diff options
4 files changed, 21 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/config/config.sample.php b/config/config.sample.php
index ed482e7c9a0..051e5422fe5 100644
--- a/config/config.sample.php
+++ b/config/config.sample.php
@@ -1169,22 +1169,6 @@ $CONFIG = array(
'part_file_in_storage' => true,
- * All css and js files will be served by the Web server statically in one js
- * file and one css file if this is set to ``true``. This improves performance.
- */
-'asset-pipeline.enabled' => false,
- * The parent of the directory where css and js assets will be stored if
- * pipelining is enabled; this defaults to the Nextcloud directory. The assets
- * will be stored in a subdirectory of this directory named 'assets'. The
- * server *must* be configured to serve that directory as $WEBROOT/assets.
- * You will only likely need to change this if the main Nextcloud directory
- * is not writeable by the Web server in your configuration.
- */
-'assetdirectory' => '/var/www/nextcloud',
* Where ``mount.json`` file should be stored, defaults to ``data/mount.json``
* in the Nextcloud directory.
diff --git a/lib/private/Repair/AssetCache.php b/lib/private/Repair/AssetCache.php
index e4787bab95f..84c22d4d8a2 100644
--- a/lib/private/Repair/AssetCache.php
+++ b/lib/private/Repair/AssetCache.php
@@ -29,14 +29,10 @@ use OCP\Migration\IRepairStep;
class AssetCache implements IRepairStep {
public function getName() {
- return 'Clear asset cache after upgrade';
+ return 'Remove asset cache';
public function run(IOutput $output) {
- if (!\OC_Template::isAssetPipelineEnabled()) {
- $output->info('Asset pipeline disabled -> nothing to do');
- return;
- }
$assetDir = \OC::$server->getConfig()->getSystemValue('assetdirectory', \OC::$SERVERROOT) . '/assets';
\OC_Helper::rmdirr($assetDir, false);
$output->info('Asset cache cleared.');
diff --git a/lib/private/TemplateLayout.php b/lib/private/TemplateLayout.php
index 9a0fbda741d..4255c8998f6 100644
--- a/lib/private/TemplateLayout.php
+++ b/lib/private/TemplateLayout.php
@@ -137,36 +137,30 @@ class TemplateLayout extends \OC_Template {
self::$versionHash = md5('not installed');
- $useAssetPipeline = self::isAssetPipelineEnabled();
- if ($useAssetPipeline) {
+ // Add the js files
+ $jsFiles = self::findJavascriptFiles(\OC_Util::$scripts);
+ $this->assign('jsfiles', array());
+ if ($this->config->getSystemValue('installed', false) && $renderAs != 'error') {
$this->append( 'jsfiles', \OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->linkToRoute('js_config', ['v' => self::$versionHash]));
- $this->generateAssets();
- } else {
- // Add the js files
- $jsFiles = self::findJavascriptFiles(\OC_Util::$scripts);
- $this->assign('jsfiles', array());
- if ($this->config->getSystemValue('installed', false) && $renderAs != 'error') {
- $this->append( 'jsfiles', \OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->linkToRoute('js_config', ['v' => self::$versionHash]));
- }
- foreach($jsFiles as $info) {
- $web = $info[1];
- $file = $info[2];
- $this->append( 'jsfiles', $web.'/'.$file . '?v=' . self::$versionHash);
- }
+ }
+ foreach($jsFiles as $info) {
+ $web = $info[1];
+ $file = $info[2];
+ $this->append( 'jsfiles', $web.'/'.$file . '?v=' . self::$versionHash);
+ }
- // Add the css files
- $cssFiles = self::findStylesheetFiles(\OC_Util::$styles);
- $this->assign('cssfiles', array());
- $this->assign('printcssfiles', []);
- foreach($cssFiles as $info) {
- $web = $info[1];
- $file = $info[2];
+ // Add the css files
+ $cssFiles = self::findStylesheetFiles(\OC_Util::$styles);
+ $this->assign('cssfiles', array());
+ $this->assign('printcssfiles', []);
+ foreach($cssFiles as $info) {
+ $web = $info[1];
+ $file = $info[2];
if (substr($file, -strlen('print.css')) === 'print.css') {
- $this->append( 'printcssfiles', $web.'/'.$file . '?v=' . self::$versionHash);
- } else {
- $this->append( 'cssfiles', $web.'/'.$file . '?v=' . self::$versionHash);
- }
+ $this->append( 'printcssfiles', $web.'/'.$file . '?v=' . self::$versionHash);
+ } else {
+ $this->append( 'cssfiles', $web.'/'.$file . '?v=' . self::$versionHash);
@@ -205,91 +199,6 @@ class TemplateLayout extends \OC_Template {
return $locator->getResources();
- public function generateAssets() {
- $assetDir = \OC::$server->getConfig()->getSystemValue('assetdirectory', \OC::$SERVERROOT);
- $jsFiles = self::findJavascriptFiles(\OC_Util::$scripts);
- $jsHash = self::hashFileNames($jsFiles);
- if (!file_exists("$assetDir/assets/$jsHash.js")) {
