path: root/3rdparty/simpletest/test/parsing_test.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/simpletest/test/parsing_test.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 642 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/simpletest/test/parsing_test.php b/3rdparty/simpletest/test/parsing_test.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c5e6cafe1d..00000000000
--- a/3rdparty/simpletest/test/parsing_test.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
-// $Id: page_test.php 1912 2009-07-29 16:39:17Z lastcraft $
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../autorun.php');
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../page.php');
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../php_parser.php');
-require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../tidy_parser.php');
-abstract class TestOfParsing extends UnitTestCase {
- function testRawAccessor() {
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host/', 'Raw HTML');
- $this->assertEqual($page->getRaw(), 'Raw HTML');
- }
- function testTextAccessor() {
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host/', '<b>Some</b> &quot;messy&quot; HTML');
- $this->assertEqual($page->getText(), 'Some "messy" HTML');
- }
- function testFramesetAbsence() {
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://here/', '');
- $this->assertFalse($page->hasFrames());
- $this->assertIdentical($page->getFrameset(), false);
- }
- function testPageWithNoUrlsGivesEmptyArrayOfLinks() {
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://here/', '<html><body><p>Stuff</p></body></html>');
- $this->assertIdentical($page->getUrls(), array());
- }
- function testAddAbsoluteLink() {
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host',
- '<html><a href="">Label</a></html>');
- $this->assertEqual(
- $page->getUrlsByLabel('Label'),
- array(new SimpleUrl('')));
- }
- function testUrlLabelsHaveHtmlTagsStripped() {
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host',
- '<html><a href=""><b>Label</b></a></html>');
- $this->assertEqual(
- $page->getUrlsByLabel('Label'),
- array(new SimpleUrl('')));
- }
- function testAddStrictRelativeLink() {
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host',
- '<html><a href="./somewhere.php">Label</a></html>');
- $this->assertEqual(
- $page->getUrlsByLabel('Label'),
- array(new SimpleUrl('http://host/somewhere.php')));
- }
- function testAddBareRelativeLink() {
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host',
- '<html><a href="somewhere.php">Label</a></html>');
- $this->assertEqual(
- $page->getUrlsByLabel('Label'),
- array(new SimpleUrl('http://host/somewhere.php')));
- }
- function testAddRelativeLinkWithBaseTag() {
- $raw = '<html><head><base href=""></head>' .
- '<body><a href="somewhere.php">Label</a></body>' .
- '</html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual(
- $page->getUrlsByLabel('Label'),
- array(new SimpleUrl('')));
- }
- function testAddAbsoluteLinkWithBaseTag() {
- $raw = '<html><head><base href=""></head>' .
- '<body><a href="">Label</a></body>' .
- '</html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual(
- $page->getUrlsByLabel('Label'),
- array(new SimpleUrl('')));
- }
- function testCanFindLinkInsideForm() {
- $raw = '<html><body><form><a href="./somewhere.php">Label</a></form></body></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual(
- $page->getUrlsByLabel('Label'),
- array(new SimpleUrl('http://host/somewhere.php')));
- }
- function testCanGetLinksByIdOrLabel() {
- $raw = '<html><body><a href="./somewhere.php" id="33">Label</a></body></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual(
- $page->getUrlsByLabel('Label'),
- array(new SimpleUrl('http://host/somewhere.php')));
- $this->assertFalse($page->getUrlById(0));
- $this->assertEqual(
- $page->getUrlById(33),
- new SimpleUrl('http://host/somewhere.php'));
- }
- function testCanFindLinkByNormalisedLabel() {
- $raw = '<html><body><a href="./somewhere.php" id="33"><em>Long &amp; thin</em></a></body></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual(
- $page->getUrlsByLabel('Long & thin'),
- array(new SimpleUrl('http://host/somewhere.php')));
- }
- function testCanFindLinkByImageAltText() {
- $raw = '<a href="./somewhere.php" id="33"><img src="pic.jpg" alt="&lt;A picture&gt;"></a>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual(
- array_map(array($this, 'urlToString'), $page->getUrlsByLabel('<A picture>')),
- array('http://host/somewhere.php'));
- }
- function testTitle() {
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host',
- '<html><head><title>Me</title></head></html>');
- $this->assertEqual($page->getTitle(), 'Me');
- }
- function testTitleWithEntityReference() {
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host',
- '<html><head><Title>Me&amp;Me</TITLE></head></html>');
- $this->assertEqual($page->getTitle(), "Me&Me");
- }
- function testOnlyFramesInFramesetAreRecognised() {
- $raw =
- '<frameset>' .
