diff options
5 files changed, 309 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/build/integration/features/bootstrap/FederationContext.php b/build/integration/features/bootstrap/FederationContext.php
index 2754cf668e6..423708adc10 100644
--- a/build/integration/features/bootstrap/FederationContext.php
+++ b/build/integration/features/bootstrap/FederationContext.php
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
use Behat\Behat\Context\SnippetAcceptingContext;
+use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode;
require __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
@@ -39,6 +40,29 @@ class FederationContext implements Context, SnippetAcceptingContext {
use AppConfiguration;
use CommandLine;
+ /** @var string */
+ private static $phpFederatedServerPid = '';
+ /** @var string */
+ private $lastAcceptedRemoteShareId;
+ /**
+ * @BeforeScenario
+ * @AfterScenario
+ *
+ * The server is started also after the scenarios to ensure that it is
+ * properly cleaned up if stopped.
+ */
+ public function startFederatedServer() {
+ if (self::$phpFederatedServerPid !== '') {
+ return;
+ }
+ $port = getenv('PORT_FED');
+ self::$phpFederatedServerPid = exec('php -S localhost:' . $port . ' -t ../../ >/dev/null & echo $!');
+ }
* @BeforeScenario
@@ -94,6 +118,37 @@ class FederationContext implements Context, SnippetAcceptingContext {
+ * @Then remote share :count is returned with
+ *
+ * @param int $number
+ * @param TableNode $body
+ */
+ public function remoteShareXIsReturnedWith(int $number, TableNode $body) {
+ $this->theHTTPStatusCodeShouldBe('200');
+ $this->theOCSStatusCodeShouldBe('100');
+ if (!($body instanceof TableNode)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $returnedShare = $this->getXmlResponse()->data[0];
+ if ($returnedShare->element) {
+ $returnedShare = $returnedShare->element[$number];
+ }
+ $defaultExpectedFields = [
+ 'id' => 'A_NUMBER',
+ 'remote_id' => 'A_NUMBER',
+ 'accepted' => '1',
+ ];
+ $expectedFields = array_merge($defaultExpectedFields, $body->getRowsHash());
+ foreach ($expectedFields as $field => $value) {
+ $this->assertFieldIsInReturnedShare($field, $value, $returnedShare);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
* @When /^User "([^"]*)" from server "(LOCAL|REMOTE)" accepts last pending share$/
* @param string $user
* @param string $server
@@ -109,6 +164,30 @@ class FederationContext implements Context, SnippetAcceptingContext {
+ $this->lastAcceptedRemoteShareId = $share_id;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @When /^user "([^"]*)" deletes last accepted remote share$/
+ * @param string $user
+ */
+ public function deleteLastAcceptedRemoteShare($user) {
+ $this->asAn($user);
+ $this->sendingToWith('DELETE', "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares/" . $this->lastAcceptedRemoteShareId, null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @When /^remote server is stopped$/
+ */
+ public function remoteServerIsStopped() {
+ if (self::$phpFederatedServerPid === '') {
+ return;
+ }
+ exec('kill ' . self::$phpFederatedServerPid);
+ self::$phpFederatedServerPid = '';
protected function resetAppConfigs() {
diff --git a/build/integration/federation_features/federated.feature b/build/integration/federation_features/federated.feature
index 17ec6b4b43e..8b627e55a42 100644
--- a/build/integration/federation_features/federated.feature
+++ b/build/integration/federation_features/federated.feature
@@ -278,13 +278,230 @@ Feature: federated
+ Scenario: List federated share from another server not accepted yet
+ Given Using server "LOCAL"
+ And user "user0" exists
+ Given Using server "REMOTE"
+ And user "user1" exists
+ # Rename file so it has a unique name in the target server (as the target
+ # server may have its own /textfile0.txt" file)
+ And User "user1" copies file "/textfile0.txt" to "/remote-share.txt"
+ And User "user1" from server "REMOTE" shares "/remote-share.txt" with user "user0" from server "LOCAL"
+ And Using server "LOCAL"
+ When As an "user0"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares"
+ Then the list of returned shares has 0 shares
+ Scenario: List federated share from another server
+ Given Using server "LOCAL"
+ And user "user0" exists
+ Given Using server "REMOTE"
+ And user "user1" exists
+ # Rename file so it has a unique name in the target server (as the target
+ # server may have its own /textfile0.txt" file)
+ And User "user1" copies file "/textfile0.txt" to "/remote-share.txt"
+ And User "user1" from server "REMOTE" shares "/remote-share.txt" with user "user0" from server "LOCAL"
+ And Using server "LOCAL"
+ And User "user0" from server "LOCAL" accepts last pending share
+ When As an "user0"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares"
+ Then the list of returned shares has 1 shares
+ And remote share 0 is returned with
+ | remote | http://localhost:8180/ |
+ | name | /remote-share.txt |
+ | owner | user1 |
+ | user | user0 |
+ | mountpoint | /remote-share.txt |
+ | mimetype | text/plain |
+ | mtime | A_NUMBER |
+ | permissions | 27 |
+ | type | file |
+ | file_id | A_NUMBER |
+ Scenario: List federated share from another server no longer reachable
