diff options
2 files changed, 91 insertions, 69 deletions
diff --git a/lib/private/Files/Cache/Scanner.php b/lib/private/Files/Cache/Scanner.php
index a81c34c31fa..3245af0c095 100644
--- a/lib/private/Files/Cache/Scanner.php
+++ b/lib/private/Files/Cache/Scanner.php
@@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ class Scanner extends BasicEmitter implements IScanner {
return null;
// only proceed if $file is not a partial file nor a blacklisted file
if (!self::isPartialFile($file) and !Filesystem::isFileBlacklisted($file)) {
@@ -151,88 +150,103 @@ class Scanner extends BasicEmitter implements IScanner {
try {
$data = $this->getData($file);
} catch (ForbiddenException $e) {
+ if ($lock) {
+ if ($this->storage->instanceOfStorage('\OCP\Files\Storage\ILockingStorage')) {
+ $this->storage->releaseLock($file, ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $this->lockingProvider);
+ }
+ }
return null;
- if ($data) {
+ try {
+ if ($data) {
- // pre-emit only if it was a file. By that we avoid counting/treating folders as files
- if ($data['mimetype'] !== 'httpd/unix-directory') {
- $this->emit('\OC\Files\Cache\Scanner', 'scanFile', array($file, $this->storageId));
- \OC_Hook::emit('\OC\Files\Cache\Scanner', 'scan_file', array('path' => $file, 'storage' => $this->storageId));
- }
+ // pre-emit only if it was a file. By that we avoid counting/treating folders as files
+ if ($data['mimetype'] !== 'httpd/unix-directory') {
+ $this->emit('\OC\Files\Cache\Scanner', 'scanFile', array($file, $this->storageId));
+ \OC_Hook::emit('\OC\Files\Cache\Scanner', 'scan_file', array('path' => $file, 'storage' => $this->storageId));
+ }
- $parent = dirname($file);
- if ($parent === '.' or $parent === '/') {
- $parent = '';
- }
- if ($parentId === -1) {
- $parentId = $this->cache->getParentId($file);
- }
+ $parent = dirname($file);
+ if ($parent === '.' or $parent === '/') {
+ $parent = '';
+ }
+ if ($parentId === -1) {
+ $parentId = $this->cache->getParentId($file);
+ }
- // scan the parent if it's not in the cache (id -1) and the current file is not the root folder
- if ($file and $parentId === -1) {
- $parentData = $this->scanFile($parent);
- if (!$parentData) {
- return null;
+ // scan the parent if it's not in the cache (id -1) and the current file is not the root folder
+ if ($file and $parentId === -1) {
+ $parentData = $this->scanFile($parent);
+ if (!$parentData) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ $parentId = $parentData['fileid'];
- $parentId = $parentData['fileid'];
- }
- if ($parent) {
- $data['parent'] = $parentId;
- }
- if (is_null($cacheData)) {
- /** @var CacheEntry $cacheData */
- $cacheData = $this->cache->get($file);
- }
- if ($cacheData and $reuseExisting and isset($cacheData['fileid'])) {
- // prevent empty etag
- if (empty($cacheData['etag'])) {
- $etag = $data['etag'];
- } else {
- $etag = $cacheData['etag'];
+ if ($parent) {
+ $data['parent'] = $parentId;
+ }
+ if (is_null($cacheData)) {
+ /** @var CacheEntry $cacheData */
+ $cacheData = $this->cache->get($file);
- $fileId = $cacheData['fileid'];
- $data['fileid'] = $fileId;
- // only reuse data if the file hasn't explicitly changed
- if (isset($data['storage_mtime']) && isset($cacheData['storage_mtime']) && $data['storage_mtime'] === $cacheData['storage_mtime']) {
- $data['mtime'] = $cacheData['mtime'];
- if (($reuseExisting & self::REUSE_SIZE) && ($data['size'] === -1)) {
- $data['size'] = $cacheData['size'];
+ if ($cacheData and $reuseExisting and isset($cacheData['fileid'])) {
+ // prevent empty etag
+ if (empty($cacheData['etag'])) {
+ $etag = $data['etag'];
+ } else {
+ $etag = $cacheData['etag'];
- if ($reuseExisting & self::REUSE_ETAG) {