- ' <frame src="2.html"></frame>' .
- ' <frame src="3.html"></frame>' .
- '</frameset>' .
- '<frame src="4.html"></frame>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://here', $raw);
- $this->assertTrue($page->hasFrames());
- $this->assertSameFrameset($page->getFrameset(), array(
- 1 => new SimpleUrl('http://here/2.html'),
- 2 => new SimpleUrl('http://here/3.html')));
- }
- function testReadsNamesInFrames() {
- $raw =
- '<frameset>' .
- ' <frame src="1.html"></frame>' .
- ' <frame src="2.html" name="A"></frame>' .
- ' <frame src="3.html" name="B"></frame>' .
- ' <frame src="4.html"></frame>' .
- '</frameset>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://here', $raw);
- $this->assertTrue($page->hasFrames());
- $this->assertSameFrameset($page->getFrameset(), array(
- 1 => new SimpleUrl('http://here/1.html'),
- 'A' => new SimpleUrl('http://here/2.html'),
- 'B' => new SimpleUrl('http://here/3.html'),
- 4 => new SimpleUrl('http://here/4.html')));
- }
- function testRelativeFramesRespectBaseTag() {
- $raw = '<base href=""><frameset><frame src="1.html"></frameset>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://here', $raw);
- $this->assertSameFrameset(
- $page->getFrameset(),
- array(1 => new SimpleUrl('')));
- }
- function testSingleFrameInNestedFrameset() {
- $raw = '<html><frameset><frameset>' .
- '<frame src="a.html">' .
- '</frameset></frameset></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertTrue($page->hasFrames());
- $this->assertIdentical(
- $page->getFrameset(),
- array(1 => new SimpleUrl('http://host/a.html')));
- }
- function testFramesCollectedWithNestedFramesetTags() {
- $raw = '<html><frameset>' .
- '<frame src="a.html">' .
- '<frameset><frame src="b.html"></frameset>' .
- '<frame src="c.html">' .
- '</frameset></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertTrue($page->hasFrames());
- $this->assertIdentical($page->getFrameset(), array(
- 1 => new SimpleUrl('http://host/a.html'),
- 2 => new SimpleUrl('http://host/b.html'),
- 3 => new SimpleUrl('http://host/c.html')));
- }
- function testNamedFrames() {
- $raw = '<html><frameset>' .
- '<frame src="a.html">' .
- '<frame name="_one" src="b.html">' .
- '<frame src="c.html">' .
- '<frame src="d.html" name="_two">' .
- '</frameset></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertTrue($page->hasFrames());
- $this->assertIdentical($page->getFrameset(), array(
- 1 => new SimpleUrl('http://host/a.html'),
- '_one' => new SimpleUrl('http://host/b.html'),
- 3 => new SimpleUrl('http://host/c.html'),
- '_two' => new SimpleUrl('http://host/d.html')));
- }
- function testCanReadElementOfCompleteForm() {
- $raw = '<html><head><form>' .
- '<input type="text" name="here" value="Hello">' .
- '</form></head></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('here')), "Hello");
- }
- function testCanReadElementOfUnclosedForm() {
- $raw = '<html><head><form>' .
- '<input type="text" name="here" value="Hello">' .
- '</head></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('here')), "Hello");
- }
- function testCanReadElementByLabel() {
- $raw = '<html><head><form>' .
- '<label>Where<input type="text" name="here" value="Hello"></label>' .