+ Given Using server "LOCAL"
+ And user "user0" exists
+ Given Using server "REMOTE"
+ And user "user1" exists
+ # Rename file so it has a unique name in the target server (as the target
+ # server may have its own /textfile0.txt" file)
+ And User "user1" copies file "/textfile0.txt" to "/remote-share.txt"
+ And User "user1" from server "REMOTE" shares "/remote-share.txt" with user "user0" from server "LOCAL"
+ And Using server "LOCAL"
+ And User "user0" from server "LOCAL" accepts last pending share
+ And remote server is stopped
+ When As an "user0"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares"
+ Then the list of returned shares has 1 shares
+ And remote share 0 is returned with
+ | remote | http://localhost:8180/ |
+ | name | /remote-share.txt |
+ | owner | user1 |
+ | user | user0 |
+ | mountpoint | /remote-share.txt |
+ Scenario: List federated share from another server no longer reachable after caching the file entry
+ Given Using server "LOCAL"
+ And user "user0" exists
+ Given Using server "REMOTE"
+ And user "user1" exists
+ # Rename file so it has a unique name in the target server (as the target
+ # server may have its own /textfile0.txt" file)
+ And User "user1" copies file "/textfile0.txt" to "/remote-share.txt"
+ And User "user1" from server "REMOTE" shares "/remote-share.txt" with user "user0" from server "LOCAL"
+ And Using server "LOCAL"
+ And User "user0" from server "LOCAL" accepts last pending share
+ # Checking that the file exists caches the file entry, which causes an
+ # exception to be thrown when getting the file info if the remote server is
+ # unreachable.
+ And as "user0" the file "/remote-share.txt" exists
+ And remote server is stopped
+ When As an "user0"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares"
+ Then the list of returned shares has 1 shares
+ And remote share 0 is returned with
+ | remote | http://localhost:8180/ |
+ | name | /remote-share.txt |
+ | owner | user1 |
+ | user | user0 |
+ | mountpoint | /remote-share.txt |
+ Scenario: Delete federated share with another server
+ Given Using server "LOCAL"
+ And user "user0" exists
+ Given Using server "REMOTE"
+ And user "user1" exists
+ # Rename file so it has a unique name in the target server (as the target
+ # server may have its own /textfile0.txt" file)
+ And User "user1" copies file "/textfile0.txt" to "/remote-share.txt"
+ And User "user1" from server "REMOTE" shares "/remote-share.txt" with user "user0" from server "LOCAL"
+ And As an "user1"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares"
+ And the list of returned shares has 1 shares
+ And Using server "LOCAL"
+ And User "user0" from server "LOCAL" accepts last pending share
+ And as "user0" the file "/remote-share.txt" exists
+ And As an "user0"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares"
+ And the list of returned shares has 1 shares
+ And Using server "REMOTE"
+ When As an "user1"
+ And Deleting last share
+ Then the OCS status code should be "100"
+ And the HTTP status code should be "200"
+ And As an "user1"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares"
+ And the list of returned shares has 0 shares
+ And Using server "LOCAL"
+ And as "user0" the file "/remote-share.txt" does not exist
+ And As an "user0"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares"
+ And the list of returned shares has 0 shares
+ Scenario: Delete federated share from another server
+ Given Using server "LOCAL"
+ And user "user0" exists
+ Given Using server "REMOTE"
+ And user "user1" exists
+ # Rename file so it has a unique name in the target server (as the target
+ # server may have its own /textfile0.txt" file)
+ And User "user1" copies file "/textfile0.txt" to "/remote-share.txt"
+ And User "user1" from server "REMOTE" shares "/remote-share.txt" with user "user0" from server "LOCAL"
+ And As an "user1"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares"
+ And the list of returned shares has 1 shares
+ And Using server "LOCAL"
+ And User "user0" from server "LOCAL" accepts last pending share
+ And as "user0" the file "/remote-share.txt" exists
+ And As an "user0"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares"
+ And the list of returned shares has 1 shares
+ When user "user0" deletes last accepted remote share
+ Then the OCS status code should be "100"
+ And the HTTP status code should be "200"
+ And as "user0" the file "/remote-share.txt" does not exist
+ And As an "user0"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares"
+ And the list of returned shares has 0 shares
+ And Using server "REMOTE"
+ And As an "user1"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares"
+ And the list of returned shares has 0 shares
+ Scenario: Delete federated share from another server no longer reachable
+ Given Using server "LOCAL"
+ And user "user0" exists
+ Given Using server "REMOTE"
+ And user "user1" exists
+ # Rename file so it has a unique name in the target server (as the target
+ # server may have its own /textfile0.txt" file)
+ And User "user1" copies file "/textfile0.txt" to "/remote-share.txt"
+ And User "user1" from server "REMOTE" shares "/remote-share.txt" with user "user0" from server "LOCAL"
