diff options
2 files changed, 26 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/core/routes.php b/core/routes.php
index 974d644000a..364503d72d6 100644
--- a/core/routes.php
+++ b/core/routes.php
@@ -78,6 +78,17 @@ $application->registerRoutes($this, [
['name' => 'contactsMenu#findOne', 'url' => '/contactsmenu/findOne', 'verb' => 'POST'],
['name' => 'WalledGarden#get', 'url' => '/204', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'Search#search', 'url' => '/core/search', 'verb' => 'GET'],
+ // Legacy routes that need to be globally available while they are handled by an app
+ ['name' => 'viewcontroller#showFile', 'url' => '/f/{fileid}', 'verb' => 'GET', 'app' => 'files'],
+ ['name' => 'sharecontroller#showShare', 'url' => '/s/{token}', 'verb' => 'GET', 'app' => 'files_sharing'],
+ ['name' => 'sharecontroller#showAuthenticate', 'url' => '/s/{token}/authenticate/{redirect}', 'verb' => 'GET', 'app' => 'files_sharing'],
+ ['name' => 'sharecontroller#authenticate', 'url' => '/s/{token}/authenticate/{redirect}', 'verb' => 'POST', 'app' => 'files_sharing'],
+ ['name' => 'sharecontroller#downloadShare', 'url' => '/s/{token}/download', 'verb' => 'GET', 'app' => 'files_sharing'],
+ ['name' => 'publicpreview#directLink', 'url' => '/s/{token}/preview', 'verb' => 'GET', 'app' => 'files_sharing'],
+ ['name' => 'requesthandlercontroller#addShare', 'url' => '/ocm/shares', 'verb' => 'POST', 'app' => 'cloud_federation_api'],
+ ['name' => 'requesthandlercontroller#receiveNotification', 'url' => '/ocm/notifications', 'verb' => 'POST', 'app' => 'cloud_federation_api'],
+ ['name' => 'pagecontroller#showCall', 'url' => '/call/{token}', 'verb' => 'GET', 'app' => 'spreed'],
'ocs' => [
['root' => '/cloud', 'name' => 'OCS#getCapabilities', 'url' => '/capabilities', 'verb' => 'GET'],
@@ -109,93 +120,3 @@ $application->registerRoutes($this, [
// Routing
$this->create('core_ajax_update', '/core/ajax/update.php')
-// File routes
-$this->create('files.viewcontroller.showFile', '/f/{fileid}')->action(function($urlParams) {
- $app = new \OCA\Files\AppInfo\Application($urlParams);
- $app->dispatch('ViewController', 'index');
-// Call routes
- * @suppress PhanUndeclaredClassConstant
- * @suppress PhanUndeclaredClassMethod
- */
-$this->create('spreed.pagecontroller.showCall', '/call/{token}')->action(function($urlParams) {
- if (class_exists(\OCA\Spreed\AppInfo\Application::class, false)) {
- $app = new \OCA\Spreed\AppInfo\Application($urlParams);
- $app->dispatch('PageController', 'index');
- } else {
- throw new \OC\HintException('App spreed is not enabled');
- }
-// OCM routes
- * @suppress PhanUndeclaredClassConstant
- * @suppress PhanUndeclaredClassMethod
- */
-$this->create('cloud_federation_api.requesthandlercontroller.addShare', '/ocm/shares')->post()->action(function($urlParams) {
- if (class_exists(\OCA\CloudFederationAPI\AppInfo\Application::class, false)) {
- $app = new \OCA\CloudFederationAPI\AppInfo\Application($urlParams);
- $app->dispatch('RequestHandlerController', 'addShare');
- } else {
- throw new \OC\HintException('Cloud Federation API not enabled');
- }
- * @suppress PhanUndeclaredClassConstant
- * @suppress PhanUndeclaredClassMethod
- */
-$this->create('cloud_federation_api.requesthandlercontroller.receiveNotification', '/ocm/notifications')->post()->action(function($urlParams) {
- if (class_exists(\OCA\CloudFederationAPI\AppInfo\Application::class, false)) {
- $app = new \OCA\CloudFederationAPI\AppInfo\Application($urlParams);
- $app->dispatch('RequestHandlerController', 'receiveNotification');
- } else {
