diff options
159 files changed, 896 insertions, 332 deletions
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/de.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/de.js
index eef2d32be1d..156a6dcd4e9 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/de.js
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The current log-in password was not correct, please try again." : "Das aktuelle Anmeldepasswort war nicht korrekt, bitte versuche es noch einmal.",
"Private key password successfully updated." : "Passwort des privaten Schlüssels erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"You need to migrate your encryption keys from the old encryption (ownCloud <= 8.0) to the new one. Please run 'occ encryption:migrate' or contact your administrator" : "Verschlüsselungsschlüssel müssen von der alten Verschlüsselung (ownCloud <= 8.0) zur neuen migriert werden. Bitte 'occ encryption:migrate' ausführen oder Ihren Administrator kontaktieren.",
+ "Invalid private key for encryption app. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "Falscher privater Schlüssel für die Verschlüsselungs-app. Bitte aktualisiere Deinen privaten Schlüssel in Deinen persönlichen Einstellungen um wieder Zugriff auf die verschlüsselten Dateien zu erhalten.",
+ "Encryption app is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Verschlüsselungs-app ist aktiviert, aber die Schlüssel sind noch nicht initialisiert. Bitte logge Dich aus und wieder ein",
+ "Encryption app is enabled and ready" : "Verschlüsselungs-app ist aktiviert und bereit",
"Bad Signature" : "Ungültige Signatur",
"Missing Signature" : "Fehlende Signatur",
"one-time password for server-side-encryption" : "Einmal-Passwort für serverseitige Verschlüsselung",
@@ -43,6 +46,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"New recovery key password" : "Neues Passwort für den Wiederherstellungsschlüssel",
"Repeat new recovery key password" : "Neues Passwort für den Wiederherstellungsschlüssel wiederholen",
"Change Password" : "Passwort ändern",
+ "Basic encryption module" : "Basisverschlüsselungsmodul",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Die Verschlüsselung-App ist aktiviert, aber deine Schlüssel sind nicht initialisiert. Bitte erneut ab- und wieder anmelden.",
"Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "Dein Passwort für Deinen privaten Schlüssel stimmt nicht mehr mit Deinem Loginpasswort überein.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "Dein altes Passwort für Deinen privaten Schlüssel auf Dein aktuelles Anmeldepasswort einstellen:",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/de.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/de.json
index 278e899aa5e..ba3577290a9 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/de.json
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
"The current log-in password was not correct, please try again." : "Das aktuelle Anmeldepasswort war nicht korrekt, bitte versuche es noch einmal.",
"Private key password successfully updated." : "Passwort des privaten Schlüssels erfolgreich aktualisiert",
"You need to migrate your encryption keys from the old encryption (ownCloud <= 8.0) to the new one. Please run 'occ encryption:migrate' or contact your administrator" : "Verschlüsselungsschlüssel müssen von der alten Verschlüsselung (ownCloud <= 8.0) zur neuen migriert werden. Bitte 'occ encryption:migrate' ausführen oder Ihren Administrator kontaktieren.",
+ "Invalid private key for encryption app. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "Falscher privater Schlüssel für die Verschlüsselungs-app. Bitte aktualisiere Deinen privaten Schlüssel in Deinen persönlichen Einstellungen um wieder Zugriff auf die verschlüsselten Dateien zu erhalten.",
+ "Encryption app is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Verschlüsselungs-app ist aktiviert, aber die Schlüssel sind noch nicht initialisiert. Bitte logge Dich aus und wieder ein",
+ "Encryption app is enabled and ready" : "Verschlüsselungs-app ist aktiviert und bereit",
"Bad Signature" : "Ungültige Signatur",
"Missing Signature" : "Fehlende Signatur",
"one-time password for server-side-encryption" : "Einmal-Passwort für serverseitige Verschlüsselung",
@@ -41,6 +44,7 @@
"New recovery key password" : "Neues Passwort für den Wiederherstellungsschlüssel",
"Repeat new recovery key password" : "Neues Passwort für den Wiederherstellungsschlüssel wiederholen",
"Change Password" : "Passwort ändern",
+ "Basic encryption module" : "Basisverschlüsselungsmodul",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Die Verschlüsselung-App ist aktiviert, aber deine Schlüssel sind nicht initialisiert. Bitte erneut ab- und wieder anmelden.",
"Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "Dein Passwort für Deinen privaten Schlüssel stimmt nicht mehr mit Deinem Loginpasswort überein.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "Dein altes Passwort für Deinen privaten Schlüssel auf Dein aktuelles Anmeldepasswort einstellen:",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/de_DE.js
index e2f71ae861d..966d36453af 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The current log-in password was not correct, please try again." : "Das aktuelle Anmeldepasswort war nicht korrekt, bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",
"Private key password successfully updated." : "Das Passwort des privaten Schlüssels wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
"You need to migrate your encryption keys from the old encryption (ownCloud <= 8.0) to the new one. Please run 'occ encryption:migrate' or contact your administrator" : "Sie müssen Ihre Verschlüsselungsschlüssel von der alten Verschlüsselung (ownCloud <= 8.0) zur neuen migrieren. Bitte führen Sie 'occ encryption:migrate' aus oder kontaktieren Sie Ihren Administrator.",
+ "Invalid private key for encryption app. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "Falscher privater Schlüssel für die Verschlüsselungs-app. Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihren privaten Schlüssel in Ihren persönlichen Einstellungen um wieder Zugriff auf die verschlüsselten Dateien zu erhalten.",
+ "Encryption app is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Verschlüsselungs-app ist aktiviert, aber die Schlüssel sind noch nicht initialisiert. Bitte loggen Sie sich aus und wieder ein",
+ "Encryption app is enabled and ready" : "Verschlüsselungs-app ist aktiviert und bereit",
"Bad Signature" : "Falsche Signatur",
"Missing Signature" : "Fehlende Signatur",
"one-time password for server-side-encryption" : "Einmalpasswort für Serverseitige Verschlüsselung",
@@ -43,6 +46,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"New recovery key password" : "Neues Passwort für den Wiederherstellungsschlüssel",
"Repeat new recovery key password" : "Neues Passwort für den Wiederherstellungsschlüssel wiederholen",
"Change Password" : "Passwort ändern",
+ "Basic encryption module" : "Basisverschlüsselungsmodul",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Verschlüsselung-App ist aktiviert, aber Ihre Schlüssel sind nicht initialisiert. Bitte nochmals ab- und wieder anmelden.",
"Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "Das Privatschlüsselpasswort stimmt nicht länger mit dem Anmeldepasswort überein.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "Ihr altes Privatschlüsselpasswort auf Ihr aktuelles Anmeldepasswort stellen:",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/de_DE.json
index 3c5a50dfadb..5232ec9fab5 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
"The current log-in password was not correct, please try again." : "Das aktuelle Anmeldepasswort war nicht korrekt, bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal.",
"Private key password successfully updated." : "Das Passwort des privaten Schlüssels wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.",
"You need to migrate your encryption keys from the old encryption (ownCloud <= 8.0) to the new one. Please run 'occ encryption:migrate' or contact your administrator" : "Sie müssen Ihre Verschlüsselungsschlüssel von der alten Verschlüsselung (ownCloud <= 8.0) zur neuen migrieren. Bitte führen Sie 'occ encryption:migrate' aus oder kontaktieren Sie Ihren Administrator.",
+ "Invalid private key for encryption app. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "Falscher privater Schlüssel für die Verschlüsselungs-app. Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihren privaten Schlüssel in Ihren persönlichen Einstellungen um wieder Zugriff auf die verschlüsselten Dateien zu erhalten.",
+ "Encryption app is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Verschlüsselungs-app ist aktiviert, aber die Schlüssel sind noch nicht initialisiert. Bitte loggen Sie sich aus und wieder ein",
+ "Encryption app is enabled and ready" : "Verschlüsselungs-app ist aktiviert und bereit",
"Bad Signature" : "Falsche Signatur",
"Missing Signature" : "Fehlende Signatur",
"one-time password for server-side-encryption" : "Einmalpasswort für Serverseitige Verschlüsselung",
@@ -41,6 +44,7 @@
"New recovery key password" : "Neues Passwort für den Wiederherstellungsschlüssel",
"Repeat new recovery key password" : "Neues Passwort für den Wiederherstellungsschlüssel wiederholen",
"Change Password" : "Passwort ändern",
+ "Basic encryption module" : "Basisverschlüsselungsmodul",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Verschlüsselung-App ist aktiviert, aber Ihre Schlüssel sind nicht initialisiert. Bitte nochmals ab- und wieder anmelden.",
"Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "Das Privatschlüsselpasswort stimmt nicht länger mit dem Anmeldepasswort überein.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "Ihr altes Privatschlüsselpasswort auf Ihr aktuelles Anmeldepasswort stellen:",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/it.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/it.js
index e13e4e333d0..dfa98d1c647 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/it.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/it.js
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The current log-in password was not correct, please try again." : "La password di accesso attuale non era corretta, prova ancora.",
"Private key password successfully updated." : "Password della chiave privata aggiornata correttamente.",
"You need to migrate your encryption keys from the old encryption (ownCloud <= 8.0) to the new one. Please run 'occ encryption:migrate' or contact your administrator" : "Devi migrare le tue chiavi di cifratura dalla vecchia cifratura (ownCloud <= 8.0) alla nuova. Esegui 'occ encryption:migrate' o contatta il tuo amministratore",
+ "Invalid private key for encryption app. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "Chiave privata non valida per l'applicazione di cifratura. Aggiorna la password della chiave privata nelle impostazioni personali per ripristinare l'accesso ai tuoi file cifrati.",
+ "Encryption app is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "L'applicazione di cifratura è abilitata, ma le chiavi non sono state inizializzate, disconnettiti ed effettua nuovamente l'accesso",
+ "Encryption app is enabled and ready" : "L'applicazione Cifratura è abilitata e pronta",
"Bad Signature" : "Firma non valida",
"Missing Signature" : "Firma mancante",
"one-time password for server-side-encryption" : "password monouso per la cifratura lato server",
@@ -43,6 +46,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"New recovery key password" : "Nuova password della chiave di ripristino",
"Repeat new recovery key password" : "Ripeti la nuova password della chiave di ripristino",
"Change Password" : "Modifica password",
+ "Basic encryption module" : "Modulo di cifratura base",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "L'applicazione di cifratura è abilitata, ma le chiavi non sono state inizializzate, disconnettiti ed effettua nuovamente l'accesso",
"Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "La password della chiave privata non corrisponde più alla password di accesso.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "Imposta la vecchia password della chiave privata sull'attuale password di accesso:",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/it.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/it.json
index f4f9ab423c9..7a73d3a682d 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/it.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/it.json
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
"The current log-in password was not correct, please try again." : "La password di accesso attuale non era corretta, prova ancora.",
"Private key password successfully updated." : "Password della chiave privata aggiornata correttamente.",
"You need to migrate your encryption keys from the old encryption (ownCloud <= 8.0) to the new one. Please run 'occ encryption:migrate' or contact your administrator" : "Devi migrare le tue chiavi di cifratura dalla vecchia cifratura (ownCloud <= 8.0) alla nuova. Esegui 'occ encryption:migrate' o contatta il tuo amministratore",
+ "Invalid private key for encryption app. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "Chiave privata non valida per l'applicazione di cifratura. Aggiorna la password della chiave privata nelle impostazioni personali per ripristinare l'accesso ai tuoi file cifrati.",
+ "Encryption app is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "L'applicazione di cifratura è abilitata, ma le chiavi non sono state inizializzate, disconnettiti ed effettua nuovamente l'accesso",
+ "Encryption app is enabled and ready" : "L'applicazione Cifratura è abilitata e pronta",
"Bad Signature" : "Firma non valida",
"Missing Signature" : "Firma mancante",
"one-time password for server-side-encryption" : "password monouso per la cifratura lato server",
@@ -41,6 +44,7 @@
"New recovery key password" : "Nuova password della chiave di ripristino",
"Repeat new recovery key password" : "Ripeti la nuova password della chiave di ripristino",
"Change Password" : "Modifica password",
+ "Basic encryption module" : "Modulo di cifratura base",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "L'applicazione di cifratura è abilitata, ma le chiavi non sono state inizializzate, disconnettiti ed effettua nuovamente l'accesso",
"Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "La password della chiave privata non corrisponde più alla password di accesso.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "Imposta la vecchia password della chiave privata sull'attuale password di accesso:",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/nl.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/nl.js
index 236d1aa3840..b9fd3b0b010 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/nl.js
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The current log-in password was not correct, please try again." : "Het huidige inlogwachtwoord was niet juist, probeer het opnieuw.",
"Private key password successfully updated." : "Privésleutel succesvol bijgewerkt.",
"You need to migrate your encryption keys from the old encryption (ownCloud <= 8.0) to the new one. Please run 'occ encryption:migrate' or contact your administrator" : "Je moet je cryptosleutels van de oude versleuteling (ownCloud <= 8.0) migreren naar de nieuwe. Start 'occ encryption:migrate' of neem contact op met je beheerder",
+ "Invalid private key for encryption app. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "Ongeldige privésleutel voor de crypto app. Werk het privésleutel wachtwoord bij in je persoonlijke instellingen om opnieuw toegang te krijgen tot je versleutelde bestanden.",
+ "Encryption app is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Crypto app is geactiveerd, maar je sleutels werden niet geïnitialiseerd. Log uit en log daarna opnieuw in.",
+ "Encryption app is enabled and ready" : "Encryptie app is geactiveerd en gereed",
"Bad Signature" : "Verkeerde handtekening",
"Missing Signature" : "Missende ondertekening",
"one-time password for server-side-encryption" : "eenmalig wachtwoord voor server-side versleuteling",
@@ -43,6 +46,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"New recovery key password" : "Nieuwe wachtwoord herstelsleutel",
"Repeat new recovery key password" : "Herhaal nieuwe wachtwoord herstelsleutel",
"Change Password" : "Wijzigen wachtwoord",
+ "Basic encryption module" : "Basis versleutelingsmodule",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Crypto app is geactiveerd, maar je sleutels werden niet geïnitialiseerd. Log uit en log daarna opnieuw in.",
"Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "Het wachtwoord van je privésleutel komt niet meer overeen met je inlogwachtwoord.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "Stel het wachtwoord van je oude privésleutel in op je huidige inlogwachtwoord.",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/nl.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/nl.json
index 7cdce86a492..92c9271e9dc 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/nl.json
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
"The current log-in password was not correct, please try again." : "Het huidige inlogwachtwoord was niet juist, probeer het opnieuw.",
"Private key password successfully updated." : "Privésleutel succesvol bijgewerkt.",
"You need to migrate your encryption keys from the old encryption (ownCloud <= 8.0) to the new one. Please run 'occ encryption:migrate' or contact your administrator" : "Je moet je cryptosleutels van de oude versleuteling (ownCloud <= 8.0) migreren naar de nieuwe. Start 'occ encryption:migrate' of neem contact op met je beheerder",
+ "Invalid private key for encryption app. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "Ongeldige privésleutel voor de crypto app. Werk het privésleutel wachtwoord bij in je persoonlijke instellingen om opnieuw toegang te krijgen tot je versleutelde bestanden.",
+ "Encryption app is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Crypto app is geactiveerd, maar je sleutels werden niet geïnitialiseerd. Log uit en log daarna opnieuw in.",
+ "Encryption app is enabled and ready" : "Encryptie app is geactiveerd en gereed",
"Bad Signature" : "Verkeerde handtekening",
"Missing Signature" : "Missende ondertekening",
"one-time password for server-side-encryption" : "eenmalig wachtwoord voor server-side versleuteling",
@@ -41,6 +44,7 @@
"New recovery key password" : "Nieuwe wachtwoord herstelsleutel",
"Repeat new recovery key password" : "Herhaal nieuwe wachtwoord herstelsleutel",
"Change Password" : "Wijzigen wachtwoord",
+ "Basic encryption module" : "Basis versleutelingsmodule",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Crypto app is geactiveerd, maar je sleutels werden niet geïnitialiseerd. Log uit en log daarna opnieuw in.",
"Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "Het wachtwoord van je privésleutel komt niet meer overeen met je inlogwachtwoord.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "Stel het wachtwoord van je oude privésleutel in op je huidige inlogwachtwoord.",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 205bd04489d..125961b79a8 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The current log-in password was not correct, please try again." : "A senha atual do log-in não estava correta, por favor, tente novamente.",
"Private key password successfully updated." : "Senha de chave privada atualizada com sucesso.",
"You need to migrate your encryption keys from the old encryption (ownCloud <= 8.0) to the new one. Please run 'occ encryption:migrate' or contact your administrator" : "Você precisa migrar suas chaves de criptografia a partir da antiga criptografia (ownCloud <= 8,0) para a nova. Por favor, execute 'occ encryption:migrate' ou contate o seu administrador",
+ "Invalid private key for encryption app. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "Chave privada inválida para o aplicativo de criptografia. Atualize a senha da sua chave privada nas configurações pessoais para recuperar o acesso aos seus arquivos criptografados.",
+ "Encryption app is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "O aplicativo de criptografia está ativo, mas suas chaves não foram inicializadas. Autentique-se novamente.",
+ "Encryption app is enabled and ready" : "O aplicativo de criptografia está ativo e pronto",
"Bad Signature" : "Assinatura ruim",
"Missing Signature" : "Faltando assinatura",
"one-time password for server-side-encryption" : "senha de uso único para criptografia-lado-servidor",
@@ -43,6 +46,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"New recovery key password" : "Nova senha da chave de recuperação",
"Repeat new recovery key password" : "Repita a nova senha da chave de recuperação",
"Change Password" : "Trocar senha",
+ "Basic encryption module" : "Módulo de criptografia básico",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "App de criptografia está ativado, mas as chaves não estão inicializadas, por favor log-out e faça login novamente",
"Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "A sua senha de chave privada não corresponde a sua senha de login.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "Defina a sua antiga senha da chave privada para sua senha de login atual:",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_BR.json
index a5bb9a9e0e4..49fe8bb58f1 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
"The current log-in password was not correct, please try again." : "A senha atual do log-in não estava correta, por favor, tente novamente.",
"Private key password successfully updated." : "Senha de chave privada atualizada com sucesso.",
"You need to migrate your encryption keys from the old encryption (ownCloud <= 8.0) to the new one. Please run 'occ encryption:migrate' or contact your administrator" : "Você precisa migrar suas chaves de criptografia a partir da antiga criptografia (ownCloud <= 8,0) para a nova. Por favor, execute 'occ encryption:migrate' ou contate o seu administrador",
+ "Invalid private key for encryption app. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "Chave privada inválida para o aplicativo de criptografia. Atualize a senha da sua chave privada nas configurações pessoais para recuperar o acesso aos seus arquivos criptografados.",
+ "Encryption app is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "O aplicativo de criptografia está ativo, mas suas chaves não foram inicializadas. Autentique-se novamente.",
+ "Encryption app is enabled and ready" : "O aplicativo de criptografia está ativo e pronto",
"Bad Signature" : "Assinatura ruim",
"Missing Signature" : "Faltando assinatura",
"one-time password for server-side-encryption" : "senha de uso único para criptografia-lado-servidor",
@@ -41,6 +44,7 @@
"New recovery key password" : "Nova senha da chave de recuperação",
"Repeat new recovery key password" : "Repita a nova senha da chave de recuperação",
"Change Password" : "Trocar senha",
+ "Basic encryption module" : "Módulo de criptografia básico",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "App de criptografia está ativado, mas as chaves não estão inicializadas, por favor log-out e faça login novamente",
"Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "A sua senha de chave privada não corresponde a sua senha de login.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "Defina a sua antiga senha da chave privada para sua senha de login atual:",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/ru.js b/apps/encryption/l10n/ru.js
index cc511fbcb05..6b45d2f00a2 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/ru.js
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The current log-in password was not correct, please try again." : "Текущий пароль для учётной записи введён неверно, пожалуйста повторите попытку.",
"Private key password successfully updated." : "Пароль закрытого ключа успешно обновлён.",
"You need to migrate your encryption keys from the old encryption (ownCloud <= 8.0) to the new one. Please run 'occ encryption:migrate' or contact your administrator" : "Вам необходимо произвести конвертацию ключей шифрования из старого формата (ownCloud <= 8.0) в новый. Пожалуйста запустите команду 'occ encryption:migrate' или обратитесь к администратору.",
+ "Invalid private key for encryption app. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "Закрытый ключ приложения шифрования недействителен. Обновите закрытый ключ в личных настройках, чтобы восстановить доступ к зашифрованным файлам.",
+ "Encryption app is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Приложение шифрования активно, но ваши ключи не инициализированы, выйдите из системы и войдите заново",
+ "Encryption app is enabled and ready" : "Приложение шифрования включено и готово",
"Bad Signature" : "Некорректная подпись",
"Missing Signature" : "Подпись отсутствует",
"one-time password for server-side-encryption" : "одноразовый пароль для шифрования на стороне сервера",
@@ -43,6 +46,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"New recovery key password" : "Новый пароль ключа восстановления",
"Repeat new recovery key password" : "Повторите новый пароль ключа восстановления",
"Change Password" : "Изменить пароль",
+ "Basic encryption module" : "Базовый модуль шифрования",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Приложение шифрования активно, но ваши ключи не инициализированы, выйдите из системы и войдите заново",
"Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "Пароль закрытого ключа больше не соответствует паролю вашей учетной записи.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "Замените старый пароль закрытого ключа на текущий пароль учётной записи.",
diff --git a/apps/encryption/l10n/ru.json b/apps/encryption/l10n/ru.json
index 26bcfacd730..e70741afa47 100644
--- a/apps/encryption/l10n/ru.json
+++ b/apps/encryption/l10n/ru.json
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
"The current log-in password was not correct, please try again." : "Текущий пароль для учётной записи введён неверно, пожалуйста повторите попытку.",
"Private key password successfully updated." : "Пароль закрытого ключа успешно обновлён.",
"You need to migrate your encryption keys from the old encryption (ownCloud <= 8.0) to the new one. Please run 'occ encryption:migrate' or contact your administrator" : "Вам необходимо произвести конвертацию ключей шифрования из старого формата (ownCloud <= 8.0) в новый. Пожалуйста запустите команду 'occ encryption:migrate' или обратитесь к администратору.",
+ "Invalid private key for encryption app. Please update your private key password in your personal settings to recover access to your encrypted files." : "Закрытый ключ приложения шифрования недействителен. Обновите закрытый ключ в личных настройках, чтобы восстановить доступ к зашифрованным файлам.",
+ "Encryption app is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Приложение шифрования активно, но ваши ключи не инициализированы, выйдите из системы и войдите заново",
+ "Encryption app is enabled and ready" : "Приложение шифрования включено и готово",
"Bad Signature" : "Некорректная подпись",
"Missing Signature" : "Подпись отсутствует",
"one-time password for server-side-encryption" : "одноразовый пароль для шифрования на стороне сервера",
@@ -41,6 +44,7 @@
"New recovery key password" : "Новый пароль ключа восстановления",
"Repeat new recovery key password" : "Повторите новый пароль ключа восстановления",
"Change Password" : "Изменить пароль",
+ "Basic encryption module" : "Базовый модуль шифрования",
"Encryption App is enabled but your keys are not initialized, please log-out and log-in again" : "Приложение шифрования активно, но ваши ключи не инициализированы, выйдите из системы и войдите заново",
"Your private key password no longer matches your log-in password." : "Пароль закрытого ключа больше не соответствует паролю вашей учетной записи.",
"Set your old private key password to your current log-in password:" : "Замените старый пароль закрытого ключа на текущий пароль учётной записи.",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.js b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.js
index 67870087289..9c6b86d8b02 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.js
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Remote share password" : "Passwort für die entfernte Freigabe",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Add remote share" : "Entfernte Freigabe hinzufügen",
+ "Copied!" : "Kopiert!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Nicht unterstützt!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "⌘-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Ctrl-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
"Invalid Federated Cloud ID" : "Ungültige Federated-Cloud-ID",
"Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Das Server-zu-Server-Teilen ist auf diesem Server nicht aktiviert",
"Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Federated-Share konnte nicht aufgebaut werden",
@@ -18,10 +22,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Die Authentifizierung an der entfernten Freigabe konnte nicht erfolgen, das Passwort könnte falsch sein",
"Storage not valid" : "Speicher ungültig",
"Federated Share successfully added" : "Federated-Share erfolgreich hinzugefügt",
- "Couldn't add remote share" : "Remotefreigabe kann nicht hinzu gefügt werden",
+ "Couldn't add remote share" : "Remotefreigabe konnte nicht hinzu gefügt werden",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "Freigabe von %s fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Objekt schon mit %s geteilt wird",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Das Erstellen einer Federated Cloud Freigabe mit dem gleichen Benutzer ist nicht erlaubt",
- "File is already shared with %s" : "Datei wird bereits geteilt mit %s",
+ "File is already shared with %s" : "Datei wird bereits mit %s geteilt",