+ And Using server "LOCAL"
+ And User "user0" from server "LOCAL" accepts last pending share
+ And as "user0" the file "/remote-share.txt" exists
+ And As an "user0"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares"
+ And the list of returned shares has 1 shares
+ And remote server is stopped
+ When user "user0" deletes last accepted remote share
+ Then the OCS status code should be "100"
+ And the HTTP status code should be "200"
+ And as "user0" the file "/remote-share.txt" does not exist
+ And As an "user0"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares"
+ And the list of returned shares has 0 shares
+ Scenario: Delete federated share file from another server
+ Given Using server "LOCAL"
+ And user "user0" exists
+ Given Using server "REMOTE"
+ And user "user1" exists
+ # Rename file so it has a unique name in the target server (as the target
+ # server may have its own /textfile0.txt" file)
+ And User "user1" copies file "/textfile0.txt" to "/remote-share.txt"
+ And User "user1" from server "REMOTE" shares "/remote-share.txt" with user "user0" from server "LOCAL"
+ And As an "user1"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares"
+ And the list of returned shares has 1 shares
+ And Using server "LOCAL"
+ And User "user0" from server "LOCAL" accepts last pending share
+ And as "user0" the file "/remote-share.txt" exists
+ And As an "user0"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares"
+ And the list of returned shares has 1 shares
+ When User "user0" deletes file "/remote-share.txt"
+ Then the HTTP status code should be "204"
+ And as "user0" the file "/remote-share.txt" does not exist
+ And As an "user0"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares"
+ And the list of returned shares has 0 shares
+ And Using server "REMOTE"
+ And As an "user1"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares"
+ And the list of returned shares has 0 shares
+ Scenario: Delete federated share file from another server no longer reachable
+ Given Using server "LOCAL"
+ And user "user0" exists
+ Given Using server "REMOTE"
+ And user "user1" exists
+ # Rename file so it has a unique name in the target server (as the target
+ # server may have its own /textfile0.txt" file)
+ And User "user1" copies file "/textfile0.txt" to "/remote-share.txt"
+ And User "user1" from server "REMOTE" shares "/remote-share.txt" with user "user0" from server "LOCAL"
+ And Using server "LOCAL"
+ And User "user0" from server "LOCAL" accepts last pending share
+ And as "user0" the file "/remote-share.txt" exists
+ And As an "user0"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares"
+ And the list of returned shares has 1 shares
+ And remote server is stopped
+ When User "user0" deletes file "/remote-share.txt"
+ Then the HTTP status code should be "204"
+ And as "user0" the file "/remote-share.txt" does not exist
+ And As an "user0"
+ And sending "GET" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/remote_shares"
+ And the list of returned shares has 0 shares
diff --git a/build/integration/ b/build/integration/
index 4808ab58ef5..a20398e8ee9 100755
--- a/build/integration/
+++ b/build/integration/
@@ -38,11 +38,10 @@ php -S localhost:$PORT -t ../.. &
echo $PHPPID
+# The federated server is started and stopped by the tests themselves
echo $PORT_FED
-php -S localhost:$PORT_FED -t ../.. &
+export PORT_FED
export TEST_SERVER_URL="http://localhost:$PORT/ocs/"
export TEST_SERVER_FED_URL="http://localhost:$PORT_FED/ocs/"
@@ -65,7 +64,6 @@ vendor/bin/behat --strict -f junit -f pretty $TAGS $SCENARIO_TO_RUN
kill $PHPPID
if [ "$INSTALLED" == "true" ]; then
diff --git a/build/psalm-baseline.xml b/build/psalm-baseline.xml
index 001e352eadc..262b5283ba6 100644
--- a/build/psalm-baseline.xml
+++ b/build/psalm-baseline.xml
@@ -3833,7 +3833,7 @@
<file src="lib/private/Files/Storage/Wrapper/Availability.php">
- <InvalidNullableReturnType occurrences="34">
+ <InvalidNullableReturnType occurrences="33">
@@ -3850,7 +3850,6 @@
- <code>hasUpdated</code>
diff --git a/lib/private/Files/Storage/Wrapper/Availability.php b/lib/private/Files/Storage/Wrapper/Availability.php
index b6d1ba2178b..910ea369757 100644
--- a/lib/private/Files/Storage/Wrapper/Availability.php
+++ b/lib/private/Files/Storage/Wrapper/Availability.php
@@ -379,11 +379,15 @@ class Availability extends Wrapper {
/** {@inheritdoc} */
public function hasUpdated($path, $time) {
- $this->checkAvailability();
+ if (!$this->isAvailable()) {
+ return false;
+ }
try {
return parent::hasUpdated($path, $time);
} catch (StorageNotAvailableException $e) {
- $this->setUnavailable($e);
+ // set unavailable but don't rethrow
+ $this->setUnavailable(null);
+ return false;
@@ -449,7 +453,7 @@ class Availability extends Wrapper {
* @throws StorageNotAvailableException
- protected function setUnavailable(StorageNotAvailableException $e) {
+ protected function setUnavailable(?StorageNotAvailableException $e): void {
$delay = self::RECHECK_TTL_SEC;
if ($e instanceof StorageAuthException) {
$delay = max(
@@ -459,7 +463,9 @@ class Availability extends Wrapper {
$this->getStorageCache()->setAvailability(false, $delay);
- throw $e;
+ if ($e !== null) {
+ throw $e;
+ }