diff options
256 files changed, 1344 insertions, 1126 deletions
diff --git a/apps/cloud_federation_api/l10n/ast.js b/apps/cloud_federation_api/l10n/ast.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a8de145df5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cloud_federation_api/l10n/ast.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "cloud_federation_api",
+ {
+ "Cloud Federation API" : "API de la federación na nube",
+ "Enable clouds to communicate with each other and exchange data" : "Permite que les nubes se comuniquen ente elles ya intercambien datos",
+ "The Cloud Federation API enables various Nextcloud instances to communicate with each other and to exchange data." : "L'API de la federación na nube permite que delles instancies de Nextcloud se comuniquen ente elles ya intercambien datos."
+"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/cloud_federation_api/l10n/ast.json b/apps/cloud_federation_api/l10n/ast.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a5d8651f720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/cloud_federation_api/l10n/ast.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+{ "translations": {
+ "Cloud Federation API" : "API de la federación na nube",
+ "Enable clouds to communicate with each other and exchange data" : "Permite que les nubes se comuniquen ente elles ya intercambien datos",
+ "The Cloud Federation API enables various Nextcloud instances to communicate with each other and to exchange data." : "L'API de la federación na nube permite que delles instancies de Nextcloud se comuniquen ente elles ya intercambien datos."
+},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/contactsinteraction/l10n/ast.js b/apps/contactsinteraction/l10n/ast.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5e265cb8d8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/contactsinteraction/l10n/ast.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "contactsinteraction",
+ {
+ "Recently contacted" : "Contautos de recién",
+ "Contacts Interaction" : "Interaición con contautos",
+ "Manages interaction between users and contacts" : "Xestiona la interaición ente usuarios y contautos",
+ "Collect data about user and contacts interactions and provide an address book for the data" : "Recueye datos de les interaiciones d'usuarios y contautos y forne una llibreta de direiciones colos datos"
+"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/contactsinteraction/l10n/ast.json b/apps/contactsinteraction/l10n/ast.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ac6a3dce7fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/contactsinteraction/l10n/ast.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{ "translations": {
+ "Recently contacted" : "Contautos de recién",
+ "Contacts Interaction" : "Interaición con contautos",
+ "Manages interaction between users and contacts" : "Xestiona la interaición ente usuarios y contautos",
+ "Collect data about user and contacts interactions and provide an address book for the data" : "Recueye datos de les interaiciones d'usuarios y contautos y forne una llibreta de direiciones colos datos"
+},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/dashboard/l10n/sk.js b/apps/dashboard/l10n/sk.js
index 77212a5eb86..b3255d58584 100644
--- a/apps/dashboard/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/apps/dashboard/l10n/sk.js
@@ -21,6 +21,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Good evening, {name}" : "Dobrý večer, {name}",
"Hello" : "Ahoj",
"Hello, {name}" : "Ahoj, {name}",
- "Start your day informed\n\nThe Nextcloud Dashboard is your starting point of the day, giving you an\noverview of your upcoming appointments, urgent emails, chat messages,\nincoming tickets, latest tweets and much more! Users can add the widgets\nthey like and change the background to their liking." : "Začnite svoj deň informovane\n\nNextcloud Dashboard je vaším východiskovým bodom dňa, ktorý vám ponúka\nprehľad vašich nadchádzajúcich stretnutí, urgentných e-mailov, chatových správ,\nprichádzajúce vstupenky, najnovšie tweety a oveľa viac! Užívatelia môžu pridávať miniaplikácie\nktoré sa im páčia a meniť pozadie podľa seba."
+ "Start your day informed\n\nThe Nextcloud Dashboard is your starting point of the day, giving you an\noverview of your upcoming appointments, urgent emails, chat messages,\nincoming tickets, latest tweets and much more! Users can add the widgets\nthey like and change the background to their liking." : "Začnite svoj deň informovane\n\nNextcloud Dashboard je vaším východiskovým bodom dňa, ktorý vám ponúka\nprehľad vašich nadchádzajúcich stretnutí, urgentných e-mailov, chatových správ,\nprichádzajúce vstupenky, najnovšie tweety a oveľa viac! Používatelia môžu pridávať miniaplikácie\nktoré sa im páčia a meniť pozadie podľa seba."
"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);");
diff --git a/apps/dashboard/l10n/sk.json b/apps/dashboard/l10n/sk.json
index e5a0c9084af..f9c708dd664 100644
--- a/apps/dashboard/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/apps/dashboard/l10n/sk.json
@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@
"Good evening, {name}" : "Dobrý večer, {name}",
"Hello" : "Ahoj",
"Hello, {name}" : "Ahoj, {name}",
- "Start your day informed\n\nThe Nextcloud Dashboard is your starting point of the day, giving you an\noverview of your upcoming appointments, urgent emails, chat messages,\nincoming tickets, latest tweets and much more! Users can add the widgets\nthey like and change the background to their liking." : "Začnite svoj deň informovane\n\nNextcloud Dashboard je vaším východiskovým bodom dňa, ktorý vám ponúka\nprehľad vašich nadchádzajúcich stretnutí, urgentných e-mailov, chatových správ,\nprichádzajúce vstupenky, najnovšie tweety a oveľa viac! Užívatelia môžu pridávať miniaplikácie\nktoré sa im páčia a meniť pozadie podľa seba."
+ "Start your day informed\n\nThe Nextcloud Dashboard is your starting point of the day, giving you an\noverview of your upcoming appointments, urgent emails, chat messages,\nincoming tickets, latest tweets and much more! Users can add the widgets\nthey like and change the background to their liking." : "Začnite svoj deň informovane\n\nNextcloud Dashboard je vaším východiskovým bodom dňa, ktorý vám ponúka\nprehľad vašich nadchádzajúcich stretnutí, urgentných e-mailov, chatových správ,\nprichádzajúce vstupenky, najnovšie tweety a oveľa viac! Používatelia môžu pridávať miniaplikácie\nktoré sa im páčia a meniť pozadie podľa seba."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/dav/l10n/sk.js b/apps/dav/l10n/sk.js
index be3a1f3a7e9..52b76100c83 100644
--- a/apps/dav/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/apps/dav/l10n/sk.js
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{actor} moved to-do {todo} from list {sourceCalendar} to list {targetCalendar}" : "{actor} presunul udalosť {event} zo zoznamu {sourceCalendar} do zoznamu {targetCalendar}",
"You moved to-do {todo} from list {sourceCalendar} to list {targetCalendar}" : "Presunuli ste udalosť {event} zo zoznamu {sourceCalendar} do zoznamu {targetCalendar}",
"Calendar, contacts and tasks" : "Kalendár, kontakty a úlohy",
- "A <strong>calendar</strong> was modified" : "<strong>kalendár</strong> bol upravený",
+ "A <strong>calendar</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Kalendár</strong> bol upravený",
"A calendar <strong>event</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Udalosť</strong> v kalendári bola upravená",
"A calendar <strong>to-do</strong> was modified" : "Kalendár <strong>úloh</strong> bol upravený",
"Contact birthdays" : "Narodeniny kontaktu",
diff --git a/apps/dav/l10n/sk.json b/apps/dav/l10n/sk.json
index 8eb5fd6553a..78a3a54d79a 100644
--- a/apps/dav/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/apps/dav/l10n/sk.json
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
"{actor} moved to-do {todo} from list {sourceCalendar} to list {targetCalendar}" : "{actor} presunul udalosť {event} zo zoznamu {sourceCalendar} do zoznamu {targetCalendar}",
"You moved to-do {todo} from list {sourceCalendar} to list {targetCalendar}" : "Presunuli ste udalosť {event} zo zoznamu {sourceCalendar} do zoznamu {targetCalendar}",
"Calendar, contacts and tasks" : "Kalendár, kontakty a úlohy",
- "A <strong>calendar</strong> was modified" : "<strong>kalendár</strong> bol upravený",
+ "A <strong>calendar</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Kalendár</strong> bol upravený",
"A calendar <strong>event</strong> was modified" : "<strong>Udalosť</strong> v kalendári bola upravená",
"A calendar <strong>to-do</strong> was modified" : "Kalendár <strong>úloh</strong> bol upravený",
"Contact birthdays" : "Narodeniny kontaktu",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/sk.js b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/sk.js
index 4d696f66bb2..5b1cc94358c 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/sk.js
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Allow users to publish their data to a global and public address book" : "Povoliť používateľom publikovanie ich dát do globálneho a verejného adresára",
"Unable to update federated files sharing config" : "Nedá sa aktualizovať konfigurácia zdieľania federovaných súborov",
"Federated Cloud" : "Združený Cloud",
- "You can share with anyone who uses a Nextcloud server or other Open Cloud Mesh (OCM) compatible servers and services! Just put their Federated Cloud ID in the share dialog. It looks like" : "Môžete zdieľať s kýmkoľvek, kto používa server Nextcloud alebo iné kompatibilné servery a služby Open Cloud Mesh (OCM)! Jednoducho vložte ich identifikátor združeného cloudu v dialógovom okne zdieľania. Má to podobu",
+ "You can share with anyone who uses a Nextcloud server or other Open Cloud Mesh (OCM) compatible servers and services! Just put their Federated Cloud ID in the share dialog. It looks like" : "Môžete zdieľať s kýmkoľvek, kto používa server Nextcloud alebo iné kompatibilné servery a služby Open Cloud Mesh (OCM)! Jednoducho vložte ich identifikátor združeného cloudu v dialógovom okne zdieľania. Má podobu",
"Your Federated Cloud ID:" : "Vaše združené Cloud ID",
- "Share it so your friends can share files with you:" : "Zdieľajte to, aby mohli vaši priatelia zdieľať súbory s vami:",
+ "Share it so your friends can share files with you:" : "Dajte vedieť vašim priateľom ako s vami môžu zdieľať súbory:",
"Facebook" : "Facebook",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Diaspora" : "Diaspora",
diff --git a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/sk.json b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/sk.json
index 90d66214a42..c977a077658 100644
--- a/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/apps/federatedfilesharing/l10n/sk.json
@@ -35,9 +35,9 @@
"Allow users to publish their data to a global and public address book" : "Povoliť používateľom publikovanie ich dát do globálneho a verejného adresára",
"Unable to update federated files sharing config" : "Nedá sa aktualizovať konfigurácia zdieľania federovaných súborov",
"Federated Cloud" : "Združený Cloud",
- "You can share with anyone who uses a Nextcloud server or other Open Cloud Mesh (OCM) compatible servers and services! Just put their Federated Cloud ID in the share dialog. It looks like" : "Môžete zdieľať s kýmkoľvek, kto používa server Nextcloud alebo iné kompatibilné servery a služby Open Cloud Mesh (OCM)! Jednoducho vložte ich identifikátor združeného cloudu v dialógovom okne zdieľania. Má to podobu",
+ "You can share with anyone who uses a Nextcloud server or other Open Cloud Mesh (OCM) compatible servers and services! Just put their Federated Cloud ID in the share dialog. It looks like" : "Môžete zdieľať s kýmkoľvek, kto používa server Nextcloud alebo iné kompatibilné servery a služby Open Cloud Mesh (OCM)! Jednoducho vložte ich identifikátor združeného cloudu v dialógovom okne zdieľania. Má podobu",
"Your Federated Cloud ID:" : "Vaše združené Cloud ID",
- "Share it so your friends can share files with you:" : "Zdieľajte to, aby mohli vaši priatelia zdieľať súbory s vami:",
+ "Share it so your friends can share files with you:" : "Dajte vedieť vašim priateľom ako s vami môžu zdieľať súbory:",
"Facebook" : "Facebook",
"Twitter" : "Twitter",
"Diaspora" : "Diaspora",
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/ast.js b/apps/federation/l10n/ast.js
index 00b27718045..5ae76aab234 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/ast.js
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/ast.js
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
- "Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Amestóse al llistáu de sirvidores d'enfotu",
- "Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "El sirvidor yá ta nel llistáu de sirvidores d'enfotu.",
- "No server to federate with found" : "Nun s'alcontró dengún sirvidor col que federase",
- "Could not add server" : "Nun pudo amestase'l sirvidor",
+ "Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Amestóse a la llista de sirvidores d'enfotu",
+ "Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "El sirvidor yá ta na llista de los sirvidores d'enfotu.",
+ "No server to federate with found" : "Nun s'atopó nengún sirvidor col que se federar",
+ "Could not add server" : "Nun se pudo amestar el sirvidor",
"Trusted servers" : "Sirvidores d'enfotu",
"Federation" : "Federación",
- "Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "La federación permítete coneutar con otros sirvidores d'enfotu pa intercambiar el direutoriu d'usuarios. Por exemplu, esto usaráse p'auto-completar usuarios esternos y compatir de mou federáu.",
- "+ Add trusted server" : "+ Amestar sirvidor d'enfotu",
+ "Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory." : "La federación permite que te conectes a otros sirvidores d'enfotu pa intercambiar el direutoriu d'usuarios.",
+ "Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "La federación permite que te conectes a otros sirvidores d'enfotu pa intercambiar el direutoriu d'usuarios. Por exemplu, va usase pa completar automáticamente'l nome d'usuarios esternos de la compartición federada.",
+ "Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing. It is not necessary to add a server as trusted server in order to create a federated share." : "La federación permite que te conectes a otros sirvidores d'enfotu pa intercambiar el direutoriu d'usuarios. Por exemplu, va usase pa completar automáticamente'l nome d'usuarios esternos de la compartición federada. Nun ye necesario amestar un sirvidor como sirvidor d'enfotu pa crear una compartición federada.",
+ "+ Add trusted server" : "+ Amestar un sirvidor d'enfotu",
"Trusted server" : "Sirvidor d'enfotu",
"Add" : "Amestar"
diff --git a/apps/federation/l10n/ast.json b/apps/federation/l10n/ast.json
index f7a9ce06ec3..6649dabcf5e 100644
--- a/apps/federation/l10n/ast.json
+++ b/apps/federation/l10n/ast.json
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
{ "translations": {
- "Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Amestóse al llistáu de sirvidores d'enfotu",
- "Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "El sirvidor yá ta nel llistáu de sirvidores d'enfotu.",
- "No server to federate with found" : "Nun s'alcontró dengún sirvidor col que federase",
- "Could not add server" : "Nun pudo amestase'l sirvidor",
+ "Added to the list of trusted servers" : "Amestóse a la llista de sirvidores d'enfotu",
+ "Server is already in the list of trusted servers." : "El sirvidor yá ta na llista de los sirvidores d'enfotu.",
+ "No server to federate with found" : "Nun s'atopó nengún sirvidor col que se federar",
+ "Could not add server" : "Nun se pudo amestar el sirvidor",
"Trusted servers" : "Sirvidores d'enfotu",
"Federation" : "Federación",
- "Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "La federación permítete coneutar con otros sirvidores d'enfotu pa intercambiar el direutoriu d'usuarios. Por exemplu, esto usaráse p'auto-completar usuarios esternos y compatir de mou federáu.",
- "+ Add trusted server" : "+ Amestar sirvidor d'enfotu",
+ "Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory." : "La federación permite que te conectes a otros sirvidores d'enfotu pa intercambiar el direutoriu d'usuarios.",
+ "Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing." : "La federación permite que te conectes a otros sirvidores d'enfotu pa intercambiar el direutoriu d'usuarios. Por exemplu, va usase pa completar automáticamente'l nome d'usuarios esternos de la compartición federada.",
+ "Federation allows you to connect with other trusted servers to exchange the user directory. For example this will be used to auto-complete external users for federated sharing. It is not necessary to add a server as trusted server in order to create a federated share." : "La federación permite que te conectes a otros sirvidores d'enfotu pa intercambiar el direutoriu d'usuarios. Por exemplu, va usase pa completar automáticamente'l nome d'usuarios esternos de la compartición federada. Nun ye necesario amestar un sirvidor como sirvidor d'enfotu pa crear una compartición federada.",
+ "+ Add trusted server" : "+ Amestar un sirvidor d'enfotu",
"Trusted server" : "Sirvidor d'enfotu",
"Add" : "Amestar"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ar.js b/apps/files/l10n/ar.js
index 4de94904fbf..d745c8e033c 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ar.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ar.js
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "إنتقل إلى المجلد \"{dir}\"",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "إسحَب و أفلِت الملفات هنا لرفعها",
"Upload successful" : "تمّ الرفع بنجاحٍ",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" الأمر نُفّذ بنجاح",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{dispalyName}\" الأمر أخفق عند التنفيذ",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "إختر السطر في {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "إعادة تسمية الملف",
- "A long time ago" : "منذ وقت طويل",
- "This node is unavailable" : "هذه العُقْدَة node غير متوفرة ",
- "Download file {name}" : " تنزيل الملف {name}",
"File name" : "اسم الملف",
"Folder name" : "اسم المجلد",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" الأمر نُفّذ بنجاح",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{dispalyName}\" الأمر أخفق عند التنفيذ",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "هذه العُقْدَة node غير متوفرة ",
+ "Download file {name}" : " تنزيل الملف {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" ليس نوع ملف مسموحًا به.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} موجود بالفعل.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" حرفٌ غير مسموح به في اسم الملف.",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "تعذر إعادة تسمية \"{oldName}\"، لم يعد موجودًا",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "الاسم \"{newName}\" مُستعمَلٌ سلفاً في المجلّد\"{dir}\". إختَر اسماً آخر رجاءً.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "تعذرت إعادة تسمية \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "منذ وقت طويل",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "تعذّر نسخ {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "تعذّر نقل {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "ملخص مجموع الأسطر",
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "مُشارَكة",
"Shared by link" : "شاركته باستخدام رابط مشاركة",
"Shared" : "مُشارَكة",
+ "Switch to list view" : "التبديل إلى عرض القائمة",
"Open the files app settings" : "إفتح إعدادات تطبيق الملفات",
"Files settings" : "إعدادات الملفات",
"File cannot be accessed" : "الملف لم يمكن الوصول إليه",
@@ -265,11 +266,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "إفتح المجلد {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "إفتَح في \"الملفات\"",
"Open details" : "افتح التفاصيل",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "تمّ إنشاء مجلد جديد باسم \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "إعداد مجلد القوالب",
- "Templates" : "القوالب",
"Create new templates folder" : "إنشيْ مجلد جديد للقوالب",
+ "Templates" : "القوالب",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "تعذر تهيئة دليل القوالب",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "تمّ إنشاء مجلد جديد باسم \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} مجلد","{folderCount} مجلد","{folderCount} مجلدان","{folderCount} مجلد","{folderCount} مجلدات","{folderCount} مجلدات"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} ملف","{fileCount} ملف","{fileCount} ملفان","{fileCount} ملف","{fileCount} ملفات","{fileCount} ملفات"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["ملف واحد 1 و {folderCount} مجلد","ملف واحد 1 و {folderCount} مجلد","ملف واحد 1 و {folderCount} مجلدان","ملف واحد 1 و {folderCount} مجلد","ملف واحد 1 و {folderCount} مجلدات","ملف واحد 1 و {folderCount} مجلدات"],
@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "غير محدود",
"Search users" : "ابحث عن مستخدمين",
"Cancel" : "الغاء",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "إعداد مجلد القوالب",
"%s used" : "%s مُستخدَم",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "تم استخدام %1$s من %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ar.json b/apps/files/l10n/ar.json
index 03c828334c3..e4196aa5389 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ar.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ar.json
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "إنتقل إلى المجلد \"{dir}\"",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "إسحَب و أفلِت الملفات هنا لرفعها",
"Upload successful" : "تمّ الرفع بنجاحٍ",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" الأمر نُفّذ بنجاح",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{dispalyName}\" الأمر أخفق عند التنفيذ",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "إختر السطر في {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "إعادة تسمية الملف",
- "A long time ago" : "منذ وقت طويل",
- "This node is unavailable" : "هذه العُقْدَة node غير متوفرة ",
- "Download file {name}" : " تنزيل الملف {name}",
"File name" : "اسم الملف",
"Folder name" : "اسم المجلد",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" الأمر نُفّذ بنجاح",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{dispalyName}\" الأمر أخفق عند التنفيذ",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "هذه العُقْدَة node غير متوفرة ",
+ "Download file {name}" : " تنزيل الملف {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" ليس نوع ملف مسموحًا به.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} موجود بالفعل.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" حرفٌ غير مسموح به في اسم الملف.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "تعذر إعادة تسمية \"{oldName}\"، لم يعد موجودًا",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "الاسم \"{newName}\" مُستعمَلٌ سلفاً في المجلّد\"{dir}\". إختَر اسماً آخر رجاءً.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "تعذرت إعادة تسمية \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "منذ وقت طويل",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "تعذّر نسخ {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "تعذّر نقل {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "ملخص مجموع الأسطر",
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@
"Share" : "مُشارَكة",
"Shared by link" : "شاركته باستخدام رابط مشاركة",
"Shared" : "مُشارَكة",
+ "Switch to list view" : "التبديل إلى عرض القائمة",
"Open the files app settings" : "إفتح إعدادات تطبيق الملفات",
"Files settings" : "إعدادات الملفات",
"File cannot be accessed" : "الملف لم يمكن الوصول إليه",
@@ -263,11 +264,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "إفتح المجلد {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "إفتَح في \"الملفات\"",
"Open details" : "افتح التفاصيل",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "تمّ إنشاء مجلد جديد باسم \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "إعداد مجلد القوالب",
- "Templates" : "القوالب",
"Create new templates folder" : "إنشيْ مجلد جديد للقوالب",
+ "Templates" : "القوالب",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "تعذر تهيئة دليل القوالب",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "تمّ إنشاء مجلد جديد باسم \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} مجلد","{folderCount} مجلد","{folderCount} مجلدان","{folderCount} مجلد","{folderCount} مجلدات","{folderCount} مجلدات"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} ملف","{fileCount} ملف","{fileCount} ملفان","{fileCount} ملف","{fileCount} ملفات","{fileCount} ملفات"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["ملف واحد 1 و {folderCount} مجلد","ملف واحد 1 و {folderCount} مجلد","ملف واحد 1 و {folderCount} مجلدان","ملف واحد 1 و {folderCount} مجلد","ملف واحد 1 و {folderCount} مجلدات","ملف واحد 1 و {folderCount} مجلدات"],
@@ -292,6 +292,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "غير محدود",
"Search users" : "ابحث عن مستخدمين",
"Cancel" : "الغاء",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "إعداد مجلد القوالب",
"%s used" : "%s مُستخدَم",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "تم استخدام %1$s من %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/bg.js b/apps/files/l10n/bg.js
index 6e9ff82f351..bb36dc989f7 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/bg.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/bg.js
@@ -168,12 +168,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File Management" : "Управление на файлове",
"Reload current directory" : "Презареждане на текущата директория",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Отидете в директорията \"{dir}\"",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Действието „{displayName}“ е изпълнено успешно",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Действието „{displayName}“ е неуспешно",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Избиране на реда за {displayName}",
- "Download file {name}" : "Изтегляне на файл {name}",
"File name" : "Име на файл",
"Folder name" : "Име на папка",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Действието „{displayName}“ е изпълнено успешно",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Действието „{displayName}“ е неуспешно",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Изтегляне на файл {name}",
"Name cannot be empty" : "Името не може да бъде празно",
"Total rows summary" : "Обобщение на общия брой редове",
"Select all" : "Избери всички",
@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Споделяне",
"Shared by link" : "Споделени с връзка",
"Shared" : "Споделен",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Превключване към изглед на списък",
"Open the files app settings" : "Отваряне на настройките на приложението за файлове",
"Files settings" : "Настройки на файловете",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Файлът не е достъпен",
@@ -228,9 +229,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Не може да се създаде нов файл от шаблон",
"Delete permanently" : "Изтрий завинаги",
"Open details" : "Отваряне на подробности",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Настройка на папка за шаблони",
- "Templates" : "Шаблони",
"Create new templates folder" : "Създаване на нова папка за шаблони",
+ "Templates" : "Шаблони",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Неуспешно инициализиране на директорията с шаблони",
"No favorites yet" : "Няма любими",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Файловете и папките които маркирате като любими ще се показват тук",
@@ -246,6 +246,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Неограничено",
"Search users" : "Търсене за потребители",
"Cancel" : "Отказ",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Настройка на папка за шаблони",
"%s used" : "%s използвани",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s от %2$s използвани",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/bg.json b/apps/files/l10n/bg.json
index da500502ae9..bcd2c8f63d3 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/bg.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/bg.json
@@ -166,12 +166,12 @@
"File Management" : "Управление на файлове",
"Reload current directory" : "Презареждане на текущата директория",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Отидете в директорията \"{dir}\"",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Действието „{displayName}“ е изпълнено успешно",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Действието „{displayName}“ е неуспешно",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Избиране на реда за {displayName}",
- "Download file {name}" : "Изтегляне на файл {name}",
"File name" : "Име на файл",
"Folder name" : "Име на папка",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Действието „{displayName}“ е изпълнено успешно",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Действието „{displayName}“ е неуспешно",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Изтегляне на файл {name}",
"Name cannot be empty" : "Името не може да бъде празно",
"Total rows summary" : "Обобщение на общия брой редове",
"Select all" : "Избери всички",
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@
"Share" : "Споделяне",
"Shared by link" : "Споделени с връзка",
"Shared" : "Споделен",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Превключване към изглед на списък",
"Open the files app settings" : "Отваряне на настройките на приложението за файлове",
"Files settings" : "Настройки на файловете",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Файлът не е достъпен",
@@ -226,9 +227,8 @@
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Не може да се създаде нов файл от шаблон",
"Delete permanently" : "Изтрий завинаги",
"Open details" : "Отваряне на подробности",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Настройка на папка за шаблони",
- "Templates" : "Шаблони",
"Create new templates folder" : "Създаване на нова папка за шаблони",
+ "Templates" : "Шаблони",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Неуспешно инициализиране на директорията с шаблони",
"No favorites yet" : "Няма любими",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Файловете и папките които маркирате като любими ще се показват тук",
@@ -244,6 +244,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Неограничено",
"Search users" : "Търсене за потребители",
"Cancel" : "Отказ",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Настройка на папка за шаблони",
"%s used" : "%s използвани",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s от %2$s използвани",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ca.js b/apps/files/l10n/ca.js
index 9149fb702f6..ba01f917c26 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ca.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ca.js
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Ves a la carpeta «{dir}»",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Arrossegueu i deixeu anar fitxers aquí per a pujar-los",
"Upload successful" : "S'ha pujat correctament",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "L'acció «{displayName}» s'ha executat correctament",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "S'ha produït un error en l'acció «{displayName}»",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Selecciona la fila per a {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Canvia el nom del fitxer",
- "A long time ago" : "Fa molt de temps",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Aquest node no està disponible",
- "Download file {name}" : "Baixa el fitxer {name}",
"File name" : "Nom del fitxer",
"Folder name" : "Nom de la carpeta",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "L'acció «{displayName}» s'ha executat correctament",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "S'ha produït un error en l'acció «{displayName}»",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Aquest node no està disponible",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Baixa el fitxer {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "«{name}» no és un tipus de fitxer permès.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} ja existeix.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "El caràcter «{char}» no es pot utilitzar en el nom dels fitxers.",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "No s'ha pogut canviar el nom de «{oldName}», ja no existeix",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "El nom «{newName}» ja està en ús en la carpeta «{dir}». Trieu un nom diferent.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "No s'ha pogut canviar el nom de «{oldName}»",
+ "A long time ago" : "Fa molt de temps",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "No s'ha pogut copiar {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "No s'ha pogut moure {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Resum de totes les files",
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Comparteix",
"Shared by link" : "S'ha compartit amb un enllaç",
"Shared" : "S'ha compartit",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Canvia a la vista de llista",
"Open the files app settings" : "Obre els paràmetres de l'aplicació Fitxers",
"Files settings" : "Paràmetres de Fitxers",
"File cannot be accessed" : "No es pot accedir al fitxer",
@@ -265,11 +266,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Obre la carpeta {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Obre a Fitxers",
"Open details" : "Obre els detalls",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "S'ha creat la carpeta nova «{name}»",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Configura la carpeta de plantilles",
- "Templates" : "Plantilles",
"Create new templates folder" : "Crea la carpeta de plantilles",
+ "Templates" : "Plantilles",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "No s'ha pogut inicialitzar la carpeta de plantilles",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "S'ha creat la carpeta nova «{name}»",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} carpeta","{folderCount} carpetes"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} fitxer","{fileCount} fitxers"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 fitxer i {folderCount} carpeta","1 fitxer i {folderCount} carpetes"],
@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Il·limitat",
"Search users" : "Cerqueu usuaris",
"Cancel" : "Cancel·la",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Configura la carpeta de plantilles",
"%s used" : "%s en ús",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s de %2$s en ús",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ca.json b/apps/files/l10n/ca.json
index fcad81ff82f..1071a7f10b0 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ca.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ca.json
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Ves a la carpeta «{dir}»",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Arrossegueu i deixeu anar fitxers aquí per a pujar-los",
"Upload successful" : "S'ha pujat correctament",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "L'acció «{displayName}» s'ha executat correctament",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "S'ha produït un error en l'acció «{displayName}»",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Selecciona la fila per a {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Canvia el nom del fitxer",
- "A long time ago" : "Fa molt de temps",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Aquest node no està disponible",
- "Download file {name}" : "Baixa el fitxer {name}",
"File name" : "Nom del fitxer",
"Folder name" : "Nom de la carpeta",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "L'acció «{displayName}» s'ha executat correctament",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "S'ha produït un error en l'acció «{displayName}»",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Aquest node no està disponible",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Baixa el fitxer {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "«{name}» no és un tipus de fitxer permès.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} ja existeix.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "El caràcter «{char}» no es pot utilitzar en el nom dels fitxers.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "No s'ha pogut canviar el nom de «{oldName}», ja no existeix",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "El nom «{newName}» ja està en ús en la carpeta «{dir}». Trieu un nom diferent.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "No s'ha pogut canviar el nom de «{oldName}»",
+ "A long time ago" : "Fa molt de temps",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "No s'ha pogut copiar {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "No s'ha pogut moure {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Resum de totes les files",
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@
"Share" : "Comparteix",
"Shared by link" : "S'ha compartit amb un enllaç",
"Shared" : "S'ha compartit",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Canvia a la vista de llista",
"Open the files app settings" : "Obre els paràmetres de l'aplicació Fitxers",
"Files settings" : "Paràmetres de Fitxers",
"File cannot be accessed" : "No es pot accedir al fitxer",
@@ -263,11 +264,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Obre la carpeta {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Obre a Fitxers",
"Open details" : "Obre els detalls",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "S'ha creat la carpeta nova «{name}»",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Configura la carpeta de plantilles",
- "Templates" : "Plantilles",
"Create new templates folder" : "Crea la carpeta de plantilles",
+ "Templates" : "Plantilles",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "No s'ha pogut inicialitzar la carpeta de plantilles",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "S'ha creat la carpeta nova «{name}»",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} carpeta","{folderCount} carpetes"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} fitxer","{fileCount} fitxers"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 fitxer i {folderCount} carpeta","1 fitxer i {folderCount} carpetes"],
@@ -292,6 +292,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Il·limitat",
"Search users" : "Cerqueu usuaris",
"Cancel" : "Cancel·la",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Configura la carpeta de plantilles",
"%s used" : "%s en ús",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s de %2$s en ús",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/cs.js b/apps/files/l10n/cs.js
index 902c1aebba6..a121ad62250 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/cs.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/cs.js
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Přejít do složky „{dir}“",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Soubory nahrajete jejich přetažením sem",
"Upload successful" : "Nahrání úspěšné",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "akce „{displayName}“ úspěšně vykonána",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "akce „{displayName}“ se nezdařila",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Vyberte řádek pro {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Přejmenovat soubor",
- "A long time ago" : "Před dlouhou dobou",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Tento uzel není k dispozici",
- "Download file {name}" : "Stáhnout soubor {name}",
"File name" : "Název souboru",
"Folder name" : "Název složky",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "akce „{displayName}“ úspěšně vykonána",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "akce „{displayName}“ se nezdařila",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Tento uzel není k dispozici",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Stáhnout soubor {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "„{name}“ není dovoleným typem souboru.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} už existuje.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "„{char}“ není povolený znak v názvu souboru.",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Není možné přejmenovat „{oldName}“ – už neexistuje",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Název „{newtName}“ je už použitý ve složce „{dir}“. Zvolte jiný název.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "„{oldName}“ se nepodařilo přejmenovat",
+ "A long time ago" : "Před dlouhou dobou",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Nepodařilo se zkopírovat {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Nepodařilo se přesunout {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Celkový souhrn řádek",
@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unselect all" : "Zrušit výběr všeho",
"\"{displayName}\" failed on some elements " : "„{displayName}“ se pro některé prvky nezdařilo",
"\"{displayName}\" batch action executed successfully" : "hromadná akce „{displayName}“ úspěšně vykonána",
+ "Sort list by {column}" : "Seřadit podle {column}",
"List of files and folders." : "Seznam souborů a složek.",
"This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Seznam není vykreslen celý z důvodu nároků na výkon. Soubory budou dokreslovány, jak se budete posouvat seznamem.",
"{summaryFile} and {summaryFolder}" : "{summaryFile} a {summaryFolder}",
@@ -228,6 +229,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Nasdílet",
"Shared by link" : "Sdíleno pomocí odkazu",
"Shared" : "Sdíleno",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Přepnout do zobrazení v seznamu",
"Open the files app settings" : "Otevřít nastavení aplikace soubory",
"Files settings" : "Nastavení pro Soubory",
"File cannot be accessed" : "K souboru se nedaří přistoupit",
@@ -264,11 +266,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Otevřít složku {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Otevřít v Souborech",
"Open details" : "Otevřít podorobnosti",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Vytvořena nová složka „{name}“",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Vytvořit složku pro šablony",
- "Templates" : "Šablony",
"Create new templates folder" : "Vytvořit novou složku šablon",
+ "Templates" : "Šablony",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Nepodařilo se vytvořit složku pro šablony",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Vytvořena nová složka „{name}“",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} složka","{folderCount} složky","{folderCount} složek","{folderCount} složky"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} soubor","{fileCount} soubory","{fileCount} souborů","{fileCount} soubory"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 soubor a {folderCount} složka","1 soubor a {folderCount} složky","1 soubor a {folderCount} složek","1 soubor a {folderCount} složky"],
@@ -293,6 +294,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Neomezeně",
"Search users" : "Hledat uživatele",
"Cancel" : "Storno",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Vytvořit složku pro šablony",
"%s used" : "%s použito",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s z %2$s použito",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/cs.json b/apps/files/l10n/cs.json
index bd775670ae9..525a4f832b7 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/cs.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/cs.json
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Přejít do složky „{dir}“",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Soubory nahrajete jejich přetažením sem",
"Upload successful" : "Nahrání úspěšné",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "akce „{displayName}“ úspěšně vykonána",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "akce „{displayName}“ se nezdařila",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Vyberte řádek pro {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Přejmenovat soubor",
- "A long time ago" : "Před dlouhou dobou",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Tento uzel není k dispozici",
- "Download file {name}" : "Stáhnout soubor {name}",
"File name" : "Název souboru",
"Folder name" : "Název složky",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "akce „{displayName}“ úspěšně vykonána",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "akce „{displayName}“ se nezdařila",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Tento uzel není k dispozici",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Stáhnout soubor {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "„{name}“ není dovoleným typem souboru.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} už existuje.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "„{char}“ není povolený znak v názvu souboru.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Není možné přejmenovat „{oldName}“ – už neexistuje",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Název „{newtName}“ je už použitý ve složce „{dir}“. Zvolte jiný název.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "„{oldName}“ se nepodařilo přejmenovat",
+ "A long time ago" : "Před dlouhou dobou",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Nepodařilo se zkopírovat {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Nepodařilo se přesunout {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Celkový souhrn řádek",
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@
"Unselect all" : "Zrušit výběr všeho",
"\"{displayName}\" failed on some elements " : "„{displayName}“ se pro některé prvky nezdařilo",
"\"{displayName}\" batch action executed successfully" : "hromadná akce „{displayName}“ úspěšně vykonána",
+ "Sort list by {column}" : "Seřadit podle {column}",
"List of files and folders." : "Seznam souborů a složek.",
"This list is not fully rendered for performance reasons. The files will be rendered as you navigate through the list." : "Seznam není vykreslen celý z důvodu nároků na výkon. Soubory budou dokreslovány, jak se budete posouvat seznamem.",
"{summaryFile} and {summaryFolder}" : "{summaryFile} a {summaryFolder}",
@@ -226,6 +227,7 @@
"Share" : "Nasdílet",
"Shared by link" : "Sdíleno pomocí odkazu",
"Shared" : "Sdíleno",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Přepnout do zobrazení v seznamu",
"Open the files app settings" : "Otevřít nastavení aplikace soubory",
"Files settings" : "Nastavení pro Soubory",
"File cannot be accessed" : "K souboru se nedaří přistoupit",
@@ -262,11 +264,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Otevřít složku {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Otevřít v Souborech",
"Open details" : "Otevřít podorobnosti",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Vytvořena nová složka „{name}“",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Vytvořit složku pro šablony",
- "Templates" : "Šablony",
"Create new templates folder" : "Vytvořit novou složku šablon",
+ "Templates" : "Šablony",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Nepodařilo se vytvořit složku pro šablony",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Vytvořena nová složka „{name}“",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} složka","{folderCount} složky","{folderCount} složek","{folderCount} složky"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} soubor","{fileCount} soubory","{fileCount} souborů","{fileCount} soubory"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 soubor a {folderCount} složka","1 soubor a {folderCount} složky","1 soubor a {folderCount} složek","1 soubor a {folderCount} složky"],
@@ -291,6 +292,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Neomezeně",
"Search users" : "Hledat uživatele",
"Cancel" : "Storno",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Vytvořit složku pro šablony",
"%s used" : "%s použito",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s z %2$s použito",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/da.js b/apps/files/l10n/da.js
index a05451f2840..09cfb01253e 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/da.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/da.js
@@ -216,7 +216,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kan ikke oprette ny fil fra skabelonen",
"Delete permanently" : "Slet permanent",
"Open details" : "Mere information",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Opsæt skabelonmappen",
"Templates" : "Skabeloner",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Kan ikke initialisere skabelonmappen",
"No favorites yet" : "Ingen foretrukne endnu",
@@ -233,6 +232,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Ubegrænset",
"Search users" : "Søg efter brugere",
"Cancel" : "annuller",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Opsæt skabelonmappen",
"%s used" : "%s brugt",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s af %2$s brugt",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/da.json b/apps/files/l10n/da.json
index 57f79e1a3fa..06b7e997fc5 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/da.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/da.json
@@ -214,7 +214,6 @@
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kan ikke oprette ny fil fra skabelonen",
"Delete permanently" : "Slet permanent",
"Open details" : "Mere information",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Opsæt skabelonmappen",
"Templates" : "Skabeloner",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Kan ikke initialisere skabelonmappen",
"No favorites yet" : "Ingen foretrukne endnu",
@@ -231,6 +230,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Ubegrænset",
"Search users" : "Søg efter brugere",
"Cancel" : "annuller",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Opsæt skabelonmappen",
"%s used" : "%s brugt",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s af %2$s brugt",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/de.js b/apps/files/l10n/de.js
index ffdd4696599..911feca050f 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/de.js
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File Management" : "Dateiverwaltung",
"Reload current directory" : "Aktuelles Verzeichnis neu laden",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "In das Verzeichnis \"{dir}“ wechseln",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Aktion \"{displayName}\" erfolgreich ausgeführt",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Aktion \"{displayName}\" fehlgeschlagen",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Zeile für {displayName} auswählen",
"Rename file" : "Datei umbenennen",
- "A long time ago" : "Vor langer Zeit",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Dieser Knoten ist nicht verfügbar.",
- "Download file {name}" : "Datei {name} herunterladen",
"File name" : "Dateiname",
"Folder name" : "Ordnername",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Aktion \"{displayName}\" erfolgreich ausgeführt",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Aktion \"{displayName}\" fehlgeschlagen",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Dieser Knoten ist nicht verfügbar.",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Datei {name} herunterladen",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" ist kein zulässiger Dateityp.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} existiert bereits.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "Der Name darf nicht leer sein",
@@ -187,6 +186,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "\"{oldName}\" in \"{newName}\" umbenannt",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "\"{oldName}\" konnte nicht umbenannt werden, da es nicht mehr existiert.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "\"{oldName}\" konnte nicht umbenannt werden.",
+ "A long time ago" : "Vor langer Zeit",
"Total rows summary" : "Zusammenfassung aller Zeilen",
"Select all" : "Alle auswählen",
"Unselect all" : "Auswahl aufheben",
@@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Teilen",
"Shared by link" : "Über einen Link geteilt",
"Shared" : "Geteilt",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Zur Listenansicht wechseln",
"Open the files app settings" : "Einstellungen der Dateien-App öffnen",
"Files settings" : "Dateien-Einstellungen",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Auf die Datei kann nicht zugegriffen werden",
@@ -245,9 +246,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Ordner {displayName} öffnen",
"Open in Files" : "In App \"Dateien\" öffnen",
"Open details" : "Details öffnen",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Vorlagenordner einrichten",
- "Templates" : "Vorlagen",
"Create new templates folder" : "Neuen Vorlagenordner erstellen",
+ "Templates" : "Vorlagen",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Der Vorlagenordner konnte nicht initialisiert werden",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Liste der favorisierten Ordner und Dateien",
"No favorites yet" : "Noch keine Favoriten vorhanden",
@@ -268,6 +268,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Unbegrenzt",
"Search users" : "Suche Benutzer",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Vorlagenordner einrichten",
"%s used" : "%s verwendet",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s von %2$s verwendet",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/de.json b/apps/files/l10n/de.json
index 318d5457a6e..01abdddb75f 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/de.json
@@ -169,15 +169,14 @@
"File Management" : "Dateiverwaltung",
"Reload current directory" : "Aktuelles Verzeichnis neu laden",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "In das Verzeichnis \"{dir}“ wechseln",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Aktion \"{displayName}\" erfolgreich ausgeführt",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Aktion \"{displayName}\" fehlgeschlagen",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Zeile für {displayName} auswählen",
"Rename file" : "Datei umbenennen",
- "A long time ago" : "Vor langer Zeit",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Dieser Knoten ist nicht verfügbar.",
- "Download file {name}" : "Datei {name} herunterladen",
"File name" : "Dateiname",
"Folder name" : "Ordnername",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Aktion \"{displayName}\" erfolgreich ausgeführt",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Aktion \"{displayName}\" fehlgeschlagen",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Dieser Knoten ist nicht verfügbar.",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Datei {name} herunterladen",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" ist kein zulässiger Dateityp.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} existiert bereits.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "Der Name darf nicht leer sein",
@@ -185,6 +184,7 @@
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "\"{oldName}\" in \"{newName}\" umbenannt",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "\"{oldName}\" konnte nicht umbenannt werden, da es nicht mehr existiert.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "\"{oldName}\" konnte nicht umbenannt werden.",
+ "A long time ago" : "Vor langer Zeit",
"Total rows summary" : "Zusammenfassung aller Zeilen",
"Select all" : "Alle auswählen",
"Unselect all" : "Auswahl aufheben",
@@ -217,6 +217,7 @@
"Share" : "Teilen",
"Shared by link" : "Über einen Link geteilt",
"Shared" : "Geteilt",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Zur Listenansicht wechseln",
"Open the files app settings" : "Einstellungen der Dateien-App öffnen",
"Files settings" : "Dateien-Einstellungen",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Auf die Datei kann nicht zugegriffen werden",
@@ -243,9 +244,8 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Ordner {displayName} öffnen",
"Open in Files" : "In App \"Dateien\" öffnen",
"Open details" : "Details öffnen",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Vorlagenordner einrichten",
- "Templates" : "Vorlagen",
"Create new templates folder" : "Neuen Vorlagenordner erstellen",
+ "Templates" : "Vorlagen",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Der Vorlagenordner konnte nicht initialisiert werden",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Liste der favorisierten Ordner und Dateien",
"No favorites yet" : "Noch keine Favoriten vorhanden",
@@ -266,6 +266,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Unbegrenzt",
"Search users" : "Suche Benutzer",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Vorlagenordner einrichten",
"%s used" : "%s verwendet",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s von %2$s verwendet",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.js b/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.js
index cd2fd4be1a0..88e56047bc5 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "In das Verzeichnis \"{dir}“ wechseln",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Dateien zum Hochladen hierher ziehen und ablegen",
"Upload successful" : "Hochladen erfolgreich",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Aktion \"{displayName}\" erfolgreich ausgeführt",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Aktion \"{displayName}\" fehlgeschlagen",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Zeile für {displayName} auswählen",
"Rename file" : "Datei umbenennen",
- "A long time ago" : "Vor langer Zeit",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Dieser Knoten ist nicht verfügbar",
- "Download file {name}" : "Datei {name} herunterladen",
"File name" : "Dateiname",
"Folder name" : "Ordnername",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Aktion \"{displayName}\" erfolgreich ausgeführt",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Aktion \"{displayName}\" fehlgeschlagen",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Dieser Knoten ist nicht verfügbar",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Datei {name} herunterladen",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" ist kein zulässiger Dateityp.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} existiert bereits.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}“ ist innerhalb eines Dateinamens nicht zulässig.",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "\"{oldName}\" konnte nicht umbenannt werden, da es nicht mehr existiert",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Der Name \"{newName}“ wird bereits im Ordner \"{dir}“ verwendet. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "\"{oldName}\" konnte nicht umbenannt werden",
+ "A long time ago" : "Vor langer Zeit",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "{file} konnte nicht kopiert werden. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "{file} konnte nicht verschoben werden. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Zusammenfassung aller Zeilen",
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Teilen",
"Shared by link" : "Über einen Link geteilt",
"Shared" : "Geteilt",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Zur Listenansicht wechseln",
"Open the files app settings" : "Einstellungen der Dateien-App öffnen",
"Files settings" : "Dateien-Einstellungen",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Auf die Datei kann nicht zugegriffen werden",
@@ -265,11 +266,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Ordner {displayName} öffnen",
"Open in Files" : "In Dateien öffnen",
"Open details" : "Details öffnen",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Neuer Ordner \"{name}\" wurde erstellt",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Vorlagenordner einrichten",
- "Templates" : "Vorlagen",
"Create new templates folder" : "Neuen Vorlagenordner erstellen",
+ "Templates" : "Vorlagen",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Der Vorlagenordner kann nicht initialisiert werden",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Neuer Ordner \"{name}\" wurde erstellt",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} Ordner","{folderCount} Ordner"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} Datei","{fileCount} Dateien"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 Datei und {folderCount} Ordner","1 Datei und {folderCount} Ordner"],
@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Unbegrenzt",
"Search users" : "Suche Benutzer",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Vorlagenordner einrichten",
"%s used" : "%s verwendet",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s von %2$s verwendet",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.json b/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.json
index b79bd5766b2..22afe6e517a 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "In das Verzeichnis \"{dir}“ wechseln",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Dateien zum Hochladen hierher ziehen und ablegen",
"Upload successful" : "Hochladen erfolgreich",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Aktion \"{displayName}\" erfolgreich ausgeführt",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Aktion \"{displayName}\" fehlgeschlagen",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Zeile für {displayName} auswählen",
"Rename file" : "Datei umbenennen",
- "A long time ago" : "Vor langer Zeit",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Dieser Knoten ist nicht verfügbar",
- "Download file {name}" : "Datei {name} herunterladen",
"File name" : "Dateiname",
"Folder name" : "Ordnername",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Aktion \"{displayName}\" erfolgreich ausgeführt",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Aktion \"{displayName}\" fehlgeschlagen",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Dieser Knoten ist nicht verfügbar",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Datei {name} herunterladen",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" ist kein zulässiger Dateityp.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} existiert bereits.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}“ ist innerhalb eines Dateinamens nicht zulässig.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "\"{oldName}\" konnte nicht umbenannt werden, da es nicht mehr existiert",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Der Name \"{newName}“ wird bereits im Ordner \"{dir}“ verwendet. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "\"{oldName}\" konnte nicht umbenannt werden",
+ "A long time ago" : "Vor langer Zeit",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "{file} konnte nicht kopiert werden. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "{file} konnte nicht verschoben werden. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Zusammenfassung aller Zeilen",
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@
"Share" : "Teilen",
"Shared by link" : "Über einen Link geteilt",
"Shared" : "Geteilt",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Zur Listenansicht wechseln",
"Open the files app settings" : "Einstellungen der Dateien-App öffnen",
"Files settings" : "Dateien-Einstellungen",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Auf die Datei kann nicht zugegriffen werden",
@@ -263,11 +264,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Ordner {displayName} öffnen",
"Open in Files" : "In Dateien öffnen",
"Open details" : "Details öffnen",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Neuer Ordner \"{name}\" wurde erstellt",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Vorlagenordner einrichten",
- "Templates" : "Vorlagen",
"Create new templates folder" : "Neuen Vorlagenordner erstellen",
+ "Templates" : "Vorlagen",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Der Vorlagenordner kann nicht initialisiert werden",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Neuer Ordner \"{name}\" wurde erstellt",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} Ordner","{folderCount} Ordner"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} Datei","{fileCount} Dateien"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 Datei und {folderCount} Ordner","1 Datei und {folderCount} Ordner"],
@@ -292,6 +292,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Unbegrenzt",
"Search users" : "Suche Benutzer",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Vorlagenordner einrichten",
"%s used" : "%s verwendet",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s von %2$s verwendet",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/el.js b/apps/files/l10n/el.js
index 8f04bc7fd1f..0d02b08d80d 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/el.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/el.js
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"An unknown error has occurred" : "Προέκυψε άγνωστο σφάλμα.",
"File could not be uploaded" : "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η μεταφόρτωση του αρχείου",
"Uploading …" : "Μεταφόρτωση σε εξέλιξη ...",
+ "{remainingTime} ({currentNumber}/{total})" : "{remainingTime} ({currentNumber}/{total})",
+ "Uploading … ({currentNumber}/{total})" : "Μεταφόρτωση … ({currentNumber}/{total})",
"{loadedSize} of {totalSize} ({bitrate})" : "{loadedSize} από {totalSize} ({bitrate})",
"Uploading that item is not supported" : "Η μεταφόρτωση αυτού του αντικειμένου δεν υποστηρίζεται",
"Target folder does not exist any more" : "Ο φάκελος προορισμού δεν υπάρχει πια",
@@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Move" : "Μετακίνηση",
"Copy" : "Αντιγραφή",
"Choose target folder" : "Επιλογή φακέλου προορισμού",
+ "Set reminder" : "Προσθήκη υπενθύμισης",
"Edit locally" : "Επεξεργασία τοπικά",
"Open" : "Άνοιγμα",
"Delete file" : "Διαγραφή αρχείου",
@@ -168,10 +171,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File Management" : "Διαχείριση αρχείων",
"Reload current directory" : "Επαναφόρτωση τρέχοντος καταλόγου",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Μετάβαση στον κατάλογο \"{dir}\"",
- "Download file {name}" : "Λήψη αρχείου {name}",
+ "Rename file" : "Μετονομασία αρχείου",
"File name" : "Όνομα αρχείου",
"Folder name" : "Όνομα φακέλου",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Λήψη αρχείου {name}",
"Name cannot be empty" : "Το όνομα δεν μπορεί να είναι κενό",
+ "A long time ago" : "Πριν αρκετό καιρό",
"Select all" : "Επιλογή όλων",
"Unselect all" : "Αποεπιλογή όλων",
"File not found" : "Δε βρέθηκε το αρχείο",
@@ -195,6 +200,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Διαμοιρασμός",
"Shared by link" : "Διαμοιρασμένα μέσω συνδέσμου",
"Shared" : "Κοινόχρηστα",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Αλλαγή σε προβολή λίστας",
"Open the files app settings" : "Ανοίξτε τις ρυθμίσεις της εφαρμογής αρχείων",
"Files settings" : "Ρυθμίσεις αρχείων",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η πρόσβαση στο αρχείο",
@@ -220,9 +226,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Move to {target}" : "Μετακίνηση σε {target}",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Άνοιγμα φακέλου {displayName}",
"Open details" : "Άνοιγμα λεπτομερειών",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Ρύθμιση φακέλου προτύπων",
- "Templates" : "Πρότυπα",
"Create new templates folder" : "Δημιουργία νέου φακέλου προτύπων",
+ "Templates" : "Πρότυπα",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η προετοιμασία του καταλόγου προτύπων",
"No favorites yet" : "Κανένα αγαπημένο ακόμα",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Τα αρχεία και οι φάκελοι που σημειώνονται ως αγαπημένα θα εμφανιστούν εδώ",
@@ -238,6 +243,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Απεριόριστο",
"Search users" : "Αναζήτηση χρηστών",
"Cancel" : "Ακύρωση",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Ρύθμιση φακέλου προτύπων",
"%s used" : "%s σε χρήση",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "χρησιμοποιούνται %1$s από %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/el.json b/apps/files/l10n/el.json
index 648d3a24f3e..c67b8306b2e 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/el.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/el.json
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
"An unknown error has occurred" : "Προέκυψε άγνωστο σφάλμα.",
"File could not be uploaded" : "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η μεταφόρτωση του αρχείου",
"Uploading …" : "Μεταφόρτωση σε εξέλιξη ...",
+ "{remainingTime} ({currentNumber}/{total})" : "{remainingTime} ({currentNumber}/{total})",
+ "Uploading … ({currentNumber}/{total})" : "Μεταφόρτωση … ({currentNumber}/{total})",
"{loadedSize} of {totalSize} ({bitrate})" : "{loadedSize} από {totalSize} ({bitrate})",
"Uploading that item is not supported" : "Η μεταφόρτωση αυτού του αντικειμένου δεν υποστηρίζεται",
"Target folder does not exist any more" : "Ο φάκελος προορισμού δεν υπάρχει πια",
@@ -30,6 +32,7 @@
"Move" : "Μετακίνηση",
"Copy" : "Αντιγραφή",
"Choose target folder" : "Επιλογή φακέλου προορισμού",
+ "Set reminder" : "Προσθήκη υπενθύμισης",
"Edit locally" : "Επεξεργασία τοπικά",
"Open" : "Άνοιγμα",
"Delete file" : "Διαγραφή αρχείου",
@@ -166,10 +169,12 @@
"File Management" : "Διαχείριση αρχείων",
"Reload current directory" : "Επαναφόρτωση τρέχοντος καταλόγου",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Μετάβαση στον κατάλογο \"{dir}\"",
- "Download file {name}" : "Λήψη αρχείου {name}",
+ "Rename file" : "Μετονομασία αρχείου",
"File name" : "Όνομα αρχείου",
"Folder name" : "Όνομα φακέλου",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Λήψη αρχείου {name}",
"Name cannot be empty" : "Το όνομα δεν μπορεί να είναι κενό",
+ "A long time ago" : "Πριν αρκετό καιρό",
"Select all" : "Επιλογή όλων",
"Unselect all" : "Αποεπιλογή όλων",
"File not found" : "Δε βρέθηκε το αρχείο",
@@ -193,6 +198,7 @@
"Share" : "Διαμοιρασμός",
"Shared by link" : "Διαμοιρασμένα μέσω συνδέσμου",
"Shared" : "Κοινόχρηστα",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Αλλαγή σε προβολή λίστας",
"Open the files app settings" : "Ανοίξτε τις ρυθμίσεις της εφαρμογής αρχείων",
"Files settings" : "Ρυθμίσεις αρχείων",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η πρόσβαση στο αρχείο",
@@ -218,9 +224,8 @@
"Move to {target}" : "Μετακίνηση σε {target}",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Άνοιγμα φακέλου {displayName}",
"Open details" : "Άνοιγμα λεπτομερειών",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Ρύθμιση φακέλου προτύπων",
- "Templates" : "Πρότυπα",
"Create new templates folder" : "Δημιουργία νέου φακέλου προτύπων",
+ "Templates" : "Πρότυπα",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Δεν είναι δυνατή η προετοιμασία του καταλόγου προτύπων",
"No favorites yet" : "Κανένα αγαπημένο ακόμα",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Τα αρχεία και οι φάκελοι που σημειώνονται ως αγαπημένα θα εμφανιστούν εδώ",
@@ -236,6 +241,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Απεριόριστο",
"Search users" : "Αναζήτηση χρηστών",
"Cancel" : "Ακύρωση",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Ρύθμιση φακέλου προτύπων",
"%s used" : "%s σε χρήση",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "χρησιμοποιούνται %1$s από %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.js b/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.js
index b20a6195f5a..79f8adbc3ac 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.js
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Go to the \"{dir}\" directory",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Drag and drop files here to upload",
"Upload successful" : "Upload successful",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" action failed",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Select the row for {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Rename file",
- "A long time ago" : "A long time ago",
- "This node is unavailable" : "This node is unavailable",
- "Download file {name}" : "Download file {name}",
"File name" : "File name",
"Folder name" : "Folder name",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" action failed",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "This node is unavailable",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Download file {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} already exists.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name.",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Could not rename \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "A long time ago",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Could not copy {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Could not move {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Total rows summary",
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Share",
"Shared by link" : "Shared by link",
"Shared" : "Shared",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Switch to list view",
"Open the files app settings" : "Open the files app settings",
"Files settings" : "Files settings",
"File cannot be accessed" : "File cannot be accessed",
@@ -265,11 +266,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Open folder {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Open in Files",
"Open details" : "Open details",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Created new folder \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Set up templates folder",
- "Templates" : "Templates",
"Create new templates folder" : "Create new templates folder",
+ "Templates" : "Templates",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Unable to initialize the templates directory",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Created new folder \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} folder","{folderCount} folders"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} file","{fileCount} files"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 file and {folderCount} folder","1 file and {folderCount} folders"],
@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Unlimited",
"Search users" : "Search users",
"Cancel" : "Cancel",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Set up templates folder",
"%s used" : "%s used",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s of %2$s used",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.json b/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.json
index 7507885a938..3ec2d8d1277 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/en_GB.json
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Go to the \"{dir}\" directory",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Drag and drop files here to upload",
"Upload successful" : "Upload successful",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" action failed",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Select the row for {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Rename file",
- "A long time ago" : "A long time ago",
- "This node is unavailable" : "This node is unavailable",
- "Download file {name}" : "Download file {name}",
"File name" : "File name",
"Folder name" : "Folder name",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" action failed",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "This node is unavailable",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Download file {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} already exists.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Could not rename \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "A long time ago",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Could not copy {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Could not move {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Total rows summary",
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@
"Share" : "Share",
"Shared by link" : "Shared by link",
"Shared" : "Shared",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Switch to list view",
"Open the files app settings" : "Open the files app settings",
"Files settings" : "Files settings",
"File cannot be accessed" : "File cannot be accessed",
@@ -263,11 +264,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Open folder {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Open in Files",
"Open details" : "Open details",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Created new folder \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Set up templates folder",
- "Templates" : "Templates",
"Create new templates folder" : "Create new templates folder",
+ "Templates" : "Templates",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Unable to initialize the templates directory",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Created new folder \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} folder","{folderCount} folders"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} file","{fileCount} files"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 file and {folderCount} folder","1 file and {folderCount} folders"],
@@ -292,6 +292,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Unlimited",
"Search users" : "Search users",
"Cancel" : "Cancel",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Set up templates folder",
"%s used" : "%s used",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s of %2$s used",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es.js b/apps/files/l10n/es.js
index a6da31ee189..2d489c3520d 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es.js
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Ir al directorio \"{dir}\"",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Arrastre y suelte archivos aquí para subirlos",
"Upload successful" : "Subida exitosa",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "la acción \"{displayName}\" se ejecutó exitósamente",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "la acción \"{displayName}\" falló",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Seleccione la fila para {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Renombrar archivo",
- "A long time ago" : "Hace mucho tiempo",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Este nodo no está disponible",
- "Download file {name}" : "Descargar archivo {name}",
"File name" : "Nombre del archivo",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "la acción \"{displayName}\" se ejecutó exitósamente",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "la acción \"{displayName}\" falló",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Este nodo no está disponible",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Descargar archivo {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\" {name}\" no es un tipo de archivo permitido.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} ya existe.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" no está permitido dentro del nombre de un archivo.",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "No se ha podido renombrar \"{oldName}\", ya no existe.",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "El nombre \"{newName}\" ya está en uso en la carpeta \"{dir}\". Por favor, escoja un nombre diferente.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "No se ha podido renombrar \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "Hace mucho tiempo",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "No se pudo copiar {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "No se pudo mover {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Resumen de filas totales",
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Shared by link" : "Compartido por enlace",
"Shared" : "Compartido",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Cambiar a vista de lista",