- $data['etag'] = $etag;
+ $fileId = $cacheData['fileid'];
+ $data['fileid'] = $fileId;
+ // only reuse data if the file hasn't explicitly changed
+ if (isset($data['storage_mtime']) && isset($cacheData['storage_mtime']) && $data['storage_mtime'] === $cacheData['storage_mtime']) {
+ $data['mtime'] = $cacheData['mtime'];
+ if (($reuseExisting & self::REUSE_SIZE) && ($data['size'] === -1)) {
+ $data['size'] = $cacheData['size'];
+ }
+ if ($reuseExisting & self::REUSE_ETAG) {
+ $data['etag'] = $etag;
+ }
+ // Only update metadata that has changed
+ $newData = array_diff_assoc($data, $cacheData->getData());
+ } else {
+ $newData = $data;
+ $fileId = -1;
+ }
+ if (!empty($newData)) {
+ // Reset the checksum if the data has changed
+ $newData['checksum'] = '';
+ $data['fileid'] = $this->addToCache($file, $newData, $fileId);
+ }
+ if (isset($cacheData['size'])) {
+ $data['oldSize'] = $cacheData['size'];
+ } else {
+ $data['oldSize'] = 0;
- // Only update metadata that has changed
- $newData = array_diff_assoc($data, $cacheData->getData());
- } else {
- $newData = $data;
- $fileId = -1;
- }
- if (!empty($newData)) {
- // Reset the checksum if the data has changed
- $newData['checksum'] = '';
- $data['fileid'] = $this->addToCache($file, $newData, $fileId);
- }
- if (isset($cacheData['size'])) {
- $data['oldSize'] = $cacheData['size'];
- } else {
- $data['oldSize'] = 0;
- }
- if (isset($cacheData['encrypted'])) {
- $data['encrypted'] = $cacheData['encrypted'];
- }
+ if (isset($cacheData['encrypted'])) {
+ $data['encrypted'] = $cacheData['encrypted'];
+ }
- // post-emit only if it was a file. By that we avoid counting/treating folders as files
- if ($data['mimetype'] !== 'httpd/unix-directory') {
- $this->emit('\OC\Files\Cache\Scanner', 'postScanFile', array($file, $this->storageId));
- \OC_Hook::emit('\OC\Files\Cache\Scanner', 'post_scan_file', array('path' => $file, 'storage' => $this->storageId));
- }
+ // post-emit only if it was a file. By that we avoid counting/treating folders as files
+ if ($data['mimetype'] !== 'httpd/unix-directory') {
+ $this->emit('\OC\Files\Cache\Scanner', 'postScanFile', array($file, $this->storageId));
+ \OC_Hook::emit('\OC\Files\Cache\Scanner', 'post_scan_file', array('path' => $file, 'storage' => $this->storageId));
+ }
- } else {
- $this->removeFromCache($file);
+ } else {
+ $this->removeFromCache($file);
+ }
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ if ($lock) {
+ if ($this->storage->instanceOfStorage('\OCP\Files\Storage\ILockingStorage')) {
+ $this->storage->releaseLock($file, ILockingProvider::LOCK_SHARED, $this->lockingProvider);
+ }
+ }
+ throw $e;
//release the acquired lock
@@ -436,6 +450,10 @@ class Scanner extends BasicEmitter implements IScanner {
// might happen if inserting duplicate while a scanning
// process is running in parallel
// log and ignore
+ if ($this->useTransactions) {
+ \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->rollback();
+ \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->beginTransaction();
+ }
\OCP\Util::writeLog('core', 'Exception while scanning file "' . $child . '": ' . $ex->getMessage(), \OCP\Util::DEBUG);
$exceptionOccurred = true;
} catch (\OCP\Lock\LockedException $e) {
diff --git a/lib/private/Files/Type/Loader.php b/lib/private/Files/Type/Loader.php
index 1ae783e8f83..710562d32b5 100644
--- a/lib/private/Files/Type/Loader.php
+++ b/lib/private/Files/Type/Loader.php
@@ -119,6 +119,10 @@ class Loader implements IMimeTypeLoader {
} catch (UniqueConstraintViolationException $e) {
+ if ($this->dbConnection->inTransaction()) {
+ // if we're inside a transaction we can't recover safely
+ throw $e;
+ }
// something inserted it before us