- throw new \OC\HintException('Cloud Federation API not enabled');
- }
-// Sharing routes
-$this->create('files_sharing.sharecontroller.showShare', '/s/{token}')->action(function($urlParams) {
- if (class_exists(\OCA\Files_Sharing\AppInfo\Application::class, false)) {
- $app = new \OCA\Files_Sharing\AppInfo\Application($urlParams);
- $app->dispatch('ShareController', 'showShare');
- } else {
- throw new \OC\HintException('App file sharing is not enabled');
- }
-$this->create('files_sharing.sharecontroller.authenticate', '/s/{token}/authenticate/{redirect}')->post()->action(function($urlParams) {
- if (class_exists(\OCA\Files_Sharing\AppInfo\Application::class, false)) {
- $app = new \OCA\Files_Sharing\AppInfo\Application($urlParams);
- $app->dispatch('ShareController', 'authenticate');
- } else {
- throw new \OC\HintException('App file sharing is not enabled');
- }
-$this->create('files_sharing.sharecontroller.showAuthenticate', '/s/{token}/authenticate/{redirect}')->get()->action(function($urlParams) {
- if (class_exists(\OCA\Files_Sharing\AppInfo\Application::class, false)) {
- $app = new \OCA\Files_Sharing\AppInfo\Application($urlParams);
- $app->dispatch('ShareController', 'showAuthenticate');
- } else {
- throw new \OC\HintException('App file sharing is not enabled');
- }
-$this->create('files_sharing.sharecontroller.downloadShare', '/s/{token}/download')->get()->action(function($urlParams) {
- if (class_exists(\OCA\Files_Sharing\AppInfo\Application::class, false)) {
- $app = new \OCA\Files_Sharing\AppInfo\Application($urlParams);
- $app->dispatch('ShareController', 'downloadShare');
- } else {
- throw new \OC\HintException('App file sharing is not enabled');
- }
-$this->create('files_sharing.publicpreview.directLink', '/s/{token}/preview')->get()->action(function($urlParams) {
- if (class_exists(\OCA\Files_Sharing\AppInfo\Application::class, false)) {
- $app = new \OCA\Files_Sharing\AppInfo\Application($urlParams);
- $app->dispatch('PublicPreviewController', 'directLink');
- } else {
- throw new \OC\HintException('App file sharing is not enabled');
- }
diff --git a/lib/private/AppFramework/Routing/RouteConfig.php b/lib/private/AppFramework/Routing/RouteConfig.php
index 0477f4dc209..c9464f506ae 100644
--- a/lib/private/AppFramework/Routing/RouteConfig.php
+++ b/lib/private/AppFramework/Routing/RouteConfig.php
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace OC\AppFramework\Routing;
use OC\AppFramework\DependencyInjection\DIContainer;
+use OCP\AppFramework\App;
use OCP\Route\IRouter;
@@ -155,8 +156,21 @@ class RouteConfig {
$controllerName = $this->buildControllerName($controller);
$actionName = $this->buildActionName($action);
+ $appName = $simpleRoute['app'] ?? $this->appName;
+ if (isset($simpleRoute['app'])) {
+ // Legacy routes that need to be globally available while they are handled by an app
+ // E.g. '/f/{id}', '/s/{token}', '/call/{token}', …
+ $controllerName = str_replace('controllerController', 'Controller', $controllerName);
+ if ($controllerName === 'PublicpreviewController') {
+ $controllerName = 'PublicPreviewController';
+ } else if ($controllerName === 'RequesthandlerController') {
+ $controllerName = 'RequestHandlerController';
+ }
+ $controllerName = App::buildAppNamespace($appName) . '\\Controller\\' . $controllerName;
+ }
- $routeName = $this->appName . '.' . $controller . '.' . $action . $postfix;
+ $routeName = $appName . '.' . $controller . '.' . $action . $postfix;
// register the route
$handler = new RouteActionHandler($this->container, $controllerName, $actionName);