"Open the files app settings" : "Abrir la configuración de la app Archivos",
"Files settings" : "Configuración de archivos",
"File cannot be accessed" : "El archivo no puede ser accesado",
@@ -265,11 +266,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Abrir carpeta {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Abrir en Archivos",
"Open details" : "Abrir detalles",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Se creó la carpeta nueva \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Configura una carpeta para plantillas",
- "Templates" : "Plantillas",
"Create new templates folder" : "Crear nueva carpeta de plantillas",
+ "Templates" : "Plantillas",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "No se ha podido iniciar la carpeta de plantillas",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Se creó la carpeta nueva \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} carpeta","{folderCount} carpetas","{folderCount} carpetas"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} archivo","{fileCount} archivos","{fileCount} archivos"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 archivo y {folderCount} carpeta","1 archivo y {folderCount} carpetas","1 archivo y {folderCount} carpetas"],
@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Ilimitado",
"Search users" : "Buscar usuarios",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Configura una carpeta para plantillas",
"%s used" : "usado %s",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s de %2$s usados",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es.json b/apps/files/l10n/es.json
index 6c2c301634c..a220c64b0f1 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es.json
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Ir al directorio \"{dir}\"",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Arrastre y suelte archivos aquí para subirlos",
"Upload successful" : "Subida exitosa",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "la acción \"{displayName}\" se ejecutó exitósamente",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "la acción \"{displayName}\" falló",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Seleccione la fila para {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Renombrar archivo",
- "A long time ago" : "Hace mucho tiempo",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Este nodo no está disponible",
- "Download file {name}" : "Descargar archivo {name}",
"File name" : "Nombre del archivo",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "la acción \"{displayName}\" se ejecutó exitósamente",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "la acción \"{displayName}\" falló",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Este nodo no está disponible",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Descargar archivo {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\" {name}\" no es un tipo de archivo permitido.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} ya existe.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" no está permitido dentro del nombre de un archivo.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "No se ha podido renombrar \"{oldName}\", ya no existe.",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "El nombre \"{newName}\" ya está en uso en la carpeta \"{dir}\". Por favor, escoja un nombre diferente.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "No se ha podido renombrar \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "Hace mucho tiempo",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "No se pudo copiar {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "No se pudo mover {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Resumen de filas totales",
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Shared by link" : "Compartido por enlace",
"Shared" : "Compartido",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Cambiar a vista de lista",
"Open the files app settings" : "Abrir la configuración de la app Archivos",
"Files settings" : "Configuración de archivos",
"File cannot be accessed" : "El archivo no puede ser accesado",
@@ -263,11 +264,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Abrir carpeta {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Abrir en Archivos",
"Open details" : "Abrir detalles",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Se creó la carpeta nueva \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Configura una carpeta para plantillas",
- "Templates" : "Plantillas",
"Create new templates folder" : "Crear nueva carpeta de plantillas",
+ "Templates" : "Plantillas",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "No se ha podido iniciar la carpeta de plantillas",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Se creó la carpeta nueva \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} carpeta","{folderCount} carpetas","{folderCount} carpetas"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} archivo","{fileCount} archivos","{fileCount} archivos"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 archivo y {folderCount} carpeta","1 archivo y {folderCount} carpetas","1 archivo y {folderCount} carpetas"],
@@ -292,6 +292,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Ilimitado",
"Search users" : "Buscar usuarios",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Configura una carpeta para plantillas",
"%s used" : "usado %s",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s de %2$s usados",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.js b/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.js
index 9c937b79d12..89f18ab7b50 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.js
@@ -168,14 +168,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File Management" : "Gestión de archivos.",
"Reload current directory" : "Recargar directorio actual.",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Ir al directorio \"{dir}\".",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "La acción \"{displayName}\" se ejecutó correctamente.",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "La acción \"{displayName}\" falló.",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Seleccionar la fila para {displayName}.",
"Rename file" : "Renombrar archivo.",
- "A long time ago" : "Hace mucho tiempo.",
- "Download file {name}" : "Descargar archivo {name}.",
"File name" : "Nombre de archivo.",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "La acción \"{displayName}\" se ejecutó correctamente.",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "La acción \"{displayName}\" falló.",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Descargar archivo {name}.",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" no es un tipo de archivo permitido.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} ya existe.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "El nombre no puede estar en blanco",
@@ -183,6 +182,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "Cambiaste el nombre de \"{oldName}\" a \"{newName}\".",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "No se pudo cambiar el nombre de \"{oldName}\", ya no existe.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "No se pudo cambiar el nombre de \"{oldName}\".",
+ "A long time ago" : "Hace mucho tiempo.",
"Total rows summary" : "Resumen total de filas.",
"Select all" : "Seleccionar todo",
"Unselect all" : "Desmarcar todo.",
@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go back" : "Regresar",
"Shared by link" : "Compartido por liga",
"Shared" : "Compartido",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Cambiar a vista de lista",
"Open the files app settings" : "Abrir la configuración de la aplicación de archivos.",
"Files settings" : "Configuración de archivos.",
"File cannot be accessed" : "No se puede acceder al archivo.",
@@ -237,9 +238,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete permanently" : "Borrar permanentemente",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Abrir carpeta {displayName}.",
"Open details" : "Abrir detalles.",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Configurar carpeta de plantillas.",
- "Templates" : "Plantillas",
"Create new templates folder" : "Crear nueva carpeta de plantillas.",
+ "Templates" : "Plantillas",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "No se pudo inicializar el directorio de plantillas.",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Lista de archivos y carpetas favoritos.",
"No favorites yet" : "Aún no hay favoritos",
@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Ilimitado",
"Search users" : "Buscar usuarios.",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Configurar carpeta de plantillas.",
"%s used" : "%s usado",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s de %2$s usados",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.json b/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.json
index 4812996eaf7..a3835d3fcb4 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es_EC.json
@@ -166,14 +166,13 @@
"File Management" : "Gestión de archivos.",
"Reload current directory" : "Recargar directorio actual.",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Ir al directorio \"{dir}\".",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "La acción \"{displayName}\" se ejecutó correctamente.",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "La acción \"{displayName}\" falló.",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Seleccionar la fila para {displayName}.",
"Rename file" : "Renombrar archivo.",
- "A long time ago" : "Hace mucho tiempo.",
- "Download file {name}" : "Descargar archivo {name}.",
"File name" : "Nombre de archivo.",
"Folder name" : "Nombre de la carpeta",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "La acción \"{displayName}\" se ejecutó correctamente.",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "La acción \"{displayName}\" falló.",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Descargar archivo {name}.",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" no es un tipo de archivo permitido.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} ya existe.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "El nombre no puede estar en blanco",
@@ -181,6 +180,7 @@
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "Cambiaste el nombre de \"{oldName}\" a \"{newName}\".",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "No se pudo cambiar el nombre de \"{oldName}\", ya no existe.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "No se pudo cambiar el nombre de \"{oldName}\".",
+ "A long time ago" : "Hace mucho tiempo.",
"Total rows summary" : "Resumen total de filas.",
"Select all" : "Seleccionar todo",
"Unselect all" : "Desmarcar todo.",
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@
"Go back" : "Regresar",
"Shared by link" : "Compartido por liga",
"Shared" : "Compartido",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Cambiar a vista de lista",
"Open the files app settings" : "Abrir la configuración de la aplicación de archivos.",
"Files settings" : "Configuración de archivos.",
"File cannot be accessed" : "No se puede acceder al archivo.",
@@ -235,9 +236,8 @@
"Delete permanently" : "Borrar permanentemente",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Abrir carpeta {displayName}.",
"Open details" : "Abrir detalles.",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Configurar carpeta de plantillas.",
- "Templates" : "Plantillas",
"Create new templates folder" : "Crear nueva carpeta de plantillas.",
+ "Templates" : "Plantillas",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "No se pudo inicializar el directorio de plantillas.",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Lista de archivos y carpetas favoritos.",
"No favorites yet" : "Aún no hay favoritos",
@@ -254,6 +254,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Ilimitado",
"Search users" : "Buscar usuarios.",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Configurar carpeta de plantillas.",
"%s used" : "%s usado",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s de %2$s usados",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es_MX.js b/apps/files/l10n/es_MX.js
index 124405a2f50..45b68f0b718 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es_MX.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es_MX.js
@@ -208,7 +208,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Blank" : "Vacío",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "No se ha podido crear un nuevo archivo desde la plantilla",
"Delete permanently" : "Borrar permanentemente",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Configura una carpeta para plantillas",
"Templates" : "Plantillas",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "No se ha podido iniciar la carpeta de plantillas",
"No favorites yet" : "Aún no hay favoritos",
@@ -225,6 +224,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Ilimitado",
"Search users" : "Buscar usuarios",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Configura una carpeta para plantillas",
"%s used" : "%s usado",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s de %2$s usados",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/es_MX.json b/apps/files/l10n/es_MX.json
index 62540eee9cd..54557382128 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/es_MX.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/es_MX.json
@@ -206,7 +206,6 @@
"Blank" : "Vacío",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "No se ha podido crear un nuevo archivo desde la plantilla",
"Delete permanently" : "Borrar permanentemente",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Configura una carpeta para plantillas",
"Templates" : "Plantillas",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "No se ha podido iniciar la carpeta de plantillas",
"No favorites yet" : "Aún no hay favoritos",
@@ -223,6 +222,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Ilimitado",
"Search users" : "Buscar usuarios",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Configura una carpeta para plantillas",
"%s used" : "%s usado",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s de %2$s usados",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.js b/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.js
index 808822947f9..0663244627c 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.js
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File Management" : "Failihaldus",
"Reload current directory" : "Värskenda jooksvat kataloogi",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Mine kataloogi \"{dir}\"",
- "Download file {name}" : "Laadi fail {name} alla",
"Folder name" : "Kausta nimi",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Laadi fail {name} alla",
"Select all" : "Vali kõik",
"File not found" : "Faili ei leitud",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} kasutusel",
@@ -177,9 +177,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Faili loomine mallist ebaõnnestus",
"Delete permanently" : "Kustuta jäädavalt",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Ava kaust {displayName}",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Seadista mallide kaust",
- "Templates" : "Mallid",
"Create new templates folder" : "Loo uus mallide kaust",
+ "Templates" : "Mallid",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Mallide kausta loomine ebaõnnestus",
"No favorites yet" : "Lemmikuid veel pole",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Siin kuvatakse faile ja kaustasid, mille oled märkinud lemmikuteks",
@@ -194,6 +193,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Piiramatult",
"Search users" : "Otsi kasutajaid",
"Cancel" : "Loobu",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Seadista mallide kaust",
"%s used" : "%s kasutusel",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s / %2$s kasutusel",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.json b/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.json
index 80654e27afa..4bd311fc87b 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/et_EE.json
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@
"File Management" : "Failihaldus",
"Reload current directory" : "Värskenda jooksvat kataloogi",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Mine kataloogi \"{dir}\"",
- "Download file {name}" : "Laadi fail {name} alla",
"Folder name" : "Kausta nimi",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Laadi fail {name} alla",
"Select all" : "Vali kõik",
"File not found" : "Faili ei leitud",
"{usedQuotaByte} used" : "{usedQuotaByte} kasutusel",
@@ -175,9 +175,8 @@
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Faili loomine mallist ebaõnnestus",
"Delete permanently" : "Kustuta jäädavalt",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Ava kaust {displayName}",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Seadista mallide kaust",
- "Templates" : "Mallid",
"Create new templates folder" : "Loo uus mallide kaust",
+ "Templates" : "Mallid",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Mallide kausta loomine ebaõnnestus",
"No favorites yet" : "Lemmikuid veel pole",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Siin kuvatakse faile ja kaustasid, mille oled märkinud lemmikuteks",
@@ -192,6 +191,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Piiramatult",
"Search users" : "Otsi kasutajaid",
"Cancel" : "Loobu",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Seadista mallide kaust",
"%s used" : "%s kasutusel",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s / %2$s kasutusel",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/eu.js b/apps/files/l10n/eu.js
index 9ce2ae0a82a..c820d7ece77 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/eu.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/eu.js
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Joan \"{dir}\" direktoriora",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Jaregin fitxategiak hemen igotzeko",
"Upload successful" : "Igoera ongi burutu da",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" ekintza behar bezala exekutatu da",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" ekintzak huts egin du",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Hautatu {displayName} errenkada",
"Rename file" : "Berrizendatu fitxategia",
- "A long time ago" : "Orain dela denbora asko",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Nodo hori ez dago erabilgarri",
- "Download file {name}" : "Deskargatu {name} fitxategia ",
"File name" : "Fitxategi izena",
"Folder name" : "Karpetaren izena",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" ekintza behar bezala exekutatu da",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" ekintzak huts egin du",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Nodo hori ez dago erabilgarri",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Deskargatu {name} fitxategia ",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" fitxategi-mota ez da onartzen.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} badago aurretik.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" ez da onartze fitxategi-izenen barnean.",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Ezin izan da \"{oldName}\" berrizendatu, ez da existitzen dagoeneko",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "\"{newName}\" izena \"{dir}\" karpetan dagoeneko erabiltzen da. Mesedez aukeratu beste izen bat.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Ezin izan da \"{oldName}\" berrizendatu ",
+ "A long time ago" : "Orain dela denbora asko",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Ezin izan da {file} kopiatu. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Ezin izan da {file} mugitu. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Errenkaden guztirako laburpena",
@@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Partekatu",
"Shared by link" : "Esteka bidez partekatuta",
"Shared" : "Partekatuta",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Aldatu zerrenda ikuspegira",
"Open the files app settings" : "Ireki Fitxategiak aplikazioaren ezarpenak",
"Files settings" : "FItxategien ezarpenak",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Ezin da fitxategia atzitu",
@@ -264,11 +265,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Ireki {displayName} karpeta",
"Open in Files" : "Ireki Fitxategiak aplikazioan",
"Open details" : "Ireki xehetasunak",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "\"{name}\" karpeta berria sortu da",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Konfiguratu txantiloien karpeta",
- "Templates" : "Txantiloiak",
"Create new templates folder" : "Sortu txantiloi karpeta berria",
+ "Templates" : "Txantiloiak",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Ezin da txantiloien direktorioa hasieratu",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "\"{name}\" karpeta berria sortu da",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["Karpeta {folderCount}","{folderCount} karpeta"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["Fitxategi {fileCount}","{fileCount} fitxategi"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["Fitxategi 1 eta karpeta {folderCount}","Fitxategi 1 eta {folderCount} karpeta"],
@@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Mugarik gabe",
"Search users" : "Bilatu erabiltzaileak",
"Cancel" : "Utzi",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Konfiguratu txantiloien karpeta",
"%s used" : "%s erabilita",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s / %2$s erabilita",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/eu.json b/apps/files/l10n/eu.json
index c98751eaf84..12ddb8cfb84 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/eu.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/eu.json
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Joan \"{dir}\" direktoriora",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Jaregin fitxategiak hemen igotzeko",
"Upload successful" : "Igoera ongi burutu da",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" ekintza behar bezala exekutatu da",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" ekintzak huts egin du",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Hautatu {displayName} errenkada",
"Rename file" : "Berrizendatu fitxategia",
- "A long time ago" : "Orain dela denbora asko",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Nodo hori ez dago erabilgarri",
- "Download file {name}" : "Deskargatu {name} fitxategia ",
"File name" : "Fitxategi izena",
"Folder name" : "Karpetaren izena",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" ekintza behar bezala exekutatu da",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" ekintzak huts egin du",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Nodo hori ez dago erabilgarri",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Deskargatu {name} fitxategia ",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" fitxategi-mota ez da onartzen.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} badago aurretik.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" ez da onartze fitxategi-izenen barnean.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Ezin izan da \"{oldName}\" berrizendatu, ez da existitzen dagoeneko",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "\"{newName}\" izena \"{dir}\" karpetan dagoeneko erabiltzen da. Mesedez aukeratu beste izen bat.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Ezin izan da \"{oldName}\" berrizendatu ",
+ "A long time ago" : "Orain dela denbora asko",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Ezin izan da {file} kopiatu. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Ezin izan da {file} mugitu. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Errenkaden guztirako laburpena",
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@
"Share" : "Partekatu",
"Shared by link" : "Esteka bidez partekatuta",
"Shared" : "Partekatuta",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Aldatu zerrenda ikuspegira",
"Open the files app settings" : "Ireki Fitxategiak aplikazioaren ezarpenak",
"Files settings" : "FItxategien ezarpenak",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Ezin da fitxategia atzitu",
@@ -262,11 +263,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Ireki {displayName} karpeta",
"Open in Files" : "Ireki Fitxategiak aplikazioan",
"Open details" : "Ireki xehetasunak",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "\"{name}\" karpeta berria sortu da",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Konfiguratu txantiloien karpeta",
- "Templates" : "Txantiloiak",
"Create new templates folder" : "Sortu txantiloi karpeta berria",
+ "Templates" : "Txantiloiak",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Ezin da txantiloien direktorioa hasieratu",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "\"{name}\" karpeta berria sortu da",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["Karpeta {folderCount}","{folderCount} karpeta"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["Fitxategi {fileCount}","{fileCount} fitxategi"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["Fitxategi 1 eta karpeta {folderCount}","Fitxategi 1 eta {folderCount} karpeta"],
@@ -291,6 +291,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Mugarik gabe",
"Search users" : "Bilatu erabiltzaileak",
"Cancel" : "Utzi",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Konfiguratu txantiloien karpeta",
"%s used" : "%s erabilita",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s / %2$s erabilita",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fa.js b/apps/files/l10n/fa.js
index 4ace15ddbcf..a8a39595a37 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/fa.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/fa.js
@@ -169,14 +169,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File Management" : "مدیریت فایل",
"Reload current directory" : "دایرکتوری فعلی را دوباره بارگیری کنید",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "به دایرکتوری \"{dir}\" بروید",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "عملکرد \"{displayName}\" با موفقیت اجرا شد",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "اقدام \"{displayName}\" ناموفق بود",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "ردیف {displayName} را انتخاب کنید",
"Rename file" : "تغییر نام فایل",
- "A long time ago" : "مدت ها پیش",
- "Download file {name}" : "دانلود فایل {name}",
"File name" : "نام فایل",
"Folder name" : "نام پوشه",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "عملکرد \"{displayName}\" با موفقیت اجرا شد",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "اقدام \"{displayName}\" ناموفق بود",
+ "Download file {name}" : "دانلود فایل {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" یک نوع فایل مجاز نیست.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} از قبل وجود دارد.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "نام نمی‌تواند خالی باشد",
@@ -184,6 +183,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "تغییر نام \"{oldName}\" به \"{newName}\"",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "نمی‌توان نام «{oldName}» را تغییر داد، دیگر وجود ندارد",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "تغییر نام \"{oldName}\" ممکن نیست",
+ "A long time ago" : "مدت ها پیش",
"Total rows summary" : "خلاصه کل ردیف ها",
"Select all" : "انتخاب همه",
"Unselect all" : "همه را لغو انتخاب کنید",
@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "اشتراک‌گذاری",
"Shared by link" : "اشتراک گذاشته شده از طریق لینک",
"Shared" : "به اشتراک گزاشته شده ",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Switch to list view",
"Open the files app settings" : "تنظیمات برنامه فایل ها را باز کنید",
"Files settings" : "تنظیمات پرونده‌ها",
"File cannot be accessed" : "فایل قابل دسترسی نیست",
@@ -242,9 +243,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "باز کردن پوشه {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "در فایل باز کنید",
"Open details" : "باز کردن جزئیات",
- "Set up templates folder" : "پوشه قالب ها را تنظیم کنید",
- "Templates" : "قالب‌ها",
"Create new templates folder" : "پوشه قالب های جدید ایجاد کنید",
+ "Templates" : "قالب‌ها",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "راه اندازی دایرکتوری الگوها ممکن نیست",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "لیست فایل ها و پوشه های مورد علاقه",
"No favorites yet" : "هنوز مورد دلخواه وجود ندارد",
@@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "نامحدود",
"Search users" : "جستجوی کاربران",
"Cancel" : "لغو",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "پوشه قالب ها را تنظیم کنید",
"%s used" : "%sاستفاده شده",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s از %2$s استفاده شده ",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fa.json b/apps/files/l10n/fa.json
index 1084f03bcea..ad117d7784b 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/fa.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/fa.json
@@ -167,14 +167,13 @@
"File Management" : "مدیریت فایل",
"Reload current directory" : "دایرکتوری فعلی را دوباره بارگیری کنید",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "به دایرکتوری \"{dir}\" بروید",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "عملکرد \"{displayName}\" با موفقیت اجرا شد",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "اقدام \"{displayName}\" ناموفق بود",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "ردیف {displayName} را انتخاب کنید",
"Rename file" : "تغییر نام فایل",
- "A long time ago" : "مدت ها پیش",
- "Download file {name}" : "دانلود فایل {name}",
"File name" : "نام فایل",
"Folder name" : "نام پوشه",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "عملکرد \"{displayName}\" با موفقیت اجرا شد",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "اقدام \"{displayName}\" ناموفق بود",
+ "Download file {name}" : "دانلود فایل {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" یک نوع فایل مجاز نیست.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} از قبل وجود دارد.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "نام نمی‌تواند خالی باشد",
@@ -182,6 +181,7 @@
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "تغییر نام \"{oldName}\" به \"{newName}\"",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "نمی‌توان نام «{oldName}» را تغییر داد، دیگر وجود ندارد",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "تغییر نام \"{oldName}\" ممکن نیست",
+ "A long time ago" : "مدت ها پیش",
"Total rows summary" : "خلاصه کل ردیف ها",
"Select all" : "انتخاب همه",
"Unselect all" : "همه را لغو انتخاب کنید",
@@ -214,6 +214,7 @@
"Share" : "اشتراک‌گذاری",
"Shared by link" : "اشتراک گذاشته شده از طریق لینک",
"Shared" : "به اشتراک گزاشته شده ",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Switch to list view",
"Open the files app settings" : "تنظیمات برنامه فایل ها را باز کنید",
"Files settings" : "تنظیمات پرونده‌ها",
"File cannot be accessed" : "فایل قابل دسترسی نیست",
@@ -240,9 +241,8 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "باز کردن پوشه {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "در فایل باز کنید",
"Open details" : "باز کردن جزئیات",
- "Set up templates folder" : "پوشه قالب ها را تنظیم کنید",
- "Templates" : "قالب‌ها",
"Create new templates folder" : "پوشه قالب های جدید ایجاد کنید",
+ "Templates" : "قالب‌ها",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "راه اندازی دایرکتوری الگوها ممکن نیست",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "لیست فایل ها و پوشه های مورد علاقه",
"No favorites yet" : "هنوز مورد دلخواه وجود ندارد",
@@ -262,6 +262,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "نامحدود",
"Search users" : "جستجوی کاربران",
"Cancel" : "لغو",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "پوشه قالب ها را تنظیم کنید",
"%s used" : "%sاستفاده شده",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s از %2$s استفاده شده ",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fi.js b/apps/files/l10n/fi.js
index cab6a9de680..a652419a4ff 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/fi.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/fi.js
@@ -172,10 +172,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Reload current directory" : "Lataa nykyinen kansio uudelleen",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Siirry kansioon \"{dir}\"",
"Rename file" : "Nimeä tiedosto uudelleen",
- "A long time ago" : "Kauan aikaa sitten",
- "Download file {name}" : "Lataa tiedosto {name}",
"File name" : "Tiedostonimi",
"Folder name" : "Kansion nimi",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Lataa tiedosto {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" ei ole sallittu tiedostotyyppi.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} on jo olemassa.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "Merkki \"{char}\" ei ole sallittu tiedostonimessä.",
@@ -185,6 +184,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Kohdetta \"{oldName}\" ei voitu nimetä uudelleen, koska sitä ei ole enää olemassa",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Nimi \"{newName}\" on jo käytössä kansiossa \"{dir}\". Valitse toinen nimi.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Ei voitu nimetä uudelleen \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "Kauan aikaa sitten",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Tiedostoa {file} ei voitu kopioida. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Tiedostoa {file} ei voitu siirtää. {message}",
"Select all" : "Valitse kaikki",
@@ -219,6 +219,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Jaa",
"Shared by link" : "Jaettu linkillä",
"Shared" : "Jaettu",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Vaihda taulukkonäkymään",
"Open the files app settings" : "Avaa tiedostosovelluksen asetukset",
"Files settings" : "Tiedostojen asetukset",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Tiedostoa ei voi käyttää",
@@ -251,11 +252,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Avaa kansio {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Avaa tiedostosovelluksessa",
"Open details" : "Avaa yksityiskohdat",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Luotu uusi kansio \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Aseta mallipohjien kansio",
- "Templates" : "Mallipohjat",
"Create new templates folder" : "Luo uusi mallipohjien kansio",
+ "Templates" : "Mallipohjat",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Mallipohjien kansiota ei voitu alustaa",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Luotu uusi kansio \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} kansio","{folderCount} kansiota"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} tiedosto","{fileCount} tiedostoa"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 tiedosto ja {folderCount} kansio","1 tiedosto ja {folderCount} kansiota"],
@@ -279,6 +279,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Rajoittamaton",
"Search users" : "Etsi käyttäjistä",
"Cancel" : "Peruuta",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Aseta mallipohjien kansio",
"%s used" : "%s käytetty",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s/%2$s käytetty",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fi.json b/apps/files/l10n/fi.json
index 5135830d213..a75d760ee19 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/fi.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/fi.json
@@ -170,10 +170,9 @@
"Reload current directory" : "Lataa nykyinen kansio uudelleen",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Siirry kansioon \"{dir}\"",
"Rename file" : "Nimeä tiedosto uudelleen",
- "A long time ago" : "Kauan aikaa sitten",
- "Download file {name}" : "Lataa tiedosto {name}",
"File name" : "Tiedostonimi",
"Folder name" : "Kansion nimi",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Lataa tiedosto {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" ei ole sallittu tiedostotyyppi.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} on jo olemassa.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "Merkki \"{char}\" ei ole sallittu tiedostonimessä.",
@@ -183,6 +182,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Kohdetta \"{oldName}\" ei voitu nimetä uudelleen, koska sitä ei ole enää olemassa",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Nimi \"{newName}\" on jo käytössä kansiossa \"{dir}\". Valitse toinen nimi.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Ei voitu nimetä uudelleen \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "Kauan aikaa sitten",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Tiedostoa {file} ei voitu kopioida. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Tiedostoa {file} ei voitu siirtää. {message}",
"Select all" : "Valitse kaikki",
@@ -217,6 +217,7 @@
"Share" : "Jaa",
"Shared by link" : "Jaettu linkillä",
"Shared" : "Jaettu",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Vaihda taulukkonäkymään",
"Open the files app settings" : "Avaa tiedostosovelluksen asetukset",
"Files settings" : "Tiedostojen asetukset",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Tiedostoa ei voi käyttää",
@@ -249,11 +250,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Avaa kansio {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Avaa tiedostosovelluksessa",
"Open details" : "Avaa yksityiskohdat",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Luotu uusi kansio \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Aseta mallipohjien kansio",
- "Templates" : "Mallipohjat",
"Create new templates folder" : "Luo uusi mallipohjien kansio",
+ "Templates" : "Mallipohjat",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Mallipohjien kansiota ei voitu alustaa",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Luotu uusi kansio \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} kansio","{folderCount} kansiota"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} tiedosto","{fileCount} tiedostoa"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 tiedosto ja {folderCount} kansio","1 tiedosto ja {folderCount} kansiota"],
@@ -277,6 +277,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Rajoittamaton",
"Search users" : "Etsi käyttäjistä",
"Cancel" : "Peruuta",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Aseta mallipohjien kansio",
"%s used" : "%s käytetty",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s/%2$s käytetty",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fr.js b/apps/files/l10n/fr.js
index 2843fb9f8c9..43686e67181 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/fr.js
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Aller au dossier \"{dir}\"",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Glissez-déposez les fichiers ici pour les téléverser",
"Upload successful" : "Téléversement réussi",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Action \"{displayName}\" exécutée avec succès",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Échec de l'action \"{displayName}\"",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Sélectionner la ligne pour {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Renommer le fichier",
- "A long time ago" : "Il y a longtemps",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Ce nœud est indisponible ",
- "Download file {name}" : "Télécharger le fichier {name}",
"File name" : "Nom du fichier",
"Folder name" : "Nom du dossier",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Action \"{displayName}\" exécutée avec succès",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Échec de l'action \"{displayName}\"",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Ce nœud est indisponible ",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Télécharger le fichier {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" n'est pas un type de fichier autorisé.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} existe déjà.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" n'est pas autorisé dans un nom de fichier.",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Impossible de renommer \"{oldName}\", il n'existe plus.",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Le nom \"{newName}\" est déjà utilisé dans le dossier \"{dir}\". Veuillez choisir un autre nom.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Impossible de renommer \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "Il y a longtemps",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Impossible de copier {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Impossible de déplacer {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Récapitulatif du nombre total de lignes",
@@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Partager",
"Shared by link" : "Partagés par lien",
"Shared" : "Partagé",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Basculer en mode liste",
"Open the files app settings" : "Ouvrir les paramètres de l'application Fichiers",
"Files settings" : "Paramètres de Fichiers",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Impossible d'accéder au fichier",
@@ -264,11 +265,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Ouvrir le dossier {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Ouvrir dans Fichiers",
"Open details" : "Ouvrir les détails",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Nouveau dossier \"{name}\" créé",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Configurer le dossier des modèles",
- "Templates" : "Modèles",
"Create new templates folder" : "Créer un nouveau dossier de modèles",
+ "Templates" : "Modèles",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Impossible d'initialiser le dossier des modèles",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Nouveau dossier \"{name}\" créé",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} dossier","{folderCount} dossiers","{folderCount} dossiers"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} fichier","{fileCount} fichiers","{fileCount} fichiers"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 fichier et {folderCount} dossier","1 fichier et {folderCount} dossiers","1 fichier et {folderCount} dossiers"],
@@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Illimité",
"Search users" : "Rechercher des utilisateurs",
"Cancel" : "Annuler",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Configurer le dossier des modèles",
"%s used" : "%s utilisés",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s utilisés sur %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/fr.json b/apps/files/l10n/fr.json
index 13a75ea083f..1947ec1a64f 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/fr.json
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Aller au dossier \"{dir}\"",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Glissez-déposez les fichiers ici pour les téléverser",
"Upload successful" : "Téléversement réussi",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Action \"{displayName}\" exécutée avec succès",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Échec de l'action \"{displayName}\"",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Sélectionner la ligne pour {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Renommer le fichier",
- "A long time ago" : "Il y a longtemps",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Ce nœud est indisponible ",
- "Download file {name}" : "Télécharger le fichier {name}",
"File name" : "Nom du fichier",
"Folder name" : "Nom du dossier",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Action \"{displayName}\" exécutée avec succès",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Échec de l'action \"{displayName}\"",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Ce nœud est indisponible ",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Télécharger le fichier {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" n'est pas un type de fichier autorisé.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} existe déjà.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" n'est pas autorisé dans un nom de fichier.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Impossible de renommer \"{oldName}\", il n'existe plus.",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Le nom \"{newName}\" est déjà utilisé dans le dossier \"{dir}\". Veuillez choisir un autre nom.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Impossible de renommer \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "Il y a longtemps",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Impossible de copier {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Impossible de déplacer {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Récapitulatif du nombre total de lignes",
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@
"Share" : "Partager",
"Shared by link" : "Partagés par lien",
"Shared" : "Partagé",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Basculer en mode liste",
"Open the files app settings" : "Ouvrir les paramètres de l'application Fichiers",
"Files settings" : "Paramètres de Fichiers",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Impossible d'accéder au fichier",
@@ -262,11 +263,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Ouvrir le dossier {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Ouvrir dans Fichiers",
"Open details" : "Ouvrir les détails",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Nouveau dossier \"{name}\" créé",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Configurer le dossier des modèles",
- "Templates" : "Modèles",
"Create new templates folder" : "Créer un nouveau dossier de modèles",
+ "Templates" : "Modèles",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Impossible d'initialiser le dossier des modèles",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Nouveau dossier \"{name}\" créé",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} dossier","{folderCount} dossiers","{folderCount} dossiers"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} fichier","{fileCount} fichiers","{fileCount} fichiers"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 fichier et {folderCount} dossier","1 fichier et {folderCount} dossiers","1 fichier et {folderCount} dossiers"],
@@ -291,6 +291,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Illimité",
"Search users" : "Rechercher des utilisateurs",
"Cancel" : "Annuler",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Configurer le dossier des modèles",
"%s used" : "%s utilisés",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s utilisés sur %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/gl.js b/apps/files/l10n/gl.js
index 051eaa4328c..d41c9273577 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/gl.js
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File Management" : "Xestión de ficheiros",
"Reload current directory" : "Recargar o directorio actual",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Vaia ao directorio «{dir}».",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "A acción «{displayName}» executouse correctamente",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "A acción «{displayName}» fallou",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Seleccione a fila para {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Renomear o ficheiro",
- "A long time ago" : "Hai moito tempo",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Este nodo non está dispoñíbel",
- "Download file {name}" : "Descargar o ficheiro {name}",
"File name" : "Nome de ficheiro",
"Folder name" : "Nome do cartafol",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "A acción «{displayName}» executouse correctamente",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "A acción «{displayName}» fallou",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Este nodo non está dispoñíbel",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Descargar o ficheiro {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "«{name}» non é un tipo de ficheiro permitido.",
"{newName} already exists." : "Xa existe {newName}",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "«{char}» non está permitido nun nome de ficheiro.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Non foi posíbel renomear «{oldName}», xa non existe",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "O nome «{newName}» xa se utiliza no cartafol «{dir}». Escolla un nome diferente.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Non foi posíbel renomear «{oldName}»",
+ "A long time ago" : "Hai moito tempo",
"Total rows summary" : "Resumo total de filas",
"Select all" : "Seleccionar todo",
"Unselect all" : "Desmarcar todo",
@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Shared by link" : "Compartido por ligazón",
"Shared" : "Compartido",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Cambiar á vista de lista",
"Open the files app settings" : "Abrir os axustes da aplicación de ficheiros",
"Files settings" : "Axustes de Ficheiros",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Non é posíbel acceder ao ficheiro",
@@ -252,11 +253,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Abrir o cartafol {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Abrir en Ficheiros",
"Open details" : "Abrir detalles",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Creouse un novo cartafol «{name}»",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Estabelecer un cartafol de modelos",
- "Templates" : "Modelos",
"Create new templates folder" : "Crear un novo cartafol de modelos",
+ "Templates" : "Modelos",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Non é posíbel iniciar o directorio de modelos",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Creouse un novo cartafol «{name}»",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} cartafol","{folderCount} cartafoles"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} ficheiro","{fileCount} ficheiros"],
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Lista de ficheiros e cartafoles favoritos.",
@@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Sen límites",
"Search users" : "Buscar usuarios",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Estabelecer un cartafol de modelos",
"%s used" : "%s utilizado",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s de %2$s utilizado",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/gl.json b/apps/files/l10n/gl.json
index 833c4fd28e3..f54c175c0bf 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/gl.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/gl.json
@@ -169,15 +169,14 @@
"File Management" : "Xestión de ficheiros",
"Reload current directory" : "Recargar o directorio actual",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Vaia ao directorio «{dir}».",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "A acción «{displayName}» executouse correctamente",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "A acción «{displayName}» fallou",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Seleccione a fila para {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Renomear o ficheiro",
- "A long time ago" : "Hai moito tempo",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Este nodo non está dispoñíbel",
- "Download file {name}" : "Descargar o ficheiro {name}",
"File name" : "Nome de ficheiro",
"Folder name" : "Nome do cartafol",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "A acción «{displayName}» executouse correctamente",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "A acción «{displayName}» fallou",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Este nodo non está dispoñíbel",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Descargar o ficheiro {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "«{name}» non é un tipo de ficheiro permitido.",
"{newName} already exists." : "Xa existe {newName}",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "«{char}» non está permitido nun nome de ficheiro.",
@@ -187,6 +186,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Non foi posíbel renomear «{oldName}», xa non existe",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "O nome «{newName}» xa se utiliza no cartafol «{dir}». Escolla un nome diferente.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Non foi posíbel renomear «{oldName}»",
+ "A long time ago" : "Hai moito tempo",
"Total rows summary" : "Resumo total de filas",
"Select all" : "Seleccionar todo",
"Unselect all" : "Desmarcar todo",
@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@
"Share" : "Compartir",
"Shared by link" : "Compartido por ligazón",
"Shared" : "Compartido",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Cambiar á vista de lista",
"Open the files app settings" : "Abrir os axustes da aplicación de ficheiros",
"Files settings" : "Axustes de Ficheiros",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Non é posíbel acceder ao ficheiro",
@@ -250,11 +251,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Abrir o cartafol {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Abrir en Ficheiros",
"Open details" : "Abrir detalles",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Creouse un novo cartafol «{name}»",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Estabelecer un cartafol de modelos",
- "Templates" : "Modelos",
"Create new templates folder" : "Crear un novo cartafol de modelos",
+ "Templates" : "Modelos",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Non é posíbel iniciar o directorio de modelos",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Creouse un novo cartafol «{name}»",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} cartafol","{folderCount} cartafoles"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} ficheiro","{fileCount} ficheiros"],
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Lista de ficheiros e cartafoles favoritos.",
@@ -276,6 +276,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Sen límites",
"Search users" : "Buscar usuarios",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Estabelecer un cartafol de modelos",
"%s used" : "%s utilizado",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s de %2$s utilizado",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/hr.js b/apps/files/l10n/hr.js
index 6a4eb96f80c..f2df9637d97 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/hr.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/hr.js
@@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Dijeli",
"Shared by link" : "Podijeljeno putem poveznice",
"Shared" : "Dijeljeno",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Prebacite na prikaz popisa",
"Show hidden files" : "Prikaz skrivenih datoteka",
"Crop image previews" : "Obreži pretpreglede slika",
"Additional settings" : "Dodatne postavke",
@@ -190,7 +191,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nije moguće stvoriti novu datoteku iz predloška",
"Delete permanently" : "Trajno izbrišite",
"Open details" : "Otvori pojedinosti",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Postavi mapu predložaka",
"Templates" : "Predlošci",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Nije moguće inicijalizirati direktorij predložaka",
"No favorites yet" : "Još nema favorita",
@@ -207,6 +207,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Neograničeno",
"Search users" : "Pretraži korisnike",
"Cancel" : "Odustani",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Postavi mapu predložaka",
"%s used" : "Iskorišteno %s",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "Iskorišteno %1$s od %2$s",
"Toggle grid view" : "Uključi/isključi prikaz rešetke",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/hr.json b/apps/files/l10n/hr.json
index 37723afead0..84bdb989b87 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/hr.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/hr.json
@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@
"Share" : "Dijeli",
"Shared by link" : "Podijeljeno putem poveznice",
"Shared" : "Dijeljeno",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Prebacite na prikaz popisa",
"Show hidden files" : "Prikaz skrivenih datoteka",
"Crop image previews" : "Obreži pretpreglede slika",
"Additional settings" : "Dodatne postavke",
@@ -188,7 +189,6 @@
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nije moguće stvoriti novu datoteku iz predloška",
"Delete permanently" : "Trajno izbrišite",
"Open details" : "Otvori pojedinosti",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Postavi mapu predložaka",
"Templates" : "Predlošci",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Nije moguće inicijalizirati direktorij predložaka",
"No favorites yet" : "Još nema favorita",
@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Neograničeno",
"Search users" : "Pretraži korisnike",
"Cancel" : "Odustani",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Postavi mapu predložaka",
"%s used" : "Iskorišteno %s",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "Iskorišteno %1$s od %2$s",
"Toggle grid view" : "Uključi/isključi prikaz rešetke",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/hu.js b/apps/files/l10n/hu.js
index 6e8b6dfaf5a..ea4ec4f97a4 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/hu.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/hu.js
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Ugrás a(z) „{dir}” könyvtárhoz",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Húzza ide a fájlokat a feltöltéshez",
"Upload successful" : "Sikeres feltölés",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "A(z) „{displayName}” művelet sikeresen végrehajtva",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "A(z) „{displayName}” művelet sikertelen",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "A(z) {displayName} sorának kiválasztása",
"Rename file" : "Fájl átnevezése",
- "A long time ago" : "Réges régen",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Ez a node nem érhető el",
- "Download file {name}" : "A(z) {name} fájl letöltése",
"File name" : "Fájlnév",
"Folder name" : "Mappanév",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "A(z) „{displayName}” művelet sikeresen végrehajtva",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "A(z) „{displayName}” művelet sikertelen",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Ez a node nem érhető el",
+ "Download file {name}" : "A(z) {name} fájl letöltése",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" nem engedélyezett fájltipus.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} már létezik.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\"nem szerepelhet fájlnévben.",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "\"{oldName}\" átnevezése nem lehetséges, mert már nem létezik",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "A név \"{newName}\" már használatban van a(z) \"{dir}\" mappában. Kérem használjon másik nevet.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "\"{oldName}\" átnevezése nem lehetséges",
+ "A long time ago" : "Réges régen",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "{file} másolása nem lehetséges. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "{file} mozgatása nem lehetséges. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Összes sor összegzése",
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Megosztás",
"Shared by link" : "Megosztva hivatkozással",
"Shared" : "Megosztva",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Váltás listanézetre",
"Open the files app settings" : "Nyissa meg a Fájlok lalkalmazás beállításait",
"Files settings" : "Fájlok beállításai",
"File cannot be accessed" : "A fájl nem érhető el",
@@ -265,11 +266,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "A(z) {displayName} mappa megnyitása",
"Open in Files" : "Megnyitás a Files-ban",
"Open details" : "Részletek megnyitása",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Új mappa létzehozva \"{name}\" néven",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Személyes sablonmappa beállítása",
- "Templates" : "Sablonok",
"Create new templates folder" : "Új sablonmappa létrehozása",
+ "Templates" : "Sablonok",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "A sablonkönyvtár előkészítése sikertelen",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Új mappa létzehozva \"{name}\" néven",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} mappa","{folderCount} mappa"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} fájl","{fileCount} fájl"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 fájl és {folderCount} mappa","1 fájl és {folderCount} mappa"],
@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Korlátlan",
"Search users" : "Fehasználók keresése",
"Cancel" : "Mégse",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Személyes sablonmappa beállítása",
"%s used" : "%s használt",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s / %2$s felhasználva",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/hu.json b/apps/files/l10n/hu.json
index 54157a67c91..dfa60cefb1d 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/hu.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/hu.json
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Ugrás a(z) „{dir}” könyvtárhoz",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Húzza ide a fájlokat a feltöltéshez",
"Upload successful" : "Sikeres feltölés",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "A(z) „{displayName}” művelet sikeresen végrehajtva",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "A(z) „{displayName}” művelet sikertelen",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "A(z) {displayName} sorának kiválasztása",
"Rename file" : "Fájl átnevezése",
- "A long time ago" : "Réges régen",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Ez a node nem érhető el",
- "Download file {name}" : "A(z) {name} fájl letöltése",
"File name" : "Fájlnév",
"Folder name" : "Mappanév",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "A(z) „{displayName}” művelet sikeresen végrehajtva",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "A(z) „{displayName}” művelet sikertelen",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Ez a node nem érhető el",
+ "Download file {name}" : "A(z) {name} fájl letöltése",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" nem engedélyezett fájltipus.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} már létezik.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\"nem szerepelhet fájlnévben.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "\"{oldName}\" átnevezése nem lehetséges, mert már nem létezik",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "A név \"{newName}\" már használatban van a(z) \"{dir}\" mappában. Kérem használjon másik nevet.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "\"{oldName}\" átnevezése nem lehetséges",
+ "A long time ago" : "Réges régen",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "{file} másolása nem lehetséges. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "{file} mozgatása nem lehetséges. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Összes sor összegzése",
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@
"Share" : "Megosztás",
"Shared by link" : "Megosztva hivatkozással",
"Shared" : "Megosztva",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Váltás listanézetre",
"Open the files app settings" : "Nyissa meg a Fájlok lalkalmazás beállításait",
"Files settings" : "Fájlok beállításai",
"File cannot be accessed" : "A fájl nem érhető el",
@@ -263,11 +264,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "A(z) {displayName} mappa megnyitása",
"Open in Files" : "Megnyitás a Files-ban",
"Open details" : "Részletek megnyitása",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Új mappa létzehozva \"{name}\" néven",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Személyes sablonmappa beállítása",
- "Templates" : "Sablonok",
"Create new templates folder" : "Új sablonmappa létrehozása",
+ "Templates" : "Sablonok",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "A sablonkönyvtár előkészítése sikertelen",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Új mappa létzehozva \"{name}\" néven",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} mappa","{folderCount} mappa"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} fájl","{fileCount} fájl"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 fájl és {folderCount} mappa","1 fájl és {folderCount} mappa"],
@@ -292,6 +292,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Korlátlan",
"Search users" : "Fehasználók keresése",
"Cancel" : "Mégse",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Személyes sablonmappa beállítása",
"%s used" : "%s használt",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s / %2$s felhasználva",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/id.js b/apps/files/l10n/id.js
index e727855f758..a3ea84df903 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/id.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/id.js
@@ -212,7 +212,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Blank" : "Kosong",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Tidak dapat membuat berkas baru dari templat",
"Delete permanently" : "Hapus secara permanen",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Siapkan folder templat",
"Templates" : "Templat",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Tidak dapat membuat direktori templat",
"No favorites yet" : "Belum memiliki favorit",
@@ -229,6 +228,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Tak terbatas",
"Search users" : "Cari pengguna",
"Cancel" : "Membatalkan",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Siapkan folder templat",
"%s used" : "%s digunakan",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s dari %2$s sudah digunakan",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/id.json b/apps/files/l10n/id.json
index d03c874f2dd..7b5e4e310bb 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/id.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/id.json
@@ -210,7 +210,6 @@
"Blank" : "Kosong",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Tidak dapat membuat berkas baru dari templat",
"Delete permanently" : "Hapus secara permanen",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Siapkan folder templat",
"Templates" : "Templat",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Tidak dapat membuat direktori templat",
"No favorites yet" : "Belum memiliki favorit",
@@ -227,6 +226,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Tak terbatas",
"Search users" : "Cari pengguna",
"Cancel" : "Membatalkan",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Siapkan folder templat",
"%s used" : "%s digunakan",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s dari %2$s sudah digunakan",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/is.js b/apps/files/l10n/is.js
index 1c6d8c4bb1d..286d271d142 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/is.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/is.js
@@ -165,7 +165,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Tekst ekki að búa til nýja skrá út frá sniðmáti",
"Delete permanently" : "Eyða varanlega",
"Open details" : "Opna nánari upplýsingar",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Setja upp sniðmátamöppu",
"Templates" : "Sniðmát",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Tókst ekki að frumstilla sniðmátamöppuna",
"No favorites yet" : "Engin eftirlæti ennþá",
@@ -181,6 +180,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Ótakmarkað",
"Search users" : "Leita að notendum",
"Cancel" : "Hætta við",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Setja upp sniðmátamöppu",
"%s used" : "%s notað",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s af %2$s notað",
"Toggle grid view" : "Víxla reitasýn af/á",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/is.json b/apps/files/l10n/is.json
index 3ae2b257a22..f9e2cc8146f 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/is.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/is.json
@@ -163,7 +163,6 @@
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Tekst ekki að búa til nýja skrá út frá sniðmáti",
"Delete permanently" : "Eyða varanlega",
"Open details" : "Opna nánari upplýsingar",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Setja upp sniðmátamöppu",
"Templates" : "Sniðmát",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Tókst ekki að frumstilla sniðmátamöppuna",
"No favorites yet" : "Engin eftirlæti ennþá",
@@ -179,6 +178,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Ótakmarkað",
"Search users" : "Leita að notendum",
"Cancel" : "Hætta við",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Setja upp sniðmátamöppu",
"%s used" : "%s notað",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s af %2$s notað",
"Toggle grid view" : "Víxla reitasýn af/á",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/it.js b/apps/files/l10n/it.js
index 9264e7c172f..4fa5e726bef 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/it.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/it.js
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Vai alla cartella \"{dir}\"",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Trascina i file qui per caricarli",
"Upload successful" : "Caricamento effettuato",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "L'azione \"{displayName}\" è stata eseguita correttamente",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "L'azione \"{displayName}\" è fallita",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Seleziona la riga per {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Rinomina file",
- "A long time ago" : "Molto tempo fa",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Questa nodo non è disponibile",
- "Download file {name}" : "Scarica il file {name}",
"File name" : "Nome file",
"Folder name" : "Nome della cartella",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "L'azione \"{displayName}\" è stata eseguita correttamente",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "L'azione \"{displayName}\" è fallita",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Questa nodo non è disponibile",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Scarica il file {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" non è un tipo di file consentito.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} esiste già.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" non è consentito in un nome di file.",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Impossibile rinominare \"{oldName}\", non esiste più",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Il nome \"{newName}\" è attualmente in uso nella cartella \"{dir}\". Scegli un nome diverso.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Impossibile rinominare \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "Molto tempo fa",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Impossibile copiare {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Impossibile spostare {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Riepilogo totale delle righe",
@@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Condividi",
"Shared by link" : "Condivisi tramite collegamento",
"Shared" : "Condiviso",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Passa alla vista elenco",
"Open the files app settings" : "Apri le impostazioni dell'app File",
"Files settings" : "Impostazioni File",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Il file non possono essere acceduti",
@@ -264,11 +265,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Apri la cartella {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Apri in File",
"Open details" : "Apri i dettagli",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Crea una nuova cartella \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Configura la cartella dei modelli",
- "Templates" : "Modelli",
"Create new templates folder" : "Crea una nuova cartella dei templates",
+ "Templates" : "Modelli",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Impossibile inizializzare la cartella dei modelli",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Crea una nuova cartella \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} cartella","{folderCount} cartelle","{folderCount} cartelle"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} file","{fileCount} file","{fileCount} file"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 file e {folderCount} cartella","1 file e {folderCount} cartelle","1 file e {folderCount} cartelle"],
@@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Illimitata",
"Search users" : "Cerca utenti",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Configura la cartella dei modelli",
"%s used" : "%s utilizzato",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s di %2$s utilizzati",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/it.json b/apps/files/l10n/it.json
index feecb19b5c4..407aa2b864f 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/it.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/it.json
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Vai alla cartella \"{dir}\"",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Trascina i file qui per caricarli",
"Upload successful" : "Caricamento effettuato",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "L'azione \"{displayName}\" è stata eseguita correttamente",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "L'azione \"{displayName}\" è fallita",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Seleziona la riga per {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Rinomina file",
- "A long time ago" : "Molto tempo fa",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Questa nodo non è disponibile",
- "Download file {name}" : "Scarica il file {name}",
"File name" : "Nome file",
"Folder name" : "Nome della cartella",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "L'azione \"{displayName}\" è stata eseguita correttamente",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "L'azione \"{displayName}\" è fallita",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Questa nodo non è disponibile",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Scarica il file {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" non è un tipo di file consentito.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} esiste già.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" non è consentito in un nome di file.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Impossibile rinominare \"{oldName}\", non esiste più",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Il nome \"{newName}\" è attualmente in uso nella cartella \"{dir}\". Scegli un nome diverso.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Impossibile rinominare \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "Molto tempo fa",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Impossibile copiare {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Impossibile spostare {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Riepilogo totale delle righe",
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@
"Share" : "Condividi",
"Shared by link" : "Condivisi tramite collegamento",
"Shared" : "Condiviso",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Passa alla vista elenco",
"Open the files app settings" : "Apri le impostazioni dell'app File",
"Files settings" : "Impostazioni File",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Il file non possono essere acceduti",
@@ -262,11 +263,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Apri la cartella {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Apri in File",
"Open details" : "Apri i dettagli",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Crea una nuova cartella \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Configura la cartella dei modelli",
- "Templates" : "Modelli",
"Create new templates folder" : "Crea una nuova cartella dei templates",
+ "Templates" : "Modelli",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Impossibile inizializzare la cartella dei modelli",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Crea una nuova cartella \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} cartella","{folderCount} cartelle","{folderCount} cartelle"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} file","{fileCount} file","{fileCount} file"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 file e {folderCount} cartella","1 file e {folderCount} cartelle","1 file e {folderCount} cartelle"],
@@ -291,6 +291,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Illimitata",
"Search users" : "Cerca utenti",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Configura la cartella dei modelli",
"%s used" : "%s utilizzato",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s di %2$s utilizzati",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ja.js b/apps/files/l10n/ja.js
index 0cd631e5289..3dd36be9bb7 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ja.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ja.js
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File Management" : "ファイル管理",
"Reload current directory" : "カレントディレクトリの再読み込み",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "\"{dir}\" ディレクトリに移動する",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" アクションは正常に実行された",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" アクションは失敗しました",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "{displayName} の行を選択する",
"Rename file" : "ファイル名の変更",
- "A long time ago" : "ずっと以前に",
- "This node is unavailable" : "このノードは利用できません",
- "Download file {name}" : "ファイル {name} をダウンロード",
"File name" : "ファイル名",
"Folder name" : "フォルダー名",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" アクションは正常に実行された",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" アクションは失敗しました",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "このノードは利用できません",
+ "Download file {name}" : "ファイル {name} をダウンロード",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" は許可されたファイルタイプではありません。",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} すでに存在しています。",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\"はファイル名には使用できません。",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "\"{oldName}\" の名前を変更できませんでした、それは既に存在しません。",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "\"{newName}\" という名前は \"{dir}\" フォルダですでに使用されています。別の名前を選択してください。",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "\"{oldName}\" の名前を変更できませんでした。",
+ "A long time ago" : "ずっと以前に",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "{file} をコピーできませんでした。 {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "{file} を移動できませんでした。 {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "総行数のサマリー",
@@ -262,11 +262,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "フォルダ {displayName} を開く",
"Open in Files" : "ファイルアプリで開く",
"Open details" : "詳細を開く",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "新規フォルダ \"{name}\" を作成した",
- "Set up templates folder" : "テンプレートフォルダーを設定",
- "Templates" : "テンプレート",
"Create new templates folder" : "新しいテンプレートフォルダーを作成",
+ "Templates" : "テンプレート",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "テンプレートディレクトリを初期化できませんでした",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "新規フォルダ \"{name}\" を作成した",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} フォルダ"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} ファイル"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 ファイルと {folderCount} フォルダ"],
@@ -291,6 +290,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "無制限",
"Search users" : "ユーザーを検索",
"Cancel" : "キャンセル",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "テンプレートフォルダーを設定",
"%s used" : "%s 使用中",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%2$s 中%1$s 使用中",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ja.json b/apps/files/l10n/ja.json
