path: root/3rdparty/simpletest/docs/en/unit_test_documentation.html
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-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
-<title>SimpleTest for PHP regression test documentation</title>
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-<a href="index.html">SimpleTest</a>
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- <a href="overview.html">Overview</a>
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- <span class="chosen">Unit tester</span>
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- <a href="mock_objects_documentation.html">Mock objects</a>
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- <a href="partial_mocks_documentation.html">Partial mocks</a>
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- <a href="reporter_documentation.html">Reporting</a>
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- <a href="expectation_documentation.html">Expectations</a>
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- <a href="web_tester_documentation.html">Web tester</a>
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- <a href="form_testing_documentation.html">Testing forms</a>
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- <a href="authentication_documentation.html">Authentication</a>
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- <a href="browser_documentation.html">Scriptable browser</a>
-<h1>PHP Unit Test documentation</h1>
- This page...
- <ul>
- <a href="#unit">Unit test cases</a> and basic assertions.
- </li>
- <a href="#extending_unit">Extending test cases</a> to
- customise them for your own project.
- </li>
- <a href="#running_unit">Running a single case</a> as
- a single script.
- </li>
-<div class="content">
- <h2>
-<a class="target" name="unit"></a>Unit test cases</h2>
- <p>
- The core system is a regression testing framework built around
- test cases.
- A sample test case looks like this...
-<strong>class FileTestCase extends UnitTestCase {
- Actual tests are added as methods in the test case whose names
- by default start with the string "test" and
- when the test case is invoked all such methods are run in
- the order that PHP introspection finds them.
- As many test methods can be added as needed.
- </p>
- <p>
- For example...
-class FileTestCase extends UnitTestCase {
- function FileTestCase() {
- $this-&gt;UnitTestCase('File test');
- }<strong>
- function setUp() {
- @unlink('../temp/test.txt');
- }
- function tearDown() {
- @unlink('../temp/test.txt');
- }
- function testCreation() {
- $writer = &amp;new FileWriter('../temp/test.txt');
- $writer-&gt;write('Hello');
- $this-&gt;assertTrue(file_exists('../temp/test.txt'), 'File created');
- }</strong>
- The constructor is optional and usually omitted.
- Without a name, the class name is taken as the name of the test case.
- </p>
- <p>
- Our only test method at the moment is <span class="new_code">testCreation()</span>
- where we check that a file has been created by our
- <span class="new_code">Writer</span> object.
- We could have put the <span class="new_code">unlink()</span>
- code into this method as well, but by placing it in
- <span class="new_code">setUp()</span> and
- <span class="new_code">tearDown()</span> we can use it with
- other test methods that we add.
- </p>
- <p>
- The <span class="new_code">setUp()</span> method is run
- just before each and every test method.
- <span class="new_code">tearDown()</span> is run just after
- each and every test method.
- </p>
- <p>
- You can place some test case set up into the constructor to
- be run once for all the methods in the test case, but
- you risk test interference that way.
- This way is slightly slower, but it is safer.
- Note that if you come from a JUnit background this will not
- be the behaviour you are used to.
- JUnit surprisingly reinstantiates the test case for each test
- method to prevent such interference.
- SimpleTest requires the end user to use <span class="new_code">setUp()</span>, but
- supplies additional hooks for library writers.
- </p>
- <p>
- The means of reporting test results (see below) are by a
- visiting display class
- that is notified by various <span class="new_code">assert...()</span>
- methods.
- Here is the full list for the <span class="new_code">UnitTestCase</span>
- class, the default for SimpleTest...
- <table><tbody>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assertTrue($x)</span></td>
-<td>Fail if $x is false</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assertFalse($x)</span></td>
-<td>Fail if $x is true</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assertNull($x)</span></td>
-<td>Fail if $x is set</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assertNotNull($x)</span></td>
-<td>Fail if $x not set</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assertIsA($x, $t)</span></td>
-<td>Fail if $x is not the class or type $t</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assertNotA($x, $t)</span></td>
-<td>Fail if $x is of the class or type $t</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assertEqual($x, $y)</span></td>
-<td>Fail if $x == $y is false</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assertNotEqual($x, $y)</span></td>
-<td>Fail if $x == $y is true</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assertWithinMargin($x, $y, $m)</span></td>
-<td>Fail if abs($x - $y) &lt; $m is false</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assertOutsideMargin($x, $y, $m)</span></td>
-<td>Fail if abs($x - $y) &lt; $m is true</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assertIdentical($x, $y)</span></td>
-<td>Fail if $x == $y is false or a type mismatch</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assertNotIdentical($x, $y)</span></td>
-<td>Fail if $x == $y is true and types match</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assertReference($x, $y)</span></td>
-<td>Fail unless $x and $y are the same variable</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assertClone($x, $y)</span></td>
-<td>Fail unless $x and $y are identical copies</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assertPattern($p, $x)</span></td>
-<td>Fail unless the regex $p matches $x</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assertNoPattern($p, $x)</span></td>
-<td>Fail if the regex $p matches $x</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">expectError($x)</span></td>
-<td>Fail if matching error does not occour</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">expectException($x)</span></td>
-<td>Fail if matching exception is not thrown</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">ignoreException($x)</span></td>
-<td>Swallows any upcoming matching exception</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">assert($e)</span></td>
-<td>Fail on failed <a href="expectation_documentation.html">expectation</a> object $e</td>
- </tbody></table>
- All assertion methods can take an optional description as a
- last parameter.
- This is to label the displayed result with.
- If omitted a default message is sent instead, which is usually
- sufficient.
- This default message can still be embedded in your own message
- if you include "%s" within the string.
- All the assertions return true on a pass or false on failure.
- </p>
- <p>
- Some examples...
