diff options
4 files changed, 136 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/appinfo/routes.php b/apps/user_ldap/appinfo/routes.php
index f08ec195add..45b43c21409 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/appinfo/routes.php
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/appinfo/routes.php
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ $application = new \OCP\AppFramework\App('user_ldap');
$application->registerRoutes($this, [
'ocs' => [
['name' => 'ConfigAPI#create', 'url' => '/api/v1/config', 'verb' => 'POST'],
+ ['name' => 'ConfigAPI#show', 'url' => '/api/v1/config/{configID}', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'ConfigAPI#modify', 'url' => '/api/v1/config/{configID}', 'verb' => 'PUT'],
['name' => 'ConfigAPI#delete', 'url' => '/api/v1/config/{configID}', 'verb' => 'DELETE'],
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/lib/Controller/ConfigAPIController.php b/apps/user_ldap/lib/Controller/ConfigAPIController.php
index 371ca899c26..5256b0d8aad 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/lib/Controller/ConfigAPIController.php
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/lib/Controller/ConfigAPIController.php
@@ -214,6 +214,100 @@ class ConfigAPIController extends OCSController {
+ * retrieves a configuration
+ *
+ * <?xml version="1.0"?>
+ * <ocs>
+ * <meta>
+ * <status>ok</status>
+ * <statuscode>200</statuscode>
+ * <message>OK</message>
+ * </meta>
+ * <data>
+ * <ldapHost>ldaps://my.ldap.server</ldapHost>
+ * <ldapPort>7770</ldapPort>
+ * <ldapBackupHost></ldapBackupHost>
+ * <ldapBackupPort></ldapBackupPort>
+ * <ldapBase>ou=small,dc=my,dc=ldap,dc=server</ldapBase>
+ * <ldapBaseUsers>ou=users,ou=small,dc=my,dc=ldap,dc=server</ldapBaseUsers>
+ * <ldapBaseGroups>ou=small,dc=my,dc=ldap,dc=server</ldapBaseGroups>
+ * <ldapAgentName>cn=root,dc=my,dc=ldap,dc=server</ldapAgentName>
+ * <ldapAgentPassword>clearTextWithShowPassword=1</ldapAgentPassword>
+ * <ldapTLS>1</ldapTLS>
+ * <turnOffCertCheck>0</turnOffCertCheck>
+ * <ldapIgnoreNamingRules/>
+ * <ldapUserDisplayName>displayname</ldapUserDisplayName>
+ * <ldapUserDisplayName2>uid</ldapUserDisplayName2>
+ * <ldapUserFilterObjectclass>inetOrgPerson</ldapUserFilterObjectclass>
+ * <ldapUserFilterGroups></ldapUserFilterGroups>
+ * <ldapUserFilter>(&amp;(objectclass=nextcloudUser)(nextcloudEnabled=TRUE))</ldapUserFilter>
+ * <ldapUserFilterMode>1</ldapUserFilterMode>
+ * <ldapGroupFilter>(&amp;(|(objectclass=nextcloudGroup)))</ldapGroupFilter>
+ * <ldapGroupFilterMode>0</ldapGroupFilterMode>
+ * <ldapGroupFilterObjectclass>nextcloudGroup</ldapGroupFilterObjectclass>
+ * <ldapGroupFilterGroups></ldapGroupFilterGroups>
+ * <ldapGroupDisplayName>cn</ldapGroupDisplayName>
+ * <ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr>memberUid</ldapGroupMemberAssocAttr>
+ * <ldapLoginFilter>(&amp;(|(objectclass=inetOrgPerson))(uid=%uid))</ldapLoginFilter>
+ * <ldapLoginFilterMode>0</ldapLoginFilterMode>
+ * <ldapLoginFilterEmail>0</ldapLoginFilterEmail>
+ * <ldapLoginFilterUsername>1</ldapLoginFilterUsername>
+ * <ldapLoginFilterAttributes></ldapLoginFilterAttributes>
+ * <ldapQuotaAttribute></ldapQuotaAttribute>
+ * <ldapQuotaDefault></ldapQuotaDefault>
+ * <ldapEmailAttribute>mail</ldapEmailAttribute>
+ * <ldapCacheTTL>20</ldapCacheTTL>
+ * <ldapUuidUserAttribute>auto</ldapUuidUserAttribute>
+ * <ldapUuidGroupAttribute>auto</ldapUuidGroupAttribute>
+ * <ldapOverrideMainServer></ldapOverrideMainServer>
+ * <ldapConfigurationActive>1</ldapConfigurationActive>
+ * <ldapAttributesForUserSearch>uid;sn;givenname</ldapAttributesForUserSearch>
+ * <ldapAttributesForGroupSearch></ldapAttributesForGroupSearch>
+ * <ldapExperiencedAdmin>0</ldapExperiencedAdmin>
+ * <homeFolderNamingRule></homeFolderNamingRule>
+ * <hasPagedResultSupport></hasPagedResultSupport>
+ * <hasMemberOfFilterSupport></hasMemberOfFilterSupport>
+ * <useMemberOfToDetectMembership>1</useMemberOfToDetectMembership>