"Sharing %s failed, could not find %s, maybe the server is currently unreachable." : "Freigabe von %s fehlgeschlagen, da %s nicht gefunden wurde. Möglicherweise ist der Server nicht erreichbar.",
"Could not find share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"You received \"/%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Du hast \"/%3$s\" als Remotefreigabe von %1$s (als Teil von %2$s) erhalten",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.json b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.json
index e1ec0c70c2b..b3cd09aeb4d 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de.json
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
"Remote share password" : "Passwort für die entfernte Freigabe",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Add remote share" : "Entfernte Freigabe hinzufügen",
+ "Copied!" : "Kopiert!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Nicht unterstützt!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "⌘-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Ctrl-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
"Invalid Federated Cloud ID" : "Ungültige Federated-Cloud-ID",
"Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Das Server-zu-Server-Teilen ist auf diesem Server nicht aktiviert",
"Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Federated-Share konnte nicht aufgebaut werden",
@@ -16,10 +20,10 @@
"Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Die Authentifizierung an der entfernten Freigabe konnte nicht erfolgen, das Passwort könnte falsch sein",
"Storage not valid" : "Speicher ungültig",
"Federated Share successfully added" : "Federated-Share erfolgreich hinzugefügt",
- "Couldn't add remote share" : "Remotefreigabe kann nicht hinzu gefügt werden",
+ "Couldn't add remote share" : "Remotefreigabe konnte nicht hinzu gefügt werden",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "Freigabe von %s fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Objekt schon mit %s geteilt wird",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Das Erstellen einer Federated Cloud Freigabe mit dem gleichen Benutzer ist nicht erlaubt",
- "File is already shared with %s" : "Datei wird bereits geteilt mit %s",
+ "File is already shared with %s" : "Datei wird bereits mit %s geteilt",
"Sharing %s failed, could not find %s, maybe the server is currently unreachable." : "Freigabe von %s fehlgeschlagen, da %s nicht gefunden wurde. Möglicherweise ist der Server nicht erreichbar.",
"Could not find share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gefunden werden",
"You received \"/%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Du hast \"/%3$s\" als Remotefreigabe von %1$s (als Teil von %2$s) erhalten",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.js
index 4d26d7215ba..019f23253e6 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Remote share password" : "Passwort für die entfernte Freigabe",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Add remote share" : "Entfernte Freigabe hinzufügen",
+ "Copied!" : "Kopiert!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Nicht unterstützt!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "⌘-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Ctrl-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
"Invalid Federated Cloud ID" : "Ungültige Federated-Cloud-ID",
"Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Das Server-zu-Server-Teilen ist auf diesem Server nicht aktiviert",
"Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Federated-Share konnte nicht aufgebaut werden",
@@ -18,7 +22,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Die Authentifizierung an der entfernten Freigabe konnte nicht erfolgen, das Passwort könnte falsch sein",
"Storage not valid" : "Speicher ungültig",
"Federated Share successfully added" : "Federated-Share erfolgreich hinzugefügt",
- "Couldn't add remote share" : "Remotefreigabe kann nicht hinzu gefügt werden",
+ "Couldn't add remote share" : "Remotefreigabe konnte nicht hinzu gefügt werden",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "Die Freigabe von %s ist fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Objekt schon mit %s geteilt wird",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Das Erstellen einer Federated Cloud Freigabe mit dem gleichen Benutzer ist nicht erlaubt",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Datei wird bereits geteilt mit %s",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.json
index 7b8fd1fcd28..263bc6865e3 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
"Remote share password" : "Passwort für die entfernte Freigabe",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
"Add remote share" : "Entfernte Freigabe hinzufügen",
+ "Copied!" : "Kopiert!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Nicht unterstützt!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "⌘-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Ctrl-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
"Invalid Federated Cloud ID" : "Ungültige Federated-Cloud-ID",
"Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Das Server-zu-Server-Teilen ist auf diesem Server nicht aktiviert",
"Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Federated-Share konnte nicht aufgebaut werden",
@@ -16,7 +20,7 @@
"Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Die Authentifizierung an der entfernten Freigabe konnte nicht erfolgen, das Passwort könnte falsch sein",
"Storage not valid" : "Speicher ungültig",
"Federated Share successfully added" : "Federated-Share erfolgreich hinzugefügt",
- "Couldn't add remote share" : "Remotefreigabe kann nicht hinzu gefügt werden",
+ "Couldn't add remote share" : "Remotefreigabe konnte nicht hinzu gefügt werden",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "Die Freigabe von %s ist fehlgeschlagen, da dieses Objekt schon mit %s geteilt wird",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Das Erstellen einer Federated Cloud Freigabe mit dem gleichen Benutzer ist nicht erlaubt",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Datei wird bereits geteilt mit %s",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/is.js b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/is.js
index 58bfa4e8f41..c2140787537 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/is.js
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/is.js
@@ -1,12 +1,29 @@
- "Federated sharing" : "Deiling milli þjóna",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Deiling milli þjóna (skýjasambandssameign)",
+ "Do you want to add the remote share {name} from {owner}@{remote}?" : "Viltu bæta við fjartengdri sameign {name} frá {owner}@{remote}?",
+ "Remote share" : "Fjartengd sameign",
+ "Remote share password" : "Lykilorð fjartengdrar sameignar",
+ "Cancel" : "Hætta við",
+ "Add remote share" : "Bæta við fjartengdri sameign",
"Invalid Federated Cloud ID" : "Ógilt skýjasambandsauðkenni (Federated Cloud ID)",
+ "Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Deiling frá þjóni til þjóns er ekki virk á þessum þjóni",
+ "Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Gat ekki bætt við skýjasambandssameign.",
+ "Couldn't establish a federated share, maybe the password was wrong." : "Gat ekki bætt við skýjasambandssameign, hugsanlega var lykilorðið ekki rétt.",
+ "Federated Share request was successful, you will receive a invitation. Check your notifications." : "Beiðni um skýjasambandssameign tókst, þú munt fá boðskort. Athugaður skilaboð til þín.",
+ "The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." : "Heiti tengipunktsins inniheldur ógilda stafi.",
+ "Not allowed to create a federated share with the owner." : "Ekki er heimilt að búa til skýjasambandssameign með eigandanum.",
+ "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "Ógilt eða vantreyst SSL-skilríki",
+ "Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Gat ekki auðkennt á fjartengdri sameign, lykilorð gæti verið rangt",
+ "Storage not valid" : "Geymslan er ekki gild",
+ "Federated Share successfully added" : "Tókst að bæta við skýjasambandssameign",
+ "Couldn't add remote share" : "Gat ekki bætt við fjartengdri sameign",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "Deiling %s mistókst, því þessu atriði er þegar deilt með %s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Ekki er heimilt að búa til skýjasambandssameign með sama notanda",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Skránni er þegar deilt með %s",
"Sharing %s failed, could not find %s, maybe the server is currently unreachable." : "Deiling %s mistókst, gat ekki fundið %s, hugsanlega er þjónninn ekki tiltækur í augnablikinu.",
+ "Could not find share" : "Gat ekki fundið sameign",
"You received \"/%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Þú tókst við \"/%3$s\" sem fjartengdri sameign frá %1$s (fyrir hönd %2$s)",
"You received \"/%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Þú tókst við \"/%3$s\" sem fjartengdri sameign frá %1$s",
"Accept" : "Samþykkja",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/is.json b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/is.json
index dabc08d6005..bd5af8d4622 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/is.json
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/is.json
@@ -1,10 +1,27 @@
{ "translations": {
- "Federated sharing" : "Deiling milli þjóna",
+ "Federated sharing" : "Deiling milli þjóna (skýjasambandssameign)",
+ "Do you want to add the remote share {name} from {owner}@{remote}?" : "Viltu bæta við fjartengdri sameign {name} frá {owner}@{remote}?",
+ "Remote share" : "Fjartengd sameign",
+ "Remote share password" : "Lykilorð fjartengdrar sameignar",
+ "Cancel" : "Hætta við",
+ "Add remote share" : "Bæta við fjartengdri sameign",
"Invalid Federated Cloud ID" : "Ógilt skýjasambandsauðkenni (Federated Cloud ID)",
+ "Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Deiling frá þjóni til þjóns er ekki virk á þessum þjóni",
+ "Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Gat ekki bætt við skýjasambandssameign.",
+ "Couldn't establish a federated share, maybe the password was wrong." : "Gat ekki bætt við skýjasambandssameign, hugsanlega var lykilorðið ekki rétt.",
+ "Federated Share request was successful, you will receive a invitation. Check your notifications." : "Beiðni um skýjasambandssameign tókst, þú munt fá boðskort. Athugaður skilaboð til þín.",
+ "The mountpoint name contains invalid characters." : "Heiti tengipunktsins inniheldur ógilda stafi.",
+ "Not allowed to create a federated share with the owner." : "Ekki er heimilt að búa til skýjasambandssameign með eigandanum.",
+ "Invalid or untrusted SSL certificate" : "Ógilt eða vantreyst SSL-skilríki",
+ "Could not authenticate to remote share, password might be wrong" : "Gat ekki auðkennt á fjartengdri sameign, lykilorð gæti verið rangt",
+ "Storage not valid" : "Geymslan er ekki gild",
+ "Federated Share successfully added" : "Tókst að bæta við skýjasambandssameign",
+ "Couldn't add remote share" : "Gat ekki bætt við fjartengdri sameign",
"Sharing %s failed, because this item is already shared with %s" : "Deiling %s mistókst, því þessu atriði er þegar deilt með %s",
"Not allowed to create a federated share with the same user" : "Ekki er heimilt að búa til skýjasambandssameign með sama notanda",
"File is already shared with %s" : "Skránni er þegar deilt með %s",
"Sharing %s failed, could not find %s, maybe the server is currently unreachable." : "Deiling %s mistókst, gat ekki fundið %s, hugsanlega er þjónninn ekki tiltækur í augnablikinu.",
+ "Could not find share" : "Gat ekki fundið sameign",
"You received \"/%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s (on behalf of %2$s)" : "Þú tókst við \"/%3$s\" sem fjartengdri sameign frá %1$s (fyrir hönd %2$s)",
"You received \"/%3$s\" as a remote share from %1$s" : "Þú tókst við \"/%3$s\" sem fjartengdri sameign frá %1$s",
"Accept" : "Samþykkja",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/it.js b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/it.js
index fa6c9b9ee4c..9873a708c05 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/it.js
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/it.js
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Remote share password" : "Password della condivisione remota",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
"Add remote share" : "Aggiungi condivisione remota",
+ "Copied!" : "Copiato!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Non supportato!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "Premi ⌘-C per copiare.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Premi Ctrl-C per copiare.",
"Invalid Federated Cloud ID" : "ID di cloud federata non valido",
"Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "La condivisione tra server non è abilitata su questo server",
"Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Impossibile stabilire una condivisione federata",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/it.json b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/it.json
index 4a0348cc474..dcc83a1fc19 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/it.json
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/it.json
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
"Remote share password" : "Password della condivisione remota",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
"Add remote share" : "Aggiungi condivisione remota",
+ "Copied!" : "Copiato!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Non supportato!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "Premi ⌘-C per copiare.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Premi Ctrl-C per copiare.",
"Invalid Federated Cloud ID" : "ID di cloud federata non valido",
"Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "La condivisione tra server non è abilitata su questo server",
"Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Impossibile stabilire una condivisione federata",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nl.js b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nl.js
index 9c32f1a4d32..09093f2c5a2 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nl.js
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Remote share password" : "Wachtwoord externe share",
"Cancel" : "Annuleren",
"Add remote share" : "Toevoegen externe share",
+ "Copied!" : "Gekopieerd!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Niet ondersteund!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "Druk op ⌘-C om te kopiëren.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Druk op Ctrl-C om te kopiëren.",
"Invalid Federated Cloud ID" : "Ongeldige Federated Cloud ID",
"Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Server met server delen is op deze server niet geactiveerd",
"Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Kon geen gefedereerde share tot stand brengen",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nl.json b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nl.json
index 9b18287db44..99005581fcd 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/nl.json
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
"Remote share password" : "Wachtwoord externe share",
"Cancel" : "Annuleren",
"Add remote share" : "Toevoegen externe share",
+ "Copied!" : "Gekopieerd!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Niet ondersteund!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "Druk op ⌘-C om te kopiëren.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Druk op Ctrl-C om te kopiëren.",
"Invalid Federated Cloud ID" : "Ongeldige Federated Cloud ID",
"Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Server met server delen is op deze server niet geactiveerd",
"Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Kon geen gefedereerde share tot stand brengen",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.js
index ee19fa11d13..dc3b5cb464b 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Remote share password" : "Senha do compartilhamento remoto",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Add remote share" : "Adicionar compartilhamento remoto",
+ "Copied!" : "Copiado!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Não suportado!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "Pressione ⌘-C para copiar.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Pressione Ctrl-C para copiar.",
"Invalid Federated Cloud ID" : "Inválida Associação de Nuvem ID",
"Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Servidor para compartilhamento de servidor não está ativo neste servidor",
"Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Não foi possível estabelecer um compartilhamento federado.",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.json
index 1fffd8a11f2..d727e7c3424 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
"Remote share password" : "Senha do compartilhamento remoto",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
"Add remote share" : "Adicionar compartilhamento remoto",
+ "Copied!" : "Copiado!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Não suportado!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "Pressione ⌘-C para copiar.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Pressione Ctrl-C para copiar.",
"Invalid Federated Cloud ID" : "Inválida Associação de Nuvem ID",
"Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "Servidor para compartilhamento de servidor não está ativo neste servidor",
"Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Não foi possível estabelecer um compartilhamento federado.",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/ru.js b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/ru.js
index a0ab14e1e71..6f7ddb0a4ed 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/ru.js
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Remote share password" : "Пароль для удаленного общего ресурса",
"Cancel" : "Отмена",
"Add remote share" : "Добавить удалённый общий ресурс",
+ "Copied!" : "Скопировано!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Не поддерживается!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "Нажмите ⌘-C для копирования.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Нажмите Ctrl-C для копирования.",
"Invalid Federated Cloud ID" : "Неверный ID в объединении облачных хранилищ.",
"Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "На данном сервере выключено межсерверное предоставление общего доступа",
"Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Не удаётся установить распределённый общий ресурс.",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/ru.json b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/ru.json
index a7ba23145bb..905598932c6 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/ru.json
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/ru.json
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
"Remote share password" : "Пароль для удаленного общего ресурса",
"Cancel" : "Отмена",
"Add remote share" : "Добавить удалённый общий ресурс",
+ "Copied!" : "Скопировано!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Не поддерживается!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "Нажмите ⌘-C для копирования.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Нажмите Ctrl-C для копирования.",
"Invalid Federated Cloud ID" : "Неверный ID в объединении облачных хранилищ.",
"Server to server sharing is not enabled on this server" : "На данном сервере выключено межсерверное предоставление общего доступа",
"Couldn't establish a federated share." : "Не удаётся установить распределённый общий ресурс.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/cs_CZ.js b/apps/federation/l10n/cs_CZ.js
index 1aa8b18aea7..09d3bcf3602 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/cs_CZ.js
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/cs_CZ.js
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Přidán na seznam důvěryhodných serverů.",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Server je již přidán na seznam důvěryhodných serverů.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Nenalezen žádný server ke sdružování",
"Could not add server" : "Nepodařilo se přidat server",
"Federation" : "Sdružování",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Sdružování vám umožňuje se připojit k dalším důvěryhodným serverům za účelem výměny uživatelských adresářů. Používá se to např. pro automatické doplňování uživatelů při sdruženém sdílení.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/cs_CZ.json b/apps/federation/l10n/cs_CZ.json
index 36d7726e0e6..84b227e21d2 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/cs_CZ.json
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/cs_CZ.json
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Přidán na seznam důvěryhodných serverů.",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Server je již přidán na seznam důvěryhodných serverů.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Nenalezen žádný server ke sdružování",
"Could not add server" : "Nepodařilo se přidat server",
"Federation" : "Sdružování",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Sdružování vám umožňuje se připojit k dalším důvěryhodným serverům za účelem výměny uživatelských adresářů. Používá se to např. pro automatické doplňování uživatelů při sdruženém sdílení.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/de.js b/apps/federation/l10n/de.js
index f53f4ebd1bd..c24fe42d6a4 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/de.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Der Liste der vertrauenswürdigen Server hinzugefügt",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Server ist bereits in der Liste der vertrauenswürdigen Servern.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Keinen Server gefunden, der sich verbinden ließe.",
+ "No server to federate with found" : "Kein server Gebunden, der sich verbinden ließe",
"Could not add server" : "Konnte Server nicht hinzufügen",
"Federation" : "Federation",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Federation erlaubt es Dir, dich mit anderen vertrauenswürdigen Servern zu verbinden um das Benutzerverzeichnis auszutauschen. Diese Funktion wird beispielsweise für die Autovervollständigung externer Benutzer genutzt und ermöglicht das Teilen von Inhalten mit ihnen (\"federated sharing\").",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/de.json b/apps/federation/l10n/de.json
index 3b925240fc0..837e69628f3 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/de.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Der Liste der vertrauenswürdigen Server hinzugefügt",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Server ist bereits in der Liste der vertrauenswürdigen Servern.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Keinen Server gefunden, der sich verbinden ließe.",
+ "No server to federate with found" : "Kein server Gebunden, der sich verbinden ließe",
"Could not add server" : "Konnte Server nicht hinzufügen",
"Federation" : "Federation",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Federation erlaubt es Dir, dich mit anderen vertrauenswürdigen Servern zu verbinden um das Benutzerverzeichnis auszutauschen. Diese Funktion wird beispielsweise für die Autovervollständigung externer Benutzer genutzt und ermöglicht das Teilen von Inhalten mit ihnen (\"federated sharing\").",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/federation/l10n/de_DE.js
index 9d175ae2768..42abfa0f1a6 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Der Liste der vertrauenswürdigen Server hinzugefügt",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Server ist bereits in der Liste der vertrauenswürdigen Servern.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Keinen Server gefunden, der sich verbinden ließe.",
+ "No server to federate with found" : "Kein server Gebunden, der sich verbinden ließe",
"Could not add server" : "Konnte Server nicht hinzufügen",
"Federation" : "Federation",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Federation erlaubt es Ihnen sich mit anderen vertrauenswürdigen Servern zu verbinden um das Benutzerverzeichnis auszutauschen. Diese Funktion wird beispielsweise für die Autovervollständigung externer Benutzer genutzt und ermöglicht das Teilen von Inhalten mit ihnen (\"federated sharing\").",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/federation/l10n/de_DE.json
index b18b46c70fb..816c75b491d 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Der Liste der vertrauenswürdigen Server hinzugefügt",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Server ist bereits in der Liste der vertrauenswürdigen Servern.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Keinen Server gefunden, der sich verbinden ließe.",
+ "No server to federate with found" : "Kein server Gebunden, der sich verbinden ließe",
"Could not add server" : "Konnte Server nicht hinzufügen",
"Federation" : "Federation",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Federation erlaubt es Ihnen sich mit anderen vertrauenswürdigen Servern zu verbinden um das Benutzerverzeichnis auszutauschen. Diese Funktion wird beispielsweise für die Autovervollständigung externer Benutzer genutzt und ermöglicht das Teilen von Inhalten mit ihnen (\"federated sharing\").",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/es.js b/apps/federation/l10n/es.js
index d2b98ba657d..153ada95138 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/es.js
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/es.js
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Añadido a la lista de servidores de confianza",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "El servidor ya está en la lista de servidores en los que se confía.",
- "No server to federate found" : "No se han encontrado servidores para federar",
"Could not add server" : "No se ha podido añadir el servidor",
"Federation" : "Federación",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "La federación te permite conectarte con otros servidores de confianza para intercambiar directorios. Por ejemplo, ésto se usará para autocompletar la selección usuarios externos al compartir en federación. ",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/es.json b/apps/federation/l10n/es.json
index b3ddc86e439..d4d474b9273 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/es.json
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/es.json
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Añadido a la lista de servidores de confianza",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "El servidor ya está en la lista de servidores en los que se confía.",
- "No server to federate found" : "No se han encontrado servidores para federar",
"Could not add server" : "No se ha podido añadir el servidor",
"Federation" : "Federación",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "La federación te permite conectarte con otros servidores de confianza para intercambiar directorios. Por ejemplo, ésto se usará para autocompletar la selección usuarios externos al compartir en federación. ",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/fr.js b/apps/federation/l10n/fr.js
index 9113e44017b..0953edf8297 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/fr.js
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Ajouté à la liste des serveurs de confiance",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Le serveur est déjà dans la liste des serveurs de confiance.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Aucun serveur à fédérer n'a été trouvé",
"Could not add server" : "Impossible d'ajouter le serveur",
"Federation" : "Fédération",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "La « fédération » vous permet de vous connecter avec d'autres serveurs de confiance pour échanger la liste des utilisateurs. Par exemple, ce sera utilisé pour auto-compléter les utilisateurs externes lors du partage fédéré.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/fr.json b/apps/federation/l10n/fr.json
index 88667336936..bec0ac47df5 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/fr.json
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Ajouté à la liste des serveurs de confiance",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Le serveur est déjà dans la liste des serveurs de confiance.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Aucun serveur à fédérer n'a été trouvé",
"Could not add server" : "Impossible d'ajouter le serveur",
"Federation" : "Fédération",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "La « fédération » vous permet de vous connecter avec d'autres serveurs de confiance pour échanger la liste des utilisateurs. Par exemple, ce sera utilisé pour auto-compléter les utilisateurs externes lors du partage fédéré.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/id.js b/apps/federation/l10n/id.js
index 99c1caa7df6..c4725768abe 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/id.js
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/id.js
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Server telah ditambahkan pada daftar server terpercaya",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Server sudah ada pada daftar server terpercaya",
- "No server to federate found" : "Tidak ada server yang bisa difederasikan",
"Could not add server" : "Tidak dapat menambahkan server",
"Federation" : "Federasi",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Federasi memungkinkan Anda untuk terhubung dengan server lainnya yang terpercaya untuk menukar direktori pengguna. Contohnya, ini akan digunakan untuk pengisian-otomatis untuk pengguna eksternal untuk pembagian terfederasi.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/id.json b/apps/federation/l10n/id.json
index 466396e1901..7d8a0c37a95 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/id.json
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/id.json
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Server telah ditambahkan pada daftar server terpercaya",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Server sudah ada pada daftar server terpercaya",
