path: root/apps/calendar/l10n/lt_LT.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/calendar/l10n/lt_LT.php')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/calendar/l10n/lt_LT.php b/apps/calendar/l10n/lt_LT.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6baff16abfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/calendar/l10n/lt_LT.php
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
+"Timezone changed" => "Laiko zona pakeista",
+"Invalid request" => "Klaidinga užklausa",
+"Calendar" => "Kalendorius",
+"Wrong calendar" => "Ne tas kalendorius",
+"Birthday" => "Gimtadienis",
+"Business" => "Verslas",
+"Call" => "Skambučiai",
+"Clients" => "Klientai",
+"Holidays" => "Išeiginės",
+"Ideas" => "Idėjos",
+"Journey" => "Kelionė",
+"Jubilee" => "Jubiliejus",
+"Meeting" => "Susitikimas",
+"Does not repeat" => "Nekartoti",
+"Daily" => "Kasdien",
+"Weekly" => "Kiekvieną savaitę",
+"Every Weekday" => "Kiekvieną savaitės dieną",
+"Bi-Weekly" => "Kas dvi savaites",
+"Monthly" => "Kiekvieną mėnesį",
+"Yearly" => "Kiekvienais metais",
+"Not an array" => "Ne masyvas",
+"All day" => "Visa diena",
+"Missing fields" => "Trūkstami laukai",
+"Title" => "Pavadinimas",
+"To Date" => "Iki datos",
+"To Time" => "Iki laiko",
+"The event ends before it starts" => "Įvykis baigiasi anksčiau nei jis prasideda",
+"There was a database fail" => "Įvyko duomenų bazės klaida",
+"Week" => "Savaitė",
+"Month" => "Mėnuo",
+"List" => "Sąrašas",
+"Today" => "Šiandien",
+"Calendars" => "Kalendoriai",
+"There was a fail, while parsing the file." => "Apdorojant failą įvyko klaida.",
+"Choose active calendars" => "Pasirinkite naudojamus kalendorius",
+"New Calendar" => "Naujas kalendorius",
+"CalDav Link" => "CalDav adresas",
+"Download" => "Atsisiųsti",
+"Edit" => "Keisti",
+"Delete" => "Trinti",
+"New calendar" => "Naujas kalendorius",
+"Edit calendar" => "Taisyti kalendorių",
+"Displayname" => "Pavadinimas",
+"Active" => "Naudojamas",
+"Save" => "Išsaugoti",
+"Submit" => "Išsaugoti",
+"Cancel" => "Atšaukti",
+"Edit an event" => "Taisyti įvykį",
+"Export" => "Eksportuoti",
+"Title of the Event" => "Įvykio pavadinimas",
+"Category" => "Kategorija",
+"Select category" => "Pasirinkite kategoriją",
+"All Day Event" => "Visos dienos įvykis",
+"From" => "Nuo",
+"To" => "Iki",
+"Advanced options" => "Papildomi nustatymai",
+"Repeat" => "Kartoti",
+"Location" => "Vieta",
+"Location of the Event" => "Įvykio vieta",
+"Description" => "Aprašymas",
+"Description of the Event" => "Įvykio aprašymas",
+"Import Ical File" => "Importuoti Ical failą",
+"How to import the new calendar?" => "Kaip importuoti naują kalendorių?",
+"Import into an existing calendar" => "Importuoti į esantį katalogą",
+"Import into a new calendar" => "Importuoti į naują kalendorių",
+"Please choose the calendar" => "Pasirinkite kalendorių",
+"Import" => "Importuoti",
+"Back" => "Atgal",
+"Please fill out the form" => "Užpildykite formą",
+"Create a new event" => "Sukurti naują įvykį",
+"Timezone" => "Laiko juosta",
+"Timeformat" => "Laiko formatas",
+"24h" => "24val",
+"12h" => "12val",
+"Calendar CalDAV syncing address:" => "CalDAV kalendoriaus synchronizavimo adresas:"