+ * <ldapExpertUsernameAttr>uid</ldapExpertUsernameAttr>
+ * <ldapExpertUUIDUserAttr>uid</ldapExpertUUIDUserAttr>
+ * <ldapExpertUUIDGroupAttr></ldapExpertUUIDGroupAttr>
+ * <lastJpegPhotoLookup>0</lastJpegPhotoLookup>
+ * <ldapNestedGroups>0</ldapNestedGroups>
+ * <ldapPagingSize>500</ldapPagingSize>
+ * <turnOnPasswordChange>1</turnOnPasswordChange>
+ * <ldapDynamicGroupMemberURL></ldapDynamicGroupMemberURL>
+ * </data>
+ * </ocs>
+ *
+ * @param string $configID
+ * @param bool|string $showPassword
+ * @return DataResponse
+ * @throws OCSException
+ */
+ public function show($configID, $showPassword = false) {
+ $this->ensureConfigIDExists($configID);
+ try {
+ $config = new Configuration($configID);
+ $data = $config->getConfiguration();
+ if(!boolval(intval($showPassword))) {
+ $data['ldapAgentPassword'] = '***';
+ }
+ foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
+ if(is_array($value)) {
+ $value = implode(';', $value);
+ $data[$key] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ $this->logger->logException($e);
+ throw new OCSException('An issue occurred when modifying the config.');
+ }
+ return new DataResponse($data);
+ }
+ /**
* if the given config ID is not available, an exception is thrown
* @param string $configID
diff --git a/build/integration/features/bootstrap/LDAPContext.php b/build/integration/features/bootstrap/LDAPContext.php
index 3a66641685a..5d1f75ceff4 100644
--- a/build/integration/features/bootstrap/LDAPContext.php
+++ b/build/integration/features/bootstrap/LDAPContext.php
@@ -66,4 +66,23 @@ class LDAPContext implements Context {
new \Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode([['key', $key], ['value', $value]])
+ /**
+ * @Given /^the response should contain a tag "([^"]*)" with value "([^"]*)"$/
+ */
+ public function theResponseShouldContainATagWithValue($tagName, $expectedValue) {
+ $data = $this->response->xml()->data[0]->$tagName;
+ PHPUnit_Framework_Assert::assertEquals($expectedValue, $data[0]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @When /^getting the LDAP configuration with showPassword "([^"]*)"$/
+ */
+ public function gettingTheLDAPConfigurationWithShowPassword($showPassword) {
+ $this->sendingToWith(
+ 'GET',
+ $this->apiUrl . '/' . $this->configID . '?showPassword=' . $showPassword,
+ null
+ );
+ }
diff --git a/build/integration/ldap_features/ldap-ocs.feature b/build/integration/ldap_features/ldap-ocs.feature
index d925df3256d..df643b8a01c 100644
--- a/build/integration/ldap_features/ldap-ocs.feature
+++ b/build/integration/ldap_features/ldap-ocs.feature
@@ -46,3 +46,25 @@ Feature: LDAP
| value | ldaps://my.ldap.server |
Then the OCS status code should be "404"
And the HTTP status code should be "404"
+ Scenario: create, modify and get a configuration
+ Given As an "admin"
+ And creating an LDAP configuration at "/apps/user_ldap/api/v1/config"
+ And setting "ldapHost" of the LDAP configuration to "ldaps://my.ldap.server"
+ And setting "ldapLoginFilter" of the LDAP configuration to "(&(|(objectclass=inetOrgPerson))(uid=%uid))"
+ And setting "ldapAgentPassword" of the LDAP configuration to "psst,secret"
+ When getting the LDAP configuration with showPassword "0"
+ Then the OCS status code should be "200"
+ And the HTTP status code should be "200"
+ And the response should contain a tag "ldapHost" with value "ldaps://my.ldap.server"
+ And the response should contain a tag "ldapLoginFilter" with value "(&(|(objectclass=inetOrgPerson))(uid=%uid))"
+ And the response should contain a tag "ldapAgentPassword" with value "***"
+ Scenario: receiving password in plain text
+ Given As an "admin"
+ And creating an LDAP configuration at "/apps/user_ldap/api/v1/config"
+ And setting "ldapAgentPassword" of the LDAP configuration to "psst,secret"
+ When getting the LDAP configuration with showPassword "1"
+ Then the OCS status code should be "200"
+ And the HTTP status code should be "200"
+ And the response should contain a tag "ldapAgentPassword" with value "psst,secret"