- "No server to federate found" : "Tidak ada server yang bisa difederasikan",
"Could not add server" : "Tidak dapat menambahkan server",
"Federation" : "Federasi",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Federasi memungkinkan Anda untuk terhubung dengan server lainnya yang terpercaya untuk menukar direktori pengguna. Contohnya, ini akan digunakan untuk pengisian-otomatis untuk pengguna eksternal untuk pembagian terfederasi.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/is.js b/apps/federation/l10n/is.js
index e7016e9b154..88c83aad4a0 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/is.js
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/is.js
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Bætt á lista yfir treysta þjóna",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Þjónninn er nú þegar á listanum yfir treysta þjóna.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Enginn sambandsþjónn fannst",
"Could not add server" : "Gat ekki bætt við þjóni",
"Federation" : "Samband",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Þjónasamband (federation) gerir þér kleift að tengjast öðrumtreystum skýjum til að skiptast á notendaskrám. Þetta er til dæmis notað til að sjálfklára nöfn ytri notenda við deilingu sambandssameigna.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/is.json b/apps/federation/l10n/is.json
index 4f61cb1258b..5277841fe04 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/is.json
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/is.json
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Bætt á lista yfir treysta þjóna",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Þjónninn er nú þegar á listanum yfir treysta þjóna.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Enginn sambandsþjónn fannst",
"Could not add server" : "Gat ekki bætt við þjóni",
"Federation" : "Samband",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Þjónasamband (federation) gerir þér kleift að tengjast öðrumtreystum skýjum til að skiptast á notendaskrám. Þetta er til dæmis notað til að sjálfklára nöfn ytri notenda við deilingu sambandssameigna.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/it.js b/apps/federation/l10n/it.js
index 25b63e62ce3..5a4dbc1f0a0 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/it.js
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/it.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Aggiunto alla lista dei server affidabili",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Il server è già nell'elenco dei server affidabili.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Non ho trovato alcun server per la federazione",
+ "No server to federate with found" : "Non ho trovato alcun server per la federazione",
"Could not add server" : "Impossibile aggiungere il server",
"Federation" : "Federazione",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "La federazione consente di connettersi ad altri server affidabili per accedere alla cartella utente. Ad esempio, può essere utilizzata per il completamento automatico di utenti esterni per la condivisione federata.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/it.json b/apps/federation/l10n/it.json
index 46f6aaaf3ba..e0013dc7abd 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/it.json
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/it.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Aggiunto alla lista dei server affidabili",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Il server è già nell'elenco dei server affidabili.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Non ho trovato alcun server per la federazione",
+ "No server to federate with found" : "Non ho trovato alcun server per la federazione",
"Could not add server" : "Impossibile aggiungere il server",
"Federation" : "Federazione",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "La federazione consente di connettersi ad altri server affidabili per accedere alla cartella utente. Ad esempio, può essere utilizzata per il completamento automatico di utenti esterni per la condivisione federata.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/nl.js b/apps/federation/l10n/nl.js
index 1f54a86af01..49732c67f4e 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/nl.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Toegevoegd aan de lijst met vertrouwde servers",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Server bestaat reeds in de lijst van vertrouwde servers.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Geen server gevonden om mee te federeren",
+ "No server to federate with found" : "Geen server gevonden om mee te federeren",
"Could not add server" : "Kon server niet toevoegen",
"Federation" : "Federatie",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Federatie maakt het mogelijk om te verbinden met vertrouwde servers en de gebuikersadministratie te delen. Zo kun je automatisch externe gebruikers toevoegen voor federatief delen.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/nl.json b/apps/federation/l10n/nl.json
index a413e8dac04..c407db9ed47 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/nl.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Toegevoegd aan de lijst met vertrouwde servers",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Server bestaat reeds in de lijst van vertrouwde servers.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Geen server gevonden om mee te federeren",
+ "No server to federate with found" : "Geen server gevonden om mee te federeren",
"Could not add server" : "Kon server niet toevoegen",
"Federation" : "Federatie",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Federatie maakt het mogelijk om te verbinden met vertrouwde servers en de gebuikersadministratie te delen. Zo kun je automatisch externe gebruikers toevoegen voor federatief delen.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/federation/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 3ed5852cd79..210cf76baeb 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Adicionado a lista de servidores confiáveis.",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "O servidor já está na lista de servidores confiáveis.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Nenhum servidor encontrado para federar",
+ "No server to federate with found" : "Nenhum servidor para associar com o encontrado",
"Could not add server" : "Não foi possível adicionar servidor",
"Federation" : "Associação",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Federação permite que você conecte com outros servidores confiáveis para trocar o diretório do usuário. Por exemplo, este atributo será usado para completar automaticamente usuários externos para compartilhamento federado.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/federation/l10n/pt_BR.json
index 1568c942408..d0defc984f4 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Adicionado a lista de servidores confiáveis.",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "O servidor já está na lista de servidores confiáveis.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Nenhum servidor encontrado para federar",
+ "No server to federate with found" : "Nenhum servidor para associar com o encontrado",
"Could not add server" : "Não foi possível adicionar servidor",
"Federation" : "Associação",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Federação permite que você conecte com outros servidores confiáveis para trocar o diretório do usuário. Por exemplo, este atributo será usado para completar automaticamente usuários externos para compartilhamento federado.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/ru.js b/apps/federation/l10n/ru.js
index e585cd3c39e..7d94f36e47c 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/ru.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Добавлено в список доверенных серверов",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Сервер уже в списке доверенных серверов.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Сервер для объединения не найден",
+ "No server to federate with found" : "Сервер для объединения не найден",
"Could not add server" : "Не удалось добавить сервер",
"Federation" : "Объединение",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Объединение серверов позволит Вам подключиться к другим доверенным серверам для обмена каталогами пользователей. Это будет использовано, например, для автоматического завершения внешних пользователей при объединенном общем доступе.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/ru.json b/apps/federation/l10n/ru.json
index bdc9958b44b..6a97b31027b 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/ru.json
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/ru.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Добавлено в список доверенных серверов",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Сервер уже в списке доверенных серверов.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Сервер для объединения не найден",
+ "No server to federate with found" : "Сервер для объединения не найден",
"Could not add server" : "Не удалось добавить сервер",
"Federation" : "Объединение",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Объединение серверов позволит Вам подключиться к другим доверенным серверам для обмена каталогами пользователей. Это будет использовано, например, для автоматического завершения внешних пользователей при объединенном общем доступе.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/tr.js b/apps/federation/l10n/tr.js
index 93dbe723dd8..df93aab9e06 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/tr.js
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Güvenilir sunucular listesine eklendi",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Sunucu zaten güvenilen sunucu listesine eklenmiş.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Birleşim sunucusu bulunamadı",
"Could not add server" : "Sunucu eklenemedi",
"Federation" : "Birleşim",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Birleşim, diğer güvenilir sunucularla dosya/klasör paylaşımı yapmanıza izin verir. \nÖrneğin, harici kullanıcıların klasörleri, otomatik tamamlama için kullanılacaktır.",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/tr.json b/apps/federation/l10n/tr.json
index 45072b5c9ed..cf8f55e452d 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/tr.json
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{ "translations": {
"Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Güvenilir sunucular listesine eklendi",
"Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "Sunucu zaten güvenilen sunucu listesine eklenmiş.",
- "No server to federate found" : "Birleşim sunucusu bulunamadı",
"Could not add server" : "Sunucu eklenemedi",
"Federation" : "Birleşim",
"Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "Birleşim, diğer güvenilir sunucularla dosya/klasör paylaşımı yapmanıza izin verir. \nÖrneğin, harici kullanıcıların klasörleri, otomatik tamamlama için kullanılacaktır.",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/de.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/de.js
index 615cde01d3f..2d7c8702d52 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/de.js
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilität mit MAC NFD-Kodierung (langsam)",
"Admin defined" : "Administrator festlegen",
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
- "Saving..." : "Speichern…",
+ "Saving..." : "Speichere…",
"Save" : "Speichern",
"Empty response from the server" : "leere Antwort vom Server",
"Couldn't access. Please logout and login to activate this mount point" : "Anmeldung nicht möglich. Bitte abmelden und erneut anmelden, damit von diesem Endpunkt zugegriffen werden kann.",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/de.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/de.json
index 19ae5d01301..e840a014ee3 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/de.json
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilität mit MAC NFD-Kodierung (langsam)",
"Admin defined" : "Administrator festlegen",
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
- "Saving..." : "Speichern…",
+ "Saving..." : "Speichere…",
"Save" : "Speichern",
"Empty response from the server" : "leere Antwort vom Server",
"Couldn't access. Please logout and login to activate this mount point" : "Anmeldung nicht möglich. Bitte abmelden und erneut anmelden, damit von diesem Endpunkt zugegriffen werden kann.",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.js
index 9b864b18293..465cf16387e 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilität mit MAC NFD-Kodierung (langsam)",
"Admin defined" : "Administrator definiert",
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
- "Saving..." : "Speichern...",
+ "Saving..." : "Speichere...",
"Save" : "Speichern",
"Empty response from the server" : "Leere Antwort vom Server erhalten",
"Couldn't access. Please logout and login to activate this mount point" : "Anmeldung nicht möglich. Bitte melden Sie sich ab und wieder an, damit Sie von diesem Endpunkt zugreifen können.",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.json
index 972e91adb4f..d1b1bd0b9f8 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"Compatibility with Mac NFD encoding (slow)" : "Kompatibilität mit MAC NFD-Kodierung (langsam)",
"Admin defined" : "Administrator definiert",
"Saved" : "Gespeichert",
- "Saving..." : "Speichern...",
+ "Saving..." : "Speichere...",
"Save" : "Speichern",
"Empty response from the server" : "Leere Antwort vom Server erhalten",
"Couldn't access. Please logout and login to activate this mount point" : "Anmeldung nicht möglich. Bitte melden Sie sich ab und wieder an, damit Sie von diesem Endpunkt zugreifen können.",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.js
index 635bd45626a..1858c91b8ab 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.js
@@ -18,9 +18,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by" : "Geteilt von ",
"Sharing" : "Teilen",
"Wrong share ID, share doesn't exist" : "Fehlerhafte Freigabe-ID, Freigabe existiert nicht",
+ "could not delete share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"Could not delete share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"Please specify a file or folder path" : "Bitte eine Datei oder Verzeichnis definieren",
"Wrong path, file/folder doesn't exist" : "Falscher Pfad, Datei/Verzeichnis existiert nicht",
+ "Could not create share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht erstellt werden",
+ "invalid permissions" : "Ungültige Berechtigung",
"Please specify a valid user" : "Bitte gib einen gültigen Nutzer an",
"Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Die Gruppenfreigabe ist durch den Administrator deaktiviert",
"Please specify a valid group" : "Bitte gib eine gültige Gruppe an",
@@ -71,7 +74,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Removed share of group %2$s" : "Freigabe für Gruppe %2$s entfernt",
"%2$s removed share of group %3$s" : "%2$s hat die Freigabe für Gruppe %3$s entfernt",
"Shared via link by %2$s" : "Geteilt mittels Link von %2$s",
- "Shared via public link" : "Geteilt mittels öffentlichen Link",
+ "Shared via public link" : "Geteilt mittels öffentlichem Link",
"Removed public link" : "Öffentlichen Link entfernt",
"%2$s removed public link" : "%2$s hat den öffentlichen Link entfernt",
"Public link expired" : "öffentlicher Link ist abgelaufen",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.json
index 2fcb8699059..1967ec91ada 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.json
@@ -16,9 +16,12 @@
"Shared by" : "Geteilt von ",
"Sharing" : "Teilen",
"Wrong share ID, share doesn't exist" : "Fehlerhafte Freigabe-ID, Freigabe existiert nicht",
+ "could not delete share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"Could not delete share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"Please specify a file or folder path" : "Bitte eine Datei oder Verzeichnis definieren",
"Wrong path, file/folder doesn't exist" : "Falscher Pfad, Datei/Verzeichnis existiert nicht",
+ "Could not create share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht erstellt werden",
+ "invalid permissions" : "Ungültige Berechtigung",
"Please specify a valid user" : "Bitte gib einen gültigen Nutzer an",
"Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Die Gruppenfreigabe ist durch den Administrator deaktiviert",
"Please specify a valid group" : "Bitte gib eine gültige Gruppe an",
@@ -69,7 +72,7 @@
"Removed share of group %2$s" : "Freigabe für Gruppe %2$s entfernt",
"%2$s removed share of group %3$s" : "%2$s hat die Freigabe für Gruppe %3$s entfernt",
"Shared via link by %2$s" : "Geteilt mittels Link von %2$s",
- "Shared via public link" : "Geteilt mittels öffentlichen Link",
+ "Shared via public link" : "Geteilt mittels öffentlichem Link",
"Removed public link" : "Öffentlichen Link entfernt",
"%2$s removed public link" : "%2$s hat den öffentlichen Link entfernt",
"Public link expired" : "öffentlicher Link ist abgelaufen",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.js
index 69e6692b927..510336b2d32 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -18,9 +18,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by" : "Geteilt von",
"Sharing" : "Teilen",
"Wrong share ID, share doesn't exist" : "Fehlerhafte Freigabe-ID, Freigabe existiert nicht",
+ "could not delete share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"Could not delete share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"Please specify a file or folder path" : "Bitte geben Sie eine Datei oder Ordner an",
"Wrong path, file/folder doesn't exist" : "Falscher Pfad, Datei/Verzeichnis existiert nicht",
+ "Could not create share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht erstellt werden",
+ "invalid permissions" : "Ungültige Berechtigung",
"Please specify a valid user" : "Bitte geben Sie einen gültigen Nutzer an",
"Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Die Gruppenfreigabe ist durch den Administrator deaktiviert",
"Please specify a valid group" : "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Gruppe an",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.json
index b568c1e5f66..9803e17f76f 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -16,9 +16,12 @@
"Shared by" : "Geteilt von",
"Sharing" : "Teilen",
"Wrong share ID, share doesn't exist" : "Fehlerhafte Freigabe-ID, Freigabe existiert nicht",
+ "could not delete share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"Could not delete share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht gelöscht werden",
"Please specify a file or folder path" : "Bitte geben Sie eine Datei oder Ordner an",
"Wrong path, file/folder doesn't exist" : "Falscher Pfad, Datei/Verzeichnis existiert nicht",
+ "Could not create share" : "Freigabe konnte nicht erstellt werden",
+ "invalid permissions" : "Ungültige Berechtigung",
"Please specify a valid user" : "Bitte geben Sie einen gültigen Nutzer an",
"Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Die Gruppenfreigabe ist durch den Administrator deaktiviert",
"Please specify a valid group" : "Bitte geben Sie eine gültige Gruppe an",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/is.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/is.js
index edd18ec47be..5ec2391e2f7 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/is.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/is.js
@@ -11,16 +11,33 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"No shared links" : "Engir sameignartenglar",
"Files and folders you share by link will show up here" : "Skrár og möppur sem þú deilir með tenglum birtast hér",
"You can upload into this folder" : "Þú getur sent inn skrár í þessa möppu",
+ "No compatible server found at {remote}" : "Enginn samhæfður vefþjónn fannst á {remote}",
+ "Invalid server URL" : "Ógild URI-slóð vefþjóns",
+ "Failed to add the public link to your Nextcloud" : "Mistókst að bæta opinberum tengli í þitt eigið Nextcloud",
+ "No expiration date set" : "Engin dagsetning fyrir gildistíma er sett",
"Shared by" : "Deilt af",
"Sharing" : "Deiling",
+ "Wrong share ID, share doesn't exist" : "Rangt auðkenni sameignar, sameign er ekki til",
+ "could not delete share" : "tókst ekki að eyða sameign",
"Could not delete share" : "Tókst ekki að eyða sameign",
"Please specify a file or folder path" : "Tiltaktu skrá eða slóð á möppu",
+ "Wrong path, file/folder doesn't exist" : "Röng slóð, skrá/mappa er ekki til",
+ "Could not create share" : "Ekki tókst að búa til sameign",
+ "invalid permissions" : "Ógildar aðgangsheimildir",
"Please specify a valid user" : "Settu inn gilt notandanafn",
"Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Deiling innan hóps hefur verið gerð óvirk af kerfisstjóra.",
"Please specify a valid group" : "Settu inn gildan hóp",
+ "Public link sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Deiling opinberra sameignartengla hefur verið gerð óvirk af kerfisstjóra.",
+ "Public upload disabled by the administrator" : "Opinber innsending hefur verið gerð óvirk af kerfisstjóra.",
+ "Public upload is only possible for publicly shared folders" : "Opinber innsending er einungis möguleg í möppur sem er deilt opinberlega",
"Invalid date, date format must be YYYY-MM-DD" : "Ógild dagsetning, dagsetningasniðið verður að vera ÁÁÁÁ-MM-DD",
+ "Sharing %s failed because the back end does not allow shares from type %s" : "Deiling %s mistókst, því bakvinnslukerfið leyfir ekki sameignir af gerðinni %s",
"Unknown share type" : "Óþekkt tegund sameignar",
"Not a directory" : "Er ekki mappa",
+ "Could not lock path" : "Gat ekki læst slóð",
+ "Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Rangt eða ekkert uppfærsluviðfang gefið",
+ "Can't change permissions for public share links" : "Ekki tókst að breyta aðgangsheimildum fyrir opinbera deilingartengla",
+ "Cannot increase permissions" : "Get ekki aukið aðgangsheimildir",
"A file or folder has been <strong>shared</strong>" : "Skjali eða möppu hefur verið <strong>deilt</strong>",
"A file or folder was shared from <strong>another server</strong>" : "Skjali eð möppu hefur verið deilt <strong>frá öðrum þjóni</strong>",
"A public shared file or folder was <strong>downloaded</strong>" : "Skrá eða mappa í almenningsaðgangi var <strong>sótt</strong>",
@@ -64,6 +81,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Public link of %2$s expired" : "Almenningstengill %2$s er útrunninn",
"Shared by %2$s" : "Deilt af %2$s",
"Shares" : "Sameignir",
+ "Share API is disabled" : "Deilingar-API er óvirkt",
"This share is password-protected" : "Þessi sameign er varin með lykilorði",
"The password is wrong. Try again." : "Lykilorðið er rangt. Reyndu aftur.",
"Password" : "Lykilorð",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/is.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/is.json
index 6a64dd5f292..e6d72bab0e9 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/is.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/is.json
@@ -9,16 +9,33 @@
"No shared links" : "Engir sameignartenglar",
"Files and folders you share by link will show up here" : "Skrár og möppur sem þú deilir með tenglum birtast hér",
"You can upload into this folder" : "Þú getur sent inn skrár í þessa möppu",
+ "No compatible server found at {remote}" : "Enginn samhæfður vefþjónn fannst á {remote}",
+ "Invalid server URL" : "Ógild URI-slóð vefþjóns",
+ "Failed to add the public link to your Nextcloud" : "Mistókst að bæta opinberum tengli í þitt eigið Nextcloud",
+ "No expiration date set" : "Engin dagsetning fyrir gildistíma er sett",
"Shared by" : "Deilt af",
"Sharing" : "Deiling",
+ "Wrong share ID, share doesn't exist" : "Rangt auðkenni sameignar, sameign er ekki til",
+ "could not delete share" : "tókst ekki að eyða sameign",
"Could not delete share" : "Tókst ekki að eyða sameign",
"Please specify a file or folder path" : "Tiltaktu skrá eða slóð á möppu",
+ "Wrong path, file/folder doesn't exist" : "Röng slóð, skrá/mappa er ekki til",
+ "Could not create share" : "Ekki tókst að búa til sameign",
+ "invalid permissions" : "Ógildar aðgangsheimildir",
"Please specify a valid user" : "Settu inn gilt notandanafn",
"Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Deiling innan hóps hefur verið gerð óvirk af kerfisstjóra.",
"Please specify a valid group" : "Settu inn gildan hóp",
+ "Public link sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Deiling opinberra sameignartengla hefur verið gerð óvirk af kerfisstjóra.",
+ "Public upload disabled by the administrator" : "Opinber innsending hefur verið gerð óvirk af kerfisstjóra.",
+ "Public upload is only possible for publicly shared folders" : "Opinber innsending er einungis möguleg í möppur sem er deilt opinberlega",
"Invalid date, date format must be YYYY-MM-DD" : "Ógild dagsetning, dagsetningasniðið verður að vera ÁÁÁÁ-MM-DD",
+ "Sharing %s failed because the back end does not allow shares from type %s" : "Deiling %s mistókst, því bakvinnslukerfið leyfir ekki sameignir af gerðinni %s",
"Unknown share type" : "Óþekkt tegund sameignar",
"Not a directory" : "Er ekki mappa",
+ "Could not lock path" : "Gat ekki læst slóð",
+ "Wrong or no update parameter given" : "Rangt eða ekkert uppfærsluviðfang gefið",
+ "Can't change permissions for public share links" : "Ekki tókst að breyta aðgangsheimildum fyrir opinbera deilingartengla",
+ "Cannot increase permissions" : "Get ekki aukið aðgangsheimildir",
"A file or folder has been <strong>shared</strong>" : "Skjali eða möppu hefur verið <strong>deilt</strong>",
"A file or folder was shared from <strong>another server</strong>" : "Skjali eð möppu hefur verið deilt <strong>frá öðrum þjóni</strong>",
"A public shared file or folder was <strong>downloaded</strong>" : "Skrá eða mappa í almenningsaðgangi var <strong>sótt</strong>",
@@ -62,6 +79,7 @@
"Public link of %2$s expired" : "Almenningstengill %2$s er útrunninn",
"Shared by %2$s" : "Deilt af %2$s",
"Shares" : "Sameignir",
+ "Share API is disabled" : "Deilingar-API er óvirkt",
"This share is password-protected" : "Þessi sameign er varin með lykilorði",
"The password is wrong. Try again." : "Lykilorðið er rangt. Reyndu aftur.",
"Password" : "Lykilorð",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.js
index 866e9b86705..3605e5bd83d 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.js
@@ -18,9 +18,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by" : "Condiviso da",
"Sharing" : "Condivisione",
"Wrong share ID, share doesn't exist" : "ID di condivisione errato, la condivisione non esiste",
+ "could not delete share" : "impossibile eliminare la condivisione",
"Could not delete share" : "impossibile eliminare la condivisione",
"Please specify a file or folder path" : "Specifica un percorso di un file o di una cartella",
"Wrong path, file/folder doesn't exist" : "Percorso errato, file/cartella inesistente",
+ "Could not create share" : "Impossibile creare la condivisione",
+ "invalid permissions" : "permessi non validi",
"Please specify a valid user" : "Specifica un utente valido",
"Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "La condivisione di gruppo è disabilitata dall'amministratore",
"Please specify a valid group" : "Specifica un gruppo valido",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.json
index 733c604bfc5..ec9c10e5aab 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/it.json
@@ -16,9 +16,12 @@
"Shared by" : "Condiviso da",
"Sharing" : "Condivisione",
"Wrong share ID, share doesn't exist" : "ID di condivisione errato, la condivisione non esiste",
+ "could not delete share" : "impossibile eliminare la condivisione",
"Could not delete share" : "impossibile eliminare la condivisione",
"Please specify a file or folder path" : "Specifica un percorso di un file o di una cartella",
"Wrong path, file/folder doesn't exist" : "Percorso errato, file/cartella inesistente",
+ "Could not create share" : "Impossibile creare la condivisione",
+ "invalid permissions" : "permessi non validi",
"Please specify a valid user" : "Specifica un utente valido",
"Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "La condivisione di gruppo è disabilitata dall'amministratore",
"Please specify a valid group" : "Specifica un gruppo valido",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nl.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nl.js
index 05322861217..a14d2f13e17 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nl.js
@@ -18,9 +18,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by" : "Gedeeld door",
"Sharing" : "Delen",
"Wrong share ID, share doesn't exist" : "Onjuist deel-ID, de share bestaat niet",
+ "could not delete share" : "Kon share niet verwijderen",
"Could not delete share" : "Kon share niet verwijderen",
"Please specify a file or folder path" : "Geef een bestand of pad van een map op",
"Wrong path, file/folder doesn't exist" : "Onjuist pad, bestand/map bestaat niet",
+ "Could not create share" : "Kon share niet aanmaken",
+ "invalid permissions" : "Ongeldige rechten",
"Please specify a valid user" : "Geef een geldige gebruiker op",
"Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Delen voor groepen is uitgeschakeld door de beheerder",
"Please specify a valid group" : "Geef een geldige groep op",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nl.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nl.json
index 788feb3fd99..9238fb5ba2a 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/nl.json
@@ -16,9 +16,12 @@
"Shared by" : "Gedeeld door",
"Sharing" : "Delen",
"Wrong share ID, share doesn't exist" : "Onjuist deel-ID, de share bestaat niet",
+ "could not delete share" : "Kon share niet verwijderen",
"Could not delete share" : "Kon share niet verwijderen",
"Please specify a file or folder path" : "Geef een bestand of pad van een map op",
"Wrong path, file/folder doesn't exist" : "Onjuist pad, bestand/map bestaat niet",
