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2 files changed, 54 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/private/files/storage/wrapper/encryption.php b/lib/private/files/storage/wrapper/encryption.php
index 0b4816174bf..81eea9944f8 100644
--- a/lib/private/files/storage/wrapper/encryption.php
+++ b/lib/private/files/storage/wrapper/encryption.php
@@ -634,7 +634,18 @@ class Encryption extends Wrapper {
'encrypted' => (bool)$isEncrypted,
if($isEncrypted === 1) {
- $cacheInformation['encryptedVersion'] = $sourceStorage->getCache()->get($sourceInternalPath)['encryptedVersion'];
+ $encryptedVersion = $sourceStorage->getCache()->get($sourceInternalPath)['encryptedVersion'];
+ // In case of a move operation from an unencrypted to an encrypted
+ // storage the old encrypted version would stay with "0" while the
+ // correct value would be "1". Thus we manually set the value to "1"
+ // for those cases.
+ // See also
+ if($encryptedVersion === 0) {
+ $encryptedVersion = 1;
+ }
+ $cacheInformation['encryptedVersion'] = $encryptedVersion;
// in case of a rename we need to manipulate the source cache because
diff --git a/tests/lib/files/storage/wrapper/encryption.php b/tests/lib/files/storage/wrapper/encryption.php
index b5ec15b12bf..bde920e440e 100644
--- a/tests/lib/files/storage/wrapper/encryption.php
+++ b/tests/lib/files/storage/wrapper/encryption.php
@@ -672,6 +672,48 @@ class Encryption extends Storage {
+ public function testCopyBetweenStorageMinimumEncryptedVersion() {
+ $storage2 = $this->getMockBuilder('OCP\Files\Storage')
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $sourceInternalPath = $targetInternalPath = 'file.txt';
+ $preserveMtime = $isRename = false;
+ $storage2->expects($this->any())
+ ->method('fopen')
+ ->willReturnCallback(function($path, $mode) {
+ $temp = \OC::$server->getTempManager();
+ return fopen($temp->getTemporaryFile(), $mode);
+ });
+ $cache = $this->getMock('\OCP\Files\Cache\ICache');
+ $cache->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('get')
+ ->with($sourceInternalPath)
+ ->willReturn(['encryptedVersion' => 0]);
+ $storage2->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('getCache')
+ ->willReturn($cache);
+ $this->encryptionManager->expects($this->any())
+ ->method('isEnabled')
+ ->willReturn(true);
+ global $mockedMountPointEncryptionEnabled;
+ $mockedMountPointEncryptionEnabled = true;
+ $expectedCachePut = [
+ 'encrypted' => true,
+ ];
+ $expectedCachePut['encryptedVersion'] = 1;
+ $this->cache->expects($this->once())
+ ->method('put')
+ ->with($sourceInternalPath, $expectedCachePut);
+ $this->invokePrivate($this->instance, 'copyBetweenStorage', [$storage2, $sourceInternalPath, $targetInternalPath, $preserveMtime, $isRename]);
+ $this->assertFalse(false);
+ }
* @dataProvider dataCopyBetweenStorage