path: root/apps/dav/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'apps/dav/tests')
2 files changed, 109 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/apps/dav/tests/unit/CalDAV/AbstractCalDavBackend.php b/apps/dav/tests/unit/CalDAV/AbstractCalDavBackend.php
index de0684d1320..a7ca36ba994 100644
--- a/apps/dav/tests/unit/CalDAV/AbstractCalDavBackend.php
+++ b/apps/dav/tests/unit/CalDAV/AbstractCalDavBackend.php
@@ -207,6 +207,33 @@ EOD;
return $uri0;
+ protected function modifyEvent($calendarId, $objectId, $start = '20130912T130000Z', $end = '20130912T140000Z') {
+ $randomPart = self::getUniqueID();
+ $calData = <<<EOD
+PRODID:ownCloud Calendar
+SUMMARY:Test Event
+ $this->backend->updateCalendarObject($calendarId, $objectId, $calData);
+ }
+ protected function deleteEvent($calendarId, $objectId) {
+ $this->backend->deleteCalendarObject($calendarId, $objectId);
+ }
protected function assertAcl($principal, $privilege, $acl) {
foreach ($acl as $a) {
if ($a['principal'] === $principal && $a['privilege'] === $privilege) {
diff --git a/apps/dav/tests/unit/CalDAV/CalDavBackendTest.php b/apps/dav/tests/unit/CalDAV/CalDavBackendTest.php
index 94d55336444..1656996408e 100644
--- a/apps/dav/tests/unit/CalDAV/CalDavBackendTest.php
+++ b/apps/dav/tests/unit/CalDAV/CalDavBackendTest.php
@@ -468,19 +468,91 @@ EOD;
- public function testSyncSupport(): void {
- $calendarId = $this->createTestCalendar();
+ public function testCalendarSynchronization(): void {
- // fist call without synctoken
- $changes = $this->backend->getChangesForCalendar($calendarId, '', 1);
- $syncToken = $changes['syncToken'];
+ // construct calendar for testing
+ $calendarId = $this->createTestCalendar();
- // add a change
- $event = $this->createEvent($calendarId, '20130912T130000Z', '20130912T140000Z');
+ /** test fresh sync state with NO events in calendar */
+ // construct test state
+ $stateTest = ['syncToken' => 1, 'added' => [], 'modified' => [], 'deleted' => []];
+ // retrieve live state
+ $stateLive = $this->backend->getChangesForCalendar($calendarId, '', 1);
+ // test live state
+ $this->assertEquals($stateTest, $stateLive, 'Failed test fresh sync state with NO events in calendar');
+ /** test delta sync state with NO events in calendar */
+ // construct test state
+ $stateTest = ['syncToken' => 1, 'added' => [], 'modified' => [], 'deleted' => []];
+ // retrieve live state
+ $stateLive = $this->backend->getChangesForCalendar($calendarId, '2', 1);
+ // test live state
+ $this->assertEquals($stateTest, $stateLive, 'Failed test delta sync state with NO events in calendar');
+ /** add events to calendar */
+ $event1 = $this->createEvent($calendarId, '20240701T130000Z', '20240701T140000Z');
+ $event2 = $this->createEvent($calendarId, '20240701T140000Z', '20240701T150000Z');
+ $event3 = $this->createEvent($calendarId, '20240701T150000Z', '20240701T160000Z');
+ /** test fresh sync state with events in calendar */
+ // construct expected state
+ $stateTest = ['syncToken' => 4, 'added' => [$event1, $event2, $event3], 'modified' => [], 'deleted' => []];
+ sort($stateTest['added']);
+ // retrieve live state
+ $stateLive = $this->backend->getChangesForCalendar($calendarId, '', 1);
+ // sort live state results
+ sort($stateLive['added']);
+ sort($stateLive['modified']);
+ sort($stateLive['deleted']);
+ // test live state
+ $this->assertEquals($stateTest, $stateLive, 'Failed test fresh sync state with events in calendar');
+ /** test delta sync state with events in calendar */
+ // construct expected state
+ $stateTest = ['syncToken' => 4, 'added' => [$event2, $event3], 'modified' => [], 'deleted' => []];
+ sort($stateTest['added']);
+ // retrieve live state
+ $stateLive = $this->backend->getChangesForCalendar($calendarId, '2', 1);
+ // sort live state results
+ sort($stateLive['added']);
+ sort($stateLive['modified']);
+ sort($stateLive['deleted']);
+ // test live state
+ $this->assertEquals($stateTest, $stateLive, 'Failed test delta sync state with events in calendar');
+ /** modify/delete events in calendar */
+ $this->deleteEvent($calendarId, $event1);
+ $this->modifyEvent($calendarId, $event2, '20250701T140000Z', '20250701T150000Z');
+ /** test fresh sync state with modified/deleted events in calendar */
+ // construct expected state
+ $stateTest = ['syncToken' => 6, 'added' => [$event2, $event3], 'modified' => [], 'deleted' => []];
+ sort($stateTest['added']);
+ // retrieve live state
+ $stateLive = $this->backend->getChangesForCalendar($calendarId, '', 1);
+ // sort live state results
+ sort($stateLive['added']);
+ sort($stateLive['modified']);
+ sort($stateLive['deleted']);
+ // test live state
+ $this->assertEquals($stateTest, $stateLive, 'Failed test fresh sync state with modified/deleted events in calendar');
+ /** test delta sync state with modified/deleted events in calendar */
+ // construct expected state
+ $stateTest = ['syncToken' => 6, 'added' => [$event3], 'modified' => [$event2], 'deleted' => [$event1]];
+ // retrieve live state
+ $stateLive = $this->backend->getChangesForCalendar($calendarId, '3', 1);
+ // test live state
+ $this->assertEquals($stateTest, $stateLive, 'Failed test delta sync state with modified/deleted events in calendar');
+ /** test delta sync state with modified/deleted events in calendar and invalid token */
+ // construct expected state
+ $stateTest = ['syncToken' => 6, 'added' => [], 'modified' => [], 'deleted' => []];
+ // retrieve live state
+ $stateLive = $this->backend->getChangesForCalendar($calendarId, '6', 1);
+ // test live state
+ $this->assertEquals($stateTest, $stateLive, 'Failed test delta sync state with modified/deleted events in calendar and invalid token');
- // look for changes
- $changes = $this->backend->getChangesForCalendar($calendarId, $syncToken, 1);
- $this->assertEquals($event, $changes['added'][0]);
public function testPublications(): void {