+ "Could not create share" : "Kon share niet aanmaken",
+ "invalid permissions" : "Ongeldige rechten",
"Please specify a valid user" : "Geef een geldige gebruiker op",
"Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Delen voor groepen is uitgeschakeld door de beheerder",
"Please specify a valid group" : "Geef een geldige groep op",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 744595576e4..6fa16d7f227 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -18,9 +18,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by" : "Compartilhado por",
"Sharing" : "Compartilhamento",
"Wrong share ID, share doesn't exist" : "ID de compartilhamento errado, o compartilhamento não existe",
+ "could not delete share" : "não foi possível excluir o compartilhamento",
"Could not delete share" : "Não foi possível eliminar o compartilhamento",
"Please specify a file or folder path" : "Por favor especifique um arquivo ou caminho",
"Wrong path, file/folder doesn't exist" : "Caminho errado, arquivo/pasta não existe",
+ "Could not create share" : "Não foi possível criar o compartilhamento",
+ "invalid permissions" : "permissões inválidas",
"Please specify a valid user" : "Por favor especifique um usuário válido",
"Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Grupo de compartilhamento foi desabilitado pelo administrador",
"Please specify a valid group" : "Por favor especifique um grupo válido",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.json
index d45445a0adc..8071156c514 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -16,9 +16,12 @@
"Shared by" : "Compartilhado por",
"Sharing" : "Compartilhamento",
"Wrong share ID, share doesn't exist" : "ID de compartilhamento errado, o compartilhamento não existe",
+ "could not delete share" : "não foi possível excluir o compartilhamento",
"Could not delete share" : "Não foi possível eliminar o compartilhamento",
"Please specify a file or folder path" : "Por favor especifique um arquivo ou caminho",
"Wrong path, file/folder doesn't exist" : "Caminho errado, arquivo/pasta não existe",
+ "Could not create share" : "Não foi possível criar o compartilhamento",
+ "invalid permissions" : "permissões inválidas",
"Please specify a valid user" : "Por favor especifique um usuário válido",
"Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Grupo de compartilhamento foi desabilitado pelo administrador",
"Please specify a valid group" : "Por favor especifique um grupo válido",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ru.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ru.js
index 14d55f598f0..789ad16e840 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ru.js
@@ -18,9 +18,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared by" : "Поделился",
"Sharing" : "Общий доступ",
"Wrong share ID, share doesn't exist" : "Неверный идентификатор публикации, публикация не существует",
+ "could not delete share" : "Не удалось удалить общий ресурс",
"Could not delete share" : "Не удалось удалить публикацию",
"Please specify a file or folder path" : "Пожалуйста, укажите путь к файлу или каталогу",
"Wrong path, file/folder doesn't exist" : "Неверный путь, файл/каталог не существует",
+ "Could not create share" : "Не удалось создать общий ресурс",
+ "invalid permissions" : "Неверные права",
"Please specify a valid user" : "Пожалуйста, укажите допустимого пользователя",
"Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Общий доступ для групп отключён администратором",
"Please specify a valid group" : "Пожалуйста, укажите допустимую группу",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ru.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ru.json
index a9dd1314aa1..4ff08682484 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ru.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/ru.json
@@ -16,9 +16,12 @@
"Shared by" : "Поделился",
"Sharing" : "Общий доступ",
"Wrong share ID, share doesn't exist" : "Неверный идентификатор публикации, публикация не существует",
+ "could not delete share" : "Не удалось удалить общий ресурс",
"Could not delete share" : "Не удалось удалить публикацию",
"Please specify a file or folder path" : "Пожалуйста, укажите путь к файлу или каталогу",
"Wrong path, file/folder doesn't exist" : "Неверный путь, файл/каталог не существует",
+ "Could not create share" : "Не удалось создать общий ресурс",
+ "invalid permissions" : "Неверные права",
"Please specify a valid user" : "Пожалуйста, укажите допустимого пользователя",
"Group sharing is disabled by the administrator" : "Общий доступ для групп отключён администратором",
"Please specify a valid group" : "Пожалуйста, укажите допустимую группу",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/lib/API/Share20OCS.php b/apps/files_sharing/lib/API/Share20OCS.php
index 0cce05c3b17..2c0ed03f880 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/lib/API/Share20OCS.php
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/lib/API/Share20OCS.php
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ class Share20OCS extends OCSController {
if ($this->canAccessShare($share)) {
try {
$share = $this->formatShare($share);
- return new DataResponse(['data' => [$share]]);
+ return new DataResponse([$share]);
} catch (NotFoundException $e) {
//Fall trough
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ class Share20OCS extends OCSController {
$existingShares = $this->shareManager->getSharesBy($this->currentUser->getUID(), \OCP\Share::SHARE_TYPE_LINK, $path, false, 1, 0);
if (!empty($existingShares)) {
- return new DataResponse(['data' => $this->formatShare($existingShares[0])]);
+ return new DataResponse($this->formatShare($existingShares[0]));
$publicUpload = $this->request->getParam('publicUpload', null);
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ class Share20OCS extends OCSController {
$output = $this->formatShare($share);
- return new DataResponse(['data' => $output]);
+ return new DataResponse($output);
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ class Share20OCS extends OCSController {
- return new DataResponse(['data' => $formatted]);
+ return new DataResponse($formatted);
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ class Share20OCS extends OCSController {
- return new DataResponse(['data' => $formatted]);
+ return new DataResponse($formatted);
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ class Share20OCS extends OCSController {
- return new DataResponse(['data' => $formatted]);
+ return new DataResponse($formatted);
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ class Share20OCS extends OCSController {
throw new OCSBadRequestException($e->getMessage());
- return new DataResponse(['data' => $this->formatShare($share)]);
+ return new DataResponse($this->formatShare($share));
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/lib/SharedMount.php b/apps/files_sharing/lib/SharedMount.php
index 57610db9076..d160eb24228 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/lib/SharedMount.php
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/lib/SharedMount.php
@@ -235,4 +235,17 @@ class SharedMount extends MountPoint implements MoveableMount {
public function getStorageRootId() {
return $this->getShare()->getNodeId();
+ /**
+ * @return int
+ */
+ public function getNumericStorageId() {
+ $builder = \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection()->getQueryBuilder();
+ $query = $builder->select('storage')
+ ->from('filecache')
+ ->where($builder->expr()->eq('fileid', $builder->createNamedParameter($this->getShare()->getNodeId())));
+ return $query->execute()->fetchColumn();
+ }
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/lib/sharedstorage.php b/apps/files_sharing/lib/sharedstorage.php
index 8e9a0f41229..92900ccda69 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/lib/sharedstorage.php
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/lib/sharedstorage.php
@@ -319,10 +319,15 @@ class Shared extends \OC\Files\Storage\Wrapper\Jail implements ISharedStorage {
public function getPropagator($storage = null) {
+ if (isset($this->propagator)) {
+ return $this->propagator;
+ }
if (!$storage) {
$storage = $this;
- return new \OCA\Files_Sharing\SharedPropagator($storage, \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection());
+ $this->propagator = new \OCA\Files_Sharing\SharedPropagator($storage, \OC::$server->getDatabaseConnection());
+ return $this->propagator;
public function getOwner($path) {
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/tests/API/Share20OCSTest.php b/apps/files_sharing/tests/API/Share20OCSTest.php
index b32684ef547..a89bdb065c4 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/tests/API/Share20OCSTest.php
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/tests/API/Share20OCSTest.php
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
namespace OCA\Files_Sharing\Tests\API;
use OCP\AppFramework\Http\DataResponse;
-use OCP\AppFramework\OCS\OCSNotFoundException;
use OCP\IL10N;
use OCA\Files_Sharing\API\Share20OCS;
use OCP\Files\NotFoundException;
@@ -35,7 +34,6 @@ use OCP\IURLGenerator;
use OCP\IUser;
use OCP\Files\IRootFolder;
use OCP\Lock\LockedException;
-use Punic\Data;
* Class Share20OCSTest
@@ -485,7 +483,7 @@ class Share20OCSTest extends \Test\TestCase {
['group', $group],
- $this->assertEquals($result, $ocs->getShare($share->getId())->getData()['data'][0]);
+ $this->assertEquals($result, $ocs->getShare($share->getId())->getData()[0]);
@@ -706,6 +704,7 @@ class Share20OCSTest extends \Test\TestCase {
$share = $this->newShare();
+ /** @var \OCA\Files_Sharing\API\Share20OCS $ocs */
$ocs = $this->getMockBuilder('OCA\Files_Sharing\API\Share20OCS')
@@ -766,7 +765,7 @@ class Share20OCSTest extends \Test\TestCase {
- $expected = new DataResponse(['data' => null]);
+ $expected = new DataResponse(null);
$result = $ocs->createShare();
$this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($expected), $result);
@@ -879,7 +878,7 @@ class Share20OCSTest extends \Test\TestCase {
- $expected = new DataResponse(['data' => null]);
+ $expected = new DataResponse(null);
$result = $ocs->createShare();
$this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($expected), $result);
@@ -1049,7 +1048,7 @@ class Share20OCSTest extends \Test\TestCase {
- $expected = new DataResponse(['data' => null]);
+ $expected = new DataResponse(null);
$result = $ocs->createShare();
$this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($expected), $result);
@@ -1093,7 +1092,7 @@ class Share20OCSTest extends \Test\TestCase {
- $expected = new DataResponse(['data' => null]);
+ $expected = new DataResponse(null);
$result = $ocs->createShare();
$this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($expected), $result);
@@ -1140,7 +1139,7 @@ class Share20OCSTest extends \Test\TestCase {
- $expected = new DataResponse(['data' => null]);
+ $expected = new DataResponse(null);
$result = $ocs->createShare();
$this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($expected), $result);
@@ -1337,7 +1336,7 @@ class Share20OCSTest extends \Test\TestCase {
- $expected = new DataResponse(['data' => null]);
+ $expected = new DataResponse(null);
$result = $ocs->updateShare(42);
$this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($expected), $result);
@@ -1377,7 +1376,7 @@ class Share20OCSTest extends \Test\TestCase {
- $expected = new DataResponse(['data' => null]);
+ $expected = new DataResponse(null);
$result = $ocs->updateShare(42);
$this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($expected), $result);
@@ -1415,7 +1414,7 @@ class Share20OCSTest extends \Test\TestCase {
- $expected = new DataResponse(['data' => null]);
+ $expected = new DataResponse(null);
$result = $ocs->updateShare(42);
$this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($expected), $result);
@@ -1562,7 +1561,7 @@ class Share20OCSTest extends \Test\TestCase {
- $expected = new DataResponse(['data' => null]);
+ $expected = new DataResponse(null);
$result = $ocs->updateShare(42);
$this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($expected), $result);
@@ -1605,7 +1604,7 @@ class Share20OCSTest extends \Test\TestCase {
- $expected = new DataResponse(['data' => null]);
+ $expected = new DataResponse(null);
$result = $ocs->updateShare(42);
$this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($expected), $result);
@@ -1645,7 +1644,7 @@ class Share20OCSTest extends \Test\TestCase {
- $expected = new DataResponse(['data' => null]);
+ $expected = new DataResponse(null);
$result = $ocs->updateShare(42);
$this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($expected), $result);
@@ -1687,7 +1686,7 @@ class Share20OCSTest extends \Test\TestCase {
- $expected = new DataResponse(['data' => null]);
+ $expected = new DataResponse(null);
$result = $ocs->updateShare(42);
$this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($expected), $result);
@@ -1754,7 +1753,7 @@ class Share20OCSTest extends \Test\TestCase {
- $expected = new DataResponse(['data' => null]);
+ $expected = new DataResponse(null);
$result = $ocs->updateShare(42);
$this->assertInstanceOf(get_class($expected), $result);
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/tests/ApiTest.php b/apps/files_sharing/tests/ApiTest.php
index 5f8b17eb5c6..f39ddeb5485 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/tests/ApiTest.php
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/tests/ApiTest.php
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->createShare();
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
$this->assertEquals(19, $data['permissions']);
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->createShare();
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
$this->assertEquals(31, $data['permissions']);
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->createShare();
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
$this->assertEquals(19, $data['permissions']);
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->createShare();
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
$this->assertEquals(31, $data['permissions']);
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->createShare();
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
$this->assertEquals(1, $data['permissions']);
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->createShare();
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
@@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->createShare();
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
// setting new password should succeed
$data2 = [
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->createShare();
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->createShare();
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
$this->shareManager->getShareById('ocinternal:' . $data['id']);
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->getShares();
- $this->assertTrue(count($result->getData()['data']) === 1);
+ $this->assertTrue(count($result->getData()) === 1);
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->getShares();
- $this->assertTrue(count($result->getData()['data']) === 2);
+ $this->assertTrue(count($result->getData()) === 2);
@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->createShare();
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
// check if we have a token
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->getShares();
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
$this->assertEquals($url, current($data)['url']);
// check for path
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->getShares();
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
$this->assertEquals($url, current($data)['url']);
// check in share id
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->getShare($id);
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
$this->assertEquals($url, current($data)['url']);
$request = $this->createRequest([]);
@@ -572,7 +572,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
// test should return one share created from testCreateShare()
- $this->assertTrue(count($result->getData()['data']) === 2);
+ $this->assertTrue(count($result->getData()) === 2);
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
// test should return one share
- $this->assertTrue(count($result->getData()['data']) === 1);
+ $this->assertTrue(count($result->getData()) === 1);
// now also ask for the reshares
$request = $this->createRequest(['path' => $this->filename, 'reshares' => 'true']);
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
// now we should get two shares, the initial share and the reshare
- $this->assertCount(2, $result->getData()['data']);
+ $this->assertCount(2, $result->getData());
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
// test should return one share created from testCreateShare()
- $this->assertEquals(1, count($result->getData()['data']));
+ $this->assertEquals(1, count($result->getData()));
@@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
// test should return one share within $this->folder
- $this->assertTrue(count($result->getData()['data']) === 1);
+ $this->assertTrue(count($result->getData()) === 1);
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
// test should return one share within $this->folder
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
$this->assertEquals($value['expectedResult'], $data[0]['path']);
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
// test should return one share within $this->folder
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
// we should get exactly one result
$this->assertCount(1, $data);
@@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
// test should return one share within $this->folder
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
// we should get exactly one result
$this->assertCount(1, $data);
@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
// test should return one share within $this->folder
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
// we should get exactly one result
$this->assertCount(1, $data);
@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
// test should return one share within $this->folder
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
// we should get exactly one result
$this->assertCount(1, $data);
@@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
// test should return one share within $this->folder
- $data1 = $result1->getData()['data'];
+ $data1 = $result1->getData();
$this->assertCount(1, $data1);
$s1 = reset($data1);
@@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
// test should return one share within $this->folder
- $data2 = $result2->getData()['data'];
+ $data2 = $result2->getData();
$this->assertCount(1, $data2);
$s2 = reset($data2);
@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
// test should return one share within $this->folder
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
// we should get exactly one result
$this->assertCount(1, $data);
@@ -1491,7 +1491,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
$this->assertEquals($date, substr($data['expiration'], 0, 10));
@@ -1525,7 +1525,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->createShare();
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
$this->assertEquals($date->format('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00', $data['expiration']);
@@ -1613,7 +1613,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$ocs = $this->createOCS($request, self::TEST_FILES_SHARING_API_USER1);
$result = $ocs->createShare();
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
$topId = $data['id'];
@@ -1637,7 +1637,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->getShares();
- $this->assertEmpty($result->getData()['data']);
+ $this->assertEmpty($result->getData());
@@ -1654,7 +1654,7 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$ocs = $this->createOCS($request, self::TEST_FILES_SHARING_API_USER1);
$result = $ocs->createShare();
- $data = $result->getData()['data'];
+ $data = $result->getData();
$topId = $data['id'];
@@ -1678,6 +1678,6 @@ class ApiTest extends TestCase {
$result = $ocs->getShares();
- $this->assertEmpty($result->getData()['data']);
+ $this->assertEmpty($result->getData());
diff --git a/apps/files_trashbin/lib/BackgroundJob/ExpireTrash.php b/apps/files_trashbin/lib/BackgroundJob/ExpireTrash.php
index f2c16843b70..7d481afeb59 100644
--- a/apps/files_trashbin/lib/BackgroundJob/ExpireTrash.php
+++ b/apps/files_trashbin/lib/BackgroundJob/ExpireTrash.php
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class ExpireTrash extends \OC\BackgroundJob\TimedJob {
$this->userManager->callForAllUsers(function(IUser $user) {
$uid = $user->getUID();
- if (!$this->setupFS($uid)) {
+ if ($user->getLastLogin() === 0 || !$this->setupFS($uid)) {
$dirContent = Helper::getTrashFiles('/', $uid, 'mtime');
diff --git a/apps/files_versions/lib/BackgroundJob/ExpireVersions.php b/apps/files_versions/lib/BackgroundJob/ExpireVersions.php
index a5d3efda77b..8e1f02cdfbf 100644
--- a/apps/files_versions/lib/BackgroundJob/ExpireVersions.php
+++ b/apps/files_versions/lib/BackgroundJob/ExpireVersions.php
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class ExpireVersions extends \OC\BackgroundJob\TimedJob {
$this->userManager->callForAllUsers(function(IUser $user) {
$uid = $user->getUID();
- if (!$this->setupFS($uid)) {
+ if ($user->getLastLogin() === 0 || !$this->setupFS($uid)) {
diff --git a/apps/systemtags/l10n/is.js b/apps/systemtags/l10n/is.js
index efdeb28fc86..c9a89c81f97 100644
--- a/apps/systemtags/l10n/is.js
+++ b/apps/systemtags/l10n/is.js
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Tags" : "Merki",
+ "Update" : "Uppfæra",
+ "Create" : "Búa til",
+ "Select tag…" : "Veldu merki...",
"Tagged files" : "Merktar skrár",
"Select tags to filter by" : "Veldu merki til að sía eftir",
"Please select tags to filter by" : "Veldu merki til að sía eftir",
@@ -23,7 +26,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"%1$s unassigned system tag %3$s from %2$s" : "%1$s tók kerfismerki %3$s af %2$s",
"%s (restricted)" : "%s (takmarkaður aðgangur)",
"%s (invisible)" : "%s (ósýnilegt)",
+ "Collaborative tags" : "Samstarfsmerkingar",
"Name" : "Heiti",
+ "Delete" : "Eyða",
+ "Public" : "Opinbert",
+ "Restricted" : "Takmarkað",
+ "Invisible" : "Ósýnilegt",
+ "Reset" : "Endurstilla",
"No files in here" : "Engar skrár hér",
"No entries found in this folder" : "Engar skrár fundust í þessari möppu",
"Size" : "Stærð",
diff --git a/apps/systemtags/l10n/is.json b/apps/systemtags/l10n/is.json
index d47891dabd1..2b7c626f056 100644
--- a/apps/systemtags/l10n/is.json
+++ b/apps/systemtags/l10n/is.json
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
{ "translations": {
"Tags" : "Merki",
+ "Update" : "Uppfæra",
+ "Create" : "Búa til",
+ "Select tag…" : "Veldu merki...",
"Tagged files" : "Merktar skrár",
"Select tags to filter by" : "Veldu merki til að sía eftir",
"Please select tags to filter by" : "Veldu merki til að sía eftir",
@@ -21,7 +24,13 @@
"%1$s unassigned system tag %3$s from %2$s" : "%1$s tók kerfismerki %3$s af %2$s",
"%s (restricted)" : "%s (takmarkaður aðgangur)",
"%s (invisible)" : "%s (ósýnilegt)",
+ "Collaborative tags" : "Samstarfsmerkingar",
"Name" : "Heiti",
+ "Delete" : "Eyða",
+ "Public" : "Opinbert",
+ "Restricted" : "Takmarkað",
+ "Invisible" : "Ósýnilegt",
+ "Reset" : "Endurstilla",
"No files in here" : "Engar skrár hér",
"No entries found in this folder" : "Engar skrár fundust í þessari möppu",
"Size" : "Stærð",
diff --git a/apps/theming/appinfo/app.php b/apps/theming/appinfo/app.php
index fc64c2452ba..f558c35e61f 100644
--- a/apps/theming/appinfo/app.php
+++ b/apps/theming/appinfo/app.php
@@ -37,3 +37,15 @@ $linkToCSS = \OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->linkToRoute(
+$linkToJs = \OC::$server->getURLGenerator()->linkToRoute(
+ 'theming.Theming.getJavascript',
+ [
+ 'v' => \OC::$server->getConfig()->getAppValue('theming', 'cachebuster', '0'),
+ ]
+ 'script',
+ [
+ 'src' => $linkToJs,
+ ], ''
diff --git a/apps/theming/appinfo/routes.php b/apps/theming/appinfo/routes.php
index e062a68d69d..4a8d4bac5bc 100644
--- a/apps/theming/appinfo/routes.php
+++ b/apps/theming/appinfo/routes.php
@@ -55,5 +55,10 @@ return ['routes' => [
'url' => '/loginbackground',
'verb' => 'GET',
+ [
+ 'name' => 'Theming#getJavascript',
+ 'url' => '/js/theming',
+ 'verb' => 'GET',
+ ],
diff --git a/apps/theming/lib/Controller/ThemingController.php b/apps/theming/lib/Controller/ThemingController.php
index 8d9869b84a7..0db4dfe0627 100644
--- a/apps/theming/lib/Controller/ThemingController.php
+++ b/apps/theming/lib/Controller/ThemingController.php
@@ -294,6 +294,8 @@ class ThemingController extends Controller {
color: ' . $color . ';
+ $responseCss .= sprintf('.nc-theming-main-background {background-color: %s}' . "\n", $color);
+ $responseCss .= sprintf('.nc-theming-main-text {color: %s}' . "\n", $color);
$logo = $this->config->getAppValue($this->appName, 'logoMime');
@@ -325,6 +327,9 @@ class ThemingController extends Controller {
$responseCss .= '#header .icon-caret { background-image: url(\'' . \OC::$WEBROOT . '/core/img/actions/caret-dark.svg\'); }' . "\n";
$responseCss .= '.searchbox input[type="search"] { background: transparent url(\'' . \OC::$WEBROOT . '/core/img/actions/search.svg\') no-repeat 6px center; color: #000; }' . "\n";
$responseCss .= '.searchbox input[type="search"]:focus,.searchbox input[type="search"]:active,.searchbox input[type="search"]:valid { color: #000; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); }' . "\n";
+ $responseCss .= '.nc-theming-contrast {color: #000000}' . "\n";
+ } else {
+ $responseCss .= '.nc-theming-contrast {color: #ffffff}' . "\n";
$response = new DataDownloadResponse($responseCss, 'style', 'text/css');
@@ -332,4 +337,26 @@ class ThemingController extends Controller {
return $response;
+ /**
+ * @NoCSRFRequired
+ * @PublicPage
+ *
+ * @return DataDownloadResponse
+ */
+ public function getJavascript() {
+ $responseJS = '(function() {
+ OCA.Theming = {
+ name: ' . json_encode($this->template->getName()) . ',
+ url: ' . json_encode($this->template->getBaseUrl()) . ',
+ slogan: ' . json_encode($this->template->getSlogan()) . ',
+ color: ' . json_encode($this->template->getMailHeaderColor()) . ',
+ inverted: ' . json_encode($this->util->invertTextColor($this->template->getMailHeaderColor())) . ',
+ };
+ $response = new Http\DataDisplayResponse($responseJS);
+ $response->addHeader("Content-type","text/javascript");
+ $response->addHeader('Expires', date(\DateTime::RFC2822, $this->timeFactory->getTime()));
+ $response->cacheFor(3600);
+ return $response;
+ }
diff --git a/apps/theming/tests/Controller/ThemingControllerTest.php b/apps/theming/tests/Controller/ThemingControllerTest.php
index 82eb8259af5..81b6b886c9f 100644
--- a/apps/theming/tests/Controller/ThemingControllerTest.php
+++ b/apps/theming/tests/Controller/ThemingControllerTest.php
@@ -392,6 +392,9 @@ class ThemingControllerTest extends TestCase {
color: ' . $color . ';
+ $expectedData .= sprintf('.nc-theming-main-background {background-color: %s}' . "\n", $color);
+ $expectedData .= sprintf('.nc-theming-main-text {color: %s}' . "\n", $color);
+ $expectedData .= '.nc-theming-contrast {color: #ffffff}' . "\n";
$expected = new Http\DataDownloadResponse($expectedData, 'style', 'text/css');
@@ -448,10 +451,13 @@ class ThemingControllerTest extends TestCase {
color: ' . $color . ';
+ $expectedData .= sprintf('.nc-theming-main-background {background-color: %s}' . "\n", $color);
+ $expectedData .= sprintf('.nc-theming-main-text {color: %s}' . "\n", $color);
$expectedData .= '#header .header-appname, #expandDisplayName { color: #000000; }' . "\n";
$expectedData .= '#header .icon-caret { background-image: url(\'' . \OC::$WEBROOT . '/core/img/actions/caret-dark.svg\'); }' . "\n";
$expectedData .= '.searchbox input[type="search"] { background: transparent url(\'' . \OC::$WEBROOT . '/core/img/actions/search.svg\') no-repeat 6px center; color: #000; }' . "\n";
$expectedData .= '.searchbox input[type="search"]:focus,.searchbox input[type="search"]:active,.searchbox input[type="search"]:valid { color: #000; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); }' . "\n";
+ $expectedData .= '.nc-theming-contrast {color: #000000}' . "\n";
$expected = new Http\DataDownloadResponse($expectedData, 'style', 'text/css');
@@ -495,6 +501,7 @@ class ThemingControllerTest extends TestCase {
'background-image: url(\'./logo?v=0\');' .
'background-size: contain;' .
'}' . "\n";
+ $expectedData .= '.nc-theming-contrast {color: #ffffff}' . "\n";
$expected = new Http\DataDownloadResponse($expectedData, 'style', 'text/css');
@@ -529,6 +536,7 @@ class ThemingControllerTest extends TestCase {
$expectedData .= '#firstrunwizard .firstrunwizard-header {' .
'background-image: url(\'./loginbackground?v=0\');' .
'}' . "\n";
+ $expectedData .= '.nc-theming-contrast {color: #ffffff}' . "\n";
$expected = new Http\DataDownloadResponse($expectedData, 'style', 'text/css');
@@ -585,6 +593,8 @@ class ThemingControllerTest extends TestCase {
color: ' . $color . ';
+ $expectedData .= sprintf('.nc-theming-main-background {background-color: %s}' . "\n", $color);
+ $expectedData .= sprintf('.nc-theming-main-text {color: %s}' . "\n", $color);
$expectedData .= sprintf(
'#header .logo {' .
'background-image: url(\'./logo?v=0\');' .
@@ -603,6 +613,7 @@ class ThemingControllerTest extends TestCase {
$expectedData .= '#firstrunwizard .firstrunwizard-header {' .
'background-image: url(\'./loginbackground?v=0\');' .
'}' . "\n";
+ $expectedData .= '.nc-theming-contrast {color: #ffffff}' . "\n";
$expected = new Http\DataDownloadResponse($expectedData, 'style', 'text/css');
@@ -658,6 +669,8 @@ class ThemingControllerTest extends TestCase {
color: ' . $color . ';
+ $expectedData .= sprintf('.nc-theming-main-background {background-color: %s}' . "\n", $color);
+ $expectedData .= sprintf('.nc-theming-main-text {color: %s}' . "\n", $color);
$expectedData .= sprintf(
'#header .logo {' .
'background-image: url(\'./logo?v=0\');' .
