path: root/3rdparty/simpletest/test/encoding_test.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/simpletest/test/encoding_test.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 240 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/simpletest/test/encoding_test.php b/3rdparty/simpletest/test/encoding_test.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a09236e057c..00000000000
--- a/3rdparty/simpletest/test/encoding_test.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: encoding_test.php 1963 2009-10-07 11:57:52Z maetl_ $
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php');
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../url.php');
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../socket.php');
-class TestOfEncodedParts extends UnitTestCase {
- function testFormEncodedAsKeyEqualsValue() {
- $pair = new SimpleEncodedPair('a', 'A');
- $this->assertEqual($pair->asRequest(), 'a=A');
- }
- function testMimeEncodedAsHeadersAndContent() {
- $pair = new SimpleEncodedPair('a', 'A');
- $this->assertEqual(
- $pair->asMime(),
- "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"a\"\r\n\r\nA");
- }
- function testAttachmentEncodedAsHeadersWithDispositionAndContent() {
- $part = new SimpleAttachment('a', 'A', 'aaa.txt');
- $this->assertEqual(
- $part->asMime(),
- "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"a\"; filename=\"aaa.txt\"\r\n" .
- "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\nA");
- }
-class TestOfEncoding extends UnitTestCase {
- private $content_so_far;
- function write($content) {
- $this->content_so_far .= $content;
- }
- function clear() {
- $this->content_so_far = '';
- }
- function assertWritten($encoding, $content, $message = '%s') {
- $this->clear();
- $encoding->writeTo($this);
- $this->assertIdentical($this->content_so_far, $content, $message);
- }
- function testGetEmpty() {
- $encoding = new SimpleGetEncoding();
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), false);
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->asUrlRequest(), '');
- }
- function testPostEmpty() {
- $encoding = new SimplePostEncoding();
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), false);
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, '');
- }
- function testPrefilled() {
- $encoding = new SimplePostEncoding(array('a' => 'aaa'));
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), 'aaa');
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a=aaa');
- }
- function testPrefilledWithTwoLevels() {
- $query = array('a' => array('aa' => 'aaa'));
- $encoding = new SimplePostEncoding($query);
- $this->assertTrue($encoding->hasMoreThanOneLevel($query));
- $this->assertEqual($encoding->rewriteArrayWithMultipleLevels($query), array('a[aa]' => 'aaa'));
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a[aa]'), 'aaa');
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a%5Baa%5D=aaa');
- }
- function testPrefilledWithThreeLevels() {
- $query = array('a' => array('aa' => array('aaa' => 'aaaa')));
- $encoding = new SimplePostEncoding($query);
- $this->assertTrue($encoding->hasMoreThanOneLevel($query));
- $this->assertEqual($encoding->rewriteArrayWithMultipleLevels($query), array('a[aa][aaa]' => 'aaaa'));
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a[aa][aaa]'), 'aaaa');
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a%5Baa%5D%5Baaa%5D=aaaa');
- }
- function testPrefilledWithObject() {
- $encoding = new SimplePostEncoding(new SimpleEncoding(array('a' => 'aaa')));
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), 'aaa');
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a=aaa');
- }
- function testMultiplePrefilled() {
- $query = array('a' => array('a1', 'a2'));
- $encoding = new SimplePostEncoding($query);
- $this->assertTrue($encoding->hasMoreThanOneLevel($query));
- $this->assertEqual($encoding->rewriteArrayWithMultipleLevels($query), array('a[0]' => 'a1', 'a[1]' => 'a2'));
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a[0]'), 'a1');
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a[1]'), 'a2');
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a%5B0%5D=a1&a%5B1%5D=a2');
- }
- function testSingleParameter() {
- $encoding = new SimplePostEncoding();
- $encoding->add('a', 'Hello');
- $this->assertEqual($encoding->getValue('a'), 'Hello');
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a=Hello');
- }
- function testFalseParameter() {
- $encoding = new SimplePostEncoding();
- $encoding->add('a', false);
- $this->assertEqual($encoding->getValue('a'), false);
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, '');
- }
- function testUrlEncoding() {