- '</head></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Where')), "Hello");
- }
- function testCanFindFormByLabel() {
- $raw = '<html><head><form><input type="submit"></form></head></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertNull($page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('submit')));
- $this->assertNull($page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByName('submit')));
- $this->assertIsA(
- $page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('Submit')),
- 'SimpleForm');
- }
- function testConfirmSubmitAttributesAreCaseSensitive() {
- $raw = '<html><head><FORM><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="S" VALUE="S"></FORM></head></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertIsA(
- $page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByName('S')),
- 'SimpleForm');
- $this->assertIsA(
- $page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('S')),
- 'SimpleForm');
- }
- function testCanFindFormByImage() {
- $raw = '<html><head><form>' .
- '<input type="image" id=100 alt="Label" name="me">' .
- '</form></head></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertIsA(
- $page->getFormByImage(new SimpleByLabel('Label')),
- 'SimpleForm');
- $this->assertIsA(
- $page->getFormByImage(new SimpleByName('me')),
- 'SimpleForm');
- $this->assertIsA(
- $page->getFormByImage(new SimpleById(100)),
- 'SimpleForm');
- }
- function testCanFindFormByButtonTag() {
- $raw = '<html><head><form>' .
- '<button type="submit" name="b" value="B">BBB</button>' .
- '</form></head></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertNull($page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('b')));
- $this->assertNull($page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('B')));
- $this->assertIsA(
- $page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByName('b')),
- 'SimpleForm');
- $this->assertIsA(
- $page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('BBB')),
- 'SimpleForm');
- }
- function testCanFindFormById() {
- $raw = '<html><head><form id="55"><input type="submit"></form></head></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertNull($page->getFormById(54));
- $this->assertIsA($page->getFormById(55), 'SimpleForm');
- }
- function testFormCanBeSubmitted() {
- $raw = '<html><head><form method="GET" action="here.php">' .
- '<input type="submit" name="s" value="Submit">' .
- '</form></head></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $form = $page->getFormBySubmit(new SimpleByLabel('Submit'));
- $this->assertEqual(
- $form->submitButton(new SimpleByLabel('Submit')),
- new SimpleGetEncoding(array('s' => 'Submit')));
- }
- function testUnparsedTagDoesNotCrash() {
- $raw = '<form><input type="reset" name="Clear"></form>';
- $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- }
- function testReadingTextField() {
- $raw = '<html><head><form>' .
- '<input type="text" name="a">' .
- '<input type="text" name="b" value="bbb" id=3>' .
- '</form></head></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertNull($page->getField(new SimpleByName('missing')));
- $this->assertIdentical($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), '');
- $this->assertIdentical($page->getField(new SimpleByName('b')), 'bbb');
- }
- function testEntitiesAreDecodedInDefaultTextFieldValue() {
- $raw = '<form><input type="text" name="a" value="&amp;\'&quot;&lt;&gt;"></form>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), '&\'"<>');
- }
- function testReadingTextFieldIsCaseInsensitive() {
- $raw = '<html><head><FORM>' .
- '<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="a">' .
- '<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="b" VALUE="bbb" id=3>' .
- '</FORM></head></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertNull($page->getField(new SimpleByName('missing')));
- $this->assertIdentical($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), '');
- $this->assertIdentical($page->getField(new SimpleByName('b')), 'bbb');
- }
- function testSettingTextField() {
- $raw = '<html><head><form>' .
- '<input type="text" name="a">' .
- '<input type="text" name="b" id=3>' .
- '<input type="submit">' .
- '</form></head></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByName('a'), 'aaa'));
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'aaa');
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleById(3), 'bbb'));
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleBYId(3)), 'bbb');
- $this->assertFalse($page->setField(new SimpleByName('z'), 'zzz'));
- $this->assertNull($page->getField(new SimpleByName('z')));
- }
- function testSettingTextFieldByEnclosingLabel() {
- $raw = '<html><head><form>' .
- '<label>Stuff' .
- '<input type="text" name="a" value="A">' .
- '</label>' .