@@ -680,10 +693,79 @@ class ThemingControllerTest extends TestCase {
$expectedData .= '#header .icon-caret { background-image: url(\'' . \OC::$WEBROOT . '/core/img/actions/caret-dark.svg\'); }' . "\n";
$expectedData .= '.searchbox input[type="search"] { background: transparent url(\'' . \OC::$WEBROOT . '/core/img/actions/search.svg\') no-repeat 6px center; color: #000; }' . "\n";
$expectedData .= '.searchbox input[type="search"]:focus,.searchbox input[type="search"]:active,.searchbox input[type="search"]:valid { color: #000; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); }' . "\n";
+ $expectedData .= '.nc-theming-contrast {color: #000000}' . "\n";
$expected = new Http\DataDownloadResponse($expectedData, 'style', 'text/css');
$expected->addHeader('Expires', date(\DateTime::RFC2822, 123));
@$this->assertEquals($expected, $this->themingController->getStylesheet());
+ public function testGetJavascript() {
+ $this->template
+ ->expects($this->at(0))
+ ->method('getName')
+ ->willReturn("");
+ $this->template
+ ->expects($this->at(1))
+ ->method('getBaseUrl')
+ ->willReturn("");
+ $this->template
+ ->expects($this->at(2))
+ ->method('getSlogan')
+ ->willReturn("");
+ $this->template
+ ->expects($this->at(3))
+ ->method('getMailHeaderColor')
+ ->willReturn("#000");
+ $expectedResponse = '(function() {
+ OCA.Theming = {
+ name: "",
+ url: "",
+ slogan: "",
+ color: "#000",
+ inverted: false,
+ };
+ $expected = new Http\DataDisplayResponse($expectedResponse);
+ $expected->addHeader("Content-type","text/javascript");
+ $expected->addHeader('Expires', date(\DateTime::RFC2822, $this->timeFactory->getTime()));
+ $expected->cacheFor(3600);
+ @$this->assertEquals($expected, $this->themingController->getJavascript());
+ }
+ public function testGetJavascriptInverted() {
+ $this->template
+ ->expects($this->at(0))
+ ->method('getName')
+ ->willReturn("Nextcloud");
+ $this->template
+ ->expects($this->at(1))
+ ->method('getBaseUrl')
+ ->willReturn("nextcloudurl");
+ $this->template
+ ->expects($this->at(2))
+ ->method('getSlogan')
+ ->willReturn("awesome");
+ $this->template
+ ->expects($this->any())
+ ->method('getMailHeaderColor')
+ ->willReturn("#ffffff");
+ $expectedResponse = '(function() {
+ OCA.Theming = {
+ name: "Nextcloud",
+ url: "nextcloudurl",
+ slogan: "awesome",
+ color: "#ffffff",
+ inverted: true,
+ };
+ $expected = new Http\DataDisplayResponse($expectedResponse);
+ $expected->addHeader("Content-type","text/javascript");
+ $expected->addHeader('Expires', date(\DateTime::RFC2822, $this->timeFactory->getTime()));
+ $expected->cacheFor(3600);
+ @$this->assertEquals($expected, $this->themingController->getJavascript());
+ }
diff --git a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/is.js b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/is.js
index c1961755c78..62560873d6a 100644
--- a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/is.js
+++ b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/is.js
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Checked on %s" : "Athugað þann %s",
"Update channel:" : "Uppfærslurás:",
"You can always update to a newer version / experimental channel. But you can never downgrade to a more stable channel." : "Þú getur alltaf uppfært í nýrri útgáfu eða tilraunaútgáfurás. En þú getur aldrei niðurfært í stöðugri rás.",
- "Notify members of the following groups about available updates:" : "Tilkynna meðlimum eftirfarandi hópa um tiltækar uppfærslur:"
+ "Notify members of the following groups about available updates:" : "Tilkynna meðlimum eftirfarandi hópa um tiltækar uppfærslur:",
+ "Only notification for app updates are available." : "Eingöngu eru eru tiltækar tilkynningar fyrir uppfærslur forrita.",
+ "The selected update channel makes dedicated notifications for the server obsolete." : "Valda uppfærslurásin gerir úreltar sértækar tilkynningar fyrir vefþjóninn.",
+ "The selected update channel does not support updates of the server." : "Valda uppfærslurásin styður ekki uppfærslur fyrir vefþjóninn."
"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);");
diff --git a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/is.json b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/is.json
index 044131460fc..c99e6837053 100644
--- a/apps/updatenotification/l10n/is.json
+++ b/apps/updatenotification/l10n/is.json
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
"Checked on %s" : "Athugað þann %s",
"Update channel:" : "Uppfærslurás:",
"You can always update to a newer version / experimental channel. But you can never downgrade to a more stable channel." : "Þú getur alltaf uppfært í nýrri útgáfu eða tilraunaútgáfurás. En þú getur aldrei niðurfært í stöðugri rás.",
- "Notify members of the following groups about available updates:" : "Tilkynna meðlimum eftirfarandi hópa um tiltækar uppfærslur:"
+ "Notify members of the following groups about available updates:" : "Tilkynna meðlimum eftirfarandi hópa um tiltækar uppfærslur:",
+ "Only notification for app updates are available." : "Eingöngu eru eru tiltækar tilkynningar fyrir uppfærslur forrita.",
+ "The selected update channel makes dedicated notifications for the server obsolete." : "Valda uppfærslurásin gerir úreltar sértækar tilkynningar fyrir vefþjóninn.",
+ "The selected update channel does not support updates of the server." : "Valda uppfærslurásin styður ekki uppfærslur fyrir vefþjóninn."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n % 10 != 1 || n % 100 == 11);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.js b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.js
index acc42088c7a..16ec8660076 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Failed to clear the mappings." : "Löschen der Zuordnungen fehlgeschlagen.",
"Failed to delete the server configuration" : "Löschen der Serverkonfiguration fehlgeschlagen",
- "The configuration is invalid: anonymous bind is not allowed." : "Die Konfiguration ist ungültig: anonymes binden ist nicht erlaubt.",
+ "The configuration is invalid: anonymous bind is not allowed." : "Die Konfiguration ist ungültig: anonymes Binden ist nicht erlaubt.",
"The configuration is valid and the connection could be established!" : "Die Konfiguration ist gültig und die Verbindung konnte hergestellt werden!",
"The configuration is valid, but the Bind failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." : "Die Konfiguration ist gültig, aber der LDAP-Bind ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte überprüfe die Servereinstellungen und Anmeldeinformationen.",
"The configuration is invalid. Please have a look at the logs for further details." : "Die Konfiguration ist ungültig. Weitere Details können in den Logdateien nachgelesen werden.",
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Action does not exist" : "Aktion existiert nicht",
"The Base DN appears to be wrong" : "Die Base-DN scheint falsch zu sein",
"Testing configuration…" : "Teste Konfiguration…",
- "Configuration incorrect" : "Konfiguration nicht korrekt",
- "Configuration incomplete" : "Konfiguration nicht vollständig",
+ "Configuration incorrect" : "Konfiguration falsch",
+ "Configuration incomplete" : "Konfiguration unvollständig",
"Configuration OK" : "Konfiguration OK",
"Select groups" : "Gruppen auswählen",
"Select object classes" : "Objektklassen auswählen",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.json b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.json
index 2b1dadc107d..f573323ad44 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/de.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ "translations": {
"Failed to clear the mappings." : "Löschen der Zuordnungen fehlgeschlagen.",
"Failed to delete the server configuration" : "Löschen der Serverkonfiguration fehlgeschlagen",
- "The configuration is invalid: anonymous bind is not allowed." : "Die Konfiguration ist ungültig: anonymes binden ist nicht erlaubt.",
+ "The configuration is invalid: anonymous bind is not allowed." : "Die Konfiguration ist ungültig: anonymes Binden ist nicht erlaubt.",
"The configuration is valid and the connection could be established!" : "Die Konfiguration ist gültig und die Verbindung konnte hergestellt werden!",
"The configuration is valid, but the Bind failed. Please check the server settings and credentials." : "Die Konfiguration ist gültig, aber der LDAP-Bind ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte überprüfe die Servereinstellungen und Anmeldeinformationen.",
"The configuration is invalid. Please have a look at the logs for further details." : "Die Konfiguration ist ungültig. Weitere Details können in den Logdateien nachgelesen werden.",
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
"Action does not exist" : "Aktion existiert nicht",
"The Base DN appears to be wrong" : "Die Base-DN scheint falsch zu sein",
"Testing configuration…" : "Teste Konfiguration…",
- "Configuration incorrect" : "Konfiguration nicht korrekt",
- "Configuration incomplete" : "Konfiguration nicht vollständig",
+ "Configuration incorrect" : "Konfiguration falsch",
+ "Configuration incomplete" : "Konfiguration unvollständig",
"Configuration OK" : "Konfiguration OK",
"Select groups" : "Gruppen auswählen",
"Select object classes" : "Objektklassen auswählen",
diff --git a/core/Application.php b/core/Application.php
index a0deaff2b93..e8c924432d1 100644
--- a/core/Application.php
+++ b/core/Application.php
@@ -186,6 +186,9 @@ class Application extends App {
$container->registerService('TwoFactorAuthManager', function(SimpleContainer $c) {
return $c->query('ServerContainer')->getTwoFactorAuthManager();
+ $container->registerService('OC\CapabilitiesManager', function(SimpleContainer $c) {
+ return $c->query('ServerContainer')->getCapabilitiesManager();
+ });
diff --git a/core/Command/Upgrade.php b/core/Command/Upgrade.php
index 77d67534c6a..69354272de8 100644
--- a/core/Command/Upgrade.php
+++ b/core/Command/Upgrade.php
@@ -250,10 +250,10 @@ class Upgrade extends Command {
$output->writeln('<info>Checked database schema update</info>');
$updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'incompatibleAppDisabled', function ($app) use($output) {
- $output->writeln('<info>Disabled incompatible app: ' . $app . '</info>');
+ $output->writeln('<comment>Disabled incompatible app: ' . $app . '</comment>');
$updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'thirdPartyAppDisabled', function ($app) use ($output) {
- $output->writeln('<info>Disabled 3rd-party app: ' . $app . '</info>');
+ $output->writeln('<comment>Disabled 3rd-party app: ' . $app . '</comment>');
$updater->listen('\OC\Updater', 'upgradeAppStoreApp', function ($app) use($output) {
$output->writeln('<info>Update 3rd-party app: ' . $app . '</info>');
diff --git a/core/Controller/LoginController.php b/core/Controller/LoginController.php
index 91f7fa0b25a..ffbcea0fedd 100644
--- a/core/Controller/LoginController.php
+++ b/core/Controller/LoginController.php
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class LoginController extends Controller {
$this->session->set('loginMessages', [
- ['invalidpassword']
+ ['invalidpassword'], []
// Read current user and append if possible - we need to return the unmodified user otherwise we will leak the login name
$args = !is_null($user) ? ['user' => $originalUser] : [];
diff --git a/core/Controller/OCSController.php b/core/Controller/OCSController.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8eee52096c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/Controller/OCSController.php
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ *
+ * @author Roeland Jago Douma <>
+ *
+ * @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ *
+ */
+namespace OC\Core\Controller;
+use OC\CapabilitiesManager;
+use OCP\AppFramework\Http\DataResponse;
+use OCP\IRequest;
+use OCP\IUserSession;
+class OCSController extends \OCP\AppFramework\OCSController {
+ /** @var CapabilitiesManager */
+ private $capabilitiesManager;
+ /** @var IUserSession */
+ private $userSession;
+ /**
+ * OCSController constructor.
+ *
+ * @param string $appName
+ * @param IRequest $request
+ * @param CapabilitiesManager $capabilitiesManager
+ * @param IUserSession $userSession
+ */
+ public function __construct($appName,
+ IRequest $request,
+ CapabilitiesManager $capabilitiesManager,
+ IUserSession $userSession) {
+ parent::__construct($appName, $request);
+ $this->capabilitiesManager = $capabilitiesManager;
+ $this->userSession = $userSession;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @NoAdminRequired
+ * @return DataResponse
+ */
+ public function getCapabilities() {
+ $result = [];
+ list($major, $minor, $micro) = \OCP\Util::getVersion();
+ $result['version'] = array(
+ 'major' => $major,
+ 'minor' => $minor,
+ 'micro' => $micro,
+ 'string' => \OC_Util::getVersionString(),
+ 'edition' => \OC_Util::getEditionString(),
+ );
+ $result['capabilities'] = $this->capabilitiesManager->getCapabilities();
+ return new DataResponse($result);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @NoAdminRequired
+ * @return DataResponse
+ */
+ public function getCurrentUser() {
+ $userObject = $this->userSession->getUser();
+ $data = [
+ 'id' => $userObject->getUID(),
+ 'display-name' => $userObject->getDisplayName(),
+ 'email' => $userObject->getEMailAddress(),
+ ];
+ return new DataResponse($data);
+ }
diff --git a/core/js/js.js b/core/js/js.js
index d2bbbae6362..4e8d3a01416 100644
--- a/core/js/js.js
+++ b/core/js/js.js
@@ -1574,6 +1574,10 @@ function initCore() {
$target.closest('.app-navigation-noclose').length) {
+ if($'.app-navigation-entry-utils-menu-button') ||
+ $target.closest('.app-navigation-entry-utils-menu-button').length) {
+ return;
+ }
if($'.add-new') ||
$target.closest('.add-new').length) {
diff --git a/core/js/sharedialogexpirationview.js b/core/js/sharedialogexpirationview.js
index fa5c0c00986..1770bdd5a7b 100644
--- a/core/js/sharedialogexpirationview.js
+++ b/core/js/sharedialogexpirationview.js
@@ -96,6 +96,8 @@
expireDate: ''
+ } else {
+ this.$el.find('#expirationDate').focus();
diff --git a/core/l10n/de.js b/core/l10n/de.js
index 96e78831c24..35aa6c7cb20 100644
--- a/core/l10n/de.js
+++ b/core/l10n/de.js
@@ -219,10 +219,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hello {name}" : "Hallo {name}",
"new" : "neu",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["Lade %n Datei herunter","Lade %n Dateien herunter"],
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Die Aktualisierung wird durchgeführt, wenn Du dieses Fenster verlässt, kann dies den Aktualisierungsprozess in manchen Umgebungen unterbrechen.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Aktualisierung auf {version}",
"An error occurred." : "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
"Please reload the page." : "Bitte lade die Seite neu.",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "Das Update war nicht erfolgreich. Für weitere Informationen <a href=\"{url}\"> schaue bitte in unser Forum </a> um das Problem zu lösen.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Das Update ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte melde dieses Problem an die <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud Community</a>.",
+ "Continue to Nextcloud" : "Weiter zur Nextcloud",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to Nextcloud now." : "Das Update war erfolgreich. Weiterleitung zu Nextcloud.",
"Searching other places" : "Andere Orte durchsuchen",
"No search results in other folders" : "Keine Suchergebnisse in anderen Ordnern",
diff --git a/core/l10n/de.json b/core/l10n/de.json
index c5373cb7ebc..d50dac88d09 100644
--- a/core/l10n/de.json
+++ b/core/l10n/de.json
@@ -217,10 +217,13 @@
"Hello {name}" : "Hallo {name}",
"new" : "neu",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["Lade %n Datei herunter","Lade %n Dateien herunter"],
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Die Aktualisierung wird durchgeführt, wenn Du dieses Fenster verlässt, kann dies den Aktualisierungsprozess in manchen Umgebungen unterbrechen.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Aktualisierung auf {version}",
"An error occurred." : "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.",
"Please reload the page." : "Bitte lade die Seite neu.",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "Das Update war nicht erfolgreich. Für weitere Informationen <a href=\"{url}\"> schaue bitte in unser Forum </a> um das Problem zu lösen.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Das Update ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte melde dieses Problem an die <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud Community</a>.",
+ "Continue to Nextcloud" : "Weiter zur Nextcloud",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to Nextcloud now." : "Das Update war erfolgreich. Weiterleitung zu Nextcloud.",
"Searching other places" : "Andere Orte durchsuchen",
"No search results in other folders" : "Keine Suchergebnisse in anderen Ordnern",
diff --git a/core/l10n/de_DE.js b/core/l10n/de_DE.js
index bb6d29e0252..e69e4ea8046 100644
--- a/core/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/core/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -219,10 +219,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hello {name}" : "Hallo {name}",
"new" : "Neu",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["Lade %n Datei herunter","Lade %n Dateien herunter"],
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Die Aktualisierung wird durchgeführt, wenn Sie dieses Fenster verlassen, kann dies den Aktualisierungsprozess in manchen Umgebungen unterbrechen.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Aktualisierung auf {version}",
"An error occurred." : "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.",
"Please reload the page." : "Bitte die Seite neu laden.",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "Das Update war nicht erfolgreich. Für mehr Informationen <a href=\"{url}\">lesen Sie unseren Forenbeitrag</a> zu diesem Thema.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Das Update ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte melden Sie dieses Problem an die <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud Community</a>.",
+ "Continue to Nextcloud" : "Weiter zur Nextcloud",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to Nextcloud now." : "Das Update war erfolgreich. Sie werden nun zu Nextcloud weitergeleitet.",
"Searching other places" : "Andere Orte durchsuchen",
"No search results in other folders" : "Keine Suchergebnisse in anderen Ordnern",
diff --git a/core/l10n/de_DE.json b/core/l10n/de_DE.json
index 1920f2370e3..793659d6e07 100644
--- a/core/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/core/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -217,10 +217,13 @@
"Hello {name}" : "Hallo {name}",
"new" : "Neu",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["Lade %n Datei herunter","Lade %n Dateien herunter"],
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Die Aktualisierung wird durchgeführt, wenn Sie dieses Fenster verlassen, kann dies den Aktualisierungsprozess in manchen Umgebungen unterbrechen.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Aktualisierung auf {version}",
"An error occurred." : "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.",
"Please reload the page." : "Bitte die Seite neu laden.",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "Das Update war nicht erfolgreich. Für mehr Informationen <a href=\"{url}\">lesen Sie unseren Forenbeitrag</a> zu diesem Thema.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Das Update ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte melden Sie dieses Problem an die <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud Community</a>.",
+ "Continue to Nextcloud" : "Weiter zur Nextcloud",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to Nextcloud now." : "Das Update war erfolgreich. Sie werden nun zu Nextcloud weitergeleitet.",
"Searching other places" : "Andere Orte durchsuchen",
"No search results in other folders" : "Keine Suchergebnisse in anderen Ordnern",
diff --git a/core/l10n/is.js b/core/l10n/is.js
index 5d678bb125a..d1fc61a3ce5 100644
--- a/core/l10n/is.js
+++ b/core/l10n/is.js
@@ -218,10 +218,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hello {name}" : "Halló {name}",
"new" : "nýtt",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["sækja %n skrá","sækja %n skrár"],
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Uppfærslan er í gangi, ef farið er af þessari síðu gæti það truflað ferlið á sumum kerfum.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Uppfæra í {version}",
"An error occurred." : "Villa átti sér stað.",
"Please reload the page." : "Þú ættir að hlaða síðunni aftur inn.",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "Uppfærslan tókst ekki. Til að fá frekari upplýsingar <a href=\"{url}\">skoðaðu færslu á spjallsvæðinu okkar</a> sem fjallar um þetta mál.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Uppfærslan tókst ekki. Skoðaðu annálana á kerfisstjórnunarsíðunni og sendu inn tilkynningu um vandamálið til <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud samfélagsins</a>.",
+ "Continue to Nextcloud" : "Halda áfram í Nextcloud",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to Nextcloud now." : "Uppfærslan heppnaðist. Beini þér til Nextcloud nú.",
"Searching other places" : "Leitað á öðrum stöðum",
"No search results in other folders" : "Engar leitarniðurstöður í öðrum möppum",
diff --git a/core/l10n/is.json b/core/l10n/is.json
index 79943968ebf..5236bb0faa5 100644
--- a/core/l10n/is.json
+++ b/core/l10n/is.json
@@ -216,10 +216,13 @@
"Hello {name}" : "Halló {name}",
"new" : "nýtt",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["sækja %n skrá","sækja %n skrár"],
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Uppfærslan er í gangi, ef farið er af þessari síðu gæti það truflað ferlið á sumum kerfum.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Uppfæra í {version}",
"An error occurred." : "Villa átti sér stað.",
"Please reload the page." : "Þú ættir að hlaða síðunni aftur inn.",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "Uppfærslan tókst ekki. Til að fá frekari upplýsingar <a href=\"{url}\">skoðaðu færslu á spjallsvæðinu okkar</a> sem fjallar um þetta mál.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Uppfærslan tókst ekki. Skoðaðu annálana á kerfisstjórnunarsíðunni og sendu inn tilkynningu um vandamálið til <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud samfélagsins</a>.",
+ "Continue to Nextcloud" : "Halda áfram í Nextcloud",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to Nextcloud now." : "Uppfærslan heppnaðist. Beini þér til Nextcloud nú.",
"Searching other places" : "Leitað á öðrum stöðum",
"No search results in other folders" : "Engar leitarniðurstöður í öðrum möppum",
diff --git a/core/l10n/it.js b/core/l10n/it.js
index e02f22836d2..9ad13e835ec 100644
--- a/core/l10n/it.js
+++ b/core/l10n/it.js
@@ -219,10 +219,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hello {name}" : "Ciao {name}",
"new" : "nuovo",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["scarica %n file","scarica %s file"],
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "L'aggiornamento è in corso, l'abbandono di questa pagina potrebbe interrompere il processo in alcuni ambienti.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Aggiorna a {version}",
"An error occurred." : "Si è verificato un errore.",
"Please reload the page." : "Ricarica la pagina.",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "L'aggiornamento non è riuscito. Per ulteriori informazioni <a href=\"{url}\">controlla l'articolo del nostro forum</a> che riguarda questo problema.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "L'aggiornamento non è riuscito. Segnala il problema alla <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">comunità di Nextcloud </a>.",
+ "Continue to Nextcloud" : "Continua su Nextcloud",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to Nextcloud now." : "L'aggiornamento è stato effettuato correttamente. Reindirizzamento immediato a Nextcloud.",