- $jsFiles = array_map(function ($item) {
- $root = $item[0];
- $file = $item[2];
- // no need to minifiy minified files
- if (substr($file, -strlen('.min.js')) === '.min.js') {
- return new FileAsset($root . '/' . $file, array(
- new SeparatorFilter(';')
- ), $root, $file);
- }
- return new FileAsset($root . '/' . $file, array(
- new JSqueezeFilter(),
- new SeparatorFilter(';')
- ), $root, $file);
- }, $jsFiles);
- $jsCollection = new AssetCollection($jsFiles);
- $jsCollection->setTargetPath("assets/$jsHash.js");
- $writer = new AssetWriter($assetDir);
- $writer->writeAsset($jsCollection);
- }
- $cssFiles = self::findStylesheetFiles(\OC_Util::$styles);
- // differentiate between screen stylesheets and printer stylesheets
- $screenCssFiles = array_filter($cssFiles, function($cssFile) {
- return substr_compare($cssFile[2], 'print.css', -strlen('print.css')) !== 0;
- });
- $screenCssAsset = $this->generateCssAsset($screenCssFiles);
- $printCssFiles = array_filter($cssFiles, function($cssFile) {
- return substr_compare($cssFile[2], 'print.css', -strlen('print.css')) === 0;
- });
- $printCssAsset = $this->generateCssAsset($printCssFiles);
- $this->append('jsfiles', \OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->linkTo('assets', "$jsHash.js"));
- $this->append('cssfiles', $screenCssAsset);
- $this->append('printcssfiles', $printCssAsset);
- }
- /**
- * generates a single css asset file from an array of css files if at least one of them has changed
- * otherwise it just returns the path to the old asset file
- * @param $files
- * @return string
- */
- private function generateCssAsset($files) {
- $assetDir = \OC::$server->getConfig()->getSystemValue('assetdirectory', \OC::$SERVERROOT);
- $hash = self::hashFileNames($files);
- if (!file_exists("$assetDir/assets/$hash.css")) {
- $files = array_map(function ($item) {
- $root = $item[0];
- $file = $item[2];
- $assetPath = $root . '/' . $file;
- $sourceRoot = \OC::$SERVERROOT;
- $sourcePath = substr($assetPath, strlen(\OC::$SERVERROOT));
- return new FileAsset(
- $assetPath,
- array(
- new CssRewriteFilter(),
- new CssMinFilter(),
- new CssImportFilter()
- ),
- $sourceRoot,
- $sourcePath
- );
- }, $files);
- $cssCollection = new AssetCollection($files);
- $cssCollection->setTargetPath("assets/$hash.css");
- $writer = new AssetWriter($assetDir);
- $writer->writeAsset($cssCollection);
- }
- return \OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->linkTo('assets', "$hash.css");
- }
* Converts the absolute file path to a relative path from \OC::$SERVERROOT
* @param string $filePath Absolute path
@@ -304,24 +213,4 @@ class TemplateLayout extends \OC_Template {
return $relativePath[1];
- /**
- * @param array $files
- * @return string
- */
- private static function hashFileNames($files) {
- foreach($files as $i => $file) {
- try {
- $files[$i] = self::convertToRelativePath($file[0]).'/'.$file[2];
- } catch (\Exception $e) {
- $files[$i] = $file[0].'/'.$file[2];
- }
- }
- sort($files);
- // include the apps' versions hash to invalidate the cached assets
- $files[] = self::$versionHash;
- return hash('md5', implode('', $files));
- }
diff --git a/lib/private/legacy/template.php b/lib/private/legacy/template.php
index e2956508090..b42c14095b5 100644
--- a/lib/private/legacy/template.php
+++ b/lib/private/legacy/template.php
@@ -395,46 +395,4 @@ class OC_Template extends \OC\Template\Base {
return 'HTTP/1.1';
- /**
- * @return bool
- */
- public static function isAssetPipelineEnabled() {
- try {
- if (\OCP\Util::needUpgrade()) {
- // Don't use the compiled asset when we need to do an update
- return false;
- }
- } catch (\Exception $e) {
- // Catch any exception, because this code is also called when displaying
- // an exception error page.
- return false;
- }
- // asset management enabled?
- $config = \OC::$server->getConfig();
- $useAssetPipeline = $config->getSystemValue('asset-pipeline.enabled', false);
- if (!$useAssetPipeline) {
- return false;
- }
- // assets folder exists?
- $assetDir = $config->getSystemValue('assetdirectory', \OC::$SERVERROOT) . '/assets';
- if (!is_dir($assetDir)) {
- if (!mkdir($assetDir)) {
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('assets',
- "Folder <$assetDir> does not exist and/or could not be generated.", \OCP\Util::ERROR);
- return false;
- }
- }
- // assets folder can be accessed?
- if (!touch($assetDir."/.oc")) {
- \OCP\Util::writeLog('assets',
- "Folder <$assetDir> could not be accessed.", \OCP\Util::ERROR);
- return false;
- }
- return $useAssetPipeline;
- }