- '</form></head></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'A');
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff')), 'A');
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff'), 'aaa'));
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff')), 'aaa');
- }
- function testLabelsWithoutForDoNotAttachToInputsWithNoId() {
- $raw = '<form action="network_confirm.php?x=X&y=Y" method="post">
- <label>Text A <input type="text" name="a" value="one"></label>
- <label>Text B <input type="text" name="b" value="two"></label>
- </form>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabelOrName('Text A')), 'one');
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabelOrName('Text B')), 'two');
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByLabelOrName('Text A'), '1'));
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByLabelOrName('Text B'), '2'));
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabelOrName('Text A')), '1');
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabelOrName('Text B')), '2');
- }
- function testGettingTextFieldByEnclosingLabelWithConflictingOtherFields() {
- $raw = '<html><head><form>' .
- '<label>Stuff' .
- '<input type="text" name="a" value="A">' .
- '</label>' .
- '<input type="text" name="b" value="B">' .
- '</form></head></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'A');
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('b')), 'B');
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff')), 'A');
- }
- function testSettingTextFieldByExternalLabel() {
- $raw = '<html><head><form>' .
- '<label for="aaa">Stuff</label>' .
- '<input id="aaa" type="text" name="a" value="A">' .
- '</form></head></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff')), 'A');
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff'), 'aaa'));
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff')), 'aaa');
- }
- function testReadingTextArea() {
- $raw = '<html><head><form>' .
- '<textarea name="a">aaa</textarea>' .
- '<input type="submit">' .
- '</form></head></html>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'aaa');
- }
- function testEntitiesAreDecodedInTextareaValue() {
- $raw = '<form><textarea name="a">&amp;\'&quot;&lt;&gt;</textarea></form>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), '&\'"<>');
- }
- function testNewlinesPreservedInTextArea() {
- $raw = "<form><textarea name=\"a\">hello\r\nworld</textarea></form>";
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), "hello\r\nworld");
- }
- function testWhitespacePreservedInTextArea() {
- $raw = '<form><textarea name="a"> </textarea></form>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), ' ');
- }
- function testComplexWhitespaceInTextArea() {
- $raw = "<html>\n" .
- " <head><title></title></head>\n" .
- " <body>\n" .
- " <form>\n".
- " <label>Text area C\n" .
- " <textarea name='c'>\n" .
- " </textarea>\n" .
- " </label>\n" .
- " </form>\n" .
- " </body>\n" .
- "</html>";
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('c')), " ");
- }
- function testSettingTextArea() {
- $raw = '<form>' .
- '<textarea name="a">aaa</textarea>' .
- '<input type="submit">' .
- '</form>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByName('a'), 'AAA'));
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'AAA');
- }
- function testDontIncludeTextAreaContentInLabel() {
- $raw = '<form><label>Text area C<textarea id=3 name="c">mouse</textarea></label></form>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Text area C')), 'mouse');
- }
- function testSettingSelectionField() {
- $raw = '<form>' .
- '<select name="a">' .
- '<option>aaa</option>' .
- '<option selected>bbb</option>' .
- '</select>' .
- '<input type="submit">' .
- '</form>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'bbb');
- $this->assertFalse($page->setField(new SimpleByName('a'), 'ccc'));
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByName('a'), 'aaa'));
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'aaa');
- }
- function testSelectionOptionsAreNormalised() {
- $raw = '<form>' .
- '<select name="a">' .
- '<option selected><b>Big</b> bold</option>' .
- '<option>small <em>italic</em></option>' .
- '</select>' .
