path: root/apps/comments/js/vendor/At.js/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'apps/comments/js/vendor/At.js/src/')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/apps/comments/js/vendor/At.js/src/ b/apps/comments/js/vendor/At.js/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..95f94bf8dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/comments/js/vendor/At.js/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+class TextareaController extends Controller
+ # Catch query string behind the at char
+ #
+ # @return [Hash] Info of the query. Look likes this: {'text': "hello", 'headPos': 0, 'endPos': 0}
+ catchQuery: ->
+ content = @$inputor.val()
+ caretPos = @$inputor.caret('pos', {iframe: @app.iframe})
+ subtext = content.slice(0, caretPos)
+ query = this.callbacks("matcher").call(this, @at, subtext, this.getOpt('startWithSpace'), @getOpt("acceptSpaceBar"))
+ isString = typeof query is 'string'
+ return if isString and query.length < this.getOpt('minLen', 0)
+ if isString and query.length <= this.getOpt('maxLen', 20)
+ start = caretPos - query.length
+ end = start + query.length
+ @pos = start
+ query = {'text': query, 'headPos': start, 'endPos': end}
+ this.trigger "matched", [@at, query.text]
+ else
+ query = null
+ @view.hide()
+ @query = query
+ # Get offset of current at char(`flag`)
+ #
+ # @return [Hash] the offset which look likes this: {top: y, left: x, bottom: bottom}
+ rect: ->
+ return if not c = @$inputor.caret('offset', @pos - 1, {iframe: @app.iframe})
+ if @app.iframe and not @app.iframeAsRoot
+ iframeOffset = $(@app.iframe).offset()
+ c.left += iframeOffset.left
+ +=
+ scaleBottom = if @app.document.selection then 0 else 2
+ {left: c.left, top:, bottom: + c.height + scaleBottom}
+ # Insert value of `data-value` attribute of chosen item into inputor
+ #
+ # @param content [String] string to insert
+ insert: (content, $li) ->
+ $inputor = @$inputor
+ source = $inputor.val()
+ startStr = source.slice 0, Math.max(@query.headPos - @at.length, 0)
+ suffix = if (suffix = @getOpt 'suffix') == "" then suffix else suffix or " "
+ content += suffix
+ text = "#{startStr}#{content}#{source.slice @query['endPos'] || 0}"
+ $inputor.val text
+ $inputor.caret('pos', startStr.length + content.length, {iframe: @app.iframe})
+ $inputor.focus() unless $ ':focus'
+ $inputor.change()