-$variable = null;
-<strong>$this-&gt;assertNull($variable, 'Should be cleared');</strong>
- ...will pass and normally show no message.
- If you have
- <a href="">set up the tester to display passes</a>
- as well then the message will be displayed as is.
-<strong>$this-&gt;assertIdentical(0, false, 'Zero is not false [%s]');</strong>
- This will fail as it performs a type
- check, as well as a comparison, between the two values.
- The "%s" part is replaced by the default
- error message that would have been shown if we had not
- supplied our own.
-$a = 1;
-$b = $a;
-<strong>$this-&gt;assertReference($a, $b);</strong>
- Will fail as the variable <span class="new_code">$a</span> is a copy of <span class="new_code">$b</span>.
-<strong>$this-&gt;assertPattern('/hello/i', 'Hello world');</strong>
- This will pass as using a case insensitive match the string
- <span class="new_code">hello</span> is contained in <span class="new_code">Hello world</span>.
- Here the check catches the "Catastrophe"
- message without checking the text and passes.
- This removes the error from the queue.
- The next error check tests not only the existence of the error,
- but also the text which, here matches so another pass.
- If any unchecked errors are left at the end of a test method then
- an exception will be reported in the test.
- </p>
- <p>
- Note that SimpleTest cannot catch compile time PHP errors.
- </p>
- <p>
- The test cases also have some convenience methods for debugging
- code or extending the suite...
- <table><tbody>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">setUp()</span></td>
-<td>Runs this before each test method</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">tearDown()</span></td>
-<td>Runs this after each test method</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">pass()</span></td>
-<td>Sends a test pass</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">fail()</span></td>
-<td>Sends a test failure</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">error()</span></td>
-<td>Sends an exception event</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">signal($type, $payload)</span></td>
-<td>Sends a user defined message to the test reporter</td>
- <tr>
-<td><span class="new_code">dump($var)</span></td>
-<td>Does a formatted <span class="new_code">print_r()</span> for quick and dirty debugging</td>
- </tbody></table>
- </p>
- <h2>
-<a class="target" name="extending_unit"></a>Extending test cases</h2>
- <p>
- Of course additional test methods can be added to create
- specific types of test case, so as to extend framework...
-class FileTester extends UnitTestCase {
- function FileTester($name = false) {
- $this-&gt;UnitTestCase($name);
- }
- function assertFileExists($filename, $message = '%s') {
- $this-&gt;assertTrue(
- file_exists($filename),
- sprintf($message, 'File [$filename] existence check'));
- }</strong>
- Here the SimpleTest library is held in a folder called
- <em>simpletest</em> that is local.
- Substitute your own path for this.
- </p>
- <p>
- To prevent this test case being run accidently, it is
- advisable to mark it as <span class="new_code">abstract</span>.
- </p>
- <p>
- Alternatively you could add a
- <span class="new_code">SimpleTestOptions::ignore('FileTester');</span>
- directive in your code.
- </p>
- <p>
- This new case can be now be inherited just like
- a normal test case...
-class FileTestCase extends <strong>FileTester</strong> {
- function setUp() {
- @unlink('../temp/test.txt');
- }
- function tearDown() {
- @unlink('../temp/test.txt');
- }
- function testCreation() {
- $writer = &amp;new FileWriter('../temp/test.txt');
- $writer-&gt;write('Hello');<strong>
- $this-&gt;assertFileExists('../temp/test.txt');</strong>
- }
- </p>
- <p>
- If you want a test case that does not have all of the
- <span class="new_code">UnitTestCase</span> assertions,
- only your own and a few basics,
- you need to extend the <span class="new_code">SimpleTestCase</span>
- class instead.
- It is found in <em>simple_test.php</em> rather than
- <em>unit_tester.php</em>.
- See <a href="group_test_documentation.html">later</a> if you
- want to incorporate other unit tester's
- test cases in your test suites.
- </p>
- <h2>
-<a class="target" name="running_unit"></a>Running a single test case</h2>
- <p>
- You won't often run single test cases except when bashing
- away at a module that is having difficulty, and you don't
- want to upset the main test suite.
- With <em>autorun</em> no particular scaffolding is needed,
- just launch your particular test file and you're ready to go.
- </p>
- <p>
- You can even decide which reporter (for example,
- <span class="new_code">TextReporter</span> or <span class="new_code">HtmlReporter</span>)
- you prefer for a specific file when launched on its own...
-SimpleTest :: prefer(new TextReporter());</strong>
-class FileTestCase extends UnitTestCase {
- ...
- This script will run as is, but of course will output zero passes
- and zero failures until test methods are added.
- </p>
- </div>
- References and related information...
- <ul>
- SimpleTest project page on <a href="">SourceForge</a>.
- </li>
- SimpleTest download page on <a href="">LastCraft</a>.
- </li>
- <a href="">Full API for SimpleTest</a>
- from the PHPDoc.
- </li>
-<div class="menu_back"><div class="menu">
-<a href="index.html">SimpleTest</a>
- |
- <a href="overview.html">Overview</a>
- |
- <span class="chosen">Unit tester</span>
- |
- <a href="group_test_documentation.html">Group tests</a>
- |
- <a href="mock_objects_documentation.html">Mock objects</a>
- |
- <a href="partial_mocks_documentation.html">Partial mocks</a>
- |
- <a href="reporter_documentation.html">Reporting</a>
- |
- <a href="expectation_documentation.html">Expectations</a>
- |
- <a href="web_tester_documentation.html">Web tester</a>
- |
- <a href="form_testing_documentation.html">Testing forms</a>
- |
- <a href="authentication_documentation.html">Authentication</a>
- |
- <a href="browser_documentation.html">Scriptable browser</a>
-<div class="copyright">
- Copyright<br>Marcus Baker 2006
- </div>