index b6f2b67770a..7183ed4324d 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ja.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ja.json
@@ -169,15 +169,14 @@
"File Management" : "ファイル管理",
"Reload current directory" : "カレントディレクトリの再読み込み",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "\"{dir}\" ディレクトリに移動する",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" アクションは正常に実行された",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" アクションは失敗しました",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "{displayName} の行を選択する",
"Rename file" : "ファイル名の変更",
- "A long time ago" : "ずっと以前に",
- "This node is unavailable" : "このノードは利用できません",
- "Download file {name}" : "ファイル {name} をダウンロード",
"File name" : "ファイル名",
"Folder name" : "フォルダー名",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" アクションは正常に実行された",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" アクションは失敗しました",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "このノードは利用できません",
+ "Download file {name}" : "ファイル {name} をダウンロード",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" は許可されたファイルタイプではありません。",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} すでに存在しています。",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\"はファイル名には使用できません。",
@@ -187,6 +186,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "\"{oldName}\" の名前を変更できませんでした、それは既に存在しません。",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "\"{newName}\" という名前は \"{dir}\" フォルダですでに使用されています。別の名前を選択してください。",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "\"{oldName}\" の名前を変更できませんでした。",
+ "A long time ago" : "ずっと以前に",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "{file} をコピーできませんでした。 {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "{file} を移動できませんでした。 {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "総行数のサマリー",
@@ -260,11 +260,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "フォルダ {displayName} を開く",
"Open in Files" : "ファイルアプリで開く",
"Open details" : "詳細を開く",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "新規フォルダ \"{name}\" を作成した",
- "Set up templates folder" : "テンプレートフォルダーを設定",
- "Templates" : "テンプレート",
"Create new templates folder" : "新しいテンプレートフォルダーを作成",
+ "Templates" : "テンプレート",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "テンプレートディレクトリを初期化できませんでした",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "新規フォルダ \"{name}\" を作成した",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} フォルダ"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} ファイル"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 ファイルと {folderCount} フォルダ"],
@@ -289,6 +288,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "無制限",
"Search users" : "ユーザーを検索",
"Cancel" : "キャンセル",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "テンプレートフォルダーを設定",
"%s used" : "%s 使用中",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%2$s 中%1$s 使用中",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ko.js b/apps/files/l10n/ko.js
index fca5a8b89a1..bcccd4832b9 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ko.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ko.js
@@ -169,18 +169,18 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File Management" : "파일 관리",
"Reload current directory" : "이 경로를 새로고침",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "\"{dir}\" 경로로 이동",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" 작업을 성공적으로 실행함",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" 작업을 실패함",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "{displayName}을 위한 행을 선택",
"Rename file" : "파일 이름 바꾸기",
- "A long time ago" : "오래 전",
- "This node is unavailable" : "이 노드를 사용할 수 없습니다",
- "Download file {name}" : "{name} 파일 다운로드",
"File name" : "파일 이름",
"Folder name" : "폴더 이름",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" 작업을 성공적으로 실행함",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" 작업을 실패함",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "이 노드를 사용할 수 없습니다",
+ "Download file {name}" : "{name} 파일 다운로드",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\"은(는) 허용된 파일 형식이 아님.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName}이(가) 이미 존재함.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "이름이 비어 있을 수 없음",
+ "A long time ago" : "오래 전",
"Total rows summary" : "총 행 요약",
"Select all" : "모두 선택",
"Unselect all" : "모두 선택 해제",
@@ -237,9 +237,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "{displayName} 폴더 열기",
"Open in Files" : "파일에서 열기",
"Open details" : "자세한 정보 열기",
- "Set up templates folder" : "템플릿 폴더 설정",
- "Templates" : "템플릿",
"Create new templates folder" : "새로운 템플릿 폴더 만들기",
+ "Templates" : "템플릿",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "템플릿 디렉터리를 설정할 수 없음",
"No favorites yet" : "즐겨찾는 항목 없음",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "즐겨찾기에 추가한 파일과 폴더가 여기에 나타납니다",
@@ -254,6 +253,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "무제한",
"Search users" : "사용자 검색",
"Cancel" : "취소",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "템플릿 폴더 설정",
"%s used" : "%s 사용함",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%2$s 중 %1$s 사용됨",
"Toggle grid view" : "모눈 보기 전환",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ko.json b/apps/files/l10n/ko.json
index bddcc2a29f0..45f6464bda1 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ko.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ko.json
@@ -167,18 +167,18 @@
"File Management" : "파일 관리",
"Reload current directory" : "이 경로를 새로고침",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "\"{dir}\" 경로로 이동",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" 작업을 성공적으로 실행함",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" 작업을 실패함",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "{displayName}을 위한 행을 선택",
"Rename file" : "파일 이름 바꾸기",
- "A long time ago" : "오래 전",
- "This node is unavailable" : "이 노드를 사용할 수 없습니다",
- "Download file {name}" : "{name} 파일 다운로드",
"File name" : "파일 이름",
"Folder name" : "폴더 이름",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" 작업을 성공적으로 실행함",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" 작업을 실패함",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "이 노드를 사용할 수 없습니다",
+ "Download file {name}" : "{name} 파일 다운로드",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\"은(는) 허용된 파일 형식이 아님.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName}이(가) 이미 존재함.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "이름이 비어 있을 수 없음",
+ "A long time ago" : "오래 전",
"Total rows summary" : "총 행 요약",
"Select all" : "모두 선택",
"Unselect all" : "모두 선택 해제",
@@ -235,9 +235,8 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "{displayName} 폴더 열기",
"Open in Files" : "파일에서 열기",
"Open details" : "자세한 정보 열기",
- "Set up templates folder" : "템플릿 폴더 설정",
- "Templates" : "템플릿",
"Create new templates folder" : "새로운 템플릿 폴더 만들기",
+ "Templates" : "템플릿",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "템플릿 디렉터리를 설정할 수 없음",
"No favorites yet" : "즐겨찾는 항목 없음",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "즐겨찾기에 추가한 파일과 폴더가 여기에 나타납니다",
@@ -252,6 +251,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "무제한",
"Search users" : "사용자 검색",
"Cancel" : "취소",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "템플릿 폴더 설정",
"%s used" : "%s 사용함",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%2$s 중 %1$s 사용됨",
"Toggle grid view" : "모눈 보기 전환",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/lt_LT.js b/apps/files/l10n/lt_LT.js
index 46f5dcbdf22..b55ce4fdc01 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/lt_LT.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/lt_LT.js
@@ -162,12 +162,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"in %s" : "per %s",
"File Management" : "Failų tvarkymas",
"Rename file" : "Pervadinti failą",
- "A long time ago" : "Prieš ilgą laiką",
- "Download file {name}" : "Atsisiųsti failą {name}",
"File name" : "Failo pavadinimas",
"Folder name" : "Aplanko pavadinimas",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Atsisiųsti failą {name}",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} jau yra.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "Pavadinimas negali būti tuščias",
+ "A long time ago" : "Prieš ilgą laiką",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Nepavyko nukopijuoti {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Nepavyko perkelti {file}. {message}",
"Select all" : "Pažymėti viską",
@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Bendrinti",
"Shared by link" : "Bendrinama pagal nuorodą",
"Shared" : "Bendrinama",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Perjungti į sąrašo rodinį",
"Files settings" : "Failų nustatymai",
"Show hidden files" : "Rodyti paslėptus failus",
"Crop image previews" : "Apkirpti paveikslų peržiūras",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/lt_LT.json b/apps/files/l10n/lt_LT.json
index 145fefd42f8..3e9cee8795c 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/lt_LT.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/lt_LT.json
@@ -160,12 +160,12 @@
"in %s" : "per %s",
"File Management" : "Failų tvarkymas",
"Rename file" : "Pervadinti failą",
- "A long time ago" : "Prieš ilgą laiką",
- "Download file {name}" : "Atsisiųsti failą {name}",
"File name" : "Failo pavadinimas",
"Folder name" : "Aplanko pavadinimas",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Atsisiųsti failą {name}",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} jau yra.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "Pavadinimas negali būti tuščias",
+ "A long time ago" : "Prieš ilgą laiką",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Nepavyko nukopijuoti {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Nepavyko perkelti {file}. {message}",
"Select all" : "Pažymėti viską",
@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@
"Share" : "Bendrinti",
"Shared by link" : "Bendrinama pagal nuorodą",
"Shared" : "Bendrinama",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Perjungti į sąrašo rodinį",
"Files settings" : "Failų nustatymai",
"Show hidden files" : "Rodyti paslėptus failus",
"Crop image previews" : "Apkirpti paveikslų peržiūras",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/mk.js b/apps/files/l10n/mk.js
index 0205b8c503c..131bb5adbcf 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/mk.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/mk.js
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File Management" : "Датотеки",
"Reload current directory" : "Превчитај ја повторно моменталната папка",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Оди до \"{dir}\" папката",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" акцијата е успешно извршена",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" акцијата не успеа",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Избери ред за {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Преименувај датотека",
- "A long time ago" : "Многу одамна",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Нодот е недостапен",
- "Download file {name}" : "Преземи датотека {name}",
"File name" : "Име на датотека",
"Folder name" : "Име на папка",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" акцијата е успешно извршена",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" акцијата не успеа",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Нодот е недостапен",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Преземи датотека {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" не е дозволен вид на датотека.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} веќе постои.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "Името неможе да биде празно",
@@ -188,6 +187,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Неможе да се преименува \"{oldName}\", не постои повеќе",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Името \"{newName}\" веќе се користи во папката \"{dir}\". Ве молиме изберете друго име.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Неможе да се преименува \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "Многу одамна",
"Total rows summary" : "Резиме на вкупно редови",
"Select all" : "Избери се",
"Unselect all" : "Од-означи се",
@@ -251,11 +251,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Отвори папка {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Отвори во датотеките",
"Open details" : "Отвори детали",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Креирана нова папка \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Поставете папка за шаблони",
- "Templates" : "Шаблони",
"Create new templates folder" : "Креирај нова папка за шаблони",
+ "Templates" : "Шаблони",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Не може да се иницијализира папка за шаблони",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Креирана нова папка \"{name}\"",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Листа на омилени датотеки и папки.",
"No favorites yet" : "Сеуште нема фаворити",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Датотеките и папките кои ќе ги означите како чести, ќе се појават тука",
@@ -275,6 +274,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Неограничено",
"Search users" : "Пребарувај корисници",
"Cancel" : "Откажи",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Поставете папка за шаблони",
"%s used" : "Искористено %s",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "Искористено %1$s од %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/mk.json b/apps/files/l10n/mk.json
index 1656f6d1509..1239069becd 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/mk.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/mk.json
@@ -169,15 +169,14 @@
"File Management" : "Датотеки",
"Reload current directory" : "Превчитај ја повторно моменталната папка",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Оди до \"{dir}\" папката",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" акцијата е успешно извршена",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" акцијата не успеа",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Избери ред за {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Преименувај датотека",
- "A long time ago" : "Многу одамна",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Нодот е недостапен",
- "Download file {name}" : "Преземи датотека {name}",
"File name" : "Име на датотека",
"Folder name" : "Име на папка",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" акцијата е успешно извршена",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" акцијата не успеа",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Нодот е недостапен",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Преземи датотека {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" не е дозволен вид на датотека.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} веќе постои.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "Името неможе да биде празно",
@@ -186,6 +185,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Неможе да се преименува \"{oldName}\", не постои повеќе",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Името \"{newName}\" веќе се користи во папката \"{dir}\". Ве молиме изберете друго име.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Неможе да се преименува \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "Многу одамна",
"Total rows summary" : "Резиме на вкупно редови",
"Select all" : "Избери се",
"Unselect all" : "Од-означи се",
@@ -249,11 +249,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Отвори папка {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Отвори во датотеките",
"Open details" : "Отвори детали",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Креирана нова папка \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Поставете папка за шаблони",
- "Templates" : "Шаблони",
"Create new templates folder" : "Креирај нова папка за шаблони",
+ "Templates" : "Шаблони",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Не може да се иницијализира папка за шаблони",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Креирана нова папка \"{name}\"",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Листа на омилени датотеки и папки.",
"No favorites yet" : "Сеуште нема фаворити",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Датотеките и папките кои ќе ги означите како чести, ќе се појават тука",
@@ -273,6 +272,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Неограничено",
"Search users" : "Пребарувај корисници",
"Cancel" : "Откажи",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Поставете папка за шаблони",
"%s used" : "Искористено %s",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "Искористено %1$s од %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/nb.js b/apps/files/l10n/nb.js
index aff500cb746..9c126d5e44d 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/nb.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/nb.js
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kan ikke opprette ny fil fra malen",
"Delete permanently" : "Slett for godt",
"Open details" : "Åpne detaljer",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Sett opp mal-mappen",
"Templates" : "Maler",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Kan ikke initialisere mal-mappen",
"No favorites yet" : "Ingen favoritter enda",
@@ -228,6 +227,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Ubegrenset",
"Search users" : "Søk etter brukere",
"Cancel" : "Avbryt",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Sett opp mal-mappen",
"%s used" : "%s brukt",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s av %2$s brukt",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/nb.json b/apps/files/l10n/nb.json
index a9f62fcd889..b597e207af5 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/nb.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/nb.json
@@ -209,7 +209,6 @@
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kan ikke opprette ny fil fra malen",
"Delete permanently" : "Slett for godt",
"Open details" : "Åpne detaljer",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Sett opp mal-mappen",
"Templates" : "Maler",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Kan ikke initialisere mal-mappen",
"No favorites yet" : "Ingen favoritter enda",
@@ -226,6 +225,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Ubegrenset",
"Search users" : "Søk etter brukere",
"Cancel" : "Avbryt",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Sett opp mal-mappen",
"%s used" : "%s brukt",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s av %2$s brukt",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/nl.js b/apps/files/l10n/nl.js
index 832fe7330a8..eeb6a2bee6f 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/nl.js
@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Delen",
"Shared by link" : "Gedeeld via link",
"Shared" : "Gedeeld",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Omschakelen naar lijstoverzicht",
"Files settings" : "Instellingen voor bestanden",
"Show hidden files" : "Toon verborgen bestanden",
"Crop image previews" : "Snij afbeeldingvoorbeelden bij",
@@ -205,7 +206,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kan geen nieuw bestand maken vanuit het sjabloon",
"Delete permanently" : "Permanent verwijderen",
"Open details" : "Details openen",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Instellen sjablonenmap",
"Templates" : "Sjablonen",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Kon de sjablonenmap niet instellen",
"No favorites yet" : "Nog geen favorieten",
@@ -222,6 +222,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Ongelimiteerd",
"Search users" : "Gebruikers zoeken",
"Cancel" : "Annuleren",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Instellen sjablonenmap",
"%s used" : "%s gebruikt",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s van %2$s gebruikt",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/nl.json b/apps/files/l10n/nl.json
index a089cb50ab5..03514d0d028 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/nl.json
@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@
"Share" : "Delen",
"Shared by link" : "Gedeeld via link",
"Shared" : "Gedeeld",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Omschakelen naar lijstoverzicht",
"Files settings" : "Instellingen voor bestanden",
"Show hidden files" : "Toon verborgen bestanden",
"Crop image previews" : "Snij afbeeldingvoorbeelden bij",
@@ -203,7 +204,6 @@
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Kan geen nieuw bestand maken vanuit het sjabloon",
"Delete permanently" : "Permanent verwijderen",
"Open details" : "Details openen",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Instellen sjablonenmap",
"Templates" : "Sjablonen",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Kon de sjablonenmap niet instellen",
"No favorites yet" : "Nog geen favorieten",
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Ongelimiteerd",
"Search users" : "Gebruikers zoeken",
"Cancel" : "Annuleren",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Instellen sjablonenmap",
"%s used" : "%s gebruikt",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s van %2$s gebruikt",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pl.js b/apps/files/l10n/pl.js
index 542f7055d0b..9c43eba047a 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/pl.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/pl.js
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File Management" : "Zarządzanie plikami",
"Reload current directory" : "Przeładuj bieżący katalog",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Przejdź do katalogu \"{dir}\"",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Akcja \"{displayName}\" została wykonana pomyślnie",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Akcja \"{displayName}\" nie powiodła się",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Wybierz wiersz dla {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Zmień nazwę pliku",
- "A long time ago" : "Dawno temu",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Ten węzeł jest niedostępny",
- "Download file {name}" : "Pobierz plik {name}",
"File name" : "Nazwa pliku",
"Folder name" : "Nazwa katalogu",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Akcja \"{displayName}\" została wykonana pomyślnie",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Akcja \"{displayName}\" nie powiodła się",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Ten węzeł jest niedostępny",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Pobierz plik {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" nie jest dozwolonym typem pliku.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} już istnieje.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "Nazwa nie może być pusta",
@@ -188,6 +187,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Nie można zmienić nazwy \"{oldName}\", już nie istnieje",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Nazwa \"{newName}\" jest już używana w folderze \"{dir}\". Wybierz inną nazwę.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Nie można zmienić nazwy \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "Dawno temu",
"Total rows summary" : "Podsumowanie wszystkich wierszy",
"Select all" : "Wybierz wszystko",
"Unselect all" : "Odznacz wszystko",
@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Udostępnij",
"Shared by link" : "Udostępnione linkiem",
"Shared" : "Udostępnione",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Przełącz na widok listy",
"Open the files app settings" : "Otwórz ustawienia aplikacji plików",
"Files settings" : "Ustawienia Plików",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Nie można uzyskać dostępu do pliku",
@@ -251,11 +252,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Otwórz katalog {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Otwórz w Plikach",
"Open details" : "Otwórz szczegóły",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Utworzono nowy katalog \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Skonfiguruj katalog szablonów",
- "Templates" : "Szablony",
"Create new templates folder" : "Stwórz nowy folder z szablonami",
+ "Templates" : "Szablony",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Nie można zainicjować katalogu szablonów",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Utworzono nowy katalog \"{name}\"",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Lista ulubionych plików i katalogów.",
"No favorites yet" : "Brak ulubionych",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Pliki i katalogi, które oznaczysz jako ulubione wyświetlą się tutaj",
@@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Brak limitu",
"Search users" : "Wyszukaj użytkowników",
"Cancel" : "Anuluj",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Skonfiguruj katalog szablonów",
"%s used" : "Wykorzystane: %s",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "Wykorzystane: %1$s z %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pl.json b/apps/files/l10n/pl.json
index 6aacbf25e30..dad9bca05b8 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/pl.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/pl.json
@@ -169,15 +169,14 @@
"File Management" : "Zarządzanie plikami",
"Reload current directory" : "Przeładuj bieżący katalog",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Przejdź do katalogu \"{dir}\"",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Akcja \"{displayName}\" została wykonana pomyślnie",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Akcja \"{displayName}\" nie powiodła się",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Wybierz wiersz dla {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Zmień nazwę pliku",
- "A long time ago" : "Dawno temu",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Ten węzeł jest niedostępny",
- "Download file {name}" : "Pobierz plik {name}",
"File name" : "Nazwa pliku",
"Folder name" : "Nazwa katalogu",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Akcja \"{displayName}\" została wykonana pomyślnie",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Akcja \"{displayName}\" nie powiodła się",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Ten węzeł jest niedostępny",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Pobierz plik {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" nie jest dozwolonym typem pliku.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} już istnieje.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "Nazwa nie może być pusta",
@@ -186,6 +185,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Nie można zmienić nazwy \"{oldName}\", już nie istnieje",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Nazwa \"{newName}\" jest już używana w folderze \"{dir}\". Wybierz inną nazwę.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Nie można zmienić nazwy \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "Dawno temu",
"Total rows summary" : "Podsumowanie wszystkich wierszy",
"Select all" : "Wybierz wszystko",
"Unselect all" : "Odznacz wszystko",
@@ -221,6 +221,7 @@
"Share" : "Udostępnij",
"Shared by link" : "Udostępnione linkiem",
"Shared" : "Udostępnione",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Przełącz na widok listy",
"Open the files app settings" : "Otwórz ustawienia aplikacji plików",
"Files settings" : "Ustawienia Plików",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Nie można uzyskać dostępu do pliku",
@@ -249,11 +250,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Otwórz katalog {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Otwórz w Plikach",
"Open details" : "Otwórz szczegóły",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Utworzono nowy katalog \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Skonfiguruj katalog szablonów",
- "Templates" : "Szablony",
"Create new templates folder" : "Stwórz nowy folder z szablonami",
+ "Templates" : "Szablony",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Nie można zainicjować katalogu szablonów",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Utworzono nowy katalog \"{name}\"",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Lista ulubionych plików i katalogów.",
"No favorites yet" : "Brak ulubionych",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Pliki i katalogi, które oznaczysz jako ulubione wyświetlą się tutaj",
@@ -273,6 +273,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Brak limitu",
"Search users" : "Wyszukaj użytkowników",
"Cancel" : "Anuluj",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Skonfiguruj katalog szablonów",
"%s used" : "Wykorzystane: %s",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "Wykorzystane: %1$s z %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.js b/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 2d92e1a672b..8b0af6242f0 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File Management" : "Gerenciamento de Arquivos",
"Reload current directory" : "Recarregar diretório atual",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Vá para o diretório \"{dir}\"",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Ação \"{displayName}\" executada com sucesso",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "A ação \"{displayName}\" falhou",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Selecione a linha para {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Renomear arquivo",
- "A long time ago" : "A muito tempo atrás",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Este nó está indisponível",
- "Download file {name}" : "Baixe o arquivo {nome}",
"File name" : "Nome do arquivo",
"Folder name" : "Nome da pasta",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Ação \"{displayName}\" executada com sucesso",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "A ação \"{displayName}\" falhou",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Este nó está indisponível",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Baixe o arquivo {nome}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" não é um tipo de arquivo permitido.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} já existe.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "O nome não pode ficar em branco",
@@ -188,6 +187,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Não foi possível renomear \"{oldName}\", ele não existe mais",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "O nome \"{newName}\" já é utilizado na pasta \"{dir}\". Escolha um nome diferente.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Não foi possível renomear \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "A muito tempo atrás",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Não foi possível copiar {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Não foi possível mover {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Resumo total de linhas",
@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Compartilhar",
"Shared by link" : "Compartilhado via link",
"Shared" : "Compartilhado",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Mudar para a visualizar lista",
"Open the files app settings" : "Abra as configurações do aplicativo de arquivos",
"Files settings" : "Configurações de arquivos",
"File cannot be accessed" : "File cannot be accessed",
@@ -261,11 +262,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Abra a pasta {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Abrir em arquivos",
"Open details" : "Abrir detalhes",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Nova pasta criada \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Configurar pasta de modelos",
- "Templates" : "Modelos",
"Create new templates folder" : "Criar nova pasta de modelos",
+ "Templates" : "Modelos",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Não foi possível inicializar o diretório de modelos",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Nova pasta criada \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} pastas","{folderCount} pastas","{folderCount} pastas"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} arquivos","{fileCount} arquivos","{fileCount} arquivos"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 arquivo e {folderCount} pastas","1 arquivo e {folderCount} pastas","1 arquivo e {folderCount} pastas"],
@@ -290,6 +290,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Ilimitado",
"Search users" : "Procurar usuários",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Configurar pasta de modelos",
"%s used" : "%s usado",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s usados de %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.json b/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.json
index 2eb3735dfda..4ccd5be7575 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -169,15 +169,14 @@
"File Management" : "Gerenciamento de Arquivos",
"Reload current directory" : "Recarregar diretório atual",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Vá para o diretório \"{dir}\"",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Ação \"{displayName}\" executada com sucesso",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "A ação \"{displayName}\" falhou",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Selecione a linha para {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Renomear arquivo",
- "A long time ago" : "A muito tempo atrás",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Este nó está indisponível",
- "Download file {name}" : "Baixe o arquivo {nome}",
"File name" : "Nome do arquivo",
"Folder name" : "Nome da pasta",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Ação \"{displayName}\" executada com sucesso",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "A ação \"{displayName}\" falhou",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Este nó está indisponível",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Baixe o arquivo {nome}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" não é um tipo de arquivo permitido.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} já existe.",
"Name cannot be empty" : "O nome não pode ficar em branco",
@@ -186,6 +185,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Não foi possível renomear \"{oldName}\", ele não existe mais",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "O nome \"{newName}\" já é utilizado na pasta \"{dir}\". Escolha um nome diferente.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Não foi possível renomear \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "A muito tempo atrás",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Não foi possível copiar {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Não foi possível mover {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Resumo total de linhas",
@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@
"Share" : "Compartilhar",
"Shared by link" : "Compartilhado via link",
"Shared" : "Compartilhado",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Mudar para a visualizar lista",
"Open the files app settings" : "Abra as configurações do aplicativo de arquivos",
"Files settings" : "Configurações de arquivos",
"File cannot be accessed" : "File cannot be accessed",
@@ -259,11 +260,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Abra a pasta {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Abrir em arquivos",
"Open details" : "Abrir detalhes",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Nova pasta criada \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Configurar pasta de modelos",
- "Templates" : "Modelos",
"Create new templates folder" : "Criar nova pasta de modelos",
+ "Templates" : "Modelos",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Não foi possível inicializar o diretório de modelos",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Nova pasta criada \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} pastas","{folderCount} pastas","{folderCount} pastas"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} arquivos","{fileCount} arquivos","{fileCount} arquivos"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 arquivo e {folderCount} pastas","1 arquivo e {folderCount} pastas","1 arquivo e {folderCount} pastas"],
@@ -288,6 +288,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Ilimitado",
"Search users" : "Procurar usuários",
"Cancel" : "Cancelar",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Configurar pasta de modelos",
"%s used" : "%s usado",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s usados de %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ro.js b/apps/files/l10n/ro.js
index 84f569c93bd..241a5a89a37 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ro.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ro.js
@@ -197,7 +197,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Blank" : "Gol",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nu s-a putut creea un fisier nou pentru acest șablon",
"Delete permanently" : "Șterge permanent",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Setează un dosar pentru șabloane",
"Templates" : "Șabloane",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Nu s-a putut inițializa dosarul cu șabloane",
"No favorites yet" : "Nu aveți favorite încă",
@@ -214,6 +213,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Nelimitată",
"Search users" : "Cauta utilizatori",
"Cancel" : "Anulare",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Setează un dosar pentru șabloane",
"%s used" : "%s folosiți",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s din %2$s utilizat",
"Toggle grid view" : "Comută vizualizarea grilă",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ro.json b/apps/files/l10n/ro.json
index 9f0a083eed3..f8a2f81e45b 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ro.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ro.json
@@ -195,7 +195,6 @@
"Blank" : "Gol",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Nu s-a putut creea un fisier nou pentru acest șablon",
"Delete permanently" : "Șterge permanent",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Setează un dosar pentru șabloane",
"Templates" : "Șabloane",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Nu s-a putut inițializa dosarul cu șabloane",
"No favorites yet" : "Nu aveți favorite încă",
@@ -212,6 +211,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Nelimitată",
"Search users" : "Cauta utilizatori",
"Cancel" : "Anulare",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Setează un dosar pentru șabloane",
"%s used" : "%s folosiți",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s din %2$s utilizat",
"Toggle grid view" : "Comută vizualizarea grilă",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ru.js b/apps/files/l10n/ru.js
index 1ee7a6b4af1..604fc30023e 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ru.js
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File Management" : "Управление файлами",
"Reload current directory" : "Обновить текущий каталог",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Перейти в каталог \"{dir}\"",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Действие «{displayName}» выполнено успешно",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Действие «{displayName}» завершилось неудачно",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Выбрать строку для {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Переименовать файл",
- "A long time ago" : "Очень давно",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Этот узел недоступен",
- "Download file {name}" : "Скачать файл {name}",
"File name" : "Имя файла",
"Folder name" : "Имя папки",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Действие «{displayName}» выполнено успешно",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Действие «{displayName}» завершилось неудачно",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Этот узел недоступен",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Скачать файл {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "«{name}» не является допустимым типом файла.",
"{newName} already exists." : "«{newName}» уже существует.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" не допускается внутри имени файла.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Не удалось переименовать \"{oldName}\", его больше не существует",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Имя \"{newName}\" уже используется в каталоге \"{dir}\". Выберите другое имя.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Не удалось переименовать «{oldName}»",
+ "A long time ago" : "Очень давно",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Ошибка копирования «{file}». {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Ошибка перемещения «{file}». {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Количество строк в общем",
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Поделиться",
"Shared by link" : "Доступные по ссылке",
"Shared" : "Опубликованное",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Переключение в режим просмотра списка",
"Open the files app settings" : "Открыть параметры приложения «Файлы»",
"Files settings" : "Настройки файлов",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Не удалось получить доступ к файлу",
@@ -262,11 +263,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Открыть каталог {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Открыть в Файлах",
"Open details" : "Открыть подробности",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Создана новая папка \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Указать папку шаблонов",
- "Templates" : "Шаблоны",
"Create new templates folder" : "Создать новую папку шаблонов",
+ "Templates" : "Шаблоны",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Не удалось инициализировать каталог шаблонов",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Создана новая папка \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{count} папка","{count} папки","{count} папок","{count} папки"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{count} файл","{count} файла","{count} файлов","{count} файла"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["один файл и {count} папка","один файл и {count} папки","один файл и {count} папок","один файл и {count} папки"],
@@ -291,6 +291,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Неограничено",
"Search users" : "Поиск пользователей",
"Cancel" : "Отменить",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Указать папку шаблонов",
"%s used" : "%s использовано",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "использовано %1$s из %2$s ",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/ru.json b/apps/files/l10n/ru.json
index 7ef072fa166..78aa2fcbbe7 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/ru.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/ru.json
@@ -169,15 +169,14 @@
"File Management" : "Управление файлами",
"Reload current directory" : "Обновить текущий каталог",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Перейти в каталог \"{dir}\"",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Действие «{displayName}» выполнено успешно",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Действие «{displayName}» завершилось неудачно",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Выбрать строку для {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Переименовать файл",
- "A long time ago" : "Очень давно",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Этот узел недоступен",
- "Download file {name}" : "Скачать файл {name}",
"File name" : "Имя файла",
"Folder name" : "Имя папки",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Действие «{displayName}» выполнено успешно",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Действие «{displayName}» завершилось неудачно",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Этот узел недоступен",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Скачать файл {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "«{name}» не является допустимым типом файла.",
"{newName} already exists." : "«{newName}» уже существует.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" не допускается внутри имени файла.",
@@ -187,6 +186,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Не удалось переименовать \"{oldName}\", его больше не существует",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Имя \"{newName}\" уже используется в каталоге \"{dir}\". Выберите другое имя.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Не удалось переименовать «{oldName}»",
+ "A long time ago" : "Очень давно",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Ошибка копирования «{file}». {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Ошибка перемещения «{file}». {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Количество строк в общем",
@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@
"Share" : "Поделиться",
"Shared by link" : "Доступные по ссылке",
"Shared" : "Опубликованное",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Переключение в режим просмотра списка",
"Open the files app settings" : "Открыть параметры приложения «Файлы»",
"Files settings" : "Настройки файлов",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Не удалось получить доступ к файлу",
@@ -260,11 +261,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Открыть каталог {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Открыть в Файлах",
"Open details" : "Открыть подробности",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Создана новая папка \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Указать папку шаблонов",
- "Templates" : "Шаблоны",
"Create new templates folder" : "Создать новую папку шаблонов",
+ "Templates" : "Шаблоны",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Не удалось инициализировать каталог шаблонов",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Создана новая папка \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{count} папка","{count} папки","{count} папок","{count} папки"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{count} файл","{count} файла","{count} файлов","{count} файла"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["один файл и {count} папка","один файл и {count} папки","один файл и {count} папок","один файл и {count} папки"],
@@ -289,6 +289,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Неограничено",
"Search users" : "Поиск пользователей",
"Cancel" : "Отменить",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Указать папку шаблонов",
"%s used" : "%s использовано",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "использовано %1$s из %2$s ",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sc.js b/apps/files/l10n/sc.js
index 0decccae831..0891e7154b7 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sc.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sc.js
@@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Cumpartzidura",
"Shared by link" : "Cumpartzidu cun ligòngiu",
"Shared" : "Cumpartzidu",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Càmbia a sa vista de s'elencu",
"Show hidden files" : "Mustra archìvios cuados",
"Crop image previews" : "Retàllia anteprimas de s'imàgine",
"Additional settings" : "Impostatziones in agiunta",
@@ -191,7 +192,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Blank" : "Isbòidu",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Non faghet a creare un'archìviu nou dae su modellu",
"Delete permanently" : "Cantzella in manera definitiva",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Imposta cartella de is modellos",
"Templates" : "Modellos",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Non faghet a initzializare sa cartella de is modellos",
"No favorites yet" : "Ancora perunu preferidu",
@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Chene lìmites",
"Search users" : "Chirca utentes",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Imposta cartella de is modellos",
"%s used" : "%s impreadu",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s de %2$s impreadu",
"Toggle grid view" : "Càmbia a visualizatzione in mosàicu",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sc.json b/apps/files/l10n/sc.json
index dc3d35eb926..28e13945936 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sc.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sc.json
@@ -174,6 +174,7 @@
"Share" : "Cumpartzidura",
"Shared by link" : "Cumpartzidu cun ligòngiu",
"Shared" : "Cumpartzidu",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Càmbia a sa vista de s'elencu",
"Show hidden files" : "Mustra archìvios cuados",
"Crop image previews" : "Retàllia anteprimas de s'imàgine",
"Additional settings" : "Impostatziones in agiunta",
@@ -189,7 +190,6 @@
"Blank" : "Isbòidu",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "Non faghet a creare un'archìviu nou dae su modellu",
"Delete permanently" : "Cantzella in manera definitiva",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Imposta cartella de is modellos",
"Templates" : "Modellos",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Non faghet a initzializare sa cartella de is modellos",
"No favorites yet" : "Ancora perunu preferidu",
@@ -206,6 +206,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Chene lìmites",
"Search users" : "Chirca utentes",
"Cancel" : "Annulla",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Imposta cartella de is modellos",
"%s used" : "%s impreadu",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s de %2$s impreadu",
"Toggle grid view" : "Càmbia a visualizatzione in mosàicu",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sk.js b/apps/files/l10n/sk.js
index f8d7afd53d3..6ed2e46b11e 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sk.js
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not load info for file \"{file}\"" : "Nebolo možné načítať informácie súboru \"{file}\"",
"Files" : "Súbory",
"Details" : "Podrobnosti",
- "Please select tag(s) to add to the selection" : "Prosím vyberte štítok(štítky) pre pridanie do výberu",
+ "Please select tag(s) to add to the selection" : "Prosím vyberte štítok (štítky) pre pridanie do výberu",
"Apply tag(s) to selection" : "Aplikovať štítok(štítky) do výberu",
"Select directory \"{dirName}\"" : "Vybrať priečinok \"{dirName}\"",
"Select file \"{fileName}\"" : "Vybrať súbor \"{fileName}\"",
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Ísť do \"{dir}\" adresára",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Pre nahratie presuňte do tohto priestoru súbory ťahaním",
"Upload successful" : "Nahrávanie bolo úspešné",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" akcia vykonaná úspešne",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" akcia zlýhala",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Vybrať riadok pre {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Premenovať súbor",
- "A long time ago" : "Pred dlhším časom",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Uzol nie je k dispozícií",
- "Download file {name}" : "Stiahnúť súbor {name}",
"File name" : "Názov súboru",
"Folder name" : "Názov adresára",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" akcia vykonaná úspešne",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" akcia zlýhala",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Uzol nie je k dispozícií",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Stiahnúť súbor {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" nie je povolený typ súboru",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} už existuje.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "Znak \"{char}\" nie je povolený v názve súboru.",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Nebolo možné premenovať \"{oldName}\". Položka už neexistuje.",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Názov \"{newName}\" sa už používa v adresári \"{dir}\". Vyberte prosím iný názov.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Nebolo možné premenovať \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "Pred dlhším časom",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Nepodarilo sa skopírovať {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Nepodarilo sa presunúť {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Súčet všetkých riadkov",
@@ -223,8 +223,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the previous folder" : "Ísť do predchadzajúceho adresára",
"Go back" : "Ísť späť",
"Share" : "Zdieľať",
- "Shared by link" : "Sprístupnené prostredníctvom odkazu",
+ "Shared by link" : "Sprístupnené odkazom",
"Shared" : "Sprístupnené",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Prepnúť na zobrazenie v zozname",
"Open the files app settings" : "Otvoriť nastavenia súborovej aplikácie",
"Files settings" : "Nastavenia súborov",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Súbor nie je možné sprístupniť",
@@ -259,11 +260,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Otvoriť adresár {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Otvoriť v súboroch",
"Open details" : "Otvoriť detaily",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Vytvorený nový adresár \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Nastaviť priečinok pre šablóny",
- "Templates" : "Šablóny",
"Create new templates folder" : "Vytvoriť nový vzorový priečinok",
+ "Templates" : "Šablóny",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Nemôžem inicializovať priečinok so šablónami",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Vytvorený nový adresár \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} priečinok","{folderCount} priečinky","{folderCount} priečinkov","{folderCount} priečinkov"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} súbor","{fileCount} súbory","{fileCount} súborov","{fileCount} súborov"],
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Zoznam obľúbených súborov a adresárov.",
@@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Neobmedzené",
"Search users" : "Hľadať používateľov",
"Cancel" : "Zrušiť",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Nastaviť priečinok pre šablóny",
"%s used" : "%s použitých",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "Využité: %1$s z %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sk.json b/apps/files/l10n/sk.json
index 54302fdd7fb..0860d90302f 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sk.json
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"Could not load info for file \"{file}\"" : "Nebolo možné načítať informácie súboru \"{file}\"",
"Files" : "Súbory",
"Details" : "Podrobnosti",
- "Please select tag(s) to add to the selection" : "Prosím vyberte štítok(štítky) pre pridanie do výberu",
+ "Please select tag(s) to add to the selection" : "Prosím vyberte štítok (štítky) pre pridanie do výberu",
"Apply tag(s) to selection" : "Aplikovať štítok(štítky) do výberu",
"Select directory \"{dirName}\"" : "Vybrať priečinok \"{dirName}\"",
"Select file \"{fileName}\"" : "Vybrať súbor \"{fileName}\"",
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Ísť do \"{dir}\" adresára",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Pre nahratie presuňte do tohto priestoru súbory ťahaním",
"Upload successful" : "Nahrávanie bolo úspešné",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" akcia vykonaná úspešne",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" akcia zlýhala",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Vybrať riadok pre {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Premenovať súbor",
- "A long time ago" : "Pred dlhším časom",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Uzol nie je k dispozícií",
- "Download file {name}" : "Stiahnúť súbor {name}",
"File name" : "Názov súboru",
"Folder name" : "Názov adresára",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" akcia vykonaná úspešne",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" akcia zlýhala",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Uzol nie je k dispozícií",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Stiahnúť súbor {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" nie je povolený typ súboru",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} už existuje.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "Znak \"{char}\" nie je povolený v názve súboru.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Nebolo možné premenovať \"{oldName}\". Položka už neexistuje.",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Názov \"{newName}\" sa už používa v adresári \"{dir}\". Vyberte prosím iný názov.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Nebolo možné premenovať \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "Pred dlhším časom",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Nepodarilo sa skopírovať {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Nepodarilo sa presunúť {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Súčet všetkých riadkov",
@@ -221,8 +221,9 @@
"Go to the previous folder" : "Ísť do predchadzajúceho adresára",
"Go back" : "Ísť späť",
"Share" : "Zdieľať",
- "Shared by link" : "Sprístupnené prostredníctvom odkazu",
+ "Shared by link" : "Sprístupnené odkazom",
"Shared" : "Sprístupnené",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Prepnúť na zobrazenie v zozname",
"Open the files app settings" : "Otvoriť nastavenia súborovej aplikácie",
"Files settings" : "Nastavenia súborov",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Súbor nie je možné sprístupniť",
@@ -257,11 +258,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Otvoriť adresár {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Otvoriť v súboroch",
"Open details" : "Otvoriť detaily",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Vytvorený nový adresár \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Nastaviť priečinok pre šablóny",
- "Templates" : "Šablóny",
"Create new templates folder" : "Vytvoriť nový vzorový priečinok",
+ "Templates" : "Šablóny",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Nemôžem inicializovať priečinok so šablónami",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Vytvorený nový adresár \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} priečinok","{folderCount} priečinky","{folderCount} priečinkov","{folderCount} priečinkov"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} súbor","{fileCount} súbory","{fileCount} súborov","{fileCount} súborov"],
"List of favorites files and folders." : "Zoznam obľúbených súborov a adresárov.",
@@ -283,6 +283,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Neobmedzené",
"Search users" : "Hľadať používateľov",
"Cancel" : "Zrušiť",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Nastaviť priečinok pre šablóny",
"%s used" : "%s použitých",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "Využité: %1$s z %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sl.js b/apps/files/l10n/sl.js
index 9593dc0375b..c33c4119c40 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sl.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sl.js
@@ -168,12 +168,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File Management" : "Upravljanje datotek",
"Reload current directory" : "Ponovno naloži trenutno mapo",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Pojdi v mapo »{dir}«",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Dejanje »{displayName}« je uspešno izvedeno",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Dejanje »{displayName}« je spodletelo",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Izbor vrstice za {displayName}",
- "Download file {name}" : "Prejmi datoteko {name}",
"File name" : "Ime datoteke",
"Folder name" : "Ime mape",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Dejanje »{displayName}« je uspešno izvedeno",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Dejanje »{displayName}« je spodletelo",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Prejmi datoteko {name}",
"Name cannot be empty" : "Polje imena ne sme biti prazno",
"Total rows summary" : "Skupni povzetek vrstic",
"Select all" : "izberi vse",
@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "·Souporaba·",
"Shared by link" : "V souporabi sk povezavo",
"Shared" : "V souporabi",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Preklopi na seznamski pogled",
"Open the files app settings" : "Odpri nastavitve programa Datoteke",
"Files settings" : "Nastavitve datotek",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Do datoteke dostop ni mogoč",
@@ -229,9 +230,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete permanently" : "Trajno izbriši",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Odpri mapo {displayName}",
"Open details" : "Odpri podrobnosti",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Nastavitev mape predlog",
- "Templates" : "Predloge",
"Create new templates folder" : "Ustvari novo začasno mapo",
+ "Templates" : "Predloge",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Ni mogoče začeti mape predlog",
"No favorites yet" : "Ni še dodanih priljubljenih predmetov",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Datoteke ali mape, ki so označene kot priljubljene, bodo zbrane na tem mestu.",
@@ -247,6 +247,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Neomejeno",
"Search users" : "Iskanje uporabnikov",
"Cancel" : "Prekliči",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Nastavitev mape predlog",
"%s used" : "Uporabljeno %s",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "Uporabljeno %1$s od %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sl.json b/apps/files/l10n/sl.json
index e26c752bac8..d15b2a3c877 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sl.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sl.json
@@ -166,12 +166,12 @@
"File Management" : "Upravljanje datotek",
"Reload current directory" : "Ponovno naloži trenutno mapo",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Pojdi v mapo »{dir}«",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Dejanje »{displayName}« je uspešno izvedeno",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Dejanje »{displayName}« je spodletelo",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Izbor vrstice za {displayName}",
- "Download file {name}" : "Prejmi datoteko {name}",
"File name" : "Ime datoteke",
"Folder name" : "Ime mape",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Dejanje »{displayName}« je uspešno izvedeno",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Dejanje »{displayName}« je spodletelo",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Prejmi datoteko {name}",
"Name cannot be empty" : "Polje imena ne sme biti prazno",
"Total rows summary" : "Skupni povzetek vrstic",
"Select all" : "izberi vse",
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@
"Share" : "·Souporaba·",
"Shared by link" : "V souporabi sk povezavo",
"Shared" : "V souporabi",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Preklopi na seznamski pogled",
"Open the files app settings" : "Odpri nastavitve programa Datoteke",
"Files settings" : "Nastavitve datotek",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Do datoteke dostop ni mogoč",
@@ -227,9 +228,8 @@
"Delete permanently" : "Trajno izbriši",
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Odpri mapo {displayName}",
"Open details" : "Odpri podrobnosti",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Nastavitev mape predlog",
- "Templates" : "Predloge",
"Create new templates folder" : "Ustvari novo začasno mapo",
+ "Templates" : "Predloge",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Ni mogoče začeti mape predlog",
"No favorites yet" : "Ni še dodanih priljubljenih predmetov",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "Datoteke ali mape, ki so označene kot priljubljene, bodo zbrane na tem mestu.",
@@ -245,6 +245,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Neomejeno",
"Search users" : "Iskanje uporabnikov",
"Cancel" : "Prekliči",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Nastavitev mape predlog",
"%s used" : "Uporabljeno %s",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "Uporabljeno %1$s od %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sr.js b/apps/files/l10n/sr.js
index 5a2e532c42d..4ab87b337fc 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sr.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sr.js
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Иди у „{dir}” дирекотријум",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Да отпремите, превуците и отпустите фајлове овде",
"Upload successful" : "Отпремање је успешно",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Акција „{displayName}” је успешно извршена",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Акција „{displayName}” није успела",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Изабери ред за {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Промени назив фајла",
- "A long time ago" : "Пре доста времена",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Овај чвор није доступан",
- "Download file {name}" : "Преузми фајл {name}",
"File name" : "Име фајла",
"Folder name" : "Назив фасцикле",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Акција „{displayName}” је успешно извршена",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Акција „{displayName}” није успела",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Овај чвор није доступан",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Преузми фајл {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "„{name}” није дозвољени тип фајла.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} већ постоји.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "„{char}“ није дозвољен каракетер у имену фајла.",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Не може да се промени име фајла „{fileName}” јер фајл више не постоји",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Назив „{targetName}” се већ користи у директоријуму „{dir}”. Молимо вас да изаберете неко друго име.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Не може да се промени име фајла „{fileName}”",
+ "A long time ago" : "Пре доста времена",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "{file} не може да се копира. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "{file} не може да се премести. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Резиме укупног броја редова",
@@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Пдели",
"Shared by link" : "Дељени путем везе",
"Shared" : "Подељено",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Пређи на поглед листе",
"Open the files app settings" : "Отвори подешавања апликације фајлови",
"Files settings" : "Подешавања фајлова",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Фајлу не може да се приступи",
@@ -264,11 +265,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Отвори фолдер {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Отвори у Фајловима",
"Open details" : "Отвори детаље",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Креиран је нови фолдер „{name}”",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Постављање фолдера са шаблонима",
- "Templates" : "Шаблони",
"Create new templates folder" : "Креирај нови фолдер шаблона",
+ "Templates" : "Шаблони",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Фолдер са шаблонима није могао да се иницијализује",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Креиран је нови фолдер „{name}”",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} фолдер","{folderCount} фолдера","{folderCount} фолдера"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} фајл","{fileCount} фајла","{fileCount} фајлова"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 фајл и {folderCount} фолдер","1 фајл и {folderCount} фолдера","1 фајл и {folderCount} фолдера"],
@@ -293,6 +293,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Неограничено",
"Search users" : "Претражи кориснике",
"Cancel" : "Поништи",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Постављање фолдера са шаблонима",
"%s used" : "%s искоришћено",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "Заузето %1$s од %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sr.json b/apps/files/l10n/sr.json
index 2a45a6b6e37..df0ee8b41ff 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sr.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sr.json
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Иди у „{dir}” дирекотријум",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Да отпремите, превуците и отпустите фајлове овде",
"Upload successful" : "Отпремање је успешно",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Акција „{displayName}” је успешно извршена",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Акција „{displayName}” није успела",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Изабери ред за {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Промени назив фајла",
- "A long time ago" : "Пре доста времена",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Овај чвор није доступан",
- "Download file {name}" : "Преузми фајл {name}",
"File name" : "Име фајла",
"Folder name" : "Назив фасцикле",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Акција „{displayName}” је успешно извршена",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Акција „{displayName}” није успела",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Овај чвор није доступан",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Преузми фајл {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "„{name}” није дозвољени тип фајла.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} већ постоји.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "„{char}“ није дозвољен каракетер у имену фајла.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Не може да се промени име фајла „{fileName}” јер фајл више не постоји",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Назив „{targetName}” се већ користи у директоријуму „{dir}”. Молимо вас да изаберете неко друго име.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Не може да се промени име фајла „{fileName}”",
+ "A long time ago" : "Пре доста времена",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "{file} не може да се копира. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "{file} не може да се премести. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Резиме укупног броја редова",
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@
"Share" : "Пдели",
"Shared by link" : "Дељени путем везе",
"Shared" : "Подељено",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Пређи на поглед листе",
"Open the files app settings" : "Отвори подешавања апликације фајлови",
"Files settings" : "Подешавања фајлова",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Фајлу не може да се приступи",
@@ -262,11 +263,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Отвори фолдер {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Отвори у Фајловима",
"Open details" : "Отвори детаље",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Креиран је нови фолдер „{name}”",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Постављање фолдера са шаблонима",
- "Templates" : "Шаблони",
"Create new templates folder" : "Креирај нови фолдер шаблона",
+ "Templates" : "Шаблони",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Фолдер са шаблонима није могао да се иницијализује",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Креиран је нови фолдер „{name}”",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} фолдер","{folderCount} фолдера","{folderCount} фолдера"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} фајл","{fileCount} фајла","{fileCount} фајлова"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 фајл и {folderCount} фолдер","1 фајл и {folderCount} фолдера","1 фајл и {folderCount} фолдера"],
@@ -291,6 +291,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Неограничено",
"Search users" : "Претражи кориснике",
"Cancel" : "Поништи",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Постављање фолдера са шаблонима",
"%s used" : "%s искоришћено",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "Заузето %1$s од %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sv.js b/apps/files/l10n/sv.js
index afd5314488d..47720b1c13f 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sv.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sv.js
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Gå till \"{dir}\" mappen",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Dra och släpp filer här för att ladda upp",
"Upload successful" : "Uppladdningen lyckades",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\"-åtgärden har utförts",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\"-åtgärden misslyckades",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Välj raden för {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Byt namn på fil",
- "A long time ago" : "För länge sedan",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Den här noden är inte tillgänglig",
- "Download file {name}" : "Ladda ner filen {name}",
"File name" : "Filnamn",
"Folder name" : "Mappnamn",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\"-åtgärden har utförts",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\"-åtgärden misslyckades",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Den här noden är inte tillgänglig",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Ladda ner filen {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" är inte en tillåten filtyp.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} finns redan.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" är inte tillåtet i ett filnamn.",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Kunde inte byta namn på \"{oldName}\", den finns inte längre",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Namnet \"{newName}\" används redan i mappen \"{dir}\". Välj ett annat namn.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Kunde inte byta namn på \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "För länge sedan",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Kunde inte kopiera {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Kunde inte flytta {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Sammanfattning antal rader",
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Dela",
"Shared by link" : "Delad via länk",
"Shared" : "Delad",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Växla till listvy",
"Open the files app settings" : "Öppna filappens inställningar",
"Files settings" : "Filinställningar",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Det går inte att komma åt filen",
@@ -265,11 +266,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Öppna mappen {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Öppna i Filer",
"Open details" : "Öppna detaljer",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Skapat ny mapp \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Skapa en mapp för mallar",
- "Templates" : "Mallar",
"Create new templates folder" : "Skapa ny mallmapp",
+ "Templates" : "Mallar",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Kunde inte initialisera mall-mappen",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Skapat ny mapp \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} mapp","{folderCount} mappar"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} fil","{fileCount} filer"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 fil och {folderCount} mapp","1 fil och {folderCount} mappar"],
@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Obegränsad",
"Search users" : "Sök användare",
"Cancel" : "Avbryt",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Skapa en mapp för mallar",
"%s used" : "%s använt",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s av %2$s använt",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/sv.json b/apps/files/l10n/sv.json
index 97cc1a1250a..90e493d75b4 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/sv.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/sv.json
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Gå till \"{dir}\" mappen",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Dra och släpp filer här för att ladda upp",
"Upload successful" : "Uppladdningen lyckades",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\"-åtgärden har utförts",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\"-åtgärden misslyckades",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Välj raden för {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Byt namn på fil",
- "A long time ago" : "För länge sedan",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Den här noden är inte tillgänglig",
- "Download file {name}" : "Ladda ner filen {name}",
"File name" : "Filnamn",
"Folder name" : "Mappnamn",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\"-åtgärden har utförts",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\"-åtgärden misslyckades",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Den här noden är inte tillgänglig",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Ladda ner filen {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" är inte en tillåten filtyp.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} finns redan.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" är inte tillåtet i ett filnamn.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Kunde inte byta namn på \"{oldName}\", den finns inte längre",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Namnet \"{newName}\" används redan i mappen \"{dir}\". Välj ett annat namn.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Kunde inte byta namn på \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "För länge sedan",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Kunde inte kopiera {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Kunde inte flytta {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Sammanfattning antal rader",
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@
"Share" : "Dela",
"Shared by link" : "Delad via länk",
"Shared" : "Delad",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Växla till listvy",
"Open the files app settings" : "Öppna filappens inställningar",
"Files settings" : "Filinställningar",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Det går inte att komma åt filen",
@@ -263,11 +264,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Öppna mappen {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Öppna i Filer",
"Open details" : "Öppna detaljer",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Skapat ny mapp \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Skapa en mapp för mallar",
- "Templates" : "Mallar",
"Create new templates folder" : "Skapa ny mallmapp",
+ "Templates" : "Mallar",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Kunde inte initialisera mall-mappen",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Skapat ny mapp \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} mapp","{folderCount} mappar"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} fil","{fileCount} filer"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 fil och {folderCount} mapp","1 fil och {folderCount} mappar"],
@@ -292,6 +292,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Obegränsad",
"Search users" : "Sök användare",
"Cancel" : "Avbryt",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Skapa en mapp för mallar",
"%s used" : "%s använt",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s av %2$s använt",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/th.js b/apps/files/l10n/th.js
index e7beea75f01..7dcfde6d70c 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/th.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/th.js
@@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Blank" : "ว่าง",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "ไม่สามารถสร้างไฟล์ใหม่จากเทมเพลต",
