diff options
2 files changed, 43 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/private/share/share.php b/lib/private/share/share.php
index 32389f34868..264dac30bb3 100644
--- a/lib/private/share/share.php
+++ b/lib/private/share/share.php
@@ -1908,6 +1908,12 @@ class Share extends Constants {
$items = array_merge($items, $collectionItems);
+ // filter out invalid items, these can appear when subshare entries exist
+ // for a group in which the requested user isn't a member any more
+ $items = array_filter($items, function($item) {
+ return $item['share_type'] !== self::$shareTypeGroupUserUnique;
+ });
return self::formatResult($items, $column, $backend, $format, $parameters);
} elseif ($includeCollections && $collectionTypes && in_array('folder', $collectionTypes)) {
// FIXME: Thats a dirty hack to improve file sharing performance,
diff --git a/tests/lib/share/share.php b/tests/lib/share/share.php
index 58a76470afa..eeabe852635 100644
--- a/tests/lib/share/share.php
+++ b/tests/lib/share/share.php
@@ -898,6 +898,43 @@ class Test_Share extends \Test\TestCase {
$this->assertEmpty($expected, 'did not found all expected values');
+ public function testGetShareSubItemsWhenUserNotInGroup() {
+ OCP\Share::shareItem('test', 'test.txt', OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_GROUP, $this->group1, \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_READ);
+ $result = \OCP\Share::getItemsSharedWithUser('test', $this->user2);
+ $this->assertCount(1, $result);
+ $groupShareId = array_keys($result)[0];
+ // remove user from group
+ $userObject = \OC::$server->getUserManager()->get($this->user2);
+ \OC::$server->getGroupManager()->get($this->group1)->removeUser($userObject);
+ $result = \OCP\Share::getItemsSharedWithUser('test', $this->user2);
+ $this->assertCount(0, $result);
+ // test with buggy data
+ $qb = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->getQueryBuilder();
+ $qb->insert('share')
+ ->values([
+ 'share_type' => $qb->expr()->literal(2), // group sub-share
+ 'share_with' => $qb->expr()->literal($this->user2),
+ 'parent' => $qb->expr()->literal($groupShareId),
+ 'uid_owner' => $qb->expr()->literal($this->user1),
+ 'item_type' => $qb->expr()->literal('test'),
+ 'item_source' => $qb->expr()->literal('test.txt'),
+ 'item_target' => $qb->expr()->literal('test.txt'),
+ 'file_target' => $qb->expr()->literal('test2.txt'),
+ 'permissions' => $qb->expr()->literal(1),
+ 'stime' => $qb->expr()->literal(time()),
+ ])->execute();
+ $result = \OCP\Share::getItemsSharedWithUser('test', $this->user2);
+ $this->assertCount(0, $result);
+ $qb->delete('share')->execute();
+ }
public function testShareItemWithLink() {
$token = OCP\Share::shareItem('test', 'test.txt', OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK, null, \OCP\Constants::PERMISSION_READ);