC_Appconfig::getValues('testapp', false);
+ $this->assertEquals($expected, $values);
+ $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT `appid`, `configvalue` FROM `*PREFIX*appconfig` WHERE `configkey` = ?');
+ $query->execute(array('enabled'));
+ $expected = array();
+ while ($row = $query->fetchRow()) {
+ $expected[$row['appid']] = $row['configvalue'];
+ }
+ $values = \OC_Appconfig::getValues(false, 'enabled');
+ $this->assertEquals($expected, $values);
+ }
diff --git a/tests/lib/connector/sabre/quotaplugin.php b/tests/lib/connector/sabre/quotaplugin.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1186de28742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/lib/connector/sabre/quotaplugin.php
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2013 Thomas Müller <>
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
+ * later.
+ * See the COPYING-README file.
+ */
+class Test_OC_Connector_Sabre_QuotaPlugin extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ /**
+ * @var Sabre_DAV_Server
+ */
+ private $server;
+ /**
+ * @var OC_Connector_Sabre_QuotaPlugin
+ */
+ private $plugin;
+ public function setUp() {
+ $this->server = new Sabre_DAV_Server();
+ $this->plugin = new OC_Connector_Sabre_QuotaPlugin();
+ $this->plugin->initialize($this->server);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider lengthProvider
+ */
+ public function testLength($expected, $headers)
+ {
+ $this->server->httpRequest = new Sabre_HTTP_Request($headers);
+ $length = $this->plugin->getLength();
+ $this->assertEquals($expected, $length);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider quotaOkayProvider
+ */
+ public function testCheckQuota($quota, $headers)
+ {
+ $this->plugin->fileView = $this->buildFileViewMock($quota);
+ $this->server->httpRequest = new Sabre_HTTP_Request($headers);
+ $result = $this->plugin->checkQuota('');
+ $this->assertTrue($result);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @expectedException Sabre_DAV_Exception_InsufficientStorage
+ * @dataProvider quotaExceededProvider
+ */
+ public function testCheckExceededQuota($quota, $headers)
+ {
+ $this->plugin->fileView = $this->buildFileViewMock($quota);
+ $this->server->httpRequest = new Sabre_HTTP_Request($headers);
+ $this->plugin->checkQuota('');
+ }
+ public function quotaOkayProvider() {
+ return array(
+ array(1024, array()),
+ array(1024, array('HTTP_X_EXPECTED_ENTITY_LENGTH' => '1024')),
+ array(1024, array('HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH' => '512')),
+ array(1024, array('HTTP_OC_TOTAL_LENGTH' => '1024', 'HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH' => '512')),
+ array(-2, array()),
+ array(-2, array('HTTP_X_EXPECTED_ENTITY_LENGTH' => '1024')),
+ array(-2, array('HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH' => '512')),
+ array(-2, array('HTTP_OC_TOTAL_LENGTH' => '1024', 'HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH' => '512')),
+ );
+ }
+ public function quotaExceededProvider() {
+ return array(
+ array(1023, array('HTTP_X_EXPECTED_ENTITY_LENGTH' => '1024')),
+ array(511, array('HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH' => '512')),
+ array(2047, array('HTTP_OC_TOTAL_LENGTH' => '2048', 'HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH' => '1024')),
+ );
+ }
+ public function lengthProvider() {
+ return array(
+ array(null, array()),
+ array(1024, array('HTTP_X_EXPECTED_ENTITY_LENGTH' => '1024')),
+ array(512, array('HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH' => '512')),
+ array(2048, array('HTTP_OC_TOTAL_LENGTH' => '2048', 'HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH' => '1024')),
+ array(4096, array('HTTP_OC_TOTAL_LENGTH' => '2048', 'HTTP_X_EXPECTED_ENTITY_LENGTH' => '4096')),
+ );
+ }
+ private function buildFileViewMock($quota) {
+ // mock filesysten
+ $view = $this->getMock('\OC\Files\View', array('free_space'), array(), '', FALSE);
+ $view->expects($this->any())->method('free_space')->withAnyParameters()->will($this->returnValue($quota));
+ return $view;
+ }
diff --git a/tests/lib/group/group.php b/tests/lib/group/group.php
index 75e975d9e65..f1fda3b9288 100644
--- a/tests/lib/group/group.php
+++ b/tests/lib/group/group.php
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ class Group extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$users = $group->getUsers();
$this->assertEquals(2, count($users));
- $user1 = $users[0];
- $user2 = $users[1];
+ $user1 = $users['user1'];
+ $user2 = $users['user2'];
$this->assertEquals('user1', $user1->getUID());
$this->assertEquals('user2', $user2->getUID());
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ class Group extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$users = $group->getUsers();
$this->assertEquals(3, count($users));
- $user1 = $users[0];
- $user2 = $users[1];
- $user3 = $users[2];
+ $user1 = $users['user1'];
+ $user2 = $users['user2'];
+ $user3 = $users['user3'];
$this->assertEquals('user1', $user1->getUID());
$this->assertEquals('user2', $user2->getUID());
$this->assertEquals('user3', $user3->getUID());