"Delete permanently" : "ลบแบบถาวร",
- "Set up templates folder" : "ตั้งค่าโฟลเดอร์เทมเพลต",
"Templates" : "เทมเพลต",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "ไม่สามารถเตรียมไดเรกทอรีเทมเพลต",
"No favorites yet" : "ยังไม่มีรายการโปรด",
@@ -224,6 +223,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "ไม่จำกัด",
"Search users" : "ค้นหาผู้ใช้",
"Cancel" : "ยกเลิก",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "ตั้งค่าโฟลเดอร์เทมเพลต",
"%s used" : "ใช้ไป %s",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "ใช้ไป %1$s จาก %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/th.json b/apps/files/l10n/th.json
index d3f851d86a6..79fa4567437 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/th.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/th.json
@@ -205,7 +205,6 @@
"Blank" : "ว่าง",
"Unable to create new file from template" : "ไม่สามารถสร้างไฟล์ใหม่จากเทมเพลต",
"Delete permanently" : "ลบแบบถาวร",
- "Set up templates folder" : "ตั้งค่าโฟลเดอร์เทมเพลต",
"Templates" : "เทมเพลต",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "ไม่สามารถเตรียมไดเรกทอรีเทมเพลต",
"No favorites yet" : "ยังไม่มีรายการโปรด",
@@ -222,6 +221,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "ไม่จำกัด",
"Search users" : "ค้นหาผู้ใช้",
"Cancel" : "ยกเลิก",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "ตั้งค่าโฟลเดอร์เทมเพลต",
"%s used" : "ใช้ไป %s",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "ใช้ไป %1$s จาก %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/tr.js b/apps/files/l10n/tr.js
index 39e0d218ce9..df863da61ed 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/tr.js
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "\"{dir}\" klasörüne git",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Yüklemek istediğiniz dosyaları sürükleyip buraya bırakın",
"Upload successful" : "Yüklendi",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" işlemi tamamlandı",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" işlemi tamamlanamadı",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "{displayName} satırını seç",
"Rename file" : "Dosyayı yeniden adlandır",
- "A long time ago" : "Uzun süre önce",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Bu düğüm kullanılamıyor",
- "Download file {name}" : "{name} dosyasını indir",
"File name" : "Dosya adı",
"Folder name" : "Klasör adı",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" işlemi tamamlandı",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" işlemi tamamlanamadı",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Bu düğüm kullanılamıyor",
+ "Download file {name}" : "{name} dosyasını indir",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" dosya türüne izin verilmiyor.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} zaten var.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "Dosya adlarında \"{char}\" karakteri kullanılamaz.",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "\"{oldName}\" adı artık olmadığından değiştirilemedi. ",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "\"{newName}\" adı \"{dir}\" klasöründe zaten kullanılmış. Lütfen başka bir ad seçin.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "\"{oldName}\" adı değiştirilemedi",
+ "A long time ago" : "Uzun süre önce",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "{file} dosyası kopyalanamadı. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "{file} dosyası taşınamadı. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Toplam satır özeti",
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "Paylaş",
"Shared by link" : "Bağlantı ile paylaşılmış",
"Shared" : "Paylaşılan",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Liste görünümüne geç",
"Open the files app settings" : "Dosyalar uygulaması ayarlarını aç",
"Files settings" : "Dosyalar ayarları",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Dosyaya erişilemedi",
@@ -265,11 +266,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "{displayName} klasörünü aç",
"Open in Files" : "Dosyalar uygulamasında aç",
"Open details" : "Ayrıntıları aç",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "\"{name}\" yeni klasörü oluşturuldu",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Kalıp klasörünü ayarlayın",
- "Templates" : "Kalıplar",
"Create new templates folder" : "Yeni kalıp klasörü oluştur",
+ "Templates" : "Kalıplar",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Kalıp klasörü hazırlanamadı",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "\"{name}\" yeni klasörü oluşturuldu",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} klasör","{folderCount} klasör"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} dosya","{fileCount} dosya"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 dosya ve {folderCount} klasör","1 dosya ve {folderCount} klasör"],
@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Sınırsız",
"Search users" : "Kullanıcı arama",
"Cancel" : "İptal",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Kalıp klasörünü ayarlayın",
"%s used" : "%s kullanılıyor",
"%s%%" : "%%%s",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s / %2$s kullanıldı",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/tr.json b/apps/files/l10n/tr.json
index 65c44ebbbf1..0c446f3a46d 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/tr.json
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "\"{dir}\" klasörüne git",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Yüklemek istediğiniz dosyaları sürükleyip buraya bırakın",
"Upload successful" : "Yüklendi",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" işlemi tamamlandı",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" işlemi tamamlanamadı",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "{displayName} satırını seç",
"Rename file" : "Dosyayı yeniden adlandır",
- "A long time ago" : "Uzun süre önce",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Bu düğüm kullanılamıyor",
- "Download file {name}" : "{name} dosyasını indir",
"File name" : "Dosya adı",
"Folder name" : "Klasör adı",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "\"{displayName}\" işlemi tamamlandı",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "\"{displayName}\" işlemi tamamlanamadı",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Bu düğüm kullanılamıyor",
+ "Download file {name}" : "{name} dosyasını indir",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" dosya türüne izin verilmiyor.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} zaten var.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "Dosya adlarında \"{char}\" karakteri kullanılamaz.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "\"{oldName}\" adı artık olmadığından değiştirilemedi. ",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "\"{newName}\" adı \"{dir}\" klasöründe zaten kullanılmış. Lütfen başka bir ad seçin.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "\"{oldName}\" adı değiştirilemedi",
+ "A long time ago" : "Uzun süre önce",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "{file} dosyası kopyalanamadı. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "{file} dosyası taşınamadı. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Toplam satır özeti",
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@
"Share" : "Paylaş",
"Shared by link" : "Bağlantı ile paylaşılmış",
"Shared" : "Paylaşılan",
+ "Switch to list view" : "Liste görünümüne geç",
"Open the files app settings" : "Dosyalar uygulaması ayarlarını aç",
"Files settings" : "Dosyalar ayarları",
"File cannot be accessed" : "Dosyaya erişilemedi",
@@ -263,11 +264,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "{displayName} klasörünü aç",
"Open in Files" : "Dosyalar uygulamasında aç",
"Open details" : "Ayrıntıları aç",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "\"{name}\" yeni klasörü oluşturuldu",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Kalıp klasörünü ayarlayın",
- "Templates" : "Kalıplar",
"Create new templates folder" : "Yeni kalıp klasörü oluştur",
+ "Templates" : "Kalıplar",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Kalıp klasörü hazırlanamadı",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "\"{name}\" yeni klasörü oluşturuldu",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} klasör","{folderCount} klasör"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} dosya","{fileCount} dosya"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 dosya ve {folderCount} klasör","1 dosya ve {folderCount} klasör"],
@@ -292,6 +292,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Sınırsız",
"Search users" : "Kullanıcı arama",
"Cancel" : "İptal",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Kalıp klasörünü ayarlayın",
"%s used" : "%s kullanılıyor",
"%s%%" : "%%%s",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s / %2$s kullanıldı",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/uk.js b/apps/files/l10n/uk.js
index 32f6de4d735..d0cf162172a 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/uk.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/uk.js
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Перейти до каталогу \"{dir}\"",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Перетягніть файли сюди для завантаження",
"Upload successful" : "Успішно завантажено",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Дію \"{displayName}\" успішно виконано",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Дію \"{displayName}\" не вдалося виконати",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Виберіть рядок для {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Перейменувати файл",
- "A long time ago" : "Давно",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Цей вузол не доступний",
- "Download file {name}" : "Завантажити файл {name}",
"File name" : "Ім'я файлу",
"Folder name" : "Назва каталогу",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Дію \"{displayName}\" успішно виконано",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Дію \"{displayName}\" не вдалося виконати",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Цей вузол не доступний",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Завантажити файл {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" є недозволеним типом файлу.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} вже присутній.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "Неприпустимий \"{char}\" у назві файлу.",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Не вдалося перейментувати \"{oldName}\", оскільки він вже відсутній",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Ім'я \"{newName}\" вже використовується у каталозі \"{dir}\". Виберіть інше ім'я.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Не вдалося перейменувати \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "Давно",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Не вдалося скопіювати файл {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Не вдалося перемістити файл {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Загалом рядків",
@@ -264,11 +264,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Відкрити каталог {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Відкрити у Файлах",
"Open details" : "Показати деталі",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Створив(-ла) новий каталог \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Встановити каталог з шаблонами",
- "Templates" : "Шаблони",
"Create new templates folder" : "Створіть нову папку шаблонів",
+ "Templates" : "Шаблони",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Неможливо встановити каталог з шаблонами",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Створив(-ла) новий каталог \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} каталог","{folderCount} каталоги","{folderCount} каталогів","{folderCount} каталогів"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} файл","{fileCount} файли","{fileCount} файлів","{fileCount} файлів"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 файл так {folderCount} каталог","1 файл так {folderCount} каталоги","1 файл так {folderCount} каталогів","1 файл так {folderCount} каталогів"],
@@ -293,6 +292,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Необмежено",
"Search users" : "Пошук користувачів",
"Cancel" : "Скасувати",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Встановити каталог з шаблонами",
"%s used" : "%s використано",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "Використано %1$s із %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/uk.json b/apps/files/l10n/uk.json
index 423aebf584e..f8686f1e616 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/uk.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/uk.json
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Перейти до каталогу \"{dir}\"",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "Перетягніть файли сюди для завантаження",
"Upload successful" : "Успішно завантажено",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Дію \"{displayName}\" успішно виконано",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Дію \"{displayName}\" не вдалося виконати",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Виберіть рядок для {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Перейменувати файл",
- "A long time ago" : "Давно",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Цей вузол не доступний",
- "Download file {name}" : "Завантажити файл {name}",
"File name" : "Ім'я файлу",
"Folder name" : "Назва каталогу",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Дію \"{displayName}\" успішно виконано",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Дію \"{displayName}\" не вдалося виконати",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Цей вузол не доступний",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Завантажити файл {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" є недозволеним типом файлу.",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} вже присутній.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "Неприпустимий \"{char}\" у назві файлу.",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Не вдалося перейментувати \"{oldName}\", оскільки він вже відсутній",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "Ім'я \"{newName}\" вже використовується у каталозі \"{dir}\". Виберіть інше ім'я.",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "Не вдалося перейменувати \"{oldName}\"",
+ "A long time ago" : "Давно",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "Не вдалося скопіювати файл {file}. {message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "Не вдалося перемістити файл {file}. {message}",
"Total rows summary" : "Загалом рядків",
@@ -262,11 +262,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "Відкрити каталог {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "Відкрити у Файлах",
"Open details" : "Показати деталі",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Створив(-ла) новий каталог \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "Встановити каталог з шаблонами",
- "Templates" : "Шаблони",
"Create new templates folder" : "Створіть нову папку шаблонів",
+ "Templates" : "Шаблони",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "Неможливо встановити каталог з шаблонами",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "Створив(-ла) новий каталог \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} каталог","{folderCount} каталоги","{folderCount} каталогів","{folderCount} каталогів"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} файл","{fileCount} файли","{fileCount} файлів","{fileCount} файлів"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 файл так {folderCount} каталог","1 файл так {folderCount} каталоги","1 файл так {folderCount} каталогів","1 файл так {folderCount} каталогів"],
@@ -291,6 +290,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Необмежено",
"Search users" : "Пошук користувачів",
"Cancel" : "Скасувати",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "Встановити каталог з шаблонами",
"%s used" : "%s використано",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "Використано %1$s із %2$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/vi.js b/apps/files/l10n/vi.js
index 8a36d71d492..4eb27e5b905 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/vi.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/vi.js
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File Management" : "‎Quản lý tệp‎ tin",
"Reload current directory" : "Tải lại thư mục hiện tại",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Đi đến thư mục \"{dir}\"",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Hành động \"{displayName}\" đã thực thi thành công",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Hành động \"{displayName}\" thất bại",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Chọn hàng cho {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Đổi tên tệp tin",
- "A long time ago" : "Một khoảng thời gian trước",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Nút này không có sẵn",
- "Download file {name}" : "Tải xuống tệp tin {name}",
"File name" : "Tên tệp tin",
"Folder name" : "Tên thư mục",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Hành động \"{displayName}\" đã thực thi thành công",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Hành động \"{displayName}\" thất bại",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Nút này không có sẵn",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Tải xuống tệp tin {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" không phải là định dạng được cho phép",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} đã tồn tại.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" không được phép bên trong tên tệp.",
@@ -187,6 +186,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Another entry with the same name already exists" : "Đã tồn tại mục cùng tên",
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "Đã đổi tên \"{oldName}\" thành \"{newName}\"",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Không thể đổi tên \"{oldName}\", tệp tin không còn tồn tại",
+ "A long time ago" : "Một khoảng thời gian trước",
"Select all" : "Chọn tất cả",
"File not found" : "Không tìm thấy tập tin",
"Transfer ownership of a file or folder" : "‎Chuyển quyền sở hữu tệp hoặc thư mục‎",
@@ -221,7 +221,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Delete permanently" : "Xoá vĩnh viễn",
"Copy to {target}" : "Copy to {mục tiêu}",
"Move to {target}" : "Di chuyển đến {mục tiêu}",
- "Set up templates folder" : "‎Thiết lập thư mục mẫu‎",
"Templates" : "‎Mẫu‎",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "‎Không thể khởi tạo thư mục mẫu‎",
"No favorites yet" : "‎Chưa có yêu thích nào‎",
@@ -237,6 +236,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "Không giới hạn",
"Search users" : "‎Tìm kiếm người dùng‎",
"Cancel" : "‎Hủy bỏ‎",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "‎Thiết lập thư mục mẫu‎",
"%s used" : "%s ‎đã sử dụng‎",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s trên %2$s đã sử dụng",
"Toggle grid view" : "‎Chuyển đổi dạng xem lưới‎",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/vi.json b/apps/files/l10n/vi.json
index 0b8bfc108ba..af4a080a5c0 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/vi.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/vi.json
@@ -169,15 +169,14 @@
"File Management" : "‎Quản lý tệp‎ tin",
"Reload current directory" : "Tải lại thư mục hiện tại",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "Đi đến thư mục \"{dir}\"",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Hành động \"{displayName}\" đã thực thi thành công",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Hành động \"{displayName}\" thất bại",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "Chọn hàng cho {displayName}",
"Rename file" : "Đổi tên tệp tin",
- "A long time ago" : "Một khoảng thời gian trước",
- "This node is unavailable" : "Nút này không có sẵn",
- "Download file {name}" : "Tải xuống tệp tin {name}",
"File name" : "Tên tệp tin",
"Folder name" : "Tên thư mục",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "Hành động \"{displayName}\" đã thực thi thành công",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "Hành động \"{displayName}\" thất bại",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "Nút này không có sẵn",
+ "Download file {name}" : "Tải xuống tệp tin {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "\"{name}\" không phải là định dạng được cho phép",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} đã tồn tại.",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "\"{char}\" không được phép bên trong tên tệp.",
@@ -185,6 +184,7 @@
"Another entry with the same name already exists" : "Đã tồn tại mục cùng tên",
"Renamed \"{oldName}\" to \"{newName}\"" : "Đã đổi tên \"{oldName}\" thành \"{newName}\"",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "Không thể đổi tên \"{oldName}\", tệp tin không còn tồn tại",
+ "A long time ago" : "Một khoảng thời gian trước",
"Select all" : "Chọn tất cả",
"File not found" : "Không tìm thấy tập tin",
"Transfer ownership of a file or folder" : "‎Chuyển quyền sở hữu tệp hoặc thư mục‎",
@@ -219,7 +219,6 @@
"Delete permanently" : "Xoá vĩnh viễn",
"Copy to {target}" : "Copy to {mục tiêu}",
"Move to {target}" : "Di chuyển đến {mục tiêu}",
- "Set up templates folder" : "‎Thiết lập thư mục mẫu‎",
"Templates" : "‎Mẫu‎",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "‎Không thể khởi tạo thư mục mẫu‎",
"No favorites yet" : "‎Chưa có yêu thích nào‎",
@@ -235,6 +234,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "Không giới hạn",
"Search users" : "‎Tìm kiếm người dùng‎",
"Cancel" : "‎Hủy bỏ‎",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "‎Thiết lập thư mục mẫu‎",
"%s used" : "%s ‎đã sử dụng‎",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "%1$s trên %2$s đã sử dụng",
"Toggle grid view" : "‎Chuyển đổi dạng xem lưới‎",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.js b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.js
index 737c88b59fd..372e5208dc9 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.js
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"File Management" : "文件管理",
"Reload current directory" : "重新载入当前目录",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "前往“{dir}”目录",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "“{displayName}”操作执行成功",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "“{displayName}”操作执行失败",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "选择 {displayName} 的行",
"Rename file" : "重命名文件",
- "A long time ago" : "很久以前",
- "This node is unavailable" : "此节点不可用",
- "Download file {name}" : "下载文件 {name}",
"File name" : "文件名",
"Folder name" : "文件夹名称",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "“{displayName}”操作执行成功",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "“{displayName}”操作执行失败",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "此节点不可用",
+ "Download file {name}" : "下载文件 {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "“{name}”不是允许的文件类型",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName}已经存在。",
"Name cannot be empty" : "名称不能为空",
@@ -188,6 +187,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "无法重命名“{fileName}”,此文件已经不存在",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "此名称「{newName}」在这个文件夹「{dir}」已经被使用。请选择其他名称。",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "无法重命名“{fileName}”",
+ "A long time ago" : "很久以前",
"Total rows summary" : "总行摘要",
"Select all" : "全部选择",
"Unselect all" : "取消全选",
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "共享",
"Shared by link" : "已通过链接共享",
"Shared" : "已共享",
+ "Switch to list view" : "切换为列表视图",
"Open the files app settings" : "打开文件设置",
"Files settings" : "文件设置",
"File cannot be accessed" : "文件无法访问",
@@ -248,11 +249,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "打开文件夹{displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "在文件中打开",
"Open details" : "打开详情",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "创建了新文件夹「{name}」",
- "Set up templates folder" : "设置模板文件夹",
- "Templates" : "模板",
"Create new templates folder" : "新建模板文件夹",
+ "Templates" : "模板",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "无法初始化模板目录",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "创建了新文件夹「{name}」",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "收藏文件和文件夹列表",
"No favorites yet" : "暂无收藏",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "收藏的文件和文件夹会在这里显示",
@@ -272,6 +272,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "无限制",
"Search users" : "搜索用户",
"Cancel" : "取消",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "设置模板文件夹",
"%s used" : "已使用 %s",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "已使用 %2$s 中的 %1$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.json b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.json
index 4aab5eac9ec..814b37d0c24 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_CN.json
@@ -169,15 +169,14 @@
"File Management" : "文件管理",
"Reload current directory" : "重新载入当前目录",
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "前往“{dir}”目录",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "“{displayName}”操作执行成功",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "“{displayName}”操作执行失败",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "选择 {displayName} 的行",
"Rename file" : "重命名文件",
- "A long time ago" : "很久以前",
- "This node is unavailable" : "此节点不可用",
- "Download file {name}" : "下载文件 {name}",
"File name" : "文件名",
"Folder name" : "文件夹名称",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "“{displayName}”操作执行成功",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "“{displayName}”操作执行失败",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "此节点不可用",
+ "Download file {name}" : "下载文件 {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "“{name}”不是允许的文件类型",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName}已经存在。",
"Name cannot be empty" : "名称不能为空",
@@ -186,6 +185,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "无法重命名“{fileName}”,此文件已经不存在",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "此名称「{newName}」在这个文件夹「{dir}」已经被使用。请选择其他名称。",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "无法重命名“{fileName}”",
+ "A long time ago" : "很久以前",
"Total rows summary" : "总行摘要",
"Select all" : "全部选择",
"Unselect all" : "取消全选",
@@ -218,6 +218,7 @@
"Share" : "共享",
"Shared by link" : "已通过链接共享",
"Shared" : "已共享",
+ "Switch to list view" : "切换为列表视图",
"Open the files app settings" : "打开文件设置",
"Files settings" : "文件设置",
"File cannot be accessed" : "文件无法访问",
@@ -246,11 +247,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "打开文件夹{displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "在文件中打开",
"Open details" : "打开详情",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "创建了新文件夹「{name}」",
- "Set up templates folder" : "设置模板文件夹",
- "Templates" : "模板",
"Create new templates folder" : "新建模板文件夹",
+ "Templates" : "模板",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "无法初始化模板目录",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "创建了新文件夹「{name}」",
"List of favorites files and folders." : "收藏文件和文件夹列表",
"No favorites yet" : "暂无收藏",
"Files and folders you mark as favorite will show up here" : "收藏的文件和文件夹会在这里显示",
@@ -270,6 +270,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "无限制",
"Search users" : "搜索用户",
"Cancel" : "取消",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "设置模板文件夹",
"%s used" : "已使用 %s",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "已使用 %2$s 中的 %1$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.js b/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.js
index f20a3508af6..a5a1ddade09 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "前往「{dir}」目錄",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "將檔案拖拽到此處即可上傳",
"Upload successful" : "上傳成功",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "成功執行 “{displayName}” 操作",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "“{displayName}” 操作失敗",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "選擇 {displayName} 的行",
"Rename file" : "重新命名檔案",
- "A long time ago" : "很久以前",
- "This node is unavailable" : "此節點不可用",
- "Download file {name}" : "下載檔案 {name}",
"File name" : "檔案名稱",
"Folder name" : "資料夾名稱",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "成功執行 “{displayName}” 操作",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "“{displayName}” 操作失敗",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "此節點不可用",
+ "Download file {name}" : "下載檔案 {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "「{name}」是不允許的檔案類型。",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} 已經存在。",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "不允許檔案名稱中出現 \"{char}\"。",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "無法命名檔案「{oldName}」,因為此檔案已經不存在",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "此名稱「{newName}」在這資料夾「{dir}」已經被使用。請選擇其他名稱。",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "無法重新命名「{oldName}」",
+ "A long time ago" : "很久以前",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "無法複製 {file}。{message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "無法移動 {file}。{message}",
"Total rows summary" : "總列摘要",
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "分享",
"Shared by link" : "由連結分享",
"Shared" : "已分享",
+ "Switch to list view" : "切換到列表視圖",
"Open the files app settings" : "開啟 Files 應用程式設定",
"Files settings" : "檔案設定",
"File cannot be accessed" : "檔案無法存取",
@@ -265,11 +266,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "打開資料夾 {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "在「檔案」應用程式中打開",
"Open details" : "開啟細節",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "創建了新資料夾 \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "設定範本資料夾",
- "Templates" : "模板",
"Create new templates folder" : "創建新範本資料夾",
+ "Templates" : "模板",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "無法初始化模板目錄",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "創建了新資料夾 \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} 個資料夾"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} 個檔案"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 個檔案與 {folderCount} 個資料夾"],
@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "無限制",
"Search users" : "搜尋用戶",
"Cancel" : "取消",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "設定範本資料夾",
"%s used" : "使用了 %s 的存儲空間",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "在 %2$s 中使用了 %1$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.json b/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.json
index c3f6446300a..7b9fbaf6884 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "前往「{dir}」目錄",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "將檔案拖拽到此處即可上傳",
"Upload successful" : "上傳成功",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "成功執行 “{displayName}” 操作",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "“{displayName}” 操作失敗",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "選擇 {displayName} 的行",
"Rename file" : "重新命名檔案",
- "A long time ago" : "很久以前",
- "This node is unavailable" : "此節點不可用",
- "Download file {name}" : "下載檔案 {name}",
"File name" : "檔案名稱",
"Folder name" : "資料夾名稱",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "成功執行 “{displayName}” 操作",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "“{displayName}” 操作失敗",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "此節點不可用",
+ "Download file {name}" : "下載檔案 {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "「{name}」是不允許的檔案類型。",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} 已經存在。",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "不允許檔案名稱中出現 \"{char}\"。",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "無法命名檔案「{oldName}」,因為此檔案已經不存在",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "此名稱「{newName}」在這資料夾「{dir}」已經被使用。請選擇其他名稱。",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "無法重新命名「{oldName}」",
+ "A long time ago" : "很久以前",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "無法複製 {file}。{message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "無法移動 {file}。{message}",
"Total rows summary" : "總列摘要",
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@
"Share" : "分享",
"Shared by link" : "由連結分享",
"Shared" : "已分享",
+ "Switch to list view" : "切換到列表視圖",
"Open the files app settings" : "開啟 Files 應用程式設定",
"Files settings" : "檔案設定",
"File cannot be accessed" : "檔案無法存取",
@@ -263,11 +264,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "打開資料夾 {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "在「檔案」應用程式中打開",
"Open details" : "開啟細節",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "創建了新資料夾 \"{name}\"",
- "Set up templates folder" : "設定範本資料夾",
- "Templates" : "模板",
"Create new templates folder" : "創建新範本資料夾",
+ "Templates" : "模板",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "無法初始化模板目錄",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "創建了新資料夾 \"{name}\"",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} 個資料夾"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} 個檔案"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 個檔案與 {folderCount} 個資料夾"],
@@ -292,6 +292,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "無限制",
"Search users" : "搜尋用戶",
"Cancel" : "取消",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "設定範本資料夾",
"%s used" : "使用了 %s 的存儲空間",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "在 %2$s 中使用了 %1$s",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js b/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js
index 66dccfbe44f..5520c8183f5 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -173,15 +173,14 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "到「{dir}」目錄",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "將檔案拖曳到此處以上傳",
"Upload successful" : "上傳成功",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "「{displayName}」動作執行成功",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "「{displayName}」操作失敗",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "選取 {displayName} 的列",
"Rename file" : "重新命名檔案",
- "A long time ago" : "很久以前",
- "This node is unavailable" : "此節點不可用",
- "Download file {name}" : "下載檔案 {name}",
"File name" : "檔案名稱",
"Folder name" : "資料夾名稱",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "「{displayName}」動作執行成功",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "「{displayName}」操作失敗",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "此節點不可用",
+ "Download file {name}" : "下載檔案 {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "「{name}」是不允許的檔案類型。",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} 已經存在。",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "不允許檔名中出現「{char}」。",
@@ -191,6 +190,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "無法命名檔案「{oldName}」,因為此檔案已經不存在",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "此名稱「{newName}」在資料夾「{dir}」中已被使用。請選擇其他名稱。",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "無法重新命名「{oldName}」",
+ "A long time ago" : "很久以前",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "無法複製 {file}。{message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "無法移動 {file}。{message}",
"Total rows summary" : "總列摘要",
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Share" : "分享",
"Shared by link" : "由連結分享",
"Shared" : "已分享",
+ "Switch to list view" : "切換至列表檢視",
"Open the files app settings" : "開啟檔案應用程式設定",
"Files settings" : "檔案設定",
"File cannot be accessed" : "無法存取檔案",
@@ -265,11 +266,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Open folder {displayName}" : "開啟資料夾 {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "在「檔案」應用程式中開啟",
"Open details" : "開啟細節",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "已建立新資料夾「{name}」",
- "Set up templates folder" : "設定範本資料夾",
- "Templates" : "範本",
"Create new templates folder" : "建立新的範本資料夾",
+ "Templates" : "範本",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "無法初始化範本目錄",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "已建立新資料夾「{name}」",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} 個資料夾"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} 個檔案"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 個檔案與 {folderCount} 個資料夾"],
@@ -294,6 +294,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unlimited" : "無限制",
"Search users" : "搜尋使用者",
"Cancel" : "取消",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "設定範本資料夾",
"%s used" : "%s 已使用",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "在 %2$s 中使用了 %1$s ",
diff --git a/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json b/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json
index 83aea0fa5ec..da4c5422644 100644
--- a/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/apps/files/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -171,15 +171,14 @@
"Go to the \"{dir}\" directory" : "到「{dir}」目錄",
"Drag and drop files here to upload" : "將檔案拖曳到此處以上傳",
"Upload successful" : "上傳成功",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "「{displayName}」動作執行成功",
+ "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "「{displayName}」操作失敗",
"Select the row for {displayName}" : "選取 {displayName} 的列",
"Rename file" : "重新命名檔案",
- "A long time ago" : "很久以前",
- "This node is unavailable" : "此節點不可用",
- "Download file {name}" : "下載檔案 {name}",
"File name" : "檔案名稱",
"Folder name" : "資料夾名稱",
- "\"{displayName}\" action executed successfully" : "「{displayName}」動作執行成功",
- "\"{displayName}\" action failed" : "「{displayName}」操作失敗",
+ "This node is unavailable" : "此節點不可用",
+ "Download file {name}" : "下載檔案 {name}",
"\"{name}\" is not an allowed filetype." : "「{name}」是不允許的檔案類型。",
"{newName} already exists." : "{newName} 已經存在。",
"\"{char}\" is not allowed inside a file name." : "不允許檔名中出現「{char}」。",
@@ -189,6 +188,7 @@
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\", it does not exist any more" : "無法命名檔案「{oldName}」,因為此檔案已經不存在",
"The name \"{newName}\" is already used in the folder \"{dir}\". Please choose a different name." : "此名稱「{newName}」在資料夾「{dir}」中已被使用。請選擇其他名稱。",
"Could not rename \"{oldName}\"" : "無法重新命名「{oldName}」",
+ "A long time ago" : "很久以前",
"Could not copy {file}. {message}" : "無法複製 {file}。{message}",
"Could not move {file}. {message}" : "無法移動 {file}。{message}",
"Total rows summary" : "總列摘要",
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@
"Share" : "分享",
"Shared by link" : "由連結分享",
"Shared" : "已分享",
+ "Switch to list view" : "切換至列表檢視",
"Open the files app settings" : "開啟檔案應用程式設定",
"Files settings" : "檔案設定",
"File cannot be accessed" : "無法存取檔案",
@@ -263,11 +264,10 @@
"Open folder {displayName}" : "開啟資料夾 {displayName}",
"Open in Files" : "在「檔案」應用程式中開啟",
"Open details" : "開啟細節",
- "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "已建立新資料夾「{name}」",
- "Set up templates folder" : "設定範本資料夾",
- "Templates" : "範本",
"Create new templates folder" : "建立新的範本資料夾",
+ "Templates" : "範本",
"Unable to initialize the templates directory" : "無法初始化範本目錄",
+ "Created new folder \"{name}\"" : "已建立新資料夾「{name}」",
"_{folderCount} folder_::_{folderCount} folders_" : ["{folderCount} 個資料夾"],
"_{fileCount} file_::_{fileCount} files_" : ["{fileCount} 個檔案"],
"_1 file and {folderCount} folder_::_1 file and {folderCount} folders_" : ["1 個檔案與 {folderCount} 個資料夾"],
@@ -292,6 +292,7 @@
"Unlimited" : "無限制",
"Search users" : "搜尋使用者",
"Cancel" : "取消",
+ "Set up templates folder" : "設定範本資料夾",
"%s used" : "%s 已使用",
"%s%%" : "%s%%",
"%1$s of %2$s used" : "在 %2$s 中使用了 %1$s ",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/sk.js b/apps/files_external/l10n/sk.js
index 7f2f963bc60..74a58f6b8b1 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/sk.js
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Available for" : "K dispozícii pre",
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "Kliknite na opätovnú kontrolu konfigurácie",
"Add storage" : "Pridať úložisko",
- "All users" : "Všetci užívatelia",
+ "All users" : "Všetci používatelia",
"Advanced settings" : "Rozšírené nastavenia",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Povoliť používateľom pripojiť externé úložiská",
"Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globálne prihlasovacie údaje je možné použiť pre overenie s viacerými externými úložiskami, ktoré majú rovnaké prihlasovacie údaje.",
diff --git a/apps/files_external/l10n/sk.json b/apps/files_external/l10n/sk.json
index a35be096632..98e2ec0afb7 100644
--- a/apps/files_external/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/apps/files_external/l10n/sk.json
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
"Available for" : "K dispozícii pre",
"Click to recheck the configuration" : "Kliknite na opätovnú kontrolu konfigurácie",
"Add storage" : "Pridať úložisko",
- "All users" : "Všetci užívatelia",
+ "All users" : "Všetci používatelia",
"Advanced settings" : "Rozšírené nastavenia",
"Allow users to mount external storage" : "Povoliť používateľom pripojiť externé úložiská",
"Global credentials can be used to authenticate with multiple external storages that have the same credentials." : "Globálne prihlasovacie údaje je možné použiť pre overenie s viacerými externými úložiskami, ktoré majú rovnaké prihlasovacie údaje.",
diff --git a/apps/files_reminders/l10n/hu.js b/apps/files_reminders/l10n/hu.js
index 08411606a3d..e9409186f25 100644
--- a/apps/files_reminders/l10n/hu.js
+++ b/apps/files_reminders/l10n/hu.js
@@ -17,6 +17,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"This weekend" : "Ezen a héten",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Emlékeztető beállítása erre a hétvégére",
"Next week" : "Következő hét",
- "Set reminder for next week" : "Emlékeztető beállítása a következő hétre"
+ "Set reminder for next week" : "Emlékeztető beállítása a következő hétre",
+ "Set reminder at custom date & time" : "Emlékeztető beállítása tetszőleges időpontra",
+ "Reminder set for \"{fileName}\"" : "Emlékeztető beállítva a következőhöz: {name}",
+ "Failed to set reminder" : "Nem sikerült beállítani az emlékeztetőt",
+ "Please choose a valid date & time" : "Adjon meg egy érvényes dátumot és időt",
+ "Reminder cleared" : "Emlékeztető törölve",
+ "Failed to clear reminder" : "Nem sikerült törölni az emlékeztetőt",
+ "Failed to load reminder" : "Nem sikerült betölteni az emlékeztetőt"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/files_reminders/l10n/hu.json b/apps/files_reminders/l10n/hu.json
index 3a3f39c5942..107dcb64db6 100644
--- a/apps/files_reminders/l10n/hu.json
+++ b/apps/files_reminders/l10n/hu.json
@@ -15,6 +15,13 @@
"This weekend" : "Ezen a héten",
"Set reminder for this weekend" : "Emlékeztető beállítása erre a hétvégére",
"Next week" : "Következő hét",
- "Set reminder for next week" : "Emlékeztető beállítása a következő hétre"
+ "Set reminder for next week" : "Emlékeztető beállítása a következő hétre",
+ "Set reminder at custom date & time" : "Emlékeztető beállítása tetszőleges időpontra",
+ "Reminder set for \"{fileName}\"" : "Emlékeztető beállítva a következőhöz: {name}",
+ "Failed to set reminder" : "Nem sikerült beállítani az emlékeztetőt",
+ "Please choose a valid date & time" : "Adjon meg egy érvényes dátumot és időt",
+ "Reminder cleared" : "Emlékeztető törölve",
+ "Failed to clear reminder" : "Nem sikerült törölni az emlékeztetőt",
+ "Failed to load reminder" : "Nem sikerült betölteni az emlékeztetőt"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.js
index 6f9f2e944e7..62f52106e88 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.js
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Upload" : "Upload",
"Edit" : "Bearbeiten",
"Bundled permissions" : "Gebündelte Berechtigungen",
+ "Open Sharing Details" : "Freigabedetails öffnen",
"group" : "Gruppe",
"conversation" : "Unterhaltung",
"remote" : "Extern",
@@ -158,6 +159,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Enter a date" : "Datum eingeben",
"Create share" : "Freigabe erstellen",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
+ "Customize link" : "Freigabelink anpassen",
"Add another link" : "Weiteren Link hinzufügen",
"Create a new share link" : "Neuen Freigabe-Link erstellen",
"{shareWith} by {initiator}" : "{shareWith} von {initiator}",
@@ -190,6 +192,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Deck board" : "Deck-Board",
"ScienceMesh" : "ScienceMesh",
"on {server}" : "auf {server}",
+ "Upload only" : "Nur hochladen",
"Advanced settings" : "Erweiterte Einstellungen",
"Share label" : "Freigabe-Label",
"Set password" : "Passwort setzen",
@@ -207,6 +210,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Update" : "Aktualisieren",
"Share" : "Teilen",
"Delete share" : "Freigabe löschen",
+ "Share with " : "Teilen mit",
+ "Save share" : "Freigabe speichern",
+ "Update share" : "Freigabe aktualisieren",
"Others with access" : "Andere mit Zugriff",
"No other users with access found" : "Keine anderen Benutzer mit Zugriff gefunden",
"Toggle list of others with access to this directory" : "Liste anderer Benutzer mit Zugriff auf dieses Verzeichnis umschalten",
@@ -218,6 +224,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} hat dies mit dir geteilt",
"Open in Files" : "In Dateien öffnen",
"Shared" : "Geteilt",
+ "Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Geteilt von {ownerDisplayName}",
"Link to a file" : "Mit einer Datei verknüpfen",
"Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe: {errorMessage}",
"Error creating the share" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe",
@@ -235,6 +242,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Shared with you and the conversation {conversation} by {owner}" : "{owner} hat dies mit dir und der Unterhaltung {conversation} geteilt",
"Shared with you in a conversation by {owner}" : "{owner} hat dies mit dir in einer Unterhaltung {conversation} geteilt",
"Shares" : "Freigaben",
+ "Overview of shared files." : "Übersicht geteilter Dateien.",
"No shares" : "Keine Freigaben",
"Files and folders you shared or have been shared with you will show up here" : "Von dir oder mit dir geteilte Ordner und Dateien werden hier angezeigt werden.",
"Shared with you" : "Mit dir geteilt",
@@ -246,6 +254,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Nothing shared yet" : "Noch nichts geteilt",
"Files and folders you shared will show up here" : "Von dir geteilte Dateien und Ordner werden hier angezeigt werden.",
"Shared by link" : "Geteilt über einen Link",
+ "List of files that are shared by link." : "Liste der Dateien, die mittels Link geteilt wurden.",
"No shared links" : "Keine geteilten Links",
"Files and folders you shared by link will show up here" : "Von dir per Link geteilte Dateien werden hier angezeigt werden.",
"Deleted shares" : "Gelöschte Freigaben",
@@ -253,6 +262,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"No deleted shares" : "Keine gelöschten Freigaben",
"Shares you have left will show up here" : "Freigaben, die du verlassen hast, werden hier angezeigt werden.",
"Pending shares" : "Ausstehende Freigaben",
+ "List of unapproved shares." : "Liste ungeprüfter Freigaben.",
"No pending shares" : "Keine ausstehenden Freigaben",
"Shares you have received but not approved will show up here" : "Freigaben die du erhalten, aber nicht bestätigt hast, werden hier angezeigt werden.",
"No entries found in this folder" : "Keine Einträge in diesem Ordner gefunden",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.json
index 4e8c2dd3ac0..24107feb9bf 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/de.json
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@
"Upload" : "Upload",
"Edit" : "Bearbeiten",
"Bundled permissions" : "Gebündelte Berechtigungen",
+ "Open Sharing Details" : "Freigabedetails öffnen",
"group" : "Gruppe",
"conversation" : "Unterhaltung",
"remote" : "Extern",
@@ -156,6 +157,7 @@
"Enter a date" : "Datum eingeben",
"Create share" : "Freigabe erstellen",
"Cancel" : "Abbrechen",
+ "Customize link" : "Freigabelink anpassen",
"Add another link" : "Weiteren Link hinzufügen",
"Create a new share link" : "Neuen Freigabe-Link erstellen",
"{shareWith} by {initiator}" : "{shareWith} von {initiator}",
@@ -188,6 +190,7 @@
"Deck board" : "Deck-Board",
"ScienceMesh" : "ScienceMesh",
"on {server}" : "auf {server}",
+ "Upload only" : "Nur hochladen",
"Advanced settings" : "Erweiterte Einstellungen",
"Share label" : "Freigabe-Label",
"Set password" : "Passwort setzen",
@@ -205,6 +208,9 @@
"Update" : "Aktualisieren",
"Share" : "Teilen",
"Delete share" : "Freigabe löschen",
+ "Share with " : "Teilen mit",
+ "Save share" : "Freigabe speichern",
+ "Update share" : "Freigabe aktualisieren",
"Others with access" : "Andere mit Zugriff",
"No other users with access found" : "Keine anderen Benutzer mit Zugriff gefunden",
"Toggle list of others with access to this directory" : "Liste anderer Benutzer mit Zugriff auf dieses Verzeichnis umschalten",
@@ -216,6 +222,7 @@
"Shared with you by {owner}" : "{owner} hat dies mit dir geteilt",
"Open in Files" : "In Dateien öffnen",
"Shared" : "Geteilt",
+ "Shared by {ownerDisplayName}" : "Geteilt von {ownerDisplayName}",
"Link to a file" : "Mit einer Datei verknüpfen",
"Error creating the share: {errorMessage}" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe: {errorMessage}",
"Error creating the share" : "Fehler beim Erstellen der Freigabe",
@@ -233,6 +240,7 @@
"Shared with you and the conversation {conversation} by {owner}" : "{owner} hat dies mit dir und der Unterhaltung {conversation} geteilt",
"Shared with you in a conversation by {owner}" : "{owner} hat dies mit dir in einer Unterhaltung {conversation} geteilt",
"Shares" : "Freigaben",
+ "Overview of shared files." : "Übersicht geteilter Dateien.",
"No shares" : "Keine Freigaben",
"Files and folders you shared or have been shared with you will show up here" : "Von dir oder mit dir geteilte Ordner und Dateien werden hier angezeigt werden.",
"Shared with you" : "Mit dir geteilt",
@@ -244,6 +252,7 @@
"Nothing shared yet" : "Noch nichts geteilt",
"Files and folders you shared will show up here" : "Von dir geteilte Dateien und Ordner werden hier angezeigt werden.",
"Shared by link" : "Geteilt über einen Link",
+ "List of files that are shared by link." : "Liste der Dateien, die mittels Link geteilt wurden.",
"No shared links" : "Keine geteilten Links",
"Files and folders you shared by link will show up here" : "Von dir per Link geteilte Dateien werden hier angezeigt werden.",
"Deleted shares" : "Gelöschte Freigaben",
@@ -251,6 +260,7 @@
"No deleted shares" : "Keine gelöschten Freigaben",
"Shares you have left will show up here" : "Freigaben, die du verlassen hast, werden hier angezeigt werden.",
"Pending shares" : "Ausstehende Freigaben",
+ "List of unapproved shares." : "Liste ungeprüfter Freigaben.",
"No pending shares" : "Keine ausstehenden Freigaben",
"Shares you have received but not approved will show up here" : "Freigaben die du erhalten, aber nicht bestätigt hast, werden hier angezeigt werden.",
"No entries found in this folder" : "Keine Einträge in diesem Ordner gefunden",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sk.js b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sk.js
index 1835038e236..bbba04eb99a 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sk.js
@@ -117,10 +117,10 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Sharing" : "Sprístupnenie",
"Accept user and group shares by default" : "Vždy prijímať zdieľania od používateľov a skupín",
"Error while toggling options" : "Chyba pri prepínaní možností",
- "Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Nastaviť predvolený priečinok pre akceptované zdieľania",
+ "Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Nastaviť predvolený priečinok pre prijaté zdieľania",
"Reset" : "Resetovať",
"Reset folder to system default" : "Obnoviť priečinok na predvolené hodnoty systému",
- "Choose a default folder for accepted shares" : "Nastaviť predvolený priečinok pre akceptované zdieľania",
+ "Choose a default folder for accepted shares" : "Nastaviť predvolený priečinok pre prijaté zdieľania",
"Invalid path selected" : "Bola vybraná neplatná cesta",
"Unknown error" : "Neznáma chyba",
"Allow editing" : "Povoliť úpravy",
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Nothing shared with you yet" : "Zatiaľ vám nikto nič nesprístupnil",
"Shared with others" : "Sprístupnené ostatným",
"Nothing shared yet" : "Zatiaľ ste nič nesprístupnili",
- "Shared by link" : "Sprístupnené prostredníctvom odkazu",
+ "Shared by link" : "Sprístupnené odkazom",
"No shared links" : "Žiadne sprístupnené odkazy",
"Deleted shares" : "Zmazať sprístupnenia",
"No deleted shares" : "Žiadne zmazané sprístupnené položky",
diff --git a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sk.json b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sk.json
index 946d3f21c91..c6853e8344f 100644
--- a/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/apps/files_sharing/l10n/sk.json
@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@
"Sharing" : "Sprístupnenie",
"Accept user and group shares by default" : "Vždy prijímať zdieľania od používateľov a skupín",
"Error while toggling options" : "Chyba pri prepínaní možností",
- "Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Nastaviť predvolený priečinok pre akceptované zdieľania",
+ "Set default folder for accepted shares" : "Nastaviť predvolený priečinok pre prijaté zdieľania",
"Reset" : "Resetovať",
"Reset folder to system default" : "Obnoviť priečinok na predvolené hodnoty systému",
- "Choose a default folder for accepted shares" : "Nastaviť predvolený priečinok pre akceptované zdieľania",
+ "Choose a default folder for accepted shares" : "Nastaviť predvolený priečinok pre prijaté zdieľania",
"Invalid path selected" : "Bola vybraná neplatná cesta",
"Unknown error" : "Neznáma chyba",
"Allow editing" : "Povoliť úpravy",
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
"Nothing shared with you yet" : "Zatiaľ vám nikto nič nesprístupnil",
"Shared with others" : "Sprístupnené ostatným",
"Nothing shared yet" : "Zatiaľ ste nič nesprístupnili",
- "Shared by link" : "Sprístupnené prostredníctvom odkazu",
+ "Shared by link" : "Sprístupnené odkazom",
"No shared links" : "Žiadne sprístupnené odkazy",
"Deleted shares" : "Zmazať sprístupnenia",
"No deleted shares" : "Žiadne zmazané sprístupnené položky",
diff --git a/apps/lookup_server_connector/l10n/ast.js b/apps/lookup_server_connector/l10n/ast.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b7e46d9c987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/lookup_server_connector/l10n/ast.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "lookup_server_connector",
+ {
+ "Lookup Server Connector" : "Conector del sirvidor de busca",
+ "Sync public user information with the lookup server" : "Sincroniza la información pública de los usuarios col sirvidor de busca"
+"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/lookup_server_connector/l10n/ast.json b/apps/lookup_server_connector/l10n/ast.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fb0e0ae0d4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/lookup_server_connector/l10n/ast.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+{ "translations": {
+ "Lookup Server Connector" : "Conector del sirvidor de busca",
+ "Sync public user information with the lookup server" : "Sincroniza la información pública de los usuarios col sirvidor de busca"
+},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/hu.js b/apps/settings/l10n/hu.js
index cac69d4c4bf..73eca1527b2 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/hu.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/hu.js
@@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Nextcloud settings" : "Nextcloud beállítások",
"Machine translation" : "Gépi fordítás",
"Machine translation can be implemented by different apps. Here you can define the precedence of the machine translation apps you have installed at the moment." : "A gépi fordítást különböző alkalmazások is megvalósíthatják. Itt állítható be a jelenleg telepített gépi fordítóalkalmazások elsőbbsége.",
- "Speech-To-Text" : "Beszédből-szöveg",
- "Speech-To-Text can be implemented by different apps. Here you can set which app should be used." : "A Beszédből-szöveg különböző alkalmazásokkal is megvalósítható. Itt állítható be, hogy melyik alkalmazás legyen használva.",
- "None of your currently installed apps provide Speech-To-Text functionality" : "Egyik jelenleg telepített alkalmazás sem támogatja a Beszédből-szöveg funkciót",
+ "Speech-To-Text" : "Beszédbőlfelismerés",
+ "Speech-To-Text can be implemented by different apps. Here you can set which app should be used." : "A beszédfelismerés különböző alkalmazásokkal is megvalósítható. Itt állítható be, hogy melyik alkalmazás legyen használva.",
+ "None of your currently installed apps provide Speech-To-Text functionality" : "Egyik jelenleg telepített alkalmazás sem támogatja a Beszédfelismerés funkciót",
"Text processing" : "Szöveg feldolgozás",
"Text processing tasks can be implemented by different apps. Here you can set which app should be used for which task." : "A szövegfeldolgozás különböző alkalmazásokkal is megvalósítható. Itt állítható be, hogy melyik alkalmazás legyen használva.",
"Task:" : "Feladat:",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/hu.json b/apps/settings/l10n/hu.json
index 8c0b8f96a97..f7831f0d1a3 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/hu.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/hu.json
@@ -151,9 +151,9 @@
"Nextcloud settings" : "Nextcloud beállítások",
"Machine translation" : "Gépi fordítás",
"Machine translation can be implemented by different apps. Here you can define the precedence of the machine translation apps you have installed at the moment." : "A gépi fordítást különböző alkalmazások is megvalósíthatják. Itt állítható be a jelenleg telepített gépi fordítóalkalmazások elsőbbsége.",
- "Speech-To-Text" : "Beszédből-szöveg",
- "Speech-To-Text can be implemented by different apps. Here you can set which app should be used." : "A Beszédből-szöveg különböző alkalmazásokkal is megvalósítható. Itt állítható be, hogy melyik alkalmazás legyen használva.",
- "None of your currently installed apps provide Speech-To-Text functionality" : "Egyik jelenleg telepített alkalmazás sem támogatja a Beszédből-szöveg funkciót",
+ "Speech-To-Text" : "Beszédbőlfelismerés",
+ "Speech-To-Text can be implemented by different apps. Here you can set which app should be used." : "A beszédfelismerés különböző alkalmazásokkal is megvalósítható. Itt állítható be, hogy melyik alkalmazás legyen használva.",
+ "None of your currently installed apps provide Speech-To-Text functionality" : "Egyik jelenleg telepített alkalmazás sem támogatja a Beszédfelismerés funkciót",
"Text processing" : "Szöveg feldolgozás",
"Text processing tasks can be implemented by different apps. Here you can set which app should be used for which task." : "A szövegfeldolgozás különböző alkalmazásokkal is megvalósítható. Itt állítható be, hogy melyik alkalmazás legyen használva.",
"Task:" : "Feladat:",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/sk.js b/apps/settings/l10n/sk.js
index a3e05e54552..4ec863b7098 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/sk.js
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "Nepodarilo sa odoslať email. Skontrolujte log vášho mail servera",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Vyskytol sa problém pri odosielaní emailu. Prosím, znovu skontrolujte svoje nastavenia. (Chyba: %s)",
"You need to set your user email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "Musíte nastaviť svoj ​​užívateľský email, než budete môcť odoslať testovací email. Ak tak chcete učiniť, prejdite na %s.",
- "Users" : "Užívatelia",
+ "Users" : "Používatelia",
"Invalid user" : "Neplatný užívateľ",
"Invalid mail address" : "Neplatná emailová adresa",
"Settings saved" : "Nastavenia uložené",
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Calendar" : "Kalendár",
"Personal info" : "Osobné informácie",
"Mobile & desktop" : "Mobil a počítač",
- "Email server" : "Email server",
+ "Email server" : "Poštový server",
"Security & setup warnings" : "Bezpečnosť a nastavenia upozornení",
"Background jobs" : "Úlohy na pozadí",
"Create" : "Vytvárať",
@@ -144,23 +144,23 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "Používa sa verzia MySQL \"%s\". Nextcloud 21 a vyšší už nebude podporovať túto verziu a vyžaduje MySQL 8.0 alebo MariaDB 10.2 alebo novšia.",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "Používa sa verzia PostgreSQL \"%s\". Nextcloud 21 a vyšší už nebude podporovať túto verziu a vyžaduje PostgreSQL 9.6 alebo novší.",
"Profile information" : "Informácie o profile",
- "Profile picture, full name, email, phone number, address, website, Twitter, organisation, role, headline, biography, and whether your profile is enabled" : "Profilový obrázok, celé meno, e-mail, telefónne číslo, adresa, webová stránka, Twitter, organizácia, rola, titulok, životopis a či je váš profil povolený",
+ "Profile picture, full name, email, phone number, address, website, Twitter, organisation, role, headline, biography, and whether your profile is enabled" : "Profilový obrázok, celé meno, e-mail, telefónne číslo, adresa, webová stránka, Twitter, organizácia, rola, titul, životopis a či je váš profil povolený",
"Nextcloud settings" : "Nastavenia Nextcloud",
"Speech-To-Text" : "Reč na text",
"Text processing" : "Spracovanie textu",
"Here you can decide which group can access certain sections of the administration settings." : "Tu sa môžete rozhodnúť, ktorá skupina má prístup k niektorým nastaveniam správcu.",
"None" : "Žiadny",
"Unable to modify setting" : "Nie je možné zmeniť nastavenie",
- "Two-Factor Authentication" : "Dvojzložkové overovanie",
+ "Two-Factor Authentication" : "Dvojfázové overovanie",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all users and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "Dvojfázové overenie je možné vynútiť pre všetkých používateľov a konkrétne skupiny. Ak nemajú nastaveného poskytovateľa dvojfázového overovania nebudú sa môcť prihlásiť do systému.",
- "Enforce two-factor authentication" : "Vynútiť dvojzložkové overovanie",
+ "Enforce two-factor authentication" : "Vynútiť dvojfázové overovanie",
"Limit to groups" : "Povoľ len pre skupiny",
- "Enforcement of two-factor authentication can be set for certain groups only." : "Vynútenie dvojzložkového overovania je možné nastaviť len pre určité skupiny.",
+ "Enforcement of two-factor authentication can be set for certain groups only." : "Vynútenie dvojfázového overovania je možné nastaviť len pre určité skupiny.",
"Two-factor authentication is enforced for all members of the following groups." : "Dvojfázové overovanie sa vynúti pre všetkých členov nasledujúcich skupín.",
"Enforced groups" : "Vynútené skupiny",
"Two-factor authentication is not enforced for members of the following groups." : "Dvojfázové overovanie sa nevynucuje pre členov nasledujúcich skupín.",
"Excluded groups" : "Vynechané skupiny",
- "When groups are selected/excluded, they use the following logic to determine if a user has 2FA enforced: If no groups are selected, 2FA is enabled for everyone except members of the excluded groups. If groups are selected, 2FA is enabled for all members of these. If a user is both in a selected and excluded group, the selected takes precedence and 2FA is enforced." : "Pokiaľ sú skupiny vybraté/vynechané, je pre zisťovanie či je používateľovi vynútené dvojzložkové (2FA) overovanie použitá nasledovná logika: Ak nie sú vybraté žiadne skupiny, je 2FA zapnuté pre všetkých okrem členov vynechaných skupín. Ak sú nejaké skupiny vybraté, je 2FA zapnuté pre všetkých jej členov. Ak je používateľ členom ako vybratej, tak aj vynechanej skupiny, potom má vybratá skupina prednosť a 2FA je vynútené.",
+ "When groups are selected/excluded, they use the following logic to determine if a user has 2FA enforced: If no groups are selected, 2FA is enabled for everyone except members of the excluded groups. If groups are selected, 2FA is enabled for all members of these. If a user is both in a selected and excluded group, the selected takes precedence and 2FA is enforced." : "Pokiaľ sú skupiny vybraté/vynechané, je pre zisťovanie či je používateľovi vynútené dvojfázové (2FA) overovanie použitá nasledovná logika: Ak nie sú vybraté žiadne skupiny, je 2FA zapnuté pre všetkých okrem členov vynechaných skupín. Ak sú nejaké skupiny vybraté, je 2FA zapnuté pre všetkých jej členov. Ak je používateľ členom ako vybratej, tak aj vynechanej skupiny, potom má vybratá skupina prednosť a 2FA je vynútené.",
"Save changes" : "Uložiť zmeny",
"All" : "Všetky",
"Limit app usage to groups" : "Obmedziť používanie aplikácií pre skupiny",
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Nie je možné aktualizovať režim úlohy na pozadí",
"Profile" : "Profil",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "Predvolene povoliť alebo zakázať profil pre nových používateľov.",
- "Enable" : "Zapnúť",
+ "Enable" : "Povoliť",
"Unable to update profile default setting" : "Nie je možné aktualizovať predvolené nastavenie profilu",
"Server-side encryption" : "Šifrovanie na serveri",
"Server-side encryption makes it possible to encrypt files which are uploaded to this server. This comes with limitations like a performance penalty, so enable this only if needed." : "Šifrovanie na strane servera umožňuje zašifrovať súbory, ktoré sú na tento server nahrávané. To prináša obmedzenia ako napr. výkonnostné obmedzenie, takže to povoľte len ak je to naozaj potrebné.",
@@ -309,13 +309,13 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"No email address set" : "Emailová adresa nie je nastavená",
"Additional emails" : "Ďalšie e-maily",
"Your handle" : "Váš identifikátor (handle)",
- "Your headline" : "Váš titulok",
+ "Your headline" : "Váš titul",
"Language" : "Jazyk",
"Help translate" : "Pomôcť s prekladom",
"Unable to update language" : "Nie je možné aktualizovať jazyk",
"No language set" : "Nie je nastavený žiadny jazyk",
"Locale" : "Regionálne nastavenia",
- "Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Začiatok týždňa je {firstDayOfWeek}",
+ "Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Prvý deň v týždni je {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Nie je možné aktualizovať regionálne nastavenia",
"No locale set" : "Nie sú konfigurované žiadne regionálne nastavenia",
"Your city" : "Vaše mesto",
@@ -399,19 +399,19 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"{license}-licensed" : "{license}-licencovaný",
"Changelog" : "Zoznam zmien",
"by {author}\n{license}" : "od {author}\n{license}",
- "Active users" : "Aktívni užívatelia",
+ "Active users" : "Aktívni používatelia",
"Admins" : "Administrátori",
"Disabled users" : "Zablokovaní používatelia",
"Group name" : "Názov skupiny",
"Not saved" : "Neuložené",
"Sending…" : "Odosielam...",
"Email sent" : "Email odoslaný",
- "Location" : "Umiestnenie",
+ "Location" : "Miesto",
"Profile picture" : "Avatar",
- "About" : "O aplikácii",
+ "About" : "O vás",
"Full name" : "Meno a priezvisko",
"Additional email" : "Ďalšie e-maily",
- "Headline" : "Titulok",
+ "Headline" : "Titul",
"Organisation" : "Organizácia",
"Phone number" : "Telefónne číslo",
"Role" : "Rola",
diff --git a/apps/settings/l10n/sk.json b/apps/settings/l10n/sk.json
index 9f061704330..6f938185331 100644
--- a/apps/settings/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/apps/settings/l10n/sk.json
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
"Email could not be sent. Check your mail server log" : "Nepodarilo sa odoslať email. Skontrolujte log vášho mail servera",
"A problem occurred while sending the email. Please revise your settings. (Error: %s)" : "Vyskytol sa problém pri odosielaní emailu. Prosím, znovu skontrolujte svoje nastavenia. (Chyba: %s)",
"You need to set your user email before being able to send test emails. Go to %s for that." : "Musíte nastaviť svoj ​​užívateľský email, než budete môcť odoslať testovací email. Ak tak chcete učiniť, prejdite na %s.",
- "Users" : "Užívatelia",
+ "Users" : "Používatelia",
"Invalid user" : "Neplatný užívateľ",
"Invalid mail address" : "Neplatná emailová adresa",
"Settings saved" : "Nastavenia uložené",
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
"Calendar" : "Kalendár",
"Personal info" : "Osobné informácie",
"Mobile & desktop" : "Mobil a počítač",
- "Email server" : "Email server",
+ "Email server" : "Poštový server",
"Security & setup warnings" : "Bezpečnosť a nastavenia upozornení",
"Background jobs" : "Úlohy na pozadí",
"Create" : "Vytvárať",
@@ -142,23 +142,23 @@
"MySQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require MySQL 8.0 or MariaDB 10.2 or higher." : "Používa sa verzia MySQL \"%s\". Nextcloud 21 a vyšší už nebude podporovať túto verziu a vyžaduje MySQL 8.0 alebo MariaDB 10.2 alebo novšia.",
"PostgreSQL version \"%s\" is used. Nextcloud 21 and higher do not support this version and require PostgreSQL 9.6 or higher." : "Používa sa verzia PostgreSQL \"%s\". Nextcloud 21 a vyšší už nebude podporovať túto verziu a vyžaduje PostgreSQL 9.6 alebo novší.",
"Profile information" : "Informácie o profile",
- "Profile picture, full name, email, phone number, address, website, Twitter, organisation, role, headline, biography, and whether your profile is enabled" : "Profilový obrázok, celé meno, e-mail, telefónne číslo, adresa, webová stránka, Twitter, organizácia, rola, titulok, životopis a či je váš profil povolený",
+ "Profile picture, full name, email, phone number, address, website, Twitter, organisation, role, headline, biography, and whether your profile is enabled" : "Profilový obrázok, celé meno, e-mail, telefónne číslo, adresa, webová stránka, Twitter, organizácia, rola, titul, životopis a či je váš profil povolený",
"Nextcloud settings" : "Nastavenia Nextcloud",
"Speech-To-Text" : "Reč na text",
"Text processing" : "Spracovanie textu",
"Here you can decide which group can access certain sections of the administration settings." : "Tu sa môžete rozhodnúť, ktorá skupina má prístup k niektorým nastaveniam správcu.",
"None" : "Žiadny",
"Unable to modify setting" : "Nie je možné zmeniť nastavenie",
- "Two-Factor Authentication" : "Dvojzložkové overovanie",
+ "Two-Factor Authentication" : "Dvojfázové overovanie",
"Two-factor authentication can be enforced for all users and specific groups. If they do not have a two-factor provider configured, they will be unable to log into the system." : "Dvojfázové overenie je možné vynútiť pre všetkých používateľov a konkrétne skupiny. Ak nemajú nastaveného poskytovateľa dvojfázového overovania nebudú sa môcť prihlásiť do systému.",
- "Enforce two-factor authentication" : "Vynútiť dvojzložkové overovanie",
+ "Enforce two-factor authentication" : "Vynútiť dvojfázové overovanie",
"Limit to groups" : "Povoľ len pre skupiny",
- "Enforcement of two-factor authentication can be set for certain groups only." : "Vynútenie dvojzložkového overovania je možné nastaviť len pre určité skupiny.",
+ "Enforcement of two-factor authentication can be set for certain groups only." : "Vynútenie dvojfázového overovania je možné nastaviť len pre určité skupiny.",
"Two-factor authentication is enforced for all members of the following groups." : "Dvojfázové overovanie sa vynúti pre všetkých členov nasledujúcich skupín.",
"Enforced groups" : "Vynútené skupiny",
"Two-factor authentication is not enforced for members of the following groups." : "Dvojfázové overovanie sa nevynucuje pre členov nasledujúcich skupín.",
"Excluded groups" : "Vynechané skupiny",
- "When groups are selected/excluded, they use the following logic to determine if a user has 2FA enforced: If no groups are selected, 2FA is enabled for everyone except members of the excluded groups. If groups are selected, 2FA is enabled for all members of these. If a user is both in a selected and excluded group, the selected takes precedence and 2FA is enforced." : "Pokiaľ sú skupiny vybraté/vynechané, je pre zisťovanie či je používateľovi vynútené dvojzložkové (2FA) overovanie použitá nasledovná logika: Ak nie sú vybraté žiadne skupiny, je 2FA zapnuté pre všetkých okrem členov vynechaných skupín. Ak sú nejaké skupiny vybraté, je 2FA zapnuté pre všetkých jej členov. Ak je používateľ členom ako vybratej, tak aj vynechanej skupiny, potom má vybratá skupina prednosť a 2FA je vynútené.",
+ "When groups are selected/excluded, they use the following logic to determine if a user has 2FA enforced: If no groups are selected, 2FA is enabled for everyone except members of the excluded groups. If groups are selected, 2FA is enabled for all members of these. If a user is both in a selected and excluded group, the selected takes precedence and 2FA is enforced." : "Pokiaľ sú skupiny vybraté/vynechané, je pre zisťovanie či je používateľovi vynútené dvojfázové (2FA) overovanie použitá nasledovná logika: Ak nie sú vybraté žiadne skupiny, je 2FA zapnuté pre všetkých okrem členov vynechaných skupín. Ak sú nejaké skupiny vybraté, je 2FA zapnuté pre všetkých jej členov. Ak je používateľ členom ako vybratej, tak aj vynechanej skupiny, potom má vybratá skupina prednosť a 2FA je vynútené.",
"Save changes" : "Uložiť zmeny",
"All" : "Všetky",
"Limit app usage to groups" : "Obmedziť používanie aplikácií pre skupiny",
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
"Unable to update background job mode" : "Nie je možné aktualizovať režim úlohy na pozadí",
"Profile" : "Profil",
"Enable or disable profile by default for new users." : "Predvolene povoliť alebo zakázať profil pre nových používateľov.",
- "Enable" : "Zapnúť",
+ "Enable" : "Povoliť",
"Unable to update profile default setting" : "Nie je možné aktualizovať predvolené nastavenie profilu",
"Server-side encryption" : "Šifrovanie na serveri",
"Server-side encryption makes it possible to encrypt files which are uploaded to this server. This comes with limitations like a performance penalty, so enable this only if needed." : "Šifrovanie na strane servera umožňuje zašifrovať súbory, ktoré sú na tento server nahrávané. To prináša obmedzenia ako napr. výkonnostné obmedzenie, takže to povoľte len ak je to naozaj potrebné.",
@@ -307,13 +307,13 @@
"No email address set" : "Emailová adresa nie je nastavená",
"Additional emails" : "Ďalšie e-maily",
"Your handle" : "Váš identifikátor (handle)",
- "Your headline" : "Váš titulok",
+ "Your headline" : "Váš titul",
"Language" : "Jazyk",
"Help translate" : "Pomôcť s prekladom",
"Unable to update language" : "Nie je možné aktualizovať jazyk",
"No language set" : "Nie je nastavený žiadny jazyk",
"Locale" : "Regionálne nastavenia",
- "Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Začiatok týždňa je {firstDayOfWeek}",
+ "Week starts on {firstDayOfWeek}" : "Prvý deň v týždni je {firstDayOfWeek}",
"Unable to update locale" : "Nie je možné aktualizovať regionálne nastavenia",
"No locale set" : "Nie sú konfigurované žiadne regionálne nastavenia",
"Your city" : "Vaše mesto",
@@ -397,19 +397,19 @@
"{license}-licensed" : "{license}-licencovaný",
"Changelog" : "Zoznam zmien",
"by {author}\n{license}" : "od {author}\n{license}",
- "Active users" : "Aktívni užívatelia",
+ "Active users" : "Aktívni používatelia",
"Admins" : "Administrátori",
"Disabled users" : "Zablokovaní používatelia",
"Group name" : "Názov skupiny",
"Not saved" : "Neuložené",
"Sending…" : "Odosielam...",
"Email sent" : "Email odoslaný",
- "Location" : "Umiestnenie",
+ "Location" : "Miesto",
"Profile picture" : "Avatar",
- "About" : "O aplikácii",
+ "About" : "O vás",
"Full name" : "Meno a priezvisko",
"Additional email" : "Ďalšie e-maily",
- "Headline" : "Titulok",
+ "Headline" : "Titul",
"Organisation" : "Organizácia",
"Phone number" : "Telefónne číslo",
"Role" : "Rola",
diff --git a/apps/systemtags/l10n/sk.js b/apps/systemtags/l10n/sk.js
index 105220866f7..17530950d92 100644
--- a/apps/systemtags/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/apps/systemtags/l10n/sk.js
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Tags" : "Štítky",
"All tagged %s …" : "Všetky označené %s …",
"tagged %s" : "označené %s",
- "Collaborative tags" : "Značky pre spoluprácu",
+ "Collaborative tags" : "Štítky pre spoluprácu",
"Collaborative tagging functionality which shares tags among users." : "Funkcie spoločného označovania, ktoré zdieľajú štítky medzi používateľmi.",
"Collaborative tagging functionality which shares tags among users. Great for teams.\n\t(If you are a provider with a multi-tenancy installation, it is advised to deactivate this app as tags are shared.)" : "Funkcie spoločného označovania, ktoré zdieľajú štítky medzi používateľmi. Skvelé pre tímy.\n\t (Ak ste poskytovateľom inštalácie pre viacero subjektov, odporúča sa túto aplikáciu deaktivovať, pretože štítky sú zdieľané.)",
"Search or create collaborative tags" : "Hľadajte alebo vytvorte kolaboratívne značky",
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Size" : "Veľkosť",
"Modified" : "Upravené",
"Tagged files" : "Súbory so štítkom",
- "Select tags to filter by" : "Vybrať štítky pre filter",
+ "Select tags to filter by" : "Vybrať štítky na filtrovanie",
"Please select tags to filter by" : "Vyberte štítky pre filtrovanie",
"No files found for the selected tags" : "Neboli nájdené žiadne súbory označené vybranými štítkami"
diff --git a/apps/systemtags/l10n/sk.json b/apps/systemtags/l10n/sk.json
index 04741a9f012..a949ce8ef77 100644
--- a/apps/systemtags/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/apps/systemtags/l10n/sk.json
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
"Tags" : "Štítky",
"All tagged %s …" : "Všetky označené %s …",
"tagged %s" : "označené %s",
- "Collaborative tags" : "Značky pre spoluprácu",
+ "Collaborative tags" : "Štítky pre spoluprácu",
"Collaborative tagging functionality which shares tags among users." : "Funkcie spoločného označovania, ktoré zdieľajú štítky medzi používateľmi.",
"Collaborative tagging functionality which shares tags among users. Great for teams.\n\t(If you are a provider with a multi-tenancy installation, it is advised to deactivate this app as tags are shared.)" : "Funkcie spoločného označovania, ktoré zdieľajú štítky medzi používateľmi. Skvelé pre tímy.\n\t (Ak ste poskytovateľom inštalácie pre viacero subjektov, odporúča sa túto aplikáciu deaktivovať, pretože štítky sú zdieľané.)",
"Search or create collaborative tags" : "Hľadajte alebo vytvorte kolaboratívne značky",
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
"Size" : "Veľkosť",
"Modified" : "Upravené",
"Tagged files" : "Súbory so štítkom",
- "Select tags to filter by" : "Vybrať štítky pre filter",
+ "Select tags to filter by" : "Vybrať štítky na filtrovanie",
"Please select tags to filter by" : "Vyberte štítky pre filtrovanie",
"No files found for the selected tags" : "Neboli nájdené žiadne súbory označené vybranými štítkami"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=4; plural=(n % 1 == 0 && n == 1 ? 0 : n % 1 == 0 && n >= 2 && n <= 4 ? 1 : n % 1 != 0 ? 2: 3);"
diff --git a/apps/theming/l10n/hu.js b/apps/theming/l10n/hu.js
index 43093f8303d..c33c71d4461 100644
--- a/apps/theming/l10n/hu.js
+++ b/apps/theming/l10n/hu.js
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Change color" : "Szín módosítása",
"No background" : "Nincs háttér",
"Select a background from your files" : "Válasszon hátteret a fájljai közül",
+ "Select background" : "Háttér választása",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "A témaválasztás kényszerített",
"Select a custom color" : "Válasszon egyéni színt",
"Reset to default" : "Visszaállítás alapértelmezettre",
diff --git a/apps/theming/l10n/hu.json b/apps/theming/l10n/hu.json
index 107a17ee556..760f0dcbd5c 100644
--- a/apps/theming/l10n/hu.json
+++ b/apps/theming/l10n/hu.json
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
"Change color" : "Szín módosítása",
"No background" : "Nincs háttér",
"Select a background from your files" : "Válasszon hátteret a fájljai közül",
+ "Select background" : "Háttér választása",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "A témaválasztás kényszerített",