- '</form>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'Big bold');
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByName('a'), 'small italic'));
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('a')), 'small italic');
- }
- function testCanParseBlankOptions() {
- $raw = '<form>
- <select id=4 name="d">
- <option value="d1">D1</option>
- <option value="d2">D2</option>
- <option></option>
- </select>
- </form>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByName('d'), ''));
- }
- function testTwoSelectionFieldsAreIndependent() {
- $raw = '<form>
- <select id=4 name="d">
- <option value="d1" selected>D1</option>
- <option value="d2">D2</option>
- </select>
- <select id=11 name="h">
- <option value="h1">H1</option>
- <option value="h2" selected>H2</option>
- </select>
- </form>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByName('d'), 'd2'));
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByName('h'), 'h1'));
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('d')), 'd2');
- }
- function testEmptyOptionDoesNotScrewUpTwoSelectionFields() {
- $raw = '<form>
- <select name="d">
- <option value="d1" selected>D1</option>
- <option value="d2">D2</option>
- <option></option>
- </select>
- <select name="h">
- <option value="h1">H1</option>
- <option value="h2" selected>H2</option>
- </select>
- </form>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByName('d'), 'd2'));
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByName('h'), 'h1'));
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('d')), 'd2');
- }
- function testSettingSelectionFieldByEnclosingLabel() {
- $raw = '<form>' .
- '<label>Stuff' .
- '<select name="a"><option selected>A</option><option>B</option></select>' .
- '</label>' .
- '</form>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff')), 'A');
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff'), 'B'));
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Stuff')), 'B');
- }
- function testTwoSelectionFieldsWithLabelsAreIndependent() {
- $raw = '<form>
- <label>Labelled D
- <select id=4 name="d">
- <option value="d1" selected>D1</option>
- <option value="d2">D2</option>
- </select>
- </label>
- <label>Labelled H
- <select id=11 name="h">
- <option value="h1">H1</option>
- <option value="h2" selected>H2</option>
- </select>
- </label>
- </form>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByLabel('Labelled D'), 'd2'));
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleByLabel('Labelled H'), 'h1'));
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('Labelled D')), 'd2');
- }
- function testSettingRadioButtonByEnclosingLabel() {
- $raw = '<form>' .
- '<label>A<input type="radio" name="r" value="a" checked></label>' .
- '<label>B<input type="radio" name="r" value="b"></label>' .
- '</form>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('A')), 'a');
- $this->assertTrue($page->setField(new SimpleBylabel('B'), 'b'));
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('B')), 'b');
- }
- function testCanParseInputsWithAllKindsOfAttributeQuoting() {
- $raw = '<form>' .
- '<input type="checkbox" name=\'first\' value=one checked></input>' .
- '<input type=checkbox name="second" value="two"></input>' .
- '<input type=checkbox name="third" value=\'three\' checked="checked" />' .
- '</form>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('first')), 'one');
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('second')), false);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByName('third')), 'three');
- }
- function urlToString($url) {
- return $url->asString();
- }
- function assertSameFrameset($actual, $expected) {
- $this->assertIdentical(array_map(array($this, 'urlToString'), $actual),
- array_map(array($this, 'urlToString'), $expected));
- }
-class TestOfParsingUsingPhpParser extends TestOfParsing {
- function whenVisiting($url, $content) {
- $response = new MockSimpleHttpResponse();
- $response->setReturnValue('getContent', $content);
- $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl($url));
- $builder = new SimplePhpPageBuilder();
- return $builder->parse($response);
- }
- function testNastyTitle() {
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host',
- '<html><head><Title> <b>Me&amp;Me </TITLE></b></head></html>');
- $this->assertEqual($page->getTitle(), "Me&Me");
- }
- function testLabelShouldStopAtClosingLabelTag() {
- $raw = '<form><label>start<textarea id=3 name="c" wrap="hard">stuff</textarea>end</label>stuff</form>';
- $page = $this->whenVisiting('http://host', $raw);
- $this->assertEqual($page->getField(new SimpleByLabel('startend')), 'stuff');
- }
-class TestOfParsingUsingTidyParser extends TestOfParsing {
- function skip() {
- $this->skipUnless(extension_loaded('tidy'), 'Install \'tidy\' php extension to enable html tidy based parser');
- }
- function whenVisiting($url, $content) {
- $response = new MockSimpleHttpResponse();
- $response->setReturnValue('getContent', $content);
- $response->setReturnValue('getUrl', new SimpleUrl($url));
- $builder = new SimpleTidyPageBuilder();
- return $builder->parse($response);
- }
-?> \ No newline at end of file