"Searching other places" : "Ricerca in altre posizioni",
"No search results in other folders" : "Nessun risultato di ricerca in altre cartelle",
diff --git a/core/l10n/it.json b/core/l10n/it.json
index 1dd8803d534..1a106eb481b 100644
--- a/core/l10n/it.json
+++ b/core/l10n/it.json
@@ -217,10 +217,13 @@
"Hello {name}" : "Ciao {name}",
"new" : "nuovo",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["scarica %n file","scarica %s file"],
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "L'aggiornamento è in corso, l'abbandono di questa pagina potrebbe interrompere il processo in alcuni ambienti.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Aggiorna a {version}",
"An error occurred." : "Si è verificato un errore.",
"Please reload the page." : "Ricarica la pagina.",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "L'aggiornamento non è riuscito. Per ulteriori informazioni <a href=\"{url}\">controlla l'articolo del nostro forum</a> che riguarda questo problema.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "L'aggiornamento non è riuscito. Segnala il problema alla <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">comunità di Nextcloud </a>.",
+ "Continue to Nextcloud" : "Continua su Nextcloud",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to Nextcloud now." : "L'aggiornamento è stato effettuato correttamente. Reindirizzamento immediato a Nextcloud.",
"Searching other places" : "Ricerca in altre posizioni",
"No search results in other folders" : "Nessun risultato di ricerca in altre cartelle",
diff --git a/core/l10n/nl.js b/core/l10n/nl.js
index bf3ded6efe8..24d1cbd73ff 100644
--- a/core/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/core/l10n/nl.js
@@ -219,10 +219,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hello {name}" : "Hallo {name}",
"new" : "nieuw",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["download %n bestand","download %n bestanden"],
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "De update is bezig, deze pagina verlaten kan het updateproces in sommige omgevingen onderbreken.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Bijwerken naar {version}",
"An error occurred." : "Er heeft zich een fout voorgedaan.",
"Please reload the page." : "Herlaad deze pagina.",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "De update was niet succesvol. Voor meer informatie <a href=\"{url}\">zie ons bericht op het forum</a> over dit probleem.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "De update is mislukt. Meld dit probleem aan de <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>.",
+ "Continue to Nextcloud" : "Ga door naar Nextcloud",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to Nextcloud now." : "De update is geslaagd. Je wordt nu doorgeleid naar Nextcloud.",
"Searching other places" : "Zoeken op andere plaatsen",
"No search results in other folders" : "Geen zoekresultaten in andere mappen",
diff --git a/core/l10n/nl.json b/core/l10n/nl.json
index c6f2dce325a..57bdc633f88 100644
--- a/core/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/core/l10n/nl.json
@@ -217,10 +217,13 @@
"Hello {name}" : "Hallo {name}",
"new" : "nieuw",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["download %n bestand","download %n bestanden"],
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "De update is bezig, deze pagina verlaten kan het updateproces in sommige omgevingen onderbreken.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Bijwerken naar {version}",
"An error occurred." : "Er heeft zich een fout voorgedaan.",
"Please reload the page." : "Herlaad deze pagina.",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "De update was niet succesvol. Voor meer informatie <a href=\"{url}\">zie ons bericht op het forum</a> over dit probleem.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "De update is mislukt. Meld dit probleem aan de <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>.",
+ "Continue to Nextcloud" : "Ga door naar Nextcloud",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to Nextcloud now." : "De update is geslaagd. Je wordt nu doorgeleid naar Nextcloud.",
"Searching other places" : "Zoeken op andere plaatsen",
"No search results in other folders" : "Geen zoekresultaten in andere mappen",
diff --git a/core/l10n/pt_BR.js b/core/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 4bd931efc1c..2fc8c4c266f 100644
--- a/core/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/core/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -219,10 +219,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hello {name}" : "Olá {name}",
"new" : "novo",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["baixar %n arquivo","baixar %n arquivos"],
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "A atualização está em andamento. Se sair desta página, o processo poderá ser interrompido em alguns ambientes.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Atualizar para {version}",
"An error occurred." : "Ocorreu um erro.",
"Please reload the page." : "Por favor recarregue a página",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "A atualização não foi realizada com sucesso. Para mais informações <a href=\"{url}\">verifique o nosso post no fórum</a> que abrange esta questão.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Atualizado com sucesso. Por favor, informe este problema para a <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">comunidade Nextcloud</a>.",
+ "Continue to Nextcloud" : "Continuar no Nextcloud",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to Nextcloud now." : "Atualizado com sucesso. Redirecionando para Nextcloud.",
"Searching other places" : "Pesquisando em outros lugares",
"No search results in other folders" : "Nenhum resultado de pesquisa em outras pastas",
diff --git a/core/l10n/pt_BR.json b/core/l10n/pt_BR.json
index 49370b740af..dc8dd37a8f4 100644
--- a/core/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/core/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -217,10 +217,13 @@
"Hello {name}" : "Olá {name}",
"new" : "novo",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["baixar %n arquivo","baixar %n arquivos"],
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "A atualização está em andamento. Se sair desta página, o processo poderá ser interrompido em alguns ambientes.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Atualizar para {version}",
"An error occurred." : "Ocorreu um erro.",
"Please reload the page." : "Por favor recarregue a página",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "A atualização não foi realizada com sucesso. Para mais informações <a href=\"{url}\">verifique o nosso post no fórum</a> que abrange esta questão.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Atualizado com sucesso. Por favor, informe este problema para a <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">comunidade Nextcloud</a>.",
+ "Continue to Nextcloud" : "Continuar no Nextcloud",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to Nextcloud now." : "Atualizado com sucesso. Redirecionando para Nextcloud.",
"Searching other places" : "Pesquisando em outros lugares",
"No search results in other folders" : "Nenhum resultado de pesquisa em outras pastas",
diff --git a/core/l10n/ru.js b/core/l10n/ru.js
index 92246d344fa..15cc8d0ed5a 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/core/l10n/ru.js
@@ -219,10 +219,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Hello {name}" : "Здравствуйте {name}",
"new" : "новый",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["скачать %n файл","скачать %n файла","скачать %n файлов","скачать %n файлов"],
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Идет обновление, покидая эту страницу, вы можете прервать процесс в некоторых окружениях.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Обновление до {version}",
"An error occurred." : "Произошла ошибка.",
"Please reload the page." : "Пожалуйста, обновите страницу.",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "Обновление прошло не успешно. Больше информации о данной проблеме можно найти <a href=\"{url}\">в сообщении на нащем форуме</a>.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Обновление не удалось. Пожалуйста, сообщите об этой проблеме <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">сообществу Nextcloud</a>.",
+ "Continue to Nextcloud" : "Продолжить в Nextcloud",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to Nextcloud now." : "Обновление прошло успешно. Перенаправляем вас на Nextcloud прямо сейчас.",
"Searching other places" : "Идет поиск в других местах",
"No search results in other folders" : "В других папках ничего не найдено",
diff --git a/core/l10n/ru.json b/core/l10n/ru.json
index a22f6640946..1f7d61f1fe3 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ru.json
+++ b/core/l10n/ru.json
@@ -217,10 +217,13 @@
"Hello {name}" : "Здравствуйте {name}",
"new" : "новый",
"_download %n file_::_download %n files_" : ["скачать %n файл","скачать %n файла","скачать %n файлов","скачать %n файлов"],
+ "The update is in progress, leaving this page might interrupt the process in some environments." : "Идет обновление, покидая эту страницу, вы можете прервать процесс в некоторых окружениях.",
+ "Update to {version}" : "Обновление до {version}",
"An error occurred." : "Произошла ошибка.",
"Please reload the page." : "Пожалуйста, обновите страницу.",
"The update was unsuccessful. For more information <a href=\"{url}\">check our forum post</a> covering this issue." : "Обновление прошло не успешно. Больше информации о данной проблеме можно найти <a href=\"{url}\">в сообщении на нащем форуме</a>.",
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Обновление не удалось. Пожалуйста, сообщите об этой проблеме <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">сообществу Nextcloud</a>.",
+ "Continue to Nextcloud" : "Продолжить в Nextcloud",
"The update was successful. Redirecting you to Nextcloud now." : "Обновление прошло успешно. Перенаправляем вас на Nextcloud прямо сейчас.",
"Searching other places" : "Идет поиск в других местах",
"No search results in other folders" : "В других папках ничего не найдено",
diff --git a/core/routes.php b/core/routes.php
index 98454946d45..b4868c14cf3 100644
--- a/core/routes.php
+++ b/core/routes.php
@@ -53,6 +53,10 @@ $application->registerRoutes($this, [
['name' => 'TwoFactorChallenge#showChallenge', 'url' => '/login/challenge/{challengeProviderId}', 'verb' => 'GET'],
['name' => 'TwoFactorChallenge#solveChallenge', 'url' => '/login/challenge/{challengeProviderId}', 'verb' => 'POST'],
+ 'ocs' => [
+ ['root' => '/cloud', 'name' => 'OCS#getCapabilities', 'url' => '/capabilities', 'verb' => 'GET'],
+ ['root' => '/cloud', 'name' => 'OCS#getCurrentUser', 'url' => '/user', 'verb' => 'GET'],
+ ],
// Post installation check
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
index 2b344dadfff..e42a0bbd7bc 100644
--- a/index.php
+++ b/index.php
@@ -33,6 +33,14 @@ if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') === -1) {
+// Show warning if PHP 7.1 is used as Nextcloud is not compatible with PHP 7.1 for now
+// @see
+if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1.0') !== -1) {
+ echo 'This version of Nextcloud is not compatible with PHP 7.1.<br/>';
+ echo 'You are currently running ' . PHP_VERSION . '.';
+ return;
try {
require_once 'lib/base.php';
diff --git a/lib/l10n/de.js b/lib/l10n/de.js
index 48a6ad427fc..0f0973d8e31 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/de.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/de.js
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"App \"%s\" cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled: %s" : "Die App „%s“ kann nicht installiert werden, da die folgenden Abhängigkeiten nicht erfüllt sind: %s",
"No app name specified" : "Es wurde kein App-Name angegeben",
"App '%s' could not be installed!" : "'%s' - App konnte nicht installiert werden!",
- "a safe home for all your data" : "ein sicherer Ort für all deine Daten",
+ "a safe home for all your data" : "ein sicherer Ort für all Deine Daten",
"File is currently busy, please try again later" : "Die Datei ist zur Zeit in Benutzung, bitte versuche es später noch einmal",
"Can't read file" : "Datei kann nicht gelesen werden",
"Application is not enabled" : "Die App ist nicht aktiviert",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/de.json b/lib/l10n/de.json
index 8f806af36c6..72e05f676e4 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/de.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/de.json
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
"App \"%s\" cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled: %s" : "Die App „%s“ kann nicht installiert werden, da die folgenden Abhängigkeiten nicht erfüllt sind: %s",
"No app name specified" : "Es wurde kein App-Name angegeben",
"App '%s' could not be installed!" : "'%s' - App konnte nicht installiert werden!",
- "a safe home for all your data" : "ein sicherer Ort für all deine Daten",
+ "a safe home for all your data" : "ein sicherer Ort für all Deine Daten",
"File is currently busy, please try again later" : "Die Datei ist zur Zeit in Benutzung, bitte versuche es später noch einmal",
"Can't read file" : "Datei kann nicht gelesen werden",
"Application is not enabled" : "Die App ist nicht aktiviert",
diff --git a/lib/private/AppFramework/Routing/RouteConfig.php b/lib/private/AppFramework/Routing/RouteConfig.php
index 066c0da1138..e94f2e50c1d 100644
--- a/lib/private/AppFramework/Routing/RouteConfig.php
+++ b/lib/private/AppFramework/Routing/RouteConfig.php
@@ -86,7 +86,13 @@ class RouteConfig {
$postfix = $ocsRoute['postfix'];
- $url = $ocsRoute['url'];
+ if (isset($ocsRoute['root'])) {
+ $root = $ocsRoute['root'];
+ } else {
+ $root = '/apps/'.$this->appName;
+ }
+ $url = $root . $ocsRoute['url'];
$verb = isset($ocsRoute['verb']) ? strtoupper($ocsRoute['verb']) : 'GET';
$split = explode('#', $name, 2);
diff --git a/lib/private/Files/Config/LazyStorageMountInfo.php b/lib/private/Files/Config/LazyStorageMountInfo.php
index 2e9639f5f08..4df813d57d0 100644
--- a/lib/private/Files/Config/LazyStorageMountInfo.php
+++ b/lib/private/Files/Config/LazyStorageMountInfo.php
@@ -48,11 +48,7 @@ class LazyStorageMountInfo extends CachedMountInfo {
public function getStorageId() {
if (!$this->storageId) {
- $storage = $this->mount->getStorage();
- if (!$storage) {
- return -1;
- }
- $this->storageId = $storage->getStorageCache()->getNumericId();
+ $this->storageId = $this->mount->getNumericStorageId();
return parent::getStorageId();
diff --git a/lib/private/Files/Mount/MountPoint.php b/lib/private/Files/Mount/MountPoint.php
index d6a6a5565ad..8b8f0574ae0 100644
--- a/lib/private/Files/Mount/MountPoint.php
+++ b/lib/private/Files/Mount/MountPoint.php
@@ -192,6 +192,13 @@ class MountPoint implements IMountPoint {
+ * @return int
+ */
+ public function getNumericStorageId() {
+ return $this->getStorage()->getStorageCache()->getNumericId();
+ }
+ /**
* @param string $path
* @return string
diff --git a/lib/private/Files/Utils/Scanner.php b/lib/private/Files/Utils/Scanner.php
index f672cc75744..d26c601be1a 100644
--- a/lib/private/Files/Utils/Scanner.php
+++ b/lib/private/Files/Utils/Scanner.php
@@ -139,9 +139,10 @@ class Scanner extends PublicEmitter {
$this->triggerPropagator($storage, $path);
- $storage->getPropagator()->beginBatch();
+ $propagator = $storage->getPropagator();
+ $propagator->beginBatch();
- $storage->getPropagator()->commitBatch();
+ $propagator->commitBatch();
@@ -190,14 +191,15 @@ class Scanner extends PublicEmitter {
try {
- $storage->getPropagator()->beginBatch();
+ $propagator = $storage->getPropagator();
+ $propagator->beginBatch();
$scanner->scan($relativePath, \OC\Files\Cache\Scanner::SCAN_RECURSIVE, \OC\Files\Cache\Scanner::REUSE_ETAG | \OC\Files\Cache\Scanner::REUSE_SIZE);
$cache = $storage->getCache();
if ($cache instanceof Cache) {
// only re-calculate for the root folder we scanned, anything below that is taken care of by the scanner
- $storage->getPropagator()->commitBatch();
+ $propagator->commitBatch();
} catch (StorageNotAvailableException $e) {
$this->logger->error('Storage ' . $storage->getId() . ' not available');
diff --git a/lib/private/OCS/Cloud.php b/lib/private/OCS/Cloud.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 84fcfe6e512..00000000000
--- a/lib/private/OCS/Cloud.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, ownCloud, Inc.
- *
- * @author Morris Jobke <>
- * @author Roeland Jago Douma <>
- * @author Thomas Müller <>
- * @author Tom Needham <>
- *
- * @license AGPL-3.0
- *
- * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
- * along with this program. If not, see <>
- *
- */
-namespace OC\OCS;
-class Cloud {
- public static function getCapabilities() {
- $result = array();
- list($major, $minor, $micro) = \OCP\Util::getVersion();
- $result['version'] = array(
- 'major' => $major,
- 'minor' => $minor,
- 'micro' => $micro,
- 'string' => \OC_Util::getVersionString(),
- 'edition' => \OC_Util::getEditionString(),
- );
- $result['capabilities'] = \OC::$server->getCapabilitiesManager()->getCapabilities();
- return new Result($result);
- }
- public static function getCurrentUser() {
- $userObject = \OC::$server->getUserManager()->get(\OC_User::getUser());
- $data = array(
- 'id' => $userObject->getUID(),
- 'display-name' => $userObject->getDisplayName(),
- 'email' => $userObject->getEMailAddress(),
- );
- return new Result($data);
- }
diff --git a/lib/private/Route/Router.php b/lib/private/Route/Router.php
index ac42c4025c2..59f403d66e8 100644
--- a/lib/private/Route/Router.php
+++ b/lib/private/Route/Router.php
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ class Router implements IRouter {
// Also add the OCS collection
$collection = $this->getCollection($app.'.ocs');
- $collection->addPrefix('/ocsapp/apps/' . $app);
+ $collection->addPrefix('/ocsapp');
@@ -163,6 +163,11 @@ class Router implements IRouter {
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../settings/routes.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../core/routes.php';
+ // Also add the OCS collection
+ $collection = $this->getCollection('root.ocs');
+ $collection->addPrefix('/ocsapp');
+ $this->root->addCollection($collection);
if ($this->loaded) {
// include ocs routes, must be loaded last for /ocs prefix
diff --git a/lib/private/Updater.php b/lib/private/Updater.php
index 0a6d9c9a31d..609e965bfad 100644
--- a/lib/private/Updater.php
+++ b/lib/private/Updater.php
@@ -184,6 +184,18 @@ class Updater extends BasicEmitter {
+ * Return vendor from which this version was published
+ *
+ * @return string Get the vendor
+ */
+ private function getVendor() {
+ // this should really be a JSON file
+ require \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/version.php';
+ /** @var string $vendor */
+ return (string) $vendor;
+ }
+ /**
* Whether an upgrade to a specified version is possible
* @param string $oldVersion
* @param string $newVersion
@@ -191,8 +203,22 @@ class Updater extends BasicEmitter {
* @return bool
public function isUpgradePossible($oldVersion, $newVersion, $allowedPreviousVersion) {
- return (version_compare($allowedPreviousVersion, $oldVersion, '<=')
+ $allowedUpgrade = (version_compare($allowedPreviousVersion, $oldVersion, '<=')
&& (version_compare($oldVersion, $newVersion, '<=') || $this->config->getSystemValue('debug', false)));
+ if ($allowedUpgrade) {
+ return $allowedUpgrade;
+ }
+ // Upgrade not allowed, someone switching vendor?
+ if ($this->getVendor() !== $this->config->getAppValue('core', 'vendor', '')) {
+ $oldVersion = explode('.', $oldVersion);
+ $newVersion = explode('.', $newVersion);
+ return $oldVersion[0] === $newVersion[0] && $oldVersion[1] === $newVersion[1];
+ }
+ return false;
@@ -279,6 +305,7 @@ class Updater extends BasicEmitter {
// only set the final version if everything went well
$this->config->setSystemValue('version', implode('.', \OCP\Util::getVersion()));
+ $this->config->setAppValue('core', 'vendor', $this->getVendor());
diff --git a/lib/private/legacy/app.php b/lib/private/legacy/app.php
index 4144f3f6cf5..df76c5b89f0 100644
--- a/lib/private/legacy/app.php
+++ b/lib/private/legacy/app.php
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ class OC_App {
$currentVersion = OC_App::getAppVersion($app);
if ($currentVersion && isset($versions[$app])) {
$installedVersion = $versions[$app];
- if (version_compare($currentVersion, $installedVersion, '>')) {
+ if (!version_compare($currentVersion, $installedVersion, '=')) {
return true;
diff --git a/lib/private/legacy/ocs/cloud.php b/lib/private/legacy/ocs/cloud.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 11152958301..00000000000
--- a/lib/private/legacy/ocs/cloud.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2016, ownCloud, Inc.
- *
- * @author Roeland Jago Douma <>
- * @author Thomas Müller <>
- *
- * @license AGPL-3.0
- *
- * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
- * along with this program. If not, see <>
- *
- */
- * @deprecated Since 9.1.0 use \OC\OCS\Cloud
- */
-class OC_OCS_Cloud extends \OC\OCS\Cloud {
diff --git a/lib/public/AppFramework/OCSController.php b/lib/public/AppFramework/OCSController.php
index bd50f0a4017..6036fc6a5a8 100644
--- a/lib/public/AppFramework/OCSController.php
+++ b/lib/public/AppFramework/OCSController.php
@@ -88,26 +88,19 @@ abstract class OCSController extends ApiController {
* Unwrap data and build ocs response
* @param string $format json or xml
- * @param array|DataResponse $data the data which should be transformed
+ * @param DataResponse $data the data which should be transformed
* @since 8.1.0
+ * @return OCSResponse
- private function buildOCSResponse($format, $data) {
- if ($data instanceof DataResponse) {
- $data = $data->getData();
- }
+ private function buildOCSResponse($format, DataResponse $data) {
$params = [
'statuscode' => 100,
'message' => 'OK',
- 'data' => [],
+ 'data' => $data->getData(),
'itemscount' => '',
'itemsperpage' => ''
- foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
- $params[$key] = $value;
- }
return new OCSResponse(
$format, $params['statuscode'],
$params['message'], $params['data'],
diff --git a/lib/public/Files/Mount/IMountPoint.php b/lib/public/Files/Mount/IMountPoint.php
index f9a00af7cb5..0876d8b11d6 100644
--- a/lib/public/Files/Mount/IMountPoint.php
+++ b/lib/public/Files/Mount/IMountPoint.php
@@ -62,6 +62,14 @@ interface IMountPoint {
public function getStorageId();
+ * Get the id of the storages
+ *
+ * @return int
+ * @since 9.1.0
+ */
+ public function getNumericStorageId();
+ /**
* Get the path relative to the mountpoint
* @param string $path absolute path to a file or folder
diff --git a/ocs/routes.php b/ocs/routes.php
index 0606fe3e309..ae2ef05adcd 100644
--- a/ocs/routes.php
+++ b/ocs/routes.php
@@ -83,21 +83,6 @@ API::register(
-// cloud
- 'get',
- '/cloud/capabilities',
- array('OC_OCS_Cloud', 'getCapabilities'),
- 'core',
- );
- 'get',
- '/cloud/user',
- array('OC_OCS_Cloud', 'getCurrentUser'),
- 'core',
// Server-to-Server Sharing
if (\OC::$server->getAppManager()->isEnabledForUser('files_sharing')) {
diff --git a/settings/css/settings.css b/settings/css/settings.css
index fe586205bdf..b006f1f5656 100644
--- a/settings/css/settings.css
+++ b/settings/css/settings.css
@@ -145,6 +145,16 @@ table.nostyle td { padding: 0.2em 0; }
.app-password-row {
display: table-row;
+ .icon {
+ background-size: 16px 16px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ position: relative;
+ top: 3px;
+ margin-left: 5px;
+ margin-right: 8px;
.app-password-label {
display: table-cell;
padding-right: 1em;
diff --git a/settings/js/authtoken_view.js b/settings/js/authtoken_view.js
index 354173341bc..6eb04b63f20 100644
--- a/settings/js/authtoken_view.js
+++ b/settings/js/authtoken_view.js
@@ -183,6 +183,8 @@
_newAppPassword: undefined,
+ _newAppId: undefined,
_hideAppPasswordBtn: undefined,
_addingToken: false,
@@ -216,6 +218,38 @@
this._newAppPassword.on('focus', _.bind(this._onNewTokenFocus, this));
this._hideAppPasswordBtn = $('#app-password-hide');, this));
+ // Clipboard!