"Select a custom color" : "Válasszon egyéni színt",
"Reset to default" : "Visszaállítás alapértelmezettre",
diff --git a/apps/theming/l10n/sk.js b/apps/theming/l10n/sk.js
index fca5f840d3d..ee478c1ec8d 100644
--- a/apps/theming/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/apps/theming/l10n/sk.js
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Color" : "Farba",
"Logo" : "Logo",
"Upload new logo" : "Nahrať nové logo",
+ "Background and login image" : "Obrázok pozadia a prihlasovacej obrazovky",
"Legal notice link" : "Odkaz na právne upozornenie",
"Privacy policy link" : "Odkaz na zásady ochrany osobných údajov",
"Header logo" : "Logo v hlavičke",
@@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"If you find any issues, do not hesitate to report them on {issuetracker}our issue tracker{linkend}. And if you want to get involved, come join {designteam}our design team{linkend}!" : "Ak nájdete nejaké problémy, neváhajte ich nahlásiť v {issuetracker}našom nástroji na sledovanie problémov{linkend}. A ak sa chcete zapojiť, pridajte sa k {designteam}nášmu tímu dizajnérov{linkend}!",
"Change color" : "Zmeniť farbu",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "Vynucuje sa výber témy",
+ "Select a custom color" : "Vyberte vlastnú farbu",
"Reset to default" : "Nastaviť predvolené",
"Upload" : "Nahrať",
"Remove background image" : "Odstrániť obrázok pozadia",
diff --git a/apps/theming/l10n/sk.json b/apps/theming/l10n/sk.json
index 37985da5055..aa001dfb660 100644
--- a/apps/theming/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/apps/theming/l10n/sk.json
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
"Color" : "Farba",
"Logo" : "Logo",
"Upload new logo" : "Nahrať nové logo",
+ "Background and login image" : "Obrázok pozadia a prihlasovacej obrazovky",
"Legal notice link" : "Odkaz na právne upozornenie",
"Privacy policy link" : "Odkaz na zásady ochrany osobných údajov",
"Header logo" : "Logo v hlavičke",
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@
"If you find any issues, do not hesitate to report them on {issuetracker}our issue tracker{linkend}. And if you want to get involved, come join {designteam}our design team{linkend}!" : "Ak nájdete nejaké problémy, neváhajte ich nahlásiť v {issuetracker}našom nástroji na sledovanie problémov{linkend}. A ak sa chcete zapojiť, pridajte sa k {designteam}nášmu tímu dizajnérov{linkend}!",
"Change color" : "Zmeniť farbu",
"Theme selection is enforced" : "Vynucuje sa výber témy",
+ "Select a custom color" : "Vyberte vlastnú farbu",
"Reset to default" : "Nastaviť predvolené",
"Upload" : "Nahrať",
"Remove background image" : "Odstrániť obrázok pozadia",
diff --git a/apps/twofactor_backupcodes/l10n/ast.js b/apps/twofactor_backupcodes/l10n/ast.js
index 9c594ff6ad1..f1af8fa9b0e 100644
--- a/apps/twofactor_backupcodes/l10n/ast.js
+++ b/apps/twofactor_backupcodes/l10n/ast.js
@@ -1,14 +1,23 @@
- "Generate backup codes" : "Xenerar códigos de respaldu",
- "Backup codes have been generated. {{used}} of {{total}} codes have been used." : "Xeneráronse los códigos de respaldu. Usáronse {{used}} de {{total}} códigos.",
- "These are your backup codes. Please save and/or print them as you will not be able to read the codes again later" : "Estos son los códigos de respaldu. Guárdalos y/o impréntalos darréu que nun sedrás a lleelos de nueves más sero",
- "Save backup codes" : "Guardar códigos de respaldu",
- "Regenerate backup codes" : "Rexenerar códigos de respaldu",
- "An error occurred while generating your backup codes" : "Asocedió un fallu entrín se xeneraben los tos códigos de respaldu",
- "Nextcloud backup codes" : "Códigos de respaldu de Nextcloud",
- "You created two-factor backup codes for your account" : "Creesti códigos de respaldu pa l'autenticación en dos pasos de la to cuenta",
- "Use backup code" : "Usar códigu de respaldu"
+ "You created two-factor backup codes for your account" : "Creesti los códigos de recuperación pa l'autenticación en dos pasos de la to cuenta",
+ "Second-factor backup codes" : "Códigos de recuperación de l'autenticación en dos pasos",
+ "Generate backup codes" : "Xenerar códigos de recuperación",
+ "You enabled two-factor authentication but did not generate backup codes yet. They are needed to restore access to your account in case you lose your second factor." : "Activesti l'autenticación en dos pasos mas entá nun xeneresti nengún códigu de recuperación. Estos códigos precísense pa recuperar l'accesu a la to cuenta en casu de perder l'autenticación en dos pasos.",
+ "Backup code" : "Códigu de recuperación",
+ "Use backup code" : "Usar un códigu de recuperación",
+ "Two factor backup codes" : "Códigos de recuperación de l'autenticación en dos pasos",
+ "A two-factor auth backup codes provider" : "Un fornidor de códigos de recuperación pa l'autenticación en dos pasos",
+ "Backup codes have been generated. {used} of {total} codes have been used." : "Xeneráronse los códigos de recuperación y usáronse {used} de {total} códigos.",
+ "These are your backup codes. Please save and/or print them as you will not be able to read the codes again later" : "Estos son los tos códigos de recuperación. Guárdalos ya/o impréntalos, darréu que nun vas ser a volver velos",
+ "Save backup codes" : "Guardar los códigos de recuperación",
+ "Print backup codes" : "Imprentar los códigos de recuperación",
+ "Regenerate backup codes" : "Volver xenerar los códigos de recuperación",
+ "If you regenerate backup codes, you automatically invalidate old codes." : "Si vuelves xenerar los códigos de recuperación, anules automáticamente los antiguos.",
+ "An error occurred while generating your backup codes" : "Prodúxose un error mentanto se xeneraben los códigos de recuperación",
+ "{name} backup codes" : "Códigos de recuperación de: {name}",
+ "Use one of the backup codes you saved when setting up two-factor authentication." : "Usa unu de los códigos de recuperación que guardesti cuando configuresti l'autenticación en dos pasos.",
+ "Submit" : "Unviar"
"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);");
diff --git a/apps/twofactor_backupcodes/l10n/ast.json b/apps/twofactor_backupcodes/l10n/ast.json
index 89c231dfe00..0f76f9b7168 100644
--- a/apps/twofactor_backupcodes/l10n/ast.json
+++ b/apps/twofactor_backupcodes/l10n/ast.json
@@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
{ "translations": {
- "Generate backup codes" : "Xenerar códigos de respaldu",
- "Backup codes have been generated. {{used}} of {{total}} codes have been used." : "Xeneráronse los códigos de respaldu. Usáronse {{used}} de {{total}} códigos.",
- "These are your backup codes. Please save and/or print them as you will not be able to read the codes again later" : "Estos son los códigos de respaldu. Guárdalos y/o impréntalos darréu que nun sedrás a lleelos de nueves más sero",
- "Save backup codes" : "Guardar códigos de respaldu",
- "Regenerate backup codes" : "Rexenerar códigos de respaldu",
- "An error occurred while generating your backup codes" : "Asocedió un fallu entrín se xeneraben los tos códigos de respaldu",
- "Nextcloud backup codes" : "Códigos de respaldu de Nextcloud",
- "You created two-factor backup codes for your account" : "Creesti códigos de respaldu pa l'autenticación en dos pasos de la to cuenta",
- "Use backup code" : "Usar códigu de respaldu"
+ "You created two-factor backup codes for your account" : "Creesti los códigos de recuperación pa l'autenticación en dos pasos de la to cuenta",
+ "Second-factor backup codes" : "Códigos de recuperación de l'autenticación en dos pasos",
+ "Generate backup codes" : "Xenerar códigos de recuperación",
+ "You enabled two-factor authentication but did not generate backup codes yet. They are needed to restore access to your account in case you lose your second factor." : "Activesti l'autenticación en dos pasos mas entá nun xeneresti nengún códigu de recuperación. Estos códigos precísense pa recuperar l'accesu a la to cuenta en casu de perder l'autenticación en dos pasos.",
+ "Backup code" : "Códigu de recuperación",
+ "Use backup code" : "Usar un códigu de recuperación",
+ "Two factor backup codes" : "Códigos de recuperación de l'autenticación en dos pasos",
+ "A two-factor auth backup codes provider" : "Un fornidor de códigos de recuperación pa l'autenticación en dos pasos",
+ "Backup codes have been generated. {used} of {total} codes have been used." : "Xeneráronse los códigos de recuperación y usáronse {used} de {total} códigos.",
+ "These are your backup codes. Please save and/or print them as you will not be able to read the codes again later" : "Estos son los tos códigos de recuperación. Guárdalos ya/o impréntalos, darréu que nun vas ser a volver velos",
+ "Save backup codes" : "Guardar los códigos de recuperación",
+ "Print backup codes" : "Imprentar los códigos de recuperación",
+ "Regenerate backup codes" : "Volver xenerar los códigos de recuperación",
+ "If you regenerate backup codes, you automatically invalidate old codes." : "Si vuelves xenerar los códigos de recuperación, anules automáticamente los antiguos.",
+ "An error occurred while generating your backup codes" : "Prodúxose un error mentanto se xeneraben los códigos de recuperación",
+ "{name} backup codes" : "Códigos de recuperación de: {name}",
+ "Use one of the backup codes you saved when setting up two-factor authentication." : "Usa unu de los códigos de recuperación que guardesti cuando configuresti l'autenticación en dos pasos.",
+ "Submit" : "Unviar"
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sk.js b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sk.js
index 0fe71720016..70bc16a25a4 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sk.js
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["%n nájdená skupina","%n nájdené skupiny","%n nájdených skupín","%n nájdených skupín"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "> 1000 nájdených skupín",
"> 1000 users found" : "> 1000 nájdených užívateľov",
- "_%n user found_::_%n users found_" : ["%n nájdený užívateľ","%n nájdený užívatelia","%n nájdených užívateľov","%n nájdených užívateľov"],
+ "_%n user found_::_%n users found_" : ["%n nájdený užívateľ","%n nájdený užívatelia","%n nájdených užívateľov","%n nájdených používateľov"],
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Nepodarilo sa zistiť atribút pre zobrazenie mena používateľa. Zadajte ho sami v rozšírených nastaveniach LDAP.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Nemožno nájsť požadovanú funkciu",
"Invalid Host" : "Neplatný hostiteľ",
diff --git a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sk.json b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sk.json
index 4a5d9fbf5fe..3837586c6db 100644
--- a/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/apps/user_ldap/l10n/sk.json
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
"_%n group found_::_%n groups found_" : ["%n nájdená skupina","%n nájdené skupiny","%n nájdených skupín","%n nájdených skupín"],
"> 1000 groups found" : "> 1000 nájdených skupín",
"> 1000 users found" : "> 1000 nájdených užívateľov",
- "_%n user found_::_%n users found_" : ["%n nájdený užívateľ","%n nájdený užívatelia","%n nájdených užívateľov","%n nájdených užívateľov"],
+ "_%n user found_::_%n users found_" : ["%n nájdený užívateľ","%n nájdený užívatelia","%n nájdených užívateľov","%n nájdených používateľov"],
"Could not detect user display name attribute. Please specify it yourself in advanced LDAP settings." : "Nepodarilo sa zistiť atribút pre zobrazenie mena používateľa. Zadajte ho sami v rozšírených nastaveniach LDAP.",
"Could not find the desired feature" : "Nemožno nájsť požadovanú funkciu",
"Invalid Host" : "Neplatný hostiteľ",
diff --git a/apps/workflowengine/l10n/hu.js b/apps/workflowengine/l10n/hu.js
index e1029aba989..f729a8997e7 100644
--- a/apps/workflowengine/l10n/hu.js
+++ b/apps/workflowengine/l10n/hu.js
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Desktop client" : "Asztali kliens",
"Thunderbird & Outlook addons" : "Thunderbird és Outlook kiegészítők",
"Custom user agent" : "Egyéni felhasználói ügynök",
+ "Select a trigger" : "Válasszon feltételt",
"At least one event must be selected" : "Legalább egy eseményt ki kell választani",
"Add new flow" : "Új folyamat hozzáadása",
"When" : "Mikor",
diff --git a/apps/workflowengine/l10n/hu.json b/apps/workflowengine/l10n/hu.json
index 5992bd74052..dfd5c30d647 100644
--- a/apps/workflowengine/l10n/hu.json
+++ b/apps/workflowengine/l10n/hu.json
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
"Desktop client" : "Asztali kliens",
"Thunderbird & Outlook addons" : "Thunderbird és Outlook kiegészítők",
"Custom user agent" : "Egyéni felhasználói ügynök",
+ "Select a trigger" : "Válasszon feltételt",
"At least one event must be selected" : "Legalább egy eseményt ki kell választani",
"Add new flow" : "Új folyamat hozzáadása",
"When" : "Mikor",
diff --git a/core/l10n/ar.js b/core/l10n/ar.js
index ead2f540a24..56d75e80281 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ar.js
+++ b/core/l10n/ar.js
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "فشل التحديث. يرجى التبليغ عن هذه المشكلة إلى <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> مجتمع Nextcloud </a>.",
"Continue to {productName}" : "أكمل إلى {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["تم التحديث بنجاح، سوف يعاد توجيهك إلى {productName} خلال %n ثواني.","تم التحديث بنجاح، سوف يعاد توجيهك إلى {productName} خلال%n ثواني.","تم التحديث بنجاح، سوف يعاد توجيهك إلى {productName} خلال %n ثواني.","تم التحديث بنجاح، سوف يعاد توجيهك إلى {productName} خلال %n ثواني.","تم التحديث بنجاح، سوف يعاد توجيهك إلى {productName} خلال %n ثواني.","تم التحديث بنجاح، سوف يعاد توجيهك إلى {productName} خلال %n ثواني."],
+ "Applications menu" : "قائمة التطبيقات",
"More apps" : "المزيد من التطبيقات",
"Currently open" : "مفتوح حاليّاً ",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} إخطارات","{count} إخطار","{count} إخطارات","{count} إخطارات","{count} إخطارات","{count} إخطارات"],
@@ -231,6 +232,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Supported versions" : "النسخ المدعومة",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "المستعرض {name} من النسخة {version} فما فوق",
"Settings menu" : "قائمة الإعدادات",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "صورة رمزية avatar لـ {displayName}",
"Search {types} …" : "بحث {types} …",
"No" : "لا",
"Yes" : "نعم",
@@ -255,10 +257,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} تم تحديد)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "خطأ في تحميل القالب الحالي",
"Saving …" : "جاري الحفظ…",
- "Authentication required" : "المصادقة مطلوبة",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "يتطلب هذا الإجراء منك تأكيد كلمة المرور",
- "Confirm" : "تأكيد",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "أخفقت المصادقة، أعد المحاولة",
"seconds ago" : "منذ ثواني",
"Connection to server lost" : "تم فقد الاتصال بالخادم",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل الصفحة، سيعاد التحميل خلال %n ثانية","حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل الصفحة، سيعاد التحميل خلال %n ثواني ","حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل الصفحة، سيعاد التحميل خلال %n ثواني ","حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل الصفحة، سيعاد التحميل خلال %n ثواني ","حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل الصفحة، سيعاد التحميل خلال %n ثواني ","حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل الصفحة، سيعاد التحميل خلال %n ثواني."],
@@ -350,7 +348,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "تجاهل التنقل في التطبيق",
"Go to %s" : "الإنتقال إلى %s",
"Get your own free account" : "احصل على حساب لك بالمجان",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "يتطلب هذا الإجراء منك تأكيد كلمة المرور",
"Confirm your password" : "تأكيد كلمتك السرية",
+ "Confirm" : "تأكيد",
"Connect to your account" : "الاتصال بحسابك",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "يرجى تسجيل الدخول قبل الحصول على اذن %1$s في حسابك %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "إذا كنت لا تحاول تعيين جهاز أو تطبيق جديد ، فإن شخصًا ما يحاول خداعك لمنحه حق الوصول إلى بياناتك. في هذه الحالة ، لا تقم بالمتابعة وبدلاً من ذلك اتصل بمسؤول النظام.",
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Press enter to start searching" : "اضغط على Enter لبدء البحث",
"Open settings menu" : "إفتح قائمة الإعدادات",
"Settings" : "الإعدادات",
- "Avatar of {fullName}" : "صورة رمزية لـ {fullName}",
+ "Avatar of {fullName}" : "صورة رمزية avatar لـ {fullName}",
"No files in here" : "لا توجد ملفات هنا",
"New folder" : "مجلد جديد",
"No more subfolders in here" : "لا يوجد هنا ملفات فرعية",
@@ -427,6 +427,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "الرئيسية",
"Copy to {folder}" : "أنسخ إلى {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "النقل إلى {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "المصادقة مطلوبة",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "أخفقت المصادقة، أعد المحاولة",
"File not found" : "لم يتم العثور على الملف",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "لا يمكن العثور على المستند، ربما المشاركة محذوفه او منتهيه؟",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "يرجى استخدام خاصية تحديث سطر الاوامر بسبب التحديثات التلقائية ملغية في ملف الاعدادات config.php",
diff --git a/core/l10n/ar.json b/core/l10n/ar.json
index 0c4c395bf99..25314d52e46 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ar.json
+++ b/core/l10n/ar.json
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "فشل التحديث. يرجى التبليغ عن هذه المشكلة إلى <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> مجتمع Nextcloud </a>.",
"Continue to {productName}" : "أكمل إلى {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["تم التحديث بنجاح، سوف يعاد توجيهك إلى {productName} خلال %n ثواني.","تم التحديث بنجاح، سوف يعاد توجيهك إلى {productName} خلال%n ثواني.","تم التحديث بنجاح، سوف يعاد توجيهك إلى {productName} خلال %n ثواني.","تم التحديث بنجاح، سوف يعاد توجيهك إلى {productName} خلال %n ثواني.","تم التحديث بنجاح، سوف يعاد توجيهك إلى {productName} خلال %n ثواني.","تم التحديث بنجاح، سوف يعاد توجيهك إلى {productName} خلال %n ثواني."],
+ "Applications menu" : "قائمة التطبيقات",
"More apps" : "المزيد من التطبيقات",
"Currently open" : "مفتوح حاليّاً ",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} إخطارات","{count} إخطار","{count} إخطارات","{count} إخطارات","{count} إخطارات","{count} إخطارات"],
@@ -229,6 +230,7 @@
"Supported versions" : "النسخ المدعومة",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "المستعرض {name} من النسخة {version} فما فوق",
"Settings menu" : "قائمة الإعدادات",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "صورة رمزية avatar لـ {displayName}",
"Search {types} …" : "بحث {types} …",
"No" : "لا",
"Yes" : "نعم",
@@ -253,10 +255,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} تم تحديد)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "خطأ في تحميل القالب الحالي",
"Saving …" : "جاري الحفظ…",
- "Authentication required" : "المصادقة مطلوبة",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "يتطلب هذا الإجراء منك تأكيد كلمة المرور",
- "Confirm" : "تأكيد",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "أخفقت المصادقة، أعد المحاولة",
"seconds ago" : "منذ ثواني",
"Connection to server lost" : "تم فقد الاتصال بالخادم",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل الصفحة، سيعاد التحميل خلال %n ثانية","حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل الصفحة، سيعاد التحميل خلال %n ثواني ","حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل الصفحة، سيعاد التحميل خلال %n ثواني ","حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل الصفحة، سيعاد التحميل خلال %n ثواني ","حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل الصفحة، سيعاد التحميل خلال %n ثواني ","حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل الصفحة، سيعاد التحميل خلال %n ثواني."],
@@ -348,7 +346,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "تجاهل التنقل في التطبيق",
"Go to %s" : "الإنتقال إلى %s",
"Get your own free account" : "احصل على حساب لك بالمجان",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "يتطلب هذا الإجراء منك تأكيد كلمة المرور",
"Confirm your password" : "تأكيد كلمتك السرية",
+ "Confirm" : "تأكيد",
"Connect to your account" : "الاتصال بحسابك",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "يرجى تسجيل الدخول قبل الحصول على اذن %1$s في حسابك %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "إذا كنت لا تحاول تعيين جهاز أو تطبيق جديد ، فإن شخصًا ما يحاول خداعك لمنحه حق الوصول إلى بياناتك. في هذه الحالة ، لا تقم بالمتابعة وبدلاً من ذلك اتصل بمسؤول النظام.",
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
"Press enter to start searching" : "اضغط على Enter لبدء البحث",
"Open settings menu" : "إفتح قائمة الإعدادات",
"Settings" : "الإعدادات",
- "Avatar of {fullName}" : "صورة رمزية لـ {fullName}",
+ "Avatar of {fullName}" : "صورة رمزية avatar لـ {fullName}",
"No files in here" : "لا توجد ملفات هنا",
"New folder" : "مجلد جديد",
"No more subfolders in here" : "لا يوجد هنا ملفات فرعية",
@@ -425,6 +425,8 @@
"Home" : "الرئيسية",
"Copy to {folder}" : "أنسخ إلى {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "النقل إلى {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "المصادقة مطلوبة",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "أخفقت المصادقة، أعد المحاولة",
"File not found" : "لم يتم العثور على الملف",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "لا يمكن العثور على المستند، ربما المشاركة محذوفه او منتهيه؟",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "يرجى استخدام خاصية تحديث سطر الاوامر بسبب التحديثات التلقائية ملغية في ملف الاعدادات config.php",
diff --git a/core/l10n/bg.js b/core/l10n/bg.js
index 68745725757..5a5a57f0ca3 100644
--- a/core/l10n/bg.js
+++ b/core/l10n/bg.js
@@ -245,10 +245,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} избрани)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Грешка при зареждането на шаблона за вече съществуващ файл",
"Saving …" : "Записване …",
- "Authentication required" : "Изисква удостоверяване",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Необходимо е да потвърдите паролата си",
- "Confirm" : "Потвърди",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Грешка при удостоверяване, опитайте пак",
"seconds ago" : "преди секунди",
"Connection to server lost" : "Няма връзка със сървъра",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Проблем при зареждането на страницата, презареждане след %n секунда","Проблем при зареждането на страницата, презареждане след %n секунди"],
@@ -340,7 +336,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Преминаване към навигация на приложението",
"Go to %s" : "Отидете на %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Вземете свой собствен безплатен профил",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Необходимо е да потвърдите паролата си",
"Confirm your password" : "Потвърдете паролата си",
+ "Confirm" : "Потвърди",
"Connect to your account" : "Свързване към вашия профил",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Необходимо е да се впишете, преди да дадете достъп на %1$s до вашия %2$s профил.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Ако не се опитвате да настроите ново устройство или приложение, някой се опитва да ви подмами, за да му предоставите достъп до вашите данни. В този случай не продължавайте и вместо това се свържете със системния си администратор.",
@@ -417,6 +415,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Начална страница",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Копирай в {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Премести в {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Изисква удостоверяване",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Грешка при удостоверяване, опитайте пак",
"File not found" : "Файлът не е открит",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Документът не можа да бъде намерен на сървъра. Може би споделянето е изтрито или е изтекло?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Моля използвайте съветникът за актуализиране в командния ред, защото автоматичният е забранен в config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/bg.json b/core/l10n/bg.json
index 9fbed70c467..326afd0f0b4 100644
--- a/core/l10n/bg.json
+++ b/core/l10n/bg.json
@@ -243,10 +243,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} избрани)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Грешка при зареждането на шаблона за вече съществуващ файл",
"Saving …" : "Записване …",
- "Authentication required" : "Изисква удостоверяване",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Необходимо е да потвърдите паролата си",
- "Confirm" : "Потвърди",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Грешка при удостоверяване, опитайте пак",
"seconds ago" : "преди секунди",
"Connection to server lost" : "Няма връзка със сървъра",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Проблем при зареждането на страницата, презареждане след %n секунда","Проблем при зареждането на страницата, презареждане след %n секунди"],
@@ -338,7 +334,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Преминаване към навигация на приложението",
"Go to %s" : "Отидете на %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Вземете свой собствен безплатен профил",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Необходимо е да потвърдите паролата си",
"Confirm your password" : "Потвърдете паролата си",
+ "Confirm" : "Потвърди",
"Connect to your account" : "Свързване към вашия профил",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Необходимо е да се впишете, преди да дадете достъп на %1$s до вашия %2$s профил.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Ако не се опитвате да настроите ново устройство или приложение, някой се опитва да ви подмами, за да му предоставите достъп до вашите данни. В този случай не продължавайте и вместо това се свържете със системния си администратор.",
@@ -415,6 +413,8 @@
"Home" : "Начална страница",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Копирай в {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Премести в {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Изисква удостоверяване",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Грешка при удостоверяване, опитайте пак",
"File not found" : "Файлът не е открит",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Документът не можа да бъде намерен на сървъра. Може би споделянето е изтрито или е изтекло?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Моля използвайте съветникът за актуализиране в командния ред, защото автоматичният е забранен в config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/br.js b/core/l10n/br.js
index db8d985de17..48ae6df3a52 100644
--- a/core/l10n/br.js
+++ b/core/l10n/br.js
@@ -154,10 +154,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} dibabet)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Ur fazi zo bet pa voe karget ar restr",
"Saving …" : "Orc'h enrolliñ",
- "Authentication required" : "Eus un dilesa ez eus ezhomp",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "An ober-mañ a c'houlenn e kadarnfec'h ho ker-tremen",
- "Confirm" : "Kadarnañ",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Dilesa c'hwitet, klaskit en dro",
"seconds ago" : "eilenn zo",
"Connection to server lost" : "Kelet eo bet ar c'henstagañ gant ar servijour",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Ur gudenn zo evit kargañ ar bajenn, adkargit a ben %n eilenn","Ur gudenn zo evit kargañ ar bajenn, adkargit a ben %n eilenn","Ur gudenn zo evit kargañ ar bajenn, adkargit a ben %n eilenn","Ur gudenn zo evit kargañ ar bajenn, adkargit a ben %n eilenn","Ur gudenn zo evit kargañ ar bajenn, adkargit a ben %n eilenn"],
@@ -239,7 +235,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Mont d'ar meziant merdeerezh",
"Go to %s" : "Mont da %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Tapit o c'hont digoust",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "An ober-mañ a c'houlenn e kadarnfec'h ho ker-tremen",
"Confirm your password" : "Kadarnañ ho ker-tremen",
+ "Confirm" : "Kadarnañ",
"Connect to your account" : "Kevreit gant o c'hont",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Kit-tre a raok reiñ %1$s tremen d'o c'hont %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "M'a n'oc'h ket o klask stumma un ardivink pe meziant nevez, unan bennak a zo o klask lakaat ac'hanoc'h aotreañ anezho da dizout o roadennoù. M'az eo ze, na gendalc'hit ket, ha kelaouit o merour.",
@@ -302,6 +300,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Degemer",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Eilan e {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Diblasañ da {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Eus un dilesa ez eus ezhomp",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Dilesa c'hwitet, klaskit en dro",
"File not found" : "N'eo ket bet kavet ar restr",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "N'eo ket posuple kavout ar ragtress war ar servijour. Marteze eo re gozh pe ez eo bet lammet ar rannadenn.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Mar-plij, implijit al linenn-urzh adneveziñ peogwir eo disaotreet an adneveziñ otomatek e-barzh config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/br.json b/core/l10n/br.json
index b4e5a0e4769..0a93335bd93 100644
--- a/core/l10n/br.json
+++ b/core/l10n/br.json
@@ -152,10 +152,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} dibabet)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Ur fazi zo bet pa voe karget ar restr",
"Saving …" : "Orc'h enrolliñ",
- "Authentication required" : "Eus un dilesa ez eus ezhomp",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "An ober-mañ a c'houlenn e kadarnfec'h ho ker-tremen",
- "Confirm" : "Kadarnañ",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Dilesa c'hwitet, klaskit en dro",
"seconds ago" : "eilenn zo",
"Connection to server lost" : "Kelet eo bet ar c'henstagañ gant ar servijour",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Ur gudenn zo evit kargañ ar bajenn, adkargit a ben %n eilenn","Ur gudenn zo evit kargañ ar bajenn, adkargit a ben %n eilenn","Ur gudenn zo evit kargañ ar bajenn, adkargit a ben %n eilenn","Ur gudenn zo evit kargañ ar bajenn, adkargit a ben %n eilenn","Ur gudenn zo evit kargañ ar bajenn, adkargit a ben %n eilenn"],
@@ -237,7 +233,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Mont d'ar meziant merdeerezh",
"Go to %s" : "Mont da %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Tapit o c'hont digoust",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "An ober-mañ a c'houlenn e kadarnfec'h ho ker-tremen",
"Confirm your password" : "Kadarnañ ho ker-tremen",
+ "Confirm" : "Kadarnañ",
"Connect to your account" : "Kevreit gant o c'hont",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Kit-tre a raok reiñ %1$s tremen d'o c'hont %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "M'a n'oc'h ket o klask stumma un ardivink pe meziant nevez, unan bennak a zo o klask lakaat ac'hanoc'h aotreañ anezho da dizout o roadennoù. M'az eo ze, na gendalc'hit ket, ha kelaouit o merour.",
@@ -300,6 +298,8 @@
"Home" : "Degemer",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Eilan e {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Diblasañ da {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Eus un dilesa ez eus ezhomp",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Dilesa c'hwitet, klaskit en dro",
"File not found" : "N'eo ket bet kavet ar restr",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "N'eo ket posuple kavout ar ragtress war ar servijour. Marteze eo re gozh pe ez eo bet lammet ar rannadenn.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Mar-plij, implijit al linenn-urzh adneveziñ peogwir eo disaotreet an adneveziñ otomatek e-barzh config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/ca.js b/core/l10n/ca.js
index 681bd62010b..5a306e07a48 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ca.js
+++ b/core/l10n/ca.js
@@ -253,10 +253,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "(selecció: {count})",
"Error loading file exists template" : "S'ha produït un error en carregar la plantilla de fitxer existent",
"Saving …" : "S'està desant…",
- "Authentication required" : "Cal autenticació",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Aquesta acció requereix que confirmeu la contrasenya",
- "Confirm" : "Confirma",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "S'ha produït un error d'autenticació, torneu-ho a provar",
"seconds ago" : "fa uns segons",
"Connection to server lost" : "S'ha perdut la connexió amb el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Hi ha hagut un problema en carregar la pàgina, es tornarà a carregar d'aquí a %n segon","Hi ha hagut un problema en carregar la pàgina, es tornarà a carregar d'aquí a %n segons"],
@@ -348,7 +344,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Salta a la navegació de l'aplicació",
"Go to %s" : "Ves a %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Obteniu el vostre propi compte gratuït",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Aquesta acció requereix que confirmeu la contrasenya",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirmeu la contrasenya",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirma",
"Connect to your account" : "Connexió al vostre compte",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Inicieu la sessió abans de concedir a %1$s accés al vostre compte del %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Si no intenteu configurar un dispositiu o una aplicació nova, algú intenta enganyar-vos perquè li concediu accés a les vostres dades. En aquest cas, no procediu i contacteu amb l'administrador del sistema.",
@@ -425,6 +423,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Inici",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copia a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mou a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Cal autenticació",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "S'ha produït un error d'autenticació, torneu-ho a provar",
"File not found" : "No s'ha trobat el fitxer",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "No s'ha trobat el document en el servidor. És possible que s'hagi suprimit la referència o que hagi caducat.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Utilitzeu l'actualitzador de línia d'ordres; l'actualització automàtica està inhabilitada en el fitxer config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/ca.json b/core/l10n/ca.json
index 9cdd66ee3ed..cedee503338 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ca.json
+++ b/core/l10n/ca.json
@@ -251,10 +251,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "(selecció: {count})",
"Error loading file exists template" : "S'ha produït un error en carregar la plantilla de fitxer existent",
"Saving …" : "S'està desant…",
- "Authentication required" : "Cal autenticació",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Aquesta acció requereix que confirmeu la contrasenya",
- "Confirm" : "Confirma",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "S'ha produït un error d'autenticació, torneu-ho a provar",
"seconds ago" : "fa uns segons",
"Connection to server lost" : "S'ha perdut la connexió amb el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Hi ha hagut un problema en carregar la pàgina, es tornarà a carregar d'aquí a %n segon","Hi ha hagut un problema en carregar la pàgina, es tornarà a carregar d'aquí a %n segons"],
@@ -346,7 +342,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Salta a la navegació de l'aplicació",
"Go to %s" : "Ves a %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Obteniu el vostre propi compte gratuït",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Aquesta acció requereix que confirmeu la contrasenya",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirmeu la contrasenya",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirma",
"Connect to your account" : "Connexió al vostre compte",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Inicieu la sessió abans de concedir a %1$s accés al vostre compte del %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Si no intenteu configurar un dispositiu o una aplicació nova, algú intenta enganyar-vos perquè li concediu accés a les vostres dades. En aquest cas, no procediu i contacteu amb l'administrador del sistema.",
@@ -423,6 +421,8 @@
"Home" : "Inici",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copia a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mou a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Cal autenticació",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "S'ha produït un error d'autenticació, torneu-ho a provar",
"File not found" : "No s'ha trobat el fitxer",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "No s'ha trobat el document en el servidor. És possible que s'hagi suprimit la referència o que hagi caducat.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Utilitzeu l'actualitzador de línia d'ordres; l'actualització automàtica està inhabilitada en el fitxer config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/cs.js b/core/l10n/cs.js
index a97030d1405..d8fd92103f5 100644
--- a/core/l10n/cs.js
+++ b/core/l10n/cs.js
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Aktualizace nebyla úspěšná. Prosím nahlaste tento problém <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">komunitě projektu Nextcloud</a>",
"Continue to {productName}" : "Pokračujte k {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["Aktualizace proběhla úspěšně. Za %n sekundu budete přesměrováni do {productName}","Aktualizace proběhla úspěšně. Za %n sekundy budete přesměrováni do {productName}","Aktualizace proběhla úspěšně. Za %n sekund budete přesměrováni do {productName}","Aktualizace proběhla úspěšně. Za %n sekundy budete přesměrováni do {productName}"],
+ "Applications menu" : "Nabídka aplikací",
"More apps" : "Více aplikací",
"Currently open" : "Nyní otevřeno",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} upozornění","{count} upozornění","{count} upozornění","{count} upozornění"],
@@ -231,6 +232,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Supported versions" : "Podporované verze",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "{name} verze {version} a novější",
"Settings menu" : "Nabídka nastavení",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "Zástupný obrázek {displayName}",
"Search {types} …" : "Hledat {types}…",
"No" : "Ne",
"Yes" : "Ano",
@@ -255,10 +257,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "(vybráno {count})",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Chyba při načítání šablony existence souboru",
"Saving …" : "Ukládání…",
- "Authentication required" : "Vyžadováno ověření",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Tato akce vyžaduje zadání vašeho hesla",
- "Confirm" : "Potvrdit",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Ověření se nezdařilo, zkuste to znovu",
"seconds ago" : "před několika sekundami",
"Connection to server lost" : "Připojení k serveru ztraceno",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problém s načítáním stránky, obnovení za %n sekundu","Problém s načítáním stránky, obnovení za %n sekundy","Problém s načítáním stránky, obnovení za %n sekund","Problém s načítáním stránky, obnovení za %n sekund"],
@@ -350,7 +348,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Přeskočit na navigaci aplikace",
"Go to %s" : "Jít na %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Získejte svůj vlastní účet zdarma",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Tato akce vyžaduje zadání vašeho hesla",
"Confirm your password" : "Potvrdit heslo",
+ "Confirm" : "Potvrdit",
"Connect to your account" : "Propojit s vaším účtem",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Přihlaste se abyste mohli %1$s udělit přístup k vašemu %2$s účtu.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Pokud se nepokoušíte nastavit nové zařízení či aplikaci, někdo se pokouší vás ošálit a získat tak přístup k vašim datům. V takovém případě nepokračujte a obraťte se na svého správce systémů.",
@@ -427,6 +427,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Domů",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Zkopírovat do {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Přesunout do {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Vyžadováno ověření",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Ověření se nezdařilo, zkuste to znovu",
"File not found" : "Soubor nenalezen",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Dokument se nepodařilo na serveru najít. Možná bylo sdílení smazáno nebo skončila jeho platnost?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Zaktualizujte z příkazového řádku, protože automatická aktualizace je v config.php vypnutá.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/cs.json b/core/l10n/cs.json
index f4808b83299..fabb59b656d 100644
--- a/core/l10n/cs.json
+++ b/core/l10n/cs.json
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Aktualizace nebyla úspěšná. Prosím nahlaste tento problém <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">komunitě projektu Nextcloud</a>",
"Continue to {productName}" : "Pokračujte k {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["Aktualizace proběhla úspěšně. Za %n sekundu budete přesměrováni do {productName}","Aktualizace proběhla úspěšně. Za %n sekundy budete přesměrováni do {productName}","Aktualizace proběhla úspěšně. Za %n sekund budete přesměrováni do {productName}","Aktualizace proběhla úspěšně. Za %n sekundy budete přesměrováni do {productName}"],
+ "Applications menu" : "Nabídka aplikací",
"More apps" : "Více aplikací",
"Currently open" : "Nyní otevřeno",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} upozornění","{count} upozornění","{count} upozornění","{count} upozornění"],
@@ -229,6 +230,7 @@
"Supported versions" : "Podporované verze",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "{name} verze {version} a novější",
"Settings menu" : "Nabídka nastavení",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "Zástupný obrázek {displayName}",
"Search {types} …" : "Hledat {types}…",
"No" : "Ne",
"Yes" : "Ano",
@@ -253,10 +255,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "(vybráno {count})",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Chyba při načítání šablony existence souboru",
"Saving …" : "Ukládání…",
- "Authentication required" : "Vyžadováno ověření",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Tato akce vyžaduje zadání vašeho hesla",
- "Confirm" : "Potvrdit",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Ověření se nezdařilo, zkuste to znovu",
"seconds ago" : "před několika sekundami",
"Connection to server lost" : "Připojení k serveru ztraceno",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problém s načítáním stránky, obnovení za %n sekundu","Problém s načítáním stránky, obnovení za %n sekundy","Problém s načítáním stránky, obnovení za %n sekund","Problém s načítáním stránky, obnovení za %n sekund"],
@@ -348,7 +346,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Přeskočit na navigaci aplikace",
"Go to %s" : "Jít na %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Získejte svůj vlastní účet zdarma",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Tato akce vyžaduje zadání vašeho hesla",
"Confirm your password" : "Potvrdit heslo",
+ "Confirm" : "Potvrdit",
"Connect to your account" : "Propojit s vaším účtem",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Přihlaste se abyste mohli %1$s udělit přístup k vašemu %2$s účtu.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Pokud se nepokoušíte nastavit nové zařízení či aplikaci, někdo se pokouší vás ošálit a získat tak přístup k vašim datům. V takovém případě nepokračujte a obraťte se na svého správce systémů.",
@@ -425,6 +425,8 @@
"Home" : "Domů",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Zkopírovat do {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Přesunout do {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Vyžadováno ověření",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Ověření se nezdařilo, zkuste to znovu",
"File not found" : "Soubor nenalezen",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Dokument se nepodařilo na serveru najít. Možná bylo sdílení smazáno nebo skončila jeho platnost?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Zaktualizujte z příkazového řádku, protože automatická aktualizace je v config.php vypnutá.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/da.js b/core/l10n/da.js
index 4bd08bf49c7..aa935bc6b47 100644
--- a/core/l10n/da.js
+++ b/core/l10n/da.js
@@ -251,10 +251,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} valgt)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Fejl ved inlæsning af; fil eksistere skabelon",
"Saving …" : "Gemmer…",
- "Authentication required" : "Godkendelse påkrævet",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Denne handling kræver at du bekræfter dit kodeord",
- "Confirm" : "Bekræft",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Kunne ikke godkendes, prøv igen",
"seconds ago" : "sekunder siden",
"Connection to server lost" : "Forbindelsen til serveren er tabt",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Der opstod et problem med at hente siden, prøver igen om %n sekund","Der opstod et problem med at hente siden, prøver igen om %n sekunder"],
@@ -346,7 +342,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Skip til navigation af app",
"Go to %s" : "Gå til %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Få din egen gratis konto",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Denne handling kræver at du bekræfter dit kodeord",
"Confirm your password" : "Bekræft dit password",
+ "Confirm" : "Bekræft",
"Connect to your account" : "Forbind til din konto",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Log venligst ind for at tildele %1$s adgang til din %2$s konto.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Hvis du ikke er igang med at konfigurerer en ny enhed eller app, så er der nogen som forsøger at snyde dig til at give dem adgang til dine data. I dette filfælde skal du ikke forsætte, men istedet kontakte din system administrator.",
@@ -423,6 +421,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Hjem",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopier til {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Flyt til {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Godkendelse påkrævet",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Kunne ikke godkendes, prøv igen",
"File not found" : "Filen blev ikke fundet",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Dokumentet kunne ikke findes på serveren. Måske er det slettet, eller udløbet?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Benyt kommandolinjen til at opdatere, da automatisk opdatering er slået fra i config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/da.json b/core/l10n/da.json
index f1a22389808..371c7b6c626 100644
--- a/core/l10n/da.json
+++ b/core/l10n/da.json
@@ -249,10 +249,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} valgt)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Fejl ved inlæsning af; fil eksistere skabelon",
"Saving …" : "Gemmer…",
- "Authentication required" : "Godkendelse påkrævet",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Denne handling kræver at du bekræfter dit kodeord",
- "Confirm" : "Bekræft",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Kunne ikke godkendes, prøv igen",
"seconds ago" : "sekunder siden",
"Connection to server lost" : "Forbindelsen til serveren er tabt",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Der opstod et problem med at hente siden, prøver igen om %n sekund","Der opstod et problem med at hente siden, prøver igen om %n sekunder"],
@@ -344,7 +340,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Skip til navigation af app",
"Go to %s" : "Gå til %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Få din egen gratis konto",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Denne handling kræver at du bekræfter dit kodeord",
"Confirm your password" : "Bekræft dit password",
+ "Confirm" : "Bekræft",
"Connect to your account" : "Forbind til din konto",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Log venligst ind for at tildele %1$s adgang til din %2$s konto.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Hvis du ikke er igang med at konfigurerer en ny enhed eller app, så er der nogen som forsøger at snyde dig til at give dem adgang til dine data. I dette filfælde skal du ikke forsætte, men istedet kontakte din system administrator.",
@@ -421,6 +419,8 @@
"Home" : "Hjem",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopier til {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Flyt til {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Godkendelse påkrævet",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Kunne ikke godkendes, prøv igen",
"File not found" : "Filen blev ikke fundet",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Dokumentet kunne ikke findes på serveren. Måske er det slettet, eller udløbet?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Benyt kommandolinjen til at opdatere, da automatisk opdatering er slået fra i config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/de.js b/core/l10n/de.js
index c757be79896..869d1a9bddd 100644
--- a/core/l10n/de.js
+++ b/core/l10n/de.js
@@ -245,10 +245,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} ausgewählt)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Fehler beim Laden der vorhanden Dateivorlage",
"Saving …" : "Speichern …",
- "Authentication required" : "Legitimierung benötigt",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Dieser Vorgang benötigt eine Passwortbestätigung von dir",
- "Confirm" : "Bestätigen",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Legitimierung fehlgeschlagen, noch einmal versuchen",
"seconds ago" : "Gerade eben",
"Connection to server lost" : "Verbindung zum Server verloren",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problem beim Laden der Seite, Seite wird in %n Sekunde nochmals geladen","Problem beim Laden der Seite, Seite wird in %n Sekunden erneut geladen"],
@@ -340,7 +336,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Zum Navigationsbereich der App springen",
"Go to %s" : "%s aufrufen",
"Get your own free account" : "Hole dir dein eigenes kostenloses Konto",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Dieser Vorgang benötigt eine Passwortbestätigung von dir",
"Confirm your password" : "Bestätige dein Passwort",
+ "Confirm" : "Bestätigen",
"Connect to your account" : "Verbinde dich mit deinem Konto",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Bitte melde dich an, bevor du %1$s Zugriff auf dein %2$s-Konto gewährst.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Solltest du aktuell nicht versuchen, ein neues Gerät oder eine neue App einzurichten, dann kann es sein, dass jemand versucht, dich dazu zu bewegen, ihm Zugriff auf deine Daten zu gewähren. Fahre in diesem Fall nicht fort, sondern wende dich an deine Administration.",
@@ -417,6 +415,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Startseite",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopieren nach {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Verschieben nach {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Legitimierung benötigt",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Legitimierung fehlgeschlagen, noch einmal versuchen",
"File not found" : "Datei nicht gefunden",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Das Dokument konnte auf dem Server nicht gefunden werden. Möglicherweise wurde die Freigabe gelöscht oder ist abgelaufen?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Da automatische Updates in der config.php deaktivert sind, nutze bitte den Updater über die Kommandozeile.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/de.json b/core/l10n/de.json
index 3cfb0ef3964..539d50a0ecd 100644
--- a/core/l10n/de.json
+++ b/core/l10n/de.json
@@ -243,10 +243,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} ausgewählt)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Fehler beim Laden der vorhanden Dateivorlage",
"Saving …" : "Speichern …",
- "Authentication required" : "Legitimierung benötigt",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Dieser Vorgang benötigt eine Passwortbestätigung von dir",
- "Confirm" : "Bestätigen",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Legitimierung fehlgeschlagen, noch einmal versuchen",
"seconds ago" : "Gerade eben",
"Connection to server lost" : "Verbindung zum Server verloren",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problem beim Laden der Seite, Seite wird in %n Sekunde nochmals geladen","Problem beim Laden der Seite, Seite wird in %n Sekunden erneut geladen"],
@@ -338,7 +334,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Zum Navigationsbereich der App springen",
"Go to %s" : "%s aufrufen",
"Get your own free account" : "Hole dir dein eigenes kostenloses Konto",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Dieser Vorgang benötigt eine Passwortbestätigung von dir",
"Confirm your password" : "Bestätige dein Passwort",
+ "Confirm" : "Bestätigen",
"Connect to your account" : "Verbinde dich mit deinem Konto",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Bitte melde dich an, bevor du %1$s Zugriff auf dein %2$s-Konto gewährst.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Solltest du aktuell nicht versuchen, ein neues Gerät oder eine neue App einzurichten, dann kann es sein, dass jemand versucht, dich dazu zu bewegen, ihm Zugriff auf deine Daten zu gewähren. Fahre in diesem Fall nicht fort, sondern wende dich an deine Administration.",
@@ -415,6 +413,8 @@
"Home" : "Startseite",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopieren nach {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Verschieben nach {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Legitimierung benötigt",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Legitimierung fehlgeschlagen, noch einmal versuchen",
"File not found" : "Datei nicht gefunden",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Das Dokument konnte auf dem Server nicht gefunden werden. Möglicherweise wurde die Freigabe gelöscht oder ist abgelaufen?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Da automatische Updates in der config.php deaktivert sind, nutze bitte den Updater über die Kommandozeile.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/de_DE.js b/core/l10n/de_DE.js
index de759eb5c5c..159a0b17c0a 100644
--- a/core/l10n/de_DE.js
+++ b/core/l10n/de_DE.js
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Das Update ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte melden Sie dieses Problem an die <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud Community</a>.",
"Continue to {productName}" : "Weiter zu {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["Die Aktualisierung war erfolgreich. Sie werden in %n Sekunde zu {productName} weitergeleitet.","Die Aktualisierung war erfolgreich. Sie werden in %n Sekunden zu {productName} weitergeleitet."],
+ "Applications menu" : "Anwendungs-Menü",
"More apps" : "Weitere Apps",
"Currently open" : "Derzeit geöffnet",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} Benachrichtigung","{count} Benachrichtigungen"],
@@ -231,6 +232,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Supported versions" : "Unterstützte Versionen",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "{name} Version {version} und neuer",
"Settings menu" : "Einstellungen-Menü",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "Avatar von {displayName}",
"Search {types} …" : "Suche {types}…",
"No" : "Nein",
"Yes" : "Ja",
@@ -255,10 +257,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} ausgewählt)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Fehler beim Laden der vorhanden Dateivorlage",
"Saving …" : "Speichere …",
- "Authentication required" : "Legitimierung benötigt",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Dieser Vorgang benötigt eine Passwortbestätigung von Ihnen",
- "Confirm" : "Bestätigen",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen, bitte erneut versuchen.",
"seconds ago" : "Gerade eben",
"Connection to server lost" : "Verbindung zum Server verloren",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problem beim Laden der Seite, Seite wird in %n Sekunde nochmals geladen","Problem beim Laden der Seite. Seite wird in %n Sekunden erneut geladen"],
@@ -350,7 +348,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Zum Navigationsbereich der App springen",
"Go to %s" : "%s aufrufen",
"Get your own free account" : "Holen Sie sich Ihr eigenes kostenloses Konto",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Dieser Vorgang benötigt eine Passwortbestätigung von Ihnen",
"Confirm your password" : "Bestätigen Sie Ihr Passwort",
+ "Confirm" : "Bestätigen",
"Connect to your account" : "Verbinden Sie sich mit Ihrem Konto",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Bitte anmelden, bevor Sie %1$s Zugriff auf Ihr %2$s-Konto gewähren.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Sollten Sie aktuell nicht versuchen, ein neues Gerät oder eine neue App einzurichten, dann kann es sein, dass aktuell jemand versucht, Sie dazu zu bewegen, ihm Zugriff auf Ihre Daten zu gewähren. Fahren Sie in diesem Fall nicht fort, sondern wenden Sie sich an Ihre Administration.",
@@ -427,6 +427,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Startseite",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopieren nach {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Verschieben nach {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Legitimierung benötigt",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen, bitte erneut versuchen.",
"File not found" : "Datei nicht gefunden",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Das Dokument konnte auf dem Server nicht gefunden werden. Möglicherweise wurde die Freigabe gelöscht oder ist abgelaufen?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Da automatische Updates in der config.php deaktivert sind, nutzen Sie bitte den Updater über die Kommandozeile.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/de_DE.json b/core/l10n/de_DE.json
index f3e0023b012..a23f1577400 100644
--- a/core/l10n/de_DE.json
+++ b/core/l10n/de_DE.json
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Das Update ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte melden Sie dieses Problem an die <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud Community</a>.",
"Continue to {productName}" : "Weiter zu {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["Die Aktualisierung war erfolgreich. Sie werden in %n Sekunde zu {productName} weitergeleitet.","Die Aktualisierung war erfolgreich. Sie werden in %n Sekunden zu {productName} weitergeleitet."],
+ "Applications menu" : "Anwendungs-Menü",
"More apps" : "Weitere Apps",
"Currently open" : "Derzeit geöffnet",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} Benachrichtigung","{count} Benachrichtigungen"],
@@ -229,6 +230,7 @@
"Supported versions" : "Unterstützte Versionen",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "{name} Version {version} und neuer",
"Settings menu" : "Einstellungen-Menü",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "Avatar von {displayName}",
"Search {types} …" : "Suche {types}…",
"No" : "Nein",
"Yes" : "Ja",
@@ -253,10 +255,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} ausgewählt)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Fehler beim Laden der vorhanden Dateivorlage",
"Saving …" : "Speichere …",
- "Authentication required" : "Legitimierung benötigt",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Dieser Vorgang benötigt eine Passwortbestätigung von Ihnen",
- "Confirm" : "Bestätigen",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen, bitte erneut versuchen.",
"seconds ago" : "Gerade eben",
"Connection to server lost" : "Verbindung zum Server verloren",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problem beim Laden der Seite, Seite wird in %n Sekunde nochmals geladen","Problem beim Laden der Seite. Seite wird in %n Sekunden erneut geladen"],
@@ -348,7 +346,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Zum Navigationsbereich der App springen",
"Go to %s" : "%s aufrufen",
"Get your own free account" : "Holen Sie sich Ihr eigenes kostenloses Konto",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Dieser Vorgang benötigt eine Passwortbestätigung von Ihnen",
"Confirm your password" : "Bestätigen Sie Ihr Passwort",
+ "Confirm" : "Bestätigen",
"Connect to your account" : "Verbinden Sie sich mit Ihrem Konto",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Bitte anmelden, bevor Sie %1$s Zugriff auf Ihr %2$s-Konto gewähren.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Sollten Sie aktuell nicht versuchen, ein neues Gerät oder eine neue App einzurichten, dann kann es sein, dass aktuell jemand versucht, Sie dazu zu bewegen, ihm Zugriff auf Ihre Daten zu gewähren. Fahren Sie in diesem Fall nicht fort, sondern wenden Sie sich an Ihre Administration.",
@@ -425,6 +425,8 @@
"Home" : "Startseite",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopieren nach {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Verschieben nach {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Legitimierung benötigt",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen, bitte erneut versuchen.",
"File not found" : "Datei nicht gefunden",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Das Dokument konnte auf dem Server nicht gefunden werden. Möglicherweise wurde die Freigabe gelöscht oder ist abgelaufen?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Da automatische Updates in der config.php deaktivert sind, nutzen Sie bitte den Updater über die Kommandozeile.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/el.js b/core/l10n/el.js
index 0c53ff415df..657f69e6d8e 100644
--- a/core/l10n/el.js
+++ b/core/l10n/el.js
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Κάντε κλικ στο παρακάτω κουμπί για να επαναφέρετε το συνθηματικό σας. Εάν δεν αιτηθήκατε επαναφορά συνθηματικού, αγνοήστε αυτό το μήνυμα αλληλογραφίας.",
"Click the following link to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Κάντε κλικ στο παρακάτω σύνδεσμο για να επαναφέρετε το συνθηματικό σας. Εάν δεν αιτηθήκατε επαναφορά συνθηματικού, αγνοήστε αυτό το μήνυμα αλληλογραφίας.",
"Reset your password" : "Επαναφορά συνθηματικού",
+ "Task not found" : "Η εργασία δε βρέθηκε",
"Internal error" : "Εσωτερικό σφάλμα",
"No translation provider available" : "Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμος πάροχος μεταφράσεων",
"Could not detect language" : "Δεν ήταν δυνατός ο εντοπισμός της γλώσσας",
@@ -146,6 +147,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Μη επιτυχημένη ενημέρωση. Παρακαλούμε αναφέρετε αυτό το πρόβλημα στην <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">κοινότητα Nextcloud</a>.",
"Continue to {productName}" : "Συνέχεια στο {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["Η ενημέρωση ήταν επιτυχής. Ανακατεύθυνσή σας στο {productName} σε %n δευτερόλεπτο.","Η ενημέρωση ήταν επιτυχής. Ανακατεύθυνσή σας στο {productName} σε %n δευτερόλεπτα."],
+ "Applications menu" : "Μενού εφαρμογών",
"More apps" : "Περισσότερες εφαρμογές",
"Currently open" : "Προς το παρόν ανοικτό",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} ειδοποίηση","{count} ειδοποιήσεις"],
@@ -251,10 +253,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} επιλέχθηκαν)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Σφάλμα κατά την φόρτωση του προτύπου \"αρχείο υπάρχει\"",
"Saving …" : "Γίνεται αποθήκευση …",
- "Authentication required" : "Απαιτείται πιστοποίηση",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Για την ενέργεια αυτή απαιτείται η επιβεβαίωση του συνθηματικού σας",
- "Confirm" : "Επιβεβαίωση",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Αποτυχία πιστοποίησης, δοκιμάστε πάλι",
"seconds ago" : "δευτερόλεπτα πριν",
"Connection to server lost" : "Η σύνδεση στον διακομιστή διακόπηκε",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Πρόβλημα φόρτωσης σελίδας, επαναφόρτωση σε %n δευτερόλεπτα","Πρόβλημα φόρτωσης σελίδας, επαναφόρτωση σε %n δευτερόλεπτα"],
@@ -346,7 +344,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Μεταβείτε στην πλοήγηση της εφαρμογής",
"Go to %s" : "Πηγαίνετε στο %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Αποκτήστε τον δωρεάν λογαριασμό σας",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Για την ενέργεια αυτή απαιτείται η επιβεβαίωση του συνθηματικού σας",
"Confirm your password" : "Επιβεβαίωση συνθηματικού",
+ "Confirm" : "Επιβεβαίωση",
"Connect to your account" : "Σύνδεση στον λογαριασμό σας",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Παρακαλώ συνδεθείτε πρίν χορηγήσετε %1$s πρόσβαση στον λογαριασμό σας %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Εάν δεν προσπαθείτε να ρυθμίσετε μια νέα συσκευή ή εφαρμογή, κάποιος προσπαθεί να σας εξαπατήσει ώστε να του παραχωρήσετε πρόσβαση στα δεδομένα σας. Σε αυτήν την περίπτωση μην προχωρήσετε και επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή του συστήματός σας.",
@@ -423,6 +423,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Αρχική",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Αντιγραφή σε {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Μετακίνηση σε {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Απαιτείται πιστοποίηση",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Αποτυχία πιστοποίησης, δοκιμάστε πάλι",
"File not found" : "Το αρχείο δεν βρέθηκε",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Το έγγραφο δεν βρέθηκε στον διακομιστή. Ίσως διαγράφηκε η κοινή χρήση ή έληξε?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Παρακαλούμε ενημερώστε μέσω γραμμής εντολών διότι η αυτόματη ενημέρωση έχει απενεργοποιηθεί στο αρχείο config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/el.json b/core/l10n/el.json
index f509e58aec6..7d705433b54 100644
--- a/core/l10n/el.json
+++ b/core/l10n/el.json
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
"Click the following button to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Κάντε κλικ στο παρακάτω κουμπί για να επαναφέρετε το συνθηματικό σας. Εάν δεν αιτηθήκατε επαναφορά συνθηματικού, αγνοήστε αυτό το μήνυμα αλληλογραφίας.",
"Click the following link to reset your password. If you have not requested the password reset, then ignore this email." : "Κάντε κλικ στο παρακάτω σύνδεσμο για να επαναφέρετε το συνθηματικό σας. Εάν δεν αιτηθήκατε επαναφορά συνθηματικού, αγνοήστε αυτό το μήνυμα αλληλογραφίας.",
"Reset your password" : "Επαναφορά συνθηματικού",
+ "Task not found" : "Η εργασία δε βρέθηκε",
"Internal error" : "Εσωτερικό σφάλμα",
"No translation provider available" : "Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμος πάροχος μεταφράσεων",
"Could not detect language" : "Δεν ήταν δυνατός ο εντοπισμός της γλώσσας",
@@ -144,6 +145,7 @@
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Μη επιτυχημένη ενημέρωση. Παρακαλούμε αναφέρετε αυτό το πρόβλημα στην <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">κοινότητα Nextcloud</a>.",
"Continue to {productName}" : "Συνέχεια στο {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["Η ενημέρωση ήταν επιτυχής. Ανακατεύθυνσή σας στο {productName} σε %n δευτερόλεπτο.","Η ενημέρωση ήταν επιτυχής. Ανακατεύθυνσή σας στο {productName} σε %n δευτερόλεπτα."],
+ "Applications menu" : "Μενού εφαρμογών",
"More apps" : "Περισσότερες εφαρμογές",
"Currently open" : "Προς το παρόν ανοικτό",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} ειδοποίηση","{count} ειδοποιήσεις"],
@@ -249,10 +251,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} επιλέχθηκαν)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Σφάλμα κατά την φόρτωση του προτύπου \"αρχείο υπάρχει\"",
"Saving …" : "Γίνεται αποθήκευση …",
- "Authentication required" : "Απαιτείται πιστοποίηση",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Για την ενέργεια αυτή απαιτείται η επιβεβαίωση του συνθηματικού σας",
- "Confirm" : "Επιβεβαίωση",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Αποτυχία πιστοποίησης, δοκιμάστε πάλι",
"seconds ago" : "δευτερόλεπτα πριν",
"Connection to server lost" : "Η σύνδεση στον διακομιστή διακόπηκε",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Πρόβλημα φόρτωσης σελίδας, επαναφόρτωση σε %n δευτερόλεπτα","Πρόβλημα φόρτωσης σελίδας, επαναφόρτωση σε %n δευτερόλεπτα"],
@@ -344,7 +342,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Μεταβείτε στην πλοήγηση της εφαρμογής",
"Go to %s" : "Πηγαίνετε στο %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Αποκτήστε τον δωρεάν λογαριασμό σας",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Για την ενέργεια αυτή απαιτείται η επιβεβαίωση του συνθηματικού σας",
"Confirm your password" : "Επιβεβαίωση συνθηματικού",
+ "Confirm" : "Επιβεβαίωση",
"Connect to your account" : "Σύνδεση στον λογαριασμό σας",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Παρακαλώ συνδεθείτε πρίν χορηγήσετε %1$s πρόσβαση στον λογαριασμό σας %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Εάν δεν προσπαθείτε να ρυθμίσετε μια νέα συσκευή ή εφαρμογή, κάποιος προσπαθεί να σας εξαπατήσει ώστε να του παραχωρήσετε πρόσβαση στα δεδομένα σας. Σε αυτήν την περίπτωση μην προχωρήσετε και επικοινωνήστε με τον διαχειριστή του συστήματός σας.",
@@ -421,6 +421,8 @@
"Home" : "Αρχική",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Αντιγραφή σε {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Μετακίνηση σε {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Απαιτείται πιστοποίηση",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Αποτυχία πιστοποίησης, δοκιμάστε πάλι",
"File not found" : "Το αρχείο δεν βρέθηκε",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Το έγγραφο δεν βρέθηκε στον διακομιστή. Ίσως διαγράφηκε η κοινή χρήση ή έληξε?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Παρακαλούμε ενημερώστε μέσω γραμμής εντολών διότι η αυτόματη ενημέρωση έχει απενεργοποιηθεί στο αρχείο config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/en_GB.js b/core/l10n/en_GB.js
index fa2517d7d7e..2a29cbaa92d 100644
--- a/core/l10n/en_GB.js
+++ b/core/l10n/en_GB.js
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>.",
"Continue to {productName}" : "Continue to {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second.","The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds."],
+ "Applications menu" : "Applications menu",
"More apps" : "More apps",
"Currently open" : "Currently open",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} notification","{count} notifications"],
@@ -231,6 +232,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Supported versions" : "Supported versions",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "{name} version {version} and above",
"Settings menu" : "Settings menu",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "Avatar of {displayName}",
"Search {types} …" : "Search {types} …",
"No" : "No",
"Yes" : "Yes",
@@ -255,10 +257,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} selected)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Error loading file exists template",
"Saving …" : "Saving …",
- "Authentication required" : "Authentication required",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "This action requires you to confirm your password",
- "Confirm" : "Confirm",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Failed to authenticate, try again",
"seconds ago" : "seconds ago",
"Connection to server lost" : "Connection to server lost",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problem loading page, reloading in %n second","Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds"],
@@ -350,7 +348,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Skip to navigation of app",
"Go to %s" : "Go to %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Get your own free account",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "This action requires you to confirm your password",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirm your password",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirm",
"Connect to your account" : "Connect to your account",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator.",
@@ -427,6 +427,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Home",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copy to {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Move to {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Authentication required",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Failed to authenticate, try again",
"File not found" : "File not found",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/en_GB.json b/core/l10n/en_GB.json
index 7352288d187..46530b7df67 100644
--- a/core/l10n/en_GB.json
+++ b/core/l10n/en_GB.json
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>.",
"Continue to {productName}" : "Continue to {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second.","The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds."],
+ "Applications menu" : "Applications menu",
"More apps" : "More apps",
"Currently open" : "Currently open",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} notification","{count} notifications"],
@@ -229,6 +230,7 @@
"Supported versions" : "Supported versions",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "{name} version {version} and above",
"Settings menu" : "Settings menu",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "Avatar of {displayName}",
"Search {types} …" : "Search {types} …",
"No" : "No",
"Yes" : "Yes",
@@ -253,10 +255,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} selected)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Error loading file exists template",
"Saving …" : "Saving …",
- "Authentication required" : "Authentication required",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "This action requires you to confirm your password",
- "Confirm" : "Confirm",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Failed to authenticate, try again",
"seconds ago" : "seconds ago",
"Connection to server lost" : "Connection to server lost",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problem loading page, reloading in %n second","Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds"],
@@ -348,7 +346,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Skip to navigation of app",
"Go to %s" : "Go to %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Get your own free account",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "This action requires you to confirm your password",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirm your password",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirm",
"Connect to your account" : "Connect to your account",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator.",
@@ -425,6 +425,8 @@
"Home" : "Home",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copy to {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Move to {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Authentication required",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Failed to authenticate, try again",
"File not found" : "File not found",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/eo.js b/core/l10n/eo.js
index 2e8f6691e95..1ed2f875eb7 100644
--- a/core/l10n/eo.js
+++ b/core/l10n/eo.js
@@ -178,10 +178,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} elektitaj)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Eraris ŝargo de ŝablono pri ekzistanta dosiero",
"Saving …" : "Konservado...",
- "Authentication required" : "Aŭtentiĝo nepras",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Tiu ĉi ago bezonas, ke vi konfirmas vian pasvorton",
- "Confirm" : "Konfirmi",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Malsukcesis aŭtentigi, provu ree",
"seconds ago" : "sekundoj antaŭe",
"Connection to server lost" : "Konekto al servilo perdita",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problemo dum ŝargo de paĝo, reŝargo en %n sekundo","Problemo dum ŝargo de paĝo, reŝargo en %n sekundoj"],
@@ -269,7 +265,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Iru al la aplikaĵa navigado",
"Go to %s" : "Iri al %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Ekhavu vian propran senpagan konton",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Tiu ĉi ago bezonas, ke vi konfirmas vian pasvorton",
"Confirm your password" : "Konfirmu vian pasvorton",
+ "Confirm" : "Konfirmi",
"Connect to your account" : "Konekti al via konto",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Bv. unue ensaluti por doni al %1$s aliron al via konto %2$s.",
"App token" : "Aplikaĵa ĵetono",
@@ -333,6 +331,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Hejmo",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopii al {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Movi al {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Aŭtentiĝo nepras",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Malsukcesis aŭtentigi, provu ree",
"File not found" : "Dosiero ne troviĝis",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "La dokumento ne troveblis en la servilo. Eble la kunhavigo estis forigita aŭ eksvalidiĝis?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Bv. uzi komandlinian ĝisdatigilon, ĉar aŭtomata ĝisdatigo estas malebligita en la dosiero „config.php“."
diff --git a/core/l10n/eo.json b/core/l10n/eo.json
index 4f6b555ff93..51a01c8a2bc 100644
--- a/core/l10n/eo.json
+++ b/core/l10n/eo.json
@@ -176,10 +176,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} elektitaj)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Eraris ŝargo de ŝablono pri ekzistanta dosiero",
"Saving …" : "Konservado...",
- "Authentication required" : "Aŭtentiĝo nepras",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Tiu ĉi ago bezonas, ke vi konfirmas vian pasvorton",
- "Confirm" : "Konfirmi",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Malsukcesis aŭtentigi, provu ree",
"seconds ago" : "sekundoj antaŭe",
"Connection to server lost" : "Konekto al servilo perdita",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problemo dum ŝargo de paĝo, reŝargo en %n sekundo","Problemo dum ŝargo de paĝo, reŝargo en %n sekundoj"],
@@ -267,7 +263,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Iru al la aplikaĵa navigado",
"Go to %s" : "Iri al %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Ekhavu vian propran senpagan konton",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Tiu ĉi ago bezonas, ke vi konfirmas vian pasvorton",
"Confirm your password" : "Konfirmu vian pasvorton",
+ "Confirm" : "Konfirmi",
"Connect to your account" : "Konekti al via konto",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Bv. unue ensaluti por doni al %1$s aliron al via konto %2$s.",
"App token" : "Aplikaĵa ĵetono",
@@ -331,6 +329,8 @@
"Home" : "Hejmo",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopii al {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Movi al {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Aŭtentiĝo nepras",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Malsukcesis aŭtentigi, provu ree",
"File not found" : "Dosiero ne troviĝis",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "La dokumento ne troveblis en la servilo. Eble la kunhavigo estis forigita aŭ eksvalidiĝis?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Bv. uzi komandlinian ĝisdatigilon, ĉar aŭtomata ĝisdatigo estas malebligita en la dosiero „config.php“."