- $encoding = new SimplePostEncoding();
- $encoding->add('a', 'Hello there!');
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a=Hello+there%21');
- }
- function testUrlEncodingOfKey() {
- $encoding = new SimplePostEncoding();
- $encoding->add('a!', 'Hello');
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a%21=Hello');
- }
- function testMultipleParameter() {
- $encoding = new SimplePostEncoding();
- $encoding->add('a', 'Hello');
- $encoding->add('b', 'Goodbye');
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a=Hello&b=Goodbye');
- }
- function testEmptyParameters() {
- $encoding = new SimplePostEncoding();
- $encoding->add('a', '');
- $encoding->add('b', '');
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a=&b=');
- }
- function testRepeatedParameter() {
- $encoding = new SimplePostEncoding();
- $encoding->add('a', 'Hello');
- $encoding->add('a', 'Goodbye');
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), array('Hello', 'Goodbye'));
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a=Hello&a=Goodbye');
- }
- function testAddingLists() {
- $encoding = new SimplePostEncoding();
- $encoding->add('a', array('Hello', 'Goodbye'));
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), array('Hello', 'Goodbye'));
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'a=Hello&a=Goodbye');
- }
- function testMergeInHash() {
- $encoding = new SimpleGetEncoding(array('a' => 'A1', 'b' => 'B'));
- $encoding->merge(array('a' => 'A2'));
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), array('A1', 'A2'));
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('b'), 'B');
- }
- function testMergeInObject() {
- $encoding = new SimpleGetEncoding(array('a' => 'A1', 'b' => 'B'));
- $encoding->merge(new SimpleEncoding(array('a' => 'A2')));
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), array('A1', 'A2'));
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('b'), 'B');
- }
- function testPrefilledMultipart() {
- $encoding = new SimpleMultipartEncoding(array('a' => 'aaa'), 'boundary');
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), 'aaa');
- $this->assertwritten($encoding,
- "--boundary\r\n" .
- "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"a\"\r\n" .
- "\r\n" .
- "aaa\r\n" .
- "--boundary--\r\n");
- }
- function testAttachment() {
- $encoding = new SimpleMultipartEncoding(array(), 'boundary');
- $encoding->attach('a', 'aaa', 'aaa.txt');
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getValue('a'), 'aaa.txt');
- $this->assertwritten($encoding,
- "--boundary\r\n" .
- "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"a\"; filename=\"aaa.txt\"\r\n" .
- "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" .
- "\r\n" .
- "aaa\r\n" .
- "--boundary--\r\n");
- }
- function testEntityEncodingDefaultContentType() {
- $encoding = new SimpleEntityEncoding();
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getContentType(), 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, '');
- }
- function testEntityEncodingTextBody() {
- $encoding = new SimpleEntityEncoding('plain text');
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getContentType(), 'text/plain');
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, 'plain text');
- }
- function testEntityEncodingXmlBody() {
- $encoding = new SimpleEntityEncoding('<p><a>xml</b><b>text</b></p>', 'text/xml');
- $this->assertIdentical($encoding->getContentType(), 'text/xml');
- $this->assertWritten($encoding, '<p><a>xml</b><b>text</b></p>');
- }
-class TestOfEncodingHeaders extends UnitTestCase {
- function testEmptyEncodingWritesZeroContentLength() {
- $socket = new MockSimpleSocket();
- $socket->expectAt(0, 'write', array("Content-Length: 0\r\n"));
- $socket->expectAt(1, 'write', array("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"));
- $encoding = new SimpleEntityEncoding();
- $encoding->writeHeadersTo($socket);
- }
- function testTextEncodingWritesDefaultContentType() {
- $socket = new MockSimpleSocket();
- $socket->expectAt(0, 'write', array("Content-Length: 18\r\n"));
- $socket->expectAt(1, 'write', array("Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"));
- $encoding = new SimpleEntityEncoding('one two three four');
- $encoding->writeHeadersTo($socket);
- }
- function testEmptyMultipartEncodingWritesEndBoundaryContentLength() {
- $socket = new MockSimpleSocket();
- $socket->expectAt(0, 'write', array("Content-Length: 14\r\n"));
- $socket->expectAt(1, 'write', array("Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=boundary\r\n"));
- $encoding = new SimpleMultipartEncoding(array(), 'boundary');
- $encoding->writeHeadersTo($socket);
- }
-?> \ No newline at end of file