+ var clipboard = new Clipboard('.clipboardButton');
+ clipboard.on('success', function(e) {
+ var $input = $(e.trigger);
+ $input.tooltip({placement: 'bottom', trigger: 'manual', title: t('core', 'Copied!')});
+ $input.tooltip('show');
+ _.delay(function() {
+ $input.tooltip('hide');
+ }, 3000);
+ });
+ clipboard.on('error', function (e) {
+ var $input = $(e.trigger);
+ var actionMsg = '';
+ if (/iPhone|iPad/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
+ actionMsg = t('core', 'Not supported!');
+ } else if (/Mac/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
+ actionMsg = t('core', 'Press ⌘-C to copy.');
+ } else {
+ actionMsg = t('core', 'Press Ctrl-C to copy.');
+ }
+ $input.tooltip({
+ placement: 'bottom',
+ trigger: 'manual',
+ title: actionMsg
+ });
+ $input.tooltip('show');
+ _.delay(function () {
+ $input.tooltip('hide');
+ }, 3000);
+ });
render: function () {
@@ -255,10 +289,13 @@
$.when(creatingToken).done(function (resp) {
+ // We can delete token we add
+ resp.deviceToken.canDelete = true;
+ _this._newAppId =;
@@ -293,6 +330,10 @@
var $row = $target.closest('tr');
var id = $'id');
+ if (id === this._newAppId) {
+ this._toggleFormResult(true);
+ }
var token = this.collection.get(id);
if (_.isUndefined(token)) {
// Ignore event
@@ -313,8 +354,13 @@
_toggleFormResult: function (showForm) {
- this._form.toggleClass('hidden', !showForm);
- this._result.toggleClass('hidden', showForm);
+ if (showForm) {
+ this._result.slideUp();
+ this._form.slideDown();
+ } else {
+ this._form.slideUp();
+ this._result.slideDown();
+ }
diff --git a/settings/l10n/cs_CZ.js b/settings/l10n/cs_CZ.js
index 114e3d1fe78..ffb3ff5c631 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/cs_CZ.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/cs_CZ.js
@@ -296,7 +296,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"iOS app" : "iOS aplikace",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Chcete-li projekt podpořit\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">připojte se k vývoji</a>\n\t\tnebo\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">šiřte informace dál</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Znovu zobrazit průvodce prvním spuštěním",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Vyvíjeno {communityopen}komunitou Nextcloudu{linkclose}, {githubopen}zdrojový kód{linkclose} je licencován pod {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Cesta k datům",
"Show last log in" : "Poslední přihlášení",
"Show user backend" : "Zobrazit uživatelskou podpůrnou vrstvu",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/cs_CZ.json b/settings/l10n/cs_CZ.json
index e026e0b5e1e..8aa42cc2dd3 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/cs_CZ.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/cs_CZ.json
@@ -294,7 +294,6 @@
"iOS app" : "iOS aplikace",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Chcete-li projekt podpořit\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">připojte se k vývoji</a>\n\t\tnebo\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">šiřte informace dál</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Znovu zobrazit průvodce prvním spuštěním",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Vyvíjeno {communityopen}komunitou Nextcloudu{linkclose}, {githubopen}zdrojový kód{linkclose} je licencován pod {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Cesta k datům",
"Show last log in" : "Poslední přihlášení",
"Show user backend" : "Zobrazit uživatelskou podpůrnou vrstvu",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/de.js b/settings/l10n/de.js
index 76ea414a09b..73f49eba372 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/de.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/de.js
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Invalid user" : "Ungültiger Benutzer",
"Unable to change mail address" : "E-Mail-Adresse konnte nicht geändert werden",
"Email saved" : "E-Mail-Adresse gespeichert",
- "Your full name has been changed." : "Dein vollständiger Name ist geändert worden.",
+ "Your full name has been changed." : "Dein vollständiger Name wurde geändert.",
"Unable to change full name" : "Der vollständige Name konnte nicht geändert werden",
"APCu" : "APCu",
"Redis" : "Redis",
@@ -98,6 +98,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Android Client" : "Android Client",
"Sync client - {os}" : "Synchronisationssoftware - {os}",
"This session" : "Diese Sitzung",
+ "Copied!" : "Kopiert!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Nicht unterstützt!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "⌘-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Ctrl-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
"Error while loading browser sessions and device tokens" : "Fehler beim Laden der Browser-Sitzungen und Gerätetoken",
"Error while creating device token" : "Fehler beim Erstellen des Gerätetokens",
"Error while deleting the token" : "Fehler beim Löschen des Gerätetokens",
@@ -171,7 +175,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"days" : "Tagen",
"Enforce expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum erzwingen",
"Allow resharing" : "Weiterverteilen erlauben",
- "Allow sharing with groups" : "Mit Gruppen teilen erlauben",
+ "Allow sharing with groups" : "Teilen mit Gruppen erlauben",
"Restrict users to only share with users in their groups" : "Benutzer auf das Teilen innerhalb ihrer Gruppen beschränken",
"Allow users to send mail notification for shared files to other users" : "Benutzern erlauben, E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen für geteilte Dateien an andere Benutzer zu senden",
"Exclude groups from sharing" : "Gruppen von Freigaben ausschließen",
@@ -200,7 +204,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Send mode" : "Sendemodus",
"Encryption" : "Verschlüsselung",
"From address" : "Absenderadresse",
- "mail" : "Mail",
+ "mail" : "E-Mail",
"Authentication method" : "Authentifizierungsmethode",
"Authentication required" : "Authentifizierung benötigt",
"Server address" : "Serveradresse",
@@ -289,6 +293,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"App name" : "App-Name",
"Create new app password" : "Neues App-Passwort erstellen",
"Use the credentials below to configure your app or device." : "Nutze die unten angebenen Anmeldeinformationen, um deine App oder dein Gerät zu konfigurieren.",
+ "For security reasons this password will only be shown once." : "Aus Sicherheitsgründen wird das Passwort nur einmal angezeigt.",
"Username" : "Benutzername",
"Done" : "Erledigt",
"Get the apps to sync your files" : "Lade die Apps zur Synchronisierung Deiner Daten herunter",
@@ -297,7 +302,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"iOS app" : "iOS-App",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Wenn du das Projekt unterstützen möchtest\n⇥⇥<a href=\"\"\n⇥⇥⇥target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">hilf uns bei der Weiterentwicklung</a>\n⇥⇥oder\n⇥⇥<a href=\"\"\n⇥⇥⇥target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">empfehle es weiter</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Den Einrichtungsassistenten erneut anzeigen",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Entwickelt von der {communityopen}Nextcloud Community{linkclose}. Der {githubopen}Quellcode{linkclose} ist unter {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose} verfügbar.",
+ "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Entwickelt von der {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, der {githubopen}Quellcode{linkclose} ist lizensiert unter {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}-Lizenz.",
"Show storage location" : "Speicherort anzeigen",
"Show last log in" : "Letzte Anmeldung anzeigen",
"Show user backend" : "Benutzer-Backend anzeigen",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/de.json b/settings/l10n/de.json
index 8e40adaa26d..7cb2dc361dd 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/de.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/de.json
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
"Invalid user" : "Ungültiger Benutzer",
"Unable to change mail address" : "E-Mail-Adresse konnte nicht geändert werden",
"Email saved" : "E-Mail-Adresse gespeichert",
- "Your full name has been changed." : "Dein vollständiger Name ist geändert worden.",
+ "Your full name has been changed." : "Dein vollständiger Name wurde geändert.",
"Unable to change full name" : "Der vollständige Name konnte nicht geändert werden",
"APCu" : "APCu",
"Redis" : "Redis",
@@ -96,6 +96,10 @@
"Android Client" : "Android Client",
"Sync client - {os}" : "Synchronisationssoftware - {os}",
"This session" : "Diese Sitzung",
+ "Copied!" : "Kopiert!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Nicht unterstützt!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "⌘-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Ctrl-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
"Error while loading browser sessions and device tokens" : "Fehler beim Laden der Browser-Sitzungen und Gerätetoken",
"Error while creating device token" : "Fehler beim Erstellen des Gerätetokens",
"Error while deleting the token" : "Fehler beim Löschen des Gerätetokens",
@@ -169,7 +173,7 @@
"days" : "Tagen",
"Enforce expiration date" : "Ablaufdatum erzwingen",
"Allow resharing" : "Weiterverteilen erlauben",
- "Allow sharing with groups" : "Mit Gruppen teilen erlauben",
+ "Allow sharing with groups" : "Teilen mit Gruppen erlauben",
"Restrict users to only share with users in their groups" : "Benutzer auf das Teilen innerhalb ihrer Gruppen beschränken",
"Allow users to send mail notification for shared files to other users" : "Benutzern erlauben, E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen für geteilte Dateien an andere Benutzer zu senden",
"Exclude groups from sharing" : "Gruppen von Freigaben ausschließen",
@@ -198,7 +202,7 @@
"Send mode" : "Sendemodus",
"Encryption" : "Verschlüsselung",
"From address" : "Absenderadresse",
- "mail" : "Mail",
+ "mail" : "E-Mail",
"Authentication method" : "Authentifizierungsmethode",
"Authentication required" : "Authentifizierung benötigt",
"Server address" : "Serveradresse",
@@ -287,6 +291,7 @@
"App name" : "App-Name",
"Create new app password" : "Neues App-Passwort erstellen",
"Use the credentials below to configure your app or device." : "Nutze die unten angebenen Anmeldeinformationen, um deine App oder dein Gerät zu konfigurieren.",
+ "For security reasons this password will only be shown once." : "Aus Sicherheitsgründen wird das Passwort nur einmal angezeigt.",
"Username" : "Benutzername",
"Done" : "Erledigt",
"Get the apps to sync your files" : "Lade die Apps zur Synchronisierung Deiner Daten herunter",
@@ -295,7 +300,7 @@
"iOS app" : "iOS-App",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Wenn du das Projekt unterstützen möchtest\n⇥⇥<a href=\"\"\n⇥⇥⇥target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">hilf uns bei der Weiterentwicklung</a>\n⇥⇥oder\n⇥⇥<a href=\"\"\n⇥⇥⇥target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">empfehle es weiter</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Den Einrichtungsassistenten erneut anzeigen",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Entwickelt von der {communityopen}Nextcloud Community{linkclose}. Der {githubopen}Quellcode{linkclose} ist unter {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose} verfügbar.",
+ "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Entwickelt von der {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, der {githubopen}Quellcode{linkclose} ist lizensiert unter {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}-Lizenz.",
"Show storage location" : "Speicherort anzeigen",
"Show last log in" : "Letzte Anmeldung anzeigen",
"Show user backend" : "Benutzer-Backend anzeigen",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/de_DE.js b/settings/l10n/de_DE.js
index 4474c11a040..0620d2eea3a 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -98,6 +98,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Android Client" : "Android-Client",
"Sync client - {os}" : "Synchronisationssoftware - {os}",
"This session" : "Diese Sitzung",
+ "Copied!" : "Kopiert!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Nicht unterstützt!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "⌘-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Ctrl-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
"Error while loading browser sessions and device tokens" : "Fehler beim Laden der Browser-Sitzungen und Gerätetoken",
"Error while creating device token" : "Fehler beim Erstellen des Geräte-Tokens",
"Error while deleting the token" : "Fehler beim Löschen des Geräte-Tokens",
@@ -289,6 +293,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"App name" : "App-Name",
"Create new app password" : "Neues App-Passwort erstellen",
"Use the credentials below to configure your app or device." : "Nutzen Sie die unten angebenen Anmeldeinformationen, um ihre App oder ihr Gerät zu konfigurieren.",
+ "For security reasons this password will only be shown once." : "Aus Sicherheitsgründen wird das Passwort nur einmal angezeigt.",
"Username" : "Benutzername",
"Done" : "Erledigt",
"Get the apps to sync your files" : "Installieren Sie die Anwendungen, um Ihre Dateien zu synchronisieren",
@@ -297,7 +302,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"iOS app" : "iOS-App",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Wenn Sie das Projekt unterstützen möchten\n⇥⇥<a href=\"\"\n⇥⇥⇥target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">helfen Sie bei der Weiterentwicklung</a>\n⇥⇥oder\n⇥⇥<a href=\"\"\n⇥⇥⇥target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">empfehlen Sie es weiter</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Den Einrichtungsassistenten erneut anzeigen",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Entwickelt von der {communityopen}Nextcloud Community{linkclose}. Der {githubopen}Quellcode{linkclose} ist unter {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose} verfügbar.",
+ "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Entwickelt von der {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, der {githubopen}Quellcode{linkclose} ist lizensiert unter {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}-Lizenz.",
"Show storage location" : "Speicherort anzeigen",
"Show last log in" : "Letzte Anmeldung anzeigen",
"Show user backend" : "Benutzer-Backend anzeigen",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/de_DE.json b/settings/l10n/de_DE.json
index 030f3f1cea2..4059f60778f 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -96,6 +96,10 @@
"Android Client" : "Android-Client",
"Sync client - {os}" : "Synchronisationssoftware - {os}",
"This session" : "Diese Sitzung",
+ "Copied!" : "Kopiert!",
+ "Not supported!" : "Nicht unterstützt!",
+ "Press ⌘-C to copy." : "⌘-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
+ "Press Ctrl-C to copy." : "Ctrl-C zum Kopieren drücken.",
"Error while loading browser sessions and device tokens" : "Fehler beim Laden der Browser-Sitzungen und Gerätetoken",
"Error while creating device token" : "Fehler beim Erstellen des Geräte-Tokens",
"Error while deleting the token" : "Fehler beim Löschen des Geräte-Tokens",
@@ -287,6 +291,7 @@
"App name" : "App-Name",
"Create new app password" : "Neues App-Passwort erstellen",
"Use the credentials below to configure your app or device." : "Nutzen Sie die unten angebenen Anmeldeinformationen, um ihre App oder ihr Gerät zu konfigurieren.",
+ "For security reasons this password will only be shown once." : "Aus Sicherheitsgründen wird das Passwort nur einmal angezeigt.",
"Username" : "Benutzername",
"Done" : "Erledigt",
"Get the apps to sync your files" : "Installieren Sie die Anwendungen, um Ihre Dateien zu synchronisieren",
@@ -295,7 +300,7 @@
"iOS app" : "iOS-App",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Wenn Sie das Projekt unterstützen möchten\n⇥⇥<a href=\"\"\n⇥⇥⇥target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">helfen Sie bei der Weiterentwicklung</a>\n⇥⇥oder\n⇥⇥<a href=\"\"\n⇥⇥⇥target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">empfehlen Sie es weiter</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Den Einrichtungsassistenten erneut anzeigen",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Entwickelt von der {communityopen}Nextcloud Community{linkclose}. Der {githubopen}Quellcode{linkclose} ist unter {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose} verfügbar.",
+ "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Entwickelt von der {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, der {githubopen}Quellcode{linkclose} ist lizensiert unter {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}-Lizenz.",
"Show storage location" : "Speicherort anzeigen",
"Show last log in" : "Letzte Anmeldung anzeigen",
"Show user backend" : "Benutzer-Backend anzeigen",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/en_GB.js b/settings/l10n/en_GB.js
index 452d2d22655..a5d06cd12a2 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/en_GB.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/en_GB.js
@@ -279,7 +279,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"iOS app" : "iOS app",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "To support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Show First Run Wizard again",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Show storage location",
"Show last log in" : "Show last log in",
"Show user backend" : "Show user backend",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/en_GB.json b/settings/l10n/en_GB.json
index f425beccc13..083441b2a4d 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/en_GB.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/en_GB.json
@@ -277,7 +277,6 @@
"iOS app" : "iOS app",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "To support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Show First Run Wizard again",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Show storage location",
"Show last log in" : "Show last log in",
"Show user backend" : "Show user backend",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/es.js b/settings/l10n/es.js
index 53567326957..e25e9ac8877 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/es.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/es.js
@@ -297,7 +297,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"iOS app" : "La aplicación de iOS",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Si quiere apoyar el proyecto\n⇥⇥<a href=\"\"\n⇥⇥⇥target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">únase a su desarrollo</a>\n⇥⇥o\n⇥⇥<a href=\"\"\n⇥⇥⇥target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">'difunda la palabra!</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Mostrar nuevamente el Asistente de ejecución inicial",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Desarrollado por la {communityopen}comunidad Nextcloud[linkclose}, el {githubopen}código fuente{linkclose} está bajo la licencia {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Mostrar la ubicación del almacenamiento",
"Show last log in" : "Mostrar el último inicio de sesión",
"Show user backend" : "Mostrar motor de usuario",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/es.json b/settings/l10n/es.json
index 766fffb15fb..977023a8f1e 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/es.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/es.json
@@ -295,7 +295,6 @@
"iOS app" : "La aplicación de iOS",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Si quiere apoyar el proyecto\n⇥⇥<a href=\"\"\n⇥⇥⇥target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">únase a su desarrollo</a>\n⇥⇥o\n⇥⇥<a href=\"\"\n⇥⇥⇥target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">'difunda la palabra!</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Mostrar nuevamente el Asistente de ejecución inicial",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Desarrollado por la {communityopen}comunidad Nextcloud[linkclose}, el {githubopen}código fuente{linkclose} está bajo la licencia {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Mostrar la ubicación del almacenamiento",
"Show last log in" : "Mostrar el último inicio de sesión",
"Show user backend" : "Mostrar motor de usuario",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/fr.js b/settings/l10n/fr.js
index c3db9933a4a..4a4a920b42c 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/fr.js
@@ -297,7 +297,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"iOS app" : "Application iOS",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Si vous voulez supporter le projet <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">rejoindre le développement</a> ou <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">promouvoir</a> !",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Revoir la fenêtre d'accueil affichée lors de votre première connexion",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Développé par la {communityopen}communauté Nextcloud{linkclose}, le {githubopen}code source{linkclose} est sous licence {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Afficher l'emplacement du stockage",
"Show last log in" : "Montrer la dernière connexion",
"Show user backend" : "Montrer la source de l'identifiant",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/fr.json b/settings/l10n/fr.json
index 05bfeb89a7a..05c363babb7 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/fr.json
@@ -295,7 +295,6 @@
"iOS app" : "Application iOS",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Si vous voulez supporter le projet <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">rejoindre le développement</a> ou <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">promouvoir</a> !",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Revoir la fenêtre d'accueil affichée lors de votre première connexion",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Développé par la {communityopen}communauté Nextcloud{linkclose}, le {githubopen}code source{linkclose} est sous licence {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Afficher l'emplacement du stockage",
"Show last log in" : "Montrer la dernière connexion",
"Show user backend" : "Montrer la source de l'identifiant",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/hu_HU.js b/settings/l10n/hu_HU.js
index f0df2d87a65..ab6b128304e 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/hu_HU.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/hu_HU.js
@@ -278,7 +278,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"iOS app" : "IOS applikáció",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Ha támogatni szeretnéd a projektet \n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">csatlakozz a fejlesztéshez</a>\n\t\tvagy\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">hírdesd</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Nézzük meg újra az első bejelentkezéskori segítséget!",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Fejlesztve a {communityopen}Nextcloud közösség{linkclose} által, a {githubopen}forráskód{linkclose} az {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose} licensz alá tartozik.",
"Show storage location" : "Háttértároló helyének mutatása",
"Show last log in" : "Utolsó bejelentkezés megjelenítése",
"Show user backend" : "Felhasználói háttér mutatása",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/hu_HU.json b/settings/l10n/hu_HU.json
index 738345cf9b4..c8880024a04 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/hu_HU.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/hu_HU.json
@@ -276,7 +276,6 @@
"iOS app" : "IOS applikáció",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Ha támogatni szeretnéd a projektet \n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">csatlakozz a fejlesztéshez</a>\n\t\tvagy\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">hírdesd</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Nézzük meg újra az első bejelentkezéskori segítséget!",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Fejlesztve a {communityopen}Nextcloud közösség{linkclose} által, a {githubopen}forráskód{linkclose} az {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose} licensz alá tartozik.",
"Show storage location" : "Háttértároló helyének mutatása",
"Show last log in" : "Utolsó bejelentkezés megjelenítése",
"Show user backend" : "Felhasználói háttér mutatása",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/id.js b/settings/l10n/id.js
index 4d64d5a1b8d..c509f9ffd11 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/id.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/id.js
@@ -297,7 +297,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"iOS app" : "Aplikasi iOS",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Apabila Anda ingin mendukung proyek ini\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">ikuti pengembangannya</a>\n\t\tatau\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">sebarkan</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Tampilkan Penuntun Konfigurasi Awal",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Dikembangkan oleh {commmunityopen}komunitas Nextcloud{linkclose}, {githubopen}sumber kode{linkclose} dilisensikan dibawah {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Tampilkan kolasi penyimpanan",
"Show last log in" : "Tampilkan masuk terakhir",
"Show user backend" : "Tampilkan pengguna backend",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/id.json b/settings/l10n/id.json
index 2e62d420404..9f18f3c50ad 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/id.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/id.json
@@ -295,7 +295,6 @@
"iOS app" : "Aplikasi iOS",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Apabila Anda ingin mendukung proyek ini\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">ikuti pengembangannya</a>\n\t\tatau\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">sebarkan</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Tampilkan Penuntun Konfigurasi Awal",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Dikembangkan oleh {commmunityopen}komunitas Nextcloud{linkclose}, {githubopen}sumber kode{linkclose} dilisensikan dibawah {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Tampilkan kolasi penyimpanan",
"Show last log in" : "Tampilkan masuk terakhir",
"Show user backend" : "Tampilkan pengguna backend",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/is.js b/settings/l10n/is.js
index 7e1e7750294..2356a21c1e1 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/is.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/is.js
@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Experimental" : "Á tilraunastigi",
"All" : "Allt",
"No apps found for your version" : "Engin forrit fundust fyrir útgáfuna þína",
+ "The app will be downloaded from the app store" : "Forritinu verður hlaðið niður úr forritabúðinni",
+ "Official apps are developed by and within the community. They offer central functionality and are ready for production use." : "Opinber forrit eru þróuð af og innan samfélagsins. Þau bjóða upp á ýmsa kjarnaeiginleika og eru tilbúin til notkunar í raunvinnslu.",
"Approved apps are developed by trusted developers and have passed a cursory security check. They are actively maintained in an open code repository and their maintainers deem them to be stable for casual to normal use." : "Samþykkt forrit eru þróuð af treystum forriturum og hafa gengist undir lauslegar öryggisprófanir. Þau eru í virku viðhaldi í opnum hugbúnaðarsöfnum og umsjónarmenn þeirra dæma þau nógu stöðug til notkunar í allri venjulegri vinnslu.",
"This app is not checked for security issues and is new or known to be unstable. Install at your own risk." : "Þetta forrit hefur ekki verið öryggisprófað, er nýtt erða þekkt fyrir ótöðugleika við vissar aðstæður. Uppsetning er á þína ábyrgð.",
"Update to %s" : "Uppfæra í %s",
@@ -83,6 +85,20 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Uninstall" : "Henda út",
"The app has been enabled but needs to be updated. You will be redirected to the update page in 5 seconds." : "Forritið hefur verið virkjað, en það þarf að uppfæra það. Þú verður áframsendur á uppfærslusíðuna eftir 5 sekúndur.",
"App update" : "Uppfærsla forrits",
+ "No apps found for {query}" : "Engin forrit fundust fyrir \"{query}",
+ "Disconnect" : "Aftengjast",
+ "Internet Explorer" : "Internet Explorer",
+ "Edge" : "Edge",
+ "Firefox" : "Firefox",
+ "Google Chrome" : "Google Chrome",
+ "Safari" : "Safari",
+ "Google Chrome for Android" : "Google Chrome fyrir Android",
+ "iPhone" : "iPhone",
+ "iOS Client" : "iOS-biðlari",
+ "Android Client" : "Android-biðlari",
+ "Sync client - {os}" : "Samstilla bilara - {os}",
+ "This session" : "Þessa setu",
+ "Error while deleting the token" : "Villa kom upp við að eyða teikninu",
"An error occurred. Please upload an ASCII-encoded PEM certificate." : "Villa kom upp. Sendu inn ASCII-kóðað PEM-skilríki.",
"Valid until {date}" : "Gildir til {date}",
"Delete" : "Eyða",
@@ -99,8 +115,11 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"A valid group name must be provided" : "Skráðu inn gilt heiti á hópi",
"deleted {groupName}" : "eyddi {groupName}",
"undo" : "afturkalla",
+ "No group" : "Enginn hópur",
"never" : "aldrei",
"deleted {userName}" : "eyddi {userName}",
+ "Add group" : "Bæta við hópi",
+ "Invalid quota value \"{val}\"" : "Óleyfilegt gildi kvóta \"{val}\"",
"Changing the password will result in data loss, because data recovery is not available for this user" : "Breyting á þessu lykilorði mun valda gagnatapi, þar sem gagnaendurheimt er ekki tiltæk fyrir þennan notanda",
"A valid username must be provided" : "Skráðu inn gilt notandanafn",
"Error creating user: {message}" : "Villa við að búa til notanda: {message}",
@@ -109,6 +128,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"__language_name__" : "Íslenska",
"Unlimited" : "Ótakmarkað",
"Personal info" : "Persónulegar upplýsingar",
+ "Sessions" : "Setur",
+ "App passwords" : "Lykilorð forrita",
"Sync clients" : "Samstilla biðlara",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" : "Allt (aflúsun, upplýsingar, viðvaranir, villur og alvarlegar aðvaranir)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" : "Upplýsingar, viðvaranir, villur og alvarlegar aðvaranir",
@@ -148,6 +169,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Use system's cron service to call the cron.php file every 15 minutes." : "Nota cron-þjónustu kerfisins til að kalla á cron.php skrána á 15 mínútna fresti.",
"Enable server-side encryption" : "Virkja dulritun á þjóni",
"Please read carefully before activating server-side encryption: " : "Lestu eftirfarandi gaumgæfilega áður en þú virkjar dulritun á þjóni: ",
+ "Encryption alone does not guarantee security of the system. Please see documentation for more information about how the encryption app works, and the supported use cases." : "Dulritun ein og sér tryggir ekki öryggi kerfisins. Endilega skoðaðu hjálparskjölin um hvernig dulritunarforritið virkar, og dæmi um hvaða uppsetningar eru studdar.",
"Be aware that encryption always increases the file size." : "Hafðu í huga að dulritun eykur alltaf skráastærð.",
"It is always good to create regular backups of your data, in case of encryption make sure to backup the encryption keys along with your data." : "Það er góður siður að taka regluleg öryggisafrit af gögnunum þínum; ef um dulrituð gögn er að ræða, gakktu úr skugga um að einnig sé tekið öryggisafrit af dulritunarlyklum ásamt gögnunum.",
"This is the final warning: Do you really want to enable encryption?" : "Þetta er lokaaðvörun: Viltu örugglega virkja dulritun?",
@@ -179,6 +201,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The logfile is bigger than 100 MB. Downloading it may take some time!" : "Annállinn er stærri en 100 MB.Þetta gæti tekið nokkra stund!",
"SQLite is used as database. For larger installations we recommend to switch to a different database backend." : "SQLite er notað sem gagnagrunnur. Fyrir stærri uppsetningar mælum við með að velja annan gagnagrunnsbakenda.",
"Especially when using the desktop client for file syncing the use of SQLite is discouraged." : "Sérstaklega þegar tölvu forrit er notað til samræmingar þá er ekki mælt með notkunn SQLite.",
+ "To migrate to another database use the command line tool: 'occ db:convert-type', or see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation ↗</a>." : "Til að yfirfæra í annan gagnagrunn skaltu nota skipanalínutólið: 'occ db:convert-type', eða lesa <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">hjálparskjölin ↗</a>.",
"How to do backups" : "Hvernig á að taka öryggisafrit",
"Advanced monitoring" : "Ítarleg vöktun",
"Performance tuning" : "Fínstilling afkasta",
@@ -194,9 +217,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Documentation:" : "Hjálparskjöl:",
"User documentation" : "Hjálparskjöl notenda",
"Admin documentation" : "Hjálparskjöl kerfisstjóra",
+ "Visit website" : "Heimsækja vefsvæðið",
+ "Report a bug" : "Tilkynna um villu",
"Show description …" : "Birta lýsingu …",
"Hide description …" : "Fela lýsingu …",
"This app has an update available." : "Uppfærsla er tiltæk fyrir þetta forrit.",
+ "This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "Þetta vorrit er ekki með tiltekna neina lágmarksútgáfu Nextcloud. Þetta mun gefa villu í framtíðinni.",
+ "This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "Þetta vorrit er ekki með tiltekna neina hámarksútgáfu Nextcloud. Þetta mun gefa villu í framtíðinni.",
"This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Ekki var hægt að setja upp forritið þar sem eftirfarandi kerfiskröfur eru ekki uppfylltar:",
"Enable only for specific groups" : "Einungis fyrir sérstaka hópa",
"Uninstall App" : "Fjarlægja/Henda út forriti",
@@ -237,12 +264,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Change password" : "Breyta lykilorði",