diff --git a/core/l10n/es.js b/core/l10n/es.js
index ef08f0bf0d6..465c144f86f 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es.js
+++ b/core/l10n/es.js
@@ -255,10 +255,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Error cargando plantilla de archivo existente",
"Saving …" : "Guardando...",
- "Authentication required" : "Se necesita autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autenticación fallida, vuelva a intentarlo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión al servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problema al cargar la página, volverá a cargar en %n segundo","Problema al cagar la página, volverá a cargar en %n segundos","Problema al cagar la página, volverá a cargar en %n segundos"],
@@ -350,7 +346,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Saltar a la navegación de la app",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Consigue tu propia cuenta gratuita",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirme su contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectar a cuenta",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Por favor, inicia sesión antes de conceder a %1$s acceso a tu cuenta %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Si no estás intentando añadir un nuevo dispositivo o una nueva app, alguien está intentando engañarte para que proporciones acceso a tus datos. En este caso, no prosigas y en su lugar avisa a tu administrador de sistemas.",
@@ -427,6 +425,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Casa",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se necesita autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autenticación fallida, vuelva a intentarlo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "El documento no se pudo encontrar en el servidor. Es posible que el enlace fuera eliminado o haya caducado.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor utilice la actualización mediante la linea de comandos porque la actualización automática está desactivada en config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/es.json b/core/l10n/es.json
index ac102b14fbb..bc9077526a6 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es.json
+++ b/core/l10n/es.json
@@ -253,10 +253,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Error cargando plantilla de archivo existente",
"Saving …" : "Guardando...",
- "Authentication required" : "Se necesita autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autenticación fallida, vuelva a intentarlo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión al servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problema al cargar la página, volverá a cargar en %n segundo","Problema al cagar la página, volverá a cargar en %n segundos","Problema al cagar la página, volverá a cargar en %n segundos"],
@@ -348,7 +344,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Saltar a la navegación de la app",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Consigue tu propia cuenta gratuita",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirme su contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectar a cuenta",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Por favor, inicia sesión antes de conceder a %1$s acceso a tu cuenta %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Si no estás intentando añadir un nuevo dispositivo o una nueva app, alguien está intentando engañarte para que proporciones acceso a tus datos. En este caso, no prosigas y en su lugar avisa a tu administrador de sistemas.",
@@ -425,6 +423,8 @@
"Home" : "Casa",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se necesita autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autenticación fallida, vuelva a intentarlo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "El documento no se pudo encontrar en el servidor. Es posible que el enlace fuera eliminado o haya caducado.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor utilice la actualización mediante la linea de comandos porque la actualización automática está desactivada en config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_419.js b/core/l10n/es_419.js
index ac8e67fb9aa..be47638227c 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_419.js
+++ b/core/l10n/es_419.js
@@ -109,10 +109,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -175,7 +171,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
"Account access" : "Acceo de cuenta",
@@ -215,6 +213,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_419.json b/core/l10n/es_419.json
index e293ee44407..ca3142b22e7 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_419.json
+++ b/core/l10n/es_419.json
@@ -107,10 +107,6 @@
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -173,7 +169,9 @@
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
"Account access" : "Acceo de cuenta",
@@ -213,6 +211,8 @@
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_AR.js b/core/l10n/es_AR.js
index 7759d067ab7..4014c6841f5 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_AR.js
+++ b/core/l10n/es_AR.js
@@ -113,10 +113,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirme su contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, favor de reintentar",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un erorr al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un erorr al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un erorr al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo"],
@@ -189,7 +185,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Saltar a la navegación de la app",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Obtenga su propia cuenta gratuita",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirme su contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirme su contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conéctate a tu cuenta",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
@@ -227,6 +225,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Error loading file picker template: {error}" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla del seleccionador de archivos: {error}",
"Pending" : "Pendiente",
"Home" : "Casa",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, favor de reintentar",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Favor de usar el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_AR.json b/core/l10n/es_AR.json
index a912e5ec98f..82c13af0c69 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_AR.json
+++ b/core/l10n/es_AR.json
@@ -111,10 +111,6 @@
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirme su contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, favor de reintentar",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un erorr al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un erorr al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un erorr al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo"],
@@ -187,7 +183,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Saltar a la navegación de la app",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Obtenga su propia cuenta gratuita",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirme su contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirme su contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conéctate a tu cuenta",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
@@ -225,6 +223,8 @@
"Error loading file picker template: {error}" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla del seleccionador de archivos: {error}",
"Pending" : "Pendiente",
"Home" : "Casa",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, favor de reintentar",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Favor de usar el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_CL.js b/core/l10n/es_CL.js
index 3972165c3b5..3568f94062b 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_CL.js
+++ b/core/l10n/es_CL.js
@@ -118,10 +118,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -184,7 +180,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectate a tu cuenta",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
@@ -226,6 +224,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_CL.json b/core/l10n/es_CL.json
index 107ac5cedf0..cb496d99e65 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_CL.json
+++ b/core/l10n/es_CL.json
@@ -116,10 +116,6 @@
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -182,7 +178,9 @@
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectate a tu cuenta",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
@@ -224,6 +222,8 @@
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_CO.js b/core/l10n/es_CO.js
index 3972165c3b5..3568f94062b 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_CO.js
+++ b/core/l10n/es_CO.js
@@ -118,10 +118,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -184,7 +180,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectate a tu cuenta",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
@@ -226,6 +224,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_CO.json b/core/l10n/es_CO.json
index 107ac5cedf0..cb496d99e65 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_CO.json
+++ b/core/l10n/es_CO.json
@@ -116,10 +116,6 @@
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -182,7 +178,9 @@
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectate a tu cuenta",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
@@ -224,6 +222,8 @@
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_CR.js b/core/l10n/es_CR.js
index 3972165c3b5..3568f94062b 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_CR.js
+++ b/core/l10n/es_CR.js
@@ -118,10 +118,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -184,7 +180,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectate a tu cuenta",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
@@ -226,6 +224,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_CR.json b/core/l10n/es_CR.json
index 107ac5cedf0..cb496d99e65 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_CR.json
+++ b/core/l10n/es_CR.json
@@ -116,10 +116,6 @@
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -182,7 +178,9 @@
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectate a tu cuenta",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
@@ -224,6 +222,8 @@
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_DO.js b/core/l10n/es_DO.js
index 3972165c3b5..3568f94062b 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_DO.js
+++ b/core/l10n/es_DO.js
@@ -118,10 +118,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -184,7 +180,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectate a tu cuenta",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
@@ -226,6 +224,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_DO.json b/core/l10n/es_DO.json
index 107ac5cedf0..cb496d99e65 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_DO.json
+++ b/core/l10n/es_DO.json
@@ -116,10 +116,6 @@
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -182,7 +178,9 @@
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectate a tu cuenta",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
@@ -224,6 +222,8 @@
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_EC.js b/core/l10n/es_EC.js
index 240cbb8e034..2e22585474c 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_EC.js
+++ b/core/l10n/es_EC.js
@@ -248,10 +248,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
"Saving …" : "Saving …",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -343,7 +339,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Saltar a la navegación de la aplicación",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Obtén tu propia cuenta gratuita",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectate a tu cuenta",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Inicia sesión antes de otorgar acceso a %1$s a tu cuenta de %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Si no estás intentando configurar un nuevo dispositivo o aplicación, alguien está tratando de engañarte para que les otorgues acceso a tus datos. En este caso, no continúes y, en su lugar, contacta a tu administrador del sistema.",
@@ -420,6 +418,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "No se pudo encontrar el documento en el servidor. ¿Quizás la compartición se eliminó o ha caducado?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_EC.json b/core/l10n/es_EC.json
index 1c2d232d196..1a76ca98a5a 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_EC.json
+++ b/core/l10n/es_EC.json
@@ -246,10 +246,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
"Saving …" : "Saving …",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -341,7 +337,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Saltar a la navegación de la aplicación",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Obtén tu propia cuenta gratuita",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectate a tu cuenta",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Inicia sesión antes de otorgar acceso a %1$s a tu cuenta de %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Si no estás intentando configurar un nuevo dispositivo o aplicación, alguien está tratando de engañarte para que les otorgues acceso a tus datos. En este caso, no continúes y, en su lugar, contacta a tu administrador del sistema.",
@@ -418,6 +416,8 @@
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "No se pudo encontrar el documento en el servidor. ¿Quizás la compartición se eliminó o ha caducado?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_GT.js b/core/l10n/es_GT.js
index 9e769f2ad79..092ed1ad407 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_GT.js
+++ b/core/l10n/es_GT.js
@@ -118,10 +118,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -184,7 +180,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectate a tu cuenta",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
@@ -227,6 +225,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_GT.json b/core/l10n/es_GT.json
index 279b0ad201e..a4b37e9b36e 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_GT.json
+++ b/core/l10n/es_GT.json
@@ -116,10 +116,6 @@
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -182,7 +178,9 @@
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectate a tu cuenta",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
@@ -225,6 +223,8 @@
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_MX.js b/core/l10n/es_MX.js
index 9bf1b3450ba..7a628ada30b 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_MX.js
+++ b/core/l10n/es_MX.js
@@ -160,10 +160,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -228,7 +224,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectate a tu cuenta",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Por favor, inicia sesión antes de conceder a %1$s acceso a tu cuenta %2$s.",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
@@ -278,6 +276,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_MX.json b/core/l10n/es_MX.json
index b9d4e3c6f1d..21341ec1797 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_MX.json
+++ b/core/l10n/es_MX.json
@@ -158,10 +158,6 @@
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -226,7 +222,9 @@
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectate a tu cuenta",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Por favor, inicia sesión antes de conceder a %1$s acceso a tu cuenta %2$s.",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
@@ -276,6 +274,8 @@
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_PE.js b/core/l10n/es_PE.js
index 36e0ad52ae6..7393f057a19 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_PE.js
+++ b/core/l10n/es_PE.js
@@ -109,10 +109,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -175,7 +171,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
"Account access" : "Acceo de cuenta",
@@ -217,6 +215,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_PE.json b/core/l10n/es_PE.json
index 83d7a566ec1..8587a2a7e6e 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_PE.json
+++ b/core/l10n/es_PE.json
@@ -107,10 +107,6 @@
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -173,7 +169,9 @@
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
"Account access" : "Acceo de cuenta",
@@ -215,6 +213,8 @@
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_PY.js b/core/l10n/es_PY.js
index 419e0feee57..df638654ddd 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_PY.js
+++ b/core/l10n/es_PY.js
@@ -109,10 +109,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -175,7 +171,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
"Account access" : "Acceo de cuenta",
@@ -215,6 +213,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_PY.json b/core/l10n/es_PY.json
index 1b0ff47af27..8308fb2dc2e 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_PY.json
+++ b/core/l10n/es_PY.json
@@ -107,10 +107,6 @@
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -173,7 +169,9 @@
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
"Account access" : "Acceo de cuenta",
@@ -213,6 +211,8 @@
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_SV.js b/core/l10n/es_SV.js
index 3972165c3b5..3568f94062b 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_SV.js
+++ b/core/l10n/es_SV.js
@@ -118,10 +118,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -184,7 +180,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectate a tu cuenta",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
@@ -226,6 +224,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/es_SV.json b/core/l10n/es_SV.json
index 107ac5cedf0..cb496d99e65 100644
--- a/core/l10n/es_SV.json
+++ b/core/l10n/es_SV.json
@@ -116,10 +116,6 @@
"(all selected)" : "(todos seleccionados)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Se presentó un error al cargar la plantilla de existe archivo ",
- "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"seconds ago" : "hace segundos",
"Connection to server lost" : "Se ha perdido la conexión con el servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundo","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos","Se presentó un error al cargar la página, recargando en %n segundos"],
@@ -182,7 +178,9 @@
"See the documentation" : "Ver la documentación",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Esta aplicación requiere de JavaScript para su correcta operación. Por favor {linkstart}habilita JavaScript{linkend} y vuelve a cargar la página. ",
"Go to %s" : "Ir a %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción requiere que confirmes tu contraseña",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirma tu contraseña",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectate a tu cuenta",
"App token" : "Ficha de la aplicación",
"Grant access" : "Conceder acceso",
@@ -224,6 +222,8 @@
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Se requiere autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falla en la autenticación, por favor reintentalo",
"File not found" : "Archivo no encontrado",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor usa el actualizador de línea de comandos ya que el actualizador automático se encuentra deshabilitado en config.php."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=n == 1 ? 0 : n != 0 && n % 1000000 == 0 ? 1 : 2;"
diff --git a/core/l10n/et_EE.js b/core/l10n/et_EE.js
index 5e911c01468..ef667ad0969 100644
--- a/core/l10n/et_EE.js
+++ b/core/l10n/et_EE.js
@@ -158,10 +158,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} valitud)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Viga faili olemasolu malli laadimisel",
"Saving …" : "Salvestamine …",
- "Authentication required" : "Autentimine on vajalik",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "See tegevus nõuab parooli kinnitamist",
- "Confirm" : "Kinnita",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autentimine ebaõnnestus, proovi uuesti",
"seconds ago" : "sekundit tagasi",
"Connection to server lost" : "Ühendus serveriga katkes",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Tõrge lehe laadimisel, värskendamine %n sekundi pärast","Tõrge lehe laadimisel, värskendamine %n sekundi pärast"],
@@ -238,7 +234,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"See the documentation" : "Vaata dokumentatsiooni",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "See rakendus vajab toimimiseks JavaScripti. Palun {linkstart}luba JavaScript{linkend} ning laadi see leht uuesti.",
"Go to %s" : "Mine %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "See tegevus nõuab parooli kinnitamist",
"Confirm your password" : "Kinnita oma parool",
+ "Confirm" : "Kinnita",
"Connect to your account" : "Ühenda oma konto",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Enne rakendusele %1$s oma %2$s kontole ligipääsu andmist logi sisse.",
"Grant access" : "Anna ligipääs",
@@ -297,6 +295,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Avaleht",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopeeri kausta {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Liiguta kausta {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autentimine on vajalik",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autentimine ebaõnnestus, proovi uuesti",
"File not found" : "Faili ei leitud",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Palun kasuta uuendamiseks käsurida, kuna automaatne uuendamine on config.php failis välja lülitatud."
diff --git a/core/l10n/et_EE.json b/core/l10n/et_EE.json
index 77791f56cae..6507bbe9f5d 100644
--- a/core/l10n/et_EE.json
+++ b/core/l10n/et_EE.json
@@ -156,10 +156,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} valitud)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Viga faili olemasolu malli laadimisel",
"Saving …" : "Salvestamine …",
- "Authentication required" : "Autentimine on vajalik",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "See tegevus nõuab parooli kinnitamist",
- "Confirm" : "Kinnita",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autentimine ebaõnnestus, proovi uuesti",
"seconds ago" : "sekundit tagasi",
"Connection to server lost" : "Ühendus serveriga katkes",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Tõrge lehe laadimisel, värskendamine %n sekundi pärast","Tõrge lehe laadimisel, värskendamine %n sekundi pärast"],
@@ -236,7 +232,9 @@
"See the documentation" : "Vaata dokumentatsiooni",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "See rakendus vajab toimimiseks JavaScripti. Palun {linkstart}luba JavaScript{linkend} ning laadi see leht uuesti.",
"Go to %s" : "Mine %s",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "See tegevus nõuab parooli kinnitamist",
"Confirm your password" : "Kinnita oma parool",
+ "Confirm" : "Kinnita",
"Connect to your account" : "Ühenda oma konto",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Enne rakendusele %1$s oma %2$s kontole ligipääsu andmist logi sisse.",
"Grant access" : "Anna ligipääs",
@@ -295,6 +293,8 @@
"Home" : "Avaleht",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopeeri kausta {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Liiguta kausta {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autentimine on vajalik",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autentimine ebaõnnestus, proovi uuesti",
"File not found" : "Faili ei leitud",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Palun kasuta uuendamiseks käsurida, kuna automaatne uuendamine on config.php failis välja lülitatud."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);"
diff --git a/core/l10n/eu.js b/core/l10n/eu.js
index f3b3e75bb25..210d503a801 100644
--- a/core/l10n/eu.js
+++ b/core/l10n/eu.js
@@ -255,10 +255,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} hautatuta)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Errorea fitxategia existitzen da txantiloia kargatzean",
"Saving …" : "Gordetzen …",
- "Authentication required" : "Autentifikazioa beharrezkoa da",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Ekintza honek zure pasahitza berrestea eskatzen du",
- "Confirm" : "Berretsi",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autentifikazioak huts egin du, saiatu berriz",
"seconds ago" : "segundo lehenago",
"Connection to server lost" : "Zerbitzariarekiko konexioa eten da",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Arazoa orria kargatzerakoan, segundo %n barru berriz kargatuko da","Arazoa orria kargatzerakoan, %n segundo barru berriz kargatuko da"],
@@ -350,7 +346,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Salto aplikazioaren nabigaziora",
"Go to %s" : "Joan %s-ra",
"Get your own free account" : "Eskuratu zure kontu propioa doan",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Ekintza honek zure pasahitza berrestea eskatzen du",
"Confirm your password" : "Berretsi pasahitza",
+ "Confirm" : "Berretsi",
"Connect to your account" : "Konektatu zure kontura",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Hasi saioa %1$s-(r)i zure %2$s kontura sarbidea eman aurretik.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Gailu edo aplikazio berri bat konfiguratzen saiatzen ari ez bazara, norbait zu engainatzen saiatzen ari da zure datuetarako sarbidea eman diezaiozun. Kasu horretan, jarraitu ordez jarri harremanetan sistemaren administratzailearekin.",
@@ -427,6 +425,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Hasiera",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopiatu hona: {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Eraman hona: {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autentifikazioa beharrezkoa da",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autentifikazioak huts egin du, saiatu berriz",
"File not found" : "Ez da fitxategia aurkitu",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Dokumentua ezin izan da aurkitu zerbitzarian. Agian partekatzea ezabatua izan da ala iraungitu egin da?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Mesedez, erabili komando-lerroko eguneratzailea, eguneratze automatikoa config.php-n desgaituta dago eta.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/eu.json b/core/l10n/eu.json
index 90c771f5f98..1c52d41052a 100644
--- a/core/l10n/eu.json
+++ b/core/l10n/eu.json
@@ -253,10 +253,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} hautatuta)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Errorea fitxategia existitzen da txantiloia kargatzean",
"Saving …" : "Gordetzen …",
- "Authentication required" : "Autentifikazioa beharrezkoa da",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Ekintza honek zure pasahitza berrestea eskatzen du",
- "Confirm" : "Berretsi",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autentifikazioak huts egin du, saiatu berriz",
"seconds ago" : "segundo lehenago",
"Connection to server lost" : "Zerbitzariarekiko konexioa eten da",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Arazoa orria kargatzerakoan, segundo %n barru berriz kargatuko da","Arazoa orria kargatzerakoan, %n segundo barru berriz kargatuko da"],
@@ -348,7 +344,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Salto aplikazioaren nabigaziora",
"Go to %s" : "Joan %s-ra",
"Get your own free account" : "Eskuratu zure kontu propioa doan",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Ekintza honek zure pasahitza berrestea eskatzen du",
"Confirm your password" : "Berretsi pasahitza",
+ "Confirm" : "Berretsi",
"Connect to your account" : "Konektatu zure kontura",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Hasi saioa %1$s-(r)i zure %2$s kontura sarbidea eman aurretik.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Gailu edo aplikazio berri bat konfiguratzen saiatzen ari ez bazara, norbait zu engainatzen saiatzen ari da zure datuetarako sarbidea eman diezaiozun. Kasu horretan, jarraitu ordez jarri harremanetan sistemaren administratzailearekin.",
@@ -425,6 +423,8 @@
"Home" : "Hasiera",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopiatu hona: {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Eraman hona: {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autentifikazioa beharrezkoa da",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autentifikazioak huts egin du, saiatu berriz",
"File not found" : "Ez da fitxategia aurkitu",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Dokumentua ezin izan da aurkitu zerbitzarian. Agian partekatzea ezabatua izan da ala iraungitu egin da?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Mesedez, erabili komando-lerroko eguneratzailea, eguneratze automatikoa config.php-n desgaituta dago eta.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/fa.js b/core/l10n/fa.js
index eb33b6e9cb0..198b36d8f84 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fa.js
+++ b/core/l10n/fa.js
@@ -251,10 +251,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} انتخاب شده)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "خطا در بارگزاری فایل قالب",
"Saving …" : "ذخیره کردن …",
- "Authentication required" : "احراز هویت مورد نیاز است",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "این اقدام نیاز به تایید رمز عبور شما دارد",
- "Confirm" : "تایید",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "تأیید هویت نشد، دوباره امتحان کنید",
"seconds ago" : "ثانیه‌ها پیش",
"Connection to server lost" : "اتصال به سرور از دست رفته است",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["%nمشکل بارگذاری صفحه، بارگیری مجدد در ثانیه","%nمشکل بارگذاری صفحه، بارگیری مجدد در ثانیه"],
@@ -346,7 +342,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Skip to navigation of app",
"Go to %s" : "برو به %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Get your own free account",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "این اقدام نیاز به تایید رمز عبور شما دارد",
"Confirm your password" : "گذرواژه خود را تأیید کنید",
+ "Confirm" : "تایید",
"Connect to your account" : "Connect to your account",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator.",
@@ -423,6 +421,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "خانه ",
"Copy to {folder}" : "کپی به {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "انتقال به {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "احراز هویت مورد نیاز است",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "تأیید هویت نشد، دوباره امتحان کنید",
"File not found" : "فایل یافت نشد",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/fa.json b/core/l10n/fa.json
index b8bf4c53554..ec53a03644f 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fa.json
+++ b/core/l10n/fa.json
@@ -249,10 +249,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} انتخاب شده)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "خطا در بارگزاری فایل قالب",
"Saving …" : "ذخیره کردن …",
- "Authentication required" : "احراز هویت مورد نیاز است",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "این اقدام نیاز به تایید رمز عبور شما دارد",
- "Confirm" : "تایید",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "تأیید هویت نشد، دوباره امتحان کنید",
"seconds ago" : "ثانیه‌ها پیش",
"Connection to server lost" : "اتصال به سرور از دست رفته است",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["%nمشکل بارگذاری صفحه، بارگیری مجدد در ثانیه","%nمشکل بارگذاری صفحه، بارگیری مجدد در ثانیه"],
@@ -344,7 +340,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Skip to navigation of app",
"Go to %s" : "برو به %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Get your own free account",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "این اقدام نیاز به تایید رمز عبور شما دارد",
"Confirm your password" : "گذرواژه خود را تأیید کنید",
+ "Confirm" : "تایید",
"Connect to your account" : "Connect to your account",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator.",
@@ -421,6 +419,8 @@
"Home" : "خانه ",
"Copy to {folder}" : "کپی به {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "انتقال به {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "احراز هویت مورد نیاز است",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "تأیید هویت نشد، دوباره امتحان کنید",
"File not found" : "فایل یافت نشد",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/fi.js b/core/l10n/fi.js
index aa759da5bd6..f4f03731809 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fi.js
+++ b/core/l10n/fi.js
@@ -211,10 +211,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} valittu)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Virhe ladatessa mallipohjaa",
"Saving …" : "Tallennetaan…",
- "Authentication required" : "Tunnistautuminen vaaditaan",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Toiminto vaatii vahvistamista salasanallasi",
- "Confirm" : "Vahvista",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Varmennus epäonnistui, yritä uudelleen",
"seconds ago" : "sekunteja sitten",
"Connection to server lost" : "Yhteys palvelimelle katkesi",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Ongelma sivun lataamisessa, päivitetään %n sekunnin kuluttua","Ongelma sivun lataamisessa, päivitetään %n sekunnin kuluttua"],
@@ -306,7 +302,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Hyppää sovelluksen navigointiin.",
"Go to %s" : "Siirry %s§",
"Get your own free account" : "Hanki ilmainen tili itsellesi",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Toiminto vaatii vahvistamista salasanallasi",
"Confirm your password" : "Vahvista salasanasi",
+ "Confirm" : "Vahvista",
"Connect to your account" : "Yhdistä tiliisi",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Jos et ole asentamassa uutta laitetta tai sovellusta, joku yrittää huijata sinut antamaan käyttöoikeudet tietoihisi. Tässä tapauksessa älä jatka, ota yhteys järjestelmänvalvojaan.",
"App token" : "Sovellusvaltuutus",
@@ -378,6 +376,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Koti",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopioi kansioon {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Siirrä kansioon {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Tunnistautuminen vaaditaan",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Varmennus epäonnistui, yritä uudelleen",
"File not found" : "Tiedostoa ei löytynyt",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Tätä asiakirjaa ei löytynyt palvelimelta. Kenties jako on poistettu tai se oli asetettu vanhenemaan.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Käytä komentorivipäivitintä, koska automaattinen päivitys on estetty config.php-asetustiedostossa.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/fi.json b/core/l10n/fi.json
index a970ef3345a..7176ab8b077 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fi.json
+++ b/core/l10n/fi.json
@@ -209,10 +209,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} valittu)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Virhe ladatessa mallipohjaa",
"Saving …" : "Tallennetaan…",
- "Authentication required" : "Tunnistautuminen vaaditaan",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Toiminto vaatii vahvistamista salasanallasi",
- "Confirm" : "Vahvista",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Varmennus epäonnistui, yritä uudelleen",
"seconds ago" : "sekunteja sitten",
"Connection to server lost" : "Yhteys palvelimelle katkesi",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Ongelma sivun lataamisessa, päivitetään %n sekunnin kuluttua","Ongelma sivun lataamisessa, päivitetään %n sekunnin kuluttua"],
@@ -304,7 +300,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Hyppää sovelluksen navigointiin.",
"Go to %s" : "Siirry %s§",
"Get your own free account" : "Hanki ilmainen tili itsellesi",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Toiminto vaatii vahvistamista salasanallasi",
"Confirm your password" : "Vahvista salasanasi",
+ "Confirm" : "Vahvista",
"Connect to your account" : "Yhdistä tiliisi",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Jos et ole asentamassa uutta laitetta tai sovellusta, joku yrittää huijata sinut antamaan käyttöoikeudet tietoihisi. Tässä tapauksessa älä jatka, ota yhteys järjestelmänvalvojaan.",
"App token" : "Sovellusvaltuutus",
@@ -376,6 +374,8 @@
"Home" : "Koti",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopioi kansioon {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Siirrä kansioon {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Tunnistautuminen vaaditaan",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Varmennus epäonnistui, yritä uudelleen",
"File not found" : "Tiedostoa ei löytynyt",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Tätä asiakirjaa ei löytynyt palvelimelta. Kenties jako on poistettu tai se oli asetettu vanhenemaan.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Käytä komentorivipäivitintä, koska automaattinen päivitys on estetty config.php-asetustiedostossa.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/fr.js b/core/l10n/fr.js
index 62f61fbf843..2482aa6714c 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fr.js
+++ b/core/l10n/fr.js
@@ -255,10 +255,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} sélectionné(s))",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Erreur lors du chargement du modèle de fichier existant",
"Saving …" : "Enregistrement...",
- "Authentication required" : "Authentification requise",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Cette action nécessite que vous confirmiez votre mot de passe",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmer",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Échec d'authentification, essayez à nouveau",
"seconds ago" : "Il y a quelques secondes",
"Connection to server lost" : "La connexion au serveur a été perdue",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problème de chargement de la page, actualisation dans %n seconde","Problème de chargement de la page, actualisation dans %n secondes","Problème de chargement de la page, actualisation dans %n secondes"],
@@ -350,7 +346,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Passer à la navigation d'application",
"Go to %s" : "Aller à %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Obtenez votre compte personnel gratuit",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Cette action nécessite que vous confirmiez votre mot de passe",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirmer votre mot de passe",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmer",
"Connect to your account" : "Connectez vous à votre compte",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Veuillez vous connecter avant d'autoriser %1$s à accéder à votre compte %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Si vous n'essayez pas d'ajouter un nouveau périphérique ou une nouvelle application, quelqu'un fait une tentative d'accès à vos données. Dans ce cas, ne continuez pas et contactez votre administrateur système.",
@@ -427,6 +425,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Personnel",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copier vers {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Déplacer vers {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Authentification requise",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Échec d'authentification, essayez à nouveau",
"File not found" : "Fichier non trouvé",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Le document n'a pas pu être trouvé sur le serveur. Peut-être que le partage a été supprimé ou a expiré ?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Veuillez utiliser la mise à jour en ligne de commande, la mise à jour automatique est désactivée dans config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/fr.json b/core/l10n/fr.json
index 0e2d2cdb4ca..b5f8e35c791 100644
--- a/core/l10n/fr.json
+++ b/core/l10n/fr.json
@@ -253,10 +253,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} sélectionné(s))",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Erreur lors du chargement du modèle de fichier existant",
"Saving …" : "Enregistrement...",
- "Authentication required" : "Authentification requise",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Cette action nécessite que vous confirmiez votre mot de passe",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmer",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Échec d'authentification, essayez à nouveau",
"seconds ago" : "Il y a quelques secondes",
"Connection to server lost" : "La connexion au serveur a été perdue",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problème de chargement de la page, actualisation dans %n seconde","Problème de chargement de la page, actualisation dans %n secondes","Problème de chargement de la page, actualisation dans %n secondes"],
@@ -348,7 +344,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Passer à la navigation d'application",
"Go to %s" : "Aller à %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Obtenez votre compte personnel gratuit",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Cette action nécessite que vous confirmiez votre mot de passe",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirmer votre mot de passe",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmer",
"Connect to your account" : "Connectez vous à votre compte",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Veuillez vous connecter avant d'autoriser %1$s à accéder à votre compte %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Si vous n'essayez pas d'ajouter un nouveau périphérique ou une nouvelle application, quelqu'un fait une tentative d'accès à vos données. Dans ce cas, ne continuez pas et contactez votre administrateur système.",
@@ -425,6 +423,8 @@
"Home" : "Personnel",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copier vers {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Déplacer vers {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Authentification requise",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Échec d'authentification, essayez à nouveau",
"File not found" : "Fichier non trouvé",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Le document n'a pas pu être trouvé sur le serveur. Peut-être que le partage a été supprimé ou a expiré ?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Veuillez utiliser la mise à jour en ligne de commande, la mise à jour automatique est désactivée dans config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/gl.js b/core/l10n/gl.js
index eed7a598ce0..ce71c4b11d2 100644
--- a/core/l10n/gl.js
+++ b/core/l10n/gl.js
@@ -255,10 +255,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Produciuse un erro ao cargar o modelo de ficheiro existente",
"Saving …" : "Gardando…",
- "Authentication required" : "Precisase autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción precisa que confirme o seu contrasinal",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Fallou a autenticación, ténteo de novo",
"seconds ago" : "segundos atrás",
"Connection to server lost" : "Falta a conexión co servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Produciuse un problema a cargar a páxina, volverá cargar en %n segundo","Produciuse un problema ao cargar a páxina, volverá cargar en %n segundos"],
@@ -350,7 +346,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Ir á navegación da aplicación",
"Go to %s" : "Ira a %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Obteña a súa propia conta de balde",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción precisa que confirme o seu contrasinal",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirmar o seu contrasinal",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectar coa súa conta",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Acceda antes de concederlle a %1$s acceso á súa conta %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Se non está a configurar un dispositivo ou aplicación nova, alguén está tentando enganalo para que lle permita o acceso aos seus datos. Neste caso non continúe e póñase en contacto coa administración do sistema.",
@@ -427,6 +425,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar en {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Precisase autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Fallou a autenticación, ténteo de novo",
"File not found" : "Non se atopou o ficheiro",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Non foi posíbel atopar o documento no servidor. É posíbel que a ligazón for eliminada ou que xa teña caducado.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "A actualización automática está desactivada en config.php, faga a actualización empregando a liña de ordes.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/gl.json b/core/l10n/gl.json
index 13d913882a5..9a7291776bc 100644
--- a/core/l10n/gl.json
+++ b/core/l10n/gl.json
@@ -253,10 +253,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Produciuse un erro ao cargar o modelo de ficheiro existente",
"Saving …" : "Gardando…",
- "Authentication required" : "Precisase autenticación",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción precisa que confirme o seu contrasinal",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Fallou a autenticación, ténteo de novo",
"seconds ago" : "segundos atrás",
"Connection to server lost" : "Falta a conexión co servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Produciuse un problema a cargar a páxina, volverá cargar en %n segundo","Produciuse un problema ao cargar a páxina, volverá cargar en %n segundos"],
@@ -348,7 +344,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Ir á navegación da aplicación",
"Go to %s" : "Ira a %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Obteña a súa propia conta de balde",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta acción precisa que confirme o seu contrasinal",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirmar o seu contrasinal",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectar coa súa conta",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Acceda antes de concederlle a %1$s acceso á súa conta %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Se non está a configurar un dispositivo ou aplicación nova, alguén está tentando enganalo para que lle permita o acceso aos seus datos. Neste caso non continúe e póñase en contacto coa administración do sistema.",
@@ -425,6 +423,8 @@
"Home" : "Inicio",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar en {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Precisase autenticación",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Fallou a autenticación, ténteo de novo",
"File not found" : "Non se atopou o ficheiro",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Non foi posíbel atopar o documento no servidor. É posíbel que a ligazón for eliminada ou que xa teña caducado.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "A actualización automática está desactivada en config.php, faga a actualización empregando a liña de ordes.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/he.js b/core/l10n/he.js
index d236943dd45..e14a81e2cae 100644
--- a/core/l10n/he.js
+++ b/core/l10n/he.js
@@ -171,10 +171,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} נבחרו)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "שגיאה בטעינת קובץ תבנית קיימים",
"Saving …" : "מתבצעת שמירה…",
- "Authentication required" : "נדרש אימות",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "פעולה זו דורשת ממך לאמת את הססמה שלך",
- "Confirm" : "אימות",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "האימות נכשל, נא לנסות שוב",
"seconds ago" : "לפני מספר שניות",
"Connection to server lost" : "החיבור לשרת אבד",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["תקלה בטעינת העמוד, יתבצע רענון בעוד שנייה","תקלה בטעינת העמוד, יתבצע רענון בעוד %n שניות","תקלה בטעינת העמוד, יתבצע רענון בעוד %n שניות","תקלה בטעינת העמוד, יתבצע רענון בעוד %n שניות"],
@@ -260,7 +256,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "דילוג לניווט של היישומון",
"Go to %s" : "מעבר אל %s",
"Get your own free account" : "קבלת חשבון משלך בחינם",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "פעולה זו דורשת ממך לאמת את הססמה שלך",
"Confirm your password" : "אימות הססמה שלך",
+ "Confirm" : "אימות",
"Connect to your account" : "התחברות לחשבון שלך",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "נא להיכנס בטרם הענקת גישה לחשבון שלך ב־%2$s לטובת %1$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "אם אינך מנסה להגדיר מכשיר חדש או אפליקציה חדשה, מישהו מנסה לרמות אותך להעניק לו גישה לנתונים שלך. במקרה הזה, אל תמשיך, ובמקום זאת פנה למנהל המערכת שלך.",
@@ -324,6 +322,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "בית",
"Copy to {folder}" : "העתקה אל {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "העברה אל {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "נדרש אימות",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "האימות נכשל, נא לנסות שוב",
"File not found" : "קובץ לא נמצא",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "לא ניתן למצוא את המסמך בשרת. יכול להיות שהשיתוף נמחק או פג?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "יש להשתמש בעדכון על בסיס שורת פקודה כיוון שעדכון אוטומטי מנוטרל בקובץ config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/he.json b/core/l10n/he.json
index 3cdfd15ba15..e93500e3df6 100644
--- a/core/l10n/he.json
+++ b/core/l10n/he.json
@@ -169,10 +169,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} נבחרו)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "שגיאה בטעינת קובץ תבנית קיימים",
"Saving …" : "מתבצעת שמירה…",
- "Authentication required" : "נדרש אימות",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "פעולה זו דורשת ממך לאמת את הססמה שלך",
- "Confirm" : "אימות",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "האימות נכשל, נא לנסות שוב",
"seconds ago" : "לפני מספר שניות",
"Connection to server lost" : "החיבור לשרת אבד",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["תקלה בטעינת העמוד, יתבצע רענון בעוד שנייה","תקלה בטעינת העמוד, יתבצע רענון בעוד %n שניות","תקלה בטעינת העמוד, יתבצע רענון בעוד %n שניות","תקלה בטעינת העמוד, יתבצע רענון בעוד %n שניות"],
@@ -258,7 +254,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "דילוג לניווט של היישומון",
"Go to %s" : "מעבר אל %s",
"Get your own free account" : "קבלת חשבון משלך בחינם",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "פעולה זו דורשת ממך לאמת את הססמה שלך",
"Confirm your password" : "אימות הססמה שלך",
+ "Confirm" : "אימות",
"Connect to your account" : "התחברות לחשבון שלך",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "נא להיכנס בטרם הענקת גישה לחשבון שלך ב־%2$s לטובת %1$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "אם אינך מנסה להגדיר מכשיר חדש או אפליקציה חדשה, מישהו מנסה לרמות אותך להעניק לו גישה לנתונים שלך. במקרה הזה, אל תמשיך, ובמקום זאת פנה למנהל המערכת שלך.",
@@ -322,6 +320,8 @@
"Home" : "בית",
"Copy to {folder}" : "העתקה אל {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "העברה אל {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "נדרש אימות",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "האימות נכשל, נא לנסות שוב",
"File not found" : "קובץ לא נמצא",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "לא ניתן למצוא את המסמך בשרת. יכול להיות שהשיתוף נמחק או פג?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "יש להשתמש בעדכון על בסיס שורת פקודה כיוון שעדכון אוטומטי מנוטרל בקובץ config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/hr.js b/core/l10n/hr.js
index 18c8b481b4e..b43cd6708a6 100644
--- a/core/l10n/hr.js
+++ b/core/l10n/hr.js
@@ -198,10 +198,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} odabran)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Pogrešno učitavanje predloška za postojeću datoteku",
"Saving …" : "Spremanje...",
- "Authentication required" : "Potrebna autentifikacija",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Za izvršavanje ove radnje potvrdite svoju zaporku",
- "Confirm" : "Potvrdi",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Pogreška pri provjeri autentičnosti, pokušajte ponovo",
"seconds ago" : "prije nekoliko sekundi",
"Connection to server lost" : "Izgubljena veza s poslužiteljem",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Pogreška pri učitavanju stranice, ponovno učitavanje za %n sekundi","Pogreška pri učitavanju stranice, ponovno učitavanje za %n sekundi","Pogreška pri učitavanju stranice, ponovno učitavanje za %n sekundi"],
@@ -288,7 +284,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Preskoči na navigaciju aplikacije",
"Go to %s" : "Idi na %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Otvorite besplatni račun",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Za izvršavanje ove radnje potvrdite svoju zaporku",
"Confirm your password" : "Potvrdite svoju zaporku",
+ "Confirm" : "Potvrdi",
"Connect to your account" : "Povežite se sa svojim računom",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Prijavite se prije odobravanja pristupa %1$s svom računu %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Ako ne pokušavate postaviti novi uređaj ili aplikaciju, netko vas pokušava navesti da mu odobrite pristup svojim podacima. U tom slučaju nemojte nastaviti, već se obratite administratoru sustava.",
@@ -353,6 +351,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Početna",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopiraj u {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Premjesti u {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Potrebna autentifikacija",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Pogreška pri provjeri autentičnosti, pokušajte ponovo",
"File not found" : "Datoteka nije pronađena",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Dokument nije moguće pronaći na poslužitelju. Možda je dijeljenje izbrisano ili je isteklo?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Ažurirajte putem naredbenog retka jer je automatsko ažuriranje onemogućeno u datoteci config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/hr.json b/core/l10n/hr.json
index 41821de7462..38e947a60cd 100644
--- a/core/l10n/hr.json
+++ b/core/l10n/hr.json
@@ -196,10 +196,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} odabran)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Pogrešno učitavanje predloška za postojeću datoteku",
"Saving …" : "Spremanje...",
- "Authentication required" : "Potrebna autentifikacija",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Za izvršavanje ove radnje potvrdite svoju zaporku",
- "Confirm" : "Potvrdi",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Pogreška pri provjeri autentičnosti, pokušajte ponovo",
"seconds ago" : "prije nekoliko sekundi",
"Connection to server lost" : "Izgubljena veza s poslužiteljem",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Pogreška pri učitavanju stranice, ponovno učitavanje za %n sekundi","Pogreška pri učitavanju stranice, ponovno učitavanje za %n sekundi","Pogreška pri učitavanju stranice, ponovno učitavanje za %n sekundi"],
@@ -286,7 +282,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Preskoči na navigaciju aplikacije",
"Go to %s" : "Idi na %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Otvorite besplatni račun",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Za izvršavanje ove radnje potvrdite svoju zaporku",
"Confirm your password" : "Potvrdite svoju zaporku",
+ "Confirm" : "Potvrdi",
"Connect to your account" : "Povežite se sa svojim računom",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Prijavite se prije odobravanja pristupa %1$s svom računu %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Ako ne pokušavate postaviti novi uređaj ili aplikaciju, netko vas pokušava navesti da mu odobrite pristup svojim podacima. U tom slučaju nemojte nastaviti, već se obratite administratoru sustava.",
@@ -351,6 +349,8 @@
"Home" : "Početna",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopiraj u {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Premjesti u {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Potrebna autentifikacija",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Pogreška pri provjeri autentičnosti, pokušajte ponovo",
"File not found" : "Datoteka nije pronađena",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Dokument nije moguće pronaći na poslužitelju. Možda je dijeljenje izbrisano ili je isteklo?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Ažurirajte putem naredbenog retka jer je automatsko ažuriranje onemogućeno u datoteci config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/hu.js b/core/l10n/hu.js
index 5ae361f7928..f424ed33dd4 100644
--- a/core/l10n/hu.js
+++ b/core/l10n/hu.js
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "A frissítés sikertelen. Jelezze a problémát a <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud közösségnek</a>.",
"Continue to {productName}" : "Tovább erre: {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["A frissítés sikeres volt. %n másodperc múlva át lesz irányítva a következőhöz: {productName}.","A frissítés sikeres volt. %n másodperc múlva át lesz irányítva a következőhöz: {productName}."],
+ "Applications menu" : "Alkalmazások menü",
"More apps" : "További alkalmazások",
"Currently open" : "Jelenleg nyitva",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} értesítés","{count} értesítés"],
@@ -231,6 +232,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Supported versions" : "Támogatott verziók",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "{name} {version} verziója, és újabb",
"Settings menu" : "Beállítások menü",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "{displayName} avatárja",
"Search {types} …" : "{types} keresése…",
"No" : "Nem",
"Yes" : "Igen",
@@ -255,10 +257,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} kiválasztva)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Hiba a „fájl már létezik” sablon betöltésekor",
"Saving …" : "Mentés ...",
- "Authentication required" : "Hitelesítés szükséges",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "A művelethez meg kell erősítenie a jelszavát",
- "Confirm" : "Megerősítés",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "A hitelesítés sikertelen, próbálja újra",
"seconds ago" : "pár másodperce",
"Connection to server lost" : "A kapcsolat megszakadt a kiszolgálóval",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Probléma az oldal betöltésekor, újratöltés %n másodperc múlva","Probléma az oldal betöltésekor, újratöltés %n másodperc múlva"],
@@ -350,7 +348,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Ugrás az alkalmazás navigációjához",
"Go to %s" : "Ugrás ide: %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Szerezzen saját ingyenes fiókot",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "A művelethez meg kell erősítenie a jelszavát",
"Confirm your password" : "Erősítse meg a jelszavát:",
+ "Confirm" : "Megerősítés",
"Connect to your account" : "Kapcsolódás a fiókjához",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Lépjen be mielőtthozzáférést biztosít a(z) %1$s kliensnek a(z) %2$s fiókjához.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Ha nem új eszközt vagy alkalmazást próbál beállítani, akkor valaki megpróbálja becsapni, hogy hozzáférést biztosítson számára az adatokhoz. Ebben az esetben ne folytassa, hanem lépjen kapcsolatba a rendszergazdával.",
@@ -427,6 +427,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Kezdőlap",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Másolás ide: {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Áthelyezés ide: {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Hitelesítés szükséges",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "A hitelesítés sikertelen, próbálja újra",
"File not found" : "Fájl nem található",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "A dokumentum nem található a szerveren. Valószínűleg a megosztás törölve lett vagy lejárt.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Használja a parancssoros frissítőt, mert az automatikusa frissítés ki van kapcsolva a config.php-ban.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/hu.json b/core/l10n/hu.json
index f84b5fcf726..9d0398dfb8d 100644
--- a/core/l10n/hu.json
+++ b/core/l10n/hu.json
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "A frissítés sikertelen. Jelezze a problémát a <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud közösségnek</a>.",
"Continue to {productName}" : "Tovább erre: {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["A frissítés sikeres volt. %n másodperc múlva át lesz irányítva a következőhöz: {productName}.","A frissítés sikeres volt. %n másodperc múlva át lesz irányítva a következőhöz: {productName}."],
+ "Applications menu" : "Alkalmazások menü",
"More apps" : "További alkalmazások",
"Currently open" : "Jelenleg nyitva",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} értesítés","{count} értesítés"],
@@ -229,6 +230,7 @@
"Supported versions" : "Támogatott verziók",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "{name} {version} verziója, és újabb",
"Settings menu" : "Beállítások menü",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "{displayName} avatárja",
"Search {types} …" : "{types} keresése…",
"No" : "Nem",
"Yes" : "Igen",
@@ -253,10 +255,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} kiválasztva)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Hiba a „fájl már létezik” sablon betöltésekor",
"Saving …" : "Mentés ...",
- "Authentication required" : "Hitelesítés szükséges",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "A művelethez meg kell erősítenie a jelszavát",
- "Confirm" : "Megerősítés",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "A hitelesítés sikertelen, próbálja újra",
"seconds ago" : "pár másodperce",
"Connection to server lost" : "A kapcsolat megszakadt a kiszolgálóval",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Probléma az oldal betöltésekor, újratöltés %n másodperc múlva","Probléma az oldal betöltésekor, újratöltés %n másodperc múlva"],
@@ -348,7 +346,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Ugrás az alkalmazás navigációjához",
"Go to %s" : "Ugrás ide: %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Szerezzen saját ingyenes fiókot",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "A művelethez meg kell erősítenie a jelszavát",
"Confirm your password" : "Erősítse meg a jelszavát:",
+ "Confirm" : "Megerősítés",
"Connect to your account" : "Kapcsolódás a fiókjához",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Lépjen be mielőtthozzáférést biztosít a(z) %1$s kliensnek a(z) %2$s fiókjához.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Ha nem új eszközt vagy alkalmazást próbál beállítani, akkor valaki megpróbálja becsapni, hogy hozzáférést biztosítson számára az adatokhoz. Ebben az esetben ne folytassa, hanem lépjen kapcsolatba a rendszergazdával.",
@@ -425,6 +425,8 @@
"Home" : "Kezdőlap",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Másolás ide: {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Áthelyezés ide: {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Hitelesítés szükséges",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "A hitelesítés sikertelen, próbálja újra",
"File not found" : "Fájl nem található",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "A dokumentum nem található a szerveren. Valószínűleg a megosztás törölve lett vagy lejárt.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Használja a parancssoros frissítőt, mert az automatikusa frissítés ki van kapcsolva a config.php-ban.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/id.js b/core/l10n/id.js
index 671a13450b6..396d765f2e0 100644
--- a/core/l10n/id.js
+++ b/core/l10n/id.js
@@ -182,10 +182,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} terpilih)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Kesalahan memuat templat berkas yang sudah ada",
"Saving …" : "Menyimpan ...",
- "Authentication required" : "Diperlukan otentikasi",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Aksi ini membutuhkan konfirmasi kata sandi Anda",
- "Confirm" : "Konfirmasi",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Gagal mengotentikasi, coba lagi",
"seconds ago" : "beberapa detik yang lalu",
"Connection to server lost" : "Koneksi ke server gagal",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Tidak dapat memuat laman, muat ulang dalam %n detik"],
@@ -274,7 +270,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Lewati ke navigasi aplikasi",
"Go to %s" : "Pergi ke %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Dapatkan akun gratis Anda",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Aksi ini membutuhkan konfirmasi kata sandi Anda",
"Confirm your password" : "Konfirmasi kata sandi Anda",
+ "Confirm" : "Konfirmasi",
"Connect to your account" : "Hubungkan ke akun Anda",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Silakan log masuk sebelum mengizinkan %1$s mengakses akun %2$s Anda.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Jika Anda tidak mencoba menyiapkan perangkat atau aplikasi baru, seseorang mencoba menipu Anda agar memberi mereka akses ke data Anda. Dalam hal ini jangan lanjutkan dan hubungi administrator sistem Anda.",
@@ -345,6 +343,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Beranda",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Salin ke {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Pindah ke {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Diperlukan otentikasi",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Gagal mengotentikasi, coba lagi",
"File not found" : "Berkas tidak ditemukan",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Dokumen tidak ditemukan pada peladen. Mungkin sudah tidak dibagikan atau kedaluwarsa?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Gunakan pembaruan di command line karena pembaruan otomatis di nonaktifkan di config.php. "
diff --git a/core/l10n/id.json b/core/l10n/id.json
index 55f2402c75f..df36ac3d1b0 100644
--- a/core/l10n/id.json
+++ b/core/l10n/id.json
@@ -180,10 +180,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} terpilih)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Kesalahan memuat templat berkas yang sudah ada",
"Saving …" : "Menyimpan ...",
- "Authentication required" : "Diperlukan otentikasi",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Aksi ini membutuhkan konfirmasi kata sandi Anda",
- "Confirm" : "Konfirmasi",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Gagal mengotentikasi, coba lagi",
"seconds ago" : "beberapa detik yang lalu",
"Connection to server lost" : "Koneksi ke server gagal",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Tidak dapat memuat laman, muat ulang dalam %n detik"],
@@ -272,7 +268,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Lewati ke navigasi aplikasi",
"Go to %s" : "Pergi ke %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Dapatkan akun gratis Anda",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Aksi ini membutuhkan konfirmasi kata sandi Anda",
"Confirm your password" : "Konfirmasi kata sandi Anda",
+ "Confirm" : "Konfirmasi",
"Connect to your account" : "Hubungkan ke akun Anda",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Silakan log masuk sebelum mengizinkan %1$s mengakses akun %2$s Anda.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Jika Anda tidak mencoba menyiapkan perangkat atau aplikasi baru, seseorang mencoba menipu Anda agar memberi mereka akses ke data Anda. Dalam hal ini jangan lanjutkan dan hubungi administrator sistem Anda.",
@@ -343,6 +341,8 @@
"Home" : "Beranda",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Salin ke {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Pindah ke {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Diperlukan otentikasi",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Gagal mengotentikasi, coba lagi",
"File not found" : "Berkas tidak ditemukan",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Dokumen tidak ditemukan pada peladen. Mungkin sudah tidak dibagikan atau kedaluwarsa?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Gunakan pembaruan di command line karena pembaruan otomatis di nonaktifkan di config.php. "
diff --git a/core/l10n/is.js b/core/l10n/is.js
index b9f9d9b8ff4..63d487858a3 100644
--- a/core/l10n/is.js
+++ b/core/l10n/is.js
@@ -201,10 +201,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} valið)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Villa við að hlaða inn sniðmáti fyrir skrá-er-til",
"Saving …" : "Vista …",
- "Authentication required" : "Auðkenningar krafist",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Þessi aðgerð krefst þess að þú staðfestir lykilorðið þitt",
- "Confirm" : "Staðfesta",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Tókst ekki að auðkenna, prófaðu aftur",
"seconds ago" : "sekúndum síðan",
"Connection to server lost" : "Tenging við miðlara rofnaði",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Vandamál við að hlaða inn síðu, endurhleð eftir %n sekúndu","Vandamál við að hlaða inn síðu, endurhleð eftir %n sekúndur"],
@@ -292,7 +288,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Hlaupa yfir í flakk innan forrits",
"Go to %s" : "Farðu í %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Fáðu þér eigin ókeypis aðgang",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Þessi aðgerð krefst þess að þú staðfestir lykilorðið þitt",
"Confirm your password" : "Staðfestu lykilorðið þitt",
+ "Confirm" : "Staðfesta",
"Connect to your account" : "Tengdu við notandaaðganginn þinn",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Skráðu þig inn áður en þú leyfir %1$s aðgang að %2$s notandaaðgangnum þínum.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Ef þú ert ekki að reyna að setja upp nýtt tæki eða forrit, þá er einhver annar að reyna að gabba þig til að gefa þeim aðgang að gögnunum þínum. Ef svo er, skaltu ekki halda áfram í þessu ferli og hafa strax samband við kerfisstjórann þinn.",
@@ -366,6 +364,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Heima",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Afrita í {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Færa í {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Auðkenningar krafist",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Tókst ekki að auðkenna, prófaðu aftur",
"File not found" : "Skrá finnst ekki",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Skjalið fannst ekki á þjóninum. Hugsanlega hefur sameigninni verið eytt eða sé útrunnin?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Endilega notaðu uppfærslutólið af skipanalínu, því sjálfvirkar uppfærslur eru gerðar óvirkar í config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/is.json b/core/l10n/is.json
index cf1e253f500..962be00ff07 100644
--- a/core/l10n/is.json
+++ b/core/l10n/is.json
@@ -199,10 +199,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} valið)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Villa við að hlaða inn sniðmáti fyrir skrá-er-til",
"Saving …" : "Vista …",
- "Authentication required" : "Auðkenningar krafist",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Þessi aðgerð krefst þess að þú staðfestir lykilorðið þitt",
- "Confirm" : "Staðfesta",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Tókst ekki að auðkenna, prófaðu aftur",
"seconds ago" : "sekúndum síðan",
"Connection to server lost" : "Tenging við miðlara rofnaði",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Vandamál við að hlaða inn síðu, endurhleð eftir %n sekúndu","Vandamál við að hlaða inn síðu, endurhleð eftir %n sekúndur"],
@@ -290,7 +286,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Hlaupa yfir í flakk innan forrits",
"Go to %s" : "Farðu í %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Fáðu þér eigin ókeypis aðgang",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Þessi aðgerð krefst þess að þú staðfestir lykilorðið þitt",
"Confirm your password" : "Staðfestu lykilorðið þitt",
+ "Confirm" : "Staðfesta",
"Connect to your account" : "Tengdu við notandaaðganginn þinn",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Skráðu þig inn áður en þú leyfir %1$s aðgang að %2$s notandaaðgangnum þínum.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Ef þú ert ekki að reyna að setja upp nýtt tæki eða forrit, þá er einhver annar að reyna að gabba þig til að gefa þeim aðgang að gögnunum þínum. Ef svo er, skaltu ekki halda áfram í þessu ferli og hafa strax samband við kerfisstjórann þinn.",
@@ -364,6 +362,8 @@
"Home" : "Heima",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Afrita í {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Færa í {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Auðkenningar krafist",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Tókst ekki að auðkenna, prófaðu aftur",
"File not found" : "Skrá finnst ekki",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Skjalið fannst ekki á þjóninum. Hugsanlega hefur sameigninni verið eytt eða sé útrunnin?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Endilega notaðu uppfærslutólið af skipanalínu, því sjálfvirkar uppfærslur eru gerðar óvirkar í config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/it.js b/core/l10n/it.js
index 8e3867ea5af..9928a153258 100644
--- a/core/l10n/it.js
+++ b/core/l10n/it.js
@@ -255,10 +255,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} selezionati)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Errore durante il caricamento del modello del file esistente",
"Saving …" : "Salvataggio…",
- "Authentication required" : "Autenticazione richiesta",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Questa azione richiede la conferma della tua password",
- "Confirm" : "Conferma",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autenticazione non riuscita, prova ancora",
"seconds ago" : "secondi fa",
"Connection to server lost" : "Connessione al server interrotta",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problema durante il caricamento della pagina, aggiornamento tra %n secondo","Problema durante il caricamento della pagina, aggiornamento tra %n secondi","Problema durante il caricamento della pagina, aggiornamento tra %n secondi"],
@@ -350,7 +346,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Passa alla navigazione dell'applicazione",
"Go to %s" : "Vai a %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Ottieni il tuo account gratuito",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Questa azione richiede la conferma della tua password",
"Confirm your password" : "Conferma la tua password",
+ "Confirm" : "Conferma",
"Connect to your account" : "Connetti il tuo account",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Accedi prima di accordare a %1$s l'accesso al tuo account %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Se non stai tentando di configurare un nuovo dispositivo o applicazione, qualcuno sta provando a ingannarti per ottenere l'accesso ai tuoi dati. In questo caso non procedere e contatta l'amministratore di sistema.",
@@ -427,6 +425,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Pagina principale",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copia in {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Sposta in {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autenticazione richiesta",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autenticazione non riuscita, prova ancora",
"File not found" : "File non trovato",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Il documento non può essere trovato sul server. Forse la condivisione è stata eliminata o è scaduta?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Utilizza lo strumento da riga di comando poiché l'aggiornamento automatico è disabilitato nel file config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/it.json b/core/l10n/it.json
index 445a66998a1..d980a518c1e 100644
--- a/core/l10n/it.json
+++ b/core/l10n/it.json
@@ -253,10 +253,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} selezionati)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Errore durante il caricamento del modello del file esistente",
"Saving …" : "Salvataggio…",
- "Authentication required" : "Autenticazione richiesta",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Questa azione richiede la conferma della tua password",
- "Confirm" : "Conferma",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autenticazione non riuscita, prova ancora",
"seconds ago" : "secondi fa",
"Connection to server lost" : "Connessione al server interrotta",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problema durante il caricamento della pagina, aggiornamento tra %n secondo","Problema durante il caricamento della pagina, aggiornamento tra %n secondi","Problema durante il caricamento della pagina, aggiornamento tra %n secondi"],
@@ -348,7 +344,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Passa alla navigazione dell'applicazione",
"Go to %s" : "Vai a %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Ottieni il tuo account gratuito",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Questa azione richiede la conferma della tua password",
"Confirm your password" : "Conferma la tua password",
+ "Confirm" : "Conferma",
"Connect to your account" : "Connetti il tuo account",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Accedi prima di accordare a %1$s l'accesso al tuo account %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Se non stai tentando di configurare un nuovo dispositivo o applicazione, qualcuno sta provando a ingannarti per ottenere l'accesso ai tuoi dati. In questo caso non procedere e contatta l'amministratore di sistema.",
@@ -425,6 +423,8 @@
"Home" : "Pagina principale",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copia in {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Sposta in {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autenticazione richiesta",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autenticazione non riuscita, prova ancora",
"File not found" : "File non trovato",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Il documento non può essere trovato sul server. Forse la condivisione è stata eliminata o è scaduta?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Utilizza lo strumento da riga di comando poiché l'aggiornamento automatico è disabilitato nel file config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/ja.js b/core/l10n/ja.js
index 84dcaac1762..eea401a1dd9 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ja.js
+++ b/core/l10n/ja.js
@@ -255,10 +255,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} 選択)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "既存ファイルのテンプレートの読み込みエラー",
"Saving …" : "保存中...",
- "Authentication required" : "認証が必要です",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "この操作では、パスワードを確認する必要があります",
- "Confirm" : "確認",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "認証に失敗しました。もう一度お試しください",
"seconds ago" : "数秒前",
"Connection to server lost" : "サーバーとの接続が切断されました",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["ページの読み込み中に問題が発生しました。%n秒後に再読み込みします"],
@@ -350,7 +346,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "アプリのナビゲーションにスキップする",
"Go to %s" : "%sに移動",
"Get your own free account" : "無料でアカウントを作成",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "この操作では、パスワードを確認する必要があります",
"Confirm your password" : "パスワードを確認",
+ "Confirm" : "確認",
"Connect to your account" : "あなたのアカウントに接続する",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "あなたの %2$s アカウントに %1$s アクセスを許可する前にログインしてください。",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "新しいデバイスやアプリを設定しようとしていないのに、今この画面が表示された場合、誰かがあなたを騙してデータへのアクセス権を奪取しようとしています。その場合は、ここで止めてシステム管理者に連絡してください。",
@@ -427,6 +425,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "ホーム",
"Copy to {folder}" : "{folder}へコピー",
"Move to {folder}" : "{folder}へ移動",
+ "Authentication required" : "認証が必要です",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "認証に失敗しました。もう一度お試しください",
"File not found" : "ファイルが見つかりません",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "ドキュメントはサーバー上に見つかりませんでした。 共有が削除されたか、期限が切れている可能性があります。",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "config.php で自動更新が無効になっているので、コマンドラインでの更新を利用してください。",
diff --git a/core/l10n/ja.json b/core/l10n/ja.json
index d321b5e70c8..e8266ba2e72 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ja.json
+++ b/core/l10n/ja.json
@@ -253,10 +253,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} 選択)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "既存ファイルのテンプレートの読み込みエラー",
"Saving …" : "保存中...",
- "Authentication required" : "認証が必要です",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "この操作では、パスワードを確認する必要があります",
- "Confirm" : "確認",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "認証に失敗しました。もう一度お試しください",
"seconds ago" : "数秒前",
"Connection to server lost" : "サーバーとの接続が切断されました",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["ページの読み込み中に問題が発生しました。%n秒後に再読み込みします"],
@@ -348,7 +344,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "アプリのナビゲーションにスキップする",
"Go to %s" : "%sに移動",
"Get your own free account" : "無料でアカウントを作成",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "この操作では、パスワードを確認する必要があります",
"Confirm your password" : "パスワードを確認",
+ "Confirm" : "確認",
"Connect to your account" : "あなたのアカウントに接続する",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "あなたの %2$s アカウントに %1$s アクセスを許可する前にログインしてください。",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "新しいデバイスやアプリを設定しようとしていないのに、今この画面が表示された場合、誰かがあなたを騙してデータへのアクセス権を奪取しようとしています。その場合は、ここで止めてシステム管理者に連絡してください。",
@@ -425,6 +423,8 @@
"Home" : "ホーム",
"Copy to {folder}" : "{folder}へコピー",
"Move to {folder}" : "{folder}へ移動",
+ "Authentication required" : "認証が必要です",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "認証に失敗しました。もう一度お試しください",
"File not found" : "ファイルが見つかりません",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "ドキュメントはサーバー上に見つかりませんでした。 共有が削除されたか、期限が切れている可能性があります。",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "config.php で自動更新が無効になっているので、コマンドラインでの更新を利用してください。",
diff --git a/core/l10n/ka_GE.js b/core/l10n/ka_GE.js
index e343795aed5..9ec19af1a8d 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ka_GE.js
+++ b/core/l10n/ka_GE.js
@@ -112,10 +112,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(all selected)" : "(ყველა არჩეული)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} არჩეული)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "ფაილის ჩატვირთვისას წარმოიშვა შეცდომა",
- "Authentication required" : "საჭიროა აუტენტიფიკაცია",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "ეს ქმედება საჭიროებს პაროლის დადასტურებას",
- "Confirm" : "დადასტურება",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "აუტენტიფიკაცია ვერ შესრულდა, სცადეთ ახლიდან",
"seconds ago" : "წამის წინ",
"Connection to server lost" : "სერვერთან კავშირი დაიკარგა",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["გვერდის ჩატვირთვის პროლბემა, ხელახალი ჩატვირთვა მოხდება %n წამში","გვერდის ჩატვირთვის პროლბემა, ხელახალი ჩატვირთვა მოხდება %n წამში"],
@@ -178,7 +174,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"See the documentation" : "იხილეთ დოკუმენტაცია",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "ეს აპლიკაცია სწორი ოპერაციისთვის საჭიროებს JavaScript-ს. გთხოვთ {linkstart}ჩართოთ JavaScript-ი{linkend} და გადატვირთოთ გვერდი.",
"Go to %s" : "გადადით %s-ზე",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "ეს ქმედება საჭიროებს პაროლის დადასტურებას",
"Confirm your password" : "დაადასტურეთ თქვენი პაროლი",
+ "Confirm" : "დადასტურება",
"App token" : "აპლიკაციის ტოკენი",
"Grant access" : "უფლებების მინიჭება",
"Account access" : "წვდომა ანგარიშზე",
@@ -218,6 +216,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "სახლი",
"Copy to {folder}" : "კოპრება {folder}-ში",
"Move to {folder}" : "გადატანა {folder}-ში",
+ "Authentication required" : "საჭიროა აუტენტიფიკაცია",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "აუტენტიფიკაცია ვერ შესრულდა, სცადეთ ახლიდან",
"File not found" : "ფაილი ვერ იქნა ნაპოვნი",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "ავტომატური განახლება config.php-ში გათიშულია, გთხოვთ ისარგებლოთ command-line განახლებით."
diff --git a/core/l10n/ka_GE.json b/core/l10n/ka_GE.json
index 0914ee23326..d14290f4810 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ka_GE.json
+++ b/core/l10n/ka_GE.json
@@ -110,10 +110,6 @@
"(all selected)" : "(ყველა არჩეული)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} არჩეული)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "ფაილის ჩატვირთვისას წარმოიშვა შეცდომა",
- "Authentication required" : "საჭიროა აუტენტიფიკაცია",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "ეს ქმედება საჭიროებს პაროლის დადასტურებას",
- "Confirm" : "დადასტურება",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "აუტენტიფიკაცია ვერ შესრულდა, სცადეთ ახლიდან",
"seconds ago" : "წამის წინ",
"Connection to server lost" : "სერვერთან კავშირი დაიკარგა",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["გვერდის ჩატვირთვის პროლბემა, ხელახალი ჩატვირთვა მოხდება %n წამში","გვერდის ჩატვირთვის პროლბემა, ხელახალი ჩატვირთვა მოხდება %n წამში"],
@@ -176,7 +172,9 @@
"See the documentation" : "იხილეთ დოკუმენტაცია",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "ეს აპლიკაცია სწორი ოპერაციისთვის საჭიროებს JavaScript-ს. გთხოვთ {linkstart}ჩართოთ JavaScript-ი{linkend} და გადატვირთოთ გვერდი.",
"Go to %s" : "გადადით %s-ზე",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "ეს ქმედება საჭიროებს პაროლის დადასტურებას",
"Confirm your password" : "დაადასტურეთ თქვენი პაროლი",
+ "Confirm" : "დადასტურება",
"App token" : "აპლიკაციის ტოკენი",
"Grant access" : "უფლებების მინიჭება",
"Account access" : "წვდომა ანგარიშზე",
@@ -216,6 +214,8 @@
"Home" : "სახლი",
"Copy to {folder}" : "კოპრება {folder}-ში",
"Move to {folder}" : "გადატანა {folder}-ში",
+ "Authentication required" : "საჭიროა აუტენტიფიკაცია",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "აუტენტიფიკაცია ვერ შესრულდა, სცადეთ ახლიდან",
"File not found" : "ფაილი ვერ იქნა ნაპოვნი",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "ავტომატური განახლება config.php-ში გათიშულია, გთხოვთ ისარგებლოთ command-line განახლებით."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);"
diff --git a/core/l10n/ko.js b/core/l10n/ko.js
index 2b5d0fedbe6..3ea0306c110 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ko.js
+++ b/core/l10n/ko.js
@@ -255,10 +255,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count}개 선택됨)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "파일 존재함 템플릿을 불러오는 중 오류 발생",
"Saving …" : "저장 중 …",
- "Authentication required" : "인증 필요",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "이 작업을 수행하려면 암호를 입력해야 합니다",
- "Confirm" : "확인",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "인증할 수 없습니다. 다시 시도하십시오.",
"seconds ago" : "몇 초 전",
"Connection to server lost" : "서버 연결이 끊어짐",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["페이지 불러오기 오류, %n초 후 새로 고침"],
@@ -350,7 +346,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "앱 탐색으로 이동",
"Go to %s" : "%s로 이동",
"Get your own free account" : "무료 계정 등록",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "이 작업을 수행하려면 암호를 입력해야 합니다",
"Confirm your password" : "암호 확인",
+ "Confirm" : "확인",
"Connect to your account" : "내 계정에 연결",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "%1$s에서 내 %2$s 계정에 접근하는 것을 허용하려면 로그인해야 합니다.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "새 기기나 앱을 설정하지 않고 있다면, 누군가 당신을 속여 데이터 접근 권한을 얻으려 하는 것일 수도 있습니다. 이러한 경우 절대 허가하지 말고 시스템 관리자에게 문의하십시오.",
@@ -427,6 +425,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "홈",
"Copy to {folder}" : "{folder}에 복사",
"Move to {folder}" : "{folder}(으)로 이동",
+ "Authentication required" : "인증 필요",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "인증할 수 없습니다. 다시 시도하십시오.",
"File not found" : "파일을 찾을 수 없음",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "서버에서 문서를 찾을 수 없습니다. 공유가 삭제되었거나 만료되었습니까?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "config.php에서 자동 업데이트가 비활성화되어 있기 때문에 명령줄 업데이트를 사용하십시오.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/ko.json b/core/l10n/ko.json
index b6952ccb3a2..506abfd4977 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ko.json
+++ b/core/l10n/ko.json
@@ -253,10 +253,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count}개 선택됨)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "파일 존재함 템플릿을 불러오는 중 오류 발생",
"Saving …" : "저장 중 …",
- "Authentication required" : "인증 필요",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "이 작업을 수행하려면 암호를 입력해야 합니다",
- "Confirm" : "확인",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "인증할 수 없습니다. 다시 시도하십시오.",
"seconds ago" : "몇 초 전",
"Connection to server lost" : "서버 연결이 끊어짐",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["페이지 불러오기 오류, %n초 후 새로 고침"],
@@ -348,7 +344,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "앱 탐색으로 이동",
"Go to %s" : "%s로 이동",
"Get your own free account" : "무료 계정 등록",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "이 작업을 수행하려면 암호를 입력해야 합니다",
"Confirm your password" : "암호 확인",
+ "Confirm" : "확인",
"Connect to your account" : "내 계정에 연결",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "%1$s에서 내 %2$s 계정에 접근하는 것을 허용하려면 로그인해야 합니다.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "새 기기나 앱을 설정하지 않고 있다면, 누군가 당신을 속여 데이터 접근 권한을 얻으려 하는 것일 수도 있습니다. 이러한 경우 절대 허가하지 말고 시스템 관리자에게 문의하십시오.",
@@ -425,6 +423,8 @@
"Home" : "홈",
"Copy to {folder}" : "{folder}에 복사",
"Move to {folder}" : "{folder}(으)로 이동",
+ "Authentication required" : "인증 필요",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "인증할 수 없습니다. 다시 시도하십시오.",
"File not found" : "파일을 찾을 수 없음",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "서버에서 문서를 찾을 수 없습니다. 공유가 삭제되었거나 만료되었습니까?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "config.php에서 자동 업데이트가 비활성화되어 있기 때문에 명령줄 업데이트를 사용하십시오.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/lo.js b/core/l10n/lo.js
index 6143dd6216f..10cced2214f 100644
--- a/core/l10n/lo.js
+++ b/core/l10n/lo.js
@@ -180,10 +180,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} ຖືກຄັດເລືອກ)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "ໂຫຼດຟາຍທີ່ຍັງຢູ່ຜິດພາດ",
"Saving …" : "ກຳລັງບັນທຶກ",
- "Authentication required" : "ການຢັ້ງຢືນທີ່ຈໍາເປັນ",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "ການກະທໍານີ້ຮຽກຮ້ອງໃຫ້ທ່ານເພື່ອຢືນຢັນລະຫັດຜ່ານຂອງທ່ານ",
- "Confirm" : "ຢືນຢັນ",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "ບໍ່ສາມາດຮັບຮອງຄວາມຖຶກຕ້ອງໄດ້, ລອງອີກຄັ້ງ",
"seconds ago" : "ວິນາທີຜ່ານມາ",
"Connection to server lost" : "ການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ກັບ server ສູນເສຍ",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["ການໂຫຼດໜ້າເຟສມີບັນຫາ, ການໂຫຼດຄືນໃນ %nວິນາທີ"],
@@ -265,7 +261,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to main content" : "ຂ້າມ ໄປຫາເນື້ອຫາຫຼັກ",
"Skip to navigation of app" : "ຂ້າມໄປຍັງແອັບນຳທາງ",
"Get your own free account" : "ຮັບບັນຊີຟຣີຂອງທ່ານເອງ",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "ການກະທໍານີ້ຮຽກຮ້ອງໃຫ້ທ່ານເພື່ອຢືນຢັນລະຫັດຜ່ານຂອງທ່ານ",
"Confirm your password" : "ຢືນຢັນລະຫັດຜ່ານຂອງທ່ານ",
+ "Confirm" : "ຢືນຢັນ",
"Connect to your account" : "ເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ບັນຊີຂອງທ່ານ",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "ກະລຸນາເຂົ້າລະບົບກ່ອນທີ່ຈະໃຫ້ %1$sການເຂົ້າເຖິງບັນຊີຂອງທ່ານ%2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "ຖ້າທ່ານບໍ່ໄດ້ພະຍາຍາມທີ່ຈະຕິດຕັ້ງອຸປະກອນຫຼື app ໃຫມ່ , ບາງຄົນພະຍາຍາມຫຼອກລວງ ທ່ານໃຫ້ອະນຸຍາດໃຫ້ເຂົາເຈົ້າເຂົ້າເຖິງຂໍ້ມູນຂອງທ່ານ. ໃນກໍລະນີນີ້ບໍ່ໄດ້ດໍາເນີນການ ແລະ ແທນທີ່ຈະຕິດຕໍ່ຜູ້ບໍລິຫານລະບົບຂອງທ່ານ.",
@@ -328,6 +326,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "ໜ້າຫຼັກ",
"Copy to {folder}" : "ສໍາເນົາໄປຍັງ {ໂຟນເດີ}",
"Move to {folder}" : "ຍ້າຍໄປ {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "ການຢັ້ງຢືນທີ່ຈໍາເປັນ",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "ບໍ່ສາມາດຮັບຮອງຄວາມຖຶກຕ້ອງໄດ້, ລອງອີກຄັ້ງ",
"File not found" : " ບໍ່ພົບຟາຍ",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "ເອກະສານບໍ່ສາມາດຄົ້ນພົບໄດ້ໃນ server. ບາງທີສ່ວນແບ່ງຖືກລຶບ ຫຼື ໄດ້ສິ້ນສຸດລົງ?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "ກະລຸນາໃຊ້ ຄໍາສັ່ງ ປັບປຸງ ເພາະການອັບເດດໂດຍອັດຕະໂນມັດຖືກປິດໃນລະບົບການຕັ້ງຄ່າ config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/lo.json b/core/l10n/lo.json
index 93c7cfe9399..2998d77dc06 100644
--- a/core/l10n/lo.json
+++ b/core/l10n/lo.json
@@ -178,10 +178,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} ຖືກຄັດເລືອກ)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "ໂຫຼດຟາຍທີ່ຍັງຢູ່ຜິດພາດ",
"Saving …" : "ກຳລັງບັນທຶກ",
- "Authentication required" : "ການຢັ້ງຢືນທີ່ຈໍາເປັນ",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "ການກະທໍານີ້ຮຽກຮ້ອງໃຫ້ທ່ານເພື່ອຢືນຢັນລະຫັດຜ່ານຂອງທ່ານ",
- "Confirm" : "ຢືນຢັນ",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "ບໍ່ສາມາດຮັບຮອງຄວາມຖຶກຕ້ອງໄດ້, ລອງອີກຄັ້ງ",
"seconds ago" : "ວິນາທີຜ່ານມາ",
"Connection to server lost" : "ການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ກັບ server ສູນເສຍ",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["ການໂຫຼດໜ້າເຟສມີບັນຫາ, ການໂຫຼດຄືນໃນ %nວິນາທີ"],
@@ -263,7 +259,9 @@
"Skip to main content" : "ຂ້າມ ໄປຫາເນື້ອຫາຫຼັກ",
"Skip to navigation of app" : "ຂ້າມໄປຍັງແອັບນຳທາງ",
"Get your own free account" : "ຮັບບັນຊີຟຣີຂອງທ່ານເອງ",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "ການກະທໍານີ້ຮຽກຮ້ອງໃຫ້ທ່ານເພື່ອຢືນຢັນລະຫັດຜ່ານຂອງທ່ານ",
"Confirm your password" : "ຢືນຢັນລະຫັດຜ່ານຂອງທ່ານ",
+ "Confirm" : "ຢືນຢັນ",
"Connect to your account" : "ເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ບັນຊີຂອງທ່ານ",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "ກະລຸນາເຂົ້າລະບົບກ່ອນທີ່ຈະໃຫ້ %1$sການເຂົ້າເຖິງບັນຊີຂອງທ່ານ%2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "ຖ້າທ່ານບໍ່ໄດ້ພະຍາຍາມທີ່ຈະຕິດຕັ້ງອຸປະກອນຫຼື app ໃຫມ່ , ບາງຄົນພະຍາຍາມຫຼອກລວງ ທ່ານໃຫ້ອະນຸຍາດໃຫ້ເຂົາເຈົ້າເຂົ້າເຖິງຂໍ້ມູນຂອງທ່ານ. ໃນກໍລະນີນີ້ບໍ່ໄດ້ດໍາເນີນການ ແລະ ແທນທີ່ຈະຕິດຕໍ່ຜູ້ບໍລິຫານລະບົບຂອງທ່ານ.",
@@ -326,6 +324,8 @@
"Home" : "ໜ້າຫຼັກ",
"Copy to {folder}" : "ສໍາເນົາໄປຍັງ {ໂຟນເດີ}",
"Move to {folder}" : "ຍ້າຍໄປ {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "ການຢັ້ງຢືນທີ່ຈໍາເປັນ",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "ບໍ່ສາມາດຮັບຮອງຄວາມຖຶກຕ້ອງໄດ້, ລອງອີກຄັ້ງ",
"File not found" : " ບໍ່ພົບຟາຍ",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "ເອກະສານບໍ່ສາມາດຄົ້ນພົບໄດ້ໃນ server. ບາງທີສ່ວນແບ່ງຖືກລຶບ ຫຼື ໄດ້ສິ້ນສຸດລົງ?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "ກະລຸນາໃຊ້ ຄໍາສັ່ງ ປັບປຸງ ເພາະການອັບເດດໂດຍອັດຕະໂນມັດຖືກປິດໃນລະບົບການຕັ້ງຄ່າ config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/lt_LT.js b/core/l10n/lt_LT.js
index 66b34475583..db684735955 100644
--- a/core/l10n/lt_LT.js
+++ b/core/l10n/lt_LT.js
@@ -159,10 +159,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} pažymėtų)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Klaida įkeliant saugykloje esančių rinkmenų ruošinį",
"Saving …" : "Įrašoma …",
- "Authentication required" : "Reikalingas tapatybės nustatymas",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Šis veiksmas reikalauja, kad įvestumėte savo slaptažodį",
- "Confirm" : "Patvirtinti",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Nepavyko nustatyti tapatybės, bandykite dar kartą",
"seconds ago" : "prieš keletą sekundžių",
"Connection to server lost" : "Ryšys su serveriu nutrūko",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problemos, įkeliant puslapį. Įkeliama iš naujo po %n sekundės","Problemos, įkeliant puslapį. Įkeliama iš naujo po %n sekundžių","Problemos, įkeliant puslapį. Įkeliama iš naujo po %n sekundžių","Problemos, įkeliant puslapį. Įkeliama iš naujo po %n sekundės"],
@@ -250,7 +246,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Pereiti į programėlės naršymą",
"Go to %s" : "Pereiti į %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Gaukite nemokamą asmeninę paskyrą",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Šis veiksmas reikalauja, kad įvestumėte savo slaptažodį",
"Confirm your password" : "Patvirtinkite savo slaptažodį",
+ "Confirm" : "Patvirtinti",
"Connect to your account" : "Prisijunkite prie paskyros",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Prieš suteikdami %1$s prieigą prie savo %2$s paskyros, prisijunkite.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Jeigu nebandote nusistatyti naujo įrenginio ar programėlės, tuomet kažkas bando jus apgauti, kad suteiktumėte jam prieigą prie savo duomenų. Tokiu atveju netęskite ir, vietoj to, susisiekite su savo sistemos administratoriumi.",
@@ -315,6 +313,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Namai",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopijuoti į {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Perkelti į {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Reikalingas tapatybės nustatymas",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Nepavyko nustatyti tapatybės, bandykite dar kartą",
"File not found" : "Failas nerastas",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Nepavyko serveryje rasti dokumento. Galbūt, viešinys buvo ištrintas arba pasibaigė jo galiojimo laikas?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Automatinis atnaujinimas išjungtas config.php faile. Naudokite komandinės eilutės atnaujinimo įrankį."
diff --git a/core/l10n/lt_LT.json b/core/l10n/lt_LT.json
index 6002536dffc..523d5e82bcb 100644
--- a/core/l10n/lt_LT.json
+++ b/core/l10n/lt_LT.json
@@ -157,10 +157,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} pažymėtų)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Klaida įkeliant saugykloje esančių rinkmenų ruošinį",
"Saving …" : "Įrašoma …",
- "Authentication required" : "Reikalingas tapatybės nustatymas",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Šis veiksmas reikalauja, kad įvestumėte savo slaptažodį",
- "Confirm" : "Patvirtinti",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Nepavyko nustatyti tapatybės, bandykite dar kartą",
"seconds ago" : "prieš keletą sekundžių",
"Connection to server lost" : "Ryšys su serveriu nutrūko",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problemos, įkeliant puslapį. Įkeliama iš naujo po %n sekundės","Problemos, įkeliant puslapį. Įkeliama iš naujo po %n sekundžių","Problemos, įkeliant puslapį. Įkeliama iš naujo po %n sekundžių","Problemos, įkeliant puslapį. Įkeliama iš naujo po %n sekundės"],
@@ -248,7 +244,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Pereiti į programėlės naršymą",
"Go to %s" : "Pereiti į %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Gaukite nemokamą asmeninę paskyrą",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Šis veiksmas reikalauja, kad įvestumėte savo slaptažodį",
"Confirm your password" : "Patvirtinkite savo slaptažodį",
+ "Confirm" : "Patvirtinti",
"Connect to your account" : "Prisijunkite prie paskyros",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Prieš suteikdami %1$s prieigą prie savo %2$s paskyros, prisijunkite.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Jeigu nebandote nusistatyti naujo įrenginio ar programėlės, tuomet kažkas bando jus apgauti, kad suteiktumėte jam prieigą prie savo duomenų. Tokiu atveju netęskite ir, vietoj to, susisiekite su savo sistemos administratoriumi.",
@@ -313,6 +311,8 @@
"Home" : "Namai",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopijuoti į {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Perkelti į {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Reikalingas tapatybės nustatymas",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Nepavyko nustatyti tapatybės, bandykite dar kartą",
"File not found" : "Failas nerastas",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Nepavyko serveryje rasti dokumento. Galbūt, viešinys buvo ištrintas arba pasibaigė jo galiojimo laikas?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Automatinis atnaujinimas išjungtas config.php faile. Naudokite komandinės eilutės atnaujinimo įrankį."
diff --git a/core/l10n/lv.js b/core/l10n/lv.js
index d0f3c9bb11c..cf6d35b0327 100644
--- a/core/l10n/lv.js
+++ b/core/l10n/lv.js
@@ -135,10 +135,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} iezīmēti)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Kļūda ielādējot eksistējošas datnes veidni",
"Saving …" : "Saglabā ...",
- "Authentication required" : "Nepieciešama autentifikācija",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Lai veiktu šo darbību, jums jāievada sava parole.",
- "Confirm" : "Apstiprināt",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Neizdevās autentificēt, mēģiniet vēlreiz",
"seconds ago" : "pirms mirkļa",
"Connection to server lost" : "Zaudēts savienojums ar serveri",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problēma ielādējot lapu, pārlādēšana pēc %n sekundēm","Problēma ielādējot lapu, pārlādēšana pēc %n sekundēm","Problēma ielādējot lapu, pārlādēšana pēc %n sekundēm"],
@@ -206,7 +202,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Need help?" : "Vajadzīga palīdzība?",
"See the documentation" : "Skatiet dokumentāciju",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Šai lietotnei nepieciešams JavaScript. Lūdzu {linkstart}ieslēdziet JavasScript{linkend} un pārlādējiet lapu.",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Lai veiktu šo darbību, jums jāievada sava parole.",
"Confirm your password" : "Apstipriniet paroli",
+ "Confirm" : "Apstiprināt",
"App token" : "Lietotnes pilnvara",
"Grant access" : "Piešķirt pieeju",
"This share is password-protected" : "Šī koplietotne ir aizsargāta ar paroli",
@@ -249,6 +247,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Sākums",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopēt uz {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Pārvietot uz {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Nepieciešama autentifikācija",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Neizdevās autentificēt, mēģiniet vēlreiz",
"File not found" : "Datne nav atrasta",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Lūdzu izmanto komandrindas atjaunināšanu, jo automātiskā atjaunināšana ir atspējota konfigurācijas datnē config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/lv.json b/core/l10n/lv.json
index f0d5db6a7df..a7a837fdf21 100644
--- a/core/l10n/lv.json
+++ b/core/l10n/lv.json
@@ -133,10 +133,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} iezīmēti)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Kļūda ielādējot eksistējošas datnes veidni",
"Saving …" : "Saglabā ...",
- "Authentication required" : "Nepieciešama autentifikācija",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Lai veiktu šo darbību, jums jāievada sava parole.",
- "Confirm" : "Apstiprināt",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Neizdevās autentificēt, mēģiniet vēlreiz",
"seconds ago" : "pirms mirkļa",
"Connection to server lost" : "Zaudēts savienojums ar serveri",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problēma ielādējot lapu, pārlādēšana pēc %n sekundēm","Problēma ielādējot lapu, pārlādēšana pēc %n sekundēm","Problēma ielādējot lapu, pārlādēšana pēc %n sekundēm"],
@@ -204,7 +200,9 @@
"Need help?" : "Vajadzīga palīdzība?",
"See the documentation" : "Skatiet dokumentāciju",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Šai lietotnei nepieciešams JavaScript. Lūdzu {linkstart}ieslēdziet JavasScript{linkend} un pārlādējiet lapu.",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Lai veiktu šo darbību, jums jāievada sava parole.",
"Confirm your password" : "Apstipriniet paroli",
+ "Confirm" : "Apstiprināt",
"App token" : "Lietotnes pilnvara",
"Grant access" : "Piešķirt pieeju",
"This share is password-protected" : "Šī koplietotne ir aizsargāta ar paroli",
@@ -247,6 +245,8 @@
"Home" : "Sākums",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopēt uz {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Pārvietot uz {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Nepieciešama autentifikācija",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Neizdevās autentificēt, mēģiniet vēlreiz",
"File not found" : "Datne nav atrasta",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Lūdzu izmanto komandrindas atjaunināšanu, jo automātiskā atjaunināšana ir atspējota konfigurācijas datnē config.php."
},"pluralForm" :"nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : 2);"
diff --git a/core/l10n/mk.js b/core/l10n/mk.js
index 96474c68c29..429a7440d80 100644
--- a/core/l10n/mk.js
+++ b/core/l10n/mk.js
@@ -223,10 +223,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} одбраните)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Грешка при вчитување на датотеката, шаблонот постои ",
"Saving …" : "Зачувува ...",
- "Authentication required" : "Потребна е автентификација",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "За оваа акција потребно е да ја потврдите вашата лозинка",
- "Confirm" : "Потврди",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Неуспешна автентификација, обидете се повторно",
"seconds ago" : "пред неколку секунди",
"Connection to server lost" : "Изгубена е врската со серверот",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Проблем при вчитување на страницата, превчитување за %n секунда","Проблем при вчитување на страницата, превчитување за %n секунди"],
@@ -318,7 +314,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Оди до навигацијата на апликацијата",
"Go to %s" : "Оди до %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Креирајте ваша сметка",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "За оваа акција потребно е да ја потврдите вашата лозинка",
"Confirm your password" : "Потврдете ја вашата лозинка",
+ "Confirm" : "Потврди",
"Connect to your account" : "Поврзани со вашата сметка",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Ве молиме најавете се пред да доделите пристап на %1$s во вашата %2$s сметка.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Доколку не се обидувате да додадете нов уред, некој се обидува да ве надитри и да обезбеди пристап до вашите податоци. Во тој случај не продолжувајте понатаму и веднаш контактирајте го администраторот.",
@@ -393,6 +391,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Дома",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Копирај во {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Премести во {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Потребна е автентификација",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Неуспешна автентификација, обидете се повторно",
"File not found" : "Датотеката не е пронајдена",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Документот не може да се пронајде на серверот. Можеби ова споделување е избришано или рекот за пристап му е истечен?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Ве молиме користете ја командната линија за ажурирање бидејќи автоматското ажурирање е оневозможено во config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/mk.json b/core/l10n/mk.json
index e83d15f6bb9..c9dc56a65c9 100644
--- a/core/l10n/mk.json
+++ b/core/l10n/mk.json
@@ -221,10 +221,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} одбраните)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Грешка при вчитување на датотеката, шаблонот постои ",
"Saving …" : "Зачувува ...",
- "Authentication required" : "Потребна е автентификација",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "За оваа акција потребно е да ја потврдите вашата лозинка",
- "Confirm" : "Потврди",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Неуспешна автентификација, обидете се повторно",
"seconds ago" : "пред неколку секунди",
"Connection to server lost" : "Изгубена е врската со серверот",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Проблем при вчитување на страницата, превчитување за %n секунда","Проблем при вчитување на страницата, превчитување за %n секунди"],
@@ -316,7 +312,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Оди до навигацијата на апликацијата",
"Go to %s" : "Оди до %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Креирајте ваша сметка",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "За оваа акција потребно е да ја потврдите вашата лозинка",
"Confirm your password" : "Потврдете ја вашата лозинка",
+ "Confirm" : "Потврди",
"Connect to your account" : "Поврзани со вашата сметка",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Ве молиме најавете се пред да доделите пристап на %1$s во вашата %2$s сметка.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Доколку не се обидувате да додадете нов уред, некој се обидува да ве надитри и да обезбеди пристап до вашите податоци. Во тој случај не продолжувајте понатаму и веднаш контактирајте го администраторот.",
@@ -391,6 +389,8 @@
"Home" : "Дома",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Копирај во {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Премести во {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Потребна е автентификација",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Неуспешна автентификација, обидете се повторно",
"File not found" : "Датотеката не е пронајдена",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Документот не може да се пронајде на серверот. Можеби ова споделување е избришано или рекот за пристап му е истечен?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Ве молиме користете ја командната линија за ажурирање бидејќи автоматското ажурирање е оневозможено во config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/nb.js b/core/l10n/nb.js
index b1f828e5165..5238db0524c 100644
--- a/core/l10n/nb.js
+++ b/core/l10n/nb.js
@@ -236,10 +236,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} valgt)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Feil ved lasting av \"filen eksisterer\"-mal",
"Saving …" : "Lagrer...",
- "Authentication required" : "Autentisering påkrevd",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Denne handlingen krever at du bekrefter ditt passord",
- "Confirm" : "Bekreft",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autentisering mislyktes, prøv igjen",
"seconds ago" : "for få sekunder siden",
"Connection to server lost" : "Mistet tilkobling til server",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problem ved lasting av side, laster på nytt om %n sekund","Problem ved lasting av side, laster på nytt om %n sekunder"],
@@ -329,7 +325,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Gå til navigasjon av app",
"Go to %s" : "Gå til %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Få din egen gratis konto",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Denne handlingen krever at du bekrefter ditt passord",
"Confirm your password" : "Bekreft ditt passord",
+ "Confirm" : "Bekreft",
"Connect to your account" : "Koble til kontoen din",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Logg inn før du tildeler %1$stilgang til din %2$skonto.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Hvis du ikke prøver å sette opp en ny enhet eller app, så er det noen som nå prøver å lure deg til å gi de tilgang til dine data. Stopp i så fall øyeblikkelig og kontakt din systemadministrator.",
@@ -404,6 +402,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Hjem",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopier til {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Flytt til {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autentisering påkrevd",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autentisering mislyktes, prøv igjen",
"File not found" : "Finner ikke filen",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Dokumentasjon kan ikke finnes på server. Er deling slettet eller utløpt?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Oppdater ved hjelp av kommandolinjen ettersom automatisk oppdatering er skrudd av i config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/nb.json b/core/l10n/nb.json
index 5cc4bab06bf..f62c19ae46c 100644
--- a/core/l10n/nb.json
+++ b/core/l10n/nb.json
@@ -234,10 +234,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} valgt)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Feil ved lasting av \"filen eksisterer\"-mal",
"Saving …" : "Lagrer...",
- "Authentication required" : "Autentisering påkrevd",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Denne handlingen krever at du bekrefter ditt passord",
- "Confirm" : "Bekreft",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autentisering mislyktes, prøv igjen",
"seconds ago" : "for få sekunder siden",
"Connection to server lost" : "Mistet tilkobling til server",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problem ved lasting av side, laster på nytt om %n sekund","Problem ved lasting av side, laster på nytt om %n sekunder"],
@@ -327,7 +323,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Gå til navigasjon av app",
"Go to %s" : "Gå til %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Få din egen gratis konto",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Denne handlingen krever at du bekrefter ditt passord",
"Confirm your password" : "Bekreft ditt passord",
+ "Confirm" : "Bekreft",
"Connect to your account" : "Koble til kontoen din",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Logg inn før du tildeler %1$stilgang til din %2$skonto.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Hvis du ikke prøver å sette opp en ny enhet eller app, så er det noen som nå prøver å lure deg til å gi de tilgang til dine data. Stopp i så fall øyeblikkelig og kontakt din systemadministrator.",
@@ -402,6 +400,8 @@
"Home" : "Hjem",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopier til {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Flytt til {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autentisering påkrevd",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autentisering mislyktes, prøv igjen",
"File not found" : "Finner ikke filen",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Dokumentasjon kan ikke finnes på server. Er deling slettet eller utløpt?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Oppdater ved hjelp av kommandolinjen ettersom automatisk oppdatering er skrudd av i config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/nl.js b/core/l10n/nl.js
index 96da6c6cccb..d23c9ca621b 100644
--- a/core/l10n/nl.js
+++ b/core/l10n/nl.js
@@ -251,10 +251,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} geselecteerd)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Fout bij laden bestand bestaat al sjabloon",
"Saving …" : "Opslaan ...",
- "Authentication required" : "Authenticatie vereist",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Deze actie vereist dat je je wachtwoord bevestigt",
- "Confirm" : "Bevestig",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Authenticatie mislukt, probeer opnieuw",
"seconds ago" : "seconden geleden",
"Connection to server lost" : "Verbinding met server verbroken",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Probleem met laden pagina, herladen over %n seconde","Probleem met laden pagina, herladen over %n seconden"],
@@ -346,7 +342,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Ga naar navigatie van app",
"Go to %s" : "Ga naar %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Maak je eigen gratis account",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Deze actie vereist dat je je wachtwoord bevestigt",
"Confirm your password" : "Bevestig je wachtwoord",
+ "Confirm" : "Bevestig",
"Connect to your account" : "Verbind jouw account",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Eerst inloggen voordat je %1$s toegang geeft tot je %2$s account.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Als u geen nieuw apparaat of nieuwe app probeert in te stellen, probeert iemand je te misleiden om hem toegang tot je gegevens te verlenen. Ga in dat geval niet verder en neem in plaats daarvan contact op met je systeembeheerder.",
@@ -423,6 +421,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Thuis",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopieer naar {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Verplaats naar {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Authenticatie vereist",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Authenticatie mislukt, probeer opnieuw",
"File not found" : "Bestand niet gevonden",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Het document werd niet gevonden op de server. Misschien is de share verwijderd of verlopen?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Gebruik de commandoregel updater, omdat automatische update is uitgeschakeld in config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/nl.json b/core/l10n/nl.json
index ab9d7b53307..922fbbdee7e 100644
--- a/core/l10n/nl.json
+++ b/core/l10n/nl.json
@@ -249,10 +249,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} geselecteerd)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Fout bij laden bestand bestaat al sjabloon",
"Saving …" : "Opslaan ...",
- "Authentication required" : "Authenticatie vereist",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Deze actie vereist dat je je wachtwoord bevestigt",
- "Confirm" : "Bevestig",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Authenticatie mislukt, probeer opnieuw",
"seconds ago" : "seconden geleden",
"Connection to server lost" : "Verbinding met server verbroken",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Probleem met laden pagina, herladen over %n seconde","Probleem met laden pagina, herladen over %n seconden"],
@@ -344,7 +340,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Ga naar navigatie van app",
"Go to %s" : "Ga naar %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Maak je eigen gratis account",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Deze actie vereist dat je je wachtwoord bevestigt",
"Confirm your password" : "Bevestig je wachtwoord",
+ "Confirm" : "Bevestig",
"Connect to your account" : "Verbind jouw account",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Eerst inloggen voordat je %1$s toegang geeft tot je %2$s account.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Als u geen nieuw apparaat of nieuwe app probeert in te stellen, probeert iemand je te misleiden om hem toegang tot je gegevens te verlenen. Ga in dat geval niet verder en neem in plaats daarvan contact op met je systeembeheerder.",
@@ -421,6 +419,8 @@
"Home" : "Thuis",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopieer naar {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Verplaats naar {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Authenticatie vereist",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Authenticatie mislukt, probeer opnieuw",
"File not found" : "Bestand niet gevonden",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Het document werd niet gevonden op de server. Misschien is de share verwijderd of verlopen?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Gebruik de commandoregel updater, omdat automatische update is uitgeschakeld in config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/oc.js b/core/l10n/oc.js
index 38b6bd9104f..a2143a6afee 100644
--- a/core/l10n/oc.js
+++ b/core/l10n/oc.js
@@ -182,10 +182,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"(all selected)" : "(totes seleccionats)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionats)",
"Saving …" : "Enregistrament…",
- "Authentication required" : "Autentificacion requerida",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Aquesta accions vos demanda de confirmar vòstre senhal",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autentificacion pas reüssida, tornatz ensajar",
"seconds ago" : "fa qualques segondas",
"Connection to server lost" : "Connexion al servidor perduda",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problèma de cargar de la pagina, actualizacion d’aquí %n seconda","Problèma de cargar de la pagina, actualizacion d’aquí %n secondas"],
@@ -274,7 +270,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Passar a la navegacion d’aplications",
"Go to %s" : "Anar a %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Obtenètz vòstre pròpri compte gratuit",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Aquesta accions vos demanda de confirmar vòstre senhal",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirmatz lo senhal",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Connectatz-vos a vòstre compte",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Autentificatz-vos abans de donnar l’accès a %1$s a vòstre compte %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Se ensajatz pas de configurar un periferic novèl o una aplicacion novèla, qualqu’un ensaja de vos far donar accès a vòstras donadas. En aqueste cas, contunhetz pas e contactatz vòstre administrator sistèma.",
@@ -343,6 +341,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Domicili",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Desplaçar a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autentificacion requerida",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autentificacion pas reüssida, tornatz ensajar",
"File not found" : "Fichièr pas trobat",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Lo document es pas trobable sul servidor. Benlèu que lo partiment foguèt suprimit o a expirat ?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Mercés d’utilizar l’actualizador en linha de comanda perque la mesa a jorn automatica es desactivada dins lo config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/oc.json b/core/l10n/oc.json
index fc9ee60f803..f6f7d19a466 100644
--- a/core/l10n/oc.json
+++ b/core/l10n/oc.json
@@ -180,10 +180,6 @@
"(all selected)" : "(totes seleccionats)",
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seleccionats)",
"Saving …" : "Enregistrament…",
- "Authentication required" : "Autentificacion requerida",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Aquesta accions vos demanda de confirmar vòstre senhal",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autentificacion pas reüssida, tornatz ensajar",
"seconds ago" : "fa qualques segondas",
"Connection to server lost" : "Connexion al servidor perduda",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problèma de cargar de la pagina, actualizacion d’aquí %n seconda","Problèma de cargar de la pagina, actualizacion d’aquí %n secondas"],
@@ -272,7 +268,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Passar a la navegacion d’aplications",
"Go to %s" : "Anar a %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Obtenètz vòstre pròpri compte gratuit",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Aquesta accions vos demanda de confirmar vòstre senhal",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirmatz lo senhal",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Connectatz-vos a vòstre compte",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Autentificatz-vos abans de donnar l’accès a %1$s a vòstre compte %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Se ensajatz pas de configurar un periferic novèl o una aplicacion novèla, qualqu’un ensaja de vos far donar accès a vòstras donadas. En aqueste cas, contunhetz pas e contactatz vòstre administrator sistèma.",
@@ -341,6 +339,8 @@
"Home" : "Domicili",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar a {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Desplaçar a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autentificacion requerida",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Autentificacion pas reüssida, tornatz ensajar",
"File not found" : "Fichièr pas trobat",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Lo document es pas trobable sul servidor. Benlèu que lo partiment foguèt suprimit o a expirat ?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Mercés d’utilizar l’actualizador en linha de comanda perque la mesa a jorn automatica es desactivada dins lo config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/pl.js b/core/l10n/pl.js
index 136e7637fa4..6f3a3d07d3a 100644
--- a/core/l10n/pl.js
+++ b/core/l10n/pl.js
@@ -255,10 +255,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "(wybrano {count})",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Błąd podczas ładowania pliku istniejącego szablonu",
"Saving …" : "Zapisywanie…",
- "Authentication required" : "Wymagane uwierzytelnienie",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Ta czynność wymaga potwierdzenia hasłem",
- "Confirm" : "Potwierdź",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Nie udało się uwierzytelnić, spróbuj ponownie.",
"seconds ago" : "przed chwilą",
"Connection to server lost" : "Utracono połączenie z serwerem",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problem z wczytaniem strony, ponowne wczytanie za %n sekundę","Problem z wczytaniem strony, ponowne wczytanie za %n sekundy","Problem z wczytaniem strony, ponowne wczytanie za %n sekund","Problem z wczytaniem strony, ponowne wczytanie za %n sekund"],
@@ -350,7 +346,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Przejdź do nawigacji aplikacji",
"Go to %s" : "Przejdź do %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Załóż własne bezpłatne konto",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Ta czynność wymaga potwierdzenia hasłem",
"Confirm your password" : "Potwierdź hasło",
+ "Confirm" : "Potwierdź",
"Connect to your account" : "Połącz z kontem",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Zaloguj się przed udzieleniem dostępu %1$s do swojego konta %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Jeśli nie konfigurujesz nowego urządzenia lub aplikacji, to wynika z tego, że ktoś próbuje, abyś udzielił dostępu do Twoich danych. W takim przypadku nie kontynuuj, tylko skontaktuj się z administratorem systemu.",
@@ -427,6 +425,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Strona główna",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopiuj do {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Przenieś do {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Wymagane uwierzytelnienie",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Nie udało się uwierzytelnić, spróbuj ponownie.",
"File not found" : "Nie znaleziono pliku",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Dokument nie został odnaleziony na serwerze. Może udostępnienie zostało usunięte lub wygasło?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Użyj wiersza poleceń do aktualizacji, ponieważ automatyczna aktualizacja jest wyłączona w pliku config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/pl.json b/core/l10n/pl.json
index 1d9f3b2ffc7..65e82c56beb 100644
--- a/core/l10n/pl.json
+++ b/core/l10n/pl.json
@@ -253,10 +253,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "(wybrano {count})",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Błąd podczas ładowania pliku istniejącego szablonu",
"Saving …" : "Zapisywanie…",
- "Authentication required" : "Wymagane uwierzytelnienie",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Ta czynność wymaga potwierdzenia hasłem",
- "Confirm" : "Potwierdź",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Nie udało się uwierzytelnić, spróbuj ponownie.",
"seconds ago" : "przed chwilą",
"Connection to server lost" : "Utracono połączenie z serwerem",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problem z wczytaniem strony, ponowne wczytanie za %n sekundę","Problem z wczytaniem strony, ponowne wczytanie za %n sekundy","Problem z wczytaniem strony, ponowne wczytanie za %n sekund","Problem z wczytaniem strony, ponowne wczytanie za %n sekund"],
@@ -348,7 +344,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Przejdź do nawigacji aplikacji",
"Go to %s" : "Przejdź do %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Załóż własne bezpłatne konto",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Ta czynność wymaga potwierdzenia hasłem",
"Confirm your password" : "Potwierdź hasło",
+ "Confirm" : "Potwierdź",
"Connect to your account" : "Połącz z kontem",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Zaloguj się przed udzieleniem dostępu %1$s do swojego konta %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Jeśli nie konfigurujesz nowego urządzenia lub aplikacji, to wynika z tego, że ktoś próbuje, abyś udzielił dostępu do Twoich danych. W takim przypadku nie kontynuuj, tylko skontaktuj się z administratorem systemu.",
@@ -425,6 +423,8 @@
"Home" : "Strona główna",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopiuj do {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Przenieś do {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Wymagane uwierzytelnienie",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Nie udało się uwierzytelnić, spróbuj ponownie.",
"File not found" : "Nie znaleziono pliku",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Dokument nie został odnaleziony na serwerze. Może udostępnienie zostało usunięte lub wygasło?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Użyj wiersza poleceń do aktualizacji, ponieważ automatyczna aktualizacja jest wyłączona w pliku config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/pt_BR.js b/core/l10n/pt_BR.js
index 32a79c6af7a..81d5e79dfc0 100644
--- a/core/l10n/pt_BR.js
+++ b/core/l10n/pt_BR.js
@@ -255,10 +255,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} selecionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Erro carregando arquivo. Já existe o modelo",
"Saving …" : "Salvando...",
- "Authentication required" : "Autenticação necessária",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Essa ação requer que você confirme sua senha",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falha na autenticação, tente novamente",
"seconds ago" : "segundos atrás",
"Connection to server lost" : "Conexão perdida com o servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problema no carregamento da página, recarregando em %n segundo","Problema no carregamento da página, recarregando em %n segundos","Problema no carregamento da página, recarregando em %n segundos"],
@@ -350,7 +346,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Ir à navegação do aplicativo",
"Go to %s" : "Ir para %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Obtenha uma conta grátis",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Essa ação requer que você confirme sua senha",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirme sua senha",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectar à sua conta",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Logue-se antes de conceder acesso %1$s à sua conta %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Se você não está tentando configurar um novo dispositivo ou aplicativo, alguém está tentando induzi-lo a conceder acesso a seus dados. Nesse caso, não prossiga e entre em contato com o administrador do sistema.",
@@ -427,6 +425,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Home",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar para {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover para {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autenticação necessária",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falha na autenticação, tente novamente",
"File not found" : "Arquivo não encontrado",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "O documento não pôde ser encontrado no servidor. Talvez o compartilhamento tenha sido excluído ou tenha expirado.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor, use a atualização de linha de comando, porque a atualização automática está desativada no config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/pt_BR.json b/core/l10n/pt_BR.json
index e1cdd542b6d..5bcdc9b3182 100644
--- a/core/l10n/pt_BR.json
+++ b/core/l10n/pt_BR.json
@@ -253,10 +253,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} selecionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Erro carregando arquivo. Já existe o modelo",
"Saving …" : "Salvando...",
- "Authentication required" : "Autenticação necessária",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Essa ação requer que você confirme sua senha",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falha na autenticação, tente novamente",
"seconds ago" : "segundos atrás",
"Connection to server lost" : "Conexão perdida com o servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problema no carregamento da página, recarregando em %n segundo","Problema no carregamento da página, recarregando em %n segundos","Problema no carregamento da página, recarregando em %n segundos"],
@@ -348,7 +344,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Ir à navegação do aplicativo",
"Go to %s" : "Ir para %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Obtenha uma conta grátis",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Essa ação requer que você confirme sua senha",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirme sua senha",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectar à sua conta",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Logue-se antes de conceder acesso %1$s à sua conta %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Se você não está tentando configurar um novo dispositivo ou aplicativo, alguém está tentando induzi-lo a conceder acesso a seus dados. Nesse caso, não prossiga e entre em contato com o administrador do sistema.",
@@ -425,6 +423,8 @@
"Home" : "Home",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar para {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover para {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autenticação necessária",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falha na autenticação, tente novamente",
"File not found" : "Arquivo não encontrado",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "O documento não pôde ser encontrado no servidor. Talvez o compartilhamento tenha sido excluído ou tenha expirado.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor, use a atualização de linha de comando, porque a atualização automática está desativada no config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/pt_PT.js b/core/l10n/pt_PT.js
index 77c0819ae59..1fe35ad6ebc 100644
--- a/core/l10n/pt_PT.js
+++ b/core/l10n/pt_PT.js
@@ -187,10 +187,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} selecionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Ocorreu um erro ao carregar o ficheiro do modelo existente",
"Saving …" : "A guardar...",
- "Authentication required" : "Autenticação necessária",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta ação requer a confirmação da senha",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falha ao autenticar. Tente outra vez.",
"seconds ago" : "segundos atrás",
"Connection to server lost" : "Ligação perdida ao servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problema a carregar a página. A recarregar dentro de %n segundos","Problema ao carregar a página. A recarregar dentro de %n segundos","Problema ao carregar a página. A recarregar dentro de %n segundos"],
@@ -275,7 +271,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Saltar para navegação da aplicação",
"Go to %s" : "Ir para %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Obtenha a sua própria conta grátis",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta ação requer a confirmação da senha",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirmar senha",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Ligar à sua conta",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Por favor, autentique-se antes de permitir o acesso de %1$s à sua conta %2$s.",
"App token" : "Token da aplicação",
@@ -337,6 +335,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Casa",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar para {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover para {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autenticação necessária",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falha ao autenticar. Tente outra vez.",
"File not found" : "Ficheiro não encontrado",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Este documento não pode ser encontrado no servidor. Talvez a partilha tenha sido apagada ou expirado?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor, utilize o atualizador da linha de comandos porque a atualização automática está desativada no config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/pt_PT.json b/core/l10n/pt_PT.json
index 2447e4ace1c..7dab4b15e40 100644
--- a/core/l10n/pt_PT.json
+++ b/core/l10n/pt_PT.json
@@ -185,10 +185,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} selecionados)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Ocorreu um erro ao carregar o ficheiro do modelo existente",
"Saving …" : "A guardar...",
- "Authentication required" : "Autenticação necessária",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta ação requer a confirmação da senha",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falha ao autenticar. Tente outra vez.",
"seconds ago" : "segundos atrás",
"Connection to server lost" : "Ligação perdida ao servidor",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problema a carregar a página. A recarregar dentro de %n segundos","Problema ao carregar a página. A recarregar dentro de %n segundos","Problema ao carregar a página. A recarregar dentro de %n segundos"],
@@ -273,7 +269,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Saltar para navegação da aplicação",
"Go to %s" : "Ir para %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Obtenha a sua própria conta grátis",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Esta ação requer a confirmação da senha",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirmar senha",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmar",
"Connect to your account" : "Ligar à sua conta",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Por favor, autentique-se antes de permitir o acesso de %1$s à sua conta %2$s.",
"App token" : "Token da aplicação",
@@ -335,6 +333,8 @@
"Home" : "Casa",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiar para {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mover para {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autenticação necessária",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Falha ao autenticar. Tente outra vez.",
"File not found" : "Ficheiro não encontrado",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Este documento não pode ser encontrado no servidor. Talvez a partilha tenha sido apagada ou expirado?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Por favor, utilize o atualizador da linha de comandos porque a atualização automática está desativada no config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/ro.js b/core/l10n/ro.js
index 44e81f5c2a9..dc663484bf8 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ro.js
+++ b/core/l10n/ro.js
@@ -153,10 +153,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} selectate)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Eroare la încărcarea fișierelor șablon",
"Saving …" : "Se salvează",
- "Authentication required" : "Este necesară autentificarea",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Această acțiune necesită confirmarea parolei tale",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmă",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Eroare la autentificare, reîncearcă",
"seconds ago" : "secunde în urmă",
"Connection to server lost" : "S-a pierdut conexiunea la server",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Probleme la încărcarea paginii, se reîncarcă într-o secundă","Probleme la încărcarea paginii, se reîncarcă în câteva secunde","Probleme la încărcarea paginii, se reîncarcă în %n secunde"],
@@ -226,7 +222,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Need help?" : "Ai nevoie de ajutor?",
"See the documentation" : "Vezi documentația",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Această aplicație necesită JavaScript pentru a funcționa corect. {linkstart}Activează JavaScript{linkend} și reîncarcă pagina.",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Această acțiune necesită confirmarea parolei tale",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirmă parola:",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmă",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectează-te la contul tău",
"App token" : "Token aplicație",
"Grant access" : "Permite accesul",
@@ -276,6 +274,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Acasă",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiază la {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mută la {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Este necesară autentificarea",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Eroare la autentificare, reîncearcă",
"File not found" : "Fișierul nu a fost găsit",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Documentul nu poate fi găsit pe server.Poate partajarea a fost ștearsă sau a expirat?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Utilizează actualizarea din linie de comandă, pentru că actualizarea automată este dezactivată în config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/ro.json b/core/l10n/ro.json
index 4e47e6e7af9..acc2ab183f9 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ro.json
+++ b/core/l10n/ro.json
@@ -151,10 +151,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} selectate)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Eroare la încărcarea fișierelor șablon",
"Saving …" : "Se salvează",
- "Authentication required" : "Este necesară autentificarea",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Această acțiune necesită confirmarea parolei tale",
- "Confirm" : "Confirmă",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Eroare la autentificare, reîncearcă",
"seconds ago" : "secunde în urmă",
"Connection to server lost" : "S-a pierdut conexiunea la server",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Probleme la încărcarea paginii, se reîncarcă într-o secundă","Probleme la încărcarea paginii, se reîncarcă în câteva secunde","Probleme la încărcarea paginii, se reîncarcă în %n secunde"],
@@ -224,7 +220,9 @@
"Need help?" : "Ai nevoie de ajutor?",
"See the documentation" : "Vezi documentația",
"This application requires JavaScript for correct operation. Please {linkstart}enable JavaScript{linkend} and reload the page." : "Această aplicație necesită JavaScript pentru a funcționa corect. {linkstart}Activează JavaScript{linkend} și reîncarcă pagina.",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Această acțiune necesită confirmarea parolei tale",
"Confirm your password" : "Confirmă parola:",
+ "Confirm" : "Confirmă",
"Connect to your account" : "Conectează-te la contul tău",
"App token" : "Token aplicație",
"Grant access" : "Permite accesul",
@@ -274,6 +272,8 @@
"Home" : "Acasă",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Copiază la {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Mută la {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Este necesară autentificarea",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Eroare la autentificare, reîncearcă",
"File not found" : "Fișierul nu a fost găsit",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Documentul nu poate fi găsit pe server.Poate partajarea a fost ștearsă sau a expirat?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Utilizează actualizarea din linie de comandă, pentru că actualizarea automată este dezactivată în config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/ru.js b/core/l10n/ru.js
index 8dfcbefeba5..aff6012618f 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ru.js
+++ b/core/l10n/ru.js
@@ -255,10 +255,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "(выбрано: {count})",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Ошибка при загрузке шаблона существующего файла",
"Saving …" : "Сохранение…",
- "Authentication required" : "Требуется аутентификация ",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Это действие требует подтверждения паролем",
- "Confirm" : "Подтвердить",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Ошибка аутентификации. Попробуйте снова.",
"seconds ago" : "только что",
"Connection to server lost" : "Потеряно подключение к серверу",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Возникла проблема при загрузке страницы, повторная попытка через %n секунду","Возникла проблема при загрузке страницы, повторная попытка через %n секунды","Возникла проблема при загрузке страницы, повторная попытка через %n секунд","Возникла проблема при загрузке страницы, повторная попытка через %n секунд"],
@@ -350,7 +346,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Перейти к навигации по приложению",
"Go to %s" : "Перейти к %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Создайте свою бесплатную учётную запись",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Это действие требует подтверждения паролем",
"Confirm your password" : "Подтвердите свой пароль",
+ "Confirm" : "Подтвердить",
"Connect to your account" : "Вход в систему",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Для предоставления %1$s доступа к учётной записи %2$s необходимо войти в систему.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Если вы не пытались настроить новое устройство или приложение, значит, кто-то пытается получить доступ к вашим данным. В этом случае свяжитесь с администратором системы.",
@@ -427,6 +425,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Главная",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Скопировать в «{folder}»",
"Move to {folder}" : "Переместить в «{folder}»",
+ "Authentication required" : "Требуется аутентификация ",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Ошибка аутентификации. Попробуйте снова.",
"File not found" : "Файл не найден",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Документ не найден на сервере. Возможно доступ к нему был удален или истек срок действия доступа.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Автоматические обновления отключены в файле конфигурации «config.php». Выполните обновление из командной строки.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/ru.json b/core/l10n/ru.json
index ff691a39cae..ca68a07eeec 100644
--- a/core/l10n/ru.json
+++ b/core/l10n/ru.json
@@ -253,10 +253,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "(выбрано: {count})",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Ошибка при загрузке шаблона существующего файла",
"Saving …" : "Сохранение…",
- "Authentication required" : "Требуется аутентификация ",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Это действие требует подтверждения паролем",
- "Confirm" : "Подтвердить",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Ошибка аутентификации. Попробуйте снова.",
"seconds ago" : "только что",
"Connection to server lost" : "Потеряно подключение к серверу",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Возникла проблема при загрузке страницы, повторная попытка через %n секунду","Возникла проблема при загрузке страницы, повторная попытка через %n секунды","Возникла проблема при загрузке страницы, повторная попытка через %n секунд","Возникла проблема при загрузке страницы, повторная попытка через %n секунд"],
@@ -348,7 +344,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Перейти к навигации по приложению",
"Go to %s" : "Перейти к %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Создайте свою бесплатную учётную запись",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Это действие требует подтверждения паролем",
"Confirm your password" : "Подтвердите свой пароль",
+ "Confirm" : "Подтвердить",
"Connect to your account" : "Вход в систему",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Для предоставления %1$s доступа к учётной записи %2$s необходимо войти в систему.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Если вы не пытались настроить новое устройство или приложение, значит, кто-то пытается получить доступ к вашим данным. В этом случае свяжитесь с администратором системы.",
@@ -425,6 +423,8 @@
"Home" : "Главная",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Скопировать в «{folder}»",
"Move to {folder}" : "Переместить в «{folder}»",
+ "Authentication required" : "Требуется аутентификация ",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Ошибка аутентификации. Попробуйте снова.",
"File not found" : "Файл не найден",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Документ не найден на сервере. Возможно доступ к нему был удален или истек срок действия доступа.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Автоматические обновления отключены в файле конфигурации «config.php». Выполните обновление из командной строки.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/sc.js b/core/l10n/sc.js
index 8a321e41b6c..7f37e58aafb 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sc.js
+++ b/core/l10n/sc.js
@@ -198,10 +198,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seletzionadu)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Errore in su carrigamentu de su modellu de archìviu",
"Saving …" : "Sarvende …",
- "Authentication required" : "Autenticatzione recherta",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Pro custa atzione ti tocat de cunfirmare sa crae",
- "Confirm" : "Cunfirma",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Impossìbile a s'autenticare, torra a proare",
"seconds ago" : "segundos a immoe",
"Connection to server lost" : "Connessione a su serbidore pèrdida",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Si seletzionas ambas is versiones, su documentu copiadu at a tènnere unu nùmeru in agiunta a su nùmene.","Problema in su carrigamentu de sa pàgina, torrende a carrigare intre %n segundos"],
@@ -288,7 +284,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Brinca a sa navigatzione de s'aplicatzione",
"Go to %s" : "Bae a %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Otene su contu tuo a gratis",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Pro custa atzione ti tocat de cunfirmare sa crae",
"Confirm your password" : "Cunfirma sa crae",
+ "Confirm" : "Cunfirma",
"Connect to your account" : "Connete·ti a su contu tuo",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Faghe s'atzessu prima de permìtere a %1$s de intrare a su %2$s contu tuo.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Chi non ses chirchende de impostare unu dispositivu o un'aplicatzione noa, calecunu est proende a si fàghere dare atzessu a is datos tuos. In custu casu, no sigast e cuntata s'amministradore de sistema tuo.",
@@ -353,6 +351,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Pàgina printzipale",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Còpia in {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Tràmuda a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autenticatzione recherta",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Impossìbile a s'autenticare, torra a proare",
"File not found" : "Archìviu no agatadu",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Su documentu non s'est agatadu in su serbidore. Mancari sa cumpartzidura nch'est istada cantzellada o est iscadida?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Imprea s'atualizadore a lìnia de cummandu ca s'agiornamentu automàticu est disativadu in sa config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/sc.json b/core/l10n/sc.json
index b8bad392979..6fab8a887c9 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sc.json
+++ b/core/l10n/sc.json
@@ -196,10 +196,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seletzionadu)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Errore in su carrigamentu de su modellu de archìviu",
"Saving …" : "Sarvende …",
- "Authentication required" : "Autenticatzione recherta",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Pro custa atzione ti tocat de cunfirmare sa crae",
- "Confirm" : "Cunfirma",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Impossìbile a s'autenticare, torra a proare",
"seconds ago" : "segundos a immoe",
"Connection to server lost" : "Connessione a su serbidore pèrdida",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Si seletzionas ambas is versiones, su documentu copiadu at a tènnere unu nùmeru in agiunta a su nùmene.","Problema in su carrigamentu de sa pàgina, torrende a carrigare intre %n segundos"],
@@ -286,7 +282,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Brinca a sa navigatzione de s'aplicatzione",
"Go to %s" : "Bae a %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Otene su contu tuo a gratis",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Pro custa atzione ti tocat de cunfirmare sa crae",
"Confirm your password" : "Cunfirma sa crae",
+ "Confirm" : "Cunfirma",
"Connect to your account" : "Connete·ti a su contu tuo",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Faghe s'atzessu prima de permìtere a %1$s de intrare a su %2$s contu tuo.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Chi non ses chirchende de impostare unu dispositivu o un'aplicatzione noa, calecunu est proende a si fàghere dare atzessu a is datos tuos. In custu casu, no sigast e cuntata s'amministradore de sistema tuo.",
@@ -351,6 +349,8 @@
"Home" : "Pàgina printzipale",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Còpia in {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Tràmuda a {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autenticatzione recherta",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Impossìbile a s'autenticare, torra a proare",
"File not found" : "Archìviu no agatadu",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Su documentu non s'est agatadu in su serbidore. Mancari sa cumpartzidura nch'est istada cantzellada o est iscadida?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Imprea s'atualizadore a lìnia de cummandu ca s'agiornamentu automàticu est disativadu in sa config.php."