"Language" : "Tungumál",
"Help translate" : "Hjálpa við þýðingu",
+ "Web, desktop and mobile clients currently logged in to your account." : "Veftól, tölvur og símar sem núna eru skráð inn á aðganginn þinn.",
+ "Device" : "Tæki",
+ "Last activity" : "Síðasta virkni",
"Name" : "Heiti",
+ "App name" : "Heiti forrits",
+ "Create new app password" : "Búa til nýtt lykilorð forrits",
"Username" : "Notandanafn",
+ "Done" : "Lokið",
"Get the apps to sync your files" : "Náðu í forrit til að samstilla skrárnar þínar",
"Desktop client" : "Skjáborðsforrit",
"Android app" : "Android-forrit",
"iOS app" : "iOS-forrit",
+ "If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Ef þú vilt styðja við verkefnið\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">taktu þátt í þróuninni</a>\n\t\teða\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">láttu orð út ganga</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Birta Fyrsta-skiptis-leiðarvísinn aftur",
"Show storage location" : "Birta staðsetningu gagnageymslu",
"Show last log in" : "Birta síðustu innskráningu",
@@ -256,9 +290,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Group" : "Hópur",
"Everyone" : "Allir",
"Admins" : "Kerfisstjórar",
+ "Default quota" : "Sjálfgefinn kvóti",
"Please enter storage quota (ex: \"512 MB\" or \"12 GB\")" : "Settu inn geymslukvóta (t.d.: \"512 MB\" eða \"12 GB\")",
"Other" : "Annað",
+ "Group admin for" : "Hópstjóri fyrir",
"Quota" : "Kvóti",
+ "Storage location" : "Staðsetning gagnageymslu",
+ "User backend" : "Bakendi notanda",
+ "Last login" : "Síðasta innskráning",
"change full name" : "breyta fullu nafni",
"set new password" : "setja nýtt lykilorð",
"change email address" : "breyta tölvupóstfangi",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/is.json b/settings/l10n/is.json
index 43f8e85d501..0ab0bf40f04 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/is.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/is.json
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
"Experimental" : "Á tilraunastigi",
"All" : "Allt",
"No apps found for your version" : "Engin forrit fundust fyrir útgáfuna þína",
+ "The app will be downloaded from the app store" : "Forritinu verður hlaðið niður úr forritabúðinni",
+ "Official apps are developed by and within the community. They offer central functionality and are ready for production use." : "Opinber forrit eru þróuð af og innan samfélagsins. Þau bjóða upp á ýmsa kjarnaeiginleika og eru tilbúin til notkunar í raunvinnslu.",
"Approved apps are developed by trusted developers and have passed a cursory security check. They are actively maintained in an open code repository and their maintainers deem them to be stable for casual to normal use." : "Samþykkt forrit eru þróuð af treystum forriturum og hafa gengist undir lauslegar öryggisprófanir. Þau eru í virku viðhaldi í opnum hugbúnaðarsöfnum og umsjónarmenn þeirra dæma þau nógu stöðug til notkunar í allri venjulegri vinnslu.",
"This app is not checked for security issues and is new or known to be unstable. Install at your own risk." : "Þetta forrit hefur ekki verið öryggisprófað, er nýtt erða þekkt fyrir ótöðugleika við vissar aðstæður. Uppsetning er á þína ábyrgð.",
"Update to %s" : "Uppfæra í %s",
@@ -81,6 +83,20 @@
"Uninstall" : "Henda út",
"The app has been enabled but needs to be updated. You will be redirected to the update page in 5 seconds." : "Forritið hefur verið virkjað, en það þarf að uppfæra það. Þú verður áframsendur á uppfærslusíðuna eftir 5 sekúndur.",
"App update" : "Uppfærsla forrits",
+ "No apps found for {query}" : "Engin forrit fundust fyrir \"{query}",
+ "Disconnect" : "Aftengjast",
+ "Internet Explorer" : "Internet Explorer",
+ "Edge" : "Edge",
+ "Firefox" : "Firefox",
+ "Google Chrome" : "Google Chrome",
+ "Safari" : "Safari",
+ "Google Chrome for Android" : "Google Chrome fyrir Android",
+ "iPhone" : "iPhone",
+ "iOS Client" : "iOS-biðlari",
+ "Android Client" : "Android-biðlari",
+ "Sync client - {os}" : "Samstilla bilara - {os}",
+ "This session" : "Þessa setu",
+ "Error while deleting the token" : "Villa kom upp við að eyða teikninu",
"An error occurred. Please upload an ASCII-encoded PEM certificate." : "Villa kom upp. Sendu inn ASCII-kóðað PEM-skilríki.",
"Valid until {date}" : "Gildir til {date}",
"Delete" : "Eyða",
@@ -97,8 +113,11 @@
"A valid group name must be provided" : "Skráðu inn gilt heiti á hópi",
"deleted {groupName}" : "eyddi {groupName}",
"undo" : "afturkalla",
+ "No group" : "Enginn hópur",
"never" : "aldrei",
"deleted {userName}" : "eyddi {userName}",
+ "Add group" : "Bæta við hópi",
+ "Invalid quota value \"{val}\"" : "Óleyfilegt gildi kvóta \"{val}\"",
"Changing the password will result in data loss, because data recovery is not available for this user" : "Breyting á þessu lykilorði mun valda gagnatapi, þar sem gagnaendurheimt er ekki tiltæk fyrir þennan notanda",
"A valid username must be provided" : "Skráðu inn gilt notandanafn",
"Error creating user: {message}" : "Villa við að búa til notanda: {message}",
@@ -107,6 +126,8 @@
"__language_name__" : "Íslenska",
"Unlimited" : "Ótakmarkað",
"Personal info" : "Persónulegar upplýsingar",
+ "Sessions" : "Setur",
+ "App passwords" : "Lykilorð forrita",
"Sync clients" : "Samstilla biðlara",
"Everything (fatal issues, errors, warnings, info, debug)" : "Allt (aflúsun, upplýsingar, viðvaranir, villur og alvarlegar aðvaranir)",
"Info, warnings, errors and fatal issues" : "Upplýsingar, viðvaranir, villur og alvarlegar aðvaranir",
@@ -146,6 +167,7 @@
"Use system's cron service to call the cron.php file every 15 minutes." : "Nota cron-þjónustu kerfisins til að kalla á cron.php skrána á 15 mínútna fresti.",
"Enable server-side encryption" : "Virkja dulritun á þjóni",
"Please read carefully before activating server-side encryption: " : "Lestu eftirfarandi gaumgæfilega áður en þú virkjar dulritun á þjóni: ",
+ "Encryption alone does not guarantee security of the system. Please see documentation for more information about how the encryption app works, and the supported use cases." : "Dulritun ein og sér tryggir ekki öryggi kerfisins. Endilega skoðaðu hjálparskjölin um hvernig dulritunarforritið virkar, og dæmi um hvaða uppsetningar eru studdar.",
"Be aware that encryption always increases the file size." : "Hafðu í huga að dulritun eykur alltaf skráastærð.",
"It is always good to create regular backups of your data, in case of encryption make sure to backup the encryption keys along with your data." : "Það er góður siður að taka regluleg öryggisafrit af gögnunum þínum; ef um dulrituð gögn er að ræða, gakktu úr skugga um að einnig sé tekið öryggisafrit af dulritunarlyklum ásamt gögnunum.",
"This is the final warning: Do you really want to enable encryption?" : "Þetta er lokaaðvörun: Viltu örugglega virkja dulritun?",
@@ -177,6 +199,7 @@
"The logfile is bigger than 100 MB. Downloading it may take some time!" : "Annállinn er stærri en 100 MB.Þetta gæti tekið nokkra stund!",
"SQLite is used as database. For larger installations we recommend to switch to a different database backend." : "SQLite er notað sem gagnagrunnur. Fyrir stærri uppsetningar mælum við með að velja annan gagnagrunnsbakenda.",
"Especially when using the desktop client for file syncing the use of SQLite is discouraged." : "Sérstaklega þegar tölvu forrit er notað til samræmingar þá er ekki mælt með notkunn SQLite.",
+ "To migrate to another database use the command line tool: 'occ db:convert-type', or see the <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">documentation ↗</a>." : "Til að yfirfæra í annan gagnagrunn skaltu nota skipanalínutólið: 'occ db:convert-type', eða lesa <a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\" href=\"%s\">hjálparskjölin ↗</a>.",
"How to do backups" : "Hvernig á að taka öryggisafrit",
"Advanced monitoring" : "Ítarleg vöktun",
"Performance tuning" : "Fínstilling afkasta",
@@ -192,9 +215,13 @@
"Documentation:" : "Hjálparskjöl:",
"User documentation" : "Hjálparskjöl notenda",
"Admin documentation" : "Hjálparskjöl kerfisstjóra",
+ "Visit website" : "Heimsækja vefsvæðið",
+ "Report a bug" : "Tilkynna um villu",
"Show description …" : "Birta lýsingu …",
"Hide description …" : "Fela lýsingu …",
"This app has an update available." : "Uppfærsla er tiltæk fyrir þetta forrit.",
+ "This app has no minimum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "Þetta vorrit er ekki með tiltekna neina lágmarksútgáfu Nextcloud. Þetta mun gefa villu í framtíðinni.",
+ "This app has no maximum Nextcloud version assigned. This will be an error in the future." : "Þetta vorrit er ekki með tiltekna neina hámarksútgáfu Nextcloud. Þetta mun gefa villu í framtíðinni.",
"This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:" : "Ekki var hægt að setja upp forritið þar sem eftirfarandi kerfiskröfur eru ekki uppfylltar:",
"Enable only for specific groups" : "Einungis fyrir sérstaka hópa",
"Uninstall App" : "Fjarlægja/Henda út forriti",
@@ -235,12 +262,19 @@
"Change password" : "Breyta lykilorði",
"Language" : "Tungumál",
"Help translate" : "Hjálpa við þýðingu",
+ "Web, desktop and mobile clients currently logged in to your account." : "Veftól, tölvur og símar sem núna eru skráð inn á aðganginn þinn.",
+ "Device" : "Tæki",
+ "Last activity" : "Síðasta virkni",
"Name" : "Heiti",
+ "App name" : "Heiti forrits",
+ "Create new app password" : "Búa til nýtt lykilorð forrits",
"Username" : "Notandanafn",
+ "Done" : "Lokið",
"Get the apps to sync your files" : "Náðu í forrit til að samstilla skrárnar þínar",
"Desktop client" : "Skjáborðsforrit",
"Android app" : "Android-forrit",
"iOS app" : "iOS-forrit",
+ "If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Ef þú vilt styðja við verkefnið\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">taktu þátt í þróuninni</a>\n\t\teða\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">láttu orð út ganga</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Birta Fyrsta-skiptis-leiðarvísinn aftur",
"Show storage location" : "Birta staðsetningu gagnageymslu",
"Show last log in" : "Birta síðustu innskráningu",
@@ -254,9 +288,14 @@
"Group" : "Hópur",
"Everyone" : "Allir",
"Admins" : "Kerfisstjórar",
+ "Default quota" : "Sjálfgefinn kvóti",
"Please enter storage quota (ex: \"512 MB\" or \"12 GB\")" : "Settu inn geymslukvóta (t.d.: \"512 MB\" eða \"12 GB\")",
"Other" : "Annað",
+ "Group admin for" : "Hópstjóri fyrir",
"Quota" : "Kvóti",
+ "Storage location" : "Staðsetning gagnageymslu",
+ "User backend" : "Bakendi notanda",
+ "Last login" : "Síðasta innskráning",
"change full name" : "breyta fullu nafni",
"set new password" : "setja nýtt lykilorð",
"change email address" : "breyta tölvupóstfangi",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/it.js b/settings/l10n/it.js
index 7448f92cbf1..c24e82c6e41 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/it.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/it.js
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"iOS app" : "Applicazione iOS",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Se desideri supportare il progetto\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">contribuisci allo sviluppo</a>\n\t\to\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">diffondi il verbo</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Mostra nuovamente la procedura di primo avvio",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Sviluppato dalla {communityopen}comunità di Nextcloud{linkclose}, il {githubopen}codice sorgente{linkclose} è rilasciato nei termini della licenza {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
+ "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Sviluppato dalla {communityopen}comunità di Nextcloud{linkclose}, il {githubopen}codice sorgente{linkclose} è rilasciato nei termini della licenza {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Mostra posizione di archiviazione",
"Show last log in" : "Mostra ultimo accesso",
"Show user backend" : "Mostra il motore utente",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/it.json b/settings/l10n/it.json
index f23e662f72f..cc5e18a7236 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/it.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/it.json
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
"iOS app" : "Applicazione iOS",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Se desideri supportare il progetto\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">contribuisci allo sviluppo</a>\n\t\to\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">diffondi il verbo</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Mostra nuovamente la procedura di primo avvio",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Sviluppato dalla {communityopen}comunità di Nextcloud{linkclose}, il {githubopen}codice sorgente{linkclose} è rilasciato nei termini della licenza {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
+ "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Sviluppato dalla {communityopen}comunità di Nextcloud{linkclose}, il {githubopen}codice sorgente{linkclose} è rilasciato nei termini della licenza {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Mostra posizione di archiviazione",
"Show last log in" : "Mostra ultimo accesso",
"Show user backend" : "Mostra il motore utente",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/ja.js b/settings/l10n/ja.js
index 8d3dd803044..3c7dbde76bf 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/ja.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/ja.js
@@ -279,7 +279,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"iOS app" : "iOSアプリ",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "このプロジェクトを応援するには、\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">開発に参加</a>\n\t\tもしくは、\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">世界に拡散</a>!\nしてください。",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "初回ウィザードを再表示する",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "{communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose} による開発されています。{githubopen}source code{linkclose} は、 {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose} ライセンスで提供されています。",
"Show storage location" : "データの保存場所を表示",
"Show last log in" : "最終ログインを表示",
"Show user backend" : "ユーザーバックエンドを表示",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/ja.json b/settings/l10n/ja.json
index 67007d97fdd..37f5853f3ce 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/ja.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/ja.json
@@ -277,7 +277,6 @@
"iOS app" : "iOSアプリ",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "このプロジェクトを応援するには、\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">開発に参加</a>\n\t\tもしくは、\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">世界に拡散</a>!\nしてください。",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "初回ウィザードを再表示する",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "{communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose} による開発されています。{githubopen}source code{linkclose} は、 {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose} ライセンスで提供されています。",
"Show storage location" : "データの保存場所を表示",
"Show last log in" : "最終ログインを表示",
"Show user backend" : "ユーザーバックエンドを表示",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/nl.js b/settings/l10n/nl.js
index 9747c2d3991..22d829c1533 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/nl.js
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"iOS app" : "iOS app",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Ondersteun het project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">ontwikkel het mee</a>\n\t\tof\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">verkondig het woord</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Toon de Eerste start Wizard opnieuw",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Ontwikkeld door de {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, de {githubopen}broncode{linkclose} is gelicenseerd onder de {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
+ "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Ontwikkeld door de {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, de {githubopen}broncode{linkclose} is gelicenseerd onder de {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Toon opslaglocatie",
"Show last log in" : "Toon laatste inlog",
"Show user backend" : "Toon backend gebruiker",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/nl.json b/settings/l10n/nl.json
index e5cb8d11020..48d438859a9 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/nl.json
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
"iOS app" : "iOS app",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Ondersteun het project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">ontwikkel het mee</a>\n\t\tof\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">verkondig het woord</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Toon de Eerste start Wizard opnieuw",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Ontwikkeld door de {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, de {githubopen}broncode{linkclose} is gelicenseerd onder de {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
+ "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Ontwikkeld door de {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, de {githubopen}broncode{linkclose} is gelicenseerd onder de {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Toon opslaglocatie",
"Show last log in" : "Toon laatste inlog",
"Show user backend" : "Toon backend gebruiker",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/pt_BR.js b/settings/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 1ef37d471fd..c8074efdbd6 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"iOS app" : "App iOS",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Se você deseja apoiar o projeto,\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">juntar-se ao desenvolvimento</a>\n\t\tou\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">contar para todo mundo</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Mostrar Assistente de Primeira Execução novamente",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Desenvolvido pela {communityopen}comunidade Nextcloud{linkclose}, o {githubopen}código fonte{linkclose} está licenciado sob {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
+ "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Desenvolvido pela {communityopen}comunidade Nextcloud{linkclose}, o {githubopen}código-fonte{linkclose} é licenciado sob a {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Mostrar localização de armazenamento",
"Show last log in" : "Mostrar o último acesso",
"Show user backend" : "Mostrar administrador do usuário",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/pt_BR.json b/settings/l10n/pt_BR.json
index 09f609fa78f..c0e3fe7be15 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
"iOS app" : "App iOS",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Se você deseja apoiar o projeto,\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">juntar-se ao desenvolvimento</a>\n\t\tou\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">contar para todo mundo</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Mostrar Assistente de Primeira Execução novamente",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Desenvolvido pela {communityopen}comunidade Nextcloud{linkclose}, o {githubopen}código fonte{linkclose} está licenciado sob {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
+ "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Desenvolvido pela {communityopen}comunidade Nextcloud{linkclose}, o {githubopen}código-fonte{linkclose} é licenciado sob a {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Mostrar localização de armazenamento",
"Show last log in" : "Mostrar o último acesso",
"Show user backend" : "Mostrar administrador do usuário",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/ru.js b/settings/l10n/ru.js
index 0b8d8bdaea8..eda968ee584 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/ru.js
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"iOS app" : "iOS приложение",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Если Вы хотите поддержать проект\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">присоединяйтесь к разработке</a>\n\t\tили\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">расскажите о нас</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Показать помощник настройки снова",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Разработано {communityopen}сообществом Nextcloud{linkclose}, {githubopen}исходный код{linkclose} лицензируется в соответствии с {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
+ "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Разработано {communityopen}сообществом Nextcloud{linkclose}, {githubopen}исходный код{linkclose} лицензируется в соответствии с {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Показать местонахождение хранилища",
"Show last log in" : "Показать последний вход в систему",
"Show user backend" : "Показать механизм учёта пользователей",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/ru.json b/settings/l10n/ru.json
index 5e33c1689ad..69419920d6c 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/ru.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/ru.json
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
"iOS app" : "iOS приложение",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Если Вы хотите поддержать проект\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">присоединяйтесь к разработке</a>\n\t\tили\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">расскажите о нас</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "Показать помощник настройки снова",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "Разработано {communityopen}сообществом Nextcloud{linkclose}, {githubopen}исходный код{linkclose} лицензируется в соответствии с {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.",
+ "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}." : "Разработано {communityopen}сообществом Nextcloud{linkclose}, {githubopen}исходный код{linkclose} лицензируется в соответствии с {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}.",
"Show storage location" : "Показать местонахождение хранилища",
"Show last log in" : "Показать последний вход в систему",
"Show user backend" : "Показать механизм учёта пользователей",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/tr.js b/settings/l10n/tr.js
index ee70f99e35c..b3ef46cb41e 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/settings/l10n/tr.js
@@ -297,7 +297,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"iOS app" : "iOS uygulaması",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Projeyi desteklemek isterseniz\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">gelişimine katılın</a>\n\t\tya da\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">dünyaya duyurun</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "İlk Çalıştırma Sihirbazı'nı yeniden göster",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "{communityopen}Nextcloud topluluğu tarafından geliştirilmiştir{linkclose}, {githubopen}kaynak kod{linkclose} {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose} ile lisanslanmıştır.",
"Show storage location" : "Depolama konumunu göster",
"Show last log in" : "Son oturum açılma zamanını göster",
"Show user backend" : "Kullanıcı arka ucunu göster",
diff --git a/settings/l10n/tr.json b/settings/l10n/tr.json
index 401fdb3e1cf..6aa7e16459b 100644
--- a/settings/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/settings/l10n/tr.json
@@ -295,7 +295,6 @@
"iOS app" : "iOS uygulaması",
"If you want to support the project\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">join development</a>\n\t\tor\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">spread the word</a>!" : "Projeyi desteklemek isterseniz\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">gelişimine katılın</a>\n\t\tya da\n\t\t<a href=\"\"\n\t\t\ttarget=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">dünyaya duyurun</a>!",
"Show First Run Wizard again" : "İlk Çalıştırma Sihirbazı'nı yeniden göster",
- "Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}." : "{communityopen}Nextcloud topluluğu tarafından geliştirilmiştir{linkclose}, {githubopen}kaynak kod{linkclose} {licenseopen}<abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose} ile lisanslanmıştır.",
"Show storage location" : "Depolama konumunu göster",
"Show last log in" : "Son oturum açılma zamanını göster",
"Show user backend" : "Kullanıcı arka ucunu göster",
diff --git a/settings/templates/personal.php b/settings/templates/personal.php
index 890bfd1bbeb..edbc0d24c5d 100644
--- a/settings/templates/personal.php
+++ b/settings/templates/personal.php
@@ -200,7 +200,10 @@ if($_['passwordChangeSupported']) {
<button id="add-app-password" class="button"><?php p($l->t('Create new app password')); ?></button>
<div id="app-password-result" class="hidden">
- <span><?php p($l->t('Use the credentials below to configure your app or device.')); ?></span>
+ <span>
+ <?php p($l->t('Use the credentials below to configure your app or device.')); ?>
+ <?php p($l->t('For security reasons this password will only be shown once.')); ?>
+ </span>
<div class="app-password-row">
<span class="app-password-label"><?php p($l->t('Username')); ?></span>
<input id="new-app-login-name" type="text" readonly="readonly"/>
@@ -208,6 +211,7 @@ if($_['passwordChangeSupported']) {
<div class="app-password-row">
<span class="app-password-label"><?php p($l->t('Password')); ?></span>
<input id="new-app-password" type="text" readonly="readonly"/>
+ <a class="clipboardButton icon icon-clippy" data-clipboard-target="#new-app-password"></a>
<button id="app-password-hide" class="button"><?php p($l->t('Done')); ?></button>
diff --git a/settings/templates/settings.development.notice.php b/settings/templates/settings.development.notice.php
index 4e6bbd8db9f..a96661e5de1 100644
--- a/settings/templates/settings.development.notice.php
+++ b/settings/templates/settings.development.notice.php
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-<?php if (OC_Util::getEditionString() === ''): ?>
+/** @var \OCP\IL10N $l */
+if (OC_Util::getEditionString() === ''): ?>
<?php print_unescaped(str_replace(
@@ -13,7 +15,7 @@
'<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">',
- $l->t('Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}<abbr title="Affero General Public License">AGPL</abbr>{linkclose}.')
+ $l->t('Developed by the {communityopen}Nextcloud community{linkclose}, the {githubopen}source code{linkclose} is licensed under the {licenseopen}AGPL{linkclose}.')
)); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
diff --git a/tests/lib/AppFramework/Controller/OCSControllerTest.php b/tests/lib/AppFramework/Controller/OCSControllerTest.php
index 7dcbd189cd5..9c9214181a4 100644
--- a/tests/lib/AppFramework/Controller/OCSControllerTest.php
+++ b/tests/lib/AppFramework/Controller/OCSControllerTest.php
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ class OCSControllerTest extends \Test\TestCase {
$expected = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" .
"<ocs>\n" .
" <meta>\n" .
- " <status>failure</status>\n" .
- " <statuscode>400</statuscode>\n" .
+ " <status>ok</status>\n" .
+ " <statuscode>100</statuscode>\n" .
" <message>OK</message>\n" .
" <totalitems></totalitems>\n" .
" <itemsperpage></itemsperpage>\n" .
@@ -86,54 +86,12 @@ class OCSControllerTest extends \Test\TestCase {
" </data>\n" .
- $params = [
- 'data' => [
- 'test' => 'hi'
- ],
- 'statuscode' => 400
- ];
+ $params = new DataResponse(['test' => 'hi']);
$out = $controller->buildResponse($params, 'xml')->render();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $out);
- public function testXMLDataResponse() {
- $controller = new ChildOCSController('app', new Request(
- [],
- $this->getMockBuilder('\OCP\Security\ISecureRandom')
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()
- ->getMock(),
- $this->getMockBuilder('\OCP\IConfig')
- ->disableOriginalConstructor()
- ->getMock()
- ));
- $expected = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" .
- "<ocs>\n" .
- " <meta>\n" .
- " <status>failure</status>\n" .
- " <statuscode>400</statuscode>\n" .
- " <message>OK</message>\n" .
- " <totalitems></totalitems>\n" .
- " <itemsperpage></itemsperpage>\n" .
- " </meta>\n" .
- " <data>\n" .
- " <test>hi</test>\n" .
- " </data>\n" .
- "</ocs>\n";
- $params = new DataResponse([
- 'data' => [
- 'test' => 'hi'
- ],
- 'statuscode' => 400
- ]);
- $out = $controller->buildResponse($params, 'xml')->render();
- $this->assertEquals($expected, $out);
- }
public function testJSON() {
$controller = new ChildOCSController('app', new Request(
@@ -144,14 +102,9 @@ class OCSControllerTest extends \Test\TestCase {
- $expected = '{"ocs":{"meta":{"status":"failure","statuscode":400,"message":"OK",' .
+ $expected = '{"ocs":{"meta":{"status":"ok","statuscode":100,"message":"OK",' .
- $params = [
- 'data' => [
- 'test' => 'hi'
- ],
- 'statuscode' => 400
- ];
+ $params = new DataResponse(['test' => 'hi']);
$out = $controller->buildResponse($params, 'json')->render();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $out);
diff --git a/tests/lib/AppFramework/Routing/RoutingTest.php b/tests/lib/AppFramework/Routing/RoutingTest.php
index 6c8b0f40133..d395584d011 100644
--- a/tests/lib/AppFramework/Routing/RoutingTest.php
+++ b/tests/lib/AppFramework/Routing/RoutingTest.php
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class RoutingTest extends \Test\TestCase
- $this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'GET', '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open');
+ $this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'GET', '/apps/app1/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open');
public function testSimpleRouteWithMissingVerb()
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class RoutingTest extends \Test\TestCase
- $this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'GET', '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open');
+ $this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'GET', '/apps/app1/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open');
public function testSimpleRouteWithLowercaseVerb()
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class RoutingTest extends \Test\TestCase
- $this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'DELETE', '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open');
+ $this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'DELETE', '/apps/app1/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open');
public function testSimpleRouteWithRequirements()
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class RoutingTest extends \Test\TestCase
- $this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'DELETE', '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open', ['something']);
+ $this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'DELETE', '/apps/app1/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open', ['something']);
public function testSimpleRouteWithDefaults()
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ class RoutingTest extends \Test\TestCase
- $this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'DELETE', '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open', [], ['param' => 'foobar']);
+ $this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'DELETE', '/apps/app1/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open', [], ['param' => 'foobar']);
public function testSimpleRouteWithPostfix()
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class RoutingTest extends \Test\TestCase
- $this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'DELETE', '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open', [], [], '_something');
+ $this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, '', 'DELETE', '/apps/app1/folders/{folderId}/open', 'FoldersController', 'open', [], [], '_something');
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ class RoutingTest extends \Test\TestCase
['name' => 'admin_folders#open_current', 'url' => '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'verb' => 'delete']
- $this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, 'admin_folders.open_current', 'DELETE', '/folders/{folderId}/open', 'AdminFoldersController', 'openCurrent');
+ $this->assertSimpleOCSRoute($routes, 'admin_folders.open_current', 'DELETE', '/apps/app1/folders/{folderId}/open', 'AdminFoldersController', 'openCurrent');
public function testResource()
diff --git a/tests/lib/UpdaterTest.php b/tests/lib/UpdaterTest.php
index 643a18cc714..e45a9f08243 100644
--- a/tests/lib/UpdaterTest.php
+++ b/tests/lib/UpdaterTest.php
@@ -137,6 +137,12 @@ class UpdaterTest extends \Test\TestCase {
['', '', '8.1', true, true],
['', '', '8.1', true, true],
['', '', '8.1', true, true],
+ // Downgrade of maintenance
+ ['', '', '8.1', false, false, 'nextcloud'],
+ // with vendor switch
+ ['', '', '8.1', true, false, ''],
+ ['', '', '8.1', true, false, 'owncloud'],
@@ -148,12 +154,17 @@ class UpdaterTest extends \Test\TestCase {
* @param string $allowedVersion
* @param bool $result
* @param bool $debug
+ * @param string $vendor
- public function testIsUpgradePossible($oldVersion, $newVersion, $allowedVersion, $result, $debug = false) {
+ public function testIsUpgradePossible($oldVersion, $newVersion, $allowedVersion, $result, $debug = false, $vendor = 'nextcloud') {
->with('debug', false)
+ $this->config->expects($this->any())
+ ->method('getAppValue')
+ ->with('core', 'vendor', '')
+ ->willReturn($vendor);
$this->assertSame($result, $this->updater->isUpgradePossible($oldVersion, $newVersion, $allowedVersion));
diff --git a/version.php b/version.php
index 7787884db7a..8cf0822bc7e 100644
--- a/version.php
+++ b/version.php
@@ -38,3 +38,5 @@ $OC_Channel = 'git';
// The build number
$OC_Build = '';
+// Vendor of this package
+$vendor = 'nextcloud';