diff --git a/core/l10n/sk.js b/core/l10n/sk.js
index 995e62abda4..629752b74d2 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/core/l10n/sk.js
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Your remote address was identified as \"{remoteAddress}\" and is bruteforce throttled at the moment slowing down the performance of various requests. If the remote address is not your address this can be an indication that a proxy is not configured correctly. Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "Vaša vzdialená adresa bola identifikovaná ako \"{remoteAddress}\" a rýchlosť vybavovania požiadaviek z nej je v tejto chvíli obmedzovaná kvôli ochrane proti útokom heslom (bruteforce). Ak vzdialená adresa nie je vaša, môže to znamenať, že nie je správna nastavená proxy. Podrobnosti sú k dispozícii v {linkstart}dokumentácii ↗{linkend}.",
"Transactional file locking is disabled, this might lead to issues with race conditions. Enable \"filelocking.enabled\" in config.php to avoid these problems. See the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend} for more information." : "Tranzakčné uzamykanie súborov je vypnuté, toto môže viesť k problémom. Nastavte \"filelocking.enabled\" v config.php pre vyriešenie problému. Viac informácií viď {linkstart}dokumentácia ↗{linkend} .",
"The database is used for transactional file locking. To enhance performance, please configure memcache, if available. See the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend} for more information." : "Databáza sa používa pre transakčné zamykanie súborov. Ak chcete zvýšiť výkon, nastavte memcache, ak je k dispozícií. Ďalšie informácie nájdete v {linkstart}dokumentácií ↗{linkend}.",
- "Please make sure to set the \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php file to the URL that your users mainly use to access this Nextcloud. Suggestion: \"{suggestedOverwriteCliURL}\". Otherwise there might be problems with the URL generation via cron. (It is possible though that the suggested URL is not the URL that your users mainly use to access this Nextcloud. Best is to double check this in any case.)" : "Uistite sa, že ste v súbore config.php nastavili možnosť „overwrite.cli.url“ na adresu URL, ktorú vaši užívatelia používajú na prístup k tomuto Nextcloudu. Návrh: \"{suggestedOverwriteCliURL}\". V opačnom prípade môžu nastať problémy s generovaním URL cez cron. (Je však možné, že navrhovaná adresa URL nie je adresa URL, ktorú vaši používatelia používajú na prístup k tomuto Nextcloudu. Najlepšie je v každom prípade to ešte raz skontrolovať.)",
+ "Please make sure to set the \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php file to the URL that your users mainly use to access this Nextcloud. Suggestion: \"{suggestedOverwriteCliURL}\". Otherwise there might be problems with the URL generation via cron. (It is possible though that the suggested URL is not the URL that your users mainly use to access this Nextcloud. Best is to double check this in any case.)" : "Uistite sa, že ste v súbore config.php nastavili možnosť „overwrite.cli.url“ na adresu URL, ktorú vaši používatelia používajú na prístup k tomuto Nextcloudu. Návrh: \"{suggestedOverwriteCliURL}\". V opačnom prípade môžu nastať problémy s generovaním URL cez cron. (Je však možné, že navrhovaná adresa URL nie je adresa URL, ktorú vaši používatelia používajú na prístup k tomuto Nextcloudu. Najlepšie je v každom prípade to ešte raz skontrolovať.)",
"Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective {linkstart}ISO 3166-1 code ↗{linkend} of the region to your config file." : "Vaša inštalácia nemá nastavenú žiadnu predvolenú oblasť predvoľby telefónu. Toto je potrebné na overenie telefónnych čísel v nastaveniach profilu bez kódu krajiny. Ak chcete povoliť čísla bez kódu krajiny, pridajte do svojho konfiguračného súboru „default_phone_region“ s príslušným {linkstart} kódom ISO 3166-1 ↗ {linkend} regiónu.",
"It was not possible to execute the cron job via CLI. The following technical errors have appeared:" : "Nebolo možné spustiť cron úlohu na pozadí pomocou CLI. Toto sú chyby:",
"Last background job execution ran {relativeTime}. Something seems wrong. {linkstart}Check the background job settings ↗{linkend}." : "Posledné spustenie úlohy na pozadí prebehlo {relativeTime}. Zdá sa, že niečo nie je v poriadku. {linkstart} Skontrolujte nastavenia úlohy na pozadí ↗{linkend}.",
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Log in to {productName}" : "Prihlásiť sa do {productName}u",
"Wrong username or password." : "Nesprávne používateľské meno alebo heslo.",
"User disabled" : "Používateľ zakázaný",
- "We have detected multiple invalid login attempts from your IP. Therefore your next login is throttled up to 30 seconds." : "Zaznamenali sme viacnásobné chybné prihlásenie z Vašej IP adresy. Vaše nasledujúce prihlásenie bude pozdržané o 30 sekúnd.",
+ "We have detected multiple invalid login attempts from your IP. Therefore your next login is throttled up to 30 seconds." : "Zaznamenali sme viacnásobné chybné prihlásenie z vašej IP adresy. Vaše nasledujúce prihlásenie bude pozdržané o 30 sekúnd.",
"Log in with a device" : "Prihlásiť sa pomocou zariadenia",
"Username or email" : "Používateľské meno alebo e-mail",
"Your account is not setup for passwordless login." : "Váš účet nie je nastavený pre bezheslové overovanie.",
@@ -246,10 +246,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} vybraných)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Chyba pri nahrávaní šablóny existencie súboru",
"Saving …" : "Ukladá sa...",
- "Authentication required" : "Vyžaduje sa overenie",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Táto akcia vyžaduje potvrdenie vášho hesla",
- "Confirm" : "Potvrdiť",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Nastal problém pri overení, skúste znova",
"seconds ago" : "pred sekundami",
"Connection to server lost" : "Stratené spojenie so serverom",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Nepodarilo sa načítať stránku, opätovný pokus o %n sekundu","Nepodarilo sa načítať stránku, opätovný pokus o %n sekundy","Nepodarilo sa načítať stránku, opätovný pokus o %n sekúnd","Nepodarilo sa načítať stránku, opätovný pokus o %n sekúnd"],
@@ -340,7 +336,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Preskočiť do navigácie apky",
"Go to %s" : "Prejsť na %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Získajte zdarma svoj vlastný účet",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Táto akcia vyžaduje potvrdenie vášho hesla",
"Confirm your password" : "Potvrďte svoje heslo",
+ "Confirm" : "Potvrdiť",
"Connect to your account" : "Pripojte sa k svojmu účtu",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Skôr než udelíte prístup pre %1$s do vášho účtu %2$s je potrebné sa prihlásiť.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Ak sa nesnažíte nastaviť nové zariadenie alebo aplikáciu, niekto sa vás pokúša oklamať, aby ste im poskytli prístup k vašim údajom. V takom prípade nepokračujte a obráťte sa na správcu systému.",
@@ -359,12 +357,12 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Email address" : "E-mailová adresa",
"Password sent!" : "Heslo odoslané!",
"You are not authorized to request a password for this share" : "Nemáte oprávnenie žiadať o heslo pre toto zdieľanie",
- "Two-factor authentication" : "Dvojzložkové overovanie",
+ "Two-factor authentication" : "Dvojfázové overovanie",
"Enhanced security is enabled for your account. Choose a second factor for authentication:" : "Vylepšená bezpečnosť je pre váš účet povolená. Vyberte druhý faktor overenia:",
- "Could not load at least one of your enabled two-factor auth methods. Please contact your admin." : "Nedá sa načíťať minimálne jeden z vašich povolených spôsobov na dvojzložkové overovanie. Kontaktujte prosím správcu systému.",
+ "Could not load at least one of your enabled two-factor auth methods. Please contact your admin." : "Nedá sa načítať minimálne jeden z vašich povolených spôsobov na dvojfázové overovanie. Kontaktujte prosím správcu systému.",
"Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Contact your admin for assistance." : "Dvojfaktorová autentifikácia je vyžadovaná ale nebola nakonfigurovaná pre Váš účet. Kontaktujte administrátora pre ďalšiu asistenciu.",
- "Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Please continue to setup two-factor authentication." : "Vo vašom účte sa vynucuje dvojzložkové overovanie, ale ešte nebolo nakonfigurované. Pokračujte prosím do nastavenia dvojzložkového overovania.",
- "Set up two-factor authentication" : "Nastaviť dvojzložkové overovanie",
+ "Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Please continue to setup two-factor authentication." : "Vo vašom účte sa vynucuje dvojfázové overovanie, ale ešte nebolo nakonfigurované. Pokračujte prosím do nastavenia dvojfázového overovania.",
+ "Set up two-factor authentication" : "Nastaviť dvojfázové overovanie",
"Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Use one of your backup codes to log in or contact your admin for assistance." : "Dvojfaktorová autentifikácia je vyžadovaná ale nebola nakonfigurovaná pre Váš účet. Použite jeden zo záložných kódov na prihlásenie alebo kontaktujte administrátora pre ďalšiu asistenciu.",
"Use backup code" : "Použiť záložný kód",
"Cancel login" : "Zruš prihlasovanie",
@@ -415,6 +413,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Domov",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Skopírovať do {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Presunúť do {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Vyžaduje sa overenie",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Nastal problém pri overení, skúste znova",
"File not found" : "Súbor nenájdený",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Na serveri sa nepodarilo nájsť dokument. Je možné, že bolo zrušené sprístupnenie alebo skončila jeho platnosť.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Automatická aktualizácia je zakázaná v config.php, použite prosím aktualizáciu cez príkazový riadok.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/sk.json b/core/l10n/sk.json
index 491068d85c5..b68926d1ffa 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/core/l10n/sk.json
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
"Your remote address was identified as \"{remoteAddress}\" and is bruteforce throttled at the moment slowing down the performance of various requests. If the remote address is not your address this can be an indication that a proxy is not configured correctly. Further information can be found in the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend}." : "Vaša vzdialená adresa bola identifikovaná ako \"{remoteAddress}\" a rýchlosť vybavovania požiadaviek z nej je v tejto chvíli obmedzovaná kvôli ochrane proti útokom heslom (bruteforce). Ak vzdialená adresa nie je vaša, môže to znamenať, že nie je správna nastavená proxy. Podrobnosti sú k dispozícii v {linkstart}dokumentácii ↗{linkend}.",
"Transactional file locking is disabled, this might lead to issues with race conditions. Enable \"filelocking.enabled\" in config.php to avoid these problems. See the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend} for more information." : "Tranzakčné uzamykanie súborov je vypnuté, toto môže viesť k problémom. Nastavte \"filelocking.enabled\" v config.php pre vyriešenie problému. Viac informácií viď {linkstart}dokumentácia ↗{linkend} .",
"The database is used for transactional file locking. To enhance performance, please configure memcache, if available. See the {linkstart}documentation ↗{linkend} for more information." : "Databáza sa používa pre transakčné zamykanie súborov. Ak chcete zvýšiť výkon, nastavte memcache, ak je k dispozícií. Ďalšie informácie nájdete v {linkstart}dokumentácií ↗{linkend}.",
- "Please make sure to set the \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php file to the URL that your users mainly use to access this Nextcloud. Suggestion: \"{suggestedOverwriteCliURL}\". Otherwise there might be problems with the URL generation via cron. (It is possible though that the suggested URL is not the URL that your users mainly use to access this Nextcloud. Best is to double check this in any case.)" : "Uistite sa, že ste v súbore config.php nastavili možnosť „overwrite.cli.url“ na adresu URL, ktorú vaši užívatelia používajú na prístup k tomuto Nextcloudu. Návrh: \"{suggestedOverwriteCliURL}\". V opačnom prípade môžu nastať problémy s generovaním URL cez cron. (Je však možné, že navrhovaná adresa URL nie je adresa URL, ktorú vaši používatelia používajú na prístup k tomuto Nextcloudu. Najlepšie je v každom prípade to ešte raz skontrolovať.)",
+ "Please make sure to set the \"overwrite.cli.url\" option in your config.php file to the URL that your users mainly use to access this Nextcloud. Suggestion: \"{suggestedOverwriteCliURL}\". Otherwise there might be problems with the URL generation via cron. (It is possible though that the suggested URL is not the URL that your users mainly use to access this Nextcloud. Best is to double check this in any case.)" : "Uistite sa, že ste v súbore config.php nastavili možnosť „overwrite.cli.url“ na adresu URL, ktorú vaši používatelia používajú na prístup k tomuto Nextcloudu. Návrh: \"{suggestedOverwriteCliURL}\". V opačnom prípade môžu nastať problémy s generovaním URL cez cron. (Je však možné, že navrhovaná adresa URL nie je adresa URL, ktorú vaši používatelia používajú na prístup k tomuto Nextcloudu. Najlepšie je v každom prípade to ešte raz skontrolovať.)",
"Your installation has no default phone region set. This is required to validate phone numbers in the profile settings without a country code. To allow numbers without a country code, please add \"default_phone_region\" with the respective {linkstart}ISO 3166-1 code ↗{linkend} of the region to your config file." : "Vaša inštalácia nemá nastavenú žiadnu predvolenú oblasť predvoľby telefónu. Toto je potrebné na overenie telefónnych čísel v nastaveniach profilu bez kódu krajiny. Ak chcete povoliť čísla bez kódu krajiny, pridajte do svojho konfiguračného súboru „default_phone_region“ s príslušným {linkstart} kódom ISO 3166-1 ↗ {linkend} regiónu.",
"It was not possible to execute the cron job via CLI. The following technical errors have appeared:" : "Nebolo možné spustiť cron úlohu na pozadí pomocou CLI. Toto sú chyby:",
"Last background job execution ran {relativeTime}. Something seems wrong. {linkstart}Check the background job settings ↗{linkend}." : "Posledné spustenie úlohy na pozadí prebehlo {relativeTime}. Zdá sa, že niečo nie je v poriadku. {linkstart} Skontrolujte nastavenia úlohy na pozadí ↗{linkend}.",
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
"Log in to {productName}" : "Prihlásiť sa do {productName}u",
"Wrong username or password." : "Nesprávne používateľské meno alebo heslo.",
"User disabled" : "Používateľ zakázaný",
- "We have detected multiple invalid login attempts from your IP. Therefore your next login is throttled up to 30 seconds." : "Zaznamenali sme viacnásobné chybné prihlásenie z Vašej IP adresy. Vaše nasledujúce prihlásenie bude pozdržané o 30 sekúnd.",
+ "We have detected multiple invalid login attempts from your IP. Therefore your next login is throttled up to 30 seconds." : "Zaznamenali sme viacnásobné chybné prihlásenie z vašej IP adresy. Vaše nasledujúce prihlásenie bude pozdržané o 30 sekúnd.",
"Log in with a device" : "Prihlásiť sa pomocou zariadenia",
"Username or email" : "Používateľské meno alebo e-mail",
"Your account is not setup for passwordless login." : "Váš účet nie je nastavený pre bezheslové overovanie.",
@@ -244,10 +244,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} vybraných)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Chyba pri nahrávaní šablóny existencie súboru",
"Saving …" : "Ukladá sa...",
- "Authentication required" : "Vyžaduje sa overenie",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Táto akcia vyžaduje potvrdenie vášho hesla",
- "Confirm" : "Potvrdiť",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Nastal problém pri overení, skúste znova",
"seconds ago" : "pred sekundami",
"Connection to server lost" : "Stratené spojenie so serverom",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Nepodarilo sa načítať stránku, opätovný pokus o %n sekundu","Nepodarilo sa načítať stránku, opätovný pokus o %n sekundy","Nepodarilo sa načítať stránku, opätovný pokus o %n sekúnd","Nepodarilo sa načítať stránku, opätovný pokus o %n sekúnd"],
@@ -338,7 +334,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Preskočiť do navigácie apky",
"Go to %s" : "Prejsť na %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Získajte zdarma svoj vlastný účet",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Táto akcia vyžaduje potvrdenie vášho hesla",
"Confirm your password" : "Potvrďte svoje heslo",
+ "Confirm" : "Potvrdiť",
"Connect to your account" : "Pripojte sa k svojmu účtu",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Skôr než udelíte prístup pre %1$s do vášho účtu %2$s je potrebné sa prihlásiť.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Ak sa nesnažíte nastaviť nové zariadenie alebo aplikáciu, niekto sa vás pokúša oklamať, aby ste im poskytli prístup k vašim údajom. V takom prípade nepokračujte a obráťte sa na správcu systému.",
@@ -357,12 +355,12 @@
"Email address" : "E-mailová adresa",
"Password sent!" : "Heslo odoslané!",
"You are not authorized to request a password for this share" : "Nemáte oprávnenie žiadať o heslo pre toto zdieľanie",
- "Two-factor authentication" : "Dvojzložkové overovanie",
+ "Two-factor authentication" : "Dvojfázové overovanie",
"Enhanced security is enabled for your account. Choose a second factor for authentication:" : "Vylepšená bezpečnosť je pre váš účet povolená. Vyberte druhý faktor overenia:",
- "Could not load at least one of your enabled two-factor auth methods. Please contact your admin." : "Nedá sa načíťať minimálne jeden z vašich povolených spôsobov na dvojzložkové overovanie. Kontaktujte prosím správcu systému.",
+ "Could not load at least one of your enabled two-factor auth methods. Please contact your admin." : "Nedá sa načítať minimálne jeden z vašich povolených spôsobov na dvojfázové overovanie. Kontaktujte prosím správcu systému.",
"Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Contact your admin for assistance." : "Dvojfaktorová autentifikácia je vyžadovaná ale nebola nakonfigurovaná pre Váš účet. Kontaktujte administrátora pre ďalšiu asistenciu.",
- "Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Please continue to setup two-factor authentication." : "Vo vašom účte sa vynucuje dvojzložkové overovanie, ale ešte nebolo nakonfigurované. Pokračujte prosím do nastavenia dvojzložkového overovania.",
- "Set up two-factor authentication" : "Nastaviť dvojzložkové overovanie",
+ "Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Please continue to setup two-factor authentication." : "Vo vašom účte sa vynucuje dvojfázové overovanie, ale ešte nebolo nakonfigurované. Pokračujte prosím do nastavenia dvojfázového overovania.",
+ "Set up two-factor authentication" : "Nastaviť dvojfázové overovanie",
"Two-factor authentication is enforced but has not been configured on your account. Use one of your backup codes to log in or contact your admin for assistance." : "Dvojfaktorová autentifikácia je vyžadovaná ale nebola nakonfigurovaná pre Váš účet. Použite jeden zo záložných kódov na prihlásenie alebo kontaktujte administrátora pre ďalšiu asistenciu.",
"Use backup code" : "Použiť záložný kód",
"Cancel login" : "Zruš prihlasovanie",
@@ -413,6 +411,8 @@
"Home" : "Domov",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Skopírovať do {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Presunúť do {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Vyžaduje sa overenie",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Nastal problém pri overení, skúste znova",
"File not found" : "Súbor nenájdený",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Na serveri sa nepodarilo nájsť dokument. Je možné, že bolo zrušené sprístupnenie alebo skončila jeho platnosť.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Automatická aktualizácia je zakázaná v config.php, použite prosím aktualizáciu cez príkazový riadok.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/sl.js b/core/l10n/sl.js
index c2ef8d04d8b..3d14a6f81b3 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sl.js
+++ b/core/l10n/sl.js
@@ -248,10 +248,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} izbranih)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Napaka nalaganja predloge obstoječih datotek",
"Saving …" : "Poteka shranjevanje ...",
- "Authentication required" : "Opravilo zahteva overitev!",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Opravilo zahteva potrditev z vpisom skrbniškega gesla.",
- "Confirm" : "Potrdi",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Med overjanjem je prišlo do napake, poskusite znova.",
"seconds ago" : "pred nekaj sekundami",
"Connection to server lost" : "Povezava s strežnikom je izgubljena",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Napaka nalaganja strani! Ponoven poskus bo izveden čez %n sekundo.","Napaka nalaganja strani! Ponoven poskus bo izveden čez %n sekundi.","Napaka nalaganja strani! Ponoven poskus bo izveden čez %n sekunde.","Napaka nalaganja strani! Ponoven poskus bo izveden čez %n sekund."],
@@ -343,7 +339,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Preskoči na program za krmarjenje",
"Go to %s" : "Odpri oblak %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Pridobite brezplačni račun",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Opravilo zahteva potrditev z vpisom skrbniškega gesla.",
"Confirm your password" : "Potrdite geslo",
+ "Confirm" : "Potrdi",
"Connect to your account" : "Povežite z računom",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Pred %1$s odobritvijo dostopa %2$s do računa se je treba prijaviti.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Če ne poskušate dodati naprave ali programa, vas poskuša nekdo pretentati v odobritev dostopa do vaših podatkov. Če se vam zdi, da je tako, ne nadaljujte s potrjevanjem, ampak stopite v stik s skrbnikom sistema.",
@@ -420,6 +418,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Začetni pogled",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopiraj v {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Premakni v {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Opravilo zahteva overitev!",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Med overjanjem je prišlo do napake, poskusite znova.",
"File not found" : "Datoteke ni mogoče najti",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Na strežniku ni mogoče najti dokumentacije. Morda je mesto souporabe izbrisano, ali pa so potekla dovoljenja.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Posodobitev sistema je treba izvesti v ukazni vrstici, ker je nastavitev samodejne posodobitve v config.php onemogočena.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/sl.json b/core/l10n/sl.json
index cc60605f696..4263bc25858 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sl.json
+++ b/core/l10n/sl.json
@@ -246,10 +246,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} izbranih)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Napaka nalaganja predloge obstoječih datotek",
"Saving …" : "Poteka shranjevanje ...",
- "Authentication required" : "Opravilo zahteva overitev!",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Opravilo zahteva potrditev z vpisom skrbniškega gesla.",
- "Confirm" : "Potrdi",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Med overjanjem je prišlo do napake, poskusite znova.",
"seconds ago" : "pred nekaj sekundami",
"Connection to server lost" : "Povezava s strežnikom je izgubljena",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Napaka nalaganja strani! Ponoven poskus bo izveden čez %n sekundo.","Napaka nalaganja strani! Ponoven poskus bo izveden čez %n sekundi.","Napaka nalaganja strani! Ponoven poskus bo izveden čez %n sekunde.","Napaka nalaganja strani! Ponoven poskus bo izveden čez %n sekund."],
@@ -341,7 +337,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Preskoči na program za krmarjenje",
"Go to %s" : "Odpri oblak %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Pridobite brezplačni račun",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Opravilo zahteva potrditev z vpisom skrbniškega gesla.",
"Confirm your password" : "Potrdite geslo",
+ "Confirm" : "Potrdi",
"Connect to your account" : "Povežite z računom",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Pred %1$s odobritvijo dostopa %2$s do računa se je treba prijaviti.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Če ne poskušate dodati naprave ali programa, vas poskuša nekdo pretentati v odobritev dostopa do vaših podatkov. Če se vam zdi, da je tako, ne nadaljujte s potrjevanjem, ampak stopite v stik s skrbnikom sistema.",
@@ -418,6 +416,8 @@
"Home" : "Začetni pogled",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopiraj v {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Premakni v {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Opravilo zahteva overitev!",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Med overjanjem je prišlo do napake, poskusite znova.",
"File not found" : "Datoteke ni mogoče najti",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Na strežniku ni mogoče najti dokumentacije. Morda je mesto souporabe izbrisano, ali pa so potekla dovoljenja.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Posodobitev sistema je treba izvesti v ukazni vrstici, ker je nastavitev samodejne posodobitve v config.php onemogočena.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/sr.js b/core/l10n/sr.js
index 17bb0a5633a..7873b9eac02 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sr.js
+++ b/core/l10n/sr.js
@@ -255,10 +255,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "(изабрано: {count})",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Грешка при учитавању шаблона „Фајл постоји“",
"Saving …" : "Чувам…",
- "Authentication required" : "Неопходна провера идентитета",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Ова радња захтева да потврдите лозинку",
- "Confirm" : "Потврди",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Неуспешна провера идентитета, покушајте поново",
"seconds ago" : "пре пар секунди",
"Connection to server lost" : "Изгубљена је веза са сервером",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Грешка приликом учитавања стране, пробам поново за %n секунду","Грешка приликом учитавања стране, пробам поново за %n секунде","Грешка приликом учитавања стране, пробам поново за %n секунди"],
@@ -350,7 +346,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Прескочи на навигацију апликације",
"Go to %s" : "Иди на %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Узмите бесплатан налог",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Ова радња захтева да потврдите лозинку",
"Confirm your password" : "Потврдите лозинку",
+ "Confirm" : "Потврди",
"Connect to your account" : "Повежите се на Ваш налог",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Прво се пријавите пре него што одобрите привилегију %1$s приступ Вашем налогу %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Ако не покушавате да подесите нови уређај или апликацију, неко покушава да Вас превари да му дате приступ Вашим подацима. У том случају, не настављајте и контактирајте администратора Вашег система.",
@@ -427,6 +425,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Почетна",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Копирај у {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Премести у {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Неопходна провера идентитета",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Неуспешна провера идентитета, покушајте поново",
"File not found" : "Фајл није нађен",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Овај документ није нађен на серверу. Можда је дељење избрисано или му је истекао рок трајања?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Ажурирање урадите преко командне линије јер је аутоматско ажурирање онемогућено у config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/sr.json b/core/l10n/sr.json
index 4cb3a189ca6..e1bc3edef45 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sr.json
+++ b/core/l10n/sr.json
@@ -253,10 +253,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "(изабрано: {count})",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Грешка при учитавању шаблона „Фајл постоји“",
"Saving …" : "Чувам…",
- "Authentication required" : "Неопходна провера идентитета",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Ова радња захтева да потврдите лозинку",
- "Confirm" : "Потврди",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Неуспешна провера идентитета, покушајте поново",
"seconds ago" : "пре пар секунди",
"Connection to server lost" : "Изгубљена је веза са сервером",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Грешка приликом учитавања стране, пробам поново за %n секунду","Грешка приликом учитавања стране, пробам поново за %n секунде","Грешка приликом учитавања стране, пробам поново за %n секунди"],
@@ -348,7 +344,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Прескочи на навигацију апликације",
"Go to %s" : "Иди на %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Узмите бесплатан налог",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Ова радња захтева да потврдите лозинку",
"Confirm your password" : "Потврдите лозинку",
+ "Confirm" : "Потврди",
"Connect to your account" : "Повежите се на Ваш налог",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Прво се пријавите пре него што одобрите привилегију %1$s приступ Вашем налогу %2$s.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Ако не покушавате да подесите нови уређај или апликацију, неко покушава да Вас превари да му дате приступ Вашим подацима. У том случају, не настављајте и контактирајте администратора Вашег система.",
@@ -425,6 +423,8 @@
"Home" : "Почетна",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Копирај у {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Премести у {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Неопходна провера идентитета",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Неуспешна провера идентитета, покушајте поново",
"File not found" : "Фајл није нађен",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Овај документ није нађен на серверу. Можда је дељење избрисано или му је истекао рок трајања?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Ажурирање урадите преко командне линије јер је аутоматско ажурирање онемогућено у config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/sv.js b/core/l10n/sv.js
index 7fbe23329ba..34090384d55 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sv.js
+++ b/core/l10n/sv.js
@@ -234,10 +234,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} valda)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Fel vid inläsning av fil finns i mall",
"Saving …" : "Sparar ...",
- "Authentication required" : "Autentisering krävs",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Denna åtgärd kräver att du bekräftar ditt lösenord",
- "Confirm" : "Bekräfta",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Misslyckades att autentisera, försök igen",
"seconds ago" : "sekunder sedan",
"Connection to server lost" : "Anslutning till server förlorad",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problem med att läsa in sidan, uppdaterar om %n sekund","Problem med att läsa in sidan, uppdaterar om %n sekunder"],
@@ -329,7 +325,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Skippa till navigering av app",
"Go to %s" : "Gå till %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Skaffa ett eget gratiskonto",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Denna åtgärd kräver att du bekräftar ditt lösenord",
"Confirm your password" : "Bekräfta ditt lösenord",
+ "Confirm" : "Bekräfta",
"Connect to your account" : "Anslut ditt konto",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Logga in innan du ger %1$s åtkomst till ditt %2$s konto.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Om du inte försöker konfigurera en ny enhet eller app, försöker någon lura dig att ge dem åtkomst till din data. Fortsätt i så fall inte, utan kontakta istället din systemadministratör.",
@@ -405,6 +403,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Hem",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopiera till {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Flytta till {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autentisering krävs",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Misslyckades att autentisera, försök igen",
"File not found" : "Filen kunde inte hittas",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Dokumentet kunde inte hittas på servern. Kanske var delningen raderad eller har gått ut?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Uppdatera via kommandotolken då automatisk uppdatering är inaktiverat i config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/sv.json b/core/l10n/sv.json
index df8cb9800ef..cf0509dfa65 100644
--- a/core/l10n/sv.json
+++ b/core/l10n/sv.json
@@ -232,10 +232,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} valda)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Fel vid inläsning av fil finns i mall",
"Saving …" : "Sparar ...",
- "Authentication required" : "Autentisering krävs",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Denna åtgärd kräver att du bekräftar ditt lösenord",
- "Confirm" : "Bekräfta",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Misslyckades att autentisera, försök igen",
"seconds ago" : "sekunder sedan",
"Connection to server lost" : "Anslutning till server förlorad",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Problem med att läsa in sidan, uppdaterar om %n sekund","Problem med att läsa in sidan, uppdaterar om %n sekunder"],
@@ -327,7 +323,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Skippa till navigering av app",
"Go to %s" : "Gå till %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Skaffa ett eget gratiskonto",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Denna åtgärd kräver att du bekräftar ditt lösenord",
"Confirm your password" : "Bekräfta ditt lösenord",
+ "Confirm" : "Bekräfta",
"Connect to your account" : "Anslut ditt konto",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Logga in innan du ger %1$s åtkomst till ditt %2$s konto.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Om du inte försöker konfigurera en ny enhet eller app, försöker någon lura dig att ge dem åtkomst till din data. Fortsätt i så fall inte, utan kontakta istället din systemadministratör.",
@@ -403,6 +401,8 @@
"Home" : "Hem",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Kopiera till {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Flytta till {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Autentisering krävs",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Misslyckades att autentisera, försök igen",
"File not found" : "Filen kunde inte hittas",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Dokumentet kunde inte hittas på servern. Kanske var delningen raderad eller har gått ut?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Uppdatera via kommandotolken då automatisk uppdatering är inaktiverat i config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/th.js b/core/l10n/th.js
index b79b7490bcb..7547106b372 100644
--- a/core/l10n/th.js
+++ b/core/l10n/th.js
@@ -177,10 +177,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "(เลือก {count} รายการ)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดขณะโหลดไฟล์เทมเพลตที่มีอยู่",
"Saving …" : "กำลังบันทึก …",
- "Authentication required" : "จำเป็นต้องตรวจสอบความถูกต้อง",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "การกระทำนี้จำเป็นให้คุณยืนยันรหัสผ่าน",
- "Confirm" : "ยืนยัน",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "ไม่สามารถรับรองความถูกต้อง โปรดลองอีกครั้ง",
"seconds ago" : "วินาทีที่แล้ว",
"Connection to server lost" : "การเชื่อมต่อไปยังเซิร์ฟเวอร์สูญหาย",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["เกิดปัญหาขณะโหลดหน้าเว็บ จะโหลดหน้าเว็บใหม่ใน %n วินาที"],
@@ -270,7 +266,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "ข้ามไปที่การนำทางของแอป",
"Go to %s" : "ไปที่ %s",
"Get your own free account" : "รับบัญชีฟรีของคุณ",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "การกระทำนี้จำเป็นให้คุณยืนยันรหัสผ่าน",
"Confirm your password" : "ยืนยันรหัสผ่านของคุณ",
+ "Confirm" : "ยืนยัน",
"Connect to your account" : "เชื่อมต่อบัญชีของคุณ",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "กรุณาเข้าสู่ระบบก่อนอนุญาตให้ %1$s เข้าถึงบัญชี %2$s ของคุณ",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "หากคุณไม่ได้เป็นคนตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์หรือแอปใหม่ อาจมีบุคคลอื่นกำลังหลอกให้คุณอนุญาตให้พวกเขาเข้าถึงข้อมูลของคุณ ในกรณีนี้ห้ามดำเนินการต่อ ให้ติดต่อผู้ดูแลระบบของคุณ",
@@ -344,6 +342,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "หน้าหลัก",
"Copy to {folder}" : "คัดลอกไปยัง {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "ย้ายไปยัง {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "จำเป็นต้องตรวจสอบความถูกต้อง",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "ไม่สามารถรับรองความถูกต้อง โปรดลองอีกครั้ง",
"File not found" : "ไม่พบไฟล์",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "ไม่พบเอกสารบนเซิร์ฟเวอร์ การแชร์อาจถูกลบหรือหมดอายุไปแล้ว",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "กรุณาใช้ตัวอัปเดตผ่านบรรทัดคำสั่ง เนื่องจากการอัปเดตอัตโนมัติถูกปิดใช้งานใน config.php",
diff --git a/core/l10n/th.json b/core/l10n/th.json
index de0a411fa41..3e971089e7f 100644
--- a/core/l10n/th.json
+++ b/core/l10n/th.json
@@ -175,10 +175,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "(เลือก {count} รายการ)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดขณะโหลดไฟล์เทมเพลตที่มีอยู่",
"Saving …" : "กำลังบันทึก …",
- "Authentication required" : "จำเป็นต้องตรวจสอบความถูกต้อง",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "การกระทำนี้จำเป็นให้คุณยืนยันรหัสผ่าน",
- "Confirm" : "ยืนยัน",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "ไม่สามารถรับรองความถูกต้อง โปรดลองอีกครั้ง",
"seconds ago" : "วินาทีที่แล้ว",
"Connection to server lost" : "การเชื่อมต่อไปยังเซิร์ฟเวอร์สูญหาย",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["เกิดปัญหาขณะโหลดหน้าเว็บ จะโหลดหน้าเว็บใหม่ใน %n วินาที"],
@@ -268,7 +264,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "ข้ามไปที่การนำทางของแอป",
"Go to %s" : "ไปที่ %s",
"Get your own free account" : "รับบัญชีฟรีของคุณ",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "การกระทำนี้จำเป็นให้คุณยืนยันรหัสผ่าน",
"Confirm your password" : "ยืนยันรหัสผ่านของคุณ",
+ "Confirm" : "ยืนยัน",
"Connect to your account" : "เชื่อมต่อบัญชีของคุณ",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "กรุณาเข้าสู่ระบบก่อนอนุญาตให้ %1$s เข้าถึงบัญชี %2$s ของคุณ",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "หากคุณไม่ได้เป็นคนตั้งค่าอุปกรณ์หรือแอปใหม่ อาจมีบุคคลอื่นกำลังหลอกให้คุณอนุญาตให้พวกเขาเข้าถึงข้อมูลของคุณ ในกรณีนี้ห้ามดำเนินการต่อ ให้ติดต่อผู้ดูแลระบบของคุณ",
@@ -342,6 +340,8 @@
"Home" : "หน้าหลัก",
"Copy to {folder}" : "คัดลอกไปยัง {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "ย้ายไปยัง {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "จำเป็นต้องตรวจสอบความถูกต้อง",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "ไม่สามารถรับรองความถูกต้อง โปรดลองอีกครั้ง",
"File not found" : "ไม่พบไฟล์",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "ไม่พบเอกสารบนเซิร์ฟเวอร์ การแชร์อาจถูกลบหรือหมดอายุไปแล้ว",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "กรุณาใช้ตัวอัปเดตผ่านบรรทัดคำสั่ง เนื่องจากการอัปเดตอัตโนมัติถูกปิดใช้งานใน config.php",
diff --git a/core/l10n/tr.js b/core/l10n/tr.js
index 60e7b09e7e8..2383bcc2794 100644
--- a/core/l10n/tr.js
+++ b/core/l10n/tr.js
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Uygulama güncellenemedi. Lütfen bu sorunu  <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud topluluğuna</a> bildirin.",
"Continue to {productName}" : "{productName} ile ilerle",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["Uygulama güncellendi. %n saniye içinde {productName} üzerine yönlendirileceksiniz.","Uygulama güncellendi. %n saniye içinde {productName} üzerine yönlendirileceksiniz."],
+ "Applications menu" : "Uygulamalar menüsü",
"More apps" : "Diğer uygulamalar",
"Currently open" : "Şu anda açık",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} bildirim","{count} bildirim"],
@@ -231,6 +232,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Supported versions" : "Desteklenen sürümler",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "{name} {version} üzeri sürümler",
"Settings menu" : "Ayarlar menüsü",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "{displayName} avatarı",
"Search {types} …" : "{types} arama…",
"No" : "Hayır",
"Yes" : "Evet",
@@ -255,10 +257,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seçilmiş)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Dosya var kalıbı yüklenirken sorun çıktı",
"Saving …" : "Kaydediliyor …",
- "Authentication required" : "Kimlik doğrulaması gerekli",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Bu işlemi yapabilmek için parolanızı yazmalısınız",
- "Confirm" : "Onayla",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Kimlik doğrulanamadı, yeniden deneyin",
"seconds ago" : "saniyeler önce",
"Connection to server lost" : "Sunucu bağlantısı kesildi",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Sayfa yüklenirken bir sorun çıktı. %n saniye sonra yeniden yüklenecek","Sayfa yüklenirken bir sorun çıktı. %n saniye sonra yeniden yüklenecek"],
@@ -350,7 +348,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Uygulama gezinmesine geç",
"Go to %s" : "%s bölümüne git",
"Get your own free account" : "Ücretsiz hesabınızı açın",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Bu işlemi yapabilmek için parolanızı yazmalısınız",
"Confirm your password" : "Parolanızı onaylayın",
+ "Confirm" : "Onayla",
"Connect to your account" : "Hesabınızı bağlayın",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Lütfen %1$s için %2$s hesabınıza erişim izni vermeden önce oturum açın.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Yeni bir aygıt ya da uygulama kurmaya çalışmıyorsanız, başka biri verilerinize erişmek için sizi kandırmaya çalışıyor. Durum buysa daha ileri gitmeyin ve sistem yöneticiniz ile görüşün.",
@@ -427,6 +427,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Giriş",
"Copy to {folder}" : "{folder} klasörüne kopyala",
"Move to {folder}" : "{folder} klasörüne taşı",
+ "Authentication required" : "Kimlik doğrulaması gerekli",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Kimlik doğrulanamadı, yeniden deneyin",
"File not found" : "Dosya bulunamadı",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Belge sunucu üzerinde bulunamadı. Paylaşım silinmiş ya da geçerlilik süresi dolmuş olabilir mi?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Otomatik güncellemeler config.php dosyasında devre dışı bırakılmış olduğundan, komut satırı güncelleyicisini kullanın.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/tr.json b/core/l10n/tr.json
index 714abf0e4a4..55744bf5488 100644
--- a/core/l10n/tr.json
+++ b/core/l10n/tr.json
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "Uygulama güncellenemedi. Lütfen bu sorunu  <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud topluluğuna</a> bildirin.",
"Continue to {productName}" : "{productName} ile ilerle",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["Uygulama güncellendi. %n saniye içinde {productName} üzerine yönlendirileceksiniz.","Uygulama güncellendi. %n saniye içinde {productName} üzerine yönlendirileceksiniz."],
+ "Applications menu" : "Uygulamalar menüsü",
"More apps" : "Diğer uygulamalar",
"Currently open" : "Şu anda açık",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} bildirim","{count} bildirim"],
@@ -229,6 +230,7 @@
"Supported versions" : "Desteklenen sürümler",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "{name} {version} üzeri sürümler",
"Settings menu" : "Ayarlar menüsü",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "{displayName} avatarı",
"Search {types} …" : "{types} arama…",
"No" : "Hayır",
"Yes" : "Evet",
@@ -253,10 +255,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} seçilmiş)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Dosya var kalıbı yüklenirken sorun çıktı",
"Saving …" : "Kaydediliyor …",
- "Authentication required" : "Kimlik doğrulaması gerekli",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Bu işlemi yapabilmek için parolanızı yazmalısınız",
- "Confirm" : "Onayla",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Kimlik doğrulanamadı, yeniden deneyin",
"seconds ago" : "saniyeler önce",
"Connection to server lost" : "Sunucu bağlantısı kesildi",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Sayfa yüklenirken bir sorun çıktı. %n saniye sonra yeniden yüklenecek","Sayfa yüklenirken bir sorun çıktı. %n saniye sonra yeniden yüklenecek"],
@@ -348,7 +346,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Uygulama gezinmesine geç",
"Go to %s" : "%s bölümüne git",
"Get your own free account" : "Ücretsiz hesabınızı açın",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Bu işlemi yapabilmek için parolanızı yazmalısınız",
"Confirm your password" : "Parolanızı onaylayın",
+ "Confirm" : "Onayla",
"Connect to your account" : "Hesabınızı bağlayın",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Lütfen %1$s için %2$s hesabınıza erişim izni vermeden önce oturum açın.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Yeni bir aygıt ya da uygulama kurmaya çalışmıyorsanız, başka biri verilerinize erişmek için sizi kandırmaya çalışıyor. Durum buysa daha ileri gitmeyin ve sistem yöneticiniz ile görüşün.",
@@ -425,6 +425,8 @@
"Home" : "Giriş",
"Copy to {folder}" : "{folder} klasörüne kopyala",
"Move to {folder}" : "{folder} klasörüne taşı",
+ "Authentication required" : "Kimlik doğrulaması gerekli",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Kimlik doğrulanamadı, yeniden deneyin",
"File not found" : "Dosya bulunamadı",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Belge sunucu üzerinde bulunamadı. Paylaşım silinmiş ya da geçerlilik süresi dolmuş olabilir mi?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Otomatik güncellemeler config.php dosyasında devre dışı bırakılmış olduğundan, komut satırı güncelleyicisini kullanın.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/uk.js b/core/l10n/uk.js
index bf4f337b558..033ea718829 100644
--- a/core/l10n/uk.js
+++ b/core/l10n/uk.js
@@ -255,10 +255,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} вибрано)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Помилка при завантаженні шаблону існуючого файлу",
"Saving …" : "Збереження …",
- "Authentication required" : "Необхідна авторизація",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Ця дія потребує підтвердження вашого пароля",
- "Confirm" : "Підтвердити",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Помилка авторизації, спробуйте ще раз",
"seconds ago" : "кілька секунд тому",
"Connection to server lost" : "З'єднання з сервером втрачено",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Проблема під час завантаження сторінки, повторне завантаження за %n секунду.","Проблема під час завантаження сторінки, повторне завантаження за %n секунди.","Проблема під час завантаження сторінки, повторне завантаження за %n секунд.","Проблема під час завантаження сторінки, повторне завантаження за %n секунд."],
@@ -350,7 +346,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Перейти до навігації застосунку",
"Go to %s" : "Перейти до %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Отримати безкоштовний обліковий запис",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Ця дія потребує підтвердження вашого пароля",
"Confirm your password" : "Підтвердіть пароль",
+ "Confirm" : "Підтвердити",
"Connect to your account" : "Увійти до вашого облікового запису",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Для надання %1$s доступу до облікового запису %2$s необхідно увійти в систему.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Якщо ви не намагаєтеся налаштувати новий пристрій або програму, хтось намагається обманом змусити вас надати доступ до ваших даних. У цьому випадку не продовжуйте, а зверніться до системного адміністратора.",
@@ -427,6 +425,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Домівка",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Копіювати до {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Перемістити до {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Необхідна авторизація",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Помилка авторизації, спробуйте ще раз",
"File not found" : "Файл не знайдено",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Документ не знайдено на сервері. Можливо спільний доступ було закрито або термін дії доступу вичерпано.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Просимо запустити процес оновлення з командного рядка, оскільки автоматичне оновлення вимкнено у файлі config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/uk.json b/core/l10n/uk.json
index 2ebc2a2ec21..102645a995d 100644
--- a/core/l10n/uk.json
+++ b/core/l10n/uk.json
@@ -253,10 +253,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} вибрано)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Помилка при завантаженні шаблону існуючого файлу",
"Saving …" : "Збереження …",
- "Authentication required" : "Необхідна авторизація",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Ця дія потребує підтвердження вашого пароля",
- "Confirm" : "Підтвердити",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Помилка авторизації, спробуйте ще раз",
"seconds ago" : "кілька секунд тому",
"Connection to server lost" : "З'єднання з сервером втрачено",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Проблема під час завантаження сторінки, повторне завантаження за %n секунду.","Проблема під час завантаження сторінки, повторне завантаження за %n секунди.","Проблема під час завантаження сторінки, повторне завантаження за %n секунд.","Проблема під час завантаження сторінки, повторне завантаження за %n секунд."],
@@ -348,7 +344,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Перейти до навігації застосунку",
"Go to %s" : "Перейти до %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Отримати безкоштовний обліковий запис",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Ця дія потребує підтвердження вашого пароля",
"Confirm your password" : "Підтвердіть пароль",
+ "Confirm" : "Підтвердити",
"Connect to your account" : "Увійти до вашого облікового запису",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Для надання %1$s доступу до облікового запису %2$s необхідно увійти в систему.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Якщо ви не намагаєтеся налаштувати новий пристрій або програму, хтось намагається обманом змусити вас надати доступ до ваших даних. У цьому випадку не продовжуйте, а зверніться до системного адміністратора.",
@@ -425,6 +423,8 @@
"Home" : "Домівка",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Копіювати до {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Перемістити до {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Необхідна авторизація",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Помилка авторизації, спробуйте ще раз",
"File not found" : "Файл не знайдено",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Документ не знайдено на сервері. Можливо спільний доступ було закрито або термін дії доступу вичерпано.",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Просимо запустити процес оновлення з командного рядка, оскільки автоматичне оновлення вимкнено у файлі config.php.",
diff --git a/core/l10n/vi.js b/core/l10n/vi.js
index a534a1b1d88..3905f2e1cf0 100644
--- a/core/l10n/vi.js
+++ b/core/l10n/vi.js
@@ -255,10 +255,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "({count} được chọn)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Lỗi khi tải tập tin mẫu đã tồn tại",
"Saving …" : "Đang lưu ...",
- "Authentication required" : "Cần phải được xác thực",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Để thực hiện hành động này, yêu cầu bạn phải nhập lại mật khẩu",
- "Confirm" : "Xác nhận",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Không thể xác thực thành công, xin vui lòng thử lại",
"seconds ago" : "vài giây trước",
"Connection to server lost" : "Kết nối tới máy chủ bị mất",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Xảy ra lỗi khi tải trang, tải lại trong %n giây"],
@@ -350,7 +346,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Chuyển tới điều hướng của ứng dụng",
"Go to %s" : "Đi tới %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Nhận tài khoản miễn phí",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Để thực hiện hành động này, yêu cầu bạn phải nhập lại mật khẩu",
"Confirm your password" : "Xác nhận mật khẩu của bạn",
+ "Confirm" : "Xác nhận",
"Connect to your account" : "Kết nối tài khoản của bạn",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Vui lòng đăng nhập trước khi cấp quyền cho %1$s truy cập vào tài khoản %2$s của bạn.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Nếu bạn không cố gắng thiết lập một thiết bị hoặc ứng dụng mới, ai đó đang cố lừa bạn cấp cho họ quyền truy cập vào dữ liệu của bạn. Trong trường hợp này, không tiếp tục và thay vào đó hãy liên hệ với quản trị viên hệ thống của bạn.",
@@ -427,6 +425,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "Trang chủ",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Sao chép tới thư mục {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Chuyển tới thư mục {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Cần phải được xác thực",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Không thể xác thực thành công, xin vui lòng thử lại",
"File not found" : "Không tìm thấy tệp tin",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Không thể tìm thấy tài liệu trên máy chủ. Có thể chia sẻ đã bị xóa hoặc đã hết hạn?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Xin vui lòng sử dụng câu lệnh cập nhật bằng dòng lệnh do cập nhật tự động bị vô hiệu hóa trong file config.php",
diff --git a/core/l10n/vi.json b/core/l10n/vi.json
index c6ba0b79ca7..2de3ce44dbc 100644
--- a/core/l10n/vi.json
+++ b/core/l10n/vi.json
@@ -253,10 +253,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "({count} được chọn)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "Lỗi khi tải tập tin mẫu đã tồn tại",
"Saving …" : "Đang lưu ...",
- "Authentication required" : "Cần phải được xác thực",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Để thực hiện hành động này, yêu cầu bạn phải nhập lại mật khẩu",
- "Confirm" : "Xác nhận",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Không thể xác thực thành công, xin vui lòng thử lại",
"seconds ago" : "vài giây trước",
"Connection to server lost" : "Kết nối tới máy chủ bị mất",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["Xảy ra lỗi khi tải trang, tải lại trong %n giây"],
@@ -348,7 +344,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "Chuyển tới điều hướng của ứng dụng",
"Go to %s" : "Đi tới %s",
"Get your own free account" : "Nhận tài khoản miễn phí",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "Để thực hiện hành động này, yêu cầu bạn phải nhập lại mật khẩu",
"Confirm your password" : "Xác nhận mật khẩu của bạn",
+ "Confirm" : "Xác nhận",
"Connect to your account" : "Kết nối tài khoản của bạn",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "Vui lòng đăng nhập trước khi cấp quyền cho %1$s truy cập vào tài khoản %2$s của bạn.",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "Nếu bạn không cố gắng thiết lập một thiết bị hoặc ứng dụng mới, ai đó đang cố lừa bạn cấp cho họ quyền truy cập vào dữ liệu của bạn. Trong trường hợp này, không tiếp tục và thay vào đó hãy liên hệ với quản trị viên hệ thống của bạn.",
@@ -425,6 +423,8 @@
"Home" : "Trang chủ",
"Copy to {folder}" : "Sao chép tới thư mục {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "Chuyển tới thư mục {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "Cần phải được xác thực",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "Không thể xác thực thành công, xin vui lòng thử lại",
"File not found" : "Không tìm thấy tệp tin",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "Không thể tìm thấy tài liệu trên máy chủ. Có thể chia sẻ đã bị xóa hoặc đã hết hạn?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "Xin vui lòng sử dụng câu lệnh cập nhật bằng dòng lệnh do cập nhật tự động bị vô hiệu hóa trong file config.php",
diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_CN.js b/core/l10n/zh_CN.js
index 11af799ac70..239c36eb005 100644
--- a/core/l10n/zh_CN.js
+++ b/core/l10n/zh_CN.js
@@ -255,10 +255,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "(选择了 {count} 个)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "加载文件存在性模板失败",
"Saving …" : "正在保存…",
- "Authentication required" : "授权请求",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "请您确认您的密码",
- "Confirm" : "确认",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "授权失败,请重试",
"seconds ago" : "几秒前",
"Connection to server lost" : "与服务器的连接断开",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["加载页面出现问题,将在%n秒后重新加载"],
@@ -350,7 +346,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "跳过应用向导",
"Go to %s" : "转至 %s",
"Get your own free account" : "获取自己的免费账号",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "请您确认您的密码",
"Confirm your password" : "确认您的密码",
+ "Confirm" : "确认",
"Connect to your account" : "连接到您的账号",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "在授权 %1$s 访问您的账号 %2$s 之前,请先登录。",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "如果您不打算设置新设备或应用程序,则有人试图欺骗您,以授予他们访问数据的权限。 在这种情况下,请勿继续操作,而应与系统管理员联系。",
@@ -427,6 +425,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "首页 ",
"Copy to {folder}" : "复制到 {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "移动到 {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "授权请求",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "授权失败,请重试",
"File not found" : "文件未找到",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "服务器上找不到该文档。可能此共享已被删除或过期。",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "由于自动更新在 config.php 中已禁用,请使用命令行更新。",
diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_CN.json b/core/l10n/zh_CN.json
index 5eeec157894..e4f4971173e 100644
--- a/core/l10n/zh_CN.json
+++ b/core/l10n/zh_CN.json
@@ -253,10 +253,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "(选择了 {count} 个)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "加载文件存在性模板失败",
"Saving …" : "正在保存…",
- "Authentication required" : "授权请求",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "请您确认您的密码",
- "Confirm" : "确认",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "授权失败,请重试",
"seconds ago" : "几秒前",
"Connection to server lost" : "与服务器的连接断开",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["加载页面出现问题,将在%n秒后重新加载"],
@@ -348,7 +344,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "跳过应用向导",
"Go to %s" : "转至 %s",
"Get your own free account" : "获取自己的免费账号",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "请您确认您的密码",
"Confirm your password" : "确认您的密码",
+ "Confirm" : "确认",
"Connect to your account" : "连接到您的账号",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "在授权 %1$s 访问您的账号 %2$s 之前,请先登录。",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "如果您不打算设置新设备或应用程序,则有人试图欺骗您,以授予他们访问数据的权限。 在这种情况下,请勿继续操作,而应与系统管理员联系。",
@@ -425,6 +423,8 @@
"Home" : "首页 ",
"Copy to {folder}" : "复制到 {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "移动到 {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "授权请求",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "授权失败,请重试",
"File not found" : "文件未找到",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "服务器上找不到该文档。可能此共享已被删除或过期。",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "由于自动更新在 config.php 中已禁用,请使用命令行更新。",
diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_HK.js b/core/l10n/zh_HK.js
index 28011e8eb80..46275e90346 100644
--- a/core/l10n/zh_HK.js
+++ b/core/l10n/zh_HK.js
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "更新不成功。請在 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud 社群</a>舉報此問題。",
"Continue to {productName}" : "前往 {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["更新成功,將在 %n 秒後重導向至 {productName}。"],
+ "Applications menu" : "應用程式選項單",
"More apps" : "更多應用程式",
"Currently open" : "目前開啟",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} 個通知"],
@@ -231,6 +232,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Supported versions" : "支援的版本",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "{name} 的版本 {version} 及更新",
"Settings menu" : "設定選單",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "{displayName} 的虛擬化身",
"Search {types} …" : "搜尋 {types} 中 …",
"No" : "否",
"Yes" : "是",
@@ -255,10 +257,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "(已選擇 {count} 項)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "載入已存在的模板時發生錯誤",
"Saving …" : "儲存中 ...",
- "Authentication required" : "必須驗證",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "此操作需要您再次確認密碼",
- "Confirm" : "確認",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "驗證失敗,請再試一次",
"seconds ago" : "幾秒前",
"Connection to server lost" : "伺服器連線中斷",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["載入頁面時出錯,%n 秒後重新整理"],
@@ -350,7 +348,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "跳到應用程式導覽",
"Go to %s" : "前往 %s",
"Get your own free account" : "取得免費賬號",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "此操作需要您再次確認密碼",
"Confirm your password" : "確認密碼",
+ "Confirm" : "確認",
"Connect to your account" : "連結您的賬號",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "請登入後再授權「%1$s」存取您的 %2$s 賬號",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "若你並未嘗試在新的裝置登入你的賬戶,有什麼人證在嘗試登入你的賬戶並存取你的個人資料。大多數情況你並不用作任何應對,但也可通知你的系統管理員。",
@@ -427,6 +427,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "主頁",
"Copy to {folder}" : "複製到 {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "移動到 {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "必須驗證",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "驗證失敗,請再試一次",
"File not found" : "找不到檔案",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "伺服器上找不到該文件,或許這個分享已經被刪除或是過期了?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "由於自動更新功能已在 config.php 檔案中設定停用,請使用命令列(command line)更新系統。",
diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_HK.json b/core/l10n/zh_HK.json
index 9e4f2bb5ca3..c88ca166dca 100644
--- a/core/l10n/zh_HK.json
+++ b/core/l10n/zh_HK.json
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "更新不成功。請在 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud 社群</a>舉報此問題。",
"Continue to {productName}" : "前往 {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["更新成功,將在 %n 秒後重導向至 {productName}。"],
+ "Applications menu" : "應用程式選項單",
"More apps" : "更多應用程式",
"Currently open" : "目前開啟",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} 個通知"],
@@ -229,6 +230,7 @@
"Supported versions" : "支援的版本",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "{name} 的版本 {version} 及更新",
"Settings menu" : "設定選單",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "{displayName} 的虛擬化身",
"Search {types} …" : "搜尋 {types} 中 …",
"No" : "否",
"Yes" : "是",
@@ -253,10 +255,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "(已選擇 {count} 項)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "載入已存在的模板時發生錯誤",
"Saving …" : "儲存中 ...",
- "Authentication required" : "必須驗證",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "此操作需要您再次確認密碼",
- "Confirm" : "確認",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "驗證失敗,請再試一次",
"seconds ago" : "幾秒前",
"Connection to server lost" : "伺服器連線中斷",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["載入頁面時出錯,%n 秒後重新整理"],
@@ -348,7 +346,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "跳到應用程式導覽",
"Go to %s" : "前往 %s",
"Get your own free account" : "取得免費賬號",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "此操作需要您再次確認密碼",
"Confirm your password" : "確認密碼",
+ "Confirm" : "確認",
"Connect to your account" : "連結您的賬號",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "請登入後再授權「%1$s」存取您的 %2$s 賬號",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "若你並未嘗試在新的裝置登入你的賬戶,有什麼人證在嘗試登入你的賬戶並存取你的個人資料。大多數情況你並不用作任何應對,但也可通知你的系統管理員。",
@@ -425,6 +425,8 @@
"Home" : "主頁",
"Copy to {folder}" : "複製到 {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "移動到 {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "必須驗證",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "驗證失敗,請再試一次",
"File not found" : "找不到檔案",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "伺服器上找不到該文件,或許這個分享已經被刪除或是過期了?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "由於自動更新功能已在 config.php 檔案中設定停用,請使用命令列(command line)更新系統。",
diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_TW.js b/core/l10n/zh_TW.js
index 4510cb733aa..097e64b18e8 100644
--- a/core/l10n/zh_TW.js
+++ b/core/l10n/zh_TW.js
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "更新不成功。請在 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud 社群</a>回報此問題。",
"Continue to {productName}" : "繼續使用 {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["更新成功。將在 %n 秒後重新導向至 {productName}。"],
+ "Applications menu" : "應用程式選單",
"More apps" : "更多應用程式",
"Currently open" : "目前開啟",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} 個通知"],
@@ -231,6 +232,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Supported versions" : "支援的版本",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "{name} 的版本 {version} 及更新",
"Settings menu" : "設定選單",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "{displayName} 的大頭照",
"Search {types} …" : "搜尋 {types} 中……",
"No" : "否",
"Yes" : "是",
@@ -255,10 +257,6 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"({count} selected)" : "(已選取 {count} 項)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "載入已存在的範本時發生錯誤",
"Saving …" : "儲存中……",
- "Authentication required" : "必須驗證",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "這個動作需要您再次確認密碼",
- "Confirm" : "確認",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "驗證失敗,請再試一次",
"seconds ago" : "幾秒前",
"Connection to server lost" : "伺服器連線中斷",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["載入頁面時發生問題,%n 秒後重新整理"],
@@ -350,7 +348,9 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Skip to navigation of app" : "跳到應用程式導覽",
"Go to %s" : "前往 %s",
"Get your own free account" : "取得免費帳號",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "這個動作需要您再次確認密碼",
"Confirm your password" : "確認密碼",
+ "Confirm" : "確認",
"Connect to your account" : "連結您的帳號",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "請登入後再授權「%1$s」存取您的 %2$s 帳號",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "若您並未嘗試設定新裝置或應用程式,那麼某人可能正在欺騙您讓他們存取您的資料。在這種情況下,請不要繼續,請聯絡您的系統管理員。",
@@ -427,6 +427,8 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Home" : "家",
"Copy to {folder}" : "複製到 {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "移動到 {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "必須驗證",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "驗證失敗,請再試一次",
"File not found" : "找不到檔案",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "伺服器上找不到該文件,或許這個分享已經被刪除或是過期了?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "由於自動更新功能已在 config.php 檔案中設定停用,請使用命令列更新系統。",
diff --git a/core/l10n/zh_TW.json b/core/l10n/zh_TW.json
index 3a44b32e1cf..04df539e75f 100644
--- a/core/l10n/zh_TW.json
+++ b/core/l10n/zh_TW.json
@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@
"The update was unsuccessful. Please report this issue to the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud community</a>." : "更新不成功。請在 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Nextcloud 社群</a>回報此問題。",
"Continue to {productName}" : "繼續使用 {productName}",
"_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n second._::_The update was successful. Redirecting you to {productName} in %n seconds._" : ["更新成功。將在 %n 秒後重新導向至 {productName}。"],
+ "Applications menu" : "應用程式選單",
"More apps" : "更多應用程式",
"Currently open" : "目前開啟",
"_{count} notification_::_{count} notifications_" : ["{count} 個通知"],
@@ -229,6 +230,7 @@
"Supported versions" : "支援的版本",
"{name} version {version} and above" : "{name} 的版本 {version} 及更新",
"Settings menu" : "設定選單",
+ "Avatar of {displayName}" : "{displayName} 的大頭照",
"Search {types} …" : "搜尋 {types} 中……",
"No" : "否",
"Yes" : "是",
@@ -253,10 +255,6 @@
"({count} selected)" : "(已選取 {count} 項)",
"Error loading file exists template" : "載入已存在的範本時發生錯誤",
"Saving …" : "儲存中……",
- "Authentication required" : "必須驗證",
- "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "這個動作需要您再次確認密碼",
- "Confirm" : "確認",
- "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "驗證失敗,請再試一次",
"seconds ago" : "幾秒前",
"Connection to server lost" : "伺服器連線中斷",
"_Problem loading page, reloading in %n second_::_Problem loading page, reloading in %n seconds_" : ["載入頁面時發生問題,%n 秒後重新整理"],
@@ -348,7 +346,9 @@
"Skip to navigation of app" : "跳到應用程式導覽",
"Go to %s" : "前往 %s",
"Get your own free account" : "取得免費帳號",
+ "This action requires you to confirm your password" : "這個動作需要您再次確認密碼",
"Confirm your password" : "確認密碼",
+ "Confirm" : "確認",
"Connect to your account" : "連結您的帳號",
"Please log in before granting %1$s access to your %2$s account." : "請登入後再授權「%1$s」存取您的 %2$s 帳號",
"If you are not trying to set up a new device or app, someone is trying to trick you into granting them access to your data. In this case do not proceed and instead contact your system administrator." : "若您並未嘗試設定新裝置或應用程式,那麼某人可能正在欺騙您讓他們存取您的資料。在這種情況下,請不要繼續,請聯絡您的系統管理員。",
@@ -425,6 +425,8 @@
"Home" : "家",
"Copy to {folder}" : "複製到 {folder}",
"Move to {folder}" : "移動到 {folder}",
+ "Authentication required" : "必須驗證",
+ "Failed to authenticate, try again" : "驗證失敗,請再試一次",
"File not found" : "找不到檔案",
"The document could not be found on the server. Maybe the share was deleted or has expired?" : "伺服器上找不到該文件,或許這個分享已經被刪除或是過期了?",
"Please use the command line updater because automatic updating is disabled in the config.php." : "由於自動更新功能已在 config.php 檔案中設定停用,請使用命令列更新系統。",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/sk.js b/lib/l10n/sk.js
index 2d165447848..dd09293354e 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/sk.js
+++ b/lib/l10n/sk.js
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ OC.L10N.register(
"Profile picture" : "Profilový obrázok",
"About" : "O aplikácii",
"Display name" : "Zobrazované meno",
- "Headline" : "Titulok",
+ "Headline" : "Titul",
"Organisation" : "Organizácia",
"Role" : "Rola",
"Unknown user" : "Neznámy používateľ",
diff --git a/lib/l10n/sk.json b/lib/l10n/sk.json
index 1238e26e29e..67e07efd340 100644
--- a/lib/l10n/sk.json
+++ b/lib/l10n/sk.json
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
"Profile picture" : "Profilový obrázok",
"About" : "O aplikácii",
"Display name" : "Zobrazované meno",
- "Headline" : "Titulok",
+ "Headline" : "Titul",
"Organisation" : "Organizácia",
"Role" : "Rola",
"Unknown user" : "Neznámy používateľ",